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Pros and cons of human character. Full list of negative moral qualities of a person with a description

Each person is individual. Everyone has their own, individual qualities: personal interests, worldview, character traits. We are not like each other, but still need each other. Every person, like a piece of puzzle, complements the other, creating a holistic picture genesis. We need each other, and this is not an obligrant. After all, only being in society with other people, we will be able to realize our desires, their needs, opportunities, to achieve something in this life, and not just exist. There is a piece of marble, and a person must live!

To enjoy life, we must learn to the main thing: to love and respect other people. Without respect, no person can exist. If you constantly humiliate someone, insult, to speak nasty, then naturally, even the strongest, will not stand it. Therefore, we must learn to respect each other, because the law of boomeranga is valid in life: as we treat others, they will treat you. We need to learn, not only take, but also to give.

What can you start? You need to start from yourself. To learn how to not only take, but also to give, you need to learn to self-development our strengths, our positive qualities. But what qualities we call positive, and what are negative? Often people confuse some qualities with others. Let's look through a couple of examples of the parties character, which cause doubt, positive they are or negative.

It would seem that, kindness Positive or negative character trait? We strive to be kind, help others, but the kindness can be harmful. A simple example: we want to help the girl parting with their guy. Yes, we do, maybe a good act for a girl, but if the guy loves a girl, why should we help her feelings, his dreams, hopes. A kindness can be useful only when it does not harm anyone, so before you commit a kind at first glance - weigh all "for" and "against".

The second character of character, which is also questioned, enterprise. Suppose we decided to open our work, but for this we need to solve many questions. One of the main issues is competition, we need to get rid of it. And then we make all legitimate ways, take all sorts of innovations in the business world, whatever our business flourish, and the neighbor is the opposite. But after all, the neighbor may have a wife, children, parents. Having lost its business, he will not be able to feed his family, his relatives and loved ones. In no case should do enterprise in egoism! Taking some case, think about others.

Sense of beauty. This trait of character can be positive if the feeling of taste, the feeling of excellent, does not raise and does not obscure other qualities, and we are not becoming perfectionists in pathological form. Example: We all strive to look good and usually when we leave somewhere in the city for a holiday, we dress with special brightness and even some pomp. And we see a woman, dressed in an unbroken, with a punching hair, with an old handbag, with shoes that were fashionable in the 20th century. Naturally, we think that she has no taste, but we do not know that this woman has 3 children, her husband's husband, who died in war, and now she has to come to feed their chad, save on everything, including .

Or criticism of writers, artists, creative people. We do not like their paintings, creativity, their style to portray the world. But this does not mean that they have no feeling of beautiful, they just see this world differently. For example, not everyone loves abstractionism. But "Black Square" Malevich to this day attracts the inventive minds of ordinary people. We need to learn to follow only. It is impossible to say that others have no feeling of beautiful if we do not know His worldview, its values, views.

Critical - Damn it's necessary, but is it positive? Usually we love to criticize them for their actions. For some reason, it seems to us that it may be better that everything can be done differently, better. For example, you are the owner of a major corporation on the development of the city, and you need to make a residential building, spending the minimum of money and time. You come to various architects with your projects, ideas that explain to you. You do not like everything, you criticize everything. Why then it seems to you that you can do better. So take and make! Everyone can criticize, but to offer a constructive solution - units. Become one of those units.

At the end, I would like to draw attention to such a trait of character, causing disputes not one ten years, it humanity. It would seem the feature perfect, it's better not to find it, but where is the edge of what is permitted to us. For example, a century of euthanasia. Do we have the right to show, as it seems to us, humanity and make such an act, how can we live after that, and is it worth it? There are no answers to these questions, and to this day. Humanity should know the borders, without a border, it loses its true purpose - to live for other people.

We are people, we can make mistakes, we can have some kind of character traits, but only it depends on us how we will dispose of them. Positive or negative traits of nature are not given as a burden, but as our individuality, and you need to learn how to dispose of it correctly. Not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to others. Everything always returns - the law of boomeranga.

When they talk about the character of a person, they mean a set of mental properties that determine the behavior of an individual in society. Multiple people do not exist. Everyone has its own characteristics. One manages perfectly get along with the surrounding and new acquaintances, and another is not easy to communicate with relatives and relatives. It all depends on temperament and certain character traits.

What does the character of a person depend on?

Scientists for a long time studied human behavior in various life situations. Numerous studies have shown that the traits of people are primarily dependent on genetics, and then from education. In addition, some aspects of behavior are determined by the physique of a person. So, the famous scientist Kechmer was able to describe three types of physique people with certain features of character.

Skinny high people with elongated features of the face belong to the group of asthenics. They have a weak muscles and bad physical training. Asthenics are always serious, poorly adapt to new conditions. To its inner world, such people do not let anyone let anyone. Bad feathers character traits - anger, stubbornness, rudeness, greed. At the same time, people with such a build of the physique are distinguished by high mental development. A huge number of scientists belongs to the group of asthenics. Most of them dedicate a lot of career time, but they do not pay attention to the usual human relationship. Many prefer to live alone and not a family of families.

Attrethics are broad-circulating people, with good physical fitness and a beautiful figure. Most of the athletes belong to this group. These people have a pleasant appearance. They are rarely impressionable and practically do not show their emotions with the help of facial expressions. The characteristics of the character of people from this group are quite diverse. Athletics are often egoists. They know that in any case they will get the desired. On the other hand, they are very kind. Rarely leave close in trouble.

