Repairs Design Furniture

Single-sided roof sling system is a reliability with accurate calculation. How to make the calculation of roofing, crates and rafters for a single-piece roof using an online calculator Installation of a Single Roof Slinge

If you want to build an extraordinary, unlike a neighbor house, look at the houses under a single-piece roof. It gives the building originality. In addition, a single roof is the simplest in the device. So simple that it can be done with your own hands.

Pros and cons

Single roofs are considered inexpensive and simple in the device themselves. And this is true, especially with a small width of the building. Nevertheless, in our country at home with single-sided roofs there are quite infrequent. For the most part, this is due to the fact that two or four pitched roofs are more familiar - they look both more familiar. The second snag is to find a project adapted to our weather conditions. There are a lot of Western project resources, but they are designed for a softer climate, as a rule, have a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing. Find an architect that competently change the favorite project is very difficult. But if it was still possible, and the harmony of the building was not disturbed, the house turns out very original.

Many scare uneven ceilings in some part of the building. Their, of course, is more difficult to beat than standard, but the result is completely different - the original is 100%. True, this time find a designer who can develop a similar interior on the expanses of our Motherland is very difficult, nevertheless, possibly.

There is another way out - to align the ceilings by overlapping, and the free space under the roof is used as technical premises. Such options and hosts are implemented very satisfied. Yes, technical premises on in the basement floor, and at the top, but it is no problems with groundwater.

This is perhaps all the minutes or pitfalls that a single roof can bring. There is, however, another moment, which is difficult to name the disadvantage, due to the features of the structure, the roofing material is not visible on such houses from the ground. If the area is smooth, without high drops of heights, bother with the appearance of the roof, it makes no sense. It is better to choose simple in appearance, but high-quality materials, quiet (large plane, with rain noise strongly) and reliable. One of the popular options is a folding roof. It provides due degree of tightness, not very noise. Another option is from modern materials. Such roofs are even quieter, and modern materials can be operated 20-30 years without repair.

Single-car roof device

The required slope of a single-table roof is organized due to the height of the opposite walls. One wall of the building is significantly higher than the other. This leads to increased consumption of materials for walls, but the rafter system is very simple, especially for the buildings of a small width.

With sufficient bearing ability of the walls, the liner system of a single-piece roof is based on Maurylalate, fixed to the wall. In order for the load distribution to be more uniform, the top row of the wall masonry is reinforced by the longitudinal reinforcement (for brick walls, from concrete blocks) or on top of the last row, armopoyas (for walls of limestone, sewer) is poured. In the case of a wooden or frame structure, the role of Mauerlat usually performs the last crown or upper binding.

With insufficient strength of the building material of the walls, most of the load can be transferred to the overlap. For this, the racks are installed (step - about 1 meter), for which the runs are stacked - long bars walking along the building. On them and rely then rafting legs.

When the Armopoyas was filling or laying the last row, in it, with a step of 80-100 cm, the studs are installed, with which the Mauerlat is then attached to the walls of the building. In wooden houses, if you do not do Armopoyas, it is impossible to lay the studs. In this case, it is allowed to install on the pins with a hexagon head. Under the pin, a hole is drilled through Mauerlat, a pair of millimeters less than the diameter of the pin. A metal rod is clogged into it, which attracts a wooden bar to the wall. The connection is delayed using the hex key of the desired size.

Single Single Roof System

Such roofs are especially popular when building yard buildings - Sarai, garages. Just the size of the buildings make it possible to use not very powerful beams, and the beams are required in small quantities. With the width of the structure up to 6 meters, the chalk system of a single-table roof almost does not contain additional reinforcing elements (backups and runs), which is profitable. Also attracts the absence of complex nodes.

For the middle strip of Russia for flight up to 5.5 meters take the beam 50-150 mm, up to 4 meters enough 50-100 mm, although it is in good way, it is necessary to consider snow and wind load specifically in your region, and, based on this, to be determined With beam parameters.

When the distance between the walls is up to 4.5 meters, a single-table roof consists of two brings in Maurolalat, fixed on the walls, and rafting legs, which are based on Mauerlat. Really very simple design.

With a width of the span from 4.5 meters to 6 meters, it is still required to be licked, fixed on a higher wall at the level of overlapping and a substropsy leg, which rests on the beam in almost the middle. The angle of the slope of this beam depends on the distance between the walls and the level of the Lenzny installation.

More complex rafting systems in a single-table roof with a width of buildings more than 6 meters. In this case, it is optimal if the house is designed so that inside there is also a bearing wall, which is based on the racks. With the width of the house to 12 meters, the farms are still simple, the cost of the roofing device is minimal.

For buildings width more than 12 meters, the system becomes more difficult - the subcording feet becomes greater. In addition, the manufacture of beams longer than 6 meters long is expensive. If an increase is required only to the width of the oops of the roof, the beams are frozen along the edges of the lumps. These are pieces of beams of the same section, connected to the beam and fixed on the sides with two wooden lining with a length of at least 60 cm bolted with bolts or nails, allow the use of mounting plates.

If the total length of the beam is obtained more than 8 meters, they are usually spliced. The joints of the joint are additionally enhanced by killing the boards or mounting plates.

Fastening options raftered to Mauerlat: moving fame at the top and tough above right. At the bottom right, the option of the sinks without soles (it is very rarely applied)

There may be questions about the methods of fastening the rafted single roofs to Mauerlat. There are no fundamental differences. Everything also makes a cutout in a rafter foot, which the timber rests in Mauerlat. In order not to suffer with each rafter foot, aligning it to landing, drinking the first, out of a piece of blackboard, thick plywood or bar makes a template, exactly repeating the resulting "drank". All subsequent rafters are flooded before installation. The template is applied to them in the right place, the removal of the required shape and size is fixed.

It was a speech about the hard fastening of the rafter feet to Mauerlat. It is used on all buildings that give a small shrinkage. On wooden houses, this method of fastening cannot be used - the house all the time settles or lifted a bit, which is why there may be a skew. If the roof is fixed rigidly, it can break it. Therefore, when applying a single-table or any other roofing on wooden houses, a sling and mauelalat is used. For this there are so-called "sliding". These are plates, condition from the corners that are attached to Mauerlat and movingly connected with them metal strips that are attached to the rafter foot. There are two such slopes for each rafter.

Choosing an angle of inclination of the roof

The block angle of the roof is determined by the totality of the indicators - the wind and snow load and the type of roofing material. First, they are determined with an angle of climatic conditions (depending on the number of precipitation and wind loads). After watching the minimum recommended bias for the selected type of roofing material (in the table below).

