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The house from the CBB wall is 40 cm. My ventilated facade for a house of ceramzitobetone is experimental. Features of ceramic concrete blocks and material properties

Question: Good afternoon, dear gentlemen! Please tell us how to get it better to separate the house from the ceramzite concrete blocks (CBB), which facade here will be appropriate, what materials can be applied?
Arthur Shakarin, Novosibirsk

SEMEN FISKNES, CJSC Stroy-Alliance, Togliatti.

Answer: Hello, Arthur! I will try to answer your question in detail. Moreover, the CBB - the material is quite popular, many owners are precisely from ceramzite-concrete blocks.

In the first of all, I would like to ask you a counter question - what thickness of the wall from the ceramzitobetone did you build up? The question is not idle.

It depends on your response, whether you will have to warm your walls from the CBB, or it will be possible to immediately do the finishing outer finish and applying the decorative layer.

Wall insulation of CBB

If you have built the walls of the house from the ceramzit concrete blocks in 1 block (it is 40 cm), then you will have to warm it. For Novosibirsk and nearby regions will be sufficient insulation of 150 mm basalt wool or foam. This will give you a normative indicator on the heat resistance of the enclosing structures R on the new SNiP.

Ventilated facade on the walls of the CBB

If you have chosen the ventilated facade and, you can mount it into a wooden crate or into the space between steel suspensions. To insulate the house from the CBB by foam under Ventfasad, I do not recommend.

Why? Because there are several reasons why the foam as a heater under Ventfasad is completely not suitable:

  1. Polyfoam - combustible material, it cannot be used in systems with a ventilated facade.
  2. Rodents feel great in such a pie if you still make foam in Ventfasad.
  3. Air movement in the ventiosor and the output moisture will eventually make a set of individual foam balls from the sheets of foam. Your insulation will link down on the vent.

These shortcomings in Ventfasade are deprived of basalt wool that you can use. Polyurethane foam, rubber foam or eco-gun can also be used.

After mounting the crates or suspensions and subsequent insulation, you can mount an external decorative layer on ventfassad.

What is suitable in this case for home from the CBB:

  • Porcelain tile
  • Clinker panels
  • Vinyl Siding
  • Metal:
  • Fibro cement panels
  • Plakenken
  • Block house

These materials can be formed. How to mount them - look on this site, everything is described in detail.

Wet facade on the walls of the house from the CBB

If you want to make a wet facade at your home, then after the preparation of the walls (alignment, putty crack, removal of the extra solution), you can start the insulation of the walls of the house.

You can use basalt density density from 45 and the facade density foam from 25. The wool is mounted on the facade dowels, the foam is mounted on the glue and additionally on the facade dowels.

At the time of installation of the insulation, the front fastener is mounted on top of it, which will rein the plaster layer. The grid is attached by the most facade dowels with "fungi", which hold the insulation on the wall.

After installing the fiberglass, a basic primer layer or two-component plaster is applied. Further . Modern facade systems allow you to maintain a plaster layer in a semi-adequacy, which guarantees its long-term operation.

After the primer you can do or under painting.

You can use the following decorative coatings:

  • Painting facade paint
  • Decorative plaster koroed
  • Plaster Schuba
  • Decorative smalt plaster

After applying the decorative layer, fixing formulations and facade varnishes can be used. They protect the decorative layer of contamination and possible destruction.

PS. In no case can not be insulated the house from the ceramzitobetone from the inside. Ceramzitobeton actually playproof material. Moisture from the premises will be locked between

Ceramzit concrete blocks differ significantly from conventional concrete materials for the construction of walls. The general principle of their laying is similar, but there are some features that need to be considered when mounting the walls.

Properties and characteristics of ceramzitobetone

In search of new building materials with better indicators for heat transfer resistance, moisture resistance, strength, etc., manufacturers produce interesting options. One of these are ceramzite concrete blocks.

The CBB is made of a mixture of cement, sand and water, and a granular clayzite is used as the main filler - thermal insulation material from some clay varieties obtained by a single firing. The raw material is placed in the form and is subjected to vibropressing with subsequent excerpt within 24-28 days. The technological break is necessary for a durability of cement.

Ceramzitoblocks are produced in large sizes. Model dimensions:

  • Length - up to 40 cm;
  • Thickness - up to 19 cm;
  • Height - 20 cm.

