Repairs Design Furniture

Bottle decoration for men is preferably with a basket. Beautiful and unusual gift packaging with their own hands (50 photos)

Bottle of good wine, dear brandy or champagne - excellent gift To any holiday or event, especially men. If friends invited to visit the party, bring a bottle of high-quality alcoholic beverage to be a sign good tone. Of course, rarely who pays serious attention to gift packaging of wine, and in vain! Interesting ideas How to pack the bottle will help you make a gift from original and memorable.

1. How to pack a bottle into paper

The first thing that comes to mind is to pack a bottle of wine into a gift paper, the benefit is now a very wide selection of drawings, wrapping textures and density. From paper you can make a very beautiful, exquisite and stylish wrapper for wine, which will even sorry to tear.

2. Packaging of paper bottle with fringe-serpentine.

The standard version of the packaging of the bottle into paper can be diversified with long curls on the neck of the bottle. Such wrapper will harmoniously look for a gift for the New Year holidays, as the twisted fringe resembles serpentine.

3. How to pack a bottle into a napkin or corrugated paper

Take the napkin or strip of paper and wrap the neck of the neck of the bottle, fasten the scotch. Then cut the wider strip of paper, wrap the bottle so as to close the place of fastening with a tape paper on the neck. Rodyshko can be left open. The side can be glued with scotch even clean the decorative tape, ribbon or cord. Try to make the butt two paper layers with almost imperceptible. Bottle can be decorated new Year's toys, alive or artificial colors.

4. How to make beautiful packaging bottles in the form of a vase with flowers

Pretty unusual way Gift packaging bottle is to make it similar to a vase with flowers. The usual "postal" wrapping paper looks very stylish, especially in combination with harness or twine. Just wrap the bottle with paper, secure small pieces of tape, while you can leave the bottom of the bottle open. Take a beautiful bow from the tape or wrap a couple of twine turns. Write wishes, and between paper and bottle from above, put the twigs of the needles, some simple small flowers or leaves. It looks simple, elegant and, at the same time, very cute.

5. Gift Packaging Sleeve Bottle Sweaters

If you have an old sweater or unnecessary knitted jacket, do not hurry to throw them out! Sleeves knitted things can turn into cozy, warm gift packaging for bottles that are very suitable for winter holidays.

Take unnecessary knitted thingin which the sleeves remained in a decent state. Fold the sweater, cut the special machine of the kat, if there are. Slisse the bottle into the sleeve so that the cuff is at the level of the neck. Cut the sleeve below the penny of the bottle to the pair, see. Make sure that the knitting does not blush, it is desirable to catch the yarn and sew thread. The bottom for such a knitted cover can be cut out of tight fabric and sew, and you can simply collect the edge of the sliced \u200b\u200bsleeves with threads and pull in the middle. On the neck with cuffs, tie a tape, braid, decorate beads or buttons. Such a gift packaging can be associated with your own hands.

They are given to personal and calendar holidays, without them there are no dating, hiking and "gratitude". We offer you several ways, how beautiful and originally pack the bottle, and make such a present more presentable and stylish.

Japanese equipment packaging "Furoshiki"

Such a packaging technique is used by the Japanese many centuries and is the wrapping of objects (not only bottles) into a piece of tissue of the square shape. That is, for all methods described here, you will need a bottle of alcoholic (or two) and a square handkerchief from a side of 40 to 80 cm.

Method number 1.

In this way, two bottles can be packaged at once. For greater clarity, how beautiful to pack the bottles of wine or brandy, we provide you with illustrations, and the description to them.

So, put the shawl rombo and put bottles in the center. Now tie the ends of the handker, designated by the letters "A" and "C", the knot over the necks of the bottles. The end of "D" stretch between bottles to yourself. Now they intersect the ends "D" and "B". Twist them in harnesses. We entered the bottle with the resulting harms and tie them ahead with a beautiful nodule.

Method number 2.

Also suitable for an unusual presentation of a pair of bottles. To do this, place a scarf rhombus and put the bottles on it with a plaffard to each other, closer to the bottom edge of the handkerchief (as in the picture). Now, starting from this very lower edge, wrap the bottle. Gently take wrapped bottles and put them on the bottom. The ends of the handkerchief connects the nodes over the necks of the bottles.

Method number 3.

Excellent optionHow beautiful to pack the bottle of champagne. Again, we start with the fact that we decompose our shawl on the solid surface, put the champagne in its center and bend the edges of the head "A" and "C" as shown in the picture.

