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What asks the psychologist when applying for a job. Psychophysiological examination of intellectual abilities. How tested is carried out

Psychological testing - The term psychology denoting the procedure for establishing and measuring individual-psychological differences. IN patriotic psychology The term "psychodiagnostic examination" is also used.

Psychological testing is used in different areas: vocational guidance, trade protection, psychological counseling, planning of corrective work, research activities, etc.

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The rules of organization and conduct of psychological testing are described within the framework of the relevant field of psychology - psychological diagnostics. Psychological testing in organizations is regulated in the Russian Staff Test Standard.

In many ways, this is due to the fact that testing does not allow any psychological factor from the employee, and each applicant has more opportunities to get the desired work, since they create absolutely the same conditions.

However, even despite the fact that this method has many positive Parties, it is impossible to be called perfect.

But even one such test will allow the employer to see, what kind of candidates there are minimal knowledge luggage required to perform this work. In addition, the test result will immediately give the necessary idea of \u200b\u200bthis applicant as a person, which is equally important for self-respecting and its employees, the boss.

The fact that represents psychological testing when admitting work will be discussed in our article.

Main categories of tests when admitting work

There are several types of tests used when driving:

  1. Qualification tests. They help to know if he has any knowledge in the area in which he plans to perform his labor functions.
  2. Intelligent tests. Such tests help to know attentiveness and level of mental development.
    • Test for knowledge of accounting.
    • Test for the ability to use the computer.
    • Test for literacy check.
  3. Psychological tests. Such tests allow to learn the properties of the personality, as well as its psychological stability.

The main objectives of the testing of the employee

It is carried out from the following motives:

  1. The objective assessment of the candidate, in no way dependent on the poor mood and personal sympathy of the employer or special personnel manager.
  2. The choice of a candidate requested, as appropriate to all declared qualities.
  3. Selection of an employee who will work as comfortably as possible in the current team.
  4. Chipping employees with psyche problems. This will avoid long-term twisers associated with their dismissal.
  5. Clearing applicants clearly unsuitable for this work. This is especially true if held big contest on a similar vacancy.

The most important thing when conducting the test by the employer is to accurately realize, which is precisely the test of this test.

Many large and famous companies first of all want to determine on this test, there is some personal candidate leadership skills, as well as purposefulness and desire to obtain increases.

However, sometimes the purpose of testing is completely different, if the employer will, first of all, will be required by an executive worker who will not claim any leadership positions.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any other action, testing also has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Benefits:
    • Ability to compare responses with existing regulatory samples.
    • Objectivity of the final assessment.
    • The ability to quickly select the desired candidate if there are too many applicants for the position.
  2. Disadvantages:
    • The complexity of the entire procedure for employee personnel service.
    • The low quality of foreign tests, or rather, their translation and adaptation under the mentality of the Russian person.

For which employers conduct tests when admitting work

Testing a candidate for his compliance of a future position is quite important, but not the only source of information on the employer.

There is also a separate practice of selection of candidates for the following parameters:

  1. Summary.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Preliminary interview.

Quite often, after the passage of relying testing, the candidate for the post also suggests an interview. And those who did not cope with the test, do not admit to such.
According to statistics, it is precisely for a share of testing a thirty percent of all the information required by the employer about this candidate.

What indicators are detected?

Most often, when carrying out such testing, the employer is absolutely not interested in which this candidate has personal qualities. It is required that he, in the first place, corresponded to a certain list of qualities inherent in the desired position.

By holding it, the employer will be able to allocate the following professional parties and skills.:

  1. Leadership skills.
  2. The ability to competently manage the whole team.
  3. The skills will adapt to any changes, and control them.
  4. Man handling.
  5. Training ability.
  6. The level of communicative skills.
  7. Stress tolerance.
  8. The ability to resist any stressful situation.
  9. The ability to perform monotonous operation.
  10. As a person relates to constant control.
  11. Susceptibility to information.
  12. The ability to quickly analyze all incoming information.
  13. Creativity of the candidate.
  14. The presence of any harmful habits.

Key points when applying for various professions

Any testing is carried out directly in front of the computer. Most often, such testing is the first step of the candidate who wants to get a vacant position.

However, the same test allows the employer to sear all people who, according to testing results, will not be able to perform responsibilities assigned to them.

Exists whole line Professions for which the passage of the test is carried out individually, taking into account the specifics of the labor functions performed:

  1. Accountant. First of all, at testing, attention is drawn to how quickly and easily the candidate will be able to operate with any numbers, as well as how much he knows the reporting form and the foundations of accounting. For example, when testing, a candidate can ask various questions from the series: What number will be needed to multiply in order to obtain a number of ten percent as a result. In addition, issues of taxation and payroll are specially popular.
  2. Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or FSB. Of course, an officially similar test is not published anywhere, so you can find out what exactly in it is indicated, you can only from the candidate who passed it. According to such stories, testing testing lasts all day. At the same time, a separate attention is given to such criteria:
    • Memory.
    • Savvy.
    • Intelligence.
    • Existing priorities in life.
    • The tendency to lie.
  3. State service officer.In addition, also practically all candidates are checked by knowledge of basic, which will be required to perform entrusted labor functions.
  4. Programmer. Such tests are aimed primarily on the fact that checking the personal qualities of each candidate. In this, when testing, this is the fact that the programmer should always find a way out of any situation, albeit from the most non-standard. Therefore, questions in testing them most often have any comic, when answering which the candidate shows its smelter and resourcefulness.
  5. Employee with knowledge of English language. Frequently enough, the employer needs to check the level of knowledge of each candidate of English. All sorts of online testing are held, which occupy sufficiently little time and fairly simple. If the candidate claims a high position, then the passage of a more in-depth, international test is required. Such testing is most often conducted by the basis of any higher educational institution and is not a penny.

