Repairs Design Furniture

How to calculate the square meter of the board. The correct calculation of the boards on the floor. Calculator for calculating wooden beams overlap Calculation of floor lag

Wooden overlap is the easiest of installation and inexpensive way to separate adjacent rooms at home. The main elements of the wooden overlap are beams (timber or board) with nassed on them on the boards.

If you decide to apply this type of overlaps in your home or compare it in terms of cost with another view, for example, with reinforced concrete, then you will help in this below the presented calculator. With it, you can calculate the number of boards on the overlap, as well as find out their cost.

The calculator calculates the number of boards in two types of overlaps:

  • Type 1. - simple rectangular overlap with open or without;
  • Type 2. - overlap of any form.


Instructions for calculator

Calculator has 3 fields: Figure, source data and result.


This field displays a picture corresponding to the selected design type.

Initial data

Before this calculation, you must fill in the graphs in this field.

First you need to choose how much sides of the trim You want to immediately take into account in the calculation. Since wooden floors can have only one boards, which serve as a floor for the upper floor, and two. And the lower covering in this case is the ceiling for the lower floor. Usually it is done from aesthetic considerations or, if you want to place the insulation between the two these trims.

Type 1.

Length (L) and room width (K) - Room size or overlap dimensions. Indicated from the inner faces of the walls (see Figure).

Operacy Square (s) - The sum of all openings that fall into the zone of the calculated overlap.

Length (A), Width (B) and Height (F) Boards - The dimensions of the board, where a and b determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating, and F is the thickness of the floor.

Price for 1 m3 or 1 m2 - Depending on what this sawn timber is sold, in the column you indicate the amount. For example, 1 m3 boards costs 5,000 rubles, then you specify this figure opposite the "price per 1 m3" graph.

Type 2.

The principal difference of type 1 from type 2 is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is immediately indicated here, and not the length of the parties, as in the previous case.

In addition, a graph appears in the calculation of type 2 overlap "Stock"With which you can adjust the number of boards. Its appearance is due to the fact that during the trimming of polygonal (complex) floors, many trimming appear, which are not suitable in further use. It is advisable to specify 5-10% here.


Overlapping area - area of \u200b\u200bthe room less outlook.

The total number of boards - The required whole number of boards required for the overlap device (overlapping from one or two sides).

1 m3 boards - Number of specified section boards (BXF) in one Cuba. The length of the board (a) in this case does not play any role.

Volume and Square of Board -the required amount of boards, expressed in cubic and square meters.

Cost based on 1 m3 or 1 m2 - Depending on what you pointed out the price, here you get the total cost of the boards.

To perform accurate calculation of boards to the floor, the calculator, created as online service, has existed for many years. With it, it is possible to calculate the amount of material that will be needed for the construction of the lag and floor covering.

The calculator is used to determine the amount of not only the floorboard, but also the material for the roughing floor. As with the construction of other designs, work on the creation of high-quality floors requires determining the exact amount of fasteners and insulation, end and other parts.

Features online Calculators

In the calculator you need to score several parameters of residential premises

The calculation of the floor using an online calculator is carried out based on the size of the dimensions specified in millimeters. To fulfill all operations, you will need to clarify:

  • floor length and width;
  • length and thickness of the lag;
  • width and thickness of boards;
  • parameters of the house (width).

For each value there are certain designations, among which there are numbers and letters reflecting:

  • the thickness and width of the draft black floor boards;
  • the number of jumpers between lags and step between them;
  • distance between the boards.

You can find out exactly how much boards on the floor can be used by one of the proposed floor calculator programs. We will need competent high-quality drawings, according to which the flooring builds and plans overlap.

Getting Started with the choice of material, it is necessary to take into account the features of their parameters. Boards, the thickness of which reaches 4 cm is recognized as demanded.

Despite the fact that many designers recommend using the products, the parameter of which is significantly higher, often enough of those boards, which is not thicker 2 cm.

They are more flexible and durable, and due to the high-quality and competent processing of boards, they are distinguished by increased resistance to moisture and temperature differences.

Correct calculations will allow to lay a solid tie

It is these qualities that allow properly prepared materials to preserve their original form, avoid cracking, swelling and other damage and deformations.

When you need a calculator

The program will help even determine the optimal distance between the lags

Other data can also be required, their instructions will help the calculator to determine the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe room, choose among the many existing proposals the most appropriate parameters of wood materials, the program is able to properly establish the optimal distance between the lags and the design components.

