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Classic fortune telling on playing cards. Predicting method for a month, 3 months and for the coming year. "He needs me or not needed"

Cards appeared in Europe relatively recently - in the XVI century. Ordinary playing cards are used to predict love connections, attachments, marriages, identifying friends, rivals, dangers, unexpected income. This is such a fortune telling has a low rating because it does not claim to create a strong impression due to external attributes. No mysteriousness, gloss, and mysteriousness, too, as if no. In most cases, fortune-tales are people of various ages and temperaments. Some are engaged in fortunate entertainment for, others - in order to learn money from gullible customers. Among the second there are people extremely clever and scammers. But it is not necessary to think that the fortune telling on the maps does not have anything other than the mechanical interpretation of the chance of a chance of a combination of cards. The divination is in itself something much more. Some fortune-tales have an amazing ability to feel other people and sometimes quite accurately predict future events. For such inspected people, the cards apparently perform the role of the stimulator of their abilities. In addition, it must be borne in mind that most often the predictions are built on foggy and ambiguous wording, allowing in all cases to interpret said as convenient or as it turns out.

Many fortune-tellers before the start of fortune telling, as if by chance, the innocent talk about the past of the client, lay out cards to clarify this past with the help of the client and only then take over the prediction of the future. It is necessary to emphasize: the past is especially important when predicting or predestination of the future. We can say that the past, as well as the present, determines the future.

Every day a person builds his future. Any decision taken by us today affects tomorrow.

It is curious that everyone remembers their past, but not everyone can link him with the present. The energy and inertia of the past not only follow us, but distinguish us by forming our lives today and tomorrow. It is for this reason that a highly qualified fortune teller from the first moment seeks to understand the nature of the client and recognize his past. Knowing it, you can answer questions related to this, and formulate possible options for developing events for a particular person in the future. The ritual of divination even in the inappropriate atmosphere of the railway station or gateway is performed by inspiration. The fortune telling on the maps is not a simple occupation, since with the help of a large number of cards it creates an infinite number of options. Add to this that the value of each card may vary depending on which cards are located nearby. And the values \u200b\u200bof these cards, in turn, are also dependent on the neighboring.

The number of cards in the deck for divination constantly changed: once there were 78, and over time it decreased to 52. It is precisely such a deck of cards at present that 32 cards are used for divination, starting with seven and ending ace.

However, if you need to find out your destiny, there are special solitaires, folding which, you can find out whether it is worth guessing.

You can do otherwise, i.e., just ask, the fate of you today is favorable, or not. For this, fortune-tailli usually enjoy the layout called "Witch".

Technology is simple. Take a deck of 32 cards and begin to open one. Laying the first card, aloud say "Seven", putting the second, "eight" and so keep an account until "Ace". Next, the account and layout are again leading with seven. In the event that the actual value of the map coincides with the pronounced, this card is set aside. As a result, the whole deck should end, or the patience is bursting to burst, and he will throw cards. In any case, it will be a response to the question: guess or not guess. The more cards postponed to side, the happier and lucky for you. And vice versa, the smaller the cards are postponed, the worse, since fate in this case demonstrates unallocarly.

Below will be discussed about folding cards when you fortunate to anyone. In all cases, the arguing will have to be resorted to its imagination and intuition to intelligently interpret the resulting alignment of maps. To cause client's trust, you need to know all the values \u200b\u200bof the cards by heart, and not flipping every time the allowance for gadania in search of their symbolism. It will look all the more not professionally, since the interpretation of a specific card may vary anyway depending on the neighborhood of other cards - here the manual is unlikely to help.

Professionals say cards get tired. It is worth listening to their words. So it happens if the cards are really under any influence of external forces or if they work sufficiently seriously and responsibly.

As a rule, limit the process of divination by one circle for the evening, in extreme cases - two, but with a break. (One circle may include up to a dozen layouts.)

Maps are distributed according to a specific scheme, there are many such schemes. Before proceeding with the layout, the cards are carefully taped. Usually the client is touching, and at this time it should concentrate on its plans or questions that want to receive an answer. He puts the card on the table, shifts his left hand some of the deck and the left hand gives her fortuneteller, after which the solo party of the fortune tailed comes.

Since the reader is hardly familiar with the practice of divination on the maps, consider in detail the simplest layout of the cards.

Deck of 36 cards

So, take the deck of cards with six, preferably a new one, drag it, remove it to your left hand and, shooting three cards, look for your own. What does it mean? Experienced men and women are looking for king and lady Tuben, married and married - king and lady worms, elderly people - king and lady Tref. Removing three cards and finding your own, pay attention to the cards that are in this triple, i.e., specify their values \u200b\u200b(given below).

So, we put your card on the table, again tasuch a deck and, mentally asking ourselves "What will happen?", We take at random one map at random and put it on your own - "on the heart." This is the most important map, it gives an idea that most of all concerns your heart. All figures on the maps denote persons who think about you or you remember. Vnets denote care or hassle, lady peak on the heart - boredom and longing, a dozen and eight peak - a disease, a seven - trouble, six - loss or loss. The most unpleasant trephies and peaks, having one point in the middle (seven, nines and aces). The last, truth is right only if the cards lie up. Then the seven and dozens are tears, TUZ TREF - failure in affairs, ace of peak is a nuisance. If the same cards lie with the tip down, it must be understood as small trouble, i.e. the insults, insults, fright, bruised, etc. Ace Tuz Buben on the heart is always a letter; Ace worms - package, news; Nine or ten tambourine - getting money, profit. If a nine or a dozen worms lay on the heart, you can rejoice.

Further, not tasu by a deck, put it on your card and leave there about a quarter of the decks there, then - to the left and right of the card and at the end - at the bottom of your card (in the legs), they leave the fourth of the deck in the same way.

After that, they take a stack of cards, which was over her card (above his head) and, removing the two top cards, put them above their heads with shirts down. The second stack of cards (in the legs) is put on the remaining cards of the first pack, again you remove two cards and put them open in your feet of your card. Next, do the same with the left and right stacks of cards. After that, again, no tasuya cards, take two cards and put them in the upper left corner, then - to the bottom left, then - to the upper right and, finally, in the lower right side of the layout. There should be 16 cards around your card. The rest of the cards are tausite and further, throwing three top cards every time, put the fourth closed "on the heart", and so until it goes through the whole deck "on the heart", and along with the first card you will not have five cards.

When the cards are decomposed, they are beginning to be treated. Take, first of all, the cards lying "on the heart." They contain information about your near future. The predominance of the peak in these cards denotes the coming trouble, and the figure shows from whom they can come from. The predominance of worms is a messenger of joy and happiness.

A pair of cards above your head and three pairs of cards that were on the right of you indicate the near future. A pair of cards under legs denotes passing, that is, what is there or will be, but will leave. If it is a disease (a dozen or eight peak) or other cards, denoting trouble, then rejoice that they are transient. Poor, if some kind of figure in which you are guessing a person close to you, is often under your feet. In this case, the alignment denotes that this person will soon disappear from your life.

Two cards to the left of you are denoted by the past or present, two cards in the upper left corner - what happens at the moment away from you, and finally, two cards in the lower left corner symbolize the remote future.

If all 9 worms have fallen out at once, you will be happy in love, 9 tambourines - you are waiting for big money. And 9 peaks dropped immediately, foreshadow.

Almost in all cases, the aces symbolize the time. Usually, if the Ace stands on the spot explaining the near future (to the right of you), it means the time of the day. If it is both the left left corner (i.e., where the prediction of a distant future is kept), then it means, as a rule, the time of year.

Four aces that fell at the same time denote the fulfillment of desires (like four tens). If four aces and four dozen have fallen at the same time in your scenario, then you can be sure that in the most close future you will be waiting for great joy and luck. However, sometimes four aces may designate an unpleasant surprise.

Four kings predict good things, success. If they fall out in fortune-out on an outsider, they show his high position in society, the origin of a good family, etc.

Four ladies who fell in fortune-money for a woman are extremely desirable. They indicate that you are gossipped. If at the same time one of the four ladies is next to your card, it means that a woman is gossipped with you, you are close to you. Otherwise, four ladies are interpreted, falling at the same time, in fortune-male. In this case, they indicate that he loves the Ladies' society and is surrounded by the ladies.

Four currencies - troubles. If one of them finds himself on the heart, it must be interpreted as care. And heavy or not, depends on which cards are dark or light - prevail in the right part of the layout. With the king of the same suit, not even next to the currency, the curren shows him (king) thoughts and intentions, and with a nine or ten worms king and the currency of one master indicate the passionate desire of this king to see you.

Four dozens need to be understood as the fulfillment of desire, but not heart. Dozens - business cards, and more than them, especially brilliant your affairs and prospects.

Four nines interpret as surprise. And it's a pleasant or not, depends on the nine, lying closest to you, and in general, depending on the cards from the right side of the layout.

Four eights, like four seven, practically do not have a special value. The predominance of small cards - without time, lack of money, "gray" days, especially if these cards are focused on the right side of the layout (in the near future). In general, the eight indicates the house of the lady corresponding to the suit, and the ace is the house of the king. Otherwise, the four eights denote the blow, and four seven-sorts - intrigue.

Four sixs are interpreted as fulfillment of desires. In general, the meaning of the six - the road. Six on the right side of the layout above the head and under your feet indicate the road for you. Six, corresponding to the masters of the same figures here, predict the way of these faces to you. Six, not suitable suit, and located next to any figure, denotes which way to have to do this face. So, 6 peak is a dark, night road; 6 treph - evening; 6 worms - a walk, and 6 tambourine is a close way.

