Repair Design Furniture

How to make from ceiling tiles. New Year's crafts from ceiling tiles: diagrams, descriptions, templates for cutting, photos. How to make a fairy house from ceiling tiles, snowflakes, Christmas tree, plane, Christmas tree decorations, decorations, flowers, snowman, De

Winter fairy tale made of expanded polystyrene

After each repair, a certain amount of waste of certain building materials remains. Do not rush to throw them away - the money has been paid for them! Better give them a second life.

Ceiling tile crafts that you can do with your children are not only able to decorate the house, but are also great educational tools.

Features of foam as a material for crafts

Foam ceiling tiles are a thin, lightweight material very suitable for creativity. It can be easily cut with a sharp knife or scissors, it can be glued and painted.
DIY crafts from ceiling tiles can be done by your child, the main thing is to show him the manufacturing technology and the possibilities of the material using the example of the first product.

There are some restrictions on the paints and glue used:

  • Do not use formulations containing nitro solvents or acetone as they eat away at the foam.
  • You can use gouache or felt-tip pens to color products, and thick PVA glue for gluing the parts.

Note. The use of special glue for expanded polystyrene ("Titan" and others) is permissible, but it will be more difficult for a child to work with.

  • You can't paint the tiles with pencils(the foam will squeeze through), but you can use pencil marks to create patterns or patterns on the surface.

Note. For crafts, it is better to use tiles without a laminated surface, since it is more difficult to paint on them.

Blanks made of thin foam can be slightly bent (with a large bend, they can crack), which will allow you to create three-dimensional models.

Attention. Ceiling tile material is afraid of high temperatures and open fire. Explain this to your child in advance so that the child's prank does not lead to injury or fire.

Types of crafts

The material of the ceiling tiles is so convenient to work with that a wide variety of products can be made from them (see What can be made from ceiling tiles with skillful hands). Such as:

The whole installation is made of white tiles

  • ABC;

A real fighter

  • Models of aircraft, cars, military and other equipment;

Most of all I liked the tile made of cotton pads

  • Models of houses of various sizes and complexity (even with interior furnishings and a garden outside);

Pigeon flock

  • Figures of animals and birds;

The holiday comes to us

  • Christmas decorations and New Year decorations;

Cartoon characters at the children's party will be greeted with delight

  • Figures of people and animation characters.


Gift installation

The manufacturing technique is extremely simple:

  • Choose a theme for the postcard that suits the occasion;
  • Transfer your favorite drawing to the tile - this can be done using a template, or you can show your artistic talent yourself;

Advice. You can draw directly on the styrofoam with a gel pen (felt-tip pen), or place a tile under the drawing and trace around it with a pencil. Lead marks will remain on the foam. You can cut out of polystyrene and stick on various figures (hearts for "valentines") or letters for congratulations.

  • Lay the workpiece on a flat surface that is not afraid of scratches, take a sharp knife and carefully cut the contours.
  • Intricate or small designs can be cut and simply glued to the styrofoam.
  • Use paints to paint the card using brushes of various widths.

Note. It is better to make postcards in two halves, opening like a book. You can connect the parts by gluing a strip of paper or fabric. The postcard is ready, you can delight your friends or family.


When your child, along with you, will cut and color letters or make thematic pictures, the learning process will be fun and fast.

Advice. In order not to ruin the table with a knife and make less effort, place a piece of glass with processed (sandpaper or abrasive bar) edges or plywood on the table top.

Various models

Detailed modeling of various equipment (especially military) captivates not only children, but also many adults. The low weight of the foam ceiling tiles is very attractive to the manufacturers of operating replica aircraft.

Parts of cars and other equipment are cut out separately and glued together. After the glue dries, the model is painted.

In the photo - a working model made of foam

Crafts from ceiling tiles are not afraid of water and can float. It is only necessary to use waterproof paint, or to cover the finished model with several coats of waterproof water-based varnish (parquet or for saunas).

Location of the electric drive

House models

You can make houses of various sizes and complexity from the remains of foam tiles with your own hands. All the details of the house are made separately: walls, roof, doors, windows and much more.

Castle layout

  • Interior items, furniture and household appliances are cut out of tiles.
  • Using scraps of fabric, they make imitation of curtains, furniture upholstery and other home textiles.
  • All parts are painted and glued with transparent glue. The process is quite laborious, but very exciting.

You can create copies of architectural monuments or just beautiful buildings. The cost of the raw materials is very low, and the result is impressive.

New Year theme

Happy Holidays

Christmas decorations and Styrofoam Christmas decorations can be decorated with sparkles, or you can glue to them scraps of "rain", beads, pieces of foil or colored paper. Your imagination is unlimited. It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, bunnies and deer, but you never know what.

For hanging on a Christmas tree, loops are glued to the figures.

Slotted relief technique

This is a bit like cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw, only instead of a nail file - a knife, and plywood is replaced by a ceiling tile. In this technology, it is better to go from simple to complex.

Volumetric composition The first works will be one plane with a cut-out pattern and a contrasting color substrate:

  • Transfer the drawing to the tile using the punching method (described above).
  • Cut out everything that is unnecessary, starting with the large parts and moving on to the smaller ones.
  • Pick up the background and stick the product on the base.
  • Make a stand (or glue a hanging loop).

