Repairs Design Furniture

Than to strip the iron garage. The trim of the garage inside and outside with your own hands. Natural and artificial stone

Often the garage is associated with a room in which it is not cleaned, constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can be in it. But it's not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be pure and well-groomed. Everything is achieved thanks to a good interior decoration. If earlier the choice of materials was limited, then today the shortage is not fought. Finishing materials mass, which allows you to make your garage with a pleasant place where you want to go.

In addition, high-quality finish performs also protective functions. What exactly choose to finish - the solution is purely yours. Here plays a role both personal preference and budget. In this article, we will look at the design options and how the inner finish of the garage occurs.

The trim of the garage inside is needed

Many people can ask why to separate the garage from the inside. It is clear, if we are talking about outdoor work, then everyone wish to make a garage beautiful and attractive. Yes, the supporting structures will be reliably protected from external influence. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But after all, inside the garage design, nothing threatens.

In fact, the interior decoration is also important. No matter how cool, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It is proved that in a comfortable setting it works better and more pleasant to be. And since in the garage, motorists spend a lot of time, then it is important. Moreover, when you are in the plans to perform insulation, then finishing the garage will have to be accurate. The finish will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But the question arises: what should be the finishing material for finishing the garage from the inside?

Criteria for the choice of material for cladding

So that the whole work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that it can be able to withstand some load, the effect of the external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are characteristic of the garage. If you draw up a list of requirements, it will look like this:

If you continue the topic of general requirements for the characteristics of finishing materials, then they also have a lot of them:

  • each material must have refractory and do not burn. Garage - a room with a high risk of fire occurrence, as it is flammable substances;
  • the surface of the finish must be resistant to chemical effects;
  • no less important stability of material to moisture;
  • in the case when the garage is not insulated, choose materials resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • in order not to change the facing in a few years, select high-quality and durable material. It is better to pay more, but to do this once and for several decades.

Among other things, I want to note another factor, it is not the main one, but an important is aesthetic side. Then be inside will be pleasant not only to you, but also to other visitors.

Garage floor device

Most often, ordinary people use the garage just for storing the car. In such cases, the observation pit does not make. In this case, the base floor can serve as a simple soil, tightly rammed. This will require a concrete tie. Now we will look at how you can make the floor of the garage with your own hands.

First you need to align the soil. In places where big drops are squeeze sand or crushed stone. The base must be hydroizing. To do this, you will need rubkeroid. Line it from above, laying the sheets of the mustache. Then the moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the ground. The reinforcement grid is stacked on this basis. So, you make a concrete tie even stronger.

After that, lighthouses are exhibited by level. They will serve as a guideline, and allow the floor to be smooth. Next you need to prepare a concrete solution that is poured into the floor. The composition is simple:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone.

But to get a quality product, you need to achieve the correct ratio of components. A proportion is suitable for filling the floor of the garage: 2: 1: 3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is poured with water. It will be required exactly so much to be the right consistency. The solution should not be liquid or thick.

Tip! Use concrete mixer to prepare such a number of concrete.

Now you can proceed to the pouring of the floor in the garage. Ideally perform everything at a time. Then the floor will not have cracks and becomes monolithic. In this work, do not do without assistant. The screed thickness must be at least 10 cm. After performing the fill, it remains to align the surface and leave everything to complete drying (about a month). Read more Floor Pouring Process You will see on this video.

It's all? Not at all. Leave the floor in the garage in this form it is impossible. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil that you will spend will leave a black spot on the floor. Over time, the entire floor of the garage will turn into a solid black stain. What to do? Use finishing materials.

The easiest and cheapest is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. Bentally, but the concrete base will be protected. In addition, you can wash the floor in the garage. The second option is to cover the screed marble crumb. And ideally use ceramic tiles and its varieties. Some use paving or clinker tiles. These materials are very wear-resistant and withstand different loads.

Finishing of the walls of Garazh

The design of the walls of the garage is more diverse, and work will be a little more. The floor in the garage is one, and four walls. What materials are used to finish the genuine walls from the inside? Here are the most popular of them:

  1. Plaster
  2. Plasterboard.
  3. Ceramic tile.
  4. Paint.
  5. Lining.
  6. OSB sheets.

Plastering walls - something resembles the fill of the floor. This is the so-called wet way to align the wall, protect it and prepare for further finishing. The work process is simple, but time consuming. Everything comes down to the placement of beacons on the walls, preparation of plaster and the process of its application by special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you.

Due to shuttering of the walls, you can align them and prepare for further trim paint, tile or plaster.

Tip! Since tiles on the walls will go a lot, it is recommended to combine finishing options, saving money.

For example, the tile can be laid up to the middle of the wall or less, because it is precisely in those places the walls are subject to special influence. And the upper part of the wall is painted with paint for facade works.

But to insulate the garage, you will take a valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another way of finishing the garage - plasterboard, clapboard or sheets of OSB. Why? It's all about the technology of the trim. To perform it, you need to make a metal or wooden crate with a certain step. After that, plasterboard sheets, lining or OSB are attached to this crate.

Since there will be free space between the shells, it is filled with insulation. It can be Minvat, PPU, Penoplex or Polyfoam. At the same time, the rack thickness will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. From above, all this is covered with a vapor barrier film, and after the drywall, lining or OSB is fixed.

Mounting of drywall is performed by means of self-tapping screws, butt jack. In the future, he puts off and is separated by another chosen finishing material. The lining is attached by spikes in the groove, through nails, kleimers, brackets, or screws. OSB is fixed with nails or self-drawing, butt jack. What does such a finish look like in the photo.

Advantage of plasterboard

The garage uses special moisture-resistant plasterboard, which has a green color. What is good this material?

  1. It has a small weight.
  2. Simple installation.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Universality, after completion, you can make any finish.
  5. Gypsum is able to absorb an extra moisture, and with dryness to give it.

