Repairs Design Furniture

How to renovate old doors or new life door canvases. How to improve and transform the old door with your own hands how to improve the old interroom door do it yourself

The situation when interior doors come into disrepair and lose their appearance not uncommon. Knowing several main techniques how to upgrade the old door, it will be possible to save significantly and do not spend ahead of time. Having learned to restore the surface to restore the surface, it will turn out not only to give the apartment a fresh look, but also to realize interesting author's intentions into reality.

After reading the few useful secrets listed below, it will be possible to make repair work with your own hands. Do not forget about the importance of preparatory work, since this process also affects the beauty of the product. Place the doors will work when using paint, wallpaper, photo wallpaper, decoupage and other techniques.

Preparatory stage

Before transforming the old door, first prepare the surface and remove the previous coating. If you remove the product from the loop in advance, it will be more convenient to carry out repair work. Place the door on a flat surface, use a table or goat for this. Remove from the canvas: handles, loops, latches, locks. Replace the items to the new, if they were in disrepair. Do not forget to remove the strokes and remove the glass before starting repair work.

It will be much easier to act, adhering to the following items:

  1. Using a construction hairdryer, heat the surface so that the old paint is removed much faster. When the layer starts soften, use the spatula to remove the coating.
  2. It will turn out scratches and defects due to putty and putty for wood.
  3. Take sandpaper with different grainies. Sand the surface and grind carefully.
  4. To fully update the old doors with your own hands, if you distribute the olive or sampling surface. A similar measure will protect the cloth from moisture, and give the tree a beautiful shade.
  5. Insert the glass back to the door leaf, use new staps.

If you can paint the door or glue the wallpaper on the canvas, do not forget to pre-trust it. Select a special primer or liquid diluted glue.

Self-adhesive film

When ideas, than to attach the old door, we went to a dead end - pick up the easiest and inexpensive version in the form of a self-adhesive film. Geometric stickers will be distributed onto the canvas, even if it is not previously removed from the loops. Select a bright shade film to create a contrast with a common tone. If you choose stickers to the door of the door, it will look short.

Before sticking the film with a pencil, make marking where patterns will be located. After that, apply a sticker on the canvas and with the help of a cloth, get rid of the air under the film, thoroughly rub it. Very stylish and effectively will look a canvas on which you can draw inscriptions with chalk. The cost of such a film is not cheap, but it will be very unusual to look like this option.


In the process of updating the old door, as in the first case, it is relevant to use another inexpensive option - paint. Here you have to remove the door with the loops so that it turns out to paint the door as accurately as possible. Choose color can absolutely any - it all depends on taste preferences and interior. Buy paint on acrylic or water based, as it does not have an unpleasant smell. From alkyd paint it is better to refuse.

Experienced "artists" will be able to paint the door using the dye in the cylinders. It is better to give newcomers from such an idea, since it will be difficult to apply material to one tone, as the dye will be sprayed along different sides. If you have chosen the standard Painting option, then take a matte, not glossy paint. In the second case, the dye will only emphasize all the defects and irregularities of the canvas.

Before refreshing the doors without changing them, take the roller so that the process of painting passed as comfortable as possible. A wide roller is suitable for smooth and solid doors. It is best to paint the doors in 2-3 layers, causing a paint enough thin ball.

How to update the old door with wallpaper: several methods

Blooming on the door web wallpaper is not difficult and at the same time all stages of work will not take a long time. Create a beautiful contrast will be able to make a color wallpaper that will differ from the color of the walls. After preparing the door and progressing them, it will turn out to break the wallpaper according to such a scheme:

  1. According to the instructions specified on the package, divert glue.
  2. Distribute the adhesive base on the canvas.
  3. Gently start gluing wallpaper and do not forget to remove bubbles. This will help a plastic or rubber spatula to be moved from the center to the edges.
  4. Use the metal strip and the wallpaper knife to work out to trim the edges of the wallpaper.
  5. Wait until the wallpaper is completely dried to go to the next decoration stage if necessary.

If you wish, apply an additional decor on top of the wallpaper.


If before updating the interior doors with your own hands (according to the photo with the instruction), to acquire foam or polyurethane moldings, as well as sockets, then the decor will be quite unusual. This option beautiful will emphasize the room, decorated in a classic style. Using rounded moldings and bright background will be able to decorate the Room in Provence style.

After you have managed to break the wallpaper and they have already dried with a pencil, make a markup where moldings will be. Using the roulette, measure how much material needs to complete the decor. Molding edges are kept at an angle of 45 degrees. Then take the PVA or other glue to process the rear surface of each element and glue the markup. Wait until the glue is completely dried.

