Repairs Design Furniture

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacturer of the ship model. Drawings of ships from plywood: materials, preparation for work, cutting and assembly of parts, final finish drawings of simple models

Element of water at all times of Manila's desperate travelers, brave sailors and fearless pirates. Swang over the waves and watch, as new horizons open in front of you, this is the most amazing thing that could be in life. In order to go swimming, you need to build a ship with your own hands. Let it be not so huge as "Titanic", most importantly, that you have created it yourself.

Everyone probably has (or was) a favorite thing, who is not sorry to devote free time. Someone has a collection of brands, someone is engaged in photography, someone likes to cook, knit, draw, ... and so on, just do not list.
One of my favorite things, and simply put the hobby, are. This news is dedicated to them.

After that, you can leave the "skeleton" to dry and make a deck covering.
Everything is not as easy as it seems from the side - the coating board must be laid in a specific figure. You can of course and just lay long planks, but it will look rather rude ...

After that, the deck (or deck, if it is alone) putting on the place laid and the first corps begins. Usually the ship model is covered twice - the first casing of the blacks, it is made of very soft wood.
One after another plank is attached to the "skeleton" with the help of glue and small carnations, which will remove when the glue dries.

Work is fine, the bar is not always easily bent and can break.

After painstaking work, the entire body is covered with the first layer!

Now you need to close the slots between the straps and how to sick.

Then you can proceed to facial trim. You need to be extremely careful - the planks are much thinner than draft and easily break.

The technology is the same - glue and cloves.

You can imagine the amount of work (the ship in the photo, Victoria, a length of 1300 mm.) ...

Assembly of the HMS Victory model I described in 17 reviews, everyone wishing to read - Welcome!

And this model, probably, the most famous ship in the world - "Santa Mary" (in the process of assembly, of course).

After the second lifting is over and sideways, it is possible to cover everything with varnish. And then they will take a deck - ladder, boats, hatches, ...
Almost all the details are made of wood and brass. There is no plastic in principle.

Exterior details are no less important.
Well, after the case is finished, starting a rigger.
But before that you need to install masts and rei.

Each nodule is tied with hands (those nodes :-).
And the nodules of these just the uncountable amount!
Sails need to be pre-flashing. At Santa Mary, they still needed to paint.

If the set is not included in the set, then it is possible to give the will of its fantasy.
For example, Santa Mary stand I made a piece of oak parquet.

And only then when the most last nodule is tied, the ship can be readily read!
You can proudly put it on the most prominent and on the enthusiastic "Wow!" Guests, having having a glance, say, "Yes, I myself did ...".

Wooden ships and sailboats

For many, the prefabricated model of ships is something more than the usual hobby and an interesting occupation. This is, first of all, the possibility of self-expression, the way to realize your talents and, along with this, to distract and go to dreams. Regardless of whether the battle is a ship, a modern yacht, or a military galleon - each vessel personifies all the power and splendor of marine expanses.
Desktop wooden ships have excellent decorative qualities, they cannot but not love. Therefore, wooden models of ships always become a decent decoration of any room, be something working room, or a homemade living room.

To work on each model of the ship you will need enviable patience and accuracy. But, the result of painstaking labor is the collected model, which will be a well-deserved subject of your pride.

Vehicles made of wood for beginners

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Universal Ship Series: 80618 1/135 Blounose II
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Wooden ship model, fishermen schooner bluenose II. Laundered in 1921 in New Scotia. This fisherman of Shhun acquired fame after numerous victories conquered in classic races. Recommended by novice model stores.

Universal Ship Series: 80615 1/100 Flyer
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Wooden model of the pilot ship on 1/100, Flyer. This American shopping ship, which was known for his speed characteristics, why was converted to a combat ship, after which it was used as a coast guard ship during the American Revolution and War of 1812. This is a whale of a universal series from Constructo, easy enough to assemble and recommended by novice model stores.

Universal Ship Series: 80616 1/100 Union
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Union Brigantine model, sailing two-way ship with square sails. Such ships were very common during the 18-19 centuries, were used as trading or light warships, as well as served as coast guard ships on a small distance from the shore. The model is recommended for novice model stores.

Universal Ship Series: 80702 1/55 Albatros Sailing Ship
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Albatros is a model of a sailing ship built in 1899 at the Stapels of Holland, as well as a clipper of the North Sea, one of the oldest sailing ships that are so far, one of the main advantages of which is the ability to be in the sea at extremely adverse weather conditions.

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The model of the sailing ship, the reproduction of the Spanish Frigate The Carmen, built in 1861. Recommended by model stores with minor experience.

