Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a beautiful and original vase? Discalration of the vase with their own hands: photo ideas how to make a vase from girlfriend

Today, the improvement of the design of his dwelling is not engaged only lazy. Fashion trends allow you to satisfy the most exquisite tastes of demanding consumers. At the same time, demand for the decoration of the indoor interior of high floor vases remained at all times. However, their price availability is not always coincided with the desired appearance. Like any other thing, an outdoor vase can be made with their own hands. Such a beauty will be the desired form, and in the desired color scheme, and much cheaper than their shopping fellows.
Materials for work:
Glass glass capacity 3 liters - 2 pcs.;
Tea saucer - 1 pc.;
Plastic container from preserva - 1 pc.;
Silicone sealant - 1 cylinder;
PVA glue liquid (construction) - 1 liter;
Alabaster construction - 4 tbsp.;
Potato starch - 100 gr.;
Egg grilles - 4 pcs.;
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
Vaseline - 1 tbsp.;
Three-layer napkins - 2 pcs.;
Plasticine - 1 box;
Old tube from PVA glue with a narrow nose - 1 pc.;
Glue "Liquid nails", paints white and "gold", blush, eye shadow, face powder, tassel, acrylic varnish colorless, water.

Stages of performance:
First stage: We form the basis.
One bank turn over the neck down and glue "liquid nails" to it inverted up the bottom of the tea saucer.

By the bottom of the same bank glue the bottom of the second bank.

Cut from the preserver bottom container. Inverted container glue to the neck of the second bank.

Leave the foundation to dry on 1 day.

Second stage: give a vase the outline of the vessel.
Egg grids finely down.

Fill with water so that the whole ripped mass plunges into it. Leave for the night.

Split grilles press.

Large pieces overlook. Pour the whole mass of PVA glue.

Carefully, before receiving homogeneous cleaner, mix the spacious grilles.

Fill out the egg mass of the space between the neck of the can and the container.

On the entire surface of the cans we impose a thin layer of egg mass.

Entering the basis of 2 days.

Prayes in white.

Third Stage: We apply a volumetric pattern.
Print the stencil liked.

In contours, we make slits, cut the right moments.

The drawing is located onto the vessel in a checker order in direct and inverted form (2 times at the top, 2 times down; top and bottom face to each other).

Pencil draw emptiness and slits.

Silicone sealant squeeze in a blank tube from PVA.

We put on a tube sharp nose and squeeze the sealant along the contour of the pattern.

If necessary, we make adjustment to the toothpick.

Sealant by land 1 day.

Surface movements of a large brush are applied to the drawing toning with rudders.

Fourth stage: We make silicone form.
We mix potato starch and silicone sealant.

Carefully knead to obtain the tough mass.

The surface of the workpiece of the figure (in this case is a magnet) strongly wrapped in a vaseline.

In the discharge dough, press the workpiece face down.

Carefully pushing the knife to remove the workpiece.

Fifth stage: cast figures.
The inner part of the silicone shape is lubricated with vegetable oil (pour it, then turn the shape and pour oil).

In the container, we pour out a tablespoon of alabaster (or gypsum).

There we also pour a spoonful of water, mix. If a solution is obtained, add water.

Fill the silicone shape with alabastrum solution.

We leave the solution to harden (you can check the readiness by pressing the nail to the figure - the trace should not remain on the surface). Let's up on the figure with a knife and remove from the form.

We repeat the preparation of the solution and the fill 3 more times.

Sixth Stage: Krasim Angels.
We look at the blanks of white gouache.

The bodies of angels we mature powder for the face.

Pray hair.

Draw sponges.

Handle draw eyelids and eyebrows.

White gouache closes the extra layer of powder (next to the bodies of angels).

Gold draw wings.

On the rear surface of the figures we apply "liquid nails" and glue them on the vase.

Seventh Stage: We make roses.
Plasticine smear, lay on a solid surface with a thin plate, cut into squares. In each square we make cuts in a circle from the center.

Carefully pushed the central middle, twist the spiral, moving from the center to the edge. Square corners bend like large leaves.

Paint roses in white.

Rushes toning them in the color of the volumetric pattern.

At the edges we apply gilt.

"Liquid nails" is fed by roses to a vase.

