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Clematis Hybrid Yang Paul II. The best varieties of Clematis. Large selection in the online store of seeds and seedlings


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Such a plant as Clematis is able to charm everyone. Flowering lianas, taking out the walls of the house or gazebo, create a unique look. Despite the fact that Clematis is a subtropics leaving, he traveled perfectly in Russia. Today there are over 300 varieties of this culture. Active flower is applied in landscape design. What is Clematis a description of the most popular varieties - will tell about it.

Clematis is a perennial plant. Belongs to the Lutikov family. It grows in different forms. These can be grassy shoots, reaching heights of 40 centimeters, or semi-staples, shrubs growing up to 1.5 meters. There are also liana-leafolase. Their height is about 10 meters. Leaves Lian are complex and simple, unpacturous and parallers, twice three and three, purple and green. Much depends on the variety of culture.

The beauty of the curving plant is attached inflorescences. The size of the flower varies from 4 to 25 centimeters. A rather wide and color palette. There is Clematis Yellow, White, Purple, Blue, Saturated Blue, Pink, Scarlet, Red. In the center of the bud there are contrasting pistils and stamens. Clematis blooms for several months.

What is a prince?

Many gardeners prefer to plant large-flowered. However, not all similar varieties can boast abundant blossom. How many buds will be formed for the season, it is difficult to predict. But the varieties of clematis of the princes are characterized by the formation of a set of floweries. True, inflorescences in diameter are small. However, they are so much that the leaves are practically not visible. Watching the varieties of princes fascinating.

Among the advantages of the prince, it is worth named as:

  1. Neciprisity in cultivation.
  2. Winter hardiness.
  3. The presence of immunity to the twist.
  4. Sylgorosphere. The height of the shoots reaches 5 meters.
  5. Early, abundant bloom.
  6. Beautiful foliage, openwork.

But, despite the presence of a number of advantages, while the princes are not as popular with flower water, like Clematis.

What varieties of Clematis today exist?

Summer residents that plan to landslide the territory near the house with the help of the curly Lian, think about choosing a variety of this plant. After all, I want the culture and look beautiful, and in care was simple. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the treasured types of Clematis the most popular among flower water.

Clematis Rouge Cardinal

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is a hybrid form. The shrub is impressive, very expressive. Height average. Gardeners this variety loved for bright and lush flowering, good winter hardiness and resistance to pests and illness.

Culture has repeatedly received awards, ranked first in prestigious international exhibitions. Consider the description of Clematis Cardinal Read more. Root system powerful. Deepening almost a meter. Also divergent and styling. Liana shrub type. Her shoots grow up to 3 meters. Inflorescences are quite large, up to 15 centimeters in diameter. Have a purple color. The plant in vertical landscaping is widely used.

Clematis Ernest Markham

Consider the description of Clematis Ernest Markham as one of the popular varieties among domestic gardeners. This shrub, whose height is about 3-4 meters. Big-raspberry inflorescences with brown stamens. Their diameter varies from 12 to 15 centimeters. Buds are revealed in the second half of the summer season. Luxurious flowers please the eye at the beginning of strong frosts.

Clematis Hegli.

Many summer residents are interested in Clematis Hegly Haybrid, his distinctive features. This is a large-flowered type. Fast growing and very steady. Reaches a two-meter height. Light pink flowers with brown stamens are formed on shoots. Their diameter is approximately 13 centimeters. Flowering falls for July-September month. It is distinguished by Hegly unpretentious to the composition of the soil. However, in sunny places, flowers have a flavor property.

Clematis Miss Beitman

This is a liana shrub type. Its height reaches 2.5 meters. It is formed beautiful, white flowers with a greenish strip in the middle of the petals. The diameter of the blossomed bud reaches 15-20 centimeters. The grade of winter films has immunity to fungal infections. Not subject to insect pests. Drought-resistant. Miss Beitman's gardeners appreciate the ability to bloom for the season twice. Having studied the description of Clematis Miss Beitman, we can safely say that such an unpretentious grade is ideal for novice flowerflowers.

Clematis Anna Carolina

This culture grows up to 3 meters in height. Clematis is blooming Anna Carolina with beautiful white inflorescences with purple anthers. Largely they are quite large. Moreover, flowering is abundant and occurs twice a year: in the spring and at the end of summer. Special care is not required. However, very demanding for the composition of the soil. The land should be a sublinous, neutral or weakly alkaline, water permeable, fertile, loose and well-fertilous. Then the plant will develop and grow quickly, plenty of blossom. Liana is actively used for vertical landscaping.

Clematis BEATA

Beata is the result of the work of Polish breeders. The variety appeared on the market in 1986 and immediately became popular. Clematis Beata is distinguished by large flowers, a diameter of 18-25 centimeters. Inflorescences are semi-either or simple. Their color is blossom. The pink strip can be seen in the center of each leaflet. Liana grows up to 3 meters in height. It blooms intensively, especially from June to July.

Clematis Ashva

Culture grows up to 1.5-2 meters. Gives medium in size of purple-purple painting flowers. In the middle of each petal goes a red strip. Flowers abundantly from June to September. On one shrub per season is formed up to 100 buds.

Ashva is widely used in landscape design. Usually this liano is planted near the garden supports, lattices, shrubs. Decorating terraces, gazebos. However, culture is perfectly suitable for growing in containers. Most reviews about Clematis Ashva positive.

Clematis Yukiokhoshi.

Japanese Clematis Yukiokoshi is characterized by major terry inflorescences. Color white-salad buds. The diameter of each flower reaches 14 centimeters. Blooming abundant, lasts from June to September. Sailing Yukiokhos on the verandas, balconies in containers, near the gazebo, trees, on flower Klumbach. The plant reaches a two-meter height. Culture loves wet, with presence of good drainage, fertile soils. Planting better in non-jar, but sunny places. The variety is frost-resistant.

Clematis Yukiokhoshi

Clematis Usta

This is an Estonian variety. The culture is very compact, the Clematis of the Yusta grows to 1.5 meters in length. Although the plant has small dimensions, it clings for natural and artificial supports well. Therefore, this variety is chosen by many owners of summer cottages. Light-blobber-pink flowers are formed on Liana. The base of the bud is a light purple strip. The diameter of the inflorescence varies from 6 to 8 centimeters. Flowering long and abundant, continues from June to September. Frost resistance is not bad.

Clematis Jan Paul 2

This is a Polish variety that was created in 1980. The variety is recognized as the most original and popular in the world. Clematis is appreciated by Jan Paul 2 for colorful, long and abundant flowering. Only one bush is able to transform the territory near the house. The height of the shoots is 2.5-3 meters. Flowers are large, white and pink shade. In the middle of the petal passes the pink strip. Liana is capable of climbing small trees and deciduous shrubs. Often Jan Paul 2 sit down near the walls, arbors and garden fences.

Clematis Jan Fopma

Clematis grows by Jan Fopma to 1.5 meters. Flowers are small, only 5-6 centimeters in diameter. They are painted in a lilac-purple shade. Have a bell shape. Blossom begins in July and continues in September. From each inflorescence comes a pleasant, soft chocolate fragrance. The grade has good frost resistance. Shelters for the winter does not require. The plant is unpretentious, growing rapidly.

Clematis Purple Captivity Elegance

The variety was launched in the 19th century, but still very popular. After examining the reviews about Clematis Purple of captivity Elegance, I must say that the plant is highly appreciated by summer houses. Liana is distinguished by resistance to diseases and low temperatures. Blossom abundant. Buds terry, red. The shade can greatly vary: from scarlet to burgundy. The edges of the petals are wavy. In the middle of the bud there are purple anthers. Bustic reaches a height of 4 meters. Buds start opening in June and please the eyes until September.

Clematis Snow Queen

Pretty rare and valuable grade. Bred by breeders from New Zealand. Liana grows up to 3 meters. Clematis Snow Queen received its name for large flowers of white colors. During flowering, the bush literally was covered with snow-white flakes. The revealed bud has a diameter of 15-18 centimeters. On the petals there is a light purple haze. The foliage is dark green, trees. A variety is very winter-hardy. Flowers from May and August. For landing, it is better to choose sexualized, protected from wind space.

Clematis Toki.

This is a Japanese variety. The height of this liana is 2 meters. Clematis Cleactis is distinguished by pure-white flowers with yellow stamens in the middle. This is a large-flowered, early variety. Buds begin to bloom from mid-May and until June. Repeated flowering falls for the July-August period. Perfect current looks on a dark background. It is advisable to plant in the place where there is a half. The variety is suitable for decorating walls, arbors, fences.

