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Architecture and architectural styles. Styles architecture styles of architectural structures

As is known, architecture, along with the quality and manufacture of guns, painting and plastic, is ancient of human skills. It is assumed that the primitives of architecture as art originated during a primitive society. It was in the era of Neolithic a man began to build the first dwellings using natural materials. As the area of \u200b\u200bart, the architecture is drawn up in the cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and as the author's art it takes shape to V c. BC. In antique Greece.

Up to the middle of the XII century, while in the synthesis with painting, sculpture, decorative art and occupying the dominant position among them, the architecture determined the style, and its development went from the "style of the era", one for all types of art and for the whole of its time, Aesthetically subordinate science, worldview, philosophy, life and much more, to great styles and finally - individual author's styles. The "style of the era" (Romanesque style, Gothic and Renaissance) arises mainly in those historical periods when the perception of art works is distinguished by comparative inflexibility, when it is even easily adapting to the change of style.

Great styles - Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Ampir / Late classicism variation - are usually recognized as equal and equivalent. In fact, the great styles covers that large, then the smaller area of \u200b\u200bculture, are limited to individual arts, then they submit all the arts or even the main parties of culture - they affect science, theology, life. They can be determined by a wider, then a less broad social environment, then more significant, then less significant ideology. At the same time, none of the great styles determined the entire cultural face of the era and the country.

The development of styles asymmetrically, which is externally expressed in the fact that each style is gradually changing from simple to complex, but it only comes from a simple rush as a result of some jump. Therefore, the shifts of styles occur differently: slowly - from simple to complex and sharply - from difficult to simple. Romanesque style is replaced by Gothic for over a hundred years - from the middle of the XII century. Until the middle of the XIII century. Simple forms of Romanesque architecture are gradually moving into a complicated gothic style. Romanesque and gothic styles are closely related among themselves in their development, and the most creative period in the development of these styles is the first. It is in the Romanesque period that technical inventions are created and a relationship with philosophy and theology is created, i.e. The ideological basis of the style. Gothic is significantly less definite in ideological terms. Her aspiration to the upstream can express the religiosity of Catholicism and Yerezi. Romanesque style Gothic style

Within the gothic then ripen Renaissance. Elements of the liberation of the personality, while within the limits of religion there are already in Gothic, especially late. And, nevertheless, gothic and rebirth, sharply various styles. What matured in Gothic demanded then a sharp change of the entire style system. The new content blew up the old form and caused a new style - Renaissance (or revival). Renaissance with the emergence of Renaissance again comes the period of ideological search, the appearance of a solid system of worldview. And at the same time, the process of gradual complication and disintegration of common begins again. Renaissance is complicated, and behind him is Baroque. Baroque, in turn, becoming more complicated, passes in some art types (architecture, painting, applied art, literature) in Rococo. Then the return to simple and as a result of the jump on the baroque change comes classicism, the development of which in some countries has completed an ampir. Baroque Cococco Classicismampier

Romanesque style Word happened from Latin Romanus - Roman. The British call this style "Normannsky". R.S. Developed in the Western European art X-X11VV. It is most fully expressed in architecture. For Romanesque buildings, a combination of clear architectural silhouette and the laconicity of the outer decoration is characterized. The building was always carefully fit into the environment and therefore looked particularly durable and solid. This promoted massive smooth walls with narrow opening windows and step-in-depth portals. The main buildings during this period the temples are the fortress and castle-fortress. The main element of the composition of the choice, monastery or castle becomes the Tower - Donta. Around it was located the remaining buildings made up of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders. The main distinguishing element of R. building is a semi-curvous arch

Gothic from Italian Gotico - Gothic, barbaric. Style in Western European art of the XII-XV centuries, which completed its development in the medieval period. The term was introduced by the Humanists of the Renaissance, who wanted to emphasize the "barbaric" character of the entire medieval art; In fact, the gothic style did not have anything in common with the goths and was a natural development and modification of the principles of romance art. Like Romanesque art, the art of gothic was under the strongest influence of the Church and was intended to embody church dogmatic in symbolic and allegorical images. But the art of Gothic developed in the new conditions, the main of which was the strengthening of cities. Therefore, the leading type of gothic architecture was the urban cathedral, directed upwards, with staged arches, with walls turned into stone lace / which was made possible thanks to the system of arcbutans carrying the pressure of the arch on the external pillars - counterphorts. The Gothic Cathedral symbolized a rush to the sky; The same goal was to serve its richest decorative decoration - statues, reliefs, stained glass.

Revival (Renaissance) at the beginning of the XV century. In Florence, a new architectural style was created - Renaissance (from French Revival) based on the ideologies of rationalism and extreme individualism. In the era of R., for the first time, the first personality of the architect in the modern sense of the word, in the opposite of the dependence of the medieval architect from the Masonry shop. Distinguish early R. and high; The first developed in Florence, the center of the second was Rome. The architects of Italy was creatively rethought by an antique Order of the building, which contributed proportionality, clarity of compositions and convenience.

