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Build a house on the technology of the Facrok. Frame house in the style of Facrow and construction technology. Facrow House - Project and Construction: Photo

Today we want to tell you about the peculiarities and technology of the design of the half-timbered house, the appearance and operational properties. We will talk about the history of the emergence and distribution of half-timbered house-building, as well as the favorable differences from other types of country houses.

Fakhverk, Fachwerk, from Fach.- panel, section, beam and Werk.- Construction.

Famous architecture recognizable at first sight is the first visual association with the houses of Europe and Germany covered with a tiled roof. This canonical view of ordinary residential buildings today is used and mimic as a designer sister. On the other hand, it symbolizes the famous German quality. However, this is not just a symbol - at home the technology has preserved such houses built in 15-16 centuries, which are currently operating.

History of creation

Any fact or event always have a historical justification. Facrifical houses also appeared not by chance. Designs made of wood are characteristic not only for wooded areas, but also for coastal, where shipping is developed. In Denmark, Holland, Germany, Great Britain and other countries of the Northern and Baltic Seas, there has always been in the prosperity of skilled carpenters who built ships. Masters knew a sense in reliable structuresAnd the forest for the shipyard perfectly approached the construction of residential buildings.

Initially, the racks (pillars) swapped directly to the ground, and the connecting beams were put on the top, and the roof was covered. Of course, the poles fired relatively quickly, in 15-20 years. Therefore, they began to be installed on the sample of a stone foundation - covered in the land of boulders. The lifetime of the column rose in tens of times (up to hundreds of years), but the lack of binding to the Earth had to compensate for the multitude of transverse thrust, slopes, connections, tightening.

For ship carpenters, there was no problem skillfully and quickly connect the elements. All adherents and connection methods were originally a fleet. Today they are replaced with simpler and technological steel fasteners (staples, anchors, screws and threaded thrust).

The principle of forming a half-timbered structure

Speaking simple language, half-timbered home is wooden Rama Of the elements of the average (from 80x80 mm to 120x120 mm) and the large (from 120x120 mm or more) section with filled sinuses of an external temperature circuit. The remaining elements of the house are the foundation, roof, windows, partitions - can be like any other houses.

Create a reliable frame for a carpenter is not a problem. But filling the sinuses, i.e. the formation of the wall as such, it turned out to be a more difficult task and determined the fate of all half-known architecture. The sinuses were filled with globbit material or saman - clay mixed with reed or straw. This ancient building material was used on all continents. Today he returns to the eclauding in Cordwood technology.

To fill the sinuses in the beams, the grooves were cut through, in which the lattice braided from the rods was inserted, sometimes paired. Then saman was applied to the grille. Today, reinforced concrete walls reinforced with steel framework are created in such a way. Fill the sinus was obtained only on the thickness of the beam.

Sheet materials did not invenue then, and outdoor sheathing The boards were unthinkable dear. Even the rich burers were in no hurry to sow their homes outside, since congenital thrift did not allow so irresponsible to manage natural resources for their whim. As a result, the sinuses were plastered, but the wooden beam did not turn out to be shuffled. So there remained walls with visible beams, which later became business card Coastal Europe.

Another feature of the half-timbered houses

In antique buildings built on this technique, there is one distinguishing feature, which you can understand that the house is constructed relatively long. Each subsequent floor hangs over the bottom. It looks rather strange and unusual. However, the builders of the past, unlike modern, did not make anything just anything or misconception. Each element or reception has its own, often combined purpose.

Explanation of such a design is quite landlined. In coastal areas often rain. Water, staining along the facade or frontoth, invariably falls on lower walls And they wedge. The upper floors will dry faster at the expense of the wind and the sun, and the bottom longer remain wet, respectively, can start rotting. And this is unacceptable, since they keep the whole house. So the upper floors have handed over the top floor, along the way, increasing the space.

Such technology has ceased to be relevant in new construction with the invention of effective and affordable waterproofing, with its mass production and distribution. Today's facades, walls, foundations and wooden designs Reliable protected from moisture and frost. Therefore, new houses built by half-timbered technology or imitating it have perfectly even in the wall plane. Heavy roofing materialwho did not allow the visor even half a meter, and also in the past. He replaced light sheets, allowing the opportunity to remove water from the walls on the meter and more.

Communication of half-timbered architecture with new construction technologies

You can call the half-timbered architecture of the basis of the entire frame house-building. Support system transverse beams and slopes are completely repeated in modern frame construction. Only their thickness changed - they have become thinner. It is believed that the technology canadian, but at home themselves are often called German or Finnish. And it is more fair because european countries The framework of the construction was used before the opening of America and, respectively, Canada.