Card values

| Peaks |

Ace Pick- Loss, sad letter, blow, fright, trouble, repentance; time is defined as night, winter; Ace at the king by the edge up means passionate love in relation to the lady; someone else's rich house. Ace with 10 of the same suit predicts the unexpected receipt of money; from 10 tambourine (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel because of money; with six - a horse ride; With ace treph (both cards with edge up) - fright.

King Peak denotes a solid person; This is an enemy, rival, bad man.

The king of peaks with other peaks foreshadows good; with Trephami - countering and evil; With the eight of the peak (with a side of your card) - prolonged troubles and grief; If the king of the tambourine immediately fell, you can expect help from a fair person.

Queen of Spades- This is an old woman, a bad woman. The map symbolizes boredom, gossip, interference, quarrels; It is between two figures foreshadowed the label between them. A lady of peak next to your card promises grief, trouble (this is especially true of 7 treph or 9 peak).

If next to your peak card is generally a kind old woman. But with Trepho - the villain.

Near the Bubnovaya - a greedy and envious woman who should be avoided, as it impedes in matters, including love.

Next to the worm - patroness in love, you can expect help in matters.

Next to 9 worms - happiness.

Pick currency foreshadows a quarrel or a fight. This is a bad or black-haired man, commoner; The bad message, the thoughts of the peak king. Ramals peak with a pico, a faithful ally, and with a treph - liar, envious, gossip; With a tambourine card nearby - an accomplice, a mustle, drunk man, with a worm - friend.

Next to the lady of Peak - we must expect a big quarrel, a fight. With 8 peaks - serious trouble in lovers.

The king of peak with a lady and a rings of the peak indicates the help of a solid person.

The king of peak with a lady and curren Tref is his hatred. The king of peak with Dammoy and the Buben currency is its location. The king of peak with Damu and the currency of the worms is its location.

Ten peak- black thing, disease; at the king, lady - the marriage bed; unrealized desires, failures; With the peak, the king or lady is wondering. A dozen peak with the same ace foreshadows unexpected receipt of money, and with 9 peak - misfortune.

9 TRIF next to a dozen peak is a nuisance in the financial sector. Dozen Peak with ace of Tuben - Sad Letter; With any other ace - a fake letter. Ten peak with 8 peak - disease, with any 8 - unpleasant news.

A dozen peak with 7 peak promises an unexpected news about the change of circumstances, with 7 tambourines - an unexpected offer, with 7 worms - the same, with 10 treph - recovery, and with 10 worms - great money interest in the future.

Nine peak predicts fees on the road, a friend's loss. Nine peak with the same king or lady - love, with a friend of the king gives immodest desires in relation to the lady. Nine peak edge up is a quarrel and tears. Nine peak near the ace of peak is a disease.

Nine peak with ace treph - benefit or harm, which depends on the nearest card: bright it or dark.

The nine peak with the ace of worms draws attention to the proximity of a man, a woman, predicts a joyful pastime with a friend.

A nine peak with ace tuben warns about tricks and deception of loved ones, with 10 peaks - about unexpected money.

Oight peak- this is a failure, sadness, conversation, illness; Room, apartment of a wealthy person. The eight of the peak at the seven of the same suit says that it should not be guessing on this day. G8 peak with nine treph predicts misfortune.

G8 peak with currency worms prepares for news of the disease or death of some of the close people or acquaintances.

G8 peak with seven treph means treason beloved. With four kings, the eight of the peak foreshadows the curb, drunkenness.

Seven peak- This is a surprise, deception. Seven peak edge up - tears, quarrel, loss of a friend, house where you live. When lady, a seven peak says that the lady in an interesting position.

With a currency tambourine seven peak indicates a rich man. With Valnet, Tref foreshadows misfortune, tricks of ill-wishers.

Seven peak with 10 of the same suit indicates an unexpected news about the change of circumstances.

The seven peak with one of the eights is a treat, and with a figure - a nuisance.

Mountain in the family can be expected if the peak seven will turn out to be in a figure and 9 peak.

Seven peak with 6 tambourine foreshadows trouble in the house.

Six peak- Far Way, late road. Six peak next to his card denotes loss. Six peak is the road of the peak king, ladies. With a peak masta card - a cheerful road, with a trephy - unsuccessful road.

Six peak with 9 or 10 tambourines - the road for money, and from 7 or 8 tambourine - anxiety and hassle about money.

Six peak with a worm card - a road and a date with expensive people, with a trephy (above head) - a good outcome of the evil intentions of the guessing.

| Bubns |

Ace Buben- This is a letter (the nearest figure says, from whom), news; With a figure - a person dealing with a letter; about time - day, summer.

Ace Tuben with a tambourine map near predicts a quick receipt of money, and from 7, 9 or 10 worms - a joyful or love letter. Ace of Tuben with a trephy or peak nearly warns about the distance of the desired minute, about the troubles.

TUZ tambourine with 6 treph - a date and conversation on the street at dusk; With 9 peak - cunning and deception of loved ones. Ace Tuben with 10 worms promises a love letter, and with 10 peak (left) - sad (mourning) letter. Ace Tuben with 10 tambourine is a monetary letter.

King Buben. denotes a young man; Love date, familiarity with Milm; This is a single person if there is no lady tambourine nearby.

The king of Buben with 10 of the same suit means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom. The king of tambourine with 6 tambourine is the indispensable fulfillment of desire, with a worm card - fun, oblivion of the past and a change of life.

Lady Buben.- This is a young girl, an infidel woman, maid.

Lady Tuben is in the neighborhood with a jack of tambourine and 10 peak - an unpleasant guest, with 9 worms - for a woman well, for a man - theft.

Valet Buben. Indicates a boy, a messenger, trusted person; Bracely behave. Buben's curren next to the figure determines its character (a person's dubious, materialist), the thoughts of the Bubnoy King (at the king). Curlee tambourine with 7 peak is a rich man.

Valnet tambourine next to any king indicates a merchant, a deer man.

Curlee tambourine with 7 or 9 tambourine is a hostile person, you should wait in the near future to betray.

The tambourine currens in the neighborhood with the lady TRF characterizes the neighborhood with this lady as an undesirable, not foreshadowing anything good.

Curlee tambourine with 6 treph is an unexpected and ambulance with some kind of king.

The king, lady and currency tambourine with a map of the suit of a gadget person promise success in financial affairs.

Dozen tambin- This is money, village, gift, date. Ten tambourine in the head - getting money. A dozen tambourine at a king or lady is the same suit talking about the manifestable interest. A dozen tambourine on the right side of your card promises a date, and with a ace peak with a side of your card - a quarrel because of money. The tent of the tambourine next to 9 of the same suit promises the indispensable and quick acquisition of money, and from 8 tambourine - a remote money getting.

A dozen tambourine with 7 tambourines are successful money for money. With 6 tambourines - the fullest fulfillment of desire, money. 8 peak to the right of the tens of tafe is the road for money. A dozen tambourine with currency treph is a success in cash, with 10 treph - mandatory receipt of money, with 7 worms - inheritance, and with 9 worms - profitable work.

Nine Buben.- Money card, with a king or lady the same suit - love.

6 peak on the right side of the nine tambourine - the road for money; An unpleasant case failure.

The nine tambourine with currency worms promises cancellation of an unpleasant journey. The nine tambourine with 10 tambourine is the indispensable and fast receipt of money, with four kings - a fun conversation.

Eight Buben.- This is just a conversation about money; hatred; Pleasant dreams, dreams.

The eight of the tambourine with 8 treph and 6 worms notify about the fire, with the king or a lady of peak on the sides of your card means damage caused by the enemy.

Eight tambourine with currency worms - talk about money, from 10 tambourine - remote receipt of money.

The eight of the tambourine next to the 7 tambourine, which lies near the figure, speaks about the infidelity and impermanence of this figure.

Seven Buben promises joy; infidelity; Bottles, business, business dates, purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or unsuccessful immediate map), road, gift from gold, silver (or other metal), thoughts of the lady (with a lady of tambourine). Seven Tuben next to the figure - happy incidents, with 10 peak - an unexpected offer, with 10 tambourines - successful hassle associated with money.

Six Buben.- This is the most "happy" card, even mitigates the bad value of the peak. Merry road, the fulfillment of desire, the road of the Bubnoy King, ladies (with their maps). Six tambourine at nine maps of peak suit - grief in nurse, with 9 or 10 peak - disease, even death.

Six tambourine from 10 of the same suit - the complete fulfillment of the desire associated with obtaining money, and from 9 peak - death, with 7 tambourines - family trouble.

| Trephs |

Ace Tref.- this is a false hearing, a government house, success; about time - evening, autumn. TUZ TRINT Top up - noise, with a figure - a gift (from her), without a figure - a gift from an unfamiliar, a trephy house (a house of a solid or elderly person, a venerable family). Tuz Treph with the six - the railway, at the king (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship.

Ace Tref with 7 of the same suit - winnings, victory, with 9 worms - tender love.

Ace Treph with 6 Treph - a date, conversation on the street, on the road. TUZ TRIF with peak masts - death.

Ace Treph with 9 peak is a quick news about good luck, the upstream is damage. Ace with King Tref is a happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, the fulfillment of desire.