Baroque style in art, developed in European countries in the XVI-XVII (in some countries - to Ser. XVIIIV). The name comes from Italian BARCCO - a quaint, strange. There is another explanation of the origin of this term: so called defective pearls Dutch sailors. Debts Time Tin "Baroque" carried a negative assessment. In XIHV. The attitude to Baroque has changed, which was served by the works of the German scientist Velflin.

Rococo style name developed mainly in France XVIII century, taken from German. The French name comes from the word Rocaille - sink, since the most notable external manifestation of this style was decorative motifs in the form of a shell. R. Brush mainly as a decorative style associated with the court festivals and entertainment of the aristocracy. The sphere of spread R. was narrow, it did not have folk roots and could not become truly a national style. Playing, easy entertainment, whimsical elegance - features peculiar to R. and especially those who have affected in an ornamental-decorative interpretation of architecture and applied arts. Ornamentics consisted of bugly intertwined garlands of shells, colors, curls. Malenno curved lines mask the design of knowledge. Basically R.P.The in the design of the interiors of buildings than their exteriors. For R. Characteristic to the asymmetry of compositions, as well as small detail form, saturated and at the same time, the balanced structure of the decor in the interiors, the combination of bright and clean color tones with white and gold, the contrast between the severity of the appearance of the buildings and the delicacy of the inner decoration. In the art of R. dominates graceful, whimsical, ornamental rhythm. Louis XV in the court during the courtyard of Louis XV (creativity of architects J.M. Oppenor, J.O. Mason, G. G. Buffran) Style R. Up to Ser. Xih. called the "style of Louis XV".

Classicism style in the European arts of the XVII-early XIX century, applied to the ancient heritage as normal and ideal sample. The name of the style comes from the Latin Classicus - exemplary. Usually two periods in the development of K. It has developed in the XVII century. In France, reflecting the rise of absolutism. The XVS century is considered a new stage in its development, because at this time it reflected other civil ideals based on the ideas of philosophical rationalism of education. The same periods are united by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasonable pattern of peace, about the beautiful, refined nature, the desire to express a large social content, sublime heroic and moral ideals. The architecture of K. It is characterized by the severity of the form, the clarity of the spatial solution, the geometrism of the interiors, the softness of flowers and the laconum of the external and interior decoration of the structures. Unlike Baroque buildings, Masters K. never rewarded spatial illusions, distorted the proportions of the building. And in the park architecture there is a so-called regular style, where all lawns and flower beds have the right shape, and green plantings are located strictly in direct and carefully trimmed. (Garden-park ensemble Versailles.)

Ampir Name happened from French Empire - Imperial. The style arising in France at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. It is an organic completion of the long development of European classicism. The main feature of this style is a combination of massive simple geometric forms with martial emblems. Its source is a Roman sculpture, from it A. Inherited the solemn severity and clarity of the composition. A. Initially formed in France at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the era of the Great French Revolution and was distinguished by a pronounced civilian pathos. In the period of Napoleon's empire, art was supposed to glorify military successes and dignity of the ruler. From here there is a passion for the construction of various types of triumphal arches, memorable columns, obelisk. Important elements of decorative decoration of buildings are portico. In the interior decoration, bronze casting is often used, painting of plafones, alcoves. A. It sought to approach antiquity more than classicism. In the XVIII century Architect B. Vignon built the Church of La Madeleine according to the Roman periphert, using the Corinthian order. The interpretation of forms was distinguished by dryness and underlined rationalism. The same features characterize the triumphal arch (arch of the star) on the star of the star in Paris (architect Shalgren). The memorial Vandom Column (the column of the "Great Army") was covered with bronze sheets, overflow from the Austrian guns, erected by Lader and Honduen. Walking on the spiral bas-relief is depicting the events of a victorious war. Style A. Developed for a long time, the time of eccletics comes to shift.

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The concept of "architecture"

3 The word "architecture" comes from the Greek "Architecton", which means the "Master Builder". Architecture is a construction art, a type of creativity forming reality according to the laws of beauty. The architecture expresses the nature of the era. It affects social factors: the nature of the social device, the dominant ideology. All times and all nations have existed special ideas about the beauty and artistic harmony of architectural style.

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Antique architecture

4 The term "antique" was introduced by Italian humanists in the Renaissance Epoch to determine the Greco-Roman culture, the oldest of those known at the time. The antiquity period begins in the 3rd millennium to N. E. and ends in V V.N. E. (Lat. Antiquus- ancient).