In today's "sander" it is impossible to learn the vintage European facades, since they received an important addition that they were so lacking in old century. This is a sheath sheet Material (OSB) and complete external protection due to the technological finish (siding, PVC panels). Constructive and nature from this only won. The covering with a solid sheet gave strength, rigidity and reliability - the need to install powerful racks and beams. OSB I. outdoor finish Now fully protect the framework from external influences - weathelation, freezing and solar burning. This defense extended the service life of the carcass material. As a result, we won everything, and nature is first of all, because the consumption of material (especially the entire stems for racks) decreased several times.

Facades with visible grades (frame) elements today are no more than a stylistic solution at home. Of course, global walls remained in the past. The sinuses today are filled with highly efficient minivata and eco-art, the walls with straw filler are included.

To separate such a sinus, it became as simple as the wall inside the house due to modern facade splatles. At the same time, the frame itself remained a sample of reliability, and steel elements simplified and accelerated its installation. A successful design also serves today, since its strength is substantiated by the requirements of 300 years ago - to withstand the load from the floors plus a few additional tons from the clay tiles. In the same time open areas Tree has protection against any weather, if they are covered with a protective composition.

In general, it remains to add that the construction of the half-timbered house today is not more difficult than any other. Anyone who conceived the construction of their own dwellings or giving can make the dream of many - to live in the house, which at least outside looks like European. In any case, it will absolutely be allocated from the usual country landscape with his remarkable originality.

In our edges, the half-timbered houses appeared and received distribution relatively recently. However, this technology Construction has already managed to gain a mass of supporters - and not surprisingly, thanks to a well-thought-out design, simplicity of construction using natural environmentally friendly materials, as well as the convenience of exploitation of the house in the style of Fakhverk are becoming increasingly distributed, including in our latitudes.

The history of the emergence of half-timbered houses has several centuries. The first facilities of this type appeared in the twelfth century. By the middle of the sixteenth century, the technology of construction of half-timbered houses in western Europe It was recognized quite suitable and received further mass distribution in many countries. House in the style of Fakhverk traditionally belong to low-rise construction - such buildings may include up to 3-4 floors. Currently, there is a growing popularity of the construction of single-storey half-timbered homes using modern technologies, including for the middle class. Currently, there are about two million buildings in this style in Germany - there can even be visited special excursions called "Fahverkaya Street".

Translated from the German "Famverk" - cellular (lattice) design. The technology of building houses in this style is different from other construction methods. Facrow house It is a structure based on the wooden frame of carrier vertical racks, horizontal beams and diagonal squeaks. Processed special compositions The glued bar of solid rocks is the basis of the building. The space between the elements of the frame of the 8-timed house is filled with panels or masonry from various material (bricks, stone, building blocks). During construction, widely use cement-chipboard - This material made by pressing from Portland cement with the addition of wood chips and stabilizers, is different high density, excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, weather resistance, as well as low cost and ease of processing.

In addition, modern technologies allow us to build the walls of half-timbered houses from special heat-saving glass panels (consisting of single-layer or two-layer glass, as well as triplex). This method Allows the glazing of 75-95% of the walls. Thanks to modern technologies, three-layer glazing with filling the chambers of the glass windows argon provides the ability to get the equivalent of walls with brick masonry Thickness of about 80 cm - the thermal insulation properties of such a house are very impressive.

Traditionally, the half-timbered houses crowned two-screw or four-sheet roofhaving fun low so that in her shadows it could be hiding from the scorching sun. Tribute historical tradition and main distinctive feature The technology of construction of houses Fakhverk is located in paragraph view of the wooden frame, which is collected from durable wood - oak, beech, ram, and wood coniferous rocks. This mortgage solution allows you to easily distinguish the facade of the house in the style of the headfront from the buildings in other styles.

Advantages and disadvantages of half-timbered houses

The half-timbered houses are nicely impressive with a neat view, ease and grace of design, and it is distinguished by ease of construction - such a building can be erected with minor labor costs in a short time, gathering a house of parts components like a constructor. Despite this, at home in the style of Fakhverk are characterized by a significant margin of strength and durability - this is evidenced by the built about three centuries ago the construction, still preserved in excellent condition.

