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Earth dog and wooden dragon horoscope compatibility. The main features of the character of the dragon. Compatibility in sex

Family Union in compatibility of a man-dragon and a woman-dog is very complex and often impossible. As a rule, there is a large number of disputes and conflicts due to the difference in temperaments. Despite the fact that both partners are active and strong in implementing their plans, they have different ideological plants and ways to achieve these goals.

The male dragon individualist - loves freedom and independence in actions, a, loyalty, dedication and the need to implement new ideas, higher spiritual value installations. Therefore, women and dragon men in family relationships may have problems and even rivalry, and there may also be attempts to use the positive qualities of one partner to implement the objectives of the other. As a rule, such attempts are rarely succeeded, since each of them does not know how to better make this plan. Both partners do not want to fall by their beliefs due to their own ways and displays to disputes and disputes. In order to reconcile, make steps towards each other, they need to overcome egoism. And it is not easy to do, because everyone is afraid to lose part of freedom or his own face. In order for the marriage to be stable, the spouses are to abandon a lot, so the long-term marital margin is very problematic.

Dragon and Woman Dog - Compatible

Compatibility Couple male Dragon - a woman-dog is one of the most difficult and problematic in the whole east horoscope. Long-term love relationships will build quite difficult and relationships in this pair, most often, superficial. They have diametrically opposing views on life and different values. He is full of energy and needs to fully realize himself in society. He is a born leader and his desire to lead the main position in his life. And a woman-dog, first of all, is needed by personal comfort, and everything else is secondary. It is completely immersed in the world of matter. Of course, for some time she goes on concessions, and he suffers a lot, but her patience is not infinite. She is incredibly difficult to accept a dragon man who thinks completely different categories. The dog is looking for heat and care, and the Dragon man is passionate about his own career and social activities. These partners cannot give each other what they need it. But, the family union can exist long and quite successfully, if a Dragon man can not only materially provide a woman to a dog, but also to satisfy her spiritual needs, as well as if he can enter their common life with the necessary variety and pay a sufficient quantity time. Then she will repay him with loyalty, devotion, care and will provide reliable, stable rear.

A man born in the crowd of people, thanks to his bright, charismatic, and at times and extravagant appearance. Wherever he appeared, he catches the admired glances of women. He has a lot of fans, but he himself is rarely able to love deeply and truly. The female dragon can become arrogant, and its authoritarian is bordered by egoism. He is confident in herself, as well as he is always right. Male-dragon ambitiosen, and often takes for such large-scale projects that others are simply unable. He moves to his goal with great enthusiasm and even thoughts does not allow defeat. Perhaps that is why he manages to realize the most fantastic ideas. In the choice of life companions, it shows old-fashioned and conservatism. Prefers to see a long-legged beauty that defended the thesis "on atomic energy". Male dragon was smart and vain. And a woman next to her prefers to see worthy. Dragon man is a hardworking and workable person. He does not accept flattery, does not tolerate false and hypocrisy in relationships. In total, in life is honest, and to old age is the owner of a solid state. It is worth noting that the man-dragon is generous and generous, always helps weaker and needy. There are no domes among dragons. He loves traveling, adventure and for him archival is a realization in public life.

Woman, born, calm and wise. In society behaves quietly and modestly, and crowded places try to avoid. Very compassionate and merciful, always strive to help the needy and the first turns out to be there, where the trouble came. Most often, it can be found not on discos, but on any volunteer programs. With men behave timidly and fidgeted, but if she admits a friend in someone, then this is for life. A more faithful and devoted spouse is difficult to find. The family for her is the most important in the world and for her loved ones, she is ready for self-sacrifice. A female dog patient and shelters his resentment for a long time, until "the cup of patience will be overflowed." Then it is calm and balanced turns into an evil and aggressive person. Magnificent oratoritarian abilities, vital wisdom, loyalty and intolerance to injustice can provide a woman with a dog's role of an informal leader. She is valued in the team and in the family. Friends listens to her opinion, appreciate the readiness to immediately enter into battle for the sake of the restoration of justice. But, the woman-dog is very sensitive and wounded, needs a constant attention of whom she loves.