If the desired angle is greater, everything is fine, if less (which happens very rarely) - it increases to the recommended one. Doing the roof with an angle less than the minimum angle recommended by the roofing manufacturer, does not definitely - will flow at the joints. To easier to focus, let's say that for the middle strip of Russia, the recommended slope of a single-table roof is 20 °. But it is advisable to count the number for each region, and even for different arrangements of the construction on the site.

By the way, keep in mind that different manufacturers of the same type of roofing material may require different minimal bias. For example, one brand can be carried out on a roof with a minimum bias of 14 °, another - at 16 °. And this is despite the fact that GOST determines the minimum bias of 6 °.

It is also worth remembering that with a skate up to 12 ° in order to ensure the tightness of any roofing material, it is necessary to miss all the joints of the material with a liquid waterproofing composition (usually - with bitumen mastic, less often - roofing sealant).

We determine the height that is required to raise the wall

To ensure the excavation angle of a single-table roof, it is necessary to raise one of the walls above. As far as I learn, remembering the formula for calculating the rectangular triangle. We find and the length of the rafter feet.

When calculating, do not forget that the length is removed without taking into account the scenes, and they need to protect the walls of the house from precipitation. The minimum sink is 20 cm. But with such a small ledge beyond the building, a single roof of Kutsuza looks outside the building. Therefore, there are usually at least 60 cm on single-storey buildings. On the two-storey, they can be up to 120 cm. In this case, the width of the sink is determined on the basis of aesthetic considerations - the roof should look harmoniously.

The easiest way is to determine how much it is necessary to extend the roof in design programs, allowing the building on the scale and "play" with skes. Everything should be displayed in 3 dimensions (the most popular SCRATCHUP program). Choose in it different sizes of the soles, decide which it looks better (this is if there is no project), and then order / do rafters.

Photo report from construction: Single Roof on a house of aerated concrete

Built house in St. Petersburg. The project was not, there was a common idea that is presented in the photo. House made from aerated concrete, finishing - plaster, roof - folding chosen based on the low cost, reliability, ease of installation.

After the walls were kicked out, Armopoians flooded in them, into which studs (Ø 10 mm) were installed through each meter. When concrete in Armopoyas reached the required vanity, the waterproofing layer ("hydroize", cut along the bands of the desired width) was laid on the bitumen mastic. Over the waterproofing, Mauerlat is stacked - the ram 150-150 mm. All lumber, which are used for the roofing device, dry, are processed by protective impregnations, antipirens.

Start mounting a single-table roof - Laying Mauerlat

It is first put in place (lies on the studs, adhered by helpers), pass along, knocking the hammer to the places where the studs are standing. The bar is imprinted by places where the studs stick out. Now the holes are drilled and simply get it on the hairpins.

Since the span is obtained by large, put backups from the bar (150-150 mm), which is laid a run, which will maintain rafting legs.

The roof width is 12 meters away. This is taking into account the deposancy of 1.2 meters from the front side. Therefore, the bars Mauerlat and the run "sticky" beyond the walls of the walls.

At first there were doubts about such a large removal - the extreme right bar hangs 2.2 meters. If this takeaway is reduced, it is bad for the walls, and the appearance will deteriorate. Therefore, everything was decided to leave as it is.

Laying timing

Stacked rafters of two sprocketing boards 200 * 50 mm, with a step of 580 mm. The boards are riveted with nails, in a checker order (at the top below), with a step of 200-250 mm. Hats nails on the right, then on the left, pairwise two tops / from the bottom right, two tops / from the bottom left, etc.). Splicing places of boards are broader on less than 60 cm. The resulting beam is obtained much more reliable than a similar one-piece bar.

Next, a cake of a single-table roof for a given case is such (on the side of the attic - on the street): vapor barrier, stone wool 200 mm, ventuzor (doomlet, counter-doletka), moisture insulation, roofing material. In this case, this is a pure gray color.

The insulation from the inside will be carried out later, and while on top of the rafter, we put the hydro-wind-wind-protecting membrane "Tailer Solid" (vapor-permeable).

The membrane lays down-up, attached brackets from the stapler. The canvas that rolls above enters the already laid 15-20 cm. The junction is punctured by a double-sided tape (bought together with the membrane). Then the planks are stipulated on top of the membrane, they are a doomle for folding roof.

First, the cutter made from the board 25 * 150 mm in a step of 150 mm. After laying, like roof, it was decided to strengthen the crate. For this, there are 100 mm widths for the boards between already laid boards. Now there is a gap of 25 mm between the boards.

Single Roof Disease As a result

Next, the hooks for. They are nor unmarried, because because of the big length of the fronton, it was decided to make two receiving funnels at a distance of 2.8 meters from the edge. To secure runoff in two sides and made such a relief.

Next, it is necessary to make pieces of metal (paintings) 12 meters long. They are not heavy, but they cannot be bent, because Salazki disappear. For lifting, a temporary "bridge" connecting the earth and roof is constructed. On him and raised sheets.

Next go roofing, which differ depending on the type of roofing material. In this case, it was necessary to solve the problem of temperature expansion of the material - galvanized steel (poural) when heated / cooled significantly changes its dimensions. To ensure freedom of expansion, fixing the material for the crate is decided for Falts moving clemmers with freedom of movement of 15-20 mm.

After laying the roofing material, the skes are remained, and they are no different.

I need to bring the root "to mind" - to sunmate, but, mostly, it is ready

Well, in the photo below what happened after decoration. Very modern, stylish and unusual.

House with a single-table roof - finishing almost finished

Projects and photos of houses with a single roof

As already told, it is hard to find interesting projects of residential buildings with a single roof. While these buildings are unpopular. Perhaps just because of its originality. This section contains several projects or photos of already built houses. Maybe someone will be useful at least as an idea.

Large windows - beautiful, but irrational in our climate

Multi-level house - an interesting implemented project

This is the prototype of what is located above.

Original house. Under one single-sided roof and house and host construction, and even part - canopy over the courtyard between two buildings

In Russia, where attachment to the traditional terr with triangular roof is strong, a single-piece roof is considered non-subestipable and affordable for a residential building. But for the construction of supervisory and economic buildings there is no option easier and more economical. Therefore, if you have conceived the construction of a garage, a bath, a barn, a canopy, be sure to study the structure of the charter system of a single-table roof to mount it with their own hands, without the involvement of hired workers.

