Repairs Design Furniture

How to beat the vinyl wallpaper? How to glue vinyl wallpaper

Glue vinyl wallpaper is quite easy. They are very dense and they do not rob, do not twist from glue, will not be deformed when drying on the walls.

Even, even one who never glued wallpaper, can do it. You just need to know some of the project nuances and the room update will pass quickly and easily.

Most who came across the sticking of vinyl wallpaper know that they are sufficiently heavy. Severity occurs from the density of the canvas, but it is precisely this and provides a vinyl wallpaper to good moisture resistance. Thanks to this, they can be wiped with a damp cloth - absolutely not afraid of wet cleaning.

Often, many housewives have a feeling that due to their severity, vinyl wallpaper will be bad on the walls, but these all fears are in vain.

Feedback: Vinyl wallpaper I like most. My husband and I have chosen the wallpaper for a long time to shove and stopped only on vinyl wallpaper. The first question was like this: how to punish the vinyl wallpaper, because they say that they are heavy and difficult to glue. However, this is not all true. Booted the room quickly and easily. With vinyl wallpaper, it turned out to work easier than paper, as the paper is very easy to rush. See the main thing to be high-quality glue and do not regret it. Our hall completely transformed!

Probably everyone who makes repairs in an apartment or in the house, wants the walls to look beautiful. Therefore, it should not be bought up on the expensive wallpaper and the choice of glue for vinyl wallpaper should be justified.

Wallpaper It is necessary to glue only with the help of special glue, which you will definitely recommend in the store. Divide and prepare the adhesive mixture according to the instructions that are described on the package. Do not save on the glue, you will not lose much, but if you donate the expensive wallpaper, it will be a shame.

Cooking walls for sticking

First of all, you should clean the walls from old wallpapers, paints and necessarily from whitewash, if any. With the help of a solution or putty, close all cracks, chips and potholes.

Feedback: Yes, I also had problems with uneven walls in the hallway, so blended vinyl wallpapers and all the irregularities disappeared. Just beauty! Therefore, it is not necessary to steam if the walls are not perfectly smooth - the solution will be the vinyl wallpaper. And it is easy to glue, and the seams are unclear, and the error of the walls disappear. Beauty!

Previously, the wallpaper was glued to the plaster, and the walls were placed with the addition of large-grained sand and the surface of the plaster was in the end turned out to be coarse. In this case, the walls are needed to be primed up and sprinkled so that a smooth smooth surface is released, to which it is much more convenient to glue.

The smoothness of the surface is necessary to ensure that during gluing sheet, you can move it and correct if you went to the cosine, or the sheet unevenly lay on the wall plane. It is not necessary to apply glue for smooth walls. It is enough to apply a good layer on the wallpaper. On the floor, you will definitely spread the newspapers and roll on them and cut the wallpaper so as not to stain the front side. If the room is large, then you should not chop up all the wallpapers at once, but also change the newspapers under the wallpaper from time to time.

Cut the vinyl wallpaper for sticking

To begin with, we carefully measure the height of the wall not only in the place where you are going to start work, but also in other places. If the differences are small, then select the gold middle and proceed to cutting vinyl wallpaper. If somewhere before the floor, you will miss the length of the wallpaper - it is not scary all the shortcomings will hide under the plinths.

Very often, when cutting, you have to take into account the drawing, which is applied to them. Be sure to consider and cut the wallpaper so that your drawing coincides. Number the cut sheets of wallpaper, so that later the confusion does not go to the drawing and it is in order of numbering that the strips must be glued. I can add to the additives that vinyl is cool combined with PVC panels on the walls.

If there is no need to combine the pattern, then boldly cut the tubes of vinyl wallpaper, observing their height. Claper wallpaper is only in the order, in which you will be unsettled stripes. If you confuse the top and bottom, then the light from the window will be different in different ways, and this emboss will be noticeable.

Vinyl wallpaper label guide

Starting sticking only from the window or angle. It is necessary to glue the right hand over the room circle. Suppose we started glue vinyl wallpaper from the corner of the room. Take away from the corner of a strictly vertical line in width of wallpaper. It is necessary that your first leaf lay smoothly. All other wallpaper sheets will be glued in the first. And if you squeeze the first strip, the rest will also go and cut.

If you do not put the walls, the glue must be applied to the wall. It is worth the careful angle thoroughly, since such places are the most problematic when sticking.

Gently lift the wallpaper sheet with glue and starting with the top to attach it to the wall. Hang it so that the leaf sticks exactly and from the top begin to squeeze the air. When moving, use a roller or a conventional cloth. You can remove all excess glue to the same rag, which I will perform at the edges.

