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What the breaking looks like. As the breaking is manifested in drug addicts. Sensations at different stages of breaking

If you do not have the appropriate medical care on time, you can die from breakdown. Brokes in drug-addicted in scientific is a drug abstinence syndrome. It begins to manifest themselves when refusing or reducing the dosage of the consumed psychotropic substance. Its intensity will be directly dependent on the duration of the drug intake and its species.


An abstinence syndrome in drug addiction is a set of mental, physical states that can be observed after the adoption of the last dose of psychotrop or with a decrease in the dosage, the transition to weaker drugs.

The breakdown of a drug addict requires mandatory assistance. This pathological state leads a person to a new dose, leading it on a closed circle. The power of manifestations will depend on the main activity of the drug, its ability to accumulate in the body and participate in vital activity.

Broke is an integral part of physical dependence. Any drug, getting into the body, is delivered to brain cells, where directly communicates with them. Most of the substances contained in drugs have the property of accumulating in tissues and organs. The substance becomes part of the organism, without which it refuses to exist normally. When it is gradually excreted, breaking begins. If its symptoms are not removed, the risk of breakdown even after a long abstinence. During the deadline, the body has time to be cleaned, therefore susceptibility to the drug will be stronger, and the adoption of the standard for the drug dosage can kill it.

How long is the breaking, directly connected with the composition of the hallucinogen. The most destructive consequences for human organism It carries the use of drug compounds of opiate rows and methadone. Symptoms of narcotic breakdown when canceling the latter can be observed for 2-3 months. Such a test manages to go completely not every. Weak drugs as such physical pains do not cause, but they affect the psyche, sometimes forcing people to make terrible acts in trying to get the desired dose.


Narcotic breakdown has its own symptoms. The clinical picture can help determine what type of drugs consumes a person. For all drug varieties, the following symptoms of breaking are common:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • pain in the whole body;
  • the feeling that someone is trying to break from the inside;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, causing strong dehydration;
  • tremor limbs;
  • convulsions similar to those in epileptic seizures;
  • abundant separation of mucus from the nose, tear;
  • sleep disorders, irritability, aggression;
  • the emergence of thoughts about his own closerness, helplessness.

As the manifestations of breaking are enhanced, the addict tries to protect against people. He perceives all, even the most relatives like enemies, inadequately reacts to them.


During the breakdown, the symptoms associated with the mental state prevail in narcinential from spice. A person becomes irritable, can fall into a deep depression. A characteristic sign of cancellation is a sharp change of mood from depressive, depressed, to sharply aggressive. In individuals who have canceled spice, there is often paranoid nonsense.

The muscular tone decreases drug addicted, it feels weak, trembling in the body. Sleepiness appears, sometimes pain in the joints. Broke begins 10-12 hours after stopping the consumption of substance. She will last for several days. It will not be more accurate to say, because the non-permanent composition of the substance for each organism will have a different effect. It is important whether detoxification was carried out which funds were used for this.


This drug, which is included in the group of nootropics, significantly enhances the effects of narcotic drugs, therefore is often used in conjunction with cannabis consumption. His reception is longer than the period described in the instructions, the dosage, prescribed by the doctor, leads to addiction. Cancellation syndrome occurs during long-term therapy, if additional measures are not used to eliminate mental disorders. The substance causes physical addiction, therefore the cancellation syndrome will be more manifested by somatic signs:

  • chills;
  • tremor limbs;
  • soreness when touching the skin;
  • sludging in the body.

The main drug effect of the drug is to reduce mental pressure, increased anxiety, improving sleep quality, regulation of nervous centers. With an abstinence syndrome, there is a significant deterioration in the patient's condition. Often note the appearance of suicidal inclinations. The duration of the abstinence syndrome depends on the dosage, the state of the patient himself.


In case of drug addiction, the most painful symptoms are manifested from methadone. After cancellation, the addict suffers from terrible pain. There is a feeling that they are trying to break from the inside. The convulsions begin, the persecution mania is mania from the psyche.

One of the features of the methadone is the ability not to accumulate in tissues and organs, but also to provide an antitussive and antiemetic effect. This state of affairs often leads to death as a result of poisoning or pneumonia, because mucus and toxins are not derived from the body.

Causes of state

Drug addiction develops persistent dependence on the psychological and physical level. Hallucinogen, getting into the body, is embedded in the process of its life, replacing neurotransmitters, which are responsible for the admission of nerve pulses from the brain to the rest of the body. As a result, the body completely ceases to develop many vital neurotransmitters. Nervous cells gradually die, resulting in brain activity, man begins to degrade. There are changes to the drugs identical to schizophrenics.

The connection between the cells of all organs is disturbed. As a result, the body turns into a set of cells and nerve impulses caused by a psychotropic substance.