Opportunities to use results when interviewing

There are two main ways how you can use the results at the interview:

  1. Degree of confidence. It will be necessary to seek help to psychologists to get a complete picture of the results of your test. The reliability of the dough will be equal to the gap from 20 to 70 percent - it all depends on the qualifications of a specialist engaged in interpretation. It is believed that the more tests each candidate passed - the more reliably the final result will be. That is why before interviewing, each candidate most often gives a whole pack of test variations.
  2. Personal assessment. Testing, of course, cannot become the main criterion when taking a job. Each result must be required to receive a personal assessment from the head of the organization itself, because only one knows what the situation is now in the team.

In addition, it is thanks to such a personal assessment, a peculiar contact between the future worker and the employer can be created. After all, it is likely that a person who, according to testing, has become the most ideal candidate for this position, will be such a specialist, who will be just unpleasant to communicate with not only the leader himself, but also to all his subordinate.

Whether testing is legitimate when applying for work

Testing of each candidate is a completely legal lesson. If any of the applicants are categorically against the passage this test - He may well refuse him.

But the chances of getting the desired position will be almost equal to zero. It is likely that the employer will not even want to talk with a similar candidate for the interview.

However, the refusal to conduct testing or bad results cannot cause a potential applicant to refuse.

The employer will have to come up with another cause of his unaccepting him.

Among the most popular:

  1. Insufficient level of professional skills.
  2. There is a more appropriate candidate for this position.
  1. Need to behave as much as possible, To be focused and respond to all questions sincerely, without chandeliers and long pauses.
  2. If the time for passing is given very little, and the candidate realizes that he will not have time to answer all the questions set in front of him, it is necessary to miss questions that cause difficulties. Most often, the final result of the test depends on the number of tasks performed, and none of the employees of the personnel service does not count on the final one hundred percent.
  3. Focus and be attentive. This will make it possible to correctly understand the essence of the task and not mistaken when it is executed.
  4. If any question in the task is incomprehensible, it is better to skip it, and not to poke at random. You can put an excess tick and characterize yourself as completely unbearable with large quantity mental abnormalities.
  5. If it is possible - it is better to know in advance which tests will be held.
  6. Before directing testing, it is worthwhile to sleep, as well as dress comfortable and comfortable clothes so that nothing distract from the passage of tasks.

These simple advice will allow us to count on obtaining the desired position. And if there are any other doubts, you can cheer yourself by the fact that most tests when taking American work.

Of course, the inhabitants of this country themselves are quite hard to cope with their passage when admission to work, but any schoolboy can easily cope with such tasks.

A long time does not leave the feeling that the test is not just erroneous - he is humiliated!

Tests: pros and cons

Indeed, the passage of psychological tests can permanently leave an unpleasant precipitate for a long time, and the misunderstanding of what is happening may well be for the subject of additional stresses in the future. However, the potential employer extremely rarely assumes the work of preserving the spiritual comfort of the applicant.

As the survey conducted by the Superjob Recruitment Portal Recruitment Portal, the majority of employers - 60% are considering psychological testing of the necessary component of the interview. They believe that successful work At the desired post, a specialist should not only have necessary knowledge and skills, but also to demonstrate certain properties of character. For example, for a public relations manager, this is communication skills, for a doctor - resistance to stress and processing, for an accountant - perishability, and so on. And to determine whether the applicant who came to the interview has the necessary features, needs to draw it psychological picture.

Among applicants for the use of psychological testing on the interview, only 47 percent of respondents are expressed. At the same time, every third (34%) is convinced that the interview is not the place where you need to climb into the soul.

We go around underwater stones

In order not to get into the insidious traps of psychologists and be able to imagine themselves in best viewIt is necessary to understand that when taking a job, the following types of psychological tests are most often used:

Personal.They can be both complex and narrowly, when it is tested literally one or two factors, for example, leadership qualities, sociability, the ability to self-control, aggression, attentiveness, striving for success, etc. These are the most "cunning" tests, as aimed at identifying very subjective parameters. The most common trap is that the same question is in a somewhat modified form in the test two or three times. Naturally, the answer in all cases should be the same.

Intellectual.Here you are waiting for questions on the definition of IQ, logical and math problems. The main task for the applicant is to dial the maximum number of points. The tasks are usually simple, for attentiveness, and everything you need is to focus on questions.

Projective.The subject is invited to build associative ranks with specified drawings, words, flowers, etc. The best way Take this testing - just remember correct options Replies (see "In the topic").

