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How to cut a mediator from a plastic card. Mediator for guitar. Main types of mediators. Which to choose? How to make a guitar mediator: necessary knowledge

Guitar today has every third teenager, and adults do not mind to remember the youth and sing songs under the guitar, especially if there is a mood for this. In addition to the guitar and the ability to use it, in most cases a mediator is needed. How to make a mediator or a blackmifter from girlfriend, we will tell in this article.

Please look, video and you will understand how to easily and quickly make a mediator own hands From the remedies.

We need:
- pointed metal wand or pin;
- old plastic card;
- Old mediator or shape that will need to circle;
- Flomaster;
- Scissors.

So what we need to do.

First of all, we take a felt-tip pen and shape and supply on an old plastic card form of a mediator that we need to cut. If you have any interesting mapsYou can easily make a mediator with a pattern.

The next step, carefully cut our future mediator on the line. It is very important that the line is clear, but not very deep (this is the case, if you work the workpiece not a marker and a pin or a sharp stick), if the line is deep, then you will have to cut smoothly, otherwise the edges of the mediator will be Strongly hang around. But then it will still be polished and bring to a smooth form.

We should get a blank, the edges of which will need to be lost. Now we take the paper or a rag or even a carpet and start to rub all the irregularities. All edges are maintained easily, so you need to be very neat, one incorrect movement and you can have a sharp angle on your lecturer.

To rub the edges of the mediator should be made by arcuate movements to give it a smooth form.

We got a little lochmal, but even the edges of the workpiece.

Now we wash the surface. We put the mediator horizontally and start rubbing them on paper, so we remove the laughter. The remains of grated plastic from the edges go. You can use the nail file in order to remove the amusement.

All, our mediator is ready. They need to play or battle, or plug. You can make a big mediator or small, from this quality of your guitar game will not change.

But today I decided to write about the mediators themselves for the guitar (they are also called the plectrum). Those., What mediators are there? What made? What is the size of the mediator "from Hood Enaf? How to choose a mediator for yourself? Well, and similar burning questions that are worried, I hope not one me.

I will say right away that I never found the perfect mediator for myself. Why? Well, probably because they are all good. But, as they say, one is better for one, others for the other. Unfortunately, there is nothing universal in this world ...

Manufacturing firm
In my humble opinion, the logo applied to the mediator does not matter much. Much more on the sound and remoteness of the game affect the form, thickness and material from which the mediator is made - in general, all that we will consider below. Nevertheless, someone loves someone -, someone fanata from Steve Waa and Ibanez. So if you are tie to a particular company, then there is nothing wrong with that. Almost everyone in their ruler has mediators of various forms, colors and materials. Several mansion, perhaps, is worth Dunlop with their Jazz Series, which many famous guitarists prefer different styles. Like bluesmen - Joe Bonamassa, Eric Johnson and Rockers John Petrucci and Kirk Hammett.
Mediator form
In general, the forms of guitar mediators are countless. However, among all this variety, there are standard forms that have their established names. Of course, the choice of one form or another is an individual business. There are no rules and tips here. You need to use what is convenient for you.

From left to right: standard, drop (teardrop), jazz (jazz), equilateral triangle, shark fin

Mediator on finger
Also, in nature there are mediators that put on their fingers. Quite often on the thumb. But there are mediators in the form of "artificial nails" for the remaining finger right hand. Such mediators usually use acoustic style guitarists to play with fingers (Finger Picking).

Here are some of them in the picture.

From left to right: D "Andrea on a thumb, alaska for all fingers (" Overhead nails), Ernie Ball on a thumb

Mediator thickness for guitar
Thin: 0.38 - 0.65 mm
The sound is very bright, very nervous, good for Chesa.

Medium size: 0.65 - 0.73 mm
Brightness in sound smaller than thin mediators. Great is suitable for both Ca and seven notes.

Topic medium: 0.73 - 0.88
The sound already begins to appear as a middle and bass. The attack strings is stronger than the two previous ones, which, in fact, is logical. Good, both for Ca and individual notes.

Fat: 0.88 - 1.0 mm
Good for individual notes and for rhythm game. Such mediatorit is great to use in the fatal styles when you need to "knock out" the sound of the guitar, sound-skinning controlling the level of the heine or volume. Due to the strong attack in the sound there is a whole sound spectrum: high, medium frequencies, bass. The mediator itself can be present, but it depends more on the material from which the mediator was made than from the thickness.

