Repairs Design Furniture

What and how to paint the room indoors and on the facade? OSB plates for outdoor work than protecting OSB outside of moisture

In September 2012, it was concerned about using OSB / OSP plates on the facade: Is it possible, which minches and advantages? What types of these plates and manufacturers, just for a while or can I like permanent facade material? What to handle, paint? etc...

caused many dialogs and even hot disputes, there was a rumbled on more than 2 tens of pages. But it seemed to me that the topic was almost exhausted - much that could be said already was said and discussed. And then I, analyzing all the answers and tips in this topic, as well as other sources, placed. Since it is difficult to find it in the subject, I decided to copy it to the diary. If you are now reading these lines - then I hope this analysis will be useful to you. Good luck! And I will be glad to your comments here or in the topic!

Regarding the use of OSP / OSB-3 and 4 plates for external work

i will try somehow subjectively to summarize all posts of this topic.

(taking into account my personal opinion: I really wanted to figure it out).

OSP / OSB-3 and 4 behave themselves with outdoor work:

1) with full immersion in water for 24 hours swell by 15% (TZR.AZTEK);

2) on the facade, without finishing

Wet, are exhausted and acquired a gray shade, but when dried, they return to the place, the shade remains gray; Of course, the more often the other, the faster the quality and appearance deteriorates (TZR. Murava, etc.)
- "The first year has nothing to do, slightly flourishes from the Sun" (TZP: UFZYF),
- "OSP-3 moisture resistant, I have a year without finish stood for a year, without external changes" ... - "Any Canadian OSP without consequences will have a year, European 2-3 years" (TZP: Paricultha),
- "One year or two to turn without finishing can, then it is better not to experiment" (TZP: Rebooter),

3) tales
- swell faster and stronger than the frontal sides of the panels. (TZP: UFZYF);
- "It is for them that the maximum moisture is happening"
- Contact with water appears "no longer from the outside, but from the side of the house at the place of attachment of the OSP. Cao time will stand and it will be as always ... Considerate the joints." (TZP: Nadejniy)

4) moisture resistance OSP
- "Moisture-proof material is simply so that the moisture absorption parameter (I can be wrong with the term) to be located for this material within certain limits or corresponds to certain standards. Moisture resistant - this does not mean that it can be put in water or in a very wet environment for long and it will remain the same as it was. " (TZP: Rebooter)

5) "Osb plates devoid of pure wood - they are fixed rotting, damage to fungus, do not combustible"(TZP: Manufacturer Gutter, FisherMen59).

How can IPS / OSB-3 and 4 be used for the facade:

- "The information can be found on any site of the manufacturer ASS3. ASP3 is used for exterior walls...?" (TZP:fishermen59, ant).

- "Designed to work in wet environmentsbut at the same time direct exposure to water or snow is not allowed With the subsequent melting "(TZP: Alexandrov Nikolai).

- "Not from one manufacturer OSB no recommendations for the use of this material as a finite facade coating residential building. No one in the world does not use it. "(TZR. CON)

- "I have not seen a single fact - that it is impossible to apply OSP on the facade." ... "Regarding OSP on the facade I can say the following - i do not see the reasons for not using an OSP on the facade: 1. Looks great (I like the fact that there is a texture, not a smooth sheet), 2. Easy (convenience when installing), 3. Durability (much longer than a tree), 4. Does not change the form unlike wood (does not lead it , does not twist, etc.), etc. ... in general some pluses. All the manufacturers of OSP1 are written in the virtues of all the manufacturers ... We have (in our region) a lot of houses are made with a facade from PSA (tonight I will pass past the restaurant (also the facade from OSP) -... Facade made 5 years ago ... (Processing: bottom ...: Morilka + varnish; the top (lighter) is only a veil) ... - The view is excellent - everything is in place). That is, external qualities are normal. ... Plates have practically zero hygroscopicity. Here I have breakdowns - the year was launched in a garden in a puddle and dirt - nothing has changed. When there is moisture - they absorb it - when dry - moisture leaves (the form remains the same). On the facade there is no contact with moisture at all, as the sheet is covered with a layer of facade paints (it like rubber closes it and drops just roll down). There is no moisture inside the facade - everything is dry (in a parallel topic, I laid out the photo of the opening of the facade after 1, 5 years of use). "(TZP: Urgenz)

- "PSE of humidity is practically not afraid, fact. But to be honest, I i do not see the point of doing facades from this material. ... What pursues this technology? Make the facade of non-combustible? Or protect it from cracks? So old good siding. GLS is also very poorly burning and frosts pretty steadfastly, but honor and praise to our builders that they have not yet become her to poke her in all the cracks, not for their intended purpose. So it is written by the manufacturer where OSP should be applied, it is necessary. ... "(TZR KREATOR63)

- "Installation of the OSP pursued the goal make a facade in the style of the head. Siding will not do it. Yes, and I do not like siding: plastic - as a snot on the facades is kept, and the metal thunder and scratches. So we use it in 1% on the facades.
Mostly all the houses from our brick (the most cheap Material) And facades from facing. However, it looks very monotonous. In my case, the house was also from the brick - but I took the construction version (box) + then it completed it and attached - so the house turned out from different bricks. (photo I laid out). The question arose about - how to cover it all. And in parallel, a little to insulate the house. + Create an original appearance.
The question of PPP + the plaster was not considered at once - all the plastered facades are in 2-3 years there are cracks. Siding is not an option to the above reasons. It remains only: SML, OSP, DSP or flat slate. The bed burst at the place of attachment, CSP and a flat slate - heavy in the installation (weight). OSP remains. "(TZP: URGENZ)

- "OSP is a tree with all the advantages and disadvantages. Mass of examples of decoration of wooden outer walls various coatings, including plaster, and this was done with a deficiency of finishing materials by the usual clay plaster on duranke, and at home still stand. Well, with a modern abundance of finishing materials to choose from, primers of plasters of paints, etc., etc. Problems to make the outside of the tree resistant to external conditions. There is no problem. You just need to approach the solution to the problem correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the material. "(TZR. LEONKORCH)

1) OSP in open video For outdoor work:​

but) open forever

It is impossible to use, especially for the roof or walls without a roof. (TZP: Muravich, Nadejniy, Belmar, Urgenz, etc.)