Vases can become an excellent interior decoration. Some of them can even be created with their own hands. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even personally. This will allow you to create more and more distinguishing features in the interior.

1. Original Filling Vase

Excellent option Filling a vase with wine plugs, with which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

Simple, but at the same time a very bright version of the design of the vase with the help of lemon decor, which will be just a find.

3. Small vases from bottles

Beautiful option to create a lot of mini-vaz do it yourself from ordinary bottles.

4. Vase decorated with beads

Transform and decorate the Vase is possible with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase for a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden Vase Decor

Cute design of the vase with the help of branches, which will give ease and unobtrusion in the interior of any of the rooms.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any house.

7. Vases are decorated with a cord

With the help of the thread or cord, it is possible to create unforgettable vases, which will be simply an excellent solution for the decor.

8. Registration of a conventional bottle

An exception option to issue an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which will definitely like it.
9. Bottles transformation

A pretty solution to create beautiful vases from ordinary bottles, which will be a find.

10. Decoration of Vaz Sequins

The original solution for the design of the VAZ with the help of gold sequins.

11. Cute shiny vase

An excellent option to create an original and pretty shiny vase, which will decorate any interior.

12. Vase is framed under the candlestick

One of the rapid and simple options is to create a candlestick vase.

13. The perfect combination

If you encincherd several bottles of the same form, it is possible to get such a non-standard vase with cells.

14. Vase from the twigs of a tree

A pretty and very interesting option to create a vase from the branches of the tree, which will convert the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of bottles decorated under the vase

An excellent and very interesting version of the painting of the bottle, which became a vase very quickly and simply.

16. Original lugged bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that you should take note and use the maximum in practice.

17. Vase decor with pencils

The original option to decorate the vase with the help of ordinary color pencils, which will become a find for any interior.

18. Bottles design thread

A pretty idea to decorate ordinary bottles with the help of a thread, which will be just a discovery and will create original vases.

19. Decoration of a conventional transparent vase

The fast and simple decor of the usual vase, which in the shortest possible time transforms the interior.

20. Painting Wine Bottles

Decorating wine bottles with hand painted, which may be even more attractive than that.

21. Vase decor with wood

The original design of a vase for flowers with a tree, which looks charming and gently.

22. Non-standard wire vases

Beautiful and perhaps the very original option to create a wire vase, which looks very interesting.

23. Open decor table

One of the best and simple options for designing a table with a pretty vase, which will have to do.

24. Cute vases with their own hands

With your own hands it is possible to decorate any of the VAZ in the most diverse way, which will accurately like and inspire.

25. Successful Vase Decor

A pretty solution to reflect the usual transparent vase with burlap and accessories.

26. New Year's vases

An interesting decor of VAZ on New Year's style, which will be just a highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with transparent bottom

A pretty and very interesting example of the design of a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.

Creating manual original products is a very exciting occupation for everyone. And in the process of designing a home interior, it is necessary to include the product made by your own hands in the number of decor elements.

Thus, you can arrange your corner original, as well as save the cost of buying such elements that are currently not cheap.

An interesting element in the interior is a vase. But how to make a vase with your own hands, so that she brings the interior harmony and beauty?

Creation and decor vase

The most important thing is that the future element of handmade well joined the interior of the house or apartment, so as not to stand out as extra. The design must pass in one shade, and the result should be a common picture.

Photo VAZ, which can be seen on the Internet, have a different shape and variable styles.

In modern times there is a wide variety of styles in the interior.

Before creating a vase, you should consider and analyze every interior style, and understand how to emphasize the originality of this style with the help of a vase made by your own hands.

Selection of vase under the interior style

Minimalist style. Choose concise and modest forms, the color shades of which are not saturated and restrained; The trim of the vase must be neat.

Classicism style. Symmetric patterns and drawings are quite suitable here. Preference is given to light shades, and drawings of traditional colors that take place in the design of the entire interior.

High-tech style. The most modern materials are used when creating a vase. It can be glass, and metal, and wood, and steel. Forms and finishes are also variable, may have a fancy and unusual character.

Kitch style. It does not need strict rules here, but, on the contrary, you should give preference to exquisite and non-standard elements. You can combine everything that is not even combined with each other. Colors must be saturated. You can also decorate the vase with bright shades and non-standard decor.