Design features

The lines of a single-sided type roof system is a simplified half of the two-tie. Her advantages:

  • Low weight. The low weight of the structure allows you to erect from zero or reconstruct the roof, without making changes to the foundation without reinforcing it. This is a big plus, since the cost of the foundation is even with their own hands make up about a third of the value of the whole building.
  • Availability of materials. Since the solo system is mainly made of wood, inexpensive material, which is harvested and implemented everywhere in the middle lane of Russia, so the distance from the store to the construction site is minimal. The construction price is acceptable for any budget.
  • Easy installation. Usually, the remuneration of professional roofing masters is 50% of the cost of building the roof. Therefore, such a design with an elementary rafter system makes it possible to minimize costs, abandoning the hiring of third-party workers, and fastening the sideling roof rafters with their own hands.

Despite the obvious advantages, it is impossible not to mention the shortcomings of this type of roof:

  • Low energy efficiency. Due to the fact that the aerial layer of a single-row roof, which serves as a natural thermal insulation layer, less than the distance at the two-tie, it is missing to prevent treatment of heat. The roof is made from materials with high thermal conductivity, so in the summer it is strongly heated, the winter is cooled in winter, transmitting heat or cold into the underpants. To eliminate this shortage, you have to organize more solid insulation and ventilation of the premises.
  • No possibility to equip the attic. For some homeowners, the attic is necessary, but under the single-piece roof it is problematic. But on the surface of the skate with a small bias, it is convenient to place solar panels, water heating tanks and even a small area for recreation and sunbathing.
  • The formation of snowdrifts and snow nansos. This problem is relevant for household buildings adjacent to the main residential building. The snow slides with the coolest rods of the roof of the house and delayed on the stronger garage. However, if you carry out the calculations correctly, choose the appropriate material, this deficiency will not worry the owners.

Construction of a rafter system

The soling system of a single-table roof does not represent anything complicated, especially for those who familiar with the double-tie device. It consists of the same main reference elements that demonstrate the scheme:

  1. Maurylalat. Durable, massive base made of timber secting 150x150 mm. Mauerlat is attached to the upper part of the walls so that he takes the weight of the roof and redirected it to the foundation. It is not installed only in houses from a log and a bar in which Mauerlat's tasks perform the upper crowns of the cut. In structures made of brick il of gas silicate on the upper edge of the wall formwork, a concrete screed is flooded.
  2. Stropile legs. The rafters are smooth, durable bars made of wood with a cross section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm. They rely on the walls, forming the geometry of the skates. Step between two rapid legs are chosen in the interval between 60-120 cm. It should be borne in mind that both too rare and too frequent step is undesirable: if there is a lot of rafters, the design will be too heavy, if there is little - it will not stand the weight of the roofing material. Slingers determine the engineering calculation.
  3. Troop. Also called the subcupile foot element of an additional support. He arrived at the angle of the rack, supporting the middle part of the rafter, preventing his deflection. Slopes are also made of wood, cross-section of 50x150 mm.
  4. Rack. A vertical support that is one side stands on the carrier partition, and the other supports the rafter foot, carrying its weight on the foundation of the building. The step between the racks should be 1.2-1.5 m, the longer distance does not provide proper support.
  5. Sill. It is made from the same material as Mauerlat, it performs the same functions with only the difference, which is installed on the internal supporting walls.
  6. Fight. A horizontally located board, tightening two racks, preventing their cutting.
  7. Fakes. Used if the length of the rafter legs is not enough for the roof of the roof. These are smaller boards, with the help of which the rafters are lengthened. The distance from the stand to the end of the kobet should be at least 40 cm.

Types of rafter systems

Depending on the planning of the structure, various types of the rafter system are used for mounting a single-table roof, which are maximally relevant to the specified conditions:

Design options

To understand which items should have a rafter system of your single-piece roof, which should be a step between them, you need to measure the length and width of the building, determine the distance between the carrier walls. If Dina Facility:

  • 4, 5 meters and less. If the distance between the partitions is small, you can choose the easiest option consisting of firmly attached Maurolalat and rafting legs. Installation does not cause significant difficulties, can be made with your own hands. This method is used for household buildings of small square: garages, sheds, street toilets.
  • 4.5-6 m. If the distance exceeds the recommended values, six-meter rafters that do not have supports on the inner partition will be saved under their own weight. Therefore, the rafter system must be strengthened with a pan based on a litter installed on the ceiling beam.
  • Up to 12 m. If the roof length exceeds 12 meters, at least one rack is mounted on which the soils are based on. The step between rafters and racks should not exceed 1.2-1.5 m.
  • Up to 16 m. For structures, the distance between the walls in which exceeds 16 m, the installation of at least two racks bonded by the fight, multidirection pods are required. Such a rafter system is used extremely rare, it is suitable for the arrangement of large sheds to keep livestock or warehouses.

It should be understood that the larger than the construction, the more difficult rafter system it requires, the less step between the rafters. Since the standard lumber length is 6 meters, then the structures whose width exceeds 4.5 require the manufacture of composite rafting feet, consisting of one or two boards connected by cells 50 cm.

Project preparation

So a single-pole roof has a triangle shape, some lengths of the sides of which we are known to calculate the rest, using trigonometric formulas known to all from school. Suppose that hypotenuse is a rafter foot, denote by its LC. Then the length of the LBC - catat, the height of the wall from the beams of overlapping to the skate. So, LCD is the width of the house, and the angle of inclination of the skate (elected or calculated). Now it all depends on what sides we know:

  • If the width of the house and the height of the wall from overlapping to the skate is set, then we calculate the angle angle with the calculator: TGA \u003d LBC / LCD;
  • If the angle of the skate and the width of the structure is known, then we calculate the height of the wall raising: LBC \u003d TGA * LCD;
  • When the width of the construction and the angle of inclination are determined, you can calculate the length of the rafter foot: LC \u003d LCD / COSA.

After the calculations are made, the diagram is drawn to the resulting dimensions. The simplified drawing also reflects the step between the rapid legs.

Assembling a rafter system

Since the sequence of work depends on the type of the rafter system, we will analyze how with your own hands to construct a one-piece roof for a garage of 4.5 m wide. Since the size of the construction allows you to do with the construction of the most simple type of the solid-sized roof system:

Video instruction

Despite its simple, uncomplicated, single-table roofs are in demand, rational, especially for country house-building. The roofs with one slope are also massively used to arrange garages, receiving buildings, economic buildings. About how a single roof is erected with your own hands step by step, you will learn below. The multi-sided options for the roofs are complex in design, and a single-table can be made with their own hands, as it is, in fact, the rectangle, which is located in the same plane, does not have bends. For a single bed, by the way, you will leave much less building materials than any other, it will be more resistant to seasonal manifestations (snow, wind, rain).

