Repairs Design Furniture

Front work. Features of the repair of exterior walls of the private house - from plaster before siding cladding with stone facades at home

Timely repair of the facade of the cottage makes it possible to prevent the process of destruction of the outer walls of the building, increase the thermal insulation characteristics and give it aesthetic appeal. But, it is very difficult to achieve this result, since it is necessary to have special knowledge and skills to fulfill quality repair work.

Capital and cosmetic repairs

Given the nature and area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the walls, two types of repair of the facade of the private house are distinguished:

  • cosmetic. It is performed when minor cracks appear and includes the restoration of the upper layers or sections of the facade, without interference in the design and texture of the external walls of the building;
  • capital. Designed to restore damage, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is at least 30% of the entire facade. In addition to the sealing and sealing of seams, the walls of the walls can be carried out with overhaul, the replacement of windows, etc.

Regular cosmetic repairs will avoid an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the walls and will remove the need for major repairs.

The cost of repairing the facade of a private house

Type of work Units. change Price
Primer (with uneven walls) m2. 80 rubles.
Plaster facade m2. 400 rubles.
Laying of facing tile m2. 1100 rub.
Facing tiles of slopes mP 280 rubles.
Facing with tiles arches mP 330 rub.
Installation of sings, parapet covers mP 250 rubles.
Laying border mP 250 rubles.
Shutkish seams m2. 250 rubles.
Epoxy clamp m2. 830 rub.
Supporting work
Preparing the territory for work (cleaning, preparation of the material storage site) - 500 rubles.
Extension of electrical wiring for temporary support - 1500 rub.
Installation of metal scaffolding m2. 85 rub.
Manufacturing and installation of wooden forests m2. 220 rub.
Installation of reference sites m2. 230 rubles.
Transfer of pipes of the drainage system on scaffolding mP 180 rub.
Installation of protective construction film on windows, doors, roofing elements and decor m2. 80 rubles.
Cleaning walls from dirt and dust m2. 65 rub.
Floor swings mP 680 rub.
Installation of lighting devices pC 700 rub.

How is the repair of the facade?

The work on the repair of the facade of a private house includes 3 main stages:

  • Preparatory. At this stage, the old facade finish is removed and the surface of the walls is cleaned.
  • Recovery. Includes work on the leveling of walls and sealing cracks. Previously, cracks are expanding and cleaned from dust, after which they begin to the primer of the working surface of the facade. If necessary, the walls are plastered.
  • Finishing, on which the facade is carried out with finishing materials. The most affordable value is the painting of the walls. The most expensive options include cladding tile or stone trim.

At the request of the customer, foaming and drains located on the walls of the country house can be repaired, as well as during the repair, additional work on the insulation of the facade, the replacement of eaves.

Offer company

Want high-quality repair of the facade of a private house in Moscow in a short time and at an affordable price? Then refer to the specialists of Alfak. We will perform the work of any complexity quickly and with guaranteed impeccable quality. Our company is ready to provide a service of both cosmetic and overhaul of facades of cottages of various altitudes using only modern, safe materials and technologies.

Today, the appearance is the business card of the private house.

At the same time, the plaster facade serves as an external insulation of the walls.
The professionalism of the builders, the correct sequence of the system and the quality of the material used, will bring you necessarily what you want to see with your own eyes.
There are two types of repair of facades, current and capital.
Overhaul of the facade is carried out during damage more than 40% of the total facade.
Current repairs are carried out by damage to less than 40% of the total facade.
Use various modern building materials for plaster facade, the choice of which every year increases, manufacturers provide materials from different price categories.
It is important to understand and take into account two points, you need to purchase only high-quality material and choose builders who know their own business, while complying with two moments you can achieve the desired result.
In different regions of Russia, the climate is different, so you should not forget about it.
Plastering are carried out on various buildings, in particular on private houses, office buildings, etc.

