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Cover: Muzchina-Clubs and In-Sagittarius. Joint Life and Compatibility of Women of Sagittarov with men twins

A friendship often arises between them, which develops into love. In this union, each of the partners finds its half, and together they are well complement each other. Male Gemini sees concrete facts, i.e. looks at the sky from the ground, and the woman's shooter - from the sky to the ground, i.e. summarizes.

Gemini in this Union grounds Sagittarius, do not allow to play his fantasy, make pay attention to the facts and put more realistic goals.

And the Sagittarius makes the information more meaningful and helps to find the meaning in everything that happens around.

They like

  • Change
  • Changes
  • All new and unknown
  • Communication
  • Impression

Relations between them are saturated with pleasant surprises, unforgettable impressions and interesting communication. Woman Sagittarius loves to think, share reflections and it is important for her to see a near-minded people. And the man twins are great for this role.

In relations, they are not afraid of boredom, they know how to make life diverse, rich and bright. Often, in such a pair there are general classes, hobbies, hobbies, which further strengthens their relationship. To lives are optimistic, easily adjusted to each other, are interested in all intellectual, where you can reflect, manifest mental abilities.

they do not tend to dramatize the vital difficulties. They are so good together that any difficulties of life retreat to the background. If you wish, you can achieve a lot in your career, work, improve family well-being.

Male Gemini in love

  • Mobile
  • Active
  • Personal
  • Curious
  • Enterprising
  • Versatile
  • Fake
  • Optimistic
  • Communicative
  • Talkative
  • Informative
  • Eloquent

Woman Sagittarius in Love

  • Optimistic
  • Cheerful
  • Active
  • Honest
  • Sincere
  • Natural
  • Open
  • Sociable
  • Brave
  • Decisive
  • Good-natured
  • Peace-loving
  • Friendly
  • Interesting
  • Philosophizing
  • Versatile

Male Twins and Woman Sagittarius Compatibility in Love Relationships - Cons

Cons between them can manifest themselves in the intellectual area. Each of the partners is read, formed and can consider its point of view correct. This is especially true for a man twin, he does not want to listen to anyone, considering that he is he is right. But also to deepen in what is right, he does not like.

Female Sagittarius, on the contrary, looks deeper for all the information, loves to reflect, look for meaning. And the fact that for the twin will be correct, it may not see the meaning at all.

More influences the different education, social level, life experience. What is acceptable for one partner may turn to others and disputes.

No less problems may arise due to nervousness of a man twins. When he has a bad mood, ulcerative remark appear. What a woman shooter will respond quickly, and emotionally. But the man twins do not pay attention to her emotions.

Disputes are not excluded, due to the fact that the Sagittarius may not pay attention to the facts that the man's twins notices. Disputes between them can begin due to abstract ideas and go to personality.

Negative qualities Men twin in love

  • Duality
  • Irresponsibility
  • Frivolity
  • Void
  • Inconstancy
  • Nervousness
  • Wit
  • Unreliability
  • Insincerity
  • Restless

Negative qualities of a woman Sagittarius

  • Straightness
  • Naivety
  • Gauntness
  • Tactless
  • Haste
  • Impatience
  • Impulsiveness
  • Hot temper
  • Exaggeration

Compatibility Men Twin and Women Sagittarius in Love

The main problem is that relations may worsen because of the impermanence of the Men twins. Its initial interest, it can quickly disappear, and a coldness will be replaced by a warm relationship, indifference.

It is important to learn to understand and take each other as it is, not to try to change, re-educate, move. The more common it will be between them, the less likely to break the relationship. Especially good if they are associated common cause, children, property.

Usually, according to statistics, the data of the Union is not separated from for a different attitude to life, but because it is necessary to change in life, new impressions when the monotony is delayed and turns into gray weekdays.

see also how loves a man twins like a woman's shooter

As a woman to conquer a man twin

He chooses his spouse, guided more intelligent, logic than emotions. And they have a lot of things in common, similar views, the desire for change, the impression, the ability to make a variety of life. He likes smart, educated and erudite women.

Man twins and woman Sagittarius in bed

Compatibility Men Twin and Women Sagittarius in bed is quite good. Usually, intimate proximity is preceded by friendship, love game. Male Twins eloquently, loves to sink with beautiful words chosen. He loves preliminary caress, courtship.

In intimate intimacy, he likes a variety, and a woman like a fracture to stretch pleasure, getting it as much as possible. In intimate proximity, they well understand each other's desires and they are good together.

