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Bible Psalm 37. If things are going bad and there is no money: Orthodox prayers. Arseny Cappadocyan, "Psalms for different cases"

1 Psalm David. In the memory [on Saturday].
2 Lord! not in the rage of yours will give me me and not in the anger you punish me
3 because your arrows looked into me, and your hand is on me.
4 There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; No peace in my bones from my sins,
5 For my lawlessness exceeded my head, how heavy burden agreed on me,
6 Morty, my wounds are fed from my madness.
7 I am bent and completely smoke, all the day I go,
8 For sicks are full of my inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.
9 I'm exhausting and crushed overly; I scream from my heart torment.
10 Lord! Becoming all the desires of mine, and my fright is not hidden from you.
11 My heart trembles; My power left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have no.
12 My friends and sincere retreated from my ulcers, and my neighbor stands away.
13 The seekers of my souls put a network, and the evil who wanted to me speak about death my and plot every day of the goats;
14 And I, as deaf, I do not hear, and as a mute, which does not open your mouth;
15 And I became, as a person who does not hear and does not have a response in the mouths,
16 For you, Lord, I hope; You will hear, Lord, my God.
17 And I said: Yes, I do not enthusiave me [my enemies]; When my leg hesides, they need to be greatly.
18 I am close to fall, and my grief is always predetermined.
19 My lawlessness I am aware, I crush about my sin.
20 And my enemies live and strengthened, and hate innocently unimaginable;
21 And the evil tremble to me will be entitled against me for the fact that I will do good.
22 Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not remove me;
23 Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

Translation Averintsev:

Psalm Davidov. For the sake of memory [ο Saturday 14]

Lord! not in the rage of yours will give me

and not in the anger of your karai me;

for your arrows entered me,

and your hand is your hand on me.

There is no place in my flesh

due to your anger,

there is no rest in my bones

by sins mine;

for my lawlessness exceeded the chapter of my

as a grievous burden oppresses me;

morty and fancy my wounds

on my madness;

i am bunned and droop very,

all day sorrow I go,

for the ailment is full of my chest,

there is no whole place in my flesh.

I am relaxed and the whole is broken,

yelling from the troubles of my heart.

Lord! before you all wish mine

and my wedding is open to you.

My heart is shuddered,

and my strength left me;

and the light of my eyes - everything went away from me.

My friends, my companions

retreated from my trouble

and my neighbor got up in the distance;

but seeking souls put slices,

merifying me evil reissue death,

podel dirty cook.

I do not hear how deaf,

as a mute, I do not curse my mouth;

yes, I like that one who has no hearing,

and there is no answer in his mouth.

For you, Lord, my hope;

You will hear, Lord, my God!

I said: do not be happy about me

my enemies

yes, do not boast about me,

when my stop stupid!

For the wounds I am ready

and sorrow my prettier always

i argue my lawlessness

and the sin of sin.

Meanwhile, my enemies live and strong,

and multiplied, who without guilt hate me,

i take me evil for good,

enjoy the fact that I am looking for good.

Do not leave me, Lord, my God!

Do not retreat from me!

Hurry to help me

Lord, saving my!

14 cm. Both previous notes. As for the Jewish formula ??????????? Lehzki? P ("For Memory") Its value is far from clearing the subject of many interpretation guesses. Nkoty newest translations even refuse to transfer its transfer to transliteration.

Why do peoples join, and tribes plot vain? The kings of the earth rise, and the princes advise together against the Lord and against his anointed. They terminate the bonds of them, and overthrow their shackles. Living in heaven pocmee, the Lord is responsive to them. Then tells them in the anger and rage will lead them into confusion: I anointed the king of mine over Zion, I am sacred by my mind; Definition: Lord told me: You are my son; I now bore you; ask me, and ladies peoples in the legacy of you and the limits of land in possession of you; You hit them with iron boat; Crushing them like a potter vessel. So, make way, kings; Learn, judges of the earth! Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trepidation. Renewing the Son so that he does not warm up, and so that you do not die on your way, for the anger will scold him soon. Blessed are all those who focus on him.

3 psalm

Lord! How Men's enemies multiplied! Many people rebel to me. Many talk to my soul: there is no salvation in God. But you, Lord, the shield before me, the glory, and you take my head. I call my eyes to the Lord, and he hears me with his holy mountain. I go, I sleep and get up, for the Lord defends me. I'm not looking at the people who fell on me from all sides. Rise, Lord! Save me, my God! For you are striking in the lanit of all my enemies; Cruster teeth of wicked. From the Lord Salvation. Over the people of your blessing yours.