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5 The history of the ancient world is customary to divide for several periods: the oldest archaic period is the classical period of the Ellictional period

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Greek architecture

7 at the end of the II millennium BC. Representatives of other Greek tribes came to the Peloponnesian peninsula - Dorians, Ionians and Aeolians. The country in which they turned out to be aburred by materials - clay suitable for firing, wood, but primarily a stone, from coarse limestone to a fine-graveyard marble in these territories, cities-states were formed with a rugged seashore, the city-states were formed, zealously defending their independence. Above all the citizens put the prosperity of the state and the increase in its well-being, removing public buildings and establishing the statues.

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8 Greek architecture was, the architecture of the temple. Greek temple served exclusively for the statue of the Divine. He arose from Myna Megaron. Greek temple has become the main type of public building. Greek architecture

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Temples of Greece.

9 Greeks represented their gods anthropomorphic creatures, immortal and more powerful than ordinary men and women, but the interests, passions and weaknesses of the gods were quite "human". As a housing of the Divine, the temple was supposed to have a clear and rationally constructed form. Summed architectural structures have a probastal, where a portico with free-standing columns was installed in the edge of the temple, and amphiprostil, in which such portico were located with both ends. In the larger temples, a colonnade surrounding the building from four sides was added to one of the listed architectural forms.

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Temples of Greece

10 Temple Gera Parthenon Acropolis

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Temple Hera

11 One of the most early temple buildings known to us was the temple of the Gen in Olympia. But only marble architectural details and fragments were found in its place, but it is known that the original columns were wooden, and there is a confirmation that the replacement of the tree marble was gradually carried out, as the wooden parts of the construction rotted, losing strength. However, rather severe proportions of the most ancient marble columns, preserved to our time, testify to the understanding of their role in the work of a stone construction. Masters polished every detail until the agent of experimentation has not led to refinement and improperphenone

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12 The undoubted simplicity and the design of Parfenon admires everyone. This world-famous building, full of beauty and harmony is in fact the temple of the Virgin (according to Greek "Parfena") Athens. It is built in a doric style from marble mined on Mount Pendot, on the same place where his two predecessors stood. Parthenon was built for 15 years (447-432 BC.). Thin equilibrium of white columns of Parfenon, standing against the blue sky, admire generation and generation, and serves as an eternal symbol of the soul and genius of humanity. PARTHENON

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13 Parthenon. ATHENS.

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14 Acropolis, no one and nothing can resist the beauty of the Acropolis - a 156-meter limestone rock, an elegant crown of the city. Archeological excavations on the slope and top of the Acropolis, opened to us that this sacred rock was first inhabited in the neolithic period, 6,000 years ago. The first stone church was built on the Acropolis at the beginning of the 6th century BC. , replacing wooden, and he served as the cult of the goddess of Athena. Some sculptures from his frontton poured into the Acropolis Museum. During the Persian wars, the Acropolis was looted (480-479 BC). The luxurious monuments that we see today belong to the Great Epoch when the reconstruction of Sanctures (460-429 BC) occurred at the Pericla chapter (460-429 BC). From this time, throughout the Middle Ages, the Acropolis remained intact, and only in 1687 some structures were partially destroyed.

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16 The architecture of ancient Rome is divided into several periods: the republican period (V - I centuries. BC) The imperial period (31 g. BC. E. -V. N. E.) The time of Emperor Konstantin (306-337 gg. n. e.) Ancient Rome

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17 Pantheon (Greek. The church dedicated to all of the gods), the only preserved in Rome (43 m height), the greatest antique dome facility. Pantheon was built in 115-125. With adrian on the site of a similar temple 27 BC, erected by Agrippa, but in 110 g. From VII century It is in the possession of the Pope and is the Christian Church (Santa Maria Rotonda). In it, among others there is a tomb of Raphael. In honor of Pantheon in 1791. Classic Church of St. Genevieve, patroness Paris, was renamed French Pantheon (since then - the temple of the honor). He received its name because, together with the statues of Mars and Venus, the statues of many other gods were installed there. Among the gods was put a statue of deified Julia Caesar, August, Agrippa. PANTHEON

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19 In construction work, a sculptor of Diogenes from Athens and, undoubtedly, other Greek sculptors and architects participated. Pantheon was erected as the temple of the gods of Yuliyev's houses (and by them, in addition to Mars and Venus, there were almost all Roman gods). After the Forum and the Colosseum, the Majestic Monument of the Roman Architecture and the only Ancient Roman temple, the walls and the arches of which remained an inviolable-pantheon. PANTHEON

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20 Colosseum in 70-90. N. E. was built the largest amphitheater of ancient Rome-oval in terms of the Colosseum, designed for 56 thousand spectators. Its diameters 188 and 156 m, the height of 48.5 M. The Architectural System of the Colosseum is three tiers of corpted concrete supports supporting marble-lined places for viewers. The gallery of the two lower tiers - traditional cylindrical vaults, in the third tier built later, crusades formed by the intersection of two cylindrical were applied. The wall is completed with a high attic - wall above the crown cornice. The giant the surface of the walls of the walls obesomed by travertine was impressed by power and strength.