Complex works consist of two or more layers of foam, each of which has its own images carved, creating the foreground and subsequent plans. You can use double-sided tape to connect the layers.

The master's case is afraid

To make the picture appear three-dimensional, you should experiment with different background (background) colors and lighting to achieve the best end result. Do-it-yourself slitting crafts from ceiling tiles is a very exciting experience.

Ceiling tile crafts will bring you and your children a lot of pleasant moments. Create with pleasure and involve your children in the process, and the attached video will help you with this!

Nowadays there is a huge variety of building materials, the remains of which we most often throw away. After the repair, there are many pieces and scraps that can be used for all sorts of souvenirs and make things useful in the house.

Most people have a creative touch, and especially if you have children, you can make an endless variety of interesting crafts with them.

Styrofoam as a material for crafts

The remnants of a foam ceiling tile are a great material for creativity... It is easily cut with a knife or scissors, is durable, tolerates color very well, adheres perfectly. Therefore, just like from simple polystyrene, crafts from ceiling tiles can be made with your own hands easily and simply (see).

Of course, more voluminous things can be made from household foam, which is usually used to cover household appliances (see). Because it is very thick. In those cases, you can even cut out a ball or egg with a sharp blade. Flatter tiles provide just as much room for creativity. Let's remember our childhood together with you, and just figure out what can be done from the remnants of ordinary ceiling tiles.

DIY foam tile crafts

The easiest type of crafts that can be made from ceiling tiles is pendants or Christmas tree decorations.

New Year decoration

You will have fun and usefully spend time with your children if you make this kind of jewelry..

  1. With the help of a clerical knife or just scissors, figures are cut out along the contour previously drawn on the tile. These can be hearts, bells, flowers, stars or snowflakes.
  2. Do not tackle too complex drawings at once, for a start it can be simplified forms. If the children are small, help them, cut out the main figures yourself.
  3. Now, with the help of PVA glue, you can stick any patterns made of colored paper, sequins, rhinestones or beads. You can draw pictures on the blanks.

Note! Keep in mind that the paint should not contain acetone or other active substances, as the foam will melt from them. It is best to use gouache, tempera, felt-tip pens, or artistic oil paints. However, it should be noted that oil paints dry for a long time. Pencils will not work as they will only push through the material, not paint.

Festive, especially New Year's decorations - the pendants are made to your liking, then a loop is glued to each. For example, simplified figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowflakes and more. They are then painted and, after drying, hung on a Christmas tree or made a garland.

What else can be done from ceiling tiles - a voluminous Christmas tree for the New Year.

  1. To do this, take about 10 pieces of foam (as many as possible), and draw a circle on each. Moreover, the first circle is the largest, and all subsequent ones are smaller than each previous one. And so - to the smallest. The largest will be the bottom and the smallest will be the top.
  2. Now, on each circle, teeth are cut along the contour. These will be the branches with the needles of the future tree.
  3. Next, we take a rather rigid wire, one end of which we insert into a previously prepared piece - a stand, bending the tip from below.
  4. The mugs with cloves need to be painted green and, after drying, we string them on a wire frame (the future tree trunk). We start from the bottom, that is, from the largest circle. And so on in order, to the very top.

The Christmas tree is ready. It remains only to decorate it according to your taste and desire.

Postcards and valentines

Greeting cards or valentines - here's another type of DIY craft.

  1. Valentines are cut out in the form of hearts, then colored to your liking.
  2. Sparkles applied to them will look very original. This is done very simply. After the paint has dried, the finished heart is smeared with transparent glue in the right places. PVA or stationery glue is best. Then, while it has not dried, these places are sprinkled with fine sparkles. Glitter for manicure, which are sold in haberdashery stores, are very good for this purpose.

Postcards are best done in the form of a book.... For this, two identical halves of the foam are cut off, then they are fastened along one edge with a glued paper strip. The card can now be opened and closed.

Educational toys

Letters and numbers are handicrafts that are useful for your child's development, which you can make together with him from the ceiling tiles. You can cut out a whole alphabet, which will be the best, by the way, for a child if he learns to read and count... You can cut out letters to congratulate, such as happy birthday, for a family member and hang that phrase on the wall. It will be a pleasant and original surprise.

More complex crafts - voluminous pyramids, houses, cars, etc.

Individual parts (walls, roof) are cut out, then glued together into a finished product. For the machine, they cut out body parts, wheels, then glue everything together in the same way.

Note! Thick PVA glue is best suited for such purposes, since the paint can lie unevenly on the stationery glue after it dries.

Thus, a whole city can be built. To do this, take a large, dense sheet of cardboard, then glue every fence, house, car and other details to it.

Slotted crafts

Slotted crafts made of foam plastic residues look very original.

