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The year of the rooster looms on the threshold. Happy signs for people born in a rooster year. On the origin of the oriental calendar

Chinese horoscope for the year of the rooster

Who did not see the rooster on the bird courtyard? A magnificent handsome man will pace among chickens and chickens, proudly looks at his numerous family. Liscovers grains. So, about it. In the year of the rooster of 2017, the achievement of the result by any means when the goal should justify the means, will not lead to success. It will be a year when it is honest, worthy of methods, and let it be not so noticeable, as I would like, but it will be high Quality And bring respect for yourself.

Rooster - Early Ptkaška. In the year of the rooster, 2017 will take those who rises at dawn and immediately accepted for business. True, it should be borne in mind that the owner of the year is constantly experiencing a craving for adventure and can even come together with migratory birds. We all know that these intentions remain only intentions, and therefore it is important to think more about what needs to be done at home, and not to dream of countries where the sun is brighter and grass greener.

During the years of the rooster, the procedure in cases, strategic planning and strict control is highly appreciated. It is curious that at this time the diplomacy blooms in lush. After all, it is its methods: awareness, sequence and common sense. In a word, as said Wise Sun Tzu, the author of the famous treatise on military strategy to succeed in any case, it is necessary to achieve a psychological advantage over the enemy, and the power to apply only as a last resort.

The successes of diplomacy during the reign of the rooster is still difficult to call outstanding, because the parties are desperately pulling the blanket for themselves and fight for making decisions exclusively in their favor. In addition, the owner of the year is famous for the sharpness and categoricalness of judgments. However, at the same time, it is characterized by a scrupulousness and attention to detail. In other words, the problem is solved in favor of strong, but with a number of concessions weak sideCompliance with which is guaranteed by entering into an official document.

In 2017, many public discussions are expected with impartial argumentation without regard to ranks and titles. Pooh will fly and feathers. Personal advantage of many famous people Will be bought. Nevertheless, everyone will benefit from such noisy disputes. Despite the bustle and irreconcilable, it would seem, the positions of the parties collective solutions will be made on the basis of common sense. This can serve as a positive impetus for the development of the economy. Rooster - the creature pragmatic and the money can be considered very good.

The host 2017 rooster is a creature very optimistic. For any project, it is made with full confidence in his success. For this reason, the mass of meaningless programs is expected. Rooster loves to paint and have fun, and therefore will throw the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea for the idea and with foam at the mouth will challenge their timeliness and necessity. He will be engaged in this even if he immediately prove that it is not. This is one of the dangers of the year: positive creative energy will be scattered among the abundance of the necessary and unnecessary directions. Against this background for the sake of achievement, at least some success should be taken only for those projects that have practical value. Simply put, it will be tempting first to sow a new oilseed culture and disrupt a solid kush on the autumn, but this intention is better to postpone. Sudden and rapid enrichment from the rooster not to wait. But the traditionally popular culture will use sustainable demand. And even if the profit from its implementation will have to be divided with competitors, it will still be a more significant result of activity than the one that you will be expected from a risky operation.

Rooster loves to demonstrate his power, and this often leads to trouble. In 2017, in entire industrial sectors, social groups and labor collectives, an atmosphere of unstable balance is formed. Very often there will be disputes that develop into long-term emotional discussions, and arise of different kind Obstacles. Fortunately, the rooster is a talented and conscientious administrator, and therefore will make order and restore justice with all the might.

During the years of the rooster, it is very often happening that the efforts spent do not correspond to the result obtained. Much is done, and the result turns out to be modest. It should be borne in mind that we still can't affect the amount of profit, but it is quite difficult for labor costs. In other words, fuss smaller. The details are certainly important in any case, but they are sometimes able to challenge the picture of the whole. Be careful. Do not lay the maximum revenue in plans. The trends of the year are such that the adjustment towards the decline will have to spend anyway.

Mood in society, which will begin to form in the spring of 2017, can lead to the emergence of new and bold beginnings. The year of the rooster is never boring. Social programs running with the supply of its host can promise prosperity and happiness. And this ultimately leads to a good result, but provided that everything will be involved in old good pragmatism and a common sense. Otherwise, not to avoid mass and personal drama. Rooster, by the way, loves to dramatize everything. Some of his ideas during periods of breaking appear absolutely wildlies. However, the seeming collisions of interests can be fetched. The arguing parties are able to quickly come to understanding if they put themselves at the opponent's place. True, the danger that the rooster, without waiting for a protracted collegial decision, can establish any laws with his authority and give a reason for the charges in dictation.

The motto of 2017, the rooster would be to become a statement "appreciate simple truths and do not succumb to provocations." There is a Chinese saying: take a step back and see that the sea and the sky are endless. Simple truths never come out of fashion, regardless of how sometimes it is not easy to confess to commitment to them. Debt, honor, love and loyalty. About them during the years of the rooster louder, everyone usually shouts those for whom these concepts are empty sound. In this situation, it is important to see the essence of things and try not to transfer your disgust to the speaking of the speakers in the coming.

It should be prepared for the fact that in 2017, famous public figures will be subjected to sharp criticism. Probable in connection with these loud corruption scandals, accusations of theft of ideas, creative plagiarism. In order not to get under the influence of the destabilizing atmosphere, when ideals crumble and disappears somewhere faith in good, turn off the TV and go to admire the sunset.

In the year of the rooster, many are very beginning to engage in their image, invest in health. In 2017, it is possible to spend money without rest to the purchase of really beautiful clothes. The condition is only one, it should be practical. New hair balsams and cosmetics for the body offered this year, from old samples will be different only only by packaging. And here medicinal products Indeed will be the preparations of a new generation. The researchers who offered them, at the end of the year they will be able to become owners of prestigious international premiums. The practices of a healthy lifestyle will be popular. The in demand will be the methods of cleaning the liver. All new and new adepts will come into the ranks of non-smoking and non-alcohol.

