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Specific thermal conductivity of building materials Table. The thermal conductivity of the main building materials. Perfect warm home

The construction of each object is better to start from the project planning and a thorough calculation of heat engineering parameters. The exact data will allow to obtain a table of thermal conductivity of building materials. The correct construction of buildings contributes to the optimal climatic parameters in the room. And the table will help correctly pick up the raw materials that will be used for construction.

Thermal conductivity of materials affects the thickness of the walls.

The thermal conductivity is an indicator of heat transfer from heated items in the room to subjects with a lower temperature. The heat exchange process is carried out until the temperature indicators equal. For the designation of thermal energy, a special coefficient of thermal conductivity of building materials is used. The table will help to see all the required values. The parameter denotes how much thermal energy is passed through the area of \u200b\u200bthe area per unit of time. The greater this designation, the better the heat exchange. When building buildings, it is necessary to use a material with a minimum value of thermal conductivity.

The thermal conductivity coefficient is such a value that is equal to the amount of heat passing through the meter of the thickness of the material per hour. Using such a characteristic is required to create better heat insulation. The thermal conductivity should be taken into account when selecting additional insulation structures.

What influences the thermal conductivity?

The thermal conductivity is determined by such factors:

  • porosity determines the inhomogeneity of the structure. When heat passes through such materials, the cooling process is insignificant;
  • the increased value of the density affects the close contact of the particles, which contributes to a more rapid heat exchange;
  • increased humidity increases this indicator.

Using thermal conductivity coefficient values \u200b\u200bin practice

Materials are presented with structural and thermal insulation varieties. The first species has great thermal conductivity indicators. They are used for the construction of overlaps, fences and walls.

With the help of the table, the possibilities of their heat exchange are determined. So that this indicator is quite low for a normal microclimate in the walls of the wall from some of the materials must be particularly thick. To avoid this, it is recommended to use additional heat insulating components.

The thermal conductivity indicators for finished buildings. Types of insulation

When creating a project, you need to take into account all methods of heat leakage. It can go through the walls and roof, as well as through the floors and doors. If you incorrectly carry out the design calculations, you will have to be content with only thermal energy obtained from heating devices. Buildings built from standard raw materials: stone, bricks or concrete need to be further insulated.

Additional thermal insulation is carried out in frame buildings. In this case, the wooden frame gives the stiffness of the structure, and the insulation material is paved in the space between the racks. In buildings from brick and slag blocks, insulation is made outside the design.

Choosing insulation needs to pay attention to factors such as the level of humidity, the effect of elevated temperatures and type of facilities. Consider certain parameters of insulation designs:

  • the thermal conductivity indicator affects the quality of the heat insulating process;
  • moisture absorption is of great importance in the insulation of external elements;
  • thickness affects the reliability of insulation. Thin insulation helps to keep the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • important flammable. Qualitative raw materials has the ability to self-effect;
  • thermal resistance displays the ability to withstand temperature differences;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • soundproofing protects against noise.

The following types are used as insulation:

  • mineral wool is resistant to fire and eco-friendly. Important characteristics include low thermal conductivity;
  • polyfoam is a lightweight material with good insulating properties. It is easily installed and possesses moisture resistance. It is recommended for use in non-residential buildings;
  • basalt cotton wool in contrast to mineral is distinguished by the best indicators of resistance to moisture;
  • penopelex is resistant to humidity, elevated temperatures and fire. It has excellent thermal conductivity indicators, easy to install and durable;
  • polyurethane foam is known for such qualities as non-combustible, good water repellent properties and high fire resistance;
  • extruded polystyrene foam in production is undergoing additional processing. Has a uniform structure;
  • penofol is a multi-layer insulated layer. The composition presents foam polyethylene. The surface of the plate is covered with foil to provide reflection.

For thermal insulation, bulk types of raw materials can be used. These are paper granules or perlite. They have resistance to moisture and to fire. And from organic varieties, it is possible to consider fiber from wood, flax or cork coating. When choosing, special attention is paid to such indicators as environmental friendliness and fire safety.

Note! When constructing thermal insulation, it is important to consider the installation of a waterproof layer. This will avoid high humidity and increase the resistance to heat exchange.

Table of thermal conductivity of building materials: features of indicators

The table of thermal conductivity of building materials contains indicators of various types of raw materials, which is used in construction. Using this information, you can easily calculate the wall thickness and the number of insulation.