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22 Byzantine architecture Sofia in Constantinople Sofia in Constantinople-outstanding work of the Byzantine architecture. The head of the Cathedral of the Empire, built masters of Anthimiya and Isidor. The neighborhood, which they had to overcome during the construction of the Church of St. Sophia, was the grand sizes of the construction ordered by Emperor Justinian. Visantines There were no raw materials for the production of concrete, so the Giant Hemisphere of the Main Dome, supported by the "skeleton" of the intricated numerous arches and arches supported by the "skeleton" of the hittered numerous arches and arches that carry the main burden.

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23 RUSSIANCHIANCEMENT OF THE MIDEWAY AGREE Starting with the X century. And until the end of the XVII century is inextricably linked with the church and the Christian faith. In Kiev, many magnificent temples decorated with mosaics and frescoes were created in the XI century. All the ancient Russian buildings of that time were wooden or tremendous. The first monumental churches in Russia were built according to the Byzantine sample. The architecture of wooden churches was three types: Personal Churches, octagonal and tier. In the middle of the XVII century. A new style of church architecture has developed: double and triple decorative tents, set on a closer arch. The first brick-brick buildings in Russia were erected in Kiev in the 90s x century. Russian Middle Ages.

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24 Church of the Twelve Apostles on the Propasters. 1454 Simeon's Church of the God Drive of the Zverin Monastery. 1467

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25 The term "Romanesque art" appeared at the beginning of the XIX century. Maintenance of Romanesque art in various countries and areas of Europe occurred unevenly. The massive construction and reconstruction of the churches were commissioned. The first pan-European style was formed: Romanesque architecture was born. And the architecture, and first The situation in Romanesque art. In Romanesque architecture, you can highlight the castle and church architecture. ROMAN STYLE

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Church architecture

26 Large monasteries have enormous power and wealth. In the monasteries, beautiful works of architecture, sculptures, painting were created. A lot of shrines were waiting for help and miracle - believed that the power of the saints could heal the disease and protect against misfortunes. Rome Christian shrines were in Jerusalem, Rome, In the north of Spain, etc.

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27 The churches architecture obeyed their main task - to accommodate a large number of people. The sizes of churches increased, which resulted in the creation of new designs and supports: cylindrical and crusades, massive thick walls, large supports, an abundance of smooth surfaces-characteristic features of the Romance Church. Church architecture

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Castle architecture

28 In the romance period, secular architecture has changed. We have become stonamed and turned into impregnable fortresses. The top of the tower was put by a ward. There were numerous economic buildings with a fortress wall. The castle was surrounded by a deep moat. Construction of castles-fortresses. The Kingdom of Castile has become an accommodation country of the castles. From the earliest castles of the Romanesque period-Royal Palace Alcazar, it was built in IX V. in Segovia.

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30 The name "Gothic Art" arose in the Renaissance era. The art that did not follow the ancient traditions. In various European countries, Gothic had its own characteristic features and chronological frameworks, but its dawn falls on the XIII-XIVB. Gotheic cathedrals were easy and fixed This is due to the fact that in the gothic architecture began to use the new design of the arches. Gotheic art originally originated and developed in the French province of Il de France. The Cathedral in Amiens (1218-1268) is an outstanding works of mature gothic architecture (1218-1268) - 145 long And 142.5 meters high, the largest in France. Gothic art is one of the brightest achievements of the Middle Ages. GOTHIC STYLE

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31 Spire Tower Western Tower Pinakl (Decorative Turkey) Middle Round Western Portal

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32 Cathedral in Amiens. Western facade.1220-1236.

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33 in the XIII-XIV centuries. In the cities of the republics of Italy, a new secular culture was started to form a humanism of antiquity. The importance of the revival of the ancient civilization was the name of the Renaissance (FR. -AVI). Renaissance architecture in Italy -XV-XVIVV., Basic periods, high and late Renaissance . And the most characteristic monuments are preserved in Florence, where the prominent architect of the early Renaissance was worked. Bruneland. RENAISSANCE

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34 in 1421 -1444. The first in the history of architecture has been built in the history of the Children's shelter, the deli-deli deli (that translated from Italian means "hospital and shelter of innocent"). Thoughtful clear plan, beautiful light proportions, simple forms create an impression of equilibrium and harmony. In the construction of Bruneland, one of the main The features of the early Renaissance architecture: intended for people, it is proportioned to a person in scale, close to his real growth in contrast to gothic buildings with high vaults. RENAISSANCE

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35 Baroque architecture The most characteristic features of the Italian architecture of the XVII century. Improved in the monuments of Rome. This style connected the construction of different eras into an architectural integer. In the Roman architecture of Barochko, new types of church, urban square and palace ensemble appeared. Basic baroque features: emotional expressiveness, scale and saturation of the movement. The first style of the style can be considered the Church of Il-Jazu, erected by 1575 by the architects of Jacomo Barotzi da Vigola and Dzhacomo dellared for the monastic order of Jesuita. Three masters were made to the creation of church architecture of Baroque, three masters were added: Carlo Madenna, Francesco Borrorini, Lorenzo Bernini.