Consequences for the body

It often happens that in the process of treating drug addiction, the patient dies from the abstineent syndrome or inflicted injuries. The breaking is accompanied by strong pain and psychological disabilities. Drug addicts often attend thoughts of suicide, because the brain does not control the emotional level. Not everyone is able to withstand the test of pain. In addition, drug addicts often die due to the failure of one of the organs. Patients lack basic instincts, they do not need breaking in food, rest, water.

The most severe consequences of drug use - for the brain. Narcotic abstinence often leads to the development of dementia, psychosis, epilepsy. This is due to the destruction of whole sections of GM. If medical care is not in time rendered, the breaking is much soon killed by a person than the drug himself.

Sensations at different stages of breaking

Dear dependent may experience a variety of emotions and sensations that appear as a result of a refusal of a psychotropic substance. Even the addict himself can not always describe what feels during breaking. Since the appearance of the first symptoms, a person runs three stages of the body cleansing.

  1. At the first stage, the brain and CNS is exempt from the effects of the substance. The initial signs of narcotic breakdown appear. A person begins to seem to surround the enemies. He tries to close from everyone in the room or disappears for several days. All attempts to talk or somehow help end in a rapid scandal. Often manifestations of abstinence at the first stage cause a sense of insecurity from drug addicts, it seems to them that someone constantly monitors them, pursues. Fear appears. Along with mental symptoms, the initial manifestations of colds are observed.
  2. At the second stage, the active elimination of toxin from the body begins. This happens by vomiting and diarrhea. Many patients do not find their strength to even get out of bed. There is a violation of thermoregulation processes, because toxin is excreted from the body also by means of a strong sweating. Often at this stage of manifestation so strong that a person refuses attempts to quit the use of a psychotrop and takes a dose again.
  3. The third stage few people can withstand. After stopping the active removal of toxin from the body, its adaptation to life begins without a drug, which until recently replaced the neurotransmitters and passed most of the information. The organism relaxed after vomiting and diarrhea begins to demand a dose. The addict feels like literally every cell of his body hurts, which further aggravates the mental state. There is a feeling that the bones are trying to crush, all the muscles are rushing, and the joints will soon turn inside out. In trying to remove pain, people often cause injury.


Trying to abandon hallucinogens, all drug addicts will eventually feel the manifestations of the abstinence syndrome. This is a hard test that a person will be able to overcome without medical care. How quickly the abstinence will be difficult to say difficult. Some break ends in a day, and someone can last 2-3 months. At the last stage, a psychologist should work with the patient. If you have an adequate rehabilitation, then the addict will have a chance to return to a full-fledged life.

When you are facing the treatment of narcotic breakdown, it is necessary to recall that all addiction options have the same clinical picture. The addiction stages are divided into the following:

  • Intoxication (use of narcotic substance, alcohol);
  • Acute abstinence (narcotic breaking);
  • Period of post of abstineent disorders;
  • Formation of therapeutic remission.

Any treatment should be based on the accounting of the disease period. Treatment of drug addiction begins with reducing harm during acute abstinence disorder by detoxification, roughly speaking - removal of narcotic breakdown.

The abstinence begins when the drug addiction is already developed, and access to drugs for some reason has ceased.

How does drug addiction develop?

A single use of the drug does not cause dependence. Dependence appears after 3-5 injections or intranasal use of heroin, 10-15 morphine injections, 30 codewayine techniques. On average, the stage of episodic administration of the drug lasts 2-3 months. If the reception of the drug from the very beginning becomes regular, then the period of drugs is reduced to 1-2 weeks.

Narcotic addiction also has its stages.

Drug addiction:

  • The first stage. Narcotation Regularity is the beginning of the first stage of the disease. Sleep surface, appetite is deputy, the amount of urine decreases, constipation. Doses are gradually growing. The absence of a drug is manifested in 1-2 days mainly in the form of mental disorders. The duration of the first stage with an injection reception of 2 to 4 months, when taking Codein - to six months, when used inside the poppy straw - up to several years.
  • Second stage. Tolerance has grown sharply (100-300 times). The physiological effect of the drug changes - constipation disappear, the cough appears, the cough appears, the dream is restored, the narrowing of the pupil is preserved. Behavior becomes sluggish, passive. There are signs of physical dependence.
  • Third stage. Most drug addicts do not survive before this stage. In the third stage, not only a large drug addict syndrome is expressed, but also the consequences of chronic intoxication. In the foreground - physical addiction. Tolerance drops to 1/3 of the former dose. The action of the drug is extremely stimulating, euphoria is already practically no. A dose is required, which is 1/8-1 / 10 permanent dose to achieve physical comfort. Outside intoxication there may be no ability to move. The abstitent syndrome is less sharply expressed, but it comes rather, and its duration reaches 5-6 weeks.

