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The effect of internal and external processes on the formation of the relief. External forces changing the surface of the Earth

External forces smoothed created by the inner forces of the Earth. Destroy the protruding surfaces of the surface, they are filled with sedimentary rocks. Flukes, glaciers, people create a variety of smaller form of relief on land.


One of the main external processes is weathering - The process of destruction and transformation of rocks.

The weathering itself does not lead to the formation of relief forms, but only turns solid rocks into loose and prepares the material for moving. The result of such movement is various form of relief.

Effect of gravity

Under the influence of gravity of rocks, destroyed by weathered, move but the surface of the earth with elevated areas in lower. Stone blocks, crushed stone, sand is often rushed down with steep mountain slopes, generating collaps and screaming.

Under the action of gravity arise landslides and villages. They carry huge masses of rocks. The landslides are sliding masses of rocks down the slope. They are formed along the shores of the reservoirs, on the slopes of hills and mountains after heavy rains or melting of snow. The upper loose layer of rocks becomes harder when saturated with water and slides along the lower, non-water layer. Storm rains and rapid melting of snow are also caused in the mountains in the mountains. They are moving down the slope with the devastating force, bringing everything on their path. The landslides and satieces lead to accidents and death of people.

Activity of fluid water

The most important relief converter is moving water that performs greater destructive and creative work. Rivers cut through wide river valleys on the plains, deep canyons and gorges in the mountains. Small water streams create an arms-beef relief on the plains.

Fluid sub statements not only create deepening on the surface, but also capture the fragments of rocks, tolerate them and postpone them in depressions or and their own valleys. So from river nansions along rivers Flat plains are formed


In those areas where easily soluble rock breeds (limestone, gypsum, chalk, stone salt) are located close to the earth's surface), amazing natural phenomena are observed. Rivers and streams, dissolving rock rocks, disappear from the surface and rushed into the depths of the earth's depths. The phenomena associated with the dissolution of rocks with surface and are called karst. The dissolution of rocks leads to the formation of karst forms of relief: caves, abuse, mines, funnels, sometimes filled with water. Beautiful stalactites (multi-meter lime "icicles") and stalagmites ("columns" from limeths) form bizarre sculptures in the caves.

Wind activity

On open unplaced spaces, the wind moves the gigantic clusters of sandy or clay particles, creating the eolone form of relief (Eola God is the patron of wind in ancient Greek mythology). Most sand deserts of the world are covered with vegans with sandy hills. Sometimes they reach a height of 100 meters. From above, Barhahan has a kind of sickle.

Moving at high speed, sand particles and rubble handle stone blocks like sandpaper. This process is faster at the surface of the Earth, where the sand is greater.

As a result of wind activity, dense deposits from dust particles can accumulate.
Such homogeneous porous breeds of grayish-yellow colors are called lass.

Glacier activities

Glaciers form a special ice relief. Moving along the surface of the sushi, they smooth the rocks, boost the basins, move the ruined rocks. The deposits of these breeds form nose hills and ridges. When melting glaciers from the sand-brought sand, sand plains are formed - Zandras. Basins formed by glaciers are often filled with water, turning into glacier lakes.

Human activity

A large role in changing the relief is played by a man. Especially changed its plain activity. People have long settled on the plains, they build houses and roads, fall asleep the ravines, build a mound. A person changes the relief when mining: huge careers are digging, hills are embanked - dumps of empty breed.

The scale of human activity can be comparable to natural processes. For example, rivers produce their valleys, bringing rocks, and a person builds comparable channels.

Relief forms created by man are called anthropogenic. An anthropogenic change of relief occurs with the help of modern technology and a fairly fast pace.

Moving water and wind perform a huge devastating work, which is called erosion (from the Latin word Erosio corrosion). Erosion land is a natural process. However, it increases as a result of the economic activities of people: disintegration of the slopes, cutting down forests, non-harmonious grazing of cattle, road gaskets. Only over the past hundred years of erosion has undergone a third part of all world-treated lands. These processes have reached the greatest scale in large agricultural districts of Russia, China and the United States.

Formation of land relief

Features of land relief

So far, we have considered internal relief factors, such as the movements of the earth's crust, folding formation, etc. These processes are due to the effect of the internal energy of the Earth. As a result, large form of relief are created, such as mountains and plains. At the lesson, you will learn how the relief was formed and continues to form under the influence of external geological processes.

Other strengths work on the destruction of rocks chemical. Leaking on cracks, water gradually dissolves rocks (See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Dissolving rocks

The dissolving capacity of water increases with the content of various gases in it. Some breeds (granite, sandstone) are not dissolved, others (limestone, gypsum) dissolve quite intensively. If water penetrates along cracks into the soluble rock layers, then these cracks are expanding. In those places where water-soluble rocks are close to the surface, it observes numerous failures, funnels and basins. it karst form relief(See Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Karst Forms Relief

Karst - This is the process of dissolving rocks.

