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Facts about the Dragon Born in the Year. What are the years of the dragon on the eastern sign of the zodiac. Strengths of character

Years of the Dragon:

1904,1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In the east, the dragon is considered a symbol of joy and good luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence. Irrepressible enthusiast

The dragon sometimes allows for serious miscalculations - because people of this sign are so easily fond.

Often its good is only an illusion, however, as the personality strength. This fancy beast and exists, and does not exist at the same time. Born fantasy of the people, a serene and powerful, he will explore fire, gold and water, but himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ash, like a Phoenix, a new dragon will be reborn.

Despite the awesome species of the beast, a man born this year, a very cute and good-natured creature. Dragons are smart, open, intelligent people. They are not petty, they are not capable of hypocrisy and crouch. They can always rely on them. In most cases, Dragons look solid.

From childhood, the dragon, being a self-sufficient person, is trying to defend his freedom and independence. He seeks to quickly escape from the parent nest and start an independent life.

There are many dreamers, romantics and households among dragons. They amazingly able to combine dreams with lying on the sofa and do nothing to embody them.

People of this sign have excellent health, energetic, easily excit, sometimes stubborn and cutting. Honestly, emotional, decisive, but distinguished by a matter. Frankly, and their opinion is always reasonable. These are people capable. They do not like to occupy money and speech.

Dragons are prone to soft-grade and often allow others to take over themselves. True, it's not for long: they quickly get rid of their delusions.

Dragon Gord and is capable of much - this is a volition man, hardy, generous. He can and knows how to lead.

As a rule, in life the dragon does not need anything. It is able to succeed in any area. If he wants to devote himself a great deal, then the goal will achieve. Unfortunately, he can with the same success can go to a bad thing and won: he is a born winner.

In the dragon there is an excess of power and activity. Such a person sinks health, he is constantly in motion. They own the spirit of adventurism and adventure. Dragons have great resistance. As you know, if they cut off one head, two grows. Usually they accurately rate the situation in their surroundings (from the height of a bird's-eye) and quickly and clearly solve all the problems.

Open and clean, like gold, the dragon is not capable of petty and hypocrisy, the crosses and does not adhere to even the most elementary diplomacy.

In communication, the dragon is categorical and at the same time very trusting. Although he is not naive, it can always be deceived. When the dragon finds out about betrayal, he first falls into depression, and then takes himself in his hands and here ... Beware of the enemy. The dragon strikes mercilessly. Therefore, it practically does not happen clear enemies, and if they still have any, they act. The enemies understand perfectly well that they will lose in an honest match. You can only defeat the dragon only a cunning, barely trapped him, from which he will not be able to break out, and cut off everything possible paths To retreat.

The dragon is often worried about false reasons. His desire to improve his demanding to himself and others.

He is scrupulous. It requires a lot, but gives much more. Irritant and stubborn, the dragon is often increasing in the language, and his word is often ahead of thought. However, it should be considered with his opinion, good or poorly outlined because it usually gives good advice. This person is always in the center of attention, his views and judgments are highly appreciated, since he always has an original opinion on each issue.

Having obvious leader's deposits, dragons achieve good results when trying to bring their ideas. They can make a magnificent career, lean a decent state, in general, take one of the warmest places under the sun. Dragons from nature are endowed with many abilities. In addition, the dragon is a purposeful personality. Putting a goal, he goes to her, without turning out of the way and without expanding on trifles. He tries to shift the small work to others, but the fruit of success always reaps himself.

He has a difficult character, he will be infrequently satisfied with his life.

The dragon will have small difficulties in the first phase of his life, because it will require a lot from his loved ones. Egoism, arrogance, inner nervousness and intolerance prevent them from seeing the value of other people.

Its artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. In fact, they will admire, it will be obeyed. How small will be sophisticated, so great success.

But he will be happy, even if it does not realize this, in the last phase of his life, which will bring him everything he wishes.

In general, dragons are the creatures of peace-loving. For your loved ones, they can do a lot of good. And from excess feelings generously unfamiliar peoplein need help. People who fell under the magical charm of the dragon, try to fulfill all its instructions, as they feel right. If desired, it is able to negotiate with any. A man born under the sign of the Dragon is distinguished by prudence, calmness and self-esteem.

Dragon man. Characteristic

The dragon is always successful, and the dragons can be safely called lucky. They were born under the sign of good luck.

Bright and extraordinary identity, egocentric, eccentric, dogmatic, fancy or ever-demanding attention, sometimes unreasonable, the man of this sign does not think his life without a crowd of fans.

He is proud, aristocratic and very straight. The representative of this sign is a lively character, he is self-confident and vain, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, is not inclined to petty, hypocrisy and crouch.

The Dragon Born early determines its ideals and from others requires the highest standards that he established for himself.

Many dragons are endowed with high intelligence and succeed in almost everything.

He often loves women, but he loves himself rarely. Therefore, he never has love frustration or grief.

Dragon is different good health, large vital power and incredible energy. He is ready to work days and nights to achieve the desired, although quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live today, and nothing is annoying him as waiting.

He is an individual and thinker. And always absorbed by his business. All pay attention to him. He himself believes that he was created for higher purposes, prosaic classes are not attracted.

Dragon woman. Characteristic

Many women dragons complain about their coldness that creates a lot of problems, not understanding that such a feature of their energy.