King Tref. Indicates a military master. This is a true friend: a friend is in a hurry. King Tref with maps of his master - close man, friend, husband, groom, lover; Such an alignment foreshadows happiness at all.

The king of the TRF with 9 Treft, located the edge down, is an influential person, a favorable person; Top up - trouble with this man. With 8 treph - rumors about ships, the death of the ship. The king of the Treph with the Ace of his suit foreshadows the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, as well as the fulfillment of desires.

King Tref with currency treph (with your map, if you are not trephing suit) - great grief. With one of the sixes with the curren, the King Tref predicts the road associated with obtaining interest. If the king of the band does not fall into fortune telling, it means fail.

Lady Tref.- this is a solid lady, a friend; illegal child. With a lady peak (with your card) - another circumstance, courts, troubles associated with marriage. The lady of Tref from 8 Tref is helping relatives, a close woman.

Valete Tref.- This is a man in shape or military, but not an officer, buddy, the intercessor, friend. Valts Tref without a fune or king foreshadows big hassle; On the heart - the treasury troubles, the thoughts of the king treph.

If the currency of the TRF during fortune telling the first of the other currencies, this suggests that the fortune telling is correct. Valts Tref with 7 peak - misfortune due to goat enemies. Between the two ladies is an incorrect wife, with 10 tambourines - success in cash.

Curlee Tref with 8 Treft denotes a military man, an unexpected happy business turnover. With ace, the tambourine currens Tref promises help in trouble, and, being between two valves, is a restless future.

Ten Tref.- change, with peak masts, draws deception, poverty, work; With a figure, a dozen club is a business man; big dangers, fires; With the cards of the worm suit - a find, winnings in the lottery, with a king or lady, the same mastery testifies to interest. Dozen treph with 7 treph - joy, news about affairs; With 6 treph - a random deposit of departure. A dozen Treph with 10 Tuben - an indispensable receipt of money, with 10 worms - success in love, with 10 peak - recovery from the disease. A dozen club with 9 of their suit - fun with loved ones, and from 8 treph - a quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

The tent of the TREF C 7, 8 or 9 TREF is one of the happiest combinations; Good luck, success.

With ace, Treph Tens of Tref promises to change for the better, and with 7 peaks (without ace) - deception and tears, with 6 or 7 treph - a large society.

Nine Tref. denotes inheritance and doubts; This is a map of absence, with a figure, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; nice conversation. The nine Treft, located on the edge up, is a gossip, annoyance, tears. With a king or lady is the same - love. With 9 or 10 worms - success in love.

With a masting card, the nine Treft lands relieves the correct acquisition of money and uselessly spending them.

Nine Tref with a card of the worm suit talking about mutual love; with a dozen peak predicts trouble in financial affairs; With currency worms promises a trip; With the king of Tref denotes an influential person, a favorable person; With 10 treph - fun with loved ones, surprise.

The nine TREF C 7, 8 or 10 TREF is one of the happiest combinations.

Eight Tref. Indicates tears, the death of a loved one, annoyance, a house of solid people.

The eight of the Treph with the Ace of His MASTA foreshadows success, and if it is located with the edge up, - failure. With the king of Tref - rumors of the sea, the death of the vessel. With the lady Tref - help relatives and loved ones. With Valnet Tref - an unexpected turnover of the case in favor of the gadget.

Eight Treph with 10 Tref - the emergency acquisition of real estate, receiving inheritance, wealth; happiness. The eight of Tref, who fell out of the currency worms, foreshadows about loss. In a pair of 7 treph in front of your card - unexpected happiness. G8 Tref with 7 Tref and Ace of worms - happy marriage or inheritance.

Seven Tref.- Close road, news about success, inheritance, thoughts of the Trefova Lady (with a lady), tip up - tears. Seven Tref with ace Tref - winnings, victory, with 10 treph - wealth and happiness. This is predicted 8 and 9 treph. Seven Tref with the eight of the peak says that the beloved is changing a gadget man.

Seven treph with currency worms at four lanes and seven promises the birth of a son.

Seven Treph with 10 worms at three other seven and ladies or currencies warns about the approach of an interesting position.

Six Tref. predicts sea road. It may be a useless road; Date on the street, in the garden. Shears Treph - the path to the state institution; The road is a prefinal person; Six Tref, who fell out between the figures, promises a big walk. With 10 Tref - an accidental departure of the departure, with ace of worms (with a figure) - a date in the morning, with ace of tuben - a date for the day, with ace Tref - a date, with a ace of peak - a date at night.

| Cherry |

Ace wormer- gift, package; Chervoy House (house of married people); about time - morning, spring.

Ace of worms with ace of tambourine - a joyful letter, and at 10 peak, on the contrary, - sad.

With the currency of worms ace of worms refers to a pleasant news; from 6 treph - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening; With 9 peak - a bush, pleasure, a date, a friend's location.

King worms Indicates a married man (with the same lady), Shathen, an unexpected meeting, profits, joyful news. With a pick-up master of a king of worms refers to a nuisance, with a bubnova - getting money, with trephing - troubles, and with Chervoy - success.

Lady Chervey Symbolizes married woman. With 6 and 10 worms, the lady of the worms promises tears to guessing, and with the trenty trend - unexpected joy.

The lady of worms with the map of his master the man foreshadows success in love. With the maps of other masters - success in an indefinite future.

The lady of worms with 10 worms are estimated as a friend.

Curlee Chervey- blond; a person is not too high in society; unpleasant guest; good news, cheerful company; Thoughts of the Chervonny King (at the king).

Curlee worms with a map of his suit means success, with ace worms - a pleasant news, from 9 treph - a trip, with 9 tambourines - ignoring an unpleasant travel, with 8 worms - a heart conversation, from 8 tomben - talk about financial interests, from 8 treph - An unpleasant conversation, with 8 peak - news of the disease of a loved one.

Curlee worms with a lady or king - wait for the guest. With 7 treph with four lanes and seven currencies, the worms are talking about the imminent birth of a son, at the same time four aces, if they also fell out, foreshadow the mind of the heir and wealth.

Ten worms- This is a city, happiness. If the card lay on the heart, it means joy, in the heads - a wedding, Platonic love. Dozen worms with a lady - love, loyalty to the beloved woman; With the king - love and loyalty of a loved one; from 10 tambourine - a large financial interest in the close future, from 7 treph for three other seven, ladies or four currencies - the proximity of an interesting position for gadgetting; With 8 worms - a secluded date with a beloved woman; With 7 worms - a secluded date, consolation in the mountain; With 6 tambourine - fun away.

A dozen worms with 9 of their suit and with a complete worm-like master indicates a complete pleasure of love, with a lady and king - a wedding; change in the apartment; With 6 worms - a joyful date; from 9 treph - Favorite special will give you your heart, news or thing from your favorite person; from 10 treph - success in love; With ace of Tuben - a love or joyful letter.

Nine wormer- Love letter, surprise (pleasant or unpleasant depends on the nearest cards), love at all. Nine worms at any king or lady means love. With 10 worms (with complete worber suit) you can hope for a complete pleasure of love; at a king or lady - wedding; Alteration in the apartment.

Nine worms with 7 or 8 of their masters - a date with your favorite special, from 9 Treft - Favorite special will give you his heart; Mend or thing from your favorite person.

Nine worms with some six - an unexpected meeting, with a peak lady - happiness.

Eight worms Promises a cheerful conversation, pleasure, a long road, a house of a wormic person. With the currency of the eight worms foreshadows a heart conversation, with 7 treph (left) - unexpected happiness, with 10 worms - a secluded date, with 9 worms - a date.

Eight worms with 10 tambourine near your card - getting money, inheritance.

Seven worm- Fun, the change of life, the thoughts of the Chervonna Lady.

Seven worms with 10 peak - an unexpected offer, with 10 worms - a pleasant or secluded date, with 9 worms - a date, with four kings - a fun conversation.

Six worms- Walk, obstacle or delay in affairs (but not in love); The road of the Chervonny King or Lady. Six worms with another worm card predicts the road to an expensive person, with 10 worms - the road and a date. Nine worms that fell in the scenario, unequivocally take as success in love.

The simplest fortune telling on the maps

First, give some general tips.

So, it is best to guess on the fortune-money cards. If they are not, you can use ordinary playing, but before you fortunate it is necessary to put on the deck of cards of a unknown person, i.e., of someone who has never kissed a guy or a girl.

In obligatory, before each fortune of the card, it is necessary to shifted, then remove the little finger to your left hand to myself (so to speak to heart).

The best day for card ghosts - Friday 13 numbers. It makes no sense to guess on Monday, because on this day cards, as a rule, tell a lie. The most accurate fortune tells the 13th day, on the birthday and on the first day of the new year.

If you started to guess, and the cards constantly fall out of the hands, or the meanings that fall out, one cannot match one other, then the fortune telling is better to postpone for a more favorable time.

It is better not to transmit your fortune-up cards to others. It is believed that some invisible connection is established between the owner and maps, which is best not to violate.

You should not be distracted when you fortunate to the cat in the house, its presence helps to fortune.

If, when mixing cards, one of them fell, you need to see its value.

Now you can proceed to fortune.

"What was that there is what will be."

Take a deck of 36 cards and drag, remove the little finger to your left hand. Choose one card, makes it going to guess who are going to guess (usually this card is called a client card). Suppose it will be the king of Treph. King Put in the middle, the rest of the cards decompose on four stacks (at the top, right, down to the left of the king). It is necessary to lay off the unequal parts, but necessarily clockwise, starting on top.