The rooster is considered to be a chinese horoscope. In 2017, will find its confirmation and this trait of the nature of the year. Many of the noble motives will take care of the windmills, and as usual will not be understood. The rooster is really the most eccentric sign among the animals of the Chinese calendar and the most undervalued of them.

The events of the financial sphere can be called the contradiction of 2017. Under the influence of the adventurous character of the character of the rooster, many wanted risk and fast good luck. Most will not come up with nothing better than try to find them in the game. But here the owner of the year is strict. Jack-sweat will not break down, although someone will win on the little things. But with the feeding of a rooster, which is considered a brilliant financial manager, almost everyone will bring order in cash. We will figure out in loans and make safe investments. Chinese astrologers advise in 2017 not reaching the sky in search of gold, and go down to the ground and try to dig a few ring coins, taking order in their backyard.

As for global politics, then here, as in ordinary life, harsh disputes, protracted discussions and information wars will prevail. Various states will demonstrate strength, shaking weapons and waving banners. Fortunately, this is what everything will be limited. While it will be all this noise, the diplomats of the dummy will agree, to whom and what will go away from world cake, and will prepare the conclusion of a whole series of international agreements. Most states will be occupied by the strengthening of national defense. Unfortunately, it is on this soil that there will be distrust between the population and leaders of a number of countries. The reason for the cooling of the relationship will be some minor actions of the heads of states that compatriots will find the foreigners of the interests of the Motherland.

2017 will bring the time to many signs troubled, full events and impressions. Fire cock no one will be bored. Although in a desire to complicate anyone's life to suspect there will be no reason. And everyone can belong to him if desired. We offer to your attention a detailed oriental horoscope for 2017, in which various sides of our life are thoroughly analyzed - from the professional sphere to relationships with the opposite sex.

Horoscope 2017 for Rats

It is unlikely that rats should count on the patronage of the owner of the year. There are too many differences on the "ideological level". Therefore, to build grand plans Rats should not. In essence, the task of most of them is to keep in the same positions on which they will meet 2017.

Wellness. Rats in 2017 ordered love for his own person. They need to take care of themselves, saturate with vitamins, physical exertion and pleasant emotions. In particular, it is desirable to limit abundant relief and overeating. Problems during this period rats can create a stomach, as well as seasonal viral infections. In addition, caution must be abide by those of them who suffer from chronic forms of diseases.

Finance.From a financial point of view, the year for rats promises to be somewhat tense. It makes sense to take on keeping accounting for its income and expenses to everyone who else has not met this. Revenues of rats in comparison with the last year will not increase and will not decrease. Those rats that entered the year of the rooster with any debts should try to get rid of them as soon as possible. And no later than the first quarter of the year.

Career.Significant takeoffs in the professional sphere for rats are not projected. Some of them will remain in the same position in which the year will begin; Someone will be able to climb one step. It is possible to count on it, most likely, in the second half of the year. In 2017, she is more lucky those who are busy in intellectual professions. If possible, rats should avoid changing activities, especially if the new work is related to the big team.

Relations.Married and married rats risk testing in 2017 new love. This must be trying to resist because of the frivolousness of the intentions of the new partner (or partners). The personal life of idle rats does not radically change. They may have novels, intrigues, but they are unlikely to meet "their" man. But those who already have a partner, it is important to try not to miss it.

Horoscope 2017 for bull

Despite the fact that the rooster clearly sympathizes the bulls, these people manage to create problems themselves. True, the ability to cope with the difficulties from the representatives of this sign will be at the height.

Wellness.There will be only two problems with well-being problems in 2017. The first is connected by S. nervous systemsecond - with the power mode. Bulls will begin a year very well, and most of them will seem to ensure that their body's resource is infinite. As a result, many of them already be faced with the problem of increased fatigue brought to stress. As for the power mode, the speech here is to pay attention to its balance and utility. But with diet for weight loss in the year of the rooster, it is advisable to be careful.

Finance.This side of life will deliver many pleasant moments to bulls. Many, in addition to the main source of income, it will also appear further, so that money in the year of the rooster is probably enough for the planned acquisitions, and on entertainment, and on investment. Moreover, the bulls are recommended not to save money, but to invest them into the case; The beginnings, which will be given "good" in 2017, with a large share of the likelihood will be promising and profitable. Those who think to attend courses, to learn a new profession, improve the qualifications and so on, can do this at any time: investing money and efforts of this kind will bring good dividends in the future.

Career.Bulls will be accompanied by success in those activities where organizations are required by organizational and oratory talents. However, if the bull at its work is not one of the most important bosses, then it should not be forgotten about the importance of good communicative connections.

Relations. Time for personal life in the bulls will be enough. True, some of them will somehow decide that they should spend it on finding out relationships or in search of incredible happiness, leaving their lovers without attention. Single bulls will obviously be removed by the love of the opposite sex. And there is a chance that it is in 2017 that they are waiting football meetingwhich drives two true halves. Bulls, which are married, will be able to pay attention to family matters, solve domestic issues.

Horoscope 2017 for Tiger

Rooster does not sympathize with tigers. However, if desired, the tigers will be able to find mutual language with the owner of the year. But for this will have to do certain efforts.

Wellness.There are no significant discrepancies in the work of the body of tigers. That's just nerves ... In 2017, they can become a real stumbling block. But if tigers will take as the basis of their lifestyle healthy nutrition And consistent attention to his person, then they will be essential to essential health problems. Tigems should not be infringed in the plan of vacations.

Finance. In 2017, the tigers hand in hand will go finances and communicativeness. Therefore, in many cases, for the sake of material well-being, they should be placed in the head of the angle decency and mutual execution, and not finance, oddly enough it sounds. In addition, in any situation associated with enrichment, tigers should be interested in not only the result, but also the process. In general, these people should thoroughly assimilate that nothing is given for nothing, however, their diligence and dedication will pay offert.