The advantage of the lining

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Due to the impregnation, it does not burn.
  3. Durability.
  4. The absence of dirt and construction garbage after work.
  5. Stability before mechanical effects.
  6. Ecologically clean.
  7. Simple in installation.
  8. It has an attractive appearance.

Advantages of tile

  1. Durable.
  2. Durable.
  3. Reliable.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. The absence of dirt and construction garbage after work.
  6. It has high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
  7. For her just to care for it.
  8. Aesthetically attractive.

The choice can be difficult, but you must decide. You like naturalness and beauty - use the lining. You are an adherent of strength and reliability - you are suitable for tiles. If you are limited in means, then use drywall with subsequent staining. There are many options to solve you.

Garage ceiling finish

The inner decoration of the garage room ceiling ends. This is a special area, since it is practically no physical influence. That is why the requirements for finishing material for the ceiling of the garage are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the garage ceiling. Then the technology of the device is similar to wall decoration. In order for the materials to be harmonized between themselves, sometimes the ceiling trim makes the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

The most common materials for finishing the garage ceiling are PVC panels and banal shockting. Why PVC? The material is pretty light, with him just work and, most importantly, it is cheap. Although this list of positive moments does not end. Plastic is easy to wash, and it is resistant to aggressive means. Evaporation and temperature fluctuations are not scary to him. And finally, manufacturers of finishing material have tried with a color gamut and patterns. Such a coating will last long. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide what to see the ceiling. It can be the same wooden lining, OSB or plasterboard. Materials are also suitable for use on the garage ceiling. Only here you need to take care of performing high-quality waterproofing the ceiling. Without it, the materials will be collapsed. The easiest way to make an aqueous barrier, cover everything in rubberoid or waterproofing film. Yes, and the condition of the roof should be appreciated. If the roofing material is damaged, then repair everything.

Many owners of their cars have a garage. For them, the garage is not only a place where the car is stored, where it can be repaired if such a need arose. Everything is much more interesting - this is a special (or even a favorite place), where you can spend time, going with friends, do those or other things. As they say, men will understand. Therefore, the garage finish inside is very important. It is important here not only the aesthetic component - the cladding should exit practical.

The internal trim of the garage should be such that in this room it was warm, necessarily dry. Especially if there is a basement, where conservation, vegetables are usually kept. In addition, if the floor in the garage is performed qualitatively, the decoration of walls inside the garage is made professionally - the cost of the entire design increases significantly. That is, the question with the facing is not only for your comfort and to protect the car - there is necessary to take into account prospects in the future.

About the ceiling and roof

For the floor and the wall we will definitely take it, but first about another. The trim of the garage from the inside begins, as a rule, from the ceiling surface. It is from here that water will drip - if there is a good rain on the street.

To protect the internally space from the destructive, negative impact of moisture, protect all the cladding and car, first think about waterproofing. It needs to be done high quality.

Talk more details:

  • Waterproofing is important especially to the garages that have a flat roof. And in brick garages, in typical concrete structures, it has exactly such a form (if we talk about typical garage cooperatives);
  • It is logical that if the owner did a separate garage on the territory of his own home ownership, in which the pitched roof immediately performed, waterproofing works were also carried out during roofing;
  • If the roof is flat - moisture can be stated here. Because of this phenomenon, the host will have to often perform the replacement of roofing rolled materials (such are most often used).
So that the leakage inside was not when the garage was performed inside, the master should take additional measures. And this is quite real - not only in the design, which is at the construction stage, but also in the built-up room.
  • How to trim the garage from the inside, so that there are no problems with moisture? You can always apply a special waterproofing composition, which is designed for interaction with seams;
  • Such compositions are processed by joints on ceiling plates, those places where these elements are adjacent to the walls. When applied, the neighboring surface is also captured (100-150 mm is enough);
  • After that, the junction should be glued with fiberglass reinforcing ribbon;
  • Now the entire ceiling surface in the garage must be processed by penetrating primer, which is universal. If necessary, this composition can also be treated by the concrete base of the floor or wall;
  • This waterproofing needs to be performed only once - it is enough for the entire period, until the structure is in operation;
  • The composition itself can be both dry and fully prepared for use. In the first case, the substance is bred by water - before that carefully you need to read the instructions where everything is explained in detail.

Dry waterproofing is slightly lower. This option is recommended to buy when its processing is needed not only the ceiling, but also walls, basement - immediately the internal trim of the garage will be made on a large area.
  1. You can easily get any decorative coating by such waterproofing. In the case when it is not necessary to insulate the ceiling - you can always use conventional panels for cladding. Even a simple polystyrene tile here is perfectly suitable. And if there are funds - you can use ceramics (it is just more expensive);
  2. Today there are options when the ceramics tiles are used not only for the ceiling cladding, but also for floor decoration, walls. Concrete slabs are usually smooth, so the application of this finishing material will be held without difficulties;
  3. The ceilings in the garages are often painted (- we have already written about it), shuffle.
If the ceiling is required insulation, it is better to choose one or another method of finishing, which is frame. The insulation is conveniently putting in the cell of the doomles - it is clear to everyone. In addition, walls are usually in the garages, and the ceiling is trimmed equally.

Wall facing in the garage

Often, the owners of garages are limited only to the draft walls of the walls in this room. Watching is the most popular type of finish here.

If you know how to put the plaster on the surface, everything is quite simple - it is only necessary to buy a ready-made dry plaster mix.

It is also worth purchasing all tools that may be required to apply this substance.

An important point is if you apply plaster on the wall in a particular room, which is not heated (and the garage is usually this), it is in the store to choose the composition with the cement basis. Gypsum-based mixtures are usually used in residential premises, and it is better not to use them for the garage.

Walls in the garage and plaster

What else can I say about as a garage finish from the inside is performed by plaster?