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or you want to learn more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

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"Mother my daughter said: you will cry, I said my daughter's mom - you will regret" - these words from the Pop-Russian Russian songs often recalls the woman who is often remembered when her unbearable beloved-twin throws out another focus. For this Mercurian with a dual nature (Gemini still!) He loves to wear a mask of Joker (the one, from the story about Batman), and turn into an impenetrable cynic. It can be cold as ice, react to her gentle confession by indifferent silence, or even specially provoke it into tears, and after a while we fall into my feet, begging forgiveness. She, of course, will forgive - until the next time. The relations of the Sagittarians and the twin men resemble the American slides - as soon as they reach the maximum unity of feelings, immediately fly into the abyss because of the conflict that broke out in an even place.

Why is it going on? And the reason lies in the tactics of the conquest of the lady's heart, which the twin chooses in relations with. He, as the hero, Mikhalkov from the "cruel romance", is guided by the principle: "The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her." And the sharp differences of his relationship to the elect - it is intake. He just likes to play with her, then subwincing it for the distance of breathing, then moving away from her to another pole. Such a painful (for a woman, of course) the way chooses the twin in order to keep feelings in tone. There is nothing worse for him than the routine in relationships with the second half - when every day becomes like the previous one. Therefore, he brings fresh air to the relationship, provoking his woman. To some extent this can be called egoism. Yes, the twins managed by the rebellious planet Mercury, which is characterized by selfishness in relations with loved ones, and it is not going anywhere. Another thing - as a chief of twin male can neutralize this selfishness, to reduce its manifestations to a minimum. Unfortunately, the Sagittarius was born under the sign possesses too subtle mental organization to periodically include the "iron lady" and give their partner worthy emotional repulsory. She was sincere and open in front of his beloved, and waits from him the same. Adaptation to the changeable, as the weather, will be a complex and long-term process for it, and in parallel will become a good emotional hardening. Being nearby, but such a charismatic twin, the Sagittarius woman adopts some qualities of his character, those who at first seemed to her unbearable. If first, after each of his spontaneous departure from the house, she could break through the evening, now she comes out with him - he is one way, she is in another. A joint life with the twin turns it out of a romantic duty in a lady's real life adapted to real life.

Each of the partners in the pair of twins-the Sagittarine needs to be implemented their life plans, but in working together someone from two almost always have to give way to the road, thus making the priority goals of their partner. Due to the characteristics of the character of representatives of this Union, almost always the first violin plays. His second half helps him in all endeavors, but at the same time he constantly hints so that he does not forget about it. The Sagittarius woman can be in the shadow of his beloved for a while, but not all his life. Therefore, its twin should be attentive to the desires of his partners, he should be aware of her life goals and understand that its goals are also goals, and non-drugs that do not have attention. Otherwise, he risks losing a reliable rear, without which his further pursuit of the Blue Bird of Good luck can be oh what kind of difficult.

In terms of intimate life, the pair of twin-Sagittarius could teach several developing lessons for other, more compound steam. Without complexes - so briefly you can characterize the intimate component of their relationships. And he, and she loves a variety, sometimes they are ready to go to the most ambiguous experiments to refresh their sex life. But there is one no hope - the amplitudes of bed activity in both partners may not coincide. If he is tuned to a stormy, dizzying sex today, and she just wants to rise in his arms, they have long to look for compromises, the search for which often becomes strongly becoming a lot of love. However, with the experience of living together, the ability to tune into a wave of each other comes. The main thing is that while this skill is not formed at least one partner, the second would not go to search for adventures on the side.

Sagittarius woman and twins man

Love compatibility

If you look at the zodiac circle, you can see the opposite sign of the Sign Sign - these are summer twins. They resemble two sides of one mysterious coin. It seems to be both parts of one whole, but at the same time, they look different on everything that happens. Lightweight, but sociable man twins will always pick up the necessary words for the woman Sagittarius, so they have compatibility in love. After all, what is the interaction without understanding?

Output one - maintain interest in each other in turn. For example, on Mondays you can "suffer" a girl, on Wednesdays - guy. Everyone let the head of half the head with his head.

Well, at least a day per week you can? The ability to give up is that brick from which the high walls of the family house of this lightweight pair will gradually grow. And let the familiar are not surprised than the twin man conquered the Sagittarius woman. Compatibility and love of this pair requires not so much attention as a delicate relationship to each other.