26 psalm

The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom should I be afraid of? Lord of the fortress of my life: who I feel like? If a villain appealed for me, my opponents and enemies to sink my flesh, they themselves will boil and fall. If the regiment feels against me, my heart will not be crammed; If the war rises to me, and then I will hope. I asked the Lord alone, it's only looking for to stay to me in the house of the Lord in all the days of my life, contemplate to the Lord and attend His temple, for he would cover me in the discovery on his disaster, hid me in a hidden place of the village of His , I will raise me on the rock. Then I would be ascended my head over the enemies surrounding me; And I would bring in his tabernacle of the sacrifice of Sovildorm, began to sing and chanting before the Lord. Hear, Lord, my voice, which I appeal, hind me and hurt me. My heart speaks from you: Look for my face; And I will look for your faces, Lord. I do not pick up your face from me; Do not deny in the anger of your slave. You were my assistant; Do not reject me and do not leave me, God, my Savior! For my father and my mother left me, but the Lord will accept me. Teach me, Lord, the way to your way and put me on the path of truth, for the sake of my enemies; Do not betray me on the enemy of the enemy, for the witnesses were rebelled and breathe evil. But I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord on the ground of the living. We hope for the Lord, launch, and yes your heart is strengthened, napping on the Lord.

36 psalm

Do not be jealous of the villains, do not envy making lawlessness, for they, like grass, will soon be dried and, like a green grass, faded. Help on the Lord and do good; Live on earth and keep the truth. Comforting the Lord, and he will fulfill the desire of your heart. God betray the path of yours and hope to him, and he will make, and will lead, like the light, the truth is yours and the justice of yours as noon. Combine the Lord and Nadya on him. Do not be jealous of his time in his way, a man to the sophisticatory. Stop angry and leave rage; Do not be jealous before making evil, for those who make evil they will be inherited, the land inheritant in the Lord. A little more, and will not become wicked; You look at his place, and there is no it. And the meek inherit the land and enjoy a lot of peace. The wicked maliciously against the righteous and grinds his teeth with his own: the Lord shakes over him, for he sees that his day comes. The wicked expansion of the sword and stretch their onions to reach the poor and beggar to pierce the right way: the sword will go to their heart, and onions their cokysh. The small righteous is better than the wealth of many wicked, for the muscles are wicked, and the Lord supports the righteous. The Lord knows the days of immaculate, and their heritage will be forever: they will not be posed during the troops and in the days of hunger will be fed; And the wicked perished, and the enemies of the Lord, like Tuk of the Little, will disappear, will disappear in the smoke. The wicked takes off and does not give up, and the righteous is pretty and gives it, for they are inherited to them inherit the land, and they are being cursed. The Lord is approved by the feet of such a person, and he favors him to his way: when he falls, will not fall, for the Lord supports him. I was young and aged, and did not see the righteous left and the descendants of his asking for bread: he gives every day and loans gives, and his offspring will be in blessing. Daily evil, and do good, and you will live forever: For the Lord loves the truth and leaves his saints; Wow, they will be preserved; And the offspring of wicked extermination. The righteous inherit the land and will live on it forever. The mouth of the righteous is encouraged by wisdom, and his language pronounces the truth. The law of God is in his heart; His feet will not bend. The wicked looks on the righteous and is looking for it; But the Lord will not give him to his hands and will not allow him to blame him when he tried. Help on the Lord and hold on his way: and he will raise you to inherit the land; And when they are exterminated wicked, you will see. I saw the wicked Grozny, expanding, like a rejected multi-timer tree; But he passed, and here there is no it; I am looking for him and I do not find. Watching immaculate and look at the righteous, because the future of such a person is the world; And messengers will be interpreted; The future of wicked death will die. From the Lord, the salvation of righteous, he is to protect them during grief; And the Lord will help them and save them; Especially save them from the wicked and save them, for they will relieve it.

37 Psalm

Lord! Not in the rage of yours will give me and not in anger yours punish me, because your arrows went into me, and your hand is on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; There is no peace in my bones from my sins, because my lawlessness exceeded my head, as a heavy burden agreed on me, they are mercifully, my wounds are fed from my madness. I am bent and completely smoke, all the day I go, for my grasp is full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I'm exhausting and crushed overly; I scream from my heart torment. Lord! Becoming all the desires of mine, and my fright is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; My power left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have no. My friends and sincere retreated from my ulcers, and my neighbor stands away. My soul-seekers put a network, and the evil who wanted to me speak about my death plot every day of the goat; And I, as deaf, I do not hear, and as a mute, which does not open your mouth; And I became, as a person who does not hear and does not have in the mouth of his answer, for for you, Lord, I hope; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said: Yes, I do not enthusiave my enemies my enemies; When my leg hesides, they need to be greatly. I am close to fall, and my grief always prevales. My lawlessness, I am aware, I crush about my sin. And my enemies live and strengthened, and unbelieving innocently multiply; And the evil tremble to me for good will be entitled against me for the fact that I will do good. Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not remove me; Hurry to help me, Lord, My Savior!

