Repairs Design Furniture

Cement-chipboard, its use in construction. The dimensions of the cement - chipboard. Composition, Specifications and Application Concrete Stoves

The cement-chipboard is a high-quality and safe material that is actively used in modern construction.

About what it is suitable, what materials it can be replaced, and most importantly, how to use, and let's talk.

CSP is a building material, the feature of which is a unique structure.

Cement-chip plates consist of chopped chips of needles, which is characterized by a small thickness, but impressive length.

Length can be different. A characteristic feature - along the edges, the chips are located along the plate, and inside - across.

This primarily affects the strength indicators.

Benefits of cement-chipboard

CSP can be used in high humidity zones, as well as in conditions that have a dry climate.

However, this is not the most important advantage of the material. Among other advantages should be allocated:

  • universality. CSPs are universal, both in carrying out external repair and performing works on the finishing of premises inside the house;
  • high thermal insulation. If we, in which it is not planned to conduct heating, in the spring and autumn period in the house will be kept warm;
  • cement-chips are easy to install;
  • does not require complex processing, sold in the finished form (due to this it is not necessary to observe the proportions, add impurities, thereby increasing its own chances of an error and damage of materials);
  • bacteria will not multiply in the CSP. The medium that is created in the pores of the material, although safe for humans, but unfavorable for microorganisms;
  • can be separated by any means, using any materials (painting, bold, plastering and so on);
  • no flammability. This manages to achieve due to the fact that the composition of CSP has cement;
  • climate and temperature regime do not affect the structure of materials;
  • CSP is not interesting for pests;
  • does not contain formaldehyde and other toxic substances that continuously have a negative impact.

As a rule, the CPS is sold in certain sizes. In total, there are 7 dimensional options that differ in length, width and thickness (and, of course, according to weight, respectively).

Where cement-chip stoves are used

The way the plates will be used directly affect the material. It is important to understand that there are two types of CSP: grungy and smooth.

They can be applied:

  • for floor device;
  • creating a warm floor;
  • as partitions;
  • you can use the CSP, as a non-removable formwork;
  • strip the frame house;
  • finishing of the room.

A little about smooth ... This type of slab is great for interior decoration. It is convenient, easily installed, is covered with almost any type of finishing for internal design.

If we are talking about sticking wallpaper, prepare CSPs for this simply. In addition, the wallpaper is well held on the plates.

Similarly, CSP is used to create. The floor will be smooth, warm, reliable. If we and the walls and the floor are plates, you can get a practically even room.

By the way, the bathroom is also characterized by the use of this material, since smooth plates are usually soaked with a special substance that protects the coating from moisture. Whatever the wet air, the plates are not deformed.

The CSP plate with a rough surface is used outside the rooms at home.

With it, you can arrange the walls, aligning them and finishing to taste. Plates are used to form roofing pie, formwork, while building structures with a deliberately small load when used.

By the way, the sandwich panels are also manufactured from the CSP. This material is suitable for creating paths, tracks that, again, will not withstand heavy loads.

Cement-chip slabs are suitable for both furniture, large warehouse structures, construction of fences.

Cement-chip partitions

CSP can be used to create partitions. What is the advantage of these plates compared to such a popular plasterboard?

The latter is not resistant to moisture, and the heat does not save, and the sound perfectly misses what can be called a rather negative point.

In combination of CSP with mineral wool or fiberglass, it is possible to increase sound insulation several times.

It is very good to cut, which is a plus in places in passing pipes and wiring.

Finishing of the room cement-chipstones

Along with a rich selection of the scope of the slab, it is possible to note the special popularity of the use of such indoors.

The CPS Plate, the technical characteristics of which will be presented in the article, is used today quite often. It is distinguished by outstanding qualities that made material common in private and professional construction.

Characteristics of the CPS plate

Due to the fact that the described material has excellent characteristics, he found his widespread in different fields of construction. The cement-chipboard has a wooden chips, portland cement, special additives, the last of which are able to provide excellent protective qualities. In the process of production, all listed components are connected, and then mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the composition is subjected to the press.

Products are manufactured according to GOST, which strictly regulate the composition. Thus, among the components there should be 65% of Portland cement, 24% wood chips, 8.5% water, as well as 2.5% impurities. The density is ensured by the presence of portland cement, the same component guarantees the durability of the material. The production of plates is carried out on special equipment in the plant conditions, as evidenced by the quality certificate, as well as the product passport. As part of the board contains natural wood, which ensures environmental friendliness of the material. This indicates that the stove is completely harmless to humans.

Positive Features of CSP

CSP slate, whose technical characteristics need to find out before purchased, has excellent quality, which allows you to use this material in professional construction. The technological processes of manufacturing plates are based on mineralization and bonding of all components, so you can completely eliminate the appearance of a radioactive background, the selection of steam, dirt or dust.