Karst form relief are developed on the Eastern European Plain, the priestly, the Urals and the Caucasus.

Mountain breeds can be collapped and as a result of the vital activity of living organisms (plants of stone and dr.). it biological weathering.

Simultaneously with the processes of destruction, the transfer of destruction products into low sections is, thus, the relief is smoothed.

Consider how a quaternary glaciation formed a modern relief of our country. Glaciers have been preserved to date only on the Arctic Islands and on the highest tops of Russia (See Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Glaciers in the mountains of the Caucasus ()

Going along steep slopes, the glaciers form a special, ice Relief. Such a relief is common in Russia and where there are no modern glaciers, in the northern parts of the Eastern European and West Siberian plains. This is the result of an ancient glaciation, which arose in a quaternary era due to climate cooling (See Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Territory of the ancient glaciers

The largest centers of glaciation at the time were the Scandinavian Mountains, Polar Urals, New Earth Islands, Mountains of the Taimyr Peninsula. The thickness of the ice on the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsula reached 3 kilometers.

The glaciation arose more than once. It was posted on the territory of our plains with several waves. Scientists believe that it was about 3-4 glaciations that were replaced by interledstial epochs. The last glacial period ended about 10 thousand years ago. The most significant was the glaciation on the Eastern European Plain, where the southern region of the glacier reached 48º-50º s. sh.

By the south, the amount of precipitation decreased, so in Western Siberia, the glaciation reached only 60º s. sh., and east of Yenisei because of a small amount of snow was even less.

In the centers of glaciation, from where the ancient glaciers moved, traces of activity in the form of special shapes of the relief - lambs were widespread. These are braids of rocks with scratches and scars on the surface (the slopes facing the movement of the glacier, gentle, and the opposite - cool) (See Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Bariums Lob

Under the action of its own weight, the glaciers spread far from the center of their formation. On the path of their following, they smoothed the relief. A characteristic glacial relief is observed in Russia in the territory of the Kola Peninsula, Timan Kryaga, the Republic of Karelia. The moving glacier scraped the surface of soft loose rocks and even large, solid debris. Clear clay and hard rocks for ice mOREN (deposits of thresholds of rocks formed by glaciers when they move and melting). These breeds were postponed in more southern regions where the glacier melted. As a result, sea hills were formed and even whole naval plains - Valdai, Smolensko-Moscow.

Fig. 8. Education Moraine

When the climate has not changed for a long time, the glacier stopped in place and along its edge accumulated single moraine. In the relief, they are represented by curved rows of tens or sometimes even hundreds of kilometers, such as Northern Horses in the Eastern European Plain (See Fig. 8).

During the melting of glaciers, the flows of melt waters were formed, which were twisted by Morane, so in the areas of the spread of glacial hills and a variety, and especially along the edge of the glacier accumulated water-glacial injuries. Sand flat plains arising from the outstanding glacier, are called - zandrovy(from him. "Zunder" - Sand). Examples of Zandrovy Plains are Meshcherskaya Lowland, Vytnevolzhskaya, Vyatsko-Kamskaya Nizin (See Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Education of Zandrovy Plains

Among the flat-lower hills are widespread water-glacial facilities, obs(from Swedish. "OZ" - Rud). These are narrow ridges, up to 30 meters high and a length of up to several tens of kilometers, in shape resembling railway mounds. They were formed as a result of settlement on the surface of loose nans formed on the surface of glaciers rivers (See Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Education of Oz

All water flowing on land, under the action of gravity, also forms relief. Permanent watercourses - rivers - form river valleys. With temporary watercourses formed after heavy rains, the formation of ravines (See Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Orag.

Ingust, ravine turns into beam. The most developed beam-oxide network has slopes of hills (Midnoesertskaya, Volga, etc.). Well-designed river valleys are characteristic of rivers flowing outside the boundaries of the last glaciation. Current waters not only destroy rock rocks, but also accumulate river seizures - pebbles, gravel, sand and illum (See Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Accumulation of river applications

Of these, river floats, stretching strips along the river bed (See Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. The structure of the river valley

Sometimes the latitude of floodplains ranges from 1.5 to 60 km (for example, the Volga) and depends on the size of the rivers (see Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Volga width in different areas

Along the river valleys, traditional places of settlement of people are located and a special type of economic activity is formed - animal husbandry on floodplain meadows.

On lowlands experiencing slow tectonic lowerings, extensive spills of rivers and wandering of their beds occur. As a result, plains built by river nanos are formed. The most common is such a relief in the south of Western Siberia (See Fig. 15).