Such a Obaase of the CBB-wall, laid out in one row, corresponds to the thickness of the wall of 1.5 bricks. Bearing sites are laid out by stones of maximum sizes, narrower blocks are used for partitions. The material is easy to cut with ordinary hacksaw, so fitting when laying does not require special efforts.

The strength of the ceramzitoblocks corresponds to 2.5 MPa, while a single brick design withstands up to 3.9 MPa. The thermal conductivity of the material is approximately 0.13 W / (M · ° C). For comparison, a similar indicator of an ordinary full-scale brick is 0.42 W / (M · ° C). The difference is essential, but, nevertheless, the construction of a residential building without insulation is undesirable.

Laying of ceramzite concrete blocks is made on a conventional cement-sandy solution with a thickness of 1 cm. Use adhesive as for masonry for gas and foam blocks can not, since the material is distinguished by high porosity, and the seam is thick 1-5 mm.

In general, the process of this simple and successfully implemented by their own hands.

Separately, it is worth noting such a material as a combined wall block from a ceramzite concrete with a finished facing on the facial facade face. This CBB is significantly different from the usual, produced with a puzzle compound system. The instruction from the manufacturer recommends laying them with a single-row chain order or on the mounting adhesive-foam, or to a conventional solution. Since the facial part is cast from pure concrete, it is problematic to cut it, but at the factory you can order enough items of the desired size (semi-blocks, angular and arched components).

Masonry technology of ceramzite concrete blocks

Methods of mounting walls from the CBB is the same for both full-scale, and for hollow blocks. If you are going to lay it with your own hands, then you will need the next set of tools:

  • Capacity for the preparation of the solution;
  • Shovels for kneading;
  • Kelma, trowel and greeting;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette;
  • Rubber cizyanka;
  • Plump and / or cord-moor;
  • Reinforcing mesh Kapronova or fiberglass or steel reinforcement with a cross section of 8-10 mm (Armopoyas is formed from it).

The masonry mixture is used finished industrial or the solution is mixed with their own hands in a standard proportion: per 1 part of cement 3 of sand parts and approximately 30% water for the entire volume of the composition.

Separately, it is worth tuping such a moment as reinforcement. On the recommendation of the manufacturers of the CBB, during the construction of walls, a standard grid is used or reinforcing rods installed every 4-6 rows.

It is allowed to use fiberglass reinforcement, but it is worth considering its features - Armopoyas from it is weakly working on stretching, so if the house is erected by a height of more than 2 floors, there may be problems in the integrity of the walls in the future.

In addition, when installing the carrying structures and partitions, it is desirable to reinforce and dress all the corners.

Armopoyas is formed into several rows below the roof from reinforced concrete or full-scale brick of an ordinary in a typical scheme. Below it is simply not needed.

It is important to remember that carriers and partition walls are erected at the same time. This rule must be observed strictly. Absolutely all the seams, both horizontal and vertical, are mandatory are melted with glue-foam or mortar.

Deciding with the friend and purchasing the necessary tools, building materials, you can begin the construction of walls of ceramzite-concrete blocks.

Preparation of the foundation

First of all, it is necessary to carry out the foundation waterproofing. For this, the concrete is placed in front of referenced, glassizol or other coated rolled material, which is fixed with a thin layer of cement mortar. If you need to raise the base, then it can be formed from brick or FSB.

Preparation of material

During masonry, you will need both the blocks and semi-blocks. Therefore, it is advisable to make a friend in advance and cut the CBB of the desired size, as well as decompose the stacks of one-piece elements along the walls for the speed and convenience of mounting.

Laying of ceramzite concrete blocks

The masonry always starts with an angular (reference) point. A line or cord is stretched between adjacent angles, which will serve as a level for the wizard.

The solution is applied with a solution with a layer of at least 1 cm, the unit is fitted and the grooves are adjusted to the extreme stone in the row.

Excessive solutions are removed, simultaneously the seam immediately. Its type depends on the type of planned facade processing or its absence.

Do not forget that you need to constantly check the level of how correctly the block is laid, because any error is impossible to correctly fix the solution.

After every 4-6 rows, the reinforcing grid is fixed with a solution.

Combined puzzle ceramzite concrete blocks are stacked without vertical seams with a mandatory dense fit. Glue-foam is applied with two thin strips on sides and the base, the block is applied on top and is adjusted. The right erected wall does not need facade work.