Then take from each stack of 2 cards and turn up the picture up. Fold the deck, pull out 2 cards from the middle and put the layout diagonally, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. fortune telling on the king treph

Then the cards should be shuffled and put in one top of two cards located on top, from the bottom to the right and to the left of the client map.

As a result, it turns out a layout that is horizontally divided into three levels. Each level bears the following information:

I - what was, II - what is in this, III - what will happen. Now you have to see the dropped maps and their meanings.

Card values:

6 - way home.

7 - sadness, tears.

8 - Heavy conversation.

9 - disease.

10 - Dark interest.

Valet- trouble.

Lady- Rapid, paired with nine - illness.

King- Military.

Ace- Up the peak - joy, down the peak - kick.

| Bubns |

6 - Merry road.

7 - Merry troubles.

8 - Business conversation.

9 - Money.

10 - Monetary interest.

Valet- Cash troubles.

Lady- single woman.

King- young man.

Ace- Letter, paper.

| Trephs |

6 - Work related to expensive.

7 - sadness in the official house.

8 - Business conversation.

9 - Love in the official house.

10 - Casual interest.

Valet- trouble.

Lady- State lady.

King- Kazyny man.

Ace- government House.

| Cherry |

6 - Cardiac road to home.

7 - Pleasant conversation.

8 - Cardual conversation.

9 - Love.

10 - Cardual interest at home.

Valet- heartfaches.

Lady- married woman.

King- married man.

Ace- native home.

"The fulfillment of desire."

Come on the desire. Take a deck of 36 cards, drag, remove and decompose one on four stacks in one row.

Turn the first stack of the picture up and remove all the cards to the first ace of any suit. Then turn the second stack of the picture up and put on top of the first, and also remove all the cards to the ace. Then also need to be done with the third and fourth stacks.

The remaining cards, without stirring, you need to decompose on three stacks shirts up and repeat the same actions, i.e., remove all the cards to the first ace of any suit.

Then decompose the remaining cards into two stacks and repeat the same operation, namely: turn the first stack of the picture up and drop all the cards to the ace.

At the end, those cards that stayed, mix and lay out in the line. If all the aces come together together - a conceived desire will be fulfilled.

Several simple ghosts at a desire.

Come on the desire. Take a deck of 36 cards and divide it into two approximately equal parts. Then look every part of the deck from below.

If at least one pair of cards coincides - a conceived desire will necessarily come true.

The second fortune telling a little more difficult. Come on the desire. Plure the deck and lay out the cards into the line. At the same time, it is necessary to closely follow:

- if a map of one suit fell through the card, you need to discard the first of them;

- If the cards of one suit lay nearby, the second card is discarded. The remaining cards are collected, shuffled and lay out in the same way 2 more times.

If at the end of the divination there will be four cards of different masters, the desire will come true.

"What's on his heart".

This is fortune-telling on a loved one. Take the deck of cards, drag and remove the little finger on myself (to heart). Next, shuffle and take it before laying out each card. Then lay out the cards in one row following order: 1st card - "In my head", 2nd - "On the heart", 3rd - "What happens", 4th - "What Wishers", 5th - "What does not expect", 6th - "What is his life". After that, it remains to watch the cards and get acquainted with their values.

Card values:

6 - Unpleasant road.

7 - Unpleasant meeting.

8 - unpleasant conversation.

9 - disease.

10 - Kiss an unpleasant person

Valet- Unpleasant troubles.

Lady- Rivals.

King- Unpleasant guy.

Ace- Unpleasant blow.

| Bubns |

6 - Love road.

7 - Love meeting.

8 - Love date.

9 - Love conversation.

10 - Kisses.

Valet- Love troubles.

Lady- You are all in love.

King- favorite.

Ace- love letter.

| Trephs |

6 - Road by affairs.

7 - a business meeting.

8 - Business date.

9 - Business conversation.

10 - Official kiss.

Valet- Business troubles.

Lady- School friend.

King- school friend.

Ace- government House.

| Cherry |

6 - Road home, from home.

7 - Meeting at home.

8 - Date at home.

9 - Home conversation.

10 - Kiss at home.

Valet- Homemade troubles.

Lady- Mother.

King- Father.

Ace- House.

"He needs me or not need."

Menate the name of your loved one. Explodulate a deck on the number of stacks equal to the number of letters in his name. Take, for example, the name Igor - 5 letters. We decorate a deck on five stacks in one row. The fifth stack on which the deck ends, decompose on four stacks. Then the stack on which in turn ended the alignment, decompose on three stacks and so on until two stacks remain. Then put the right stack on the left and lay out two cards. When a couple falls with the same value or card, one of which six of any suit, look at the value of divination.


tuben and Cherry- you like him;

cherves and peaks- He thinks about you;

cherry and Trephs- tears;

tuben and peaks- Road to a friend:

trephs and peaks- He considers your shape beautiful;

tuben and Trephy.- He likes your character.

tuben and Cherry- He will come to you;

cherves and peaks- He will play;

cherry and Trephs- He always thinks about you;

tuben and peaks- He is interested in you;

peaks and trees- He is shy of you;

tuben and Trephy.- He will appoint a date.


tuben and Cherry- he loves you;

cherves and peaks- He respects you;

cherry and Trephs- It is not indifferent;

tuben and peaks- It is indifferent;

trephs and peaks- love at first sight;

tuben and Trephy.- he is jealous.

tuben and Cherry- he misses;

cherves and peaks- mutual love;

cherry and Trephs- You will quarrel;

tuben and peaks- Do not forget that he is touchy;

trephs and peaks- kisses you;

tuben and Trephy.- forget him.

tuben and Cherry- write a letter to you;

cherves and peaks- He will offer you friendship;

cherry and Trephs- He will invite you somewhere;

tuben and peaks- He wants to prove something;

trephs and peaks- he likes you;

tuben and Trephy.- He will insult you.

tuben and Cherry- conversation with you;

cherves and peaks- He wants to get acquainted closer;

cherry and Trephs- He laughs at you;

tuben and peaks- he is waiting for you;

trephs and peaks- He holds you home;

tuben and Trephy.- It turnsides separation.

tuben and Cherry- He thinks how to approach you;

cherves and peaks- He suffers;

cherry and Trephs- He is confessed in love;

tuben and peaks- meet another;

trephs and peaks- He often recalls you;

tuben and Trephy.- He wants close relationship.

tuben and Cherry- He will go for you;

cherves and peaks- some kind of surprise;

cherry and Trephs- He offended;

tuben and peaks- new friend;

trephs and peaks- Wants to walk with you;

tuben and Trephy.- His friend is jealous of you.

tuben and Cherry- He wants to see you;

cherves and peaks- Split;

cherry and Trephs- can not live without you;

tuben and peaks- Will love you;

trephs and peaks- present;

tuben and Trephy.- He firmly loves you.

Couples from different cards:

6 worms and 7 tambourines- He is shy of you;

6 worms and 7 peak- He is interested in you;

6 worms and 7 treph- Date;

6 worms and 7 worms- He wants to see you;

6 Tuben and 7 Tuben- He respects you;

6 tambourine and 7 peak- he loves;

6 tambourine and 7 treph- He is experiencing you:

6 tambourine and 7 worms- He will throw someone because of you;

6 TRF and 7 Tuben- He considers you rude;

6 treph and 7 peak- You're all for him;

6 treph and 7 treph- He does not love you;

6 treph and 7 worms- He dreams of another;

6 peak and 7 tambourine- He deceives you;

6 peak and 7 peak- He suffers;

6 peak and 7 treph- he is jealous;

6 peak and 7 worms- He dreams of another;

6 worms and 8 tambourines- hates when you are with him;

6 worms and 8 peak- treason;

6 worms and 8 treph- separation;

6 worms and 8 worms- will introduce a friend;

6 Tuben and 8 Tuben- will damage you;

6 tambourine and 8 peak- will offer friendship;

6 tambourine and 8 treph- letter;

6 tambourine and 8 worms- kisses;

6 treph and 8 tambourine- It is indifferent;

6 treph and 8 peak- He likes your girlfriend;

6 treph and 8 treph- He is touchy;

6 treph and 8 worms- love at first sight;

6 peak and 8 tambourine- he misses;

6 peak and 8 peak- love;

6 peak and 8 treph- Quarrel:

6 peak and 8 worms- forget about him;

6 worms and 9 tambourines- invited somewhere;

6 worms and 9 peak- He wants to achieve you;

6 worms and 9 treph- He is trying to prove something;

6 worms and 9 worms- You like you;

6 Tuben and 9 Tuben- insult;

6 tambourine and 9 peak- conversation;

6 tambourine and 9 treph- He wants to be with you;

6 tambourine and 9 worms- laughs at you;

6 treph and 9 tambourine- waiting for one of you;

6 treph and 9 peak- holds home;

6 treph and 9 treph- thinks how to approach;

6 treph and 9 worms- explain in love;

6 peak and 9 tambourines- love the other;

6 peak and 9 peak- wants close relationships;

6 peak and 9 treph- often remembers you;

6 peak and 9 worms- will go for you;

6 worms and 10 tambourines- He likes the other;

6 worms and 10 peak- unexpected meeting;

6 worms and 10 treph- You like it more to his friend;

6 worms and 10 worms- wants to be on the other;

6 Tuben and 10 Tuben- can not without you;

6 tambourine and 10 peak- present;