How to use the thermal conductivity table of materials and insulation?

The table of resistance to heat transfer materials presents the most popular materials. Choosing a certain possible thermal insulation is important to take into account not only physical properties, but also characteristics as durability, price and ease of installation.

Do you know that the easiest way is to install foamies and polyurethane foam. They are distributed over the surface in the form of foam. Similar materials are easily fill in the cavities of the structures. When comparing solid and foamless options, it is necessary to allocate that the foam does not forms the joints.

The values \u200b\u200bof thermal transfer coefficients in the table

When performing computing, a heat transfer resistance coefficient should be known. This value is the ratio of temperatures on both sides to the amount of heat flux. In order to find the heat resistance of certain walls and the thermal conductivity table is used.

You can spend all calculations yourself. For this, the thickness of the insulator layer is divided into thermal conductivity coefficient. This value is often indicated on the package, if it is insulation. Materials for home are measured independently. This concerns the thickness, and the coefficients can be found in special tables.

The resistance coefficient helps to choose a certain type of thermal insulation and the thickness of the material layer. Information about vapor permeability and density can be viewed in the table.

With the proper use of tabular data, you can choose high-quality material to create a favorable microclimate indoor.

Thermal conductivity of building materials (video)

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Construction of a cottage or country house is a complex and time-consuming process. And in order for the future structure to stoke not one dozen years, you need to comply with all the rules and standards when it is erected. Therefore, each stage of construction requires accurate calculations and qualitative performance of the necessary work.

One of the most important indicators in the construction and decoration of the structure is the thermal conductivity of building materials. SNiP (building standards and rules) gives a full range of information on this issue. It needs to know that the future building is comfortable for living in both the summer and in the winter.

Perfect warm home

From the design features of the structure and the materials used during its construction, the comfort and economy of residence in it depends. Comfort is to create an optimal microclimate inside, regardless of external weather conditions and ambient temperature. If the materials are chosen correctly, and the boiler equipment and ventilation are installed according to the standards, then in such a house there will be a comfortable cool temperature in summer and warm in winter. In addition, if all the materials used in construction have good thermal insulation properties, the costs of energy carriers in the heating of premises will be minimal.

The concept of thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity is the transfer of heat energy between directly contacting bodies or media. Simple words, thermal conductivity is the body's ability to spend the temperature. That is, falling into some medium with a different temperature, the material begins to take the temperature of this medium.

This process is of great importance in construction. Thus, in the house with the help of heating equipment, the optimum temperature is maintained (20-25 ° C). If the temperature on the street is lower, then when the heating is turned off, all the heat from the house will be released after a while, and the temperature drops. In the summer there is a reverse situation. To make the temperature in the house below street, you have to use air conditioning.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

The weight loss in the house is inevitable. It happens constantly when the temperature is less than in the room. But its intensity is a variable value. It depends on the set of factors, the main among which are:

  • The surface area involved in heat exchange (roof, walls, overlap, floor).
  • Indicator of thermal conductivity of building materials and individual elements of the building (windows, doors).
  • The difference between the temperatures on the street and inside the house.
  • Other.

For the quantitative characteristic of the thermal conductivity of building materials, a special coefficient is used. Using this indicator, it is possible to simply just calculate the necessary thermal insulation for all parts of the house (walls, roof, overlap, floor). The higher the thermal conductivity coefficient of building materials, the greater the intensity of heat loss. Thus, for the construction of a warm home it is better to use materials with a lower indicator of this magnitude.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of building materials, as well as any other substances (liquid, solid or gaseous), is indicated by the Greek letter λ. The unit of its measurement is W / (M * ° C). In this case, the calculation is carried out on one square meter of the wall thickness in one meter. The temperature difference here takes 1 °. In almost any building directory there is a table of thermal conductivity of building materials in which you can see the value of this coefficient for various blocks, bricks, concrete mixes, wood species and other materials.

Determination of heat loss

Heat loss in any building is always there, but depending on the material they can change their value. On average, heat loss occurs through:

  • Roof (from 15% to 25%).
  • Walls (from 15% to 35%).
  • Windows (from 5% to 15%).
  • Door (from 5% to 20%).
  • Floor (from 10% to 20%).