Fig. 15. Western Siberia

There are two types of erosion - side and bottom. The deep erosion is aimed at cutting streams into depth and prevails at the mountain rivers and plane rivers, which is why deep river valleys are formed here with steep slopes. Side erosion is aimed at blurring the shores and is characteristic of plain rivers. Speaking about the effects of water on the relief, the exposure to the sea can be considered. At the occurrence of the seas on the flooded land, sedimentary rocks accumulate horizontal layers. The surface of the plains, from which the sea retreated a long time ago, is strongly changed by flowing waters, wind, glaciers (See Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Reception of the sea

Plains, relatively recently abandoned by the sea, have a relatively flat relief. In Russia, this is the Caspian lowland, as well as many plain areas along the coast of the Northern Ocean, part of the lowland plains of the Precocalism.

Wind activity also creates certain form of relief, which were called eoloic. The eoloid form of relief is formed on open spaces. In such conditions, the wind transfers a large amount of sand and dust. Often, a small bush is a sufficient obstacle, the wind speed is reduced, and the sand falls to the ground. So it is formed at first small, and then the large sandy hills - verakhans and dunes. In Plan, Barhahan has the shape of a crescent, and with its convex side, he addressed the wind. With a change in the direction of the wind, the orientation of the vehana is changing. Relief shapes associated with wind are distributed mainly on the Caspian lowland (vegana), on the Baltic coast (dunes) (See Fig. 17).

Fig. 17. Education of Barhana

Many small fragments and sand wind blows off the bare mountain peaks. Many grains endowed with them again hit the rocks and contribute to their destruction. You can observe bizarre weathered figures - ostasy(See Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. Rests - Fancy Forms of Relief

The formation of special breeds is connected with the wind activity - Lesov. - This is loose, porous, dust breed (See Fig. 19).

Fig. 19. Les

The forest is covered with large areas in the southern parts of the Eastern European and West Siberian plains, as well as in the Lena River basin, where there were no ancient glaciers (See Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. The territories of Russia covered with Loeos (shown in yellow)

It is believed that the formation of Loeza is associated with the vowing of dust and strong winds. The most fertile soils are formed on LOE, but it is easily blurred by water and the deepest ravines appear in it.

  1. The formation of the relief occurs under the influence of both external and internal forces.
  2. Internal forces create large form of relief, and the external forces destroy them, transforming into smaller.
  3. Under the action of external forces is carried out both destructive and creative work.


  1. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 1 half. Grade 8 / V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze.
  2. VB Fifteenth, E.A. Customs. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 8th grade.
  3. Atlas. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. - M.: Drop, 2012.
  4. V.P. Dronov, L.E Savelyev. UMC (educational and methodical kit) "spheres". Tutorial "Russia: Nature, population, economy. 8th grade". Atlas.
  1. The effect of internal and external processes on the formation of relief ().
  2. External forces, changing relief. Weathering. ().
  3. Weathered ().
  4. Alession in Russia ().
  5. Physics of vegans, or how sandy waves are formed ().


  1. Is the statement true: "Weathered is the process of destruction of rocks under the influence of wind"?
  2. Under the influence of what forces (external or internal) vertices of the Caucasian Mountains and Altai acquired a pointed form?

It is formed as a result of the interaction of internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) forces. Endogenous and exogenous processes of relief formation operate constantly. At the same time, endogenous processes mainly create the main features of the relief, and exogenous are trying to level the relief.

The main sources of energy during relief formation are:

  1. Internal energy of the Earth;
  2. Energy of sun;
  3. Gravity;
  4. Space influence.

Source of energy endogenous processes It is the thermal energy of the land associated with the processes occurring in the mantle (radioactive decay). Due to the endogenous forces, the earth's crust of the mantle occurred to form its two types: continental and oceanic.

Endogenous forces cause: movements of the lithosphere, formation of folds and faults, earthquakes and volcanism. All these movements are reflected in the relief and lead to the formation of the mountains and the deflection of the earth's crust.

Faulting of the earth's crust Break by: dimensions, form and in time of education. Deep faults form large blocks of the earth's crust that are experiencing vertical and horizontal displacements. Such faults often determine the outlines of the mainland.

Large blocks of earth crust are cut into a network of small faults. River valleys are often confined to them (for example, the valley of the r. Don). The vertical movements of such blocks are always reflected in the relief. Especially clearly visible forms created by modern ( non-speaking) movements. Thus, in our Central Black Earth region, the Square of the Central Russian Hills (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk Region) rises at a speed of 4-6 mm / year. At the same time, the Osksk-Don lowland (Tambov, Lipetsk and Northeast of Voronezh regions) is lowered by 2 mm every year. The ancient movements of the earth's crust are usually reflected in the nature of the occurrence.

Exogenous processes Related to the flow of solar energy. But they flow with the participation of gravity. At the same time takes place:

  1. Weathered rocks;
  2. Movement material under the action of gravity (collaps, landslides, scraping on the slopes);
  3. Transfer material with water and wind.

Weatheredthere is a combination of mechanical destruction processes and chemical changes in rocks.