Modern style. The abstraction and use of lines smoothly moving to each other are the spicy moment of creating such a vase. The decoupage of the vase is created most often on the basis of materials such as wood and metal.

Avangard style. Here you need a rich fantasy and creative thoughts in the process of work. Bright, saturated colors and unusual patterns will be to the place;

Beautiful vase in the interior not only complements a certain style, but also speaks about the perfect taste of the owners of the house or apartment, and also pleases the eyes of all guests.

Vase size and properties

Ideas how to decorate a vase - a wide variety and all different from each other. But first it is necessary to determine the size of the future decor element.

The width of the future vase can be different, and, mostly, it depends on the personal tastes and preferences of each.

Sometimes the width of the vase depends on the style in which the vase is made, as well as from the style of the interior, which it was selected.


If the vase is outdoor, then its height should vary in the interval between 40 and 100 centimeters. The vase does not have to be outdoor, in most cases it can be placed on the bedside table or on the table.

But on the bedside tables and tables, the vase looks beautiful when its sizes are not so huge. A vase with large dimensions is best put on the floor, and put beautiful flowers in it.

To the material from which you are going to build a vase should also be taken carefully. After that, there is a choice of the shape of the product. The form can be variable, and is selected at the discretion of the person himself.

The main thing is to include full fantasy and harmonize the form with the interior style.

Forms of vase

The most popular forms that appear in the works of famous interior designers is:


Rounded forms. Such forms will fit absolutely for any style of the interior, and it is easy to perform it using a papier-mache technique, taking the usual bottle.

Square shapes. Modern interior styles will be good to harmonize with such an element of the decor. A cardboard box is taken as the basis;

Triangular forms. The method with the use of newspaper tubes is best here. This type of vase looks individually and luxuriously;

After the base of the vase is made reliably and beautiful, you can already begin to external decoration. Different decor methods are used at this stage.

Many initially cover with a vase with paint or varnish. And then you can create manual patterns on a vase, or attach some shapes or stickers.

You can decorate a ready-made vase, putting beautiful flowers, berries, branches in it, and all others.


Photo vases do it yourself

Today, it is rarely any interior, like the landscape, costs without expressive and spectacular accessories. One of them can rightly name the floor vase. In order for it to look stylish and harmoniously on the place allotted for her, it is not at all necessary to buy a finished product. It is quite forces to make it yourself, what will be discussed in this article.

Size and form

Outdoor vases can be different: high, medium height and width, large and moderate size. The parameters of the outdoor vase depend on a number of factors. One of the key is the design of the surrounding space. For example, dimensions may depend on the prayer of a particular room, because it will be less, the less the vase itself should be. If you do not take into account this fact, the accessory can look at the interior too cumbersome, thereby disrupting the visual balance.

The height of the product may vary in the range from 40 to 90 cm.It is selected, paying attention to the height of the walls and space of the room, since too high an accessory can visually make the height of the walls less, which is unacceptable. The width is selected based on your own preferences, as well as available for the manufacture of shape. In addition, it may depend on the selected stylistics, which should coincide with the interior design.

The shape of an outdoor vase can be conditionally round, square, triangular. Each type has its own nuances, for example, the rounded form is considered the most harmonious for infusion into different stylistic directions of design. It is possible to make it using bottles or even three- and five-liter glass cans. Suitable for this and papier-mache technique.

Square floor vase is good for modern interior compositions.The basic form for its manufacture can be a regular box of cardboard. The triangular form variants are somewhat more complicated, as it is less likely to choose such forms. Products of this type are more often performed from girlish raw materials or different components (for example, newspaper tubes).

Methods of manufacture

It is possible to make an outdoor vase with your own hands from the squeezing material, reducing agents and even ordinary dishes. The masters make such accessories not only from three-liter cans and papier-mache, but also from plumbing pipes, plaster, twine, linoleum. So that it stand out against the background of the interior, and also harmoniously fit into it, it is better to choose a newcomer to create a variant of a symmetric form of a rounded type. At the same time, it is important to consider: the product looks better on a general background if its shade does not coincide with the color of the floor covering, furniture and wall cladding.

