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How to plant Victoria in August. Strawberry Victoria: Best landing and care tips. How to care for Victoria in the fall

How to care for Victoria in the spring, care for strawberries.Everyone at the cottage is Victoria, in the spring when everything comes into growth in many questions arise care for VictoriaWhat needs to be done? Victoria leaves live 50-60 days a year. The upper layer of the soil up to 3 cm can be removed, so you will protect the landing from the pests that walked in the litter. It is possible when the weather allows you to proceed to cleansing Victoria from last year's foliage, garbage. You can cut off the whole foliage leaving only the growth point. The Victoria plantation can be wanted by wood ash, (All about fertilizer wood ash read the link). Victoria care (strawberry) in spring Includes fertilizer and mulching. Singing ashes, also fake sawdust or conventional humus. But on it spring Care for Victoria (Strawberry) It does not end. In the beginning of May, Victoria needs to be filtered by complex mineral fertilizer. Education of the kidneys, spray the bushes with a solution of copper sulfate, so you will prevent the disease of the young foliage. When you have a green leaf, you need a cowhide solution with ammonium sulfate. If you trust Only natural fertilizers can except wood ash, feature potassium humate (sodium).Water strawberries once a week with warm water. You can watered to flowering by the method of sprinkling, but as soon as the flowers appeared, it is necessary to water under the bush, excluding the pops on the leaf itself.

Growing and care for Victoria

Did you decide to plant this wonderful berry on your site? For this you need:

  • Choose a location to soil the boarding material

Place the landing of this wonderful berry is chosen solar. Then we prepare the soil under the landing. Victoria prefers fertile land and for this introduce their calculation of their calculation two buckets per square meter, and as mineral fertilizers - ash at the rate of two liters per square meter. The spring, in the spring, summer and autumn. Is a good good landing time - this is april month.

At this time, the seedlings are well accepted, it is less ill, and in June you can already collect a crop. For the landing you need to take outlets with a well-developed root system. Planted on a flat plot, making small recesses and shed them with water.

The distance between the rows of 50-60 centimeters, between the sockets - 30. In order for the rosette well, the roots are dipped into a mixture of a cowboy with clay.

The mixture is made at the calculation of 1 clay bucket by 0.5 buckets of a cowboy, weeping water to a sour cream-like consistency. After the landing is rude away. Then we water as drying.

Before the start of blossom, watering can be produced raincoat, and then - a hose for furrocks. Viktoria loves organic fertilizers and, for feeding I use a korovyan. Lit 1:10. Feed the plants twice the season.

The first time is early in the spring and then during the start of flowering. Feeding after irrigation to wet land. After that, the soil is loose and then mulch straw or fine grass, cutting on the grass. Thanks to the mulching longer saves moisture, the soil is not covered with a crust, the berry remains clean and it protects the berries from raw rotes and weeds. During flowering and fruiting, we remove a mustache. And if you want to multiply the berry, then after harvesting, we leave 1-2 ° C closer to the uterine plant. Due to the Care of Victoria comes down to the watering, not allowing to dispel plants, weeding weeds and removing dried leaves. In order for the berry well overwhelmed, it is necessary to shed in late autumn. And before frosts to hide foliage, straw or other material.

Proper care for Victoria - Rich harvest

Correct care for Victoria Allows you to get a rich harvest, starting with its landing and watering, and ending with the harvest. It is no secret that Victoria has many useful properties, not to mention its excellent taste.

A rich harvest is the result of the correct care of Victoria. A sidier strawberry, which is usually called "Victoria" - a very tasty and fragrant berry. In fact, Victoria is just a variety of strawberries. Care for strawberries and Victoria have some features and differences.

Landing Victoria

You need to plant Victoria on a smooth, with a slight bias to the west, the site. It is necessary that the landing plot is well protected from the wind, which in winter, blowing snow from the plants, can cause their death from the frost. Victoria is best for squealed soils containing a large number of humus. Victoria Usami, growing by the middle of summer. New shoots are growing from the nodes that are on a mustache - outlets from leaves and roots.

The first 2 - 3 sockets from the main plant are considered the most suitable for reproduction. They are the most suitable mustache from two-year-old bushes. When forming on a socket of 4 - 6 leaves, it should be cut off from the UAC and together with the land of the earth, to put in the prepared hole to a permanent place. They are using Victoria usually in spring or autumn, with preliminary soil preparation.

If a spring landing is assumed, then the soil should be prepared in the fall, if autumn, then the site is prepared in June. 6 kg of humidiation and mineral fertilizers are made per square meter: a potash salt and ammonium nitrate for 20 grams each, plus 25 Gy superphosphate. In order for plants to be convenient to care for, they are swaying like a row of ridges, up to 10 cm high. Between the bushes should be left 20 - 30 cm, with a framework of 60 - 70 cm.

Caring for Victoria and Watering

Victoria is very good for the care and watering. With regular work on the savings of moisture, the soil, mulching, snow deposits, weed removal can be caught without watering.

But when it watering it up to 10 times per season, it is possible to obtain a more generous harvest. After the end of flowering, the land on the garden is mounted with wood chips, straw or dry moss. It protects berries from the disease of the crude rot. In the middle of the autumn you need to make a second mulching peat or grain consists.

Mulch thickness should be 5 - 8 cm. After a harvest collection should be burned around the ground around the bushes. With the naked roots, the plant must be emphasized.

An important role in obtaining a good harvest of strawberries has her weeding. Gorough and timely care for Victoria It will delight the harvest of berries, indispensable in the treatment of kidney disease and liver, diabetes. Victoria berries favor blood formation, increase their working capacity, strengthen the immune system. Also, about the repairful Victoria varieties, as we often call it, or just strawberries.

Victoria - a delicious victory with small secrets

Greetings, dear readers! One of the first varieties of all famous garden strawberries - Victoria berry. Victoria's fruits have an extraordinary aroma, they look beautiful and appetizing on the dish.

Victoria is a berry, which has many valuable properties, contains nutrients. It contains vitamin C. The name Victoria is very suitable for this berry. To feel Victoria - victory - you need to see a well-groomed bed of beautiful berries.

And for this it is necessary to properly care for the plant. Report on that, in the garden plot. Viktoria is multiplied by a mustache. They usually appear by the middle of summer. For further growing plants use sockets located next to the maternal bush.

The best suited mustache from biennium plants. It is necessary to plant a rosette with four leaves, separating it from a common plant. Cooks of Victoria bushes in spring or autumn. But at the same time, the landing site is prepared in advance.

For spring landing, beds are prepared in autumn, and for autumn - in June, not forgetting to fertilize the land. Seek Victoria is preferably in a flat place with a bias in the western direction.

In winter, snow should accumulate on the plot, so that the Victoria bushes do not die. In this regard, the garden should be placed so that it is not very blown by the wind. For the searfish of the bushes, it is necessary to make the holes in the prepared garden, which are placed in the mustache, dug up with a lump of soil.

It is necessary to do this immediately, not leaving the sockets on the following days. Victoria is susceptible to infection with a gray rot, to prevent this disease with the soil on the ridge mold with wood chips or straw, 10 cm thick. At the same time, the leaves of the plant do not fall asleep.

When the harvest is assembled, the land around berry bushes needs to loosen. When the roots of the roots, the berry is plunged, regular jamming of Victoria is a guarantee of obtaining a good harvest. After the beginning of bloom, in order to prevent the disease of the sulfur rot, it is necessary to spray with iodine with a solution.

Save a large amount of vitamin production will allow moderate watering plants. Without additional moisturizing, Victoria will grow, if it is covered with snow in winter, to carry out high-quality ass., Timely and regular soil loosening. Today it's all about the site. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the Victoria berries.

The taste of it is canceled, and the benefits of immense. When using it is necessary to carefully rinse the fruits under the jet of running water. You can use a garden strawberry for discharge days due to its low calorie.

The use of a berry from berries and leaves will help to lose extra kilograms. Love gardener sooner or later wants to put on its strawberry site. But how to care for Victoria to get a good harvest?

This question is worried about many gardeners who were first planted on their plot this berry culture. Is it difficult to care for this plant? At first glance, it may seem that yes.

However, if you consider some basic recommendations for the care of Victoria, it turns out that this occupation is not so difficult. Of course, at first it may be hard, but a little practice and you will become a guru in the cultivation of strawberries. And in this article you will receive exhaustive answers to important questions about the agricultural engineering of this berry culture.

How to plant Victoria

So, consider the first question - how to plant Victoria? The answer to it is important, since it is precisely the landing of strawberries affect the quality of the future harvest. To understand how to plant a strawberry, you must first briefly consider the structure of her bushes.

Take a look at the photo that is attached a little below. As you can see, there is a basic, uterine bush. That is why it is possible to reproduce a berry culture. From the main bush of strawberries departs a mustache.

On these processes appear sockets - future fruitful bushes. Over time, this socket will also turn into a uterine bush. To reproduce, choose those shoots on which no more than three sockets are located.

This will ensure a stable growth of each bush, which will affect and on the quality of the fruit. As well, only the socket begins to form, immediately carefully stuck her roots into the soil. So you provide a plant constant nutrition with important life elements.

After a while, when bushes are formed, they can be rejected. It is worth noting that every uterine bush can give up to 15 good outlets. This means that you do not have to constantly buy seedlings, and she always will have their own. Firm.

You need to plant Victoria in the middle of summer (in July). Many gardeners advise to choose for this evening day: a plant in this case will pass night acclimatization. What bushes can be seated into the ground? Are there any sockets?

No, it is necessary to plant only the seedlings, which has formed a root system, there are several leaves and a developed heart. Therefore, if you buy outlets, then pay attention to all these factors, then not to upset due to the fact that your plant has not done.

In the same case when you have your uterine bustard, then before gently tear off the outlet from Usa, make sure that it matches this description. Before planting the plant, gently straighten its roots. There is also an important meaning and the place is chosen for landing Victoria.

Berry culture develops well on suesy, weakness and sublibes. Do not forget to saturate the soil humus and important nutrients.

It is impossible to plant a plant in the clay land (the sandy soil will die) and the sandy soil is not recommended (the crop will be small). Play! Do not put strawberries on the beds that are adjacent to pepper, tomatoes and potatoes.

It is also not worth the seedlings near the trees: their root system will interfere with Victoria develop. But the neighborhood with corn and sunflower will be very by the way - they will protect the berry culture from the winds. The extension does not like elevated humidity, low temperature and cold winds.

Such weather conditions adversely affect the productivity of the variety: the crop will be small, and the fruit themselves become small and sick. But warm and sunny places will contribute to the fact that Victoria will be fronding abundantly and beautiful berries.

How to water Victoria

Strawberry is considered a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, is there any special recommendations on how to water Victoria? It turned out that yes. In the first month after landing, the plant should be water in the wells. After 30 days, the bushes are irrigated by the method of filling the beds with water.

It turns out that it is from this period that Victoria begins to get moisture abundantly. Many gardeners in this case do not invent a bicycle, but simply fill the end of the hose to the garden and fill her to the top. Yes, you should not greeding the water.

For such generosity, Victoria will give you with its large, pleasant fruits. But what to do with this abundant harvest you can find out here.

How often watered Victoria

It is clear that strawberries need abundant irrigation. But still, how often watered Victoria, so as not to harm the plant? From spring, strawberries begins to grow intensively.

If she does not give this period the necessary moisture during this period, then you should not be surprised that the berries ripe fine and dry. Watering continues almost until the middle of the autumn. In the spring and autumn season, strawberry bushes need to irrigate once a week.

It is necessary to do this in the mornings and preferably warm water. In the summer season, it is necessary to water Victoria at least twice a week, and if the days were hot, then you can and every other day. At the same time, we must not forget to fertilize the plants with liquid feeding.

How to care for Victoria spring

Spring season is the most time consuming. It is at this time that strawberries need special care. Therefore, how to care for Victoria in the spring? You just finished eating a frozen strawberry, how spring comes to the yard, and with her and you have to go to your site.

Where to begin? To begin with, carefully inspect your beds. All frozen plants without regret are removed: there is nothing to take place on the beds.

From living bushes, you need to remove the dead leaves. After a careful study of the bushes and removing the dead, go to the next step: remove the top layer of the Earth, which last year's fall you mulched Victoria. What is it done for?

First, in this layer, different pests live here, which took place from the cold, and secondly, the root system will begin to receive additional heat from the rays of the sun. When you have completed all these procedures, it is desirable to bother with strawberries with nitrogen fertilizer. As soon as your bushes delight with new leaflets, it will immediately "feed" their plants with a solution of a cowboy with the addition of ammonium sulfate into it. And when May comes, Victoria should receive a portion of complex mineral fertilizer.

How to grow a big quiz

So, all basic works are completed. Gardener is waiting for their fruits. But how to grow a big Victoria, because each gardener wants to get a special trophy? In fact, much depends on the gardener itself, and rather, whether he will help Victoria in her fruiting. What is it about?

Again about the fertilizer. And it doesn't matter what you do - try to grow a sneaker from a bone or want to get the big fruit of Victoria, - the right and timely fertilizer in these matters will play a key role. Take the rule to fertilize plants not only in spring (as stated above), but And before flowering and ripening.

In the first case, strawberries preferably feed the bird litter. The solution is prepared as follows: one bucket of the litter is poured with three buckets of water. The liquid should stand for three to five days.

The resulting solution is diluted with 1 to 20 and the grooving grooves are watering. And before ripening, Victoria should help two times: boric acid and zinc sulfate. Thanks to all these actions, you can expect a rich and large-scale harvest.

Growing strawberries, strawberries, Victoria Among the berry crops, strawberries (strawberries) got the greatest distribution.

It is characterized by softenness and high ability to vegetative reproduction. Its berries contain from 5.5 to 9.2% sugar, 0.56--1.37% acids, vitamin C (on average from 50 to 70 mg).

Reactive compounds (catechins, anthocyans, flavones and others), microelements (manganese, cobalt, iodine) and other valuables. Strawberries can grow in various soil-climatic conditions.

This is a perennial grassy plant, which is gradually dying and resumed leaves. The above-ground system has three types of shoots. The first type is shortened shoots (horns).

They have the top kidney, a rosette of three or five leaves with side stuffed kidneys and apparent roots. New horns are developing from the kidneys of the lower part of the horn. The second type of shoots is a mustache. They are formed from vegetative kidney horn.

They form outlets, subsidiaries that are used for vegetative reproduction of strawberries. Third type of shoots - flowers. They develop from the top kidneys of the top of the horn.

A bush strawberries does not have a central stem and top growth. New growths are formed from lateral, stool kidneys that are below the top, in the side of the stem. Two new stems can occur from the sinus kidneys, less than three.