Consider the current repairs of the facade, the description will be concise, before starting work, you need to prepare work, to put apart for the partial home, it will prevent damage to your eats, collect scaffolding, hold the construction of scaffolding by protective grid (Capron). This will exclude a random drop in building tools during the construction of builders, as well as additional protection against ultraviolet and precipitation.
Cropling the entire plane of the facade, the awake of some coves, this is an error that will lead to additional costs.
If you need to organize a cracking extender, perform this operation with the help of a grinder and disk. Next, we apply a concrete contact with a brush or roller, after carrying plastering in places where bobbing places were removed, be sure to apply in the entire plane of the facade to the primer of deep penetration.
And the finish cake layer This paint is applied in 2 layers, the flow depends on the surface of the facade, the minimum time for drying 1 layer, 12 hours, during precipitation it is impossible to produce, the minimum air temperature should be at least 5 degrees for Celsius. There is a term in construction,\u003e when working at the above season of the year, a number of rules comply with the final result.
To buy lumber and technical film, ultimately get the so-called\u003e inside which heat guns will work daily, it's all and allows plastering work at a temperature of less than 5 degrees Celsius, but we always advise our customers not to go to late autumn, one Of the reasons, this electricity costs.
Consider the brief overhaul of the facade, this is a more expensive version of the repair, and do not forget that they are carried out when damage from the entire plane is more than 40%.
Temperature conditions are similar as at current repairs.
Operations with proper repair are more complex, and compliance with all rules will lead to what you want to see.
Overhaul of the facade, if the building is new, execute when the building is fully built, passed completely shrinkage, not less than 6 months, since there is additional load on the walls and foundation.
The facade of the house must be prepared, eliminate dust, to shoot down the mechanical way of irregularities on the basis, after begin to apply the primer of deep penetration, in dusty or strongly windy weather, these work is prohibited.
After applying, give the primer to dry, organize a source of water supply and electricity in advance.
Prepare a mixture strictly according to the manufacturer's standards to prevent the excess material consumption.
Preparing in the concrete mixer is strictly prohibited.
Consumption depends on the thickness of the plaster layer, the minimum is 10mm.
More than 20 mm, in this case, it is necessary to apply a metal facade mesh to avoid splitting the layer and the appearance of cracks.
After the end of plaster works, it is steadily applied to the primer, which contributes to the improvement of adhesion. The last layer depends on the desire of the customer.
Correctly performed sequence will provide you, durability, impact resistance and beautiful view of the house.
The overhaul of the facade decides in parallel two questions, this is an external insulation, after which the cost of heating in the winter season will fall by 15-20%, and the second, while the inner space of the building remains unchanged, which is important for each client.
There is another popular view, plaster facade.
Consider\u003e, modern and in demand, in comparison with cosmetic and overhaul, in the practical side of the case, the implementation of this species is more complicated and has a greater number of complex operations.
For greater degree, plaster facades are primarily intended for insulation and then as for aesthetic species.