CSP plates are actively used in the construction of strong and warm housing. Quite often, this material is compared with others. The stoves described are so durable that they won in this comparison. The service life is much longer.
Among additional advantages, excellent resistance to temperature drops and frost can be distinguished, which complies with the requirements for modern building materials.

The CSP plate, the technical characteristics of which are described in the article, has perfectly proven itself. These products perfectly cope with the effects of rodents, insects, as well as mold and fungus. The material contains no phenol, asbestos, impurities and formaldehyde resins. You can use stove data with all types of finishes. The surface of the slabs can be plastered, plastic finished, painted, lined with tiles, coated with various decorative materials, etc. It is easy to use this material, as it is simply processed. It has a large amount of chips, it makes a product similar to natural wood, but the plates have high strength. You can use the CSP with the construction of partitions that will have excellent noise insulation qualities. Walls from CSP will be able to provide sound absorption up to 30 dB.

The strength characteristics of CSP

CSP, whose technical specifications differ from other alternative materials are high density. This is due to the fact that the process of pressing chips is used in the production process. In the inner layers of the product contains fibers that possess a more impressive length. This guarantees the material excellent elasticity, smoothness, as well as high strength characteristics. The material has several layers, so it is capable of fighting moisture. The special technology used in production does not allow the product to flavor. The stove will not break, even if the mechanical force is affected by the type of bend. The material perfectly copes with high loads, during operation it may be exposed to mechanical nature, which makes such plates so common and popular in construction.


CSP - stove, specifications whose price must interest you if you plan to use this material during construction, may have different sizes. The most traditional dimensions can be called 1250x2700 mm. The cost of such a sheet will be equal to 675 rubles. Such cost can be called very affordable, which makes such a material so popular among the analogues. Despite the fact that the cost of the plate is quite small, its quality remains excellent.

Dimensions of CSP

CSP stove, whose technical characteristics should be listed in the quality passport, should be studied by the consumer before purchasing. It is important to take into account the size range of products. The stove may have a width of 1250 mm or 1200 mm. The last standard is considered modern. But despite this, there are still plates of different sizes. Length can be equal to 2700 mm, the thickness is equivalent to 8 mm. Weighs such a product 36 kg. If the thickness increases to 10 mm, the weight will be 46 kg. The thickness of 12 mm increases the weight of up to 50 kg, and 16 mm to 74 kg. The thickness of the plate in 18 mm makes a mass of 81 kg.

With a plate length of 3200 mm, the thickness can be 8 mm, while the weight of the slab is 43 kg; With a thickness of 10 mm, the mass will be 54 kg, while the thickness of 12 mm gives weight of 65 kg.

Standard is considered to be 1200 mm. The stove at a length of 2,700 mm may have a thickness of 8 mm and weight of 35 kg. The thickness of the plate in 10 mm gives a mass of 44 kg. Among other things, the buyer can purchase a stove that was manufactured by certain sizes. The length of the slab can be equal to 3600 mm or 3000 mm. You should not search for products, the edges of which have a semicircular shape, as such plates are not released. Also not produced in the factories of the product, the edges of which are thinner. After the stove is purchased, it will not be necessary to process the antiseptic, since the product is exposed to antiseptic effects.

Scope of CSP

CSP slate, whose technical characteristics must be learned before making a purchase, is used today in housing construction. Products are able to provide internal protection from cold. This material can be used when carrying out the walls of the walls made of concrete. Products are used in low-rise construction, as well as when building special-purpose buildings. Great CSP for premises whose conditions are distinguished by increased levels of humidity. After the stove is installed, its surface is not necessary to process. It will only be enough to cover the surface with a primer or composition, which has water-repellent characteristics. Buildings in which the CSP is used is able to undergo serious operational loads.

Additional area of \u200b\u200bapplication

CSP slate, specifications, the use of which can be found in this article, is also used for non-removable formwork equipment, which allows to achieve excellent results. At the same time, some positive features can be distinguished, among them: reducing construction work, reducing the cost of construction costs, as well as ensuring the reliability and strength of the future design. CSP slate, specifications, the use of which made products are popular, is used today and in the manufacture of windowsill. At the same time, the latter are not only durable, but also enough inexpensive about compared with counterparts. It should not be assumed that due to the insignificant value of the CSP, the windowsill will have a very unsightly and unpretentious appearance. Such products have excellent decorative qualities and come to expensive window sills from noble materials.

Building materials are constantly updated with new products, or old modifies, becoming the owners of higher technical and operational characteristics. In this article we will talk about one unique building material - a cement-chipboard. So, in fact, it is a CSP plate: sizes and price, characteristics and scope of application.