Several character traits

Based on the fact that human behavior is formed due to several factors, experts identified several groups of character traits. First of all, the attitude of a person to other objects of society is formed. The features of the nature of a kind person are responsiveness, a desire to help, sociability. The bad person will be rude, selfish, cynical and soulless. Sometimes one person can have at the same time conflicting character traits. It can easily find a common language with others, but will not hurry to help a friend who was in trouble.

It is distinguished by the characteristics of people who show the work towards work. It is these qualities that it is determined how a person will be able to earn a living. To succeed, it is necessary to be hardworking, to have creative thinking. Good businessmen are initiative, persistent and conscientious people. The list of negative traits of the character of a person is laziness, passivity, irresponsible attitude to work. Some tend to earn a dishonest way. In this case, negative and positive traits are also working at the same time. Such people can not be called conscientious. At the same time, they are persistent, have creative thinking.

It is very important to understand how an individual belongs to itself. The good features of the character of a person are a feeling of self-esteem, a good attitude to a reasonable criticism, modesty. Egocentrism can be attributed to the opposite features (the desire to always be in the center of attention), shyness, the presence of complexes, excessive sample.

It is also important as a personality belongs to the things around it. The character traits of people are slightness, greed, careless attitude towards things. Positive qualities include thrift, accuracy, economy. All these qualities in person can be raised. It all depends on the family of behavior in the family. If parents are used to scattering clothes and do not rush to wash shoes after the street, the child will come in the same way.

Character Damage Dependency

Very often the concepts of "character" and "temperament" are confused. In fact, these are completely different things. Temperament is a complex of mental features of the person who are congenital and affect the behavior of a person in society. The main features of the character of a person are formed in the process of its communication with others. At any time, the person can be re-elected. But the temperament cannot be changed. This is a special soil, with the help of which mental qualities of a particular individual are developing to one degree or another.

Man has already has a certain style of behavior from birth. Character features are not determined by temperament. At the same time, there is a very close relationship between two concepts. It depends on the temperament, which positive or negative traits of the character of a person will be extended to a greater extent. In addition, the same quality in people with a different behavior model manifests itself in different ways. So, sociable Sanguins will be able to find a topic for conversation with any personality. Flegmatics are also sociable. But they are revealed only in a narrow circle. Below will be considered all types of temperaments with your own features.


These are people with a weak nervous system. They rarely find a common language with others, almost never share their problems. Positive traits of the character of a person of this type are neat, love everything stood in their places. Melancholics are never late. They can trust any secret. A man with such a warehouse of temperament rarely will be deceived. Talented scientists are very often belonging to the melancholic group. Such people fully devote themselves to work. Thanks to their hardworking and talent, many manage to use the latest discoveries of technology.

Melancholics have a special attitude towards people. Character features are formed from early childhood. Baby with such a warehouse temperament rarely play with peers. They prefer to be in their fictional world. The child will consider the toy device for a long time - will disassemble, and then collect it again. Active games with melancholics are absolutely not interesting.

Melancholics have a tendency to depressive states. It all depends on what kind of environment a person gets. If mutual life and kindness reigns around him, Melancholic will feel great. If a person falls into a bad company, where everyone for himself is not excluded the development of neurosis. Constantly is in this state very dangerous. It is among melancholics that suicide is quite common. After all, melancholics are very wounded personalities. Even the simplest failures quickly bring them out of themselves. Native should be alarming if a person with a melancholic temperament is in a bad mood for a long time.


A person who finds a common language without problems with each refers to a group of cholerics. People of this type are always in motion. They seek to try in life absolutely everything. It is very important that Choleric goes in the right direction. Parents should send the baby's emotions to the right direction. Child a choleric from early childhood should visit various sections and circles, travel a lot. Free time can be directed in a negative side. It is cholericians who are constantly striving for communication, fall into a bad company and the first to try drugs.

Choleric is leaders in life. Often, people with such a warehouse of nature seek tremendous success in life due to their perseverance and perseverance. But some of them, unfortunately, have such a trait of character like greed. This leads to the fact that a choleric seeks to earn big money in an illegal way.

Most of the actors belong to the choleric group. People with such temperament are very talented. They are easily reincarnated, they play absolutely any roles. But there is a bad quality in this area. Cholerics are able to deceive perfectly. They do it as professionally that rarely anyone can suspect something. At the same time, cheating cholerics learn from the earliest childhood. A child can easily portray a patient in order not to go to school or kindergarten.


This group includes people with a balanced nervous system. Sanguines easily find a way out of any situation. They are not inherent emotionality. First of all, they soberly assess their capabilities, and only then find a solution to any problem. Sanguines are always moving. Very many character traits are combined with cholerics. People from this group are not accustomed to focus on trouble. They are rarely prone to bad habits. They understand that it is worth trying, and which will damage the body. It is this quality of sanguits and distinguishes from cholerics.

Sanguines love to be surrounded. They do not tolerate loneliness. People from this group have a fear of going crazy. They only have half a day to be alone with themselves so that stupid thoughts began to come. But in the company Sanguins feel just excellent. They rarely have leaders, but also influence is also not always amenable. Sanguines are often talking, have a great sense of humor. Any lack of people with such a type of temperament can turn into dignity.