Before starting work, preparatory work should be carried out, cover all the elements by the technical film, in particular, window and doorways, the base and the erase.
Next, installing scaffolding, start inspection of the facade, then a mechanical way to hold the facade with a rubber hammer of the facade, you need to pay attention to the houses on the facade, we are taking up twice, this is if the plaster was previously applied.
If the turnkey pie, then a visual inspection of the building is carried out, then carry out the progress of the walls, the primer of the deep penetration of the ST-17 brand is recommended by Cerezite.
We give primers for 2 hours to dry, apply it possible if the temperature of the archer is plus 5 degrees.
We recommend to warm the facade of the house, the minimum layer of the insulation is recommended 100 mm, it is possible and more than 100 mm, it all depends on the budget of the client, we use mineral basalt wool, for several reasons, we allocate the main one in the first place, it refers to the class of NG material.
For a moment, the insulation plate is applied with a toothed spatula, plastering the adhesive mixture, consumption per 1 kV / m2 6 kg.
After that, we pressed smoothly insulation, then the next stage is the application of the reinforcing layer, the reinforcing layer is carried out from the plastering of the adhesive solution, the reinforced layer is applied by a thin layer layer, after it is proceded by the installation of the facade alkali grid, which is not exposed to decomposition.
After mounting the grid, we apply the layer of plaster.
After applying plaster, it is necessary to apply primer.
Finish solely on the desire of the client and the budget.
All the well-known option is decorative ready-made plaster.
The insulation at plaster facades use two species, mineral basalt and expanded polystyrene. In comparison with expenses, the mineral basalt wool is expensive, form from several points, the volume of the party and the season of the year.
There is also another way of applying plaster, namely, the mechanized application of the plastering station, there are also certain advantages of this method.
Speed, noticeably easier and faster than manually.
Little material consumption, dry material for the machine will cost cheaper than the mixture for manual method.
High quality preparation of the solution, due to its kneading with a plaster station, the consumption of the mixture per square meter is less.
Good adhesion solution with wall surface,
Savings at additional finishing works, you can immediately start applying the finish coating,
Reducing the salary of builders.
When performing plastering, you need to have construction tools. The level of construction is long two meters, the knife and hacksaw facade,
Perforator, creating holes for disc facade nails, and nozzle for mixing the solution,
Bulgarian, painting brushes, gear spatula and ordinary for plaster, tape measure including laser, metal buckets and plastic, broom, saves and small consumables.
Practice the following thickness of the plaster layer of plaster. The use of the thin layer layer will not block the irregularities of the facade, as well as natural precipitations instantly penetrate the cake. Drying will be held not evenly, but individual sites, at first glance, it is an opinion that painting was carried out at different times. In fact, it means that the part of the facade was dried up reprimand.
This definitely means that the surface was not prepared in advance for plastering. This situation is an ordinary phenomenon, as the irregularities and negligence of the performers.
The base, which was in a cold condition for a long time, is not excluded that the formation of thin layer ice and cracks will occur. Subsequently, the practice shows, we see negative adhesion. The facade will begin to be covered with bubbles. In such situations, there are so-called long-term and delivery delays, as it is necessary to conduct finishing work, the formation of spots will occur. The choice of your fell on the decorative plaster, it is necessary to conduct the preparation of the facade, in obligatory processing of the wall by primer.
The wet facade is supposed to be for the base of the house, it is also necessary to conduct preliminary work, in particular, it is necessary to be waterproofing and made a break of the house.
The implementation of the "wet facade" is possible, including for multi-storey construction.
It is necessary to remember and know that in total there are pros and cons, it did not go around the system of arrangement of the facade of wet technology. Exceptionally carry out these work only in the warm and bright season. In addition, bad weather is able to prevent or slow down
As a result, this will lead to a suspension for a certain time. If you do not take into account this moment, the stains will remain on the walls.
When choosing this type of plaster insulation from the outside of the structure, the formation of condensate will not occur inside, which is known to all leads to the following troubles, to the formation of mold and fungus.
The plaster facade serves as to protect the insulation from the impact of weather factors and parallelly solves the architectural and aesthetic question.
The service life of the plaster facade is about 25-30 years. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the region in which work is carried out, with strong humidity, any kind of facade serves a much smaller period.
Also, for the service life, the following, dilettantism of builders affects, was bought not high-quality material or increased humidity or work. Such a violation leads to the following that through a small period of time, the layers of the cake will undoubtedly be lost its quality under pressure of precipitation, rain, snow, sun.

Healing from the outside of the residential structure, acquired a large-scale mass, including for this reason that the cost of each insulation is quite budget, and therefore the purchase of these materials can afford themselves and those who have enough wealth. Many people know that the price of the insulation is practically unchanged, therefore this plaster facade, on the insulation of the house, will steadily remain profitable. Enough customers who have chosen and fulfilled the insulation of their house in this way, and over time they did not regret their choice, and changed to the better, in parallel, should not be noted that after the above work, customers in the winter began to bear smaller Heating costs.