Using the program, the consumer receives specific data on the required amount of not only sawn timber, but also the insulation required for the arrangement and creating insulation under wooden flooring. For more information about building calculators, see this video:

Another feature of the program is the ability to specify some options for laying a future floor, allowing you to save and use the minimum amount of wood and insulation when conducting construction work.

To work with an online calculator, there is no need to turn to specialists and designers. It suffices to use the Internet services by specifying the requested data.

When laying in the room flooring, the customer can need to count how many germ boards in Cuba, in other words, apply the calculator of boards on the floor. This is true how to calculate the total coverage area, and in order to understand how much boards are required to the floor - the calculator is convenient and easy to use. All those data that is issued by the fender calculator allows you to calculate exactly the cost of the order. If we are talking about several rooms, it will initially need to determine their total area and find out the amount of gender in Cuba.

Variety Dimensions Price per square meter. m, rub Price per cube. m, rub
Thickness, mm. Width, mm. Length, M. Wholesale Retail Wholesale Retail
Extra 27 142 2/3/4 1 570 1 750 58 150 64 820
Prima 27 142 2/3/4 1 300 1 490 48 150 55 190
1 grader
27 142 2/3/4 810 920 30 000 34 100
2 grades
27 142 2/3/4 620 650 22 970 24 100

Fireboard calculator

We need to lay the initial data of the length and width of the rooms, take into account the thickness of the floorboard and know how much the board fits in Cuba - the calculator "Calculation of the board to the floor" calculator works. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is divided into the width of the board, then in such a way we will find out the number of route meters, and how many boards on the floor will be required.

As soon as we know how much in the Cuba of the flooring and the total amount of the order, you can proceed to a cash calculation. Turning to the specialists of the company MBKR-Forest, the client can be confident in truthful and reliable order calculation. The calculator calculating the floorboard is the tool to which managers own flawlessly, and from the customer it will only be necessary to report exact source indicators. Thus, to find out the final cost of the order can already be in minutes. Every employee of warehouses with sawn timber knows how many geepboard pieces in Cuba, based on the thickness of the bar. Our professionalism, the quality of wood products and calculator for calculating the floorboards serve as a guarantee of order accuracy and customer savings.

Calculation of boards on the floor is an important point at the stage of repair or construction of the house.

The board is the optimal material for the rough floor.

But before buying it, it is important to make a thorough calculation, otherwise it can happen that too much units will be purchased and the large amount of money will be purchased. Those who think that when the coverage is lacking, there is always the opportunity to purchase the missing part of the material, you need to know that for the successful stacking process they should be from one batch. The most popular options for laying the floor are the following types of wood: wooden timber, unedged, edged and planed board. In each case, the required number of sawn timber is considered differently. This is due to the fact that each material has individual characteristics that need to be considered during the calculation.

So, how do you still make the correct calculation of the number of sawn timber?

We learn the magnitude of square meters

  1. To do this, the room is conditionally divided into a rectangle, if it does not have a strict rectangular shape, then it is divided into several rectangular parts, which are then measured. Measurements are designed to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The following formula will help to know it: S \u003d A × B, where S is the area, A is the width of the room, B is its length. The result will show you the desired amount of square meters of the coating, which must be put on the floor.
  2. If the room does not have a rectangular shape, the area is calculated for each rectangle separately, after which the figures obtained are subject to addition. For example: S \u003d (A1 × B1) + (A2 × B2) + (A3 × B3), where S is the final area, A1, A2, A3 - width 1, 2, 3 rectangles, B1, B2, B3 - Length 1 , 2, 3 rectangles. You can use these calculations not only if the indirect room is, but also if you need to calculate the final amount of the material immediately in several rooms.

Calculate the route meters

In order to find out what amount of boards is enough to linger the floor, you will help you a ready-made rule:

S \u003d A × B \u003d Width of a wooden bar × Run meters.

You can find out the number of boards that will go to store the floor, quite easily. This will require you to use the following calculation: S \u003d A × b × The number of sawn timber.

Either ready for computing:

Quantity \u003d The sum of the route / b

So, to successfully calculate how many sawn timber will leave for the coating, you will need the following:

  • the presence of finished formulas;
  • calculator;
  • information about segments A and B indoors;
  • information about the thickness of the timber, its length and width;
  • roulette;
  • pencil and notebook.

Thus, make calculations to anyone. Having under hand the necessary formulas and possessing minimal knowledge of mathematics, you can easily recognize the square of the required lumber to linger the floor.