Construction of a garage with a single roof, photo:

Advantages of a single roof:

  • low weight;
  • comparatively acceptable final cost;
  • affordable, simple installation process;
  • the possibility of using various building materials (roofing, rafters);
  • affordable arrangement of the drainage system, chimneys.

Stock Foto Chicken coop with walking for chickens

Despite its simplicity, a single roof can be quite creatively beaten in designer solutions. The angle of its slope directly depends on the climatic features of the region where you live. If snow winters are familiar to you, then the degree of inclination should be more (so that the snow slipped better), if your home is located in a windy place, then the bias need to do less. For the same reasons, the inclination of the roof should be sent to the opposite of the facade to the precipitate "leaving" for the house.

The roof is a single-sided aircraft and non-ventilated type. The first option is used for residential buildings, the slope varies from 8 to 25 degrees. In such cases, the air exchange is ensured by the insulating layer and special holes located on the sides of the roof.

Prostral - garage and canopy

The non-ventilated option is more often installed on garages, sheds, extensions to the house, the angle of inclination is predominantly small - 3-6 degrees.

House with a single roof - Choosing a roofing material

The calculation of the schematic drawing of the future house begins with the determination of the desired angle of inclination and a suitable covering material for the roof. Most often, professional flooring, metal profile, rubberoid, tile, slate, metal tile or Ontulin are used for such single-sided structures. Soft tiled or frontal coating is optimally suitable for very small slopes - from 5 to 10 degrees. The slate with a profile is more suitable for the "average" tilt angle indicators - from 20 to 30 degrees. For metal tile, the slope of at least 35 degrees is required.

The choice of roofing material is determined by its ability to interact with atmospheric precipitates and timely remove them from the surface. For example, from slate, professional flooring, roof tiles snow comes down much easier.

How to make a single roof?

To build with your own hands, the roof of a single-table type you will need a standard set of construction tools, the necessary building materials. Wood materials (lumber) should be of proper quality with a maximum humidity of 22%. All wooden materials are recommended to be previously treated with antiseptic means (for example, from the "Old Assopex series").

In addition, you should have fastening details in stock: riglels, struts, sores.

Rigel is a horizontal part that acts as a support for carrying structures, it distributes the load of the rafted to other beams.

The struts are a type of supports that are located in flights provide greater stability of the entire design.

Troops are beams acting in the role of the rafter system.

Single-line extension to the house

Single roof, photo:

You must have:

  • wooden timing segment 100 × 150 mm;
  • styling boards (minimum thickness of 5 cm);
  • rafting nails;
  • thermal insulation materials;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • construction Scotch;
  • tools (ax, saw, hammer, special knife, plumb, screwdriver, roulette, construction stapler, level).

The rafter system will be entirely dependent on the size of the future of the house and the building material from which the walls were erected. The rafters are always installed on Mauerlat, if the construction is small and the length of the span does not exceed 4.5 meters, then the scheme of the charter system of a single-table roof will be extremely simple. It will consist of the main Mauerlat bar and a rapid support. If there are no small sizes of the structure, and the length of the span is more than 6 meters, then the installation of strengthening subcording legs is simply necessary.

Scheme of the rafter system

The rafyled must be installed according to the construction rules, so that several years of operation have not yet been implications. Do not forget about safety rules - install reliable, strong temporary boards, for which you will move during the building process.

Photo setting rafal

The workflow provides for the following steps:

  • Laying transverse rafters. They are fixed to Mauerlat. This is the basis - what the entire stop of the rafter system goes. The distance between the rafters is approximately 60-80 cm. Here you will need large nails (or anchor).
  • The drying is attached to the rafter (it is made of 50 cm 50 cm on it), it provides rigidity, the roofing material is stacked directly on it. The bumbly is put at right angles.
  • With the help of a construction stapler to the cut, the waterproofing material is fastened (the usual polyethylene film is suitable for these purposes). Fastening is made without stretch, but with a false bottom up.
  • The turn of thermal insulation (for example: Minvat, fiberglass, balsovoy mats).
  • Laying the roofing material according to its individual features.

Single Roof with your own hands

Consider the all-making all building process:

  • Since Mauerlat is a support for the entire system, its main function is that the cumulative weight of the roof is equally evenly dispersed on the main carrying parts of the design. For these purposes, you need to select a ram at least 10 × 10 cm, which is installed directly on the bearing walls. A layer of rubberoid should be between the wall masonry and the bar. The greater the angle of the slope, the thicker should be a Mauerlat bar.
    To the installation of Mauerlat, with their own hands, it is necessary to consider responsibly, be sure to use the construction level (the horizontal requirements must be observed). The single-table roof device implies the mounting of the bar to the walls with the help of anchor bolts, the distance between them should be approximately meter-and a half.

  • Now there should be a line of laying of rafting boards. Make sure that the board length is more than half the roof.
    The distance between these boards depends on the severity of the underfloor material, if sheets are provided, then 150 cm will be quite enough. If you are going to lay slate or tile with your own hands, it is better to choose a step - 100-120 cm. It is best to lay the board to the end up. This will give the extra strength of the whole design. Single-sided roof rafters should be embedded in a Mauerlate timber over the entire length. When you celebrate a pencil of space for the insertion (recommended for builders - newcomers), make sure that the future grooves was a little wider than the thickness of the board. The slope slope of the grooves is responsible for which there will be a degree inclination.

  • One of the most important stages is the installation of rafters in the groove.
    All boards must be installed equally, under one slope. For your convenience, it will be better to initially put two rafters at the beginning and at the end of the wall, and then stretch the beep between them. Thus, you will get an accurate landmark, and the process itself will go much easier. To bond timing and rafted, use large nails (from 12 cm or more). The end of the rafting board (legs - the construction term) is attached to one side on the edge of the wall, and the other is fixed with the vertical beam. All rafting legs should be the same to the degree of slope, height, direction.

  • If you have a big house and the distance between the spans exceeds 4-4.5 meters, then you need to install additional reverse beams (sores) for each raftered. With the use of this construction method, the entire roof will be strengthened, the soling system as a whole.
  • The boards are stacked on rafters, and vapor insulation material on them. He is put on the rafters across. It is not necessary to stretch the film, but the strips must be placed to be vessel (10-15 cm). Where the fragments will be shrinking, it is better to apply construction tape for reliability (gliding stripes).