Woman dragon - a good family man and friend. She strives for marriage, prefers constancy and clarity in relations. Friends always supports. Children take up.

In love and in life, the dragon always strives for victory, while he loves to impress the surrounding. And if it does not succeed with the go, it is very upset.

In any area, the dragon woman is able to achieve great success. She is smart and practical. Sometimes it seems tough and strict, but it is only visibility: she has a good heart.

Having entered into the game, she is able to beat you on your field ... or die, resisting. But it will never go to the flow and leaving under the blows of fate.

To tell the truth, a dragon woman - purely business man. She shows it, by the way, with all his appearance.

Clothes, for example, it prefers practical and functional - no frills, excess shoelaces, buttons and flutes, minimum complications!

In life, the dragon woman is usually lucky. She successfully makes a career, she always has many friends. True, some consider it arrogant and cold, but someone else's opinion does not care.

Thanks to the spectaciness and good manneram, it consistently enjoys a huge success in men. She's a weak man immediately "swallows."

During his life, she has been offered hand and heart. It remains only to make the right choice.

At home she sets her order and demands that the homemade strictly obeyed them. She hates restrictions.

In communicating with dragons it should be borne in mind that they do not like indecisive, waiting, ever fluctuating people. Conservatives and bureaucrats also cause their hostility. Dragons like the same bright, strong, outstanding personality, like them themselves.

Dragon varieties

Metal dragon (1940, 2000, 2060)

Water Dragon (1952, 2012, 2072)

Wooden Dragon (1904,1964, 2024)

Fire Dragon (1916,1976, 2036)

Earth Dragon (1928,1988, 2048)

Born in the Year of the Dragon

Tommaso Campanella, Omar Hayaham, Jeanne D "ARK, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Henri Saint-Simon, Edgar by, Friedrich Engels, Oscar Wilde, Nicholas I, Nikolai II, Georgy Plekhanov, Sean about" Casey, Bernard Shaw, Vladimir Kokkinaki, Pablo Neruda, Alexander Green, Mikhail Sholokhov, Maxim Gorky, Yumzhagine Cedenbal, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz 1Oto, Alexey Kosygin, Dmitry Karbyshev, Arkady Gaidar.

Year of the Dragon
Recall that 2012 on the Chinese calendar is the year of the Black Water Dragon (1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000,2012).
In Chinese, the dragon sounds like a moon. He is the fifth zodiac sign.

The time of day, over which this sign owes, is the period from seven to nine in the morning.
The most appropriate sign from European signs (Western Zodiac) for the dragon is scales.
The element to which the dragon corresponds is a tree. This sign has a positive polarity.
Zodiacal (Chinese) characteristic of the dragon sign.

The dragon is breathing in health, it is in abundance, also in representatives of this sign a lot of vital activity and strength. The dragon is always open and clean, like gold, it is not capable of meanness, petty and sickness.
However, it is impossible to be called a diplomat too. Not being so naive like a pig, still a dragon can be deceived because of their gulling.
It has a lot of sensitivity and is often worried and upset for such reasons that would not have to pay attention. He has a bottle of blood, both to others and to himself. In his character, the scrupulsiness and already mentioned demandingness are traced, although it is worth recognizing if the dragon needs something, he will return more than demanded.

The dragon, as a rule, is easily annoyed and distinguished by stubbornness - often because of this, he can bother superfluous. He is able to give good tips, so the surrounding should listen to him and his opinion.
It has an impact in society and is distinguished by pride and abilities. Throughout his life, the dragon does not have to experience the need for anything.
In any case, he is waiting for success. Holding for any position, he will succeed on any field and will be able to make a brilliant career. Unfortunately, the same successes are waiting for the dragon and in dark side Life, B. bad affairsUnless it crosses the border between White and Black.

Often the dragon can be called a loved one, but not loving. For him, an unknown sense of love disappointment or grief. Women of this sign will always be successful and receive numerous signs of the opposite sex, including hands and heart suggestions.

The young dragon who entered into marriage can hardly be seen, mostly representatives of this sign marry mature people, and many remain all their lives by bachelors. Loneliness often brings the dragon more happiness than the family.
Turning his fate with the rat, the rat will be in love with him "on the ears" and will demolish everything from him anything, even complete indifference. But at the same time, it will not forget that the dragon will bring to the family nest, and will generously use the fruits of his hunt.
Using his generosity, rat as a sign of gratitude gives him his mind and teach to love the money as she loves them.
Almost the same can be said about the Union with the snake. The male dragon will always be attracted by the beauty of a woman's snake. And becoming her close man, will always be proud of it.
The financier rooster will also be able to achieve a good alliance with a dragon. It will take advantage of crumbs from his desk, and not without success for himself.
Connecting with a monkey, the dragon will give her all his power, she also will give him his trick in return and complement it in affairs and love. These two signs will always need each other.
But in such an alliance, the dragon should be careful, as of all other signs, only one monkey is subject to it.
By connecting your fate with a tiger, the dragon will not find calm.
But whoever should be avoided by the dragon, so it's a dog. His pessimism and realism, the dog always leaves with him and in no way will not believe the dragon.