6 tambourine and 10 treph- loves your girlfriend;

6 tambourine and 10 worms- Will with you;

6 treph and 10 tambourine- will love you;

6 treph and 10 peak- Split you;

6 treph and 10 treph- can not live without you;

6 treph and 10 worms- firmly loves;

6 peak and 10 tambourine- kisses;

6 peak and 10 peak- You will change it;

6 peak and 10 treph- He will deceive you;

6 peak and 10 worms- You are all in love;

6 worms and currency tambourine- comes to you;

6 worms and rings peak- he will hurt him to approach you;

6 worms and currency treph- Merry news;

6 worms and currency worms- pleasure;

6 tambourine and currency tambourine- hatred, cunning;

6 worms and rings peak- Love explanation;

6 worms and currency treph- will suggest something pleasant;

6 worms and currency worms- unexpected happiness;

6 treph and currency tambourine- unpleasant conversation;

6 treph and rings peak- sees you in a dream;

6 treph and curren- He will never leave you;

6 treph and currency worms- love you;

6 peak and currency tambourine- go for a walk;

6 peak and rings peak- Get acquainted closer;

6 peak and curren treph- I like him to a friend;

6 peak and currency worms- kisses;

6 worms and lady tambourine- does not love;

6 worms and lady peak- misses;

6 worms and lady treph- will go with you;

6 worms and lady worms- We must leave it;

6 Tuben and Lady Tuben- thinking about you;

6 tambourine and lady peak- in love with you;

6 Tuben and Lady Tref- waiting for you to take the first step;

6 tambourine and lady worms- Wants to be friends;

6 treph and lady tambourine- knows that you love him;

6 treph and lady peak- jealous;

6 TREF and LAD TREF- waiting for the moment;

6 treph and lady worms- kisses;

6 peak and lady tambourine- meet him;

6 peak and lady peak- Entry;

6 peak and lady treph- will prescribe a date;

6 peak and lady worms- You dream him;

6 worms and king tambourine- He does not fit you, leave him;

6 worms and king peak- jealous;

6 worms and king treph- loves you very much;

6 worms and king worms- betrayal of the girlfriend;

6 Tuben and King Buben- Quarrel because of a trifling;

6 Tuben and King Peak- laughs;

6 Tuben and King Tref- does not love;

6 tambourine and king worms- deceiving;

6 Tref and King Buben- trouble near;

6 treph and peak king- You don't need him;

6 TREF and KING TREF- loves, but afraid to admit;

6 treph and king worms- You will be with him;

6 peak and king tambourine- you will be together;

6 peak and king peak- considers you to be your girlfriend;

6 peak and king treph- sexual relationships;

6 peak and king worms- he has another;

6 worms and ace tambourine- unpleasant conversation;

6 worms and ace peak- mutual love;

6 worms and ace treph- He has another, but he does not love her;

6 worms and ace of worms- You will be with him in close relationship;

6 Tuben and Tuz Buben- Your love is frozen;

6 tambourine and ace peak- Says about you with friends;

6 Tuben and TUZ TREF- cheer it;

6 tambourine and ace worms- often remembers;

6 treph and ace tambourine- loves another;

6 treph and ace peak- Leave;

6 TRF and TUZ TREF- Remember, he will not forgive cheating;

6 treph and ace worms- will leave to another;

6 peak and ace tambourine- separation;

6 peak and ace peak- comes to you;

6 peak and ace treph- can not live without you;

6 peak and ace worms- loves very much.

Deck of 32 cards


Spread the deck of cards on the table shirts up, and ask the client to arbitrarily choose 13 cards. (Do not rush to collect the remaining and still unnecessary cards of the deck, they will be useful in the future.)

Take the selected 13 cards and place them in the form of a fan with pictures up. If among these 13 cards there is no client map, it can replace the seven of the appropriate suit. If no seven also fell out, the alignment is started, or they say that now is not the time to predict fate and postpone the fortune telling on another day or other time.

If the client's card is (or replacing it with a seven), then conditionally taking this card for the point of reference, begin to interpret (read) cards as follows.

From the client's map, the account is conducted from left to right (clockwise) and each fifth card is interpreted. Moreover, the first at the next account should always be just an interpreted map. When, during the reference, they reach the last map in the wine, the account continues from the first map of Werera.

It is clear that the client map is "not read", the score continues until all the 12 cards are read.

Further ask the client to choose another 5 cards from the deck, which left the shirt launched on the table. Lay out these 5 card pictures up with a separate fan. These cards are read in pairs in this order: the first with the fifth, the second with the fourth, the average map is interpreted alone.

After that, it is very important to summarize everything that "told" cards, and make the line so that the information obtained by the client was more or less clear, accurate and understandable.

Card values:

| Cherry |

Ace- Love, Location, Family Happiness, Heat, Love Adventure, Good News.

King- Generous, beautiful, blonde man (beautiful blond).

Lady- King's companion, charming, blonde, loving.

Valet- Friend (beloved), no faithfulness.

Ten- Success, happiness, luck.

Nine- Execution of desire, happy end.

Eight- Invitation, visit, homemade calm and joy.

Seven- Satisfaction in all interests, especially in marriage.

Ace- Legal affairs, business or love offer.

King- Lawyer (lawyer) may not be reliable (dark horse).

Lady- Widow or divorced, tricky, cunning woman.

Valet- Dark-haired, sly (insincere), treacherous young man.

Ten- Anxiety after receiving the letter, trip or conclusion.

Nine- Crash event, failure.

Eight- sadness caused by getting bad news.

Seven- Quarrels, scandals.

| Bubns |

Ace- An important letter.

King- influential man.

Lady- Beautiful, but ulcer, malicious.

Valet- the one who brought the news; man in shape (military).

Ten- the change; Perhaps a trip.

Nine- News related to financial affairs or organization of a new case (enterprise).

Eight- Pleasant trip, if the summer is a picnic.

Seven- An unexpected gift or, on the contrary, a hurt critic.

| Trephs |

Ace- Luck financial nature.

King- a dark-haired man, friend and assistant, adviser.

Lady- Friendly, attractive, dark-haired woman.

Valet- Dark-haired young man, sincere in love.

Ten- unexpected money; Perhaps an unexpected inheritance.

Nine- Successful marriage by calculation.

Eight- Dark-haired girl (girl or woman), bringing joy and happiness.

Seven- Small child.

The predominance of one suit

When placing cards, it is sometimes obtained that one or two masters prevail over others. This means that the prevailing card suit to some extent reduces the values \u200b\u200bof individual cards to another suit, which must be considered when interpreting.

The total value of the cards is the following.

Hearts- Love, attractiveness, friendship, marriage, family. Feelings are positive, warm. The king, lady and currencies denote blonde people.

Peaks- Failures and their warning. Enemies, scandals, treason, suffering, loss. The king, lady and currencies denote people with dark hair (brunettes).

Diamonds- Very important cases that rarely depend on the coincidence. The king, lady and currencies denote blonde, people.

Clubscontain mostly information about friendship, loyalty and money. They talk about worries, unrest. The king, lady and currencies denote dark-haired people.

Couples of different cards

Ten tambourine near the client map- Travel, ride.

Ten tambourine near the top ten- Inheritance.

Ten tambourine near the ace of tambourine- Letter from abroad.

Ace Tuben next to a dozen peak- Serious disease.

Ace Tuben next to the seven tambourine- Quarrel.

Ace Tuben next to eight or nine peak- gloomy future, treason of friends, deception, failures in the business sphere, disruption of the arrangements.

Eight tambourine next to any worm- The trip will be short. Eight tambourine next to any other tambourine card - the trip will be long.

Seven Tuben next to any- Ahead of the constrained monetary circumstances.

Nine tambourine near the client's card- Examine obstacles on the way.

Customer card lies next to nine peak- Very bad news, the possibility of illness.

Couples, Troika and Four Same Cards

If the cards of one dignity lay down next to a pair, a triple or four in a row, it has a certain meaning and requires an appropriate interpretation. Moreover, they must be interpreted primarily, since their value is amplified depending on the multiplicity: the more the same cards, the more expensive their action.

2 cards- approaching the wedding.

3 maps- Love adventure.

4 cards- Success.

2 cards- Good sign.

3 maps- Success in affairs.

4 cards- Success in all endeavors.

2 cards- Friendship, which is threatened by intrigue.

3 maps- Guests, friendly conversation, is possible jealousy.

4 cards- The threat of a scandal, betrayal.

2 cards- Quarrel, sweatshirt.

3 maps- disorder in the family.

4 cards- Current quarrels.

2 cards- unexpected receipt of a small amount of money.

3 maps- Financial and (or) hereditary problems.

4 cards- Success, promotion.

2 cards- Success (financial).

3 maps- Success.

4 cards- Happy surprise.


2 cards- Problems, lack of consent.

3 maps- family problems.

4 cards- Time of Troubles.

2 cards- old enemies; Perhaps the appearance of a new lover.

3 maps- a child will be born.

4 cards- surrounded by enemies.

"Seven cards."

As usual, they ask the client to drag the cards, remove the left hand and, taking a deck in the hands, counted and lay out on the table for seven cards, each seventh card is set aside. The remaining six cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. So continue until 12 cards are postponed.

These 12 maps are folded in a row (pictures up) in the order in which they were pulled out of the deck. Find a customer card. If it is not among 12 cards, then take from the deck. If the client's card is among 12 cards, then arbitrarily pull out the 13th card from the deck and put it in a row with the rest.