Patients exactly the third stage appeal for medical helpbecause you can not get need quantity Drugs and suffer from long manifestations of abstineent syndrome. Sometimes they try to independently abandon the drug, trying to replace it with alcohol, tranquilizers, barbiturates, but this, as a rule, does not lead to success. Sometimes there is a transformation of one drug addiction to another or the formation of polynarkomania.

An abstitent syndrome may differ depending on the type of drug, which consumed a person, for example:

Opium (Morphine, Heroin)

Abstinence during morphine addiction occurs a few hours after taking the last dose of the drug. There are a variety of somadegentative, psycho-neurological symptoms.

Physical manifestation:

  • yawn,
  • sweating
  • tear
  • diarrhea,
  • chills,
  • expansion of pupils,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • tides
  • increased temperature
  • breathing,
  • muscle mascles, belly and other groups, pain in them,
  • dehydration of the body and weight loss.

Psychological manifestation:

  • There is a disturbing state, anxiety, the scoring fear of death, coming by the influx.
  • Sleep is broken, often accompanied by nightmarish dreams.
  • The mood is changeable: then a lightweight euphoria with the revaluation of his own personality and its capabilities, then lowering the mood with depression, then irritability, angry with apathy and aggression.

Spicy, most heavy period abstinence - 7-10 days. However, then, for 1-1.5 months. Heavy asthenia, depression, somadegentive disorders, reduced performance. There are short-term psychosis with a change in the state of consciousness. There may be Korsakovsky amnistical syndrome, convulsive seizures. Mental disorders become noticeable and expressed in psychopathization with dysphory and falsehood. A decrease in the moral and ethical qualities of a person, an emotional devastation, a loss of ability to work. Neurological changes are mainly expressed in the form of vegetative disorders (narrowing of pupils, dry mouth, stool delay, blood pressure oscillation, etc.)

In the late stage of opium addiction, all the syndromes of the painful state are complicated and dried. Tolerance falls, while there are failures in the rhythm of drug intake, especially during the periods of somatic disadvantage. However, with the improvement of the state, the consumption of narcotic drugs is resumed. Euphoria is practically no observed, the stimulating effect of the drug is reduced. Mental dependence is partially satisfied by improving the mental state and some lifting (stimulation) of intellectual and physical processes.

Physical addiction is severe. In the abstinence syndrome, all symptoms of chronic (II) drug addiction are manifested in a more pointed form. Estecenial syndrome becomes especially difficult and protracted, while even the reception of the drug makes it briefly. Defession is expressed, often with suicidal thoughts.

Patients become pronounced decrease in the intellectual-unique properties of the individual, they lose their individuality features, become similar to each other. Asthenium and Adamina prevails. It is worth remembering that the removal of heroin breakdown should take place only with consultations and under the supervision of medical personnel.

External manifestations of drug addicts:

  • There is general aging,
  • cachexia
  • gray-earth leather
  • trophic disorders in the form of crumbling of teeth, hair loss,
  • diseases of individual organs or systems: cardiovascular, urogenital, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract,
  • disorders coordination movements.

Metadon breaking manifests itself in physical symptoms:

  • Dizziness,
  • Tear
  • Runny
  • Sneeze
  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea,
  • Fever,
  • Chills,
  • Tremor,
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat),
  • Foot joint pain
  • Increased pain sensitivity,
  • Heated blood pressure.

Mental symptoms:

  • Thoughts about suicide
  • Depression,
  • Exhaustion of adrenal
  • Long insomnia
  • Rave,
  • Hearing hallucinations,
  • Visual hallucinations,
  • Strengthening the perception of odors, reality or imagination,
  • Noticeable reduction in sexual entry,
  • Anxiety,
  • Panic,
  • Paranoia.

Why does methadone cause such consequences?

The long-term use of methadone is addictive, the effect of the drug decreases. This process is called "tolerance" to drugs. The tolerability of the drug may require increasing methadone doses to prevent painful symptoms of breaking.

With an increase in the dose of methadone, the number of negative impact Drugs on the body. This impact includes:

  • Dullness of emotions
  • Lack of sleep
  • Loss of consciousness,
  • Loss of sexual attraction and interest,
  • Loss of clarity thinking
  • Slow reaction, increasing accident probability,
  • Dehydration and inability to the proper metabolism.

Symptoms of methadone breakdown are the most severe of all drugs.

  • Painful and exhausting symptoms can last for several weeks or, with large doses for several months.
  • Almost no one managed to complete the cancellation of methadone independently, medical care is needed.

Facts about methadon breakdown:

  • Methadone is a narcotic substance, like other opiates and opioids, such as g eroin, O. see Cycontin, B. iKODIN, O. xicodon, hydrocodone.
  • Methadone - a drug that causes the strongest addiction.
  • Methadon people have a serious shortage of the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Methadone people in the case of a sharp discoloration of the drug will experience serious and painful symptoms of cancellation.
  • The pain during methadon break can be compared with a very serious influenza case, only 10 times worse.
  • The use of methadone in order to relieve pain may be fatal.