The dragon will experience great difficulties in the first phase of his life.
Basically, these difficulties will be associated with the fact that it will require too much from others and relatives.
And in the second phase of life, the dragon will experience difficulties due to its unbridled temperament. Many will be admired by the dragon. No smaller number of enthusiastic fans will obey him. His sadness will be small, and success is huge.
Dragon, in fact, has a difficult character, and the reason for these difficulties in its constant dissatisfaction. The last phase of life will give him everything that he only dreamed of, and happiness, among other things.
But, unfortunately, the Dragon is not aware that happiness came to him.

The dragon can bring four well-being: harmony, virtue, wealth and longevity. Many may have the impression that the dragon has a light fate, but this is an impression from the discharge of illusions.

Daily dragging and glitter of the dragon are only visibility. They do not blind. His apparent power is just visibility. This animal is intended for holidays and parades, after which it will be burned. But, like a bird Phoenix, it will be revived from the ashes.
This is its chimeric nature.

People born in the year of the dragon are considered to personify good luck in all endeavors. They are smart and successful in doing business, are excellent parents and managers.

Dragon has the fifth number in the twelve-year-old cycle eastern calendar. It is firmly associated with the land and the sign of the zodiac lion. The talisman-stone of this sign is Amethyst and Chrysolite. The main shades of the dragon are red and gold. The characteristic of these people has positive and negative points.

Positive include:

  • colossal potential;
  • brightness and charismatic;
  • achieve the goals;
  • perseverance and desire to work;
  • the ability to support any conversation and become a soul of the company;
  • natural cutter;
  • talent and learning ability;
  • openness and desire to help others;
  • high level of confidence;
  • curiosity.

Among negative traits You can allocate:

  • credulity;
  • incontinence;
  • desire to adhere to the offender;
  • irritability;
  • the desire for perfection that makes go on the heads;
  • demanding not only to yourself, but also to loved ones;
  • stubbornness;
  • love for disputes.

Video "Dragon Sign Characteristics"

From this video you will learn what character has people born in the year of the dragon.


The Dragon Men is characterized by mythological features of these animals. They are able to conquer any woman with their charming and desire to please. People born under this sign above all appreciate freedom in everything. They do not like when their rights are infringed. The guys are beautiful in bed, they are able to conquer the girls with their sexy talent and the ability to flatter.

Astrologers argue that these men pronounced egoists. They will not show care and attention if it does not bring them any benefit. Thanks to the extravagant behavior and leadership, men can conquer the audience and build confidence relations with her. People are ready to follow them, because they have a gift of convictions.


Women whose birth accounts for the year of the dragon, often suffer from the mania of greatness. Often they exaggerate their own advantages without taking into account other people's successes. It is almost impossible to convince them in the dispute. Even if a woman is not right, she will still be unshakable in his faith.

Communication with such special always brings positive emotions. It is capable of supporting any topic, has a sense of humor and a smell. Such girls are easy to rise, they are able to support even the most crazy ideas.

Dragon ladies always stand out in the crowd. They not only take care of their appearance, but also know how to file themselves from the best side. Despite the seeming serenity, they can cope with difficult tasks no worse than men.

IN family relationship These representatives of beautiful sex love to build matriarchy. They dispose of finance and family problems, handing out the instructions of homemade. Love for them is not the main thing in life. Such women try to find a fitful partner who will perform any whims.


Dragon children are generous and inquisitive. In school, they always get good marks, because they grab information on the fly. They will not spend a lot of time on execution homeworkbecause they have good memory and smelting. Such children are always ready to help parents, they will become a real support for them in old age.

Character by element

In antiquity, in the east, they believed in five substances, of which everything in the universe is. The names of these substances and divided five types of dragon, possessing those or other character traits.

Metal dragons were born in the 1940s and 2000s. They are unshakable in their judgments and desires. The disadvantage of such specials is indecision.

The next element is water (1952 and 2012). These people have excessive self-confidence and envy. They can cycle on the success of outsiders, and as a result they will not achieve anything in their field.

Wooden dragons (1904 and 1964) are unnecessarily hot-tempered, and the fiery (1916, 1976) are apathetic. Earth element (1928, 1988) is considered the most calm and judgment. These people confidently go to the goal, not paying attention to competitors.

Career and profession

The dragon symbolizes the success in any profession. Thanks high level Initiatives and execution, they are able to create their own business from scratch in youth. Steering position The most suitable born under the signs of the tiger and the dragon, as they can cope with any problems, and also perfectly manage people.

Dragons never put the tasks before subordinate, which cannot solve themselves. If there is a serious problem, they will personally cope with it. The only minus lies in the fact that the needy dragons await full return from their employees. If the dragons do not cope with the tasks of the manager, they are getting rid of non-executive employees.

This sign is suitable not only by the profession of the manager, but also producer, actor, politics or architect. They can work in any sphere. The main thing is the opportunity to lead people.

Relations and love

The fate of the dragon will be successful if he will be engaged in his loved business and acquire mutual love. This sign needs attention as no other. He requires his second half of admiration and reverence. Such people have enviable charisma and charm, so they are able to drive around others. They have a lot of fans, among whom they are looking for their second half. They love and play with their rear things: to turn head, and then ignore.

If this sign is lucky to fall in love, he will experience strong feelings for his passion. For love, he is capable of much, so concludes marriage in a conscious age when it is absolutely confident in the partner. But loneliness is not afraid of the dragon. They do not need an intermediate relationship, so if they do not find a suitable person, they can remain alone.

Famous people

People born under the symbol of the fire sign are very successful in any sphere. They are able to earn even where others will not remove a penny. Dragons will be seen by connections and influential friends, thanks to which they are achieved.

