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Houses from glued bars company technology. Finnish houses from glued timber: Main advantages. Houses from glued timber video

Against the background of other wood building materials for the construction of the walls of the house, the glued bar can rightly be called the best. These products have many advantages that make houses from this material are durable, warm, durable and environmentally friendly. The construction technology of the house from the glued bar is quite simple, so this way of construction can be chosen for self-erection of the house. In the process of work, you will not need construction equipment, which is an additional advantage. You can also save on the arrangement of the foundation, because the light wall material will not heat the base strongly.

Production features

If you decide to make an independently glued bar, production technology requires specialized equipment. Without it, make it yourself such a material will not work.

The technique of making wood glued material includes several stages:

  1. Before the manufacture, careful sorting of wood is performed. Only high-quality raw materials are selected. Wood is chosen taking into account, varieties, breeds, sizes and other important characteristics.
  2. Next wood is subjected to sawing and drying. The material is saw on the board of a certain size. The thinner there will be a workpiece, the better it can succumb. Drying products is performed in special chambers with modern equipment. The material is dried to the specified humidity indicator under continuous equipment control.
  3. Control and calibration. Next, the dried blanks are careful and calibrated. This can be performed both on special equipment and visually workers. As a result, the defective boards are deleted.
  4. Formation of lamellae. This stage consists of two stages. First of all, the dried material is sent to the machine, where areas with defects are cut out of it. After that, the board is cut into thin lamellas that split in length.
  5. Next, the workpieces are processed by antiseptic compositions to protect against rotting, damage to fungus and mold, as well as impregnate with antipirens to increase their refractory and resistance to environmental factors.
  6. After that, the billets are lubricated with special waterproof glue and depart under the press. As a result, under pressure, the adhesive composition penetrates into the pores of the wood and gluits the lamellas together. The total number of lamellae in one bar can be 2-5 and depends on the required thickness of the product. The final thickness of the bar can reach 250 mm.

Important: In the process of producing a bar, only high-quality harmless glue is used, which meets all safety standards. In addition, the adhesive used should not interfere with the natural "breathing" of wood.

  1. The last stage of the manufacture of timber will be its profiling. Now the timber is cut in length to the desired dimensions, after which it is sent to the machine, on which castle compounds are cut in the form of spikes and grooves. These grooves and spikes are precisely fitted in size and fit without gaps and cold bridges. Thanks to this lock when laying a bar, a hermetic compound is obtained that does not require the use of a ribbon interventory insulation.
  2. To protect the product from mechanical damage or contamination of the surface, it is packaged before storing or delivery to the trading network.

Usually, the bilayable timber is made from the wood of one breed. But in some cases, lamellas of more expensive wood species are used to increase its aesthetic attractiveness as two outer layers. Such products are more expensive than glued timber from one variety of wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

The glued bar, the manufacturing technology of which is described above, has its pros and cons. Among the positive qualities of this building material, thanks to which it is so popular, it is worth lifying the following:

  • Qualitatively dried and sliced \u200b\u200bblanks well absorb various protective compounds. Thanks to this, the finished product and the entire construction is reliably protected from the negative effects of weather factors, moisture, damage by microorganisms, insects, as well as less susceptible to fire.
  • Thanks to the special technology of manufacturing and cutting locks, it is possible to achieve the maximum dense and hermetic connection of individual wall elements. There are no gaps and bridges of cold in the design of the walls, so your home will always be warm, which will allow you to save on heating. You will receive additional savings in the construction at the expense of you, then you will not need an interventic insulation. In addition, a dense and even connection of the elements, as well as the absence of the insulation sticking out of the gaps, will profitably affect the appearance of the house.
  • The technology of manufacturing a bar contributes to the preservation of all the positive qualities of wood, due to which a favorable microclimate is formed in the house, the humidity and temperature indoors are regulated.
  • Thanks to the chamber drying technology, well-dried wood practically does not give a shrinkage, so after the construction of the box at home does not need to make a long pause on the shrinkage before starting finishing work and settled in the house.

Attention: Shopping houses from glued wood material according to technological standards should not exceed 1.5%.