Symptoms of codewater breaking

If you took codeine for a long time, Codeine breaking can occur in case of abstinence from the drug. Symptoms appear in two stages. The early phase occurs within a few hours after the last dose. Later, the secondary symptoms occur, as the body gets used to life without Codein.

Early symptoms of codeine abstinence are similar to all the symptoms of heroin breaking.

Secondary symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea,
  • Stomach spasms,
  • Extended pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Goosebumps.

Many symptoms of codewater breakdown become opposite to Codein. For example, the use of codeine causes constipation, but if you cease to use, it may cause diarrhea. Often Codeine causes drowsiness, but during the abstinence, a person suffers from insomnia.

What is broken in drug addict? As a rule, this phrase can be heard on a radio or TV. This pathological condition is developing in a person who accepted the last dose of funds. The body cannot exist without it. It requires artificial doping, which will allow him to work.

How does the breaking of drug addicts manifest? When is this moment comes? All this depends on individual factors. Some dependent people feel the syndrome after the use of a pair of doses, and other abstinence is produced after several months of use of the means.

What is broken?

After the adoption of the dose, a person is experiencing a kind of euphoria. Then he appears the hardest state. It is referred to as breaking the addict. In contrast to alcohol-dependent, the abstinence in such patients proceeds much more intensively.

The abstinence from drugs includes psychopathic and somatic disorders that are developing due to physical abandonment. Sources of the formation of negative features is to reduce the usual dosage.

From how drugs can be included in the metabolic processes, the severity of the syndrome depends. Connections of an opiate row are considered the most dangerous and delicate. In turn, the methadone reception provokes a severe manifestation of the abstineent syndrome. This type of means can be tormented dependent for several months. Typically, drug addicts are very difficult to survive this period. And not everyone managed to get out of it.

Abstinence from other weak hallucinogenic of physical dependence does not cause. So what is breaking? This is the terrible state of the patient, who always wants to return at a time when he used a narcotic substance. Unfortunately, at this moment a very rare person can control himself. It becomes aggressive and unrecognizable.

What are the reasons for the development of the syndrome?

Pathological changes in the body are developing during a drug abstinence. They occur if a person uses drugs for a long period of time. In turn, these substances are embedded in metabolic processes. They act on the work of all systems and internal organs of the human body.

What are the causes of breaking? The emergence of this process is in the aforementioned actions of the drug. But the main source of the problem is that the drug affects the work of the central nervous system. Subsequently, he manages the transmission of cerebral pulses.

How do drugs affect the brain?

First, these drugs are wedged into metabolism, and then neuromediators are generally replaced. The latter are responsible for obtaining and sending nerve impulses. As a result, the body is lost the ability to produce the neurotransmitters necessary for life.

In the brain, the drug causes the same changes as the schizophrenic. That is, dependent on this drug is stupid. This is due to the death of brain nerve cells, which contributes to a decrease. intellectual abilities man.

As a result, without these chemically bioactive compounds there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system, the relationship between the cells of the internal organs. The patient's body is a chaotic set of cells and nerve impulses.

How do processes occur in a person inside?

So, we answered the question of what breaking. Now find out what is happening in the body drug addicted when using the drug. A person who takes drugs begins to experience the need for them after several hours of their absence. The body understands in a couple of days, which is deprived of doping. It is then that begins the abolition syndrome.

How long does the breaking of the drug addicted? Abstinence can continue both a few months and a couple of hours. During this time, the human body will have to recall how to synthesize the necessary substances.

The duration of breaking also depends on the type of drug, which consumed the patient and the stage of development of the definition of dependence. After a long abstinence, psychosis may appear. Often, drug addicts end the life of suicide, because at that moment they are blown in consciousness, there are failures in memory and hallucination.

The breakdown is a kind of painful and painful restoration of the body, which is deprived of surrogate neurotransmitters. For a person, this is considered an almost insurmountable obstacle.

The situation is bad if a person has several chronic pathologies. In addition, its body will be in extreme degree of depletion. Also very long term Drug use can lead to deplorable results.

What are the signs of abstinence syndrome?

Symptoms of breaking are different in brightness of manifestations and severity. Consider the main signs of abstinence from drug addicts who allocate experts. These include an increase in body temperature, headaches, nausea and sharp mood change. Also, the patient is experiencing unpleasant sensations in the field of muscles and bones.

The first symptoms of abstinence

At first, the breakdown is very reminiscent of the state of a person with a cold. Also, drug-dependent does not want to communicate with anyone and becomes closed. This state is joined by such symptoms like runny nose and convulsions, lethargy, fever and confusion, irritability and discomfort of painful in the body.

After some time, vomiting is added to them. After the diarrhea begins. She in turn leads to dehydration. The patient notes the terrible articular and muscle pain.