  • We lake the insulation on the waterproofing film. When laying there should be no gaps, gaps. The thickness of the insulation should be at least 20 cm. After the waterproofing layer turns, but some space should remain between it and the insulation. To ensure the gap usually laid small wooden bars between them. The waterproofing layer is attached using a construction stapler.
  • For the resulting in the end, "Pie" laid a doom. As mentioned above, for its manufacture use rails or 50 to 50 bars, they are mounted across rafting boards. Located as a solid web or with intervals.

Roof dryer with solid cloth, photo

After the root, it is placed in the final roofing coating, its installation is made according to individual construction features.

Qualitatively laid, fixed rafters do not bend under weight 70-100 kg. If this fact was discovered when laying, it is necessary to enhance the framework.

Technology laying a "cake" layers can be varied due to certain circumstances, have some additions. Sometimes, for greater reliability, the waterproofing layer is re-layer on top of the insulation. It will not be worse from this, but in all cases special attention should be paid to the attachment.

Slide the film to the wooden structural elements is best with the help of nails with a flat hat or a construction stapler, the step rate should be 15-20 cm.

One of the most important points is to fix the edges of the waterproofing material. It is raised under the sinks of the roof, the residual segment should be at least 20 cm, after which they are bubbling with nails or, again, pass the stapler.

It is best to take a wooden rail and sweep it with appropriate nails (with a step of 10-15 cm) - this is the so-called "folk" method of arrangement of a single-bed roof. Thus, you will be sure that the air flows are not penetrated under the waterproofing film, they will not cause large-scale damage in the invasion of strong winds.

Errors fastening the edges of the roof of the garage, photo

In the photo above, the edges (overhangs) of the roof were enshrined. With a strong wind, the metal fabric canvas together with the waterproofing film, like a light cloth, was easily discarded to the side.

Single Roof - an extension to the house

Garage how tools

For garages, Saraikers, baths, arbors are most convenient exactly such a type of roof. Single roof design provides a number of advantages for the so-called auxiliary buildings.

Fastening the rafter frame to the wall of the house

If we consider an extension step by step, then it will become clear that its roof is adjacent to the wall of the residential structure. Thus, its rafter system is equipped separately from home. The lower ends rafters are located on the front wall of the extension, but the top is attached to the most building. It is very important to ensure the competent connection of the rafter frame of an extension and the main wall of the house. Too hard attachments, too, use it is undesirable, because the speed of shrinkage at home and the attached building can be different. Because of this difference, the cracks of the walls can form.

In this case, the most convenient to put the beams on the brusade frame, which is adjacent to the house (attached to the wall). And the place itself (seam) between the bar and the wall is filled with polyurethane sealant. To lay roofing material on the roof of the extension is needed with a falsestone, as well as to start the junction under the passage of the house. This must be done in order for the then atmospheric precipitation to be sediated through the connection place. It is usually used similar roofing material on the roof of the house and an extension - for aesthetic considerations.

If you decide to build a shed with a single roof, the arrangement of the roofing system will not differ significantly from the above-described construction method.

It happens that sheds are brought from a bar. In such cases, the top of the church acts as Maurolalat. Otherwise, there are no significant differences in the rafter system of single-table roofs of different buildings.

Video, how to quickly make a simple winter charts for horses:

Single garage roof is done by a similar method.

If the walls of the garage are built out of the brick, then the edges of the beams, the rafting boards are embedded in the niche arranged for this. They are made in advance in the walls and stipulate on the stages of the design of the structure. Wood fragments are recommended to wrap the waterproofing coating before releasing into these niches. In this case, the range of the rafter is 60-70 cm. The front wall of the garage is high. From it there is a slope down to the back of the construction, the entrance gate is located in it. The roof should perform by 30-40 cm from the wall, form a small ot.

Taking note of the above information, it becomes clear that this version of the roof is practical, functional, structurally simple. Single roof, equipped with your own hands, can withstand powerful wind, snow loads. Such a roof will be warm, thanks to a small area for air penetration. If you did everything right, then it will surely serve you not one dozen years.

Single roof is quite reasonable to discharge the simplest and economical designs. It attracts the minimum consumption of material and a simple construction process. The construction of a single-sided version can be the first confident step towards an independent roofer.

However, without compliance with the technological prescriptions, there will be no positive result even in elementary business. In order for the result to please reliability, you need to know what is a challenge system of a single-table roof and what claims must be taken into account when it is constructed.

Single roofs are a faithful companion of household structures, terraces, garages attached and separate veranda. Above residential buildings on the expanses of the Fatherland, they are too far rarely, although the number of adherents of Modern styles and Hai-tech tend to grow.

Despite the belonging to the scope category, single-table roofs cannot be unconditionally called attic: the space under the roof is too small for organizing the room. And since the attic does not make sense, it is not always appropriate to separate its overlapping from the construction. Therefore, in practice, the builders of single-table roofs instead of overlapping often install struts and subcording legs.

A simplified rafting skeleton roof frame can be called under the angle of overlapping or half the weed system, which is much closer to the constructive essence. Construct it exclusively from the revolving rafting legs, i.e. From rafaline, which have reliable supports for upper and lower heels.

Among the options for supporting the rafter feet of single-table roofs mean:

  • Two brick, concrete, wooden walls of different heights. In this case, the solid roof rafylics are based on the walls through Mauerlat laid two unrelated bands. Opportuning can be carried out through a concrete reinforced belt, pre-designed and arranged during the construction period, as well as through the top rows of bruschers or log boxes.
  • One carrier wall made of concrete, wood, bricks and located opposite the support. It is clear that in this way the extensions and canopies are built. The upper edges of the Stropilin in such cases are based on the steel brackets screwed to the bearing wall or the nests selected in it. Bottom heels are based on the strapping connecting the support pillars.
  • Two rows of concrete, brick, wooden supports. Both heels of Stroplines are based on the strapping. Moreover, supports can simultaneously serve elements for fastening the skin and forming frame walls.

In private construction, single-sided structures are most often used if the span overlapping does not exceed 4.5 m. The overlap of a more serious span is quite real: for its implementation, it will be necessary to simply increase the system by running, supports, pins.

However, among private traders, few lovers are so large-scale single-sided roofs, because we will consider the simplest representatives and the principles of their structure. Having understood with their design, it will be possible to create your own project by upgrading and making add-ons.

A competently designed project takes into account the need to have a lonely slut from the windward side so that the roof does not break and did not take the imaginary wind.

The average size of the constituents

For the manufacture of utility strings, the forest and sawn timber of the 2nd grade are used. Skar logs are suitable, the plates are the same logs, but dying from two sides. The timber and pairwise stitched boards are used.