  • A beautiful smooth surface of a bar allows you to do without any finish of the house, which will allow you to save significantly.
  • The bearing capacity of the glued bar is much higher than that of whole wood products. This is much better than an ordinary profiled bar, a rounded and unprocessed log.
  • Size stability. This material is not afraid of moisture and temperature drops, long static loads, freezing and thawing. It does not respond to all these factors with deformations, drying, cracking and changes in geometric shape and sizes.
  • Through the glued material, it does not occur through cracks, therefore the thermal insulation characteristics of such a bar are higher than other products from the wood array.
  • Since in production it is possible to prepare glued bar, the dimensions of which will be exactly fitted under the future building, in the process of assembly, waste will be minimal or equal to zero. This helps reduce the estimated cost, speeds up the construction process and saves money to pay if the house will decorate the hired brigade.

Among the shortcomings of glued products should be called such moments:

  • The weight of the glued timber is slightly higher than that of conventional wood products. However, an increase in the specific gravity is not critical, therefore it will in no way affect the manufacture of the foundation.
  • Buy glued elements is only in a reliable proven manufacturer, since you cannot monitor the manufacturing process. Unfair manufacturers enjoy this and use low-quality glue either wood with marriage, they can also work on outdated equipment, which will affect the quality of the product.

Bruus laying technology

The construction technology from the glued bar is no different from the installation of any wooden house. You can make a lightweight foundation by choosing a small-breeding tape base, a pile-screw or column design. After that, horizontal waterproofing of the base is performed. For this, two layers of rubberoid on bitumen mastic are stacked.

After that, adhere to the following sequence of installation:

  1. The fondation is stacked by a lining board from larch. It is necessarily exposed to antiseptic processing. The board is leveling in terms of level. Thanks to this chalkboard, it turns out to protect the dear bar of the first crown from the destructive impact of moisture and rot.
  2. Next, proceed to laying the first bold crown. First, two bars are stacked on the opposite walls, and then the elements on the adjacent walls are mounted in the grooves. To perform a bustling crown, it is worth choosing the most durable, high-quality products of a large cross section.
  3. The angular connection of the elements can be performed in different ways - "in the paw", "in the bowl", "in Polterev", that is, with the remnant or not. The very warm compound is obtained with an angular laying on the principle of the Canadian bowl. As a result, all elements are reliably connected in one design without cold and purge bridges.
  4. The first bar is attached to the foundation using anchor bolts that are inserted into the pre-drilled holes.
  5. Laying the following elements. Castle compounds of all rows are joined on the principle of "groove spike". It is necessarily insulation of the elements of the angular connection of the elements.
  6. If there are no grooves for the insulation in the clusters, it can be put directly on the bowl of the underlying element in the area of \u200b\u200bthe angular connection.
  7. After laying each subsequent row of timber, they perform their press. The width of the interventovation clearance should be no more than 1 mm. He closes after a shrinkage of the building.
  8. Every three crowns make additional fixation with the help of aging - long wooden elements. They will attach additional sustainability and protect them from twist.
  9. Also, the crowns are additionally tightened with studs to eliminate the formation of interventical gaps after shrinkage to buildings.
  10. The process of mounting the roof runs the same as during the construction of the house from other wood materials.

In front of any person decided to acquire their own housing, first of all, the difficult question arises: What to build a house from? And although many materials are presented on the market for the construction of cottages - wood and to this day occupies a leading position.

But modern construction conditions dictate their special requirements for the material. And if the chopped or brusade houses have long been known for a long time, the cottages built from the glued bar appeared on our market relatively recently.

So, users get acquainted with this article, learn:

  • On technology for the production of glued timber;
  • On the advantages of houses from glued timber;
  • On the features of the assembly of houses from glued timber.