The romantic relationship of this couple is typked, mainly on the initiative of the Dragon Men. He sees in a modest woman-dog something unusual. Namely, its devotion attracts it. He feels that this woman, even in the most difficult moments, will always be near and never betray. And for a woman dog, attention and caressing such a prominent man, as a dragon is just the limit of dreams. They are fun and interesting together, but it will last it, only before the first close acquaintance with each other's characters.

Woman dog dreams of a quiet family happiness. She wants to live in a comfortable environment, to have a caring and tender spouse focused on family life. And the Dragon man is bored to spend everything from a homely hearth, without numerous fans and glory. Also, unlike a female dog, he loves adventures and tries to experience as much sharp sensations as possible. Next to such a man, a woman dreaming of a strong traditional family will not feel protected.

In the family life, a woman's dog literally dissolve in the interests of a Dragon Men, she will be proud of them and admire. But for the Dragon Men, the woman's dog will be not so important as he is for her. In many ways, it depends on the Dragon Men, it is difficult for him to love someone besides himself. And as soon as he stops paying attention to a dog's woman, she will become very unhappy. And from here will grow even more numerous problems.

And the woman's dog, and the Dragon man have their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe place, the meaning and role of everyone in the family. At the same time, none of them are ready to accept the role in the Union, which he is assigned to his spouse. Anything common to them is difficult to create due to the contradictions and opposites of views on the same life event. Although, from the side, this couple may look harmonious, but is only an illusion, because everyone is busy not so much family problems as external affairs. The woman-dog needs care and support from the man, and the Dragon man cannot surround her caress and warm in view of its active social activities. The male dragon is filled with creative energy, so powerful that it simply cannot realize all his potential at home. A dog's woman needs to humiliate with the fact that he will never become a solution to family and household problems, because it is completely devoting his time to public affairs. While he will acquire weight in society, conquer respect and play the role of a happy family man, on the shoulders of a woman's dogs will fall all the household problems, raising children and small horses around the house. It will have to independently solve all their family problems. A woman is distinguished by loyalty and devotion. She always asks the Council of her husband, as the families of family traditions. But, a male dragon, referring to employment, will only be annoyed. If a woman's woman deems such a situation for himself as humiliating, namely, the most often happens, then such a disregard from the man will force a woman to look for a new "host."

In a pair, a dragon man and a woman-dog there is no depth and ability to understand another person. Both are concentrated on themselves and interpret family life in different ways. A woman-dog is realistic looks at life and marriage for her - a profitable investment. And the male dragon - he hovers in the clouds, does not know how to count and plan, eager for entertainment and admirations. Because of such a difference, friction and conflicts arise. Both do not seek proximity and mental connection. Their relationship may stop not because of a quarrel, but due to the inability to maintain contact.

Dragon Man and Woman Dog - Love Compatibility

Sexual compatibility of a dragon man and female dogs can also be called perfect. A man-dragon, both in life and in bed, loves everything bright and extraordinary. And the proximity to the dog's woman resembles the ordinary performance of married duty. Sex between them will not be frequent, and the bed will not be able to become a place for emotional intimacy. The female dog, feeling anything, will try to invent new ways of delivering pleasure, but at the same time it will be even more embarrassed. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to relax, and to enjoy the partner and get it yourself - almost impossible.

Tips from the "Moon today" pair a man-dragon and a woman dog

The crazy man-dragon and a practical dog woman is very difficult to live together. A woman-dog annoils in his wife, his cutoff from reality, and a dragon man, in turn, considers his wife a petty and landed. Their compatibility is quite problematic, and to create strong, stable relationships, both will have to change seriously, and this is incredible for them. However, if a pair connects real, strong love, then the relationship is chances of success.