The armed stems - horns in turn are also branched, form a combination of shortened stems and make up the "crown" of a bush of strawberries. The number of horns reaching 30 and more and depends on the age of the bush, varieties, agricultural and other reasons.

The horns appear in spring in limited quantities, their education is led by the second half of summer, i.e., by the end of the harvest. Cell-shaped stems, or mustache, are laid early in spring and for a long time are in the infancy.

The mustache arise already in the first year of the plant's life and deplete it if they are not deleted in a timely manner. The cord-shaped stems are at first grow up, and then lean to the ground. When the mustache leans towards the Earth and comes into contact with it, then the roots and riots of the leaves arise on the nodes.

Roots for some time are in the air, while the earth will not touch the storm knot. Under favorable conditions, the developed roots and a small number of leaves form a socket.

Under the strawberries, each new stem is formed from lateral sleeping kidney at the basis of the growth of the previous year. Since with the age of a bush, lateral branching (horns) arise higher in relation to the surface of the soil, then the young roots are removed from the ground and are on the soil, as if in the air.

So that young roots grow and develop, the bushes of strawberries need to be dipped. The root strawberry system is concentrated mainly in the surface layer of the soil - up to 25-30 cm. Under favorable conditions, roots reaches 70-80 cm deep into the depth.

For some varieties (Early Maherauha, Leningrad Early) is characterized by a more superficial placement of the roots. The maximum depth of their placement does not exceed 60-70 cm. In all areas of the cultivation of the strawberry suffers from severe frosts, if there is no snow cover.

The bushes of strawberries in nosemaging winter are dying at a temperature of minus 15-18 ° C, but quite a slight snow cover so that the frost resistance of strawberries rose sharply. Winter hardiness in strawberries decreases as a result of contamination of leaves with a strawberry tick or white spotlight damage.

The winter hardiness of plants is sharply reduced and in a dry year, especially if the drought continued after harvesting. The drought action affects that after harvesting the berries, the plant form a small number of new leaves, the old leaves damaged by pests and diseases, sharply reduce photosynthetic activity.

The frost resistance of plants is reduced and if the root system is not provided with sufficient air access. If the autumn is dry, plants lack nutrition, they are wegeted by weeds, pests and diseases, depleted by the formation of a large amount of mustache, the next year the harvest of berries is sharply reduced.

The cultivation of strawberries in one place is advisable to limit four years, that is, receive a harvest for two or three years. Landing strawberries, Victoria is carried out with a healthy planting material.

In the Central Non-Black Zone, the best results gives a spring landing (the third decade of April is the first decade of May inclusive). It is possible to use the planting material obtained from the uterine sections of fruits, as well as the material stored in the refrigerator or in cold rooms during the winter.

Early summer landings (July-August) using well-formed seedlings can also give high harvest for the next year. Autumn landing strawberries must be completed until September 10, since at later plants do not take root, they are poorly overwhelmed.

The strawberries are planted on a single-line diagram with aisle 80 or 90 cm and distances between plants from 15 to 20 cm. With a sufficient number of planting material and the use of varieties with a compact above-ground part (beauty Zagorn, early Maherahuha, etc.) can be held a thickened landing on Two-line diagram, distance between lines from 15 to 20 cm.

Such landings give a yield of berries above 25-27% compared with a single-line scheme. Before planting the roots of the strawberry seedlings are dipping into the soil bolt. It is necessary to plant plants not very deeply and not too small, so that the "heart" seedlings were on the surface of the soil.

Before planting plants, the site can be pre-closed with light-tight materials. Such a reception contributes to the effective suppression of weed vegetation, improving the humidity of the soil and the creation of conditions for the good development of plants.

This leads to an increase in strawberry yield by more than 30%, the ripening of berries is accelerated for several days, the degree of damage to their gray rot is reduced. Mulching materials use a polymer film or thermohydrophobic paper.

The edges and ends of mulching materials are sprinkled with soil and seedlings are planted into the prepared holes in the mulch. Recommended for cultivation varieties of strawberries are characterized by high yield, winter hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases.

Care of strawberries, Victoria in spring from a fruiting strawberry plot must be removed by robbles dry leaves and after the first jet of the soil process shoots against diseases and pests. In tab.

12 Listed some chemical preparations used for these purposes. In the preparation of the soil, the strawberries are preferably made to a section of 10 m2 from 80 to 100 kg of organic fertilizers (reworked manure, compost), 450 g of simple superphosphate and 180 g of potassium chloride.

At the same time, one third part of the fertilizer should be chipped into the soil at a depth of 20-25 cm, and two third parts - to a depth of 10-12 cm. Under the homemake of the first year, it is not recommended to make nitrogen fertilizers due to the danger of the berry damage to gray rot.

In addition, nitrogen fertilizers cause rapid growth of leaves. Therefore, during this period, phosphoric and potash fertilizers are used. Early spring them are applied evenly throughout the plot and close up by hoe.

The strawberry of the second year in the spring is fed by ammonia nitrate (100 g per 1 m2). This feeding can not be done if a sufficient number of organic fertilizers have been made before planting.

Under the strawberries of the third year, 100 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium chloride and 150 g of ammonium nitrate for 10 m2 are introduced. Usually half of nitrogen fertilizers are used in spring, the rest is after harvesting.

Starting from the second year after planting a strawberry washed to make early spring and after harvesting with a combined liquid fertilizer (1 part of a cowboat on 5 parts of water with the addition of 1 bucket of 60 g of a simple superphosphate and 100-150 g of wood ash). Feed as follows: On both sides of the rows of strawberries make the grooves with a depth of 4-5 cm and the fertilizer solution is made in the calculation of 1 bucket of 3-4 m. After applying fertilizers, the grooves are closed with water and water water.

A special combined mixture for fruit-berry crops is made at the rate of 400-500 g per 10 m2, evenly distributing on the site. Additional measures to combat disease and pests at the beginning of the growing season - cleaning from dry and sick leaves, at the beginning of flowering - layout of straw in the alarms, folding rotten berries in a separate container when collecting the harvest and destroy them outside the plantation, making full mineral feeding and watering.

Chemical preparations used to combat disease and pests. In most areas of the central non-black earth, after harvesting, the berries immediately stick the leaves. This is necessary to reduce the affect of plants with diseases and pests.

The height of the cut should be at least 1-2 cm above the level of horns; The leaves are collected and destroyed outside the site. In the second half of the summer, the mustache from the rivers is shifted into rows of robes, it contributes to the thickening and expansion of the rows of young strawberries to form a strip of plants with a width of up to 40 cm.

At the section of the fruiting strawberries, the mustache must be removed as they appear up to three times in the summer-autumn period, since the destruction of the mustache contributes to the best bookmark of fruit kidney and the development of uterine plants. When using film shelters (tunnels), the yield of berries annually and two-year strawberries ripens 10-12 days earlier and is 70-80% more than the usual.

The most simple types of shelters - tunnels. For tunnel equipment over rows of strawberries make a wire frame. For this, the wire is 4-6 mm thick and 2-2.5 m long bent into arcs and set over the ranks of strawberries at a distance of about 1 m one from the other.

At the top of the arc, the twine is stretched so that the film does not provide. Then the frame is covered with a rolled film. From above, it is strengthened by the same arcs. For more reliable protection of plants from adverse weather conditions, it is possible to cover the tunnel two layers of the film.

Do this, provided that the air temperature is minus 5 ° C. Plants are advisable to withstand under the film to the first harvest. However, with a strong drought, it is necessary to leave the film for the entire harvest period.

During flowering, film shelter must be opened so that the plants are polled by bees. In the tunnels, plant care is facilitated in the event that the perforated (holey) film is used (up to 40 holes by 1 m. M, with a diameter of 26 mm).

Such a film should not be removed during flowering, as bees have access to flowering plants using holes. The cultivation of removal varieties (Sakhalin, inexhaustible, hell, friendship, arp, etc.) allows you to have a continuous or repeated fruiting season.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, for example, the first harvest of the berries of these varieties is collected at the same time as ordinary varieties, and the second - from the end of July to autumn frosts. To obtain the harvest of strawberries in the fall, both half-limit varieties are also used (Mascotman, RedgonTlet, Zeng Zagan, Surprise Gall, Beauty Zagurn and others), in which the differentiation of fruit kidney can take place in the spring-summer period during flowering.

The second crop will be better if the kidney differentiation passes in a short day of 10-12 hours for 20 days (plants are covered with light-tight materials) and the air temperature does not exceed 14-16 ° C. To stimulate repeated bloom, you can use the mowing of the leaves after the first fruiting.

Film greenhouses allow the same plants from the same plants for the season not one, but two harvest. In the first year, the greenhouse can be used to grow seedlings and then leave seedlings at a permanent place, and therefore it is not necessary to dig, store and disembark it.

In the greenhouses, semi-limit varieties of strawberries are planted (talisman, redgontelet, Zenga Zeengan and others), which, under the appropriate conditions, give a second harvest after 2-2.5 months. After the first, in other cultural circulation, plants stored in the refrigerator are used.

They are planted 5-10 days after shelter the greenhouse by film when the soil warms up to 7-10 ° C. The best plants of strawberries for pastures in greenhouses are those who have a well-developed bush, with three-five horns, with floral kidneys that have passed differentiation (at 10-12-hour day and temperature not higher than 12 ° C).

In addition, the rest period must pass at a temperature of from 0 to + 5 ° C for 30 days or more. Plants are planted with multi-line ribbons on ribs 90 cm wide, it can be placed from 22 to 28 pcs / m2 for one-time surveillance.

If the plants are used for two vegetation periods, the landing scheme should be two- or three-line with an accommodation density from 9 to 17 pcs / m2. Due to the growth of bushes in three-line landing tapes, you can cut forward, removing the middle line after collecting the first harvest.

At the same time, the best conditions for the remaining plants are created and it becomes possible to grow culture-sealing. In combined landings of strawberries and tomatoes when growing the first culture, two seasons are removed by the plants of tomatoes after fruiting.

During the growing season of the plant, the plants are regularly watered to 35-40 ° C, maintaining the optimal soil moisture of 80% of the total field moisture intensity (PPV) during the start of the distance and the growth of leaves, 70% of the PPV - during the extension of buds, 60% of PPV - in the period of flowering and fruit). On poor soils of plants, weekly feed with complex soluble fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium (in a ratio of 10: 5: 20: 6); They are brought in a concentration of 50 g / l, consuming 10 liters of mortar per 1 m2.

To prevent the formation of underdeveloped berries, it is necessary to create normal conditions for polling flowers, preventing air conditioning or its strong heating, up to 35-40 ° C. Greenhouses need to be regularly ventilated. Artificial pollination is carried out mechanically or involving bees.

We grow Victoria in a new one's favorite berry. And perhaps every gardener wants to grow in his site, Victoria grew up - so we are loved by a large-scale garden strawberry. However, not everyone agrees with this culture. And if you take care of the bushes, then the crop want to get to the maximum. How to achieve this? In each period, horticulture opens up all new tricks used in the cultivation of this culture. This berry has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, stiff, diuretic, hemostatic and astringent effect. Regulates the metabolism, has an anticerotic effect, improves blood composition. Fresh berries are used in hypertensive diseases, atherosclerosis, ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum, during constipation, who has a saline sharing. Therefore, it is not only a delicate, but also a useful product for you and your family. Rules for growing garden strawberries are not so complex. ✿ Elementary Agrotechnology Rules: The main requirement to choose a place for plantation - the site should be light, even, unbelievable. Even if the plantation you have a very small, by this moment you must take full responsibility. Strawberry loves the sun and warm. Provide a sweet berry and the other. Consider that groundwater should be not closer than 0.8 m. Gardeners with experience are offered to plant strawberries quite freely. According to the scheme 50 x 80 cm. The site laying is carried out early in the fall of the mustache. In front of the bookmark, the beds are added humid, superphosphate and potassium. After planting, strawberries must be poured and inspired. By watering strawberries, by the way, speaks very well. After the snow, winter leaves supply a plant with nutrition and protect against return freezers. Therefore, first time do not touch the old leaves, but remove them only when the new, fresh is growing. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizer is introduced - urea, and the bush of wood ash sprinkled on top. Ten days later they watered bushes with nasty manure and plunge. Plants regularly and abundantly water before starting the ripening of berries. After harvesting, you need to remove the flowerons and mustache. Because bushes need strength to prepare for wintering. Then fertilizers are made. Now, many are fond of the idea of \u200b\u200b"Fix" - to plant Victoria, to the ground with a black material. Let's look at how to do it. ✿ Get acquainted closer: Non-woven underfloor materials, in contrast to polyethylene, paste moisture and air, providing comfortable temperature and humid mode on the surface of the soil. Despite the fact that in the trading network you can meet a variety of names of such material - spunbond, Agril, Agrotex, Aggrepan, Loutrasil, - the basic production technology of any nonwoven material is similar. Non-woven underfloor material combines the majority of the beneficial properties of other underfloor materials. At the same time, it is relatively low and durable, it can serve not one season. For the shelter of the soil around the plants, the most suitable agrofiber (bypass material, spunbond) black (mulch) 60 g / m2. It is resistant to the ultraviolet of black color, having a homogeneous structure. Easy and durable, environmentally friendly. Due to the presence of carbon black, the material absorbs a greater amount of heat, it allows you to ensure the rapid heating of the soil. Weeds and their seeds are dying. The structure of the mulch material allows watering and bring liquid fertilizers. With this cultivation, the fruits and berries are kept clean. Under the material is not formed rotten and mold. But first the soil must be prepared - explode, loose, remove weed roots and make fertilizers. Then the garden surface is covered by either a black polyethylene film or a black nonwoven material. Using a black polyethylene film must be remembered that it does not miss moisture. It can not be put close to the stalk of the cultural plant, and you need to leave the gap commensurate with the root system. The black film can also serve as one season if we take it from the cuts and to clean it in the winter with a small positive temperature. Black color absorbs most of the sunshine, heating the sheltered space. Weeds from the absence of light under the material and high temperature die. The slots for plants in the material can be made in the form of a circle or crosswise. The holes should be strictly in the diameter of the "inhabitant" - otherwise, the weeds "attract" next to the cultivation plant. The material at the edges of the site can be pushed with bricks, sticks, slices of the hill. Earth is better not to sprinkle. According to the material, it is better not once again not to go to the shoes having sharp edges. That particularly this method of mulching is most often used in the cultivation of strawberries. It is also a conveniently mulching material to cover the rigorous circles around the trees, shrubs, especially berry, whose branches are located close to the ground, are currants, raspberries, gooseberries. Black covering material will be to the place and in the rose garden. Bright green rose bush looks spectacular on a dark background, besides, it will decrease on the shell of herbs around the landings. Mulching is carried out only on loose and wet soil. The material is not removed up to the elimination of culture. ✿ How to plant Victoria: the main thing when landing on the observed material is to clean the soil to the ground so that then the earth does not bother. The second step, which you must do before you check the material, treat the ground from pests. On sale is now a large selection of insecticides from insects living in the soil. The land was crushed, processed, now filament directly on the ground black streaming material, stretch. It is advisable to take the one who is thickening. Thin will quickly come into disrepair. At the edges, the material must be tight to the ground. For this, metal staples are suitable, which reliably pinch under the soil. Everything! We prepared a "planting platform". Then they make cruciform cuts with a sharp knife directly by observing material. For the evenness of a series, you can use the rail or ruler. The edges of the cut bend inward, and in the resulting square plant the strawberries. That's the whole procedure. The covering material is well transmitted by water, only to lay it should be the right side. And if you want to receive a new planting material, just substitute the strawberries under the mustache with new rosettes cups with the ground, they themselves will be quickly rooted. " The main advantages in such a landing - there are no weeds, the covering material retains moisture in the soil, the plants need to be less likely to water, and berries, when ripen, do not fall into the dirt, and lie on a pure streaming material. You can eat directly from modern bed! ✿ Refresh landing: Saplings of new interesting varieties can now grow and yourself. How to do it? At the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the correct substrate of the earthy mixture. It should be pure and moderately nutritious. Good land from under nettle with the addition of soil with cucumber beds. Earth should be rescued. Add bearer vermiculite to it: one part of the vermiculite into two parts of the Earth. A plastic box from under ice cream can be a container for sowing. Just do not forget to do in the bottom of the hole, so that the excess moisture goes. It is destructive for young strawberry shoots, can bend. In the prepared container, we put soil with vermiculitis, spill well. Although the seeds of strawberries and strawberries are very small and many gardeners prefer not to get involved with such a complex sowing, but if you enter the proposed way, it will not be difficult to do it. Put on the ground prepared under the sowing of small seeds, snow and you can sow seeds. Now they are clearly visible. Snow also serves as a natural plant growth stimulator. If, of course, it is collected in a pure spot. Sowing in the snow is recommended for sowing any small seeds. When the snow begins to melt, it seems to drag the seeds to the desired depth. To get smooth row of seedlings in the future, take tweezers and try to lay out seeds in a row. If you do not want to nurture, then pour seeds on a sheet of paper and gently, literally not breathing, sow strawberries. In no case are small seeds do not sprinkle with top of the soil. Then they will never go for sure. But after sowing, the capacitance is certainly needed to cover the capacitance after sowing. Then you will have to periodically turn it off to remove the condensate, which can easily be "to nail" thin seedlings. And at first, they are very tender. May die from excessive moisture, and from draft, and on the condensate itself, which will accumulate on the lid. For several days, the container with sown seeds must be put in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight. Now bring patience and do not water, do not open your miracle box until the first germs appeared.