The cross section of the rafter legs to build a single-sided roof over the buildings must be calculated taking into account the weight of the roof, snow and wind load. The listed values \u200b\u200bin the medium of folk crafts simply add up and are entered into one of the numerous settlement programs, which are slightly smaller than the legion. In order not to laugh with computing, we present the average cross sections of the rafter legs and related elements used for the construction of single-sided roofs in the middle lane, this is:

  • The logs and the plates squeezed from them Ø 180-200mm, the timber 100 × 150mm (150 × 150 mm) are used to build a rafter frame, overlapping the span of 4.5m and more.
  • The logs and plates Ø 120-180mm, the timing of 100 × 100 mm is used if the span is needed to 4.5 m.

The bar in both cases is permissible to replace the pairs of cross-linked board, the sizes of which will eventually allow the beam required by the segment.

It should be remembered that the log Ø is less than 120mm, the plate is less than 70mm thick and the cross section of menene 40 × 150mm in the construction of the rafter structures is not used. Even for inappropriate canopies suitable on the grounds in the middle lane, the specified dimensions are minimum.

If the diagram of the solid sowing roof system predetermines the run device, it is installed parallel to the skates. It is needed to increase the stiffness of the structure as an additional reference system. To fix the run, the supports and the liter are assembled in the same way as dictated. Only the goal is not to form a skate fracture, but in maintaining a large-rod plane. Broadstroke designs are made from a bar of 180 × 180mm or a log of Ø 200-260mm. For the manufacture of racks for runs, the timber is taken with a side of 120mm or a log 130-200mm in diameter.

Single Shot Step Step

The setting step of the rafter legs is determined in accordance with the geometric data of the boxed box. The skates on which the rafylans will have to be opened, they are divided into equal sections so that the distance between the rafters was the same. The breakdown of the skates to their installation is performed, given the size and type of materials used:

  • For rafting legs made of timber, log logs, installation steps from 1.5m to 2m.
  • If the rafters are made of a paired board, an installation step from 1m to 1.75m.
  • For rafaline from a single board, a set step from 0.6m to 1.2m.

The choice of the installation of the rafter feet of warmed roofing structures is influenced by the size of the insulation. It is very convenient if you are installed between the rafters rigidly, with a slight compression. This is a very economical solution, because two layers do not need to be laid, and heat loss are excluded, thanks to the exclusion of the causes of the formation of cold bridges.

Do not forget that with increasing the recommended distance between the rafalines, you will have to reduce the setting step of the crate or to make it solid. A similar choice is not always appropriate from the point of view and costs of labor, and construction costs. It is better to adhere to technological recommendations and calculate in advance that it is more profitable: to install less or strengthen the lining of the skates on one or two rafyrs.

As is customary in the construction of pitched roofs, rafylics are attached to the crutches chopped into a wooden wall or laid in brickwork traffic jams with anchors. Fixation is performed through one rafter foot with an annealed wire twist. The attachment points of the rafter feet to the walls are located below Maurolat for 20-30 cm. Wire twists can be laid during brick masonry. To walls from a bar or logs allowed to be secured by brackets.

Options for single sump frames

In order for the information better to be absorbed, we will analyze several common examples of the device of rafting systems for single-pate roofs. Consider simple construction objects, with the construction of which the master will be able to cope.

Design # 1 - single garage sump

We will analyze the device of the rafter skeleton roof frame over the garage, the walls of which are composed of foam concrete blocks. The reinforced reinforced belt is not covered by the regulatory belt, which is why the procedure of laying Mauerlat is to be. In single roofing structures, it is constructed in the form of two bars laid on the bottling walls.

The process of building a rafter system in stages:

  • Flush with the internal planes of high and low walls are labeled the timber 100 × 150mm. This is a mauelalate of a single-table roof. Because Brus is to be in contact with foam concrete, it stacked on a rubberoid or similar waterproofing gasket. Breeping a timber than 80 × 90 roofing corners of 90 × 90, enhanced cast jumper. We screw the corners with dowels Ø 14mm.
  • From the board with a cross section of 50 × 200mm Let's make a pattern of rafters. We install it on Maurylat so that on both sides there was a stock about 55-60cm. The stock must be somewhat larger than the planned width of the cornese soles. It is usually equal to 40-50cm. Surplus after mounting all rafaline cutting.
  • We note on the installed workpiece of the point of future marks, not forgetting that the depth of the word should be no more than 1/3 of the boards width.
  • We carry out the marking of the walls so that the extreme rafters on both sides did not touch the concrete wall. It is desirable that between wood and concrete there is a distance of 4-5 cm.
  • According to the template, we produce rafting legs, install them and secure to Mauerlat with brackets or corners.
  • From trimming boards, we make the pattern of the mare, taking into account the width of the sink. On the template we make all the cornice elements. Then mount, not forgetting the waterproofing gaskets between wooden parts and a concrete wall.
  • Spiltivate the surplus of the rafter and nail around the perimeter a wind board with a cross section of 25 × 100mm.

Elementary rafter design for the garage is ready. It remains on the installed rafters to fill the crate to cover a single-piece roof. It can be solid or rarefied. The installation step of rarefied reshetin depends on the type of roofing material.

Eaves in the first example, we formed by mounting the mare. There are a slightly different way that the Mauerlat beams are installed with the removal of the perimeter of the box. The removal is equal to the width of the cornese swell. The rafters are placed so that the extreme elements are just above the edges of Mauerlat. In the space between the extreme and neighboring rafyrene, short deposits are mounted. Further, everything is according to the standard plan.

Design # 2 - Single Roof over an extension

No less often than the previous example, the task of building an extension to an existing building arises. At quite explained reasons, the roof will be a single one. It will fit perfectly in any architectural and landscaped conditions, besides, it will not create threats to accumulate precipitation.

Constructed a rafting system at an angle of 20º, because On top of it will be produced. Removal rafters will be on the capital and located opposite the brick wall of the extension. In the example of a single-table design proposed by us, the span of 4.75m is overlap, it is more than 3.5 m. It means that the hardware is required to provide stiffness. Design and installation of sub-veins are carried out with the condition that their inclination is not desirable to exceed 45º.

The cross section of the chalkboard for the manufacture of the rafting legs is 50 × 200mm. They will be installed after 70cm. Troops Let's make 50 × 150mm from the board, and for the construction of the crates with a 25 × 100mm board.