Among the celebrities, which appeared on the year of the Dragon, you can highlight such men: Salvador Dali, Martin Shin, Sigmund Freud, Michael Douglas, Charles Darwin.

Women born under this sign, and success, too, a lot of: Jeanne d'Ark, Marlene Dietrich, Shirley Temple.

Representatives of this sign are successful not only in the career, but also in personal life. They can earn confidence without making special efforts, as it makes a pleasant impression from the first minutes of dating.

Such people build their lives in their rules, but do not relate to her seriously, perceive her for the game.

Years of Birth of a Man on the Dragon Sign: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

For the peoples of the East, the dragon at all times was the personification of strength, power and wisdom. The ancient astronomers associated the image of this mythical animal with stars and planets, a connection with heavenly objects was communicated through it and the future was predicted.

General Characteristics of the Sign of the Year of the Dragon

Man born in the year of the dragon, surprisingly bright, strong, optimis tits and attractive.Wherever he was, whoever surrounded him, he could not stay unnoticed.

Dragon - In the East, this is a symbol of joy and good luck. This is a sign of the heavenly power and the very beneficial astronomical influence. He symbolizes life and growth. The dragon brings four well-being: wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity. But every medal has its own reverse sideAnd if there is an impression of light fate at the dragon, do not forget that it is only an illusion. Daily dragon shines, but the brilliance is not a born, he cannot blind, and his strong personality - Only visibility. Dragon is a chimeric animal. It does not exist real: this is an animal for a parade, serene and powerful. In accordance with all the needs, he will explore fire, gold and water, but it will be burned after the holiday, and, like Phoenix, it will be reborn from the ashes for the next holiday.

The dragon always stands out from the crowd due to its energy, fantasy, and an original look at the world. He is always in the very center of attention and in his arsenal there are always a lot of jokes and entertaining stories. You can define a person born in the year of the Dragon in his confidence, brillium, and the expression "Soul of the Company" suits him as it is impossible. These people have increased curiosity. They tend to have many diverse hobbies. But, it often happens that flashering with something else, he can quickly lose interest. He does not like narrow borders, familiar hobby, standing. For him, it is too boring.

Dragon always goes ahead and can achieve great success in a variety of species Activities. He's on his shoulder and career of artist or priest, warrior or doctor, politics or miner. If he has to devote himself a great cause, he will always achieve the goal. Unfortunately, he can with the same success can go to a bad thing and won: he is a born winner. The latitude of the interests of the dragon, his sharp mind, a creative approach in combination with confidence and inner force makes him an exciting interlocutor and an amazingly charismatic person who is difficult to refuse to request. People subconsciously stretch to it and easily fall under his charm, thanks to which all secret locks and doors open before the dragon. The dragon can rightly be called the weass and the Balley of Fate. The fact that for others is the limit of dreams, he does easily and without noticeable effort, he has many things as if by themselves. Therefore, he is often jealous and weave intrigue.

People born, in the year of the dragon, are optimistic, and never upset because of the little things. They live in a bright, full-fledged life, knowing that the replacement of lost opportunities and spent money will soon be reached by new ones. However, being a strong personality, the dragon can not only relate to the gifts of fate, but also courageously transfer difficulties and failures.

People born in the year of the dragon are very wisers and brave. They have a huge potential. If they do not disagree their attention to a variety of trifles, but will guide their mighty energy into one-sole direction, they will be able to realize any, even the most fantastic dreams. The dragon is just born to achieve the impossible.

China believe that the dragon can count on wealth, strength, success and longevity. And communication with the dragon can bring people happiness. The dragon from nature is endowed with good health directly - the superhuman life force, temperament. Conflicts and extreme situations, struggle, passion - all that is not forces "simple mortal" - the element of the dragon.

Dragon loves everything spectacular. Attaches great importance to its appearance. It is very sensitive. It is often worried about false reasons. His desire for improvement makes it demanding both towards himself and to others. He is scrupulous. It requires a lot, but brings much more.

The year of the dragon corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal dragon: 1940, 2000

People born in the years of the metal dragon are distinguished by brightness and severe will. They are energetic, vain, sometimes even harsh cutting. Metal Dragon says what he thinks and does not try to take into account the feelings of people and be objective in relations with others. If people do not support his ideas, not much frustrated and goes to their own way alone. Usually it is high moral qualities, Dear friends and colleagues.

Water dragon: 1952

Water dragon is easy to communicate and friendly with others. With him joyfully, easy and pleasant to have common things. His wit, the ability to feel the situation and the mood of people, make it an excellent companion and a soul of the company.

The main disadvantage of people born in the year of the Water Dragon is the tendency to jump from one to another, inability to concentrate on some one goal.

Wooden dragon: 1904, 1964

People born in the year of a wooden dragon - inborn businessmen. They can not only theorize, but also make practical actions. The inquisitive mind of a wooden dragon goes into all the details of the case, there is always a lot of grace interesting ideas And he seeks to embody all his dreams into reality. Differs in generosity and generosity.

Fire Dragon: 1916,1976

People born in the year of the Fiery Dragon have amazing disability. They try to succeed in everything for that they will take. In the team, they are respected for directness and honesty. Have congenital leadership skills and strong will. Tell rely only on their own feelings and judgments. The thoughts and interests of other people often do not take. The fiery dragon is characterized by a closure that prevents him in life. Loves music and art.