In addition, it is possible to note the following benefits of the style in the style of the Facrow:

  • characteristic for half-timbered buildings axial design It allows you to plan any sizes in them without the need to build inner bearing walls;
  • in the house in the style of the head, the main burden is vertical wooden stand Frame. This design is quite strong and at the same time light - due to this, the pressure on the foundation of the house is reduced. The half-timbered houses do not give shrinkage and can be erected on any foundation, in contrast to monolithic buildings, including lightweight species. This circumstance significantly reduces the cost of construction;
  • technology of the construction of half-timbered houses, in fact, representing the assembly of the structure on the frame like the details of the designer, allows you to perform "turnkey" construction works (from pre-prepared material) in a short time - several times faster than traditional buildings from brick, stone or bar.

The perfect construction style without any drawbacks, perhaps, does not exist. But most of the problems in the several centuries of the construction of the houses in the style of Fakhverk still managed to decide. The half-timbered houses with walls embedded on the basis of a wooden frame filled with clay saman, significantly inferior in the ability to save heat - compared to brick buildings. Using modern heat-saving materials, the situation has changed. It is worth noting that most insulation require replacement - in about 25-30 years. In the same time, square meter The resulting residential area will cost relatively inexpensively - so constructive solution A half-timbered house saves a significant amount during construction, which is more than enough for several replacement cycles thermal insulation materials. With the use of modern construction technologies, the results of heat transfer were almost equal to modern houses In the style of the flash are quite energy efficient - perhaps, in addition to the conditions of the Far North.

Glass buildings placed on the lap of nature look very harmonious and allow you to admire the surrounding landscape from anywhere at home.

Finishing house in the style of Fax

As the basis of the house in the style of Fakhverk, it acts a specially designed and located visor framework, which is made of glued timber, reinforced concrete or steel. In such houses items power carcass In the form of racks, beams and diops are traditionally located in sight (outside and from the inside of the building), emphasizing constructive features Building and giving it special expressiveness.

Previously, the space between the carrier elements was filled with the saman, in modern conditions for this purpose, various building materials are used - bricks (in the form of ordinary or decorative masonry), a natural stone, gas and foam blocks with adding different insulation. For the construction of walls and the subsequent finishing of houses in the style of the Fakverk, you can also use:

  • plate materials - for example, cement-chipsticks (CSP). Due to high wear resistance and durability, this material is widely used to finish the buildings in the style of the flash. Chopped with a grinder or electrolovka slabs are stained into suitable tones with a water-emulsion or oil paint.and then fixed with screws on the walls between elements of the frame. Other slab materials are widely applied in these purposes - moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheets, lining;
  • wall plastered - this, quite laborious type of finish is suitable for brick and block buildings. For this, waterproof building mixtures will be suitable, the final layer of plaster can reach several centimeters;
  • in the terrain with a harsh climate Construction of a half-timed house with glass Walls may not be profitable. Thus, various adapted construction options have appeared with borrowing recognizable features of the Facrokch, including the facade finish in this style. In this case, as the basis can perform ordinary house From a wooden bar, bricks or building blocks, and for finishing, you can pick up a very realistic looking decor made of polyurethane panels and a bar (with a cross section of at least 150x150 mm), simulating the half-timbered design. They are glued to the facade with the help of construction glue (plant on liquid nails, ceresit, etc.). The advantages of such imitation of the first form include a presentable appearance at low cost, resistance to various atmospheric influences, mold and insect, strength and durability.

Half-timbered houses do it yourself

If you have familiarized yourself with the available information and examples of projects presented on the Internet, and then thought about the construction of the half-timbered house with your own hands, it is worth considering that it is not easy at all. Construction companies It is claimed that it will take some time to build such a building - it should be noted that it is referred to as the assembly of the house pre-prepared by specialists in accordance with the developed project of the half-timer house, in which all parts and elements of the design are carefully planned and are calculated using computer programs. The connection of the beams is carried out with the help of special connecting seams that guarantee the strength of the structure - with independent execution of such works from zero, the presence of joinery skills will be required.

In case of use ready set, on the construction site bring prepared by the factory wooden bars (As a rule, oak or pine) with cut-off grooves, pre-painted and treated with special impregnation, as well as the front panels prepared for installation. In this case, it remains to collect the house from the parts according to the plan - like a wooden constructor.