After the walls are ready, you can proceed to insulation and facade facing. The amount of insulation depends on the thickness of the walls and the coefficient of thermal resistance. Total (that is, including internal and external cladding) it should be equal to 3.

A good example of masonry of ceramzite-concrete blocks, see the video below:

If you use combined ceramzite-concrete blocks - see the video, since the installation process is radically different from the usual masonry:

If the question is whether to put ceramzite-concrete blocks with your own hands or better hire experienced masters, the answer to it depends on your financial opportunities. When there is time and desire - everything is under power, the benefit of the CBB is a very lightweight material in the work.

One of the most popular building materials is a ceramzite concrete. Several screeds are made of it, poured with its use of walls and partitions.

Most often, blocks are made from this material - individual elements created to build structures.

The thickness of the wall of ceramzite-concrete blocks can be different. This parameter depends on the size of the product itself, for what purposes the unit is used and on what location you use it.

Features of ceramic concrete blocks and material properties

Keramzit blocks have good thermal conductivity

Ceramzite is a natural material that is made of carbon clay by firing at high temperatures, resulting in separate fractions. The smaller the fraction, the higher the value of the material.

The product itself has good thermal conductivity indicators, it is often used, insulating them the floors of buildings and frame walls of the walls. But most often with the addition of clayjit and concrete produce blocks that are very popular with both professional builders and ordinary people planning to build their own homes.

Ceramzit concrete blocks are densely concrete structures

It can be created both on specialized enterprises, and on their own, most importantly, have appropriate forms for filling the product and know the proportions and production technology. This material has certain characteristics with which it can be found in detail in the table below.

The construction of partitions and walls from ceramzite concrete blocks is popular with each day. In addition, the blocks have good thermal conductivity indicators, they are quite easily mounted and have excellent performance properties.

The block structures of the carrier wall and various partitions are mounted much faster than bricks and have a smaller value (by the cost of material). Despite the fact that visually, brick seems a more holistic product, the density of the blocks from the ceramzite concrete is much higher.

The product under consideration most often produced two types:

  • partition unit;
  • wall.

The ceramzite concrete block, designed for the outer and bearing walls, is created in size of 390 x 190 x 188 mm, and the product intended for creating partitions between rooms in rooms is 390 x 190 x 90 mm. By purchasing ceramzite-concrete blocks, as a material for the construction of outdoor walls of houses and various buildings, one factor should be taken into account that it includes all environmentally friendly materials that do not distinguish harmful impurities.

Selection of masonry for the outer wall of the house

In colder areas, use thicker blocks

Almost every owner when building her house faces the question: "What thickness to do an outer wall?", The unambiguous answer to it is not always simple. Since its thickness depends on the masonry, which is used in the construction of the structure. The masonry, in turn, is different in different regions of the country, depending on the climatic features.

In addition, not always the outer wall is created only from clay blocks. In the cold regions of the country, so that the minimum wall thickness is used by combined masonry. In addition to blocks, various (stone wool, polystyrene foam) and brick are involved in them.

Only after the final choice of the masonry variant should begin to calculate the thickness of the ceramzite concrete wall.

Outdoor masonry should be 40 cm thick

There are certain postulates and rules that should always be taken into account and comply with the organization of walls from clay blocks. These include:

  • when laying out the supporting wall by conventional, the outer masonry must be at least 40 cm thick;
  • if the rooms are laid out with large blocks of ceramzite concrete size of 590 x 290 x 200 mm, then the outer wall is erected with a thickness of 60 cm, and the insulation is stacked into special gaps.

When choosing and forming a wall cake, each owner should consider such a parameter as the thermal conductivity coefficient. It has each building material used to build walls.

How to perform the calculation of the wall thickness?

Calculation of the thickness of the base depends on the coefficient of thermal conductivity

For self-erection of a building a little know , how the outer wall will be built, and from which materials it will be produced, it follows, to each owner to learn to perform the calculations of the thickness of the structure. They may differ significantly depending on the construction of the construction and parameters of the materials used.

The main parameters for calculating the thickness of the outer walls are the thermal conductivity coefficient and the heat transfer resistance coefficient.

The thermal conductivity coefficient λ has each material depending on the thickness of the product used. The heat transfer resistance coefficient is referred to as RRUG, and directly depends on the locality where the structure will be erected. For each region there is its own coefficient, it can be found in various construction documentation (LEDs and GOSTs).