First of all, both need to take your partner as it is, and do not try to redo it. This only complicates the situation. You can only work on yourself, but to the shortcomings of the lover, refers to condescending. It is necessary to take the fact that the temperamental dragon and a restrained female dog is too different. Try to understand the inner world of your beloved, at least with the help of horoscopes. The ability to put yourself in place of another is the most important step towards a happy family life. Stop criticize each other and point out disadvantages. Instead, more interest in business at work, hobbies, and just plans for the evening. Try to make every effort so that your relationships have become closer and mental.

Compatibility in a pair of a dog and a dragon threatens a lot of problems. These signs characterize the absence of depth, the inability to understand another person. They are concentrated on themselves and external achievements. There are no heat and intimacy in relationships, mercantile worries are associated. Representatives of signs in different ways interpret family life.

Compatibility in pair dog and dragon threatens a lot of problems

Such an alliance overshadows the clash of idealism and materialism. The dog is realistic looks at things, marriage for her is a capital investment. This year is distinguished by hardworking and perseverance. Such a strategy will lead to money wealth and well-being, but will not make a man and a woman closer.

The dragon hovers in the clouds, does not know how to plan and count. He craves entertainment and admiration, but the partner often ignores his requests. Because of such a difference, friction and conflicts arise. With the uncompripability and power of both signs, it leads to serious problems.


Friendly compatibility is characterized by the lack of depth and fortress. Both a man and a woman born in these years do not seek proximity and mental communications. Their friendly relations will be reduced to infrequent secular meetings and chatter. Such a connection will be interrupted not because of the quarrel, but due to the inability to maintain contact. The friendly union will continue if:

  • Dragon will be limited in self-examination;
  • The dog does not encourage him the responsibility he does not want;
  • they will find common hobbies, interests.

In business, the dragon will focus on ideas and plans


Compatibility in business is characterized by conflicts. The year of the dragon means a bright fantasy. He has an abundance of plans. However, if he leads, it is hampered by unpredictability and inability to count on. The partner sees his weakness and fights for leadership. It threatens to jointly. Business relationships will be refundable if:

  • The dragon will focus on ideas and plans;
  • The dog will show diligence in the performance of tasks;
  • they comply with the zones of influence.

A family

In short-term union, problems do not arise. For these signs, a light, superficial novel is suitable. They are associated sexual compatibility. Both a man and a woman born in the year of dogs and a dragon do not give the values \u200b\u200bto official marriage and often remain only lovers. They will stop at the stage of frequent meetings that do not oblige to anything, and the connection will last more than one year.

The dog shows zeal

If they eat or get married, then the problems cannot be avoided. The dog is looking for reliability, the partner to which she trusts. The cohabitant will not give her it. The dragon shines, leads secular life, surrounds herself with fans. He also disappears at work and does not sit at home. They annoy each other. The dragon does not like when he is expected too much. Family responsibilities will be. He requires worship, but he himself does not admire the partner. The dog is waiting for caress, warm, but does not seek to understand the spouse.

In a pair, a male dragon and a woman-dog sexual compatibility will be the key to a long relationship. If a man gives a spouse more warmth and attention, she will stay with him. Woman in character is true and not looking for adventure. She will agree with his freedom, and he will introduce a variety. In marriage, male dogs and women dragon will have serious problems. Woman strong, authoritarian, powerful. She is committed to leadership. A man will leave if she limits his freedom.

Marriage will continue if spouses:

  • will find a compromise between excessive realism and dreaminess;
  • do not compete for power;
  • will cease to concentrate on themselves and pay attention to the needs of the partner;
  • it will stop spending free time outside the house.

Even personal compatibility will not hold together if they do not make an effort to preserve marriage. People who were born during these years, it is difficult to see and recognize their drawbacks. Work on itself and overcoming narcissism will become the key to strengthening the Union.

According to the horoscope compatibility of a dog and a woman of the dragon, their family union is rarely happy. And a practical dog dog is difficult to get along together.

There are different characters, a different perception of life and understanding of basic vital needs. Most often, the spouses live every life and do not want to adapt to the desires of the other. They do not have a tendency to dig in their thoughts and do not seek to delve into other people's problems. They have few common interests and they live only outdoor life for others. They will spend a lot of time.