And steadily we advise our future customers, when choosing a type of facade, it is worthwhile to conduct an antithesis of all types of facades, to understand the pros and cons of each of them, as far as possible to study the technology of each of them, it is necessary to understand which material is used when choosing a facade, pay attention to the choice Contractors, from which a lot depends, including the final result obtained.
Also, it is not necessary to deprive the choice of building materials, from which the result, quality, durability and aesthetically species of the plaster facade also depends.
Do not forget about the season of the year, remember what quarter it is better to perform plaster works, because it is already known, not everything depends on the quality material and builders who know their work, nature plays a not an unimportant role.

And reminder, since these works are referred not only to thermal insulation, but also decorative, their execution is possible only after the installation of the roof is made, the high-quality waterproofing of the foundation is made, and all the necessary communications, air conditioners and ventilation are connected and connected, Finishing work.
One of the main distinctness of the wet facade, this is a multi-layer of the cake, and each layer is given to a strictly defined task, the plaster is responsible for fixing the structure, the insulating layer performs the task of the insulation, the reinforcing layer of the cake is responsible for the strength of the structure and provides and facilitates the process of applying the piring layer.

The repair of facades can be divided into four groups:
  • emergency repair;
  • cosmetic repair of the facade;
  • overhaul of facades of houses;
  • reconstruction of the facade.

Overhaul is a complete update where plaster, and painting, and putty, and insulation are used. In general, the full update of the facade. Cosmetic repairs are subject to only the most damaged areas of the building.

If we talk about the timing, the cosmetic repair of the facades of the building should be held once every five years. This requirement should be followed to avoid the need for overhaul. This approach will retain an external facade view and protect the surface of the walls from the effect of the external environment. Sealing cracks and sealing will provide a long service life of the whole building.

The main thing is to remember that repair work should not change the appearance of the building, which has historical value and is an architectural monument.

Whatever wonderful originally facade at the house, sooner or later the time comes when it is required to repair it. The aggressive environment (drying wind and the sun, the depleting effect of water in all its states) gradually "nibbles" and causes the coverage of walls. They appear wet drips and spots, mold, cracks. In addition to the aesthetic perception of the house, its integrity is disturbed, it becomes damp and cold.

Only one thing is to prevent this destruction - timely repair. Especially carefully needed to follow the appearance of houses located near the roadway. Their facades are more susceptible to destroying and pollution, the further located at home.

Each type of repair work has its own characteristics, we will try to figure it out.

Cosmetics in repair

The new facade requires exclusively cosmetic work, about once every five years. During the rest of the time a simple removal of contaminants with various detergent solutions. Buildings more solid age need to be repaired more often - at least once a year. Small repairs help the house to maintain their original freshness and beauty, and save the owners money - overhaul does not cost one penny.

The work performed does not provide for a significant change in the appearance of the house, it is simply cleaned and reproduces. The most important thing here will be correctly picking materials in appearance and compatibility. Without compliance with the last condition, they can "conflict" among themselves, which will lead to a rapid note of the results of repair to zero.

Cosmetic repair work perfectly performed on their own, although the builders team will work faster and high quality. Cosmetics - the easiest and most undemanding repair. It belongs to it: putty, painting, applying a new decorative coating (plaster) instead of the flying old one.

Stages of work

First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine and catch up with a small hammer of the entire surface of the walls on the subject of external damage and possible voids formed: cracks, shining plaster, peeling colorful layer. The number of desired materials is calculated. The facade is then cleaned from all that keeps, so to speak, on the "fish glue." The chatting plaster is covered up to the places of the dense fit. Using the tools, slots and cracks are expanding and deepened. All surfaces are thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt.

At this preliminary stage, it is determined in what state the tightness of the house. If necessary, the appropriate work is made to eliminate deficiencies.

  • The second stage is to close the prepared cracks and the appropriate composition, alignment and plastering of the walls.
  • Cosmetic repair of decorative coating is completed: restoration of damaged cladding (tiles, finishing stone), if it, of course, was, or a banal color suitable to the overall style color.