Algorithm for constructions of a single sump frame:

  • We set the timing of 100 × 150mm flush with the inner plane of the extension wall, not forgetting pre-lay waterproofing. Fix the bar with bolts through 80-100mm.
  • In the overhaul on the planned height, they hollow out the grooves for the installation of the upper heels of Stropilin. The depth of grooves 12cm, the width is slightly more than the thickness of the board, step 70cm. Instead of the grooved grooves, you can use metal brackets that are simply screwed to the wall. In shape, they resemble an inverted Literature "P", in which the upper edge of the rafter is placed.
  • Let's make a pattern of rafting legs. Put a 50 × 200mm board to the place intended for it and celebrate the pressure from both edges. The depth of the top washed, necessary for the installation of the rafylic in the groove, 10 cm. You do not need to do deeper, otherwise the rafaline will be stolen into the wall, and this is undesirable. The size of the top was transferred to the bottom. At the same time we celebrate the vertical line across the width of the cornice.
  • Taking advantage of the template, we make all the rafter legs and install on the places. For mounting at the top we use metal corners, one side of which is screwed to the wall, the second to the rafylic. Below is fixing the corners or brackets.
  • We are trying to trim the boards to the overhaul and one of the rafter feet to determine the deforestation point of the groove under the pump. We do not forget that the angle between the wall and the subproof should not exceed 45º, and the lower heel of the pier must continue to the wall at 20-30 cm below the opposite wall.
  • Having retreated from an imaginary vertical spent through the upper groove, 5-6cm in any direction, damasim the lower row of grooves. We have them every 70cm.
  • Spil up from the blank of the pierce the lower angle so that the line of the spike is 10 cm.
  • We try using the workpiece by setting the edge with a marking to the lower groove. On the line intersection of the rafter foot and the workpiece, fade up the top drink.
  • According to the verified scheme, we make and install all the scrolls. Confirm them to rafalines with metal gear plates.
  • We form eaves by means of installing the kills on the inclined walls of the extension. Do not forget about the mandatory waterproofing between the brick or concrete wall and made of wood elements of the roof.
  • We are cutting the perimeter with wind board and mount the crate.

The technology provided in the example is valid not only for the device of single-table roofs over capital extensions. Similarly, covered covered verandas with terraces, shopping blocks.

Much merges are promoted by work if the walls of the main building are composed of a timber, a log or are made on a Canadian frame method. Under the top heels of Stropyl trite, the brackets are installed: the wrows less and the process is moving significantly faster.

Design # 3 - Single Design for Shed

Single roof - an excellent option for the arrangement of household buildings, taking place, summer kitchens. The fundamentalities of such structures need rare units. The simplest options are more active, with the construction of which the owner of the country site will easily cope.

Consider a single-piece roof device over a small barn to storing cottage inventory. Its walls are built on a frame-greenhouse principle by installing vertical racks connected at the perimeter of the strapping. The front and rear walls of the barn differ in height, therefore it is connected not to a single strapping, but separate transverse straps.

The crossbar of the high wall is laid at an angle, which makes it possible to do not do anything for the support of the upper heels of Stropilin. To formed the angle, the high-wall racks are wedged from above under the projected angle.

The algorithm of the device of the solo system is typical. First, the cutting of the board is applied to the end of the construction and outline the lines of the marbles. Then the desired amount of rafter feet was washed down the template. They are installed in the traditional way according to the markup in advance on the walls. For fastening the elements of the rafter system over light household buildings, sufficient nails or self-tappings. Screw or scoring hardware at an angle, trying to not be gaps between the parts connected.

The wind board mount is performed around the perimeter after mounting the walls of the walls. The shed presented in the example there is no cornice soles. However, if you wish, you can make them, setting the rafylic length that takes into account the formation of the soles. Planned laying of a soft roof, which is suitable for a solid crate. The size of the crates from plywood, GVLV, boards or OSP-3 determines the outer plane of the wind board.

The angle of inclination is small, so the use of waterproofing is extremely preferably even if the wetting of items stored in the barn is not too bothering. Waterproofing will protect the wooden details of the construction from rotting and the subsequent inevitable failure.

Visually with the construction of a rafter system for a single-row roof will introduce the video:

We reviewed the most characteristic examples, topical and affordable for its own execution. The technological nuances of typical situations described in detail. These are basic options that can be able to become the basis for our own developments. Dimensions are changed due to individual needs, but the principles of the construction of rafter frameworks for single-sided roofs are stable. To know their useful and independent craftsmen, and the owners who want to competently monitor the work of the builders.

Single-table type of roof will be infrequently visited in private house-building. Although, according to some, it is in vain, because the installation of a single-bedain roof is much easier than the installation of a duplex. On the other hand, a similar roof design will not be able to maintain heat in the room. That is why a single-table roof is most often used to build a garage, a country house or a shed.

True, if you correctly perform work on thermal insulation, the design may well be warm. In this case, a living room is made under a single-piece roof. Let's look at what the advantages of a single-board roof, which types of the rafter system exist how the design is calculated. In addition, we will look at how to install this type of roof.

Pros and Conside Roofs For Home

Newbies in construction work will be drawn to the fact that such a single design is pretty simple and can be made it with their own hands. True, it is impossible to call the work itself, but with detailed instructions, a single-table roof will be created. But before considering the design features of the roof, you need to find out its features and advantages. It is they who characterize this type of roof.

Pluses of a single roof:

  1. Efficiency. For the roof device, there are no many building materials for which the bulk of the funds is spent.
  2. The simplicity of the rafter system and single design as a whole. The thing is for beginners. Mounting will be easier than with a bartal roof.
  3. Building will have a small weight. So, a smaller load is on the walls and foundation.
  4. Thanks to this form, a single-table roof perfectly resists wind load, as well as snow weight, which accumulates on the surface.
  5. The angle of inclination is the most different, depending on the needs. It varies from 5 ° to 45 °.
  6. If you make an angle of a single-pole small, then it can be used for various purposes. For example, if it is a barn, then install the tank for heating the liquid. If it is a residential room, then you can equip a great place to relax on a single roof. Alternatively, installation of solar panels as an alternative power source.
  7. Universality of a single construction. It is covered with almost any material available on sale. It all depends on the operational conditions and the selected angle of inclination.

Despite all its advantages, a single-table roof has a minuses. It is not surprising, since nothing is perfect, but it is better to know about the minuses and benefit from it.