The overall impact of all the processes of destruction and transfer of rocks are called denudation.Denudation leads to alignment of the surface of the lithosphere. If there were no endogenous processes on Earth, it would have long had a completely smooth surface. This surface is called the main level of denudation.

In fact, there are many temporary levels of denudation, on which for some time they can fade the leveling processes.

The manifestation of the processes of deanitation depends: on the composition of rocks, geological structure and climate. For example, the shape of ravines in the sands is a trough-shaped, and in the chalk breeds - V-shaped. However, the height of terrain over the sea level is the greatest importance for the development of deanudition processes. base of erosion.

Thus, the relief of the surface of the lithosphere is the result of countering endogenous and exogenous processes. The first create irregularities of the relief, and the second align them. Endogenous or exogenous forces may prevail during relief formation. In the first case, the elevation elevation increases. it rising relief development. In the second case, the positive forms of relief are destroyed and the deposits are filled. There is a decrease in the heights of the surface and driving slopes. it downward relief development.

Endogenous and exogenous forces for long geological time are balanced. However, in short intervals, one of these forces prevails. The change of ascending and downstream relief movements leads to cyclicity of processes. That is, at first there are positive form of relief, then weathered rocks, moving the material under the action of gravity and water, which leads to equalization of the relief.

Such continuous movement and change of the substance is the most important trait of the geographic shell.


  1. Smolyaninov V. M. General landland: Lithosphere, biosphere, geographic shell. Educational and methodical manual / V.M. Smolyaninov, A. Ya. Nemykin. - Voronezh: origins, 2010 - 193 c.

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Purpose: To reveal the students on the presentation of internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) processes as a necessary condition for the development of the relief, to teach themselves to identify causal relationships, show the continuity of the development of relief, identify particularly dangerous natural phenomena, causes of occurrence.

Equipment:physical and tectonic maps of Russia; Map of the newest tectonic movements; interactive board; illustrative material about the villages, erosion activities of rivers and ravines, landslides and other exogenous processes; Filter "Relief Formation".


1. Organizational broadcast

2. Repetition material.

- Find the main plains and mountains on the physical map. Where are they located?
- Highlight the main features of the relief of our country. Give an assessment of the surface structure from the point of view of the possibilities of economic development of the territory. What do you think, what is the difference between people's life in the mountains and on the plain?
- Give examples of the impact of the relief on the nature of the nature of our country.
- The plains of Russia refer to the greatest in the world. What plains of the globe can be compared in size and structure?

4. Studying Mattering(Presentation )

(Slide 1) The surface of the earth is constantly, although very slowly, changes as a result of the interaction of internal and external processes. The relief, which we see in our country now, is the result of such an interaction during the last geological segment of time. Especially strongly affected the modern relief of the most important events of the Quaternary period: the latest tectonic movements, ancient glaciation, coming seas. (Slide 2)

Among the internal (endogenous) processes, the newest tectonic movements and volcanism were the greatest impact on the relief. Endogenous processes - relief processes occurring mainly in the depths of the Earth and caused by its internal energy, gravity and forces arising from the rotation of the Earth.

How do the internal forces of the Earth affect the relief?

Newest (non-Moscow) movements. (Slide 3) The height of modern mountain ranges, elevations, lowlands and intermediate boilers is largely due to the amplitude (wretch) of the tectonic movements of non-quaternary time. These movements are called the newest tectonic (non-stock).(Slide 4) Almost all the territory of our country experienced raising at this time. But the northern outskirts of the Asian part of Russia fell and was flooded with the waters of the seas of the Northern Ocean. Some sections of low plains (the central regions of the West Siberian Plain, the Caspian lowland) were lowered and filled with loose sediments. The scope of the latest movements on platforms is measured with tens and hundreds of meters. In the more movable folded areas of the amplitude of the latest tectonic movements is measured by kilometers.

Earthquake. (Slide 5) Evidence of continuing tectonic movements serve as an earthquake.
The most frequent and strong earthquakes are observed in Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, in the mountains of the Baikalia. Significant earthquakes are subject to large Caucasus, the southeastern part of Altai, Tyva and the lowerland of Lena.

Vulcanism. (Slide 6) The existing volcanoes in our country are only in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, where the powerful crims of rocks in the fold and creating young mountain structures are actively continuing and understood. There are about 60 acting and 3 times more - extinct volcanoes. Almost all the time some of the volcanoes are in an activestation. At times, powerful explosions, accompanying volcanic eruptions, are broken from the crater and flow across the slopes of hot lava. When contacting the lava with snow and glaciers are formed mud streams. Clouds of ash rose up a few kilometers, and with wind form huge loops. Large whales of Curil and Kamchatka volcanoes have not yet caused, but it is unmanaged force, and it is difficult to predict what surprises they prepare.
Traces of recent volcanism are found in other areas of our country. Lava plateau and cones of extinct volcanoes are in the Caucasus (Elbrus and Kazbek), in Transbaikalia and in the Far East.
The eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes bring innumerable disasters to people are a disaster for many living in areas exposed to them. Volcanoes and earthquakes have long aroused superstitious fear in people, gave rise to faith in supernatural forces. Prevent these phenomena a person is unable. But, knowing about their approximation, you can avoid human victims and reduce damage caused by them. Therefore, the study of volcanoes and earthquakes is of great importance and their prediction. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Institute of Wolcanology was created in this purpose.