To determine the heat loss, a special thermal imager is used, which determines the most problematic places. They stand out on it in red. A smaller heat loss occurs in yellow zones, then in green. Zones with the smallest heat loss are highlighted in blue. And the determination of thermal conductivity of building materials should be carried out in special laboratories, which should indicate the quality certificate attached to products.

Example of calculating heat loss

If we take, for example, the wall is made of material with a thermal conductivity coefficient 1, then when the temperature difference on the two sides of this wall is 1 °, the heat loss will be 1 W. If the thickness of the wall takes not 1 meter, and 10 cm, then the losses will already be 10 W. In case the temperature difference is 10 °, the thermal losses will also be 10 W.

Consider now on a specific example, the calculation of the heat loss of a whole building. Its height take 6 meters (8 c rod), the width is 10 meters, and the length is 15 meters. For ease of calculations, we take 10 windows with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2. The indoor temperature will be considered equal to 25 ° C, and on -15 ° C. We calculate the area of \u200b\u200ball surfaces through which heat loss occurs:

  • Windows - 10 m 2.
  • Floor - 150 m 2.
  • Walls - 300 m 2.
  • The roof (with rods along the long side) - 160 m 2.

The thermal conductivity formula of building materials allows calculating coefficients for all parts of the building. But it is easier to use ready-made data from the directory. There is a table of thermal conductivity of building materials. Consider each element separately and determine its thermal resistance. It is calculated by the formula R \u003d D / λ, where D is the thickness of the material, and λ is the coefficient of its thermal conductivity.

Floor - 10 cm concrete (r \u003d 0.058 (m 2 * ° C) / W) and 10 cm mineral wool (R \u003d 2.8 (m 2 * ° C) / W). Now we put these two indicators. Thus, the thermal resistance of the floor is 2.858 (m 2 * ° C) / W.

Similarly, walls, windows and roofs are considered. Material is a cellular concrete (aerated concrete), a thickness of 30 cm. In this case, R \u003d 3.75 (m 2 * ° C) / W. The thermal resistance of the reservoir window is 0.4 (m 2 * ° C) / W.

The following formula allows you to figure out the loss of thermal energy.

Q \u003d S * T / R, where S is the surface area, T is the temperature difference outside and inside (40 ° C). Calculate heat loss for each item:

  • For the roof: Q \u003d 160 * 40 / 2.8 \u003d 2.3 kW.
  • For walls: Q \u003d 300 * 40 / 3.75 \u003d 3.2 kW.
  • For windows: Q \u003d 10 * 40 / 0.4 \u003d 1 kW.
  • For Paul: Q \u003d 150 * 40 / 2.858 \u003d 2.1 kW.

Further, all these indicators are summed up. Thus, for this cottage, thermal losses will be 8.6 kW. And to maintain the optimal temperature, we will need boiler equipment with a capacity of at least 10 kW.

Materials for external walls

To date, there are many wall building materials. But building blocks, bricks and wood are still the greatest popularity in private housekeeping. The main differences are the density and thermal conductivity of building materials. Comparison makes it possible to choose a gold middle in a density / thermal conductivity ratio. The higher the density of the material, the higher its carrying capacity, and therefore, the strength of the structure as a whole. But at the same time, its thermal resistance is below, and as a result, energy costs are higher. On the other hand, the higher the thermal resistance, the lower the density of the material. Ligger density, as a rule, implies the presence of a porous structure.

To weigh everything and against, it is necessary to know the density of the material and its thermal conductivity coefficient. The following table of thermal conductivity of building materials for walls gives the value of this coefficient and its density.


Thermal conductivity, W / (m * ° C)

Density, t / m 3

Reinforced concrete

Ceramzit concrete blocks

Ceramic brick

Silicate brick

Aerated concrete blocks

Heaters for walls

With insufficient thermal resistance of external walls, various insulation can be used. Since the thermal conductivity of building materials for insulation may have a very low indicator, then most often the thickness of 5-10 cm will be enough to create a comfortable temperature and microclimate in rooms. A wide application today received materials such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam, polyuretiel and foam glass.

The following table of thermal conductivity of building materials used for the insulation of the outer walls gives the value of the coefficient λ.