Photo wallpaper

Give the room a completely new look, if you paste the photo wallpaper. This option will look very bright and help to transform the interior of any room. Photo wallpapers will be enabled in any printing house. In this case, it will be possible to individually pick up the design and type of drawing. Before updating the old wooden doors with their own hands, should adhere to the previously given instructions for the sticking of ordinary wallpaper.

Effect of antiquity

In the process of how the upgrade of the old door will pass through the paint, and the sandpaper will be able to create an antique effect. Before moving to the decor, cover the canvas in the dark paint into several layers. After that, on top of the previous layer, apply light paint. When the dye dry completely, take sandpaper and start cleaning the top layer so that dark paint sticks out.

Using the effect of crackering will also be visually "aged" the doors. To do this, use lacquer or paint, which will be visually to form cracks after frozen.


A decoupage of the old door will look very beautiful if you use ordinary napkins during decor. Before starting work, paint the cloth into white. Then take a three-layer napkin with a beautiful pattern and scissors cut the image. Separate the color layer and gently attach it to the door.

Divide PVA and water in the desired ratio and take a brush. Apply glue on the back of the drawing and attach it to the door. You can repeat a similar procedure several times until the entire application is completed. In the end, open the surface with acrylic varnish.

Glass inserts

Another good way to update the old door with your own hands (photo visualizing) is worth trying to replace the glass. In the door canvas, install a new glass or update the old decor. Unusually watch technique stained glass window.

Before painting the doors and create an unusual stained glass, prepare such tools:

  • stained paints;
  • gloves;
  • circuit;
  • marker.

Collect the glass is more convenient in the horizontal position. Using the marker, draw contours, and then paint paint the middle on both sides. Finish the picture entirely, if you glue small stones or pieces of glass. These details should also be covered with a black marker on top of the pattern.

Before referring the old door with your own hands, take it into service this recommendation. Lower small holes in the door leaf and insert small multicolored glass in the middle. Such a method will allow creating a beautiful glass composition. This option is suitable if the door leaf is made of solid array.

Decor by stencil

Easy and at the same time a beautiful version is the design of the door to the screen pattern. Prepare the stencil will be independently or will be able to buy it in the construction (office) store in the finished form. Take tight paper and cut the pattern that you like. Similarly, you can also prepare a self-adhesive film.

First, pre-process the door, then take the stencil and carefully pass on top of the roller with paint. Paint in the canter is also suitable for decor. Make sure that the template lies tightly to the door surface, since otherwise unnecessary lodges and stains will appear on the canvase.

Color pre-door into white, and then use screen patterns. Very nice on a light background, black and golden drawings will look. During the update of interior doors, you also use the opposite of the dark background and light screen patterns.

Art Figure

Art lovers can pay attention to such an unusual option to decorate doors. It is quite first to paint the doors to one tone, and after using additionally with paints and drawing brushes. The drawing can go beyond the doorway by 10-20 cm and be a beautiful continuation of the composition.

If you don't have a special talent, but renovating the old door with your own hands, as in the photo I want, then take a pencil before. Draw a sketch with a pencil, and then proceed to the paints. Pre-cover the floor and walls with a protective film so that the splashes do not spoil. In order to create a commemorative design, give children to the hands of paint, where they can show their creativity on the canvas. Similar art will give a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive memories and emotions.


In the case when the ideas that can be done with the old door is not, and it really wants to arrange it, Ideal the option with textiles. This is a very laborious process, but the design of the doors will be truly homely and cozy. Before moving to the arrangement of the door leaf, you will pre-buy a fabric with your favorite patterns. Avoid too light colors, since spots and defects will appear on such a surface.

Pick the material in the store, which in color will be most organically combined with the rest of the decor. Use double-sided painting tape to glue textiles as convenient as possible. Distribute the ribbon throughout the door perimeter. Make sure that the doors are not formed at the edges of the door, and so that there are no flaps.

Laminating doors

Refresh the appearance of the room will work out if at home they independently apply a film on the door. To do this, buy a self-adhesive film on a sticky basis in the construction store. Initially, pre-prepare the door leaf and squeeze scratches and irregularities. Remove the old paint layer if necessary.

When sticking films, do not forget that it is very quickly connected to the surface, so you need to work very carefully to prevent the appearance of bubbles and irregularities. Stick the film gradually in a millimeter, use a plastic wallpaper spatula to prevent the appearance of defects.

By choosing one of the above options, it will be not difficult to update the door at home. It is important not to forget when decoking about the rest of the interior of the apartment and pre-protect it with a film.

In the design of the doors play an important role. There are many different models in stores, but quality cost big money, and you usually do not want to look at cheap. There is a good option - update old doors with your own hands. There are many techniques, and not the most difficult, which allow for little money to correct the situation.


Whatever you choose the method of updating the old interior door, you will need to hold a number of preparatory work. Usually, old painted instances are going to decorate. Painting is usually amateur, so the irregularities, influx and other small defects are more than enough. All of them must be aligned.