People with such a warehouse of temperament are distinguished by a stable nervous system and an analytical warehouse of the mind. The main features of the character of a person of this type are restraint and imperture. It is very difficult to understand that phlegmatic feels in fact. People with such temperament rarely open others. Finding into a new environment, they can adapt for quite a long time. Characteristic for phlegmatics are feelings of longing and anxiety. Although they are not inclined to complex nervous disorders, unlike melancholic. People with a similar temperature of temperament practically do not have fears. They are afraid of sharp changes in life. Phlegmatics are not hurry to change the place of work, even if it is not possible to get a good income. People from this group in most cases live in one place for decades. Even the opportunity to improve the conditions will not make them move to another city.

Communication character traits with human well-being

The physical well-being of a person is closely related to its character traits. Personality that has fears or experiences anger, sooner or later begins to hurt. Similarly, it is easy to understand what the features of the character of a person chained to bed are. The kindness and compassion of such a person is rarely inherent. Sophisticated diseases often form selfishness, anger, greed and envy in humans. Scientists conducted a number of studies that helped to find out how bad well-being affects the behavior of a person in society. So, for example, the heart muscle is associated with the emotional component of man. If there are no problems with this organ, people are always open to others, share their impressions with pleasure. But problems with the cardiovascular system form such traits such as closedness, distrust, suspicion.

The kidneys are pair of organs. The best feature of the character of a person who is associated with this body is openness. If the kidneys are healthy, an individual without any problems share its feelings and experiences with others. If a person has a hereditary tendency to a urolithiasis, he does not strive to open his soul relatives and relatives. And joy, and alarming such people tend to keep in themselves. Often, the kidney problems are from melancholics. But the Sanguins are rarely known the painful sensations associated with the renal colic or the formation of stones.

Is the character really defined by the facial features?

Many studies have been proven that appearance largely shows what character traits are inherent in a person. This can be explained from a physiological point of view. Even on wriggles, you can determine which features of the character of a person over the age of 40 years. Melancholics, which are not inherent excessive emotionality, often look younger than their years. But the Sanguines and cholerics have facial wrinkles before all. Despite this, even in the elderly, smiling people look much better. Good health affects appearance. People who have a raised mood and easily perceive problems, sick much less often.

The relationship between the features of the face and character, people have noticed from a long time. For example, it was noted that a thin man with a long nose always possesses cunning and prudent. Such a person rarely gets around with anyone, so almost never starts the family. But the high forehead testifies to talent and high mental development. Unfortunately, it was noted that people with high foreheads have a tendency to betrayal. Evil and heartless personalities are very often a square face with inexpressive features. People with such external data are prone to violence. But to rely on one appearance, determining the character of a person, should not. A lot depends on what environment the individual lives and its upbringing.

Child Formation

It has long been noticed that character is formed in the process of lifetime. How a person behaves in society, depends on the lifestyle and environment. At the same time, a lot depends on parents. Such qualities as kindness, accuracy, generosity is formed up to 5 years. The child most often takes the behavior model of parents. Therefore, adults should understand that the child's education is a responsible occupation. From an early age, children should understand what the character of a person's character is, what qualities you need to stick, and what to avoid.

Character is the manifestation of an emotional response in human behavior in various relations and specific situations. The character of a certain person and all its features of the manifestation of qualities is a consequence of education and conditions of residence in social society.

Of course, individual adjustment and various life circumstances affect the human psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions and genetic features is laid and formed in the womb, so when a person is born, almost from the first days shows its individual characteristics. Any person can be described and assign him a certain type of personality.

Also, you can pay attention to the manifestation of the characteristic typical signs of different peoples, i.e. There are general definitions of specific nationalities. For example, the nature of Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

Temperament of russian man:

  • "The latitude and generosity of the soul", which is absent from the majority of peoples.
  • Patience, durability and endurance.
  • Tract for justice and compassion.
  • From negative: laziness pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

To identify a Russian person easily on temperament, foreign nations associate a Russian man, as a loving walking "on a wide leg", they were always surprised by the generosity, the resilience and dedication of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which leads to the bewilderment of foreign fellows. Many foreign men believe that the Russian woman is the best companion for life, as it has consistence, humanity, loyalty and compassion.

Also, a decent barrier for foreigners is the study of the Russian language, it is considered the most difficult due to excessive emotionality and the double meaning of the same words. Qualities in people of the Russian warehouse, their attitude to other people of the social environment to a greater extent are a tendency to read religious traditions. Attitude towards Christianity, the observance of religious rites begins with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

8 signs that you lie! How to recognize a lie?

Individual features in humans, the identification of their signs of the true face of the Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest itself in non-standard situations of social society. Psychology of the Russian man, the flexibility of mind, extraordinary endurance, dedication, love for the debris, the manifestation of compassion never convinced the opponents in their strength and unshakable.

Classification of character traits

Emotional Volitional Moral Intellectual
Emotionic Perseverance Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Sophistication
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty Levolymity
Courage Thoughtfulness

The psychology of varying degrees of manifestation of each person is individual and formed throughout life, changes depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification, to which a group of one or another person can be attributed.