From three-liter banks

Such work is notable for the fact that without skills to drawing it allows you to get a product with an imitation of artistic painting. In addition to banks, it will take napkins for decoupage, acrylic paints, tassels, twine, and special glue, as well as the necessary decorating accessories (selected at will). The method of manufacturing such an outdoor vase consists of several consecutive steps:

  • the surface of the cans is degreased and covered with white acrylic paint;
  • after drying it on the neck, the twine is wound (or tape);
  • prepare decor elements (cut from napkins);
  • they are placed, straightening with a brush, creating a pattern, ornament or a different composition;
  • after their drying, a transparent acrylic varnish is applied on top.

It looks beautifully decor for gold and bronze, and for such a creation of the vase, it is enough to use a contour gel, having drawn them a simple drawing. If you cover such a product with dark paint on top and separate the gilding with the sponge, it will be expensive to look at such a vase.

From the box with a beautiful form

Such vases look in the interior rather unusual, they are very effects, but are mostly suitable for modern style, as well as landscape compositions. For its manufacture, you need a box (form), gypsum (cement), the container for the formation of the indoor space and the food film to make it easier to remove the vase from the base:

  • gypsum mixed with water until homogeneous, seeking consistency of thick sour cream;
  • it is poured into the box with a small layer;
  • inside put a smaller capacity by setting it into the center;
  • tighten the mixture to the desired level;
  • when the composition is completely dry, the vase is taken out of the form;
  • proceed with shallow sandpaper and decorate.

If you want to give a picture to such a product, you can do this by aerosol paint and lace braid. The braid is tightly attached to the base, on top of it spray paint. If you want more chic, you can add some silver or gold, applying it to a sponge.

From plumbing pipe

For such a product, it is sometimes there are not only familiar sweater materials, but even kapron stockings and knitted canvas. The design of the future vase depends on the type of product itself, its material and forms. Options with fades are more suitable for landscape decoration and cottages. Products with a straight cylindrical form are relevant for urban apartments.

The best material suitable for work can be called plastic and metal plumbing pipes. They can be enclosed by various decor (including even a cereal), and you can give a relief pattern. For example, you can make a plastic trio from different in the height of pipes, cutting their top at an angle. The bottom of such vases make cardboard, although, if you wish and appropriate skills, you can and welcome.

You can put a caprochy stocking for each pipe, forming folds. On top of the surface impregnate with glue and wait until it dry out. After the basis is created, proceed with the decoration of the VAZ, covering each of them special paint in the cans.

The color is chosen on the basis of the features of the color solutions of a particular room in which the accessory will stand. It will be left to add a little gilding or even a glitter - and a unique decor is ready.

From paper pipe from linoleum

Such a product can be used for dry branches. It is easy to create it: the pipe itself will be needed (you can buy in a construction store), twine or cable thread, a little cardboard, a thermopystole with glue and saw to cut the pipe. Manufacturing technique looks like this:

  • from the pipe cut off the desired amount, determined in advance with the height of the vase;
  • take a fat cardboard and, putting a pipe on it, drive, and then cut out the bottom;
  • by gluing the bottom to the future vase, they are decorating it using a rope thread or twine;
  • the thread wind up the vase from the bottom to the top, gluing to the base with the help of hot glue (other adhesive compositions can also be used);
  • tightly wrapped the product to the top, cut the thread;
  • for stability inside, some paper or small pebbles are put.

From thick cardboard and cardboard pipe

To create a Greek vase, you will need old newspapers, a cardboard tube and several large boxes that can be taken in the store. Of these, you will have to cut the base of the vase, so it is desirable to take the boxes of about the same size (it does not make sense to glue). This version of the manufacture of an outdoor vase is more laborious, but the type of finished product will delight not only the hosts of the house: such a product will be a rather bright and memorable accent of the interior. Create such a masterpiece for the following technology:

  • correlate the height of the pipe, the desired height and size of the existing boxes (everything should be united);
  • the vase pattern is cut out, drive around the blanks, cut out and folded in half;
  • when they are enough, they are covered with a cardboard tube (it turns out the type of harmonica);
  • after the newspapers are torn to pieces, impregnate the PVA glue and create the base of the vase, salaging it to the bottom to the top of several layers, trying to make the form to be smooth;
  • after the newspaper, you can stick several layers of toilet paper;
  • when it dries, the surface is covered with dark paint;
  • the contour gel or special contour paint is drawn ornament;
  • it is possible to coat the vase by another thin layer of paint, and then designate the embossed pattern of bronze or gold paint.

