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Tick \u200b\u200bfloor in the bathroom. Excellent option for baths and shower

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor in the bathroom. Ticky deck. Yacht flooring. Tick \u200b\u200bfloor in the pool. Deck on a yacht.

Teak (Tectona Grandis) known worldwide and appreciated wood. Tick \u200b\u200bis one of the most valuable wood species, not so much because of its golden color and a beautiful structure, but in many respects due to its unsurpassed properties. Due to its high content of its oily substances, such properties of teak are caused by: durability - perfectly opposed insecting insects, damp, sharp differences in temperature and humidity. As well as low coefficient deformation - stability, strength, beautiful teak structure, made it perfect Material For the device decks yacht, Tick \u200b\u200bfloors in bathrooms, shower, Yacht Nastilov around poolsand various elements Decor indoors with high humidity.

Tick \u200b\u200bfloors In our homes and apartments came from shipbuilding, where Tick \u200b\u200bdecks It is already applied hundreds of years. Methods of laying are practically no different, with the exception of the materials used for installation, which is due to various bases for the flooring (in the case of the yacht, it is a deck, and in our cement strainer). Otherwise, this is the same yacht flooring capable long years serve as a beautiful floor.

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor with seams sealingThis is an absolutely hermetic design, it is not afraid of a large amount of water, with a high coefficient of friction (even on a wet surface slip is very difficult), low thermal conductivity (rather warm enough to refuse the use of warm floors).

It is applied on yachts, bathrooms, shower cabins, pools and other rooms with high humidity.

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor on the yacht. Ticky deck

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor and table in the bathroom

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor with deck sealant in the shower.

Relevant Another question about teak floor? Still, leave my message. Perhaps someone will come in handy.

You are right, the usual parquet in wet rooms do not fit. On the seg. The market offers several trees breeds that can be put in the bathroom. It can be: red breed merbau (It highlights a red pigment over time, you will get the legs). Not bad The ash cooler (On the forum you will be able to read about the amazing properties of the thermal extension, that it does not absorb moisture, does not rot, etc.). From her minuses - first time smells a little and strongly changes the color. It may be a robinity (acacia) heat treated (I don't know badly).

But it is unambiguously better than everyone who is tick. Breed due to high oil content is not afraid of water and does not rot.
IN general 2 Paul Options:
1. piece parquet From teak laid in a deck. Small size planks approximately 70x350-420mm. They are placed, grind, cover specials. Oil on site. We get an absolutely smooth floor. Large sizes are not recommended to be used, they may deform.
2. Parquet with a hermetic insertion (like on a yacht, see a photo below). Then you can take more overall planks, from 90mm width and any length. Due to hermetic seams, tick can breathe, change geometry, and there will be no water inward.
Here or buy a ready-made tick with a black insert, or you buy a board with a supylene groove on 1 long side of each board, where the sealant is applied after laying. The second case is the most complicated. It's long in time, and not everyone will take. Plus more expensive - you need to buy all the chemicals yet. This sequence is: laid the board, the seam formed between parquets is first ground, then fill with sealant. Moreover, the sealant gives shrinkage and apply it in 3-4 receptions (dries from 12 to 24 hours). Filled (not forgotten and seams near the walls), polished, covered with oil. Sealant can be any color (black, brown, white, beige, gray).

About stacking technology: whatever the option you have chosen, carefully prepare the base. Starting with a screed: Breasting the base of 2 components of polyurethane primer (2 layers), create a hydrobarrier. Next, filament moisture-resistant faeer FSF, cut into small pieces. Slices are stacked with a shift, leaving thermoses between and to the walls. All seams are poured with sealant. Next Parquet.
I often ask if it is possible to leave the yellow-red-colored teak. Answer: Tick is extremely undesirable. Again, it is oily, the color is bad and hardly falls.
There are many nuances, so immediately and you will not tell. If something is not clear, please ask.

For the manufacture of wooden floors Today, tick is widely used. This is a unique variety of wood, distinguished strength, wear resistance and negative external influences. Large companies And private consumers acquire a teak board for the manufacture of floor coverings. You can see the floor of teak in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the gym, etc. This material is also called a deck board, since it is widely used on ships and boats.

Properties and features of Pauls from Tika

This species Wood for the floor is delivered from India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia or Java. The average density is 640 kg / m3. The composition of Tika includes natural resins that give wood good performance characteristics. Due to the unique composition and texture, the floor from tick does not absorb moisture, easily transfers mechanical damage and temperature differences. Durable teak flooring or outdoor coverage for years serve as its owner. And their appearance over time is only improving.