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36 Baroque architecture In the XVII century, many palace ensembles were built in Italy. Masters Barochko sought to combine the features of urban and country buildings in them. A bright sample of this approach is Palazzo (Palace) Barberini (1625 -1663) His construction began Madern and ended Borrings and Bernini. Baroque style was based on religious ideas: "A person must repent of sins, bring the soul to complete submission to the will of God and thereby approach the knowledge of the truth and reunion with God."

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37 Carlo Madeona Cathedral of St. Peter.1607-1617g.rim.

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38 Classicism - ideological and artistic direction and style in European artXVII. Considered antiquity as an ethical and artistic norm. It is characterized by plastic harmony and clarity. Literally "Classicism" can be transferred as "based on the classic", T. E. Works of art that are recognized as samples of perfection, ideal. The classic art education system was based on the study of antiquity and the art of revival. CLASSICISM

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39 Disabled House Cathedral. 1680-1706 PARIS.

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40 in the first half of the XVII century. The capital of France has turned from the city-fortress in the residence city. The appearance of Paris now defined not the fortress walls and locks, but palaces, parks, regular system of streets and squares. The vertex of the development of a new direction in the architecture of the Stavercal-grandiose parade residence of the French kings not far from Paris. Gradually, classicism began to proclaim political ideals, and art has become an ideal good propaganda. Vlouwra is embodied by the French ideas and moods: rigor and solemnity, scale and limit simplicity. Classicism architecture

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41 Louis Levo, Jules Arduen-Mansar, Andre Lenotr. Versailles. 1669-1685.

43 Rococo architecture A typical example of Rococo architecture is a subsiz hotel in Paris, built for Prince de Subiz in 1705-1709. Like other mansions, he is fend off from the streets adjacent to him with a luxurious entrance gate. In this hotel, all angles are rounded, there is not a single straight line. In the Rococo era, one of the most beautiful urban ensembles of France-ensemble of three squares in the Rod of Nancy in Lorraine, built in 1752-1755, was created. The author of this project was Emanyuel Ere de roots. Royal Square is an applied as a huge front courtyard, almost oval. In the center there is an equestrian monthim of the Duke Stanislav I.Ansampl in Nancy Chronologically, the Epoch Rococo.

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44 Eclecticism Conditional collective name of the period in the development of architecture and applied art of European countries and the United States of the middle and the second half of the XIX century, which is often a mechanical connection of elements of different styles. Making the shapes of various styles led to a breakdown between the function, design and appearance of the architecture.

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45 Neoclassicism Idean-artistic direction and style in the European art of the second half of the XVIII-early XIX century; The direction in the European arts of the beginning of the XX century, which considers the classical traditions of the art of antiquity, revival and classicism by the highest artistic norm, ideal and inaccessible sample.

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46 The most important role in the architecture of English neoclassicism was played by two Master-William Chembers and Robert Adam. This style is often called the "style of Adam" in honor of his Creator. The Interisers of Adam still during the life of the master, many were considered the highest achievement of the English architecture of that time. History english. Neoclassicism XVIII century. Complete 2 architects: George Dance Jr. and Sir John Sun. John Sun was the chief architect of the English bank building and dedicated to its construction a significant part of his life and this architect summed up a peculiar result of the XVIII English neoclassicism. Neoclassicism


48 ideologue of a new style in architecture was Belgian Wang De Veld, who worked in Germany. In the work of the Spanish architect A.Goodi (1852-1924), even the supporting structures have the silhouette of the "flowing lines" in the style of modernities, urban mansions and suburban villas were built.

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49 Direction in the architecture of the XX century, approving the primacy of practical functions, life human needs in determining plans and forms of structures. In Bauhauz-artistic and industrial School of Yavimar, which was founded by the architect V. Gropius, a new course in architecture-functionalism, proclaiming the idea of \u200b\u200bthe synthesis of art and technology with the main basis of modern formation. Functionalism required the strict compliance of the buildings with industrial and household processes.

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So you already need to understand that the functional, constructive and aesthetic features of the architecture changed during the historical process and were embodied in architectural styles. History shows us a constantly developing, changing architecture in the process of struggleing a new one with the old, changes in general artistic style with the national originality of the architecture of each country. However, in each period there were stable signs that determine the style. Reflecting a certain era style dies with it and cannot be completely recovered.

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Development of the lesson of architecture styles for grade 8 on MHC.

The purpose of the lesson: to systematize and clarify the knowledge of students about styles in architecture.

In the material there is a complete abstract of the lesson, which allows you to consolidate the knowledge of architectural styles in the context of cultural and historical periods. The presentation to the lesson is quite complete, has text content theme. The presentation is divided into 4 parts. After downloading, part must be connected. This is done in order not to compress the drawings, since it worsens their quality.



