Repairs Design Furniture

Fampecific house with hands Step-by-step instructions. Construction technologies: Figure Facts. Gradual changes in technology

The technology of the construction of half-timbered houses came to us from the Middle Ages. Although the first buildings of this type appeared in the 12th century of our era, they received the greatest spread in Germany in the 15th century, and then became popular and throughout Northern Europe. So far, in many countries enjoy this technology when building buildings. She passed a time test for several centuries. If you decide to build a half-timbered home, then in this article we will describe many nuances that you need to know before making a final decision.


The German word Fachwerk is translated as "frame, lattice design", which already gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe constructive features of this structure. The technology of building such a house is the construction of a frame from wooden beamswhich is a supporting structure. Vertical and horizontal racks are combined by beams at different angles, which gives the design rigidity and strength. Monolithic walls are not erected, since they are obtained when the space is filled between the beams with various materials. At the time of the Middle Ages, Saman, clay, later - a stone, brick used for this.

The beams of such buildings are not hidden, they go to the facade and look like a decorative element, which gives the half-timbered homes their unique and recognizable individuality. Intentently highlighted elements of a frame create a fancy ornament on the facade of the building.

Modern reading

Reliability and durability confirms the fact that the buildings have been preserved, which is already about five hundred years. Interest in this style began to revive at the end of the last century, especially since modern technologies helped to interpret classic samples of such buildings in a new way.

Use glued timber instead ordinary tree For the manufacture of a frame gives many advantages. Its superior wood strength, a large water resistance, a higher ignition temperature, mold resistance and fungi allow you to get rid of the shortcomings inherent in wooden houses.

Modern technologies allowed to create, observing all the advantages of the half-timbered design, the "glass house", when the planes between the frame elements are filled with particularly durable double-glazed windows.

Advantages of technology

  • It is undoubted the attractiveness of such houses in aesthetic plan - they are original, unlike the usual buildings.
  • For such buildings, a powerful foundation is not required, which leads to a reduction in construction periods and its cost.
  • Buildings have a very small shrinkage, which is associated with a slight weight of the frame. This allows you to start an external and interior finish immediately after its installation.
  • Since the main vertical load carries the framework of the building, layout interior premises It does not restrain the need to build bearing walls.
  • The construction time is several times higher than the buildings constructed by traditional ways.

Construction nuances at home

It may seem to build a half-timbered home can be easily and fast, but it is not. Often you can hear advertising that such a construction is performed by one person in a short time, but do not share this semi-trial, since the rapid construction of such a house is possible only if the team of specialists took it. And they are assembling the frame from pre-harvested in the factory. In this case, indeed, your home can be erected in just 2 weeks.

If you take on the independent execution of this work, it is important to realize the limits of your capabilities to bring the work started to the end. To correctly perform the work, you need not only to be able to handle the tool, it must be kept. In addition, the competent implementation of numerous calculations will be required. There are such qualities as accuracy and scrupulousness, because then it will not be possible to redo it, and the flaws will not be able to cover with panels. The attitude did not change, and then ready to build on their own? Then examine the list of work performed.

Sequence of performance

  • Depending on climatic and landscape Conditions The area in which the house will be built is developed by the relevant project.
  • As in the case of any other structure, for the half-timbered home you need to make a foundation. Given the small mass of the house, let's stop at the finely illuminated ribbon foundation 50 cm width by performing calculations on our online calculator. You can also make another type of foundation, as for an ordinary frame house.
  • For the manufacture of supporting structures we will use the glued bar, the size of which must be specified in the project. Nowadays, to acquire such a building material will not be problems. You can also use the usual one, only a guaranteed dry bar, the same sizes.
  • If there are no skills like this work, but I want to do everything yourself, it is better to find or order a project in accordance with your needs, order workpieces in an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of half-timbered homes, and then using drawings, proceed to assembly.

  • A layer of waterproofing is spawned on the foundation, and the bars of lower strapping are stacked on top of it.
  • Metal anchors are used to fasten the bars to the foundation.

  • When assembling the frame, it is important to ensure that the parts are inserted into the grooves to the end. The location of the framework of the framework, to which there will be a big load, must be additionally strengthened, for which they can be used metal plates, corners or brackets.
  • In that part of the structure, where the walls are deaf, it is necessary to take care that the depth of the frame frame is enough for the heater from cellulose fibers.

  • Interior partitions are collected from a smaller bar, about 50 × 50 mm. For their mounting to the floor, frame dowels are used.
  • On top of the vertical bars, the installation of longitudinal runs, which will need to be attached to the overlapping boards.
  • If provided for by the project, then above inter-storey strapping Installation of riglels.
  • The carcass of the houses at the corners is strengthened with disclosures that can be both closed and open.
  • Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the roof.

We fluently described the steps of the framework of the framework for you can imagine that you have to do. Why is the list of work performed, and not a step-by-step instruction? Because constructively, each house will have their differences, and there are several assembly technologies. In order to get acquainted in more detail with the construction, we suggest a video.

Video: Building a half-timbered house

As you can see, the process of assembling the house is not called simple, and it will not be possible to build such a structure alone.

Another distinctive feature is extensive glazing, so the building is distinguished by its appearance from its predecessors, the erected centuries ago. Often, speaking of buildings erected by facrow technology, People are called glass houses.

Video: more about glass houses

The glazing of the house is a separate topic, but due to the design features, a special technology has been developed, which is described in the next story.

Video: Glazing of half-timbers

So, we can conclude that the construction of a modern glass house will qualitatively be able to fulfill only the team of specialists.

If it is small rustic house With small windows, the rigidity of the structure will provide numerous struts, and the openings are closed with appliant materials - exactly how our great-grandfathers did.

The half-timbered houses saw many, although they did not suspect about it.

It is enough just to include some film, documentary or artistic about Germany. And you will see these neat houses, with figured frames, often sent by ivy. Many architects allocate such half-timbered houses in a special "German style". In Russia, they now began to build houses, imitating half-timbered style, while there are any rebound building materials, such as the same siding.