This material is made of two main components: and chips with the addition of liquid glass and other chemical additives. The photo shows below, in what proportions all ingredients are used.

The technology of production of CSP is very similar to the manufacture of plates. Here is a sequence of operations carried out:

  1. Mixed chips with liquid glass and other chemical additives.
  2. Cement and water is added.
  3. Plates are formed under pressure press 2-6 MPa.
  4. Heat treatment is carried out.
  5. The ends and sides of the plates are processed by protective substances.
  6. Within 14 days, the products are stored at a certain temperature and humidity to complete drying and polymerization of binding components.

Attention! All CSP plates made in the factory conditions must comply with GOST 26816-86 and be certified.

Specifications of CSP plates and their application

The technical characteristics of this building material, as well as all others, determine its qualitative state. Therefore, all the basic parameters that affect the service life of the plate and maintain certain loads of the operating conditions by it.

Characteristic Units. change Indicator
Densitykg / m³.1100−1400
Humidity% 9
Water absorption% for 24 hours16
Blowing in thickness% for 24 hours2
Bending strength (no less): Thickness:MPa
10.12 and 16.12
24 10
36 9
Tensile strengthMPa0,4
Thermal conductivityW / m to0,26
Class of Culture G1 (weaklyor)
Life timeyears50

The ratio of the size of the CSP sheets: lengths, widths and thickness with the weight of plates and their price

Now let's turn to the analysis of dimensional indicators. CSP is issued by standard dimensions:

  • 2700 × 1250 mm;
  • 3000 × 1250 mm;
  • 3200 × 1250 mm.

Depending on the thickness of the panel, the volume of the material changes, its weight. Both indicators are important to take into account when transporting and calculating the load on the supporting structures of the building in which the CSP plates will be applied. Consider how two indicators change depending on the thickness. The table will indicate a panel of 3000 × 1250 mm.

Thickness, mm. Weight, kg Scope of CSP, m³
8 41,6 0,032
10 52 0,04
12 62,4 0,048
16 83,2 0,064
20 104 0,08
24 124,8 0,096
26 142,2 0,104

At what prices can be bought a cement-chipboard

Depending on the size parameters, the price of products is also changing.

cSP plate

It should be noted that the same CSP plate is sharply different, for example, 16 mm. The difference is only 50 rubles. But if the volume of the material used is large, then the difference will be considerable.

Attention! Dimensional parameters: Length and width when ordering according to individual projects can be adjusted during the production process under the required indicators. Thickness remains unchanged within the limits established by GOST.

Where apply CSP slabs

The scope of the application of cement-chipstrokes is wide enough:

  • : ordinary and ventilated;
  • : floor, ceiling, walls;
  • construction;
  • as a non-coordinate formwork for filling various building structures;
  • when erected.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the positive sides of the material:

Now disadvantages:

  1. The weight of the CSP slab decent, even a small thickness of 10 mm leaf weighs more than 50 kg. One person to raise it and install the requirement for the place is not valid. And raising the material to the upper floors will require the use of lifting equipment, which increases the cost of the work.
  2. If the CSP panels will be used on the street, then their operating time is reduced to 15 years.

Processing Rules - How can I cut and drill CSP plates

No matter how cool, and the CSP is a concrete stone filled with chips (wooden filler). Therefore, when the question is raised than to process the material of this type, it is impossible to mention the hand tool. Cutting and drilling can only be carried out with an electric tool.

So, we considered the topic about CSP plates. This is actually an interesting building material, which has recently been gaining popularity, especially among residents of the northern regions. If you have any questions on laying technology, prices and species, we are ready to answer them. Write in the comments, and our editors will surely answer.

For comparison with other materials, we propose to use such characteristics as:

  • fire safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to mold and diseases;
  • builders' reviews;
  • gilts reviews and house owners.

Fireproof and Class of Feling

According to this parameter, the CSP is superior not only polymeric insulation and PVC, but even arbolit. CSP has been assigned a combustible class - G1, that is, they are challenged. Due to the large proportion of cement, each of the chips is surrounded by cement stone, so to start the pyrolysis process located close to the wood surface it is necessary to effect the temperature of 500 or more degrees for half an hour..

As soon as the thermal impact is eliminated, the pyrolysis process is quickly completed, because, for the beginning of a self-sustaining reaction, a close contact of many chips is needed.

If the temperature exceeds 700 degrees, and this effect lasts more than an hour, then the pyrolysis of chips begins across the depth of the plate.

At such a temperature, any building materials dramatically lose strength, and the concrete is completely destroyed. Therefore, after a fire of such strength, the house is not repaired, except that the fire was local in nature and exhausted only a small portion of the house.

Even the beginning of the pyrolysis process does not lead to highly poisonous substancesAfter all, the main components of pyrolysis gas (smoke) is:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide.