Subject : Architecture styles.

The purpose of the lesson: Systematize and clarify the knowledge of students about styles in architecture.


  • Secure the knowledge of architectural styles in the context of cultural and historical periods.
  • Develop interest in architecture as the basis of all arts.
  • To form skills to work with information.

Equipment: MultimediaProjector, screen, computer.

TSOR: Presentations "Architectural styles".

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Architectural styles

Content 1. Unity of functional content and artistic image 2. Birth of architectural styles and their consistent shift in human history 2.1 Canonical style of ancient Egypt 2.2 Classic style architecture of ancient Greece and Rome 2.3 Romance style of Western European architecture of the Middle Ages 2.4 Gothic architecture style 2.5 Architectural Renaissance 2.6 Baroque style 2.7stil Rococo 2.7 classicism style in architecture 2.8 ampir as Napoleon Empire Style 2.9 Eclectication 2.10 Style Modern-Qualitatively New Stage in Architecture Development 2.11 Architectural Constructivism

The construction refers to the most ancient types of human activity, which means that many millennia ago laid the foundations of all further development of architecture.

Arriving in any city we see Palaces, Town Hall, private cottages built in a wide variety of architectural styles. And it is precisely for these styles that we define the era of their construction, the socio-economic level of the country, the larger, the traditions and customs of the people, its culture, history, national and spiritual heredity, even the temperaments and the characters of the people of this country.

Architectural style-unity of the content and artistic image Architecture - art, inseparable from the daily life of a person. It serves our household needs, a variety of social needs. And at the same time gives us joy, creates a mood, affects the feelings of people.

Architecture is one of the most comprehensive areas of human activity engaged in the organization of space and decisive any spatial tasks.

According to the ancient Roman architect Vitruvia, the architecture is based on the three beginnings: LAT. Firmitas - lat strength. Utilitas - the benefits of Lat. Venustas - Beauty - and lies in a certain harmonic attitude to the proportions of the human body.

Ancient Egypt History of Ancient Egypt covers several millennia - from the end of the Millennium BC. e. before IV. n. e. For such a significant time in ancient Egypt, a huge number of magnificent buildings, sculptures, painting, painting, decorative and applied arts were created.

The main building material in Egypt is a stone. From the stone of the Egyptians, high slender stone blocks were carved in the form of obelisk, which were the symbols of the Sun - the Great RA, as well as huge pillars and columns. Separate carefully dyed stone blocks came to each other perfect, dry, without a solution.

The weight of heavy beams of overlap carried the walls, pylons and columns. The Egyptians did not use the arches, although they knew this design. The beams laid stone slabs of overlapping. Supports were the most diverse; Sometimes these are monolithic stone columns of a simple square section, in other cases - columns consisting of the base, trunk and capitals. Simple trunks had a square cross section, more complex were polyhedra and often portrayed bales of papyrus stems, sometimes had flutes (vertical grooves).

It was characterized by the Egyptian architecture a peculiar form of capitals depicting a flower of papyrus, lotus or palm leaves ..

In some cases, the head of the goddess of fertility gods

Ancient Egyptian church

The ancient art of masterpieces created by the talented masters of the ancient world, for several centuries, inspired poets, composers, playwrights and artists of all European countries, and today continue to deliver artistic pleasure to us and serve as the norm and an inaccessible model. The artistic legacy of ancient Greece and ancient Rome is an architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative and applied and jewelry art - amazes with their wealth and diversity. Esthetic views, moral ideals and tastes, characteristic of ancient civilization, which completed the centuries-old history of the ancient world, were pronounced in it. The creators of ancient culture were the ancient Greeks.

Archaic period - to v AD. On the ruins of the Mycean cities destroyed by Doric tribes-conquerors, a new culture arose. Numerous temple structures came to replace the palaces and fortresses. Wonderful statues of the Olympic gods are erected by more majestic and luxurious dwellings than old primitive idols. Secular construction retreated to the background. During this period, a planning scheme is formed, which formed the basis of the subsequent architecture of Greek temples for which the environment of the main volume of the temple of the colonnade is characterized.

Doric order is associated with a courageous, heavy style ("courageous") strict and powerful Doric Column, standing right on the platform, without any lining, can be compared with the athlet torso holding on the head of the Great Gravity. Top to donis column protesan vertical grooves - flutes. With the light of the Sun, they give rise to the game of light and shadows, thereby reviving the stone trunk. To emphasize the aspiration of the column itself and the whole building is swept, the top of the trunk is already the base. He, as it were, be pulled by the peak of horizontal grooves. Olympia, Gray Temple Ruins

The Ionian order is associated with a soft and raised style ("feminine) Ionian column was born in the Greek cities of the Majual Asian coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The pomp and the luxury of the East had their influence on it. The column itself became slimming, the flutes deeper, she had a round base - the base, and Echin (flattened pillow on the top of the column) received spiral curls on the edges. Church of Nicky Aptereros (443-420, Architect Kallicrat)

Corinthian order - appeared in the V century BC. The proportions were likened to the virgin body ("Devicious") represents the version of an ionic order, more saturated with decor. It features a bell-shaped capital covered with stylized leaves of acanta. The ruins of the temple of the Olympic Zeus in Athens. Started in 175-164 BC. e., completed in 129-132 N. e.