Roof repair does not apply to cosmetic "marafet", all of its errors are eliminated during overhaul.


Overhaul is more laborious, requiring greater investment of time and money than cosmetic. In addition to the stages of the latter, contains a lot of other works: partial restoration of outer walls with possible destruction (brickwork, stone, slag block), labeling hydro and vaporizolation, insulation, roofing, replacement of windowsill, plums, and so on.

Despite the high cost, the advantage of overhaul before cosmetic is obvious:

  1. The ability to fulfill all the work on the protection of external walls is better.
  2. If you wish, you can completely change the style solution and the appearance of the house.

The reasons for major repairs are becoming:

  • The desire for the owner to completely change the appearance of his home, for example, using a ventilated facade.
  • Re-warning and complete redevelopment of the building (for example, a residential building is converted to an office or store).
  • The building is subjected to partial restoration.

The facade can be both ventilated and non-ventilated. It all depends on the age of the house, the material from which it is complicated, and the desires of the owner.

With a significant destruction of the facade from the walls, the old cladding is completely removed, dust and dirt are removed, cracks and cracks are closed. If necessary, an antifungal coating, a hydro and vapor insulation layer is applied. Further, the house is insulating, plastering or covered with any decorative trim from the huge variety of offers of the construction market.

Upon reproofing the building from it, the whole finish is also completely removed, since it is unlikely to fit it with a new status. Finishing works are carried out in accordance with the developed project, not forgetting along the way to eliminate the detected wall defects.

Partial restoration most often undergo relatively old houses. They are returned to the discharge stucco, the damaged brickwork is restored. The appearance of the building at the same time does not change completely. Even painting the walls preferably in the "native" house of the color.

What is a ventilated facade?

Recently, a very popular device of the ventilated facade is very popular.

The ventilated facade is a multi-layer "pie", inside which between the warmed wall (if insulation is required) and there is a small (at least 2 cm) of the air interval. This air layer displays a gathering condensate, and also serves as an additional noise and thermal insulation.

Note: From the air layer less than 2 cm, the width is not any sense, it is still not done at all.

By the way, for the device of the ventilated facade, it is not necessary to remove the old cladding from the surface of the house (if it is well held) and level the walls. The main thing is to close distressed places: gaps, chips, make a screed. On wooden houses, you need to apply a fresh layer protective impregnation from moisture, pests, fire.

Materials for finishing are offered a great set.

The most popular are:

  • Wooden or vinyl lining - most often used for lining of cottages or country houses.
  • Plaster - Pretty capricious material that requires almost an annual update. Rain, wind and water, falling into the microcrain, gradually expanding them, the plaster crepts. In addition, dirt penetrates in its pores, which is very difficult to wash. Despite all the flaws, the plaster is at the peak of popularity. It is even sometimes used to finish suspended facades, even though it is associated with some difficulties of applying.
  • Natural and artificial stone - due to its high cost, it is extremely rarely used to finish the entire facade. They are placed the base of the house and / or space around the door and window blocks.
  • Tile.
  • Block house.
  • Sandwich panels - facing material, equipped with an insulation with an insulation.
  • Various types of decorative or facing bricks.

For insulation of the ventilated facade, mineral or basalt wool is perfect. In some cases, polystyrene is used (foam). Choosing a heater, pay attention to its flammability and the ability to conduct moisture pairs and air. For the insulation of the "breathable" walls (wood, gas and foam concrete), insulation of foam is inappropriate. Indicators of natural ventilation of the room deteriorate.

Installation of ventilated facade

Mounted frame. It consists of vertically installed profiles that are attached to the wall with special brackets. To prevent the appearance of "cold bridges", a gasket is installed between the bracket metal and the wall. Consider than the harder the selected cladding, the more powerful the framework should be.