Among external (exogenous) processes The formation of the relief, the greatest influence on its modern appearance was the ancient glaciation, activity of flowing waters and in areas covered with sea waters - the activities of the sea.
Exogenous processes - Processes caused by the external forces of the Earth.

Ancient glaciation. (Slide 7) General raising sushi, changes in the outlines of the mainland Eurasia and the cooling climate on the globe led to the emergence of the coesting time of the coating glaciation.
There were 3-4 epochs of glaciation. Mountains of Scandinavia, Polar Urals, Pouotina and Mount Taimyr were served by the centers of glaciation. Hence the ice extended to the adjacent territories.
Moving, the glacier has very much changed the surface of the earth. From the center of the glaciation, he carried the stones at the lower layers of ice, as a powerful bulldozer, removed from the surface of loose breeds (sand, clay, crushed stone) and even quite large stones. The glacier smoothed and spinning the rocks, leaving on them deep longitudinal scratches (strokes).
In more southern areas where ice melts occurred, the material was made on the plains - Moraine. Moraine consists of mixed sand, clay, small wreckage of solid rocks and large stones (boulders) and forms moraine hills on the surface. Where the land of the glacier passed, the power of the Moraine was especially big and arose of course-starving ridges. Since there were several glaciations and the boundaries did not coincide, they arose a few finitely moraine rice.
When melting glaciers, tremendous masses of water were formed, which were moved by Morane, transferred and deposited sandy material, aligning the surface. So were created on low sections along the outskirts of the glacier Water-glacial plains.
Created by ancient glaciation form of relief is best expressed in Russian plain, where the glacier power was the greatest.
Significant was an ancient glaciation of mountain areas. Its trails are sharp peak peaks and valleys with steep slopes and a wide bottom (troph), including where there is no modern mountain glaciation.

Sea activity. On the shores of the seas of the Northern Ocean Ocean in Russia there are non-scribed strip of marine deposits. They are composed of flat seaside plains arising from the occurrence of the seas in the post-year-old time. In the southeastern part of the Russian plain by marine sediments, an extensive Caspian lowland is composed. At the Quaternary time, the sea has repeatedly happened here. In these periods, the Caspian via KuMo Manic Wpadin joined the Black Sea.

The activity of flowable water. (Slide 8) Fluids constantly change the surface of the sushi. Their relief operations continues and now. The processes of the destruction of rocks and soils by fluids (erosion processes) are particularly energetic in areas with plenty of precipitation and significant surface slots.
The erosion relief in particular is characteristic of mountains and elevations. Erosion relief prevails in all mountainous areas. The thick network of mountain gorges and deep river valleys dismember the slopes of the ridges.
On the plains, in areas that have not been subjected to an ancient glaciation, the erosion dismemberment of the surface continued throughout the quaternary period. A branched system of river valleys, beams and deep ravines, dismembering water-seated surfaces (Middle Russian, Volga Hills) formed.
Fluata not only dismembering the surface, creating a erosion relief, but also deprote products in the valleys of rivers and on gentle slopes. Especially a lot of material tolerate rivers. Flat plains created by river accumulation (accumulation of river wear), stretch strips along the river bed. They are especially characteristic for low plains and intermountain catlovin. Large areas these forms occupy in the West Siberian Plain.

Processes caused by the action of gravity. (Slide 9) In areas with a strongly dissected relief, the effect of gravity plays a large role in the conversion of relief. It causes the movement of rocks of rocks down the slopes and accumulate them on gentle and concave slopes and foothills. In the mountains with a large steepness of the slopes, there are often moving large masses of a large chipboard: stone blocks and rubble. Overheads and screeching. Sometimes these processes occur on the plains, on the steep slopes of river valleys and ravines.

With a shallow occurrence of waterproofing rocks and especially when alternating aquifer and waterproof layers, there is a splitting of the overwhelmed upper reservoirs on the waterproof. Landslide arise.
Landslide Call the displacement (slipping) of rock masses down the slope under the action of gravity.
The landslide relief is characterized by a buggy surface, the convergence of lowering between the walls. Labery processes are enhanced with earthquakes, tooling landslide slopes by watercourses, losing abundant precipitation, etc.
The landslides can destroy home and transport highways, demolish gardens and crops of crops. Sometimes landslides attracted human sacrifices. In the densely populated areas, landslides bring great damage to the state.
Changing the relief is especially quickly occurring in areas folded with loose rocks. Solid rocks are more stable, but they are gradually collapsed. The processes of weathelation play a big role. The material prepared by weathelation is then moved under the action of gravity, water and wind, and the surface of rocks freed from it is redefined.
With the accumulation of a large number of weathering products in lowering on the slopes of the mountains, and sometimes the elevations and the loss of heavy precipitation occur to the water and mud and mud - seli. moving at high speed and destroying everything in its path.