Artesania Latina.
Universal Ship Series: 20145 1/35 Bremen Krabben Kutter
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The first shrimp vessel appeared in 1898 and was virtually intended for work in the North Sea, these vessels began to be equipped with 8-10 strong engines and accounted for about 10 meters long. Bremen Krabben Kutter, a small shrimp caress, built in 1953 in a small shipbuilding plant of Germany.

Universal Ship Series: 22299 1/80 J.S. Elcano W / ABS Hull & Tools
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Wooden copy of the boat model on 1/25, Bounty Jolly, from the notorious historic HMS Bounty ship, which became famous thanks to the feat of people overcoming on three small ships on the ocean, a distance of 3,600 miles.

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Universal Ship Series: 22445 1/35 Bremen Fishing Cutter W / Tools
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A large-scale copy of the shrimp shrimp of Bremen Krabben Kutter, a small ship built in 1953 in a small Shipbuilding Plant of Germany. Set for the assembly of a ship with tools.

In the modeling of plywood is the most sought-after material. This is due to high quality indicators, as well as ease of work. The plywood sheets are very easy to cut, quite simply processed. Using the appropriate scheme (drawing), you can make ships from plywood with your own hands.

Plywood is a universal material that is easy to cut and processes in various ways, so it is precisely from plywood chroopers to begin its acquaintance with modeling.

The design of the ship is independently a fairly interesting occupation. But in order to start performing complex models, it is necessary to work on lighter.

Materials and tools

To create patterns from stucco on board the ship, you need to prepare on your own composition from which you can form reliefs. For the solution it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • wood dust;
  • pVA glue (on average one model of the ship can go around half liter of glue);
  • plasticine to create small irregularities and patterns;

Materials and tools that are used during ship modeling:

Birch plywood will provide a minimum number of chipping during sawing.

  • plywood required thickness;
  • super glue;
  • paper emery for surface treatment;
  • thread kapron;
  • lobzik for cutting parts;
  • construction knife;
  • wood for mast. It is better to use pine, as it is much easier to handle;
  • paint;
  • brushes small sizes;
  • chinese sticks;
  • fabric for sails;
  • a thread;
  • pencil ruler.

Wood for modeling should be used soft, not fibrous. The most popular option is cedar, linden, nut. All wooden blanks must be perfectly smooth, without bitch and damage. It can be used as an additional item to create decorative parts. Also, wood can be used to create the main elements of the model, such as deck, housing.

Plywood in modeling is the most popular material. In this direction, as modeling, most often use birch or balsa fan. This is due to the fact that these tree breeds practically do not give chips during sawing. To make a boat from plywood, it is necessary to use sheets thick in the range of 0.8-2 mm.

Simple scheme of the model of the ship from plywood.

Veneer - sheet material, very thin, manufactured from wood of valuable rocks. In most cases, the veneer is used as a facing material. It is covered with products that are made from inexpensive material.

Fasteners will be performed not only the main task to fasten the parts, but also to perform a decorative role. To create a model, a ship must prepare subtle chains (you can use several sizes), laces, threads, copper or brass cloves. In order to transfer the drawing from the sheet on Faneru, it is best to use tracing and pencil. So the drawing will be detailed. For fastening parts of plywood, you need to use glue. Fine detailing can be made by metal casting method, use polymer clay or independently prepare a solution of wood dust and PVA glue. After complete drying, such a lot is very strong, and it can be painted in the desired color.

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Preparatory work

If the ship from plywood is simulated for the first time, it is recommended to purchase sets in which all parts are already cut and processed. But its cost can sometimes be high enough. Therefore, with a big desire and efforts, experience can be obtained in the process of holding work on the assembly of your ship. Modeling, like another type of work, begins with the preparatory stage. The first thing to start work is what ship will be modeled. To begin with, it is worth viewing various drawings and ready-made work, it will greatly facilitate the choice of model.

Having studied a fully drawing, it is worth checking for all the necessary materials and tools for performing work. Model ships is a jewelry business. It requires a lot of time and amplitude.

At the preparatory stage it is necessary to make paper or cardboard templates of all parts. After that, they are all transferred to Phaneur. On this preparatory stage of work can be considered completed.

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Production of details

In order to make all the details, cut them out of the plywood sheet, you must use the appropriate tool. It is possible to use a manual junk for work, but if there is a possibility, it is better to use an electrical model option. Using the second option will significantly reduce the time for the manufacture of all items. This is especially true of the smallest details.

Dropped blanks are treated with a file, removing chips and burrs.

In order to cut the part, a hole is made in the plywood, which is located in the jigsawlet. Cut all the details is very careful, while observing all the contour boundaries, since inaccurately cut parts can then spoil the appearance of the entire ship. Each dubbed billet must necessarily be treated with a file with ends. In the process of such a strip, it is necessary to remove a small part of the chamfer, where chips and burrs were formed. When drinking this moment is impossible to avoid.