Remove the door leaf with loops, lay on a flat surface. You can - on goats or table. We take a putty on the tree (even if they are out of or) and it is making all holes, chips and depressions. After drying, we turn to the next step - grinding.

We take sandpaper with a large grain and small. We proceed by achieving a smooth surface. If you work manually, time and strength leaves the mass. With manual grinding, work moves faster. If painting is planned further, we try to achieve the most smooth surface. If you decorate planning with wallpaper, a cloth, self-adhesive film, you can not bring to the ideal, but exactly all the same should be.

Next, the dust is removed, wash off the remnants with water with a divorced detergent for dishes. Dried. Next, the actions depend on the selected update method. If you are going to glue a cloth or wallpaper of any kind, you can project the surface (liquid diluted glue or special primer), after drying the soil, you can glue the selected type of decor or apply the paint. By the way, if you are going to paint the door, the paint must be selected the same type that was before, otherwise you have to remove everything to a clean base, and this is very difficult.

Update old doors with wallpaper

The easiest and most affordable way to make old doors attractive - use the wallpaper. They are far from necessarily should be in the tone of the walls, although this option is not excluded. First, we prepare the canvas as described above, and then you can start finishing.

The order of pasting doors by wallpaper:

Photo wallpaper

Modern photo printing allows you to transfer volumetric images on paper. It turns out very beautiful. And you can print any image of your choice. In general, any. Communicative agencies are commonly engaged in photo printing, sometimes type printing. Contact there, explaining what you need (have a flash drive with the selected pattern and the exact size of the web on which the image you want to print). Having obtained the desired image to glue it on the door according to the method. described above.

Wallpaper with moldings

If there are foam or polyurethane moldings on one-photon wallpaper, sockets, the style will change completely. This type of door will fit the classic interiors or premises, when using a colorful background and another molding shape (with roundings), it is possible to be made in the style of Provence.

The work is no different from the sequence prescribed above. We take prepared doors with an aligned surface, smear glue, glue wallpaper.

Running the cloth rubber roller is not difficult to achieve good results, but some small air bubbles remain. To remove them, they take a special plastic spatula (in any construction store they are), and they, from the center, the air is finally removed from the center. Also, this spatula is stroked the interface, if it is. It is quite possible to ensure that the junction will not be visible.

The edges of the wallpaper cut the wallpaper knife. It is necessary to do it until the wallpaper is not softened from the glue, otherwise then they can "reach" behind the blade and break. Leave to dry. After 12 hours or after a day, it depends on the temperature and humidity indoors - you can continue the decoration of the old door.

Carefully, simple pencil apply markup. When everything is drawn, we measure the required length of molding pieces. We cut off, the edges are drowned at an angle of 45 °. We take suitable glue (can PVA) and gently smear the rear surface of the cut elements, glue them on the markup, leave to dry.

In the same way, the principle of updating the old doors can be so that the style will be different. Several examples in the photo gallery.

Beautiful wallpaper with a pattern in the tone - the secret of the attractiveness of this door decor
Moldings were glued to the painted doors, which were then painted "golden" paint

Designer decoration of old doors

If you are interested in design things, you can try to turn it into an art object. The good news is that it is not necessary to prepare it: irregularities and influx will hide under the design.

The process of decorating from the manufacture of papier-mache begins. Take trays for eggs, spray with water, smear a fist, trying to align the surface. In the process they will rush, it is normal and even good - we need small pieces. These almost flat fragments, on liquid nails or with the help of a glue gun, glue to the surface in an arbitrary order.

There are covers, rings, a small bottle from the perfume, a small non-working computer mouse, the remnants of the mosaic, everything that comes on hand. The bread will need a lot, you can collect ahead of time.

When most of the surface is "decorated", we take acrylic silver paint in the canopy (you need 2 pieces) and look well the decor. When choosing paint, it is better to take an expensive, in particular German so that it does not pour later.

Decorating Doors in Technique Decoupage

Romantic or "cheerful" doors design can be done with the help of decoupage. For work it will be necessary:

  • napkins with a suitable pattern;
  • pVA glue (about 200 ml);
  • natural bristles brush;
  • acrylic lacquer.

We prepare the canvas, as it was told earlier. Ground and paint in suitable color. After drying, the paint is proceeding. We take the pack of you like the napkins, separate the upper layer, which is with a pattern.

Wipes with a picture of Rwear along three stripes. RVEM, I do not cut. We need a slightly uneven edge. In two bands, on the one hand, it turns out a smooth edge, they are laying out in one direction. The middle part tear into squares. The best option if they are with a side of 3-4 cm.

Take the glue, brush, a small container. In it mix the PVA with water in equal proportions.