Clematis Toki.

Clematis White Elephant

Clematis White Elephant is growing to 2 meters. Flowers are very large, 30 centimeters in diameter. Have a white color. Flowering is very abundant, long. The second time the plant blooms at the end of summer. However, during this period, bloom is already weaker. White Elephant is recognized as the best grade that was led over the past year.

Clematis Xerxes

Abundant blooming Clematis Xerxes enjoys a special popularity from gardeners, a variety was bred in the UK in 1877.

DESCRIPTION OF FLOWER: Bright flowers of non-standard coloring are formed on Liana. They have a purulent pink shade. The diameter of the blossomed bud is 14-23 centimeters. Shrub medium height. However, this does not interfere with the interference with other deciduous plants and coniferous bushes.

Having considered the description of Clematis Clematis, it should be noted that the plant is actively used as the soil. Beautiful, large inflorescences are capable of creating a real floral carpet. Blossom continues from June to July a month. The second time Liana blooms from August to September. A feature of Xerx is that the petals have property burn out in the sun. Therefore, experts recommend landing culture in a half.

Clematis Dark Ice.

Clematis Dark Ice is characterized by dark purple-purple flowers small in magnitude. Explicit buds in diameter do not exceed 6-8 centimeters. Liana grows up to 2 meters. Flowers from June to July, and then until September moderately. Charmingly looks Dark Ice, intertwining with other Lians, shrubs. On bright background also looks very good. The variety is suitable for growing in a container.

Clematis Daeschi of Albani

He fell in love with domestic gardeners Clematis Daeschi of Albani for interesting tulip flowers. Buds are painted in pink. Along the petals go dark pink stripes. Flowering falls for the July-September. In autumn I. winter Clematis is covered with decorative nollion. Daiss Albani is widely used for landing in arbors, along the fences. It grows well in warm, sunny places. The height of the shrub is 2-3 meters. The grade has good frost resistance.

Clematis Beschada

This is a new Polish variety. The market appeared in 2006. Reachams Clematis Beschada 3 meters in height. Flowers are quite large - 14-20 centimeters in diameter. Flowers shrub from June to September. Buds have a pink shade. The variety contrasts perfectly with darker plants. And especially with deciduous or coniferous trees. Clematis is used in vertical landscaping, as well as as a soil culture.

Clematis Gizel

Polish Clematis Gizel is characterized by the formation of velvety colors of dark purple color. The diameter of the extended buds is about 10 centimeters. Flowers shrub in June-July month. Lian height from 2.5 to 3 meters. Often, this variety is chosen for growing in arbors, other garden supports. Clematis is capable of climbing both natural supports - coniferous and deciduous shrubs.

Clematis Gizel

Clematis Ivan Olsson

This is a large-flowered hybrid form. Granted variety in Sweden. Clematis Ivan Olsson grows up to 2 meters. Gives flowers large size - About 15 centimeters in diameter. It blooms twice for the season: from mid-May to July, from August to September.

Ivan Olsson is an excellent choice for decorating grids, arbors, fences, walls, decorate them as arches, garden fences.

Clematis Roco Collla

Roco collary large-flower Clematis belongs to varieties at late flowering. Extended buds reach 13 centimeters in diameter. They are single-row. Petals are painted in a creamy white shade. In the middle there is a greenish yellow strip. Blossom abundant. Starts from the middle of the summer and continues to deep autumn.

Liana grows an average of up to 2 meters. Able to intertwine S. coniferous plants, shrubs. It has proven well when growing in containers. The variety is winter hardy.

Conclusions about different varieties of Clematis

Clematis are actively used in landscape design. There are different varieties that are characterized by height, color and form of buds, period and abundance of flowering. For example, there are still such varieties that were not described in the article: Piil, Ville de Lyon, President, Mazuri, Nelli Moser, Multi Blue, Nioba, Comtesta de Busho, Jacman, Andromeda, Tudor, Solidarity, Alyonushka, Stasik, Yulka, Red Star, Angel Wings, Even Violet, Innoent Blass. Each dacket easily selects for myself suitable option. The main thing is to understand the types of plants and put it correctly.

favorite grade Clematis Just impossible ...

Article Classification of Clematis and Group Trimming

AKAISI (Akaishi)
Alenushka (Aljonushka)

Albina Plena (Albina Plena)

Arabella (arabella)

Ballet Skirt (Ballet Skirt)

Blue Light (Blue Light)

Valenburg (Walenburg)

Viva Polonia (Viva Polonia)

Vistula (Vistula)

Grunwald (Grunwald)

Danuta (Danuta)

Zhanny (Janny)

Kaiser (Kaiser)

Columella (Columella)

Copernicus (Copernicus)

Krakowak (Krakowiak)

Lagoon (Lagoon)

Lemon Dream (Lemon Dream)

Mazovskaya (Mazowsze)

Moning Skai (Morning Sky)

Night Veil (Night Veil)

Nelli Moser (Nelly Moser)

Paul Farges

Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Roko-Kolla (Roko Kolla)

Romance (Romantika)

Saint-No-Kaze (Sen-No-Kaze)

Teshio (Teshio)

Hania (Hania)

Shigoku tire (shin-shigyoku)

Jan Pavel II (Jan Pawel II)

clematis that smell

Clematis - guests from the tropics that have come true in the climate of the Russian Federation. The flower is warmly loving, but in favorable conditions Created abundantly and beautifully blossom. Today, about 300 species of Clematis are known for all sorts of paints and some of the varieties are adapted to the cool conditions of the Moscow region. The article contains photos, characteristics, reviews and descriptions of the process of growing these colors, as well as video tips from experienced gardeners.

Model description Clematis

Clematis grows almost all continents in perfectly different conditions: In the deaf forest and among the steppes, on the rocky gorges and fertile banks of the rivers. Warming Clematis - Curly or Busty - has small flowers. Gardeners, as a rule, cultivate hybrids with large flowers. The color of the petals can be blue, saturated blue, lilac, red, pink, etc. Especially popular curly plants. Other characteristics of Clematis:

  • flowers single or collected in inflorescence;
  • form of colors - half-blood, shield or sweeper;
  • foliage - complex (3.5 or 7 leaves), steam room or simple;
  • root - rod or urine.

Attention! Clematis with the rod system negatively tolerate the transplant and require a permanent place on the site.

It should be understood that the first sort of grade in the climate of the Moscow region will not grow normally. Local cool climate with short-term winter frosts Clematis just do not like. Gardeners advise choosing plants with early bloom. Those that may form inflorescences on the branches grown in the spring.

Attention! The terry varieties of Clematis with blossoms on overwhelming shoots will give flowers without fluffy coating.

Best varieties Clematis for Moscow region: Top-10

  • Nelli Moser. The variety is tested by time. Petals - white-pink with bright lines in the center. In the intense sun burn out. Blossoming on old shoots begins late spring and continues on new branches before frost.

Nelli Moser

  • Ville de Lyon. Very bright flower with saturated red uneven painted petals. Flowers all summer on young shoots.
  • Dzhips Queen. Purple purple flowers, large. Grow on new shoots. The variety is especially valued by suburban summer houses, because it may normally develop in a slightly shaded place, resistant to frost and to many diseases, while it blooms very magnificently.

Dzhips Queen

  • Ballerina. A curly long-standing plant with long up to 3 m. Single flowers, reach 15 cm in diameter, color - white. Flowers abundantly, on young branches.
  • Nobe Flowers over the summer purple-red velvety flowers. Well tolerate winter under the shelter.

  • Hope. Representative of Soviet breeding with pastel-burgundy petals of large size. The blossomed flowers resemble the stars. Flowers grads twice in season: from May to June and from mid-July to October.
  • General Sikorsky. Flowers blue-purple, overflow. Flowers abundantly, not picky about care, has resistant to fungal diseases and moderate cold.

General Sikorsky

  • Rouge Cardinal. Grade with red-purple velvet petals. Flowers on spring branches throughout the summer. Well copes with moderate cold.
  • Nikolai Rubtsov. It has a lilac case-based large flowers (up to 17 cm). This Clematis is continuously blooming from May to September.

Nikolai Rubtsov

  • Luther Burbank. The peculiarity of this variety is a large length of Liana, which has many shoots, as well as especially large flowers, up to 25 cm in diameter. Color - purple. Flowers from May in the middle of autumn.