Excellent option for baths and shower

Material is often bought in the bathroom, because it is presented to the floor in these rooms. special requirements. Beautiful teak floor in the bathroom is not subject to rotting and is not deformed under the influence of moisture. The material is not terrible mold and pathogenic organisms, and therefore people who care about their health often choose teak floors for bathrooms and shower.

It should be noted that the teak deck in the shower cabin is not only practical, but also very beautiful. This type of coating is produced in yellow-brown colors, and over time, the teak floor for the bathroom does not fade, but simply changes the shade. As a result, it looks even more respectable and elegant than before.

If you are striving for comfort and safety, a shower cabin with teak floor will become an excellent option. The material is ideal for the manufacture of floors in the bathroom, because it has the ability to store heat and create a favorable atmosphere in the room. In addition, due to the special treatment, teak floor covering in the shower does not slip. But at the same time you can buy it by affordable price. This is an excellent option for apartments and houses. Especially since the floor of teak in the apartment can be laid not only in the bathroom, but also in other rooms.

Deck floors and scope of their use

Tick \u200b\u200bfloor is often called deck, which is due to the use of this material in shipbuilding. Professional sailors know that the tick deck does not slide, it is well tolerating the impact of salt water, it is characterized by simplicity of care. Perfectly demonstrates itself such a coating in the apartment. You can organize the deck floor in the bathroom, on the balcony, in the kitchen, in the hallway. The main thing is to buy a deck board really high Quality at the prices of the manufacturer.

Material made using deck coating technology is also widely used in gyms. This is due to the fact that the deck floors are well transferred intensive loads. Modern deck floors in the gym are a real decoration of the room and at the same time help create a favorable microclimate. They are hygienic, durable, and to maintain an attractive appearance of the deck flooring quite regularly clean it from dirt. That is why many consumers prefer teak floors.

Professional coaches argue that wooden floors in the gym help reduce the burden on the feet of athletes and improve air quality. And the deck sports floor, besides, is distinguished by increased practicality. Specialists engaged in the gender device in the gym often prefer exactly this option. Ready coating It will be as reliable as a deck of teak.

Unique performance and attractive prices On the deck board for the floor allow you to use this material and in other rooms. Many consumers order the deck floor for the balcony, terraces, etc. The main thing, choosing a deck board for the floor, give preference to really high-quality wood. In this case, you can purchase a good teak floor, the price of which will have to afford.

The bathroom is one of the most wet rooms in the house. Until recently, the finishing flooring for the bathroom was laying the facing tiles. But today is increasingly popular with wooden floor coverings. For premises with high humidity (bathrooms, shower cabins), a teikal floor has proven very well.

For teak flooring necessarily use sealant. The sealant is used for the seams. Its main purpose is to ensure reliability with teak coating. This is despite that and visually teak floor looks very effectively. The sealant is able to move with floorboards, compressing and stretching. Therefore, cracked will never appear in such a coating. And this is very important for your bathroom.

Highly beautiful design Bathroom with teak floor

Main advantages

Let's briefly consider the benefits that floor wooden coatings possess.

  1. Wood - Natural construction material. Like all living things, it possesses environmental safety, gives heat and comfort.
  2. In the room, decorated with wood, there is a feeling of comfort and calm.
  3. The wooden floor covering itself is quite warm, so you can save on heating systems For sex.
  4. Tree is well combined with any finishing materialswill suit almost for any design, and also has high aesthetics.

One of the types of wooden flooring for the bathroom is a teak floor. Let's deal with why Tick is.

Characteristics and advantages of teak

Tick \u200b\u200bis large tree From the family of casnotkov. Refers to the wood of the valuable breed. India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Laos are considered historic homeland. Tick \u200b\u200bhas a unique texture and bright colorIt has high strength and resistance to changes in weather conditions. Widely used for the construction of wooden decks of ships and flooring.

Tick \u200b\u200bis practically not subject to rotting, the effects of insects, well tolerate moisture. The unique feature of teak is a security of mechanical damage, which makes it the leader in the durability indicator. The material obtained from old teak trees has the greatest strength and durability.