Next, proceed to decorating the door with your own hands. We take stripes with a smooth edge, apply to the decorated area (in this case it is the center of the door canvase). Tassel loose in glue, it is starting in different directions to smooth out a fragment. Folding folds, but it is just not bad - the more textured finish will turn out, so they are particularly needed to align. Wipes in the wet state are very gentle and elastic, when working, remember this, act neatly.

We gradually make a frame with one level edge. The second is casually torn.

Fill in the middle of the "Frame"

When the whole surface is filled, we leave for a day - we wait until the PVA dry. Next, we take acrylic varnish and cover our decor with a soft brush. So that it does not groan, we take a water-based varnish. It is a bit more expensive, but it does not hurt a head.

All the charm of the decoupage is that with meser costs we get beautiful things.

Decorating door self-adhesive film

The most, perhaps, an easy way to update old doors with self-keys. All you need:

  • film itself,
  • the pulverizer in which water is with soap;
  • plastic spatula or soft rag;
  • a sharp knife (wallpaper).

This film is in different versions - there is a monophonic matte or glossy, there is a monophonic with holographic patterns, under the tree, there are even special doors for caustic stamps.

Regardless of the type of film it is glued in the same way. In this case, update old doors decided using the option with the photo printing. One moment: take off the handles, latches and other door accessories before sailing.

In order for the decor to be high quality, the door surface should be clean, smooth and smooth. If you have been processed before this grinder, try to glue a small fragment of the film. If it glues well, everything is fine. If "does not stick", the doors to primitive, and then paint or lacquer - to create a smooth surface.

We take the pulverizer and wet the surface of the door and evenly.

We shave the film, remove the protective layer from one of the angles, also spray it. So, wetting, separate from the top of the protective paper across the entire width of the film.

There should be a bandwidth of 15-20 cm. No longer remove the film does not stick to the canvas. The dutched part applies to the upper edge of the door web (or decorated area), it quickly sticks. Try to immediately attach exactly, but the position can be corrected - we have uringed the surface so that you can move the film. If you pull it, it moves gradually.

After making sure that it was easy to smoothly, we take a plastic spatula (for wallpaper) and they smoothed the surface, movements from the center to the edges. Task - remove all air. Since the surface is wet, it is not difficult - the water displaces the air.

Next, everything is simple. I pull down the protective paper, rezing the strip, glit and so - to the very bottom of the door. If you have adopted the upper part for a long time, the bottom can dry, therefore periodically check whether the doors were dry, splash again if necessary.

After the entire film is glued, excess along the edges are cut with a sharp knife. All that remains after that - to establish accessories.

Door decor with stencils

Old doors can be updated using the drawings applied. It is a pity that not everyone has art talents. But in this case, the problem is solved using stencils. They can be drawn on their own, but you can find the image you like, print it on thick paper, cut the drawing with a sharp knife, leaving the jumpers in places. That's ready stencil.

The lack of a paper stencil - it is enough for a short time. If you need a "long-playing" to transfer it to a transparent tight film. More details on the cutting technology for the door decor are shown in the video.

The drawing can be any. Both geometric and vegetable, stylized images of animals, birds, cartoon characters are popular.

Despite the unlimited life of their operation, wear out quite quickly. The material suffers from deformation and sinking, coatings are erased or become faded.

It is possible to replace such web to new, but these are high costs, time spending on replacement, subsequent repair work after they are installed.

Therefore, the easiest of all these designs will be put in order on their own, that is, give them a second life, updating their coverage and eliminate defects. How to renovate old doors? Read more further in the article.

To restore the doors correctly and efficiently, you need to know how it is done.

Usually interior canvases suffer from mechanical exposure and moisture.

Plastic varieties are more often exposed to scratches.

So that they become inconspicuous, they must be gently polished.

  • Painting. A wooden door or having inserts from a veneer is the easiest to cover with varnish or paint. Painting a wooden surface is better with the use of a special tassel or sprayer. It should be painted and covered with lacquer. A wooden surface should be triggered along the fibers, then the material will fall smoothly by filling out all the irregularities, chips and other defects.
  • Decoration. To give an updated brightness brightness, you can use other shades to create a new image. You can paint the canvas in one color, and the protruding parts are different, contrasting with respect to the main selected shade. If the surface is smooth, it is recommended to use carved slats from a tree or polyurethane, sticking them to the treated surface, having previously stuck into the appropriate color.
  • Casting with the use of rolled wallpaper, colored paper or fabric. Special photo wallpapers are often offered to the smooth canvas, which are sold in the store or easily purchased via the Internet. Registration can be stylized under the room. For children, paintings and reproductions are selected from children's magazines. For the kitchen, choose pages with dishes or vegetables and fruits. Before sticking the paper sheets, they must be held in water, then apply PVA glue on the entire sheet and glue to the canvas, smooth carefully. After drying paper and glue, the surface is covered with colorless varnish so that the work is preserved longer. In the same way, the surface of the old material of the cloth can be saved.
  • Vinyl stickers. When the vinyl stickers are plated, it is not necessary to clean the cloth from the old paint and eliminate the irregularities. Stickers will hide all defects, and you can then paint after that. It is necessary to stick them on a non-fascinated surface, cleaned this place with an alcohol cleaner. Remove the substrate from the stickers and attach to the working area, smooth carefully. Only after that you can remove the film that protects the front side.
  • Registration of cereal. An original way to decorate the old door is the image of drawings made of bulk materials. Ideal for this suitable rice and buckwheat. Circle sticks should be placed on PVA aluminum or standard wallpaper. After the drawing is fastened, the canvas are covered with several layers of colorless varnish. Dry cereals, and even under a layer of varnish, it is stored for a very long time.