Sexual compatibility

According to astrological characteristics, the compatibility of the woman Sagittarius and the twins men in terms of physical proximity may have a bright character. These inventors and "scenarios" of sexual merits will easily understand each other and will support even an absolutely extraordinary idea.

The only minus is not always a connection to the process of its spiritual feelings and experiences. Good sex and twins, and the Sagittarius can be viewed as a partnership in Tango - beautiful, nice, but without commitment.

At work and in everyday life

It will not be a great secret that certain compatibility of such signs may have a stunning success in some circles of employers.

One exception is to creative professions. Such a pair of colleagues will be looking forward to every office on the selection of creative staff.

Such signs will comply with the similarity of characters and the ability to find a way out of almost any situation. It is a pity that in the areas where performers are required for monotonous work, this explosive steam may disrupt the discipline. If such a zodiacal duet is planned in the labor collective, it is better to make a "trio" or "quartet" with other representatives of the zodiac cycle. Then, in the benefits of the Union, twins and the Sagittarius doubt no one!

Gemini patronize air elements, and Sagittari - Element of Fire. And it would seem common between two signs to be nothing. But it is only at first sight. It is worth considering their characteristics individually and the other picture is found.

Both hoots representatives to new impressions, love to talk and have similar hobbies. Fire and air require constant boiling and traveling. Whatever the comfort conditions of the house, they do not sit on site. At the same time, both signs do not allow invasion of their personal space, freedom above all.

Sagittarius are characterized as gullible and in love of nature, and the twins will be heard by coquetters and stubborn. You can conclude a long-term truce in the event of a skill to give up each other and the adoption of the rules for personal space. Both representatives must appreciate its union, it can instantly fall apart. The reason will be the overall unwillingness to be responsible for the relationship.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Given the general characteristics, it is possible to indicate the possibility of marriage and love relationships between representatives of signs: Sagittarius and Gemini. It will be possible to achieve harmony only when respect and care for each other are valued between the spouses.

Male Sagittarius, Woman Gemini

Union Male Sagittarius, Woman Gemini is born literally at the first meeting. He immediately attracts ease and charisma. He, being a researcher, the investigator of everything beautiful, is fond of her in kind for studying.

During the dating process, some aspects combining a pair are found. But even when finding opposite qualities, the man they become interesting and curious. In addition, the Sagittarius hears in love.

The playful nature of the twins is also quite a good intelligence. Having caught the interest of a man, the lady tries to he like. Talking about himself and his interests, she does not suspect that she does not really need to try. Any story is fascinating.

No wonder the pairs of these signs that did not preserve the marriage, after the divorce, do not interrupt communication. Their friendly relationships seem to be incomprehensible, but on the view it can be said that they are just born for each other.

Successful unions are obliged to general efforts and mutual concessions. To preserve a strong feeling, just needed - respect each other and responsibly treat the family.

Male Twins, Woman Sagittarius

Male Twins and Woman Sagittarius also have a chance to build a strong family, but it will be based, first of all, on friendly relations. The desire to improve, and develop is a key link that combines both signs. The evolution of their union also has a growth trend: from friendly relations to the most tender and devotees.

For a long-lasting union, such a couple will be required to a woman. It is always ready to substitute the imperative and cynical twin, to find the necessary words to support. In addition to his minuses, it is able to assess her care, and will periodically arrange pleasant travel or give small, but very beautiful gifts.

In this embodiment, the longcy of relationships more depends on the man. After all, even angelic patience of his wife may end. After a divorce, the twin will look for meetings with his past love, but it will not want to return unpleasant memories and suffering.

Negative moments in the Union

Partners are attracted not only the same hobbies, they are combined even opposite qualities under the condition of strong mutual sympathies. The negative impact on the development of relations may be imperfections in the nature and lack of proper education, where respect, forgiveness, the adoption of a person is like it really is.

The pair should understand that the first and main mistake is to change the nature of the partner. All people passing vital tests, change their perception to the world. Both signs have a predisposition to self-improvement.

This means that, in the depths of the soul, everyone is ready for change. But not on the terms of the partner and under its ultimate recommendations. Entering the personal space, borders, and the Sagittarius, and the twins feel the loss of freedom. Their first desire, break out of a closed circle. The current situation leads more often to parting.

Another point of contact is the lack of a common family budget with joint living. It removes responsibility from each family member. With this scenario, the marriage is initially a guest character or temporary. No serious relationship, all the more long, can not be.