List of manifestations in human behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Village qualities are features of the properties of a particular person who are manifested in non-standard situations (excerpt, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are the duration of mental processes in a certain person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, unconventional).
  3. Intelligent features of an individual person, human thinking quality (latitude, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of people

Attitude towards the environment, is divided into four types:

  • I am good - all good.
  • I am good - all bad.
  • I'm bad - all good.
  • I'm bad - all bad.
  • Attitude towards your personality (self-esteem, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Relationship to work (taciousness, hard work, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitude in groups of social environment (sociability, closure, truthfulness, deceit, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of temperament of man

Temperament is the constant features of the individual behavior of a particular person who are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types of whose definitions are:

  1. Sanguine, distinguished by high mobility, performance has vividly pronounced mimic emotional manifestations in facial expression, responsiveness, sociability, balance, optimism, funny temper, fast fatigue from stressful work, carefit.
  2. Choleric is a sharp change of mood, hot temper, hysterical, fast impairment, gustiness, wrath flashes.
  3. Melancholic is anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, unnecessary experiences for any reason, restraint, composure, not confidence in others.
  4. Phlegmatic - composure, low activity, prudence, creates the impression of a wise person, always brings the matter to the end.

Human temperatures. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

Manifestation of character traits in men

The same trait of the character in men and women, their attitude towards action is manifested in various emotional reactions, causing absolutely different feelings.

For example, the sensitivity of a woman is manifested in a man in the form of angry flashes.

  • Women are peculiar to the manifestation of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion, the practicality is more affected by the sharp change of mood. Psychology of men, attitudes towards values, are based on restraint and striving for power and leadership. Each periods of the epoch are characterized by certain qualities in men and women.

Manifestation of character traits in women

  • Thus, such as quality in modern people, there are minor differences, male and female professions are increasing. Today, it is not rare to meet the beautiful half of humanity behind the wheel, and a man of a hairdresser's stylist or conductor, which would be very surprised of them for several decades ago.

The main features of the character of a person are the prevailing sustainable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual person. Having learned what signs correspond to a specific person can be a psychological portrait, attitude and opinion about it, as well as assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

Classify which characteristic individual qualities to determine positive and negative character traits and make general conclusions. This will help, for example, with a device for work in the choice of position, and sometimes in choosing a satellite of life, determining the criteria that you appreciate.

Negative and positive character traits

Psychology of any person is an uninterrupted formation of character quality, depending on what conditions, therefore it is tended to show negative features, they may vary depending on what conditions for the worst or better.

There are also constant negative qualities that are manifested by an individual person who do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits can not always be regarded as negative features and qualities may emphasize the dignity:

  1. Self-confidence - satisfaction with itself, can provoke cravings for performance and performance improvement, for the implementation of self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness, provokes the achievement of goals set in front of me.
  3. Egoism - ignore others is bad, but also to try to please others do not always benefit. Sometimes you need to think about yourself to be able to help others.
  4. Envy, some people can provoke them to achieve a better result than others.

There are such character traits in humans as cruelty, falsehood, hypocrisy, taciousness, miserness, rudeness, sullenness, etc., which will never provoke them for good actions.

Positive and negative features of their quality are more or less present in each person. Positive can cover the negative features of the character of an individual. For example, people are lazy, but good-natured or selfish, but neat and hardworking, rude, but responsive and generous, etc.

List of positive qualities of their signs:

  1. Endurance and patientness.
  2. Gratitude and morality.
  3. Initiative and extraordination.
  4. Cheerfulness and gifts.
  5. Restlessness and optimism, etc.

Main character traits in women

List of prevailing qualities and their distinctive properties:

Main character traits in men

List of prevailing qualities and their properties:

4 main psychotype of personality. How to determine and recognize the character of a person?

Someone stands in traffic and nothing, and you are madly alarm and "Casement" of all car owners around, and at the same time pedestrians, incidental roads. And if something happened not in time, the meeting is postponed, the courier with the order is late, you are inappropriate to step on the leg, and the child brought from the school "Two", then this may be equivalent to the end of the world. As a rule, irritable people themselves suffer from emotional incontinence. Those who have irritability is a congenital personality property - just 0.1%. In all other cases, this character trait is a consequence of any problems.

Causes of irritability:

Depression, stress, overwork, sleep disorders, experience of the traumatic situation.

What to do?
If you drove yourself to a critical state, then it's time to ask: "Why am I doing this?". Drummers of labor in honor, however, they live difficult and not long. Maybe it's time to think about vacation, changing work or adjust your activity so that it remains for a full-fledged rest. There are no indispensable, so it's not worth it to the illusions. As for problems with sleep, it's just necessary to sleep.

Hormonal failures, avitaminosis, thyroid disease, cranial injuries, epilepsy, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease.

What to do?
With vitaminosis is the easiest. It is enough to consult with your doctor and drink appointed vitamins. As for hormonal failures, as a result of Klimaks, PMS or pregnancy, many books are written about these states. It all depends on whether you want to justify your behavior by the current state, as well as from patience of loved ones. Problems with thyroid gland are not always obvious, so instead of contacting the endocrinologist, a person goes to a psychologist for a long time, and the problem is not solved. In case of injury and diseases - direct path to specialists who will help correct behavior. In addition, a full-fledged sleep is very important (7-8 h.), Walking out the fresh air and honest informing loved ones about what you feel.