In the composition of teak in large quantities It includes natural oils, so tics need the most minimal processing. Although you can even do without it. One more interesting feature tick - gradual change colors. It is most brightly manifested under the action sun ray. Golden, bright brown tones will be brightened with time, acquiring even grayish shades. If slightly pollute the surface and treat with oils, then it will return the original look.

Tick \u200b\u200bhas a well-pronounced texture. The tick surface will be velvety and absolutely non-slip, which is also very important for the bathroom. Tick \u200b\u200bcoating is absolutely eco-friendly, supports the desired balance of heat exchange, easy to care.

Do not forget after mounting to cover the floor with a special oil


Professionally lay the teak floor is not so easy. To do this, you need to clearly follow the instructions and perform work strictly phased. First you need to prepare the basis. It is thoroughly align, all pits and drops are closed. If the floor is completely uneven, then you may have to make a screed. (I read about the floor alignment in the article :) The dry base should be cleaned from dust and treat primer to improve adhesion. Progress better than a couple time.

Further B. obligatory The waterproofing layer is stacked. For him, the most suitable will be improved materials. The waterproofing layer is superimposed using rollers and brushes. The layers should be at least two. Each subsequent is superimposed after complete drying of the previous one. At the joints of the floor and the walls we advise you to punish a special waterproof ribbon.

Laying teak board is the most responsible stage. Between the plates you need to leave the gap. It will allow the material to move when changing humidity and temperature. The cracks are close to a special sealant of solely black. The sealant will expand and narrow together with the tree, preventing the appearance of the gaps.

The last step will be grinding the coating and applying special oil. After complete drying, the tick floor is ready to use.

We hope you learned from our article, which advantages have teak floor in the bathroom. Immediately note that the teak floor is not cheap - the option is not cheap, so when installing we recommend contacting the specialists, so as not to spoil the costly material. Good repair!

The wooden floor in the room has always been considered the best option Coatings. The floors from the wood massif create comfort, comfort, it is pleasant to walk on them. In addition, this coating is characterized by beauty and sophistication. Massive board For sex, it is still leading among all types of flooring. She especially wins in comparison with synthetic materialswhich is saturated by our market. A feature of a massive board is that it is made of a solid piece of wood. Depending on the tree of wood, dimensions and other characteristics of the product, the flooring acquires certain qualities affecting the scope of the material and the features of its use.

Criterias of choice

Before choosing a massive floorboard, you need to figure out what product characteristics should pay attention to. Select the flooring from the array is needed, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. From wood density Depends on the scope of use of the product. The denser of the breed, the larger loads are permissible to the floor. Such boards are allowed to lay in rooms with intensive movement. The most dense is considered oak, wenge, larch, ash. Soft wood cherries and birch is suitable for rooms with minimal loads, for example, for children or bedrooms.
  2. The size of the product in different manufacturers is different. So, the thickness of the array varies in the range of 15-50 mm. The most demanded boards with a thickness of up to 22 mm. The thickness of the product, the stronger the floor and above the life of its service. The width of the element is in the range of 60-450 mm. More often used products with a width up to 120 mm. The coating of narrow boards is less prone to deformations. The length of the array varies within 500-3000 mm, but sometimes it comes to 9 m. More convenient in transportation, operation and laying a board up to 2 m long.
  3. Selection of wood - It is her sorting on texture, drawing and color. Also in this criteria, the presence of bitch, stains and other defects are taken into account. Since in the process of preparing the material, the tree trunk is collected in different ways, in the manufacture of the board, products are obtained of different class Selection.
  4. Boards of different manufacturers Subjected to various factory processing. Most often, the manufacturer cuts chamders over the ends. The brashing of the board allows it to artificially form. The factory processing is also worth attributed to the stylization for metal and the composure.
  5. Wood breed It affects not only the color of the future coating, but also on its hardness, strength, durability and resistance to changes in environmental characteristics.

Selection of wood

Separately consider the selection of wood, because it is very important moment. There are two versions of the tree trunk:

  • radial cut Performed in the central part along the length of the barrel, such a wood is the most durable, high-quality and expensive, the color of the board is homogeneous, the pattern is one-picture without bitch and spots;
  • Tangential doll It is performed on the edges from the central part, as a result, the obtained products will differ significantly in color, the texture of the material is saturated, there will be a bitchka on the board (these boards are less durable and more prone to deformations, but they are valued for a beautiful diverse drawing).