The thickness of the wall is indicated as Δ and equals:

Δ \u003d λ * rreg. Read more about how to lay walls from blocks, see this video:

Our country has certain established orders that many builders are adhered to, elevating houses from ceramzite concrete blocks. They believe that the walls of this material in the northern regions should be at least 60 cm, in the central - 40-60 cm, and in the southern 20 - 40 cm.

Summing up the written material, it should be said to build the structure, you need to qualitatively calculate all parameters, including the thickness of the walls of the ceramzite concrete.

This material is now used in construction more often than many others, therefore it is worth "digging" in the literature and find the required values, if the goal is to create a reliable and warm home.

The necessary and sufficient wall thickness of the CBB. Need your opinion.

For example, I am not less than the CBB, it was interested in a polybobeton block
Production in Ufa.
I really want to hear the opinion of those who built such a material, or live in it.
That's what I pulled out from the manufacturer's site of this material:

Technology "Polystyrevbeton"

Polystyrevbetone (GOST R 51253 - 99) is a kind of lightweight concrete having a homogeneous cellular structure and possessing the lowest density - from 150 kg / m3 (there are more well-known gas-silicate concrete concrete at 2 or more times). The material was developed for about 25 years ago in the NIIZHB, and was created, first of all, in order to exclude from the design of the outer wall such short-lived insulation as mineral wool plates, as well as such non-technological materials as foam.


* Polystyrene belongs to the difficult-scale materials, has a combustibility group - G1
* Density (according to GOST R51253-99) from 150 to 600 kg / m3
* Frost resistance from F 100 or more
* Flowing characteristics from 0.5 to 2.5 (500-600 kg / m3)
* Tensile strength - a class of 12.5 (for lightweight concrete on porous aggregates)
* The coefficient of thermal conductivity - in the range from 0.55 to 0.12 W / m C0

Areas of use

* Monolithic thermal insulation of walls, floors, attic, roofing, in wellwork, frame structures with non-removable (left) formwork, etc.
* Hollow elements for collecting-monolithic walls
* Full and hollow blocks
* Puzzle partitions
* Plates of insulation of facades and roofs, etc.
* Small architectural forms
* Outdoor insulating joint panels


With the output of GOST R 51253-99, polystyrene bontoon began to be actively used in civil and housing construction.

In addition, over the past 20 years, a number of regulatory documents on polystyrene mixtures and products have been issued in our country:

* Polystyrevbetone TU 65UsSR152-81
* Single-layer wall panels from polystyrene bonts - TU 69-329-85
* Roofing thermal insulation monolithic polystyrene - TU 67-983-85
* Coating of buildings from steel profiled flooring with thermal insulation from monolithic polystyrene and roll roof TU 110-024-88
* Three-layer wall panels from polystyrene polystone TU 480-2-140-92
* Building blocks hollow polystyrene bonts TU 5741-0110319659-93
* Blocks made of polystyrene walls Small - TU 5741-008-04779210-95

To compare polystyrene concrete with foam concrete, a deplete concrete is that the only advantage of foam concrete blocks is a relatively low price, but:
Unlike polystyrene polybetone, foam concrete blocks have several negative qualities:

1. The initial raw material for foaming in foam concrete blocks is used by the serum of cattle, which attracts various rodents that destroy your dwellings and traumating your loved ones.

2. In foam concrete, increased water permeability (it is sinking in water), so it is subject to destruction with a repeated effect of a negative temperature on moisture inside the block and how it is known to water dramatically reduces the thermal insulation quality of the insulation.

3. Foam concrete is very fragile, even with a small effect of dynamic load - it is destroyed. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the transportation of blocks (during the carriage of foam concrete - losses reach 7-10%), and in the presence of special packaging, leads to the appreciation of the material.

4. Since foam concrete is 1.5 - 2 times more severely polystyrene, labor costs are increasing for construction work.

5. The thermal conductivity of any wall material is absolutely linearly dependent on its specific gravity, i.e. The wall is 800 mm made of foam concrete and weighing 800kg / m3 and a wall of 400mm from polystyrene bulb weighing 400kg / m3 by thermal insulation are similar, i.e. Winning on the weight of the wall 2 times. And, accordingly, the pressure on the foundation increases by 2 times, and the imaginary savings on the cheap construction material turns the ultimately into tangible material losses.