When building a house in the style of Fakhverk should take into account the following features of construction technology:

  • for the construction of the construction, it will be necessary to prepare a lightweight foundation - it is recommended to use a finely blurred belt wide up to 0.5 m. The half-timbered house will not create a large load on the foundation, since it is largely distributed to the elements of the wooden frame. In addition, the walls of such a design are sufficiently rigid and no significant weight;
  • the foundation is laid by a layer of waterproofing, on top set the strapping from the bar, fastening it with metal anchors;
  • next, it is necessary to build a frame of glued bar, connecting it elements ( vertical stands and horizontal beams) in advancely planned manner, fixing the design with the help of dilation;
  • for erection inland partitions use bars with a smaller cross section - they are fixed to the floor using frame dowels;
  • the frame of the frame is connected to the roof rafters;
  • it is necessary that the walls of the half-timbered home filled the frame from the inside, leaving the elements of its design in sight;
  • internal partitions in such a house can be arranged randomly from any building material;
  • the insulation uses various materials - for example, basalt Watu. either mats from cellulose fiber. In the case of glazing walls for heating at home, the "Warm floor" system or convection heat supply near double-glazed windows;
  • communications are placed under the floor, as well as in the frame;
  • the roof of the houses in the style of the style is most often covered ceramic tiles either metal tile, sometimes leaf iron;
  • after the work done, you will need to start exterior decoration. Wutching opaque walls and having stuck them into bright colors, you can give the house characteristic flavor of the half-timber.

Facrifical houses - Photo

If you do not know what a half-timbered architecture is, then you should remember the characteristic German houses that appeared in the Middle Ages, but are popular today. This style is characteristic of the facade with a characteristic extender of a dark timber and light fillings of the walls. Because of the beauty and organicity of this style, the phakrical construction technology still remains popular in Germany and in the countries of Northern Europe.

Properties of modern grades

Construction of houses with the use of half-timbered technology can be attributed to frame house-building. In fact, this is one of his varieties. In this case, the function carrier structures Performs frame out wooden beams. Ideally, the melted bar is suitable for the frame, since it can easily resist various deformations. Special methods are used to connect the framework of the frame of the frame in the corners and each by each other, which give the additional hardness to the entire construction.

Important: The main feature of this style is that metal fasteners are not used to connect the frame elements. The beams and bars are connected with the help of brazen, wooden waders and other wood products.

Frame house Facrokrock can be erected from different wall materials. In the Middle Ages, Samama was used for the manufacture of walls. Today, brick, osp, and sometimes glass are used to fill the wall designs between beams. In principle, any material can be used because the wall itself does not perform the functions of the supporting structures. All load falls on the frame. The characteristic feature of the style - the frame does not hide in the design of the walls, but on the contrary, appears, being architectural element. Most often frame beams Make contrast dark color Against the background of light, sometimes white walls.

The half-timbered house is very warm. This is achieved through the use of thermal insulation materials in the wall design. Additional advantage There are practically unlimited planning opportunities. Since the wall does not perform the functions of supporting structures, partitions and simpleness can be easily removed, moving, changing the layout.

A flashing house of the frame house is quite complicated due to the framework of the frame mounting features. However, if you have certain skills to work with a tree, you can easily build such houses yourself. In addition, it will not be superfluous that the presence of spatial thinking and knowledge of spatial geometry.

Tip: Facrifical houses are better erected from the finished household complex. If you want to get a high-quality, durable and durable structure, it is better to entrust work on the assembly of home by professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The frame house in the style of Fakhverk has the following advantages:

  1. The main advantage of such buildings is their aesthetic appeal and dissimilar to others. frame structures. Such houses should be chosen by those who want their home allocated against the background of a general development of their originality and unusual beauty.
  2. For the construction of any skeleton house, including half-timbered, do not need powerful foundation designs. It is quite enough that will be a small-headed belt base or other design (columnar or pile-screw), depending on the geological characteristics of the terrain.
  3. Since the montage of the frame is commonly used glued bar or other wood material, past chamber drying, the structure practically does not give a shrinkage. For this reason, the installation of windows and doors, as well as the finishing of the house can be performed immediately after the construction of the box. Due to this, the settlement in the house will occur much faster than in other wooden buildings.
  4. Although frame structures exposed at the bottom engineering CommunicationOn the contrary, it is very easy to hide inside the wall or floor design.

Houses Fakhverk have some drawbacks, which are also worth mentioning:

  1. Open wooden frame designs must be processed periodically protective compositionsso that they do not fall load bearing capacity. So, you will need anti-spin to protect against burning, antiseptic compositions will help protect the wood from rot and damage insects, you will also need solutions to protect against moisture.
  2. When erecting such a house under conditions with a harsh climate, it is necessary to perform a solid warming of walls. As a result, the thickness of the wall structure increases, which changes the need to use more massive beams for the frame.
  3. Normal frame houses It will be cheaper than the buildings erected by half-timer technology.