Among the main advantages of the glued timber can be allocated:

  • Compared to a conventional tree, the glued bar is characterized by a higher strength, as well as it is warmer than a regular bar;
  • The glued bar has a clear geometry, which makes it easier and speeds up the process of building the house;
  • The house of glued timber is susceptible to the minimum shrinkage - 1-2% per meter of the wall, which allows immediately after the construction of a house to make a laying of communications and interior decoration of the premises;
  • Thanks to the factory fire - biosecurity glued bar is highly resistant to fire, mold and fungi;
  • The walls of the house built from glued timber do not need internal and exterior decoration.

The main lack of glued timber can be attributed to the high price at the initial stage of construction.

Features of the production of glued timber

In order to tell in detail about the features of the glue bar, first need to understand how it is produced.

Company Development Director "Cedar Manor" Maria Markova :

- First, raw materials - high-quality logs falls on the production, where it is cut to the lamella and rejected the material unsuitable for further use. Next, the sawn material will be dried from the week. After drying, the lamellas fall on the rush, where all irregularities and roughness are removed from them. Then the lamellas glued together and put under the press, where the slats are finally formed into the bar and pass finish stroke. The resulting barrier of the bar is sent to the machine where the profile is cut.

To dispel doubts of some developers, it should be noted the environmental friendliness of the houses from the glued timber, as it uses water-based adhesive as a ligament for lamellae, which does not contain formaldehyde.

In the process of manufacture of glued timber, there is another important point to which you want to pay attention - antiseptation.

This fire is biososhtics, which reduces the level of fire by 15-20%, and also protects the material from all sorts of pests.

Antiseptation produced in production allows the solution to all 4 surfaces of the bar, which ensures better material protection.

Basic glued bar profiles

To understand why the glued bar is well kept warm in the house and provides windproof, it is necessary to know that there are three main profiles of glued bar.

  1. Comb;
  2. Flat;
  3. Two or three toothed.

The peculiarity of the first profile is that due to the numerous teeth, it does not require laying the interventional insulation, and protects the wall from blowing well.

The second is the so-called Finnish profile, more lung in the laying, but requires an additional gasket in the form of an interventory insulation.

Three toothed profiles are considered the most versatile, since its broad teeth facilitate the process of laying a bar and create protection against purge.

It should be remembered that the glued bar is in addition to a variety of profiles differ in height. The most common options are: 140 mm and 190 mm.

The low timber is more convenient in laying and installation, as weighs less wide, but the house, folded from the low-profile timber looks outwardly, is not so winning and solid as the structure erected from a higher bar.

Advantages of houses from glued timber

According to the manager, the company "DDM-STROY" Faith Vavilova , The main advantages of houses from glued timber can be attributed.

- Since glued bar, is the only dry construction material for today, due to this, the glued bar gives a minimal shrinkage, it does not lead it and does not twist, the walls do not form large slots. This makes it possible immediately after mounting the walls to install - roof, windows, doors, make finishing and carry out engineering systems. At the end of all work, you can get furniture and enjoy life in the ready-made home.

Unlike glued timber - log house, collected from a regular bar, giving shrinkage to the year-two under the temporary roof, and only then you can mount the roof, make the finish and carry out engineering.

The walls of the glued bar do not require additional insulation, trim and other improvements, like houses from the material of natural humidity. Houses from the glued bar have no need to conduct an external and internal finish. It is enough to paint the walls.

Thus, at home from the glued bar is much easier to operate than the houses from the tree of natural humidity. It should not be caught, changing the trim over time and eliminate the consequences of a strong shrinkage. All this - saves the means and time developer.

Features of assembling houses from glued timber

Since all the details of the future house are numbered in advance at the manufacturer, the construction of the house from the glued bar resembles work with the designer.

Maria Markova:

- At the very end of the production cycle, an antiseptic glue bar is already stacked in packs. And with each bundle there is a accompanying document where all the details are spelled out for further transportation to the object.

This approach allows you to quickly and in complete preservation to deliver the necessary parts for construction, which significantly stakes and simplifies the installation process of the house.

So what are the features of the technology of assembling houses from the glued timber?

Specialist Corporation "Good Wood" Dmitry Prussakov :

The best solution to the binding of bars of mating walls is the "Profile and Cup": they are killed in a bar in the factory. The profile has a bundle of Schip - Paz.