Permanent criticism of others

2. Permanent criticism of others

People criticize each other, as it is simply consistent in everything, and the truth is sometimes born in productive dispute. Criticism of a loved one, on the one hand, can benefit, but most often it looks like attacks and a desire to offend. By the way, phrases from the series "You are a fool, if you don't understand this" or "Your hands are not growing out of that place." Are insults, not criticism. Constructive criticism differs from insults by the fact that it appeals to the fact that he did not like in the act of a person, while the insult was directed to the personality of man as a whole.

Causes of Pathness:

Often a child who was criticized for any misconduct, growing, himself begins to use the same model of behavior. As an adult, he uses this ineffective method of communication at least because it is unknown to him. Get all: close, colleagues and even random people.

What to do?
It is always important not that what say and then as They say If those surrounding here so much time tolerate your tunes, then it can be somewhat softer and generous. As soon as you want to criticize, put yourself in place of another. A person will gladly take note of all your valuable comments, but will never forgive humiliation, especially publicly. Choose yourself in the assistants of the one who trust. Ask him to inform you as soon as you begin to cross the borders, let him share his feelings at the moment when you have collapsed on him with criticism. Ask him how to reformulate said so that he felt other emotions. We find other options.


3. Envy

There were a lot of people, as a result, served as inspiration for many great works. Apples in the garden of the neighbor always seem sweeter, and the friend's wife is more beautiful. The envious often comes from superficial ideas about the success of the environment of the envy. A relative has found an excellent job? And I want the same! Girlfriend lost weight by 20 kilograms? And I can't lose weight! Only no one is thinking about the fact that the relative had to learn a lot and knocked in a hundred doors before he found the appropriate option, and the girlfriend goes to the gym and the heroic effort of will refuses flour and sweet.

Causes of envy:

The person is inclined to compare himself with others and aware of it, what is he. There is a very interesting psychological theory Fritz Hyderawho developed an approach to envy in terms of balance. A person can envy not only the fact that there is another, but also that he has something that is just there, which means that I must have. Hayder calls this desire to achieve the same fate, the same outcome of life. As a result, such a reaction arises: I do not know what he has, but it will be better for me and it will be. That is, the envy can be considered as the reaction to the uneven distribution. By the way, advertising also provokes envy. I want to get something that there is someone else that everyone must be with me. So, thanks to the envy, the market is developing.

What to do?
Every person has their own way. Not in vain in the Spaniards there is a saying: "If you want to know what a neighbor, go all day in his boots." Do not hesitate to talk to whose life causes envy, and in detail to ask how he managed to come to one or another results, through which I had to go through. Any success is achieved through any restrictions. In this case, it is worth shifting focus of attention from "why he has, and I do not have?" On "if it happened, it may turn out from me."

Also imagine what you will do when you achieve the desired. Otherwise, you risk to be in the role of a person suddenly won in the lottery and meaninglessly spending money received. Think, and what and who exactly you envy. If everyone and everyone, that is, it makes sense to think about his own self-esteem. Make a list of what you really happened. Write a list you want now, in a year, after 5 years. Then write out what ways can you come to this. Focusing on these actions will make your life saturated that the time to compare ourselves with the surrounding simply will not remain.



4. Enclose

Many mistakenly take her for versions and proudly tell me how studying at school went to ballroom dancing, then in a circle of aircraft modeling, then fascinated by poetry and a little learned to play violin and flute. If the circle of interest is not defined for youthful age, then there should be a change of universities, walking on a huge number of trainings and endless transitions from one job to another. The inconsistency of activities often leads to inconsistency in interpersonal relations, which turn into a kaleidoscope of a variety of partners.

Causes of inconsistency:

And again the case in the models of the behavior of parents. If the mother or father behaved in contradictory way. Let's say, as a punishment, the child did not let go to visit to a friend, and tomorrow they were calmly allowed to go, so that the child did not interfere, the child does not have an understanding of how it should be. In addition, leakageing from one mug to another with the consent of the parents, the child simply does not learn to set certain goals and achieve them, overcoming certain obstacles. In the most impartial expressions, and put them on the universal review. From a good humor, the mood does not deteriorate, but sarcasm is able to cause negative emotions. It is a socially admissible form of verbal aggression. When we cannot afford to say to the interlocutor, all that you want, we choose it as a target for acute.

Causes of sarcasm:

One of the reasons may be a desire to pay attention. It is characteristic of children from large families. And also those in whose families, adults interact with each other by ridicule. In another case, sarcasm can be a cover of low self-esteem. We rinse someone in advance, they attack that our feelings are not leaving. Paradoxal is the fact that such people actually really want to be understood, but the wall of deadly jokes and comments only leads to a distance with other people.

What to do?
If you sin with an evil wit, think about - why do it and what do you want to achieve this? After all, to declare themselves, there are plenty of other ways. If the statement of colleagues, a friend or close seems to you stupid, you are so waved to say something caustic, then this can be done with the help of clarifying questions: "Why do you think so?", "How do you look at that and that That? "," Is such an option possible? ". You manifest yourself attentive man, and your interlocutor will retain self-esteem. Do not look for threats where they are not. After all, while you build a wall, there are still less people, ready to understand and support you.

The properties, or features are called the characteristics that most accurately describe the deep features of a person, what gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis manner of communicating with society, responding to certain situations not only at this particular point, but also with long-term contact with others.

Damage features may have a social nature and to be congenital features of a particular individual.

Classification of property properties

The main features of the character are customary to be divided into three groups:

  1. The attitude of the person to society surrounding people (in other words, attitude to the external environment).
  2. Attitude towards your own person.
  3. Attitude to learning and work, that is, to activities.