The thrust of both partners to leadership makes them look for different areas of applying their talents. Woman dragon often behaves arrogantly and bold than creating big problems in a sociable dog. This leads to strong internal discomfort. The Woman Dragon does not see the man in his wife who could be admired. Moreover, she considers it a petty, unreliable, silent, materialistic, landed. In her opinion, he slows down her personal and spiritual development. The dog is annoying in the woman dragon her cutoff from reality, and she considers her half of petty and landed. However, if a pair connects real love, then they can be happy with certain efforts.

Dragon Male and Woman - Compatible

The compatibility of the pair of a man-dog and a dragon woman is far from perfect and the relationship is very unstable. The spouses will have to work much on their own character, to learn each other to give up and respect the opinion of the other. Partners born under these signs are not able to give each other exactly what everyone needs. And a dragon woman with his head is immersed in external activity. Moreover, it is worth noting that these two will have a very bright and beautiful novel, but it will be difficult for creating a long and happy family union. Yes, in general, both do not attach great importance to official marriage and often remain just lovers. They stop at the stage of frequent meetings that do not oblige anything. And this connection can last for years.

In family life, a male dog and a woman will always have a lot of problems. These signs characterize the absence of depth, the inability to understand another person. Both are accustomed to concentrate on themselves and their external achievements. There are no warmth and intimacy in their relationship, only mercantile worries are associated. In addition, they understand family life differently. For a mercantile male dog marriage is just a profitable investment, but for a woman dragon - prestige. Both partners risk live life too superficially and therefore it is difficult for them to build deep relationships full of love and mutual understanding.

Woman dragon is a very bright and strong person. She always has a lot of fans and recycling. It attracts gaze to him some unknown magic charm and inner power. The husband is looking for a partner who would respect and recognize her leadership. Very self-confident, demanding of others, independent, strong, powerful and emancipated. Therefore, it can build relationships only on equal or under its leadership. But, for a dog-dog such an option is unacceptable. He needs a stronger woman than he himself, but at the same time, he wishes to stay free. Woman dragon - creative personality. She dreams of many ways and most of all wants to realize its potential. She is not afraid of reality, readily takes a challenge, used to being a leader in relationships. Lives a bright, rich life, like a perpetual holiday with salutes and fireworks. Its a huge amount of energy needs to be implemented, so it does not even represent itself in the role of a simple housewife. But, a male dog, looking for caring and warmth, because of the permanent employment of a dragon woman, can bother and go looking for a more attentive and caring woman who will gladly devote the family time.

A man, endurance and unpretentiousness. It has an outstanding sense of humor, ingenuity and wisdom. He is a reliable and loyal friend. As a rule, it is very decent, and has an aggravated sense of justice. Any cruelty causes a protest. If he sees how they offend the weak, without thinking to rush to its protection, even if the forces are unequal. At the same time, he really appreciates the comfort of ordinary everyday pleasures. He loves his home very much and puts the maximum effort to make it cozy and comfortable. By choosing a partner, a man-dog is ready to predict her to serve, forgiving small flaws and vices. He is a magnificent family man, the current "buzz" and a stable daily "bone". At work, it is valued for hard work, operational, organization and sociability. A man-dog never builds intrigue and does not allow it to do others. Very attentive, and never misses the little things, which contributes to a broader understanding of them many things, events and problems. This is a big skeptic, pessimist, critic, absolutely not expensive from life, capable of accepting any position. She is prone to senses and very much needs to support friends and loved ones. A woman who has listed his life with him is to remember that this man needs it to praise it as much as possible. He is very sensitive, too, and he wants the constant attention of the one who loves. When performing these conditions, it increases self-confidence, and it can achieve much greater results. The man-dog is devoted, sensitive and does not like to make decisions, so often everything "dumps" to the partner. But the dragon female is not from those who voluntarily take "someone else's" wear.