Attention! Even those varieties that are adapted to the cold should be carefully prepared for the winter. The shelter partly saves flowers, but sometimes the bush is still freezing and then restored the entire next season.

Features of the landing of Clematis in the Climate of the Moscow region

In the climate, the Moscow region Clematis usually land in the early autumn or in spring, after the last night frosts. Place on a plot for shrubs should be chosen well lit, without drafts. True, and on the sun Clematis is better not to plant, they also carry the heat it does not matter. Also do not land the plant close to the wall or fence.

The landing site should be deeply reheated and loose, with good drainage. Acidity is neutral or close to that. Throughout the growing season, starting with landing, the plant needs regular feeding. However, you should not make a fresh organic or peat: make only worse.

Council. For culture unacceptable raw, heavy, too saline or acidic soil. Clematis is planted so that next season they could be deepened even more by sleeping a little land.

A couple of hours before the start of the process, soak the roots in the water. In the pit for a seedling, pour a slight slide and evenly distribute the roots. After planting a plant, it must be trimmed. A little later, the procedure should be repeated. Also, the young plant needs a grid or a lattice as a support - it will be clinging for her with cuts of leaves and will soon decorate the plot with a kind of green rug. The height of the support is about 2 m.

Clematis Variety Reviews for Moscow Region

  • in the summer in the heat, water the bush at least 1 time per week;
  • do not forget to loosen the land after each watering;

Be sure to build support for Clematis

  • maintain cleanliness, removing weeds. This is important for size and abundance of colors;
  • preparing the plant for winter can not do without circumcision of the stems in late autumn;
  • watering should be regular and abundant, it is better to support it with mulching, otherwise the flowers will be small even in large-color varieties.

Clematis feeding effectively do this scheme:

  • in the spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers, for active flowering;
  • in May - ash or other potash fertilizer;
  • at the end of summer - phosphoric fertilizer.

Among the characteristic diseases of Clematis - Wilt, withering the top leaves. To prevent the death of the plant, get rid of patients with escapes, and a bush spare potassium permanganate solution. From pests helps the treatment of non-namotocides at the rhizomes. By autumn, keep the copper sulphate in the ready, which may be needed to handle the dark gray necrosis of the leaves.

Gardeners prove the case: with proper care, Clematis are perfectly leaving at the villages of the Moscow region. With their help you can create cozy decor on the household site.

Clematis varieties: video

Dachnips who love Clematis are very lucky! The variety of varieties of this beautiful plant is stunned, their photos in magazines and in the store fascinates.

But it is possible to sympathize with them, and for the same reason - choose one favorite grade Clematis Just impossible ...
What to do? View catalogs, compare photos and descriptions of Clematis. And choose the best!

It is believed that Clematis blue and purple shades are easier to care than blue, pink, purple and especially large-flowered white.

The first thing to find out the beginner clematisovodami when buying a plant is, as far as the winter facing the sort (or appearance), and what kind of pruning group applies.

Classification of Clematis and Group Trimming

Do not know which group is Clematis, bought, for example, in the market? Make a combined trimming. Divide the paragraphs of plants into three parts. First shortening strongly, second half, the third is a little bit. And on next year Compare where bloom is better.

Photo and description of Clematis varieties

AKAISI (Akaishi)
Flowers on the shoots of the past and current year. Flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Petals with slightly wavy edges, purple-purple with a bright red stripe in the middle. It is better to plant in a small shading, where the color does not fade. Height 2-3 m.

Alenushka (Aljonushka)
Domestic grade blooming on the shoots of the current year. Flowers bell rolling pink, 5-7 cm in diameter. The height of this Clematis is 1.5-1.8 m. It is considered an excellent partner for roses, you can plant in containers.
Albina Plena (Albina Plena)
Princely with weaves capable of climbing up to 2.8 m. It blooms on last year's shoots in May-June. Flowers are dense, diameter 6-8 cm, cream-white-green.

Arabella (arabella)
Blossom is abundant and long-term on the shoots of the current year (the height of the plant is 1.5-2 m). Moreover, this clematis does not cling to the support, only relies on it, and if it does not find a suitable, steals on the ground. Flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm, bluish-purple with white stamens. It is considered an unpretentious variety, suitable for growing in containers.
Ballet Skirt (Ballet Skirt)
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. Flowers semi-world, pink, diameter 5-7 cm, resemble a pack of ballerina, which is reflected in the name of the variety. Foldful grade with a height of 2-3 m.
Bill Mackenzie (Bill Mackenzie)
The giant height is 4-5 m, very tall and unpretentious. In the summer, Liana was covered with bright yellow "bells" with a diameter of 6-8 cm, in autumn - fluffy nollodies. Drought-resistant and generally disposedant, preserving green foliage to snow.
Blue Light (Blue Light)
Terry flowers resembling blue dahlias are blooming on the shoots of the past and current year. Plant height up to 2 m.
Blue Explosion (Blue Explosion)
Flowers terry, blue with pink pigmentation on top of petals. Blossom abundant. The flower diameter is 12-14 cm. The second group trimming. Height up to 2.5-3 m.
Buthiful Bride (Beautiful Bride)
Huge white flowers with a diameter up to 28 cm. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a sharp tip. Blossom abundant on the shoots of the previous year in May-July, and then on new ones. This beauty (variety-winner of several exhibitions) cannot be planted on windy areas and on the scorching sun. Liana height 2-3 m.

Valenburg (Walenburg)
Flowers with a diameter of 4-6 cm Bright, red-purple with white vest in the middle of petals. The variety is considered very spectacular, albeit non-nominal. Flowers on the shoots of the current year, which for the summer manage to grow on 2-3 m.
Viva Polonia (Viva Polonia)
Buds are tied on the shoots of the past and the current year. Flowers with a diameter of 12-15 cm, red-purple with a white strip in the middle, which then acquires a lemon shade. Petals with slightly wavy edges back side They have pink. Height up to 2 m.

Vistula (Vistula)
Light purple-blue flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm appear on shoots that have grown from spring. They consist of six oval petals with sharp tips and slightly wavy edges. Against this background, light yellow stamens are highlighted. Height 2.5-3 m.

Grunwald (Grunwald)
Third group trimming. The height is 3-3.5 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Dark petals, purple-purple. Pretty unpretentious grade.
Light cream flowers with a diameter of 12-14 cm. In the middle of the petals. Thin greenish stripe. Flowers on the shoots of the past and current year. Height up to 2.5 m.

Danuta (Danuta)
Third group trimming. Flowers with a diameter of 15-16 cm, pink petals with slightly wavy edges, stamens of creamy-greenish. Height 2-2.5 m.

Zhanny (Janny)
Clematis, blooming in May on last year's shoots. The height is 2-3 m. A variety with semi-world, slightly pink bell-tired flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm. Transfers halftime.
Innoent Blush (innocent blush)
Second group trimming. The height is up to 2 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm, light pink with a darker blush along the edges and the same strip in the middle. On last year's shoots, terry flowers.

Kaiser (Kaiser)
Second group trimming. The height of the plant is 1-1.5 m. The flowers of terry, with a diameter of 8-12 cm, first purple-pink, then brighten.

Columella (Columella)
Clematis blooms on last year's shoots up to 2-2.5 m long. Flowers with a diameter of 7-10 cm, petals outside pink-purple with cream border, inside pink-cream. Transfer halftime.

Copernicus (Copernicus)
Buds are tied on the shoots of the past and the current year. It can poured a support with a height of up to 2 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm, usually semi-marched, with a slightly wavy bright blue petals. Yellow stamens are vividly stand out on their background.
Queen Jadwiga (Krolowa Jadwiga)
Second group trimming. Flowers with a diameter of up to 16 cm, silky, white. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a noticeable rib in the middle. The stamens in the center of the flower form a purple "crown". Lian height 2-2.5 m.

Krakowak (Krakowiak)
The leaves with a height of up to 3 m. Brightly pink flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a red-pink strip in the center of the petals are formed on new shoots. The variety has awards.

Lagoon (Lagoon)
Prince blooming on last year's shoots. The height is 2.5-3 meters. Flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm, semi-world, blue with pale blue stamens. It is considered an undemanding variety.
Lemon Dream (Lemon Dream)
Clematis with weaves up to 3 m high, the first group of trimming. The flowers are terry, with a diameter of 10-12 cm. First, they are greenish, then light lemon, and completely blossomed whites.
Little Mermaid (Little Mermaid)
Japanese variety with unusual salmon-pink coloring flowers with a diameter of 8-12 cm. Buds are tied on the shoots of the past and current year. Liana height up to 2 m.
Madame Julia Korrevon (Madame Julia Correvon)
Flowers with a diameter of 7-10 cm, wine-red with yellow stamens. Appear on the shoots of the current year, which can grow by 2.5-3.5 m.