Many such houses I have seen on the Black Sea coast - you can not condemn people for such imitation, they just want them to look beautiful, and considering that our average salary is 20 thousand, and German in terms of our ruble - 120.000, then such people are starting to respect only more.

But in the given article will be discussed about the classic header and how to build a house in this style.

According to the rules, construction according to the technology and in the style of Fakhverka begins with the corner of the stones, to the place where the angle is formed from the beams of strapping and half-timbered racks, both intermediate and angular.

It is done in order to not give wood to grown.

According to the rules that have developed at the homeland of half-timbered construction have long been, a step between racks must be 2 feet (60 centimeters).

To date, when using half-timbered style, it is already ordinary, using concrete. It is easier and so to speak technologies, and if so faster.

At the next stage, they take wooden houseconsisting of racks, beams, riggers, dysproke, strut, upper and lower strapping.

If the project is a multi-storey house, then racks, as a rule, make a height of two floors. The elements of the half-timbered frame are made from a bar of rectangular sections. The strength and rigidity of the frame gives the use of the appropriate compounds of parts - on a secret thorny, on the sip of "swallow tail" and other types of wrinkles fixed to increase the strength of wooden brazers. (Agel is fastener in the form of large wooden nail.)) The absence of any metal fasteners is the main difference between the traditional half-form.

For the construction of the frame of the half-timbered houses, as a rule, the durable and durable wood breeds are choosing - mostly oak, spruce, fir, douglasia. It is generally recognized that wood is environmentally friendly, so it is most often preferred to other materials. With proper operation, wooden elements do not have any adverse effects on human health.

It should not be forgotten about the typical framework of the framework of frameworks, which form the so-called "figures": "Man", "wild man", "Andreevsky Cross" and many others with sometimes exotic names. These framework elements, always remaining in sight, visually dismember the facade on the panel of various shapes and create a very fancy drawing of geometric shapes. The decorative function of the frame - one of the main features of the half-timbered architecture.

For half-timbered construction, it is characterized by the use of carved parts: giving figure shapes protruding on the facade of beams, cutting of solar symbols and friends (elements of ornamenta in the form of stars included in the circle), decoration of corner racks of houses by carved wooden sculptures, decorating the nipple of the whites in the form of horsepower.

Fig. 1. The wooden frame of the half-timed house consists of racks, beams, riggers, ducts, struts, upper and lower strapping.

After the construction of the house at the next stage, the walls are filled with fascine panels (in Europe, fascines are flying or knit from IV rods, and in East Asia - bamboo), decepted clay, saman raw bricks or, as well as from natural stone.

Brick inserts are attached to the frame on the pins inserted with one edge in the beams or racks. Another old way to fasten the brick inserts to the frame is to use triangular rails, which are attached around the perimeter of the face to the inner surfaces of the frame. At the same time, the triangular grooves under these rails are cut into extreme bricks.

Fig. 2. The strength and rigidity of the frame gives the use of various types of thickening compounds and wrinkles, fixed to increase the strength of wooden brazers.

Inevitably generated between the inserts and parts of the frame houses of the gap in the older caught wool mixed with lime, and then attached to the limestone.

In modern conditions, the sealing of the slots perform approximately the same way, but the more technological industrialized sealing and finishing materials are used.

In addition, to turn the half-timbered building into a house that meets the modern requirements for the comfort of living, the walls must be insulated and arrange additional sound insulation.

However, it is suitable for additional heat and sound insulation, as a rule, from the inside of the walls, trying not to disturb the traditional historically established architectural style Fack construction.

According to the established tradition, wooden beams frame paint in dark red, brown or even black. On the plaster, the wooden frame also by tradition, they will drag the "fatty" black line so that the framework details seem thicker, massive and durable. Moreover, this reception is used both in Germany and in China. Very often, the plastered panels are decorated with various vegetable ornaments, coat of arms, inscriptions or other images. If the filling is brick, then different geometrically correct, repeating patterns are laid out of the brick.

Most often, the source material for the main element of the first grade - filling is clay, as it is not true, it is widely distributed everywhere and it is possible to get it without causing any damage to the surrounding environment. Clay is an fine-grained sedimentary breed, dusty in a dry state and plastic during moisture. The diameter of its particles does not exceed 0.005 mm, but when compliance with the traditional technology of the construction of half-timbered buildings, dust is not formed during the subsequent operation.

Another common filling material is a ceramic brick. The main raw material for its production is the clay described above, and therefore at the stage of operation a brick is safe for people's health. However, when evaluating the degree of influence of ceramic materials on environment High power consumption and industrial emissions at the stage of their production should be taken into account.

Occasionally used as filling natural stone. In most cases, the natural stone is friendly to a person, besides, in its natural state, it has the necessary construction properties, most importantly of which is durability. In the half-timbered construction, the natural stone is applied without any additional processing, so there are no waste, and when using local stone materials, loads and the environment associated with its extraction and transportation are reduced.

The roof of the half-timbered houses, as a rule, make from traditional Materials: Roof tiles, cane and plates of natural or industrialized slate. In wet climatic conditions, they cover the walls of buildings. Currently, the slate has already ceased to produce asbestos, replacing it with other safe fibrous materials to human health.

However, when choosing modern building materials And technologies should exhibit certain caution and diligence, since not all of them are combined with the historically established and peculiar architectural style of half-timbered buildings.

So, for external window sills and external naschalnki, it is not necessary to use wood of coniferous rocks. Even with the processing of its modern protective equipment, it has a limited service life.

For these purposes, it is better to use traditional oak, although it is more difficult in processing, and it is much more expensive.

It is also not necessary to get involved in wide proofs for entrance doors and inbound gates, since heavy hinged flaps in time will inevitably lead to the deformation of wooden racks and beams of the frame. The distance between adjacent wooden racks should not exceed 120 cm, or, if it is still necessary to increase, steel structures should be used.

Fig.3. The project of the modern house in the style of Fakhverk with all the elements of this traditional architecture and technology.

It should also be carefully approaching the use of modern insulating and sealing materials when filling the half-timbered framework. The fact is that historically the walls of the half-timbered houses have always had a gap. This allowed for many decades to avoid rotting wooden framework details due to efficient natural ventilation. When using modern sealing materials, it is necessary to provide special ventilation gaps and channels, which is not always possible to do without disturbing the traditional style of the half-timbered home.