Estimated heat engineering indicators of building materials and products

The data are presented on the basis of "Code of Rules for thermal Protection of Buildings

SP 23 - 101 - 2004. " The calculated coefficients of thermal conductivity under operating conditions in the zone "A" on SNiP 23-02.

The thermal insulation characteristics of the polystyrene bonts of the D200 brand and the mineral wool slab of PPH 200 are the same, but:

The warranty period of operation of PPH 200 provided by the manufacturer - 5 years. And the longevity period is polystyrene - these are dozens of years. It does not fit from time. Water passes through insulation of polystyrene bonts through, as through a solution, so a small warmed plot sweeps directly in the disorder of waterproofing. The monolithic insulation is polystyrevbetone does not have seams, which means that cold bridges. The insulation of polystyrenebetone can be freely walking, i.e. An attic room can be operated.

All of the above, is direct proof of the indisputable advantage of polystyrene beeton over foam concrete, aerated concrete and such traditional material as a brick.

The choice is yours!
Technology "Lava" "

Good day,

There is a box of the house, without windows and doors, without the facade, without inner plaster, under the roof (area of \u200b\u200b205 m2) from soft tiles, roof with drains, removal of ravery in storm sewer. The plot on which the house has a low cov, the soil 30-40 cm fertility, then large sand. Dry plot.

The foundation, monolithic ZBB, 30 cm, 2 reinforcement level A12. The foundation is finely brewed, in the level with the surface of the soil.

On the plate there is a box of CBB block, a volatile, manufacturer test protocol:

Your test protocol (gave to the laboratory), I apply. Protocols precisely on a hollow unit, that is, it was fully crushed under the press - specially ordered such a test.

As they said, the block stood up the load of 57 tons.

Block Parameters - Length 590 Width 290 Height 200 mm. The walls are laid on the solution, which was obtained from cement 400 of the brand C in proportion 1: 3, 1: 4.

The masonry was reinforced every third row, A6 reinforcement, 2 bar.

The first floor has a masonry height (all inner walls of 290 mm wide) taking into account the seams - 3.3 m, then Armopoyas goes on all walls, 20 cm high. Total 7 rods of A12, 4 from below and 3. That is, the height of the first floor is approximately 3.5 m.

The finishing floor of the first floor begins with the level of +60 cm. From the surface of the plate. Sex Pie Pie: Sand 35 cm, 15 cm Epps, 9 cm. Screed with TP. It turns out that the first three blocks serve as a pseudocol.

After armopoyas of the first floor, wetting plates of overlapping, 220 mm height. The weight of 1 m2 plate is 300 kg. The stove keeps the load of 1,500 kg / m2 - specially ordered such :)

After the frontones are coming from blocks of 290 mm wide and the roof itself from soft tiles, while the roof is not insulated.

All jumpers over doorway monitol, all windows are connected under Armopleyas.

Drawings of all floors apply. All windows with a height of 1.6 m. All openings 2m high. Cuba Blocks Weight - 800kg / m3.

I took a snip on the armamathen designs, because The strength of the block itself is already known, it did not take into account the voids. Calculated on Table 5, the M35 brand M35 per solution M50 was obtained 10 kg / cm2. Multiplied by 0.8 to notice,

because A block of ceramzitobetone and received 8 kg / cm2. It turned out that in the meter of the wall 2900 cm2, the total meter of the wall should carry a load of 23300 kg. But other settings of the masonry no longer took into account!

2. The second question concerns the use of the CBB of the block as a pseudocol. That is, the walls of the house begin with the surface of the plate, the stove in roving is turned off. Outside: Stove Forest (30 cm)

and the lower part of the wall (60 cm) is closed with EPPS 100 mm as insulation + from above PVC banner. Next, the scene is covered with sand. It turns out that with the outside of the CBB, the EPPS is closed, and with the inner there is a floor, 60 cm thick.

The masonry from the plate separates the waterproofing, the end of the plate was labeled with mastic. Frost resistance of the unit, as the manufacturer F50 clarified. Everyone is frightened that the base must be laying out the brick and the use of a void CBB unit cannot be used.

But this is essentially the base and with the apparatus side there is no contact with soil + plot is always dry and very low CE. I worry, as if over time, this pseudocol level did not begin to fall apart, but it seems to be closed and there is nothing to wet.

What recombosis can you give? And how bad is it in my case?

I apply the pictures of the scene.