As we understood, this is only a small part of the ideas that can be implemented even by those who are not strong in creative activity (see). In fact, there are a lot of options for crafts from ceiling tiles, anyone can make. The main thing is desire and fantasy. Then you will spend time with the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Natalia Klyukhanova

Recently, I have been very interested in making ceiling tile crafts... It is a thin, lightweight material, very suitable for creativity. It can be easily cut with a sharp knife or scissors, it can be glued and painted. Due to the planar texture, it is very convenient to place the figures on the wall. And my hobby has found application in the design of the groups of the kindergarten in which I work.

I present to your attention some of my works:

Our nursery group.

Junior group design

Dressing room decoration

Seasonal decoration of a corner of nature

And the design of my older group, I placed a separate entry) Please visit!

Thank you for the attention!

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Idela on Maam. There are many ideas for creating a seasonal tree. I decided to make my tree from ceiling tiles. The ceiling tiles are very.

Victoria Zhorova

Recently, I got very carried away production of design elements for a group of ceiling tiles, covering them with a mixture of gouache with PVA glue.

This experience was useful to me when registration music hall for festive events.

In my master class I want to tell you the technology making.

We will need:

- ceiling tiles(not foam);

Simple pencil;

Stationery knife;

Paint brush;

PVA glue;

A jar for mixing paint with glue;

- tile adhesive.

First, I choose a drawing that suits me. (coloring book).

I enlarge the image to the desired size. I use a cell-by-cell drawing technique that has been familiar to me since childhood.

Then I translate the drawing into tiles, Considering the elements, which will act, creating a kind of layering.

After all elements translated to tiles, cut them out using a clerical knife.

I mix the desired paint with PVA glue in the ratio 1 :1 (a little water can be added if necessary)... You should get the consistency of liquid sour cream. I color everything the elements.

After complete drying, I collect them together using tile adhesive.

Data the elements served me great registration by September 1... The height turned out to be about 150 cm.

Related publications:

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In anticipation of the New Year, we continue to come up with decorations for the home. For work, prepare: ceiling tiles, stationery knife, simple.

Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves fly. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle in the sky of the sun. Yellow courtyard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around.

Ceiling tiles are a wonderful material for creativity. It is easy to cut, paintable and adheres well. Having appreciated the qualities and capabilities.

In the kindergarten group, the spatial developing environment needs to be constantly updated. I have been using ceiling tiles for a long time in my work.

Crafts for the New Year made of foam and ceiling tiles are an easy way to decorate your home for the holiday. We have made for you a selection of popular ideas and the best master classes on working with these materials. The article is useful for those who love original decor, as well as parents whose children are already preparing their crafts for contests in kindergarten or elementary school.

For crafts from ceiling tiles, Christmas templates will come in handy. We advise you to look into the "stencils" section on our website: there you will find snowflakes, New Year's heroes, deer and other collections. Any of these templates can be printed and then simply cut and traced on the styrofoam - here's your decoration.

House of tiles

White ceiling tiles will be an excellent basis for a New Year's hut. If you are engaged in creativity with children, entrust the child with the decoration of the craft.

We need:

  • tile (1 piece);
  • plastic baguette;
  • foil, "rain";
  • glue, markers, felt-tip pens;
  • cotton wool.

We cut out 4 walls from the foam. The sides can be made narrower. The main thing is that the height is the same.

It is best to glue the house with glue, but if you wish, you can add tape to connect the inner edges. Decorate the roof with a baguette. And if you don't have one, put cotton wool on it - you get a beautiful snowball.

We decorate the house with snowflakes, Christmas trees and other New Year's attributes. Make several of these houses from the ceiling tiles with your own hands - you get a whole festive village.


Ceiling tiles can be used to make a simple and cute decoration for the New Year in the form of large snowflakes.

We need:

  • 2-3 sheets of tiles;
  • thin cutter;
  • "Rain" or fishing line.

First you need to print snowflake stencils (you can take them from our selection). You can make them small and plant several snowflakes on one thread. Or paint a snowflake all over the ceiling tile.

You need to cut out small parts with a cutter. If they are very small, you will have to gouge the holes with a needle or awl.

Additionally, you can decorate the snowflake with bright colors or sparkles. Hang the snowflakes from the ceiling.

Complement the decoration with balls of cotton wool or foam. This will create an artificial snowfall that will look very cool on the window or just in the apartment.

Christmas tree decorations

Ceiling tiles will make great garlands or New Year's decor for decorating a Christmas tree. The main thing is to prepare bright colors and sparkles, and then it's up to little. This Styrofoam Christmas craft is perfect for a kindergarten competition.

We need:

  • ceiling tiles or foam;
  • laces;
  • stencils;
  • markers, pens, paints, glitters.

Print stencils, transfer them to Styrofoam (any New Year's images will do, even figures of New Year's heroes). It is best to cut them with a cutter, not with scissors, so as not to spoil.

Draw the outline with a thin felt-tip pen. The base can be painted with bright colors, and the decor can be added with sparkles or special paints to create ornaments.

Pierce the figurines at the top with a thick needle, insert string or rain.

Styrofoam snowman

If you want to create a stable figure, you are better off using Styrofoam. If you need a snowman to stick it on a wall or to decorate windows for the New Year, take a ceiling tile.

We need:

  • tile and foam;
  • paints;
  • stencil;
  • sharp knife or cutter;
  • sandpaper.

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