Many people do not want to eat purchased berries and grown them on their own in their sites. Sweet and rich strawberries are recognized as one of the most popular cultures. It can be met on many gods. However, really tasty and juicy berries of Victoria give only well-groomed and properly lined bushes. Today we will consider in detail how to plant strawberries and how to care for her.

Optimal deadlines

Before you begin to disembark strawberries, it is worth dealing with when it is best to do this. It should be borne in mind that the optimal time of strawberry disembarking directly depends on its particular variety. For example, for early and repairing species of this culture, the timing will be different.

The development of the Victoria root system takes waveguide. So, the first step of rapid growth usually falls on early spring. The most efficiently strawberry is growing if it is in sufficiently warm soil, the temperature of which is +9 or +10 degrees. The next active phase comes in force after the process of fruiting. She gradually comes off "No" in July, when the maximum temperature indicators for the summer hold on the courtyard.

There is another strawberry growth phase. It falls at the end of August and the beginning of September. In this autumn period, the soil temperature gradually decreases and reaches a +20 degrees. For this reason, it is so important to apply to the appropriate agropriates aimed at normalizing the temperature parameter of the Earth. It may be drip watering or mulching. With such techniques, the root system will develop almost continuously, and the second and third phases will become one.

As for the early grades of strawberries, their kidney fruit is laid at temperature values \u200b\u200bin +16 or +18 degrees (in a short light day). The new plants begin to be created only after the process of fruiting - at this time the mustache is quietly made, fresh outlets appear. It happens, as a rule, in June or July. Fresh sprouts are rooted in July-August. The bookmark and differentiation of the kidneys usually takes place in September-October. Closer to the winter season we grow strong leaves with a lean surface - they still have to suffer frost. The roots that were formed in autumn live about 7-9 months, that is, from August to April. They will act as a basis for a new crop.

Because of this, if we decide to plant Victoria in August or September, then we will succeed at 100% to embody the potential of the chosen culture, since the root system will have time to develop.

As for repairing varieties, they form the kidneys regardless of the time of the daylight. They are recommended to plant in April-May. If you choose a spring landing, then the active fruction of culture will have to be on the second half of the summer season. If you put the removable varieties in the fall, then there will be little advantages from this - it will only have to cover the plant, since such types of strawberry bushes are very thermal-loving.

Contrary to popular belief, many experts and experienced gardeners strongly do not recommend landing the Victoria in the summer. This is due to the fact that seedlings may not withstand the heat and heat.


Before planting strawberries on its site, you need to competently carry out preparatory work. Moreover, it will be necessary to prepare not only plants, but also the Earth. It is impossible to neglect this stage, otherwise you can not wait for a good harvest - you will only waste strength and time. Consider step by step instructions, how to prepare all the necessary components.


The transplant of berry seedlings must be carried out on a cloudy day - it should not be hot on the street. It is better to first familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for a few days to plan everything. For an hour and a half before the transplant of the bush you need to pour well. It is possible to use not only ordinary water, but also a warm solution of humus (not too strong) or herbal tincture of the same temperature. Further, when seedling will already be dug, its rhizomes will need to be soaked in a specialized composition for 1.5-2 hours. Today, several popular solutions are used to which many owners of gardens and gardens appear.

  • Growth biostimulator.The use of this fund is considered the simplest. To do this, they buy a certain growth stimulator and insist in it seedlings. Such a solution is especially suitable for those who can independently choose the optimal composition.
  • Racing on herbs.There are several relevant recipes for cooking such feeding. For example, nettle can be used and green parts of legume plants. They are poured with warm water, fall asleep with double superphosphate and leave for fermentation. Usually about 1-2 weeks leave for the preparation of this natural composition. The content of this solution will be attended by nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. It can also be painted seedlings, and to further use as feeding.

  • Solution with garlic. With the help of garlic, you can scare the landing from different insects. It is crushed, add to warm water, and then they are soaked in the resulting composition of the roots of the plant.

Choosing young bushes for transplant, it is worth considering some important parameters.

  • Each extension should have 3-5 leaves (fresh and without spots / damage).
  • Rhizomes should be neat and straight, deprived of putrefactive traces. The density must be medium.
  • The length of the roots of seedlings should not be greater than 10-12 cm. If the rhizomes are longer, then they need to be diagnosed with scissors. It is forbidden to cut off their hands.

There are 2 methods of the preparation of seedlings - from the mustache or seeds. It is advised to resort to the use of seeds only if you wish to grow a new grade on your site. When growing seedlings from seeds, it is better to let in the case of wet sand with fertilizers. The latter must be disinfected if you scored it from the forest. It is possible to do this by pumping sand in the oven.

When growing strawberries from the mustaches, it is worth collecting well-grown and dense bushes, which in the future and will be grown by the mustache. In the spring, with such bushes, it is necessary to cut all the zeros, so that they could multiply vegetatively. In July, it will be necessary to choose 1-2 outlets from each mustache.

Approximately 1.5-2 weeks before disembarking the sockets will need to be carefully separated from the mustache, so that seedlings rather adapted to the new place.

The soil

Competently prepared seedlings to the future landing, you can move to the preparation of the soil. Be sure to choose the appropriate area for plant landing. The land should be located in a well-lit place, since Victoria loves him very much. Without sufficient lighting, the fruits will not grow large and juicy, and they can suffer from it. In addition, the shade will not be a good strawberry harvest.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the level of humidifier of the soil, in which you plan to plant culture. Victoria loves water, but it should not be too much. In wetlands, the berry will grow very badly. The level of groundwater should be no closer than 1.5 m from the surface.In addition, the soil must be loosened (but not too), fertile and differ in a neutral acid level. In the case when its acidity is high, you will need to supplement it with calcium fertilizers or refer to the use of harated lime. In order to reduce the acidity of the Earth, it is permissible to use cement waste, as calcium is also present in them.

It is important to take into account the fact that the plants have previously grown on the selected area. Victoria will not be able to "live" in those places where sunflowers, cabbage or other parubes grew earlier.

It does not help even the correct processing of the soil. But if there was a carrot or parsley at the designated place, then the strawberries can be planted there - it will become good.

Before planting Victoria, the soil will be needed to competently process. The pre-selected area will be needed to dwell to the depth of the bayonet, and then thoroughly remove the weed from its surface. The first cop must be held in October / November, and the second - in spring or summer before landing culture. It will take to break the earth well, otherwise the rhizomes will be problematic to germinate. Victoria is not growing very well in an overnight ground.

Be sure to remove all weeds. It is advisable to do it with your hands - you should not use herbicides because they can harm seedlings.Get rid of weeds follows several stages. First, the weed herb is removed by their hands (if it is not too much), they are engaged in the grounding of the Earth, after which they go to the cleaning of the remaining roots. If the weeds rummaged at the selected area very thickly, they will need to be mounted. Next, they are leaving and loosen the land, and finally destroy the roots with a robel. It is desirable to carry out such works by autumn. In the spring, the land can be switched again, while the remaining inclusions are deleted.

Prettyly the land before planting strawberries. The feeding should be not too small, and not too much. You can add a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers. But do not overdo it with the Organic, otherwise the plants may later become "targets" for fungal diseases.

Landing bushes

Strawberry landing circuit in open soil is quite simple and understandable. The landing of bushes is worth producing on a cloudy day, when it is not too hot on the street. It is permissible to do it in the evening. Be sure to pick up the seedlings per hour before landing. It is advisable to moisten the seaside material in water or a special biostimulator according to the scheme described earlier.

Pay attention - a healthy sapling must have 3-4 strong leaflets and sufficiently deployed rhizomes. Now you need to fix each strawberry bush in such a way that its growth point is at a single level with a riding bed, and the root system was stripped along the edges of the Holloch prepared for landing.

Next, carefully supporting the bush, it is necessary to fall asleep it with a pre-harvested soil and immediately water. This is done in order to maximize the effective interaction of roots and soil. It is required to ensure that the growth point does not plunge too much or too much too much "Zes" above the ground.

Seared Victoria must be very neat and carefully. Do not make too sharp movements. Try not to damage seedlings.


Do not think that work with Victoria ends at its landing. In the future, this culture will require careful care, without which it is not necessary to count on a good harvest. Consider step by step, how it will be necessary to take care of the bushes of strawberries so that she grew up healthy and gave rich yields.

Trimming Usov.

If you want the strawberry bushes to give a good and rich harvest with large and sweet fruits, then you should cut off all your mustache for the season.

The first time to hold this procedure at the very beginning of the growing season. It is necessary that the plant does not spend extra forces on the growth of the mustache, and sent all the nutrient elements into the formation of high-quality berries. If you neglected such a simple procedure, berries, of course, mature, but will be small and grow in small quantities. Yes, and they will be far from ideal.

The second time, strawberry mustache will grow at the end of the fruitful period. This time they will need to be cut again, and the foundation itself. But note that shoots are usually quite strong, so the mustache can not be powered manually.Otherwise, you risk breaking the bush along with the roots.

Protecting is permissible to produce only a special garden secateur or scissors with enough sharp blades.


You must not forget that the freshly dried strawberry is always required mulching. Most often for these purposes, you are used. This component prevents the development of various diseases of the plant, and also repels all the sort of pests. Instead of needles, it is permissible to apply a straw, dry grass or foliage. It is also important to remember the correct feeding of strawberries. To this stage should be passed to about 2 weeks after the installation is completed.

The specified procedure must be carried out in spring and autumn. In addition, the culture is desirable to focus immediately after the period of fruiting (if you did not have time to do with this business, you can conduct such works and in autumn). Victoria Fertilizer In completing the fruitful stage and harvest is most often carried out using high-quality organic agents. There are plenty of such, however, the majority of gardeners use a cowber (manure) or chicken litter.

It is often added wood ashes that can easily replace superphosphate and a potash salt. As for mineral fertilizers, then people often stop at the previously stated potash salt or urea. However, experts advise contact these funds if you do not have organications left.

The feeding will be needed by this culture and after the process of autumn trimming. This procedure is necessary for the cultivation of sweet fruits. After that, it is permissible to turn to the fertilizer in the form of humate potassium. Next, it will be necessary to thoroughly braid the land, carefully and gently cover the garden and do not touch it until the spring.

Of course, each dachnik chooses such a feeding, which will consider the best for his garden. To date, there are many options for such funds. This may be not only an organic or mineral options, but also an ordinary ammonia, iodine, yeast, a spectacular tincture, or even the infusion on serum, referred to as dairy.

Taking into account the future that young plants, which are just 1 year old, can not fertilize in the spring.

If, in the process of their landing, an insufficient number of fertilizers was used, then without carrying out the procedure, it would not be possible to do. The feeders usually put on the ground, pre-cleaned from any sera.

Loosening and weeping

If you cut all the unnecessary mustache from Victoria's bushes, you can begin to get rid of the garden, in order to get rid of the annoying weeds, and also additionally break the soil between the rows of beds. It is necessary that the roots of planted vegetation be obtained the required volume of oxygen.

Doing loosening, try to stay away from Victoria's root. As a rule, they are at a small depth.

It is advisable to make indents from a seedling by about 12-15 cm.

Having burned down the earth, it is permissible to pour some fresh fresh soil to the bushes. This stage is required to ensure that the roots do not break out the roots. Then the scratched root can lead to the fact that the entire bush will freeze with the onset of winter cold. For the same reason, the yield next season may be quite low.


Watering Victoria should not be stopped, even if she has long ceased to be fruit, especially considering the fact that July and August is the hottest summer months, which are often issued rather arid. Landings in such conditions are simply needed good watering.

Water strawberries required at least once every 7-10 days.