ELOWY Forms Relief. Eoloi, that is, created by the wind and called by the name of the Greek god of Eol - Lord of the winds, the form of relief are found in dry, desert areas of the Caspian lowland, in areas, deprived of vegetation and fried loose bulk sands. Most often, they are represented by basins of blowing, fights and vegans - hills of the sickle form moving at a speed of up to 5 m per year.
In the southern regions of our country - in the south of Russian plains and Western Siberia, in the foothills of the Caucasus, Baikalia and Transbaikalia, loose, porous rock rocks, called a loss are widespread. Lorsions are very valuable soil-forming rocks, they are always formed the most fertile soils. However, the masses are easily blurred by water, so ravines often occur in their distribution area.

How a person changes relief? (Slide 10)

A person in the process of its economic activity also changes the relief. It creates such a form of relief, as pitted with open development of minerals, reaching the depths of dozens, and sometimes the first hundred meters, railway mounds, channels, etc.

To reduce the speed of modern relief-forming processes, for their warning it is necessary to comply with certain rules for the management of the economy in areas subject to their action. In erosionly dangerous areas it is necessary to post the prison slopes, fasten the tops of growing ravines, plow the slope across the slope. In areas of development of landslide processes, it is recommended to arrange drains that reduce the sedimentation of precipitation, limit the load on the soil during construction work.

5. Fastening the material studied

- As a result, the earth surface changes?
- Name the relief-forming processes known to you.
- What are the famous phenomena of nature related to the formation of mountains, caused superstitious fear of our ancestors?
- Think, for mountain or low regions, the erosion relief is most characteristic. What rocks are most susceptible to erosion?
- What natural natural phenomena are related to relief formation processes?
- Tell us about spreading natural phenomena through the country, explain it.
- What are the modern relief-forming processes are the most typical for your locality?

6. The result of the lesson

Earth relief.

The surface of the Earth has changed as a result of the interaction of internal and external processes. Internal processes include neotectonic movements, earthquakes and volcanism.

Earth relief formation

Causes of change: External processes
Ancient glaciation Pokrovny - 3-4 epochs with centers: Scandinavian Mountains, Polar Ural, Pouotner, Taimyr Mountains; Education Morane, strokes and furrows. On Russian plain the power of the glacier is the largest.
Sea activities On the shores of the seas, non-searches for marine deposits (seaside plains): the coast of the Arctic Ocean and the Caspian lowland.
Activity of fluid water Erosion processes in areas with plenty of precipitation, with a significant surface bias (gorge, caves, river valleys, beams, ravines).
Processes under the action of gravity Owls, screaming, landslides, satieces (mountain areas)
Human activity Almost all the available territories of Russia: pitted, embankment, channels, hotcases, dams, etc.

Relief of Russia is extremely diverse and has a long history. In its formation, various forces and processes that manifest themselves unequal and with different intensities in different parts of our country

7. Homework:§eight

8. Check yourself.

Task for strong students - Computer testing ( Attachment 1 ).
Task for weak students - modern relief development. Interactive board ( Appendix 2. ).


  1. Alekseev A. I. Geography of Russia: Nature and Population: Tutorial for Grade 8. M.: Drop, 2009.
  2. Alekseev A. I. Methodological manual at the rate "Geography: population and economy of Russia": a book for a teacher. M.: Enlightenment, 2000.
  3. Rakovskaya E. M. Geography: Nature of Russia: a textbook for grade 8. M.: Enlightenment, 2002.
  4. Encyclopedia: Physical and Economic Geography of Russia. M.: Avanta Plus, 2000.

The relief is a combination of irregularities of the earth's surface of a different scale, called the form of relief.

The relief is formed as a result of the impact on the lithosphere of internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) processes.

Processes forming relief and related natural phenomena.


Causes, Origin

For what areas of Russia is characterized by this process

What changes occur in the relief

Impact on the life and activity of people

Measures to combat negative

Vulcanism -
The eruption of molten masses (fire-liquid melts) to the surface of the Earth.

Endogenous processes. (Under the action of high pressure and temperatures in the kernel, the molten lava will be released.

Pacific Fire Ring-Kamchatka and Kuril Islands:
Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750),
Non-name stone
Kronotsky, toy.
Caucasus: Elbrus Kazbek

Mountains cone shape,
in the earth's crust
Showing plateaus
(in Siberia)

Rock formation,
Volcanic heat.
destroy cities, buildings,
Forests, arable land, people die,
Changes climate.