Career.This side of life can deliver tigers a lot of trouble. Problems in this regard may arise due to their excessive categoricalness and from the desire to cover everything and immediately. To avoid this, tigrama is desirable not to give yourself to disorient and even in conditions of turmoil do what is scheduled and scheduled.

Relations.Personal life of tigers in 2017 promises to be interesting and rich. Single tigers have great chances to meet the man of his dreams per year. But hardly it will not be as big and the risk immediately losing it. Therefore, tigers are desirable to relate to new acquaintances with the mind and exposure. Married tigers should be patient and hold personal ambitions. Tigram should be smaller and pick up smallerly, and also gently and carefully express their own emotions and opinions.

Horoscope 2017 for Rabbit (Cat)

For rabbits, 2017 will not be cloudless. However, as a victim, most of them are difficult. Fighters are more proper characteristicbecause they obviously do not intend to passively with difficulties.

Wellness.The most problematic for rabbits promises to be the beginning of the year. In winter, the risks of colds are great for them. And those who suffer from various forms of chronic diseases, it is worth fear of their exacerbations. Another important point is a tendency to abuse harmful meals and alcohol in the first few months of the year. Rabbits should be in every way to limit themselves in this, because the consequences in the future due to this kind of no-markelation may be the most serious.

Finance. Significant financial problems rabbits in 2017 will be able to avoid. Moreover, they need to consider that its first half will be more successful in this regard than the second, and accordingly plan their expenses. True, the costs of these people in the year of the rooster will also have to bear considerable. First of all, they will be associated with family needs and with investment on the perspective.

Career.Professional sphere is another successful side of the existence of rabbits per year of the rooster. In 2017, rabbits probably have to drive around a lot. It will bring them many pleasant moments. A considerable number of rabbits during this period will be able to strengthen or improve their social status.

Relations.Family for those born under this sign promises to become something like a quiet harbor, in which they will be able to hide from everyday problems. Married and married rabbits may not be afraid of shocks and unpleasant "surprises" from their halves. Single will receive a chance to meet satellites of life.

Horoscope 2017 for the dragon

Rooster sympathizes dragons. True, they do not wait for the host of the year of explicit manifestations of location. He will, rather, watch the dragons, waiting for the moments when they will definitely need help.

Wellness.For dragons, the year will begin quite optimistic. But this is only theoretically. IN real life Dragons will still have the source of the problems. These are their own nerves. From the nerves, these people may have moments and whole periods of increased emotionality; They will lead to irritability, unreasonable change of mood, insomnia, and in some situations and nervous breakdowns.

Finance.The financial side will be dragon to please. Especially successful for them will be the first half of the year; In any case, large acquisitions and investment of money, if such are planned, it is desirable to have time to do during this period. In general, most dragons will even have the opportunity to choose where to invest or spend money.

Career. It is unlikely that dragons need to fear that someone will endure them serious obstacles in the professional sphere. However, in any case, it is desirable to comply with the rules of communicativeness, because it is the problems with people in 2017 that will be a greatest danger for the dragons career. Good perspectives await dragons leading their own business. Among other things, dragons should be thought about improving the qualifications and engage in self-education.

Relations. Many idle dragons decide to express emphasis in their relationship with loved ones, making marriage. Although some, on the contrary, will want to put a point in them, parting. Lonely dragons, if they want, in the middle or second half of the year will receive a wonderful chance to meet a person with whom you can safely bind the whole future life.

Horoscope 2017 for snake

Rooster of the year favors snakes. These two signs are real astrological friends. Snake will have the opportunity to show its best personal qualities in 2017.

Wellness.Rooster will provide snakes excellent well-being at the beginning of the year. But in summer, some snakes can begin to experience signs of malaise. An important topic for snakes in the year of the rooster should be the mode of their nutrition. They are recommended to introduce vegetables in their diet, dairy products, low-fat meat. In this case, they will be able not only to harm the work of their internal organs, but also adjust the weight.

Finance.With the money of special problems in 2017, the snakes are not foreseen. But still, it is not necessary to completely start your money on Samotek, because you can exhaust any resource. In the second half of summer and the autumn snakes makes sense to make significant investments.

Career.Significant success can be calculated by snakes engaged in own business. In 2017, their surroundings will be mostly worthy partners with which it is pleasant to deal with. The most fruitful period will have to the first quarter of the year. Snakes preferably try not to peck it.

Relations.The most successful year of the rooster promises to work out for lonely snakes. For them, for this period projected new love And new attitudes for them for them. Those who have already acquired a partner must learn to patience and understanding that they do not always have their personal interests should be in the foreground. In general, the snakes in 2017 will be amazingly attractive.

Horoscope 2017 for horse

In 2017, horses will have to go through their own on their own, without the help of their owner, who is unlikely to wish to put their shoulder. However, you should not be too upset about this. In addition, representatives of this sign are quite able to cope with many problems themselves.

Wellness. In 2017, the horses must constantly take care of their health. Particular attention to them should be paid to the work of the urogenital system and kidneys. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, at the beginning of the year examine on this subject. In winter, you need to be as cautious about those horses that planted holidays at the ski resort or in places where it is assumed winter species Sports. The risk of injury at this pastime will be high.

Finance.Financial question for horses in 2017 will stand acute. On the one hand, they can reduce income, and on the other hand, expenses will increase. Many of the horses will want to make the arrangement of their home (repair, buying new furniture, etc.) Something else there will have other points of the "application" of money. Nevertheless, sort the horses to make all these spending should hardly follow. After all, a difficult period is a temporary phenomenon, and good things will serve for a long time.

Career. In 2017, there will be a lot of opportunities to establish new professional connections. After the summer, many horses have to survive a difficult situation. They are waiting for a global check.

Relations. The year of the rooster promises to go for most horses under the sign of passion. Dry horses will fall in love. Married and married - flashed with emotions, disappeared not in the case. But a particularly unpleasant theme will be a feeling of jealousy. It is it that can create serious risks of breaking relationships with partners.

