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Decorative panels for interior wall decoration. Decorative panels for interior wall decoration: species, materials, nuances of installation Facing panels PVC for interior wall decoration

To date, the wall panels are considered a fairly popular type of finishing material. Slending installation and beautiful appearance helps to create a real masterpiece of design art. Modern technologies allow us to obtain natural and synthetic surfaces.

They have a huge amount of advantages than flaws. A variety of colors and shades helps to choose the necessary model of plastic panels for your interior space.

Pros and cons of plastic panels

This material has a large number of positive qualities. They include:

  • easy installation. To establish such a material will not be much difficulty. Finishing with wall panels requires special accuracy. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the framework on which each plastic element will be attached;
  • heat and sound insulation. There is a small distance between the wall and panels, which absorbs a loud sound. In addition, a "airbag" appears here from warm air. It in turn prevents cold air masses inside the room.
  • a light weight. Such a design looks neatly on the wall surface;
  • durability. Materials and components that are part of the panels are characterized by special strength;
  • affordable price. Artificial wall panels have a low price range. Natural materials are distinguished by beautiful appearance and have a higher price. As a rule, they have high strength.

Modern panels can imitate the natural array of wood, brick and other types of surface.

Design species

Building stores present a huge selection of finishing material. Each species is distinguished by a kind of modification, the method of fastening and structural components. The sale presents:

Rank elements. They are long rails the size of which ranges from 250 cm to 350 cm. The thickness of each part varies from 9 to 15 mm. Such material is suitable for the design of a small room or the angular parts.

Installation of wall panels of the spreading structure is carried out by fastening parts to a metal frame with short screws.

Tile structures. They are large squares. Panel dimensions range from 40 to 80 cm. Installation of such elements is carried out using a special glue. You can also use additional fasteners that fix the elements between themselves.

Made such structures made of wood-chipboard MDF, DVP and chipboard. These materials have a low cost, which makes them available absolutely for everyone.

Leaf panels. Among all the models, they have the largest parameters. The length of the finished product is about 1.5 * 2.5 m. The thickness of the web varies in the range of 5 -7 mm. They consist of a plate of fiberboard or MDF. On the surface of the panel there is a textured base that mimics natural wood, tile or brick.

Registration of interior space

A huge variety of models allows you to choose the desired option for the design of the walls. For each room, it is recommended to choose the corresponding panels. It is important here to take into account the composition and surface of the structure.

For design in the style of high-tech, modern and minimalism are suitable panels in the form of convex abstraction. The classic interior prefers whole wooden elements. They have a beautiful appearance and high cost.

The design in the style of country and loft requires a rush system fastening elements. It is absolutely not necessary to decorate the whole wall. It is enough to highlight the angular parts of the room with elements made from an array of pine or oak.

Wall panels for the kitchen can be made of glass or MDF material. A protective film may be present here, which will retain the primordial type of product for a long period of time. For decoration of the kitchen area, a tiled type of design is suitable. The surface is perfectly cleaned with detergent.

Wall panels for the room most often be made in the form of sheets or reticular design. As a rule, they are attached with special glue or additional locks. Many designers prefer natural materials in the interior of the room.

A wooden bar is suitable for this, which is attached vertically to the base of the wall. This will allow visually to increase residential space. Each element is fixed on a pre-prepared frame.

Wall panels for the bathroom are long flat parts that are mounted with each other with additional locks. It also make fastening grounds. To do this, use metal plates with additional holes. This will ensure a neat connection of parts with each other.

How to choose the right wall panels?

At first glance, choose the wall decor will not be much difficulty. In addition to the beautiful appearance, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • combustion;
  • flammability;
  • toxicity. This item indicates the synthetic composition of the panels.
  • smoke formation. The lower the meaning, the better the materials of which made this design.

Squares and cracks should not be present on the surface of the wall panels. All these damages reduce the operational period of the product. If parts consist of multilayer materials, there should be no bulges or dents here.

The color palette of each element should be the same. If there are minor deviations, it is recommended to refuse to buy this product. This indicates incorrect storage of material or violation of the manufacturing process.

Castles on the edges of wall panels are the main requirement. They can be made of lightweight metals or durable plastic.

As you can see, the living space will not make much difficulty. Good fantasy and high-quality materials help create a real masterpiece. Photo wall panels show the best models, which will decorate any interior space.

Photo wall panels

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Wall decoration panels: 9 options for inexpensive, but successful decoration

One of the main issues of any repair is the choice of a suitable type of wall cladding in the apartment: a lot of ideas can come to mind - from wallpaper and paint to decorative plaster or stone facing. That's just most of them require painstaking surface preparation for finishing work, cost quite expensive and occupy a lot of time to install.

If such nuances beat off your desire to refine an apartment, then can the wall decoration panels - exactly what you were looking for?

The main advantages of wall panels

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to wall panels is a huge range of this finishing material. You can find products with any texture and color.

Among the advantages I want to note the following:

  1. No need to prepare a basic wall in advance. Wall panels for interior decoration themselves will ensure an ideally smooth surface, so that the plaster is not useful to you.
  2. Increased sound and thermal insulation indices.
  3. The ability to comfortably and imperceptibly hide under the communication panels (pipes or wiring).
  4. Available cost, it is not too painful in a family budget.
  5. Easy of installation, significantly reduced time spent on the walls of the walls.