Among the parts that are poorly combined with traditional directions in the flash architecture, metal doors can be distinguished with a large glazing area, especially if they have many decorative elements of a rounded form. Absolutely not suitable for the graded house modern plastic windows With wide overwhelms, devoid of small details of the binding. Such windows can completely destroy the architectural style and nature of the building. The similar effect is achieved and then when window Operas Set the "step" in relation to nearby horizontal beams or bars of strapping. We should not forget that the intersecting beams and racks must divide the walls of the wall on even rectangles of the correct form. Clear rectangles and squares are completely inappropriate on the facade of the house.

Unlike the design elements of the house when choosing a way to finish, decorative parts and color shades, the possibility is significantly wider. The frame and its filling can be both contrasting colors and painted in two close shade of one color, and even in the same color.

According to the old German tradition at the end construction work The half-timbered house decorate the branches of deciduous trees and arrange a festival of the newly skid.

Fakhverk is not only construction technology, but also architectural style

Despite the centuries-old history and more than a solid age, the Fakhverk retains popularity in modern home-building.

The half-timber is a frame design of a wooden bar, consisting of a system of racks, beams, riglels, squeaks and strapping. It is the presence of separations, as well as a wide variety of compounds, fixed by wooden bellows and a rigging rigidity, distinguishes the half-timber from other types of frame house-building. Another difference lies in the fact that the elements of the frame are not hidden under the trim, and protruding from the flat surface of the walls, visually dismembering the walls on the geometric sections and giving the building texture clarity and expressiveness. The space between the wooden bars of the frame is filled with a variety of building materials, and the walls themselves are covered with plaster.

On a note

In antiquity as aggregate walls, almost any rebunny material: clay, sinters, saman (blend of clay with reed or straw), broken stone and even construction garbage. The rich townspeople filled the intercrowl space with wooden carved panels.

To do not drink from above

Very often in half-timbered structures, floor ledges are used: the upper floors hang over the lower, forming a kind of step ledges. You might think that the goal is to increase the area of \u200b\u200beach subsequent floor. Partly this is. But this is only a consequence, and most importantly consisted in the other. In such a inaccessible way, medieval architects were protected by unreleased saman walls with a wooden frame from a destructive moisture, from which the facades of buildings with high frontones suffered primarily and large quantity windows.

Modern option

Today, instead of an ordinary bar, glued, more durable and minimal exposed to deformations and cracking is most often used instead of an ordinary timber. The glued bars and beams made in the factory conditions may have a different cross section and non-standard length (up to 18 m), which allows you to implement any architectural ideas. In addition to the glued timber in modern half-timbered homes, the carrier frame of metal thermopropil can be used. It can be embedded in the half-timbered frame of a modern fiber insulation, although due to the presence of the separation, this procedure becomes notably complicated, because in the thickness of the insulation, in no case should remain empty "pockets".

Tradition and innovation

More expensive, but a very effective option "insulation" - energy-saving glass windows-you. The facades can be glazed almost 100%, while the house creates a unique spirit, which could be called the kingdom of space and light. The use of a large amount of glass does not affect the strength of the building. Custom glass windows with low-emission glass (I-glass, K-glass) make it possible to achieve a low level of heat loss that corresponds to modern standards in heat supporting residential buildings. What in combination with modern systems Heating provides heat and comfort with very modest energy consumption. Well, in order to burn out from immodest eyes, it is enough just to delay the curtains.

Facrokrock on "Simplified"

Supervises a simplified version - the outer and interior finish of the house in the style of the head. It lies in the fact that wooden walls are pasted on the plastered walls decorative elements, imitating racks, beams and half-timbered frames. These wooden details Coloring, as a rule, in a dark contrasting color. This solution is applied to homes built in various styles from different materials. Under the elegant half-timbered "skin" any constructive "skeleton" can be hidden: a frame, an unrestogulous timber, a brick or foam blocks.

Facrous frame house with their own hands - an example of a project and construction

The reputation of houses of a frame type, including half-timbered, undermined in our country.

Maybe not hopelessly, but seriously enough. There are a lot of reasons for this. After all, we all dreamed of the cheapest and affordable houses. And when at the end of the last century, in the domestic market, they finally appeared relatively inexpensive and energy-efficient frame structures (for some reason they were immediately called Canadian, although they often had no relation to Canada), everyone was delighted.

Here it is! It happened! Simple and warm home! But instead of adopting the western experience in the construction and operation of such houses and creatively process it in order to adapt to the Russian conditions, customers and builders rushed to save on everything and all.

The ideology of the customer, however, is quite understandable: to pay smaller, but get bigger. As a result, the "Canadian" houses first lost air heating and cooling systems. Followed in the fly and the system of forced supply-exhaust ventilation.

Builders also contributed both to the "economy" of building materials and to simplify structures, which was often fraught with very unpleasant consequences. "The combined efforts" in a matter of years led to the fact that most customers still do not want to hear about skew houses.

As a result, builders who know how to build good frame structures, for 15 years they have been trying to restore their renome and prove that frame house was, there are, perhaps, more for a long time It will remain the most inexpensive, technological, energy efficient and economical in operation type of structure.

They have to in practice to prove their right thing to be implemented by each customer, demonstrating the objects delivered. And advanced builders even develop new framework technologies, profitable ... (Do not be surprised!) For the customer.

However, unfortunately, the distrust has rooted somewhere very deeply, and, probably, that is why the volumes frame construction grow extremely slow. But, fortunately, they grow up.

How to return Prestige carcass?

It was above this issue in 2007, designers and builders of Zaoksky expanses and landscapes thought. They developed a fairly simple and clear modular design and construction system of half-timbered homes, the essence of which is reduced to the following. The house frame is assembled from glue racks and beams with a cross section of 200 x 180 mm.

At the same time, the racks are mounted with a strictly defined step - approximately 2.5 m (from where it follows that the system is modular), which corresponds to the double width of sheet cabarton sheets, CSP and OSP-plates used to cover the framework, and, therefore, reduces Minimum amount of waste.