Everything is true here:

  • In the case when the wizard first performs plastering, it is better to prepare carefully. For example, you can watch a video where the specialist explains the rules for applying the composition to the surface.

  • In general, the garage can become an excellent "simulator" - an object where you can practice in the finishing and repair work before you get for the repair of the house or apartment;
  • The composition of the plaster is taken into two layers. The master must wait - when the previous dried, before applying the subsequent. Already after - priming, and there is the finish finish of the garage inside;
  • In a situation where the walls of the walls are not included in your plans, but I want to get a beautiful finish - think about the use of decorative plaster;
  • The facade plaster is the same material that professionals recommend when they are asked - than to sheathe the garage from the inside. As a filler for these solutions, a crumb is used, which is made from different stone breeds - marble, granite, quartz or sandstone (not the entire list).

The filler can be purchased separately and add to the knead - to the one that is prepared specifically to create a finish layer on the walls in the garage.

Cracking with a frame

For ceilings, the walls of the execution of this work will be completely the same. Select a frame finish in the case when insulation is required. The material that you will use for the ceiling and walls does not have to be the same - it already depends on the personal preferences of the owner.

BUT about the procedure of facing We can say the following:

  • By this time, the waterproofing is usually equipped. That is, the master can safely take the framework of the framework. With your own hands, you can easily be able to do this work - even if you do not have experience. However, it is better to entrust the work to those skilled in the art - from whether the framework of the framework qualitatively, will depend on the aesthetics of the entire finish (and not only).
Regardless of what facing material in the garage you are going to be attached, it is possible to use both a metal profile and a timber bar for the construction of a frame.
  • When the tree is chosen for the manufacture of a frame, bars before work it is worth lubricating with antiseptics - so that the material has been protected from both rotary reactions and the attention of different rodents;
  • The negative side of the tree of the tree - the bar does not always happen even;
  • Suppose the wall is made of brick. In this case, it will not be easy to align the makeup in this case - the master will need to put the wedges for each of the dowels. Much easier to carry out an aluminum profile;
  • The subsequent step when the inner finish of the garage is performed: insulation is laid in the cavity of the frame. Usually, the thermal insulation material is bought in advance - so that the point when you do the work, its width will be known (make a makeup, taking into account this indicator);
  • Between the bars, the distance is slightly less than the width of the insulation (15-20 mm). Such an approach is used specifically - so that the insulation in the cell came tightly;
  • To insulate the ceilings, the walls, the most convenient to use the tiled insulation, and not roller. But the foam is not recommended for such a task, this material has a high degree of flammability (and in the garage the danger of fire is always there). More efficiently to use polystyrene foam, foaming or just glass gamble.

  • When the insulation laying is made, the foil is usually plated onto its surface (it can be limited to a simple polyethylene film). Due to such primitive vapor barrier on the insulation, condensate will not be assembled. And after all the procedures described above, a garage inside is directly carried out;
  • Is it possible to separate inside the garage with chipboard or clapboard? Of course, these materials for such work are very popular. From the plastic panels, they differ in the fact that they need additional finish - here and staining, here and processing with different antipirens, antiseptics;
  • If you think about it in advance, then any owner will understand: with plastic finishing materials, it is easy to work. But he has his own cons. Namely: high fragility. One embarrassing movement (or something bounce off - in the garage it can easily happen) - and the panel will be lacrimated. So many owners to the question about how to separate the garage, choose aluminum saidding panels.

Not every person looks at his garage and its interior decoration in terms of practicality. Someone is also thinking about the decor, because beautifully decorated space pleases the eye, inspires.

Paul in the garage - device

When there is no observation pit in the garage, there is no basement - the floor here, most likely, is a simple rammed soil. In this situation, you need to make the first thing a concrete tie.

Streach arrangement

Concrete screed is performed so:

  • At first, the foundation horizontally is equal to the maximum - as far as possible. To do this, sand, fine crushed stone sweep in the right places. Before the procedure it is worth setting lighthouses by level, pull the cord;
  • You can always make a slope of iltumps - if you need to raise the base of the floor in the garage;
  • When the sand pillow is laid, the inner finish of the garage continues in the following order: it is placed on it the rubberoid flashes - slightly capture the wall at the same time. This material will not give moisture, which is contained in concrete solution, soap into the ground.

Now the reinforcement metal grid is put on the base - the design will be stronger due to such an element.
  • Today you can buy M300 concrete without any problems - already ready. But the independent chambers can be performed - there is nothing complicated. The main thing is: so that the cement is the required brand, sand and crushed stone, the fraction of which is 7-9 mm;
  • The proportions are usually maintained: two parts of sand, one - cement, three - rubble;
  • Water is added until the desired consistency is obtained - the master should be convenient to carry out the laying of the solution, to rub it. Concrete poured strips - they do it between the beacons. Experienced builders are advised to produce such work without any breaks - the trim of the garage inside will be excellent;
  • As a result, your concrete screed on the floor in the garage should turn out at least 10 cm. And when it grabs, the surface is accepted very carefully. In this form, it is left at least 29 days - so that the screed has gained the necessary strength.

Works associated with floor concreting are usually combined with the execution of the scene - it is done on the external perimeter of the garage. It is necessary in order to remove the rave water from the walls.

When the screed is ready

  • It would seem that the screed is ready - this is quite enough. So many people will say. But not everything is so simple. The fact is that the moisture absorbs moisture. Occasions, for example, the surface will be stain. Fortunately, there are methods by which the concrete surface can be given a proper form;
  • Through such options unambiguously refers to the screed made of marble crumbs. Separately, you can easily buy ingredients from which this solution can be performed. Here you need the following: M400 - cement, crumbling fraction, polyurethane and acrylic plasticizers - without them anywhere.