Having attached a little effort and fantasy, will disappear, how to renovate old doors at home. The renovated interior doors will give housing warm and comfort, and also improve the interior of the apartment.

Updating the old door with glass

How to renovate old doors with glass, the question is not at all idle.

The glass over time is muttered, acquires scratches and, so when updating it must be renovated or replaced with a new one.

To remove old glass, you must carefully remove the strokes that hold it.

It is possible to replace the glass to modern: matte, corrugated, color, with a pattern or photo printing.

To properly insert a new glass in the door canvas need to do the following:

  • Turn the parameters of the opening in the doorway where the glass will be inserted.
  • Cut the glass of the desired size so that it can reliably "sit down" in the opening, for which it should be 5 mm shorter than the desired size on each side. For cutting a piece, a glass cutter and a metal ruler will be required.
  • Insert the glass in the opening, previously treated with a sealant and fasten with its strokes, fixing them with thin cloves.

The glass with hidden fixation is more complicated, it will take full disassembly with unscrewing bolts in order to pull the old item and also insert a new one. A negative moment of such a replacement is the possibility of losing the correct size of the web. In this case, it is necessary to straighten it with the plane.

If you insert the old glass, then it must be brought in a normal view. Old clean with a scraper, acetone or blade. Small scratches are filtered using toothpaste.

Glass update the film with a pattern, paint it or make stained glass windows on it. It is necessary to apply fresh staps and replace the fittings with new details.

Instead of glass, you can insert an acrylic unbreakable mirror. It is light and durable, well sufficiently cutting and highlighted with high decorativeness. Then the door will look like a new and delight of the tenants for a long time.

Walnings from the fiberboard

This canvas is slightly different from work with wooden surfaces. The thickness of the surface of the fiberboard reaches only 4 mm, so it is necessary to remove the paint from it with extreme caution.

You can not apply a soldering lamp to this - you can use the iron, wrapping it in a towel if there is no construction dryer.

After grinding the canvas or climb, or paint a new paint. But there is a way of restoration, allowing to turn a thin canvas in a natural wooden door - this is the veneer of the canvas.

Details made of veneer are sold in special stores. You can glue it with an iron, heating surface, because it already has a glue base.

It should be done carefully not to overheat and not to burn. The glued parts can be treated with a veil and lacquer. You can decorate a simple door with sticking on its surface of embossed slats.

We should not forget about the restoration of the door frame - it must correspond to the updated canvase. Replacing the accessories of a new, more modern, you can increase the service life of the door.

Plastic products

Most assumes that it will serve forever and his dazzling snow-white look will not run out. However, even plastic products will eventually require shift or restoration.

The old plastic door can be restored in several ways:

  • Painting doors. First, it is necessary to remove the old protective film with plastic. Then wash the surface well using special means. The main difficulty in applying paint on plastic is that the fluid in its pure form cannot be applied. In the paint, you should add a bit of the hardener, and then to profile it. The paint is applied to the surface of plastic products with a spray gun in one layer. Next, give paint to dry and install the door to the place.
  • Sticker vinyl film. If there is no possibility and desire to engage in painting, you can stick a vinyl film on the old door by selecting the appropriate pattern and color. For high-quality sticking of the film, the surface of the plastic must be deguted, after which it is washed with soapy. At the clean and dry surface to attach a film and smooth it, after a few seconds you can remove the white base.
  • Blowing veneer. Also handle the door surface and stick parts from a veneer to it with a hot iron. This option is acceptable and reliable. Natural material serves longer to artificial panels.

Do not forget to update the door frame, because it is impossible to replace it, the gaps between the box and the canvas can form. It is also required to replace the fittings and the door will become like new.

And what about metal?