As a rule, in such a state, patients begin to ride the floor and beat about items. At this point, they do not experience any pain. Such human behavior can lead to injury. Also added sleep disruption. It becomes superficial and disturbing.

A little about psychopathic symptoms of abstinence

Brokes takes place at the deep depression of the dependent. A person stops communicating with his family, friends, nothing interests him. Nightmares that he dreams continue in real life In the form of hallucinations.

Dear addicted takes others around the terrible creatures, which they bring these the most suffering. At this point, he can commit a crime. The main psychopathic symptoms include hallucinations and an elevated level of anxiety, flashes of rage and aggression, which drug addict does not control.

What are there any somatic signs?

Typical symptoms of this species include pain in the joints and muscles. Abstinence first preceded the initial somatic signs. The addict has an expansion of pupils, sneezing and yawning.

After joins the previously specified symptom. A person is experiencing intolerable pain when his muscles reduce the painful convulsion. After the patient's condition, it begins to deteriorate sharply and such signs are joined as a sharp increase in blood pressure, vomiting and chills, loss in all body, increased sweating and problems with gastrointestinal tract. The latter are most often manifested in the form of diarrhea.

What should be done with an abstineent syndrome?

If during breaking the drug addicts another dose, then this state will disappear, but not completely. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from qualified doctors.

Conduct breaking breaking at home independently impossible. It is in the conditions of a specialized hospital that the consequences of abstinence make. Dependence on narcotic drugs in obligatory Need treatment. Discontinued breaks produce narcologists. For this, they introduce special medicinal products. So, "Caffeine" is appointed to improve the work of the heart.

The patient is prescribed to the unplusing medicines, like "Unitola". With certain types of drugs, antidots are applied. If the patient consumed methadons and opiodes, then he was accelerated detoxification under general anesthesia. Unfortunately, this therapy cannot provide treatment against addiction. This remains the main problem today.

What are the consequences of abstinence?

As noted above, breaking in the patient passes with depressive state. He's thoughts about suicide. At this time there is no control over the emotions from the brain. In order to escape from this painful state, the addict may endorse the life of suicide. Also at this time, the patient is lost the main instincts. He does not want to drink and eat, sleep. In addition, the disappearance of the instinct of self-preservation is observed. Therefore, during this period, drug addict may harm themselves and get injuries.

Heavy complications are also observed in the brain activity. A person can develop psychosis, deep depression, epilepsy and progressive dementia. This occurs as a result of the destruction of individual sections of the brain. In this case, competent help of a specialist is required. Otherwise, the personality degrades and accelerates aging processes. A person can perish. Therefore, if you have a friend who suffers from this ailment, do not wait until it becomes, but ask for help.

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The opposite side of the narcotic euphoria is the state of abstinence, which is spaciously called breaking the drug addict.

The breakdown of the drug addict is very painful, and at such moments the drug is needed not to obtain pleasure, but already as an anesthetic, because almost no one can carry the hiring state of breaking.

The condition of breaking the drug addict occurs when the narcotic substance occupies its place in the exchange of substances. It is possible to help drug addict when breaking carefully and with a minimum of consequences can only an experienced narcologist, since it is possible to remove the breaking drug addict only when the set of conditions can be observed. It is necessary to control the physical condition of the patient and think about the treatment of heroin addiction and generally approach the treatment of drug addiction.

Brokes in drug addicts: how does it manifest how much it lasts how to remove the log

Since the types of dependencies are many, they appear in different ways. So, with a strong breakup, the following physiological symptoms of the breakdown of the addict are almost always arise:

    Sounds in the bones, muscle shakes.

    Pain in the lower back and the epigastric area.

  1. Cramps, tremor.

    Toothing, runny nose.

    Insomnia, apathy.

    Vomiting, nausea.

There is also a breaking when the use of other opiates. As for the drugs of other forms, some symptoms of breaking may be absent, which does not detract from the severity of its flow.

It is impossible to thoroughly describe what a drug addict is with a breaking. In terms of pain, this can be compared with the hardest situations: pain in childbirth, injuries with muscle breaks and fractures, pain in burns. Unbearable suffering are complemented by a terrible psychological state.

Muscular spasms of such strength, as if the body rushes into pieces. The patient is trying to find a comfortable posture, riding on the floor and bed, hits different items, but does not feel pain, because the inner pain is stronger.

Psychological symptoms of breaking are expressed in the following:

    The patient is strongly annoyed, aggressive, angry.

    Explaced, it is cold.

    Feels lonely, no one needs.

    The drug addict pursues fear, anxiety, nightmarish dreams, hallucinations in reality.

    Lost interest in the world around the world, there is a closure, reluctance to communicate.

    The surrounding perceived as stimuli and threat, some "demons" that bring solid suffering to the body and soul. It pushes a drug addict on aggressive actions or makes it escape and hide from everyone.