There is only a serious danger of carbon monoxide, but, firstly, it is very small in the process of pyrolysis, and secondly, the burning occurs in the conditions of lack of oxygen, so the carbon monoxide is allocated everywhere in huge quantities.

Therefore, CSP one of the safest In the fire plan of materials and comparable to GKK and fibroplites. He is much safer finishing from:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • arbolita;
  • insulating fibroplitis;
  • foam and plastics.

Convenience Montaja

Due to the large content of CSP cement much hard most others Finishing materials.

The weight of thin sheets is 25-45 kg, so it requires a minimum of 2 people to work with them.

It is necessary to work with thick sheets 5-6 people, because the mass of a sheet with a thickness of 26 mm exceeds 200 kg.

Cutting material is also associated with difficulties, because it is necessary to use high-speed circular saw and disk with diamond spraying or carbide attacks.

Therefore, by the convenience of installing the DSP, it is inferior to most finishing materials. After all, its weight with equal size and thickness, exceeds the mass of any other finishing material, including the CML and arbolit.

Resistance to mold and disease

Due to the fact that wood in the CSP does not have direct contact with air, it is less exposed to mold and diseases.

In addition, products made in accordance with the requirements of GOST, chips are pre-soaked in the solution of lime or other reagents, enhance biological stability Woods.

Reviews of builders and tenants about wood-cement blocks

To collect the most reliable reviews on the characteristics, application and prices for the CSP, we turned to the forums, among the users of which are:

  • professional builders;
  • experienced engineers;
  • owners of apartments and houses;
  • people who have experience in conducting independent repairs.

Here list of forums With branches of discussion of CSP:

  • Forumhouse;
  • Forumgrad;
  • NGS house;
  • Vegalab;
  • Build a house;
  • Master Master;
  • Ideas of your home;

Scope of CSP

CSP was widely used in many building areas due to its technical specifications. Modern products based on cement and wood chips are adequately competed with drywall, fiberboard and plywood.

Loft-style room

Finish facade CSP

Houses whose facades are faced with CSP, acquire aesthetic appearance. The front layer of such products may have a different execution. They imitate other finishing materials (stone, brickwork, plaster) or have a decorative rough surface made of stone crumbs of various colors and fractions.

Milling decorative plates under stone and brick
High strength, resistance to negative environmental impacts and aesthetic appearance of decorative CSPs allow us to successfully apply them for facade works in the construction of private houses
A variety of facial decorative layer of stone crumb

About decorative materials based on CSP for finishing facades will tell this video:

Application of CSP for sex

Putting the CSP to the floor by lags, the thickness of the product is recommended to choose from 24 mm to ensure sufficient strength of the floor covering.

Fastening on lagas

When working indoors, it is necessary to produce preparatory activities - at the bottom of the opening, if they are, fix the lags, put the insulation and vapor barrier material.

Preparatory work before laying CSP on the floor

Fixation of plates is made using self-tapping screws, while the screw with a secret head must be divered into the body of a wooden beam by 20 mm. The result becomes perfectly smooth draft floor with excellent performance characteristics.

Frame construction

CSP has perfectly proven itself in the construction of frame-type houses. There are two options - the purchase of a ready-made household complex from the CSP-based panels or the independent construction of walls, between which the mineral insulation is located. Fixation of plates is produced on a wooden or metal inches, while the framework is sewn around the perimeter, and then the window and doors are cut out. The elements of the dohkels are installed in a step of 60 cm so that between them it is possible to firmly fix the insulating material. Plates take a thickness of 10-16 mm, fix them with galvanized screws.

House for framework technology using CSP

Article on the topic:

Frame house with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions. Want to build a frame house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions given in this article will help to figure out all the intricacies quickly and just even beginners.

Interior operation

Environmental safety of cement-chipboard made it possible to use them as a complete finishing material indoors of any destination. Due to its high moisture resistance, this material significantly sweat plasterboard, which is not recommended for use on walls in wet rooms.

Alignment of walls and floor in the bathroom

CSPs are used to effectively align the walls and subsequent finishes by their decorative finishing materials. However, the CSP in some interiors (Loft, Industrial, High-tech and others), where the untreated concrete texture is appropriate, is used to create accent surfaces and even to cover integrates.

The accent wall in the bedroom at the head of the bed is made of cement panels.

The mounting of the plates depends on the thickness and dimensions of the sheets, and, accordingly, their weight. Heavy products are attached to the doom, and light - with the help of a special solution or mastic.

Production of sip panels from CSP

The sip of the CSP panels is a three-layer material, where the insulation of polystyrene foam, basalt fiber or polyurethane foam (PPU) is recorded between sheets.