Do not bring the situation before the landing began to point out that they lack watering. Busting can noticeably turn on, foliage will begin to gradually push. However, it is impossible to overflow similar plantations.

With the onset of autumn pore, if you start to go frequent rains, then you yourself wipe the berries and do not need - everything will be done for you. But if autumn turns out to be too dry, then you will need to moisten your bushes and do it regularly, since it is from this that the laying of floral kidneys will be dependent.

Fighting diseases and pests

As for Victoria Diseases, then the most common of them.

  • Spoty. There are several types of this disease. However, paintiness is most often manifested when foliage and cupid are covered by the characteristic stains of the dark purple color. Then the neoplasms appear dark pillows with mushroom disputes. If the leaves are affected too much, then they acquire magenta and die. To get rid of this problem, you will need to remove all the old foliage with the melting of the snow, and to the growing season to handle bushes by bordrian liquid.

  • Puffy dew. Harm that can cause this disease depends on when it originated. If the berries are already collected, the disease is the opportunity to keep under control using fungicides. If the fruits still grow up, then not only the entire harvest can die, but also the sprouts themselves. Before the flowering period comes, as well as immediately after collecting fruits, it will take to spray the beds with a soap-copper emulsion (with a calculation of 30 g of vitriol and soap on 10 liters of water). Then you can refer to acetone (20 g per 10 liters of water) and "Topaz" (5 g per 10 liters of water).

  • Gray rot.This disease can chait almost all the fruits on plants, especially if there is enough frequent precipitation on the yard. With it, soft brown spots with fluffy bloom appear on the berries. The affected fruits begin to disperse, and then mummify. In order not to encounter such a problem, it is important to comply with the rules of the crop rotation. Do not allow weed expansion. On time, remove the ripe berries, destroy already sick pieces. Mulch ground. You can handle the boarding of burgundy liquid to the growing season.

Preparation for winter

Strawberry bushes need to competently prepare for winter (the place of your accommodation for these works does not affect - landing should be protected, even if you are in the middle lane, where winter temperatures are not extended low). They must be stolen. Moreover, it is necessary not only for the creation of heat, but also for additional restraining of snow. In the role of shelter, a straw is usually used, which is also a good fertilizer, or spunbond - a special observer material.

The straw is also permissible to replace with such options as peat or compost. You can use foliage or corn stalks.

However, it must be remembered that only competent departure will allow landed berry bushes to silently survive the winter and give it a good harvest subsequently.

On how to care for strawberries, you can see in the next video.

Earlier in Russia they were grown only with strawberries - the berry is fragrant and delicious, but small and not too much a frost, so today this plant is almost not found in garden sites. He was supplanted by a large-scale strawberry, brought with navigators to Europe from America. One of her varieties called "Victoria" began to spread with a special speed, and soon all the strawberries began to call Victoria. To get a rich harvest of tasty and useful berries, you need to know the rules for planting and growing Victoria on areas with open soil.

Time to landing Victoria

Better for planting strawberries is considered spring or autumn. In the spring, plants planted as early as possible - immediately after the warm weather is established and the threat of return freezers will disappear. In the fall, it follows to Victoria from the second half of August to September 15, and then the next season the landing will delight the first berry.

Seedlings with a closed root system, purchased in cassettes or containers, can be planted in mid-July. The main thing is to choose a cloudy day for planting and well moisten the soil. The seedlings planted in summer will have time to root well and the next spring will give a full-fledged harvest.

Some gardeners cultivate the planting material personally, although it is a long and time-consuming process. After all, it will take at least three years to obtain a full-fledged independent plant. Therefore, experts advise you to buy seedlings in well-known nurseries, and better in cassettes or containers. This is the most reliable and fast way to grow crop.

Selection of site

The site allotted for Victoria should be sunny and have a smooth surface with a small south-west bias. It is not worth the landing of this culture to choose steep slopes, from which the wind blows the snow in the winter, and the hanging water takes part of the fertile layer. For dilution of strawberries are unsuitable lowlands and depressions, where there is a wax water for a long time.

Soil on the site should contain many organic matter. It is best for growing this berry in the open ground, light loams, black soil or gray forest soil are suitable. Groundwater should be closer not closer than 1 m to the surface of the Earth.

Victoria grows perfectly after spicy herbs, cereals, bows, garlic, petunia, velvetsev. It is not worth the berry to plant a bed, where tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers have grown earlier. After 3-4 years, the plants are transferred to a new place.

Spring landing

For the spring planting of Victoria, the soil must be prepared in advance, even before the beginning of winter. The plot must be carefully overcooked, remove weeds and for each square meter of the square to make the following fertilizers:

  • humid - 9-10 kg;
  • superphosphate - 100 g;
  • potash salt - 50g.

Seedlings for planting in the spring it is necessary to select strong and healthy. Before falling into the ground, it follows a few days to temper, placing in a cool place.

Between plants located in one row, leave 25-30 cm. To ensure convenience of care, the beds are separated by passages of 40-50 cm in width.

Before planting the roots of the plant, cut up to 10 cm and dig holes on this depth so that the root system fit vertically. Special attention when landing Victoria should be paid to the location of the cervix.

The cheek of the bush should be in the soil surface. With a high landing, roots can dry, and with a very strong gloss, the plant can be contlected.

The planted plant is abundantly watered and is covered with a special material to protect against frost or burns with sunbeams.

Landing in autumn

The autumn seedling area of \u200b\u200bstrawberries is considered optimal, since in the spring of next year you can collect a full-fledged harvest with young bushes. Plants planted in early spring will also begin to be fron in the next season, but it will have to take care of them all summer.

In front of the autumn planting to process and prepare the site follows early in the spring, making the necessary fertilizers. If every block of land is valuable in the garden, these beds can be temporarily taking up onions, garlic or celery, that is, the rapid vegetables.

Before planting seedlings into open soil, the roots should be treated with a drug from fungus (fungicide) and withstand young plants in a cool place for several days.

Growing Victoria

In the first year after the landing of Victoria in the ground, do not seek to get a big harvest. On the contrary, that the plant strengthened and increasing the root system, you need to remove the appearing alerts and flowers.

Care for adult plants involves a number of events.

  1. Processing area with strawberries. Early spring, as soon as the growing season begins, it is necessary to collect the old mulch material from the beds and the ridges, remove dry and damaged leaves, break the ground between the plants.
  2. Watering. Large juicy fruits will not be able to obtain without the organization of the right, balanced irrigation. Moisture should be enough for normal growth of the plant, and at the same time strong moisture of the soil can provoke rotting the root system. Water Victoria 1 time in 10 days at the rate of 10-12 liters per 1 square meter. m starting from mid-April. In the summer, with the onset of heat, the frequency of watering can be brought to 4 times a week. In the fall, in August and September, the amount of irrigation is reduced to 2 times a week. It is better to carry out the watering work in the morning, trying not to fall water on leaves and blooms. During flowering, drip watering is used.
  3. Loosening. After the next irrigation of the land around the plants and between the ranks it is necessary to carefully disappear, trying not to damage the apparent roots, which occur at the surface of the Earth. It is necessary in order to make the soil breathable and facilitate the flow of oxygen into the root system.
  4. Weeding. Landing care implies regular removal of weeds from beds and passes. Wearing grass not only depletes the soil, taking most of the moisture and beneficial substances, but also is a seatingman of the pathogenic bacteria and the asylum of pests. To suspend the appearance of weeds, you can pour a plot with mulching material: sawdust, chips, dry cheese - or close the agrofiber.

These are the main activities that should be regularly held by each gardener engaged in the cultivation of Victoria in open areas.

Caring during flowering

The appearance of the first color lines falls on the middle of May. It is during this period that the future harvest is laid, the quality and the amount of which depends on the correctness of the care. For feeding plants during this period, potash fertilizers, humid and ash are introduced into the soil. Increase the amount of inflorescences using a boric acid solution prepared at the rate of 1 h. On the bucket of water, which spray green bushes.

It is especially important to deteriorate and loose a plot, not allowing the appearance and growing of weeds. To obtain a large berry, you need to remove all the extra amplifics and leaves absorbing moisture and nutrients from the soil.

Up. Victoria

Victoria care is impossible to imagine without feeding this plant. Fertilizers should be made at least three times per season.

  • Early in the spring, after processing the site allotted under the yoke, nitroammofosk is introduced into the ground. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium included in this fertilizer are the most necessary substances for the development of the plant.
  • During the bootonization in the soil, potassium adds, a large number of which is contained in the ash, chicken litter, potash Selitra. After collecting the berries, the plants are again fed by nitroammophos, dissolving 2 tbsp. l. In 10 liters of water.
  • And the last time Victoria is fed in August with urea. This contributes to the formation of new flower kidney and a more abundant fruit in the next year. The solution is prepared at the rate of 30 g of urea on 10 liters of water.

There is a comprehensive fertilizer, designed specifically for strawberries and an increase in yield by 30%.

Growing Victoria is an incredibly useful and interesting occupation, although requiring certain skills and knowledge. After examining the councils of specialists and ensuring the right departure of plants, it will be easy to get a decent harvest of this delicious berry.

Victoria is the name of garden strawberries or strawberries. This variety is considered the most common and in demand, since it is distinguished by amazing taste and quality. Knowing how to grow culture, you can get ripe and juicy fruits in large quantities.

Secrets of culture culture

For cultivation, Victoria should prepare compost, material for mulch and heteroacexin. Select a landing place is recommended depending on the climatic conditions of the region, where it will be grown. In the area with minor winters, the plant is better to plant in spring time. This will allow bushes to grow over the summer season. If you wish, get the first fruits in a year, it is better to plant Victoria at the end of July or early August. Due to this solution, the plants will be able to fully develop even for 2 months.

For Victoria, the illuminated area with light weakness of the earth is excellent. The optimal option, if potatoes, tomatoes or bell pepper have earlier in the ground. Preparing the soil for disembarkation is recommended for 7-14 days. If culture is planted early in spring, then the place must be prepared from the fall.

The selected plot is required to swap, remove the roots of weeds and different insects from it. If this is not done, it will not be possible to avoid the attack of pests. After the manipulations carried out, it is necessary to improve the structure of the soil. In the soil you need to make 2-3 kg of fertilizer and pour the same amount of sand.

To obtain a good harvest, strawberries are better to give preference to the remote grade. This type of culture is distinguished by the rapid formation of fruits (2-3 weeks). Victoria is a thermal-loving plant, so it needs to be protected from extrusion of overhead sections, especially in the absence of snow.

Strawberry multiplies through the mustache, which richly grow up in plants by the second half of summer. The most qualitative for planning is considered 2-3 cultures, resulting near the maternal plant. For breeding Victoria, it is better to use kids from 2-year-old cultures.

Strawberry is recommended to smooth rows, the distance between which should be approximately 65-75 cm. This will ensure comfort when weeding and watering plants. Between the cultures there should be a distance of 25-35 cm. Each bush with the formed root system is placed in a hole, a depth of 3-7 cm. Be sure to pour a culture after disembarking. This can be done both to fall asleep and after that.

Proper feeding of plants

After the end of the growing season, strawberries needed an additional enrichment of the soil. But fertilizers for Victoria should be made moderate. With unnecessary making feed, berries will be not very tasty, gray spots may appear on them.

For strawberries it is very important to choose the proper balance of food. With insufficient quantity, the fruits may lose the taste, and the leaves are to lose fresh color. In the first year after disembarking, Victoria grabs those fertilizers who were made at the start of growth. From the 2nd year it is required to add:

  • selitra;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium.

Each component should be taken 50 g per 1 m². After receiving the first crop, it is necessary to repeat the enrichment of the soil in the same proportions. For the feeding process, it is better to choose the time after the rains, or on their own richly pour strawberries.

To enrich the soil, where plants are located, fertilizers are often used:

  • "Fufanon";
  • "Ordan";
  • "Abiga Peak".

Effective feeding is considered "Gumi-Omi".

Victoria mulching

The mulching of strawberries plays an important role in the process of its cultivation. Thanks to the mulch, the moisture is held better in the soil. It does not allow weeds to climb the surface of the soil. The land is filled with nutritional components and becomes very loose. Under the layer of mulch, rainworms are formed, due to the effect of which the structure of the Earth is significantly improved.

The optimal option for mulch - needles. With the help of such raw materials, various diseases are blocked and the development of pests is stopped. In the absence of a coniferous material, you can use dry leaves, straw or grass.

Secrets of care

When Strawberry Victoria is wondering, it is required to be meditated. For such a process, moss or straw is used. Second mulching is recommended in September. For the procedure, grain production or peat is applied. The mulching layer is about 6-7 cm. The mandatory condition for successful mulching is the savings of the leaf of culture from the observer material.

When the harvest is assembled, it is required to carry out the soil of the soil around the bush. Also experienced daches are recommended to dip each plant. To maintain yield, the beds should be systematically saved. For such a process, you can use mini-hoes and garden rippers.

Strawberry Victoria is considered rather demanding to watering. If the culture is not always possible, it is necessary to carry out work on saving moisture in the soil. To do this, it is necessary to loosen the land, to cover the beds with snow, timely remove weeds and carry out mulching.

Usually watering strawberries need to be carried out 8-10 times per season. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get a good harvest. For irrigation, a garden watering can be used without nozzle, carefully delivering moisture directly under the root of the culture.

Preparation for winter

In the first half of August, it is required to cut old and dry leaves. Such stress will be useful for strawberries and contributes to an increase in yield. For this process, it is recommended to use a sharp secateur or scissors. Cut is required exclusively leaf plate, leaving small sticking stems. Be sure to remove all the mustache Victoria. The removal of weeds is recommended not with the root, because such raw materials will be a good fertilizer for the next season.

To protect plants from frosts, it is better if they are covered with snow. If there are no such precipitations in your region or there are too few of them, then the beds are recommended to cover the branches of coniferous trees, tops, straw or dry leaves.

Experienced dachables advise food snapshots for such purposes. A good shelter variant is the agrotect or spandback, which is stretched on metal arcs.

How to grow big Victoria fruits? Huge importance for this has timely and high-quality fertilizer. For a good harvest, feeding bird litter is used. 10 liters of substance need to fill 30 liters of water. The solution must be insisted for 3-5 days. Then the liquid is required to dilute with water (1:20) and pour the contents between rows of Victoria. Before the ripening of fruit, the grooves can be moistened with the fertilizer of boric acid and zinc sulfate.

Right and timely care for strawberry Victoria variety allows you to get good and high-quality fruits.