The leader and chapter of the family in this pair will be a dragon woman. The dog is a dog and does not claim the first roles. And if he admire his wife, it is possible to more or less harmonious life. The man-dog needs a good leader, otherwise the talents will disappear.

Stable relationships of men-dogs and women dragon are difficult, since it is difficult to understand everything, it is difficult for them. Woman dragon is passionate about public affairs, and a man-dog is looked at home affairs. He wants to be cozy in the house, warm and comfortable. And a woman who takes an active life position is too busy with public affairs. She simply does not have time for sentimental relationships and home improvement. She gladly be ready to convey this right to the spouse, but he categorically not accepting such an attitude towards himself and house. If they do not agree, the marriage will disintegrate.

For a woman, acquire fans and admirers of her talent, gain recognition in society. At the same time, she is not much worried about the affairs of family, relying completely on his spouse. For her, all the doors are open, it can be quite successful, and the constant desire to achieve more increasingly and more takes it off from family and family responsibilities. For a man's dog, her way of life is incomprehensible, because the family for him is the most important thing in life. Constantly busy thinking about how to improve your home, strengthen the family, make family life durable and comfortable, it needs support. From the woman dragon this aid will not be, it is too difficult for her to return to Earth and solve ordinary household questions.

Dragon Male and Woman - Love Compatibility

In the sexual sphere, a pair of a man-dog and a dragon woman will most likely be satisfied with each other, as everyone gets the desired. A man-dog can carefully care for. He is affectionate and gentle, patient and attentive. He likes the prelude and carries the process of the love game itself. During intimate proximity, he bowed before his beloved, he ends it to the pedestal. He very sensitively and carefully monitors the reaction of a woman to his caresses and tries to deliver her pleasure. A man-dog admires a dragon woman and guess all her desires, and she favorably accepts worship, in response, revealing him.

Tips from "Moon today" pair a male dog and a woman dragon

The dog-dog and the dragon female are so different among themselves that it is very difficult for them to build a harmonious relationship. However, if they value relationships and are ready to make their efforts, they can create a completely happy union.

First of all, each of the spouses must be understood and take the characteristics of each other's character. And on the basis of this, try to compromise. In no case can you try to re-educate your partner. It will only worse. The ability to put ourselves to the place of another is the most important step towards a happy family life. With severe love, this can be done. Yes, and in the difference of characters you can find our advantages. Woman dragon bright and active. Her fiery energy can inspire a more passive man-dog for career growth, to make more attention to various events. The Woman Dragon wants her to admire, overlooked her mind and beauty, and a man-dog perfectly knows how to do it. But the Woman Dragon also needs to make concessions and compromises. Not too much to eat on your spouse, to be true to him, but in pursuit of career, do not forget to pay attention to the house and family.

Also, spouses need to find a compromise between the excessive realism of the dog's men and the dream of a dragon woman, stop concentrating on themselves and pay attention to the needs of the partner. How much free time can spend at home, in the family circle.

Compatibility of the dragon and dog Chinese horoscope calls problematic. They have a different worldview, but, as you know, the opposites are attracted. They are not so difficult to find points of contact, as it seems at first glance. If desired, they can become an excellent addition to each other.

Dragon characteristic

People born in the year of the dragon possess an extraordinary attractiveness. They are easy to find a common language with other people. They are often called balovses of fate, because the money literally goes to them. The sharp mind helps them quickly advance through the career ladder.

A man is strong, proud. He has leadership qualities, it can easily drag to his side of anyone, trying to prove his right. If people do not go behind him, he will not fall into the despondency, but will strive to do everything on its own. Relationships with such a man can be called one-sided, he rarely experiences strong love for his partner, but she, on the contrary, is ready to bury him.

The woman of this sign is no less strong personality. That is why her personal life often does not fold. She got used to achieving everything on his own, the slightest hint of a man's superiority over her leads a woman in rabies. This lady is not from those who wear a bathrobe, hair curlers and will stand all day at the stove. Its character is more like a male, this woman is in no hurry to tie a serious relationship.