- on European standards Application OSB without decorative coating Within the framework of the "carcass home building ... it is undesirable for environmental performance." (TZP: Alexandrov Nikolay).

B) if on the facade of the OSP panel opened temporary, before finishing works, then
wet, they can sweat and acquire a gray shade, but when drying is dried
In place, the shade will remain gray;
- "It is not necessary to impregnate, they are so moisture-proof" (TZP: UFZYF)

- "Want to witness, as we had a roof of an OSP near my work, as a reason, it was notochable for a long time - 1 or 2 months probably, if not more. Nothing happened to her, then they Closed with soft roofs and that's it. Not altered, that's for sure. ... remembered - I saw somehow started a sander from OSP. I started, and for some reason people did not finish. The walls stood for several years without a roof and without protection, and of course It all collapsed. In a different way, it could not, of course. But in general, the log cabin without a roof over the year the whole blue black and twist and turns him great. And under the roof - full of houses for many years stand and nothing. " (TZP. URIURI)

2) Options and rules OSP use on the facade: ​

general information​

- "If there is a desire to throw money - then you can apply an OSP as a finish, and the full ..." ... "OSP was never a final product - he carries a lios constructive - and in the form of finishing only in the furniture industry - and Just like interior material ... "(TZR BIRDOFPREY)

- "...ordinary boards Also are not a facade material, nevertheless - block house, imitation of a bar, lining, etc. - is just used on the facades - and nothing, for a long time with due coverage outside. I also think it will be with OSP-plates. "(TZP: URIURI)

- "Facade finish Houses on OSB plates can be made by clinker tiles, ceramic tiles Under brick, siding or plastering and painting. As glue for the first two options will suit Sootper super. " (TZP: Alexandrov Nikolay).

- "Instead of siding, you can fasten the" simulation of a bar "or" blockhause "- that is, anyway to strip something" (TZP: General Contractor,rebooter).

- "Combination of panels under the stone" + siding. (TZP:rebooter).

but) mandatory gap 3-5 mm in joints between panels of OSP (This applies to the use of OSP and in the roof, probably), (TZP: Murava, Gabriel84, Urgenz, FisherMen59)

B) Z. acryment joints:

- elastic sealant (TZP: MURAVEY)
- "On the seams: sealants, ribbons, grids" (TZP: Rebooter)

IN) protection, impregnation, coating, Painting:

- as protection, including on the ends, from rain and snow you can use paint but on an oil basis (TZP: Alexandrov Nikolay).

- Coating OSP panels single or multiple-component composition, penetratingin pores (not superficial type of film!) And at the same time creating hydro-protective film: impregnation for wood (veneer, antiseptic), facade paint on an elastic basis, varnish (yacht or facade). (TZR ant)

- "To prepare the facade under painting We can recommend the following stage of work and applied materials: For the best "clutch" putty with a slab OSB first need to apply layer of high-adhesive material, as such, you can also apply the glue Sootper Super; Next over the glue is applied layer of facade spacure Solving Vl I. parotyped paint". (TZP: Alexandrov Nikolay).

- "No need to printe and open - OSP is covered with facade paint for 2 layers. I used Dulux facade for wood. And no problems - paint covers an OSP as it were, as it were, a thin rubber layer. "..." in the case of the facade, the OSP does not immerse itself into the water and there is no contact with water at all. Contact with water has only a coating (in my case the facade paint). If the paint is good - then there will be no problems. As for the putty - I did not spaclel, and on the contrary left the PCA structure, so more beautiful (more like the original half-timber from clay, and it looks much better than the smooth sheet). ... no change with OSP for a year with superfluous did not happen (nothing bit) "... about paint consumption:" Dimensions of the house: length 14m * width 7 m * height 6m + Fronton + protruding balcony. 88 sheets of OSP * (size 2500 * 1250) - residue (trimming) 10 - 15 m2 \u003d 275 m2 - 15 m2 \u003d 260 m2 (This is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe stitching of the OSP) + at the bottom of the base of the CSP. Paint: painted in 2 layers - 50 liters took: 1 layer about 35 l + 2 layer about 15 liters. The reserve remains about 5 liters \u003d total took 55 liters (banks were 5 liters - they were cheaper than 10-liters (in terms of a liter). Paint (if you can college) It is better to choose as follows: choose a color in the table of the colors - you choose 5 l (or less if it allows paint packaging) - bring home - paint 2 layers on an OSP (with an interval) and see whether the color turned out. Since the color in the store on paper looks completely different than on the street on the OSP.I have the necessary color turned out from 3 times and then the method of non-standard mixing (i.e. it was in the middle between standard flowers in the table + it was still diluted with white) - the benefit of the calm in Lerua worked normal. Keper number and proportions be sure to save (in case of subsequent repairs)! Paint that did not fit in color, I went to 1 layer - Therefore, there are no waste "paint: Dulux Trade Facade Gladdy -" It keeps perfectly and protects 100% from moisture. "(TZP: Urgenz). (T. Pr.: Urgenz).

- "One feature when choosing an OSP - We must choose sheets without bark Or with its minimum presence (... Dark brown chips) ... If even the bark was on the sheet - then it should be removed (just to pry a sharp object and tear off). We are talking only about top layer. If the bark is blocked among the fibers, then it is not necessary to touch it. "If this is not removed, then after winter:" Cora burst. However, in this case, everything can be easily corrected ... But it is better to tear them off to painting. "..." As I solved the question with the sword bark. He pulled off the bark and painted paint residues, after 10 hours everything dried and not even noticeable, which was painted. It proves good quality Paints - as for the year under the southern scorching sun, she did not lose their color. By the way, you can paint a little tassel to paint only this little piece. In general, when you buy paint - take with a slight stock (for such cases) and be sure to save the caller's number "(TZP: Urgenz).