So, on the table lie in a number of 13 cards. Starting from the client's map (it can lie any account) count seven cards (from left to right), the seventh card is interpreted. Then they count more cards again, and the seventh interpret. Moreover, the first at the counting will always be just an interpreted map. So continues until all the cards are interpreted.

When all the cards interpreted, they are collecting, they are taushat and ask the client to remove. Enclosed in a row upper six pictures with pictures up (from left to right), while seven cards remain in hand. For each of the first five cards, they are put on one additional map of those that remained, the sixth card remains alone.

Now the first two cards are put on the same map and begin to interpret.

The first set of three cards characterizes the client as a person.

The second set of three cards will tell about his home. The third set of three cards will tell about what he expects.

The fourth set of two cards will tell about what he does not expect.

The fifth set of two cards will tell about what awaits in the near future and what will surprise.

The last, sixth, the card will inform the thoughts or desires of the client.

"Mysterious Star."

Find a customer card in a deck and put it on the middle of the table with a picture up.

The client is having a deck, removes twice and the resulting three card stacks puts on the table shirt up. Consistently turn over three stacks with a picture up, and first interrupt each card separately, and then a combination of three cards.

This procedure creates a general impression that the client expects in the future.

Then the client again mixes a deck. Take the top 8 cards and lay them out (counterclockwise) around the client card lying on the table. The first put the card right above the customer card with a shirt. Put the eight-pointed star. Then the client takes the rest of the deck and for each of the eight lying on the table cards is still two cards, one for a circle, moving counterclockwise, ranging from a map right above the client map. These cards also put a shirt up.

There should be eight stacks of three cards.

"Foreign for four aces."

When the client drags the deck, lay the first 13 cards on the table with the pictures. If the ace will meet among these cards, it is set aside.

Collect cards from the table, put them in a deck, hanging and again lay 13 cards on the table, postpone the aces to the side.

Similarly, do the third time.

If no ace is on the table, the fortune telling must be stopped.

If you are confident in yourself and does not see the reasons to abandon the divination, the procedure described above can be repeated again before the fallout of four aces. We emphasize: in this fortune study, the presence of all the aces on the table is important. In addition, it is necessary to monitor not to disturb the order in which the aces fell. The order in which they appear is very important, since the first aces have a greater force than the others. And in all cases, the faster the aces will appear, the better.

Now about interpretation.

If the first among pending aces will be a Tuz peak, the answer to the client's question is negative. If the first will be TUZ TREF, nothing will be able to achieve without problems. The first aces of worms and tambourines talk about a favorable outcome of the conceived case and the fulfillment of desires.

"Fund for the first seven cards."

Very simple and fast way to get a response to the question. Of the first seven cards, taken in order on top of the deck and put on the table shirt up, turn over the 1st, 4th and 7th. These cards give an answer to the question.

This takes into account both the value of a single card and the value of the combination of all three.

Sometimes the value of the dropped cards seems meaningless. If the thought comes to mind that the cards are hidden, you can decompose their second time. If, this time, they will not show anything again, such a result means that the cards for some reason are silent.

"Prediction for a week."

In this fortune telling, the value of the table is taken into account.

The client stirs the cards, removes and folds into three stacks. Then take on one top map of each stack and put a shirt close up.

Maps of three stacks are collected in a deck. The client should again shuffle them and decompose a deck on three stacks. Waiting again removes on one top map from each stack and puts them in a row with the first three cards.

Now it turns 6 cards. Then repeat the entire procedure for another 3 times to get a number consisting of 15 cards. After that, you need to turn the two cards lying at the ends of the row, pictures up. They will tell you that you can expect tomorrow. The right card will say that it will be in the morning, left - day and evening.

Next, turn over the pictures up two more cards of the row, also one from each end of the row. These cards will predict the events that you can expect the day after tomorrow. So repeats, until all 14 cards appear at the end. As a result, the prediction of the whole week will be given.

This will be the prediction of fate for each of the seven days of the week.

In this fortune, they pay great attention to the numeric value of each card. It may be important with what point of view. If the "Unfortunate" suit dropped out, for example, the peaks, the client should be avoided the nominal digital value of the map throughout the day, i.e., the nine of the peak fell - do not go to the bus with number 9, do not assign dates and important meetings for 9 hours.

Conversely, you need to use "happy" digital card values.

In a row, as you know, there were 15 cards, one in the center remained unopened. It is used to ask a question. Then the card opens, and the wash gives the answer. Thus, the Cherry and Trephists should inspire and give confidence in endeavors, the tambourines - promise stability, and the peaks will prompt that the outlined event or action is best to postpone at a more suitable time.

"The temple of fate (the gate of fate)."

The client is taushaty and removes cards as usual. Lay cards begin the following order.

Put the on the right side of 6 papers on the other side over the other side. The same makes the left. Then close to the right column of six cards on the left, another row of four cards is also located below upwards, while the middle of the cards of the new row should be at the level of the cards in the right column.

Then also lay out a number of four cards from the left column of six cards. Next form a set (gate), laying out 5 cards at the top horizontally, right to left, and not exceeding the level of upper cards from the columns of 6 cards.

After that, connect the right and left columns, for which the remaining 7 cards are decomposed over the arch of five cards (from left to right).

The alignment is ready. In the interpretation, they proceed from the fact that the two side rows of the cards of the right mean the past. Two rows of cards on the left mean the future. Two horizontal upper rows mean the present.

Maps are interpreted in the order, in which they were unfolded.

"Twenty First Card."

In this fortune telling with a deck of thirty-two cards, only twenty-one card is used. The client is hanging cards, removes. Then count eleven upper cards and lay them aside as unnecessary.

Next proceed to layout. From the remaining cards are postponed top, which will be a "surprise". The rest are unfolded with a shirt down into one long row, while observing the difference between the "straight" and "inverted" cards.

Let us explain these terms. Vintage cards looked equally in a straight and inverted position, that is, they were one-sided. In fortune telling for thirty-two cards, this difference has been preserved, so pencil marks are made on the top of modern cards.

Maps can be laid so that one slightly falling on another. They can be decomposed and shirt up, and then turn over one after another, giving the necessary interpretation.

Having finished the interpretation of each of the cards on the table of values \u200b\u200bgiven below, proceed to the interpretation of the combinations of cards. You can act differently: first give the overall characteristic of the resulting row of twenty cards depending on their combinations, and then interpret each card separately. There is a mixed way in which the cards are not opening alone, but several pieces immediately, which will give fortunery to intrigue, as the interpretation of unexpected combinations is required.

In all cases, there is no particular importance to twenty-first card, which always reveal the last one, its meaning becomes decisive, in this, actually, is the essence of "surprise".

After graduating from the first stage of fortune telling, a deck of twenty-one cards are collected, tausut, removed and lay out in three groups: seven, seven and six cards. This is an additional fortune telling. One card is postponed as a "surprise". The client in the blind chooses any of the three groups, glowing folds the cards of this group by the picture up and gives the interpretation by each card and combination.

After that, twenty cards are collected, tausut, removed and unfold up with a shirt up three groups: seven, six and six cards (7 + 6 + 6). The last postponed in the form of another "surprise". Again, the client chooses blindly one of the groups, and the digestive interpretation of the dropped maps and combinations.

Now the remaining nineteen cards are collected, they are taucked, "remove" and divide into three groups of six cards, laying one aside as the third "surprise". The same procedure provides interpretation of maps of one of the groups chosen by the client. The final judgment is formulated after opening the "large surprise" of three cards.

Comment: At all stages of fortune telling, it is important to carefully monitor not to confuse "straight" and "inverted" cards.

Interpretation of card groups:

About "Pictures". Aces, kings, ladies and currencies are not in a certain order symbolize a fun life, filled with entertainment, trips, picnics.

If in a group of ten or twenty cards most - "pictures", then it does not say anything about anything, since the value has four or five "pictures" together.

The value of "straight" and "inverted" cards is the same.

Maps with digital values, or "spectacle". The predominance of "spectacular cards" in smaller decks means good luck, happiness. Moreover, the more such cards, the better.

Each suites has its meaning, said especially relevant if the maps of one suit follow one after another or make up the majority.

Hearts- Love, affection, passion or direct opposite feelings. Passion powdles can have kind and bad consequences. The predominance in the scenario of worms is a good sign. Cerves define the harmony of relations in the family and beyond.

Clubs- Prestige, strength, wealth, comfort, pleasure, etc. The property personifies strong family bonds, the presence of influential friends.

Diamonds Predict ups and downs depending on life circumstances. This suit means business and money. A good sign, if the tambourous cards follow one after another or make up most. In all other cases, it is possible, as they say, options, i.e. it all depends on the other cards.

Peaks- a sign of misfortune, and its accuracy increases with the number of peak cards coming in a row, and the longer the peak tail, the worse.

If the peaks are dispersed, although they make up most, it's not hopeless, because strong cards can neutralize the peak attack.

In a complete deck, the cards are placed in a strict sequence of cards on seniority. In smaller groups, the need for strict sequence disappears, here the value of the appearance of certain maps is.

So, four Tuisa Denote a sudden change, perhaps for the worst. Subsequent maps may soften the situation, it is preferable that in the aces group of any other card. Worst of all the forecast in combination of four "straight" aces. The more "inverted", the most likely the correction of the situation.