Earth Dragon: 1928, 1988

People born in the years of the earth dragon, good businessmen and financiers. They are much easier than other representatives of the zodiac circle, it turns out to earn a solid state. They are calm and balanced, have versatile interests and are always aware of what is happening in the world. Earth dragons set themselves clear and clear goals, and they, as a rule, do not arise problems with obtaining material or moral support from the part.

Year of the Dragon - Dignity and Disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Dragon

People born in the year of the dragon, most often, have excellent health, an inexhaustible source of vitality, activity. They are clean and open, they do not know how to be broken and hypocrite. Gustive, so they are often deceived. They are also extremely sensitive and inclined to worry about insignificant occasion. Also, the dragon is very demanding both to itself and to others.

Negative aspects of the Dragon Person

The disadvantages, people born in the year of the dragon include their incontinence in the language. Their words are most often ahead of thoughts. But, the dragon always gives good advice, therefore it is worth listening to them, it does not matter, they are well they outlined or not.

Career and money dragon sign

The dragon is not able to make a career in the usual understanding of this word - that is, to strive for it and years to strive for this purpose. After all, life is so interesting and diverse, which simply cannot be subordinated to only one one! Nevertheless, the charismatic identity of the dragon literally attracts the sympathies of others around the surrounding, including the strong world of this, so most often the dragon, even specifically seeking this, is able to make a wonderful career - to enlighten any bore - careerist.

In relation to the money, the dragon is capable of broad and often unexpected gestures. He can suddenly, yielding to a gust, list the round sum for charity or buy a completely unnecessary luxury item. Maybe not having money for a return ticket, suddenly go to Somalia and return from there with a stuffed wallet. In other words, his costs are striking, and no one knows about his diverse sources of income, even he himself. Theer is that usually the dragon manages to be with money - and considerable.

Dragon life periods

The dragon will have small difficulties in the first phase of his life, because it will require a lot from his loved ones.

Its artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. In the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe dragon, it will often be a feeling of incomprehensibility. In fact, they will admire, it will obey him how small people will be sad, the success is so great.

He has a difficult character, he will be infrequently satisfied with his life. But he will be happy, even if not aware of his happiness in the last phase of his life, which will bring everything he wishes.

Dragon Stones: Transfix Opal, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Green Chrysolite, Amber And All Synthetic Stones

Plants: Lotus, Mandragora, Sage.

Time of day: from 7 to 9 am.

Time of year: Spring, April

Colors: Golden (Yellow), Blue (Blue) and Black.

Year of the Dragon
People born in year of the Dragon:

1940, 2000 - the year of the metal dragon

By chinese horoscope year of the Dragonand the element of the metal give birth to pronounced individualists. The metal gives representatives of the Year of the Dragon, an extraordinarily strong will, sharpness in behavior and the desire to achieve everything. The energy potential of the metal dragon is very high, the desire to conquer the vertices is obvious, and the lack of associates is not a problem for this strong personality. Born in the year of the dragon can cope with the task and alone. He is highly appreciated by colleagues, friends and loved ones.

1952, 2012 - Water Dragon

According to the horoscope year of the Dragon, It is the water dragon that is the most sensitive sign. He knows how to get along with others, wondering their problems and is able to understand others. Usually it is configured friendly and not too demanding. According to the horoscope, the water dragon born in communication is pleasant in communication, they know how to express their thoughts and will be happy to express their considerations for any different reasons. This is a fond of nature, like everyone related to the year of the dragon, but much more disorderly in their hobbies. He cannot dwell on something one - the goals are constantly changing.

1964, 2024 - Wooden Dragon Year

Horoscope year of the Dragon, reinforced by the element of wood, promises good results in life. Wooden Dragon will never miss any little things - it is very pedantic, seeks to know the essence of each phenomenon. In conjunction with purposefulness, it brings good fruits. There is no such purpose that would not have submitted born in the year of the dragon. In addition, wooden dragon The horoscope is well understood in matters of business and finance. It is practical, but sometimes it can be attached to dreams. Such a dragon is pleasant and easy to communicate, the wit, but never allows the non-metal comments to the interlocutor, he is generous and generous.

1976, 1936 - year of the Fiery Dragon

As believes eastern horoscope year of the DragonBorn under this sign and so self-igniting personality, and the fiery ... There is a doubling of such qualities as the desire to achieve the goal, the desire for ideal and ambition. The fiery dragon does not tolerate defeats, it will work for wear, will not bend under the blows of fate and will always openly express what he thinks. But he is not much interested in what others think and feel. Hence the misunderstanding, and conflicts, and loneliness, which often accompanies the dragon born in the year. That is why among the fiery dragons, you can often meet avid music lovers, movie lovers, theater or books.

1988, 1948 - Earth Dragon

Earth Dragon - This is perhaps the most harmonious manifestation of the horoscope of the Dragon. Its translated aspirations are equalized by the Earth. He shows more excerpts and patience in affairs, does not build unless plans and seeks to see what sees clearly and clearly. Earth dragon can express his thoughts and finds support and understanding among others, especially in business issues. It is wondering different areas Life has a wide range of friends and all uses authority. The elements of the Earth makes the dragon born in the year successful in the field of business and finance, and it makes sense to pay special attention to this area.