Mazovskaya (Mazowsze)
Flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm, burgundy, velvet. Heart with yellow stamens effectively stands out on a dark background. Plant height 2-3.5 m.
Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie (Maria Sklodowska Curie)
Gorgeous white terry flowers with a diameter of 12-15 cm. In cold weather, a greenish tint appears, more intense at the base of petals. Golden stamens add a special charm. Flowering in June-July for last year's shoots. Plant height 1.5-2 m. The variety has award.
Mrs. Cholmondel (Mrs. Cholmondeley)
Second group trimming. Lian height is up to 3.5 m. The diameter of the flowers is 18-23 cm, they are a lavender-blue with a purple tinge, seasons semi-grade. Light brown stamens. With a weak trim, it blooms almost without a break from May to August.
Moning Skai (Morning Sky)
Flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, bright, pink-purple, with light middle and pinkish residences. Third group trim height 3 m.
Night Veil (Night Veil)
Japanese grade. Flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm, Purple-purple petals with light, almost white at the base of the strip in the middle. Flowers in June-September on shoots of this year. Height 2-2.5 m.
Nelli Moser (Nelly Moser)
Flowers with a diameter of 14-18 cm, light pink-lilac with a bright pink strip in the middle of petals and red stamens. Second group trimming. Does not like landing on the hot sun. Height 2-3 m.
Paul Farges
Small-color, abundantly blooming, unpretentious and fast-growing. The vacuum can be seal up to 4-5 m. Flowers on the shoots of the current year. White flowers with cream tint.
Purpuria captivity Elegance (Purpurea Plena Elegans)
Terry, in purple range. The flower diameter, according to one source, up to 12-15 cm, other - only 5-8 cm. Blossom is very abundant. Height 2.2 - 3.5 m, group trimmer.

Rhapsody (Rhapsody)
Flowers (diameter 12-14 cm) Bright sapphire-blue with yellow stamens. Flowering long and abundant, on shoots of this year. Liana height is 1.5-2 m, so suitable for growing in containers.

Roko-Kolla (Roko Kolla)
Creamy-white with greenish stripe in the middle of petals, yellow-cream stamens. Flower diameter 15-20 cm, plant height up to 2 m, group trimmer third.

Romance (Romantika)
Flowers with a diameter of 9-12 cm, first almost black, then dark purple, with light pink stamens. It gets plentifully in the shoots of the current year. Height 2-2.5 m.

Saint-No-Kaze (Sen-No-Kaze)
Fantastic variety of Japanese selection, translated - "Thousand Winds". Buds are light green with pink tips, which as beaten. Terry flowers with a diameter of 11-14 cm, blossoms on last year's shoots from June. Liana height 1-1.5 m.
Stolwijk Gold (Stolwijk Gold)
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. His "chip" is golden yellow leaves. Purple-blue bells, widely open flowers with a diameter of 5-6, see the variety of frost and unpretentious, are effectively contrasted with them. Transfers half-day but brighter foliage Painted with sufficient lighting. Height 2-3 m.

Teshio (Teshio)
Original Japanese variety blooming on the shoots of the past and current year. Flowers terry, slightly fightened, in a bluish-lilac scheme. Disconstructions are similar to small hedgehogs or pads with needles. Liana height is 1.5-2 m. Suitable for growing in containers.

Hania (Hania)
Second group trimming. Petals velvety, red with pink border. The diameter of the flowers is 14-16 cm, in the first blossom wave they are terry. Liana height 2.2-2.8 m.
Abundant and long blossoming variety of the second group trimming. Flowers with a diameter of 10-13 cm first purple-red, in full swallowing reddish-pink. The edges of the petals are light pink, in the middle a light strip whiting at the base. It is suitable for decorating support with a height of 2 m.

Shigoku tire (shin-shigyoku)
Someone calls this terry grade marble, and there is something for. Dark purple flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm with numerous, asymmetrically curved petals, which from the bottom side of silver. The contrast is unusual! The trim group is the second, the height of the Liana is 1.5-2 m.
Ernest Markham (Ernest Markham)
Flowers with a diameter of 14-16 cm are dissolved on shoots of the current year. They are red-purple, lightly velvety. Liana from large, in the catalogs it is indicated that it can rise to a height of 2.8-4 m.
Jan Pavel II (Jan Pawel II)
Second group trimming. Flowers depending on the weather and conditions of growth, clean and white or expressed in the center of the pink strip. Height 2-2.5 m.
Clematis Jan Paul II is named after John Paul II. But in Poland, where the variety is derived, his name is pronounced as Yang Paul.

Large selection in the online store of seeds and seedlings:

Pure-red shade in varieties of Clematis is not, only with an admixture of purple. And the pure-blue remains a dream, while lovers of Clematis are satisfied with varieties with a purple admixture.

Sometimes ask whether clematis that smell? It depends on what to consider the aroma. A pleasant smell that can be felt by approaching the flower close? Such are available. In sunny windless days their fragrance is stronger.
Clematis grape-leaf and burning smell is quite strong, but, as they say, an amateur. He likes not everyone.

Clematis - Sorts for the Moscow region and Siberia Photos

diverse st different types Clematis have long been conquered the hearts of Russia's flowerfields. This "Western" flower is abundant and liftedly blooms, but it has a high sensitivity to temperature drops and is demanding of care.

It is not always possible to grow a magnificent liano and achieve long flowering, it doesn't even work out of experienced gardeners, the main mistake is the wrong choice of Clematis varieties that are not suitable for certain climatic conditions. Weather conditions of Russia are too divided throughout its territory, so when landing it is necessary to pay proven varieties that are resistant to frost and temperature drops and inconsolable to care.

The best varieties of Clematis for the Moscow region

When choosing beautiful plants for their country plot It should be paid attention not only to the bright coloring and pomp flowering, but also to the ability to transfer the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. In the section you will find suitable varieties of Clematis, photos titled, and general characteristics Flowering Lian.

Ballerina (Lat. Balerina)

One of the most long-lasting clematis, flowering Liana lasts from May to September. Clematis White, ballerina varieties - a real find for gardeners who prefer lianas with large flowers, up to 15 cm.

Clematis white ballerina varieties are distinguished by large flowers

Blossom occurs on young one-year shoots single, but frequent flowers. Liana height reaches three meters.

Sort Hope (lat. Nadezhda)

Soviet grade with light-burgundy large-sized flowers, reaching 14 cm. Petals have a pointed form, so the flowers in the open form resemble stars, and look at well.

Clematis variety Hope blooms twice per season

Liana height reaches 2.5-3 meters. Blooming the plant begins in May and ends at the beginning of June, then in the middle of summer, Clematis variety Hope is blooming again.

Nikolai Rubtsov (Lat. Nikolaj Rubtzov)

The variety is distinguished by purous flowers, on the petals of which is repeated by the contour divorce the same color. The height of the plant does not exceed 2.5 meters, large flowers, up to 17 cm in diameter. Clematis variety Nikolai Rubtsov blooms from May and until the end of summer, continuously replacing one flower to others.

Clematis varieties Nikolai Rubtsov

Clematis Ville de Lyon (Lat. Ville de Lyon)

One of the brightest Clematis, the flowers of which are painted in a rich red color with a fuchsia. Petals have an ovoid shape and unevenly painted, which gives flowers an exotic type of tropical plant.

Clematis Ville De Lyon variety reaches three meters in height

Liana height reaches three meters. Flowers from late May and all summer on shoots of this year.

Siberian Clematis Varieties

In conditions of the harsh climate, Siberia should be preferred by the grades of Clematis, in which bloom occurs on overwhelming escapes. This is a fairly large group of varieties, among which you can choose plants in any color gamma. There are also varieties blooming on the shoots of the current season, suitable for the conditions of the north-east of Russia. Such clematis, varieties with photos and descriptions are shown below in our article.

Sort Anastasia Anisimova (Lat. Anastasija Anisimova)

Soviet grade tested for almost half a century. Pale-celestial small flowers with a diameter of 10-14 cm decorate a low, up to 2 meters Liana.