In addition, the decorative wall panels - the material is quite durable, reliable and durable. So products can be considered a successful investment.

Classification of material

To meet the wishes as much as possible people, the wall panels are produced from various materials with different drawings and prints, flowers and textures. They can have various forms, sizes and properties.

In size and forms

I can select 3 types of decorative panels, characteristic of copper characteristics:

  1. Set of rivers. Many because of the external similarity refer to their "clapboard", let it be correct. Sizes range in the range:
  • width - 10-30 cm;
  • length - 250-600 cm;
  • thickness - 8-25 mm.

As you can see, the lengths of some patterns of roll panels are quite enough for the vertical installation in small rooms.

Retail models are equipped with a Schip-Paz fastening system, which greatly facilitates the installation process with their own hands.

  1. Square (tile). Present tiles with different pattern and color, as well as size. Mounted as well as the panels.

  1. Leafy. Externally, it is very similar to the layers of organity with a wide range of sizes ranging from 122x244 cm and finishing 260x490 cm. The thickness of the sheets fluctuates from 3 to 6 mm.

If the walls in the room are quite smooth, then the facing panels can be glued directly on them. Otherwise, without a crate can not do.

In terms of moisture resistance

The material from which the panels are made directly affect their resistance to high humidity. So thinking above the type of trim or kitchen, it is worth it to distinguish them.

Moisture-resistant panels possess the following subspecies:

  1. Made of natural wood, opened with wax or other special coating.
  2. Made of cheaper materials, but decorated with laminated film.
  3. Plastic decorative panels.

By inland-resistant materials include panels from chipboard, MDF or DVP, as well as non-local models.

Ideas for arrangement of walls panels

I would like to stay in more detail on the features of the panels. After all, the material from which the material has been created not only affects the aesthetic component, but also imposes some restrictions on the scope of their application.

Option 1. MDF panel

The decorative panels for the interior decoration of walls from MDF are made from wood waste, a hot pressing method is used. This makes it possible to exclude toxic phenol and epoxy resin from the material.

Absolute safety of products allows you to use them for finishing not only a kitchen, a bath or living room, but also a children's room. Improve the aesthetic type of material will allow an ornamental film with an original pattern or imitation of different textures.

Laminated panels are not afraid of dust and contamination. This in turn will significantly simplify the cleaning process. For cleaning, it is enough to carry out the material with a damp sponge.

To mount the MDF, the canvas use auxiliary corner, platbands, strips, which are then laminated by a similar film and correspond to a single style direction.

Option 2. Based on tree fiber plates

Regardless of its form (rubber, sheet or tile), the DVP finishing panels produce from wood fibers by the method of hot pressing. They are slightly thicker and harder MDF models, but according to the characteristics a little inferior to them. But the affordable price and the range of textures are completely overlapping the disadvantages of the Fiber Back.

Despite the fact that such a finish is environmentally friendly, it is not possible to use it in all rooms. So for the bedroom and the kitchen it is worth choosing another material.

Option 3. Based on chipboard

They are made according to the same scheme as the fiberboard, only the bulk and sawdust are used as the main material. Due to the presence of binders in the composition, the chipboard is considered non-environmental material. They are affected by moisture, because of which they are not used to finish bath, kitchen, loggia or balcony, but they can participate in the trim of the corridor or hallway.

Option 4. Wooden

Decorative wall panels of wood look exquisitely and aesthetic. They will add a nobility and prestigious interior.

Most often for cladding use veneer of a rosewood, mahogany, walnut, linden or cherries. An additional effect help to achieve natural shades, carving and gilding, mirror inserts.

Since even the use of special lacquer impregnations does not help improve the waterproof material, it is not used for cladding walls in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on the balcony. Even in ordinary rooms to prevent the panel cracking, it is necessary to maintain a standard level of humidity in 60%.

Option 5. Cork

Panels from traffic jams in most cases make two-layer. The lower consists of pressed cork crumb, the upper is responsible for the decorative component and is made of crumbs with the addition of pieces of cork bark.

The cellular tube structure allows you to improve sound and thermal insulation characteristics. Such panels are also strong enough, durable, have a small weight. The plug is not affected by the fungus and does not attract dust, which makes it easier to care.

Option 6. Plastic

For the interior decoration of the walls, it is successfully used by polyvinyl chloride panels. They will fit for the facing of any type of room due to its excellent characteristics:

  1. Ecology. Plastic wall panels for interior decoration are absolutely safe for health, the SES Rules recommend them to be used to finish schools, medical and sports institutions.
  2. Refractory. The fire sheet temperature of plastic sheets is 370 degrees, while the sheets of fiberboard or chipboard light up at 250. When burning, they allocate two times less smoke than "competitors", besides, do not forget that plastic refers to self-fighting materials.
  3. Moisture resistance. The perfectly smooth surface of the panels prevents the moisture on them, and the absence of pores makes the material of an unsuitable medium for habitat of microbes and mold.