Exterior Sandwich panels

A common distinctive feature of the material is its high fire and environmental safety. The possibility of rapid construction of a private house and a significant savings on finishing facade works.

Build house complex from SIP with CSP

Application of DSP for formwork in monolithic construction

There are a number of advantages of the device of the non-coordinate formwork of this type in the production of monolithic works:

  1. Reduction of installation work and the overall construction of the object.
  2. Readiness of the surface to finishing finish.
  3. High profitability of the construction of the object as a whole.
  4. Guaranteed creating a solid and reliable design.

Monolithic construction using the beaming formwork from CSP

Methods of installation

CSPs can be mounted in various ways, depending on which purposes they are used. When finishing or insulation of buildings, they are attached to the inches made of metal profile or wooden bars, self-tapping bolts or nails. The arrangement of the beaming formwork also suggests construction of the carcass (given the large weight of the plates, it, like a doomer when finishing the walls, should be quite strong). In addition, the plates can be laid on the lags (when installing the floor) or rafters (under roofing). When interior, they are also you can attach to the wall with a solution or mastic.

Preparation for the coating device from CSP

Before starting work on the arrangement of the draft coating from the CSP, the base of the floor should be properly prepared. For example, in the case of styling the material on a wooden base, old or fugitive boards must be dismantled and replaced with new

All the gaps are important to close with a putty, and the wooden base is grounded for better adhesion with glue, which will be mounted coating from the plates.

If the installation will be made on a concrete base, it must also be carefully examined for damage and installed if necessary. Also, if there are strong deviations horizontally, cement mixtures are aligned. In the case of styling of the CSP, a preliminary alignment of the surface must be carried out on the ground - this can be done, pouring a sandy-gravel mixture with a thickness of 20 cm and the tampering of it.

The construction process of the arbor with a floor from CSP

The optimal option is to lay the CSP plates on the lags. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the soil, the supports under the lags are installed on the ground, as well as hydro and thermal insulation. The distance between the supports can vary from 0.5 to 1 m - this indicator depends on the thickness of the timing used for lags.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for working with CSP:

  • bar for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • cSP plates in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • sawing tool (for example, hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • tools for the work of measurements (roulette, pencil);
  • fastener;
  • drill.

Fastening floor plates with self-tapping

How to paint the CSP slab

To give the CSP plates of an attractive appearance in the simplest way to staining. After appropriate surface preparation, with the help of a roller or apply two layers of paint. Most often to paint the CSP use:

Acrylic paints . Such paint has good adhesion and differ in high wear resistance. If financial capabilities allow, it is better to use paints in which the solvent is included, but also water-soluble facade acrylic paints, with proper application, will serve from 3 to 5 years.

Latex paint . This coating is resistant to the effects of alkali and weak acidic solutions, it is easy to clean and mechanical cleaning with detergents. Besides. Painting works can be performed independently, which will save a significant amount.

Silicate paint. . The use of this type of coating has high adhesion, their vapor permeability ensures optimal conditions for air circulation, which prevents the appearance of mold and other fungi. The coating is not terrible atmospheric effects and detergents, and the service life will satisfy even the highest requirements.

Before proceeding to staining the CSP, it is necessary to take into account that the use of alkyd paints is undesirable, because with direct contact with alkalis, cracking and degradation of the coating can occur.

1 What makes such plates do need additives

CSP is a multicomponent sheet building material, during the manufacture of which portland cement and wood chips are used. In addition, the stove includes special chemical additives, allowing basic materials to coherent without any problems. Indeed, under normal conditions, wood is not friendly with cement, which provokes excessive moisturizing and associated warping and rotting material.

Portland cement and chips are used for the manufacture of CSP

The use of special additives (up to 2.5-3% of total) eliminates the negative effects of the neighborhood of the tree and cement, giving the CSP such beneficial properties of the first and second component, as heat resistance and fire resistance. Moreover, due to the percentage ratio - by 24% of the tree accounts for 65% of cement - the stove acquires other positive qualities: high strength, frost resistance, sound insulation properties, vapor permeability and complete ignoring material both insects and rodents.

In addition, both the wooden and cement stove demonstrates such qualities as resistance to fungi, moisture resistance, temperature shrink resistance and compatibility with most finishing materials, which is explained by enviable adhesion. At the same time, chemical additives in CSP are not ecologically harmful materials, since they do not contain asbestos or formaldehyde.

Specifications of CSP

In the manufacture of high-strength cement formulations are mixed with a wooden chips of various fractions, water and a number of chemical reagents (for example, with liquid glass or aluminum salts). When reacting with a wooden chips, the chemical agents mineralize it, thereby increasing the strength and durability of the plate.