Montaja technology

When mounting the framework, the special technology of the joints of the wooden elements is used, which is correct to design only professionals. So, the following types of compounds are applied:

  • mann;
  • semi-immune;
  • corner mann;
  • wilderman;
  • "Andreevsky Cross" and others.

Foundation and framework

Filling the foundation on the site is performed independently. In parallel with him at the factory you can make a framework. It will be much faster if these two operations will be performed simultaneously.

After filling the base and delivery to the construction site of sawn timber for the work framework, they are carried out in this order:

  1. On the foundation, horizontal waterproofing is performed.
  2. After that is done top strapping. For this, the support timber is mounted. It must be hard to fasten with the base. For fixing, anchor bolts are used.
  3. Lags are attached to the bruus strapping. On the cranial bars, fixed to the lags, the boards of the rollover are stacked. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out insulation of the floor. For this purpose, waterproofing is laid on the floor design, and on top of it in the lumens between lags - thermal insulation material.
  4. From above, the floor is covered with a layer of vapor insulation, the draft coating is laid.

Next, the installation of vertical beams is performed. For the docking of inclined, vertical, horizontal and spacer beams, an embodiment with a spike is used, called "Warm". For rigid fixation used wooden copper. The most common options for warm connections:

  • dovetail;
  • secret thorn.

Further installation of structures is performed in accordance with the project when the stages are observed. Simultaneously with the arrangement of the carrier frame, partitions are performed, which are also mounted on frame-framework technology.

Fillers for walls

After the framework of the frame is completed, you can proceed to seal the gaps between the frame elements of the walls. It is easier to say that there is a swift of the walls.

As aggregates, you can use a stone, brick, elements from celebrate concrete (aerated concrete, foam blocks, etc.). In modern homes, in most cases, sheet wood and slab materials are used, namely OSP, moisture-resistant plywood, cement-chipstones, lining, dry-fiber sheets, etc. When choosing a material for the walls, it is worth considering that products must meet the following requirements:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • excellent strength;
  • small proportion;
  • environmental purity;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Important: If you use heavy materials (stone, brick) as aggregate walls, then it is necessary to take into account even at the design stage, because under such a house you need to lay powerful outlines. Calculations of the foundation should be produced, given the material of the walls.

When filling out the frame, it is worth remembering that from the outside of the walls of the frame beams should be visible, that is, the filling material should not completely cover the entire outer surface of the walls. From the inside of the house you can apply different variants, it all depends on style solution interior.

If you want to build an extraordinary house, you can use double-glazed windows as the walls of the walls. As a result, you will get a maximum natural lighting Premises and panoramic overview of the landscape around the house. However, the abundance of glazing does not contribute to the preservation of heat in the house. Even if you put energy-saving glass windowsIn areas with harsh winters it will not help keep warm.

As finish finish Walls can use any materials:

  • facing tile, imitating brickwork;
  • stucco decorative compositions;
  • clapping clapboard.

Roof of the half-timbered house

Most often in the half-timbered house is made gable roof. It greatly harmonizes with common architectural style at home. The characteristic feature of such buildings is the absence mansard floor And the attic. In addition to this, the houses in the style of the Facrow are characterized by wide raids. They protect the walls of the house from atmospheric precipitation well, and the rooms are abundance sunlight in summer.

In the role roofing can perform:

  • euroshifer;
  • soft rolled roofing;
  • metal tile;
  • professional flooring.

Important: due to significant swelling It is not recommended to use natural tiles as roofing.

Home interior

Many people who have never been inside the half-timbered house believe that he looks inside the same way as outside. Sometimes the interior of the house is indeed drawn up in the same style as the exterior. In this case, white tones prevailed in the premises finish, the style is characterized by many free space and some asceticism.

But besides this, other styles can be used in the design of the premises of such a house. For example, the style of High-tech with its abundance of a metal shine and minimalism is ideal for a half-timed house. In the interior, any metal details look quite organically, and especially forged products.

Tip: It is worth considering that the beams in the interior can be used not only as decorative elementBut also as a basis for hanging shelves, suspended cabinets, installation of lighting and other interesting solutions.

The space between beams and crossings, which, as a rule, leave visible outside, is filled various materialsThis is the frame houses, it doesn't matter whether it is either a board, in the header use.

In ancient times in Germany, the Germans were used to use clay mixed with. There is even a house built in the 13th century, which the German builder built in 1347.