So that the vase looked expensive, it is necessary to make it the most carefully, paying attention to the neck and the bottom. When coating, it is important to paint and them, the drawing lines must be smooth, and with ornament - identical.

Decorating the finished product

The decoration of the finished accessory will require the knowledge of the basic skills of stylistics, without which it is difficult to make it relevant in a particular interior. Today, fashion trends are aimed at a combination of conciseness and functional. The decor should be minimal, it is important that with the seeming simplicity the product looked status, spectacularly and professionally, as if it were purchased at an expensive store. Therefore, approach the decoration is needed especially carefully.

Depending on the type of material used and the manufacture of floor vases used for decorating it, you can use:

  • mosaic, including homemade from multicolored tiles and mirrors;
  • flat buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • coins;
  • large salt;
  • crupe, sunflower seeds and pumpkins;
  • dry branches of different lengths and curvature;
  • spike branches;
  • twine;
  • bark of trees;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • stationery gum;
  • bead bracelets on rubber thread;

  • decorative fabric;
  • burlap;
  • kraft paper;
  • textiles with embossed texture;
  • cable thread;
  • acrylic paints, including in the form of a spray;
  • contour and stained glass colors;
  • seashells of different shapes and size;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • acrylic glue;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • cardboard and white paper;
  • bamboo bar and wheat spikes;
  • self-adhesive decor.

In the skillful hands of the stylist, even an ordinary glass jar or a bottle can be a work of art.And at its decor, as a rule, it does not take much time. Someone simply puts into the banks in the bank, and all the inner space fills with small sweets or even a variety of cereals, alternating her layers. A more interesting solution is to put on a glass container with a knitted openwork or cloth harnesses (or even sliced \u200b\u200bsleeve from knitted sweaters). Due to such "clothes", the product can make a certain share of home comfort in the interior.

Registration plays an important role in the formation of a general mood in the room. Proper design is able to emphasize the exquisite style and create a organic view of the room. Creating a harmonious interior in the house is possible without impressive cash spending. One of the popular home decoration method is a vase decor with their own hands. There are many ideas for the decoration, in this article we will look at the main tips on the design of a vase for flowers.

Vase can be painted black with a golden tint

Newspaper can be used as a decor element by making flowers from it

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves are perfect for the decoration of the vase

Using simple primary means from a conventional vase, you can create a unique element of the interior. In order for the decoration to bring pleasure and the expected result - it is important to follow its fantasy, combining the incompatible and introducing the most unexpected decisions.

Vases in the marine style

What do we associate sea style with? With shells, sand, sea nodules, waves, ships.

To realize the simplest way to create a vase in the marine style you will need:

  • Several vessels of different shapes
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Dye for fabric (or dyes for Easter eggs)

Vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

Example how to make a decor vase

Round vase

Prepare the twine in accordance with the tank height. Apply glue. Stick rope tips. Make sure the base of the twine is tightly fixed. Then begin to weave the braid (see Figure below), not forgetting the surface of the glue as the rope is applied. The remaining seam hide the layer of rope with the help of glue, consolidating them vertically to create contrast with weaving.

Ribbons you can wind up a vase, it will give it softness

It does not matter how to decorate the vase, the main thing that would be beautiful as a result

Inside the vase you can fall asleep beads

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic version of the decor of the vase, you can use a vase of any form. We recommend resorting to a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and begin to wrap it with a twine from the base to the very top. Wait for the glue tightly fixes the twine. Then place the lower part of the vase into a container with paint. Saturation and consistency can be chosen independently. Leave the Vaza to dry. As soon as the vase dry, you can see the fruits of effort. Smooth transition of beloved color on a gourmet vase.

It's time to run beyond flowers, right?

Also for the sea decor you can use seashells.

Or do not carry out any actions with the appearance and instead of colors to place marine elements in it.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate the vase

You can make covers for a vase, it will look very beautiful

Picky painting vase do it yourself

This type of design is quite complicated in execution, but gives the will of fantasy and allows you to translate ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (everything you can apply paint)

Apply convex paint points, take the prepared drawing or style as the basis. Be careful and not the rear layer already applied. The most popular paintings with point paintings are ethnic, Indian, tribal patterns. However, the flight of your fantasy can carry you much further!