Layout is the main quality of the plates that guarantee their high quality and special strength. The formation of the structure of the plate occurs in this way so that large fractions of the chips are located inside, and small ones. After the preparation of the cement-chip mass, it is placed in special forms under the press, from where the finished multi-layer DSP with a smooth surface on one side is coming.

CSP: The technical characteristics of the slab are such that it does not require the application of the finish putty. Plates are enough to paint after placement. In some cases, it will be enough to apply a thin layer of primer before painting.

Floors from CSP Nuances Styling

In general, the installation of CSP plates is performed in the same way as stoves OSV

During the work of work, it is important to observe several rules, and then the base of the gender will be made as high quality as possible :. Wooden timber for lag is necessarily processed by the compositions preventing rotting

Special stores can be replaced with machine oil;

  • the wooden bar for the lag is necessarily processed by the compositions preventing rotting. Special stores can be replaced with machine oil;

Antiseptics for impregnation of wood

  • when installing plates on a concrete tie for lag, you can use a smaller bar - up to 50x50 mm. This will save the useful space;
  • when installing, lag should monitor their level - it must be strictly horizontal;
  • before making installation, the CSP plate is folded by lags - this will allow you to determine which of them need a trimming if necessary;
  • glue before use should be well mixed;
  • avoid deformation of the base of the CSP will allow compensation gaps along the walls.

Another example of the use of CSP

CSP - material is not quite bad if used to create an even base. It is easy to work with it, but because of the large mass of the sheets, it is better to get an assistant to the assistant.


Plates based on a cement-chip mixture are simple in processing. For cutting, it will take hacksaw with small teeth. Large teeth contribute to the formation of dust, makes the edges of the detail uneven, so such a tool is not suitable for sawing CSP.

When arranging a dry screed as a base under the plate, a concrete or wooden coating is used. Also allowing the laying of sheets to the framework, the cells of which are pre-filled with insulating material (mineral wool, foam, claying, other type of dry filler).

Plates are fixed with self-draws or with a glue mixture. The glue must be evenly distributed over the surface of the material with a toothed spatula, not leaving gaps. This will help avoid material deformation.

The joints are also important generously filling with adhesive composition to obtain monolith. Self-tapping screws screwed up with an interval of 35-50 cm

When cladding the CSP of the outdoor walls of the building uses a method of installation providing for the arrangement of the root. Frame parts can be wooden or metal-made from metal. When choosing a tree, it is recommended to be pre-treated with an antiseptic solution to protect against premature aging and microbiological processes.

To create heat shields of dwellings, it is recommended between the walls of the house and the DSP to lay thermal insulation material. Preference is worth paying a basalt car, which has a good vapor permeability indicator (the walls will breathe) and high resistance to moisture (low hygroscopicity will exclude moisture absorption into the layers of heat-insulator).

The finishing of plates from the cement-chip mixture involves surface treatment with groundwork, laying the reinforcing mesh and applying a layer of decorative plaster. The facade coloring is made in color, which echoes other architectural elements of the exterior.

Floor arrangement with CSP

Consider the arrangement of the floor from the CSP on the lags on the example of the balcony.

Step 1. Under the lags are stacked by a layer of insulation. Lagges are set parallel to the walls at a distance of each other about 30-40 cm.

Lagges installed over insulation

Step 2. The crossbars are installed, the creation of the crate is made. Between themselves, wooden bars are connected using metal corners and screws.

Installed transverse bars, a doomle is ready

Step 3. The space between lags is filled with insulation material.

Laying insulation

Step 4. Plates of CSP of the desired dimensions are laid across the longitudinal lag. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Laying Plates of CSP

Step 5. Plates are fastened with self-drawing on lags. The slots between the CSP plates are closed with adhesive composition.

Fixation of plates Samorsamas

Video - Laying Tile on CSP

CSP in the process of creating a foundation

Cement-based and chips base plates can be used to create a formwork that helps when filling the foundation. The thickness of the material depends on the required sizes of the foundation and ranges from 16 to 26 mm.

Strengths of formwork from CSP.

Easy when installing plates for an order reduces labor costs and reduces the time of work, thus the cost of the fill of the foundation. On the outer side you can apply a special paint, after which it will find the properties of vertical waterproofing. Due to the high stove strength, the formwork is resistant to deformations during the fill and solving the solution of concrete.

The versatility of the CSP allows you to use this material when erending housing based on the framework, for alignment of flooring and walls, as well as during the installation of a soft roof in buildings of any type. The CSP plate for the floor receives good feedback from builders around the world, due to the high quality of the material and excellent characteristics.

Cement-chipboard Application for floors

The main advantages of the CSP are considered high strength and durability

The use of building materials consists in laying ready-made panels on various types of bases:

  • smooth surface of wooden or cement floor;
  • wooden lags installed with an equal interval.