Collect a lot of large berries peeling through the carpet of juicy green foliage and excessive fragrance - the dream of any dachank. Its fulfillment for each owner of the household site, it is worth only to take into account the features that Victoria landing, and competently care for plants. The caring owner will certainly thank the generous harvest. Under the pride name "Victoria" hides the usual strawberry. Initially, only one of its varieties was called - the one that the navigators brought to Russia from America. Over time, strawberries have become more, among them there were repairful, capable of fruit from 3 to 5 months a year. But in some areas the name so worked out, which became nominative.

Requirements for the plot and quality of soil

Under the cultivation of Victoria on the garden it is worth choosing an open place on which the most sunshine falls. Strawberries develop well on even or tilted at a slight angle to the West areas. The prerequisite for the health of plants is a reliable protection of landing from wind. In the spring and summer, he is not afraid of Victoria, but in winter it can blow off the strawberries from freezing the snow.

You can count on a rich harvest if culture culture is carried out on light soft porous soils with a significant admixture of sand. Victoria is moisture, but on a stagnation of water she reacts badly, so it needs a good drenulated soil. For breeding strawberries, raw wetlands cannot be categorically suitable. It is not recommended to plant it on the persons prone to the flooding and in places where the water is worthwhile from the monstering snow.

Repairing Victoria is demanding of the fertility of the soil, it must contain a lot of humus. The perfect option for it is a black soil or dark gray forest soil. But in other conditions, the strawberries can successfully develop if it is properly to care for its bushes. Heavy clay soil holding moisture will need to be diluted with manure or humus and sand. Conduct the procedure in the fall. The soil with an acidic reaction is necessarily lime.

It is not necessary to plant a Victoria in sites, where in the last season there were any plants from the family of complex color (sunflower, an earthen pear, a salad latobe, asters, chrysanthemums). It is undesirable, but possible its breeding after all the grated (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants), as well as cucumbers. But the plots released after the harvest of cereals, legumes (beans, peas), cabbage cultures (radish, radish, mustard), garlic and parsley, for Victoria are very good. Before landing, they must be switched, enricing the land fertilizers. On 1 m² of the surface will correctly contribute:

  • 2 buckets humus;
  • 2 liters of wood ash.

The necessary organic and mineral substances will provide seedlings of strawberries and nutritional composition of the following components:

  • ammonium nitrate (20 g);
  • superphosphate (25 g);
  • potassium salt (20 g);
  • houring (6 kg).

Preparation for landing

Regarding the timing of landing, Victoria provides summer houses. Spank it from spring to autumn. Professionals are advised to plant strawberries at the end of April or in May, when warm weather has already been established. If you provide the right care to young bushes, in the spring they will quickly come down in a new place, they will hurt less and in June will bring the first berries.

For landings, the strongest sockets possess the powerful root system.

To care for Victoria will be easier if the site is prepared in advance for it. In the fall, it is drunk, choosing weeds, and fertilizers make. The removable strawberry can delight berries from May to October, but for stable fruiting it will need a lot of nutrient elements. Therefore, in the spring, the soil is re-enriched with overwhelming dung (10 liters of substances per 1 m²). Do it 17-20 days before plant disembarking.

The autumn reproduction of Victoria is properly held from the second half of August to the first decade of September, when the probability of frosts is minimal. So far it is warm, the plants will have time to take care and stop cold. Care for strawberries At this time will not be burdensome, it is enough just to plant sockets in prepared in advance - since June is a soil. If a repairing variety of culture is chosen for breeding, it is necessary to take into account its features. Permanent fruiting strongly weakens plants, so young bushes such Victoria often die in the first year of life. To care for them will have more carefully.

Rules landing

Most often, the strawberries are bred by a mustache that her bushes released by the middle of summer. Young shoots of Victoria appear from nodes located on them. Experienced summer residents advise to plant sockets that are closer to the maternal kuste - the first 2-3. The highest survival is the shoots received from 2-year plants.

When 4-6 leaves appear on the sockets, they are separated from the UAC, carefully removing the roots along with an earthen room, and are placed in the pouring water. The depth of the well is usually 10-15 cm. It may vary depending on the degree of development of the underground part of the plant. For adult bushes having powerful and long roots, it is better to make deeper wells. In order for the repairing strawberries easier to take root in a new place, its roots should be dipped into the clay bolt. Prepare it, mixing with water to a sour cream, two components:

  • 1 clay bucket;
  • ½ buckets of a cowboat.

It will take care for the landings it will be easier if strawberry bushes rows. Many dackets prefer to pour for them peculiar ridges up to 10 cm in height. The distance between adjacent plants should be 30-40 cm, and the interval between the rows is made equal to 60-70 cm. In the well, the ground is poured, the Kush Victoria is lowered on it and gently straighten into different directions of its roots. Then the hole is filled with soil. That's right, that the root cervical bush is a little towers over the ground or there was a twist with her. The soil is slightly compacted and abundantly watered well.

When landing, you can add special preparations to the hole, contributing to rapid rooting.

Garden repair strawberry spoke well on the soil mulch. Layer of dry grass, foliage, algae, hay, shallow straw, needles will help maintain the soil moisture level of the soil. After landing, it is recommended to cover the space under the plants and between the rows. Spring care in the form of mulching will have a positive effect on Victoria's yields: the strawberries will bring more berries, and they ripen them faster.

Features of agrotechniki

Victoria's cultivation will not require special skills, but paying attention to paying. Caring for them includes standard procedures:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • feeding;
  • loosening.

And the removable, and the usual strawberries are sensitive to drying the soil, reacting to it with a decrease in yield, so it moisturizes it often. It is possible to significantly increase the time interval between irrigation, if we regularly loose the soil, mulch the beds, and early in the spring to conduct snow-supporting events. Care in the form of moisturizing Victoria is required from 4 to 10 times per season depending on weather conditions. End of summer and the beginning of autumn - an important period in the life of plants: they have flower kidneys. If you do not water the landing at this time, hope for a good harvest next year is better not to impose.

During the season, Victoria requires at least three feeders with complex mineral fertilizer. It is suitable for organic compositions. Experienced gardeners recommend using for her divorced at a ratio of 1:10 Korovyak. Pour it better for moistage soil. Two feeders are carried out in spring: after harvesting the bold leaves and when the first flowers appear. At this time, the landings require intensive care, the quality and amount of crop depends on the correctness. To strengthen flowering and increase the number of uncens, strawberries are sprayed with an aqueous solution of boric acid. Do it until the buds on the bushes are not yet. When the flowers come out and the berries will begin to get tie, carried out with a sulk zinc processing.

To get larger berries, during the ripening of the harvest in Victoria break the mustache.

After the landing is swinging, they do not stop care for them. The distance between the plants and under them is mounted with straw, sawdust or dry moss. This measure will not allow the gray harvest to damage the harvest. Having gathered from the bushes the last berries, proceed to the third feeding. After her, the soil loaned well. If the roots of the plants look out of the soil, it is necessary to dip land. On the eve of autumn frosts, one more mulching is carried out using peat, humid or grain seats. They are placed in a thick layer, not less than 5-8 cm. To protect the strawberries from the extinction, they pounce dry foliage on the beds, straw or they are covered with a sweetheart.

It is impossible to resist Victoria delicious and useful berries, that is why its cultivation for most dacms has become a tradition. They are good not only in the fresh form, the recipes of winter blanks from the garden strawberries mass. Here and compote, and jams, and jam, and jam, and jelly, and marmalade. Victoria's fruits can be dried, freeze, close in its own juice, make syrups, liqueurs, wine from them. They are combined with other fruits and berries - a red currant, gooseberry, apricots, peaches, Malina.

Strawberries can not be called a capricious culture, although it will have to spend time and effort to care. But they will definitely pay off. Under compliance with uncomplicated recommendations, a harvest can be collected from the bushes in the first or second year of their life - depending on the selected variety.

Garden strawberries, which is often called Victoria, has gained wide popularity and distribution in the gardens of various areas of the country. This is due to its simplicity of its reproduction, the strength of culture, the ease of protection against the harsh weather conditions of winter, high dietary and flavors of the berries. Many gardeners receive annually high Victoria harvests, having mastered her agricultural engineering.

Soil and landing site for Victoria

It is necessary to plant a plant on the land plot with a slight bias to the West. The place must be protected from winds. After all, in winter, Victoria covers snow from frosts, and it means that in no case should be dried by the wind. A barerine can freeze and die. It is desirable to choose a sudent soil rich in humus.

Other add to it fertilizers. It is better to make fertilizers from autumn, evenly scattering them and leaving the shovel. In the spring it is necessary to shallow loosening in order to align the surfaces and close moisture. One square meter of soil, where strawberries will be planted, it will take:

  • twenty grams of potassium chloride;
  • twenty grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • twenty-five grams of superphosphate;
  • six kilograms humoring.

Alternate the landing of Victoria is best with vegetable crops. The best predecessors for this berry are: green plantings (dill, parsley, salad), legumes, garlic, onions, roots. And it is not desirable to plant it after potatoes, since the plant can get a nematode.

Reproduction and landing

By the middle of summer, Victoria's adult plants are growing the mustes on which nodules giving roots and leaves are located. With the help of such mustaches and breeding Victoria. Three sockets that are at the parent plant are considered better. When the four to six sheets appear on such a socket, it should be separated from the parent plant for landing for a permanent prepared place. In order for the plant to fit quickly and well, it is necessary to dig out the rosettes with a lump of land.

Many gardeners plant strawberries on a bed wide from eighty to one hundred centimeters and up to fifteen centimeters high. The edges of such beds can be bought by boards, and the passages fall asleep with sawdust.

Victoria is planted throughout the vegetative period since the beginning of the spring and until the middle of the last month of summer. Dates of landing are determined by the readiness of the sockets.

For the spring period, the sockets are grown on a seaside bed or cheer near the uterine bush. In this case, Victoria will be fruitful in the current year, though insignificant.

Very common ribbon two-row landing scheme. In this case, between rows in the tape, the distance makes about forty centimeters, between the ribbons themselves up to eighty centimeters, and between plants from twenty to thirty centimeters. It is posted in this case on one square meter to ten plants.

From the variety of Victoria and the conditions of cultivation depends the degree of planting of plants.

Before planting seedlings, the grooves or wells should be digging up to ten centimeters depth and well to pour them. Then they already fall into them seedlings and again to pour it out.

It is best to land on cloudy weather or in the evening. This improves the survival rate.

In order to properly care for the young seedliness of Victoria, you should not forget it on time water. During the first two weeks, watering should be particularly regular. If the weather stands arid, then watering should be daily, and then once every two or three days.

How to care for adult bushes of Victoria


How to care for Victoria in the summer

  1. Weekly watering plants.
  2. Weeding beds with Victoria from weeds.
  3. Mandatory inspection of plants for diseases and pests.
  4. When the first berries begin to get tie to the straw or sawdust. Then the fruits will not be dirty and rotted.
  5. Mandatory removal of damage to the parts of Victoria or the damaged bustle, so that other plants are not infected from it.
  6. Before flowering, feeding with a solution of nitroposki or potassium sulfate.
  7. Berries to collect must be regularly, together with the fruit.
  8. After harvesting, Victoria until the tenth of August should be filled with chipsticks and nitroposka.
  9. Cover the bed of beds during abundant rains so that the diseases do not develop, and the berries did not become watery.
  10. In a timely manner, it follows the fruitful Victoria to remove the mustache to avoid rooting the sockets. The mustache leave only if there is a seedlings to resume landings. Leave them near the uterine sockets.
  11. After harvesting, the soil is dying, and in the event that the roots are bare, then the bush is plunged.

Autumn work or preparation of Victoria for winter

Protection against pests and diseases

An important role in caring for Victoria is its protection against diseases and pests. From Victoria pests, a strawberry tower and nematodes are most common. And from diseases: gray rotting of berries, malievable dew and white spotting berries. But how to care for Victoria to prevent this? For the prevention of such diseases and pests should be:

Any gardener will sooner or later want to plant on its strawberry site. But how to care for Victoria to get a good harvest?

This question is worried about many gardeners who were first planted on their plot this berry culture. Is it difficult to care for this plant? At first glance, it may seem that yes. However, if you consider some basic recommendations for the care of Victoria, it turns out that this occupation is not so difficult. Of course, at first it may be hard, but a little practice and you will become a guru in the cultivation of strawberries. And in this article you will receive exhaustive answers to important questions about the agricultural engineering of this berry culture.

How to plant Victoria

So, consider the first question - how to plant Victoria? The answer to it is important, since it is the landing of strawberries affect the quality of the future harvest.

To understand how to plant strawberries, you must first briefly consider the structure of her bushes. Take a look at the photo that is attached a little below. As you can see, there is a basic, uterine bush. That is why it is possible to reproduce a berry culture. From the main bush of strawberries departs a mustache. On these processes appear sockets - future fruitful bushes. Over time, this socket will also turn into a uterine bush.

Important! To reproduce, choose those shoots on which no more than three sockets are located. This will ensure the stable growth of each bush, which will affect and on the quality of the fruit.

As soon as the socket begins to form, immediately carefully stuck her roots into the soil. So you provide a plant constant nutrition with important life elements. After a while, when bushes are formed, they can be rejected. It is worth noting that every uterine bush can give up to 15 good outlets. This means that you do not have to constantly buy seedlings, and you always have your own.

Memo. You need to plant Victoria in the middle of summer (in July). Many gardeners advise to choose for this evening day: a plant in this case will pass night acclimatization.

What bushes can be put in the ground? Are there any sockets? No, it is necessary to plant only the seedlings, which has formed a root system, there are several leaves and a developed heart. Therefore, if you buy outlets, then pay attention to all these factors, then not to upset due to the fact that your plant has not done. In the same case when you have your uterine bustard, then before gently tear off the outlet from Usa, make sure that it matches this description. Before planting the plant, gently straighten its roots.

An important meaning is played by what place is chosen for the landing of Victoria. Berry culture develops well on suesy, weakness and sublibes. Do not forget to saturate the soil humus and important nutrients. It is impossible to plant a plant into the clay land (the sandy soil will dance) and the sandy soil is not recommended (the crop will be small).

Memo! Do not put strawberries on the beds that are adjacent to pepper, tomatoes and potatoes. It is also not worth the seedlings near the trees: their root system will interfere with Victoria develop. But the neighborhood with corn and sunflower will be very by the way - they will protect the berry culture from the winds.

The plant does not like elevated humidity, low temperature and cold winds. Such weather conditions adversely affect the productivity of the variety: the crop will be small, and the fruit themselves become small and sick. But warm and sunny places will contribute to the fact that Victoria will be fronding abundantly and beautiful berries.