Emotional character traits, like apathicity or cheerfulness, aggressiveness or goodness, impulsiveness, or closetness, lovingness, capriciousness, quick-temperedness, melancholism, and so on, form at the early stage of the formation of the psyche, that is, in early childhood.

Intellectual traits ( prudence, insight, independence, etc.) and volitional (masculinity, assertiveness, diligence, pedantry, etc.) character traits, on the contrary, are acquired during the life, forming under the influence of various external situations.

Are not the features of the personality characteristics like:

In the formation of a person's personality, a natural predisposition will have a great importance, as well as the effect on it temperament and hereditary genes.

However, it is not worth the mind and the role played by the child's environment when becoming its character. It is no less important than congenital features. The kid learns the world around and learn to act in different situations in one way or another. At first, this process is reflexively, and after it becomes the result of a conscious choice. It is this choice and determines the further development of the person, its growth.

Basic character traits

In any person you can meet the weave of a wide variety of personality features, both positive and negative. Although it is impossible to assert with absolute confidence that a specific character trait is positive or, on the contrary, a negative, for example, a tendency to various kinds of adventures can help in prosperity and ensure enormous problems, depending on how thoughtful people are involved in adventures.

About envy, for example, it is customary to mention as an extremely negative personality property, but it can stimulate the experiencing envy move forward and seek much more than others. In general, it can be said that a decisive role plays not so much a specific trait of character, how much the ability to properly apply it, as well as its combination with other personality properties. But from a moral point of view, the most characteristic features of the person still accepted to divide on negative and positive.

Negative features

Positive features

You can list positive characteristics of the character for a very long time, however, it can be attributed to the most significant:

Of course, all of the above is not an axiom, and to predict how the concrete person will react to one or another situation, as he behaves in it, it is almost impossible, even close to him. Besides, negative character traits can be:

  • reduce,
  • turn into positive.

However, this is achieved by a long and hard work on himself, and this, unfortunately, is far from many.

The nature of each person is a totality of positive and negative qualities. Poor character character traits They may seriously complicate the life of their owner, as well as his surroundings. Very often, a person may not even suspect that he has such qualities, and do not understand why the surrounding people avoid communicating with him.

Pride, arrogance

These features are peculiar to people who feel their superiority, in their opinion, over other people. Excessive ambitiousness and self-confidence give rise to such character traits. Ambitions can enter the conflict with real possibilities. In this case, a person can humiliate other people, thereby asserting themselves at their expense.

Despotic, cruelty

The desire to control and manage, subordinate other people, often the elements of cruelty. As a rule, these originate from childhood when a person has been humiliating and cruelty from parents or loved ones. Ovil to the whole world, he transfers the cruelty to the surrounding people.

Irritability, hot temper

Like everyone else, these qualities have an extremely negative impact on their owner, have a destructive influence on human psyche. The impassableness of the character is often a consequence of neurological and mental disorders and needs correction.

Condemnation, criticality

There are such features of the character in constant discontent, the desire to criticize and condemn everything around: other people, the government, the country surrounding the world. People who are constantly expressing condemnation show little tolerance and to themselves. The latent cause of dissatisfaction with the world and is often the following quality.


The tendency to envy arises in people who want to have something in their lives, but encountered with the inability to have it. The underestimation of their abilities, at the same time observing the success of others, can develop this negative quality.

Pessimism, weakness

Pessimism and weakness - negative character traits, causing a negative vision by a man of the surrounding world. Similarly, people with low self-esteem, unsure of themselves are subject to such perception. The weakness is a consequence of excessive love and hyperteks to parents in childhood, which does not allow the child independence.

Greed, stupidity

The cause of greed in humans can be a family memory of heavy times, tangible deprivation in childhood. In this case, an excessive binding to material and financial values \u200b\u200bappears, dependence on them, the desire to accumulate them more and more.

Irresponsibility, falsehood

Persons who do not take responsibility for their words, promises and deeds, over time, completely lose the confidence of people. Irresponsually accompanied by a lie. These negative character traits are frequent companions of each other. The causes of lies - the fear of being convicted, punished, the desire to embellish their abilities.

These are just some bad features of the character of a person who are able to overshadow all its positive qualities. Often such features have roots from childhood: the shortness or hyperopka, the inattention of parents to children, errors in education can be the basis for the development of such manifestations of character. " Everyone has their own demons ..."- Sounds in one modern song. It is very important to identify these" demons ", take the presence of them at home and begin neutralization work.

Any of us has both positive qualities and negative. And which of them are the worst?