For each type of drug, their symptoms of narcotic breakdown are characteristic. For example, depending on the ketamine, the addict can feel himself a graceful dancer, although in reality moves angularly, everything is stupid about everything, his facial expansion is not coordinated, the coordination of movements is broken. Pale skin. For spice break A drug addict can sluggish on the sofa and constantly cry. In case of breaking after inhalation of LNDV (volatile drug actors), drug addict is becoming annoyed. This condition is sharply replaced by a feeling of pity for himself, fusing, the desire to sleep or there is a lot.

The breaking begins with sneezing, tear, allergic spindles on the skin, and further manifests pain in the abdomen, stool impairment, pressure jumps, chills, nausea. The next stage is the lubrication in the bones, and this feeling begins to grow rapidly. Next, the remaining signs of breaking are approached.

What happens in the body of a drug addict during breaking: what can help alleviate the breakdown of a drug addicted person?

Drugs with long-term use changes the processes of biochemical regulation of the body, and the brain ceases to produce some important neurotransmitters. Instead of synthesize them, the body uses a synthetic substance that perceives as an essential element of a healthy system. As a result, the absence of a drug is perceived as a "breakdown", and in the body begins "cancellation syndrome". It happens literally 1-3 days after the cancellation of drugs.

Abstinence lasts about 10 days. During this time, the body should cope with the fact that the surrogate neuromediator is absent, and then the development of its resources will begin. Besides the fact that the balance is broken, the body is missing sharply nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and this only enhances the breaking process and slows the speed of replacement reactions.

If the addict is exhausted, then breaking can delay, and the resources for recovery is not enough. Then the drug addict dies.

Easy the breaking of drug addicted qualitatively can only doctors in the clinic. And for this there are several methods.

How to remove the breaking of drug addict: Detox with strong breakdowns

There is the fastest and reliable way to remove breakage - detoxification (detox), ultrafast opioid detoxification or the so-called UDOD method. It is this way that makes it possible to painlessly remove the breaking of the drug addict, but it is better to spend it in the clinic of narcologically under the supervision of doctors. Detox in Moscow is the most popular method for two reasons.

    Remove the narcotic breaking is obtained as quickly as possible - for 6-8 hours. In this case, the patient does not feel anything, as it is under anesthesia. At this time, the patient under a certain scheme is introduced "Naloxone" and "Naltrekson", which block opiates.

    Removal of breaking occurs in the hospital under the supervision of the doctor, and therefore all negative consequences Maximum leveled.

Udod applies with opioid dependence. The method is ideal for the overdose of drugs and during their long-term reception.

Detox can not be applied during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in the presence of severe somatic diseases in the decompensation stage (irreversible changes in the functioning of organs or systems).

Other ways to remove drug-breaking and longer, and more painful.

You can list them in short. All of them are also widespread and applicable, but exclusively under the supervision of the doctor, since the breakdown process in drug addicts is very painful. And the first desire of the dependent - immediately find a drug to alleviate their suffering. And just this and can not be allowed.

So, in addition to the Udod, there are non-drug and combined ways of removing breaking. For example, the procedures of classical detoxification are used using plasmapheresis and hemosorption or a dropper, which can be put at home.

How to remove breaking at home: Consultations - Moscow and Moscow region

The Internet describes many special cases, how to remove breaking at home. These tips are akin to recipes in self-medication magazines. Recommendations to accept sleeping pills, psychostimulants, drinking alcohol not only will not eliminate the cause of the breakdown of a drug addict (the process of disintegration of drugs in the body), but also will apply an additional blow on the liver, CNS and the cardiovascular system. In addition, such "home detox" will lead to a more rapid addiction to drugs and more severe regular breakdowns. The next time this method may not help, but kill you.

What will help with the breakdown of the addict?

Often dependent are trying to find an answer to the question of which antidepressants will help drug addict during the break. It is an opinion that it is necessary to apply the drug "Tram", but it is he who is able to provoke the appearance of convulsion and worsen the state of the patient. It is much wiser to use drugs to facilitate individual symptoms of breaking. First of all, we mean domestic amino acid drugs "Limontar", "Glycine" and "Biotrine". However, not knowing the effects of their action on the body, you can bring yourself to disability or even death.

Removing breaking at home: is it really possible?

Take a break safe way You can only like this: Throw pain. But it is impossible to anyone. In addition, during breakdowns from excessive pain, the loss of consciousness, stop the heart or breathing.

You need a doctor's help. No need to deal with self-medication!

It's dangerous for life

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Can a drug addict die from breaking?

Yes maybe! Most often this happens precisely from thoughtless self-treatment after the advice of inexperienced comrades for misfortune or acquaintance of forums

    Incorrect selection of drugs can damage the liver toxic attack, disrupt the work of the heart.

    The lack of treatment is also fraught with the consequences: the drug decomposes in the body for several days and all this time causes tangible harm. Inadequate intervention threatens with catastrophic and irreversible consequences for the drug addict.