All parameters must be specified in mm

X. - Width of the floor.

Y. - Floor length.

S1. - Width Lag.

S2. - The thickness of the lag.

S3. - Distance between lags.

O1. - Width of the genital board.

O2. - thickness of the genital boards.

O3. - Width of the blackboard board.

O4. - The thickness of the board.

R. - Distance between the boards.

With the help of an online calculator, you can calculate:

  • Volume of materials lag;
  • Calculation of lag for the floor: length, width and required quantity;
  • Total floor area or quadrature;
  • Number of rows and floor covering;
  • The number of wood sheets, laminate or parquet;
  • Volume between lags for insulation;
  • The number of material for roughing.

Helpful information

Wood flooring is performed in three tiers, as shown in the figure above. Below, carrying lags are located, on which draft boards will be laid, and on top of finishing floorboards. Below we describe the installation technology in detail.

Wooden floor do it yourself

As a rule, these works are carried out after the completion of the heating season. Since at this time, the boards will not absorb the surplus of moisture. The weather should be dry and sunny. It is best to use not a planed board for draft floor. While the milling and dried boards with a longitudinal groove for ventilation are used for the finishing of the finishing layer. Boards with curly edge for the groove connection. As a rule, each such board is pre-treated with decorative and protective composition.

In the process of laying, it is necessary to follow the requirements:

  • All lags must have good stability;
  • Lags are stitched horizontally (exception when the bias is provided for by the project);
  • Provide ventilation of space under the floor;
  • Wood humidity should not be more than 12%.

Location and prepare the floor surface

First of all, we place the room, and we indicate the places that need to be planned to achieve a single level (given the thickness of the seams and the height of the brick). For the submissions of the incompressible soil use fine crushed stone or sand, a layer thickness to 5 centimeters.

After that, we will tamper the entire surface. In those places where laugs will be located, fall asleep rubble and also tamper it into the ground.

Installation Lag.

As a lag, you can use a wooden beam with a size of 50x100 mm. According to your program results, we carry out the installation of a bar on an already rammed surface.

If you plan to increase this distance between lags, then in this case you should use a greater section of the bar.

If the base of the draft floor has a concrete overlap or slab, then the lags are installed directly onto the concrete. In this case, you can use a smaller cross section of the bar, as the bending load is almost completely excluded. Chernovoy flooring will perform the role of the latch of the second tier, and therefore the cross section 50x50 is sufficient.

From the thickness of the material covered, the distance between the lags will depend on. For example, 60 centimeters - for milling boards, 40 centimeters - to cover an OSP or plywood.

When the lags are installed, proceed to waterproofing space under them using a rubberoid or other modern material.

Rough layer

When lags are laid, we begin to install the second level, namely "draft boards". To do this, all end joints should be performed directly in the middle of the lags. For fixing the boards, we use screws on the tree of the desired value. You can, like pressing the draft boards to each other, and nail them through a small interval. In our case, this interval is determined by the magnitude R..

Nails should be hammered towards each other at a low angle, for solid fixation

If you are laying with milling boards, they are not enough to press them with each other. For this use special stops and wedges or tightening devices.

To fix the finishing board, we use nails or screws on wood.

Hats fasteners should not be above the surface of the board. To do this, you need to deepen by 2 millimeters. The deepening can be treated with a special putty before the floor staining.

If you use screws instead of nails, then you will need to drill holes and subsequently cencing every recess.

In the process of laying between the wall and the end of the lags or extreme boards, it is necessary to leave a gap for 10-15 millimeters, which will later close the plinth. This gap will serve as a compensator in the process of temperature expansion or humidity swelling.

Flooring on the floor is ready, now it can be covered with a mourn or protective varnish.

Wooden overlap is the easiest of installation and inexpensive way to separate adjacent rooms at home. The main elements of the wooden overlap are beams (timber or board) with nassed on them on the boards.

If you decide to apply this type of overlaps in your home or compare it in terms of cost with another view, for example, with reinforced concrete, then you will help in this below the presented calculator. With it, you can calculate the number of boards on the overlap, as well as find out their cost.

The calculator calculates the number of boards in two types of overlaps:

  • Type 1. - simple rectangular overlap with open or without;
  • Type 2. - overlap of any form.

To perform accurate calculation of boards to the floor, the calculator, created as online service, has existed for many years. With it, it is possible to calculate the amount of material that will be needed for the construction of the lag and floor covering.