So, the basic bad qualities in humans

  • The envy is one of the worst qualities that harms as to whom they envy and the most envious. Enlightening can be left negative than emotions, and since they will arise often, they can poison life and envious (it is proved that they are not only often adjusted to depression, but also provoke the development of certain diseases). And the envy prevents developing, strive to live more and normally.
  • Arrogance. With arrogant people, it is extremely difficult not only to interact, but also to communicate. They always consider themselves better than others and because of this suffer from themselves, since even friends and relatives and relatives are turned away from them.
  • Quiliency. Hot-tempered people often interfere not only around, but also themselves, since the inability to restrain their emotions prevents ordinary duties and achieve goals.
  • Arrogance. The arrogant people are extremely unpleasant, so it is logical that nobody loves them.
  • Egoism. All egoers are doomed to loneliness. They are very difficult to live with them, they are not intended for a normal family life, because they are not ready for sacrifices and think only about themselves.
  • Hypocrisy. Himself of hypocrisers such a quality can help, but here are all others when the essence of man finds out, they will certainly turn away from him.
  • Pessimism. Pessimists are often real whims and annoyingly annoying. In addition, this quality interferes with those who are inherent, because if a person is initially configured to failure, he literally attracts them and does not consider it necessary to make efforts to achieve goals.
  • Laziness. Lazy people cannot work normally in the team, they do not like their colleagues. And even laziness is a great hindrance to the exercise of the intended. Lazy can find a bunch of excuses, just just do nothing. Such people rarely become successful if they do not learn to fight their laziness.
  • Aggression. She prevents to communicate, build a family, work. Often aggression is combined with other similar quality - rudeness. People with such a feature are not respected in the team, and close and relatives try to limit communication with them.
  • Impudence. Yes, the arrogant person himself can achieve a lot thanks to such his quality (no wonder they say that "arrogance is the second happiness"). But all the rest are extremely negative.
  • Infantilism is immaturity and lagging in the formation of a person. Infantile people behave like capricious and spoiled children than heavily annoying. They cannot make decisions, take responsibility and respond to their actions.
  • Cruelty. Brutal people are capable of any actions, even the worst. In childhood, they torment animals, then go to peers. If a family appears in such a person, he will show cruelty towards the spouse and children. And these children who will often see the manifestations of such negative quality can take it and also become cruel.
  • Cowardice. Cowardly people cause sympathy, and sometimes contempt. This quality prevents decisions to make decisions, to decide on many actions, try something new.
  • Stupidity. It ranks first in the ratings of the worst human qualities. With stupid people, it is not interesting to communicate, it is difficult to interact. At first, stupidity may seem innocent and even cute, but gradually begins to annoy. Many stupidity consider an innate feature, but in fact it can be eradicated if they develop, improve and constantly recognize something new.
  • False. A lie for good can sometimes be useful, but if a person lies constantly, he eventually confronts in his own lies and will certainly be exposed. And lies are ready to forgive few. As a result, the liar simply stop believing that at some point he could turn against him.
  • Greed. It belongs to mortal sins and always punished. The greedy does not like no one. Such quality may interfere with working, live and enjoy life, because the greedy man always wants more, he is rarely content with what is.
  • Frivolity. Light people are often getting involved in adventures, rush out of extremes to extremes and never think about the consequences, and it may at some point to prevent themselves not only by them, but others. Frivolous often summarize others.
  • Indifference sometimes wounds much stronger than rudeness or cruelty. And if a person is indifferent to his relatives and relatives, they can feel no need and, in the end, turn away.
  • Dispelness is not the worst quality, but it can be very disturbed. First, touchy people often do not have friends, as they are offended by trifles. Secondly, it is very difficult to communicate with oppressive, because they can be offended by anything.
  • Irresponsibility. If a person is not ready to respond to his actions, it means that it cannot be rejected in a difficult situation. Nobody belongs to irresponsible people, they do not seek them for help.
  • Egocentrism. A egocentric person considers himself a center of the world and does not accept any opinions except her own. And it interferes with developing, interacting with people and build a normal relationship.

If you are inherent one of the listed qualities, start working on yourself to eradicate it and make yourself better.

When they talk about the character of a person, they mean a set of mental properties that determine the behavior of an individual in society. Multiple people do not exist. Everyone has its own features. One manages perfectly get along with the surrounding and new acquaintances, and another is not easy to communicate with relatives and relatives. It all depends on temperament and certain character traits.

What does the character of a person depend on?

Scientists for a long time studied human behavior in various life situations. Numerous studies have shown that the traits of people are primarily dependent on genetics, and then from education. In addition, some aspects of behavior are determined by the physique of a person. So, the famous scientist Kechmer was able to describe three types of physique people with certain features of character.

Skinny high people with elongated features of the face belong to the group of asthenics. They have a weak muscles and bad physical training. Asthenics are always serious, poorly adapt to new conditions. To its inner world, such people do not let anyone let anyone. Bad feathers character traits - anger, stubbornness, rudeness, greed. At the same time, people with such a build of the physique are distinguished by high mental development. A huge number of scientists belongs to the group of asthenics. Most of them dedicate a lot of career time, but they do not pay attention to the usual human relationship. Many prefer to live alone and not a family of families.

Attrethics are broad-circulating people, with good physical fitness and a beautiful figure. Most of the athletes belong to this group. These people have a pleasant appearance. They are rarely impressionable and practically do not show their emotions with the help of facial expressions. The characteristics of the character of people from this group are quite diverse. Athletics are often egoists. They know that in any case they will get the desired. On the other hand, they are very kind. Rarely leave close in trouble.

Several character traits

Based on the fact that human behavior is formed due to several factors, experts identified several groups of character traits. First of all, the attitude of a person to other objects of society is formed. The features of the nature of a kind person are responsiveness, a desire to help, sociability. The bad person will be rude, selfish, cynical and soulless. Sometimes one person can have at the same time conflicting character traits. It can easily find a common language with others, but will not hurry to help a friend who was in trouble.