Horoscope 2017 for Goat (Sheep)

Rooster has a lot of complaints to goats. However, the goats are patient, not evil, attentive. They will be able to find a approach to him and make the rooster begin to refer to themselves loyally. And if your own talents also do not go to this, they will be able to achieve the desired one.

Wellness.In 2017, goats will come up with good health potential. And if they give themselves labor to spend it wisely, then you will be able to avoid misunderstandings associated with the loss of good well-being. Moderate activity prescribed targets, so as not to "doubt" and the normal schedule. About constant processing and excessive initiative in the professional sphere in the year of the rooster they need to be forgotten.

Finance. This side of life will delight goats. In the first place for success - goats engaged in their own business. But the rest of the representatives of this sign, too, most likely will not be offended. Those goats that will have the opportunity to make a profitable investment should agree on it certainly. Among other things, many goats in 2017 may appear new - and very significant - source of income.

Career.In the professional field for goats, the time is predicted, which is not accompanied by the danger to lose existing positions, but, however, and not involving the chance of a big takeoff. The only ambiguous moment consists in this case in the human factor. Goat should not trust people without reason for this. The probability of being in the "bundle" with someone incompetent or optional exists, and this can create several unpleasant moments for goats that are able to hit their reputation.

Relations. At goats, who are already married or finally decided to legitimize their relations with a partner (partner), the year of the rooster will be calm and without excesses. Unmarried and non-native goats for the most part will experience real success at the opposite sex. Some of them will even have the opportunity to start several novels at once (by the way, it is not categorically recommended to do it). Goats who met the year of the rooster without a loved one (beloved), have a big chance to get acquainted with a person who will become not only love for them, but also a real guardian angel.

Horoscope 2017 for monkey

The rooster refers to monkeys somewhat skeptical. Monkeys in this situation need to prove to him that they deserve sympathies, and the patronage of the rooster.

Wellness. Health status of monkeys during 2017 will need attention. All will begin with what to meet the year of the rooster some of them will have to violations of the liver. And in no case should this problem should be allowed to self-medicate. By the summer, the urinary system may fail. Throughout 2017, people of this sign are desirable to follow their bone system and especially the spine.

Finance. Finance monkeys will relate to the well-known fraction of frivolism. In 2017, monkeys are prescribed to optimize their spending as much as possible and try to plan their own expenses and proceed from the reasons of necessity and usefulness.

Career. The possibilities in the professional sphere of monkeys are very good. True, it is not a fact that all representatives of this sign will be able to take advantage of them. An obstacle to success in the year of the rooster for them can be two points. The first is financial stability. While monkeys have money, they will not "bother" career achievements and will pay attention to their own hobbies. The second is monkeys. However, justice to state should be stated that, fortunately, many monkeys the principles and benefits per year of the rooster will coincide.

Relations. It may very well be 2017 for lonely monkeys. They will have a lot of chances to meet their big love. True, to consolidate such relationships, they will have to strain and try to demonstrate the best of their advantages. Without this monkey risk to stay unnoticed. Those of them who have already found partner (partner) in the soul, do not hurry with legitimizing their relationship. Family monkeys are not particularly worried about. Their relationships with spouses are not foreshadowed by excesses. The main thing is not to concentrate too much on household concerns and pay due attention to romance.

Horoscope 2017 for a rooster

Does the cock rooster? By definition - yes! But in fact, the situation can be unpredictable. That is, representatives of this sign, having explicit advantages in 2017 before all other, can not be completely unforgable with them, and some of them even manage to harm themselves.

Wellness. In 2017, Petukhov can begin to disturb the old health problems. Especially to endure the one of them, who suffers from chronic forms of disease. New misunderstandings with the well-being of the roosters, mainly may not be afraid. Of course, you can also create difficulties with favorable circumstances. For example, for this year there is some risk to eat extra kilograms. In winter, many of the roosters must be afraid of injury.

Finance. From a financial point of view, Petukhov in 2017 expects no simple period. Most of them are unplanned spending that risk "wash" not only all the money from wallets, but also what was planted "just in case." In this situation, those who have already been currently conquered by the creation of additional savings in the most advantageous position, as well as configure themselves to save themselves.

Career. Career prospects for roosters are very good. Many of them can count on raising or improving work conditions. True, it will not bring them additional income. Satisfied in 2017 there will be many of those who were unemployed. This period favors the search for work, giving the opportunity not to work out at all, but to choose from several options interesting and most attractive for themselves.

Relations.The roosters already bound by the Uzami marriage will live this year calmly and trouble-free. They will have the desire to delight their loved ones with pleasant things, take care of them. And in response, they will also receive in full and love, and understanding, and care. Lonely roosters will be in an active search, but their enthusiasm in this case will only get on the factory relationship. The Council of Roosters Astrologers give such: talk more with loved ones, discuss with them and pleasant, and problem topics; But do it philosophically, not trying to impose your point of view or blame the partner in all sins.

Horoscope 2017 for Dog

Dogs have reasons to be displeased owner of the year. But the cock for his part will be convinced that it makes for them only good. The problem in this case is that "good" for the rooster and for dogs - things are often fundamentally different.

Wellness. To feel satisfactory, it is advisable to avoid extremes. In the year of the rooster, these people will be susceptible to seasonal colds. Definitely, those who react to this prevention will be frivolous: such dogs will spend a lot of time for the treatment, falling out of the normal rhythm of life and the immunity causing in the normal rhythm. Special attention to dogs should pay for their diet. Another important point concerns the sport. Ideally, dogs are desirable to do something extreme.

Finance. In this regard, it all depends on the dogs themselves and no more. In 2017, the principle will work for them, which is perfectly expressed in the saying "that Russian is good, the German death." In general, the amount of money in most dogs will be proportional to the number of efforts spent in order to earn them. They will be able to achieve this thanks to a successful investment. But once again we note: it is necessary to go on it exclusively in your own coherent, and not by someone's tip.