Characteristic of a dog

The sign is devoted to his owner, but does not always love him. Relationships are raised rather on instincts. These people are characteristic of self-sacrifice, they often help others unselfishly, sometimes even at a loss. If the representatives of the sign are able to find a good and responsive partner, life will be good. The only disadvantage is alertness, they can depict devotion for years, but they will not trust, until they are convicted in the good intentions of the partner.

The guy and the girl of this sign are digiously different from each other. The guy is inclined to treason, even if he loves his partner. His distrust does not allow to relax in relations and receive pleasure from them. The lady on the contrary, trying to please the partner in all, devotedly guarded the home focus. She is a good mother and will never be offended by his babies.

Male dragon and woman dog


The compatibility of the dog and the dragon in such a tandem can be quite successful if the partners are able to negotiate. The guy can make his choices happy and provide her a peaceful life. Their relationship can be an exciting adventure with a happy ending.

The lady in this tandem is faithful and caring, will never throw his chosen one and will strive to make it possible to make it up with all possible ways. She is capable of surrounding his concern. Together they are not afraid of any vital difficulties. Family values \u200b\u200bfor them both are in the first place.


Family relations of these signs will be open and honest. The stumbling block can be excessive guy's proudness. He is used to admire them to pay attention to him. Lama needs to learn to trust their partner.

With the advent of children, the relationship will gain more warmth. They will seek what to strive for. Children will become the center of the universe for them.


Male Dragon and Woman The dog is perfectly suitable for each other in the intimate sphere. Sexy horoscope describes these signs well enough. The guy needs to fully trust the partner, then their sex life will shine new colors. He can change quite a lot of girls in youth, but, having met one, the only thing, it will be holy and cherished, because the family for him is not an empty sound.

Girl is a sensual nature. For her, the foreplay, intimate games are very important. All this is not only necessary in order to simply satisfy the carnal desires, but also to connect spiritually. She wants the partner entirely to belong only to her.


Male dragon and dog Woman can build warm friendly relationships. Their friendship over the years is only stronger. The girl devotionally protects the interests of a friend.

Often such relations will be converted into love. Over the years, people understand that they are very easy together, because they have learned to take each other as they are. In such a tandem signs will find happiness.


Signs often cannot find a common language. To succeed, you need:

  • clearly distinguish between the spheres of influence;
  • in order for the lady, it was not sought to take a leadership position, but diligently performed the commissioned work;
  • so that the guy is more concentrated and not distracted by the little things.

Male Dragon and Woman Dog often do not know how to build a business relationship properly, it makes them in a dead end. The guy, entering the rage from what does, loses control over himself, becomes unpredictable. The lady tries to quickly capture the brazers of the board. Against this background and misunderstanding arises. She needs to take more participation to the partner and support it to achieve good results in the work.

Man dog and woman dragon


The compatibility of a dragon woman and a man's dog is weak. The thing is that they can't find a point of contact. In addition to sex, nothing unites them. This lady will not sit at home, she seeks to be sufficient, tries to build a career. The guy is very difficult to understand the partner. He constantly thinks that the chosen is changing him, and does not work late.

Another major minus is the desire of a guy to help others, even if it causes a loss to the family. This purposeful independent lady does not want to take. The dragon and the dog are equally different and the perception of life. The guy is a pessimist, he always thinks about the bad, and his chosen, on the contrary, tries to think positively and is often taken for hopeless at first glance, but always achieves success.


Dragon girl and dog guy are unlikely to create a family. It will be permanent clarification of relationships, especially since the man infrequently keeps loyalty. The powerful, strong lady will not tolerate this attitude towards himself.

In addition, the lady does not seek to create family relationships. It is easier for her to carry out men's work and stay lonely. If she does not create a family in youth, then, most likely, will remain lonely.


Dragon and dog - sensual sexual partners. Signs are perfectly known how to enjoy the partner. The guy understands how to achieve the attention of the girl. He cares beautifully, long and patiently achieves the attention of the ladies like. He ships her with flowers, makes generous gifts and openly admires her beauty.