In addition, such a powerful frame, which remains visible outside and from the inside, as is customary in the header, ensures durability and reliability. collected design. It is curious that at the same time it does not have all sorts of pumps and the like elements peculiar to the classic step.

Instead of them, the stiffness of the design gives the sheets of OSP or CSP, mounted by the verses in the frames of the frame (the technology of filling out the openings is Know-how).

For connecting wooden framework elements, original unified nodes were developed among themselves (about ten), which is convenient for designers - now they immediately create not only the project of the house, but also a special file that allows you to control the automated line that manufactures the necessary racks and beams.

No less convenient for the new system and builders. After all, ready-made details with connecting cups and spikes come to the construction site and even with grooves for the installation of metal connecting elements (they are also used in the design).

At the same time, nothing is required to be customized - choose the desired fragment of the brought packs (the assembly is carried out in a strictly defined order, which cannot be broken), mount into place and fix the compound of the metal part specified in the accompanying documentation (tugar screws, metal perforated elements, etc. are used. P. - The need to use each of them defines the designer).

If some part is not suitable, the collector (it is more correct to call it this way), not trying to fit on its own, as it is usually accepted at the construction site, stops and causes the Proba.

However, the advantages of the new system are not exhausted. Since the design being created is not exposed to shrinkage, it is permissible to install large-sized double glazing windows directly to the perfumes formed by a frame, saving thus on their expensive frame framing. But that's not all.

The created design can be insulated to the degree of energy efficiency required by the customer. Wants a client to build a passive house - no problem.

Facrow house on the slope

On the construction of a graded house with a total area of \u200b\u200b302 m 2 by the company "Zaokskiy and landscapes" on its own technology, it is quite detailed in the photo report from the construction site. We will add only some comments.

Location of development is located near the Museum-Reserve "Polenovo". The terrain there is quite hilly, the height difference from one edge of the site acquired by customers to another was about 6 m.

The height difference in the "Stain of the Development" is 1.5 m, which forced the builders to make a stepped pile-painted foundation and the ground overlap. The steps inside the house helped not conditionally, and actually divide the internal space of the first floor to the residential and public zone with the ceilings of different heights. Residential premises of the second floor are located at one level.

Add a few words about saving money ... customer.

If you build a similar house in modern, but, for example, standard half-timbered technology, then due to an increase in the material consideration and elongation of the construction time it will cost about 500 thousand rubles. more expensive. And if extensive window openings are filling in glass packages inserted into the frame, admitting warm aluminum, the cost of construction will increase by about 800 thousand rubles. And, as it seems to us, the customer, moving in new house, I will be happy to spend savings, for example, to furnishings.

Facrow House - Project and Construction: Photo

Construction of a cottage house in style ... how to make a chair in the style ...

Framework methods for building buildings are known for a long time. The greatest spread of the construction of buildings according to the method of Fakhverk was obtained in Northern Europe at the time of the Middle Ages. The presence of a sufficient amount of natural building material - wood of pine rocks made it possible to quickly erect reliable and warm buildings. In distant Japan, the buildings built on the technology of the Former are also known. The buildings are dating more than 1000 years ago.

Features of the technology Fakhverk

The construction of technology Fakhverk uses modern lovers of country life is very popular. It is an elegant and harmonious composition, a combining tree, glass and stone. The appearance of such a building is always original and recognizable. The house is distinguished by high operational qualities, durable, quickly erected. These facts are fundamental to many customers when choosing materials and the construction method of the country house or personal cottage.

The construction of the house according to the method of Fakhverk begins in the same way as any other house from bookmarks the foundation. The basis of the future building is the fuel reinforced monoblock foundation. The depth and other sizes calculate the designers, taking into account the quality of the soils, the design features of the building.

For the construction of the half-timbered house, you need beams from pine trees. Creating a carrier frame is carried out strictly in accordance with the project documentation in which calculates load bearing capacity Buildings and possible slopes. Walls with such technology are not carriers, but only share space on the room. The material from which the walls are created may be light and inexpensive.

Special conditions that are disassembled by the foundation during the construction of the technology of the Facremmer are not as tough as when using other technologies. Due to the fact that the framework of the building is rather light and stable, it is allowed to use a small-breeding foundation. The half-timbered house has light and rigid walls that are connected between spikes, metal brackets and plates. The lower part of the house frame is attached to the foundation by anchor bolts, a reliable waterproofing is carried out, and bottom part The buildings are covered with expanded polystyrene for insulation and prevent dampness. As a result, the building distinguishes the ease and elegance of the design.

Building software Famverk allows us to use various material To fill the frequency design cells. The inner walls are filled with special thermal insulating and vapor insulation plates using a thin layer of aluminum. This is done to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the room. All walls are spitted, polished and decorated according to any known method to choose a customer. For the development of the interior, it is possible to use any known style applicable in residential construction.

The construction of the frame of the half-timbered building

Construction begins with, in which the number of consumables, technological stages of work, construction of the foundation are calculated in detail. Filling the foundation precedes the start of construction of any home. Install on the reinforced concrete foundation, the depth of which is calculated in each case. This fact affects the peculiarity of the soil and the depth of groundwater. From how carefully laid the foundation, it depends on how much time is just a house.

It allows the customer to get the original and unique house on its design. Technology allows when planning space to use axial structures, architectural projects Facrifical houses in each case may be unusual as much as the customer wishes.

For the construction of the frame of the frame of the house, a pine tree beam is used. Often it is a specially manufactured timber, prepared and protected from moisture and rotting by various impregnations that protect the tree from atmospheric influence. To build a frame, a glued or polished wooden bar is suitable, which is subsequently covered with a special varnish. The tree is sufficiently supportive material for the effects of weather fluctuations, and to maintain a residential atmosphere in the building it is necessary to use special thermal insulation materials.

The frame of the half-timbered house is rigid and light construction From BRUSEV, stable and reliable. Raman-frame construction will solve several engineering tasks at the same time:

  • reduce construction
  • create a stable and durable design.
  • ensure the reliability and durability of the building under construction.
  • minimize the use of wood in the construction process.
  • build a building with the most economical costs.