Career. Those dogs that work in the team should prepare for some tensions in relations with colleagues. Dogs engaged in their own business are lucky. They will almost certainly flow fairly favorable offers that will significantly strengthen their positions. Those dogs who will have the opportunity to climb the step in career stairs, you must certainly use it.

Relations. In this regard, the owner of the year is ready to help dogs sincerely and from the soul. Lonely representatives of this sign, he promises a successful search for his halves. But at the same time warns from an increasing desire to see in every new acquaintance of the perfect companion of life. It is preferably to look at the dogs to a new person before giving him promises and make decisive steps. Most of the dogs who have already found a loved one will live in 2017 in Oleole Romance and Mutual Care.

Horoscope 2017 for Pig (Kabana)

Pork will be able to adjust the owner of the year. They will not make a lot of pollution, but will allow the roostech somewhere to save them from the problem, somewhere to help cope with the misunderstanding.

Wellness. Nothing critical for health Pigs in 2017 does not threaten. The main sources of problems with self-meaning will have two teeth and the danger of injury. Accordingly, it is advisable to not miss the planned visits to the dentist and be careful on the roads, during sports, etc. The pigs would be nice to limit themselves as sweet. The year of the rooster favors those pigs that will want to make some adjustments to their appearance .

Finance. The shortage of money in the year of the rooster in the pigs is not foreseen. Some of them income will increase due to the enhancement in service, businessmen will be able to acquire new business partners, concluding new treaties with them, and so on. However, astrologists still recommend not to silent money, but spend them reasonably.

Career. Career prospects for pigs are predicted by impressive. The leadership will give them due, highly appreciating their talents and skills. But this does not mean that pigs can afford to simply swim down the flow, folded up and hoping that Fortuna herself will lead them to the shore of success. On the contrary, representatives of this sign are prescribed attentive attitude to all issues arising from them in the workplace, careful collection and development of information, as well as readiness for innovation and search for non-standard solutions.

Relations. This side of life will require pigs a lot of attention and worries. First, the revision will require some of their habits and principles. Secondly, a new love can be called on the "horizon", let them all the cards and pushing it to the treason. This should be tried to prevent. Thirdly, the troubles, most likely, will create children and relatives, and this can also make a breakdown in relationship with a partner. In the year of the rooster, it is advisable to make their relationship with your loved one more romantic and interesting. Those of the pigs that will not neglect this advice will make a great burned for the future.

Rooster from carnelian

Year of Petush - The tenth year in the Eastern (Chinese) calendar. The next year of the rooster - 2017. Elements of this year - the fire (color - red), and controls it energy Yin.

People born in this year have a lot of positive qualities, but also a lot of negative traits.

Positive features Born in the year rooster - honesty with people and with himself, the rejection of lies, straightness, generosity, but not wastefulness. These people are hardworking, do not miss the moment to take action for their benefit and family members in the material plan. May be heard, understand, reasonably accept someone else's opinion if it is logical.

Negative traits The rooster born in the year is the waywardness and stiffness of the character, the tendency to impose their own opinion. Sometimes excess fanaticism in work and work. If they fail, they do not ask for help, they can get into themselves and lead a closed lifestyle.

The rooster pays a lot of attention to his appearance, the selection of outfits. They should be not only fashionable, but also to emphasize the best features of appearance. At the same time, people born this year do not buy the first thing, and always compare and seek the cheapest option.

The rooster always has his own opinion, he listens to all the arguments, but only his own decision will take. It is impossible to make someone else's opinion, if it is not supported by weighty arguments.

In the work, people born in the year of the rooster prefer independently, regardless of whether they work in a team or independently. By nature, they are leaders, can lead people. They are always creative, creative personalities, it is manifested in the work, conducting household, repair your home, personal affairs.

People born in the year of the rooster can make enough large sums Money that will provide them with life in prosperity. But they are also able to make unnecessary expensive purchases, rampant spending are able to leave them without money.

The rooster loves holidays, parades, sports arena and stadiums, bright lights and fireworks. Loves to participate in all these events.

In the youth of people born in the year of the rooster, accompany numerous novels, which he is given with all the passion. One passion, barely having to cool, is replaced by another. At the same time, the rooster is always romantic, gentle and passionate. He knows how to create a romantic attitude in a relationship, will try to hit his love with unusual, supermodic outfits, flashes witty jokes and logical reasoning.

If the gap in relationships with a loved one occurs at the initiative of the partner, the rooster turns out to be confused, it is extremely offended, he sincerely does not understand how his, so smart and charming, could quit. It is very suffering and remembers the separation for a long time.

Born in the year rooster are honest with people and require the same from them. They will never forget betrayal, both in love and business relationships.

Among them are many people creative professions, businessmen, managers of any level, inventors, artists.

How to meet the year of the rooster?

For the meeting this year, the vegetarian menu is suitable: fruits, vegetable dishes - stew, salads, as well as nuts, sweets, cakes. Fruit, hissing, sparkling wines - the required attribute of the festive table.

2017 - year of the fiery rooster, so fit into bright clothes of orange and red, decorations should also be bright.

What to give to the onset of the year of the rooster?

For a gift, everything can be used to be used on parades, carnivals and holidays: unusual costumes, carnival masks, flowers, as well as bright, cheerful toys and souvenirs. In any case, it should be a bright, unusual gift (go to the department " unusual gifts, or in the same online store). A gift should help forget about daily routine. At least during the holidays.

And of course, jewelryIn which the red stone is inserted, will also be a wonderful gift. Mineral red can be transparent (ruby) or translucent (red carnelian, eudialit), but you can choose completely opaque stones. For example, a red coral, jasper.

What will bring the year of the rooster to other signs?