Everything needs to be done together - it is more convenient: one sticks the wallpaper from above, and the second helps to align the vertical sheet. But if you have no one to help not be discouraged - here is a wonderful instruction on sticking wallpaper alone.

Smoothing should be made from the center to the edges to drive the resulting air bubbles. The bubble is complicated and you can not drive it out - drop out of the strip and stick again. If it does not help, you can arm a pin. Press the resulting bubble and pressing the cloth smoothed this place.

The second strip of vinyl wallpaper is glued only into the joint with the previous one. Outlows do not need to do, otherwise it will be ugly. It is not necessary to strongly press the strip to each other, otherwise the joints after drying can take up. All glue that will perform in the place of the joints, immediately remove the rag. Do not be afraid that glue will hit the front side of the vinyl wallpaper, when drying it, it becomes transparent and you are notced to wallpaper.

Constantly control the verticality of the glued bands and only then proceed to sticking the next strip. I took advantage of the level, a very comfortable thing, in a circle of the room knocks off the level. And so we pass throughout the perimeter of the room. After the end of work in the room there should be no draft. Doors and windows must be closed. Otherwise, the wallpaper will simply go away from the walls.

At the end, I want to wish you pleasant works and the magnificent walls that you will do without any problems. Just take into account some points you need to know when sticking vinyl wallpaper and your walls will look irresistible.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper, preparation, sticking, working with corners.

In the previous article, we considered the types of vinyl wallpaper in detail:

Someone will say that sticking vinyl wallpaper is not much different from sticking wallpaper on a paper basis. But when you read this article, you will understand that there are a lot of differences. And if they are not fully taken into account, then wallpapers can disappear the next day, and you will have to do everything again, considering those nuances that you did not want to remember.


So, you will need to stock pretty serious list of tools. First, you need a special brush designed to primer the wall and subsequent application of glue on vinyl wallpaper. Further, instead of a sponge, it is better to take a roller to which the seams will ride. You will also need a special spatula that you will smooth out the wallpaper canvases, a soft sponge or cotton rack, which is removed by the glue of glue, the tassel that you will be sinking small wallpapers. In trivia, you need to have scissors, a knife for trimming, level, roulette, paper tape, a ruler, as well as a wooden spatula, which you will presser and separate the narrow parts of the wallpaper, for example, on the corners. Perhaps all.

Preparation of walls

Before walking the vinyl wallpaper, do the traditional preparation of the walls. You will need a special dry glue mixture for vinyl wallpaper, which you need to breed with water according to the instructions. Drink the walls with these glue over the entire surface. If you do not find the glue, you can stock ingestion of deep penetration, commonly widespread. Next, since the wallpaper is heavy and not too well passed air, the walls need to be treated with a fungicidal composition, protecting them from the appearance of mold fungus under the canvas. After drying the glue and composition, take the thread with the weight and sculpt the vertical line on the wall. It will be your guide for sticking the first wall cloth. At the end of the procedure, turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets.

Additional Information

If you do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and have never been involved in this before, it is desirable to have a number of man who, as they say, "know".

Wallpapers are glued only on a dry aligned surface, which is especially important for wide relief vinyl wallpaper. From the walls you need to remove an old coating. Cracks need to scream, align the surface.

You can check the dryness of the walls with a small piece of cellophane and painting scotch, which this cellophane will be glued to the wall. Leave the material at night. If water drops were formed on the inside of cellophane on the inside of cellophane, it means that the walls are not enough to glue vinyl wallpaper on them. We have to dry further.

The strength of the wall coating is checked using conventional tape. Stick a piece on the wall and drop sharply. Take a look at the inside of the scotch. If there are particles of plaster or old paint, it means you need to prepare the wall: remove old layers, to engage in primer and alignment.

Anyone who knows how to properly glue vinyl wallpapers will tell you that in the room in no case there should be drafts. Air conditioners, fans, open windows, all this is a terrible taboo! Drafts are welcome only after the glued wallpapers are completely dry.

Never glue new bulk coating on old. The latter must be completely removed from the wall. Water them with water, wait a bit, and then they will be filmed with a spatula without any problems.

Preparation of wallpaper

Cut wallpapers on the walls in the height of the wall, but with a 10-centimeter allowance about the supply. If you cut vinyl wallpaper with a silk screen or a common pattern, then you first need to choose the drawing of the adjacent canvases with the maximum coincidence. Wallpaper stripes fold down the drawing down. Each stack should consist of 10 wallpapers, no more. And each strip must be moved towards the neighboring at least 1.5 centimeters. It is best to take meter wallpapers that allow you to minimize the problems with the selection of pattern and the right cut.