The framework of the building, including walls, roof, terraces are securely connected in invisible places using wooden spikes and metal brackets. This ensures the safety and sustainability of the building. Many years of experience in the construction of half-timbered houses in the conditions of the North allows you to create structures resistant with hurricane winds, low temperatures, high humidity.

Finishing of the half-timbered house

When the framework frame of the half-timbered house is started to fill the design cells. Facing the frame is possible with a variety of materials, which makes it possible to give an interesting and original appearance of the building. Internal cells are filled with special materials that are used with antiseptic plywood stoves from above. The use of thermal insulation and waterproof fillers will make accommodation comfortable and cozy. Sound insulation provided for in technology will increase the comfort of the house.

Outdoor finish The walls of the house are performed after installing windows and doors. The possibilities to decorate the sections of the outer walls are very diverse. It is suitable for installing wooden panels, a stone is often used for outdoor finish. Combined with a large number of double-glazed windows, such a house looks thoroughly and beautiful. The technology of the Facrow provides a large number of Windows, which makes the building with light, air and elegant. The windows can be both opening for ventilation and deaf, showcases. This will make it possible to fill the inner room with light, keep warm. Sealing silicone seal is complemented by platbands having a soft felt isolation.

Laying engineering networks and communications is most often inside the floor. It is hot and cold water supply for the kitchen and a bathroom, an exterior and internal electrocabel for lighting and economic needs. For heating, more suitable water warm floors. Internal pipes Water pipes and sewers from polypropylene durable, lungs and economical. Electricalization to sockets and switches are paved inside the walls.

Roof for half-timbered house

The roof is decorated with any home, the use of various options in the construction of the technology of the Facroxer makes it possible to create various architectural options. Most often set two-tie stropil design Roofs do not have an attic space. Wide Swees Protect the House from Direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitation. The terraces that border with the level of the roof of the roof create a natural continuation of the premises of the house.

Ceilings of indoor rooms at home it is advisable to assemble using wooden structures or drywall plates. A variety of decorative materials for interior decoration will create a unique appearance of the house.

Modernity at home

Houses built according to the technology of the Facrow, differ in originality, the uniqueness of the internal and appearance. Such a house can be built with sufficiently small financial investments. The availability of the construction allows you to embody the dream to live in our own country cottage to many city inhabitants. Simplicity and convenience of design will provide comfort of accommodation. The manufacturability of modern cottage settlements provides all the necessary amenities of its inhabitants, despite the remoteness of living from large cities.

Customers are becoming increasingly popular at home built on the beam technology, using wooden building materials, such as glued bar. Big windows On the whole wall, not only admire the landscape, but also to become part of the beautiful natural landscape. The half-timbered houses are perfectly coping with different atmospheric loads, such as strong wind, rain and snowfall. Frame technology allows you to create elegant buildings having high strength. The hard frame of the building from racks, beams and squeaks carries the main load transmitted to the foundation. Walls are enclosing and separating structures. Built according to the technology Facrower stand in Europe more than three hundred years. For those who were not familiar with similar designs, visiting the house built by the frekstrous technology, produces an indelible impression by their beauty and thoroughness. Opportunities that reveal such a technology for design are very high and diverse. The wooden frame of the house is treated with water resistant to atmospheric exposure, supplemented with modern materials retains the indescribable sensations of unity with nature. The house with all modern advantages for a comfortable life can give infinite joy for families living in it.

Facrow construction projects

The Fakhverk technology came to us from Europe. Northern countries when building buildings In order to save wood building materials, crushed stone, stone, other building materials for filling out the opening of the building frame. At the same time, the houses were very durable, had a long service life, which was numbering hundreds of years. Skilled carpenters were able to create such masterpieces of medieval architecture, which stood from 300 to 500 years.

Modern projects The construction of Fakhverk-style buildings only remotely resemble buildings built last centuries. Today, builders offer a variety of bricks, groundwood. The cost of building depends on the construction material, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe house that you want to build. Designers will appear ready projectequipped with communications and engineering networks and facilities. The use of the Facrow construction technology is possible in the construction of both residential buildings, cottages and cottages, and for the construction of public buildings - hotels, mini-charts, non-standard office structures. The construction of such a method has a number of serious advantages, such as the durability and reliability of the building. The construction has a relatively small weight. To create a foundation there is no need to score piles, creating a particularly powerful foundation.

Facade Facade Finish

The economy of construction distinguishes the construction of the technology of the Former from other ways. The facade finish does not require the use of expensive materials. If the customer wants to separate the facade in the style of the Facremmer, it is quite acceptable instead of an expensive wooden bar, the use of polyurethane substitutes. Externally, the construction looks great, has aesthetic appeal. The strength and resistance to external atmospheric influence will allow serving for many years without worrying about the deterioration of operational qualities and appearance. Facrow elements are attached to external columns using mounting stairs. Filling empty insulation with subsequent use finishing materials Allows you to create a style imitation without violating the uniqueness of the construction.

Today, construction and finishing in the style of Fakhverk is fashion trend Among those clients who, though build a durable, strong and beautiful house at economical cost. The deadlines for the construction of such a house shorter than during the construction of a brick cottage or other traditional building materials. Revival ancient technology Stresses the practicality and reliability of this method. The use of thermal insulation materials makes it possible to save energy for heating the cottage. You can order a project for the available project documents the house of the most different area. For highly demanding customers, architects are ready to finalize projects in accordance with individual requirements. Starting the construction of the house in the spring, it is possible to get ready-made, warm house for the whole family. The building is characterized by environmental friendliness, an attractive aesthetic look will always delight both residents at home and guests visiting guests.

How to build a half-timbered house

For those who, having studied all the ways to build a cottage for themselves, stopped at the Fakhverk technology method, it is worth contacting professionals to order work on designing and performing work. Choice land plot For the half-timbered house is very diverse, there are practically no restrictions. Select a place for the future home is necessary with your own preferences. Architectural capabilities when choosing a cottage style is very broad, the project can be performed in an unassuming peasant style and a rich, bizarre version for those customers who want to have a big home for a family consisting of several generations. The house is suitable for year-round accommodation, since during the development of project documentation, the supply of all engineering communications necessary for modern comfortable life.