In general, this will be stormy, enchanting, filled with bright and pompous events, both good and not very. This is not a simple year.

For Petush The coming year will definitely be successful. It will be posted by new creative ideas and he will make them with brilliance. It will be appreciated, they will be admired, success is inevitable for him.

Rat In the year of the rooster will closely monitor changes to the district itself and will be able to benefit from these changes. Her business will develop, and at work it is waiting for career growth. In relations with the opposite sex, they are waiting for flirts and romance.

Bull Wills lost earlier self-confidence and stability. Will calmly look at human relationships and your work. His calm and sobriety will give good fruits.

Tiger In the year of the rooster will make the revaluation of what possesses, and will come to the conclusion that everything goes wrong. As a result, he will decide to produce big changes in his life.

Cat (rabbit) By nature, the observer, he prefers to be surprised and discuss the events, and not participate in them. And this year carries a threat to the destruction of tough connections and order, from chaos in the second half of the year there will be new attitude, work, business, creative ideas.

The Dragon It will take advantage of the situation and embody his long-standing creative idea. Although his mind will be on the side of the long-acquired stability. But the dragon is confident in its right, power and strength. Nothing will turn him away from the fiery path.

Snake Does not welcome sharp changes and responds to this slower reaction and attacks of laziness. It should be struggling with this, otherwise you can find before depression. If the snake overcomes it - it will be happy and will gain harmony. Especially in the financial sphere.

Horse So well worked last year, that in this her strong, the secured rear can not destroy anything. Calm and philosophical view of life will help to stand tightly on the legs and not be afraid of the wind of change.

Goat (sheep) In the year of the rooster will be discomfort due to its financial instability. To strengthen positions, it will have to work a lot or learn to be content with small. Love will help representatives of this sign to gain harmony among themselves and the world.

A monkey In the year of the rooster feels good, she almost did not notice that her year ended. But creative ideas Now it will almost not be, and the money will be earned with great efforts. However, new connections and acquaintances are expected, which will fix everything.

Dog It will be aggressive, assertive, cheerful, although this year will be full of struggle and tension for her. In the absence of laziness, efforts will pay for a hundredfold.

Pig In the year of the rooster there will be a lot to work and at the end of the year will arrange a vacation when things are already moving forward on the machine. In personal relationship it is waiting for stability and predictability.

Faberge. The sculpture of the rooster (jade, gold, diamonds).

Already soon the fiery monkey will give his rights to the control of fire rooster, and considering the fact that the next year has to live under fire sign, we are unlikely to count on a quiet life ..
Together with the first snow, the time of the merry and beloved holiday is approaching the year - New Year. What it will be, which will bring with him how to meet new Year - many have already been thinking about it. The new 2017 on the Eastern calendar will be the year of red (or fiery) rooster.

Rooster - symbol of 2017

The new year 2017 will be held under the symbol of red rooster on the Eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the new year on the Chinese calendar will be on January 27 of the next year. Eastern or Chinese horoscope has extended more than 2000 years and basically has the same 12 cycles as zodiac, but the countdown is not conducted by months, but by years. Each year of the Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and, accordingly, has the character of this animal. Also, a year belongs to one of the five elements, which also interact with each other - harmonize and complement, or come into conflict and oppress. The Chinese horoscope can be used to understand the year of which animal comes, what astrological trends of the year will prevail that it will bring to us what to expect a rooster from the new 2017, and what to fear. If you know in advance the characteristics of the coming year of the rooster, its symbols and character of the year and animal rooster, the color of 2017, then you can already plan gifts per year of the rooster, dishes new Year's table In the year of the rooster, and also to understand your horoscope in advance in the new 2017 year of the rooster!

Characteristic of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare

2017 will pass under the sign of fire or red rooster. Rooster is a bird with a loud voice, a bright plumage, he carries new life, cheerfulness, drives darkness and evil. The rooster always carries a new one - he wakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the onset of a new day.

This 2017 Totem can be compared with the character of a person - it is distinguished by the will of the will. Roosters of fire elements have bright qualities of the leader, volitional, stubborn character, so everything for which they are taken - they bring to the end, and, successful. They always achieve their goals. The rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, and it makes it quite loud and open. The element itself adds the element of the fire and so the active rooster of energy and, which is more valuable - purposefulness. This rooster knows where he makes his strength and what to strive for. An additional energy supply makes it an inexhaustible source of activity, this rooster will be able to infect his ideas and optimism of large crowds of people, he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this is very beneficial affects his affairs and projects.

Rooster means hard work, assertiveness and ambitiousness. If he outlined himself some kind of purpose, it will overcome all the obstacles and will achieve his own. Rooster is ready for victory at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show big egoism, so it is difficult to build partnerships with them.

Element of fire B. eastern horoscope Also considered unmanaged and unpredictable, depending on the method of use and application, the fire can both warm and give heat and food, and burn the dwelling and land. In such too active and energy years, you can drastically change your life in the upper time, to realize the most cherished and old dreams, start your movement to true success.

What awaits in love in 2017?

In order to catch the year of the red fiery rooster behind the tail, it will be necessary to just understand its character and become the same active and assertive as the rooster itself. In this case, the award of the rooster will not bypass you, and success in affairs and plans will be provided. The monkey gives his sympathy and awards strong, who is not afraid of difficulties and, despite everything, moves forward to their goal, his dream, throwing fears and doubts about failures. Especially generously in the year of the Red Fiery Rooster, those who are not looking for light paths and bypass road will be rewarded, does not violate moral and legal laws, it does little and does a lot, stubbornly, on the grain, creates a foundation for its success and well-being.

If you like to wait for a suitable moment and calculate every step in advance, this year will not be able to please you with anything. Here you will need to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, the win will be provided. The symbol and the concept of the year of the fiery rooster can be laid in words: "Live to full now."