Orders: 1- Doric 2 - Ioncial 3 - Cornean

Middle Ages Romanesque Style (from Lat. Romanus - Roman) developed in the Western European art of the X-XII centuries. This artistic style is one of the most important stages of the development of medieval European art. Bamberg Cathedral

Romanesque style is inherent in the desire for completed integrity, rigor and simplicity, no decorations and ornaments. Its characteristic element is an arched form of door and window openings. In the outlines, vertical and horizontal lines prevail. The complex structure externally looks clear and clear. Stone temples are created by simple volumes and forms. Chapel of swinging sinners, France

Thus, for Romanesque buildings, it is characteristic: a combination of a clear architectural silhouette and laconicity of the outer decoration - the building has always closely fit into the surrounding nature of smooth walls with narrow windows and stepped-in-deepened portals. The presence of a stone arch thick walls cutting into small windows, the predominance of horizontal members over the vertical Circular and semi-curvous arches.

Gothic Gothic - a period in the development of medieval art from the XII to the XV century, which came to replace the Romanesque style, gradually pusing it. Gothic originated in the XII century in the north of France. Gothic Cathedral in Kutanse, France

For Gothic characteristic: Arches with pointed top. Narrow and high towers and columns are richly decorated facade with carved parts and multicolored stained glass windows All style elements are emphasized vertical. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, Paris, France

The revival architects in accordance with the humanistic worldview of their era created a new style - Renaissance, which used the legacy of ancient art, Greek architectural orders. They were used more freely, with retreat from ancient canons, in other proportions and sizes, in combination with other architectural elements. Basilica Santa - Croce, Florence

Symmetry, proportions, geometry and order of components are of particular importance, as clearly indicate the surviving samples of Roman architecture. The complex proportion of medieval buildings is replaced by an ordered arrangement of the columns, a pilaster and a pitch, a semicircle of arches, hemisphere of the dome, niche arrives at the change of the asymmetric outlines. Saint Paul's Cathedral. Rome

Baroque Baroque (Ital. Barocco - "Strange") - the style of European art and architecture of 17-18 V. It is born in Italy and distributed in most European countries, acquiring in each of its special national traits. Saint Susanna Church in Rome

If the Renaissance buildings were rigorous in shape, with a lot of straight lines, then the Baroque structures, which came to replace Renaissance differ in abundance of curvilinear forms. Zwinger Peppelmann, Permasiz, beginning. XVIIIV Germany, Dresden

Live lines are almost absent. Architectural forms are bent, alone on another and intertwined with sculpture. This creates the impression of constant mobility of forms.

Rococo (1715 - XVIII century) Rococo style (French Rococo, Rocaille - sink, because the most notable external manifestation of this style was decorative motifs in the form of a sink) - replete with bizarre decorations, curvilinearity of lines, curls, as if fruitless wig noble lady or Her cavalier / Pavilion "Catal Gorka" Rinaldi 1762-1774. Orannienebaum


Ampire Ampire (from Fr. Empire - Empire) - style in architecture and art (mainly decorative) three of the first decades of the XIX century, the final evolution of classicism. Kazan Cathedral

Ampire has developed in the depths of classicism, in which the search for elegant simplicity of forms and decor is gradually replaced by the desire for their limiting lapidarity and monumental expressiveness Triumphal Gate

Eclectic eclecticism (eclecticism, historicism) in architecture - direction in architecture dominated in Europe and Russia in the 1830s. Eclectics is inherent in the features of the European architecture of the XV-XVIII centuries. Eclectics retains an architectural order, but it has lost its exception. Private house-palace Beloselsky-Belozerski in St. Petersburg

A variety of historical stylization architecture, solved with gray. XIX to the end of the 20th century, is known as the architecture of the "historicism period". Stylization on the selection of the customer under the classics, renaissance, baroque, rococo, gothic, etc., as well as under national styles

Modern Modern (from Fr. Moderne - modern) - one of the architectural styles, more popular in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. Its distinctive features are: a refusal of straight lines and corners in favor of more natural, "natural" lines, interest in new technologies in the construction of buildings.

The architecture of modernity is also distinguished by the desire to create simultaneously and aesthetically beautiful, and functional buildings. Much attention was paid not only to the appearance of buildings, but also the interior that was carefully worked out. All structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies - artistically treated.