The thermal conductivity and lack of moisture and dampness inside the half-timbered home is achieved through the use of natural building materials and modern thermal insulation and water-absorbing materials that are used in the construction of the cottage. The area of \u200b\u200bthe house, as well as the floors, is selected depending on the wishes of the customer, taking into account the number of buildings permanently living in the house and appointment. Build cottage by country plot It is possible for interesting projects available in the finished form. In order to make sure the reliability of the construction is the opportunity to go to the place, inspect the finished structure in which people live. The reliability and stability of the building provides frame-axial design. The axes create space between the racks, thereby giving the opportunity to select design solutions.

Stages of the construction of the half-timbered house

Starting the construction of the half-timbered house should be remembered about the main features of the registered construction method. Outdoor finish according to the method of the Fakhverk differs from any other and is the main architectural feature, emphasizing the external expressiveness of the building. The frame elements are dismembered by white walls, the building looks smart and just at the same time. The whole set of works on the construction of an object can be divided into the following steps:

  • Development of project documentation and estimates of construction work.
  • Construction of the foundation for the future building.
  • Building a carcass at home.
  • Installation of OSB plates and filling the frame openings with thermal insulating materials.
  • Painting wall processing is putty, grinding, painting.
  • Installation of ceilings, floors, engineering networks.
  • Designer work indoors.
  • Outdoor work on finishing the facade of the building.
  • Wheelding of the local area in accordance with the design project.

All these works are carried out strictly in accordance with the project documentation, where each partition is registered. Separate engineering and geodesic parameters for proper and reliable basement laying. The building, which was erected by a professional team of workers under the guidance of competent engineers and designers, can stand hundreds of years. The construction method for the technology of Fakhverk is designed for long-term operation of the house. With proper care wooden structures, support at home, regular repair work Cottage will serve not one generation of the family, giving joy and pleasure. Given the speed of construction and the economy of the method, you can confidently say that such a building is most suitable for climatic characteristics and operating conditions in Russia.

Topics with the construction of houses on technology Fakhverk traditionally enjoy increased attention from Forumhouse users. The developers primarily attracts spectacular, "under ancient", the appearance of such a structure.

But in Russia rarely meet the authentic header. That is, the reasons, the main of which is to build a house on the technology of the Fakhverk, far from all. It affects the large amount of manual labor and the complexity of all technological stages. There is a disadvantage of practical information, because Most of the benefits, instructions and examples are shown on foreign languages and collected on foreign sites.

Therefore, the majority of developers are forced to imitate the half-timber, making the layout of the "Under Facrek" from the boards, by the facade of the CSP slab or OSP. The more interesting the theme of the user of our portal with nickname aSX_75, There is a small "in one helmet", but the "honest" half-timbered house.

In this article:

  • Acceptance of the technology of the Facrow.
  • Building a house on the technology of Fakhverk.
  • Tools and materials.

Features of the flash technology

Fackwerk (it. Fachwerk) is a frame that was built from wooden beams. The feature of the technology is a wooden, the feudless-beam frame of the house is not sewn outside and remains in sight. The space between the racks, drives and beams is filled with brick, less often a stone or, as an option, a straw, cane or reed, mixed with clay, which is then plastered.

It gives the house architectural expressiveness, awareness and at the same time imposes a significant restriction on the use of this technology in our harsh climate, even near Moscow, not to mention Siberia or the North.

The fact is that the frame made from a large cross section (200k200 or 200x250 mm) is a significant cold bridge. In addition, between the aggregate and wooden elements Constructions ("Live" Material) Caps may appear. The wall will begin to blow by the wind. Open frame (wood) due to the negative impact of atmospheric phenomena ( sun ray, Snow, rain, frequent transitions through "0") subjected to enhanced wear. This leads to the need to regularly repair and update the facade.

In Europe, the climate is softer than in Russia, and at home, built on the technology of the Facrow, with proper care, are not worth the same age.

The half-timbered frame itself is going on the "Ship-Paz" technology on wooden copper and using a variety of compounds:

  • writing
  • connections in hardwood,
  • half-fertility, etc.

It requires good carpentry skills and "naked" hands.

But all these disadvantages go to the background when you see a real half-timbered home. And, "honest", because Imitation of the half-timbered on the building, even skillfully performed and remains simulated.

This header will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main error of developers trying to symot - Selection of non-sewing boards for their layouts on the facade. As a result, the monumentality of the structure is lost, because the frame in the headband carries the main loadAccordingly, it requires powerful beams, drives and racks. The boards section 150 / 100x25 mm (frequently used for imitation of the half-timbered) look like some strange finish, as ordinary decorative "non-relief" on the facade.

Second error - pursuit of ideal layout geometry and bringing the surface of the boots to shine. At that time, if you look at a real front, it can be seen that any timber has irregularities, natural bends, defects, knots, cracks, etc. Those. Wood "Living", and its natural beauty is not "killed" excessive mechanical processing.

All this works on authenticity, and most importantly - the formation layout should be conducted not as "more beautiful seems" or "how you have to do", and strictly in accordance with the canons of the Facrow- where every frame element is not just like that, but is in its place.

If you have to imitate the first, then you first need to look at a not one dozen photos of old European half-timbered homes. To catch the essence of the frame elements, to understand how they work in a single system are linked to each other, and then try to repeat them on the facade.

Beams, drives, racks and other vertical and horizontal framework elements in the header perform a purely practical function - carry and redistribute the loads of the construction.

The real beauty of the building in the style of Fakhverk is the functionality of the frame, Where all the items are needed, and there is no place for excess details and cordial decorations.

How to build a real half-timbered house in Russia

The simplicity of the header (forms), not to be confused with the technology, can play a keen joke with a man who decided to repeat it. It seems that you can see pictures, buy a bar, take up the chainsaw and proceed to work. Such an approach will lead to a deplorable result.

Faxo starts with the acquisition of deep knowledge of this type of construction and project preparation.