There are also negative sides of the nature of the rooster, which should be avoided in their lives in 2017. It is better to tune in to spend this year as responsibly and seriously, in equilibrium and with a clear thoughtful plan. Beware of rapid and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the rooster is almost the biggest lover of clarifying relationships among all the signs. Therefore, in 2017, it will often arrange such situations in which it will easily go to conflicts. Be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, do not take hasty decisions! Who are warned - he is armed.

The rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, purchases and in general political events of the year. In the year of the rooster, large and weighty events of the international scale are occurring, which affect the lives of all countries of the world. Previous years of the rooster we have already proven this: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope 2017 year rooster

Symbols 2017: color, stone, material

The chief symbol of 2017 will be the element of fire, which is included in the five-year cycle of elements - fire, water, air, wood, metal. The fire is a strong element and it is best to contact him carefully and neatly, in this case it will bring everything good than owning.

The main colors of 2017 will be all associated with fire - red and orange, as well as all sorts of shades of these colors.
Stones-Talismans 2017 are also painted in all shades of red - king stones Bloody Ruby, deep cherry grenade, fiery opal. It is also possible to include all the stones, the origin of which is also associated with the elements of fire, for example, volcanic glass Obsidian. Natural mineral Amber is also suitable for a rooster. To meet the new 2017, you can choose all these stones and shades of color.

How to meet 2017 year of red rooster

To meet the new 2017 rooster, choose the clothes of bright, mothers and memorable flowers - the rooster will pay attention to everything bright, lush and brilliant. To meet the new year itself is best in society, very fun and joyful - at the carnival evening, a costume party, where you can show your brave and unusual outfit. Colors of the year must prevail in clothing and in the interior of the New Year's Eve. The greatest shik will be the New Year's costumes of all sorts of colors, with natural bitch prints - Pavlinimim feathers.

What awaits in love in 2017 a fiery rooster?

When choosing a place to meet the new 2017 monkey, it is worth paying preference to the places where you will meet many people and you can have fun and noisy to celebrate this holiday. The rooster loves to be the center of attention, all bright, moving and noisy attracts it - restaurants, sea cruises, traveling to new countries. Choose yourself the place in the shower - and on the road, behind the tail of the red rooster.
During the meeting of the New Year itself, the most favorable will give the fee of the elements of the year - living fire. For this, festive candles are suitable, fireplace, large colorful fireworks. After such a reverence of the element of fire, be sure - your holiday will not pass by and will remain with you throughout this year.

What to cook on the New Year's table in the year of the rooster

The most important dishes of the New Year evening for meeting 2017 of the rooster will be his favorite delicacies - all grain dishes. Prepare more dishes from fruits and vegetables, as well as more freshly gifts of nature, including greenery. All the most delicious, natural and useful will become a symbol of the New Year's table 2017. The rooster prefers simple and delicious dishesin which you can experience the taste of all components. Preference is better to give it simple and useful, not too fatty dishes. Numerous salads will help you diversify the table. Sharp dishes C. large quantity Spices better leave for next year. Rooster loves natural taste. If you can't do without meat, then give preference to all dishes prepared on fire or in the oven.

In the center of the table for an invitation to the festive table of the owner of the year, place a small bowl with millet or millet.

As a sweet, make a delicacy made in the form of worms. Also, all sorts of dried fruits, berries, berries, candles, honey cakes are suitable, and everything should be lighter and sweet.

The table should be decorated with a bright tablecloth, with the same motley table appliances. The treats themselves can be decorated with products of favorite colors of the rooster - yellow, white, red and brown.
The rooster loves how to eat, and move a lot. Therefore B. new Year's Eve It's good to do everything balanced - both treat and dance and have fun.

What to celebrate the New Year 2017?

The most basic color of 2017 is the red color and all its shades. For the night meeting of the New Year, prepare bright, catchy, memorable outfits. You can focus on the details, select all the most brilliant and catchy. The whole New Year image can be created from the brightest details - both dress, and a handbag, and earrings, necklaces, rings, shoes - all this should be bright and supercastravagant. Choose any shades of red - from gently scarlet to orange and flame red. Allow yourself to shine. If you do not want to change your image and prefer black or bright clothes, you dilute them with bright red accessories or metal parts.

The most important details of the New Year's dress will be decorated - jewelry and jewelry. Choose natural stones Red: bloody ruby, cherry grenade, fiery opal. Classic amber can also be a beautiful addition of your New Year image.

As a hairstyle for meeting the new year, the rooster of 2017 is also suitable for all unusual - make yourself what you usually do not have time or money. The rooster loves big blessings, overhead tails, decorations in her hair. Do not forget about the convenience and practicality of your outfit. You must feel as much as possible in it to please the host of the upcoming year with fun and dancing.

What to give for 2017 a red rooster

Already soon the fiery monkey will give his rights to the control of the fire rooster, and considering the fact that the next year has to live under a fiery sign, we are unlikely to count on a quiet life.

So what will be the coming 2017 the year of the rooster, what to expect signs from him eastern calendarWhat it turns out to be, whether they will bring good news, what to get ready for - this is what we will tell you in this article.

Tune in advance to a serious and responsible way, do not make rapid and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts, because the rooster is a well-known provocateur and a clogging, and situations in which you can naugh to the "misfortunes" will be abuse.

Therefore, be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave intelligently, do not take hasty decisions!

In the coming 2017 of the fiery rooster, cardinal changes are expected in public Life throughout our planet.

The struggle for leadership will continue, previously the conflicts are unlikely to be completed - the rooster will not allow. Let's hope that we will be able to avoid trouble with you and your problems, do not make unnecessary mistakes.

What will be the year of the rooster 2017

The symbol of 2017 will be a rooster, the control element of the year - fire, so the rooster will be fiery. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones, is golden, orange, yellow.

As noted in the east - the rooster is the head of the family, he rises early, follows the order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year, you should try not to fall out of the rhythm, keep your hand on the pulse, and then good luck will definitely be on your side everywhere.