Clematis Anastasia Anisimova is grown in Russia over 50 years

Flowering from July to October, abundant and permanent. Suitable for landscaping balconies and cultivation in Kashpo.

Clematis Luther Burbank (Lat. Luther Burbank)

The old grade of Soviet breeding with large flowers of the dark purple color, size from 15 to 25 cm. Lian height reaches 2.5 meters, bloom begins in July and ends at the end of October.

Clematis Grand Luther Burbank is not afraid of fungal diseases

Clematis Grade Luther Burbank is very resistant to frost and disease. It is recommended to trim all shoots under the root. One of the most common varieties of Clematis in Russia.

Clematis Miss Beymen's grade (lat. Miss Bateman)

Representative of the White Clematis Group with silky petals. Lian height is up to 2.5 meters. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in mid-June. The increase in this year blooms later, but the flowers do not fall to the most frosts.

White Clematis Miss Baymen grade blooms to the most frosts

Flowers with a diameter of 10-15 cm, well visible to the thick green plants. Before the shelter for the winter does not follow the shoots.

Komtes de Busho (Lat. Comtessse de Bouchaud)

One of the most popular pink varieties. Mine, 10-15 cm in diameter Flowers decorate Lian height 2-2.5 meters. Chaselistic slightly wavy around the edges, slightly raised, which makes the flower very elegant.

Clematis Komtes de Busho is very popular due to gentle pink flowers

Bloom from June to August or September. The grade has increased freezing resistance.

Winter-hardy terry varieties of Clematis

Among the huge number of Clematis varieties, a group of terry - unique decorative qualities allocate them against the background of other colors and make the most noticeable plants in the garden. Consider the most winter-hardy and unpretentious varieties that are suitable for growing in the conditions of the harsh climate of the Moscow region and Siberia.

Purpua captivity Elegance (Lat. Purpurea Plena Elegans)

The variety of French selection is very popular with gardeners over the last century. The terry burgundy flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm without stamens and the pestle literally shook shoots up to 3.5 meters high from July to September.

Terry Issues Clematis - Variety of Purpua Captivity Elegance

It is distinguished by unpretentious to the soil, it grows quickly and very winter articles. Suitable for container landscaping; Before the shelter for winter, shoots off.

Variety Avangard (Lat. Avant-Garde)

Liana height up to three meters, it blooms not very large, up to 5 cm, but very beautiful red flowers. Machirus middle of pink color.

Terry Clematis Grade Avangard for Siberia, Photo

The small size of the flowers is compensated by their large quantity On shoots. Blossom is long since June until September-October. The grade is winter-hardy, but before shelter for the winter pruning is obligatory.

Sort Lemon Dream (Lat. Lemon Dream)

Absolutely unlike all other Clematis variety. Flowers are large duplicated terry bells of light yellow color, possessing a weak bitter aroma.

Machirus Clematis Sortes Lemon Dream is suitable for Moscow region and Siberia

Plant height is about 3 meters, first bloom in May, then repeated from July to September. It can be used not only as liana, but also as a soil plant.


Clematis can become lush blooming decoration Your garden, balcony or terrace. It is necessary only before landing to learn the varieties of Clematis and choose from them as suitable for your region.

Name: The name "Clematis" comes from the Greek word klema.who had ever denoted by any wing plant. Of the many popular names (Lozinka, Grandfather Kudri, a wart, etc.) in Russia most often use Lomonos. Probably, this Lian was called so because of the strong smell of dug roots or because its seeds have a curved increase.

Description: Refers to the Familic Family. In nature, there are about 300 species that can be found on all continents (except Antarctica) - in the forests, steppes, on the banks of the rivers, in the gorges and stony places.

Types of Clematis are much different. Herbatous perennials (S. Mandshurica [Manchurian], C. Recta [Straight], S. texensis [Texas]) shoots to the end of the vegetation. Polukstarniki (S. Heracleifolia [Borshisoliotic], C. Integrifolia [solisted])) have an unreserved low partwhich is saved for several years, and the upper, annually dying. Sustainers (S. Fruticosa f. Lobata [shrubnika f. Paddle]) - Fully all-west winning shoots. Most of the species (S. Tangutica [Tangutic], C. Vitalba [Vingeoliste], C. Viticella [Purple]) refers to the group of lian-leafolazes, which use supports, climbing them with the help of leaves.

The root system of Clematis is two types: Rod (S. Tangutica [Tangutsky], S. Serratifolia [Pilcoliste]) and urine [S. recta [direct], S. Viticella [purple]). It should be remembered that Clematis with a rod root system is poorly transferred to a transplant. They are better to immediately land at a permanent place.

Clematis is thin, with a diameter of 2-5 mm, the shoots of the current year. In herbatous species they are rounded, green, in wood - four-hex, brown or dark reddish-brown color. In the spring of sleeping kidneys on the underground part of the plant or from overhead kidneys overhead kidding.

Clematis leaves paired, simple or complex, consisting of three, five or seven leaves, except for ordinary green, there are forms with magenta painting.

Clematis flowers are usually routine, single or collected in inflorescences of various shapes (shield, sweater, half-blood). Clematis is played by the role of petals of Clematis, a number from four to eight, in terry varieties - up to seventy. In the center simple flower - The so-called lush "spider" (many pestles and stamens], it often has a different color than "petals", which gives the flower a special beauty. And painted tender flowers It is very whimsally: white, yellow, all nuances of transitions from pale pink and pale blue to velvety flickering shades of red and blue. And this charming picture pleases not one day - the life of the flower lasts a week or two, and terry - almost three. Correctly choosing a variety, you can achieve the flowering of Clematis in the garden from spring to autumn. After all, early species are covered with flowers two months after the spring awakening, and later - at the end of summer. Their blossom will interrupt only sustainable freezes. Short-term decrease in temperature at night (up to -2 ...- 7 ° C) and small snow Clematis are not scary - after warming, buds are revealed. Flowers of some species exudes the aroma of jasmine, primroses, almonds.

Clematis fruits are numerous seeds with short or long sowing columns and fertilizers collected in fluffy silky heads.

From the history: The beginning of cultivation of Clematis in Western Europe is referred to the XVI century, and in Japan, Clematis culture has even more prolonged history. In Russia, Clematis appeared at the beginning of the XIX century as orangene plants. Active work on cultivation and introduction of Clematis in our country began to develop only in the middle of the 20th century. And as a result of breeding work, excellent varieties and forms were created, in which the unique charm of these magnificent plants is emphasized.

Photo Anna Petrovic

Classification: With all the variety of species, varieties and forms of Clematis, there is a convenient for gardeners their classification, which allows not only easy to group plants in the form and color of flowers, but also to choose the appropriate agrotechnic. All varieties are divided into groups.

Jacmana - Large shrub lianas with shoots 3-4 m long and well-developed root system. Flowers are large, blue-purple-purple tones, odorless. They differ from abundant and long blossoms on the shoots of the current year. For the winter, shoots cut to the soil level or leave the base of shoots with 2-3 kidney pairs. The twin priority of the varieties of this group is the large-flowered grade "Jacmana" ("Jackmanii"), or k. x jacma (Jackmanii. = Clematis. x Jackmanii), when crossing with varieties of other groups.

Vitelle - Shrub lianas with a length of 3-3.5 m. The flowers are opened with a predominance in the color of pink-red-purple velvety tones. Characterized by lush and long flowering in summer on the shoots of the current year. For the winter shoots cut off. The varieties are obtained from crossing to. Violet (S. Viticella) with forms and varieties of other groups.

Lanuginosis - Shrub Liana with thin shoots up to 2.5 m long. Flowers are large, widely opened, mostly light painting (white, blue, pink tones). They are distinguished by mass flowering on the shoots of the previous year. When trimming shoots in the fall for next year, bloom comes from the second half of summer on the shoots of the current year.

Patens - shrub lianas with a length of 3-3.5 m. The flowers are open, single, up to 15 cm in diameter and more, color from bright to bright blue-purple-purple, dense-purple tones. Many varieties have terry flowers. Blossom on the shoots of last year. Savages in the fall should only shorten, removing the flashing part, and to cover to spring. Clematis varieties of Clematis (S. Patens) with varieties and types of other groups.

Florida - Sustained lianas with shoots up to 3 m long. The flowers are opened, a varied color, but light tones prevail. Blossom on the shoots of last year. Procheate them should be up to 1.5-2 m and preserve during the winter under the shelter. If they are completely trimmed, then quite weak flowering occurs only from the second half of the summer on the shoots of this year. The varieties were obtained when crossing the Clematis of the flowery (C. Florida) with views and varieties of other groups.