The spike is most closely inserted into the groove. The spike-groove connection alternates in each next chub wedge. It provides the entire design necessary hardness.

Between themselves, the crowns are joined with coppids. Begroes are placed in pre-drilled special holes. Aged wooden and metal. It is preferable to use wooden bells, since it is performed from the same material as the timber, therefore, the wall is almost monolithic. It is important that they begged were absolutely dry during installation. In this case, when the level of humidity of the timber and pin levels, the heater will slightly hesitate and will be tightly, which increases the strength of the hitch.

Although the cabbage from the glued timber almost does not give precipitation to avoid the slightest appearance of the slots, metal studs are inserted into the power portion, which are consequeled to each other, forcing the wints to a dense contact.

Maria Markova:

- A jute canvas is most often used as an interventory insulation.

Due to this material, it is possible to prevent the appearance of the gap after the shrinkage of the house.

Heat loss of houses from glued timber

Houses from glued bar do not require additional insulation. For year-round operation of the house, it is necessary to choose the thickness of the material in advance, calculated on the temperature conditions in the construction area.

Dmitry Prusakov:

Designers and technologists periodically conduct thermographic surveys of constructed houses, using thermal imaging.

These surveys prove high rates of thermal insulation of houses from glued timber.

Thus, choosing a glued bar as a building material, the customer receives a ready-made heat outline - which does not need additional insulation, which allows, reduce the estimation for construction.

However, if you sacrifice the external aesthetics of the brusade house, for year-round living, you can build the walls of a smaller thickness, and to compensate for the heat loss to make an external warming with facing. In this case, the insulation thickness will be determined on the basis of the selected facing material and the construction region.

By submitting the result, it can be said that the cottage built of glued timber is a high-tech construction that requires a high culture of production and personnel qualifications.

And high initial material costs are compensated by the speed of building the construction and reduction of warming costs and the finishing of the house, which ultimately allows you to get an environmentally friendly, stylish and modern dwelling in a short time.

Learn more about the construction of a house from glued bar Users can from this on our forum. Our forumchanin tells in detail about the process of independent construction of the house from the glued bar. IN this video It is clearly described about the approach of the developer to erect the house from the glued bar. And watching it video You will learn what the high-quality glue bar differs from poor quality.

The use of glued bar in construction makes it possible to build not only temporary housing, and full-fledged houses. Buildings from such material have high strength and absolutely safe for health.

After all, the glued timber is a natural material that meets all modern environmental requirements. To build a house, it does not need hard technique, as the assembly occurs quite easily and quickly. In this case, the appearance of the building is attractive. That is why the construction of houses from the glued timber began to be used so often in the construction of comfortable country houses and country houses.

Such buildings are also attractive as relative low cost. But the house has high heat engineering parameters and sufficient durability. To get a high-quality housing from the glued timber, you should only keep the technology and construction stages.

This will require:

  • ladder;
  • stairs;
  • instruments;
  • material for electrical work;
  • tubes for communications;
  • wood for crate;
  • roofing material;
  • waterproofing material;
  • insulation;
  • material for foundation;
  • fasteners;
  • glued bar.

Project House

You need to consider different options for houses from glued timber. It is worth choosing a finished project, which takes into account your capabilities and wishes. Houses from the glued bar build and produces a company "House-Stroy", so it will choose from what. And you can collect the house yourself. You need to prepare first plot, align and place the borders of the house.

The project of the house should contain all architectural features of the house: roof type, type of foundations, waterproofing materials, insulation and others. It is necessary to pick up the thickness of the bar, depending on the frequency of residence: constantly or seasonally. By ordering a finished project, you get every detail of the exact size, it will be numbered and processed by a special composition.


The house of glued timber weighs a bit, so you can use types of foundations with low baw in: Buried, pile and tape. Choosing, the groundwater level should be taken into account, the type of soil and climatic conditions.

If a plot with a slope or peat, the pile foundation is suitable. It is possible to carry out waterproofing that will protect the house from moisture.