You can update not only interior doors, but also inlets made of metal. To do this, it should be removed and put on a horizontal smooth surface, it will be more convenient to work. Then perform in the sequence:

  • Remove or close construction scotch hair accessories: eyes, handle and other components.
  • Drill or metal brushed to extract areas damaged by corrosion. Coloring the surface of the canvas with coarse sandpaper, remove the dust using a vacuum cleaner and treat the solvent canvas.
  • Treat the surface with a special composition for the polyteroli, but intended for cars. Putty for wooden products cannot be used - it gives a bad knob with a metal surface. Auto-polyarol takes all dents, scratches that have arisen in the process of cleaning rust. Give a smooth surface with a spatula and give a cannut to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  • Polish the restored surface of the sandpaper with a shallow crumb, wipe with a damp cloth and degrease with a special building to remove fat.
  • Print the surface of the primer for metal designed to combat corrosion. Apply it comfortably roller or narrow brush. Give her to dry and redo the fine-grained emery paper again.
  • Painting the surface of the selected paint in 2-3 layers - it is important to achieve the desired saturated result. Each new layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one. For staining, it is recommended to use a roller, brush or ankle. It should be protected from the effects of paint, applying gloves and respirator.

The same should be renovated by the door box.

Then free accessories from the tape or again to build it and hang the door in your place.

If only the site of the canvas suffered, it is possible to update it only, however, it will take careful selection of paint by tone for this.

Restore the old doors with their own hands is an interesting and fascinating job.

You can choose an acceptable canvase, select the appropriate material and fantasize with the decor.

In addition, you can significantly save on the replacement of doors, and this is an important fact for the family budget.

The updated doors do it yourself - this is a reason for the pride of the owner of the house. And how to repair them - you can look at the video:

After repairing the room, the owners may encounter the fact that the old interroom door does not correspond to the new interior, although in its functional abilities it can still serve for some time. In this case, it is worth thinking about how to update the interior door with your own hands. There are several decorative techniques that differ in the complexity of the performance and costs of materials. You can only choose the most appropriate.

Preparatory work

Before decorating interior doors, their preparation is carried out. For this apply the following tools:

  • building glue;
  • tracing;
  • press.

It is necessary to dismantle the door. Then explore the canvas for defects. If the old box has scratches, they need to be embedded with a putty on a tree. You can decorate the canvas with photo wallpapers. If in some places the doors are irradiated, then the adhesive mixture is applied, the carts are applied, pressed. For sealing cracks and microsers, the glue mixture is also used. If the defects are large, chips with shallow dispersion is added to the adhesive composition.

Methods of updating doors

Simple ways to update the cloth include:

  • lacquer;
  • staining;
  • application of veneer and veneer;
  • stained glass

Staining, varnishing and sea

Table wooden doors can be updated due to staining, varnishing and firing.

Water, synthetic and organic dyes are used. After that, the door acquires a neat appearance.

Door canvas can be. Charming lacquer is well absorbed into the tree, evenly covering the entire surface of the design. The main plus of the protective and decorative composition is the presence of a toning basis.
To apply lacquer, a sprayer is used or brushes. Experts advise a tree with a brush, which easily repeats the structure of the structure, well impregnating hard-to-reach areas. To increase protective properties, it is recommended to paint the door in 2 layers.

If you have to refresh the box once again, a simulator is used. Then the coating is processed by varnish. The veil can be applied to update the color range of the canvas. It prevents the mixing of the tones, and due to the subsequent varnishing, the brightness of the color is enhanced. Due to the grinding attacks a matte tint.

If there is no need to create a matte surface, after grinding, polished and drying is performed. Similar technology gives the door crystal shine.


To arrange the door, the veneer is used. This method of decorating wooden canvases is applied if they are made of cheap sawdust. Due to the veneer, the door acquires aesthetic appearance. Veneer need to glue transversely relative to wood fiber.

Veneer gives the door noble type of real array

Self-adhesive film

You can decorate the box with vinyl self-tech mimicted under the wood. With this technique, the coating defects are easily hidden. Before placing the wooden door, you will need to cook hair dryer, cloth, scissors.

At the first stage, the coating from various defects is cleared. This stage is considered the most difficult. Next, markup is performed using a roulette. The cloth data is transferred to millimeter markup, made by the manufacturer from the reverse side of the film. For cutting products, a knife is used.

The film hides all the small defects and gives the surface the type of natural wood

Called pieces of self-keys apply to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe door. On the wrong side of the film there is a protective layer under which there is glue. Carefully separated several centimeters of the layer to stick the product on the door.

The pad, fully applied to the door, is smoothed by a rubber spatula or a soft material. Self-tech wraps all the ends of the coating. Immediately cut the corners of PVC products, set the lock with the handle.

Photo wallpaper

With the help of modern photo printing, the image of the desired size is transferred on paper. Wall mural on wooden doors look beautiful. The image is printed any. To do this, you can use the services of an advertising agency or printing house. The image can be selected at home or with the help of specialists.