How to water Victoria

Strawberry is considered a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, is there any special recommendations on how to water Victoria? It turned out that yes.

In the first month after landing, the plant must be watered in the wells. After 30 days, the bushes are irrigated by the method of filling the beds with water. It turns out that it is from this period that Victoria begins to get moisture abundantly. Many gardeners in this case do not invent a bicycle, but simply fill the end of the hose to the garden and fill her to the top. Yes, you should not greeding the water. For such generosity, Victoria will give you with its large, pleasant fruits. But what to do with this abundant harvest you can find out here.

How often watered Victoria

It is clear that strawberries need abundant irrigation. But still, how often to water Victoria, so as not to harm the plant?

From spring strawberries begins to grow intensively. If she does not give this period the necessary moisture during this period, then you should not be surprised that the berries ripe fine and dry. Watering continues almost until the middle of the autumn. In the spring and autumn season, strawberry bushes need to irrigate once a week. It is necessary to do this in the mornings and preferably warm water. In the summer season, it is necessary to water Victoria at least twice a week, and if the days were hot, then you can and every other day. At the same time, we must not forget to fertilize the plants with liquid feeding.

Spring season is the most time consuming. It is at this time that strawberries need special care. Therefore, how to care for Victoria in the spring?

You just finished eating a frozen strawberry, how spring comes to the courtyard, and with her and you have to go to your site. Where to begin? To begin with, carefully inspect your beds. All frozen plants without regret are removed: there is nothing to take place on the beds. With live bushs, you need to remove the dead leaves.

After carefully studying bushes and removing the dead, go to the next step: remove the top layer of the Earth, which last year's autumn you are mulched by Victoria. What is it done for? First, in this layer, different pests live here, which took place here from the cold, and secondly, the root system will begin to receive additional heat from the rays of the sun.

When you have completed all these procedures, it is desirable to bother with strawberries with nitrogen fertilizer. As soon as your bushes delight with new leaflets, it will immediately "feed" their plants with a solution of a cowboy with the addition of ammonium sulfate into it. And when May comes, Victoria should receive a portion of complex mineral fertilizer.

So, all basic works are completed. Gardener is waiting for their fruits. But how to grow a big Victoria, because every gardener wants to get a special trophy?

In essence, much depends on the gardener itself, and rather, whether he will help Victoria in her fruiting. What is it about? Again about the fertilizer. And it does not matter what you are doing - trying to grow a sneaker from a bone or you want to get a large fruit of Victoria, - the right and timely fertilizer will play a key role in these issues.

Take yourself a rule to fertilize plants not only in spring (as stated above), but also before flowering and ripening. In the first case, strawberries preferably feed the bird litter. The solution is prepared as follows: one bucket of the litter is poured with three buckets of water. The liquid should stand for three to five days. The resulting solution is diluted with 1 to 20 and the grooving grooves are watering. And before ripening, Victoria should help two times: boric acid and zinc sulfate. Thanks to all these actions, you can expect a rich and large-scale harvest.

In addition to the article information, you can listen to the advice of one of the gardeners, how best to care for strawberries:

How to grow Victoria in the garden

Garden strawberries - a plant that is called strawberries, and sometimes Victoria, because this variety is most read among the others due to the excellent taste and quality.

If you do not know how to grow Victoria, choose strawberry grade based on the climate features of your region. Victoria reproduces roofed bushes, which are formed on the stems of shoots.

From this article you will learn how to grow Victoria in the garden, as well as how to plant Victoria in the spring.

Time to grow Victoria needs to be selected with the climate of the area, where you will plant it. If your region has a low frosty winter, then it is better to perplex Victoria in the spring. Then, for the summer, the plants will be able to strengthen. If your area has a softer climate, then you can postpone the landing of Victoria until autumn. If you want to get a crop already in the first year, then you can plant young plants in the ground back in July or August.

How to trust Victoria?

In order for the plant to develop quickly and gave a qualitative good harvest, you need to grow Victoria on a well-consecrated area in a place where the soil is light and inadequate. On this basis, the potatoes, pepper or tomatoes should grow in this soil. If you want to plant Victoria in the spring, then the soil must be prepared since autumn. And with summer or autumn planting strawberries, it is enough to prepare the soil over one or two weeks before disembarking.

You need to move the land plot, removing the roots of perennial weeds, the larvae of the crumbs and wires. Otherwise, they will damage the roots of garden strawberries and better get rid of this problem in advance. Next, you need to improve the structure of the soil, make several kilograms of fertilizer and add sand into the soil.

Spring in spring you need to wet cloud weather. Prepared Circuit must be watering a couple of days before the landing is quite abundant.

How to grow Victoria in the garden?

When landing Victoria in the spring you must separate the rooted outlets from shoots. Open roots of sockets It is important to dip in a mixture of heteroacexin, water and clay. Sold strawberries need rows, at a distance of about 60 cm from each other. Between the bushes, it is also necessary to leave the gap to 30 cm. Before planting a Victoria, you need to straighten the roots of the plant and spray them to the earth so that the growth point is not lower than the soil level.

After these actions, be sure to pick up the garden and sprinkle the soil with a layer of sawdust. If you have a mulching nonwoven material, it can be fixed on the bed before boarding, and after fixing the edges. Where Victoria is under a mulching material, you need to cut holes.

If you want to get a rich harvest of garden strawberries or Victoria several times for the season, then you need to grow by the Victoria of the removable variety. This type of fruits are formed in just two to three weeks. At the same time, the first crop can be obtained already on last year's inflorescences, and the second, most abundant - in August-September.

Victoria refers to sufficiently thermal-loving plants. A sharp decrease in temperature in the fall may cause extinction of the entire aboveground part of the plant, especially, in the absence of snow cover. A strong soil freezing can cause even the death of the roots.

Soil for Victoria

In how to put Victoria correctly, there is nothing complicated. To grow Victoria, you can choose almost any soil on your garden plot. However, the relationship between the yield and the type of soil, of course exists.

Landing seedlings Victoria

Before boarding the seedlings, it is necessary to withstand in a cool place for five days.

The best soil to grow Victoria is wet, however, not wet soil.

During the landing, it is important to ensure that the box with the seedle is all the time in the shade.

If you do everything right, the root system will be vertically, and the root neck is at the ground level.

All the long roots should be shortened to 10 cm, and then you need to pour victory.

In order for the top layer of the soil, the crust is formed, it should be mulched with dry ground or humus.

It is important to ensure that there is no weeds to the outwards, so the area for Victoria must be cleared of pathogenic bacteria and pests. At this time, the most popular is the protection of plants in the form of insect entomophages.

Care for Victoria

Care for Victoria in the garden involves loosening beds and weeding. It is necessary to exercise in dry weather. And after harvesting, leaves need to be removed, Victoria trim. The process of trimming on the yield bushes, which takes place for several years without removing strong shoots with young sockets. These sockets next year can be used to update Victoria.

Victoria's weeding is an important step of its cultivation and care, as it ensures that it guarantees the appearance of high-quality berries of a good taste and large size. If your strawberry rows touches weeds, and the soil will be solid, your strawberry can be deregulated and stopped fruit. So, be sure to take care of Victoria - water, wean the rows and destroy the weed, follow the garden state to avoid the appearance of larvae.

How to grow Victoria

Victoria - a delicious victory with small secrets

Welcome to you, dear readers!

One of the first varieties to all famous garden strawberries - Victoria berry. Victoria's fruits have an extraordinary aroma, they look beautiful and appetizing on the dish. Victoria is a berry, which has many valuable properties, contains nutrients. It contains vitamin C. The name Victoria is very suitable for this berry. To feel Victoria - victory - you need to see a well-groomed bed of beautiful berries. And for this you need to properly care for the plant.

Talk about how to grow Victoria In the garden plot.

Victoria multiplies with a mustache. They usually appear by the middle of summer. For further growing plants use sockets located next to the maternal bush. The best suited mustache from biennium plants. Planting on the ridge you need a socket with four leaves, separating it from the general plant.

Sign bushes Victoria in spring or autumn. But at the same time, the landing site is prepared in advance. For spring landing, beds are prepared in autumn, and for autumn - in June, not forgetting to fertilize the land. Seek Victoria is preferably in a flat place with a bias in the western direction. In winter, snow should accumulate on the plot, so that the Victoria bushes do not die. In this regard, the garden must be placed so that it is not very blown by the wind.

In order to send bushes, it is necessary on the prepared garden to make holes in which the mustache is placed, digging along with the soil. It is necessary to do this immediately, not leaving the outlet for the next days.

Berry - Victoria is susceptible to sulfur gnill. To prevent this disease, the soil on the ridge is molded with wood chips or straw, 10 cm thick. At the same time, the leaves of the plant do not fall asleep. When the harvest is assembled, the land around berry bushes needs to loosen. When the roots are discovered, the berry is plunged, regular jamming of Victoria is a guarantee of obtaining a good harvest.

Before the start of flowering, in order to prevent the disease of the sulfur rot, it is necessary to spray the iodine solution.

Special requirements are presented to watering bushes. Save a large amount of vitamin production will allow moderate watering plants. Without additional moisturizing, Victoria will grow, if it is covered with snow in winter, to carry out high-quality ass, make timely and regular loosening of the soil.

Today, this is all about how to grow Victoria Location on.

Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy Victoria berries. The taste of it is canceled, and the benefits of immense. When using it is necessary to carefully rinse the fruits under the jet of running water. You can use a garden strawberry for discharge days due to its low calorie. The use of berry from berries and leaves will help reset extra kilograms.

See you, dear friends!

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Proper care for Victoria - Rich harvest

Correct care for Victoria Allows you to get a rich harvest, starting with its landing and watering, and ending with the harvest. It is no secret that Victoria has many useful properties, not to mention its excellent taste. Rich harvest is the result of the correct care of Victoria.

Garden strawberry, which is usually called "Victoria" - a very tasty and fragrant berry. In fact, Victoria is just a variety of strawberries. Care for strawberries and Victoria have some features and differences.

Landing Victoria

You need to plant Victoria on even, with a slight bias to the west, the site.

It is necessary that the landing site be well protected from the wind, which in winter, blowing snow from the plants, can cause their death from frost.

Victoria is growing best on the soup soils containing a large number of humus.

Victoria must be multiplied by Victoria, growing up by the middle of summer. From the nodes on the mustache, new shoots of the leaf and roots are growing. The most suitable for reproduction is the first 2 -3 outlets from the main plant.

The most suitable mustache from two-year-old bushes. When forming on a socket of 4 -6 leaves, it should be cut off from the TSA and together with a room of land to put in the prepared hole to a permanent place.

It is usually planted in spring or autumn, with preliminary soil preparation. If a spring landing is assumed, the soil should prepare from autumn, if autumn, then the site is prepared in June.

6 kg of humidiation and mineral fertilizers are entered into the faded land per square meter: the potash salt and ammonium nitrate for 20 gr each, plus 25 grams of superphosphate. In order for the plants to be convenient to care, they are swaying with rows like a ridge, up to 10 cm high. Between bushes, it should be left 20 -30 cm, with a 60 -70 cm lateral.

Caring for Victoria and Watering

care for Victoria

Victoria is very good for the care and watering. With regular work on the savings of moisture, the soil, mulching, snow deposits, weed removal can be caught without watering. But when it watering it up to 10 times per season, it is possible to obtain a more generous crop.

After the end of flowering, the ground on the garden is mounted with wood chips, straw or dry moss. It protects berries from crude rot.

In the middle of autumn, you need to make a second mulching peat or grain consists. Mulch thickness should be 5 -8 cm.

After harvesting, the land should be brazed around bushes. With the naked roots, the plant must be emphasized. An important role to obtain a good strawberry harvest has her weeding.

Good and timely care for Victoria It will delight the harvest of berries, indispensable in the treatment of kidney disease and liver, diabetes. Victoria berries favor blood formation, increase their working capacity, strengthen the immune system.

Read also, about remote Victoria varieties. As we often call it, or just strawberries.

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How to plant Victoria

How to grow Victoria in the garden | How to plant Victoria in spring

Garden strawberries - a plant that is called strawberries, and sometimes Victoria, because this variety is most read among the others due to the excellent taste and quality. If you do not know how to grow Victoria, choose strawberry grade based on the climate features of your region. Victoria reproduced by rooted bushes, which are formed on the stems of shoots. From this article you will learn how to grow Victoria in the garden, as well as how to plant Victoria in the spring.

How to grow Victoria in the garden?

In order to grow Victoria, you will need:

  • poted compost; heteroacexin; Mulching material.

Time to grow Victoria needs to be selected with the climate of the area, where you will plant it. If your region has a low frosty winter, then it is better to perplex Victoria in the spring. Then, for the summer, the plants will be able to strengthen.

If your area has a softer climate, then you can postpone the landing of Victoria until autumn. If you want to get a harvest already in the first year, then you can plant young plants in the ground back in July or August. That the plant develops quickly and gave a qualitative good harvest, you need to grow Victoria on a well-consecrated area in the place where the soil is lightweight and inadequate.

On this basis, the potatoes, pepper or tomatoes should grow in this soil. If you want to plant Victoria in the spring, then the soil must be prepared since autumn.

And with summer or autumn planting strawberries, it is enough to prepare the soil over one or two weeks before disembarking. We need to move the land plot, removing the roots of perennial weeds, larvae crumbs and wires. Otherwise, they will damage the roots of garden strawberries and better get rid of this problem in advance.

Next, it is necessary to improve the structure of the soil, make several kilograms of fertilizer and add to the soil of sand. Sing the Victoria in the spring you need to wet cloud weather. Prepared Grokes need to watered a couple of days before landing quite abundantly. When you landing Victoria in the spring, you must separate the rooted outlets from shoots.

Open roots of sockets It is important to dip in a mixture of heteroacexin, water and clay. Sold strawberries need rows, at a distance of about 60 cm from each other. Between the bushes, you also need to leave the gap to 30 cm.

Before planting Victoria, it is necessary to strain the roots of the plant and spray their land so that the growth point is not lower than the level of soil. After these actions, be sure to break the bed and pour the soil with a layer of sawdust. If you have a mulching nonwoven material, it can be fixed on the bed before boarding, and after fixing the edges. Where Victoria is under a mulching material, you need to cut holes.

How to plant Victoria in the spring?

If you want to get a rich harvest of garden strawberries or Victoria several times for the season, then you need to grow by the Victoria of the removable variety. This type of fruits are formed in just two to three weeks.

At the same time, the first crop can be obtained already on last year's inflorescences, and the second, the most abundant - in August-September. The system refers to sufficiently thermo-loving plants. A sharp decrease in temperature in the fall may cause extinction of the entire aboveground part of the plant, especially, in the absence of snow cover.