How long does the breaking of the drug addicted?

This affects the drug concentration, the duration of the reception, general state man. Sometimes breaking does not stop 2-3 weeks. To withstand such a load is a real heroism. Nobody stands in practice: either man breaks away or turns out for the help of narcologists. How long does the narcissance break, who appealed to the doctor? A few days, or even hours. It is much wiser to get help and reduce the period of suffering at times!

Therefore, at the first signs of breaking the addict

Immediately contact

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Will not get to your power of will, do not worry about what they think about you. Your task is to quickly clean the body from the drug or help it make a close person.

Removal of breaking in the hospital: reliably, effectively, safely

In the medical institution, a narcologist will write medicines that take off the breakdown. In free access in pharmacies, these drugs are not released. And even if there are any analogues, they are forbidden to use without medical control. Not knowing the dosage, the way of influencing, without having the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chemical processes that occur in the body, you can only aggravate the condition of breaking.

Symptoms breaking the addict

Then the symptoms of breaking in drug addicts will be complemented. Psychosis, increased anxiety, cramps, hallucinations can begin. There were cases when patients from self-medication fell into someone, or they have ceased to function individual organs and body systems (for example, kidney refused).

Remember that it is only the first step towards recovery to remove the breakpoint. The thrust for drugs itself can not disappear. Further work is needed to eliminate the desire to use drugs.

To become healthy personIt is necessary to immediately remove the breakdown in the hospital, and then resort to the help of specialists who offer dozens of useful programs leading to healing. These are "12 steps" methods, group and individual therapy in rehabilitation centers, coding, stereotactic operation on the brain and comprehensive treatment.

Only a narcologist will be able to competently remove the breakdown of the drug addict. And only the doctor will be able to choose an individual approach to the treatment of a particular person. The sooner you contact, the more hopethat you get rid of dependence forever!

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Drug addiction is a severe disease that leads to the damage to the internal organs, the development of neurological and mental disorders, and leading to degradation of the individual. A drug addict - a person, physically and mentally dependent on psychoactive substances, needs a gradual increase in their dose.

Narcotic dependence develops very quickly, and the person himself does not notice how he gets into its network. Drugs act on the brain so that the person eating their long time believes that he controls himself, and if desired, it can easily refuse psychoactive drugs.

Depending on the severity of narcotic drug addiction, the abstinence from drug use often leads to an abstinence syndrome, or as it is also called - a narcotic breakdown.

Narcotic breaks - This is a pathological condition that the different people are manifested through different time Drug use. Basically, the abstineent syndrome develops against the background of the adoption of strong drugs, heroin.

Usually breaking appears after the use of narcotic substances for several weeks. During this period, a person usually develops a drug addiction, and a need for an increase in dose appears. The higher the "experience" addict, the more intense the drug abstinence syndrome.

But people who have certain features of the nervous system or its painful changes, breaking may appear even after two or three times the use of drugs.

Realize what he fell into the insidious drug addiction networks, the person begins only when the abstineent syndrome appears. If it is impossible to take a narcotic patient, it feels breaking. She has different drug addicts, but in all its symptoms is always painful and unpleasant.

Symptoms of narcotic breaking

The first signs of the abstineent syndrome at the addict appear after 8-10 hours from the use of the last dose. The first signs of narcotic breakdown are nervousness and irritability, the inability to control their behavior and emotions. The body shudders from the strongest chill, there is plenty of salivation and tearness, the nose lays out of a cold, sweating increases.

After a while, the expanded pupils addicts cease to respond to light. Strong vomiting begins. The addict can not have anything. There is no appetite at all, and the effort to eat something turns away with swelling. If the patient does not utter a drug, all the symptoms of breaking will increase and the peak of intensity is achieved through the three days.

Then the addict increases blood pressure, the pulse is rapidly, diarrhea develops. But the most basic and most painful symptom Narcotic breakdown is the strongest pain in the bones and joints. Man as if breaking. His muscles reduce convulsions. Abrained pain drug addict is not even possible to rest or turn off. In men, spontaneous ejaculation may occur during breakdown.

But heavier than physical pain, the drug addict during the abstineent syndrome transfers psychological suffering. It turns out that pain in the breakdown is imaginary, phantoms. When a person begins to use narcotic substances, he is waiting for a feeling of pleasure from them. But when the breaking is coming in pleasure, the patient understands that the drug will not give him the desired pleasures. After the start of the development of the abstinal syndrome "Kayf" from the drug in general disappears, and the addict is forced to take drugs to get rid of suffering.

Narcotic substances have properties to catch neurons, so they block pain. After regular drug use nervous system Gets used to such work, and its cells cease to produce their own painkillers - endorphins that are also responsible for feelings of pleasure and joy. The cells of all tissues and organs begin to demand narcotic substances, refusing to function without them. Instead of adequate signals, the brain receives signals that the body suffers. This is a narcotic break.