One of the Options for Updating Interior Doors Serve Wallpaper

Polyurethane or foam moldings can be pasted on the monophonic wallpaper. In this case, the style in which the doors were decorated. The resulting design is suitable for a classic-style room. If you use a color background or moldings with roundings, then the doors will be decorated in the style of Provence.

Before applying the pattern, the surface is aligned, processed by glue. If the paint is lagging behind, they are removed. Wallpapers are also processed by glue.

A rubber roller is used for resurrection of the web. If bubbles remain, they are removed by a plastic spatula. Then the remaining air is removed from the center of the design to the edges. With this spatula, the joints of the wallpaper are stamped (if available). If the technology is performed correctly, then the junctions are not visible.

Wallpaper with moldings are suitable for interiors in the classic style

Wallpaper edges need to be trimmed with a knife. This is performed before softening the wallpaper from glue. Otherwise, they will rush and easily reach. For several hours you need to leave to dry. The process of decorating DVP or the array continues after 12-24 hours. It depends on the temperature regime and the level of humidity.

A simple pencil is used to apply marking. After the drawing has applied, it will be necessary to measure the length of the constituent elements of molding with a tape measure. Then they are cut off, and the edges are injulated at an angle of 45 degrees. With the help of PVA glue flashes the rear surface of pieces. They need to be glued at the marking markup. When the canvas dried, it can be installed back. For this principle at home, you can upgrade the doors of the bedroom, children's, kitchen.

Pictures and paintings

The advantages of such decoration include:

  • beautiful and original appearance;
  • simple execution;
  • the ability to use finished stencils;
  • wide selection of materials;
  • the embodiment of different ideas.

The minus method can be considered that it requires an artistic skill..
At the first stage, the coating is degreased with alcohol, processed by primer. The last composition is applied twice. Similarly, acrylic paint is used. Each next layer of paint is applied after drying the first layer.

During zoning, the form of the violent part of the coating and the geometry of the ornament is taken into account. To give the surface of a vintage type of contours of zones are covered with different color. Paint can be applied with a sponge. Strips that perform on the door can be painted in golden color. Then the ornament is transferred to the surface and samples in suitable colors.

Decoration in Technology Decoupage

Decoupage does not require dismantling the door design. You only need to wash and dry the coating. Previously flooded with a circuit with tape. The tree is good and qualitatively stuffed. The surface is rubbed with a simple paraffin candle, and then paint. The next step is to stick a decoupage card. Previously, it is soaked in water for 12 minutes. The remaining droplets of the water are wiping away with a rag. The back of the strips and the door surface is treated with PVA glue.

Decoupage doors are used special decoupage cards

Each piece is glued tight. At the same time you need to follow, so that the folds and bubbles do not appear. If such defects are not eliminated immediately after their appearance, the coating will turn out to be uneven. If the coating dried, putty is applied to the edge of the component elements. Excess the makeup will need to remove wet rag or emery. The lacquered box will require longer preparation for painting. The lacquer is pre-removed, defects are eliminated.

If necessary, the edges of the canvas are processed, blasting is left. This technology will give the coating vintage style. If step-by-step instruction is observed, then ready-made decorated doors will look original with details of different shapes. They can be chopped from napkins. The color of the future canvas is selected taking into account the shade of the interior of the entire room. Punching material is carried out according to the above method. The finished coating is covered with a lacquer with an acrylic basis.

Registration under ancient

The wooden door under the old days can be seen not only in apartments, but also in homes and offices. At the same time, the decor, imitating vintage things, is rare. It gives the door canvas individuality. Under the crakylur means two-layer varnish on the door. Special attention is paid to the process of selection of varnish - each layer should have another composition and different times of drying. Previously is being cleaned, degreasing and drying the coating.

Craquelur gives doors View of an old tree

To form a door, some materials will be required:

  • special varnish for cracker;
  • bituminous lacquer, which gives the effect of antiquity;
  • acrylic paint.

The prepared cover is applied multiple varnish. If 1 layer is dry, 2 layer is applied - bitumen varnish. It is necessary to enhance contrast when a white background is used. If a dark tone is applied, acrylic paint is used. This technology is considered the best. If necessary, the crustaceous varnish is replaced with a simple PVA glue, vinegar, egg protein, or gelatin. This technique for updating doors is suitable for people who like an antique style.

Decor with stencils

If you have mastery in the processing of wooden products, you can use a more complex update of the canvas. To apply a decor with a stencil, you will need:

  • leather;
  • glass or mirror tile;
  • stained glass
  • mat;
  • bamboo curtains;
  • bars;
  • veneer.

For such a decor, preferabity and good imagination is required. As a result, you can make the original door, which will fit perfectly in any interior.