Features of the use of wall insulation

The use of insulation for outer walls has some limitations. This is primarily associated with such a parameter as vapor permeability. If the wall is made of porous material, such as aerated concrete, foam concrete or ceramzite concrete, then use better mineral wool, since they have almost the same parameter. The use of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or foam glass is possible only in the presence of a special ventilation gap between the wall and insulation. For wood it is also critical. But for brick walls, this parameter is not so critical.

Warm roof

The insulation of the roof allows you to avoid unnecessary overruns when heating at home. For this purpose, all types of insulation as a sheet format can be applied and sprayed (polyuretiem). It should not be forgotten about vaporizolation and waterproofing. This is very important, since the wet insulation (mineral wool) loses its properties on thermal resistance. If the roof is not inspected, then it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the overlap between the attic and the last floor.


Floor insulation is a very important stage. It also needs to use vaporizolation and waterproofing. The insulation is used more dense material. It, accordingly, has a higher thermal conductivity coefficient than roofing. An additional measure for floor insulation can serve basement. The presence of air layer allows you to increase thermal protection at home. And the equipment of the warm floor system (water or electric) gives an additional heat source.


During the construction and finishing of the facade, it is necessary to be guided by accurate calculations on thermal losses and take into account the parameters of the materials used (thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and density).

The heat conduction table of building materials is necessary when designing the protection of the building from heat loss in accordance with the standards of SNiP from 2003 at number 23-02. With these events, a decrease in the operational budget is ensured, maintaining a year-round comfortable indoor microclimate. For the convenience of users, all data is reduced to the tables, parameters are given for normal operation, conditions of high humidity, since some materials, with an increase in this parameter, abruptly reduce properties.

The thermal conductivity is one of the ways of heat loss by residential premises. This characteristic is expressed by the amount of heat capable of penetrating the unit of the area of \u200b\u200bthe material (1 m 2) per second with the standard thickness of the layer (1 m). Physicists explain the leveling of the temperatures of various bodies, objects by thermal conductivity by the natural desire to thermodynamic equilibrium of all material substances.

Thus, each individual developer, heating the room in the winter, receives the loss of thermal energy, leaving the dwelling through the outer walls, floors, windows, roof. To reduce the consumption of the energy carrier for heating the rooms, while maintaining the microclimate comfortable for operation, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of all enclosing structures at the design stage. This will reduce the construction budget.

The thermal conductivity table of building materials allows the use of accurate coefficients for wall structural materials. Snip standards regulate the resistance of the facades of the cottage heat transfer of the cold air of the street within 3.2 units. Alternating these values, you can get the necessary wall thickness to determine the amount of material.

For example, when choosing a cellular concrete with a coefficient of 0.12 units, there is enough masonry in one block with a length of 0.4 m. Using cheaper blocks from the same material with a coefficient of 0.16 units, it will be necessary to make a wall thickness - 0.52 m. Thermal conductivity coefficient Pines, ate is 0.18 units. Therefore, for compliance with the condition of resistance to heat transfer 3.2, it will take 57 cm of a bar, which does not exist in nature. When choosing a brick masonry with a coefficient of 0.81, the unit thickness of outer walls threatens an increase of up to 2.6 m, reinforced concrete structures - up to 6.5 m.

In practice, the walls are made by multi-layered, laying inside a layer of insulation or sheathing the heat insulator an outdoor surface. These materials have a thermal conductivity coefficient lower, which reduces the thickness repeatedly. The design material ensures the strength of the building, the heat insulator reduces heat loss to an acceptable level. Modern facing materials used on the facades, interior walls, also have resistance to heat lines. Therefore, in the calculations, all layers of future walls are taken into account.

The above calculations will be inaccurate if you do not take into account the presence in each wall of the cottage of translucent structures. The thermal conductivity table of building materials in SNiP standards provides easy access to the thermal conductivity coefficients of these materials.

An example of calculating the wall thickness of thermal conductivity

When choosing a typical or individual project, the developer receives a set of documentation required for the construction of walls. Power structures are required for strength taking into account wind, snow, operational, structural loads. The wall thickness takes into account the characteristics of the material of each layer, therefore, the heat loss is guaranteed below the permissible standards. In this case, the Customer may make claims to the organization engaged in the design, in the absence of the necessary effect during the operation of the housing.