How is glue apply?

Vinyl wallpaper glue only jack. This means that the panels should not find one thing. After drying the primer on the wall, you can proceed to the process of sticking. Initially, apply glue to that section of the wall, where the first cloth will be located. Stick the canvas on the wall, mark the following and glue it. The sequence of actions is repeated until the end of the work.

Additional Information

With glue, it is necessary to work very carefully, since negligent attitude will lead to the intake of adhesive composition on the front side of the wallpaper.

Give the mixed glue to sweep carefully, defending it for 5-10 minutes after kneading. This rule is necessarily prescribed in the instructions.

Read the information on the roll of vinyl wallpaper. It is possible that the glue needs to be applied not only on the wall, but also on the wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Technology of correct gluing. Alone shook wallpaper will not work. Only double. And even faster - threesome. One worker stands on a stepladder or on a chair and applies the top edge of the canvas to the wall. Another employee holds the bottom end of the floor strip on the floor, combining the edge of the wallpaper with the designated vertical line. Next, an easy pressure of the wallpaper strip is carried out to the base, after which the air bubbles are supplanted with the help of the brush. The brush is working from top to bottom and from the axis towards the edges. If you have noticed a glue from the edge of the canvas, quickly wipe it with a clean cloth, not a brush!

Cut the edge

Printing wallpapers under the ceiling and in the field of plinths, you need to remain extra material, clipped by the line of the knife. At the same time, the lower edge of the band should go to the plinth about 5 millimeters. Trimming wallpaper is made only with a sharp knife. If the blade is blunt, it will bloom or stop the wallpaper, not yet dried by glue. In the process of trimming, you regularly change the rapid blade.

Plintus canvas

If you did not remove the plinth before starting work, insert the bottom edge of the wallpaper between the wall and the plinth. The remaining part is cut and sticks the strip from above, which will allow to close the seam and the upper part of the plinth. I strongly recommend removing the plinth before sticking wallpaper so that it does not interfere with you. At the end of the sticking, it is naked or put back.

Gluing top

The ceiling edge of the wallpaper canvas must be subjected to 5 centimeters to protect the ceiling from glue. After that, the wallpaper is pressed on top to the wall and smoothed down the book with a brush. Other canvases are linked. If you glue the wallpaper not up to the ceiling (for example, you have paint or plaster on the top of the wall), then you need to note the top border of the blending area on the wall. This should be done throughout the perimeter of the room. The band will help you navigate in the course of work.

Work with corners

In the corners you need to leave extra vinyl wallpapers to the depth of the existing niche, taking into account the allowance. After that, cuts are made from above and below, and the cloth is bended behind the angle by the method of climbing. Next, the wallpaper is neatly cut off, and in the corners of the place of overlapping the panels and joints strongly pressed against the wall, providing a dense gluing. I note that at the corners of the room, the wobbly canvas should enter the other side of the maximum of 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, on the other wall, the first canvas is glued from the corner itself, closing the previous 3-4 centimeters.

Sockets, Switches, Batteries

Behind the batteries, the walls should be covered by about 10-20 centimeters, no more. Climbing wallpapers to the wall is carried out using a narrow roller equipped with a long handle. They can work both beyond the battery (from above, bottom, side) and through radiator ribs. Near switches and sockets Wallpapers are not cut in advance. They are glued directly on the holes. Only after drying the adhesion can be cut.

General information on wallpaper sticker:

  • Metal or metallized wallpapers for walls, advantages.

Repairing housing, many face difficulties in shook wallpaper. Paper wallpapers every day lose their popularity, giving way to your vinyl brothers. Possessing spectacular design, waterproof wallpaper, resistant to ultraviolet rays and durable, can easily hide any wall defects. Such wallpapers are the perfect companion for a young family, allowing parents to do not make repairs in the children's room every year.

Due to the uniqueness of the production technology of vinyl, the surface of such types of wallpaper, can visually imitate natural fabrics and materials like: skin, wood, marble and silk. Its only drawback, perhaps, is that when lubricating glue, they are easily stretched, and when the glue dries, the wallpaper is losing the shape and compress.

Therefore, the more quickly you will glue them, the less defects can be seen in the work performed. But before proceeding to repair, you need to know what the main advantage of vinyl as material and technology how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

Such canvas are made of foamed polyvinyl, which gives the material to the material, which, in combination with increased density and a variety of texture, it allows you to hide defects on the surface.