  • Insulation. Many manufacturers of insulation sell their products already packed in the hydraulic and vapor barrier film. If this protection is not, it must be paved independently. The insulation is attached between profiles with plastic dowels with "big" hats or glued. And often both attachment methods immediately.
  • Facing. Each facing material has its own, designed for it, installation technology and fastening on the frame. In order to avoid further problems, it is not recommended.

Benefits of mounted facades

  • Repair work does not depend on the time of year.
  • Any surface defect is eliminated.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • The air layer allows you to expect an excess moisture in a natural way, which allows you to maintain the thermal insulation qualities of insulation gaskets.

Unfortunately, such a beautiful facade has disadvantages, the largest of which is the price. Despite a fairly long service life (manufacturers assure that the replacement will not be required in the next 30 years), a few can afford the hinged facade.

Despite the strength and durability of facing materials intended for the ventilated facade, it also sometimes has to be repaired. Facing does not withstand strong mechanical damage (severe items). In case of assumptions of errors during the installation, fasteners quickly wear out.

Of course, this kind of construction work is initially prudent to trust the specialists. And with claims for marriage in their work, contact the same construction company, and do not mind the hammer yourself. If all the works on the facing were performed with their own hands, then the repair is best done by himself.

Emergency repair facade

This type of repair is usually carried out unscheduled due to the complete or partial destruction of the facade. The reason for its holding is natural phenomena or technogenic disasters that led to damage to the building. Another, even more common reason: when the destruction of the facade under the action of natural and other operating conditions over time takes a critical character with visible integrity impairments, and the diversity of destruction becomes threatening (emergency). Therefore, the emergency repair of the building is different from other types of what is made immediately. It can not be postponed: it is fraught with even big problems with the condition of the facade.

The nature of damage is rated promptly, the work plan is determined and the estimate is drawn up. During the work, the focus is made not only to eliminate the consequences of destruction, but also to determine the reasons for the accident and, in cases where it is possible to prevent the recurrence of the situation: by enhancing the design, the use of more durable materials, etc. With partial restoration work of facing, as a rule, replacing the reinforcing frame is not made. Builders adhere to the overall design of the facade and restore its appearance.

Reconstruction of facades

Reconstruction in some way is a type of overhaul. Before starting work, a very carefully conduct a survey of the current state of the building to identify distressed places. Reconstruction implies a complete preservation of the appearance of the building, it is desirable to carry out authentic materials. If there is no such possibility, modern materials are selected in appearance.

Conducting the reconstruction of architectural monuments and buildings with a century-old history, it must be remembered that they are the legacy of the previous eras. Works are performed with special accuracy in order not to damage the unique design of historical objects.

Sophisticated Russian weather conditions forcing buildings holders periodically repair facades. In order to maintain the aesthetic attractiveness of external surfaces, it is necessary to quickly replace the facades failed and update the facade finish, removing the traces that appeared as a result of the impact on the temperature of the temperature drops, wind and humidity.

Facade repair services can be ordered in our company: experienced specialists will hold the whole complex of necessary improvements by making it most profitable for you thanks to climbing skills and special equipment.

Restoration of historic buildings

We successfully cope with such problems as the repair of facades of buildings that have a certain historical value. In order to save during the repair of facades of buildings, built a few decades ago, the limestone plaster is often changed to the cement layer, which is soon covered by cracks. When repairing facades of old houses, we use modern technologies and apply the appropriate materials that exclude the appearance of plaster defects and deeper layers.

Types of repair work

We perform various types of repair work at height, including cosmetic and complex repair of facades.

  • Redecorating. If the general condition of the facade is satisfactorily and in repair, only individual parts need it, it makes no sense to use the services of specialized construction firms - industrial climbers cost without installing complex mechanisms for roofs of buildings and will repair as soon as possible.
  • Comprehensive repair. If numerous cracks and collapsions are observed around the perimeter of the facade, the building needs to be fully updated the face. We can clean, fly up and paint the surface of the facade, replace worn waterproof and damaged flows, eaves and other external structures.