A strong soil freezing can even cause the death of roots. In how correctly put the Victoria, there is nothing complicated. To grow Victoria, you can choose almost any soil on your garden plot. However, the relationship between the yield and the type of soil, of course exists.

The best result can be achieved if you grow a Victoria on the apodoline black soil soils or on dark gray soils of medium and lungs in composition.

On peat, light gray and squeezed-podzolic soils, the crop will be much less rich.

Groundwater should be closed at a depth of at least 60-70 cm.

For the landing of Victoria, the slopes of the south-western direction are best suited, since they start the growing season earlier, and the harvest of berries matures faster.

The acidity of the soil should be almost neutral.

The eternal enemy is not only potatoes, but Victoria is the Colorado Budge. Therefore, before planting a Victoria into the soil, it should be checked for the presence of wires and larvae of the May beetle.

How to put Victoria?

What spring should be done with Victoria, it is spring?

My mom wants to plant Victoria, what should I do in the spring with her? please tell me. In one source they say the mustache should be trimmed, in the other it is not necessary, with loosening, the same thing.3 years ago from Katya

Not to be caught sly, to help and break the earth, put and water. The first year of the mustache does not touch.3 years ago from

For example, you have already collected the harvest of radish, the place was released, here you can safely disembark the strawberries, after adding a small amount of compost. For strawberries, the necessary fertilizer is also ash. But it is better to make it next year after landing.

Landing strawberries. Usually, strawberry seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm. There is another interesting and effective way to plant, which is known to many professionals.

It is as follows: Strawberry bushes are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm. While they are small, they have enough space, and they develop well until next year. At the time of ripening berries, you can easily select patients and weak outlets.

Those bushes, on which very few berries matured, can also be deleted. As a result, you have only strong and healthy instances. Unusual beds - hedges from strawberries.

To create hedge, you will need a plastic tube, a metal pipe and a metal bar. Metal pipes play the role of racks, brackets are made from the bar, and they are installed "Circots" from plastic pipes.

Groke-container is done very simply: you need to make winding windows in a plastic tube, using a drill with a nozzle. The side openings need to close the plugs that are sold in the store. The soil falls asleep to the pipe and strawberries are planted.

The benefits of such a landing option - a lot. First, it is unusual and beautiful. Secondly - saving places in the country area. Thirdly, bedding can be used as a fence for flower beds.

Fourth, very convenient to collect berries, which, besides, do not spoil from contact with the earth. For the winter, such beds need to be removed from the brackets and bury into a small trench, sprinkled with leaves or a laptop.

Strawberry breeds the mustache on which new outlets grow. Material for planting is taken with single-year-old plants. The outlets can be separated when 1-3 sheets and mustache were formed. 10 cm. It is necessary to make a separate bed with a light soil.

To do this, peat and sand add to the soil: 1: 2: 1. Sockets planted in mid-June in small furrows. The distance between the bushes should be 8-10 cm. After about a month, the strawberries are ready to move to a permanent place.

Transplant along with a room of land. If landing is carried out in the fall, then it needs to be done in early September. You can also grow strawberries and from seeds that you need to sow in April in the drawers with fertile, loose land. The soil must be shed a manganese solution for disinfection.3 years ago from Elena Polyakova

How to care for Victoria?

Victoria is one of the famous varieties of homemakers. Due to the large spread of this variety, the name tightly entrenched in everyday life for the garden strawberry as a whole. In order for the harvest of this berry to please you with quantities and quality, you need to know how to care for Victoria correctly.

How to care for Victoria

Watering Victoria

Victoria is very demanding of care and watering. If it is not always possible to water it, then it is necessary to carry out work on the preservation of moisture in the soil. In this you can help the moay of the soil, the shelting of the earth with snow, timely removal of weeds, mulching.

As a rule, watering strawberries 9 - 10 times per season allows you to get a rich harvest. For irrigation, you can use the garden watering can be used without nozzle and carefully water right under the root of the plant.

How to care for Victoria in the fall

After the season of flowering the soil, it is necessary to climb dry moss, straw or wood chips. This simple procedure will protect berries from infection with gray rot.

Closer to the middle of the autumn it is necessary to re-mulch using grain production or peat. The mulch layer thickness should be about 5 - 8 cm. Mulching. Mulching should be remembered that Victoria's leaves should not be covered.

After harvesting, it is necessary to telete the compacted soil around the plants. In case of exposure of the roots of the plant, it must be emphasized. To maintain a good harvest, beds with Victoria should be placed regularly.

When staring, you can use mini-hoes and garden rippers.

How to care for Victoria spring

In order to ensure the flowering of bushes and active marking of berries, Victoria bushes can be treated with boric acid. And before flowering and during the ovary, it is useful to handle the Victoria sulfur zinc. Also in the spring, after cleaning the leaves, you can make a tillage.

Landing Victoria

Victoria strawberry reproduction occurs with the help of a mustache, which grow in a plant by the middle of summer. There are nodes on these mustes, from which the leaves and roots are growing.

Two or three sockets located at the maternal plant are considered the most qualitative for reproduction. The mustache is better to take the plants of the 2nd year.

After 4 - 6 leaves appear on the outlet, it should be separated from the parent plant and transplant to the prepared place. In order not to damage the roots, the sockets must be swollen together with the land and plant in the prepared and spilled wells. The feeder is planted in spring or autumn.

For a more comfortable planting of the spring, the soil must be prepared in the fall (swing, mice). If you decide to plant Victoria in the fall, you can prepare a plot in June. Also, in the preparation of the site, it will not be superfluous. For good growth and development of Victoria, it is necessary to make 1 m2:

  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate25 g superphosphate6 kg

To ensure comfortable access to plants during watering or weeding, Victoria is better to land with smooth rows of small ridges of 7 - 10 cm. The distance between the rows needs to be taken about 60 to 70 cm, and between two planted plants - 20 - 30 cm. For more detailed Presentations of the landing of Victoria can see the video for beginner gardeners.

Selection of a landing site

Plant a garden strawberry is best on a flat plot that has a small bias of relief to the West. This feature of the surface of the site will allow the leaves of strawberries to receive more sunlight in the afternoon.

It is also desirable that the site is protected from the wind. The most comfortable Victoria feels on the soils with a great content of humus. Love Gardener sooner or later wants to plant on its strawberry plot.

But how to care for Victoria to get a good harvest? This question is worried about many gardeners who were first planted on their plot this berry culture. Is it difficult to care for this plant?

At first glance, it may seem that yes. However, if you consider some basic recommendations for the care of Victoria, it turns out that this occupation is not so difficult.

Of course, at first it may be hard, but a little practice and you will become a guru in the cultivation of strawberries. And in this article you will receive exhaustive answers to important questions about the agricultural engineering of this berry culture.

How to plant Victoria

So, consider the first question - how to plant Victoria? The answer to it is important, since it is precisely the landing of strawberries affect the quality of the future harvest. To understand how to plant a strawberry, you must first briefly consider the structure of her bushes.

Take a look at the photo that is attached a little below. As you can see, there is a basic, uterine bush. That is why it is possible to reproduce a berry culture. From the main bush of strawberries departs a mustache.

On these processes appear sockets - future fruitful bushes. Over time, this socket will also turn into a uterine bush. To reproduce, choose those shoots on which no more than three sockets are located.

This will ensure a stable growth of each bush, which will affect and on the quality of the fruit. As well, only the socket begins to form, immediately carefully stuck her roots into the soil. So you provide a plant constant nutrition with important life elements.

After a while, when bushes are formed, they can be rejected. It is worth noting that every uterine bush can give up to 15 good outlets. This means that you do not have to constantly buy seedlings, and she always will have their own. Firm.

You need to plant Victoria in the middle of summer (in July). Many gardeners advise to choose for this evening day: a plant in this case will pass night acclimatization. What bushes can be seated into the ground? Are there any sockets?

No, it is necessary to plant only the seedlings, which has formed a root system, there are several leaves and a developed heart. Therefore, if you buy outlets, then pay attention to all these factors, then not to upset due to the fact that your plant has not done.

In the same case when you have your uterine bustard, then before gently tear off the outlet from Usa, make sure that it matches this description. Before planting the plant, gently straighten its roots. There is also an important meaning and the place is chosen for landing Victoria.

Berry culture develops well on suesy, weakness and sublibes. Do not forget to saturate the soil humus and important nutrients.

It is impossible to plant a plant in the clay land (the sandy soil will die) and the sandy soil is not recommended (the crop will be small). Play! Do not put strawberries on the beds that are adjacent to pepper, tomatoes and potatoes.

It is also not worth the seedlings near the trees: their root system will interfere with Victoria develop. But the neighborhood with corn and sunflower will be very by the way - they will protect the berry culture from the winds. The extension does not like elevated humidity, low temperature and cold winds.

Such weather conditions adversely affect the productivity of the variety: the crop will be small, and the fruit themselves become small and sick. But warm and sunny places will contribute to the fact that Victoria will be fronding abundantly and beautiful berries.

How to water Victoria

Strawberry is considered a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, is there any special recommendations on how to water Victoria? It turned out that yes. In the first month after landing, the plant should be water in the wells.

After 30 days, the bushes are irrigated by the method of filling the beds with water. It turns out that it is from this period that Victoria begins to get moisture abundantly. Many gardeners in this case do not invent a bicycle, but simply fill the end of the hose to the garden and fill her to the top.

Yes, you should not greeding the water. For such generosity, Victoria will give you with its large, pleasant fruits. But what to do with this abundant harvest you can find out here.

How often watered Victoria

It is clear that strawberries need abundant irrigation. But still, how often watered Victoria, so as not to harm the plant? From spring, strawberries begins to grow intensively.

If she does not give this period the necessary moisture during this period, then you should not be surprised that the berries ripe fine and dry. Watering continues almost until the middle of the autumn. In the spring and autumn season, strawberry bushes need to irrigate once a week.

It is necessary to do this in the mornings and preferably warm water. In the summer season, it is necessary to water Victoria at least twice a week, and if the days were hot, then you can and every other day. At the same time, we must not forget to fertilize the plants with liquid feeding.

How to care for Victoria spring

Spring season is the most time consuming. It is at this time that strawberries need special care. Therefore, how to care for Victoria in the spring? You just finished eating a frozen strawberry, how spring comes to the yard, and with her and you have to go to your site.

Where to begin? To begin with, carefully inspect your beds. All frozen plants without regret are removed: there is nothing to take place on the beds.

From living bushes, you need to remove the dead leaves. After a careful study of the bushes and removing the dead, go to the next step: remove the top layer of the Earth, which last year's fall you mulched Victoria. What is it done for?

First, in this layer, different pests live here, which took place from the cold, and secondly, the root system will begin to receive additional heat from the rays of the sun. When you have completed all these procedures, it is desirable to bother with strawberries with nitrogen fertilizer. As soon as your bushes delight with new leaflets, it will immediately "feed" their plants with a solution of a cowboy with the addition of ammonium sulfate into it. And when May comes, Victoria should receive a portion of complex mineral fertilizer.

How to grow a big quiz

So, all basic works are completed. Gardener is waiting for their fruits. But how to grow a big Victoria, because each gardener wants to get a special trophy? In fact, much depends on the gardener itself, and rather, whether he will help Victoria in her fruiting. What is it about?

Again about the fertilizer. And it doesn't matter what you do - try to grow a sneaker from a bone or want to get the big fruit of Victoria, - the right and timely fertilizer in these matters will play a key role. Take the rule to fertilize plants not only in spring (as stated above), but And before flowering and ripening.

In the first case, strawberries preferably feed the bird litter. The solution is prepared as follows: one bucket of the litter is poured with three buckets of water. The liquid should stand for three to five days.

The resulting solution is diluted with 1 to 20 and the grooving grooves are watering. And before ripening, Victoria should help two times: boric acid and zinc sulfate. Thanks to all these actions, you can expect a rich and large-scale harvest. In addition to the information information, you can listen to the advice of one of the gardeners, how best to care for strawberries:

Are you here: Main page - Garden and garden - grow Victoria: Three kilograms from a bush

We grow Victoria: Three kilograms from a bush

Irina Lebedeva, an accountant for profession and a gardener by calling, grows Victoria for 40 years. But with such an experience, it is recognized that the results are different and depend on weather conditions, seedlings or seeds.

That is why it does not like to experiment and plant exceptionally early varieties. The plot of 12 acres in the village of Krasnoye got her back from his parents. There, with her husband Sergey Vladimirovich, they spend every summer.

During this time, up to 3 kg of berries from one bustle are collected. At the same time, the berries in size are large - with a fist of a child. "Victoria, or, speaking on science, a garden landscape strawberry is one of my most beloved berries," says Irina Alexandrovna. - Despite the fact that the seats on the plot are not so much, for her I allocated 3 beds, so that it was enough not only to eat fresh, but also to make billets.

When and where to plant- Sale usually in early May. I believe that the earlier it is planted, the better it is developing. I sit in the evening so that the straw in the night could acclimatize. - Circums are better to prepare from the fall, and in the spring immediately do disembarking.

Strawberry loves sunny, open place. The selection direction is desirable to do from the south to the north. It is in this location that it maximizes solar energy. Try not to land it under the apple tree or cherry. Soil moisture is another important factor.

If the groundwater is close, then the bed must be lifted up to 30-35 cm so that the roots do not occur. At dry places, Grokes are low - 8-10 cm. Arassada, grown on the technology "Frigo", plant better in spring (read more about it on our website).

The grown or seeds, if the roots at the plant are strong, can be planted just now that the plant is ready to decrease the temperature in September. The plants now need to be filled with microelements for berry cultures, such as Gum-Omi. It is possible to handle the beds with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and from pests, such as "Fufanon", "Ordan", "Abiga Peak".

How to land- The distance between the rows I make 60 cm, and between the plants in the row - 20 cm. I do the depth of the well to the bottom of the root. The root of the plant is drying into a solution of a cowboy or humoring with the ground. I add 1 tbsp in my hole. l. "Agrovert Cora" or a pinch "Kemira-Universal".

Look so that the growth point is at the soil level. Small or, on the contrary, deep landing leads to the death of plants or to their poor development.

After planting watering water - 250 ml per plant as the soil drying down. - First, we note that the key to a large harvest is a high-quality, healthy planting material. In our case, this means a developed root system at least 15 cm and a small outlet of the leaves.

The distance between the plants should be slightly larger than Irina: Between the rows - 70 cm, and between the plants in the row - 30 cm. When it is planted less frequently, it is less likely and is sick, gives more harvest, and the distance contributes to ventilating and good lighting. The garden first get rid of weeds, then align and make the wells depending on the size of the root, that is, for its entire length.