- "In August I did country house, Outside OUL-3, 9mm thick, painted Paint * rubber * for two layers. The paint really liked, you can paint as you like, the transitions are not noticeable. "(TZP: Fishermen59).

- "Use distributed OSP as the outer finish of the facade can not! "(TZP: Nadejniy)

- "Wood loses the brightness, darkens and gray under the influence of direct sunlight. Lacquer does not protect against ultraviolet. Therefore, in the case of a lacquer coating, it is necessary to give a color to the tree (in the case of morilka It is additionally impregnated for several layers) + apply good street varnish (type of yacht or special facade). So treated all wooden houses "(TZR: URGENZ).

D) at p. In necessarily close the junctions between the panels OSP (in this case, style style
- Wooden lining type board, block house, lining; plastic molding; PPU
Molding for facades. decor; aluminum lining; (TZP: A MEVER),
- At the same time, the lining on the panel is better. farm not self-made, but glue or "liquid nails"for facade work; (TZP: A MEVER),
- "On the seams: sealants, ribbons" (TZP: Rebooter)

D) if desired walking on panels OSP should be applied proper additional material,

- "For OSP plaster, some time will hold on, the cracks on the joints of the OSP will appear in the first winter, gradually swell the edges of the OSP sheets, it will darken with them finish finish",
- "OSP need to close, little plaster" (TZP: Nadegniy),
- "None painting works on the OSB are not directly suitable "(TZP: general contractor),
- For example, the unsuccessful option: "Made skewers - panels with PPU inside, a pale appearance in a year and then everything turned into very ugly. As an OSP outdoor decoration, a basic reinforcing layer Segergy Senerflex Base Cout + Facade glass fiberglass mesh, decorative plaster Classik, was used. Coroed "..." This is an example of using one of the most powerful American systems in the wrong execution, in the joints of sheets of OSP too large strains ... True for many things that I consider the obvious marriage is acceptable ... "(TZP : nadegniy)

thus, such cake options:

(c use of linings for joints OSP):

OSP +. primer + plaster (better elastic) + Lining

OSP +. concrete contact + plaster (better elastic) + Lining

OSP +. primer + armir. grid + plaster + lining
"Built a skeleton lodge type of the wagon. I got a question of finishes. I read a lot of information from the Internet, I also had negative feedback, but for some reason almost everything is purely theoretical. Information that someone made a painting or plaster on an OSP and did not work out or turned out I just did not find bad. Therefore, I decided to make plaster on the reinforcing grid with a decoration of the plankinka under the alpine house. " ... "It is clear that for the durability of the coating, it is necessary to correctly select materials, proper primer, reinforce the seams, apply an elastic coating. I even found an instruction for applying coatings on an OSP ... They offer to use a coating that admits an extension to 80%. Therefore, the task is completely solved and speak categorically low incorrectly. "(TZR. LEONKORCH)

(without use linings for joints OSP):

- wet facade: OSP +. PPS (polystyrene foam; PSB-C 25F) + basic reinforcing layer + Decorative plaster (TZP: Nadegniy, Parwich, General Contractor, Rebooter, CON)

OSP +. reinforced grid + primer + putty + elastic plaster (TZP: Muravka),

OSP +. 2 layers of pergamine + grid + Plaster

E) OSP fits for Ventfasada, Cake options are:

- brusade house + Orushtka + insulation (eg, minvata) + hydroizeol. + Controlling
+ Ventzor approx. 3-5 cm + OSP (TZP: A MEVER),

- OSP frame house + Siding (TZP: Nadegniy)
"IN frame houses OSP from above is separated by a wet or a ventilated facade! "..." But not the facade facing! "..." OSP is not a facade cladding for Ventfasada, for this special materials, such as Minerit's plate. "(TZP: Nadegniy )

- "I sincerely understand why the OSP cannot be used in Ventfasades. From the swelling it can be protected by modern finishing materials. The fact that it is combustible, also not the reason. The tree is used (lining, block chacus) other things, economically it is unlikely to be advisable. Cheap initially The material will require constant and expensive care. " (TZR. Nikolai4)

In this analysis, I tried to objectively summarize all the statements, so the conclusions are yours. And with interest I am waiting for comments, photos, reports and other things on the use of OSB / OSP plates, especially on the facades.


Additionally, I can still advise on this topic:
about Painting OSP / OSB:

Outdoor wall coverings is one of the final stages of construction. frame house. And here the choice of material is of great importance: microclimate in the rooms, the mechanical strength of the walls, reliability of protection against moisture and cold depends on. In addition, the casing serves as the basis for finishing materials, and in some cases acts as finish coat And responsible for the aesthetic type of building.

The casing gives a framework of a certain rigidity and takes part of the load. This means that one of the main criteria is the mechanical strength of the material for bending and compression, the absence of shrinkage during operation. Walls must maintain the original form, regardless of the surrounding conditions. In addition, the skin must be resistant to moisture, sharp temperature drops, the effects of microorganisms.

Next, you need to pay attention to the ease of installation of the material and its compliance during processing. If you are planned to be planned, this aspect is of great importance, because it depends on it, how much time and effort will be needed to work. The material should be easily reduced to cutting and drilling, but at the same time maintain density on sections, do not crumble, not crack. Well, of course, he must be durable, so as not to change the trim every 10-15 years.

Selection of material

There are several types of materials, to a greater or lesser extent that meet the specified requirements: moisture-resistant plywood, CSP, OSP, cutting board, fiberboard. They have similar characteristics and are widely used in frame construction. To determine the choice, it is worth reading the main properties and features of each of them.