  1. Ease of installation. The wall decoration by plastic panels is an unemployed process with which you can cope without much experience. In case of damage to the design, the product can be easily replaced by another.
  2. Decorative abilities. An external aesthetic type of plastic panels makes it an important element of the decor. The pattern applied with the help of thermal blind can create imitation of any surface (for example, imitation under the brick).

Plastic panels can be divided into three groups that differ in each other characteristics.

  • Lining. The most popular size is 3mx10 cm. Most often produced in white, but there are also colored variations. Are widely used material for the exterior finish at home.

  • Panels. The most popular length 260, 270 or 300 cm, the width varies in the range from 15 to 50 cm, but the most popular is 25 cm. Products are amenable to staining, lacquering or applying thermal blinds.

  • Sheets. PVC sheets, they are the PVC-slabs have a width in the range from 80 to 203 cm and the length of 150-405 cm. Most practical, in my opinion, are sheets of foamed PVC, the top layer of which can be smooth and shockproof.

Option 7. Bamboo panels

Bamboo panels are one of the variations of wooden finishing materials. They are often used for interior decoration in African, ethnic or.

The main characteristics of bamboo materials include light weight, insensitivity to moisture drops and an interesting appearance.

Option 8. 3D panels

3D Wall panels - a coating with a very original surround effect. Such a model usually has a three-layer structure of:

  • basics - Gypsum with reinforcing stack, aluminum, MDF, etc.;
  • relief layer based on gypsum (less often plastic, aluminum, wood);
  • the decorative-reinforcing layer used to impart a greater strength. Most often, for this purpose, enamel or PVC film is used, sometimes there is veneer or leather.

If initially 3D panels were created as a framing for the walls, now the abundance of their textures, colors and patterns is widely used to decorate the floor, niche and even furniture.

Strengthen the volume of material texture can be due to ceiling, wall or floor luminaires.

Option 9. Glass

Glass finishing panels are a relative novelty in the building materials market. Gained popularity due to their resistance to moisture and external influence.

Methods of fastening

Despite the fact that all kinds of wall panels differ in many ways from each other, there are several common ways of fastening suitable for one or another material.

  1. Glue. It is used for attachment only in the presence of perfectly smooth walls and subject to the small weight of the panels. The glue is applied to the entire surface of the panel (for MDF and Fiberboard with zigzag waves), after which it is applied to the wall.

  1. Print to the crate. Immediately note that this is not the most durable method of fastening. Therefore, it is necessary to either refuse or use the mechanical elements as a supplement.

  1. Saws. Such a fastening to the crate is used exclusively in rooms with sustainable temperature and humidity indicators. Despite reliability, he has its drawback - self-samples prevent the natural expansion of the panels, which inevitably leads to the deformation of the surface.

  1. Clammers. They fix panels to the basis of mechanical way. Klimmers themselves are attached to the crate with nails, brackets or self-tapping screws.

An example of installing panels

In this section, I will tell you how to separate the walls with the MDF panels, it will prove that the installation of such a type of facing will not be much difficult.

At the first stage of the work you need to stock all necessary:

  • mDF panels (with stock);
  • wooden for crate with dimensions of 20x40 mm;
  • additional elements: corners, plinth, cleimers, liquid nails.

After that, you can start setting. First, you need to perform a crate, which will become the basis for wall panels. To do this, it is necessary to find the most protruding section of the wall, and it is worth "dance".

With the help of a building level from one and other ends of the wall, drill the holes and insert the screws in them so that they perfectly performed. Between self-drawing, pull the thread, it will be a guideline.

  1. Mark the mounting places of the planks, make sure that the distance between them was at least 40 cm and not more than 60 cm.
  2. Attach the bar to the wall and capture the holes on it in 50 cm. Note that as soon as the drill reaches the wall, you must remove the bar and only then reserved to the end.
  3. Insert the dowel into the holes, install the bar and secure it with self-draws.

By the same scheme, install other planks. Watch that the extreme to the floor bar was as close as possible to it, it is still useful for attaching the plinth.

When the fence is ready, it's time to start installing MDF panels.

  1. The panels should be attached to the corner of the room, moving on the right left, perpendicular to the installed bars.

  1. At the edge with the comb, secure the element with self-draws, on the other hand, install the murmons with a construction stapler or small nails.
  2. The remaining panels are mounted on a similar scheme, each time the ridge docked with a groove.

  1. The last panel on each wall must be cut to the desired size.

  1. After completing the MDF installation, close the corners of the room with special corners, simply by gluing them on the panel.


So, summ up: finishing the premises with panels - an inexpensive and convenient way to decorate. They are practical and can easily fit into any interior - from the classics to the style of Country. In addition, it is possible to hide computed, electrical cables or yusby panels without much effort.

You have read about the most interesting and most popular options for wall decoration panels, and watching the video in this article, you will have the opportunity to visually see the material. What kind of coverage did you like most? Send answers in the comments to the article.

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration were widely used in various interiors due to simplicity and speed of installation. Their installation does not require large cash costs, does not create a large number of construction garbage and does not require much difficulty.

In addition, there are a wide variety of materials from which they are produced, as well as forms and sizes of various designs.