For many signs of the Zodiac 2017, the fiery rooster can become a fateful. This may concern the business sphere, monetary or love - any, each of us will feel the influence of the patron saint of 2017.

If we talk about how 2017 the year of the fiery rooster becomes, then it is possible to accurately say that this period will be bright as a roasty tail, violent and unpredictable as the character of the year symbol.

One event will rapidly change the other, so it is important to keep up of watching what is happening to have time to take the right decision.

Changes will occur as in the social life of people, the same in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, but given the location of the planets, while there are no reasons for serious concern.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who will try to express themselves, shine with their talents, an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance is presented, and it will definitely imagine, it is impossible to miss it in any way.

The rooster does not tolerate inaction, it appreciates the accuracy and order in everything, many will have to put on the order of thought, to make a plan of action and scholarso to go to their goal without unnecessary fuss.

If it will have to revise its principles for its implementation, attitude to life, the worldview, then it is better to work on it.

Rooster - a careerist, and the fiery cock - the leader, the organizer, responsible leader and the brain center of many operations. If there is such a person in your environment, then the new 2017 will faith in his career growth, and you should listen to his opinion - he can help you.

If you yourself feel confident and hardness in solving business issues, you have experience, you know how best to fulfill one or another work - this year is completely yours. You can achieve a lot if you give your work.

Stars advise in the year of the fiery rooster to learn how to be responsible, taking certain obligations, you should not neglect them.

Characteristic of the year Petuha

What will be 2017 year of the fiery rooster?


The 2017 Financial Characteristics will be the following - in terms of money it will be especially the first half of the year. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world.

The fiery cock for money refers quite hotly - for him they are an excellent success rate.

If you wish to become more financially independent, then do not put yourself such a goal.

You should not want to desire money themselves, and success in your business, then all other components will simply be attached.


In the health plan of 2017, it will be very dangerous for those who completely launched themselves and does not engage in their body.

You should think about the fact that all diseases suppressed by temporary solutions will sooner or later affect, and this can be a real problem.

If you have chronic diseases, then do not hesitate with strengthening your health, and at first symptoms, please contact medical care.

Do not neglect vitamins healthy food and classes on fresh air. The physical activity is fully obligatory for all zodiac signs.

Fire cock does not like lazy people. Only those who work on themselves, over their career and personal growth, deserve his location and help in all their endeavors.


The characteristic of the coming year, tells us that the most better time To change the scope of activity will be exactly the year of the fire rooster.

Do not be afraid to try yourself in an unknown area, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also physical.

If you have long thought to lead yourself, then this time is the most suitable.

If you have some kind of ailment, the determination and assertiveness of the patron of 2017 - the fiery rooster will help him.

Born in the year rooster

The life of people who appeared in the year of the fiery rooster is always filled with bright colors and all sorts of events. The main task of the parents in the upbringing of his child, like the rooster himself, cope with emerging problems and life challenges, correctly calculate their strength to master new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women, born in the year of the rooster, are quite eloquent and completely possess the gift of conviction. These people can succeed almost on any professional field, to achieve unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial directions.

Born men and women under this Eastern calendar sign, in almost all seeking to get the maximum benefit, they always try to get the highest paid and honorable work, attach to this maximum effort, often even to the detriment of people around people, work colleagues.

For a daily routine, as to submission, the rooster refers with reluctance and dislike. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live a saturated life, full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

Childhood, youth of the rooster, like mature years - are oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and contrived problems, but it calms down under old age, it is cloudless and joyful for him.

People born this year are charming and pleasant in communication, especially women. To the creation of a family is more prepared for mature age, although most often they are binding themselves to the bonds of marriage in early youth.

They are friendly, easy to communicate, but it's just not worth trusted. It is not possible to get along with the rooster "under the same roof", because these people are very valued and defended their freedom and are unlikely to have commands over themselves, interference in their lives.

What will be the year of the rooster for the signs of the Eastern Horoscope

Born in the year rat - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 ...) - For the people of this sign of the Eastern calendar, everything should be quite good, but what is happening around the changes in society will not touch this person.

Born bull - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 ...) - Confidence will return to this person, and therefore you can take on new things - everything will be done. Do not trust the "first counter", evenly expect your strength and opportunities.

Born in the year tiger - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 ...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebound and disappointment. The tiger does little, although it will make a lot of effort to achieve success.

Born in the year of rabbit / cat - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 ...) - These people are expected not a very good period in their lives. They will be annoyed by the surrounding useless fuss and endless contrived problems that, nevertheless, will have to decide.

Born in the year of the dragon - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 ...) - Dragon can be said lucky, he will introduce another case to shine this year, what a rooster will help him ... But he wants to show himself - big question.

Born in the year of the snake - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 ...) - For the representatives of this sign of the Eastern calendar, just a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can stack you, "throw" problems, bring to despair.

Born in a horse - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 ...) - These people, everything is fine, the created margin of safety will allow you to calmly live a year. If the rooster becomes harming to this person, it risks to be a trapped horse.

Born in the year of goats / sheep - forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 ...) - All the coming year It will take place on a major note, these people will strive for bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born a year of monkey - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 ...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less fun, it is time for everyday life. Although the board of the rooster will entertain a monkey, will not let her get bored.

Born in the year of the rooster - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 ...) - A beautiful year for a rooster and nomouder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is in the center of attention, it all turns out. However, one should not count on the fact that everything itself is formed - there will have to work if you hope for success.

Born in the year of the dog - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 ...) - For the representatives of this sign of the Eastern calendar, the year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and struggle for the best life. Configure yourself to positive and do not be distracted by trifles from the goals set in front of yourself.

Born in the year of boar / pig - Forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 ...) - painstaking work will definitely bring their fruits. Life will succeed in representatives of the eastern calendar in the face of a boar / pig in the event that they themselves will not harm their rampant steps. Do not be distracted by insignificant things, focus on the main thing.