In the sixopsalms 37 Psalm ranks second. His words, anyone may repent in his pre-war or express devotion to the Lord. In addition, the words of Psalm, he can turn to God for help using or the text itself, or enhance its action icon and candles. The icon is best to apply with the image of God or Jesus, as well as Spiridon Trimifuntsky. You can read the text of the Psalm in any language that the soul of a person is closest.

Text Psalm 37 in Russian

Psalm David. In the memory [on Saturday].

2 Lord! not in the rage of yours will give me me and not in the anger you punish me

3 because your arrows looked into me, and your hand is on me.

4 There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; No peace in my bones from my sins,

5 For my lawlessness exceeded my head, how heavy burden agreed on me,

6 Morty, my wounds are fed from my madness.

7 I am bent and completely smoke, all the day I go,

8 For sicks are full of my inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.

9 I'm exhausting and crushed overly; I scream from my heart torment.

10 Lord! Becoming all the desires of mine, and my fright is not hidden from you.

11 My heart trembles; My power left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have no.

12 My friends and sincere retreated from my ulcers, and my neighbor stands away.

13 The seekers of my souls put a network, and those who wish me evil speak of death and plot every day of the goat;

14 And I, as deaf, I do not hear, and as a mute, which does not open your mouth;

15 And I became, as a person who does not hear and does not have a response in the mouths,

16 For you, Lord, I hope; You will hear, Lord, my God.

17 And I said: Yes, I do not enthusiave me [my enemies]; When my leg hesides, they need to be greatly.

18 I am close to fall, and my grief is always predetermined.

19 My lawlessness I am aware, I crush about my sin.

20 And my enemies live and strengthened, and hate innocently unimaginable;

21 And the evil tremble to me will be entitled against me for the fact that I will do good.

22 Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not remove me;

23 Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

  1. To squeeze your guilt or sin before God and in front of a person.
  2. When a person suffers from spiritual flour or depression.
  3. If physical disease appeared - to speed up recovery and reduce pain.
  4. If the professional field is bad.
  5. To improve the financial situation, Psalm is used as a prayer for money. In this case, the text is recommended to read along with the appeal to the Spiridon trimifunt.

Interpretation of Psalm

37 Psalm was compiled David into one of the most difficult periods of his life. In the text you can see not only a picture of his physical suffering, but also spiritual flour associated with the repentance of the author in his crime. As you know, to master Baths, David sent her husband to death, what he is in front of God.

The entire text of the Psalm is sincerely emotional appeal to the Lord with the past to pardon David and reduce his troubles. The author is without his strength on the verge of despair and hope him no longer for what, except for the help of God. He is aware of the gravity of the crime committed by him, and brings his repentance in humility. David, although he believes that he has deserved the righteous God's wrath, the praiths of the Lord do not punish him with all its strength. He draws a picture of the fact that not only the soul suffers, but also the body, apparently affected by the disease.

Based on the text of the Psalm, even his friends begin to give away from David, and the enemies are closer on the contrary. Even the faces close to the king turned into his enemies. This whole situation makes him feel very lonely. In this he sees a punishment for his sin. Therefore, he first of all the prails of God forgive his pregressions, and after, if possible, do not give enemies to defeat him.

Psalm 37 - text in Russian, interpretation, why read Was Last Modified: August 2nd, 2017 by Bogolub.

Psaltry, Psalm 37 Psalm David. In the memory of Saturday.

Lord! Not in the rage of yours will give me and not in anger yours punish me, because your arrows went into me, and your hand is on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; There is no peace in my bones from my sins, because my lawlessness exceeded my head, as a heavy burden agreed on me, they are mercifully, my wounds are fed from my madness. I am bent and completely smoke, all the day I go, for my grasp is full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I'm exhausting and crushed overly; I scream from my heart torment. Lord! Becoming all the desires of mine, and my fright is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; My power left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have no. My friends and sincere retreated from my ulcers, and my neighbor stands away. My soul-seekers put a network, and the evil who wanted to me speak about my death and plot every day of the goat; And I, as deaf, I do not hear, and as a mute, which does not open your mouth; And I became, as a person who does not hear and does not have in the mouth of his answer, for for you, Lord, I hope; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said: Yes, I do not enthusiave my enemies my enemies; When my leg hesides, they need to be greatly. I am close to fall, and my grief always prevales. My lawlessness, I am aware, I crush about my sin. And my enemies live and strengthened, and unbelieving innocently multiply; And the evil tremble to me for good will be entitled against me for the fact that I will do good. Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not remove me; Hurry to help me, Lord, My Savior!