Features and functionality of decorative panels

Like any building material used in residential and non-residential premises for wall decoration, plastic panels have their own features of application and operation:

The high functionality of this finishing material for the internal design of the premises provide such factors as:

  • The ability to hide flaws and disadvantages of walls without resorting to alignment;
  • The possibility of communications under the panels;
  • The possibility of applying the features of the installation of additional layers of sound and thermal insulation;
  • Modern manufacturing technologies and variety of designs provide the possibility of simulating natural materials.

For the rapid and simple transformation of the room, with a minimum cost - the use of decorative wall panels is the optimal solution.

What are the decorative finishing panels

Decorative wall panels have a large number of varieties and differ:

  • to size;
  • by type of material.

Choosing the wall panels, it is necessary to pre-carefully examine the information about all parameters and nuances, and only after that make a choice.

Varieties of panels in size

Depending on the size of the wall panels are divided into three types:

  • rush;
  • tile;
  • leafy.

Rectangular panels. Their thickness varies from 8 to 15 mm, and length from 2400 to 3700 mm, in width they can be 125 - 300 mm.

Method of installation of such panels can be vertical, horizontal or in the form of a Christmas tree. The connection with each other is carried out with the help of grooves and tabs, and the mounting on the wall - by fixing the panels to the crate of metal or wood by means of screws or brackets.

Attention! Panels of a roll type are especially in demand in rooms with a small quadrature, as they have a property to visually expand the space.

Tile wall panels are produced square and rectangular shape and can be from 300 to 980 mm in length and from 250 to 500 mm wide. These panels are connected with grooves, and attached to the crate with glue or cleathing.

Attention! Use in the interior of tiled elements helps to align the surface and give the accuracy.

Sheet panels have the largest dimensions, their thickness can vary from 3 to 10 mm, and the length and width from 1200 to 2450 mm. Particularly large size allow us to install a lot faster. They are installed using glue, but can be attached to the crate. The installation feature is complicated by the need to seal joints by rails, molding or sealant.

Varieties of panels by type of material

Decorative panels are made for interior decoration of walls from various materials, among which are popular:

  • natural tree;
  • glass;
  • gypsinyl.

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration made of natural wood are made of valuable rocks of linden, cherries, walnuts, cedar, oak, alder. Their main advantage - environmental friendliness and breathability. They look spectacularly, creating a feeling of heat and coziness, sophistication and wealth.

The tree is processed by special water-repellent impregnations or revealed by varnish, it allows them to use them in rooms with high humidity. The high cost of such decorative elements is available not to all consumers. A more economical option - three-layer panels, in which only the facial part is veneer of valuable wood species, and two inner layers - spruce or pine.

The DVP panels have an affordable price and high moisture resistance, and thanks to a large range of colors and textures are popular. They are made of chopped wood fibers, which are compressed under high pressure. The binder in the manufacture of plates is the resin eucalyptus.

Attention! When choosing products from the fiberboard, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition and demand from the seller a certificate confirming security and the absence of formaldehyde.

The main advantages of the DVP elements of the decor include mechanical strength, moisture resistance and environmental friendliness.

Decorative panels from MDF - durable and wear-resistant, they have increased environmental friendliness and from them you can get all sorts of color solutions and textures, original design ideas. They are easy to install, and when laminating are unpretentious in care.

Important! MDF is not moisture-resistant material, during wetting it can swell and deform, so it is not recommended to use in rooms with high humidity.

The chipboard is made by pressing chips and sawdust, the products of it are not as durable, like a tree, and are not suitable for decoration of rooms with high humidity.

The low price and various variations of the design used for the coating layer makes them popular among other varieties.

Glass is a material that is not afraid of moisture and easy to care. The glass panels have a solid structure and have high strength, as they are made of tempered glass (thickness 4-10 mm).

Especially popular glass decoration uses for decorating the working area of \u200b\u200bkitchens and bathrooms. They make the room more expressive and light, have a wide variety of designs, easy and simply mounted.

Plastic panels for interior wall decoration have a sufficiently large number of advantages over other species. They are easy to install, durable, light and hygienic, are not affected by moisture and are not afraid of temperature drops.

A variety of colors and textured solutions allows you to create a large number of diverse designs from PVC panels. The imitation of bricks based on PVC panels is especially popular. This option allows you to replace the decorative brick for interior decoration (clinker or gypsum) cheaper and practical option.

This not only speeds up the installation, but makes it easier and easier. PVC is a universal option for rapid repair.

Gypsinyl panels are manufactured according to the principle of plasterboard plates, but instead of the outer layer of cardboard, they are covered with vinyl plates, which give high strength and decorative products. With such plates, you can not just carry out the walls of the walls, but also use them as a material for partitions and slopes, wall mounting. They are easy to leave and are not afraid of moisture. Mounting is performed mainly using aluminum profiles.

Cork panels

Evoid popular and decorative panels made from cortex cork oak. They are environmentally friendly and do not accumulate dust.

Thanks to a special structure - perfectly absorb sounds and delay in the room warm. High moisture resistance and not exposure to temperature drops makes them not just a beautiful, but also a unique decor element.

Attention! Unlike other types that are attached to the walls with the help of crates, cork panels are mounted using glue, which requires from the surface, almost perfect evenness.