However, when building cottages, a garden house, many owners prefer to save on the acquisition of project documentation. In this case, the calculations of the wall thickness can be made independently. Specialists do not recommend using services on the websites of companies that implement structural materials, insulation. Many of them are overestimated in calculators the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients of thermal conductivity of standard materials for presenting their own products in a favorable light. More similar to the error in calculating fraught for the developer with a decrease in the comfort of interior premises during the cold period.

Independent calculation does not represent difficulties, a limited number of formulas, regulatory values \u200b\u200bare used:

For example, to bring the brick wall thickness in accordance with the regulatory heating resistance, it will be necessary to multiply the coefficient for this material taken from the table to the regulatory heat resistance:

0.76 x 3,5 \u003d 2.66 m

Such a fortress is unnecessary for any developer, therefore, the laying thickness should be reduced to an acceptable 38 cm, adding insulation:

The heat resistance of the brick masonry in this case will be 0.38 / 0.76 \u003d 0.5 units. The resulting result obtained from the regulatory parameter, we obtain the necessary heat resistance of the insulation layer:

3.5 - 0.5 \u003d 3 units

When choosing basalt wool with a coefficient of 0.039 units, we get a layer thick:

3 x 0.039 \u003d 11.7 cm

Preferred extruded polystyrene foam with a coefficient of 0.037 units, we reduce the layer of insulation to:

3 x 0.037 \u003d 11.1 cm

In practice, you can choose 12 cm for a guaranteed reserve or do 10 cm, considering the exterior, internal wall cladding, as well as heat resistance. Required stock can be reached without the use of structural materials or insulation, changing the design of the masonry. The closed spaces of the aircraft inside some types of lightweight masonments also possess the heat resistance.

Their thermal conductivity can be obtained from the table below in SNiP.

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Any construction work begins with the creation of the project. At the same time, it is planned as the location of the rooms in the building, and the main heat engineering indicators are calculated. From these values, it depends on how future the construction will be warm, durable and economical. It will determine the thermal conductivity of building materials - a table in which the main coefficients are displayed. Correct calculations are a guarantee of successful construction and creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

Therefore, when built, the construction is worth using additional materials. In this case, the thermal conductivity of building materials has the thermal conductivity, the table shows all values.

Helpful information! For buildings from wood and foam concrete, it is not necessary to use additional insulation. Even using low-wire material, the thickness of the structure should not be less than 50 cm.

Features of the heat conductivity of the finished structure

Planning the project of the future at home, it is necessary to take into account the possible loss of thermal energy. Most of the heat leaves through the doors, windows, walls, roof and floors.

If you do not perform calculations on the heat saving of the house, then the room will be cool. It is recommended to build from, concrete and stone to insulate.

Helpful advice! Before insulating the home, it is necessary to consider high-quality waterproofing. At the same time, even the increased humidity will not affect the features of thermal insulation indoors.

Warms of insulation structures

The warm building will be obtained with an optimal combination of structures from durable materials and a high-quality heat insulating layer. These structures include the following:

  • building from standard materials: slag blocks or bricks. In this case, insulation is often carried out along the outside.

How to determine the coefficients of thermal conductivity of building materials: Table

Helps determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of building materials - table. It contains all the values \u200b\u200bof the most common materials. Using similar data, you can calculate the thickness of the walls and the insulation used. Table of thermal conductivity values:

To determine the thermal conductivity value, special GOSTS are used. The value of this indicator differs depending on the type of concrete. If the material has an indicator of 1.75, then the porous composition has a value of 1.4. If the solution is made using a stone rubble, then its value is 1.3.

Losses through ceiling structures are significant for living on the last floors. Weak sites include space between overlap and wall. Such areas are considered to be the bridges of the cold. If there is a technical floor over the apartment, then the loss of thermal energy is less.

On the top floor is made outside. Also, the ceiling can be inspired inside the apartment. For this purpose, polystyrene foam or thermal insulation plates are used.

Before you insulate any surfaces, it is worth learn the thermal conductivity of building materials, the bottom table will help in this. Warm floor covering is not as difficult as other surfaces. As insulation materials, such materials are used as clamzite, glass fiberglass fiberglass.

The process of energy transmission from a heated part of the body to less heated is called thermal conductivity. The numeric value of this process reflects the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material. This concept is very important in the construction and repair of buildings. Properly chosen materials make it possible to create a favorable microclimate in the room and save on heating a substantial amount.