  • The solution will be elastic due to the plasticizer - it will also make a smooth surface of your screed. You will learn on the package - how much the ingredient needs to be added to the solution. Other components are added in such proportions: 1 part of cement, 3 pieces of crumb, ½ part of water;
  • Concrete base is a good option in case you plan to lay a tile. The main thing is, first the screed to handle the primer - so that the concrete from the adhesive solution can not absorb moisture;
  • Clinker tile is an excellent solution for the garage floor. But, such a material is not noone.
The strength of the porcelain book is approximately the same as the linker - but it is much cheaper. The trim of the garage inside with such material is a worthy choice.
  1. Someone prefers to perform wooden flooring (as well as make floor insulation in the garage). If you have such plans - you need to install wooden lag on top of the screed. And the space between them is made to fall asleep with polystyrene granules or clay;
  2. Bulk insulation can always be pouring the cement solution, to put the reinforcement grid on top. On this layer of thermal insulation, you can also easily install tiles. Usually, this option is chosen when there is a basement in the garage - and its ceiling is needed.

That's all - as you personally could have been convinced, there is nothing impossible in this case, as a garage finish with your own hands inside. Everyone will cope - if there is a desire. If you listen to our recommendations - the goal will be achieved!

Having a garage, it is important to contain it so that it has always been order and comfort. It will help to easily find any thing in it and use it for its intended purpose. Having made a good finish of the garage room both inside and outside, you can be sure that the car and all the contents of this building will be reliably saved, which is difficult to achieve in unsighteous conditions.

Types of design

Many owners of private houses think about the construction of the garage, if it is not initially. The inhabitants of high-rise apartments will be a bit more complicated with this, because at such a number of residents is difficult to allocate each place under the house for the car, and not everyone has it.

A good option will be the organization of the garage in the country, especially if there is a lot of time there.

To know what exactly is better to build, it is necessary to clearly represent what type of construction is best suited for a certain housing. It is believed that the most successful option is the built-in garage, which is a single building along with the house. It is easy to bring light, water and use them at times more convenient, but there is here and their cons. In view of the arrival and departure of the car in this room, exhaust gases are distinguished that fall into the house. This in itself is little useful, but there are also people, especially sensitive to smells.

The output from the situation can be considered a good hood or ventilation, but it can be noisy, which will create discomfort, or ineffective, and just in vain will be spent money and time for its installation. In this regard, in homes where they live constantly, try not to build a house with a built-in garage.

Another type is the garage under the house.This is a rarely used option due to the risk of fire. In addition, the cost of the construction of such a building will be approximately equal to the residential premises, which is completely unprofitable.

You can make an extension to the house so as to use one of its walls for the garage, but at the same time not to combine it with a residential building. This option will make it easy to carry out all communications and do not harm households harmful evaporation from the garage. In fact, it builds separately, only uses one wall at home.

You can build a garage room separately from home. This is done if an extension is impossible or the location of the house does not allow you to conveniently and quickly get into the garage. The detached room can be made of different materials. The most simple will be a metal garage, it can sometimes be purchased in the ready state and simply install on a prepared foundation. In addition, you can build it from brick or slag block so that the construction is capital.

The garage from the metal can also be put on masonry to be able to insulate it, and maybe to attach the second floor. It will be easier with brick options, they are initially ready for the fact that you can add the masonry meter, install the roof and will be the second floor in the form of an attic room, which can be used as a storeroom, warehouse or corner of the host itself.

There are reinforced concrete garages that can be mounted in a couple of hours at a good company and skills, it is also possible to disassemble it and move to a new place.

Buildings decorated with metal sheets are easy to install, but they are very cold in the winter season. In addition, it can be easily hacked and there is a high danger of fire. If you build a building from the professionalist, then the positive point will be its cost and simplicity of the design, and the minus is cold in winter.

Sandwich panels that can be easily assembled, they are frost resistant, aesthetic and environmentally friendly - a great option for creating an autoomom.

The garage from the tree is considered to be a budget option, but is distinguished by environmental friendliness and durability. He has significant disadvantages - he is afraid of moisture and fire, and still absorbs odors.

You can build a garage from polycarbonatewhich in skillful hands looks great, has a light weight, has good heat and sound insulation, it does not burn, durable and wear-resistant. Of the minuses, you can only note the possibility of hacking it.

As for the designs of garages, you allocate such options:

  • frame facilities - are made of wood;
  • collapsible - made from metal;
  • garages-shells and garages - Pencils - small rooms exclusively for the car;
  • awning structures;
  • building from the sea container.


Planning the finish of the finished garage, it is important to properly approach the choice of materials.

If the question is about the internal work, the main indicators to which it will be necessary, can be considered:

  • refractory;
  • resistance to chemically active substances;
  • the absence of ability to absorb heterogeneous smells;
  • easy cleansing from pollution;
  • strength.

For external work, completely different materials will be required. Their properties of them will be radically different from those used inside the garage:

  • high degree of moisture resistance;
  • resistance to surface erasure;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and strong temperature differences;
  • frost resistance;
  • strength and durability.

Depending on what premises need to be obtained in the end, and the materials for the trim of the garage both inside and outside will be seated. For external works, you can use plaster, siding, lining, professional flooring, decorative stone.

Inside, to give comfort, comfort and practicality, you can use a tile, clinker tiles, wood, plastic panels and not only.

If the garage is a house for a car and master for the owner. It is best to insulate it in order to be in it it was comfortable at any time of the year. In the case, if the machine is rarely used, and the garage opens a little more often, you can not be too bored in the finishing of this room, without spending extra funds.

For heated

If the garage serves as a workshop, where any work will often be held, it is best to think about the heating system in it. In order for the inner walls to be normally reacting to the change of climatic conditions and temperature drops, it is necessary to properly choose the materials for finishing the room.

The easiest and most convenient option will be the use of drywall, with which it will turn out to make all internal work quickly and efficiently. After the installation is completed, the surface is sweeping, and then paint.