With stencils you can change the door design

The door whose canvas is replaced with a stained glass window, gives the room an unusual look. To implement this idea, water paint is used. Pre-on the surface is thrown out the desired pattern. To transfer the picture on the glass coating, the paint is used. Such a procedure is performed in a specific sequence:

  • preparation of a drawing outline on paper;
  • glass processing by cleaning it and degreasing;
  • figure drawing to glass with subsequent strokes on the back of a thin brush;
  • drawing circuits with different colors of paints.

After the process is completed, the paint must dry for 22 hours. Then the glass fragment is mounted on the door, it is well fixed.

Update opening and slopes

In addition to the door itself, updated and the doorway. If this is not done, then the canvas will have an unfinished look. To successfully fulfill the work described above, it is recommended to statenly think about the finish.

The decoration of slopes and opening should correspond to the interior of the door and room

At the first stage, reference guides are processed. Then they are repainted in one color with the door cloth. With strong wear on the guides, plasterboard casing is mounted. In the presence of roughness for trimming, corners of perforated type are used. Then the opening is repainted.

Subsequently, it will be necessary correctly. For their installation, special fixators are used, well-retaining platbands. In the absence of fixators, the glue is used or screw screws.

If the door is updated only with the opening, and the slopes remain the same, then the decor process is considered unfinished. For breakdowns, different methods use different methods. More often to update slopes, special planks from MDF are used. You can also install plasterboard slopes that are fixed on perforated corners or glue.

Another discovery finishing technique is shuffling. This process is the most time consuming and requires experience and qualifications in this case. Experts believe that the optimal decision is plastering with the subsequent installation of pearlit sluts, which are not suiced. But in the end you can get durable and durable slopes. Mold does not appear on them.

Do not rush to dismantle boring old interior doors and change them to new ones. Consider the option of their update, because there are many ways to decorate and restore the old furniture applicable to the door canvases.

Decoration of doors from fiberboard

The process is stages:

  1. If the door completely glanced, it should be at first to remove from the loops and remove the old fittings. New handles, locks, latches in one style on all interior doors - will be the first step towards their update.
  2. So, the door was removed. Now you need to remove the old paint. Use construction hairdryer and spatula.
  3. After that, gaps and scratches are closed with special maps and putty.
  4. Wait until the surface gets up and pass it away.
  5. Cover the canvas with Olifa, which will prevent its deformation under the action of moisture.

Visual execution Look at the video:

The door is ready to decorate itself. The easiest way is to cover the door canvas colored paint or varnish it. Next - Spaciousness for fantasy:

  • make a drawing by stencil;
  • paint moldings in another color;
  • stick moldings if they were not or imitate with paint.

A variety of applications are fabric, paper, vinyl, leather, photo wallpapers - will allow the old door to turn into a new one - the original, stylish and unusual.

Decorating the old door to the bathroom

Before proceeding with the decoration of the door to the bathroom, you need to take into account an important point. Since the room constantly presents an increased humidity, the coating that you will apply on the door, and, more precisely, on the inner side, should be resistant to this factor.

About how to prepare the door cloth, described in the previous section of the article. Briefly: From the door you need to remove the old layer of paint, sanding, sharpen and attach the surface. If there are no strips, you can buy them and attach to the door. In painting after that everything is one color, get a one-piece picture.

An excellent option for the door to the bathroom - to set into the frame from the plane mirrors in full growth. If it is flexible, plastic - the installation process will be completely simple, but the effect exceeds expectations: and beautiful, and practical, and useful.

The mirror can be replaced with a mosaic, a special vinyl sticker and even a piece of wallpaper (only wash and moisture-resistant). Experimenting with materials and flowers, you will make an old door in the bathroom stylish and special.

How to decorate old doors with glass

The first option that comes to mind when thinking about the options for decorating the old door with glass, these are stained glass windows. What will you need:

  • stained glass paints;
  • black paint - for contour;
  • sketch of the image.

Transfer the picture on the glass, circle the contours of the thin black line, and after drying, proceed to the decomposition of the elements with different colors.

You can easier to facilitate the work, simply by purchasing a special film, imitating a stained glass.

One of the options of the door decor with glass in the video:

Stained-glass windows make it even old door unusual and stylish

In case the old glass in the door was transparent, it can be made matte. To do this, it will be necessary to purchase liquid glass (there will be 1 liter, the price does not exceed the cost of chocolate tile or cappuccino cup), which will need to be mixed with chopped chalk (or tooth powder). The resulting paste is applied to a degreased, smooth surface of 2 layers.

An easier way is to sticker a special film or purchase of the ready-made matting paste.

Select your option to decorate the old doors, and you will make sure you simply can be updated in the apartment with your own hands and without excess costs.