Acoustic panels

Such panels are distinguished by a special porous structure, and high ability to absorb sounds. Most often for their manufacture, an acoustic foam rubber is applied, it can be used in combination with other materials or independently. His ability to absorb noise is due to softness. Acoustic panels can be performed from other materials, but they are all more rigid and therefore absorb sounds to a lesser extent.

Wall 3d panels

Wall 3d panels have been particularly popular in recent times, which allow creating decorative elements of any complexity and texture. They have a three-layer structure, which includes:

  • the basis of plaster, MDF, aluminum, or other materials;
  • the embossed layer is performed mainly from the gypsum;
  • firming layer - a particular strength and durability, performed from enamel, skin, PVC films, etc.

3D panels - a fairly expensive finish type, but it allows you to embody the most courageous design solutions. Features of the application in the interior can be viewed by following the link

Advantages of using wall panels

Unlike other finishing materials for the interior wall decoration, regardless of the type of material used, they have a number of benefits:

  • simplicity and speed of installation - their installation does not require pre-thorough preparation of walls in the form of alignment and plastering, and the installation does not require professional skills and complex tools;
  • universality - a variety of designs, shapes and sizes contributes to a wide range of applications, and the possibility of installing sound-absorbing and heat-insulating materials under them, communicating with their special practicality and multifunctionality;
  • low care requirements;
  • economy;
  • durability, strength and safety.

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration allow repair work quickly and efficiently and update the interior. They not only can be used instead of wall tiles and wallpaper, but also perform the function of separating the space on the zone, when used as partitions.

Polyvinyl chloride panels are practical and durable material, and therefore are widely used in. They are suitable for any premises, and the variety of textures, forms and colors allows the interior not just cozy, but also very stylish. The fastening technology is quite simple, so the wall decoration by plastic panels is an excellent option for a novice wizard.

Selection of panels for finishing

The range of plastic panels is so big that the inexperienced buyer is very difficult to figure out. To avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics of this material and its varieties. It is only certified to consider the material certified, because the low-quality panels do not have the desired strength and quickly burn out.

The main advantages of plastic panels:

The disadvantage of this material is low impact resistance, so when transporting and installing, you should handle panels. Depending on the coating, the panels are divided into matte and glossy, and according to the drawing technology - on film and printed.

Standard dimensions:

  • width from 200 to 350 mm;
  • length from 2700 to 3000 mm;
  • thickness from 8 to 10 mm.

The strength of the material depends not only on the thickness of the walls, but also on the number of stiffeners, located inside the panel. To check how durable the material is, you need to press a finger to the surface - if the plastic flashed, the panel will last long.

Moreover, do not buy panels if:

Comparative table of PVC panels (for comparison, plastic panels are taken with a flexo coating type, a width of 0.25 m and 3m long)

Indicator / panelPVC Panel TM DecoMaxMedium-term Chinese panelMedium-term European panel
The thickness of the facial surface, mm2,5 1,5 2,0
Number of rigidity, pcs29 20 29
Study Striness Statussmooth, without deformationssmooth, there are minor deformationssmooth, without deformations
PVC panel weight, kg / sq.m2,2 1,7 2,0
AppearanceCoating is flat, but with explicitly pronounced enlighteners of rigidity, there are small deformationsCoating is smooth, without manifests of rigidity
Rawafter a small pressed panel, the panel is deformed, which proves the high content of chalkafter a small press, the panel takes its original appearance, which indicates a small content of chalk

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Preparatory stage

Preliminary calculations

You need to start with the calculations of the amount of finishing material so that you do not have to overpay or go to the store for an additional parties. The panels can be mounted both vertically and horizontally, depending on the desire of the owners of the apartment. With vertical mount, the number of panels are calculated as follows: measure the length of the perimeter of the room, take away the width of the openings and divide the width of the same panel. The resulting number adds 2-3 lamellaes about the supply.

When horizontal installation, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is measured with a deduction of door and window openings and are divided into one panel area. Here, the stock must be at least 10%, since the consumption of material on trimming increases. Additionally, you need to calculate the number of registers for crates and fasteners. First, the height of the walls is divided into a shaft step, which is usually 0.5 m, and multiply on the perimeter of the room. The resulting number indicates the length of the rails in the route meters. Measuring the height of the angles and multiplying it on their quantity, we get a common metrar of corner profiles; To this number you need to add the perimeter of window and doorways.

Methods of fastening lamella

Fasten the panels on the wall in three ways - with the help of glue, self-drawing and kleimers. The first method is suitable for very smooth and smooth walls; Adhesive use special for PVC, universal "moment-installation" or "liquid nails".

The use of this method facilitates and reduces the installation process, since there is no need to fix the crate. Disadvantages: Unable to replace the damaged panel, while subsequent repair it is difficult to remove the coating from the wall.

Fastening with self-drawers - a reliable and convenient option that does not require an ideally smooth surface. To screw the screws, you must need a screwdriver, otherwise the installation process will be delayed for a long time. Fashion Disadvantages: A wooden frame suitable for the self-tapping screws, so it is additionally spent on a break of a bar and processing it

The third option is the most optimal. Kleimers are comfortable and quickly attached in the crate and reliably fix the panels on the wall. The lamp is mounted from a metal profile, the coating assembly is performed without effort. Damaged lamella is easy to replace the new, dismantling finishes also does not take much time.