Beams from the bar for such time, did not rot, and the wood became durable as a stone. This house, just just one century. Europeans have long been aware of the reliability of these houses, gradually they begin to appear in Russia. And all this was done by hand, without the use of power tools.

It is surprising that the half-timbered house can stand more than 500 years, it proves the reliability of this type of construction.

Today technological solutions Can be the most diverse, in half-timbered construction used instead of walls Panoramic double-glazed windows, brick, wood, natural stone, etc.

Feature of German frame houses in Germany

A characteristic feature of the house in the style of Fakhverk is the speech of each top floor over the previous one. This historically existing feature is not related to the desire to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper floor. It was done to protect the facade of the house, which is also a carrier frame of the whole building, from precipitation and extra moisture. Thanks to such an indent, water flowing along the walls of the upper floors is flowing directly to the ground, and the facade of the lower floor remains dry.

Homes in the style of Fakhverk

Despite the fact that the wide distribution of half-timbered homes was associated with a certain extent with the desire to save wood, this technology perfectly showed itself and has whole line Advantages.

It is pretty inexpensive and environmentally friendly construction, which you can afford to build with your own hands. Homes in the style of Fakhverk are unusual and beautiful.

For modern construction More often used glued timber from coniferous rocks, which provides buildings strength and durability, but you can also use the usual bar, the main thing is to choose a dry-quality dryer.

Modern houses for half-timbered technology

Thanks to the use of modern, the modern Fakhverk style house will not only be aesthetically attractive, but also warm and cozy.

Choosing a material to fill the space between the beams, you can show fantasy and use, along with traditional building materials, glass, carved tree, clay mixes, etc. It will be favorably played and protects the staining of beams or filler with modern paint and varnishes.

Having all these advantages, half-timbered at home are built today, many are ready to build similar designs with their own hands. In addition, fairly lungs in their essence, half-timbered homes do not require the construction. It is perfect for them, which will allow you to put such a house at least on the slope and on the purchase of land.

Video about modern glass frames Facing houses

1. High-timbered with cork glued bar

Structurally 100% - a true half-timber with a composite timber filling ( adhesive wood 120 mm with cork agglomerate 80 mm). The direction and section of BRUSEV can change at the request of the customer. The text is possible to perform a composite bar in the form of a log. The proposed option, today, is the most technological product in the field of wooden house-building!

2. High-timer with a filling of wooden CLT plates

Structurally 100% is a true half-timber with CLT filling plates. Facades and interiors, if desired, can be fulfilled by plastering or wooden or their combinations. Outdoor stove Five-layer 5s 95 mm (category B). Internal three-layer 3s 99 mm or 3s 120 mm (category A), depending on the design of the project. The type of insulation of anyone - at the request of the customer (cork, linen, jute, wood-fibrous), in the "Rockwool" database.

3. Facrower with frame filling

Structurally 100% - True Facrow. Filling - insulated wooden glued frame frames, brushed wood, imitating a timber (vertical or horizontal orientation) or plastering - facade, painted by GVL - interior.

4. Combined half-timbered house with wooden CLT plates

Externally and inside 100% looks like a true half-timbered home. Constructural: 25% True Facrox, 75 Insulated CLT Plate (Category A, B) with overhead wooden elementsSimulating a true half-timber. Optionally, the execution of plastering or wooden facades and interiors is possible, or a combination thereof. Wooden facades And the selection interiors may differ in the direction and shape.

5. Combined half-timbered house with frame walls

Externally and inside 100% looks like a true half-timer house, structural: 25% True header, 75% insulated wooden glued frame walls With the imitation of a true gradation. Optionally, it is possible to fulfill plastering or wooden facades and interiors, or combinations thereof. Wood facades and interiors, optional, may differ direction and form profiles.

Technologies for the construction of Fakhverk

  • Facroelectric panel. The front panel house is made on the hydraulic assembly tables at the Promstroyles plant to set the high definition of the geometric sizes of the panel and selecting the mounting gaps of the increased precision precision.
  • Frame Fakhverk. Installation of the house for this technology involves manual construction of the frame, where filling together with a kit for the construction of internal bearing walls and a frame occurs at the construction site.

Filling the walls Fakhverk

Elite half-timbered houses in the Italian style "Pagano"

Options for the construction technologies of higher-timbered cottages in italian style "Pagano": Facrox, CLT, frame panel.

Facrifical houses in German style

Options for the construction technologies of higher-timbered houses in German style: Facrox, CLT, frame panel.