It is necessary to spend time and explore the key elements of the house in the style of the Former, and how they are done. Indicative example - Work aSX_75.

aSX_75 User forumhouse.

I had the opportunity to visit Germany. I saw the "live" so that I liked the real half-timber. He studied him, made photos of buildings, read recommendations, visited thematic sites. When returned to Russia, I decided to reproduce the "Corner of Europe" in the garden plot, because There was a need to build a bath. I will say right away - I am not a professional builder. Much in my work was done on the Nativity, something is not for the canons of Fakhverka, somewhere I thought myself. Worked one and with a minimum set of tools.

Looking forward, we will demonstrate a photo of what has already happened from the participant of our portal (the house is now in the process of building the roof).

Now we return in 2016 and proceed to the description of the erection process.

To build a frame, and then fill it with foam blocks (this is a departure from the classics of the first, and why aSX_75he was chosen, we describe a little later), I had to try.

Interesting prehistory of this project. According to the user, at first there was an idea to build on the bath site. To do this, he chose a half-timbered frame, because considered what to build smooth walls From brick or blocks it will not work. The initial idea was as follows - the framework is put, and the space is sewn with OSP plates, followed by the installation of insulation and vapor and waterproofing.

But in the process of the construction of the carcass, he liked that everyone liked that the family council was decided to build a "gingerbread" house 5x4 m in size, and to redo the old bath brick housestanding on the plot.

Next - the idea of \u200b\u200bsewing the space between the OSB bias has disappeared. If and do the half-timber, then the real! In Europe, the half-timbered (space) is often filled with brick, but it requires certain skill and knowledge of certain secrets. Because Brick is not simply laid, but after special training or it, or bar. Without going into details, let's say that there are figured grooves for this.

Foam block is fairly handled, and aSX_75he stopped on it, especially since the inner partitions will be laid out of this material.

Foam block so that it fit in the frame, was used not a wall, but a partitioned.

Selection of tools and materials for the construction of the house in the style of Fax

By drawing up a construction plan, the user began to implement the conceived. First you need to decide on the material, tool and foundation. For the construction of the Facrow, you need to have a lot of specialized complex construction carpenter tool, with the help of which figured grooves, spikes, etc. are cut in the bar. But aSX_75it cost a much smaller set.


Choosing a different tool for the construction of the Facrow, I would like to get a "cunning" with an imported saw and slowly, carefully cut down the grooves. But cutting the tree along the fibers, and even more so the bar, the one more task. Thinking, I went to the electrical chain saw. Turning it on in the store, I decided that this is not my tool, in terms of job safety, so I bought a saber saw. I also needed a powerful perforator that I used in drilling mode. Spiral drills, hammer, chisel and kiyanka.

Although the saber saws are traditionally considered tool for destruction - saw wooden partitions, frame elements, pipes, branches, etc., in skillful hands This tool will become an indispensable assistant.


Having tried to work as a "saber", I can say that she has proven itself perfectly. The leg with wide teeth is perfectly sawing a tree along the fibers, causing the plane, cuts the grooves. Moreover, I have a unprofessional tool, without a vibration damper, but it has significantly simplified the carcass assembly.

The frame went to the frame with a cross section of 15x15 cm. The reason is the massabryt characteristics of the material. Above we have already said that the beauty of the flash depends largely on the massiveness of its frame. A large cross section is attaching monumentality and thoroughness to build.

Such a frame no longer looks cheap butafory.

The user reasoned like this: a sequence of 10x10 cm looks non-serious, with a 20x20 cm bar is inconvenient to work alone, turn over, not to mention to raise the beam without the use of a crane or electric hoist. 15th timber - just right. It can be lifted alone, but it has a sufficient massiveness for the half-timbered frame.

There are no nice compound in the asx_75 half-timer. All parts of the frame fasten to the usual purchased braided with a diameter of 2 cm.

Moreover, begins are not just a connecting element, but play a large decorative role, giving the finished carcass with genuine authenticity.


Drinking bravely, I first climbed them flush, but then, studying my photo archives, I noticed that the builders of the flash often begged with a closure with the surface of the bar, and left outside a small "tail" with a length of about 3 cm. I really liked this element. Moreover, then you can hang a porridge with a flower.

They were peeled off not round, but slightly overtakened on all sides, giving them the type of hexagon. That so the connection is stronger. Holes under bent in two elements, with the classical construction of the header (stand-beam) is not symmetrically driving, but with a little displacement relative to each other. Those. First drill the parts (separately from each other), and then we connect them and are inserted. It also increases the strength of the compound, because When scheduling, due to asymmetric holes, a rigid node jam occurs.

It should be noted that the user refused this due to a significant complication of the work, especially since the node "Schip-groove" + the scored heater turned out to be very strong.

The holes under the height were drilled like this: a spiral drill on a tree (diameter 2 cm), through a clamping cartridge, robbed a perforator operating in the "drill" mode, in a bar. Important moment: The first holes of the user did "on the eyes", as a result, the crookedly went crooked. The following holes have already drilled over the corner level, which ensured the strict horizontal of the holes under the brazen.

I understand a bit with the theoretical part, go to practice. The construction of the half-timbered house began with the fill of the foundation. As a base aSX_75 Chose a pile foundation. For this purpose, a hole with a diameter of 300 mm was clogged in the ground, to a depth of about 1 m, the "sleeve" was placed in the well, from the rolled regteroid, pulled by the wire. Then poured concrete.

The level of pile headings was shown in the horizon using a hydroevoy.

Tip: Deciding to repeat this type of modern "folk" foundation, should not save on Ruberoid and Berat thicker, because Slim worse holds the shape, and the pile can turn out to be keg-shaped.

At this stage, it was not without errors. The distance between the pile was obtained different, because The first piles were made in 0.8 m. Then the user read that the distance could be increased to 2 m, but deciding to be reinsured, reduced it and chose an intermediate value.

The error led to the asymmetry of the frame racks, because The mounting points occur to the installation sites of the piles. But it added the "highlight" of the whole structure, because Often half-timbered houses do not have the perfect symmetry, which makes them more "alive."