From different manufacturers, wood sorting is carried out in different criteria. In addition, each company gives its names and descriptions of varieties. We will consider the most common:

  1. Extra or radial - This is the most high-quality board Without bitch and crook. Picture of coating monotonous with longitudinal lines along the board.
  2. Variety of select It has a small scatter on the color range between the elements of one batch. On the surface, it is permissible for the presence of small rays, but there are no swirls and swallows. Fibers are located along the element.
  3. The natur variety is characterized by a small discrepancy in the color scheme. Bounds are allowed in diameter up to 2 mm. There may also be a small white swamp.
  4. For Rustics is characterized by a full scatter in color scheme. On the boards are permissible by a diameter of up to 0.6 cm. Admissible white swamp, which takes no more fifth part of the element width.

Surface treatment and coating

The massive board can be covered by protective layers in the factory conditions:

  • Varnished coat Make with special UV varnishes (see video). This allows you to speed up the drying of the product and perform a thin transparent layer of lacquer coating. Despite the strength and durability of such a coating, it can be worn, resulting in grinding and varnish on the entire floor.
  • Oil coating Impreet upper layer And does not create such protection as varnish. Such boards are very similar to unprocessed products, are well amenable to local repairs. The coating is very short-lived, it needs to be updated at least once a year.
  • Wax coating It is performed with a mixture of natural oil and paraffin. The coating is not very durable, but performs a certain protection of wood. The layer is easy to resume when wear.

Modern massive board is often sold with factory decorative processing. Most of them are aimed at creating a coverage with history (old sex). For this, most often used:

  • Toning - Product coverage with the finest layer or layers of paint. Usually this processing is used with the brushing. As a result, the protruding parts of the surface pattern have one color, and the recesses are different.
  • Braching - processing of the product with metal brushes, which allow you to choose soft fibers and create a relief surface. As a result, a massive board acquires a shape, its texture and naturalness is emphasized (see video).
  • Planing will allow the surface irregularity, as from the work of the plane.
  • Sawing is the surface coating of the product with shallow transverse lap.
  • Treatment with sandblasting machines Allows you to get a grinded relief surface.
  • Equality. Sometimes a massive board is made up by applying serifs on the surface of the product.

Wood breed

Depending on the tree breed, a massive board for the floor is characterized by the price. The cost of the array varies within $ 20.5-520. Next, we list the main characteristics of floor coverings from different breeds Tree.

Massive board Oak

This is a solid wood breed, therefore coating is resistant to mechanical effects, it is durable and durable. The color scheme is quite extensive - from almost white with a yellowish tinge of boards to elements with grinding green and gray. Weakly visible annual rings, light lines and brighter plots. Over time, the oak massif darkens, but the performance characteristics do not change.

Important! The main advantage of oak is high strength and hardness. The coating is suitable for rooms with high patency, including in public institutions.

There are products with lacquer coating and without it. The only drawback of oak is its high price. Per square meter Such a coating will have to lay out $ 50-120.

Massive board Tik

In the photo examples of interiors using a massive tick board.

Tika wood is valued for resistance to rotting, so it is often used for finishing decks, terraces and playgrounds by pools. Tick \u200b\u200bdoes not become black on the effects of water and does not lose its qualities. Structure and shade of wood are different. Most often, the products have a golden brown shade with a bright zabol and a darker core.

Tick \u200b\u200bis a representative of the Tropical Forests of Vietnam, India, Philippines, Laos. A teak tree is also growing in Eastern and Central Africa, Burma and Thailand forests. The tree is unpretentious to the soil and climatic conditions, so it is so common. Most of the wood, especially from Burma, is characterized by a homogeneous color. Indian tick is famous for its beautiful coloring. In general, wood color can be different - from a light golden shade to brown with dark saturated enclosures.

Under the influence of the external environment, tick wood darkens. Although experts consider this delusion, arguing that the material only aligns in color. Large wood texture has a clear brightly pronounced pattern. Each board has its own original pattern. The characteristic differences of this material are stripes, dark areas, whitish gray patterns. The direction of the fibers can be smooth or a little wavy.

The durability of wood is due to the high content of oily substances. Because of this, the material is not subject to rotting. It is easily processed. The main feature of wood is a specific aroma, resembling the smell of genuine leather.