A ceramic tile can be glued to the surface of the slabs, the flooring, and the laminate or parquet is stacked. The properties of the material are preserved for decades, subject to the compliance with the installation technology.

Scope of Application CSP Plate

As mentioned above, the ZSP slabs, the use of which ensures the high mechanical strength of the created structures, is widely used in construction and repair and finishing works, in particular:

  • When making formwork foundations and other monolithic reinforced designs. The use of CSP significantly simplifies the installation process, in addition, such a design prevents concrete leakage and ensures the formation of smooth side walls that do not need subsequent shuttering.
  • When the walls are trimmed and erection . In most cases, CSP sheets are attached to a pre-mounted metal or wooden frame. The thickness of the sheets in this case ranges from 8 to 12 mm. Self-tapping screws are most often used for attachment, it is also possible to use screws or nails as fasteners. In some cases, special adhesive polymer mixtures can be used in aligning walls.
  • Application of CSP floor slabs Provides high mechanical strength, as well as high indicators of heat, hydro and sound insulation. The thickness of the material is selected based on the existing loads and the distance between the lags, however, it is not recommended to use a CSP plate, the thickness of which is less than 14 mm.
  • Application for facade The house allows not only to significantly reduce the timing of work on the outer decoration, but also provides high-quality waterproofing of the main walls. Another advantage is that when using CSP, the characteristics of the material allow you to create various types of ventilated facades. As for the sheet thickness, it may vary from 12 to 14 mm for external work.

Manufacture of plates

The manufacture of CSP consists of the following steps:

  1. Aluminum, liquid glass, various salts are part of aqueous solutions that are loaded into special mixers.
  2. Mineralization of raw materials occurs when gradually introduced into these solutions of wood chips consisting of different-dimensional fractional inclusions.
  3. Then the cement and some water are introduced into the composition.
  4. Mass are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency, sent under a powerful press.
  5. At the exit, it turns out a subtle, but durable, with a smooth surface product.

The smooth surface of the plate is obtained due to the special distribution of chips in its structure - larger fragments are inside the product, and small on the surface. In the production of CSPs there are no emptiness. Another one-saying is that the product is not subject to additional alignment, and can immediately be used for the manufacture of draft floor and serve as high-quality, even base for laminate, tiles and other types of finish coating.

Technology production CSP

From the very name it becomes clear that the main components of this material are cement (65%) and wood chips (24%). All this is mixed with water (8.5%), and various additives are added to the resulting mixture, which improve the technical characteristics of the plate (2.5%).

In the process of production of the CSP plate, two types of chip material are used. They differ in size: small and medium. The stove itself has a three-layer structure, so in the second layer, the chips of the average size falls asleep, and in the first and third small one. The production process itself passes in the following sequence.

  • Mixing chips with hydration additives.
  • The mixture is added to the M500 brand cement.
  • Water poured.
  • The solution is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • The form is poured the first layer with a shallow chips.
  • The second layer from the mid-size chip.
  • And the third layer.
  • Pressing is made.
  • After that, semi-finished material is heated to + 90 ° C for eight hours.
  • Next, within 13-15 days, it will dry in vivo.
  • After that, depending on the party, it is chocked, or simply stored.

Cement-chipboard Application in construction

CSP is a cement-chipboard, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. The CSP is made of a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement formulations.

What is CSP and OSP? What is the difference?

As part of building materials available:

  • wood chips with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • portland cement - 65%.

CSP plates for outdoor work

The production process is quite simple - the CPS is made as follows.

  1. Special mixers are loaded with special aqueous solutions that include various salts, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Next to these solutions, wood chips are gradually added with fractions of different sizes - the mineralization of raw materials occurs.
  3. The cement is mixed with the resulting composition and some more water is added.
  4. The mass is subjected to thorough mixing to a homogeneous mass and then comes under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement-chip plates. Technical conditions. A download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

GOST 26816-86

The result of this production chain and becomes the finished cement-chip plate, a fairly thin, having a smooth surface. And a large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a rather durable material. By the way, inside the stove chips has b aboutsome sizes than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface of the finished material is achieved. CSP does not need to be additionally aligned after laying, making the material perfectly suitable for creating a rough floor covering under laminate, tiles and other types of finish finish. Also inside the CSP, emptiness are not formed during production.

Production of cement-chipboard

On a note! Wood chips as raw materials are also used in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB plates. Technologies for the production of these materials are something similar and with the technology of obtaining CSP plates.

Comparative table of operational characteristics of wood and slab materials

CSP slabs are widely used in construction. They can be used to finish the facade walls of houses, of which create various partitions indoors. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing works. At the same time it is suitable for apartments, and for private houses.

CSPs are used in construction for many purposes.

The CSP plate is characterized by high indicators of environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use in the residential premises, and in production.