A variety of colors, textures and manufacturers will allow the choice individually, in accordance with the taste of the owner. The possibility of painting vinyl wallpaper, being a kind of bonus, allows you to show fantasy and arrange the walls in an exclusive and exquisite style.

Vinyl (polyvinyl chloride, or abbreviated PVC) - transparent colorless plastic, characterized by chemical resistance to acids, solvents, alkalis, not burning in air and characterized by small frost resistance to -15 0 C, pasted on a paper base.

To date, there are two variants of vinyl material: on paper and flieslinic basis. In wallpapers on paper, the bottom layer is made of paper, and the upper - from polyvinyl chloride.

How to choose and glue vinyl video wallpaper

Preparation of wallpaper

The preparation process began, in fact in the building of building materials at the moment when the color, pattern, as well as the corresponding area, the number of rolls was selected. All further recommendations will concern the purely process of cutting rolls and docking the drawing. Cutting vinyl wallpapers are starting only after combining the pattern. It should be closely monitored that the subsequent canvas combined with the previous one.

Preparation of glue

Following the instructions, spread glue. It is necessary to take a clean capacity, the amount of cold clean water indicated in the instructions. Working a drill with a nozzle-mixer, should slowly deposit it into the water. It is categorically not recommended to immediately pour all the dry glue, it is important to do it gradually that lumps formed in the mixed substance. Mixing the entire pack, let him stand a little, then mix thoroughly again. The consistency should not be too thick.


To the most responsible stage of repair, how to glue vinyl wallpaper should be approached with maximum seriousness and painstaking. Since the blades of vinyl wallpaper find each other, the joints will be invisible. Therefore, you need to combine the cloth with maximum accuracy.

To begin with, we make a markup, drawing a smooth vertical line on the wall, which will be your point of reference. It is desirable that the first cloth glue from the window. The glued wallpapers are cut to the bottom with the bristle with a bristle brush. To avoid the formation of bubbles, the brush must be moved from the center to the edges of the cloth.

All subsequent bands of vinyl wallpapers are glued in the previous one. Excess glue is categorically not recommended to wipe the wet rag. Drafts should be avoided, maintaining the average temperature in the past room.

To qualitatively and properly glue the wallpaper in the corners, the wizard wizard is advised not to bend all the cloth for pasting at the place of the wall of the walls. It is undesirable to combine two solid cloths in one corner. The optimal for the angle is the sticker of a solid strip with an adhesive 3 to 5 centimeters.

How to save vinyl video wallpaper economically and quickly

It is necessary to cut over the excess from above and below when you were convinced that bubbles were not formed on the overall wallpaper. Having found a bubble, it is necessary to quickly pierce it with a needle, squeeze the air out of it and carefully press the wallpaper tightly glued to the surface.

Sticking vinyl wallpapers in hard-to-reach places

Problem zones when sticking finishing material for walls are windows, doors, eaves, plinths and radiators. However, the most difficult to work the plot are electrical outlets and switches. To gently and properly glue the wallpaper in this area, you need:

  1. disable electricity indoors;
  2. remove all electrical outlets in places where wallpapers will be glued. It is important then to remember their location so that after sticking, they do not have to look for them under the tunnel;
  3. glue the wallpaper;
  4. make cruciform cuts in the area of \u200b\u200bswitches and sockets;
  5. corners in the locations of the cuts, bend inside, under the circuit breaker (socket);
  6. install switches and sockets in place.

If you decide to reinforce theoretical knowledge in practice, but so far we are afraid to start repairing yourself, then, watching a video material on our website will avoid many troubles related to sticking wallpaper.

How to glue the video wallpaper

In conclusion, I wanted to wish all the beginners and wise masters of repair, they are not afraid to take the vinyl. If you delve into all the subtleties of this difficult, but an exciting business, then you will understand that it is not so difficult to glue the vinyl wallpaper as it may seem at first glance. As they say - the eyes are afraid, and the hands do!

Before glue the vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you need to know how to do it rightly, so that they will rejoice at their appearance. In addition, wall pasting with wallpaper of this type requires a separate approach due to the characteristics of the material. Therefore, it is worth knowing about it.

In essence, it is a vinyl film applied to a paper base or fliesline. Such canvas are produced in 3 types:

  • silkography;
  • foamed vinyl.

Vinyl wallpaper is very durable, unlike paper. Depending on the quality, they can be the most environmentally friendly wallpaper. But in this case, when choosing it is worth paying attention to the brand.

Preparatory work

Before glue vinyl wallpaper, the walls of the room need to be treated with primer. Especially carefully, it is necessary to walk in the corners. If there is an old coating, then it must be removed, and to align the surface and sharpen. After that, wait about 2 days. Then pollute the walls and apply primer. As a soil can be used wallpaper glue.