After the construction of the foundation, it was put on a strapping from a bar with a cross section of 15x15 cm. These types of compounds were used as hardworth and semi-core.

Learn more about the features of the construction of a classic half-timber now in the subject aSX_75 . Our article tells. We also recommend an article, and. And in the video showing the nuances of the construction of a sumpsman with a facade under the Facrock.

Probably, many travel lovers paid attention to Western Europe to charming fabulous houses. They themselves are a bright attraction. Today, such houses begin to build in Russia, America, Australia. Still, the most familiar place for them is Germany. Of course, many of our readers have already guessed that it will be about the houses of Fakhverk. What it is? Let's deal with.

Learning Fakhverk

This is special building structure specific type. In other words, it is a hard frame of a bar, which is formed by a system of horizontal, diagonal, vertical elements - racks, beams, squeaks. The gaps are filled with insulating material. Initially, clay, stone, saman were used. Today, the houses in the style of Fakhverk are built using modern insulation, sandwich panels. The choice of such materials today is huge, so it depends on the preferences of the customer and its financial capabilities. Now you understand what a step is. Let's figure out where and how it is used.

The facade of the house in the style of Fakhverk in the old days was different - he was left in pristine form, then began to put the building with brick and plastering. The most wealthy owners were trimmed with wooden panels.

Today, the facade of the house in the style of Fakhverk can be decorated more diverse. Often the walls are trimmed and then they are then separated in accordance with the wishes of the owners - they are trimmed with brick or natural stone, clapboard or various panels. There is only one unchanged feature: the half-timber is a design in which the frame is visible outside. When the house is plastered and stained, the frame remains inviolable. The whole point of this style is that racks, beams, riglels and separations are originally divided by the walls of the building, thereby giving him a special attraction.

As a rule, the house made in the style of the Facrower has a bounce, less often, many designers argue that the front-timber is an architectural style. But the initial value of this term is translated from the German so: Fach - Section, Werk - construction. Consequently, the Fakhverk is a construction from sections. It was understood.

High-timbers: what is this design

According to some data, this technology has already more than five hundred years, according to others, she has already noted the 1000-year-old anniversary. But despite this, construction methods have not undergone major changes. Just as a few centuries ago, the building is built on a hard wooden frame. True, if an ordinary bar used earlier, today the timber is used as the most durable. It has no cracks and bitch, and therefore it looks much aesthetically. For such a structure, this is important, since the frame is and decoration of the house.

The construction of houses in the style of Fakhverk is not more difficult at all than the rapid construction of buildings from light metal structures. Many people who intend to build their own homes are interested in grades. What is this design, how profitable it is more profitable for modern buildings built from new materials on modern technologies? Let's try to answer these questions.

Features style

The house built in the style of the Facrow, which you see in this article, do not accept the use of metal - screeds that can spoil the interior. Elements are still connected by a tree - spikes, wrinkles, copper. It must be said that such compounds were used in homes that were already 400-500 years. Agree, this is a good advertising for this technology.

The frame of the flash is lightweight, it allows you to build houses on a finely breed, inexpensive foundation. In the style of Fakverk, opens up great opportunities during glazing. You can create whole walls of glass. The deaf wall openings are usually isolated with glassy or lightweight aerated concrete. Inside, they are squeezed with a gypsum fiber sheet, which significantly improves sound insulation, and in addition, serves as additional protection from the cold.

Where to start construction

Of course, with the design. A high-quality project of the house is half of the success. This means that with the proper quality of construction work, the house will serve the owner not one ten years. It is better to order an individual project, which even in trifles will arrange the customer.

Duration of construction

Today you can buy ready-made frameworks made at the factory that allow you to erect the first. That this will significantly speed up the process, does not cause any doubt. On the manufacture of it in the enterprise leaves two to six weeks. At this time, the foundation is prepared at the construction site. The frame is installed, the insulation is filled, roofing is erected, the outer finish is made inland walls. It takes another two or three months. It is necessary to create a heating system. It can also be different - chimney, steam, water, etc. Laying communications will also require some time. At the same time, it can be said that the half-timber is built rather quickly, like any other frame structure.

Facrow in Russia

This technology is applicable only to the construction of houses for permanent residence only in the warm climate. So it was thought until recently. However, the technologies are constantly updated, and today architects building half-timbers in Russia are used by the technology "warm floor", use high-quality double-glazed windows, the framework is filled with sandwich insulation, additionally squeeze the outer walls with bricks. As a result of such operations, reliable, comfortable, withstanding low temperatures Become old, good half-timbers. What is a house that is suitable for permanent residence is no doubt.

Interior Fakhverka

Creatively approach to this issue. The existing beam system is not hiding anywhere, and whether it is necessary to do it. They carry the spirit of antiquities. They are just necessary to originally beat. To do this, you can use any style - from minimalism to German Country.

The beams can be artificially creating, to use more in the interior natural tree, On the floor to store the board or tile "Under the Starin". In this case, use a good massive furniture. Purchase coarse textiles, self-making mats. Modern technique is better to hide behind the facades of cabinets.

If you are closer to minimalism, think over the glazing of large areas. Rooms will become spacious, flooded light. Paint the frame and beams in white, and on the floor lay the bleached parquet. Walls must certainly be soft light tones. Install the concise and compact fireplace, the minimum number of furniture, and from the fairy tale will turn into a strict and lightweight house of a modern person.

It should be noted that there is no definite style in which the grades are design. What it will be for the style, to solve the owner of the housing. The impact of the century such houses united only the presence of a focus and frame.

Facrow Interior

This is a very conventional name. In fact, such a house can be issued in different ways. Make focus on the frame, painting it into a contrasting color. Floors can be any - (for this, the tile is used). As the outside of the house, the framework should be visible on the inner partitions. The walls in the header house must be blond. This is most suitable for texture plaster. Beams can be used to organize a backlight, in addition, they can be used as a shelves or brackets for storing different utensils. In the interior of the header, it is permissible to use forging. It may be horseshoe or even a cart wheel.

Today you have learned a little about cute houses - graders, learned that it is their design, how much time construction takes up and how they can be issued. We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you ever use it in practice.