It is distinguished by the characteristics of people who show the work towards work. It is these qualities that it is determined how a person will be able to earn a living. To succeed, it is necessary to be hardworking, to have creative thinking. Good businessmen are initiative, persistent and conscientious people. The list of negative traits of the character of a person is laziness, passivity, irresponsible attitude to work. Some tend to earn a dishonest way. In this case, negative and positive traits are also working at the same time. Such people can not be called conscientious. At the same time, they are persistent, have creative thinking.

It is very important to understand how an individual belongs to itself. The good features of the character of a person are a feeling of self-esteem, a good attitude to a reasonable criticism, modesty. Egocentrism can be attributed to the opposite features (the desire to always be in the center of attention), shyness, the presence of complexes, excessive sample.

It is also important as a personality belongs to the things around it. The character traits of people are slightness, greed, careless attitude towards things. Positive qualities include thrift, accuracy, economy. All these qualities in person can be raised. It all depends on the family of behavior in the family. If parents are used to scattering clothes and do not rush to wash shoes after the street, the child will come in the same way.

Character Damage Dependency

Very often the concepts of "character" and "temperament" are confused. In fact, these are completely different things. Temperament is a complex of mental features of the person who are congenital and affect the behavior of a person in society. The main features of the character of a person are formed in the process of its communication with others. At any time, the person can be re-elected. But the temperament cannot be changed. This is a special soil, with the help of which mental qualities of a particular individual are developing to one degree or another.

Man has already has a certain style of behavior from birth. Character features are not determined by temperament. At the same time, there is a very close relationship between two concepts. It depends on the temperament, which positive or negative traits of the character of a person will be extended to a greater extent. In addition, the same quality in people with a different behavior model manifests itself in different ways. So, sociable Sanguins will be able to find a topic for conversation with any personality. Flegmatics are also sociable. But they are revealed only in a narrow circle. Below will be considered all types of temperaments with your own features.


Quality of personality express Features of mental processes, states and properties of the individual, its character traits, characteristics of temperament, specific behavior, interaction with other people, the environment, itself, that is, all individual psychological features of the individual. In addition, personal qualities of a personinclude His knowledge, skills and skills have.

There are many classifications of personality qualities and even more personality typologies based on these classifications. Psychologists have always been interested in the mystery of the human person and they tried to decompose it "on the shelves."

But why a conventional person (not a professional psychologist) to know what personal qualities are? The fact is that knowledge is generated by self-awareness, increase consciousness. A person who knows what is the quality of personality canidentify them, and then designate ways and directionswork on it.

Also, knowing about the qualities of personality, you can more understand surrounding people, learn how to build and maintain relationships.

The first stage of relations of any kind involves recognizing each other, which is essentially a clarification of personal qualities. At the first meeting of two people (whether there is an interview when taking a job or the first date of the man and women), there are always the need to learnwhat kind of man in front of you. No easy operation is required to specify not only your work experience and basic data, but also list personal qualities, knowledge, skills and skills.

So, if your personal qualities you need to know in order to understand how to further develop your personality, then the knowledge of the personal characteristics of another person is important, because it allows you to determine compatibility with it and assume what kind of relationships may be formed.

Positive identity qualities are usually supported, supported and develop, and negative people try to correct, change or eradicate.

But the division of personal qualities for positive and negative conditional! It is based on the generally accepted rules and norms of morality and morality. It should be understood that such a thin matter as a person's personality is in fact, it is impossible to decompose on the "black" and "white".

The qualities of the individual who are called negative is not absolutely, but about Negative, just as positive qualities. For example, in a situation where it is necessary to stand for itself, the aggressiveness (which is commonly considered a negative feature) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

Personal qualities of a person can be like congenital, so I. acquired. Those or other personal qualities are produced or under the influence of the environment and society (education) or are a consequenceself-education.

Many qualities, features, behaviors, ability, the ability of a person in himself can develop, work out so I. eradicate.

Of course, there are such features of the individual who are practically not amenable to change, but still hang "labels" (which is not worth it for themselves!

A person can always, if not changed dramatically, then at least learn to compensate for one qualities due to the development of others.

Negative qualities of manwhich are unwanted and requiring correction, all together would have formed not just in a large, but in a huge list. Therefore, only some of them are followed:

All these features of the person give rise to the corresponding behavior. So, a false person all the time and everything is lying, the lazy and negligent is not in a hurry to do the work, and the irresponsible constantly leads itself and others.

The presence of one or another negative quality spoils the life of the person and / or other people, but in any case, it not a sentence. Working on yourself, you can improve the quality of your life, the relationship with others, become happier.

Positive qualities of man

The list of positive qualities of a person is the same endless as the list of negative traits. Perhaps most revered and are welcome positive traits, as:

These positive qualities give rise to the corresponding skills and abilities: Ability to be friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

In the article "" you will find another substantive list of positive personal qualities.

As you can see, the list of human negative qualities and a list of positive includes not only the qualities that express the personality attitude to other people and society, but also to themselves, work, things, the world as a whole. All because personal qualities of a person manifest themselves in everything: From who he works, to the fact that the colors in clothing gives preference.

You can rarely meet a person, in the personality of which there are only positive human qualities. But there are many people in the personality structure of which dominate Such qualities.

In any person, there is always conditionally negative features of the personality, those on which it is worth working, but the presence of them should not be a problem, but an incentive for development and growth.

Make it so that the negative was less, and the positive features of the person prevailed, under the power of every person!

In which direction you often have to work on yourself?