The concept of thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity is the process of exchanging thermal energy, which occurs due to the collision of the smallest particles of the body. Moreover, this process will not stop until the moment of equilibrium temperature comes. This takes a certain period of time. The longer time spent on thermal exchange, the lower the thermal conductivity indicator.

This indicator is expressed as the thermal conductivity coefficient of materials. The table contains already measured values \u200b\u200bfor most materials. The calculation is made by the amount of thermal energy, which has passed through the specified surface area of \u200b\u200bthe material. The more calculated value, the faster the object will give all its heat.

Factors affecting thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity coefficient of material depends on several factors:

  • With increasing this indicator, the interaction of the material particles becomes stronger. Accordingly, they will transmit temperature faster. And this means that the transfer of heat is improved with the increase in material density.
  • Porosity of the substance. Porous materials are inhomogeneous in their structure. There is a large amount of air inside them. This means that molecules and other particles will be difficult to move thermal energy. Accordingly, the thermal conductivity coefficient increases.
  • Humidity also affects thermal conductivity. The wet surfaces of the material passes a larger amount of heat. Some tables even indicate the calculated coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material in three states: dry, middle (ordinary) and wet.

Choosing material for insulation of rooms, it is important to consider the conditions in which it will be operated.

The concept of thermal conductivity in practice

Thermal conductivity is taken into account at the design stage of the building. It takes into account the ability of materials to hold heat. Thanks to their proper selection of residents indoors will always be comfortable. During operation, cash on heating will be significantly saved.

Warming at the design stage is optimal, but not the only solution. It is not difficult to insulate the ready-made building by conducting internal or external work. The thickness of the insulation layer will depend on the selected materials. Separates (for example, wood, foam concrete) can in some cases be used without an additional layer of thermal insulation. The main thing is that their thickness exceeds 50 centimeters.

Special attention should be paid to the insulation of the roof, window and doorways, gender. Through these elements leave the most heat. Spearly can be seen in the photo at the beginning of the article.

Construction materials and their indicators

For the construction of buildings, materials with a low thermal conductivity coefficient are used. The most popular are:

  • Reinforced concrete, the value of thermal conductivity of which is 1.68W / m * to. The density of the material reaches 2400-2500 kg / m 3.
  • Wood, since ancient, used as a building material. Its density and thermal conductivity depending on the breed are 150-2100 kg / m 3 and 0.2-0.23W / m * to respectively.

Another popular building material - brick. Depending on the composition, it has the following indicators:

  • mathematical (made of clay): 0.1-0.4 W / m * K;
  • ceramic (manufactured by the firing): 0.35-0.81 W / m * K;
  • silicate (from sand with the addition of lime): 0,82-0.83 W / m * k.

Materials from concrete with the addition of porous aggregates

The thermal conductivity coefficient of material allows the latest to build garages, sheds, summer houses, baths and other structures. This group includes:

  • Ceramzitobeton, whose indicators depend on its type. Full-scale blocks do not have voids and holes. With voids inside, they are manufactured less durable than the first option. In the second case, thermal conductivity will be lower. If we consider general figures, it is 500-1800kg / m3. Its indicator is in the range of 0.14-0.65W / m * to.
  • Aerated concrete, inside of which pores are formed with a size of 1-3 millimeters. Such a structure determines the material density (300-800kg / m 3). Due to this, the coefficient reaches 0.1-0.3 W / m * to.

Indicators of thermal insulation materials

The thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal insulation materials most popular in our time:

  • polystyrene foam, the density of which is the same as in the previous material. But at the same time, the heat transfer coefficient is at the level of 0.029-0.036W / m * K;
  • glasswater. Characterized by a coefficient of 0.038-0.045W / m * to;
  • with an indicator 0.035-0.042W / m * k.

Table indicators

For convenience, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material is customary to enter the table. In addition to the coefficient itself, such indicators as the degree of humidity, density and others can be reflected. Materials with a high thermal conductivity coefficient are combined in a table with low thermal conductivity. The sample of this table is below:

The use of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material will increase the desired building. The main thing: choose a product that meets all the necessary requirements. Then the building will be comfortable for living; It will keep a favorable microclimate.

The correctly chosen will be reduced due to which no longer need to "dump the street." Due to this, the financial costs of heating will be significantly reduced. Such savings will allow in a short time to return all the money that will be spent on the purchase of the thermal insulator.