Four kings- wonderful. Success in business, great surroundings, wonderful life. If the kings are "straight", wait for wealth, fulfillment of all your desires. If some of the kings are inverted, desires will be fulfilled faster, but not in volume.

Four ladies Provides life filled with communication. However, each "inverted" lady foreshadows in the future deep disappointment.

Four Valet- Fun, holidays. If you do not curb cheerful carelessness, trouble is expected. Each "inverted" curren helps to keep the situation under control, and all four in this position indicate despondency and apathy.

Three aces- Change, but not radical. Problems, but not serious. Problems can even be ignored, unless the aces are "inverted."

Three kings Confirm concerted efforts to achieve the goal. Each of the "inverted" kings should be understood as an obstacle that will have to overcome. Three "inverted" kings make the chances of success to zero.

Three ladies- Meetings, parties with women, intrigue and quarrels. The latter is depending on the number of "inverted" ladies.

Three Valet- A conversation with a smart person will bring wonderful results if two cards "straight"; uncertainty if one is "straight", and the other "inverted"; Disagreements, if "turning" two cards.

Two kings. If both are "straight", you can count on support for a friend; If one "turn over", cooperation will be interrupted; Both are "turned over" - interests coincide on trifles.

Two ladies Denote a random meeting, exchange of views or secrets. If one is "straight", and the other "inverted" may be collided of interests. Plans will go to the pump, if both cards are "turned over."

Two Valet- intrigue weave against you, be careful. If two rings are "straight", losses will be insignificant and easily filled; If one is "straight", and the other "inverted", the danger is already near; Both "inverted" - the blow can be applied when the waiting for danger will beyond.

Four dozen- achievements of goals; If two, three or four cards are "turned over", you will need luck to overcome the obstacles on the path.

Four nines- Surprise, possibly favorable. If all the "direct" cards, surprise will follow immediately, "inverted" nines call for the need to suffer. The best combination is all four "inverted" nines, they are prominted as a reward for patience.

Four eights- Sign of uncertainty, changes in plans, changes in the place of work. The more "inverted" cards, the more disastrous confusion.

Four seven- Pursuit of ill-wishers. Salvation in "inverted" cards: what they are more, the greater the likelihood that the misties of enemies will turn against them.

Three dozen- Monetary difficulties, at the same time trouble due to violation of legislation, other complications. However, the more "inverted" cards, the smaller the loss, although the difficulties of another kind are likely.

Three nine- prosperity and contentment, but each "inverted" card that fell in the scenario promises a quarrel, failure in financial affairs. Three "inverted" nines reduce "prosperity and contentment" to zero.

Three eights- Love, romantic adventure, marriage. "Inverted" cards will reduce events to a light flirt and ultimately to parting.

Three seven- Sign of fatigue, melancholy, the need to manifest the power of the Spirit. "Inverted" cards indicate that the tests will be completed soon.

Two dozen- The change of fate or circumstances is usually for the better. If one card is "inverted", the changes are somewhat delayed if "turned" both, changes will come soon.

Two nine- Solid profit or strengthening positions in the market. One "inverted" nine will delay good luck, and two are compensated for the preceding losses.

Two eights- fleeting love. The "straight" eights give reason to hope for more.

Two seven- predict fervent love; If one of the cards "inverted", then with take-offs and drops. If "turning" both, realistic to expect a lack.

Interpretation of individual maps

| Cherry |

Ace "Direct"- Successful marriage, surrounding satisfaction. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely romantic properties.

"Flipped over"- Unresolved problems, unexpected guests, the likelihood of moving or changing the environment.

King "Direct"- generous friend or adviser, success in professional activity, willingness to come to the rescue. High position.

"Flipped over"- indecisive nature, prone to violation of promises. Frequently sprayed.

Lady "Straight"- kind, attentive, cheerful nature. Dark hair; A man of the middle set.

"Inverted"- Creates a resentment and brutally revenge for rejected love.

Curlee "Straight"- Cheerful, carefree man, good friend. She is inclined to romantic hobbies, especially if young and not connected by the Uzami marriage.

"Flipped over"- Good luck or resentment; Perhaps a military man was involved.

Ten "Direct"- Satisfied ambition. Lightweight, cheerful temper. Overcoming barriers. The map enhances good signs and neutralizes negative.

"Inverted"- temporary disappointment or uncertainty; It may be necessary to change plans, which is associated with relatives.

Nine "Straight"- Execution of desires, honors, wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity. The map is very happy.

"Inverted"- Short unhappy period. Fatigue from excessive work to overcome barriers. Luck and self-confidence will help overcome difficulties.

Eight "Straight"- Love Communication, Roman. Fulfillment of long-time desire. Solving all problems.

"Inverted"- indifference to the opposite sex. Acute need for real friends. The joy of a personal character, but a quarrel because of a trifling can overshadow it.

Seven "Straight"- Sign of wisdom. The tendency to contemplation and reflection, rich fantasy. Independence, the desire to retire.

"Inverted"- A strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression due to its absence. Love, flirty, but also jealous nature.

| Trephs |

Ace "Direct"- Wealth, health and happiness. Successes in financial affairs, significant money. Successful marriage.

"Flipped over"- Success is short-lived or delayed. Obtaining a letter can bring disappointment. A sudden passion will slightly improve the position.

King "Direct"- Reliable, generous friend, perfect companion or business partner. Faithful spouse.

"Flipped over"- Anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of the ideas or the lack of good intentions.

Lady "Straight"- Extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, cardiac, but prone to posterity.

"Inverted"- It relys more on intuition than the mind. The tricky, vengeful nature, can be dangerous, especially, being deceived or rejected.

Curlee "Straight"- Sophisticated, energetic, enterprising nature. Reliable friend and faithful spouse.

"Flipped over"- Lytz by calling. Inside, lying on nature, although it is pretty harmless if it does not take out of himself.

Ten "Direct"- Money sign. Solites sustainable income or an excellent future in the financial sector. It can bring good luck and sharp adventures, but you have to be prepared for something sad.

"Inverted"- Association of wealth can prevent quarrels. A long journey is expected. Good luck, in the end, compensates for minor losses.

Nine "Straight"- a sign of an immediate result, it can be a gift, inheritance, an interesting proposal, etc.

"Inverted"- A minor gift, waiting was not justified. A strong desire to risk the sake of success in the future. But there is a danger of losing what is.

Eight "Straight"- Love, abundance. Carefully choose a spouse or partner, avoid extremes like "all or nothing."

"Inverted"- Love for an unworthy person can bring misfortune and financial difficulties. Do not mistake in the choice.

Seven "Straight"- Returned debt will strengthen friendship. It is necessary to pay attention to children.

"Inverted"- All the opposite. Minor financial problems may damage harmonious relationships.

| Bubns |

Ace "Direct"- We need to expect messages in the form of letters, a gift or promise. It is good, but you need to thoroughly weigh the circumstances and decide whether it is worth accepting it.

"Flipped over"- Most likely, the message will be bad and adds you concerns.

King "Direct"- A person with a huge experience of military or civil service, an influential, capable of assisting, but may be dangerous because of its excessive pride.

"Flipped over"- The same, with the difference that the lack of a dangerous person will prevent the worst.

Lady "Straight"- Girl, scandalist, with great self-apparent. Hair and skin are light.

"Inverted"- Even more malicious features, ready to involve completely innocent people into a dangerous matter. Excessively flirting.

Curlee "Straight"- official person; Deserves trust, if it occupies a high position, otherwise a banal deceiver, bribemer.

"Flipped over"- Burning, fraudster.

Ten "Direct"- Valuable acquisition or great achievement in either another field. The main thing is not to fine.

"Inverted"- The same, but you need to show great care. Changes can create new problems, so it is necessary to weigh everything thoroughly.

Nine "Straight"- Enterprise sign, the priority of own interests guarantees profits, but can lead to a discontinuity with friends, as well as to other losses.

"Inverted"- Large failure due to disagreements in the family and with business partners. The lack of initiative will create problems, it is necessary to curb stubbornness.

Eight "Straight"- Vacation in a charming place. Promising hobby, perhaps a novel; Sometimes - a late marriage.

"Inverted"- Excessive thrust for the change of places, hasty, the reckless novel will end with annoyance and chagrin. Obviously, stepping on thin ice, you must be extremely careful.

Seven "Straight"- The sign of communication, foreshadows empty talk, party, unexpected news and a lot of pleasant, but trivial contacts.

"Inverted"- Pay attention to children or on domestic animals.

Ace "Direct"- Pleasures, good intentions, care for legal affairs. Depending on the accompanying cards, fervent love is possible.

"Flipped over"- Bad news, possibly related to injury or death. Warning of threatening failure, risky enterprise or cunning surrounding.

King "Direct"- A man holding a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. At the same time, this is faithful in love, even after the death of the spouse.

"Flipped over"- Beware of greedy, unscrupulous type, whose maliciousness is limited, fortunately, only the disadvantage of his possibilities.

Lady "Straight"- Friendly, generous nature, very falling on flattering, but once deceived, can become an excessively incredulous. Perhaps the widow.

"Inverted"- Very romantic and at the same time purposeful natural, ready for everything to achieve the goal. However, trick and cunning, if it resorts to them, can damage it to her.

Curlee "Straight"- Rough, unbridled man, although nelluey and diligent in work. It may become useful if it will refrain from the condemnation of everything and everything.

"Flipped over"- The hypocrite, adores spying. Does not deserve confidence in the lowest degree.