Now we will guarantee the same edges around the neck of the bottle "accordion" and fasten them with a fine rubber. The remaining edges of the handkerchief ("b" and "d) carefully wrap the bottle (clockwise). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe core of the edge, we cross each other, cover the neck (over our rubberry) and tie the knot.

Method number 4.

In such an interesting and pretty practical decoration You can prevent both one and a couple of bottles of hot gifts. Enclosing the shawl rombus and put a bottle (or two) to the center, (as in Fig. 1). We collect the bottom and top edge of the scarf over the neck of the bottle (bottles), tie at once, the free edges twist the harness and tie the loop (Fig. 2). By the remaining two edges, the scarf wind the bottle (bottles), as in fig. 3 -5 and tie them ahead with a neat nodule.

Method number 5.

"Bottle in Kimono" - this is the way you can call the result of another interesting wayHow to pack a bottle as a gift with your own hands. I exhibit our gift to the center of the header, one side of which (upper) sweep inside (Fig. 1). Then the bottle is "wrapped" the same side as in Fig. 2. Now we already be clamped the lower edge of the header (Fig. 3) and we bind the bottle by making the knot from behind.

Method number 6.

Another original option Festive packaging champagne. Take a rectangular piece of fabric or handkerchief, lay out on it (in the middle, closer to the top edge, like in the picture) a bottle of champagne. Now I wrap the bottle on both sides. Then the free edge of the fabric below the bottom of the bottle is folding the harness, we put the bottle and turn the bottle with the resulting harnessed the bottle.

Invitation to the holiday will inevitably cause the question of invited - what to give and how to pack a gift originally? Choosing a gift is a delicate matter. There are universal gifts:

  • money (for a wedding or birthday);
  • a bottle of good whiskey or a weathered wine (relevant for men);
  • big plush toys (child or newborn).

Packaging Gifts in Kraft Paper

Popular options for design - Beautiful gift bag, gift paper, creatively decorated box. Packaging of gifts with your own hands, beautifully and unusual - not a difficult thing.

Beautiful design of gift wrapping

Gift decoration with rope and sweets


Very common gift packaging option - gift wrapping paper. Such option will suit And for the wedding, and for a birthday, and on children's holidayAnd if you just give candy. No need to possess special skills to carefully and beautifully wrap a rectangular box, book, picture or candy.

Packaging will need:

  • beautiful gift paper;
  • scissors;
  • scotch (you can use the usual transparent, acquire a special with a pattern or, best of all, take a two-way adhesive tape).

Paper gift packaging

The width of the paper should be no less than the length of the box, folded with a double height (A \u003d B + 2C, where a is the paper width, B - the length of the box, C is the height of the box). Length need quantity Paper is the amount of the width of all sides of the box-parallelepiped. It is worth faster on this attention, because if you correctly determine the size, then it will be easier to pack.

Process packaging

How to pack a gift in paper:

  • Place a book or box with a gift in wrapping paper, across. On one of the edges of the paper, we glue the tape and attach it to the box. It is better to measure the amount of paper required for the wrapper in advance and cut it off from the roll, hiding the cut edge inside the package.
  • Tightly turn around so that the edges of the edges of the paper turned out to be top. Fresh the second edge of the wrapping paper.
  • Now we wrap the ends. Bend the upper part, fix the scotch.
  • Next there are two options: or wrap the side parts, or the bottom. The final depends on this appearance Packaging. If bilateral tape is used, there are no problems - it will not be visible.
  • We repeat the same thing on the other side of the box.
  • Add decorative bows or tie the ribbon. Beautiful packaging book ready!

  • Gift Packaging in Red Paper

    Gift Packaging in Red Paper and Golden Ribbon

    This package is well placed rectangular gifts, such as a book, perfume or candy. If it is not possible to purchase packaging paper or a gift too big (for example, a big picture or a newborn toy), then interesting idea For packaging - use of fabric. Especially appropriate it will be for a gift wedding gift (first anniversary life together) Or for a holiday in honor of the newborn. You should use the fabric just like paper, it can be attached to scotch or glue.

    Gift design with paper and ribbons

    Gift design with dark paper and rope with hearts

    Packaging gift in craft paper and decor from rope and paper mittens

    Gifting paper and decor

    Drawn gift packaging paper

    Registration of children's gifts with paper and markers

    Beautiful design paper packaging gifts

    Original paper packaging of gifts

    Pictures and soft balls on paper in gift design

    Bow and rope in gift design

    Spreads and paper for gifts

    How to give money

    Money is usually given in an envelope that can be done at home. This is a great wedding gift or birthday! Envelope for money is better made of thick paper. A good idea - Use kraft paper as the basis of the envelope for money. Decorate it with applications, sparkles or ribbons, it turns out an interesting and unique packaging.