Psalm, Psalm 37.

Lord, yes, I don't have a yarrostium of the influence of me, below the anger of yours, perhaps; Yako arrows of your Unzoshos in me, and approved Ecy on your hand to me. Take a focusing in my flesh from your facial anger, brought in the world in my costha from my face sin. Yako Safety is my forehead of my forehead, my burden is a heavy burden on me. Highlights and the wounds of my wounds, from the face of my madness. Wounds and slam to the end, all day netting Yako Lyadviya my filled with degrees, and stammering in my flesh. Embank himself and reconciled to the potion, rods from my heart of my heart. Lord, before you all the welcome mine, and my own from tebe did not hide. My heart confused, leave my strength my strength, and the light of the Ohi Moe, and that stuff with me. Drusso my and sincerely my right to me approach and the stas. And my neighbors are given to Me Meal, and the needy looking for my soul; And I am looking for an evil verbah me, and flattering all day all the day. Az, I don't hear the same, and I can not cuddle your mouth; And by birth, people do not hear and not imagine to the right of his detection. Yako on the way, Lord, Uphov, you hear, Lord my God. Yako Rech; Yes, not when my guys will be delighted; And beyond the legs of my feet, on me well. Yako Az is ready for wounds, and my disease is predetermined. Yako soldier My Az is represented and plead about Gres. My gamans live and strengthen the MENE fever, and multiplying the hate me without truth; Having rejoicing the evil WHO to hosting Obolgin me, in the hurry of the clan. Do not leave me, Lord my God, not retreat from me; Won to help my, Lord saved my.

Signs of suffering and sadness can be called Psalm 37, which is the "memories of Saturday", the memories of peace. Based on the content of the Orthodox Psalm 37, this phrase may be understood as a prayer for the lord of the rest of the rest. Psalmopevets David considers his physical and mental state, the persecution of enemies, as a punishment, which he is sent over for the most accomplished sin. With his final prayers, David begs God about compassion and deliverance from punishment. He temper his anger, as the pain that David is tested to torment him and is similar to Arrells-stimpled to the body - Nesterpima.

In verse 3 Psalm 37 describes the image of the "hands of God, over him," which is striking David with severe illness. The Prophet realizes that his sins are great and now he will have to bear a heavy physical and spiritual burden. In his prayer verses, David very brightly describes the suffering of his body and soul, both from the loss of respect for people and from the personal awareness of their guilt.

Hope for the Lord in Psalm 37

The sufferer David in the prayers described by the Psalm 37, passionately relieves the mercy of the Lord, to which all the desires of him, who hears all the rehabits of him. From the disease sent by God weakened the sight of the king, his strength and health. Everything that was good in the life of the king is the devotion of friends and loved ones, and most importantly - which accompanied him all his life - all this did not become. Close rejected David, seeing what happened to him, Kara God. The enemies of the Prophet perceived the happening as a sign of their rightness and strengthened the goats against him.

This part of the Psalm 37 is the hope of an sufferer showing the result of sins for which the Lord punishes everyone without looking at the rank and position. The main motive of repentance and hope that the Lord clears over the sinner, has become the second part of the Psalm thirty-seven, sounding with a special force. David hopes that he will not give it enemies who seek to show their superiority over the king at the moment when he is close to falling. David is aware of all their hearts aware of the perfect sin and crushes about their act with Versavia and the murder of Uriya. David asks the Lord in conclusion psalm 37. Do not leave it, but hurry to help him, seeing his savior in God. This Psalm 37 as editing the ancestors to remember the Kare of God and that it is inevitable for anyone.

Text in Russian Psalm 37

Lord! Not in the rage of yours will give me and not in anger yours punish me, because your arrows went into me, and your hand is on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; There is no peace in my bones from my sins, because my lawlessness exceeded my head, as a heavy burden agreed on me, they are mercifully, my wounds are fed from my madness. I am bent and completely smoke, all the day I go, for my grasp is full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I'm exhausting and crushed overly; I scream from my heart torment. Lord! Becoming all the desires of mine, and my fright is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; My power left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have no. My friends and sincere retreated from my ulcers, and my neighbor stands away. My soul-seekers put a network, and the evil who wanted to me speak about my death and plot every day of the goat; And I, as deaf, I do not hear, and as a mute, which does not open your mouth; And I became, as a person who does not hear and does not have in the mouth of his answer, for for you, Lord, I hope; You will hear, Lord,