Famous people born in the year of the Dragon:

Guillaume Apolliner, Rule Amundsen, Joan Bez, Count Basey, Kenneth Stark, Bandage Crosby, Salvador Dali, Nile Diamond, Prince Edward, Che Guevara, Jeanne D "ARK, John Lennon, Iehahhi Menuhin, Francois Mitteraran, Florence PlantNelel, Gregory Pek, Cliff Richard, Bernard Show, Garld Wilson, Sara Bernard, Mary Pickford, Sigmund Freud, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Tito, Jean Gaben, George Balacin, Lewis Carroll, Imanuel Kant, Marlene Dietrich, Julia Christie, Alexander Eifel, Franco Bramonde, Friedrich Great, Harry Grant, Graham Green, Edward Mana, Andre Morua, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Napoleon III, Nicholas II Romange, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Oppenheimer, Henri Philippe Peten, Francesco Petrarka, Nikolay Roman -Carsakov, Edmond Rostan, Immanuel Swedenborg, Emil Gileels, Vitaly Ginzburg, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Konstantin II, Louis Korvalan, Olga Lepheshinskaya, Nina Makarova, Marchello Masthani, Vasily Mercuryev, Jean Victor Moro, Pablo Nerudz, Edson Pele, Tatyana Peltzer, Anna Saksa, Inko Sata, Evgeny Svetlanov, Eduard Shevarnad Ze.

Give birth in the year of the dragon

The Chinese seek to give birth to a child in year of the DragonFor them, this year is the best for your, as a rule, the only child because more children in China are not supposed to have in law. Therefore, let it be one, but the happiest, and such a dragon should be born. In China and in Japan, they are even taught free and pay for parents who gave birth to children this year.
For the Chinese, the dragon personifies happiness and good luck, good health and high position, for a long time he was a symbol of Chinese emperors, sons of the sky. People born in the year of the dragon differ in force, determination, passionate, movable and dynamic. These are fighters and winners, they love them, they admire and respect. They are smart and talented, achieve success in career and creativity, seek leadership in everything. Generous, stubborn, sharp in the tongue, give good tips. They have a lot of vitality, they are breathing in health, active, open and clean, not brighten, do not hypocrite and do not become gloomy, trusting. All life, dragons will not need anything and can succeed in any case, shine at any position and always seek their goals. He wins even bad things.