All the work on the repair of facades is manufactured by us in compliance with sanitary and building standards, as well as state standards.

Stroyproekt will repair the facade in Moscow and the Moscow region. We work with objects of any level of complexity and degree of damage. Our masters pay high attention to the quality of the materials used. Works are carried out in strict accordance with the current technologies. This guarantees a durable result.

What tasks performs the repair of the facade

  1. decorative function;
  2. protection of carrying structures from negative environmental factors;
  3. heat and waterproofing.

Over time, under the influence of dust, moisture, temperature drops and aggressive substances (for example, contained in exhaust gases), the coating comes into disrepair. Timely repair of the facade will help restore the integrity of protective materials and return aesthetic appearance to the construction. These works must be carried out with certain frequency. It is due to the peculiarities of the environment, the nature of the materials and technologies used.

If you ignore the repair of the facade of the building, the coating rate will increase. The construction service life will noticeably decrease. The costs of its preservation will be very high without a guarantee of a positive result. Regardless of the level of reliability, facade materials must be periodically verified and carried out repair work (cosmetic or capital).

Damaged cladding represents a threat to a person's life. Holding tile, plaster and other materials are able to inflict injury. Therefore, the facade needs to carefully take care.

Overhaul of the facade

The overhaul of the facade of the house implies filling and waterproofing of all cracks, seams and other damage to the carrier surface.

Priming provides sufficient adhesion to fix plaster materials, after the application of cladding is carried out.

Overhaul of the facade choose, guided by the degree of damage. If there are minor defects that do not affect the functional characteristics of the cladding, it is enough to restore its integrity.

For the final outer coating, a tile, natural and artificial stone, decorative brick, porcelain stoneware, siding are used. During the restoration of historical buildings, the materials are selected, the most corresponding initial.

Completes the repair of facades in Moscow. Application of hydrophobic coatings. This provides additional protection against moisture and aggressive substances, and also prolongs the service life.

At the end of the work, the building receives aesthetic appearance and regularly functioning outer elements. A wide range of products and materials will be a guarantee of the impeccable quality of the implementation of the tasks.

  • scope of work;
  • urgency;
  • degree of damage;
  • the nature of the materials used;
  • the features of the building (for example, the need for industrial climbers).

In our company, the cost of repairing the facade is determined individually for each client. We are evaluating the project. Based on the information received, the most appropriate repair technologies will be proposed. Our masters will restore and upgrade the previous protective coatings.

Cosmetic repair of facade

The most common goal of the repair of the facade is the restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the structure while maintaining the functional parameters of the facing. To implement this problem, cosmetic repair of the facade is periodically carried out. The cost of this procedure is more accessible to capital recovery.

The facade repair is carried out to improve the functional characteristics of the cladding:

  • increased moisture protection;
  • ventilation device;
  • additional thermal insulation.

Changing the appearance of the building is one of the most significant tasks of repair work. Restoration of historical objects, including facades, is carried out in the presence of appropriate permits from specialized state organizations.

Cosmetic repair of the facade of the building in Moscow and the Moscow region extends the term of the safe operation of structures. Bearing elements are securely protected from moisture, temperature drops, fungus and mold that can reduce the comfort of stay inside.

We work with any facades. Our goal is to restore or update their appearance, as well as increase the protective characteristics. Wear plastering coatings and tiled facing are most susceptible to wear. They slowly deform and destroy moisture and temperature differences. Temporarily stopping this process will help immediate repair of the facade of the building. Our specialists will choose materials providing long-term coverage service.

To lesser extent, the repair of the facade is required to ventilated solutions. The thoughtful multilayer design ensures efficient removal of moisture, as well as protection against low and high temperatures. Maximum reliability and durability is ensured, provided that technologies for ventilated facades are properly implemented. Such work requires high accuracy and control. If the owner of the object decided to save in favor of low-quality materials, it will be necessary to repair the facade of the house, perhaps capital.

We can offer our customers and other types of facades.