Ten "Direct"- misfortune; wasted time spent; Perhaps ruin as a result of the manifestation of wild jealousy or emotional disruption.

"Inverted"- a serious shock or illness; Loss of a friend or property.

Nine "Straight"- conflict, defeat, disease, mourning. An extremely unhappy card, although other cards are partially able to neutralize its negative effect.

"Inverted"- The trouble does not come alone, you have to be on the onset.

Eight "Straight"- disease or anxiety that can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. Absolutely contraindicated even the slightest risk.

"Inverted"- Disappointment in love, followed by unnecessary financial spending, wastefulness. It is necessary to find a lesson associated with spiritual filling.

Seven "Straight"- Anxiety, although many problems are just the fruit of imagination, so hope and faith for the best future will take the top.

"Inverted"- Indecisiveness in love and in affairs. The Council of Friends and a clear next to him will be fenced from erroneous actions and will bring stability.

Fortune telling on the deck of 52 cards

This method of divination does not give values, in which position ("straight" or "inverted") are cards. In addition, the masters in this type of divination are acquired a wider interpretation. So, hearts They personify love, kindness, they warn about a possible shock if the unfavorable cards fell surrounded. Clubsi testify about the authority and prestige, they can to some extent weaken the negative impact of other cards, but no more. Diamonds Focused on practical interests, they sign up for emerging difficulties and indicate incomplete cases. Peaks Usually treat as bad cards, messengers of misfortune, in this fortune telling they can serve and useful service, timely warning about the approaching danger.

Card values:


Chervey- denotes the house, happiness of the home of the hearth, home problems; Possible changes in the situation and news from friends and relatives.

Tref.- Symbolizes success, wealth, glory, predicts many friends who help to succeed and wealth.

Tambourine- Money or gift. In the neighborhood with some card predicts receiving news. Girls await a wedding.

Peak- "Death Map," bears fails to go out or some of the friends and loved ones. Brings bad news; Maybe mean a quarrel with a friend or loved one.


Chervey- A influential person who wants to assist, but everything will end with disagreements.

Tref.- loyal friend and adviser, relatives client. If you guess a man, this is a generous and lucky rival.

Tambourine- "Cool" in affairs, a dangerous opponent in love.

Peak- Ambitious personality capable of destroying your affairs and family life. With the appropriate adjacent cards can warn a woman about a nicely human love.


Chervey- Men This card will proper real love, passion; Women warns about rival.

Tref.- Men are a wonderful woman, wife or trustee; Women are a close girlfriend.

Tambourine- a woman who intervenes in men's affairs; Dangerous and jealous woman; Perhaps height.

Peak- a sign of a cruel and immoral woman who uses women and men for their own purposes. Resorts to the use of a false mask in the form of a friendly, responsive and separate girlfriend.


Chervey- Close man, longtime friend or close relative.

Tref.- a friend or girlfriend, kind and attentive person; Reliable assistant and adviser who appreciates the best features in you.

Tambourine- For women, it usually means bad news that a friend of a man or a relative will bring. Neighboring maps can change the meaning of prediction and news will not be too bad, in particular for men.

Peak- Partner or friend indifferent to your concerns, he is in no hurry to come to your aid.


Chervey- This is a very good card, means success, good luck. In addition, it balances the value of bad cards and enhances the value of good.

Tref.- a map that brings happiness and well-being. Neutralizes the negative effects of other cards; may mean a long road.

Tambourine- Usually talking about money, may indicate an unexpected road, a wedding.

Peak- Devalid all the neighboring good and doubles the power of bad. Very unsuccessful card.


Chervey- It is called "a map of desires", promises the fulfillment of all the desires and success of all undertakings, if one does not contradict the neighboring cards. If the neighboring cards are bad, the nine says that difficulties and obstacles will be overcome.

Tref.- Not a very good card, predicts disagreements with friends, shows on stubbornness capable of harming.

Tambourine- Money necessary for the execution of some project, trips or adventures. If the neighboring cards are bad, expect good news about money does not make sense.

Peak- Loss of funds, illness, bad news - everything came together in this map, the most sinister in the whole deck. Even the best cards next door can not help.


Chervey- A pleasant event that is planned and to which everything is ready. Neighboring cards or confirm it, or promise easy disappointment.

Tref.- Passion for money, reaching the recklessness; impatience; Willingness to take money and immediately put them on the con order to immediately get more. We can talk about the project, undertaken with friends.

Tambourine- It has several values, but in all - courtship, marriage and travel. Prediction can be realized at the beginning or at sunset life. Neighboring cards may clarify.

Peak- Caution about unreliable and crap friends. It will sound in a timely manner and help prevent collapse and solve the problems that have arisen.


Chervey- The main meaning of this card is disappointment due to failures in affairs. Caution about a possible error, it is impossible to rashly trust friends or acquaintances, one way or another involved in your plans.

Tref.- If the neighboring cards are good, you can hope for success and good luck. However, interference should be avoided or confrontation from the opposite sex.

Tambourine- Sign of failure, if a person is inclined to gambling, is foreseen. Unsuccessful time to start a new venture or switch to another scope. It is also a warning from unreasonable criticism.

Peak- sad card; Avoid quarrels with anyone, do not insist on your. It is desirable to stop disputes and dangerous discussions to better times.


Chervey- A warning that close people are going to abuse your generosity. Your weakness wants to take advantage of the faces that this weakness and indulge.

Tref.- Happy card, burns about the affairs that you lead together with friends. It came to contact them for advice and get money.

Tambourine- the card means an early marriage, which ends with full disappointment; The threat to happiness in a re-marriage, which should be informed (or refute) neighboring cards.

Peak- Breakfast dreams and plans. Nevertheless, it should not lose hope, it can turn the diligence into success.


Chervey- Indecisiveness is an enemy in affairs and personal life. Neighboring maps may indicate the desirability of changing the situation to get away from the accumulated problems.

Tref.- Indicates the upcoming marriage or strengthening communication with a very wealthy partner, in the second case, prosperity is expected for both. The accuracy of this prediction should be checked in neighboring cards.

Tambourine- Good luck and prosperity, happiness in married life. Long excellent relationships with friends.

Peak- a tendency to panic, the weakness of faith in itself, however, good neighboring cards, if they fell out, guarantee a happy marriage and success, despite all the bad omen.


Chervey- Means a man or a woman who remained idle for the reasons of personal character or because of some lack. However, a favorable environment of maps can promise late marriage.

Tref.- dishonest or unreliable friends can bring misfortune, in danger or material losses. To clarify the forecast, it is necessary to referred to neighboring cards and outline the paths of salvation or exiting a dangerous situation.

Tambourine- Sign of quarrels with friends or family members. It is necessary to remember old friends and resume relationships with them. It is impossible to intervene in the affairs of relatives and overly caring buddies.

Peaks- Jealousy, illness or financial troubles will upset affairs and personal life. The output can suggest adjacent cards.


Chervey- An unfavorable sign that predicts impulsive, ill-conceived solutions and actions. It is necessary to show a maximum of restraint.

Tref.- A card promising several marriages can mean a period of long courtship or engagement, which will be terminated faster and for which marriage will be followed completely with another person.

Tambourine- Problems are expected in marital life, which can lead to divorce or parting. Disputes and disagreements in business are possible, which will end with the court proceedings.

Peak- misfortune and deep disappointment in love or marriage. It is necessary to distract to forget the failures.


Chervey- Wealth and high position, which was not hoped. If neighboring cards are unfavorable, this suggests that due to minor obstacles, success will come a little later.

Tref.- The card warns that all efforts to achieve the goal will have to do alone, because no one wants to help, so it makes no sense and ask for help from anyone.

Tambourine- Love communication may end with a marriage, if, of course, other cards will not mind. If marriage does not take place, the passion will prevent other plans that could lead to success.

Peak- "Death map", also means separation and change. It may imply parting with a loved one, loss or travel. In the latter case, neighboring cards can clarify the character of change.

Interpretation of combinations of cards

Presence of worm ace Speaks about the soon gaining big money.

Tref Tuz combined with any Mats symbolize strong friendship, and the maps of "love" character gives nobility.

Chervoy Ace combined with trephing eight Warns about the big scandal because of a trifling.

Tref Two and Bubnic Troika- forerunners execution of the most bold desires.

Chervoy five in combination with peak nine Indicates an obstacle in receiving money.

Chervoy Five, Six and Seven Mean an unexpected gift.

Combination of peak five and tambourine eight Speaks about the possible obtaining a modest monetary amount.

Chervoy Seven and Bubnovy Nine Warns about short-breaking well-being.

Worm ace and worm dozen Indicate obstacles that need to be overcome as soon as possible.

Worm ace and trephic king They personify the help of an influential person.

Chervoy lady and tambourine Warn about ambiguous position.


This way of divination by a deck of 52 cards is quite simple.

As always, the deck is carefully shuffled, then the deck is removed and for fifteen cards. Lay them on the ranks from top to bottom: one, two, three, four, five cards.

Here, in fact, all. Interpretation starts from the top of the pyramid.

One important point: a special place in the defold occupies an average map on average (third) row. This is the so-called central card. In the case when a hitch occurs in the interpretation, the central card is considered as an additional positive or negative factor for more complete reading the pyramid.

This method of divination, except that it is extremely simple, gives excellent opportunities to compare connections between different cards, giving some of them preference. With the interpretation of the scenario, it is necessary to listen to its intuition, which plays a very important role and without which it is simply not to do.














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