Professional.Since these tests are aimed at identifying professional knowledge and skills, it is almost impossible to deceive them. Pleasant news: the test is quite objective, so specialists in their business show good results.


Color rating

At the interview, the applicant may well offer to go through the Lucher's Color Test, which refers to projective tests. The testing procedure consists in ordering the proposed colors by the degree of their pleasantness for the subject.

The results of the color diagnostics of the Lucherus allow you to make an individual assessment and give professional recommendations tested, but only with accurate observance of a number of conditions, the psychologist Marina Derkach explains. - the subject must be distracted from associations related to fashion trends and generally accepted tastes, and choose colors, only on the basis of their personal relationship. It is necessary to use exceptionally certified materials when natural lighting, and hitting a direct table sunlight unacceptable. It is important to understand that the slightest color distortion completely levels all the results!

However, the secret of a psychologist opens the secret, the test of Lucher, whether it is licensed or not, it is very easy to deceive. For successful passage Do not choose the first black, brown and gray colors - this indicates the psychological disadvantage of the subject. And to seem "ideal", you need to choose colors in the following sequence: red, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, gray, black.

In our country, this is a pretty new technique, but its fans every year more and more, because it allows you to quickly and objectively identify the personal and professional qualities of the candidate.

Many companies and specialists in the recruitment specialists, perhaps, even exaggerate the importance of test results, so that such a test is not an obstacle to obtaining the work of your dream, you need to know how to overcome it with glitter.

Psychological test number 1. Favorite color

You are invited to arrange 8 cards of different colors in order, ranging from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant.

What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining the emotional state of a person. Each card symbolizes the needs of a person:

- red - need for action;

- Yellow - the need for aspiration to goal, hope;

- Green - the need to self-affirmation;

- blue - the need for attachment, constancy;

- gray - fatigue, desire for peace;

- purple - care from reality;

- Brown - the need for protection;

- Black - depression.

The location of the cards means the following: the first two - man's desires, 3 and 4 - the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are indifferent relation, 7 and 8 - antipathy, suppression.

Key: In the first four, there must be red, yellow, blue, green - in which exactly, not so essential. The most preferred options for the location of the cards, which draws a portrait of a purposeful, active man: red-yellow-green-blue-purple-brown-gray-black.

You may be offered to pass this psychological test twice. The second time a little change the cards in some places, but not significantly, otherwise you will be considered an unbalanced person.

Psychological test number 2. Drawing lesson

You are offered to draw a house, tree, person.

What does it mean?It is believed that so a person can demonstrate his self-perception in the world. In this psychological test, each detail is: the location of the pattern on the sheet (located in the center, the proportional pattern says about self-confidence), a single composition from all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, which type of object will be displayed.

It is also important and that they will draw first: the house - the need for security, a person - the focus on herself, the tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, the tree - the metaphor of aspirations (oak - confidence, Iva - the opposite is uncertainty); Man is a metaphor of perception of itself by other people; Home - Metaphor of Perception Himself by the Manself (Castle - Summary, Shaking Hut - low self-esteem, discontent with yourself).

Key:your drawing must be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and readiness to work in the team, do not forget about such details: the road to the porch (contact), roots at the tree (communication with the team), windows and doors (goodwill and openness), sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree (practicality ), pet (care).

Psychological test number 3. Story

You show pictures with the image of people in various life situations and ask them to comment: what happens; what a man thinks; Why does he do that?

What does it mean?Based on the interpretation of pictures, you can determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words - "Who has it hurts - the one says about that." It is believed that a person designs situations in the pictures to his life and gives his fears, desires, a look at the world. For example, if a crying or laughing person is depicted in the picture, then it is expected that, commenting on it, you will tell you about your motives of joy or sadness.

Key: It is necessary to control their answers and interpret pictures in the most positive way.

Psychological test number 4. Klyax

You show pictures with the image of a shapeless blots (usually symmetric) and ask to tell you what you see.

What does it mean? This psychological test is something similar to the previous one, he also reveals your true attitude towards the world. Positive interpretation of pictures (for example - communication of people) talks about you as an active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blossom you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) suggests that you have many unreasonable fears or deep stress.

Key:if the picture is associated with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral key. For example, do not say: "I see people who quarrel", and tell me: "People emotionally communicate."

Psychological Test No. 5. IQ Test

You are offered for a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) to respond to several questions (from 40 to 200) of varying or mathematical tasks to logical puzzles.

What does it mean?These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called intelligence coefficient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly questionable (if a person has low indicators - it does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, it may have non-standard thinking or it is simply tritely inattentive), tests have been preserved for many years and increase their popularity. The most common IQ tests isna.

Key:be the most attentive, there are a lot of questions with trick. If the time expires, and there are many more questions - do not leave them without solving, set the answers at random, something is probably guess. On the eve of testing when taking a job, go through several psychological tests on the Internet, it will help to identify the principles of the decision. According to statistics, each subsequent passage of psychological test increases performance by 5-7%, just do not get carried away, and then suddenly find yourself too smart for the proposed position.

Now you see that the psychological tests take care of work is not so difficult. After all, you have "keys" that will open the way to new career achievements!