It is difficult for those couples who do not know how to discuss their problems. First of all, the cynicism of twins contributes to this. It is important from the very beginning to give a partner to speak, and he himself learn to listen without interrupting. Then there will be a chance to be heard.

Other compatibility indicators

Sex compatibility perfect. Both signs have a pronounced erotic fantasy, which is ready to embody. They are not confused sometimes too frank pattern, there are no constraints of constraint. Such relationships can be ruined except with the rebuppiness, so applying something new or non-standard is better periodically. Everything is better to observe the measure.

Friendship is a fundamental factor in the Union of Sagittarius and Gemini. It is easy and relaxed. When there are no clear responsibilities between people, they open each other the most frank sides of their nature.

The twin is always ready to listen, give advice and even come to the rescue. But you can only contact him in the afternoon or in your free time. If the call or visit is made at night, as well as in the clock of strong employment, the twin will be treated. He himself does not like to shift his problems on others, but it will not be exactly possible to decide due to his own oppression.

Archers sparking, sometimes even unnecessary. They will not refuse themselves to criticize anyone. Moreover, he considers it right to let criticism towards friends. Gemini will not understand it, and even offended. A repeated cropping of personal boundaries can cause the cessation of friendly relations.

Astrologers allocate a group of signs in front of themselves. There are twins. Sagittarius on the contrary, decisive and targeted type, so their friendship will be mutually beneficial.

Business compatibility signs rather low. We benefit from business can only short-term cooperation of people born under the signs of Sagittarius and twins. Daily work in one team will affect negatively not only on the specified representatives, but also on the entire team.

It is not recommended to build a relationship as a business partner. "Blanket" will break away from sharply dragging it in different directions. Moreover, everyone will be confident in its rightness and insist on their decision.

Compatibility in interest

If you estimate in the percentage ratio, the compatibility of the Men Silver and Women Gemini, then the following picture is obtained:

  • in love, a high indicator is achieved, up to 90%;
  • in marriage, only 60%, but this is enough to live a happy life.

The union between a man twin and a woman in love in love gives an indicator similar to the previous pair. And with marriage, chances are reduced to 50%.

Any relationship is able to save a compromise and mutual respect.

Compatibility of contractors and twins is almost perfect. Practically ... Friends, partners, lovers - everything seems to be everything for complete happiness. When you look at their relationship, you will not understand - whether they are friends, or flirting. They themselves are not always fully confident that between them happens. Such strange compatibility. Sagittarov and twins combine a slight attitude to life - perhaps it is the solid basis of these relationships. They are all easy - life, cooperation, sex. It would be possible to envy, but not everything is so simple.

Sagittarius girl, twin guy: compatibility

The loving female striker is still a pleasure. It becomes similar to the naive puppy, which unconditionally trusts the chosen one. Probably, only the twins are able to adequately respond to such behavior in their address without superfluous pattics. But here there are pitfalls: directness and sincerity of the Sagittarius can play a sore joke - some twins can play and try to check the girl for strength. It ends, as a rule, sad for Saglots. Then they wear a disappointed cynic mask and are trying to roughly surrounding the truth-uterus in the case without. It implies mutual respect and the ability to listen to the partner. In this pair, the heart and open woman will strive for emotional stability, which the twins are simply incapable of providing her - they would give it themselves. In the worst cases, twins can be cut from elevated, from their point of view, requirements and literally turn the life of a partner to hell. However, if the partners spend and listen to each other, many sharp corners can be avoided.

Twin compatibility with Square - is it really possible?

These signs attract each other, do not get anything here. They are opposite to each other, so a strong attraction that occurs at the very beginning of the relationship is felt like "I finally found him / her." Partners see each other missing character traits and seek to connect. This is not deprived of meaning: the compatibility of Sagittarov and the twins is primarily complementary. Both young signs of the soul and possess an inquisitive mind - they will never bother each other society. However, they are in dire need of freedom, but somewhat differently, so it is important to understand that the possibility of one way or another to be alone with themselves - the basis of relations. If one of them feel that his freedom is infringed, "war will begin. Moreover, the partner may not even understand what it will encroach at the best of all this moment to specify right away: who needs reading books on Fridays alone, and who needs once a month to ride the cottage without halves. Then everything will be fine.

Sexual compatibility

Both partners have a bright imagination and a variety of erotic fantasies that they are ready to embody with pleasure. No matter what constraints of speech can not be - these are not those signs. The only thing that can badly affect relationships is an oversuppression of impressions: both must understand that sometimes conservatism is the best choice. For a variety.