    Money Packaging Option for Gift

    Ribbon in making money as a gift

    Gift envelope for money

    Packaging of gifts of non-standard shape do it yourself

    For packaging gifts of non-standard form, you need to make a little bit defant. Original idea For small gifts - this is a packaging in a gift shirt or T-shirt:

  • We put a gift for a T-shirt, to the central part of it.
  • Alternately bend first the upper part, then the bottom to the center.
  • Side parts T-shirts are also pushed. Look such packaging will be unusual.
  • To fix such packages, use a decorative or satin ribbon, oblique beyk, twine or twine. Gently tie a bow and everything is ready.
  • If you choose a long sleeve t-shirt (type of sweatshirts or turtlenecks), then you can make a nodule for fixing from sleeves. Excellent option, if you want to give a candy girlfriend and an original T-shirt.

    Packaging of non-standard gifts

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    Packaging for a gift box in the shape of a cake

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    Packaging gift man

    Idea for packing shirts as a gift for her husband for a birthday - a homemade tack of tight paper. A man will appreciate not only a gift itself, but also invested in the manufacture of a packet of effort. It will take:

    • wrapping paper;
    • scissors;
    • glue and tape;
    • ribbon for pens.

    Male gift bag

    How to do:

  • Fixed paper folded in half, long free edges combine scotch.
  • The location of the edges is not on the seal package, but closer to the center. Low part We convert to the bottom of the package. We make a fold (the distance will be equal to the width of the bottom). Disconnect the side of the package, we add corner on both sides inside, getting triangles. The lateral bend line on each triangle should coincide with the lower bend line. We add to Nizhny I. upper region So that they find themselves at the site of the main bend. Fix this connection with scotch. It is very sophisticated stage Package manufacturing.
  • We take a rectangle of thick paper and glue to it tape handles. In the shops for needlework there are blanks, purchasing which you can significantly reduce the package manufacturing time.
  • Rectangle with glue handles from the inside on opposite sides of the package. We wait until everything dries, and put the shirt.

  • Fabric Male Gift Package

    Example Packaging Gift for Men

    Original packaging bottle

    Good alcohol give often, especially men. How to pack a bottle as a gift to look beautiful and elegant? You can use paper.

  • Cut the strip of paper suitable in width.
  • Wrap the paper bottle, fixing the edge of the scotch.
  • At the bottom of the bottle, it is necessary to gently beatened the edges of the paper and fix the scotch.
  • Torishly tied up with a beautiful ribbon. Remove the remnants of paper on non-trap strips and tighten with scissors.

  • Packing bottle as a gift in paper

    The second idea for packing a bottle as a gift to a man - suit. A suit for the bottle looks very interesting and creatively.

  • Take old shirt And cut off the sleeve.
  • We put the bottle of the cuff to it in it in such a way that it completely covered the neck.
  • Sew the edge at the bottom of the bottle. You can sulfate and carve out a separate item for the bottom of the bottle.
  • Place the accessory (butterfly or tie for men, mini beads for women) at the level of Niza Neck. It turns out a real suit for the bottle!

  • Packaging of gifts man

    Gift decoration bottles

    Gift Tissue Bottle Design

    Gift decoration of bottles with cloth and decor

    How to harvest tea as a gift

    In special stores where tea is sold, there is a wide selection of all sorts of metal and wooden jars. But if you want to surprise the recipient, then make a gift packaging for tea with your own hands.

    Packaging types:

    • a bag of transparent film (suitable to give exquisite tea);
    • kraft paper packaging;
    • box original shape.

    To pack tea, it is better to choose a tough transparent film so that it forms the similarity of the box, and not a package. You can use floral film: it is easy to find, and the color variations are very wide.

    Original Tea Box Packaging

    Boxes of the original form are pretty simple, you need a lot of cardboard and stationery knife.

  • We choose stencil and print it on ordinary paper in the right real size.
  • Transfer contours to cardboard.
  • Cut the blank with a stationery knife.
  • We make small cuts on the place of folds.
  • We collect a box!
  • It is necessary to correctly determine the sizes in advance, it will be easier to pack.

    Gift box for tea

    Gift bags for tea

    Gift Pouch for Tea

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    Curly paper bags for small gifts

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    Beautiful christmas decoration Gifts

    Beautiful gift design for woman

    Gift Packing for Women

    How to make a gift box of cardboard

    Original gift design

    Beautiful boxes for gifts

    Map, Rope and Flowers for Gift Design

    Multicolored ropes for gift design

    Photo Gallery (50 photos)