The girl impresses such an attitude towards her person. But love is it very difficult to say. The guy achieves the ladies rather to put another tick in his list, and a long relationship is not particularly important, so one of them will hardly be too upset by a break.


To be friends with these signs is much better. They are interested in two. They can learn a lot from each other. A dreamy lady can help a friend cope with his pessimism and see life in a new light. He can teach her compassion. For these signs, such a tandem can be an impetus for development.

The girl often occupies dominant posts, sometimes it is difficult for her to cope with the moral pressure of employees. The guy quickly becomes a friend's protection and supports it in everything. Often, friendship converts into love.


In the work, signs can create a rather durable tandem, especially when a woman is the main thing. It realizes its ideas in many respects by a guy who scrupulously fulfills its instructions. A stumbling block can be the reluctance of a girl to admit that it is not one achieves success.

Dogs are pessimistic nature, and dragons are optimists. Their relationship can give good fruits if the partners can really look at things and trust each other. They should not get along too much on themselves, and you need to try to see the eyes with the eyes of your second half. Marriage between signs can be successful or become a punishment for both.

To improve relationships, partners need:

  • find a compromise solution to problems;
  • stop competing;
  • conduct more time together.
Nata Karlin

The compatibility of the dragon and dogs on the eastern horoscope is pretty good. However, this combination promises both partners of extremely restless coexistence. In principle, there is nothing to do with this pair and can not be. Dragons on their nature tyrana, Summary despot and charismatic personality, next to which is always very difficult. Dogs are accustomed to being on the second roles, but will never allow themselves to catch themselves. The dragon will always strive to subjugate the partner, while the dog got used to equality and unity.

These two signs of the Eastern Horoscope are extremely small in common. Calm, balanced, intelligent dog And the exhaust flame, the impulsive dragon can not always find the points of contact. However, such unions are far from uncommon. Moreover, such different people pull to the partner precisely because they have something to learn from each other. The active and positive dragon girl is always and in everything will support his hardworking and purposeful spouse, giving him energy and new forces. Next to the phlegmatic and balanced partner, the Dragon Guy may feel boredom. But the dynamic personalities in this life need rest.

The dog's guy will be delighted with its enchanting and fulfilled partner life. He will like her activity, vitality and positive attitude. The phlegmatic girl-dog, in turn, will not get tired of being proud of a bright and reckless young man, located next to her. She will do everything so that his life is more comfortable and cozy. However, Tirandi's dog, accustomed to the dog, can just get bored, and she will leave silently, at the most inopportune moment.

Dragon Compatibility Horoscope and Dog in Love on the Eastern Horoscope

Love relationship for this couple are quite successful. Dragon first need to learn to trust the dog. The latter need to find the opportunity to be gently, but persistently resist the outlook the "fire-haired" partner in order not to lose respect for himself.

In sex life, this couple has full compatibility. Passionate and impulsive dragon will allow a gentle and soft dog to feel the necessary and desired

Attentive and insightful dog It will become a real find for a dragon person who is accustomed to the fact that no one understands his aspirations and feelings.

These two are very difficult to build harmonious relationships due to the difference in views and life principles. Each of them should penetrate the most depths of the partner to understand the true nature and origins. You need to learn to trust and talk with a partner, know his care, aspirations and problems.

Compatibility in marriage Couple born in the year of the dragon and dogs

None of the partners even think about marriage, they just remain good lovers. In such a situation, it may be saved for quite a long time, even a few years in a row.

At that moment, when the partners decide to live together and go out, problems begin. The dog is extremely important to trust the second half, but the windy and pathos dragon can hardly give her a feeling. A huge number of friends and acquaintances, chaos and regular parties of the "Fiery Man" do not help establish confidence relations. At the same time, the latter never welcomes the big expectations that partner places it. Family and care for neighboring him. At the same time, he got used to admire only them, not paying attention to the merits of others. Affectionate and patient dog is trying very hard to understand the partner and take it with all the shortcomings, but it does not work well.