Miss Bateman and Yasenet
Photo of the arrival of Marina

Integrality - stronger, plenty semi-stabiliques up to 1.5 m high. Flowers semi-walled, bell-shaped, up to 12 cm in diameter, diverse color. Abundant bloom in summer on shoots of this year. For the winter shoots cut off. Varieties were obtained from Clematis Chenical (with . Integrifolia) when crossing with other species and varieties. Many interesting abundant hybrids of this group created in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of A. N. Volosenko-Valenis and M. A. Bescaravaya.

Depending on the size of the flower, small-beds are distinguished (up to 5 cm in diameter) and large-flowered (more than 5 cm in diameter) Clematis. The large-flowered curling clematis includes varieties and forms from Jacma groups, Vitellela, Lanuginosis, Patents. To the bush large-flowered clematis - varieties and forms from the integraty group. Especially beautiful and elegant are large-flowered clematis, but no less good and small-beds, besides, they are very undemanding to growing conditions, give a lot of greens and easily multiply seeds. Small-flowered Clematis are unusually elegant, they have a rich bloom, and the original seed heads decorate the plant in the fall.

For landing in the northwestern regions of the European part of the country, Siberia, the Far East, where summer is relatively short, and frosts in winter are fairly, it is better to choose early and medium-grained varieties from jacma groups, vaccine and integrality, richly flowering on shoots of this year: Ville de Lyon , JapSi Quen, Victoria, Star of India, Luther Burbank, Hagley Haybrid, Madame Baron Vilar, Blue Flame, Alexandrite, Golden Anniversary, Alyonushka, Silver River, Polish Warshowka, Salute Victory. Anastasia Anisimova. Space melody. Holedine, Rouge Cardinal, Siza Bird, Tuchka, Anere Le-Roa. Lilac Star, Nobe ...

However, there are hybrids from the jacma group that are suitable for the south: Elegy, climber, turquoise. Openwork. In the north, these varieties over the years are meager bloom, although the mass of shoots and increases. Clematis groups of Lanuginosis, Patents, Florida (the first flowering of them happens on the shoots of last year) less winter-hardy and require shelter Lian even in the middle strip. However, Madame Van Hutte, Losonian, Nelli Moser, Stone Flower, Ramona, Azushtern, Ball Color, Nadezhda, V.E. Gladoune, Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Cholmondel and in such non-microgenic conditions they are improving the sophistication of forms and paintings. In the southern areas, Clematis with terry flowers are abundantly blooming: Madame Bajjun, Daniel Deronda, Jeanne D ARK, Lord Neville. In the middle lane, these varieties will only be the first flowers on the overwhelming shoots.

"Multi Blue"
Photography Svetlana Sotnikova

Location: Clematis - Plants are light-minded. If the light is not enough, not only do not achieve good blossomYou can not wait for it at all. Therefore, in the middle lane, they are best planted on solar or slightly shaded at midday areas. Only in the southern regions where Clematis often suffer from soil overheating, they are planting them in a half. With group landings, each plant should receive enough light, and the distance between the bushes is at least 1 meter. The wind is a terrible enemy of Clematis not only in summer, but in winter: he breaks and confuses shoots, damaging flowers. Where the snow is blown in winter, planting Clematis is not the best idea. And in lowlands where cold air accumulates, Clematis feel uncomfortable. Clematis are very demanding of moisture: during the growth, they need abundant irrigation. At the same time, wet, wetlands with high standing groundwater (less than 1.2 copper of them are not suitable, even if the water is caught only not for long. Soil moistening is dangerous not only in summer, but also in early spring During and after melting snow. When planning the landing of Clematis, you need to think about the natural outflow of water from the bush: to plug the earth, put the bushes on the ridge or cut the grooves with a slope.

The soil: Clematis prefer a fertile sampling or loamy soil rich in humus, loose, from a slightly alkaline to a weakly acidic reaction.

Landing: Since Clematis can grow in one place for more than 20 years, they are very deeply preparing land in advance. Usually pits with a size of at least 60x60x60 cm, and for group landings, the plot is prepared throughout the area. To the upper layer of the earth, removed from the pit and peeled perennial weeds, mix 2-3 buckets of humidiation or compost, 1 bucket of peat and sand, 100-150 g of superphosphate, 200 g of full mineral fertilizer, preferably 100 g of bone flour, 150 -200 g of lime or chalk, 200 g of ash. More peat, sheet humus and clay add on light soils. If the soil on the area is wet, dense or clay, then 10-1 5-centimeter layer of rubble, broken brick or coarse sand are poured onto the bottom of the pits. A thoroughly mixed earthy mixture is listed into the pit and compact. In the southern regions, it is preferable to do in the fall (from late September to November; in the middle lane, the best time is September (in warm weather - and later); still north of Clematis plant in the spring (at the end of April - May) or early autumn. Plants in containers It is possible to plant, when you please (except winter, of course).

In the center of the pit establish a solid tough support. The stretched rope is not suitable here, it will not protect young fragile leaves from the gusts of the wind. Falling asleep to the hole by the soil of about half, make a hollyk, on which the roots of Clematis are growing on the sides and down. Holding the plant with a hand, the mixture of the roots is setting, following the Clematis to be planted with gluke. Only then he will develop a center of adversaries, where new kidneys will continue and are laid, shoots and roots are formed. Such bushes are better to endure harsh winters, they suffer less from the heat. The closure with the surface of Clematis is short-lived: they do not eat, grow in 1-2 stems, their root system suffers from shocking. The larger the seedling, the deeper should be landing. Young one-two-year-old plants are plunged by 8-12 cm and lower a pair of kidneys, more adults and divided bushes - by 12-18 cm. If Clematis is planted in the spring, the landing hole is filled with the ground not to the edges, and leave 5-8 cm is unscathed, To "the newcomer" not "suffocated." As shoots are weed, this space is gradually filled with soil. After planting, Clematis is abundantly poured, contacted the sun, and the surface of the earth around the plant is mounted peat. When landing in the fall, the ground is lined up to the edges, the entire above-ground part is cut to the soil level or slightly above.

Requirements. To the landing material: With autumn landing, Clematis must have developed vegetative kidneys, with a spring - at least one escape. Saplings must have a minimum of 3 root with a length of less than 10 cm. Plants with a weak root system are placed to grow in "shkling". Use only a healthy planting material (roots in seedlings must be elastic, without visible damage, swollen and thickening).

Supports: They are of great importance for normal development, abundant and prolonged flowering of Clematis. It is important that they are not only practical and convenient for the plant, but also beautiful. Galvanized pipes with a diameter of 3/4 inches are used as a carrier structure. Well combined with them wooden latticesimpregnated with olphoi or verse, strongly stretched mesh from a kapron rope or thick fishing line with cells 15x15 cm. Supports for Clematis often serve Bushes Wegel, Chubushnik, Forzing. Liana cling to them, climb up, freeze freely, and in the second half of the summer, shrubs are hidden under flowers garlands. Traditionally, shirms and arches are considered excellent supports. Clematis looks very impressive on horizontal surfaces. For example, on a tightened grid with a diameter of about 1 m attached to a galvanized pipe at different heights. All supports are made removable and clean up for the winter.

Care: In the spring, Clematis shed lime milk (200 g of lime on 10 liters of water on sq.m). In dry weather, Clematis is watered not often, but abundantly, watching the jet of water does not get into the center of the bush. Clematis feed for at least four times per season after watering with a complete mineral fertilizer with trace elements at the rate of 20-40 g per 10 liters of water or diluted cowbar (1:10). Mineral and organic dressings alternate. Summer times a month, plants are watered weak mortar Boric acid (1-2 g) and potassium mangartean (2-3 g per 10 liters of water), and also spray the urea bushes (0.5 tbsp. Spoons on 10 liters of water). Since Clematis can suffer from overheating and dryness of the soil, in the spring after the first irrigation and loosening of the planting should be meditated by peat or humus (in the northern regions) or sawdust (in the southern). In order to protect the soil from overheating and close the lower part of the shoots of Clematis "bubble" by the textiles. In the spring, only the first time of the Liana is sent by support in the desired side and are tied up. Otherwise, the rustling on the run will go off so much that they will not be able to unwelt any forces. Only at the varieties of the integration group shoots and leaves are deprived of the ability to pay support, so they are tested as the whole summer grows. In the fall before the shelter for the winter, the Clematis bushes are cut and carefully cleaned from old leaves. The first two or three years, young specimens require particularly careful care: in the fall or early spring to the bushes, they are taking up well-overwhelmed manure, mixed with any potash and phosphoric fertilizer, as well as wood ash (according to the hand of everyone on the bucket humor), liquid feeding makes every 10-15 days in small doses.