The assembly comes from specially fitted elements. With one-storey building, interior partitions can be collected from the same bar from which the walls are made. Be sure to warm the grooves and joints. Laying the walls, you need to install the beams of the base overlap and lay the floors. First, it is necessary to lay the blackboard boards, and then the insulation and vapor-hydro insulation. When the main assembly works are performed, you can flatten clean floor.


When the required height is achieved, you can close the box with ceiling beams, install the rafter. On rafters and overlap it is necessary to put mineral wool to protect the attic space from the cold. The roof closes the rafter design.

Engineering systems

To ensure comfort, you need to mount the communications: sewage, heating, water supply. To do this, use polyethylene or metal-polymer pipes, which will ensure the reliability of use. Wires in overlaps should be paved in corrugated metal sleeves, on the ceiling and walls - in plastic channels.

Final work

Opening clean floor, you can install windows and entrance doors. As for interroom doors, they close last, in order not to damage the finish.

The resulting structure does not need an external or interior decoration. However, if the desire is there, it can be done. Surfaces should be covered with colorless varnish, which will emphasize the texture of wood. When the assembly is completed, you can install a wooden porch.

What is glued bar? This is a modern technology that allows woodworking from waste to create a full-fledged building material. If you thought that this material is made from sawdust, you are mistaken - it is made from larger parts that are not suitable for use in construction. For example, from short and narrow bars are created full-fledged beams with a cross section of 100mm and in their strength characteristics, they do not inferior to bruis from a solid wood massif, one can say more - they are superior! It is about such a construction technology that will be discussed in this article, in which, along with the site, we will study the question of how the construction of the house from the glued timber is performed and determine the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

Wooden houses from glued timber photo

Construction of a house of glued bar: Benefits and Disadvantages

Before starting to build, it should be dealt with the advantages and disadvantages that wooden houses from glued timber possess. This will help to decide on the question, whether this technology has the right to life. Apparently, ten years have and successfully applied. The advantages of such buildings include the following advantages.

Building a house from glued timber photo

In principle, the advantages that the Finnish houses from the glued timber are possessed, can be listed further - there are many of them and they all build such houses in the category of reliable and durable buildings. But we will dwell on this and move on to the constructive features of such buildings. Acquaintance with them will help you finally make a choice regarding houses from the glued bar.

I completely forgot about disadvantages - the most important of them is to care for such a house. Everyone knows that over time wood, no matter how good it is, first gives away, and then it blacksuet. So that this does not happen, the facade of the house is necessary annually with the onset of spring to cover with special impregnating compositions of the type "Phobos" or "SnowThe". Only they are able to prevent the process of changing the color of wood, and at the same time and reduce the pace of its aging.

Construction of two-storey houses from glued timber photo

One-storey houses from glued timber: features of construction technology

Like any home, the construction of the house from the glued bar begins with the construction of the foundation - as a rule, it is a ribbon version. Unlike the foundation of any other home, this foundation should take into account the specifics of the material - to be accurate, then it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation of the space under the home itself. The foundation makes special inventories, which ensure the ventilation of the underground. In each individual element you need to organize two dryers.

But this is later, but for now it is necessary to determine the size of the foundation ribbons - for a single-storey house from a glued bar, 500mm tape limit is optimal and an 800mm depth. As for the depth, the part of the dug trench, before the fill of the foundation falls asleep with sand - we are talking about a small layer in 15 cm. Sand needs to qualitatively raw.

Construction of a foundation for a house from glued timber photo

Further, everything is standard - a framework of reinforcement is made, a formwork is installed so that it performs at 300-400mm above the ground level and fills the foundation of concrete. Ventilation openings can be provided immediately. To do this, you need to insert in the necessary places to the mortgages (after pouring the concrete they are knocked out) or it is then to pierce them with a perforator (the first option is easier). The foundation leaves to dry for a month.

Building the foundation for the house of the glued bar

At the second stage of the construction of the house, the crowns are made, but before above the foundation you need to lay. Ruberoid is placed in two layers to the foundation printed with bituminous mastic. After it is mounted and the crown itself, which is laid on the foundation of the beam. First, the lower block is stacked, together with which lags are laid for the floor, and then the first crown is stacked. The laying of this structural element is made not only on the carrier exterior walls, but also by partitions.