Constructivism Constructivism - Soviet avant-garde style, direction that has been developed in 1920 - NAK. 1930.

The functional method is the theoretical concept of constructivism based on the scientific analysis of the features of the functioning of buildings, structures, urban planning complexes. Each function corresponds to the most rational volume-planning structure (the form corresponds to the function)

Conclusion: Architectural style - a set of main features and signs of architecture of certain time and places that are manifested in the features of its functional, constructive and artistic parties (taking plans and volumes of compositions of buildings, building materials and structures, shapes and finishing of facades, decorative interior design; enters In the overall concept of style as an artistic worldview, covering all parties to the art and culture of society on certain conditions of its social and economic development; the set of the main ideological and artistic features of the Master's creativity.

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Architecture - Stone Chronicle of the World

1. Classic style

Classicism (exemplary) Artistic style and aesthetic direction in European art 17-19V.



Triumphal Arch Konstantin

The main feature of the architecture of classicism appeal to the forms of ancient architecture as to the standard of harmony, simplicity, rigor.

The architecture of classicism is the clarity of the bulk form - symmetric-axial compositions. Restraint of decorative decoration

2. Romanesque style

Romanesque style (Roman) Artistic style that prevailed in Western Europe in the 9th and 2nd centuries. He became one of the most important stages of the development of medieval European art.

Cathedral Notre Dame La Grand, Poitiers

Notre Dame la Grand. West wing

Royal Palace Alcazar

The "Classic" of all this style will be distributed in the art of Germany and France. This medieval architecture was created for the needs of the Church and knighthood, and the leading types of structures are churches, monasteries, castles.

Norman fortress, X-XI centuries. France

The combination of clear architectural silhouette and the laconicity of the outer decoration - the building always harmoniously fit into the environment. This was facilitated by massive walls with narrow winds of windows and stepped-in-depth portals. Such walls carried a defensive purpose. - Home buildings during this period are the Fortress Temple and Castle-Fortress. The main element of the composition of the monastery or castle becomes the tower. Around her were located the remaining buildings, composed of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders. For Romanesque buildings is characteristic

3. Gothic style

Gothic is the only style that created a completely peculiar system of forms and a new understanding of the organization of space and bulk composition. 12-15V.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

The characteristic features of the style of Gothic are the characteristic features of the style of Gothic are the verticality of the composition, the silicon bright, the complex frame of the support and the ribbed arch.

View of Notre Dame from Saint Louis Island

Gothic Cathedral in Kutanse, France

4. Baroque

Contrast, tension, dynamism of images, the desire for greatness and pomp, to the combination of reality and illusion -On merge of the arts (city and palace-park ensembles Baroque are peculiar

Baroque style appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries in Italian cities: Rome, Venice, Florence. The baroque is characteristic of contrast, tension, dynamism of images, the desire for greatness and pomp, to the combination of reality and illusion, to the merger of the arts (city and palace and park ensembles Barochko ("prone to excesses")

Catherine Palace

Tsarskoye Selo

active application of sculptural and architectural and decorative motifs; - Creating a rich game of lighting, color contrasts

Big Palace Church Corps

Rococo (crushed stone, decorative sink, shell) 18 V.

Interiors of the Winter Palace

Malachite Hall

Jordanian staircase

rococo is characterized by -ethorative sink, fragments of stones, sewer-ornament, decoration in the form of a compound of natural stones with sinks and leaves of plants. - Owl curved stems, whimsical ornament lines fit into all the details of the interior, forming a single decorative background.

Feldmarsalsky Hall

Georgievsky Hall

Ampire ("Imperial Style") Ampire Style is the final stage of classicism arising in the second half of the 19th century.

Arch General Staff

Ampira is peculiar - in the presence of columns, pilasters, stucco cornices and other classic elements, as well as motifs that reproduce almost unchanged antique samples of sculptures similar to griffins, sphinxes, lion paws. These items are located in an ampir orderly, with equilibrium and symmetry.

Palace Square

The main decorative motifs of the ampir style were precisely attributes of the Roman military history: massive portico, decorated with bas-reliefs, legionnaire signs with eagles, lions, cords, shields.

Modern (modern) artistic direction in art in 2P.19V.-H.20V.

Mansion Ryabushinsky

Distinctive features - for the positions of direct lines and angles, which are interested in new technologies, has been paid not only to the appearance of buildings, but also the interior that was carefully worked out. All structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies - artistically treated.

Balo House (1906, Arch. Antoni Gaudi)

8. High -teo.

Museum of Huggenheima

High-tech (high technology) style in architecture and design, originated in the 1970s and has a widespread use in the 1980s.

The main features are using high technologies in the design, construction and engineering of buildings and structures. - Using direct lines and forms.

Wide use of silver-metallic color. - The use of glass, plastic, metal. - Using the functional elements: elevators, stairs, ventilation systems.

Museum of Huggenheim (project)