Photo of Vasily Tarutina

Pruning: The beauty of Clematis largely depends on how correctly pruning is made. The first time shorten the shoots when landing, it is important for the formation of the above-ground part and the development of the root system. From the bottom pair of the kidneys left during the landing, one or two escapes grow, which in the summer it is necessary to discharge. In summer, conduct regulating trimming. To stretch flowering, part of the shoots in the spring is cut. At the beginning of summer, Liana can again be shortened to the first vegetative kidneys, which will begin to begin new shoots with buds. In tall varieties, such as Jeepsi Queen, Luther Burbank, a stone flower, Ernest Markham, flowers are located in the top of the bush. It is worth cutting several lien at a height from 0.7 to 1.5 m, then they will cover the buds evenly. Now about pruning for the winter. At the varieties of Jacman and Vitellel groups, the flowers of which are formed on the shoots of the current year, before shelter for the winter cut off the entire above-ground part to the present sheet or to the soil level. Also come with the varieties of the integraty group and some small-bedroom clematis: Manchurian, direct, Texan and Sixiepstan. At varieties related to groups of laornozinosis, Patents and Florida, flowers are formed on the shoots of the current year, and last year. The first flowering is happening at the beginning of the summer on the overwhelming shoots. The second is on the shoots of the current year, from the middle of the summer and to the autumn. To the same company belongs to small-bedroom Clematis Armand and Mountain. In the fall, before the shelter of the bushes of these groups for the winter, the Liana is removed from the supports, cut out all the dry, weak, broken shoots, and the most developed, strong shorten up to 1-1.5 m, are flexing to the ground or turn the ring and put to the base of the bush.

"Prince Charles"

"Emilia Plater"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Clematis Golden Tiara "Kugotia"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

"Andre Devilliers"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Clematis "Eryostemon"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Wintering: With proper shelter, Clematis bushes are able to transfer frost to 40-45 °, but the main danger of winter and early spring is not frost, but the mooring of the soil. In addition, after the frequent thaws of the day and night frosts over the soil, layers of ice can form, capable of breaking the roots and destroy the center of the body, so it is important to completely eliminate the water from the winter to the surface of the soil and the base of the bush. The bushes are covered when frosty weather is established, the air temperature drops to minus 5-7, "and starts to water the soil. In the middle lane it falls on November. Cropped into one or two pairs of kidney (10-15 cm) or to the ground level of jac scan , Vitelleel and integorify fall asleep with dry ground or weathered peat, a holloch with a diameter of 60-80 cm is formed above the plant. For each plant, approximately 3-4 buckets. Together with snow, such a shelter will securely protect the root system of Clematis from freezing. If you need to save the screens from the varieties Lanuginosis groups, Patents and Florida, in addition to dry land, bushes are covered with boards, sweetheart, top - pieces of rubberoid or sheets of old iron. If the frosts are too strong or snow, it is added to the bushes. Extra. In the spring, the shelter is cleaned gradually, part of the peat is left until Night frosts will be departed.

Reproduction: Small-colorful clematics breeds, as a rule, seeds . Large-flowered are divorced extremely vegetatively. The easiest way to do it by dividing the bush. At varieties with high ability to brute (Anastasia, Anisimov, Jeanne d'Ark, Heguley Haybrid, Madame Baron Villar, cosmic melody) The division of the bush is used for rejuvenation, since very thick bushes, even with good care, often losing decorativeness. Clematis can be divided as autumn and in the spring until the kidneys have moved into growth or just started swell. However, if this operation takes place for plants in the fall, since the kidneys are only designated and small, then in the spring, it is necessary to meet in an exclusively short time (since the tiping of the soil before starting growth), as it is easy to damage rapidly growing shoots. Clematis, divided in the spring, will fall behind in growth compared to the autumn counterclaim for about 2-3 weeks. In an adult 5-8-year-old plant having a sufficient number of shoots, cut off the ground part, leaving only 2-3 kidney couples from below. The bush carefully digs with a lore earth, trying not to damage long cords-shaped roots. If the earth is easily shake, the roots are laundered with water from the hose. Then the knife is divided through the center of the bush for independent plants. They work without a rush, neatly, watching that each decene has enough roots and at least one kidney escape. However, you can do without digging. On the one hand, the bush is torn to a trench with a depth of 50-70 cm, and the shovels of the shovels are plugged into the soil radially to the center of the bush to damage it is less than the roots. At halfway, the tool is separated from the root, each of which will become an independent plant. Before landing, the decene inspect, use only healthy. The roots are cut and disinfected in a pink solution of potassium mangartage.

Clematis Dad Yang Paul II
Photo of Kuzmina Irina

It is quite easy to multiply by the variety you like. There are several techniques. Here is the first one. They pierce the peat or humus a bush along the lower 2-3 pairs of leaves. Already in a year or two, the lower nozzles of shoots turn their own roots. After removing the substituent substrate, the abounds of the shoots are cut off from the parent plant and sit down. This method is good because the bush itself is not injured. The second method requires some free space. At the end of the summer or in the fall around the bush in the radial direction, grooves depth 8-10 cm. The shoots of Clematis with well-formed kidneys are removed from the support, lay in the grooves one by one, pressing the ground with a thick wire brackets, and sprinkle with loose nutrient soil. The tip of the escape (20 cm) is derived out. You can also go with a rolled round of the bush and covered by Liana. In the spring, when the plant is released from shelter, one or more such weaves are placed in the groove. During summer, the tanks are regularly watered and fed. Almost all of the swelling kidneys begin to grow vertical shoots, and the rooting occurs in each node. Separate the abiderable shoots from the bush is best in the fall of the next year or in spring in a year. By this time, each new escape will have a good root system. From one twisted vacuum for the year or two, you can get up to 10 seedlings that do not need to grow, the bush itself does not suffer. Another method of vegetative reproduction - green shunting.

Using: For vertical landscaping. You can achieve a wonderful effect by landing several plants on one side of the garden path (the color scheme is a matter of taste). The resulting shirma height of about two meters will divide the space, will help to equip a secluded place to relax. In the parter part of the garden were appropriate by Clematis Trelliers and Arches. An important point is the height of the support. The shoots of Clematis should hide it, and then a colorful carpet from the flower and leaves seems to hang and air. A gazebo, built in a sunny place, can be made of elegant and shady, disembarking around the clusmatics of two or three contrasting paintings, for example, alternating pink and purple or white, red, blue. The entrance is well arranged by the arch, I served small-meter to. Fargésiodeis or fragrant to. Misently. For landing near the house, remove the eastern, southern or western exposition. Against the background of light walls, purple, raspberry, purple varieties are perfectly looking, at home made of red bricks more effectively white, blue and pink. Rokaria can use more little grades: "Ryutel" ("Ryytel") with red-purple velvet flowers, "Georg from" with blue-purple flowers of a beautiful shape, a lavender-blue "tactics" ("Taktica").

Partners: Having landed Clematis near Forzia, Spirei, Chubuschik or Lilacs, you can extend or supplement the flowering of shrub. Low trees also decorated with rosy types of terminal-tees, which rise up, forming long luxurious garlands in Krone.

"Princess Alexander"
Photo of branded natalia

In containers: On plants in containers are now big fashion. On the other hand, Clematis is set in a new space for themselves: on an outdoor terrace or in a loggia. In addition, they begin to bloom much earlier. For growing on the window, varieties blooming on the shoots of the previous year (Daniel Deronda, Lazurshtern, Jeanne D "Ark, President, Barbara Dibble, Losonian, Stone Flower). Separate seedlings with a well-developed root system, obtained either by dividing adult plants or subtle Especially for 2-3 years.

Spring is proceeding to landing. Take a high pot with a diameter of at least 30 cm or wooden box. The 1/8 height capacitance is filled with gravel, then a substrate from the delicate or garden land (4 parts), compost or overworked manure (2 parts), sand (1 part), peat (1 part), add to half a cup of superphosphate and lime. At the same time, the trapezoidal support is set by a height of 1-1.5 m, on which every 15-20 cm will fasten the growing shoots. The pot with Clematis exhibit into the garden or stick to the edges to the ground. By autumn, the seedling is well rooted and forms developed shoots. Late in the fall, the pot is digging, cut off the upper part of the shoots, where there were flowers, the screens are left tied to the support and the pot put in a cool cellar with a temperature of 0 ... + 2.

