Repairs Design Furniture

Installation of facade panels do it yourself: a phased description with a photo. Outdoor finish of the house from the facade and basebars how to correctly mount the facade panels

Finishing the facade of the house is the final stage of construction work. And the appearance of the building is very important, because it will be the first impression that will depend on it. Each owner of a private house wants his housing to look beautiful and neat, but, alas, not all building materials that are used today can be left untouched. Often you have to perform an additional finish of the facade. One of the most accessible and simple options are the front panels for the outer decoration of the walls - they allow not only to give the walls a neat appearance, but also to protect them from negative environmental factors.

Description, pros and cons of panels

Different varieties can be used to design not only private houses, but also industrial / production facilities. As a rule, the panels are used to cover wooden and bruschers, as well as buildings from foam blocks and other materials that are not distinguished by attractiveness and resistance to environmental factors. Panels give the walls of attractiveness, protect them. There are options that imitate the stone / brickwork, other natural materials that allow you to make the house solid and beautiful.

The advantages of the facade panels include:

  • good noise and thermal insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to natural impacts;
  • the possibility of finishing walls made from any building material;
  • long operational period;
  • ease of installation;
  • attractiveness;
  • a low probability of the development of mold, the appearance of rust.

We also note that the panels can be divided into several groups depending on this or that indicator. Read them.

  1. Panels can be classified in appearance.
  2. In their form, they can be in the form of planks, rectangular, modular, and so on.
  3. They are also distinguished by the installation method.
  4. Finally, the panels can have a heat insulating layer or not have it.

On a note! In addition, the panels are classified according to the material from which they are made. Let us tell more about this further.

Metal panels

Enjoy popular, but for some reason, for some reason, they rarely separate the facades of residential buildings. This is explained by the fact that during the rain the drops are loudly hitting the surface of such panels. In fact, it is not so - yes, the panels may be noise, but if there is a thermal insulating layer and the correct sound insulation, the problem will disappear by itself. Therefore, metal panels are quite possible to sow not only sheds and garages, but also residential buildings.

For the manufacture can be used stainless / galvanized steel, aluminum. The last option is preferable, despite less strength and higher cost. Also panels can be perforated and smooth. Their surface is covered with special polymers protecting the metal from the influence of natural factors.

Note! The advantages of metal panels include simplicity of installation, durability and reliability.

By the way, not so long ago, other options appeared on the market - zinc and copper panels (there are patinated or with a plastic coating).

Metal panels are not lit, they withstand considerable mechanical loads. Nevertheless, rusting risk still takes place, and thermal conductivity indicators will not contribute to the house to be warmer.

PVC panels (polymeric)

Such panels, as can be guessing from the name, are made from high-quality polyvinyl chloride. The material is resistant to sharp temperature differences, long time retains its original appearance, almost any natural material can be mimic. In addition, there is nothing complicated in the installation.

Note! Such panels can be both ground and facade.

PVC panels are very popular due to low cost. Must with self-draws are connected to each other by special edge locks. As a result, almost imperceptible joints are obtained between the elements.

Also there are panels with micromeramor - it is a more resistant to temperature effects and a more durable material that has fiberglass and concrete in its composition. Such panels weigh little, are not afraid of low temperatures, moisture, mechanical loads. Installed as easy as ordinary plastic panels.


Products out ceramographic Different with durability, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet. They look solid and attractive, easy to eat. Concerning aluminum composite panels, then they are not suiced, but very durable and resistant to different kinds of negative impacts. There are 2 aluminum sheet separated by a polymer layer.

Panels out clinker May have a thermal insulation layer, the thickness of which reaches 80 mm. Weigh a lot, because of what the installation is complicated. May be:

  • self-supporting (large one-piece blocks having opening windows and doors);
  • decorative (used for registration of insulated walls, do not have the heat insulating layer);
  • insulated.

Clinker looks beautiful, durable, environmentally friendly, simple repair and care. It is often used to finish production facilities, garages, bases.

Panels out fibrocement Characterized by the presence of special polymer fibers in the composition. It is not suiced, have a long-term operational period. Increase the level of noise and thermal insulation of the building, protect against severe frosts.

Note! Fibro-cement products invented in Japan can be used in all regions of the country.

You can install them with your own hands, nothing complicated here. However, the weight of the panel is significant, it is easy to drop, damaging. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the environmental friendliness of the material - the bar when heating does not emit any harmful substances into the air.

Finally, such panels can be mounted on any base.


Excellent modern material that is rarely separated by private houses - office buildings are predominantly designated. The material includes fiberglass - tempered, reinforced or laminated. The strength of the coating depends on the processing method. A good version of the insulation of the house, because such panels accumulate part of the thermal energy of the Sun.

On a note! Remember that fiberglass are exclusively decorative material that does not enhance the building and does not increase its strength.

A feature of the fuel in glass is that they are perfectly combined with other coatings, including wood, metal, concrete. They also allow you to realize any designer decision, but it is difficult to mount them.

Sandwich panels

This is not a completely decorative finishing material, since such panels consist of three layers - two metal and another - polymer heat-insulating, separating them. Usually one such sheet of metal (galvanized or aluminum) has a thickness of only 0.5 mm.

The weight is small, they are durable and easy to install. In addition, they additionally insulate the building, and therefore there is often no need to lay the insulation. More material has good noise insulating characteristics. Self-tapping screws are used for attachment. As for the joints between the panels, they can be embedded as special lining / straps and special compositions.

Comparative characteristics of the described panels

We will get acquainted with some key characteristics of popular panel types. We will not consider all the properties, if you wish, you can learn from the manufacturer's instructions. But approximately navigated in all the variety The table below will definitely help you.

Table. Comparison of some types of facade panels.

NameResistancePhysical parametersTemperatureLifetime
Ceramographic Resistant to the Sun, chemicals, mechanical effects and temperature differences, do not burnWeight - 3-16 kg / m., Thickness reaches 12 mm50 years
Fibrocement Resistant to rotting, low temperatures, does not burn and does not fadeWeight - more than 16 kg / m square, thickness - no more than 15 mm, noise absorption - 29 dBNot more than 100 cycles of freezing20 years
Sandwich panels Resistant to rotting, corrosion processesBending strength - 24.3 MPaWithin -180 - +100 degrees30 years
Polyurethane - - Within -50 - +110 degreesFrom 30 to 50 years
PVC Resistant to fire, humidity, rotting and direct sunlightMass - no more than 5 kg / m square.30 years
Wood Mechanical Damage ResistanceBending strength - 45 MPa, sound insulation - up to 30 dBNot more than 100 cycles of freezingFrom 10 to 15 years
Metal Resistance to corrosion, rotting, open fire, low temperatures and chemicalsNoise absorption - 20 dB, mass - from 7 to 9 kg / m., Thickness is only 0.55 mmWithin -50 - +50 degreesOver 30 years old

Step-by-step instructions for the installation of facade panels

As an example, consider the installation of the facade panels that imitate the stone - they are quite popular and are often used when finishing private houses.

Step 1. In our example, the Alta panels are used, the installation of which provides for use:

  • coal;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • perforator;
  • saws on metal;
  • the twinelands, chalk;
  • construction level;
  • acute knife;
  • roulette.

Step 2. Starting with the crate. In our example, a special front fastener is used, but essentially it is the same profile, only plastic. First of all, metal suspensions are installed on the walls (necessary for the profile attachment), which are fixed using dowels. It is necessary that there are no more than 40 cm between one vertical side of the suspensions and adjacent.

Step 3. Marking is performed to determine the locations of the lining on the profile (the finish elements will be attached to the latter). The profile is applied to the wall at the location of the suspension, it is marked with the intersection of it. First of all, the installation should be carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bcorners, door / window openings.

Step 4. On the sides on the profile, the lining is installed (needed to mount the suspensions) and snap. So the elements will be tightly "sit".

Step 6. The profile is installed around the perimeter of the facade, aligned in terms of the level. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening on special suspensions. It is also important to use the level to make the plane to which the panel will be attached perfectly smooth.

Step 7. If several profiles are joined in height, then the upper should not be installed tightly to the lower. For such a connection in the joints of the joints there are special mustache.

Step 8. Then there are wide flat profiles required for mounting directly panels. For this purpose, markup is performed using laser level or twine. It is important that the elements are located at one level.

Step 9. In the area of \u200b\u200bopenings and angles, the angular elements of metal are attached. It is important that the angle is equal to 90 degrees. Under the corner itself is installed a bar, thanks to which the whole design will be stronger.

Step 10. Similarly, profiles are mounted throughout the facade.

Step 11. Then, the slopes are simulated by installing around the perimeter of the openings of metal profiles, to which iron corners are fixed by one of the sides. The second side will be attached on the profile. So that the design is more durable, the bar is also installed.

Step 12. Start elements are mounted for installing panels - slopes, platbands, corners.

Step 14. Then the panels themselves are attached. They, if necessary, trimmed, so that the upper part turned out to be a parallel horizon. You need to cut only the bottom of the panel!

Step 15. Mount the items should be up and left to right. The first panel is also cut.

Step 16. The element is installed in the profile, fastened with the help of self-tapping screws and from above. In the example, they screw themselves exactly to the perforation center. You shouldn't twist them before the stop, so that the panel "went".

Step 17. The second panel is fitted with the first with the help of locks, and then it is also attached by self-draws. In the same way, the entire range of facade elements is established.

Step 18. The last panel of the row is trimmed in accordance with the required dimensions, after which it is installed.

Step 20. Panels are fastened and, if necessary, trimmed. It is important that the vertical joints of the rows do not coincide.

On a note! If other panels are used to finish the base, after installing the base row, the sampling is mounted, then another starting profile, after which the walls themselves are shed.

Video - installation of base panels

Video - Facade panels "Equiton"

Facade panels are often used for external finishing of houses. What is not surprising, because with their help even an old wooden or concrete building can be quickly, easy and inexpensive to turn into something truly beautiful and original. Moreover, all the work can be done with your own hands, which you yourself can make sure when reading this article. Good luck in work!

The facing of the building protects the house from numerous external influences. Today, increasingly installing front panels are used for new and old buildings - it is beautiful and reliable. Is it possible to work independently, we will analyze in the article.

No need to confuse the front panels and siding, although their appointment coincides - the facing of the outer walls of the house. Facade plates appeared relatively recently and actively displacing other ways to protect buildings from atmospheric and other influences. They are thicker and strong in contrast to siding. Materials for the production of such shelter of outer walls also significantly expanded the range. Today, plates for the facade are used both for the full coating of the house and for the ground facing. Their demand is to explain simply: such a design of the facade replaces many natural materials, but much cheaper.