Any outdoor coverage has its own operational characteristics. The massive board Tik is beneficial from its fellows from other wood breeds near the characteristics:

  • Although the process of drying wood is rather long, the tick rock will dry well and gives a minimal shrinkage. Long-time high-quality drying will allow obtaining outdoor products with high stability and excellent cutting geometry.
  • The board of this material is well treated, cutting (only thin and sharp blades should be used). It can be soaked with dyes, covered with oil or varnish.
  • When laying a teak floor covering, it is allowed to use glue for a parquet board.
  • To increase the strength and durability of the facial floor layer when laying, the material can be fixed with screws and nails. This will ensure a reliable connection.
  • Outdoor coating from this wood can be laid by any means suitable for products from wood array.
  • Ticky massive board worse than oak withstands shock loads.
  • The board of this wood can be broken along the growth of the fibers. But its main advantage is high bending strength.

Massive larch board

The external similarity of this wood with a pine tree is traced. However, its hardness is much higher and is comparable. Unless that with oak. Larch is different:

  • a variety of light shades;
  • thanks to the antiseptic qualities, wood is not affected by mold and rotting;
  • material is suitable for arrangement open terrace, loggias and balconies, because it does not deteriorate and does not deform from moisture;
  • the larch is very durable and firm, so the boards are used for floors of gyms, restaurants and libraries;
  • the breed retains the color and geometry of dimensions throughout the service life;
  • wood is distinguished by the stability of the pattern and texture.

Massive blackboard ash

Wood has a characteristic texture drawing and a rich range of solar shades. The breed is even stronger than the oak, but at the same time is characterized by high elasticity. Thanks to this, the ash is suitable for finishing floors in residential premises and as an outdoor coating of gyms and others. public rooms with increased patency.

The ash is actively used for the manufacture of floor products. Outdoor covers from this material have high operational characteristics Thanks to the strength, density, viscosity and beautiful wood texture. Quality such as the ease of processing, the absence of cracking during drying, contributes to the fact that the massere parquet board is one of the best flooring.

In addition, the massive board is ash differs in the following features:

  • Increased wear resistance of the facial floor layer from this wood is achieved due to the high solidness of the breed. The coating of varnish allows you to further protect the wood and increase the wear resistance of the floor.
  • The high performance characteristics of the ash array are explained by the fact that wood belongs to heavy varieties. Wood strength characteristics are directly related to the width of the annual rings. The wider rings, the higher the strength.
  • Due to the good elasticity of wood, parquet massive board is good, which is important for flooring. With this quality, she very much resembles beech.
  • Floor covers from this material are distinguished by durability. Confirmation of this - numerous reviews. If a lacquer is applied to the surface of the product, the service life of the floor may reach several tens of years.
  • Beautiful wood drawing is very similar to valuable exotic rocks. But the price of the floor of the ash will be more acceptable than from tropical varieties.
  • The massive board is a clear stability - does not breed, it is practically no no longer sneezing and retains the correct geometric shape.

Massive birch board

The product has a shade from white to pale brown. Texture of wood shallow, fibers are located along the board. Nic characteristic signs And there are no features of this material. On many mechanical characteristics of birch, it is similar to a beech. By minus rocks, the following is counted:

  • wood is very capricious;
  • the floor needs careful care;
  • pronounced deformations with a drop of moisture and temperature.

Massive board nut

Products are made from different varieties Tree, such as American or European walnut. The massif is different color gamut. So, you can find boards from light gray or beige colour to coatings with a dark brown tint. Wood has a very beautiful structure consisting of purple, brown and gray splashes.

Important! The massive board of American walnut is distinguished by increased resistance to temperature drops and changing the humidity regime in the room. The product is not subject to cracks and deformations.

The main difference between the American walnut wood from other breeds in the beauty and complexity of the picture. The core of the tree has a beautiful grayish brown shade. But after processing the wood acquires a rich dark brown color, casting multicolor divorces. Beautiful shade and unique drawing of this breed make it possible to obtain original flooring. Using them, designers with ease can embody any idea in interior design. That is why other types of flooring are made from such wood, for example, parquet flooring, laminate or parquet walnut.

Special properties of American walnut wood allow to obtain strong and durable flooring, distinguished by high performance characteristics. This wood is different:

  • resistant to temperature differences;
  • moisture resistance;
  • geometric stability (the coating does not breed, does not sneeze, forming a gap);
  • american walnut is convenient in processing (it can be polished from it, cyclish, glue, grind and vacuing);
  • the density of the wood is equal to 600-650 kg / m³;
  • the hardness of the breed is 5 kg / m³.

Massive Maple Board