After the progress of the walls, it is necessary to wait at least 2 hours. In the meantime, it should be removed all the outdoor parts of the sockets and switches and prepare. To prevent a short circuit, you should deafening the room. In addition, you must close all windows and doors.

Nuances when pasting the room with vinyl canvases

Some are asked: how to beat the wallpaper correctly if the drawing is required. In this case, it is best to check the pattern, applying to the previous strip, and cut off the unnecessary, from below, leaving a small supply.

But if the drawing is not required, the canvas of the required length can be chopped immediately, with a slight margin of 5-10 cm. This stock may be useful if the ceiling and floor are alone, as a result of which the walls can differ in height. By the way, when sticking in the corners, this stock is best to wear, so that there is an opportunity to produce a smooth cut in the future.


Start the walls of the walls are best from the corner opposite the window. At the same time, it is originally necessary to mark width, minus 1-2 cm, with a laser level. When placing the room with wallpaper, this device is indispensable and very convenient. If the angles are not perfectly aligned, then the line should be shifted towards the angle so that the first strip completely closed it.

Before sticking wallpaper near radiators, they need to be turned off to reduce the probability of deformation of cloths during drying. Under the radiator it is recommended to start a 10-20 cm wallpaper.

Wall pastry

To apply glue on wallpaper, you will need a roller and brush. The glue is optimally distributed throughout the canvase, and the brush is processed by the edges. Moreover, the latter is preferably preferably twice: before applying glue to everything cloth and after. Then you need to re-treat the wall (it is especially thoroughly done in the corners) with adhesive composition.

In order for the blending of vinyl wallpaper to be more comfortable, the cloth is better to fold the harmonica four. The upper edge must be started for a couple of centimeters on the ceiling or baguette and align it in accordance with the linen marked. Then, with the help of a plastic spatula or rubber roller, you need to completely smooth out the canvas, kicking out bubbles. It is allowed to piercing a bubble needle. Excess glue should be collected by clean white rag.

In the same way, we stick the remaining vinyl wallpapers. It is important to know that the canvas on a paper basis, in contrast to the phliselinic, is slightly stretched, so it should stick it with 1-2 mm, otherwise, after drying, the canvas may disperse in the joints of the joint. With such wallpaper, it is necessary to work very carefully. Among other things, at the place of the joint you need to be additionally walking with a small roller.

How to Choke Angles

The corners of the room are a special difficulty for sticking wallpapers. Here you can apply two ways. The first is a mustache. At the same time, the method is best stocking with glue for the edges. However, if the canvas are quite thick, then it is best to glue their jack and cut. For this, the strip starts to another brass, after which, on a small retreat from the edge, both canvas cut the vertical with a knife using a ruler. Then the surplus is removed from the walls, and the joint is rolled with roller.

But most often the corners are uneven. And it happens that on them just gets the most middle of the canvas. Of course, it is possible to cut the wallpaper in this case and docile again, with a small overlay. But you can go a little differently: do not cut the strip, but as you can stick more. It should be done so that all wrinkles go into corners. Next, wallpapers at these places should be carefully cut through with a sharp knife and glue the brand. So the drawing will continue, and the corners will look more aesthetically.

So that the upper and lower edges of the wallpaper were smooth, the trimming is carried out after sticking the strips. At the same time, if the vinyl wallpaper is quite thin, then the trimming is best carried out at the very end, after drying. If the canvas are thick, then it is better to do it right away. It is necessary to carry out trimming with a wide metal spatula and knife. In the corners it is better to use scissors.

Conditioning sockets and switches should be carried out using sharp scissors. At the same time, you need to focus on the frame of the switch, and not to the conversion.

To prevent fire hazardous situations, it is important that the vinyl wallpaper does not fall into the switch itself. The bending of the corners inside the opposition is unacceptable.

Warming windows and doors

When repairing the repair, with your own hands, special attention should be paid to window and doorway.

When the doors can be placed slightly, it should be a slightly wallpaper on platbands, followed by their cutting with a metal spatula and knife. But there will be better platbands carefully remove. At the same time, you should not shine the door at once on both sides.

When the windows are saved, you need to do as follows. If the window opening is perfectly smooth, you can place it in advance on the canvas or cut off the strip smoothly to the window line. However, in the latter case, it will still be necessary to pay attention to the corners of the window sill. But if the window opening is uneven, it is best to glue the cloth completely, avoiding the wrapping in the estimated point of the opening, after which it is cut into the place with an excess sharp scissors or a knife.