GLC has positive parties to which include:

  • low weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • the absence of a large amount of garbage during operation;
  • low price for materials and work;
  • the flexibility of the material and the ability to create unusual structures;
  • the ability to create partitions to create partitions for the convenience of work;
  • the possibility of using any decorative finish, which can be applied to the material.

Of the minuses, only weak impact resistance can be distinguished. It can be compensated by placing the surface of the cafeter. For garages with insulation, the installation is made only on the frame, so that all the necessary pipes and wires can be placed behind it. It is possible to use drywall for the ceiling to get a beautiful and smooth surface. In this case, the framework is also created and all wires are wiring.

Another variant of the material, with which it is possible to separate the room can be tile. It is best to use special clinker or porcelain vendors, but you can take a simple ceramics. The garage, covered with tiles, has aesthetic look, it is warm, clean and durable. This material is suitable for brick rooms, which, after aligning the surface, can be covered with tiles.

Of the disadvantages, you can note the high weight of the material and its high cost.

One of the eco-friendly and beautiful variants of the garage finish is the lining. It can have its own natural color, or be painted depending on the owner's preferences.

Upholstery tree has a number of advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • low probability of fire due to antipirens;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a variety of colors with painting, a large selection of textures.

But there are also disadvantages, among which hygroscopicity is distinguished, which leads to the appearance of mold, the possibility of influencing insect coating, the problem removal of spots from fuel, flammability of materials, a small duration of operation.

Plastic panels are considered a very convenient option for finishing the garage. PVC panels are easy enough, but it is important to properly approach their choice. For the garage, it is recommended to use material for facades or a special garage type.

The positive features of such a material can be considered:

  • simplicity of cleaning;
  • low weight;
  • low level of hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to temperature drops;
  • aesthetic species;

  • do not need additional facing;
  • high degree of strength;
  • simplicity of replacement of a single element in case of damage;
  • affordable price;
  • easy installation for non-professional.

From the disadvantages of this material, when using it in the garage can be considered combustion and fragility, if it is subjected to very low temperatures.

As for the iron garage, the most successful option of giving it a beautiful view is the use of corrugated. They can finish both outside and indoors. Working with a straightener is quite simple and convenient, and the work process will not take too much time.

For unheated

In order for the unheated garage to give the impression of a good, good-quality room, it is important to use the correct materials for its finish. The easiest way is to sheathe the walls of the OSB with plates that are easy to mount enough, and for final finishes sharpen and paint in any color.

The use of lining is possible in rooms and this type. It is important to remember that the moisture is invalid to use it, and all other conditions do not interfere with decorating the space with the clap and plan it as necessary.

The easiest way to finish for the unheated garage will be siding.

This material is very popular. Due to the low cost and simplicity of installation. Equipping the garage by siding may even begin the master, it is important only to do the job at risk and carefully. From the positive sides, we can note the high strength of the material, resistance to temperature drops, fire safety, resistance to chemicals.

In the brick garage you can not use any additional materials. It will be enough just to sharpen it and paint it into any color. You can use any techniques for decorating space, different colors, textures and materials. In this case, everything will be appropriate, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Features of finishing

To finish the garage, it is important to choose the right materials. They should not easily flamm, absorb moisture, be fragile. It is important to have such a garage where you can comfortably carry out any work, for this, its walls and the floor should easily wash and not absorb dirt. It is especially important to put a strong coating on the floor so that under the weight of the car it is not cracked.

An important detail is the choice of color of the room.Not too suitable are white and light colors, because they immediately show where there are stains, dirt and dust, and in the garage it is not avoided. It is important to choose the right color gamut to make it and work nice, and just be indoors.

It is important for the walls to use durable materials, especially if they are supposed to hang a large number of shelves and racks for tools. Conducting finishing works inside, it is necessary to use only wet plaster, because it allows you to get a durable material as a result. Its important property is the ability not to burn, which increases the safety of the machine and its owner.

To extend the service life of plaster, it needs to be painted.Properly selected paint for interior decoration will help create a fabric in the room and protect its walls from destruction, which will increase the operation of the garage for many years.

As for external works, it is also important to use suitable materials that will protect the entire construction from weather conditions and will not allow them to affect the microclimate inside.

With the help of various techniques, you can create very beautiful and functional premises that will delight the eye for many years.

Outdoor coating

In order for the garage not only a beautiful view from the outside, but also safely, it is necessary to use only non-combustible, wear-resistant, moisture-proof materials that will protect it from the effects of the sun and ultraviolet rays. The variant of the material to be used in or otherwise depends on the material of the garage itself.

Use of plaster suitable for walls made of bricks, Foam concrete blocks. For exterior decoration, cement-sandy solution is best. In addition, you can take advantage of more expensive acrylic and silicone mixtures.

Siding is an option, with which you can cheap to lean the garage and get a good result. It is a minus low color resistance. When exposed to low temperatures, it acquires a fragile structure and can easily break. In view of these circumstances, the use of it is possible only in the warm regions. It is the advantage of it is simplicity of installation, which makes it possible to do all the work on its own and not resort to the help of specialists. This option is suitable for any walls, except for those made of metal.

Finishing with decorative brick or stone looks good on capital buildings and gives them aesthetic appearance. Working with such material requires a lot of time and strength. The cost of such bricks is quite high and not for everyone by pocket.

Interior of the garage premises

Having a garage, it is important to think about its appearance and internal filling. If there are too little funds, you can do with cosmetic repairs and simply maintain order in it. In the case when there is a desire to create something interesting and unusual, you can think about interesting embodiments of the interior of the room.

To implement such a task, you can use the services of a specialist or try to do everything yourself. A professional will be able to help faster finding the optimal solution for a particular room.

The outer side of the garage does not displays what is happening from the inside. It is not so important to create an attractive image of outer walls, how much to arrange a working space where the car and the corner of the owner will be located. The internal trim of the garage occupies one of the main places in repair work with this room.