Very fat: 1.14 - 3 mm
It is best suited for heavy rhythm and solo parties. Someone will be more difficult to "scratch". Good return from strings throughout the range: bass, medium and high frequencies. There is already a call from the mediator in all its glory. Easily control, like the strength and direction of impact, due to the thickness of the mediator. About "knock out sound" is also relevant.

Material from which the mediators do
Tortex / Delrex (Tortex / Delrex)
Warm material. Plastic with a silk smooth coating. It takes enough long enough, well held in your hands, even if there are slippery fingers.

Derlin (Derlin)
Bright, fast, smooth. Usually, this is a mediator from Tonkes / Dliks, but well polished.

Excellent material. Smooth to the touch. Warm sound. Good, both for rhythm and for leading parties. Usually polished surface.

Glossy I. smooth surface. Nuts very much. Nylon mediators can be very subtle, respectively, such mediators quickly. Great for chea with soft sound. At least the pride of the mediator.

Feelings and sound, as from mixing celluloid and derm. It may be a glass name, depending on the thickness of the mediator.

Lexane (Lexan)
Solid material that resembles glass. Brilliant coatings. Almost never bend. Usually, mediators from Lexan have a thickness of more than 1 mm. Quickly wear. In the sound of a glass rank.

Solid. Strong attack. Well audible pride from the mediator.

What mediators are well-known guitarists
  • YNGWIE Malmsteen - Dunlop 1.5mm Delrin
  • Al Dimela - D "Andrea Heavy Celluloid
  • Dave Mustain - Dunlop .73mm Tortex
  • Marty Friedman - Dunlop .88mm Tortex
  • Paul Gilbert - Ibanez Heavy Celluloid (Sharp Tip) / Dunlop .73mm Tortex
  • Brian May - An English Penny (Penny Coin)
  • Eric Johnson - Dunlop 1.38mm Jazz III Red Nylon
  • STEVE VAI - Ibanez Heavy Celluloid Standard Shape
  • Chris Impellitteri - Fender Heavy Celluloid
  • Michael Angelo - Dunlop 1.38mm Jazz III Black Nylon
  • Francesco Fareri - Dunlop 2.0mm Big Stubby
  • George Lynch - Metal (During The Early Dokken Days)
  • SLAYER - D "Andrea Heavy Triangle Picks
  • Shawn Lane - Dunlop 1.38mm Jazz III Red Nylon
How to make a guitar mediator?
The easiest option is to take a plastic card, scissors and cut their mediator. Perfectionists can then fill the edges with sandpaper or supfil. According to the experience I can say that the plastic from which a card is made is not best Material for the mediator. He raises or, in general breaks.

Sooner or later, many novice guitarists face such an important issue: how to choose a mediator for a guitar? To date, there is enough music stores big choice Mediators for every taste and color that looked at the box with these plastic pieces, the eyes are missing in different directions.

Therefore, the first time the newcomer will be difficult to make himself right choice, Well, except to take a mediator with some kind of icing picture. But here it is not so simple, there are many different criteria by which the right choice of the future mediator should do. This article will be devoted to such people.

From my own experience I will say that I once chose the mediator for the first time in the picture and, and I took the thinnest, as a result it was inconvenient to play. Today I literally in a couple of minutes I can choose what I really need and what I got used for all the years of playing guitar. Therefore, I always buy several mediators you need at once so that you should not get used to others. In fact, the mediator also produces a habit, over time and you will understand this when you find optimal for yourself. To begin with, take yourself one mediator of each type. But what kind of species, we will now understand.

Mediator (He is a plect) - this is a thin plate, most often from plastic, with a pointed end, which is designed to bring the string into an oscillatory state or, simply speaking, remove the sound.


There are quite many different firms that make mediators. It is not necessary to find fault to the quality of the product, because Its design is easier nowhere. Many guitarists most often choose such famous brands like: Dunlop., Fender., Gibson., Ibanez. other. And this choice is associated with the fact that work with such mediators is already inspired.


In the manufacture of mediators, the following materials can be used:

  • Tortex (Tortex) / Derlex (Derlex) - It has a smooth silky coating that is not worn for a long time. The mediator from this material is very convenient and has warm sound when playing.
  • Derlin (Derlin.) - The mediator coating made from this material is smoother, and the sound is bright. Suitable for high-speed game.
  • Celluloid - Surface, polished and smooth to the touch. This material has proven itself well, because Best is suitable for rhythm melodies and solo parties.
  • Nylon - Mediators made on the basis of this material have an advantage over others, which lies in their softness and flexibility. The surface is smooth and smooth.
  • Polycarbonate - Material with properties, like a derm and celluloid. It may even give a glass pride with a certain thickness of the plector.
  • Lexane (Lexan.) - Material similar to glass, very solid and almost never bend. It is mainly used in mediators with a thickness of more than 1 mm. It has the effect of a glass ghost and is quickly wearing.
  • Metal - It has its own additional when playing sound, and the mediators made from it are most suitable for strong attacks.