When the crown is ready, the walls are erected - in this respect, the assembly of houses from the glued bar is a constructor. The beams are stacked alone on the other, while they are connected with spikes, through pre-drilled holes. At this stage of work, special attention should be paid to the dressing of angles - it can be performed in three ways:

  1. via indigenous spike;
  2. in the floor of the tree;
  3. bog into the joint using scoring brackets.

How to build a house from glued timber

This is how the crown behind the crown and the walls of the house from the glued bar are mounted.

The penultimate stage of building such houses is. By complexity, its installation is not harder to build walls. I will not be afraid to repeat again, such houses are made according to the individual or typical project at the factory and are supplied to the construction site in the form of elements ready for the assembly, including the roofs. Therefore, its structure is reduced to correctly install the necessary element in a particular place. As a rule, such houses are covered with the roof of the only undersized element of which the roofing material itself is.

Construction of the roof of the house from glued timber photo

The final stage of construction can be considered the finish of the house from the glued timber. The most important work at this stage is the manufacture of gender - as a rule, it is a puff structure, the lower element of which is moisture-resistant plywood, and the top is a decorative floor covering. Between these two layers, either reinforced or finished one can be placed. As for the interior decoration of the walls, in most cases it is performed by a tree, but if desired, it can be decorated with another material.

How to make the floor in the house of glued timber photo

Well, in conclusion the topic about the construction of the house from the glued bar, I would like to remind of internal communications. They are seen partly at the stage of the construction of walls, but the main mass is mounted in the process of the finishing stage of the work.

Stages of construction houses from glued timber

1. Fundam

If there are no problems with groundwater, even a belt foundation is suitable for construction. In the Good Wood, the standard projects use pile-painted - such a base is guaranteed to maintain the weight of the wooden structure at a high level of groundwater. Before starting work, we carry out a geodesic and geological study. As a result, a detailed scheme appears, information for calculating the foundation, the KZ project (reinforced concrete design).

2. Production

Each kit we produce for a specific project. The tree does not lie in the warehouse for more than 5 days, therefore there are no problems with fungus, mold, blue and other defects. In Good Wood, a full production cycle is used - from manual sorting of boards, chamber drying to the manufacture of 100% of parts for assembly. More The manufacture of timber is described on the "" page.

3. Packaging and delivery

The packaging works as a membrane - does not let moisture inside, but does not interfere with it outwards. The bar will not deteriorate during storage at the construction site, even if you have to wait for your turn in the rain. Each item is marked and placed in the assembly sequence so that the plot did not lie open packs.

4. Assembling walls

Builders in order extract the details and laid in the right places. In the process, anticoned technologies must be observed: mounted jacks, studs, sliding fasteners, leave technological gaps in window and doorways. More about mounting the walls is told in the "" section.

5. Cleansing and roofing

Standard overlaps are mounted on wooden beams. Inside place hidden communications (pipes, wiring). To enhance sound insulation, several layers of mineral wool are used, screed.

Mandatory technador

Engineer Technudsor is present at all stages of construction:

  • takes the hidden work of the foundation (fittings, piles), the strength of the finished base;
  • checks the wall kit after assembly of the first and second floor;
  • controls the gasket of engineering communications;
  • checks several stages of the installation of the roof (rafter system, vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, ventilation clearance, mansard windows, finish coating).

In the projects of Good Wood, the technical supervision engineer takes all the important stages, hidden work. Such a technology for the construction of a wooden house from glued timber helps to detect and eliminate defects, check the steps that cannot be checked after the end of the work.

Mandatory maintenance

Modern houses from Bruus: serial and individual projects


The technology of building serial houses from glued bar in GOOD WOOD in detail: Architects have already made edits to the drawings, optimized planning. Many serial projects can be viewed on demonstration sites or in virtual mode.

There are no restrictions on the style of individual projects: we design traditional Russian estates, modern and classic mansions, Finnish cottages, houses in High-tech styles, minimalism.