The calculator is used to determine the amount of not only the floorboard, but also the material for the roughing floor. As with the construction of other designs, work on the creation of high-quality floors requires determining the exact amount of fasteners and insulation, end and other parts.

Features online Calculators

In the calculator you need to score several parameters of residential premises

The calculation of the floor using an online calculator is carried out based on the size of the dimensions specified in millimeters. To fulfill all operations, you will need to clarify:

  • floor length and width;
  • length and thickness of the lag;
  • width and thickness of boards;
  • parameters of the house (width).

For each value there are certain designations, among which there are numbers and letters reflecting:

  • the thickness and width of the draft black floor boards;
  • the number of jumpers between lags and step between them;
  • distance between the boards.

You can find out exactly how much boards on the floor can be used by one of the proposed floor calculator programs. We will need competent high-quality drawings, according to which the flooring builds and plans overlap.

Getting Started with the choice of material, it is necessary to take into account the features of their parameters. Boards, the thickness of which reaches 4 cm is recognized as demanded.

Despite the fact that many designers recommend using the products, the parameter of which is significantly higher, often enough of those boards, which is not thicker 2 cm.

They are more flexible and durable, and due to the high-quality and competent processing of boards, they are distinguished by increased resistance to moisture and temperature differences.

Correct calculations will allow to lay a solid tie

It is these qualities that allow properly prepared materials to preserve their original form, avoid cracking, swelling and other damage and deformations.

When you need a calculator

The program will help even determine the optimal distance between the lags

Other data can also be required, their instructions will help the calculator to determine the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe room, choose among the many existing proposals the most appropriate parameters of wood materials, the program is able to properly establish the optimal distance between the lags and the design components.

Using the program, the consumer receives specific data on the required amount of not only sawn timber, but also the insulation required for the arrangement and creating insulation under wooden flooring. For more information about building calculators, see this video:

Another feature of the program is the ability to specify some options for laying a future floor, allowing you to save and use the minimum amount of wood and insulation when conducting construction work.

To work with an online calculator, there is no need to turn to specialists and designers. It suffices to use the Internet services by specifying the requested data.

To perform accurate calculation of boards to the floor, the calculator, created as online service, has existed for many years. With it, it is possible to calculate the amount of material that will be needed for the construction of the lag and floor covering.

The calculator is used to determine the amount of not only the floorboard, but also the material for the roughing floor. As with the construction of other designs, work on the creation of high-quality floors requires determining the exact amount of fasteners and insulation, end and other parts.

Features online Calculators

In the calculator you need to score several parameters of residential premises

The calculation of the floor using an online calculator is carried out based on the size of the dimensions specified in millimeters. To fulfill all operations, you will need to clarify:

  • floor length and width;
  • length and thickness of the lag;
  • width and thickness of boards;
  • parameters of the house (width).

For each value there are certain designations, among which there are numbers and letters reflecting:

  • the thickness and width of the draft black floor boards;
  • the number of jumpers between lags and step between them;
  • distance between the boards.

You can find out exactly how much boards on the floor can be used by one of the proposed floor calculator programs. We will need competent high-quality drawings, according to which the flooring builds and plans overlap.

Getting Started with the choice of material, it is necessary to take into account the features of their parameters. Boards, the thickness of which reaches 4 cm is recognized as demanded.

Despite the fact that many designers recommend using the products, the parameter of which is significantly higher, often enough of those boards, which is not thicker 2 cm.

They are more flexible and durable, and due to the high-quality and competent processing of boards, they are distinguished by increased resistance to moisture and temperature differences.

Correct calculations will allow to lay a solid tie

It is these qualities that allow properly prepared materials to preserve their original form, avoid cracking, swelling and other damage and deformations.

When you need a calculator

The program will help even determine the optimal distance between the lags

Other data can also be required, their instructions will help the calculator to determine the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe room, choose among the many existing proposals the most appropriate parameters of wood materials, the program is able to properly establish the optimal distance between the lags and the design components.

Using the program, the consumer receives specific data on the required amount of not only sawn timber, but also the insulation required for the arrangement and creating insulation under wooden flooring. For more information about building calculators, see this video:

Another feature of the program is the ability to specify some options for laying a future floor, allowing you to save and use the minimum amount of wood and insulation when conducting construction work.

To work with an online calculator, there is no need to turn to specialists and designers. It suffices to use the Internet services by specifying the requested data.