The form

  • Standard - The most popular and widely used type of mediators. For a standard mediator characteristic soft sound When playing.
  • Teardrop. & Jazz.- These mediators are usually thicker than standard. Love them for brightness.
  • Triangle- It has the shape of an equilateral triangle. Such a mediator is practical because you can play any side of it. Most the best way For lovers to experiment.
  • Sharkfin.- This is a universal mediator that allows you to use two sides for the game. You can play as a ribbed part and the usual side of the standard mediator.


Perhaps this is the most important thing when choosing a future mediator and this should be paid primarily to pay attention. Mainly from its thickness and will depend on the sound of your guitar. The thickness of the mediator is from 0.38 to 3 mm. When choosing the thickness of the mediator, it is necessary to consider what you will play and how.

  • Thin Mediators are suitable for those who want to get a soft and at the same time chord sound.
  • Thick It is possible to control the strength of the blow and attack and at the same time allow you to play with different volume.

And now let's consider the thickness mediators:

  • 0.38 - 0.65 mm - Thin mediators.
  • 0.65 - 0.73 mm - Mediators of medium size.
  • 0.73 - 088 mm - thicker average.
  • 0.88 - 1.0 mm - Thick mediators.
  • 1.14 - 3.0 mm - Very thick mediators.

Usually, the thickness indicates the front side of the mediator and it is expressed in millimeters, and if the numbers are missing, most likely, a scale of this type will be used:

  • Thin. (thin)
  • Medium. (middle)
  • Heavy. (fat)
  • Extra Heavy (very fat)


I recommend using mediators with a rough surface rather than with a smooth, because if your fingers are quickly wet, then such a plectrone can just fly out of your hand at an inappropriate moment.

The size

In this case, to determine which the size of the mediator in the area you will be best suited, then here you already repel from your own preferences. The most important thing is that it was comfortable and comfortable to keep. If you are going to perform something fast, then take a small mediator.


The range of different producers is wide enough and therefore everyone will find for themselves the full-color mediator. You can, for example, take the color of the guitar or clothes.

Mediators for guitars of different types

  • For an acoustic guitar, I can advise you to take a soft mediator. Thick from the finest to the average. I explain why. It is convenient to play such a mediator, and its sound is more pleasant and gentle, which is not typical for a solid mediator. On the acoustic guitar Strings are stronger than the electric guitar. Playing a solid mediator on an electric guitar of difficulty you will not feel any, but notice at acoustics immediately.
  • Undoubtedly, for the electric guitar need a solid mediator, due to the fact that the strings are not so strained here as on acoustics. You can safely take in thickness from the middle up to the most solid.
  • Always have several different mediators (believe me, they will be useful), and must also be somewhat spare, because they are usually often lost.
  • Just so as not to lose the mediators and not buy new each time, get at the same time and a special case for them, which can be attached to the guitar. Mediators will always be at hand, and they will not need to search for pockets.

That's actually all about the mediators! I hope this article helped you. And now you already know how to choose a guitar mediator. So can you share with friends in social networksAnd also leave your comments below. I will only glad about it. Good luck to you!

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Publication Date: March 20, 2016

Mediator or Pleps?

Each guitarist knows that the mediator for the guitar is such a thin pointed plate, which, when playing, hit the strings. But where did this name come from?

Everything is very simple. The word "mediator" occurred from the Latin word Mediator, which means "mediator". After all, it is really an intermediary - between your fingers and strings of the guitar.

But sometimes the mediator for the guitar is called strange word "plectrum". In fact, there is nothing strange here: this word happened from the ancient Greek Plectron - from Plesso, "hit" (including strings).

In our country, the word "mediator" passed more, but in english language The mediator is always called Plectrum. In English spoken Speech Plexes are also called even easier - Picks.

Mediator thickness for guitar

In thickness, mediators are divided as follows:

  • Extra Light - very thin (thickness less than 0.44 mm)
  • Light - Thin (thickness 0.45 - 0.69 mm)
  • Medium. - average (thickness 0.70 - 0.84 mm)
  • Heavy.- thick (thickness 0.85 - 1.20 mm)
  • Extra Heavy - very thick (thickness more than 1.20 mm)

The thicker the mediator, the stronger the attack and the more powerful guitar sound. But it is not always necessary - for example, on acoustic guitars playing "cheek" thin mediators to achieve a stons of strings.