Oriented chipboard (OSP)

The OSP panels rightfully refer to the most popular materials in the arrangement of framework structures. They consist of layers of glued wood chips and chips, and in the outer layers of fibers are located longitudinally, inside - transversely. To fasten the chips, synthetic resins and wax that attach finished slats Water-repellent properties.

Standard production provides for the release of these plates in several categories:

  • OSB-1 is intended solely for the interior decoration of dry rooms with reduced mechanical loads;
  • OSB-2 is applied when installing carrier structures indoors with low humidity;
  • OSB-3 is moisture-resistant plates of high rigidity used in the installation of bearing structures inside and outside the premises.

By the ratio of the quality-functionality - the price is the most optimal is OSB-3, and this material is widely used in private construction for the walls of the walls, the manufacture of carrying partitions, multi-sized formwork when filling concrete structures. The plates are perfectly grinding, cutting, drilling, tightly retain nails even at a distance of 6 mm from the edge. Such a lining can simultaneously serve a decorative coating for the walls, it is enough to treat it with waterproof varnish or paint.

Advantages of OSP:

  • dense structure prevents stratification and splitting material during processing and during operation;
  • plates have elasticity and high strength, perfectly oppose vibrations, compression loads, various deformations;
  • material is resistant to atmospheric effects and temperature differences;
  • OSP is distinguished by resistant to microorganisms, it does not like insects and rodents.


  • very low vapor permeability;
  • combustion;
  • the content of toxic compounds (phenol and formaldehyde).

Main characteristics

Cement-chipboard (CSP)

Represents this material compressed mass of cement M500 and chips (usually coniferous rocks). Standard stove has three layers: exterior consist of fine chips, the inner is made of large. In addition to the main components in the composition of hydration additives, mass fraction which does not exceed 3%. CSP is characterized by resistance to moisture, high strength, long service life. Plates are widely used in private construction, industrial, for work inside and outside the premises.

When the frame is trimmed, such plates serve as a great base for lining, decorative plaster, painting, since they form a perfectly smooth and smooth surface. The material carries 50 cycles of complete friction and thawing without loss of its characteristics, in the future the strength of the plates is reduced by about 10%. Among wood-slab materials CSP It is the leader in ecological and technical indicators.


  • very low hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to mold and other microorganisms;
  • CSPs are not damaged by insects and rodents;
  • the material does not secrete toxic substances;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • fire safety.


  • mechanical processing of plates requires considerable effort;
  • CSP has a great weight compared to other materials;
  • when cutting and drilling, plates formed a lot of shallow dust, so you need to work in the respirator;
  • high price.


Wood-fibrous plates (Fiberboard)

The material is sheets made of compressed chips, as a rule - coniferous rocks. In the process of pressing, the raw materials are strongly heated, which allows to achieve maximum density without use. adhesive compositions. Due to this, the fiberboard refers to environmentally friendly materials, and therefore suitable for outdoor use, and for decoration of residential premises. The chips contains a natural resin, which acts as an antiseptic and protects the plates from mold.

Accordingly, the Fiberboard is visibly inferior to natural lining and OSB, but it is superior to heat and sound insulation properties.

Windproof Plate "Beltermo"

Now in the construction market, the Fiber W is represented by insulating plates of several well-known brands, the most popular of which are "Beltermo" and "Isoplat". To cover the frame house, plates use a thickness of at least 25 mm, thinner sheets are used indoors.


  • low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of installation;
  • the material is not resolve and does not crumble;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to moisture and exposure to microorganisms;
  • the absence of harmful substances in the composition.


  • high price;
  • long stay without decorative finish causes light deformations of sheets;
  • outdoor covering of fiberboard requires the presence of spacer undercut in the framework or rigid inner trim.


Hypus fiber sheets (GVL)

GVL consists of pressed gypsum reinforced by cellulose fibers. Due to high strength, the material is suitable for creating supporting surfaces, so widely used in frame construction. It differs from drywall, with a greater density, homogeneity, lack of a cardboard shell. According to frost resistance, sound insulation properties, as well as resistance to moisture and burning of GWL, also exceeds drywall plates.

Installation of GWL is made frame and frameless way. In the outside of the walls, the first option is used, where the fastening of sheets to carrier racks is carried out by self-draws. The material is easily cutting and drilling, and despite the high weight, quite convenient in the installation. Such a skin serves as an excellent basis for trim and decorative plaster.


  • low hygroscopicity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • the absence of toxic compounds;
  • fire safety;
  • high heat and sound insulation properties.


  • lack of plasticity and fragility when leaf bending;
  • large weight.



Phaneur is made by gluing thin sheets of veneer different breeds Tree (most often coniferous and birch). Sheets are placed perpendicular to each other relative to the location of the fibers, which contributes to the increase mechanical strength Material and increases the resistance to deformations. For external sheaving frameless walls Used Plywood of high moisture resistance, which has a FSF marking. The thickness of the sheets should be from 9-10 mm, a thinner material will not provide the desired rigidity to the frame.

The grades of plywood does not have a special meaning for the skin, and you can use the cheapest unwanted 4/4 grade plates.

From the outdoor side, all defects will be hidden under the hinged facade, so it is no point in overpaying. In compliance with the technology of the skin, the plywood coating will serve for years without losing their qualities.


  • high flexural strength and compression;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • wear resistance;
  • convenience of processing and installation;
  • frost resistance.


  • combustion;
  • content in formaldehyde resins;
  • next to the appearance of chips.


Edged board

Application edged board For the trim is the most economical option. Tree - the material is environmentally friendly, affordable, easy to install. Boards can be stuffing not only horizontally, but also at an angle of 45-60 degrees. To save the material, the attachment of the boards can be performed with a step of up to 30 cm, although more often the trim makes solid. Such a design is perfectly strengthened the framework and is the finished base for a ventilated facade.