The removal of narcotic breaks

The removal of narcotic breakdown is the first victorious result in the fight against narcotic dependence. The name "narcotic breaking" itself sounds scary, but it is even more terrible to see this condition of the person, not to mention to feel it on himself. If the drug addict was able to painlessly overcome by the abstineent syndrome, he could easily give up drugs. It is the pain of the breakdown that the drug addict again and again use drugs. After the breakdown, the drug addict could no longer exist without drugs.

The longer the reception of drugs lasts, the harder it is to remove the narcotic break. With a large narcotic work, the breaking should be removed in the hospital so that the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors. Symptoms of breaking forcing the drug addict to experience strong discomfort, from which only qualified drug abologists can save it.

The process of removing the abstinence syndrome in drug addiction implies a complete cessation of drug use. When removing breaking the drug addict eliminate pain syndrome and reduce nervousness. Exception is general rules Only serious cases of drug addiction are constituted, in which a sharp refusal of drugs can lead to the patient's death. When removing breaking, first from the body of the drug addict is removed toxins and not learned poisons. Such a procedure is called detoxification. This phase of treatment is mandatory in the elimination of narcotic abstinence syndrome.

How to remove a narcotic break? In modern drug practices, there is a fairly wide arsenal to remove breaks, but in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary in each particular case to determine the composition and amount of drugs or assign other detoxification methods. This is only a qualified specialist.

Some drug addicts are trying to remove the breakdown on their own, at home. But such cases have never brought the desired result. The patient takes alcohol in the hope that he will relieve him from pain, but this situation is only aggravated. Trying to fall asleep to get rid of other pains, the drug addict takes painkillers and sleeping pills. But without all these means, breaking is even less dangerous. A special danger is used during the abstineent syndrome of various psychostimulants, which in this situation carry a huge risk to the health and life of the drug addict.

When removing breaking at home there is always a risk of complications, moreover, in such conditions there is no strict control over the observance of the patients of the necessary mode of sobriety. Therefore, to take breaking and treat a narcotic dependence should be taken in the hospital, where there is the necessary conditions, Equipment and preparations.

The patient should know that the removal of breaking will continue 5-7 days, during which its body will be cleaned of toxins, the residues of narcotic substances will be softened and the symptoms of breaking are removed. In most cases, the procedures begin with intravenous administration to a polyionic salt solution with a patient, which restores electrolytic balance in its body. Soothing, sleeping pills, vasodilating, diuretic and other preparations are added to this solution.

After detoxification of the body, vitamins and minerals are introduced to the patient, helping the body to mobilize domestic forces for more recovery.

Rack removal is the first stage in the treatment of drug addiction. The addict should understand that after the elimination of the abstineent syndrome, the treatment of degree dependent on narcotic drugs must follow, otherwise his life will go under the slope.

Treatment of drug addiction begins with breaking, then drug therapy is carried out. After that, much attention is paid to psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation of a person. Together with patients, specialists of the narcological clinic pass all the stages of this complex path and support it at each level of deliverance from drug addiction. If the patient is strictly fulfilling all the recommendations of doctors and will seriously suit the question of his treatment, he will be able to return to normal life and regain a family, friends, work ...

How long is broken

How long does the breaking last? Sooner or later, this question arises in the head of every addict, who decided to try to get off the needle. The reasons for such a decision may be different: maybe he realized the destructive strength of substances, maybe he saw how his life melts, and maybe it simply stopped enough money at a dose. At first it seems to everyone that there is enough will enough will enough to survive breaking. It's just, thinking addicted, just endure, feel a little pain and that's it. But the situation is much worse.

What feels a drug addict trying to tie? What are symptoms of breaking? Abstineent syndrome, in a different breaking, is the strong pain of breaking character in the whole body. The patient is so bad that he is often ready for everything, just to facilitate his condition. It was the breaking that the man prompts the true manner, again and reappear for the old one, rotating him along a closed circle. And there is no way out. Dependent passionately wants to break out, quit to be bother, but symptoms of breaking deprive his will and common sense. After some time, even the pleasure of drugs is stopped, and breaking does not weaken.

So how long is broken? The very first symptoms of breaking Appear after 8-12 hours, counting from the last drug intake. But this stage is quite easy and transferred relatively simple. Scary symptoms of breaking appear in a day after a dose. The addict can not do anything, the question was frozen in his head: how long the breaking? But worst it becomes the third day when the condition becomes so terrible that most often dependent, forgetting about all installations, runs behind a new dose.

In such situations, you need not to wonder if how long is broken, and immediately run for help to specialist doctors. They know how to reduce pain and defeat the breaking, ever getting rid of drug addiction forever.

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© 1991 - 2017 Association of Medical Organizations "Center Bekhterev" - draws your attention to the fact that treatment results can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.