Tools and necessary materials

During the work, everything should be at hand, so materials and tools for installation are prepared in advance. You will need:

  • small-grained hacksaw;
  • pencil and roulette;
  • level;
  • corolnic;
  • plastic panels;
  • reiki or plastic profile;
  • dowel-nails, selflessness or kleimers;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • antiseptic composition;
  • sealant;
  • ceiling plinth.

Preparation of walls

Before covering the panels, the walls need to be cleaned from the old coating, close everything up to one slit, noticeable defects and treat the surface with anti-grab. Due to this, dust will not accumulate under the plastic and develop mold, which negatively affects the indoor microclimate. If the installation will be performed on the frame, it is not necessary to equalize the surface.

Prices for mixtures for alignment of walls and ceilings

Mixtures for alignment of walls and ceilings

Installation of plastic panels

Step 1. Wall Marking

Fasten the crate should be strictly in terms of level, it will help to avoid distortion. In order not to extinct each rail, you should make marking on the walls. The lower row of the crates should be 1-2 cm above the floor, therefore the point on the wall has a pencil point at this height, and then with the help of the level, the horizontal line through the entire perimeter is performed. The exact same line is drawn under the ceiling or on the edge of the finish, if the walls are not covered with the entire height. Next, 40-50 cm are measured from the bottom line, they put the beacon, and so to the top. Through the beacons, there are strictly parallel lines around the perimeter of the walls. Marking is ready.

The panels must be attached to the crate perpendicularly, so the horizontal frame is trimmed vertically, and vice versa. To make marking for a vertical crate, the first line is carried out in the corner from the ceiling to the floor using a plumb. Next place the second angle, and then carry out the other lines with a 50 cm increments.

Step 2. Installation of crates

If a tree is used for the crate, all rails need to be projected in advance with an antiseptic agent. According to the lines of markup, the hole is drilled by a hole under the dowel at a distance of 50 cm, then the rails are applied, the horizontal is applied and fastened on the wall. Where the walls have irregularities, wooden clins are laid under the crate. If the wall is wiring, it must be hidden under the trim. For this, measurements are measured, drill holes in the wall and fix the wires with the help of clamps so that they do not play the plane of the crate.

Step 3. Fastening Lamella

The first lamellas are installed in the far corner from the entrance, which is considered the most noticeable.

Make measurements, if necessary, clip the panel along the length of the hacksaw. In one edge, the panel is inserted into the side molding, apply it to the corner and on the back side fasten it to the crate.

The second lamellast is inserted into the fastening groove first, tightly press the joints and fixed to the frames of the frame.

To achieve maximum sealing of the joints, the side edges are slightly smeared with silicone. All subsequent elements are mounted in the same way.

The holes are cut into the switches and sockets in the panels with a sharp knife, and after installation, these sections are closed with plastic boxes. The last lamella most often requires trimming in width, so first it is trying to the wall, they are planned with a pencil cut line and cut off with an extra hacksaw.

Step 4. Mounting Moldings

After installing all elements, the surface should look monolithic and smooth, without cracks on the seams and around the perimeter. For this, all angles, joints and compounds are closed with special plastic moldings. Their design allows you to gently insert the edges of the panels from both sides, thanks to which the corners look much more attractive.

At the end of the ceiling perimeter, decorative molding is installed, and plastic plastic is fixed along the perimeter. On this finish of walls, PVC panels are considered completed. With careful operation of the panel, the panel does not lose their attractiveness and do not require repair.

Video - wall decoration by plastic panels

Among the wide variety of materials used for inner cladding and decorative wall decoration, wall panels are most popular.

This material makes it possible to create a presentable and original design of wall surfaces. Wall panels have different textures and color and can be used to decorate walls in rooms of various purposes.

This facing material has excellent operational parameters: manufacturers offer several types of wall panels made from different materials. Among the large range you can easily choose the right and design option.

Main advantages

The demand for wall panels is largely due to numerous advantages inherent in this finishing material, including:

Wall panels have only one minus - they significantly reduce the space of the room and need to install the frame - the base for fastening the finishing panels or plates.

These are the main characteristics of wall panels regardless of their type.

On a note!It should be borne in mind that each specification has its own parameters of operation.


The panels for the inner decor of the walls differ in size, configurations and materials from which they are made.

The panel configuration is divided into leafy, robes and reminiscent of the slab.


The rails will represent a strip that have a length of 2.3-3.5 meters, the width parameter is a maximum of 32 cm, the range of thickness is 8-15 mm. The basis is the lining, made of natural or synthetic materials. Roll panels are suitable for use in any premises.

They provide an opportunity to win the space: vertical accommodation allows you to visually lift the ceiling surface level, and horizontal - make the room wider and longer.

The installation of the rails is performed on the tree crate or metal, screws are used as mounting elements, as well as brackets. Rakes are fastened on the principle of the lock with the installation of tabs.

Wooden Wooden Wooden Panel, Photo


Parents are very popular with a rectangular or square configuration, characterized by dimensions, shades and textures. They may have a length in the range of 30-90 cm and width within 25-50 cm.