In early January, the plant is transferred to the room and put on a light window, where at + 8-12 ° and the bootonization passes. If the temperature is higher, buds may not appear. But only they were formed, the temperature is raised to 15-18 °, and already in late February - early March, Clematis will bloom.

The plant watered moderately, from the pallet, and systematically feed the mineral and organic fertilizers divorced in water. It is extremely useful to irrigate a complex organometallic drug Humat +7, containing a set of trace elements (1 teaspoon of the preparation of 10 liters of water). Lack of light at this time can change the color of flowers. So, instead of lilac-pink, white-green or milky pinks will dissolve. Blinding and feeding of plants with calcium nitrate will correct this disadvantage. After flowering, Clematis in the early summer is sent to the garden again, providing good care. "Wash out" the same seedling is not more than 2-3 years in a row: the plant is strongly depleted and needs "rehabilitation" in the ground.

Clematis Integrifolia f. Nanum.
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

There are nuances in the cultivation of Clematis on the balcony or in the loggia. Primarily fit South, Western or eastern side And the place protected from the wind. In this regard, the loggia, of course, wins, because here the air flow is weaker, however, and the balcony can have a shelter. For landing of Clematis, wooden boxes of 65 (height) x45x30 cm are knocked down, along the entire length of the bottom, two bar 3x5 cm are nauseated so that the boxes are raised above the floor and water has no accumulated on the bottom. The pallets are necessarily put, and the boxes themselves have the rear and side walls of the loggia, small containers suspend on the walls or put on racks. At the same time, the sun should not fall on the ground surface in the container. With great care, you should consider the support system, because at the beginning of summer, even on the balcony, the daily growth of lianas can be 10 cm. If you use an old fishing network with 10x10 cm cells or weave a similar canopy and place it 15-20 cm from the ceiling, then The beginning of summer from it climbs a whole waterfall of colors. Place several varieties of various coloring: pink, thick-raspberry, purple, purple, then the spectacle will be particularly colorful. For the landing on the balcony or in the loggia, the average and low-spirited varieties belonging to groups of laanozinosis, patents and florida, as well as jacma, whitelle, integrality (the latter requires more intense trimming, to reduce the height of the plant and increase the number of flowers), as well as small cemeter : Six-flower, Pillytoliste, Tangutsky, Armanda, Manchurian.

Clematis Songorica.
Photography Naumenko Alexander

Clematis, planted in the container, are needed more frequent than in the open ground, watering and feeding, careful and timely suspension, mandatory mulching and soil looser. One plant is usually poured 3-5 liters of water, if it is not absorbed, the holes in the corners and the perimeter of the drawer are carefully done by a wooden peasant. When Liana on the ceiling is get to the edge of the loggia, it is advisable to turn them back and tie up so that the flowers are grouped into the top of the wall or hung from the ceiling. In glazed logs, where the temperature is already early in spring in the sun can reach 30-40 °, it is necessary to ventilate: stagnation of air, elevated temperature and humidity in limited space contribute to the appearance of pests and the development of disease. Already in April, Clematis groups of Lanuginosis groups, Patents and Florida will bloom in the glazed loggia, and by mid-May - varieties blooming on shoots of the current year. Clematis transplant every 2-3 years, usually in spring (in April-May), replacing the "tired" bushes on new from the site. In the shelter of containers with Clematis for the winter there is nothing complicated. If in the glazed loggia, the temperature in the winter does not fall below minus 10-12, then the lianas are cut off according to the group to which the variety belongs to be removed from the supports, shocked and put on top of the box, fall asleep with peat or sawdust, cover with an old blanket, coat, newspapers, placed on top Writing Clematis in a large plastic bag, be sure to remove from the floor of the loggia and put on the elevation - the shelf or box. In an open loggia or on the balcony, cover Clematis is reliably quite difficult, so the container is removed into the basement, the subfield, unheated greenhouse or cheer into the ground until the next spring.

materials used:
Nina Trubin "Melkocellum Clematis" // "Garden and Sadik" - 2007 - №6

December 4, 2015.

The neighbor says "John", I read "Yang", and "John" is written on the Internet. How correct? Indeed, it is difficult to immediately understand. But there is one rule that concerns the names of any varieties.

Write a variety (and accordingly and pronounce it) need in the origin language. That is, in the language of the country in which he was derived. Clematis's grade, which was coming about, was named after John Paul II. Well, in Poland, where this variety was derived, his name is pronounced as "Jan Paul". So here's the answer to you - correctly say "Yang."

With what is the monk? Brother Stefan Frameka from Poland is directly related. It was he who brought the variety, who later became world famous. Stephen Frankhac received an agricultural education, and then in the call of the heart went to the monastery, where he began to engage in the selection of Clematis, it was there that his first varieties were bred, including the Pawel II.

When is it better to plant Clematis?

Let's see for a start, in what condition is your plant. If you have become the proud owner of Clematis with a closed root system (in other words, in a pot), then you have a blanche card. That is, Clematis can be planted at any time from spring to autumn. But to plants with open roots need to be treated more precisely. No summer landing! The rule is extremely simple.

Separated the process in the spring - immediately put it. Separed in the fall - squeeze in the fall. And no delay. Otherwise risk losing a plant. If the long-suffering Clematis was bought by you after the onset of autumn cold weather, just join it in the garden, undermine the foliage and sweet snap. But to keep the plant in the refrigerator to spring we advise only gardeners, ugly experience, - newcomers such experiments are better not to put.

Clematis' Jan Pawel II "grade was loved by gardeners precisely because during the summer his flowers change the shade.

At the beginning of the season, the flowers of a gentle white shade decorate. In the middle of flowering, the strip becomes more obvious. But closer to autumn on the petals, pink strokes are clearly noticeable. Their intensity may vary depending on the feeding and conditions in which the plant lives. However, a monophonic pink flower should not be - this is a good reason to think about the fair seller who you bought Clematis.

During many Clematis, "spiders" really remain on many clematis. In fact, these are just stamens and pestle, take a look at your blooming Clematis, and you will see them in the very center. After the petals fall out, the stamens are lengthened and become similar to fluffy balls or spars with a multitude of legs. Some gardeners prefer them to immediately cut off, so as not to take power in the plant. Others leave the balls as decoration. And indeed, thanks to them, Clematis has a very unusual appearance - as if the plant that came to us from another planet.

Does it like him in a pot?

If you create all the necessary conditions, then it will definitely not be against it. The first thing you need is a big pot. It is a pot, not a kashpo! After all, stagnation of water can lead to reinforcement of the roots. At the bottom, be sure to lay drainage, top - soil mixture. We prepare it specifically on this occasion: mix vegetables, compost or humus, sand, peat in proportion 4: 2: 1: 1. Without fertilizers, too, no way do. We must eat our Clematis in these cramped conditions. So boldly raw in a cooked mixture of a handful of superphosphate. The next vital item for Clematis is a good, strong support.

Our "Jan Pawel II" is not a timid ten. Wash up to 2 - 3 m. So the support for it is constructed in advance.

In the spring it is not worth the trim! Our Clematis refers to the second group of trimming (weak). The plant blooms both on young shoots and last year. That is, twice for the summer. So you need to crop it after each flowering. For the first time in the middle of the summer, remove the blurred inflorescences and slightly shorten the old shoots.

For the second time for the secateur, we take after autumn blossom - we shorten almost all the shoots half.

We leave the vacuum with a length of about 1 m.

See also in this section:

Today, Clematis decorate the best gardens of the world, many gardeners are bred. Clematis - bright and very good culture For vertical landscaping. This plant will decorate the garden, house, gazebo, suitable and as a living hedge. You can combine different types of Clematis. It is good to plant Clematis with plenty roses, maiden grapes, a hookie - not very close. With the help of the "King Lian", a tree can be reeded, but when landing is important to remember about the priority circle.

Currently, there are many classifications of Clematis - by origin, the size of the flower, the type of trimming. We will adhere to the last classification, allocating in each group of plants the most reliable and unpretentious.

What to plant and how to decorate your garden? Even if it is intended for you exclusively for useful plants - Vegetables and fruits - there will always be a place and time for flowers that will delight the eye with their bright colors