Cement-chipboard (CSP)

The use of a cement-chipboard is the ability to abandon the time consuming of the cement screed for creating a base. Building materials reduces labor costs and spend less funds from the budget planned for alignment of floors under the installation of the finishing coating.

Installation of CSP plates under ceramic tile

Processing rules than you can saw and drill CSP plates

No matter how cool, and the CSP is a concrete stone filled with chips (wooden filler). Therefore, when the question is raised than to process the material of this type, it is impossible to mention the hand tool. Cutting and drilling can only be carried out with an electric tool.

At the same time, the electrolybiz is better not to use, although some masters of the slate of a small thickness are managed to cut into such a tool. You simply have to change the pink often - every 5-7 m. Therefore, the optimal solution is a disk tool for cutting.

The easiest way to cut the CSP circulating saw with a diamond disk

As for the disc, there are two options here:

  1. Disk with diamond spraying with cut segments. Such a disk is used for dry cutting. Here you can use disks on cutting stone, concrete or bricks - they all fit.
  2. Disks with winning spraying, which cut wood. CSP - material is not the most durable in terms of comparison with a stone, so that such a tool will cope with it.

As for the power tool, most often the wizard is used by a grinder or circulating saw (the floor).

Attention! Cutting the circular CSP plate is easier, because the power tool has a support plank. It is it that allows you to clearly orient the disk in the perpendicular plane to the sheet, and as the final result - smooth

CSP plates can be cut with a grinder with a cut-off diamond disk installed on it.

As for drilling in holes of the holes, it is used for this or swell on metal, or winners.

Types and characteristics

There are 3 varieties of CSP:

  • fibrololite - heat insulating material based on long-filling chips ("wood wool"). Soft, easy to process, resistant to the effects of biological factors;
  • arbolit - It is made of sawdust and fine chips. Has a wide scope of application (thermal insulation, finishing, material for wall partitions, etc.);
  • xylolite (slab and cast). It has high strength, thermal insulation qualities and a wide range of color solutions, is used as an outdoor coating.

Because of its water absorption, the plates are increased in size, so when installing them is required to be a gap


There are three types of CSP. Studies of the material showed with accuracy that each of them does not lose their valuable properties even in the process of multiple cycles of significant increase in temperature and subsequent defrosting.

Resistance to the effects of fire and a particularly wet environment, negative biological factors have also been confirmed. But each type of plates have its own characteristics, consisting in the production method, the difference in the rates of the source materials, the characteristics of the finished product and the scope of application. Among the species can be specified.

1. Fibrololite. It is the basis of it, the so-called wood wool, which is a long fiber chips. The composition also includes inorganic binding components.

Wood ribbons obtained on special machines are impregnated with calcium chloride solutions and liquid glass. Completed in the forms of raw materials, consequently dried. The thickness of such plates can reach 150 mm, but there are a number of significantly thinner parameters.

These building elements, differing significant strength, are excellent for thermal insulation. Such material applies and as acoustic.

It is easy to process and soft, because of this, in demand with multidimensional repairs, as well as works on the reconstruction of various structures. During construction actions with plates, due to their minor weight, lifting technology is not required, due to this, their use is very economical.

2. Arbolit. It is based on the lung concrete and has small chips, sawdust, cickens or rice straw. The most high-quality plates of such varieties are made of chips.

If the base of the composition is wood chips, then the material is customary to be called a trees, if sawdust - opilk concrete. The mentioned two types have several reduced operational characteristics compared to the above-mentioned first.

They are harder, denser and subject to unpleasant deformations, but also are somewhat cheaper. The sphere of application of arbolite is quite wide. But mainly it is in demand, as a material for low-rise private construction, especially popular in the manufacture of wall partitions, also for decoration and thermal insulation.

3. Xylolite is most often known in the application as coating CSP for the floor. PlatesSimilarly, previously described, made from wood waste, differing from other types of production technology. On sale, the presented range pleases the variety of colors.

The material is highlighted by excellent thermal insulation qualities and increased strength. Open fire does not burn, but only gradually charred; Even when boiling does not twist in water and heat conduction slightly; It has enviable elasticity and solid, like a stone, but it is easily processed as a tree: drilled, plane and saw. In use, besides the above, perfectly suitable as a sheat for stone, staircase covers, windowsill, roofs.

An important characteristic is the weight of the CSP slab. Such indicators just need to know with construction and other work.

The indicated data is very useful in shipping and at the time of installation work. The mass of one module directly depends on the thickness and, knowing this indicator, it is easy to calculate. After all, for every 10 mm there are tiled weight about 54 kg.

Mounting works than to saw CSP

It is not necessary to try to cut up the CSP with hacksaw - it's ungrateful, the process is long, and the result leaves much to be desired. You can use an electric bike or a grinder.