You need to collect the ship when all parts are cut, and the ends are processed. This will make it possible to engage in assembly works without being distracted by cutting the missing parts.

For lovers of models, sheets made of compressed and cursed wooden veneer have always been one of the most sought-after materials. They easily cut, perfectly processed, drawings of ships from plywood is easy to find on the network, and therefore it is from plywood patterns that many masters begin to be familiar with the modeling of various vessels.

Making models with their own hands - the task is very difficult, requiring significant luggage of knowledge and a certain skill. In the article we will only tell me about the most basic techniques, and you will overturn further skill.

Materials for work

If you want to make a small model of the ship, then you will need such materials:

  • Tree - cedar, linden, nut or other wood, preferably soft and not fibrous. Wood blanks must be smooth, without bitch and damage. Wood can be used both as a material for the main elements of the model (body, deck), and for small detail.
  • Plywood is perhaps the most demanded material. For shipyadodelism, either a balsa or birch is used, since it is these wood species that provide a minimum number of chipping during sawing. Model shippower, as a rule, has a thickness from 0.8 to 2 mm.

Note! The sheets of beech veneer of a small thickness are sometimes used as an alternative to birch: even though they are inferior in strength, but it is much easier.

  • Veneer - Thin Plates of Natural Tree Dear Breeds. As a rule, it is used for plywood, i.e. Blowing surfaces from an inexpensive material.
  • Fasteners - Thin chains, laces, threads, brass and copper cloves.

In addition, we will necessarily need adhesive for wood, cardboard and tracing tracing template, etc. Small detail is made of metallic casting. Alternatively, the metal can be used painted polymer clay.

Making a souvenir ship

Preparation for work

Any work begins with training, and simulation will in no case be an exception.

  • First you need to decide that we will build. If you have previously dealt with shipyard art, we recommend downloading the ship's drawings from plywood on the network: as a rule, they contain all the necessary information and even newcomer is understandable.

Note! Sets available kits that allow you to assemble a ship from finished parts. Newcomers such kits will be interesting (even though the price of most of them is very significant), but it is better to develop technology with Azov.

  • After analyzing the drawing, check whether everything you need is available. In principle, if something is missing, it will be possible to buy a little later, because the building of the ship (albeit a miniature) is an unprecedented matter!

  • Printing the drawing, make the templates of the main parts.
  • Templates are transferred on.

Cut and collect details

You can cut the blanks both using manual and using an electric model jigsaw.

The latter is more expensive, but you are less with him when cutting out small parts:

  • In the plywood sheet, we do the starting hole into which we insert the pylon or the lobby of the jigsaw.
  • Drink the item, trying to move exactly by the marked contour.
  • Dropped blank processing with a file, removing small chamfer across the edges and removing the inevitable chips and burrs.

Tip! Working on one element (deck, sides, keel, etc.), we immediately cut out all the details necessary for the assembly. So we will spend much less time, and work will move faster.

When everything is ready, we start assembling our ship.

  • Initially, the longitudinal beam - Kiel - we put on the transverse swarthhums. At the bottom of each spline, there is usually a groove for fixing on plywood keel.
  • For the compound, you can use standard glue, and you can - special adhesive mixtures intended for shipyadelism.
  • Top pieces of spline attacks to the deck. Simple deck models represents one sheet of plywood, and in difficult it can be multi-level.
  • After the glue on the spangles dry, begin to shock the boards with thin plywood stripes. The thickness of the material must be no more than 1.5 mm, since only in this case we can bend the trim without risk to damage it.
  • For bending, you can heat and moisten. After that, the material will be brought without difficulty, and over time - will acquire a stable form.

Note! Case under the color can be saved with a solid sheet. But it is better to use strips with a width to 10 mm wide to simulate a milking cover (depends on the scale).

  • Printed Phaneur fix clips and clamps and leave to dry.

Final finish

By and large, this joinery is completed, and art begins.

When the housing is assembled and dried, we need:

  • Make from fine plywood and fix deck superstructure.

  • Imagine boards in such a way that they performed over the plane of the deck.
  • The surface of the deck is caught with a wooden veneer or spread with a sewing, imitating a male covering.
  • Make and install all the small details like the steering wheel and the steering blade.
  • Secure masts with all additional devices (the so-called swing), install sails and stretch all this design using rigging threads.

Finally, all plywood parts need to be treated with a verse and squeeze. This will provide our souvenir for at least a couple of dozen years of security.


A simple shoe from plywood can do almost every one - enough patience and minimal skills to work with a jigsaw (read also an article). But if you want to implement a complex drawing with a lot of small details, then you have to work pretty. That is why we advise you to start with the easiest models, gradually increasing the skill!

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

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