Tile panels are perfectly combined with each other, the combination of the plates makes it possible to form original textures and patterns on the wall surfaces. Tiles are mounted on glue, their fastening is performed by clamps to the crate.

Wall panels for interior decoration, photo


This is one of the most intricate varieties of panels, which is a sheets having a rectangle shape, up to three meters. Conventional dimensions: 1200 per 2440 mm, the thickness parameter is a maximum of 6 mm. Sheet panels are used to quickly decorate spacious premises.

In most cases, they are made of MDF, the basis is the basis of the Fiberboard.

The outer surface is veneered, due to this, the similarity is achieved with different surfaces: brick, leather, stone, wooden, cork, plastic.

Sheets are fastened solely on the glue either the crate, in the seams between them are decorated with moldings.

Materials for the manufacture, features of the installation of each type of panels

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration are made from both natural and synthetic materials.
By material manufacturing material, the following types of panels are allocated:

  • wooden;
  • cork;
  • plastic;
  • bamboo;
  • gypsuminyl;
  • from MDF, DVP and chipboard;
  • with 3D effect.

The competent selection of the optimal type of finishing material depends, first of all, from its operational parameters, as well as on the purpose of the room, to decorate which they will be applied.

Learn how to choose to choose, use and apply if you choose this type of decorative wall decoration.

Video on how to make slopes on plastic windows independently and without attracting specialists, see: Several ways to give aesthetic type of window zone after installing the glass package.

From wood

To create them, a real tree is applied, mainly deciduous breeds; Maple, birch, oak panels are available on sale. Decorative cladding is performed by veneering.

To give products a brighter form, multicolored varnishes are used, inserts from glass and mirrors are used as an additionally decor, an intricate thread is used, panels are covered with gilding. Wooden decorative panels for interior decoration of walls are distinguished by the tint palette, configuration and texture.

Products are available in panel, by type of timber and lining, as well as block house.

This material is optimal for the indoor decor of various purposes: residential rooms, offices, trading halls, it is environmentally friendly and is safe.

Important! Panels intended for use in an increased level of humidity are processed by the compositions that repulse moisture and wax.

The installation of wall panels from wood is made on the crate of a similar material due to fasteners.

MDF and other materials with similar characteristics are involved in creating facing panels. Each type has its own features.

Decorative wall panels, photos

From MDF.

This type of panels are made from wood fibers based plates. Plates are obtained from small wood fractions in which artificial components are added.

Density giving provides lignin, which is a substance having a natural origin, which is one of the components of the wood. Such panels have a presentable appearance, excellent noise and thermal insulation parameters, uniformity of the structure.

Their surface can be vacuated, laminated or decorated with plywood. Such panels, in addition to the decor of walls and ceiling surfaces, are also used as partitions to separate space.

Facing, made by products from MDF, is undemanding in care, to remove contaminants, it is enough to wipe the panel with a moistened cloth twice a week.

Finishing room MDF panels, photo

From dvp.

Products made of fiberboard are produced in the form of plates, they are made by their hot method, implying the press of chips and other wood waste with the subsequent additive binding substances. Such products are distinguished by sizes and are used for decorations in rooms with good ventilation.

For operation in conditions of high humidity, wall panels with a laminated surface with high strength are more preferred. This finish is practical. Products based on Fiberboard are soft, half or completely solid.

The usual thickness of the dvp-slabs is 3-24 mm, the sizes of the slabs from the Fiberboard: 350 to 180 cm.

The installation is performed by two methods: on the crate (in this case, the fasteners are nails with an anti-corrosion coating) and on special glue.

From chipboard

Decorative products for the design of walls from the chipboard are similar by parameters with panels from the fiberboard, they differ only in the manufacture of manufacturing. They are produced from fibers of wood or plants with additive binders.

The DSP panels are more carefully processed, due to this, their resistance to mold and moisture destruction increases.

Chipboard products do not contain toxic formaldehydes. For additional decorations used veneer or plastic coating. In most cases, the panels made of extruded chips use for the decor of economic premises - such as storage rooms and corridors.

Installation of chipboard panels are made by two methods:

  • schip-groove;
  • paz-groove.

For fastening decorative products, a rack-drying is needed, the frame can be made of BRUSEV.

All parts of the crates are located in a parallel plane (both horizontally and vertically) at a distance of 50 cm one from another. The fastening of products is performed at the expense of metal beammers.

On a note! If the surface on which the smooth panels are mounted, there is no need for a crate, the installation works are performed using liquid nails.


Plywood products are used both for decoration of walls and for trimming ceilings. To create such a facing, sheets that have a thickness of a maximum of 5 mm are used. The degree of moisture resistance of plywood depends on what room the panels will be operated.

Installation of plywood products is based on the rails, fixed around the perimeter of the room. Vertically, the ranges are installed on the removal corresponding to the width of the decorative panel. Each sheet is attached to nails at a distance of up to 25-26 cm.

From plastic

Panel products made from PVC differ in the texture, shade palette and size. The width of the sheets is from 100 to 1200 mm, the length range is 1035-6000 mm, and the thickness is in the range of 4-8 mm.