What is the characteristic of the year of the dragon

Born during the dragon - people of excellent health, big vitality. They are energetic and active, emotional and decisive, self-remote and wayward. Honest and frank, and they do not leave their activities from the Mother Earth, do not twist in the clouds, do not concentrate on trifles
"Dragon" - a person intelligent, volitional, noble and generous, one cannot say that he is naive, but still overly trusting him, it is easy to deceive. It is sensitive and soft, often allows others to take up, although not long. The desire for improving makes Ego very demanding -cake to himself and to others.
Both of everyone and the "dragon" have their weak and negative features: it is easily excited, it is easily annoyed, his stubbornness can reach the lines, it is increasing in the language, invulnerable and proud, easily fonders. Great enthusiast, succeeding in any case, for which it is taken, can inspire, convince and even persecute. It is listened to his opinion, it is considered to be with him, since the advice is always meaningful, always in the case. If he devotes a big goal, then goes to her, without turning off the road. Unfortunately, with the same success, he can go to the bad thing and also become a winner. Small work, as a rule, "dragons" are trying to shift on the shoulders of others, although the fruits made them prefer to reap by themselves. All encroachments, charges are parried very ingeniously, albeit somewhat down.
The goals of the "dragons" are numerous and diverse. For their implementation, the power is required, which they conquer not only by talent, abilities, original tactics, but also cunning and sly, relying on very strong intuition.
The "dragon" attract the great mystery of nature, and not yet solved problems of our life, our being with painful for consciousness with questions: why do we live, where are we going and what awaits us then? Not only his brilliant mind helps to be at the height of the "Dragon" position, the ability to concentrate on something one, as well as a mighty feeling of curiosity, the ability to grab the necessary in the right case. And they need spiritual contacts, for here they can shine their wit.
Conservative forces and bureaucrats, indecisive people, oscillating and always only find out, become their enemies who have delivered only one target "dragons" with their posts, posts.
Protection of itself and like-minded requires a lot of strength and energy from them. At such periods, they become sharp and rude, even merciless, and, causing blows on enemies, often touched those who are not to blame. In this and their tragedy, for at such minutes it refuses a sense of justice, they cannot preserve clarity and loyalty, listen only to themselves. If the "dragons", who seek only to victory, who are used to only to win, it is not possible to do right away, they feel deeply vulnerable. The same applies to the field of love and marriage. They are suitable for the cavity object with the obvious confidence of the conqueror. If he immediately does not give up, there will be no continuation in this love. Usually he loves, although he truly loves himself rarely. With this discharge, "Dragon" practically does not experience love disappointment, grief, sadness, although he is often the cause of drama or even the tragedy of the former partner.
It happens that the "dragon" with its ability to quickly ignore and even faster to fade, long can not find a worthy partner of love and marriage. But only in happiness can reveal them best sides. Happy dragon and shines. But when this state passes and the shadowides take the advantage, it quickly falls in spirit, becoming easily wounded and vulnerable.
Already from the diaper, they fall from one alteration to another, leading to despair and their parents, and those who surround with their eternal questions "Why and why, where and where?" Since childhood, they are desperately trying to defend their personal freedom and independence. They can early rebel against parents and other family members if they consider that educational measures against them are unfair or too severe. This particular feature, educators constantly have to keep in mind, to reckon with this.
A few more words about the marriage union. As a rule, Dragons rarely marry in young years, and many of them remain bachelors at all. It cannot be said that their marriage and family lifestyle aggregate, there are simply no worries, family troubles and duties, no responsibility. You are a free bird: get up when you want, fly where you want, you sing when it requires a stomach.
And women are "dragons" generally enjoy great success at the opposite sex. Proposals Hands and Hearts - Although flexing! This is a common phenomenon.
Sociable "Dragon" - Loves of the Society. He MiG conquers those present, especially young girls and young women as their charm and glitter of mind, and witty, aphorisms and subtle psychoanalysis.
A closed "dragon" is a type of thinker, preferring to express your ideas, thoughts in writing - in articles, in books, honorable monographs. He is also polite and friendly with everyone, friendly, but friends and like-minded people select only at its own discretion.
He is an individualist, he is bad in the team. Here he can succeed only on voluntary principles. He is a good inventor and the rationalizer, especially in the professional sphere - computing, electronics and radio. He is interested in archaeology, magic and sports, psychoanalysis.
In sports, it prefers running on medium distances, jumping in length, ice hockey, auto-motorcycle racing. Interested in music, preference gives power tools, as well as harp and licenses.
As a rule, the "Dragon" can be small difficulties in the first third of his life when he defends his independence and achieves independence. His artistic inclinations can cause problems in the second third of his life. But he will be happy only in her last third, which will bring everything he dreamed of still with early years. He will be lifted, they will admire. Malls will be EGO, great - success.
In Eastern Astrology, the dragon years are considered for years of good luck, the sign of heavenly power. He symbolizes the life itself and the growth of well-being is wealth and virtue, harmony and longevity. But let you not have the impression of light fate, for all this is no more and no less than just an illusion that generates illusions.
Despite the fact that the "dragon" in everyday lifeAs it seems to us, it only sparkles, it is not difficult to notice that this brilliance is not so born, he does not blind and his herself seems to be a strong person - too, only visibility.
It's just a carnival figure that does not exist in ordinary life. This is a chimeric creature, powerful and at the same time completely unreal, created only for the parade during the carnival holiday. After that, he will burn it to in 12 years he again, like Phoenix, was revived from the ashes for the next holiday.
The most appropriate countries for the "dragon" - Ceylon and Nepal, Kenya, Cuba, Bolivia, Spain and Finland.
In the years of the dragon, there was an expansion of democratic trends, notable progress in the field of energy.
Precious and semi-precious stones for the "dragon" - sapphire and opal, chalcedony and amber, and all synthetic stones.
Lights ramp are invented - and introduced into theater and pop life in the year of the dragon
The years of the Dragon are favorable to ensure that with elevated ambition and purposeful enterprise go ahead and only forward. There is a paradox in the fact that, on the one hand, these years are very exhausting, but, on the other, the result is effective. Definitely we can expect both victories and rewards and defeats, and losses. But in all cases, natural cataclysms - earthquakes, flooding, large-scale fires, etc., should be expecting and beware, all progress, all victories may have just seemingly.
For a man who born during the dragon, as a rule, could not worry if he was not born on a thunderstorm day or on the day of sunny or lunar eclipse. In these cases, certain caution and vigilance is always required. With the laws of Nature jokes are bad.

MOUSE In these years, let them take good and good deedsAnd no one will disturb her, no one will touch.

Vol Also, let him calmly work, not seduced and not admiring the artificial pomp and let the empty brilliance of this time and let it not think that the old days have already returned.

TIGER May be completely satisfied. He loves shine and these years will be in his hand.

RABBIT In these years, let him remain, engaged in their own affairs and calmly looks at all these unrest.

THE DRAGON Of course, it can be happy and feel like "fish in water", because it is his years - years of success and victory.

SNAKE Also, let it not worry. Wisdom will keep her from this fuss and tell me that she must behave peacefully and calmly.

HORSE In these years, it will be more than satisfied, especially the cavalry, for it loves the noise, and shine, and the pomp of parades.

GOAT In these years will feel good. It will increase from everywhere and will increase its share, using the surrounding brilliance and turmoil.

A MONKEY During these years, one of the main roles will play, since the "dragon" always needs it. She will collect tribute, having fun, having fun.

COCK In these years, it may be kind of how much it wants, because it is and his time. By the way, it is favorable for marriage.

DOG In these years, let him hold on the side. If she takes everything that happened to the heart, it will cause despair in her soul, all life will seem useless. Better slowly prepare for the future.

BOAR Poor tolerates puff and empty shine. He is best to find shelter in his friends in these years. And the roof will be above your head, and the food will be provided.

Compatibility, love, marriage in the year of the dragon

Dragon and mouse

It is very good! This is real mutual understanding - and spiritual, and spiritual. "Mouse" for the "dragon" is always useful and he will be forever grateful and grateful. There is no contradictions or confrontation. Friendship is also very durable, because both partners appreciate and respect each other. Business relationships will always go uphill, provided that the Dragon will be guided by business.