It is important to choose the right furniture, it is successfully placed and fill the room only with the necessary things.

To improve the garage, it is better to purchase specialized garage furniture, which is made of metal and is not afraid of fire, in addition, it provides for a variety of shelves, boxes and lockers, in which it is very convenient to contain all the necessary inventory.

It is important to pay attention to both the feet that should be smooth and monophonic.For him, the main purpose will be the supply of lighting, although if desired, it is possible to attach some suspended structures to it and to have a tool or necessary things.

Paul It is advisable to make their durable tiles, because this material can be combined and create unique design moves, for example, a single-handed floor with several accent stains in the form of squares of another color that continue on the wall of a small strip of the same color or supported by color furniture.

The walls are decorated with light, but not white tones so that there is no need to constantly wash them. Gray tones and any other calm shades are best suitable, to which several bright spots are added to give the original appearance.

The design of the garage is personal, so it is important to achieve the harmony of external and indoor space.Depending on the purpose of this room, it is possible to lay a zone for sports and recreation, carefully placing bicycles, balls, rackets and other inventory in it; Zone for country things, where rakes, shovel, hood and all that is needed on the garden will be located. It is best to provide convenient storage locations for everything that will be placed in the garage so that it reminds the rationally melted office, and not a landfill of things that are not needed in daily use.

Examples of the organization

To make a dream garage with your own hands, it takes time to prepare. It is necessary to accurately decide what and where it will stand in which part there will be a car, and where to position the working area. Only after that the stage comes, on which the design of the future room is selected and its implementation is becoming step by step.

In order to fit a large number of diverse tools, it is best to install a large number of storage systems in the garage.

Outdoor stands can accommodate massive and overall inventory. In the hanging beds, you can position all the tools you need: hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, drill and drills to it, containers with nails, screws, nuts and bolts. For agricultural inventory and other things of large size, large cabinets are installed. All furniture must be metallic.

The color of the garage and furniture is one and set aside in a gray topics. In order to create an interesting design, a variety of halftone is used. The gray floor has a light gray strip, the light walls have a contrasting work area, made under the "Chess", the front facades of the furniture shall be sides and the framing of each of its elements.

For those cases when the garage is done not so much to work as like a place of transport storage, the style in it will be minimalistic. Light walls are complemented by a light ceiling in the same finishing material. Such a severity dilutes the floor on which drawings associated with the road, zebra marking, road signs are applied. On the wall are installed fasteners for bicycles so that they always have been in their place and did not interfere with the entrance and travel of the car. For storage of a variety of trifles, one cabinet is used, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with some other object of furniture.

When the garage premises is not completely intended, then it will be completely different design. For music lovers, you can organize a room for rehearsals in it, while I do not interfer the rest of the tenants at home with loud music. In this case, the floor can be lined with laminate, it is possible in dark color, and the walls are separated under the brick. This option is best transmitted by the spirit of the room and will contribute to the creative atmosphere in it. To partly convey the garage mood, you can use a sofa-stylized sofa and place several wheels near, which will serve as an excellent replacement chairs, if we put something soft on top.

The external design of the room is no less important than the inner. By making a joint garage with a house, it is best to withstand them in one stylistic concept that the building is logical and did not cut the eye with a variety of diverse styles. If the house with the garage is erected at the same time, this is the perfect option to make both objects of the correct and original form.

Smooth buildings of the house are repeated in the garage, the color gamut of each of the objects is similar, together they form a single image.

If the garage is built and drawn up for the first car of a young motorist, it is best to place a tire in a row in front of a car on a far wall. This will help protect the car from a random collision with a wall or work area. Having visited the garage, the young driver will be able to learn to count the distance during parking and installing its transport.

In the garage, wall shelves, racks and lockers will be the most correct solution for storing all things, in which you can easily place everything you need to hide. Leave something on the floor is dangerous for cars, and for the driver.

Choosing finishing materials for interior decoration, the first thing to pay attention to is the ease of its cleaning. It is easy to restore order in the garage. In addition, attention is paid to the safety of all materials for finishing. They should not be easily ignited, it is best that their composition be eco-friendly or at least not highlight harmful substances and did not absorb them.

Ending the trim and design of the garage, it is important not to forget about the simplest safety measuresthat must be taken into account. The simplest means that should be easily accessible are fire extinguisher and first aid kit. In case of any problems, they will help to quickly solve any not difficult question.

The storage system should have such dimensions so that everything is easy to be located in the garage. The garage base can form the second floor if you think about it in advance and make the walls a little higher. Thus, you can divide the zone of the car and workshop. Under the garage may be, except for observation pit, also cellar. If there is no separate basement, then it can be organized right under the garage to save the place and put in the framework of this space all that you need to remove from home and garage.

Surely will not be a mistake to say that for any car owner, the garage is a necessity. At the same time, he will serve not only with the pier for the car, but also for the host itself, because it is so important for a person to have his own corner, where you can retire or just read in silence, because at home, maybe it's not entirely convenient to do. That is why the garage should not be just a durable structure that can protect the car from criminal encroachments and whims of nature, but also to be quite cozy and aesthetically attractive, while not losing its functionality.

In this regard, the walls of the garage cannot be left in the form in which they will be after the construction, so you need to think about what to see the garage inside.

General requirements for finishing

Responding to the above question, it should be noted that the materials suitable for the interior decoration of the garage walls there are many, a number of general requirements can be distinguished.