In order for the skin to be reliable, the boards are selected with a thickness of at least 25 mm, you can roll, for greater docking density. It is impossible to use a raw lumber: in the process of drying, wood will begin to breed, deformations of the finish coating may appear.


  • wood does not emit harmful substances and has excellent vapor permeability;
  • boards are easy to handle;
  • works do not require large financial costs.


  • flammable material;
  • wood is subject to injury to insects and microorganisms;
  • fitting and fasteners of elements takes a lot of time.

Outdoor technology technology

Installation of plates on the finished frame is carried out on the same technology, regardless of the type of material. Simultaneously with the trim, steam insulation and insulation of walls are performed, and the finish finish can be made immediately at the end of construction or after a while. Consider the installation technology on the example of the frame of the framework of the frame with OSP plates.

The trim can be performed in two ways - with a crate and without it. In the first case, the vapor insulation layer is located between the frame and the OSP, in the second - on top of the trim. The option with the crate is used in cases where the OSP acts as the basis for plaster, painting, or tile cladding, the second method is used, as a rule, when the fan facade is appliance. There are no significant differences in the rest.

Step 1. Start the trim from the corner itself. The first sheet of OSP is applied to the frame racks so that the lower edge completely overlaps low strapping at home. Be sure to control the level of the horizontal. The slate itself is also recommended to put horizontally, and not vertically - it provides structures with greater rigidity. For fastening of the material, galvanized self-tapping screws are used long at least 50 mm. From the edge of the OSP, it is necessary to retreat about 10 mm, the mounting step along the perimeter of the leaf is 15 cm, in the center - 30 cm.

Council. For strong fixation of the plates, the length of hardware should exceed the thickness of the OSP at least 2.5 times. If the solemnity will be included in the frame bar less than 30 mm, under the influence of loads, the casing will begin to break away from the carrier base.

Step 2. The next slab is installed next to the first, leaving the gap of 2-3 mm for the temperature expansion. In the same way, they put the horizontal in the level, screw the trim to the frame guide. The joints of the plates must necessarily come to the middle of the rack, only in this case the mount will be as reliable as possible. Perform fixation of the rest of the plates in a circle, leaving open areas For doorways.

Step 3. The second row of the trim must be mounted with the dressing of vertical seams. Between the lower and upper plates, the same clearance is 2-3 mm. When covering openings, use whole sheets, and not trimming - the smaller the joints, the one is a hermetically trim. Cutouts in sheets are made by an electroll or circular saw by making a pre-markup with an accuracy of a millimeter. The edges of the slices after installing the plates must be perfectly coincided with the lines of openings.

Step 4. The upper plates are installed so as to completely close the upper strapping. If the house has two floors, the inter-storey strapping should be closed by a mid-plate - to dock the PCA on this line can not be in any way.

Gallery 1. An example of building a single-storey skeleton house with decoration of OSP plates

OSB-plates are usually used for facing frame or half-timbered houses. That is why the question of finishing the facade. You can choose a siding siding or cladding with ceramics, but these options are costly and time-consuming. Much cheaper will be staining. For this can be used different means. on the street? This is told in the article.

Why do you need to paint the plates?

To understand whether the OSB-stove is painted, they should be familiar with their composition and appearance. They are easy warm materialwhich is used in the construction of outdoor structures, inland walls and partitions. Panels may differ by stamps, dense products are used for the outside, the marking of which has figures 3 or 4. Since the material is created by pressing wood chips and glue, it turns out to be breathing, environmentally friendly, but it is sensitive to atmospheric influences.

And the sliver when creating the plates is oriented in the extreme parts longitudinally, and in the middle - across the fibers. Because of this, strength and thermal insulation indicators of OSB plates are created. Do I need to paint the OSB-stove on the street? The surface of the material is pleasant and warm to the touch, but has a not quite attractive view. That is why it needs to be painted.

Another cause of the coating special tool It is considered to protect the material, and hence at home, from destruction, moisture, mold, fungi. Although the products are moisture-resistant, but the plots of connections are vulnerable. Therefore, such facades must be painted. Just before that it is necessary to purify the dust, as well as putty and primer. It is important that an excerpt between the procedures. After putty on drying, you need to take at least 12 hours. The same period is provided for complete drying of the primer.


Now there are many types of paints and varnishes. But not every one is suitable for this OSB-stove on the street, it is necessary to determine after studying the properties of paint and opportunities. When buying, it should be borne in mind that the panels by 90% include wood. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the scope of the paintwork.


What to paint an osb plate on the street to make a qualitative result? Alkyd paint Great for these purposes. It is perfectly absorbed into the wood, quickly dries due to the water component. But the disadvantage of funds is associated with this fact.

The paint can be stored at a positive temperature, but in the hardened form it can withstand frost to 30 degrees. The minuses include low levels of resistance to ignitions, alkalis. Alkyd paint is in demand due to:

  1. Absence unpleasant odor, harmful entities.
  2. Fast drying, color preservation over a long period.
  3. Wonderful coverage or opportunity to get smooth surface without flops.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Available cost.


What to paint the OSB plate on the street to protect the material from various influences? Suitable having a polymer component, killers and water. The main property that is required for the outdoor service is considered the ability to create a reliable film.

Acrides have good adhesion and arms. These properties affect the demand of colors for finishing facades. Manufacturers produce mixtures not only saturated shades, but also with different physical characteristics. The surface from acrylic paint is matte and glossy, transparent and deaf. Such mixes:

  1. Quickly dry, very durable.
  2. Used for processing porous, loose surfaces.
  3. Have water and pairs of resistance.
  4. Transfer significant temperature differences.


What to paint the OSB-slab on the street so that the material does not spoil from different influences? Oil paint is classic. Compared to modern mixtures, it is less demanded because it has some harmful properties:

  1. High toxicity. While you need to use
  2. It is necessary for a long time to dry, since the basis for obtaining paints becomes olif.
  3. Experience is required to apply uniformly.
  4. Due to small resistance, it is often necessary to update the surface.

The advantages include excellent absorption to the surface, unpretentiousness to storage. A thick paint can be diluted with olifa.


What isb-stove for high-quality protection at home? Latex paints are used suitable for wood. Conventional water, acrylic resin, latex polymer liquid substance are used to create mixtures. It is with her an ordinary acrylic enamel becomes coloring composition.

The basis of the composition is the polyvinyl, silicone, the remaining additives to improve the characteristics. Facade paints are created to obtain exstruct texture, dense.


If you are interested, the better to paint the OSB-stove, then you should pay attention to the water-level paint. It is used to finish external walls. The tool is suitable for updating concrete and stone materials, which first need to be treated with putty and primer. Water emulsions are divided into:

  1. Silicate. The basis includes liquid potash glass. Paints, resistant to a pair.
  2. Silicone. They have silicone resin and fungicidal additives. After drying, the water does not pass and repel dust, dirt.

The better to paint the OSB-slab outside, each owner solves independently. The above funds are suitable for this work.


These products are considered special, so their processing is performed non-standard. Working surface Smooth may be smooth and somewhat rough. Before finishing the surface should be treated with a special tool.

The edges can be porous, so pigment is absorbed on them in an increased amount, which is why there is uneven color. Eliminate the defect will be put on the exterior work. It will remove the joints, seams, after which the processing of the primer is required. The procedure will improve the grip of the dye with the OSB panels. It also protects against harmful effects.

If there are disadvantages, irregularities during installation, then the entire facade is needed. For outdoor work The paint is applied at least 2 times. The best visual result and more durable surface provides coloring in 3-4 layers.

Options for staining

How to paint OSB-slabs outside? This work can be performed in one of these ways:

  1. A spray gun or spray gun. This method is effective for smooth durable coating. Staining with such a device is performed quickly, but increases paint consumption. In addition, mechanisms are expensive. Use such a method only in windless weather using the respirator.
  2. Painting brushes. Option time-consuming, takes a lot of time.
  3. Rolls apply to accelerate the process. With this tool will work quickly and efficiently update large areas. Used for different mixtures.

Detailed information

The inner surfaces of the OSB plates are treated with a spray. You can take a roller for painting the ceiling by a water-emulsion. In hard-to-reach areas, the means is applied with a brush. When applying the first layer, you need to control uniformity. If we use lacquer on a water basis, then you need to follow, do not deteriorate the plates from moisture. The smears should be performed in one direction.

Before applying the next layer, you need to take breaks for drying the surface. To do this, wait 6-8 hours, the time is determined by the types of paint. Drying should be natural at stable temperature. It is impossible to allow drafts.

The outer part of the house is undergoing negative factors, so it is necessary to choose high-quality paint. Especially carefully need to take the end. Sharp edge Plates should be rounded with a radius of about 4 mm. Then the surface is cleaned from dust and applied primer.

When choosing paint for final finish, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of transparent varnishes. Many are poorly tolerated sun rays. Water paints Often deform the plates. The most suitable will be organic soluble, alkyd, oil products. The principle of operation is the same as indoors. But no less than 3 layers are applied to the facade.


First, it is necessary to touch the locations of OSB plates. The processing of these areas will be positive, but for a while, because during the installation of the house the plates "play" and the putty is cracking and falls out of the seams. This will adversely affect the appearance of the facade. There is another embodiment of narrow sections - the use of decorative linings. They close the seams after the color. They are needed as protection and design element.

Coloring activities are performed from the top of the wall so that the paint does not flow to the drying area. You also need to take into account the weather. Finish is preferable to do with positive air temperature.

It should be remembered that the painted facade during operation is considered unpretentious, but still care. Typically, materials are resistant to effects. Walls need to be placed regularly with washing agentsIf something else does not advise the manufacturer. Do not use brushes with rigid bristles, as it hurts the finish.

Thus, OSB-slabs must be processed. Paint will be affordable and efficient. The house will be reliably protected from various adverse factors.

OSB (OSB) or OSP (oriented-chipped stove) is a modern design material that has become a serious alternative to plywood, chipboard and the widespread use in the construction of frame houses and decoration of buildings and buildings. OSB plates are trimmed with internal and outer walls of rooms, floors and roof. The walls of the walls with OSB plates take place in frame construction, when the stove performs with structural material and serves to enhance the walls of the building, or when it acts as a facade material of concrete, brick or wooden housesWhat is caused by a small price and high strength and durability of the material. In this article we will look at the question: how to fix OSB plate To the wall with the external side.

For mounting OSB Plates to the outer walls, the crate is used for the following purposes:

  • alignment of the wall plane;
  • creating a ventilation gap for insulation under osb slab;
  • preventing the deformation of the plate caused by the bases of the base, especially relevant for OSB plates with a thickness of 9 mm and less.

Fastening OSB plates to the wall over the insulation using the root

The mounting of the slab to the wall is carried out using the root, which is made from a wooden bar, or a metal profile. Installation technologies OSB plates on the wall with wooden crate And doomed from the metal profile are not fundamentally different. When choosing a bar, it is advisable to choose a dry, planed bar 40-50 mm, then it will not turn it and will not lead after drying, which will have a positive effect on the flatness of the whole wall.

For mounting the bar and profile, special metal plates (suspensions) are used to the wall. Before fixing the suspensions, it is necessary to draw vertical stripes on the wall, the distance between which should be twice the width of the sheet, which is subsequent, will provide the joints of the plates right in the middle of the bar or profile and give the opportunity to secure OSB slab in the center along its entire length. After the lines are drawn, the suspensions are fixed along 30-40 cm increments.

Metal suspension is used to fasten the root.
The placed lines are attached suspensions. The suspensions allow you to fix the shap above the insulation.

After that, they laid the insulation and cover it with a membrane that protects the insulation from moisture ingress, after which the lamb is mounted.

It should be noted that the building is not needed outside the building, as it prevents the ingress of wet air into the insulation from the inside of the room, and with outside Building excess moisture should freely go out.

Wall with a doom. The insulation is laid between the shap and the wall.

After fixing the root, you can proceed to the installation of OSB plates. For the walls of the walls, the stove is most often used from 9 to 12 mm thick. If the facade is not mounted on top of the plate, the plate should be moisture resistant. The OSB slab made from a wooden bar of the OSB plate is mounted with nails in a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet. To the crate of a metal profile - on a screw for metal with a length of 10-15 mm longer than the thickness of the sheet of sheet.

With this installation, the lamb weighs over the insulation, and does not create cold bridges in the insulation between the wall and OSP plates. Thanks to this solution, the maximum efficiency of the insulation is achieved. In addition, there is an air gap between the bars of the roasters, through which moisture from the insulation is derived, which also increases its characteristics. More information about the technology of the ventilated facade is in the article :.

Fastening OSB plates to a wooden frame

When building frame houses, the recommendations on the choice of sheets are the same as when the walls are previously elevated. The difference only when the sheets act as a hardness element. In this case, their thickness should be at least 12 mm. The recommended thickness is usually 15-18 mm.

When mounting walls with a wooden frame, two main approaches are used: fastening of OSB sheets to a frame through a doom and fastening of OSB sheets directly to a frame without a crate. Consider both.

How to mount the walls to the frame using the root

When durable plates are mounted on the inside of the wall to the frame, providing good stiffness of the wall design, then the slab can be made outside of the frame and OSP. The breadtife forms air cavities for insulation ventilation and reduces the deformation loads from the frame on the OSP plate.

The insulation is stacked between the frame racks. On top of the racks and insulation, the wind and hydroelectric membrane is fixed, easily skipping moisture. Next is fastened with a doom and her OSB plate.

Installation of OSB plates on wooden frame With a doom.

With this, the execution of the plate can be left without finishing, you can paint them, attach them to attach or secure almost any facade material on them.

When fastening the OSB plates without the use of the root, the maximum stiffness of the wall structure is achieved. In this case, the windproof and waterproof membrane is recommended for the OSB plate, then mount the crate to create the ventzazor and the facade material, such as siding, boards, or decorative panels. The OSB wooden frame frame is attached to the nails with a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet.

The advantage of using nails in front of self-drawing when mounting an OSP from the outside of the house is substantiated by the fact that nails are better tolerated by the deformations of OSB sheets under atmospheric influences.

Installation of OSB on the walls of a frame house without a doom

Among the methods of providing stiffery frame, three methods are considered optimal, which can be combined with each other:

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks inside the house;

Drives between frame racks;

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks outside at home.

When OSB sheets are mounted to the frame racks outside the house, then the lap between sheets and frame racks leads to a decrease in stiffness almost twice. Therefore, to ensure the maximum strength of the design of it, this crate is excluded. Ventzor disappears without a crate, so it is recommended to mount such a crate on top of the OSB sheets. At the OCB, a hydraulic vapor permeable film is fastened, then the crate, and on top of any suitable facade material: siding, professional flooring, wood, facade panels etc.

Technology fastening OSB sheets to a wooden frame without using the root.

The described variant is preferable. But there are other ways. When it is necessary that the OSB sheets are fixed to the racks, the role of the facade, and it is not mounted on top, then the ventilation gap can be organized between the frame racks. For this space between the frame racks is filled with insulation not completely. Leave 2-3 cm for the ventilation gap between the insulation and sheets of the OSB. The hydraulic protective vapor-permeable film is fixed to the frame using the rails. So that these rails remain between racks - on two sides to each rack.

The use of oblique crate is the compromise option. It is placed at an angle of 45 degrees. This contributes to increasing the rigidity compared to the straight cage. To increase the rigidity, boards with a thickness of 25 mm are better suited for such a crate. The board is attached to each frame rack with two nails. In connection with the increased consumption of materials and the complexity of work, this method is extremely rare, therefore there is no statistical information about performance characteristics Built houses.

Oblique doom.

Fastening OSB Plates to Metallic Frame

Fastening is carried out similarly to an option with a wooden frame. When mounting the plates directly to the metal frame, screws are used for metal with a length of 10-15 mm more than the thickness of the OSB sheet.

General Rules for Montage OSB Plates to the Wall

Regardless of the selected method of fastening sheets of OSB general rulesThe observance of which will ensure maximum strength, reliability and durability of the design of the trim.

  • Self-tapping screws should be screwed at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and at least 1 cm from the edge of the plate.
  • Between the bottom plate and the foundation require a gap of 10 mm to prevent water clusters.
  • The plates can not be shy close to each other, 2-3 mm is needed between them, so that the stove can be easily expanding from the drops of moisture.
  • All door and window openings are cut out with a jigsaw or circular saw, but if perfectly smooth joints and rods are needed, then you can come with ready-made sizes and sheets of OSB furniture shopWhere your sheets on the format-cutting machine are opened smoothly and accurately in size for a small fee.

Which side to secure OSB sheets

All sides of the OSB sheets do not differ in composition. But there are differences in the surfaces. Often one side is smooth, and the other rough. In this case, when installing plates on the walls on the outside of the building, sheets are better attached smooth side outward With such an orientation rainwater It will not accumulate in such quantities in the irregularities of the plate. Water helps to accelerate the destruction of the slab. Protection of sheets from the penetration of water contributes to an increase in their durability.