House, trimmed with facade plates, is protected and beautiful

The market presents numerous types of facade plates:

  • Polyvinyl chride

An inexpensive facing option that can be mounted on a lightweight frame or straight on the wall when taking an ideal surface. A variety of forms and colors can please any owner. The disadvantage is the absence of vapor permeability and fragility. The frost resistance is not too high, so it is not worth using such a cladding in the regions of the Far North. Many types of vinyl stoves are combustible, and most of the combustion are distinguished by harmful substances.

  • Fiber cement

They are made of concrete and wood fibers using synthetic additives that are a binding component. Durable, environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable, non-combustible fibro-cement facing facades won the market of many countries. Imitation of natural materials not only in the external coincidence, but also in quality characteristics. The material "under the tree" has the warmth of natural wood, but does not burn and does not rot.

  • Wood fiber plates

They are used mainly for light country houses and cottages, as they have significant disadvantages: flammable, exposure to rotting. But it is one of the most frost-resistant materials - up to 100 cycles, they are not subjected to cracking and are environmentally friendly.

  • Metal with pvc facing

They are made of galvanized steel or aluminum with vinyl coating. Convenient to use and mounting, especially cassette species. Durable, not susceptible to rotting, protect the house from noise, dust and moisture. The disadvantage - the material does not breathe, the external coating is susceptible to burning, considerable cost.

  • From Ceramographer

This facade material is characterized by high strength, resistance to all types of fungi and damage. Plates from porcelain stoneware look expensive and stylish. Such facades are impressed by weakness and protect the house from any effects from the outside. Lack of panel weight. Facing alone is quite difficult.

  • Pharmaceans.

We are accustomed to associate glass facades with large shopping centers or office buildings, but glass is increasingly demanding from those who want to give the walls of their mansion stylish, and sometimes a fantastic look. Used impact-resistant, often bulletproof glass class A and V. Apply reinforced glass, triplex, glass from foamed glass starrel. The advantages of such walls in their beauty and unusualness. Disadvantage in complex installation and high cost.

  • Thermophali.

The design of the thermopanel is a thick layer of polyurethane foam or polystyrene coated with ceramic tiles to protect material from external influences. The advantages of such protective facades mass: high heat and noise insulation, durability, frost resistance, shockproof. The simplicity of spike-groove mounts makes it easy to mount such a facing.

  • Sandwich panels

They are two layers of metal, between which the plastic layer and a vapor barrier layer are pressed. This is an excellent soundproofer. Withstand any temperature differences. Such plates can have a different surface. Not subject to corrosion and influence of fungus. Operating temperatures from -180 to +100 degrees.

Variety of cladding for exterior walls

Pros and cons Installation

The finishing of the building with the front plates has more advantages than minuses, and therefore I immediately say about the lack. The fastener of the front panel is always performed on a special framework, and therefore the manufacture of such facades requires knowledge and a certain experience. In addition, the cost of many materials is quite high. The advantages of cladding walls with these finishing materials are obvious:

  • Protection of the house from exposure to high and low temperatures;
  • Long use of 20 years and above. Most materials have a service life from 50 or more;
  • Protects walls from fungus and rotting;
  • Resistance to sharp temperature differences;
  • Most of the plates are made of non-combustible and environmentally friendly material;
  • Resistant to corrosion lesions.

Before you begin work, you must consider several important recommendations.

  1. Exercise the laying always from left to right and bottom up.
  2. The need to withstand temperature gaps causes the ability to expand the material. For example, at 1 ° C, the gap will be 15 mm, at 32 ° C - 10 mm.
  3. Mounting can be done at low temperatures, but then you need to withstand the plates in heat at least for a decrease in the fragrance and increase the flexibility of the material.
  4. Due to the temperature fluctuations in the plates, small deformation processes on linear dimensions will occur. In order to prevent deformation changes, use smaller diameter fasteners than holes in the stove.
  5. Holes in the wall for fastening must be made at least 10 mm.
  6. Never mount more than two angles at the same time to be able to fit.
  7. Before starting work, it is necessary to level the walls. Large breaks may not save even the metal frame. If it is difficult to do it, then make a crate on the brackets and fill the space by the insulation.

Installation of light facade panels

The first stage will be the manufacture of the crate. It can be several species, but the most important thing is to solve you need warming under the facade elements or not. It must be remembered that even if you live in a warm area, the insulation serves not only for keeping heat, but also protects against the heat. He takes the moisture of evaporation and transfers the dew point for the walls of the house. Modern insulation are noise absorbs and carry part of the protective function of the facade system. This is only the main part of the advantages of the organization of the facade with insulation. True, there is a disadvantage: the material has the cost of 200 rubles per square meter. On the other hand, if the walls require high-quality straightening, you will not be able to do without it. It is better to follow the advice and construct a good ventilated facade at your home, then the straightening of the walls will not need.

Chatters are two types

Production of crates

The crate can be made of metal and wood. For heavy plates, for example, from natural stone, glass or porcelain stoneware framework required from a metal profile.

Take as the basis of the metal grid. If you live in a warm area, then the vertical strips can be burned to the ground, and in the area with the soil freezing, you need to measure at least 40 cm from the soil and start securing the planks in increasing 91 cm or slightly less than the size of the insulation. When the slabs are fixed without insulation, horizontal planks are mounted to vertical without protrusions "flush", the pitch of the strapping will be 46 cm.

Recover plan

We proceed to the installation of the starting profile. It is mounted above the chip, if there is any. In the case of a ventilated facade, the sump is installed under the J-profile, which fastens the bottom layer of the insulation. Installing the starting profile starts along the bottom of the frame bar strictly horizontally. Do not forget to measure the corner panels. Usually their sides are 10 cm, so the starting profile is mounted with a 10-centimeter indentation from the angle. If the bottom edge of the plate requires trimming, the starting profile is not used, and the facing are screwed or nourished directly to the crate.

Start Profile Diselet

Installation of the first row

First attach the angle. Now promote the first panel on the starting profile to the left until the corner is completely docking. Pay attention that mounting pins must be docked correctly. Secure the stove and fill the connecting seam with a sealant. Go to the next plate, moving from left to right. If necessary, cut off the plates, trying not to cut more than one mounting connection. Cutting elements is made by a grinder or saw with rare teeth. Adjust the stroke of the saw so as not to make chips. Cut the last panel into size.

Installation of the first row

Subsequent rows are attached according to the scheme of the first row. For "brick" facades, it is necessary to move the slab relative to the other so that the natural drawing of the brick wall is turned out.

The formation of inner corners

For mounting inner angles, you can apply J-profile or cutting the plates according to the size and pattern. Take two profiles and set the building in the inner angle. The mounting step is 15-20 cm.

The last row of panels ends the mounting of the J-profile and low tide.

Installing a J-profile for internal angles

Installation of heavy facade panels with their own hands in stages

Installation of heavy facade elements is done in a different way. Just secure fibroplitis or porcelain tiles on the starting profile without additional fasteners is impossible. Therefore, the progress of work is next.

  • The first thing we design the crate. It is necessary to calculate the number and types of profile planks, brackets and fasteners.

Important! You can not use a galvanized profile for GLC! The facade is too heavy for this metal. It is necessary to purchase a special reinforced profile.

The surface of the wall prepared for fastening facing material

We install the brackets to which the vertical profile will then be attached. The size of the working part of the bracket is calculated from the thickness of the insulation. After laying thermal insulation, we install vertical profiles. Mount the main and intermediate profile. The main must be located at the joints of the slabs, and the intermediate in the middle. The calculation of the step is carried out on the basis of the architectural features of the project of the building and wind load: the size between the profiles is usually 40-60 cm. Horizontal strips have a step corresponding to the sizes of the panel.

  • The formation of outer angles is usually already provided by the manufacturer. This can be done without trimming the joint in the junction or with trimming. An angular corner can be imposed on the angle, which will need to be painted. In any case, the kit offers sealant and paint under the color of the main cladding.

Important! When installing, do not forget to leave 3 mm between the plates on the temperature expansion! The ends are protected by a special sealant, which must be included.

Installation of corners

Instructions for fixing cassette facade plates

Metal or composite cassette plates for outdoor facing is a very convenient and advantageous material for self-facing.

Important! Some composites magazines are able to deform and burn out under the intense sun, so before buying, be sure to read the instructions! Material must comply with GOST.

External and inner view of the cassette

Installation cassettes is a whole construction that includes a metal profile, internal and external corners, platbands, nachets, slopes, fasteners. Such frames greatly facilitate independent mount. You can perform work using internal and external fasteners. The visible principle is carried out through special holes, which are equipped with each cassette. Usually these are steel curved tiles. The hidden method is characteristic of cassettes with curved grounds. They are inserted into the grooves like Lego Designer. For such a system, installation of a M-shaped profile is required.

Cassette for hidden editing

Video master class on the installation of facade panels do it yourself

For a better understanding of work on the installation, we offer you a film about fastening the vinyl panels on your own.

Installation of vinyl panels

The methods of registration of the outer walls of the building set, we showed one of them. Installing facade panels with your own hands, you can even alone.

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The house should be beautiful, so the future owners of country cottages are thinking about the external finish at the very beginning of the project development. If the brick, tile and stone are not affordable, and siding and stucco already tired. If you want a luxurious and inexpensive finish, think about the facade panels. Their surface imitates the stone: the difference between the materials is visible only at close range. And the installation of facade panels can be performed quickly and without help.

Required tools:

  • water or normal level;
  • plumb;
  • handsman with a fine tooth, disk saw or scissors for metal, Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver, drill, screwdriver;
  • a hammer.

Required panel mounting tool


  • panels;
  • j-fasteners;
  • initial strips;
  • wooden or metal rails for the crate;
  • nails or screws;
  • film for isolation;
  • insulation (not required).


It is better to sow a house with panels at a plus temperature. In this case, there is a distance of 5 mm between the planks and the facing itself. If it is necessary to work at a temperature below zero, the gap increase to 10 mm to avoid strain in the summer. The material is stored in the warm room and with winter installations are carried out in parts.

So that the moisture does not fall into the space between the border panels of the windows, doors and holes for communications, they are covered with sealant.

To finish the base, it is better to choose special panels, as melting water and temperature differences are more affected. At the junction of two different types of finishes, a curb is installed. If you are creating elements on wooden rails, be sure to treat them with a mob of fungus, humidity and fire. You can also use a tree moisturized by more than 15-20%.

Wooden and metal craters have its pros and cons. Wood is more convenient for work, but it is difficult to find perfectly smooth racks, you may have to refine them yourself. The iron frame is smaller and durable, but screwing the screws into it is not very convenient, and if you do it not at right angles, the wind can break them.

Do not forget about the boss between the wall and cladding, it will extend the service life of the finishing materials and insulation.

Mount the panels are needed on a clean wall without traces of fungus or mold. Irregularities can be corrected by the crate, only for this you need to check all the surfaces.

Calculation of panels and components

To understand how much you need panels, count the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, take away the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows and doors. Add 10-15% to the result depending on the number of corners at the house. The starting bar is calculated along the perimeter of the building, plus 5% on the overlap. J-elements - along the length of the corners and openings. All this is multiplied by 2. The mounting of the panel is performed by 5 nails, it takes 4, on the starting or initial bar - on average 10.

Instructions for steps

  1. Before starting work, mark the markup, since the crookedly attached panels do not look carefully.
  2. The facade is fastened with waterproofing film. The following steps depend on the manufacturer of the panels, carefully read the instructions if you do not plan to warm the space, you can immediately install a metal or metal crate. Each manufacturer recommends rays of different sizes, so specify this according to the instructions.
  3. Fix vertical rails 50x50 mm. So that the finish was well kept, they set the rails at a distance of 10 cm from the corner of the house.
  4. If necessary, the space between the rails is filled with insulation.
  5. Fasten a metal cable 25x25 mm to install panels.
  6. Mounted the initial bar on the markup in advance. It should be attached to the nails or screws every 30 cm. Between the crate and the bar, it is left 5-6 mm to avoid cladding damage when the temperatures change.
  7. Attach a J-profile on the corners of the building, the installation step is 15-20 cm.
  8. Installation of facade panels is carried out from left to right, by location of the puzzle elements. The walls are separated in turn to avoid moisture from entering the end of the work. Each next row is mounted with a shear half or in a third of the size of the elements. This contributes to a better fastening and natural appearance.
  9. The extreme panels are cut on the left side, but so that it remains more than 30 cm. It is better to calculate it in advance so that it is possible to immediately cut the items accordingly. Crop the panels so as to maintain the integrity of the pattern. Start elements from perforations begin to cut.
  10. Nails or screws twist exactly in the middle of a special opening. It is not recommended to do them yourself, the panel can crack. If there is no exit, carefully drill the hole, and then fix it. To avoid the appearance of rust choose galvanized or aluminum nails with a countersunk hat 6-8 mm and a diameter of the leg 3-4 mm. Fastening step - 40 cm. Rent: Do not twist the fastening elements to the end, leave 1 mm, since due to changes in the panel temperatures expand and narrow, so deformation is possible.
  11. When the installation of the front panels per wall of the house is completed, the j-profile is fixed at the top so that the moisture does not hit the construction.
  12. Perform the fastening of special parts for corners of the house, door and window openings. Do not forget about the tump to get rid of the wall from excess water.

Strictly follow all the rules so that the home finish remains for a long time in integrity. It is not difficult to perform the installation of facade panels, but the newcomer will be not easy to fix the framework. Buy building materials only from proven sellers and check the quality of the goods, as there are many poor-quality products on the Russian market. Consult on special forums and calculate the number of materials in advance. Successful construction.

Among the well-known siding manufacturers, the company "Dyuk Extrusion" is distinguished by the high quality of products, traditional for German manufacturers. The division operating in Russia consists of 3 factories that successfully produce various facade and roofing materials.

One of the most promising materials that are gaining popularity and actively developing in production is the base siding or, as it is more often called the front panels.

They have a high functional and decorative potential, make it possible to make the appearance of the house completely updated without making significant changes in the design. The growing popularity of the material deserves a detailed discussion of its qualities and the installation order.

Facade panels

Docke facade panels are an outer casing material.which was created for finishing the basements or lower levels of buildings. In practice it turned out that the base siding looks much more attractive if they separate the entire facade of the house.

It turns out a high-quality imitation of finishing with a natural stone, capable of radically transforming the look of the simplest house. Such qualities prompted to change the name of the baseline siding, which for some time it is called "Facade Panels".

The main distinguishing quality of the facade panels is imitation of brick or stone masonryWhereas ordinary siding repeats different options for wooden walls.

The imitation level was very high, because for the manufacture of molds, casts from natural fragments of walls from one or another type of finishing or building stone, bricks, etc. are used.

The company's assortment has several material lines:

  • Berg (rock). The material repeats the masonry from the blocks squeezed by manually from the natural rock. The ruler has 6 color options, from light gray to dark brown.
  • Burg (Castle). The basis of the development of this direction was the vintage legends telling about knightly castles. The material was created as imitation of the appearance of fortress walls, solid and durable. The collection has 10 color options.
  • Stein (under the Stone). There are 5 options for the color of the panels depicting the masonry of walls from the sandstone vessel.
  • EDEL (noble). Panels have the texture of masonry from rocking rocks of the heterogeneous size, the line is made in 5 color versions repeating the color of the noble rocks of the stone - Jasper, Rhodonite, Quartz, Onyx and Corund.
  • Stern (star). A set of realistic looking blocks of different sizes, fitted to each other. High accuracy of stone textural transmission, there are 6 color options.

Panel mounting features

Polypropylene facade panels have specifications close to most plastic samples of plating - vinyl, acrylic, etc.

Accordingly, the conditions of installation work, in particular - mandatory observance of thermal gaps - to the same extent relevant for deck panels.

The fact is that the solid canvas of the trim, being tightly dialed without gaps, while heating will begin to expand and go to the waves. In some cases, the destruction of the nailed planks are possible - bands along the edge of the panel with oblong holes for fixing on the basis with the help of nails or, more often, self-tapping screws.

In order to avoid damage or violation of the appearance of the trim, the temperature gaps must be observed - the slots between all inhibitory elements of the trim. In particular, this condition is relevant for elements that need longitudinal docking (for example, starting plank, J-plank, etc.).

For the same reasons, nails and self-tapping screws can not score / twisted until. There are about 1 mm between the cap and the detail, in order to have the ability to move when changes in size. Holes in the nail placas have an oblong form.

Saws screws exactly in the middleSo that there was a small movement to one or the other side. The only case when this rule is broken - the installation of vertical elements (for example, angular planks). For them, the self-tapping screw is installed at the top point so that the item does not fall down. The remaining self-tapping screws are located in general scheme.


In addition to ordinary panels, additional elements are required to install the object. Components, or, as they are also called, challengesWith which it will be difficult to shelter the house (the photo below):

  • Starting Planca. This is a special rack with a groove to install the bottom row of panels.
  • J-Planck. It serves to complete the sheath web, or for any design of the cloth adjoining to other planes (for example, when designing window openings, it limits the frame framing from the window block side).
  • Corner profile. Element serving to finish external corners. For deck panels, the installation of angular profiles is much easier because they are mounted on top of the cliffs of both sides of the angle and cover them. A typical groove in which the sides of the panels are inserted, they do not have. To ensure reliable installation there is a starting corner profile that serves as a reference point for an angular profile.
  • Border. Used to design end areas of the canvas, overhangs or other sections. It is used to install it
  • Basic Planck. It serves to design inner angles, fastening borders, etc.
  • Facade nearer profile. Serves as a reference plank when finishing window or doorways.
  • Internal corner. It serves to design inner corners of the surface.

The list of challenges for front panels Deck is much shorter than the usual types of siding, and the installation technology is easier and clearer, which is also the advantage of the material.

Tool preparation

To install panels, you need certain tools:

  • Roulette, metal ruler, folding meter.
  • Building level.
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver.
  • Passatia.
  • Hacksaw with fine tooth, Bulgarian.
  • Scissors for metal.

Facade ventilated device

The ventilated facade is a method of lining a house, at which there is an air gap of at least 3 cm between the outer layer - and the inner layers - the wall, insulation and waterproofing.

Such a device of the trim has an important property - water vapor, which is out of the thickness of wall materials, has the ability to free exit from the insulation. Speaking easier - there is a permanent opportunity to dry the wall and insulation.

This option allows you to increase the service life of all materials constituting the walls of the wall, provides high-quality operation of the insulation. For facade panels, the ventilated facade is the usual type of installation, although it is possible to install and without it, right on the wooden walls.

Selection of crates for panels and its installation

The lamp for panels is a supporting structure. Its configuration is usually complicated by the presence of the insulation, which should be installed between the planks. Therefore, the material is selected for the work, the most convenient in operation and is quite durable and durable.

The traditional view of the crate is the system of wooden planks. Such an option is allowed, but requires direct, dried planks that immediately after installation should be impregnated with an antiseptic in order to avoid the appearance of rot, mold formation, etc.

A more successful option is recognized by the construction of a metal crate. Metal guides for drywall sheets are used. They are direct, the galvanized surface prevents corrosive processes, installation and setting of the plane is much easier than when working with wooden bars.

In some cases, metal and wooden planks are combined, which is sometimes convenient for complex surface configurations.

Installation order:

  1. Cleaning the wall outside the house, full surface preparation - putty, plaster (if necessary), primer, drying the surface.
  2. Wall markup under bearing elements - Brackets or direct guides.
  3. The shapper for deck panels has simultaneously horizontally and vertically directional strips. Therefore, if necessary, installing the insulation under it you need to build your crate. It is needed for mounting on top of her carrier slats for panels.
  4. Installing the insulation is made between the planets of the primary crate. On top of the insulation, a layer of waterproof membrane is stacked.
  5. A carrier is installed on the primary craters. Its thickness must be at least 3 cm to provide the desired value of the ventilation gap. Vertical strips serve to mount corners, side panels. Horizontal serve as a supporting surface for starting and j-slats, tops of panels, other web elements.
  6. The step of horizontal planks corresponds to the height of the panel, the step of the vertical is half its length.

The main task when installing the crate - to ensure the correspondence of the sizes of panels and distances between the plates, as well as to ensure the presence of a flat plane, which allows the proper geometry of the sheath web.

How to fasten the panels

Panels are attached to the laminations of the crate taking into account the temperature movements, i.e. It's loosely, but with a gap between the self-proof hat and the detail of about 1 mm. The correctly installed element can be freely moving to the left-right within the width of the mounting holes.

The screw of the self-press should be at least 10 mm in diameter, its length is at least 30 mm. You can not independently drill holes for screws, be sure to use regular mounting holes and nodes.

Installation instructions do it yourself

Installation work is carried out in the sequence:

  1. Installation of starting plank. The lower point of the canvas is determined, a horizontal line is carried out in terms of the level, all angular starting strips are installed, after them, ordinary starting slats are installed.
  2. Registration of inner angles, if available, can be made using a J-strip or specialized internal angular profile. To do this, it is pre-installed the base bar of the shelf to the corner in such a way that the panels fall into the groove on one side of the angle, and on the other, they were attached over the nail plate. When panels are installed, the inner corner will be inserted into the groove of the base plate and will cover the stool of the planes.
  3. Facing is made in the only possible direction - from left to right and bottom. The first panel is cut to a smooth side line, is inserted into the groove of the starting plank, combined with an angle and fixed with self-draws. The next panel is inserted into the side grooves of the previous one, from the bottom - to the starting bar, and on top is attached with self-draws. Thus, the whole range is stacked. The following rows are mounted in a similar way.
  4. Framing of window and door openings are mounted in the same way as the angles. To connect the decoration of the slopes and the window (door) box, the J-Plank applies.
  5. Completion of the web is made by installing a J-strip, drawing up the top edge of the panels.

Installation of facade panels for the outer decoration of the house is simple and can be performed independently. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for the work and constantly remember the need to comply with temperature gaps between the details, not to tighten the screws until it stops.

The fulfillment of these requirements will allow you to fully qualitatively perform work and get a solid and stylish appearance of a home masonry with a relatively low cost.

Useful video

Mounting technology of facade panels on the example of Docke products:

Source: Expert-Dacha.Pro.

Installation of facade panels with your own hands: Phased description with photo

The facing of the building protects the house from numerous external influences. Today, increasingly installing front panels are used for new and old buildings - it is beautiful and reliable. Is it possible to work independently, we will analyze in the article.

What is facade panels

No need to confuse the front panels and siding, although their appointment coincides - the facing of the outer walls of the house. Facade plates appeared relatively recently and actively displacing other ways to protect buildings from atmospheric and other influences. They are thicker and strong in contrast to siding. Materials for the production of such shelter of outer walls also significantly expanded the range. Today, plates for the facade are used both for the full coating of the house and for the ground facing. Their demand is to explain simply: such a design of the facade replaces many natural materials, but much cheaper.

Types of facade panels

The market presents numerous types of facade plates:

An inexpensive facing option that can be mounted on a lightweight frame or straight on the wall when taking an ideal surface. A variety of forms and colors can please any owner. The disadvantage is the absence of vapor permeability and fragility. The frost resistance is not too high, so it is not worth using such a cladding in the regions of the Far North. Many types of vinyl stoves are combustible, and most of the combustion are distinguished by harmful substances.

They are made of concrete and wood fibers using synthetic additives that are a binding component. Durable, environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable, non-combustible fibro-cement facing facades won the market of many countries. Imitation of natural materials not only in the external coincidence, but also in quality characteristics. The material "under the tree" has the warmth of natural wood, but does not burn and does not rot.

  • Wood fiber plates

They are used mainly for light country houses and cottages, as they have significant disadvantages: flammable, exposure to rotting. But it is one of the most frost-resistant materials - up to 100 cycles, they are not subjected to cracking and are environmentally friendly.

  • Metal with pvc facing

They are made of galvanized steel or aluminum with vinyl coating. Convenient to use and mounting, especially cassette species. Durable, not susceptible to rotting, protect the house from noise, dust and moisture. The disadvantage - the material does not breathe, the external coating is susceptible to burning, considerable cost.

This facade material is characterized by high strength, resistance to all types of fungi and damage. Plates from porcelain stoneware look expensive and stylish. Such facades are impressed by weakness and protect the house from any effects from the outside. Lack of panel weight. Facing alone is quite difficult.

We are accustomed to associate glass facades with large shopping centers or office buildings, but glass is increasingly demanding from those who want to give the walls of their mansion stylish, and sometimes a fantastic look. Used impact-resistant, often bulletproof glass class A and V. Apply reinforced glass, triplex, glass from foamed glass starrel. The advantages of such walls in their beauty and unusualness. Disadvantage in complex installation and high cost.

The design of the thermopanel is a thick layer of polyurethane foam or polystyrene coated with ceramic tiles to protect material from external influences. The advantages of such protective facades mass: high heat and noise insulation, durability, frost resistance, shockproof. The simplicity of spike-groove mounts makes it easy to mount such a facing.

They are two layers of metal, between which the plastic layer and a vapor barrier layer are pressed. This is an excellent soundproofer. Withstand any temperature differences. Such plates can have a different surface. Not subject to corrosion and influence of fungus. Operating temperatures from -180 to +100 degrees.

Pros and cons Installation

The finishing of the building with the front plates has more advantages than minuses, and therefore I immediately say about the lack. The fastener of the front panel is always performed on a special framework, and therefore the manufacture of such facades requires knowledge and a certain experience. In addition, the cost of many materials is quite high. The advantages of cladding walls with these finishing materials are obvious:

  • Protection of the house from exposure to high and low temperatures;
  • Long use of 20 years and above. Most materials have a service life from 50 or more;
  • Protects walls from fungus and rotting;
  • Resistance to sharp temperature differences;
  • Most of the plates are made of non-combustible and environmentally friendly material;
  • Resistant to corrosion lesions.

Before you begin work, you must consider several important recommendations.

  1. Exercise the laying always from left to right and bottom up.
  2. The need to withstand temperature gaps causes the ability to expand the material. For example, at 1 ° C, the gap will be 15 mm, at 32 ° C - 10 mm.
  3. Mounting can be done at low temperatures, but then you need to withstand the plates in heat at least for a decrease in the fragrance and increase the flexibility of the material.
  4. Due to the temperature fluctuations in the plates, small deformation processes on linear dimensions will occur. In order to prevent deformation changes, use smaller diameter fasteners than holes in the stove.
  5. Holes in the wall for fastening must be made at least 10 mm.
  6. Never mount more than two angles at the same time to be able to fit.
  7. Before starting work, it is necessary to level the walls. Large breaks may not save even the metal frame. If it is difficult to do it, then make a crate on the brackets and fill the space by the insulation.

Installation of light facade panels

The first stage will be the manufacture of the crate. It can be several species, but the most important thing is to solve you need warming under the facade elements or not. It must be remembered that even if you live in a warm area, the insulation serves not only for keeping heat, but also protects against the heat. He takes the moisture of evaporation and transfers the dew point for the walls of the house. Modern insulation are noise absorbs and carry part of the protective function of the facade system. This is only the main part of the advantages of the organization of the facade with insulation. True, there is a disadvantage: the material has the cost of 200 rubles per square meter. On the other hand, if the walls require high-quality straightening, you will not be able to do without it. It is better to follow the advice and construct a good ventilated facade at your home, then the straightening of the walls will not need.

Production of crates

The crate can be made of metal and wood. For heavy plates, for example, from natural stone, glass or porcelain stoneware framework required from a metal profile.

Take as the basis of the metal grid. If you live in a warm area, then the vertical strips can be burned to the ground, and in the area with the soil freezing, you need to measure at least 40 cm from the soil and start securing the planks in increasing 91 cm or slightly less than the size of the insulation. When the slabs are fixed without insulation, horizontal planks are mounted to vertical without protrusions "flush", the pitch of the strapping will be 46 cm.

Installing the starting profile

We proceed to the installation of the starting profile. It is mounted above the chip, if there is any. In the case of a ventilated facade, the sump is installed under the J-profile, which fastens the bottom layer of the insulation. Installing the starting profile starts along the bottom of the frame bar strictly horizontally. Do not forget to measure the corner panels. Usually their sides are 10 cm, so the starting profile is mounted with a 10-centimeter indentation from the angle. If the bottom edge of the plate requires trimming, the starting profile is not used, and the facing are screwed or nourished directly to the crate.

Installation of the first row

First attach the angle. Now promote the first panel on the starting profile to the left until the corner is completely docking. Pay attention that mounting pins must be docked correctly. Secure the stove and fill the connecting seam with a sealant. Go to the next plate, moving from left to right. If necessary, cut off the plates, trying not to cut more than one mounting connection. Cutting elements is made by a grinder or saw with rare teeth. Adjust the stroke of the saw so as not to make chips. Cut the last panel into size.

Subsequent rows are attached according to the scheme of the first row. For "brick" facades, it is necessary to move the slab relative to the other so that the natural drawing of the brick wall is turned out.

The formation of inner corners

For mounting inner angles, you can apply J-profile or cutting the plates according to the size and pattern. Take two profiles and set the building in the inner angle. The mounting step is 15-20 cm.

The last row of panels ends the mounting of the J-profile and low tide.

Installation of heavy facade panels with their own hands in stages

Installation of heavy facade elements is done in a different way. Just secure fibroplitis or porcelain tiles on the starting profile without additional fasteners is impossible. Therefore, the progress of work is next.

  • The first thing we design the crate. It is necessary to calculate the number and types of profile planks, brackets and fasteners.

Important! You can not use a galvanized profile for GLC! The facade is too heavy for this metal. It is necessary to purchase a special reinforced profile.

We install the brackets to which the vertical profile will then be attached. The size of the working part of the bracket is calculated from the thickness of the insulation. After laying thermal insulation, we install vertical profiles. Mount the main and intermediate profile. The main must be located at the joints of the slabs, and the intermediate in the middle. The calculation of the step is carried out on the basis of the architectural features of the project of the building and wind load: the size between the profiles is usually 40-60 cm. Horizontal strips have a step corresponding to the sizes of the panel.

  • The next step is set to the lower sampling at a distance of 40 cm from the soil and secure the starting profile or the beammers. Clammers or metal clamps are designed not only for fastening, but also for a deformation seam device.
  • Next, begin the fixation of the first row. The thicker facing material, the most important it is necessary to approach work. The fastening of the facade element from porcelain stoneware and other funny structures more than 15 mm thick is carried out on the beammers or on the inner fasteners. The stove connection occurs in accordance with the instructions and pattern.

Important! When installing, do not forget to leave 3 mm between the plates on the temperature expansion! The ends are protected by a special sealant, which must be included.

Instructions for fixing cassette facade plates

Metal or composite cassette plates for outdoor facing is a very convenient and advantageous material for self-facing.

Important! Some composites magazines are able to deform and burn out under the intense sun, so before buying, be sure to read the instructions! Material must comply with GOST.

Installation cassettes is a whole construction that includes a metal profile, internal and external corners, platbands, nachets, slopes, fasteners. Such frames greatly facilitate independent mount. You can perform work using internal and external fasteners. The visible principle is carried out through special holes, which are equipped with each cassette. Usually these are steel curved tiles. The hidden method is characteristic of cassettes with curved grounds. They are inserted into the grooves like Lego Designer. For such a system, installation of a M-shaped profile is required.

Video master class on the installation of facade panels do it yourself

For a better understanding of work on the installation, we offer you a film about fastening the vinyl panels on your own.

Installation of vinyl panels

The methods of registration of the outer walls of the building set, we showed one of them. Installing facade panels with your own hands, you can even alone.


Installation of facade panels: Facing and fastening with your own hands

The facade is the face of the house. If it is in unsatisfactory condition: the old, dilapidative, requiring repair, it is uncomfortable to live in such a house, and it is almost impossible to sell. For facing facades, various materials are used for the cost and quality.

Natural stone and ceramic granite, it is expensive and high-quality materials available not to all. For the device of the facade of natural stone, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis.

"Wet" finish, this is a time-consuming and expensive process limited in time for a warm period. Creating a textured plaster drawing is associated with additional difficulties and costs.

Exit from position - finishing house with front panels.

Unlike natural stone or metal, the facade facing houses houses the economical way of repair. They are two species:


Move from polyvinyl chloride. Single-layer panels imitate brick or stone masonry, tiles from expensive varieties of basalts and granite.

Thanks to modern equipment, the drawing looks natural. To distinguish from a distance of several meters, artificial material from natural is almost impossible.

PVC panels are made with fillers that significantly increase the performance characteristics of the material.

Artificial sheathing is very durable and durable. The panels are made from non-combustible material, practically do not lose shapes under the action of sunlight.

Wall PVC panels can be mounted both on a clean base and on the frame with the insulation.


Another clogging of thermopanels. Do not be confused with sandwich panels. Sandwiches are used for the construction of walls and partitions. Thermopanels are used only for cladding bearing walls, they cannot be used as a full-fledged building material.

The multilayer panel consists of a solid insulation and a protective outer layer. For insulation, extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, foam glass, basalt mineral wool are used.

The protective and decorative layer should be durable, wear-resistant and beautiful. The coating of thermal stalls is performed from plaster on a stone basis, clinker tiles, concrete-polymer facade tiles, a concrete-polymer monolithic finishing layer.

How to strip the house with front panels do it yourself

Mount the facade panels can be several different ways. The choice depends on several factors:

  • Status of the base. A well-prepared panel wall is fastened without using glue or mounting foam on a dowel-screw and anchor. If the base is uneven, then the panels are mounted on glue or construction foam. Also applied method of mounting on a frame. It consists in creating metal profiles or wooden rails of even and solid base to install single-layer or multilayer panels.
  • On the walls, single-layer front panels are installed on the walls of the insulation only on the frame. Such technology was named ventilated facade. Between the insulation and facing there is a narrow air layer. This is a ventilation channel for airing the inside of the suspended facade.

Installation preceded material calculation and preparatory work

The calculation is made according to the sketch of the facade. A scan is drawn on the sketch with an indication of all overall sizes, the number of windows and doors. For accurate calculation, it is better to contact the seller-consultant. In large stores, they are taught to quickly fulfill the calculation.

Preparatory work begins with the facade sanation and the definition of problem areas. The surface is then cleaned from the remains of the old coating. Everything is dismantled to the facade outside. Large cracks and chips are expanded and sealed with cement-sandy solution.

If the facade is amazed by fungus or mold, disinfection is carried out. The most effective method for the drive is impregnation of the surface of the ground with a copper cune.

Copper vigorously poisonous. It is dangerous for the human body, so the work is performed in the respirator and rubber gloves.

Installation of facade thermopanels with their own hands

They can be installed in two ways:

It requires an absolutely level basis. One panel comes to another and snaps into a special lock. This method of installation reduces the total time and complexity of work.

Before fixing thermopanels in any way, markup is performed. Using a laser level or level on the facade, the horizon line is determined. She can coincide or not to coincide with the line of the breakfast. If the lines coincide, there will be no problems. The skin of the panel and the base is beaten by the skins.

If the house stands on the hill and the scene is not horizontal, then the starting line is drawn parallel to the scene. The second dimensional feature is discouraged by the level of the horizon, to the height equal to the size of the panel from the lower point of the facade. Thus, trimming the bottom panels of the first row, the top goes strictly horizontally.

The panels are cut by a grinder with a diamond circle. For eye protection, glasses are used. The grinder cuts over only the protective coating. For sawing insulation, an ordinary tree hacksaw applies.

At the bottom, the starting profile is installed. It is attached to the wall with a dowel-self-taper.

Installation starts from the corner of the house. To fix the facade panels, a plate dowel with a large flat head is used. Under each dowel in the insulation, a shallow opening under the diameter of the head is drilled. So that after installing the dowel was flush with the insulation and did not interfere with the joint of the panels.

For additional fixing panels, dowel-screws are applied. The holes in the seams between the tiles are drilled under them. After installation, the traces of the attachment can be easily hidden by putty, selected in the color to the wall.

After fixing the first panel to her, the second join on the lock. Thus, the entire facade is facing. External corners between panels are closed by fair elements.

If they are not, then the angular ends are trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. After the installation is completed, the junction is closed with putty. To connect the elements, it is not necessary to put pressure on them. If it does not work, then one of the panels is selected or on the wall of the tubercle. Both shortcomings are eliminated, continue the installation.

Installation of panels for glue is relevant when the base is waving with deviations 10-30 mm in the horizontal or vertical plane. Glue acts as an alignment material. After finishing the facade between the wall and panels there are no air layers.

Marking and sawing of facade thermopanels are carried out according to the algorithm for the dry method.

A starting profile is fixed along the bottom horizontal line. This is the support of the facade system. Installation foam is applied to the shelf panel with the shelf profile. The first row of panels is mounted on the foam.

Installation starts from the bottom corner of the house. For installation of thermopanels, special glue is applied, which is bought with the elements of the facing. If it is not, then a dry mixture is suitable for mounting foam or mineral insulation on a brick, concrete or aerated concrete base.

The glue with a thin layer is applied to the entire surface of the panel using a toothed spatula. For additionally, the attachments use a plate dowel. During the docking panels, it is necessary to ensure that the size of the seams between the tiles in the connection places did not differ from the neighboring.

All the joints of the place and place of the installation of the dowel-self-tapping screws are sealed in the surface of the surface.

It should be remembered that the material from which the wall is made to affect the selection of the heaters for the thermopanel. Such porous structures like foam concrete, silicate blocks, it is better to sow thermopanels based on mineral insulation.

Mineral wool is well assigned moisture. For brick and concrete walls, it is possible to use foaming based on polystyrene foam.

Mounting technology of outdoor wall panels

It will be about the device of the facade of single-layer facing elements from polyvinyl chloride. The panels are mounted on the uneven base on a frame of metal galvanized profiles.

Facade wall panels are mounted almost at any temperature. The installation is prohibited only in severe frosts when the thermometer indicators fall below -15 ° C. Facing facade work consists of several stages:


Work on the preparation of the ground must be completed before the installation of the carrier framework. From the facade, extra elements are removed, such as an external unit for air conditioning. The windows are removed from the windows and the slope of the slopes. If the facade is wooden, then it is necessarily treated with an antiseptic for braking processes of rotting and the development of fungus. If the facade is a stone or concrete, then such a processing is not required.

Facing without insulation does not provide for a pair-insulation membrane device. If there is an external backlight, the wiring is carried out at the preparation phase.

Pantel Mounting Cinema

The doomle under the front panels can be made of wood or p-shaped profile. Preferably the second option, since the galvanized profile does not corrosive and does not destroy. It should not be further protected.

At a level basis, it is allowed to mount the profile directly on the bare wall. If the facade with curvatures is mounted, the framework for the front panels is mounted.

The framework consists of brackets and carrier profiles. Using brackets, the frame is aligned. The profile is mounted on a predetermined surface of the facade. Marking is carried out using a laser level and measuring tape

The first horizontal element is installed by 50 mm from the ground. A starting plank for the front panels is attached to it. The step of installation of vertical guides is 500-600 mm, and horizontal depends on the height of the facing element. Horizontal guides are made from the J-profile. Self-screws are used for fastening with a step of 300-400 mm.

Fastening facade panels

The installation of the front panels begins from the bottom angle strictly left to right and downward. The first row is installed on the starting bar. The left end, which goes to the corner, is trimmed at exactly at right angles.

It is then fixed with the help of self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the nail holes and the body of the wall. The second panel is connected to the first to the joint of the thermocompators and is fixed in the same way. To increase the strength of the panel design, you can glue the starting plate with the mounting foam.

The device of the facade of single-layer and multilayer panels can be performed with your own hands. Works are not particularly difficult subject to rules and technologies.

Facade panels will be complemented by a wide range of challenges that allow you to hide small flaws of a novice installer.

The appearance of any private house is an important point for the owners. Excellent solution is considered installation Siding do it yourself.

After all, decorative facade panels Easy B. installationCreate. On both sides these facade Wall panels The protective composition is covered, which is very durable. Many dozens of years fibro-cement.

What do we know about the essence of technology montaja ventilated facade? What is the prefabricated design with a facing screen and air layer.

Facade The cornice is an important element of the building. It hangs over the wall in the form of the continuation of the roof or separates the walls along the boundaries of inter-storey floors. The main function of the karnis is thrown off rainwater.

Installation Fibro cement plates. Fiber cement panels Fasten on a special frame (subsystem). . Installation brackets with help facade Anchors. Depth of drills for the anchor depends on the material of the walls and weight panels.

Installation Composite panels Allows the location of the plates both horizontally and. Types of aluminum profiles suitable for montaja facade cassette. For composite attachment panels Three main types are used.

Plastic as a facing material is becoming increasingly popular for internal, and for facade works. Everyone imposes its low price, but it's not just in it. Plastic panels are easy to install, a beginner can cope with installation. The only condition is a clear observance of technology and more the question of how to sheathe the walls with plastic panels will not arise.

There are materials and other advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • water resistance, as well as resistance to other external influences;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures, to ultraviolet;
  • aesthetic and tidy look;
  • a variety of colors and design solutions. In addition to well-known siding, there are plastic panels for stone, brick, wood, etc.

Fastening of plastic panels on the wall

1. For mounting the frame, guides from wooden bars, metal and plastic profile can be used (the latter appeared on the market recently and has no wide walking). The preferred thickness of wooden plates is 4-6 centimeters, thickness - from two to two and a half. It is better to pack the rails a little longer walls of the room, because if necessary, it is easier to cut it easier than to increase. For mounting a metal frame, it is better to use a rack profile.

ATTENTION: Wooden design elements do not forget to process antiseptic before installing.

2. If the panels are horizontally, the guides should be installed vertically, and vice versa. The location in accordance with the horizontal and the vertical should be measured by the level. Where there are noticeable deviations, wooden or plastic gaskets are applied to align.

3. The frame is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws or dowels (depending on the material of the base).

4. The starting profile is installed on the frame. You can simultaneously install plastic panels on the walls and the ceiling. The wooden crate of the panel is fixed with a nail or furniture stapler, to a metal frame - self-pressing. The panels themselves are inserted one to another using embedded locks.

5. The last panel is one side inserted into the finishing profile, the second is in the penultimate panel. If the size of the panel is more needed, it is cut.

6. Finish the installation of plastic corners in all corners of the room, as well as on the protrusions.

How to see the house siding

The wall decoration by plastic panels (as in the photo) is performed according to the following technology:

1. Here you can also use a metal profile or wooden bars for a frame. On the wooden basis, the framework is fastened with self-drawing, on concrete or brick - dowels. Siding panels are most often horizontally, because the frame bar is installed vertically.

2. Facing the walls by plastic panels is made from the bottom up. First, the starting profile is installed, then the ranks are located one over the other: the first one is set, followed by the second, etc.

3. Neighboring panels are inserted into each other. If the last panel of the row is too long, it is cut.

Important: When you wash with plastic panels - they must not reach the edge of the wall. Here, at the finishing finish, the corner will be installed, which will block the edges of horizontal panels. Panels should not be hard to rest in a corner, otherwise, at a temperature expansion, the coating will sweep. Of the same considerations, it should not be hard to mount the planks for the frame, you need to leave some backlash for their movement.

4. Panels are attached to the frame of self-drawing in all places of intersection with it. Between itself, the upper and lower row is connected using a longitudinal lock. First snaps up the lock, then fastening to the frame. Thus, the entire wall is trimmed. Ends on the installation of the finishing profile, located under the roof.

5. Dobor and platbands are installed on the windows (usually they, like angular elements, are included in the package).

6. Corners are mounted on the corners.

Plastic panels for facades exist not only in the form of siding (i.e., a long vinyl board), but also another form, including square. However, the basic principles of installation (installation of the frame, fastening panels with self-draws on the frame and locks between themselves) are one for all types of panels. The installation process will differ mainly by quantitative details: a step between the bars of the frame, etc.

The last thing is to be mentioned in connection with the facade of the facade by plastic panels: if you wish, the insulation can be placed under them between the bars of the crates. In this case, you must not forget to lay a vapor insulation layer on both sides of the plates of mineral wool, foam, etc.

How to strip the walls with plastic panels: fastening and finishing

Find out how to put the walls with plastic panels. Installation and fastening of plastic panels on the walls. Facing the inner walls by plastic panels and

Wall sheath with plastic panels with their own hands: Mounting methods

Plastic panels firmly occupied their place among the finishing materials presented in the market.

At first glance, it seems that the installation is quite complicated.

But in fact, the walls of the walls with plastic panels do it yourself - there is absolutely easy work, and any man who has a minimal experience in repair, cope with this procedure.

The advantages of material are indisputable:

  • Affordable price - any potential buyer can purchase them;
  • Durability - if you contact the material neatly, it will be able to listen to a very long time;
  • Easy to care - sometimes it is enough to wipe the facing with a damp rag for removing dust and dirt;
  • Moisture resistance - thanks to this indicator, plastic is ideal for mounting in the bathroom and on the balcony;
  • Universality - products can be located both vertically and horizontally, and even diagonally;
  • Multifunctionality - Plastic products have many colors and textures, at the request of the customer you can apply any drawing by the method of thermal printing;
  • Easy installation.

But with all the advantages of this material there are in it and "Spoon of Deaf":

  • Despite the development of high-tech production plastic - it is very unhetatic material and "breathe" as a tree, it will not. Therefore, it is not worth using it in the residential premises;
  • Plastic - fragile material. Therefore, you should not expose it to sharp and heavy items. Even the blow of the playing child can significantly damage the coating;
  • Low refractory - plastic products are well lit and excreted poisonous smoke;
  • Low environmental friendliness;
  • Specific smell of plastic.

Of course, when choosing more expensive and high-quality manufacturers of minus material will be less.

With the addition of some ingredients, the smell of plastic disappears, resistance to high temperatures increases and environmental friendliness is improved.

If we consider that even the most expensive PVC panels are inferior to many facing materials, then the purchase of such a cladding will be more profitable in any case.

Methods of installation

When wearing walls with plastic panels, one of the three ways to install them can be applied: just glued to the wall with glue, fasten the products with self-draws or secure with special fasteners - kleimers.

When planting elements on glue there is one mandatory condition - a wall intended for cladding like a similar material should be carefully prepared, processed by a special antiseptic composition to avoid the appearance of mold, fungus and unnecessary insects.

And, of course, it should be perfectly even so that they do not "touched".

The fastening of facing plates with glue has another negative side: the inability to replace the randomly damaged bar - you will have to redo everything at once.

In addition, elements planted with glue are quite difficult to remove from the wall.

When installing with self-samples or swipes, preliminary installation of a tree of wood, plastic or metal profiles is required.

This method, of course, will slightly reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room - approximately 50 mm on each side, but it does not require additional preparation of the wall.

At the same time, there are other advantages of a framework method: it will not be difficult to replace the spoiled plane; You can hide any communications for the elements installed on the framework, and as a "bonus" in the cells of the crates can be used insulation.

Do not forget that when choosing a wooden crate, the material must previously be processed by a special antiseptic mixture.

Necessary tools and wall markup

Depending on the method of installing cladding it is worth preparing the following tools and materials:

  • Electrolovka, hacksaw or construction knife;
  • Construction level, roulette, plumb and pencil;
  • Perforator;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Special glue - thermoclay, PVC moment or "liquid nails";
  • Kleimers for fastening, dowels or self-tapping screw;
  • Antiseptic compositions for the processing of walls and wood.

With a skeletal installation method, it is worth first to mark the wall. This is done only with the help of a construction level in order to avoid congestion.

When installing the frame to install horizontal planks on the wall, the point is noted at a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor. Using the level, the same points are measured over the entire wall and are connected by a horizontal line.

The line under the ceiling is stuck in the same way. Next, in this way, the entire wall with parallel lines at a distance of 40 - 50 cm is drawn away from each other.

To mount the design in the vertical direction of the wall, respectively, vertical lines using a plumb.

Mounting frame, facing

Initially, the acquired material for the crate must be trimmed by the required dimensions. According to the already applied lines to the wall, the guide profiles from the selected material - wood, metal or plastic are fixed.

If the wall is concrete, the mount is carried out with the help of a dowel if the wooden - use self-tapping screws. The distance between the attachments should not exceed one meter.

It should be borne in mind that for the crate in the bathroom it is better to use a metal profile of stainless steel or plastic.

After the frame is completely assembled, the final cover of the walls with plastic panels begins with their own hands.

When finishing a wall with vertical products, a frame plank is installed at first, and if horizontal is used - molding is used internal angle.

By installing the first element in the frame bar or molding, it is fixed with a screwdriver or a screwdriver for reliability.

The second element is tight inserted into the grooves first and is also fixed in the same way.

The following planes are collected similarly. The last detail is attached to the grooves of the final element - an inner angle or bar.

A slightly different scheme is obtained when fastening with kleimers.

Wall sheath with plastic panels with their own hands in the bathroom and other rooms

The article will tell about how to arrange the walls inside any PVC panels.

Wall sheat plastic panels with their own hands

Plastic is one of the most used materials in modern construction. Therefore, PVC technology products are produced in a huge assortment. As for the walls of the walls, the wide panels are used for these purposes, which can be selected in color, drawing and even the properties that they must have. If you decide to decorate surfaces with such a finishing material, we will tell you how the walls are made by plastic panels with their own hands so that they lay exactly and served you not one year.

The whole truth about plastic

Before proceeding to work, you must first estimate the characteristics of this finishing material and debunk all myths that are connected with it.

Truthful facts:

  • Plastic is completely harmless. Thanks to modern technologies, PVC panels, which are designed to finish the premises, have become absolutely harmless to humans. This is due to the fact that now in the production of this material, such chemical components as asbestos and cadmium are not used. In addition, due to this, the price position of plastic on the building materials market has become much lower.
  • Aesthetics. Thanks to a huge assortment of various colors, drawings and textures, a wall, covered with plastic panels, looks stylish and original.
  • Universality. Plastic panels are conveniently used in places where the use of other finishing materials is problematic or impossible, for example, when cladding the walls of incorrect shape or a variety of architectural sings.
  • Reliability. Such material is quite capable of withstanding TV, sconting or picture.
  • Organic. Plastic, regardless of its texture and colors, it works organically with various ventilation grids, split-systems and sockets.
  • Resistance. Despite the fact that plastic is a rather lightweight material that you can pierce, with proper care, it will serve not one decade and is able to withstand moisture and different temperatures.

Dispel the myths about plastic

To date, there are many "myths" about this material, for example:

  • Plastic panels do not require special conditions from the wall surface. As for the plastic itself, it is rather undemanding material. But the cheek must occur already on the surface purified from the old finishing material and on an absolutely smooth wall.
  • Facing with plastic panels is very easy and does not require special effort. Indeed, the process of the sheat is simple, but this effort and attentiveness will have to be attached to ensure that the finished result is high-quality and smooth.
  • The hygiene of this material. Unfortunately, this is not true. Plastic does not have moisture and vapor permeability. Therefore, the walls that are covered with plastic panels simply do not breathe.

Important! Plastic panels are best used to cover the bathroom, kitchen, balconies or loggias. It is not recommended to carry out such a decoration of walls in the bedroom, children's and living room.

  • Unattractiveness for insects. Due to the fact that the plastic inside is hollow, various spiders and other insects can settle in it.

Important! Plastic panels with proper laying are sealed, and if not to break it, then nothing terrible will occur, and inside such a decoration will not settle "uninvited guests".

  • Flavoring plastic. Such a finishing material is not flammable from heating or matches. However, if the room is completely lit, the plastic panels are also subjected to fire, and poisonous substances are distinguished.

Types of PVC panels

To date, plastic panels are divided into the following types:

  • Rake. They are assembled into a single design with the help of grooves.

Important! In order to visually enlarge the room using plastic rails, the wall panels must be installed vertically.

  • PVC panels imitating tile.
  • Leafy materials. They are in appearance similar to plywood.

Such a finishing material is mounted on special adhesive mixtures or fixed with small screws, and the location of the connection is embarrassed at the end of the work.

Important! When choosing a material for cladding wall plastic, turn your attention to the color gamut and drawing.

How to sew walls PVC panels?

For decorative decoration of walls, this material should be stocking with special tools. You will need:

Important! It is best to stop your choice on a saw. This is due to the fact that when working with a jigsaw, it stumbles on the ribs of stiffness - the slice at the end may be wavy.

  • Stuslo under an electric bison with angles of 90 and 45 degrees;
  • A bobbin gun - you will need it if the trim will be produced on a wooden crate;
  • Rubber cizyanka;
  • Plastering spatula.

Important! When choosing a stapler to work with plastic, pay attention to the fact that the slot of the squeezed bracket is located as close as possible to the sock. This will greatly simplify the installation.

Preparatory work

Before making the walls of walls with panels, first should make a crate - the manufacture of the main framework. This will allow in the future to produce without difficulty replacing the panels and ensure their reliable fasteners. For the walls of the walls most often use wooden bars or metal profile.

Important! Small cells that are located directly behind the design can also be applied to laying insulating materials.

On the surface of the wall, such a doom is mounted using clamps or screws in dowels. In order for the frame to be durable and you have no problems with the installation of plastic panels, the crate process must be carried out by observing such a sequence of actions:

  • Using the level, make pre-marking.
  • Place the transverse labels of the crate at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the lowest rail must be located in such a way that it comes into contact as much as possible with the floor, and the top with the ceiling.

  • In order to hide the angular joints, install the guides and accessories.

Important! If the wall is not quite smooth, you can put a piece of wood under the rail or any other durable material.

Mount PVC panels

In order to make the walls of the walls with plastic panels with their own hands, you need to follow the next action algorithm:

  • Vertically secure the starting and finishing design profile.
  • Get the first board to the top profile, slightly bend it.
  • Install the board fully in place, fix it with brackets or screws.

Important! In order to the walls, they ended up smooth and without gaps, do not forget to use the construction level.

  • Similarly, install the remaining PVC panels.

Important! A cheap profile from such manipulations can remain bent or crack along the corner rib. In order to correct such a defect, you need to heat the deformed place with the help of a household hair dryer and with pressure to try it with a cold iron.

  • From the side of a large mounting shelf, cut the last plan to the size you need. After - get it under the niche allotted for her.
  • Hide the cropped part. To do this, gently begin the shelf of the finish profile and make it under the board.

How to care for PVC panels?

After you finish the walls of plastic, it is very important to ensure the proper care to this material. This will significantly extend its aesthetic appearance and a long service life.

The basic rules for the care of the walls of covered PVC panels:

  • Wash such a surface follows an exceptionally soft cloth.
  • Try to use detergents for washing without the presence of an abrasive or solvent.

Important! An ordinary soap solution is considered to be the most acceptable option for the care of plastic walls.

  • At the end, the surface should be wiped with conventional clean water.

Despite the fact that plastic for the walls of the walls is rather light during installation, there are still nuances, non-compliance with which will lead to a significant decrease in the operational period of such a finish and the appearance of gaps due to uneven surfaces:

  • It is impossible to work with cold material, so if the plastic is brought from the street, he needs to give 30-60 minutes to stand before the start of the process.

Important! Do not install PVC panels in rooms with temperatures below 20 degrees.

  • The shap must be divided in such a way that there are about 50 centimeters between the rails.
  • For better ventilation, it is necessary to make rugs in the rails themselves.
  • Despite the fact that PVC panels are a rather unpretentious finishing material, yet before starting work, clean the walls from the old finishing material and garbage.
  • If there is a need to cut the panel to pieces, it follows the "face" down.
  • The protective film can be removed only after the complete end of the installation work.
  • If you are creating the panel to the crate, it is best to use special thermoshabs for fixing them. This is a fairly reliable fastening that can withstand the effects of high temperatures.
  • If the PVC panels with a pattern, the installation should be started from the left corner gradually moving to the right.
  • To lay the wires, it is necessary to install the grooves of plastic slats in advance before starting work.

Installing PVC panels is a fairly simple and not too time-consuming process. Nevertheless, even such an uncomplicated finishing material requires compliance with certain rules during its installation. Applying our tips in practice, you can without special physical effort and material costs to produce decorative walls of walls with plastic. As a result - you will get perfectly smooth walls, stylish design and warm atmosphere of comfort in your home.

Cases of walls by plastic panels with their own hands, serviceyard-comfort of your home in your hands

Decided to perform the design of the bath, kitchen or other PVC room? Find out how the walls are made by plastic panels with their own hands. In this article you

How to strip the house with plastic panels?

Plastic panels in the household - The thing is irreplaceable, because they can be awarded any surface except the floor, while the owners save a significant amount both on the material itself and work, because the coating assembly is quite simple.

How to sew the window with plastic panels?

The most exciting question after installing metal-plastic glass package is a decoration of slopes, and many are inclined here in favor of drywall, but it is better to install plastic panels with a number of advantages:

  • Convenient and fast installation does not require "wet" trimming methods;
  • The panel is resistant to mechanical exposure, while plasterboard is chosen;
  • If necessary, you can always carry out repairs, quickly disassembled submissions.

The optimal option, especially with strong winds and low temperatures, will using plaster plasterboard.

Before mounting the panel, it is necessary to remove the extra mounting foamAfter that, the starting P-shaped profile is attached to the window frame with the help of self-samples. The mounting panel is better to cut the electric bike for the accuracy of the cut, in width and height equal to the slope of the window.

Junctions between the windowsill and panels you must close the starting profile, and the final fixation from the room is made by the finish F-shaped profile, which, which, on the windows' intersices, is cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Similarly, installation and top panelAfter which the space between the panels and concrete slopes can be filled with the mounting foam, and the slots on the joint and top panel joints are disguised with a white sealant.

How to sew the kitchen with plastic panels?

Plastic - the most suitable material for the trim The premises of the kitchen, and here it is necessary to say, it is practical than the tile, which is often used in the kitchen space.

Not allowed to use plastic Directly near the cooking and frying area, as it may be swore and even ignite, and otherwise it can be applied without restrictions.

As in any other room it is necessary to make a crate on the walls From wooden planks. At the bottom of the panel will be fixed on the same bar, but to close the plinth, and at the top and at the initial angle, the starting P-shaped profile is attached to the wall.

After which panels are mountedEach of which is fixed and relative to the wooden crate with self-draws. The segment next next segment closes the compound of the previous one.

Corners at the junction of walls closed with a special angular profile, And the walls of the wall between the mounted cabinets and the cutting table are facing in a similar way, as in the rest of the sections.

How to shelter the loggia with plastic panels?

Those owners of apartments who do not have a balcony, but a loggia, quite deservedly considered luckySince in essence, have one extra room at your disposal.

Plastic panels Most likely finishThey are not terrible temperature fluctuations, but for the safety of heat, the heat insulation is stacked.

Preparation of the surface will not need it is only necessary to make a crateHere you can use a metal profile, in the intervals between the profiles, the sheets of mineral wool are stacked, which will significantly insulate the room.

At the junction with the ceiling and in the corner from which the installation will begin, installed starting profilesand the bottom of the panel will go flush for the plinth, so here the profile does not need, the ftksation is performed only on the lower edge of the crate.

The panels are mounted using the lock connection, and at the same time fixing to the crate with self-tapping screws. The corners use a special corner profile.

How to strip the house with plastic panels? Tailing windows, kitchens and loggia panels

Plastic panels in the household - the thing is irreplaceable, since they can be awarded any surface except the floor, while the owners save a significant amount both on the material itself and work, because the coating assembly is quite simple. How to sew the window with plastic panels? Most

Vinyl siding: self-trimming of facade walls

The construction of the house is completed, the interior decoration is also. It remains to "wear" the house outside. And then the question arises: what is better: clinker brick or tile, vinyl siding-lining or full-fledged stone facing? The answer is simple: siding. It is the covering of plastic panels at home to the owner of the house, and it is it considered the easiest option of the facade finish.

Plastic panels like finishing material

Owners of private houses seek to improve their house, while spending as many funds as possible, so they resort to the siding decoration of the walls. Plastic - practical material from the point of view of home-grown builders' masters, and therefore is used for both internal and outdoor wall decoration. Today the PVC panels (polyvinyl chloride) are common, using which you can not only hide the wall defects, but also decorate the facade of the house.

Plastic Falla Clay - a great version of the decorative finish of a private house: the color of the panels allows you to use them as a wooden trim

  • A variety of colors - siding from PVC panels implies not only imitation of lining, but also natural material (stone, wood, granite).
  • Available cost.
  • Aesthetics - the facade of the house looks neat compared to conventional plaster. In addition, the panel will hide any defect surface of the walls and even an uneven wall.
  • Convenience and installation speed - due to its lightweight, plastic panels are quickly attached to the walls, it is easy to handle (cutting).
  • Good technical characteristics - moisture resistance, frost resistance, resistance to fungal lesions, low flammability.
  • Durability - plastic panels are resistant to burnout, several dozen years can be served (10-15 years according to manufacturers warranty).
  • Flexibility.
  • Poor impact resistance - they are easy to damage during transportation, when working with the material, contact if possible.
  • Not all types of PVC panels can be secured directly to the wall - for mounting, as a rule, the installation of the root is required.
  • Harmful discharge when burning.

Note: The strength properties of the panels will depend on the sheet thickness and the number of ribbiness. Therefore, to check the strength should be pressed on the surface of the material: the greater the rigid ride in the sheet, the less likelihood of the leaf bending and more is the service life of the finish.

Types of panels

All plastic panels for the outer decoration of the walls of the house can be combined into several groups:

  1. Finish under stone. It is clear that the natural stone for wall decoration is a fairly overdeless pleasure, therefore the PVC panels used as a facing will become a good substitute. This means that plastic with imitation of natural stone will look at no worse, and the pros is obvious: more easy weight and less load on the foundation of the house, excellent decor.
  2. Finish under the brick. An ordinary decorative brick, clinker brick or brick tile - these materials are no less expensive than natural stone, but they can easily imitate plastic. Today, manufacturers offer two types of decorative plastic panels - a homogeneous and combined structure. In the first case, the material is homogeneous, it has a smooth color and does not have a layer. In the second case, there is an additional insulating layer in the panel, as a rule, it is a polystyrene foam. Plus such a finish is that it is possible at any temperature (unlike bricks).
  3. Finish under the tree. This is the so-called lining - the most common material imitating wood. You can use false-lining for a lining at home for any architecture of the house: it is easy to fix it, it does not occur with installation difficulties.

Building stores today offer various imitation of finishing: under brick, stone, lining and even decorative plaster

In a separate group, plastic panels should be allocated for finishing the base (foundation) - they must be stronger and thicker, be sure to mounted with insulation and have increased moisture resistance.

Calculation of the amount of material

Not only the economical acquisition of the material will depend on the correct calculation, but also the correct installation.

Consider on the example, how to correctly calculate the material. The scheme of the house is preparing indicating all sizes - the overall length of the walls, the presence, number and size of the opening of windows and doors, the presence of the base, etc. By calculations and will be purchased siding - from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the area of \u200b\u200bdoor and window openings obtained and the number and Will be a necessary amount of material.

SMAT \u003d (Skon - Sokon - Sdverey) + 5%, where

SMAT, sdoma, Sokon, Sdverey - Square of materials, walls of the house, windows and doors, respectively, and 5% - the allowance of the material to the total area.

To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall for the facing, it is enough to know the size of the wall, windows and doors (if available)

Thus we get:

SMAT \u003d (SOKON - SOKON - SDOREY) + 5% \u003d (3.8M * 7,2m-1,6m * 2,2m) + 5% \u003d 25.032, or 25.03 m 2 - this is the number of material required for finishing

If it is additionally planned to cover the base of the house and the fronton, they are calculated in the same way: the foundation is calculated along the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle, the fronton - along the triangle area.

Required tools and materials

Despite the ease of installation of plastic panels, the minimum tool skills will be required:

  1. Electric drill, screwdriver, electric jig. They will be cut the panels of the required size, the electric drill and the screwdriver will be mounted panels to the shap or walls.
  2. Lobzik stuslo. This "auxiliary" tool will allow you to cut all the panels of the same length and chamdes.
  3. Construction level, stapler. The level of the panels applying will be measured by the level, and the stapler will attract the layers of heat, hydro and vaporizolation.
  4. Panels of the desired color.
  5. Expendable material: fasteners, corners, self-tapping screws, brackets, insulation, waterproofing, vapor barrier film.
  6. Profiles: Starting and Finishing (necessary for fixing plastic siding)
  7. Decorative corners, component elements.

Methods of fastening

There are several of them: on staples, liquid nails, self-tapping screws, curmmers.

The fastening type will depend on the weight of the panel and the presence / absence of the root

Liquid nails are attached to the panels to the perfectly level surface, the special glue for PVC panels is also used instead.

Self-storms or brackets can be attached to the panels as a doom, and without it - directly to the wall. For fixation will require screwdriver.

Fastening by clemmers is akin to fastening with self-draws. The panels are fixed on the frame reliably and firmly.

Step-by-step instruction

Preparatory work

At this stage, the preparatory work is reduced to remove the old finish from the walls (if it is), pine seals, chips, cracks in the walls, minimally plastering the surface and process the walls of primer with moisture-repellent properties. "Beautiful" cannot be causing it, because all the wall defects will hide behind the panels.

Also, the preparatory work includes the marking of the walls of the walls for the installation of the dry-cutting frame.

Note: When the walls are trimmed by siding panels, laying a vapor and waterproofing layer with a heater is a prerequisite.

Installation frame

Here it is necessary to decide on the type of frame - from wood or metal profiles. And the one and the other option is the same by the method of the device, the difference is only in cost and durability. So, before making a frame of a bar, it is necessary to impregnate the entire material to the antiseptic composition - it will keep the tree from harmful insects and fungal lesions. Of course, the wooden frame can do cheaper at the initial stage of construction, but will serve less than metallic.

Frame from metal products, and even from galvanized, it will cost more - but it will be higher in service life. In addition, there are no costs for additional processing of the design.

According to the marking on the walls, the main rails are attached first - they will become supporting, to which the cheek itself will be installed. The bumbly is a cell, in the cells of which the insulation material is paired, the hydro and vapor insulation layer.

Note: Despite the seemingly expensive design, the additional layers increase the thermal insulation and noise insulating characteristics of the house.

The mounting of the frame (wooden or metal) is made to the wall by self-drawing, the fasteners are necessarily processed by an antiseptic (for a frame of wood) or primer (for metal profiles). The pitch of the root - 0.3 - 0.5 m, all the ends must be fixed to avoid "sagging". Fastening step - 25-30 cm.

Laying "Stripes"

The skeleton frame is arranged in such a way that the panels are attached to the wall with some "air" gap, or a layer. This gap is necessary to ensure that the surface of the main wall is not rotten, condensate did not accumulate on it, and the roasted space was ventilated.

In addition, the laying of thermal insulation (as a rule, it is either the sheets of foam, or mineral or glass gamble) and the waterproofing layer (so that the wall surface does not "flow" when the temperature drops from the inside and outside). You can also put a vaporizolation film - it additionally prevents the formation of condensate on the surface of the main wall.

After the layer filled the sophistic soles, you can start fixing the finishing material.

Installation of panels for the cheek

The panels themselves have two edges, on the one hand, the shelf that is attached to the frame, on the other hand, the "lock" regiment, it is it that performs the adhesion of two adjacent panels.

Important: The covering of the whole wall will depend on how neatly the first panel will be completed, it will be the guide for the entire finish.

Plastic panels are fastened with a doom and simultaneously snatch (with a lock connection)

Sequence of work when installing panels Next:

  1. Profiles - starting and finishing are mounted on the installed doom. The first panel is laid in the bottom profile, then slightly bends and starts in the upper profile. After installation, the panel is fixed with self-draws. The next panel is installed in the same way, laying down the bottom into the bottom profile, the top - to the upper and fixing the panel by the doom.
  2. The last panel must be cut to the desired length from the side of the large shelf. Next, the panel starts in a niche prepared for it and closes with a decorative corner.

Note: Installation method described above - for panels with a vertical fastening method. With a horizontal method of laying panels, all actions are repeated, only the main and guide profiles are attached to the top and end of the wall.

In both cases, the deflection of the panels is carried out across the root

The walls of the walls can be attached to self-drawing, and nails, and even brackets or liquid nails. However, experts advise the use of hidden fasteners with clemmers - with their help panels are sewn to the cut. By the way, if the walls of the house are built out of bricks, foam concrete, or are log, the fastening of siding clemmers will become the best way - fasteners will not damage the material and will become quite reliable.

Tip: If the walls of the house have sufficient heat insulation, then the laying of the insulation is not required. Only hydro and vapor insulation layers can be fixed on the frame.

Fastening panels without doom

There are cases when the drying device is inappropriate, and you have to mount the panels directly on the wall of the house. How to make a trim in this case, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of finishing?

  • Saving time and means on the trim - no framework device is required, do not need troubles with a doom. Panels are fixed directly on the wall.
  • The method is suitable for wooden frame or panel houses - the walls of such a house are multi-layered, the insulation is already "sewn" in them and no additional thermal insulation is required.
  • In addition to plastic panels, the function of which is reduced to the designer, panel walls of such houses can be covered with further composite sheets. Sheets perform the function of the support, ensuring the strength and rigidity of the walls, so the siding sheets can be installed directly on the wall of the house.
  • The absence of a gap between the trim and the main wall is an unbeatable wall faster exposed to fungal damage, rotting and destruction.
  • The frameless method of fastening plastic panels is suitable only for perfectly smooth walls.

Installation of panels The frameless method is somewhat simplified, in contrast to the attachment of the panels to the shap.

Installation produce directly on the wall, fastening - frameless

Tip: Despite the seeming perfect evenness of the walls, they must be accomplished with a plumb - to avoid deviations from verticals.

After checking the evenness of the walls, you can proceed to their markup. First, the border is marked with which the starting plank of the plating will begin.

Important! It is possible to start the cutting of siding by the frameless method only after the conversion of the base. At the same time first sets the sampling for the foundation.

In addition to the sings, various decorative fittings are used when frameless installation - it can be used to hide defects and joints of the panels, beat the transitions from the walls to the rims.

Final work

After the panel is fixed, no less responsible work occurs - decorative design of joints, corners, the framing of window and doorways. Here you can show your taste. So, to highlight certain areas (for example, windows and doors), you can use decorative strips and angle to tone darker than the color of the main objective. The same applies to the objects of the foundation (basement): the bottom can be issued in dark colors, and the framing is in bright, contrasting.

A good solution was the contrast of the foundation with the facade finish and the framing of the tint of the shade darker than the walls of the walls.

The covering panels of the walls of the house, like any other work, has a certain sequence of actions. To produce the correct installation of siding, you need to follow the recommendations of manufacturers.

The quality of the finish will largely depend on which sheets are purchased. So, vinyl siding should not buy if:

  • ribra stiffness deformed, even be slightly;
  • the coating is at least a bit different in its tone;
  • on the surface there are defects or minor scratches;
  • panels do not coincide in size.
  1. With cold material it is impossible to work - otherwise you can damage the sheet without the possibility of recovery.
  2. It should be pre-prepared the "work area" - to clear the surface of the walls, whenever possible crackle cracks.
  3. When cutting panels of the desired length, the sheets need to keep the front side up. In this case, the protective film can be removed after the panels are fixed on the wall.
  4. When fastening the panels, special thermoshabs are used to fastened under fasteners - they are used as equalizers for plastic. Fastening sites in hot weather can be deformed, plastic will go cracked and can easily fly away from the root.
  5. If the panels are planned to lay wiring, then you need to install the cable laying locations in advance and make special grooves from flexible planks for it.

Working with vinyl siding under the lining, at first glance, is simple. However, when installing panels, it should be extremely accurate, since one incorrectly fixed panel may continue to perform all the finishes. Therefore, it is desirable to adhere to all recommendations for working with plastic panels, and if such works are carried out for the first time, it is necessary to consult with experts.

The walls of the walls of the house with plastic panels do it: under the brick, stone, without a doom and so on video

How to sheathe the walls with plastic panels with their own hands - manual. Types of panels, calculation of materials, step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.