Plastic vinyl panels are one of the most practical solutions for lining wall surfaces in various destinations.

Such PVC products make it possible to reproduce the texture of various materials: bricks, stone, wood, fabrics.

Plastic panels have an affordable cost, they moisture-resistant, easy to install, undemanding in care (cleaning agents can be used to remove contaminants). Increasingly, they are inherent in excellent noise and thermal insulation parameters, which makes it possible to apply them in the design of bathrooms.

Plastic decorative panels are suitable not only for finishing wall and ceiling surfaces in the kitchen, in the living room or bedroom, but also for dividing the premises on the functional zones.

The main disadvantages of these products are fragility, poor tolerance of solar exposure and the presence of chemical components in the composition. To install wall-mounted plates, a tree dryer, nails and glue are used.

Cork and bamboo

Bamboo and cork products for facing wall surfaces are used in the design of residential and work rooms. This material makes it possible to implement fashionable ideas and modern design ideas in interior design.

The main advantages of these products include:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • good heat and noise insulation;
  • resistance to rotting;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to the action of sun rays;
  • the possibility of operation in high temperatures;
  • easy installation;
  • neutility in care.

Cork and bamboo products are distinguished by sizes; This parameter depends on their form. Presentable shade palette makes them appropriate in various styles.

Installation of panels is made after alignment and splock surfaces, preparatory activities provide better adhesion of walls with decorative products used for finishing them.

The finishing panels are attached to the wall surface on special glue. They are fixed in touching, and it is very important to avoid when fixing volumetric gaps.

From glass

Glass panel products for wall decor are a novelty in the facing materials market. Such panels differ in uniqueness, which is why they won tremendous popularity.

The advantages of glass panels include their resistance to moisture, ignition, rotting and sunshine. Glass products have strength, resistance to wear and practicality and are successfully used to implement unusual copyright and designer ideas.

Glass panels actively use for design and facing of aprons in the kitchen, corridors, bathrooms, in residential rooms for zoning space.


Operational parameters of gypsinyl panels are similar to characteristics of drywall products. For their manufacture, vinyl-based plates, which increase the strength of the panels, wear resistance, which give them aesthetic appeal are applied.

Gypsinyl panels have an acceptable cost and are often used as partitions separating space, as well as to decorate windows and doors.

Council. To ensure the care of gypsini-based products, it is necessary to periodically carry out their cleaning with a wet sponge with the use of cleaning agents.

As for the size of the gypsinyl panels, they are produced in two formats: 30x120,120x250 cm.

Such products are established due to metal profiles fixed along the perimeter of wall surfaces. There is the possibility of increasing the heat and noise insulating properties of hyposovinyl panels, insulation are used for this purpose.

With 3-d effect

Panel products for decorating wall surfaces with a 3D effect appeared relatively recently. Such materials make it possible to create an amazing design. The panel with 3D effect is made of the same materials as the usual.

Gypsum varieties of bulk panels enjoy the greatest demand. They are made from a gypsum mixture, into which thickeners and stabilizing substances are added, increasing the strength of products and their resistance to deformation.

The advantages of bulk panels include environmental friendliness, ignition resistance, strength, wear resistance, diversity of design and excellent heat and noise insulating parameters.

Mounted volume wall 3D panels for interior decoration on special glue, the mount is performed on a flawlessly aligned surface.

Decorative 3D panels for interior wall decoration, photo


The cost of panels for wall decor depends on the type of material from which they are made.

Plastic products and wood fibers are considered the most inexpensive. The price of such panels is in the range of 3 to $ 20 per square meter.

Several more expensive are panels from traffic jams and bamboo, plaster products. Price for 1 square. m. is 12-150 dollars.

Elert materials include wooden and glass panels, as well as materials with a 3D effect. The average price of such products is 150 dollars per 1 sq. M. m.

Deciding using decorative panels for finishing wall surfaces, read the recommendations for their use.

Installation of decorative panels for interior wall decoration, photo

  1. The crate for installing panels is preferably premeditable: this measure will increase the reliability of the structure.
  2. To disguise the jacks between the fixed panels, use decorative plugs.
  3. The combination of panels with other finishing materials will give the interior of uniqueness.
  4. To prevent the accumulation of moisture on the trimmed surface, the protective membrane should be fixed to the finishing surface.
  5. For the formation of elements of the intricate configuration, it is convenient to use the electrolls.
  6. Buy panels only from a reliable supplier, be sure to make sure that there are no defects.

Detailed information about: describes the criteria for choosing, characteristics and features of use during repair.

Read about how to mount a wooden suspended ceiling in the bathroom - all secrets and subtleties of installation technology are described in detail.

The order and methods of sound insulation of walls and ceilings in the apartment are described in the article at:

Wall panels are one of the best solutions for the inner decor of wall surfaces, they are available at a price and have a presentable appearance. This facing material opens up great opportunities in interior design.

Wall panels are distinguished by a large variety; Each of the varieties offered by producers has its advantages.

If you wish, you can choose a suitable, texture and color material for the interior in any style, create an original and attractive design with them.

Watch the video on how and what best to choose wall panels for decorative decoration in the apartment: