Repairs Design Furniture

Liquid marble manufacturing technology. Treatment of finished plates. Description and types of material

An alternative to cement appeared on the construction market, which is not safe for the atmosphere in terms of environmental friendliness. Every year about 2 billion tons of cement produced in the world, with each tona allocates 0.4 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Engineers worked hard on this problem for a long time until the liquid granite was invented - a new word in the production of finishing material. It has many advantages compared to other finishing materials: fire resistance, versatility, quality, safety, strength.


Liquid granite is an artificial liquid stone.

Its advantages are due to the fact that, in contrast, the composition of liquid granite includes purified marble crumbs (80%) and polyester resin (20%). It solidifies when adding an accelerator and hardener to it. In the process of chemical reactions, all harmful substances come out, and in the finished state the product will be environmentally friendly.

Liquid granite can be used in any premises: apartments, offices, schools and so on. As a surface for spraying, they are: wood, stone, metal, porcelain, fiberglass, ceramics, chipboard and fibreboard plates. Products from liquid granite resemble products from natural stonebecause its composition includes a marble crumb, and no longer need to use large pieces of stone. The color range of material is diverse thanks to hundreds of color dyes that allow liquid granite to fit into any room.


  • The color of the soil does not affect the color liquid stone;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • The material is not toxic, odorless;
  • Moisture resistance is achieved by adding a hardener;
  • Does not lose its type over time, durable - the service life of more than 25 years;
  • From the surface it is easy to remove contamination;
  • When temperatures drops, the product from the liquid stone does not lose form and properties.

Components for Liquid Stone:

  • Plasticine;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Chemical resin;
  • Filler;
  • Hardener;
  • Acetone;
  • Calcinitis;
  • Gelkout;
  • Termoklay;
  • Chipboard, fiberboard.

Methods of manufacture

  1. Method of casting - The finished mixture is poured into a special form until complete drying. Then the finished product is removed and carried out processing.
  2. Deposition method - Sprayer to the surface to apply a liquid stone with a layer of several millimeters.

Direct deposition method

The method of direct spraying - a special soil is applied to the workpiece, give it to dry. The sprayer is applied a layer of liquid stone. Grinding and polishing are carried out after drying.

Reverse pollination method

The method of reverse pollination - applies if the workpiece is not part of the furniture. The workpiece is put on the molding surface (chipboard, glass sheet, table) and drive it along the contour. By contour, a side of a chipboard or plastic is installed. It is applied with a layer of anti-adhesive. After it, a liquid stone is sprayed over the surface. When it partially hardens, the ground is sprayed so that the layer of stone does not transluce. The form is obtained where the polyester resin is poured. The product is extracted from the form when it fully solids.

Manufacturing technology

The room in which the manufacture of liquid granite should consist of two rooms. The first room is necessary for direct production, and the second - for grinding the product obtained. The temperature in the rooms should be maintained at 20-24 degrees. Be sure to be ventilation.

The surface preparation begins with removing dirt and dust from it. Before the coating, the surface is washed with water and carefully sucked. All damage, scratches, cracks must be repaired.

Production Stages:

  1. Preparation of the mixture by mixing with a transparent gelcoating drill (polymer resin) with granules in a 2: 1 ratio. The hardener is added before spraying.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the product. There are two ways to apply it: direct spraying and reverse spraying.
  3. Surface finished product Grind and polish.

Application area

Very varied. It is suitable for decorating decor elements, for facing furnaces and fireplaces. It is used for the manufacture of plumbing for bathrooms and toilets, as well as for countertops and other elements of room furniture.

Liquid granite allows you to create various vases, flower potsStatues.

Liquid granite care

So that the liquid granite joined the eye for a long time, it is necessary to care for him.

  1. You should not cut food on the surface covered with liquid granites, otherwise scratches will appear. They can be repaired, but it will lead to a rapid wear of the surface.
  2. On the tabletop with a coating of liquid stone you can not put hot mugs, plates, pots and other dishes. High temperature can damage the surface. In washing from this material, too, you can not pour hot water. Temperature should not exceed 80 degrees, and not lower than -50.
  3. Cleaning the surface follows a soft towel or a sponge without an abrasive layer. To coating longer served, polyrolol can be used.
  4. Washings from liquid granite can be cleaned by means containing chlorine. This will contribute to updating the appearance. If the surface is matte, then it is better to use cleaners in the form of a gel. They are applied for a few minutes, then washed off with a sponge.


  • Granito-Farfalla.- A company engaged in the production of tabletops, window sills from liquid granite. Product quality is provided by materials and equipment from well-known world manufacturers. The company constantly seeks to improve technologies, improving technical performance.
  • "GRANITE" - a company producing a decorative filler Granistone for the production of liquid stone and ready to use the liquid composition of Aquagranit, made of polyester isophthalic resin and acrylic.
  • "Liquid granite" - the company for the production of countertops, window sills made of artificial stone, wall panels And overlays for doors under granite.

  • MasterComposit. - manufacturer of coatings and artificial stone products using Granistone technology.
  • Colgran. - The company produces liquid polyester stone 150 colors.
  • Hi-Macs. - Manufacturer - LG Corporation produces a stone consisting of 70% natural materialsThe basis is acrylic resin.

Products made of liquid stone have a beautiful attractive view, varied by color solutions and software They are perfectly combined with any finishing materials. Quality, safety and strength complement the list of advantages of this material.

Production of liquid granite products: video


When leaving the liquid granite, how and it should be responsibly approaching the choice of cleaning agents, otherwise it is quickly extended and deformed. Another disadvantage of the use of the stone is the low degree of grip of the resin with the surface, so bubbles and detachalies can appear. To prevent this, you do not need to handle the surface. Unreasonably the overestimated price of stone is a drawback for buyers. Manufacturers overestim it, referring to the time of manufacture, harmful working conditions and labor costs.

I suggest as domestic business Very interesting, real and at the same time accessible to each technology.

As an epigraph:

Surprise found that Egyptian pyramids, stellas, monuments and others were built on such technology. architectural facilities. Therefore, no firm, be it so-called the creators of Shock, Corian, etc., can not claim copyright. Art belongs to the people.

For a test sample, Redont-3 was used. It is a raw material in dentistry for the manufacture of bases.

His counterparts and fluorox. But these materials are convenient only for samples, since they are produced in a small package (250g.) And a little more expensive compared to technical AST-T, Butakryl. And they can be freely to buy in dentamators, and sometimes even in a pharmacy. AST-T and Butakryl are sold in a minimum package of 5kg powder and 5l fluid. Those. To acquire experience and skill, it is possible to practice on small volumes. As a filler, I used finely stuffed crushed stone (up to 4mm). Can be used

conventional sand, painted crushed stone and sand. Plastics data are also used to make molds for casting from polyethylene, etc.

You can make a table, or a door, or a tombstone monument. Frame made of iron appropriate form. Well, let's say for the table meter on the meter you made a frame with internal size meter per meter. It is desirable that this framework has been detachable for the convenience of getting the finished product. The inner part of the frame is milling for the profile that you want to give the edge of the table. And most importantly is well polished. This frame is to bed on the glass. Glass should be very perfectly proteos. Because on the contamination of the casting with glass is formed perfectly transparent and smooth glossy surface. And even the usual fingerprint sticks to the casting. Then the mixture of material with a crushed stone or the filler is poured into the frame, which you choose. In the amount of crushed stone can not be shy. The more - the smaller the material consumption. Next - again the cheapening of the product - invest in a flooded frame plate chipboard The corresponding size, but slightly less from the frame, so that this stove is also covered by the material also in the edges. You give an hour to dry and heat the warm air. After half an hour, everything finally hardens.

If you made a form of polyethylene or gypsum, the resulting product will have to polish. But my advice to you - on the glass it turns out such a cool casting, which is not accomplished by a single polishing. If there has been damage to any type on the finished product - do not despair. Divide a little more material and pour damage. This material itself is so holistically connected that it becomes monolith again.


Products from acrylic plastics are well glued. As glue, crushed solutions are used organic glass 2-3% in dichloroethane, icy acetic acid, chloroform, etc.


Staining acrylic plastics is done by mixing in the ball mill of powder with pigments of the corresponding colors. When applying fat-soluble dyes, the latter are dissolved in the liquid acrylic plastics. Painting of finished products produce ready-made varnishes, oil colors, enamels, etc. ordinary methods.

Mechanical restoration.

Products made of acrylic plastics are treated with winding, milling, drilling, grinding, polishing, etc. methods.

Information on safety and industrial equipment.

Martium marble

From the point of view of chemistry, polymerbeton is a cured high-filled polyester resin (18-21% resin and 78-81% of quartz sand or other inert mineral filler). By conclusion finnish company Neste Chemicals Protective-decorative coating of artificial stone products performs all the requirements required for use on the street and indoors.

Paving slabs made of cast marble, laid on an experienced section of 11IZB in 1967, and the pavement laid out in the same years in Brest FortressThere are still in good condition to this day.

In Central Asia from 1962 Facing from artificial marble of hydrotechnical rods, subjected to a strong effect of discharged (60-80%) annual flow and bottom nansions (40-100 thousand m3 of the nanos). In intermediate periods, cladding is subjected to atmospheric effects and high solar radiation.

One of the directions of application of artificial stone are plumbing products.

Almost all over the world, you can meet the elements of facades and roofs, window sills, window openings, staircases, railing, countertops, washbasins, bathtubs, toilet bowls made of artificial marble.

Additional information on the topic Search by keywords: shock, corian and cast marble

Artificial marble Very popular thanks to its excellent qualities. With this material, you can perform a decoration of the room in a variety artistic styles. It is also used to make a variety of interior details. From such a stone are produced not only kitchen table topsBaths and window sills, but also created sculptures.

Production and varieties of artificial marble

The technology of manufacturing artificial marble is quite simple.

For the production of material required special equipment:

  • filling forms;
  • powerful mixer;
  • spray;
  • brushes.

Pouring tanks are made with polyurethane rubber. Such forms are durable and do not change their form in the process of making artificial marble.

The material casting technique is divided into several key steps:

Structure finished products Depending on the components included in the mixture prepared for casting.

Several types of artificial stone are produced, such as molding, rapid and flexible marble. They are distinguished by their structure and applications.

Martium marble

Cast marble is completely safe Material, Made with solid polyester resin and mineral filler by casting. Its surface is covered with a decorated protective layer of gelkuty.

The reason for the increased relevance of such an artificial material is its explicit similarity with natural stones, such as granite, marble, onyx, jasper and malachite. The wide range of injection marble is explained by its numerical advantages, it for example:

Along with excellent features, the material has some drawbacks. The injection marble cannot be subject to sudden change in temperature and cleaning abrasive materials.

It is not allowed to throw very heavy items on the surface of the products.

Composite elements of this type of artificial stone are extremely safe natural components.

Merchant marble includes gypsum mixturewhich is toned in any color with natural coloring substances, which gives the product a characteristic picture. A glue liquid is added to the gypsum mass, which is covered by the base. With the help of grinding and polishing, a shiny mirror surface is created.

Merchant marble has a glossy or matte coating and is the most beautiful artificial material.

The obvious advantages of such a stone are:

  • low weight;
  • high impact resistance;
  • ability to maintain color for decades;
  • accurate imitation natural stone;
  • high material strength;
  • ability to absorb excess moisture.

Merchant marble is completely harmless to humans and is manufactured for use in such directions:

  • interior decoration of buildings;
  • facade design;
  • architectural elements;
  • constructions in landscape design.

Merchant marble has the ability to improve the microclimate in the room, absorbing unnecessary moisture and returning it with high dryness.

The view of the rapid marble is completely different from the real natural marble. The technology of manufacturing such material helps reproduce copies of any stones.

When mixing components, you can use a different color palette and create the new kind Stone for any interior.

Flexible (liquid) marble

Flexible marble is a newly invented finishing material, which consists of marble crumbs and acrylic polymers. This artificial stone is used for cladding columns, arches and other structures of an unusual form.

Flexible marble has a considerable number of positive characteristics:

  • resistance to temperature differences;
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • ease.

Flexible marble is a facing coating of three millimeters thick, which is easily cut by scissors and is placed on the surface of a seamless smooth layer. The product is produced in different color variations with a variety of patterns on the surface and has an indistinguishable external structure from natural natural stone.

With the help of such an environmentally friendly material, you can perform any design inside the building, creating a unique exquisite interior design.

How to make an artificial marble yourself?

At home, artificial marble is made according to production technology. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare all the materials and equipment required for work.

Expensive forms for pouring (matrix) can be replaced by any suitable plastic tanks, plaster, wood or plastic. The pallet with folding sides is made of wood.

The pouring solution can be prepared with different components of the base. Before selecting components, it is necessary to determine what the material is intended for. The recipe for existing mixtures for artificial marble at home has several options:

Making an artificial marble at home, it is necessary to start with a small kneading, making the product for sample initially. By quality ready sample You can determine which components for the solution, and in what proportions are best used.

To the finished product happened good quality, It should be properly cooked a mixture for filling:

  • all components are thoroughly mixed by forming a homogeneous mass.
  • the water is in phastenably introduced: first most of the volume, and after stirring - the rest of the portion;
  • dyes are added at the end to create of real imitation marble.

Cooking the solution should be immediately before the fill, since the mixture diluted with water is quickly frozen.

In order to independently create artificial material Need:

Artificial marble is a unique replacement for expensive natural stone. With the help of this universal material You can perform any facing work, giving a new unique appearance to any facilities.

Marble is considered one of the most attractive materials From the point of view of aesthetic and technical and operational qualities. However, the use of this stone is accompanied by difficulties in processing and transportation. And this is not to mention the high cost of a natural mineral. Actually, the same situation is observed with a number of other breeds, among which granite. Get rid of such drawbacks allow the production of artificial analogues. In particular, the injection marble is different affordable price and makes it even at the production stage to obtain the necessary form of the final product. It may be the subject of the interior, purely decorative element Garden decoration or facing panels. Of course, it is not necessary to talk about full similarity with the natural prototype in the case of composite materials, but according to the main characteristics, imitation justifies itself.

What is a molded marble?

This material that is created on a polymer basis with the inclusion of fillers. The production technology itself implies ample opportunities to change the aesthetic properties of this stone. Compared to natural marble, the composite analogue makes it possible to use any color shades, not limited to the size of the product. It should also be noted the difference from the classical production technology artificial stones. In contrast to the materials created with the use of cement, the injection marble implies the use of polymers as a binding additive. Thanks to this technological features High performance properties are achieved. Among them are: monolithium, moisture resistance, optimal thermal conductivity, etc.

Manufacturing technology

Despite the provision of a wide range of positive qualities, the technological process of manufacturing marble is quite simple. Enterprises use special forms of matrices for this purpose, in which a pre-prepared raw material base is located. The formation of the final product occurs by casting - the container is filled with a mixture with filler and additives, which further solidifies. In this case, there are several techniques for which molded marble is made. Technology B. standard scheme It assumes the use of polyester resins. By making this component at the output, a product is obtained that can be used in the design of a home environment. It is on this technology that the details and full-fledged interior objects are made. In practice, the peculiarity of injection marble is felt even with the usual touch - the material gives heat. This quality features a stone from natural marble and granite.

Forms for products

Much as an implementation technological process It depends on the used tooling, the main element of which is the mentioned form, that is, the matrix. There is a ready-made equipment on the market, but in most cases manufacturers buy matrices for special order. The fact is that molds for molding marble determine what the final product will be. Therefore, it does not matter about the standards of execution of such a equipment - each manufacturer seeks to make its products unique, therefore, and sketches of matrices are developed as author with unique size and texture. Another thing is that in each case there are high requirements for the material manufacture of forms. The composite material is usually used, similar to the characteristics with plastic, but, of course, is much stronger and more durable.

Raw materials for molding marble

In addition to the form, such products are distinguished by the composition. The standard set of components provides for the introduction of filler, polyester resin and gelcoat. The basis is the filler, which, by the way, is the most affordable component of the raw material set. Usually, this mixture component is a stone or concrete waste. As for the gelcoat, it refers to specialized additives. Thanks to this element, high strength and moisture resistance is achieved - the properties that high-quality injection marble possesses. The production of material also provides for the introduction of polyester resins. This is an important component, at the expense of which the product acquires the durability of the structure and optimal viscosity indicators.

Products based on injection marble

The flexibility of the manufacturing process allows you to diversify the forms and dimensions of the products obtained. For this feature, the material and appreciates lovers of the original design solutions. Experts allocate three main directions in which manufacturers of this product work. The first group includes materials designed for cladding: tile, facade panels, Stone boards, etc. The second group represent products from molded marble in the form of interior accessories and furniture items. It can be countertops, vases, candle holders, kitchen surfaces and other objects. However, the greatest interest in real connoisseurs of cast marble cause products that are issued stair structures. Manufacturers form entire series in which you can find steps, handrails, balustrades and other accessories.

Features of industrial molding marble

This kind of artificial marble is also called polymer concrete. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of decorative qualities and increased properties of vibration and chemical resistance. These characteristics and determined the scope of use of the material. It is usually used in structures demanding to protect against physical influences. In particular, the injection marble of industrial use is used in the manufacture of platforms for machine tools and equipment, tanks for chemical compositions, breakwater, drainage structures, etc. I must say that in durability and impact resistance, this material greatly exceeds traditional concrete structures.


Domestic enterprises are still mastered this technology, relying on the experience of foreign companies. However, on the market you can find quite good quality products. High level The technical and operational indicators of their products demonstrate such manufacturers of molding marble as Sanola, Avstrom and Decorlit. Also a rich assortment offers Royal Cream Stone, which has its own enterprises in Kazakhstan and Europe. The feature of proposals from these manufacturers is the possibility of cooperation on individual ordersThat allows you to purchase unique in the form and texture execution of a cast marble product.

It is also worth noting that the manufacture of marble on casting technology is available to both private craftsmen. Purchase of raw materials is a minimal share of the total cost of the product. According to some calculations, standard sizes The table top has a cost of 500-600 rubles. Of course, for its manufacture, in addition to raw materials, special equipment will also be required in the form of the same matrix. Therefore, it should be counting on such an enterprise only in the case of regular use of technology.

Finishing work using natural stone is a very expensive pleasure. Pick up the natural marble of the corresponding tone is quite problematic. It is not very difficult to master the production of artificial marble. Important moment In the manufacture of artificial marble - a properly made form for casting.

In fact, artificial marble, the manufacturing technology of which is set forth in this article is an alloy of acrylic resins and mineral fillers. Such material has sufficient strength, and in the manufacture of artificial marble with its own hands, it can be given the necessary form. It can be a tabletop in the kitchen or for a bar rack, steps, washing, sink or original vase for garden.

Composition and special properties of artificial marble

The main component of molded marble is polyester resin and pigment mineral dyes and hardeners. Having mastered the mixing methodology, you can get divorces and stains, practically not distinguishable from stains and residences on natural marble.

  1. The material is not a combustible and dielectric, i.e. does not conduct electricity, so you can use it for any finishing works with no restrictions. Resistance to alkaline preparations and chemical solvents contributes to its hygienicness and allows you to use as tabletops and kitchen sinks.
  2. The composition of the molded marble has a homogeneous structure, does not resolve, resistant to corrosion and environmentally friendly material. Outer surface Martyr marble - gelcoat, has decorative - protective functions. A polyester resin is used as a filler, mixed with mineral colorful crumbs and pigment dyes. A hardener is added to obtain durable mass.
  3. More simple methods The manufacture of artificial marble suggests the use of cement as a filler - concrete mixes and crushed stone. Often, pebbles are used, quartz fine crushed stone and tinted sand.

Making artificial marble technology with concrete filler

This method is very simple and affordable, both by manufacturing technology and costs. Due to this, this method is widely popular. Countertops I. kitchen boards Different with high strength, and in the manufacture of environmentally friendly materials are used.

  1. First of all, you will need a form (matrix) from polyurethane, plastic, plaster or other suitable material. You can make a frame from a corner or tree, and make the bottom of the glass. It is important that the surface of the casting shape is perfectly smooth and dry, and the frame is detachable, for the convenience of seizure of the finished product. The form can be ordered in the workshop, but it is quite expensive.
  2. The inner surface of the shape is labeled with gelkuet. Gelcoat differ in color and use environment. Choose moisture-resistant gelkout and only after its final misses, you can fill the shape of a concrete or gypsum solution - filler. As a plasticizer, the filler uses a handed lime or clay.
  3. Prepare filler for the bulk of the product. To do this, mix the sand and cement in the 2: 1 ratio, add crushed stone or pebbles as a filler. Mix thoroughly, preferably in a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass. In different sectors of the container with the filler, uneven portions, a pigment dye is added and mixed before creating residences and stains.
  4. The form is exhibited in a strictly horizontal position and the mass of artificial liquid marble is poured into it in small portions. Make sure that all the empties of the matrix are filled. Surplus the solution is removed by a spatula, cover the fill on top polyethylene film. Depending on the thickness, artificial marble dries from 24 hours in vivo and at a plus temperature. The fusion plate is extracted from the form, processed grinding machine and transparent politico.

Polyester-based marble

This method is somewhat more expensive, but the result is a beautiful texture. exterior coating. The material is very durable and lightweight, resistant to external mechanical and chemical impacts.

  1. The first option is preparing polymerbeton. 20-25% polyester resin and 80-75% filler takes. In this capacity, you can use quartz sand or other neutral colored mineral, finely interpreted into the crumb.
  2. In the second case, instead of a polyester resin, a mixture of butakryl with AST-T in the 50x50 ratio and add 50% rubble or quartz sand is possible. Coloring is made by pigments on an acrylic basis.
  3. The form is filled and the spatula is recreated over the surface of the matrix. As a filler, you can use a chipboard board, cut by 5 cm less contour of the form. It is pressed into the mass, and the speaking surpluses are spilled along the back of the casting.
  4. The deceived and hardened product is covered from the form and it can be easily processed. It can be grinding, drilling and other mechanical processing.

Making artificial marble from plaster

The manufacture of artificial marble from plaster at home is the process available and does not require special costs.

  1. To begin with, water is prepared, dry gypsum is added to it, carbon black and dissolved in the turpentine hot tub, resin. Acrylic dyes or pigment are added to the thoroughly stirred mixture and stirred before obtaining divorces and streaks.
  2. To obtain the dairy color of artificial marble, by 200 grams of white humilks, add 1000 technical alcohol and 50 dry gypsum. Orange Gumilax is taken for brown or coffee tone. Aniline paint is used to obtain a black politician.
  3. Liquid mass is poured into a plastic or polyurethane form. To remove excess water and faster setting, the mass is superseded with dry plaster. After 8 - 10 hours, the product can be removed from the form. To create a waterproof facial surface, it is treated with silica cells.
  4. It can be immersed in the bath or richly rinse with a brush on both sides. After drying, the surface is polished with a soft felt or a similar abrasive agent with the addition of the genuine shade. The surface is processed until the perfectly smooth mirror surface is obtained.