Then compost (pair of scoops), ash (half of the matchbox for one hole) and a little land are laid into this hole. All this mass is stirred, water and only then planted strawberries.

Then the earth falls asleep and watered again. Read more than engaging on landings in the country area, it is necessary to compile a plan and observe crop rotation. That is, alternating certain cultures on the beds.

Strawberry can be planted after any predecessors, except for grated (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, petunias, tobacco). But it is impossible to plant it next to Malina, because they have the same pests.

Before the formation of the color of the coloring, it is necessary to water from the watering can, and after their appearance - the bucket under the root. Maximum yields of strawberries - the first two years, and then the yield goes to the decline, the risk increases the risk that pests will increase. Planting strawberries on that bedtime, where she grew, in 2 seasons.

And before you can plant garlic or mustard, which will fit the soil. You can also grow strawberries where legumes were planted in the previous season. How to prepare for wintering?

In the fall, when the temperature is set - 2-5s cover the garden "Agrotex" (bypassing material). And in the spring, with the package of snow, I remove it. "Each dachnik has its own method of mulching (soil coating by a protective layer) of strawberries - beveled lawn grass, solid trees, hay.

But one of the funds that the gardener will save from unnecessary trouble is a mulch "Busto-M1". It protects the soil from overheating, retains longer moisture, saves from pests and suppresses the growth of weeds. Also a mulch will save strawberries from freezing in winter.

The recommended thickness of the mulching layer is 1.5-2 cm in spring, and 3 cm in front of the winter. What varieties choose?This year, Irina Aleksandrovna was not so much berries, but they were all very large, about 8 cm long.

The hostess believes that this is the merit of a variety that does not bring it for the 2nd season. Despite the dimensions, the taste does not get worse.

The main varieties that Irina Aleksandrovna use is "Gianthal" and "Festival". All varieties are divided into 4 groups: early, medium, late period of ripening and repairing. It all depends on the preference of the dachank, which strawberry he wants to see on his plot. The varieties ripen at the end of June are "Kimberly", "Crown", "Olvia".

The berries are sweet, large, bright red, winter-hardy. Average ripen in early July - "Rusich", "Black Svong", "Vima-Zanta", Zeng-Zengan. Berries from 20 g, the taste of sour-sweet, the middle-hardiness is average. The situation - in mid-July - "Vim Tard", "Vikhod", "Charlotte".

Medium-sized berries, the taste of sour-sweet, winter hardiness is good. Remontant strawberry garden. It gives berries in a little bit, but then all summer. Also, their feature is that the berries are larger and sweeter than in ordinary varieties.

Flowers from May to October: "Vima Rina", "Geneva", "Moscow Delicacy", "Brighton", "Queen of Elizabeth II". How to breed?Irina Aleksandrovna replaces strawberries by the Usami.

Just now transplanted it to that Ginochka, where Luk. - in such a method there are many drawbacks, although it is simple to use. After 3 generations, the berry begins to lose its properties.

It becomes smaller, the taste spoils, goes to the recession of the yield, increases susceptibility to disease. The following drawback is the transfer of diseases from beds to bed.

Strawberries, on which gardeners leave the mustache, spends their energy not to bookmark the fruit kidney, and on the nutrition of their young shoots. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to update the planting material, that is, to take the seedlings of the first reproduction. They give the maximum harvest.

Saplings of this class today can be found. The sellers must have varietal evidence confirming this. There is another modern way - the new technology of Frigo (in the premist "cold").

Throughout the summer in nurseries, farmers grown strawberries in the open ground. During this time, she is not allowed to give a crop, remove the mustache. Then strawberry digging, the leaves are cut off, and the seedlings are laying on the refrigerator.

And in this state it is kept until it needs to plant it. To us, in Udmurty, frozen roots are brought from the Dutch nursery in the spring. After her landing, after two months, gardeners receive a guaranteed crop.

To make an application for the purchase of seedlings of 1 reproduction according to the technology of Frigo, by telephone in the Agricultural Academy 55-02-07, (the average price is 25-35 rubles per seedling). How to care?Two times for the season Irina Aleksandrovna, makes liquid feeding for strawberries.

The first time - in May, before flowering, and the second time - in early July, after harvesting. - For liquid feeding of strawberries, I use fresh chicken litter. For a few hours before feeding the garden, I hardly irrigate.

Then in 10 liters of water, carefully stirring a portion of fresh chicken litter at the rate of 1:10 and irrigate evenly from the watering can. After harvesting, I remove all weeds, swallow the soil around all the bushes and look a small layer of cow's manure to fade away.

I do not use any chemicals. - Experts advise to feed the strawberries in spring nitrogen fertilizers in accordance with the instructions on the package (for example, AFC 16-16-16, 10 grams per square meter). But do not overdo it.

And also recommended to regularly make a complex of trace elements for berry crops, such as Gumi-Omi. After harvesting, you can treat special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, for example, Fufanon, Ordan, ABIG Peak.

How to get rid of pestsIrina Aleksandrovna is confident that the pests do not touch Victoria, because it transplants it every three years to a new place. Strawberry pests - larvae of the May Beetle (Khrushchi). With the stroke percho, you need to remove the larvae manually.

Another method of struggle is to cover the beds with the summer of beetles in May by observing material, film or rubberoid. There are some enemies of strawberries - nematodes - small worms. It is very difficult to fight them. The main way is to comply with crop rotation.

Eliminate the garden after 3-4 years of fruiting and burn the remaining plants. You can get rid of them by the people's facility - to pour the decoction of marigolds or put on the future bed of the velvets for several months.

Before boarding, when preparing the garden, it is possible to plant it, for example, mustard, it is healing the soil. A month later, you can all overheat and plant strawberry seedlings.

Victoria, strawberry or garden strawberry (about differences in titles just below) - this is the fragrant of the coming summer and warm sun, the first portion of vitamins. There is an opinion that, having fascinated by the delight of this berry at the beginning of summer, you can stock vitamins and antioxidants for a whole year. But to grow a delicious and abundant harvest, you will have to work hard. The plant is capricious and orally, its cultivation requires knowledge and hard work. And all starts with the right landing.

Confusion in titles

Names "Strawberry", "Strawberry" and "Victoria" someone considers synonymous, and someone is ready to defend their differences. If you go into biological details, you can see the characteristic differences between the garden strawberry (which is grown in our gardens) with strawberries, to meet which in cultural gardening can be extremely rare. As for Victoria, it is only the acquisition and nominal name of the garden strawberries brought from the American continent. But, since the rules of the agricultural enterprises of these garden crops are mostly the same, we will not emphasize the difference and talk about this culture, as a single strawberry-strawberry family.

Dates of landing Victoria in autumn

You can begin to transplant Victoria in August, and in September. Terms are approximate, since largely depend on regional climatic conditions that can shift them in any direction. It is possible to transplant Victoria in September not only possible, but also preferable in average latitudes and in the Far East. In the southern regions (Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, etc.), the landing time can be moved even to the end of October. And in the Urals and in the regions located in more northern latitudes than the central part of Russia, it is necessary to complete the transplant work in August or, as a last resort, in the first decade of September.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to deal with a transplantation of garden strawberries, in the fall. There are several reasons for this:

  • The favorable period in the fall is more stretched over time (this is 1-1.5 months), which is not only convenient, but also gives more chances to get into a favorable period along the lunar calendar.
  • The presence of a large amount of planting material.
  • Favorable weather conditions for rooting sockets.
  • Significantly smaller growth of weeds.
  • Getting a harvest for the next year. After the spring landing, it is no longer necessary to wait for it in the current season.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

You can purchase seedlings in specialized outlets, and you can take from your own bed, if you are satisfied with the variety and yield. Buying seedlings of strawberries from the unknown seller on the market is not recommended, because the outlets are often not the best, and sometimes reborn, which have lost their qualitative characteristics of varieties. Each seedling should have 3-4 healthy and necessarily young sheets and roots are not shorter than 10 cm. The root neck must be in diameter at least 6 mm, the root system is urine, and the leaves are compact, not very long.

Immediately before landing, you should conduct the following procedure. A mixture of garden land and humus is divorced by water to a thickness of good sour cream, any growth stimulator (zircon, Mikras, Epin, Korninen) is added to it. The roots are lowered into the resulting chatter and dried slightly, after which they can be planted.

Choosing a place, soil requirements, predecessors

Regardless of when the Victoria landing is carried out, in the fall or spring, the preparation of the defense should be paid to maximum attention. The soil must be fertile, capable of providing culture the main nutrition, at least for 3-4 years. Requirements for the acidity of pH 5-6.5. Surveys of groundwater should not be less than 60 cm to the surface of the soil.

The plot is well pasted and check for the presence of larvae of the Colorad beetle and a wireboat. If their presence is detected, it is recommended to pre-shed a soil with an insecticide solution (Bazedin, confident, Marshal) are suitable. You can instead to make an ammonium nitrate. The recommendation is especially concerned with areas located in close proximity to forests.

The place for garden strawberries should be an open sun, this is an important condition, but it should be well protected from winds and drafts. The ideal location is the south-west side of the house with a slight inclination of 2-3 degrees.

Another important factor is predecessors. Garlic, onions, legumes are considered the best of them, some types of greenery (parsley, dill, celery), radishes, carrots, siturates. It is undesirable to plant berry bushes after cabbage, pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, as well as after complex and ilok. Grow Victoria on the same place is recommended no longer than 4 years.

It is absolutely meaningless to transfer old bushes from place to place.

Preparation of soil

Approximately 2 weeks before the expected landing, the soil is drunk to the depth of shovels with a mooring or well-overwhelmed manure. Norm - 10-20kg per meter square. Also for each 1m2 it is recommended to add potassium chloride and superphosphate to the soil (15g and 30g, respectively). With a high acidity indicator, 4-6 kg of limestone puffs is added. Immediately before planting, the soil is frozen by a depth of approximately 15 cm.

Agrotechnology landing

You should choose a cloudy day or a quiet windless evening. For each row, furrows are made that are well moisturized. Make them conveniently with hoes and stretched cord. Victoria landing circuit: 15-20cm between seedlings at 60-80cm between rows. This density provides better wintering, good fruiting and ease of processing and collecting. In the rows of bushes quickly closer, and the passages will remain free. It is necessary to ensure that the center of the socket is not raised by the land. The soil around the seedlings is well crimped for reliable rooting and mured with humid or peat.

How to get your own seedlings

After the end of the fruiting, strong and healthy outlets are selected with the second-year beggars from those that were given this time not a very abundant harvest. Plastic cups with a substrate are plunged into the ground, which are drawn by the first two mustache. Those that will grow further, you need to delete. By August or September, when the landing time comes, seedlings will be ready, with strong roots.

It is not necessary to choose berry bushes that have given a rude crop in the current year, as they are less promising in terms of seedlings. One vegetation period can provide something one thing: either a good harvest, or full-fledged seedlings.

Landing Victoria on agrofiber

The use of black undercrow material helps not only significantly reduce the costs of efforts to care for Victoria, but also contributes to the increase in the harvest of the berries by about a third. This is a big topic with your nuances, so we note only the essence of the most important points of this agrotechnical admission. Increased yields promotes increased protection against weeds and negative natural phenomena. The agrofiber replaces mulching, it is resistant to ultraviolet, which restrains photosynthesis and weed growth, but at the same time it has good air and water permeability.

If you plan to use observer material, it is necessary to correctly calculate the width of the beds so that the joints do not fit on their middle. The calculation depends on the width of the agrofiber, taking into account the adolescence in 20-30cm. Next, you should follow the next agrotechnology.

  1. A deep and thorough peopling of the soil is produced - the next time it will be possible to make only a few years.
  2. Organic fertilizers and mineral feeding are made in advance, in 2-4 weeks. To reduce this period is not recommended.
  3. The wire is harvested, which is divided into pieces not shorter than 50 cm, which then you need to bend in half to get studs for fastening.
  4. The agrofibolously spreads to the dedicated area of \u200b\u200bthe Vangest, is fixed with wire studs along the lines of the joints. The edges and angles require more reliable fixation, for which the paving slabs, boards, metal rod, etc. are used for.
  5. Indicatically, but at will, and draw up tile or boards, tracks, for which it will later be possible to walk. They are made with such a calculation so that they can be taken with their hands to each bush.
  6. The fibers are set in the places of future seedlings, after which there is a cross-shaped incision in these places (not a round hole!).
  7. In the received slots, wells are made in which seedlings are found. A big mistake is to cover the plot of agrovolok after the seedlings landing.
  8. Each bush is sprinkled at the base of the earth.

Important! Victoria does not like a deep fit.

Care for falling in the fall of Victoria

Further care is carried out with the main and sole purpose - to ensure the extension of a powerful root system, which will help survive the winter and will provide a crop next summer. Further recommendations are given for an open planting method (not under the passing material).


The first week, the newly planted bushes require frequent irrigation, literally every other day, a maximum of two. As soon as the view of the aboveground part indicates that the roots are stupid, watering should be cut in half, but ensure that the earth continues to remain wet and loose. Water should not be cold.

Watering is carried out under the root, it is undesirable that the water falls on the leaves.


Young seedlings do not need feeding, and will not need 2 more, and then and 3 years. The fertilizer-made fertilizers for this period will be enough.

Processing against diseases and pests

Many pathogens of diseases and harmful insects are placed on wintering in the upper layers of garden soil. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to process the newly planted bed. This is not done immediately, and when seedlings are well rooted. The soil is fried at a depth of 7-8 cm and is treated with a carbonic solution heated to + 30c (3 S.L. on a bucket) or borobo liquid. You can also use the copper chlorocation solution (1 s. L. On the bucket).

Then everything is covered on top of a film for 3 hours. The procedure is made in exceptionally quiet, windless weather, the film to the ground is not very pressing.


Trim leaves just planted in August or September Victoria for nothing. Moreover, the thick of the rosette will grow, the better. But, if she tries to release a mustache, you can and need to be removed immediately because they take the power in the plant that needed to build the root system.


Mulching soil is preferably immediately using for this peat, humid or wood sawdust. But on the eve of winter, the process will need to repeat.

Preparation for wintering

In general, Victoria placed in the fall, it is good, especially if the soil layer is closed under it. It is only necessary to take action only in case of frostyless winter winter, as well as to delay snow if it is not enough. For this, a straw or fallen foliage is added to the garden. You can also use snapshot, sawdust, corn stems or sunflower, etc. Layer thickness - about 5 cm.

Using the foliage or other garden vegetable garbage, care should be taken to not put pests or pathogens of disease.