When mounting the plates on the roof under the roof, in turn, the OSB sheets are recommended to have a rough side up so that they do not slip on them to walk during the work on the arrangement of the roof.

When installing the OSB plates in, protected from moisture exposure, the selection of their orientation does not have a significant effect on subsequent operation.

In most cases installation OSB. Sheets outside the house provides for a vent. It moves the air that comes from the bottom of the wall from the surrounding space and comes from above back into the atmosphere. The deaf sealing of ventilations from any of the parties is not allowed. Otherwise, instead of the ven beam, a closed air cavity is obtained.

In the ventilation gap can be penetrated, wasps, mice, small birds and build a socket there, thereby disrupting the characteristics of the wall. Therefore, it is recommended to provide protection, at the stage of its construction or repair.

There are several options for protecting the wall from rodents, birds and insects, consider them.

  1. Protection with metal meshes and sheet metal with fine holes. It is better to use a stainless metal that will not be subject to corrosion. The grid or metal strips are fixed from below and on top of the walls per osp sheets so that they do not affect the appearance of the house.
  1. Paint mesh. It differs from the previous version of low cost and less durability.
  1. Perforated facade material in the lower and top of the wall. For example, in the case of siding, this perforated sofa.

Lattices or grids are mounted at the entrance and outlet of the ventilation gaps.

OSB - oriented chipboard. The material is relatively new, but already actively used in construction and finishing.

finishing with OSB plates. Photo

Pros and Minuses of Osb-Plate

As dignity This material leads the following features:

There are some negative momentsbut they are much less:

  • separate manufacturers do not comply with environmental requirements, which leads to increased allocation of harmful substances;
  • the material is distinguished by weak moisture permeability and vapor permeability, so there is a good ventilation in the premises with such a finish.

Plate OSB. Video

The process of finishing with OSB plates

Often requires a black sheathing of walls with OSB plates. Such a choice of material is explained by the fact that the significant dimensions of the sheets allow to reduce the number of joints. When the installation of OSB plates on the wall is performed. It is necessary to consider a number of parts.

Fastening the plates is carried out so that jackposted in the middle. Between the adjacent elements, the gap leaves about four millimeters, which will compensate for the expansion of the material.

Sheet of OSB hides the bottom putting frame structure. The upper strapping is also hidden, and the top side of the plate is combined with the edge of the strapping. In the case of a two-story building, the installation of OSB plates on the wall will be installed so that they come to the racks and the lower, and the upper floors. This will make the design more rigid.

Window opening in the construction with two floors it is better to decorate a whole sheet, i.e. It cut hole hole in it. As a result, the joints are taken to nearby racks.

So that the roughing of the OSB plates is more convenient and more reliable, it is worth creating additional jumperin the frame. They can be located both horizontally and vertically.

Self-tapping screws or spiral nails, having a length of five centimeters, are used, and four and a half millimeter diameter. These two options are easily combined.

Basic Rules for fasteners of OSB:

wall decoration of OSB plates. Photo

Possible interior decoration of walls with OSB plates. Because they are hard enough, it is possible to smooth out irregularities. Plasterboard is more flexible material and often such irregularity repeats.

OSB for internal partitions

The popular version of the interior decoration of walls with OSB plates is complemented by the arrangement of interroom walls and partitions from this material. Since it is distinguished by the strength and convenience of mounting, many space conversion capabilities appear.

Clipped sheets can be on a wooden frame or metal profilelike plasterboard. But OSB differs in this case from drywall, since it is not deformed under its own weight. This weight is very small, so there is no significant load on the frame. Thanks to the strength and density of the plates, it can be avoided when installing the cracks or the fastening elements.

How to separate the walls from the OSB?

The structure of the oriented chip panels is pronounced wooden, which makes them especially decorative. You can finish the surface of such walls with the most different materials.

The feature of the OSB panels is that they have impregnation from wax, paraffin or any resin. The result becomes a smooth surface. The complexity of the finishing is that the finishing material is difficult to connect with such a slippery surface. In addition, the impregnation substances are capable of a layer of finishing to go to the surface. Avoid such trouble will help primer layer. After drying, the primer can continue the finish of the selected material.

How to separate the floor from OSB?

To finish the floor from OSB, you can use varnish, paint or any floor covering.

Treatment lacquer

The surface of the OSB should be as smooth as possible. If there is roughness, it should be stabbed. The unlocked stove will not be easily in operation and will lose its aesthetics faster. After the level of alignment, the surface of the floor is cleared of dust and dirt, degreases and ground.

Grinding is not needed if laminated OSB sheets were used for flooring.

Varnish is applied in stages in several layers. Colorless transparent compounds can be used or having a color shade.

The disadvantage of the lacquered coating is its sensitivity to synthetic detergents. For cleaning it will be necessary to use special compositions. In addition, scratches often appear on such a surface.

OSB Flooring

Paint is one of the most budget options Floor finishes from OSB. Often, oil paint is selected for such purposes, creating a reliable and eco-friendly coating, permeable for steam and air.

First, the surface of the slabs is spitting, which allows to hide irregularities. After applying, putty performs grinding, which allows you to get a smooth surface.

At the next stage, the primer is applied, which provides more accurate paint. Directly the paint is applied with a roller in two layers. In order not to make a mistake with a tint and check the interaction of paint with the basis, it is pre-applied to a small area.

Laying of decorative coating on the floor from OSB

The third version of the floor finish from the OSB is the laying of an outdoor coating. It can be parquet or laminate, linoleum, tile or other finishing options. The foundation is required to prepare. For this, everything compensation seams Filled with sealant and stall.

If only one sufficiently thick plate of OSB is used as the basis, then the lags are stacked at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters.

A more rational option for creating a base for coating is to use relatively thin sheets, about a centimeter thick. They are placed in two layers, the upper perpendicular to the bottom. Avoid horizontal displacements will help gluing with parquet glue or fixing sheets by self-draws.