Beads perfectly suitable for the decoration of the vase

An ordinary glass bottle can be wrapped in a bright cloth and get a beautiful vase

From a conventional bottle you can make a beautiful vase

Decorating Vase Clothes

Dress up a vase in your clothes - it sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate the vase.

  1. Decor sweater. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then it is quite possible to decorate the vase. With the help of a part of the sweater and glue - you will get the original decor. Just imagine what comfort can be created with it in a cold winter evening.
  2. Decoration with socks. Prepare a small capacity. Cut the bottom of the sock or leggings above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use the A4 paper sheet, circle the base size. In accordance with the size of the bottom - cut out the flashes from the sock cutting. Watch the patchwork for the base with the sock and voila - the case for the vase is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

Ways to decorate the vase have a very large amount, choose what is closer to you

Work with outdoor vases

In the development of the interior, it is often used by outdoor models that give a special charm and fit perfectly in any design - whether it is minimalism, high-tech or refined classic.

In order for the floor vase to play with new paints, create a organic decor.

Cover the container of monophonic paint, and the neck decorate with twine or twine.

The sensations of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved using cuts of branches, neatly pasted on the outer surface. Under the sections, you can put pieces of paper warm shades.

Outdoor vases are ideal for internal decoration by stones, croups, artificial floral elements and other types of fillers.

Very aesthetically looks like a vase decorated with beads. In general, the creation created by your own hands will fill the house with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden scuffs will give a vase of elegance

You can use stickers for the decoration of the vase

Vase from marble

The decor of acrylic paint will help achieve the effect of "marble". This requires a transparent packaging. The secretion of the decor is that staining will be carried out on the outer surface, but from the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel, degrease it.
  2. Prepare a few shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint by drop
  4. After the distribution of the layer of one shade, add a pair of drops of a darker color to create a paint marble effect.
  5. Turn over the vessel and put it on a towel or any other cloth to the glasses of surplus paint.

Knitted covers for vases perfectly complement its appearance

Beaded can be very nice to decorate the vase

Glasses and pebbles

Using glass pebbles, you can unusually decorate the surface of the vase. This requires a glue gun and PVA. You can use elements of different colors so that the decor becomes even more original.

Simple decor vase

We offer to familiarize yourself with the ideas for the design of flower VAZ.

With the help of coarse thread, you can create a bright and cozy design for any type of container.

Romance! Fill with vase wine corks and artificial colors.

For autumn chic decoration, use bumps, twine and artificial flowers. Create a mood in the house!

Copper paint bidon staining. The most unusual vase in the house. The design element can be decorated with artificial colors.

Do not throw a broken saucer! Apply a layer of painted plaster and place the fragments of beautiful dishes in it. You can also use color or glossy paper.

Vase with golden losses will look expensive

Decorate the vase can be made of girlfriend

Vase version with fabric and paints

Than decoring vase

Below is a table of additional materials used for the decor.


Method of use

For decoration, the crafting type of paper will be required. For design you need PVA glue. First of all, it is necessary to puncture the outer side with ordinary paper impregnated with glue. Strips made of crafted paper twist in flagella. As soon as the container gets up - start glueing the harnesses. As a result, you will get a stylish design.


For filling, you can use cereals, coins, stones, shells, ground, beads. The use of the layer method will create a wonderful, extraordinary contrast.

Notes, newspapers

Sliced \u200b\u200bMaterials Mix the glue and take off the vase. Using a brush, align the resulting folds. After drying, secure varnish.

Sticks, branches

Dry branches prepared in advance can be glued to the surface, creating an interesting design. It is also possible to use sections of branches of different sizes for a cylindrical vase

By choosing the desired drawing and design - start glueing rhinestones on the base. Use self-adhesive rhinestones, or pre-acquire glue and ordinary rhinestones in advance.

Twine, Bacrek

Fasten the end of the rope on the base of the container using glue. Then the thread is wound around the tank. Do not forget to lubricate with a vase with glue.

Apply a layer of painted plaster and place any elements of the decor in the gypsum. The dried version will exceed all your expectations.

Such a vase will harmoniously complement the decor of the room

Black vase will look beautiful on a white wall background

Create beauty! Use everything you see. Buttons, leaves, stones or coins. Let the vase, created by their own hands, pleases you and creates an unforgettable impressions of your interior.