Observations of the life of the volcano, prediction,
a warning
The population is about danger.

These are underground shocks, they can continue from a split second to several tens of seconds.

Movement of lithospheric plates.

Far East: Kamchatka,
Kuril Islands, Primorye, Caucasus, Altai.

Rips, collaps, scratch, dips, robes, rabes.

Buildings, whole settlements, disruption of arable land, hy-beliemen.

Seismology - Nauka about the earth examines are drawn up a warning card, observation.

Weathered wind work, water.

Exogenous processes: geographical position, climate, atmospheric pressure, relief.

Siberia, Caucasus,
Ural, Sayan, Altai.
Coast of the Caspian Sea, Finnish Bay, on the shores of the rivers Ob, Volga, Don, Yenisei.

Niche, ring-shaped gorges, caves, dunes
Sandballs, stone mushrooms, grille made of glad sandstone.

(+) Wind power

(-) blowing
Soil, education
Soil erosion,

Protective stripes
vegetable cover
in ravines
Fixing sands.

Activities of the seas

Wave activities caused by the movement of air masses.

Okhotsk coast, Kamchatka, Kola ps
Caspian Sea, Caucasus.

The destruction of the coastal strip, the destruction of rocks on the coastline and the formation of rolling rocks, the formation of grottoes, arched structures.

"-" Owls, the retreat of the coastline,
The destruction of buildings, roads,

Accumulation of minerals, sedimentary origin, energy
Tides and sings.

Protective facilities
Dams, dams.

Water work - river streams, sat down,
The groundwater

Exogenous: Water streams carrying huge masses of a variety of material - Il, sand, gravel, alert, and others.


(erosion), transfer of destroyed particles

And their deposition.

Waterfalls in the Caucasus, Altai, on O.itrup VDP. 141m high.
Gorge-on the rivers of Daria and Marya (Kurilsky O-VA).

Depending on the relief and rocks on the ground:
blur the shores are deeply formed
Valleys, gorges, thresholds, terraced slopes, waterfalls, landslides, karst caves.

Mountain ridges,
Soil erosion,
Selene streams destroy human dwellings, crops.

Locked deposits, reveal indigenous mineral deposits.

Strengthening shores with plants.

Effect of endogenous processes on the formation of relief

Various tectonic movements of the earth's crust are associated with internal processes, creating forms of land relief, magmatism, earthquake. Tectonic movements are manifested in slow vertical oscillations of the earth's crust, in the formation of folds of rocks and faults. Slow vertical oscillatory movements - raising and lowering the earth's crust - are committed continuously and everywhere. The retreat is connected with them, and the offensive of the sea on land. For example, the Scandinavian peninsula slowly rises, and the southern coast of the North Sea on the contrary is descended. Magmatism is primarily connected with deep faults crossing the earth's boring and leaving for the mantle. For example, Lake Baikal is located in the Baikal or Mongolian fault area, which crosses Central Asia, Eastern Siberia and leaves the flesh to the Chukotka Peninsula. If the magma rises along the erox, or the narrow channel at the intersection of faults, the elevations or volcanoes with a funnel-shaped expansion are formed at the top, which is called the crater. Most volcanoes have a cone-shaped form (Klyuchevskaya Natka, Fujus, Elbrus, Ararat, Vesuvius, Krakataau, Chimbora\u003e). Volcanoes are divided into applicable and extinct. Most of the existing volcanoes are located in the zones of tectonic faults, and where the formation of the earth's crust has not ended. Endogenous processes are also associated with earthquakes - sudden blows, shaking and displacement of the layers and blocks of earthly crust. The foci of earthquakes or epicenters are confined to fault zones. In most cases, earthquake centers are located at the depths of the first dozen km in the earth's crust. The elastic waves arising in the focus, reaching the surface, cause the formation of cracks, oscillating it up - down, offset in the horizontal direction. The intensity of the earthquakes is estimated at a twelve-point scale called in honor of the German scientist Richter. In case of catastrophic earthquakes, the relief changes in a matter of seconds, collapsions and landslides occur in the mountains, buildings are destroyed, people die. Earthquakes on the coast and day of oceans are the cause - tsunami or giant waves.

Folds - wave-like bends of the plastic crust, created by the joint action of vertical and horizontal movements in the earth's crust. The fold, the layers of which are curved up, is called anticline fold, or anticline. The fold, the layers of which are flashed down the book, is called a synclinal fold, or a syncline. Synclinal and anticline - two main forms of folds. Small and relatively simple folds are expressed in the relief of low compact ridges (for example, the Sunzhen ridge of the northern slope of the Big Caucasus).

Larger and complex folding folded structures are represented in the relief of large mountain ranges and their separating downsions (the main and side ridge of the Big Caucasus). Even larger folded structures consisting of a variety of anticline and synclinals form a mountainous type of relief megaphra, such as Caucasian Mountains, Ural Mountains, etc. These mountains are called folded.

Disrupting disorders (faults) - These are different impaired solidity of rocks, often accompanied by the movement of torn parts relative to each other. The simplest view of the gaps are single more or less deep cracks. The largest discontinuous disorders that spread to a significant length and width are called deep faults.

Depending on how the broken blocks moved in the vertical direction, allocate discharges and puts. The aggregate of discharges and fellows make up horses and rabes. Depending on the size, they form separate mountain ranges (for example, cutlery mountains in Europe) or mountain systems and countries (for example, Altai, Tien Shan).

Volcano - A combination of processes and phenomena caused by the introduction of magma in the earth's bark and the outpounding of it on the surface. From the deep magmatic foci, the lava, hot gases, water pairs and rocks of rocks are erupted. Depending on the conditions and paths of penetration of the magma, three types of volcanic eruptions differ on the surface.

Square eruptionsled to the formation of extensive lava plateates. The largest of them are the Plateau Dean on the Industan Peninsula and the Columbia Plateau.

Fractured eruptions There are sometimes rapid lengths occur on cracks. Currently, volcanism of this type is manifested in Iceland and at the bottom of the oceans in the middle oceanic ridges area.

Central type eruptionsassociated with certain sites, as a rule, at the intersection of two faults and occur according to a relatively narrow channel, which is called Zherlo. This is the most common type. Volcanoes formed with such eruptions are called layered, or stratululkans. They have the form of a cone-shaped mountain, the top of which is the crater.

Examples of such volcanoes: Kilimanjaro in Africa, Klyuchevskaya Natka, Fujiya, Etna, Gekla in Eurasia.

Exogenous processes - geological processes occurring on the surface of the Earth and in the most upper parts of the earth's crust (weathered, erosion, glacier activity, etc.); The mainly due to the energy of solar radiation, the strength of gravity and the vital activity of organisms.

Erosion (from lat. erosio - corrosion) - the destruction of rocks and soils with surface water flows and wind, including the separation and removal of the fragments of the material and accompanied by their deposition.

Often, especially in foreign literature, under erosion understands any destructive activities of geological forces, such as marine surf, glaciers, gravity; In this case, erosion acts synonymous with denudation. For them, however, there are also special terms: abrasion (wave erosion), examination (glacier erosion), gravitational processes, solifluction and so on. The same term (deflation) is used in parallel with the concept of wind erosion, but the latter is much more common.

By the speed of development, erosion is divided into normal and accelerated. Normal always occurs in the presence of any pronounced flow, slowly more than the soil formation proceeds and does not lead to a noticeable change in the level and shape of the earth's surface. Accelerated is faster than the soil formation, leads to money radami soil and accompanied by a noticeable change in relief.

For reasons, natural and anthropogenic erosion are isolated.

It should be noted that anthropogenic erosion is not always accelerated, and vice versa.

Work of glaciers - The relief-forming activity of mountain and coating glaciers, consisting in the capture of particles of rocks by the moving glacier, transferring and depositing them when melting ice.

Types of weathered soil

Weathering - A combination of complex processes of high-quality and quantitative transformation of rocks and considerations of their minerals, leading to the formation of the soil. It is due to the action on the lithosphere of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere. If rock rocks are on the surface for a long time, as a result of their transformations, weathering bark is formed. There are three types of weathered: physical (mechanical), chemical and biological.

Physical weathered - This is a mechanical grinding of rocks without changing their chemical structure and composition. Physical weathered begins on the surface of rocks, in contact places with an external environment. As a result of temperature drops during the day on the surface of rocks, microcracks are formed, which, over time, penetrate increasingly deep into. The more temperature difference during the day, the faster the weathering process occurs. The next step in mechanical weathered is to enter water cracks, which, when freezing, increases in the amount of 1/10 of its volume, which contributes to even greater weathelation of the rock. If blocks of rocks fall, for example, to the river, then they are slowly stepping and crushed under the influence of the flow. Selene streams, wind, gravity, earthquake, volcanic eruptions also contribute to the physical weathering of rocks. Mechanical grinding of rocks leads to transmitting and delaying the water and air, as well as a significant increase in surface area, which creates favorable conditions for chemical weathering.

Chemical weathered - This is a combination of various chemical processes, as a result of which further destruction of rocks and a qualitative change in their chemical composition with the formation of new minerals and compounds. The most important factors of chemical weathered are water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Water is an energetic solvent of rocks and minerals. The main chemical reaction of water with minerals of magmatic breeds - hydrolysis leads to the replacement of alkaline and alkaline earth elements of the crystal lattice on hydrogen ions of dissected water molecules.

Biological weatheringlive organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, animals, lower and higher plants, etc.).