Cons Single Roof:

  • the first concerns insulation. Under the construction there is no more space with an air layer, so the insulation question should be suitable. If you do not make thermal insulation of the structure, then in the summer the attic will be too hot, and in winter, on the contrary, to transcool. In any case, the temperature (high or low) will be transmitted to the house. Eliminate it will help the correct calculations and high-quality insulation;
  • when creating overlapping immediately under the roof made at a low angle, the house will not have an upper air layer and an attic room. Yes, and residential space in this case cannot be organized;
  • because of a small slope, which reaches from 5 to 10 °, snow and moisture will be accumulated on a single-table surface.

Despite all explicit cons, a single roof is an ideal option for creating a garage and other buildings on the site.

Calculation of the design of the roof of a single-table type

This is the first step in front of the solving system. It is recommended to make a detailed plan or drawing to which they will focus when working. To create this scheme, you need to highlight such data:

  • the overall width of the roof of the roof, as well as the length of the spans that is formed between the carriers of the walls;
  • the angle of the skate, desired or resulting;
  • the length of the roof of a single-table type;
  • selected roofing material;
  • what height and width have bearing walls.

Note! When a single roof is created for a barn, a garage or a cottage house, you can simply raise the front wall of the design above the rear.

As a result, the angle of the skate will depend on the height of the raising. The second option provides for the creation of backups to which the run will be laid. The second method saves building materials.

For the drawings you need to know the following nuances:

The drawing of the future single-table roof must have all the necessary information about the elements. The dimensions, distances between them, the features of the attachment, etc., are shown below the example of such a sample roof drawing.

Choose an angle of a single-bedroom roof

The angle of the skate is selected with the fact that the resulting roof forms a triangle, one angle of which will always be straight. Cates are the beams of overlapping and the fronton part of the construction, and the hypotenuse serves rafters. This is clearly traced in this scheme.

The designations are as follows:

  • LC - the length of the used rafter;
  • LBC - our catt, pointing to the height of the front from the beam beam to the roof plane;
  • LSD - the width of the construction;
  • A - selected or the desired angle of a single-bed roof.

Given the basic values, you can calculate all parameters of a single-table design. For this there is a formula. The first is used when the building width and the planned elevation of the fronton are taken as the basis. In this case, the formula is as follows:

When you were determined with the angle of a single-table roof, then you need to calculate the future height of the front. For this, the formula is as follows:

In this case, the length of the rafter feet of the roof is calculated so:

Note!This length of the rafter does not take into account the visor from the rear or the facade of the room.

A lot of criteria affects the choice of an angle of the skate. The main one is the choice of roofing material. Each of them is recommended to buy for a particular angle of inclination. Here are the recommendations for popular roofing materials:

  1. For the device of the corrugated, the bias should be at least 8 °.
  2. When using metal tile, it will be necessary to make a roof with an angle of inclination at 30 °.
  3. For the slate device, indicators from 20 ° to 30 ° are needed.
  4. As for rolled roofing materials (rubberoid, bituminous tile and soft roof), the angle of inclination should be 5-7 °, no less.

Tip! A roof without a heating system in the territory where a lot of snow falls out, the perfect solution will be a single-table roof with an inclination angle of 40 °, despite the roofing material. So it will quickly go all the sediments.

Varieties of the rafter system of a single bed

There are three options for creating a rafter system. The choice of design depends on the size of the room and its type.

Now that we dealt with the design of the rafter system and learned its types, you can consider the process of creating a single-piece roof.

Installation work on the creation of a single-table roof

Having in the hands of the drawings and the selected view of the system, you can proceed to work. Relevant tools and lumber will be required. The installation of the rafter system is performed as follows:

  1. For security, building should be covered with beams. They are stacked on the wall. In order to extend their operational period, the rubberoid is glued onto the wall. It will protect the beams from moisture and rotting. It is necessary to place the overlapping sticks as it is rafted. Fastening step -500-800 mm.

  2. Maurylalat is stacked on top of the beams. This is a massive bar, which will serve as a support. It stacked on the rear bottom wall of the construction.
  3. In order to safely move on the roof, the flooring on the beams is laid out of wooden boards. He is temporary.

  4. Now you need to build a frontal wall. It is made from the same material that the building itself. You can use the material easier. For example, if the walls are brick, the fronton rises through bars or boards.
  5. Overlapping beams should be closed with waterproofing and imagine into the wall. Fronton rises to the selected height, according to the drawings.
  6. On the finished front can be fixed by Maurylalat. It turns out that two Maurolat are in parallel to each other.
  7. Marking on the fastening of the rafter feet is applied to the bottom wall. Fastening elements themselves are recorded.
  8. To firmly fix the raftered, based on the drawings, the grooves are cut on it. This is a good fastening option. The grooves are located in two places, at the top and bottom to enter Mauerlat. There are other methods for fixing a rafter foot, as shown in this photo.

  9. After that, the legs are fixed with special corners and fasteners. From above, the leg of the legs are screwed hard. But the lower part is done depending on the selected rafter system of a single-table roof. It can be hard to fix it or make a sliding.

  10. There is a certain sequence of lining of the rafter feet. At first, the extreme elements of the rafter system are mounted. Between them stretches the cord, which serves as a guide and level for the subsequent rafters. Do not forget that the step rafter corresponds to the steps of the ceiling beams.
  11. The rafters, which are already installed, are connected to the beams of overlapping through racks, pods and other elements to give them stability. We talked about them above. Fixation is performed by metal brackets and brackets.

    Tip! If you need to lengthen the rafters and take off the wall, then the "Films" are attached to the bars. So you can protect the adjacent part of the design from precipitation.

  12. When the design of a single-table roof is ready, you can proceed to insulation and the creation of roofing pie.

In the photo it can be seen from which layers there should be a regular insulated single-pole roof.

There is a thermal material between the rafters. He should hold hard there. After that, the top of the ventilation is done on top. A waterproofing film is placed on the counterclaim. She protects the insulation from moisture that can spoil it.

As for the crate to lay a roofing material, it is chosen depending on which it is that it will be roofing material. For example, a solid doome of boards or plywood is needed with a soft tile device and other rolled materials. If metal tile is used, professional flooring, slate, ondulin and other types of rigid roofs, then the lamp is made by a rotary. The step depends on the roofing material.

And in order to protect the insulation from the inside of a single-bed roof, you need to strip it with a vapor barrier film. Now we can say that a single roof is fully ready.

Note! If one-piece roof is done for a barn or other non-residential design, it is not necessary to warm it. It is better to spend them for another purpose.


Creating a roof, whether it is a double or single, the process is dangerous, time consuming and responsible. That is why care for caution and a clear following instructions for creating a design. Only then can be achieved the best result.