  • Mechanical stability. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that during the operation of the garage, there will be significant mechanical loads on the walls, therefore the material used for wall decoration should have sufficient strength to resist them. We are talking both about resistance to hardware strokes and melting.
  • Resistance to the effects of chemicals. When working in the garage, a variety of chemicals from gasoline will probably fall on the walls, to oils and acids, so it is extremely important to choose a material that can withstand their impact. In addition, the walls will constantly get dirty, so chemical cleaning agents will be used to clean them, which, in their destructive effects on the surface, will probably not yield to the most active reagents. This circumstance should also be taken into account.
  • Ease of care. As mentioned above, the walls of the garage will be packed, so besides other qualities, the material for their finishing should be easy to care. In other words, it should be easy to wash and at the same time demand a minimum of additional protective events like frequent coloring or varnish coating.
  • Aesthetics. In addition to all the rest, it should be said that the coating of the walls of the garage from the inside should be visually attractive. Still, this is a house for a car, and in relation to the person to things you can say a lot and about it.
  • Resistance to temperature drops. If we are talking about the garage built into the building of the house and having a single system of heating, then there may be sufficiently significant temperature fluctuations inside the room, especially during the cold season. Therefore, the material of the walls of the walls should have sufficient resistance to these differentials, that is, not to deform and do not bargain. In addition, the temperature differences are most often accompanied by the formation of condensate, therefore the material must be resistant to moisture.

The above requirements for finishing the walls of the garage can be considered common, the rest can be determined depending on personal taste, economic or other considerations.

Ceramic tile

As one of the most suitable for finishing the walls of a garage of a material, you can select ceramic tiles. It has all the necessary operational characteristics.

  • Strength. To finish the walls of the garage, you can use a tile intended for floor covering. It has the best strength characteristics.
  • Resistance. Measures the stability of the material not only to the temperature differences and the effects of moisture, but also to contact with chemicals.
  • Easiness in care. Ceramic tile is easy to wash and no moisture is afraid, which makes care for her fairly simple.
  • Universality. Thanks to the abundance of color, you can pick up a suitable tile for any room.

It is also worth a few words to say that this material is quite expensive. It should be considered. In addition, if there are no necessary skills on the installation of tiles on the walls, you will have to contact the services of specialists, which is also associated with certain expenses. Although, if there is a desire, you can master the technology in a few days.


The lining is characterized by simplicity of installation and an attractive appearance. Installation occurs on top of the pre-mounted crate, which allows you to pave an additional layer of heat and vaporizoles. However, it is worth considering that this material needs additional processing, as it has sensitivity to moisture and is inclined to absorb substances.

Note! If the boards of the lining should be treated with special compositions, then this material becomes quite suitable for plating walls in the garage.

Plastic panels

Reflecting on how to sheathe the walls in the garage, you can not forget about plastic panels. They are easy to install and subsequent service, and so they have an attractive appearance. Resistant to moisture and influence of chemicals, and they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.

Note! Plastic panels have low mechanical strength, which must be considered when considering this material as decoration of walls in the garage.

Wooden panels

As another material used to decorate the walls of the garage, you can mention the chipboard and fiberboard panels. They differ simplicity of installation and have good performance. At the same time, as in the case of a wood-based clapboard and other materials, require additional processing with special compositions that prevent pollution or moisture absorption.

At the conclusion of the topic, it can be noted that the materials for finishing the garage there is a sufficiently large amount. It is necessary to solve the better to strip the walls yourself. Tastes, financial capabilities and basic mounting skills are different. But, as a preparation option, you can use photo and video materials presented to familiarize yourself with the Internet.



This video will tell about the plaster of the walls in the garage:

Each technique requires its maintenance. This applies not only to care, but also a storage method. The motorist will not be able to do without a garage. Thanks to him, it is possible to reduce the corrosion impact of the environment for metal. In the garage it is easier to carry out a technical inspection and correct malfunctions than on the street. If the garage is insulated, then the car will not freeze as without it. But it is not enough to drive the box, it is important to perform a garage finish outside. How to do this and what materials do you need for this? This will be discussed in the article.

Foreign Requirements

Before deciding with the material that will be used for finishing, it is necessary to consider the requirements that are presented to it. Among them can be allocated;

  • reliability;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • resistance to precipitation;
  • biological stability;
  • nice appearance;
  • practicality;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • moderate costs.

The garage is definitely a building that must be decorating the courtyard if he is in it. But the first place according to the requirements for wall decoration comes out reliability and practicality. Under reliability implies a long service life. In this case, the color of the finishes should not change under the influence of sunlight or other factors. The decoration for the walls of the garage should be practical. This means that it should not be too brand, and if it is necessary to stain, then it is not more difficult to clean up than to blur. The ideal solution will be purified by soap solution and washcloth. It is desirable that the finish is resistant to different mechanical stress. But this is not the main requirement, since the trim for the garage is chosen in accordance with how the house is selected.

But if we are talking about the garage, which is located separately or somewhere in the cooperative, then resistance to mechanical impacts goes to the first place, since it is not possible to constantly monitor those who and how to handle the walls in the garage. The finish should not suffer from precipitation. This applies to both deformation and simply appearance. Waterproofability, resistance to temperature differences and strong winds - this is what is meant by this. Finishing for walls should please the eye, since it is mounted for this. If we are talking about the garage, which is not necessary to combine with the house, then the cost of the finish should be in reasonable measures.

Finishing for garage

All types of finishes can be divided into the cost and complexity of the process. From the main options can be allocated:

  • painting;
  • plastering;
  • siding;
  • block house;
  • finishing by professional flooring;
  • stone finish;
  • finishing with facade bricks.

Each of these types of finishes deserves attention and separate consideration.


Painting as the appearance of the external wall decoration is one of the easiest and most affordable. It is suitable for a large number of requirements that are put forward for finishing. With respect to expenses, this option is ideal, since it will require the least costs. Materials are available on sale in any construction store, which is just happy. There will be no special tools for work, therefore everyone will cope with the task. The fastest option is not to bring paint with a brush or roller, but by painting. With a careful approach, the layer is uniform and without flops. For each type of material from which the walls are made, you can pick up your kind of paint.