What are the mediators made from?

Most often, mediators for the guitar are made of plastic.

The plastic is meant by several polymeric materials. From nylon usually make mediators to 1 mm thick. Such mediators are characterized by softness and flexibility, but quickly wear out.

Patented by American Chemical Firm DuPont Materials Tortex and Derlex are also used in guitar mediators. They have a little rough to the touch surface and better hold in the fingers. Worn long. Thicks have a range from Light to Heavy.

Another kind of plastic is Ultex. It has a slightly shiny surface, wearing slowly.

There are others polymer materialsfrom which mediators are manufactured - Delrin, Lexane, Acrylic, etc. All have about the same performance features With a minimum difference in sound.

But there are many other materials that are certain demand for guitarists. Here is some of them.

Mediator from the turtle shell. Many people think that those used at the beginning of the last century, however, today such mediators can be found on eBay - they cost about $ 20 and are manufactured manually. We wear faster than plastic, but they have one feature - even very thin bone mediators have greater rigidity and do not bend.

Metal mediators. Give a ringing sound with a metallic tint. Strings wear out faster. Many (for example, Brian May) use a non-metallic mediator, but a coin.

Ceramic mediators. When playing, there is a sound similar to sound when you hit the nail on the string. For other characteristics similar to plastic guitar mediators, except that it is not bent.

Wood mediators. When playing such a mediator, the sound is warm, soft. Wood mediators are stepping pretty quickly, so they are made only from solid wood varieties.

If there are glass slides, then why not make glass mediators? And they exist! Mediators for a heavy glass guitar by weight and, of course, solid. But maybe this is what you need?

Mediators from stone. There are also such - probably, they began to produce cave people before all of them. But stone mediators can be found today. For example, Pick Boy manufactures them from semi-precious agate. Polished mediators are very beautiful, with streaks.

Carbon mediators. Crawly - modern and technological material. Mediators for carbon fiber guitar can be very thin, light, but at the same time superhards. Give a dense, hard sound. It should be borne in mind that after the game on the fingers you can remain coal dust.

It should be noted that the difference in the sound of mediators made from different materials, there is, but it is very small. Much more on the sound affects the thickness and mass of the mediator.

Mediator form

Most often, the mediator for the guitar can be made of any form, especially from the materials obtained by the casting. But among all this mediatorial diversity, several popular forms can be distinguished.

Standard form. Mediators of such a form are produced by the most.

Capid shape.

Jazz. Releases Dunlop.


Aculiils of federated

What to choose?

Find exactly "your" mediator - the task is not easy. Each guitarist has its own requirements for the mediator, its form and size, thickness and material. Often, guitarists use different mediators playing on different guitars. So the guitarist will be able to consciously make a choice, only playing large quantity A variety of mediators.

Fortunately for us, the mediators for the guitar are not as expensive, and try different variants Maybe even a guitarist with a limited budget. Dare!

This post will remove all the plants manufacturing mediators!) Because, having a minimum of tools and an hour of time, you will have a dozen-other mediators as you want and caliber.

As you probably guessed the photo, the mediators will do from old plastic credit (debit)) cards, SIM cards of cellular operators, or other similar plastic products.

The entire toolkit required for this operation is shown in the photo:


  1. Sachet (compulsory thing. Because a lot of mediators that have been joying everywhere after the manufacturing process will be a problem for you. Which can be solved by placing them immediately into the bag. And getting as needed (losing))
  2. Scissors. Cards are made of soft plastic leaning with conventional manicure scissors for nails.
  3. File. To align the ends after trimming with scissors.
  4. Stacker to remove burrs.
  5. A pen. To mark the mediators on the card.
  6. Plastic cards.

So, you have all of the above, and you are ready to compete with the monster of the guitar industry. Take a card and applying a pattern with an outline with a handle. As a template, you can take a ready-made mediator. As can be seen from the drawing, 6 doctors are obtained. From SIM-full-time card - 4 pcs.

Of the old cards of payment services of megaphone, soft, thin mediators are obtained. They play well on the acoustic guitar. From bank cards and SIM-ok are hard doctors, to play on the electric rhythm of parties.

It will not work smoothly, so the next step takes 4-5 mediators together and we are calculated with the file, giving them averaged flat form.

We achieve the entire party to have the same smooth contours.