Dragon and Vol

Here is complete hopelessness! The marriage union is definitely due to the eternal struggle for power and too much stubbornness of both partners. True, the "ox" is often delighted with the charm of the Dragon, and the "Dragon" attracts the practicality of "ox", but for life together This is still not enough. Friendship between them is impossible due to the complete lack of compatibility. Business relationships may be, but only provided that the "dragon" will command, and the poor "WH" is just to have a poor.

Dragon and Tiger

Their union is very problematic due to the eternal contradictions and confrontation. There will be no peace or tranquility. Friendship between them is possible. They complement each other and try to help, without claiming the role of the leader. Business relationships can flourish if the ideas and designs of the Dragon will be carried out in practice "Tiger".

Dragon and rabbit

An option is also problematic, but possible, often even thorough. The secular qualities of the "rabbit", his diplomaticity bring "Dragon" greater benefit, as well as peace and calm in the house and family. Friendship between them, however, is very doubtful. It mainly depends on the purpose of this friendship and the approach to it. Business relationships have a good perspective, as the "rabbit" understands well in all commercial and financial transactions, strengthening the ambition of the Dragon, its activity and enterprise.

Dragon and Dragon

Here will be a real colorful firework, in which there will be two outstanding minds. Here, the genius of one partner is often encouraged by a large eccentricity of another. Often there is spiritual and mental intimacy. Friendship between them is perhaps more problematic, especially because of the eternal competition among themselves. Business relationships are not recommended at all! The struggle for authority and competence, prestige and reputation is inevitable here. None of them wants and cannot voluntarily give way to another.

Dragon and Snake

The combination is simply great. "Dragon" is always proud and admires the charm and beauty, charm and charm of the "snake", even if its spells spread not only one. Happiness and durability of this marriage union depends mainly from the wisdom and the tricks of the "snake". Friendship between them can also flourish, for they have great mutual understanding and they simply complement each other in all respects. Business relationships are possible, provided that the "snake", in addition to their wisdom and advice, will be in a common boiler to invest and a particle of his labor.

Dragon and horse

The union is very problematic, if not hopeful. Here, too much the difference of characters and the nraws friendship is also unpromising. "Horse" is too big individualist and egoist, wants only to receive. "Dragon", however, also wants to receive, but at the same time he is ready to give. Business relationships may be, but only for a short time.

Dragon and goat

This is not very reliable. The "goat" under the wings of the "Dragon" can be even happy, but with his egoism and unreliability can not attend his partner. Even on the contrary, in many ways only it bothers him. Friendship is possible. The "goat" will be so flattered that it will be just charming, charming and hobble in this "dragon". Business relationships can only flourish in cases where the "goat" will become for the "Dragon" leading on stage, his manager, director, impresario.

Dragon and Monkey

This union can be simply great, because in many respects "dragon" and "monkey" complement each other. In such a union, the "monkey" with his cunning and dexterity will become a real adviser and assistant for a too trusting "dragon", strengthening his power and position in society, for which the "dragon" will protect it in everything. They really need each other. Friendship will continue until they start to act each other on the nerves. Business relationships will flourish and bring magnificent fruits. Here are well combined trick and power. Let them cooperate and do not part.

Dragon and rooster

Actually not bad if they find mutual language. This union will always be ran from indifference and boredom. "Rooster" will take advantage of the successes of the "Dragon" to succeed to himself. Friendship between them is based on mutual sympathy, and this is not so little. Business relationships are possible, especially and the sphere of social activities. Here, "Dragon" will offer ingenious ideas and considerations, and "Petukhu will have to go ahead to exercise them in practice. But maybe so that the" rooster "will only pick up the crumbs from the table.

Dragon and dog

This union is very problematic, and even unpromising. "Dog" is too big pessimist and realistic. She sees a dragon not through pink glasses, and what he really is. Nibby between them is provided to the divorce and parting. Friendship is also impossible. "Dog" will always discourage the "dragon". Business relationships also do not promise anything good. "Dog" will divide the "dragon" to the stones, will put it on ridiculous. And the "dragon" naturally will not take it.

Dragon and Kaban.

Couple more than possible. "Dragon" attracts the natural power of "boar", and "Kabana" likes the spiritual power of the Dragon. Kaban knows how to play his admiration, which delivers the "dragon" the greatest pleasure. Friendship without problems, although without some impulse. Business relationships are foreshadowed guaranteed success, especially if the "boar" will behave modest.

Combining the Year of the Dragon with the signs of the Zodiac of Classical Astrology

ARIES - This is "superdrakon"! He pierces his way in life even with closed eyes And, confident in victory, always reaches its life goal.

CALF - This is a "dragon" -clastic. He will be calm, good and very caring family man.

TWINS - This is a "dragon", sparkling precious lights.

CANCER - This is a "dragon", always hiding in the clouds and building air locks from multicolored soap bubbles.

A LION - This is a "dragon" accurate, genuine and only chimera. He really can be believed and trusted.

LIBRA - This is a "dragon" disappointing. His appearance is very deceptive. It can not be trusted in any case.

SCORPIO - The most spiny of "all" dragons.

SAGITTARIUS - The most calm of all dragons. It can always be counted on his benevolence and disinterested help.

CAPRICORN - Of all the "dragons" the most modest and imperceptible.

AQUARIUS - This is a "dragon" -convision, only with a great tendency to self-criticism.

FISH - This is a real "superdrakone"! - With the help of life wisdom and inspiration may have to go very far away.