If we are talking about a metal garage, then one of the types of enamels can be used. At the same time there are no restrictions on color. They can be combined, seeking their perfect shade. For plaster there are also a kind of paint, which can be resistant to weathering. This, for example, may be a waterfront composition designed for facade work. When you can buy a white base and any desired pigment. With respect to metal surfaces, the paint will easily hide all flaws and protect against rust.

An important step before painting is to prepare the surface. If we are talking about a metal garage, then the ideal option will remove the old paint layer and apply new after stripping. At the same time, dents can be sharpened and cleaned to visually align flaws. Before applying water-level paint, it is necessary to eliminate all cracks and potholes that are in the wall. After that, it must be coated with a primary composition, which will further strengthen the surface and ensures better adhesion. All work must be carried out in dry weather, preferably after lunch. In this case, you can be confident in a smaller number of harmful sections from paint.


Watching is a traditional finish method for various territories. It is not suitable for all types of walls. For example, the plastering of the metal garage will not have any sense, if, however, it was not established thermal insulation in the form of polystyrene foam. Plastering is resistant to mechanical stress, has a long service life, and it can also be decorated, improving its appearance. To implement the project, it will take some skill with the tool. Thanks to the plaster, it is possible to level the walls in a short time.

The process of giving the walls of the best appearance begins with preparatory work. All unreliable elements are removed and the old plaster is knocked down if it is available. Depending on the material to which the plaster will be superimposed, the surface is primed. The next step will be the installation of beacons. These are small metal elements that are exhibited according to the vertical level. Thanks to them, it will be easier for tightening the material using the rule. Before applying the solution, the wall is necessarily wetting for better adhesion.

Note! If we are talking about the walls from a gas block or foam block, then it is necessary to apply primer, possibly even several layers. This will make it possible to reduce the absorption of moisture from the solution for plaster.

A solution for plastering walls can be made independently or purchased ready. For the first option, the cement and sand is mixed. The proportions in which it will be required to be 1 to 6. In this case, the first part indicates the number of cement. There are ready-made mixes on sale. For example, this refers to the gypsum plaster, which is great for foam blocks. For all the process, you will need several spatulas, trowel and a long rule that will be tightened. About how such a type of finish is performed. You can watch the video below.

Siding clamping

Finishing siding becomes one of the most popular directions. This is due to the excellent appearance, which is acquired by the walls after decoration, as well as the speed of installation. The material that is used for the trim can mimic various types of other materials, such as wood. To do this, special embossing is applied to the outer layer. Siding is made of several types of basics, which explains some properties. Among the main can be allocated:

  • metal;
  • cement.

PVC panels are one of the most affordable. They are made of environmentally friendly material, so they will not have harmful discharge after heating the sun's rays. The choice of color gamut is somewhat limited, but it is quite easy to choose exactly the closer to the desired one. Vinyl resistant to moisture, as well as other atmospheric influences. At the same time, it is passive to the effects of many chemicals. The disadvantage can be considered fragility. In some cases, great hail is able to spoil the appearance of the wall in a countless minute. PVC is a flammable material, so it is difficult to name fireproof.

Metal siding has many advantages. It is resistant to temperature. In addition, the metal has a long service life. Any pattern can be applied to its surface, as well as it is easy to paint in favorite color. Cement siding has special fibers that strengthen the structure. If they were not, the panels would be easily crumbled and cracked. Such material has a long service life and is not subject to chemical or other impact. In addition, this type of wall decoration withstands significant mechanical loads. One of the disadvantages is a significant weight that has additional pressure on the walls and the foundation.

One of the materials that looks like siding is a block house. It is a plank of wood that resemble a pinned timber. With this type of finish, the garage will look exclusively. It is worth understanding that the block house is better to choose if the house also has a similar finish. Its price is significantly higher than that of ordinary siding. In addition, along with the ecological wood, problems with its service and care are added. The antiseptic composition and periodic renewal of the paint coating will be required.

Installation work on the installation of this type of finishes most often require preliminary installation of the crate. The latter is metal profiles that are attached with a certain step. The advantage of the installation of finishing on the crate is the possibility of additional insulation with the help of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Work can easily be done with your own hands, even if there are no specific skills in this matter.

Finish professional flooring

We are more familiar to see the professional flooring on the roof of the building, but there are also varieties that are used for the wall mount. Professional flooring is made of metal galvanized or aluminum sheets. At the same time, it has excellent resistance to the effects of environmental factors. There is a wide selection of color solutions from bright, to nonsense. Usually an additional layer of polymers are applied to the surface, which are responsible for additional protection against mechanical exposure.

Note! There are sandwich panels on sale. They constitute a finish in the form of two sheets of metal, between which the insulation is laid. In this case, the panels can be used as a building material.

Mounting is made by similar principle with siding. First, the metal case is mounted, to which the sheets of corrugated are screwed. This uses special roofing screws with a rubber seal. The best option will be the additional use of the insulation. In addition, waterproofing is additionally mounted, which will protect it. The insulation will not only reduce the heat transfer, but also provide additional noise insulation, since the professional flooring reacts even to blows of raindrops.

Wall decoration by stone and brick

This option of finishing the walls of the garage is one of the most expensive. This type of finishing should be performed only when the exterior of a house or courtyard requires this. It is worth saying that it will look for such a finish will be solid. Of the advantages, it is possible to allocate a long service life and resistance to various kinds of influences. On the facing brick, with time, sustains from rainwater may appear, which spoils the appearance of the finish. For such a finish, you will need a powerful foundation that will be able to make an additional load. Installation of the finish also requires a certain skill, since so that it looks beautiful, it is necessary to put everything smoothly.


As can be seen, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of materials for finishing the walls of the garage outside. At the same time, it is important to blow the economic feasibility of this or that type of finishes in advance. Only in this case can be confident that funds will go to the right direction.