Husband and wife will be better understood each other only if:

  • will find a gold middle in the manner of communication and their own behavior;
  • cease to fight for leadership in a pair;
  • ambitions and egoism will die and pay attention to a loved one;
  • more time will be held at home with a partner.

People born in the years of the dog and the dragon, you need to learn to see and recognize your shortcomings, constantly work on them and take into account the comments of the spouse.

Friendship between the dragon and the dog on the Chinese calendar

The horoscopic dragon and the dog can be friends, but truly warm, trusting relationships should not be waiting for this union. Their communication will be more reminded infrequent gatherings in the nearest cafe for a cup of tea.

At the same time, one of them will hardly open the soul to the partner, the conversation will be reduced to general topics and most like a secular chatter

This connection is most likely doomed to the gap due to the smallest trifle. For friends, they can only stay in the case when:

  • The dragon will temper his own self-love and will understand that the comrade also has a soul and feelings;
  • The dog will not impose his loyalty and friendliness, limited by a good attitude;
  • tandem will have common interests and hobbies.

Compatibility in the work of the dragon and the dog under the big question. This tandem is characterized as conflicting, especially if the dog occupies a senior position. People born in the year of the dragon are distinguished by a rich fantasy, they always have plenty of plans and hopes. However, as managers, they are not very good strategists and analysts. The dog, seeing such weakness, will always fight for the right of championship. Tandem is waiting for success only if The dragon will focus on the entrusted matter, and the dog will fulfill all orders.

Male Dragon and Women Dogs Compatibility

So, he is a dragon, she is a dog. What awaits this union? There is no excellent compatibility in this pair. The relationship here will never be cloudless and calm. Both Eastern Horoscope Sign Strong. If the dragon is the power of will and charisma, then the dog is the power of the Spirit. Partners will always strive for leadership in a pair. However, the views on the life of each of them and none of them will not tolerate the opposite judgment.

Something general and durable it can be created in the event that there are love in a pair. Then everyone needs to learn to delve into the problems and point of view of the partner and find a golden middle.

The woman-dog needs caress and care, while the enchanting dragon is used to the attention signs only to him

This active and carefree man is too busy with public affairs, friends and all that as much as possible gives him from home. If the Dragon man does not understand that he can lose a partner, she will find the one who will give her the necessary heat and just go.

In adulthood, the Dragon man becomes a very prominent person in his circle of communication. Many people consider it weass and successful in all respects. In his desire to achieve more, he absolutely forgets about the family and the second half, the problems of which they become distant and unimportant. A woman-dog tries for a long time to escape from the circle of domestic issues, put up with such a humiliating position, but as a result hesitates hands and just finds myself a new "host", Which will give her not just material, but also spiritual comfort.

Compatibility Women Dragon and Men Dog

In a pair, where she is a dragon, he is a dog, things are so ambiguous. Walking in his own dreams and the fame world and prosperity Woman Dragon will never understand a landed and calm dog-dog.

To come to awareness of the need to enter the marriage union, both partners should be aimed at such a logical conclusion of a love novel

And even in this case, the compatibility of the pair is dubious. It is possible to call this alliance with a large and comfortable with a large stretch. Woman dragon is passionate about public activities and girlfriends ,. Hardly they will be able to convince the partner and insist on their behavior model. In his loneliness, a man-dog can stay for quite a long time, but as a result, it will definitely find the one that will prepare him borscht and "stroking the wool" by long winter evenings.

Male dog prefers all evening spend at home with family

Creative I. bright Woman Dragon will shine, flirt and receive enthusiastic attention from others. This is her element, without it, she simply cannot exist. She will not utterly depress himself with thoughts about those who are waiting for her at home and take care of solving their problems. After all, care for households questioned its continued success, and therefore they just interfere.

A man-dog constantly engaged in thoughts that you need to be close to relatives and loved ones, help them, strengthen the family union and strengthen the material situation for a long time will fight over this alone. The reproaches and exhortations will not affect his windy spouse. They will only annoy a woman and will soon become a decisive factor for breaking.

February 13, 2018, 17:35