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Homemade apparatus for sugar wool at home. How to make a device for sweet wool with your own hands. Preparing sweet wool on special equipment

Sweet cotton wool is quite tasty treat, but the device for its manufacture is very expensive and therefore it is not advisable to purchase it for home use.

However, almost everyone by the power to make your own home apparatus for sweet wool. This will require a simple saucepan and some components that will certainly find in each storage room. Manufacturing a home apparatus will not take much time, and there will be a sowing penny. Having attached a little labor, you can produce sweet cotton sauker from simple sugar at any time and in any quantities.

The apparatus for sweet wool at home

For the successful operation of the device, you will need a container that will be filled with sugar. This container will be exposed to heating, while sugar will be melted, and rotate. When rotating through the container holes, thin threads of melted sugar will be ejected. The container must be placed inside a large pan to localize ejected threads.

First you need to choose everything you need for. These are components and tools.

Prepare from tools:
- Drill and several drills. Required the presence of a thin (no more than one millimeter) drill.
- soldering iron.
- Set of files.
- Scissors for metal and canning opener.

Accessories for sweet wool:
- Jet lighter. Such lighters are characterized by a blue flame and produce heating greater than the temperature of ordinary lighters. In this case, during the combustion does not stand out soot. The lighter should be able to burn independently, this is due to the fact that finding a hand with a lighter in a saucepan with flying sugar threads is somewhat uncomfortable.
- DC electric motor with low voltage power supply (for example, nine Volta).
- The power source of the electric motor may be a simple battery.
- A small tin can, better high, from canned vegetables.
- Little lid to install a lighter, you can use a milk cover.
- Big pan or bucket.
- relatively long stick exceeding the width of the pans. Any wooden plank or metallic rod is suitable.
- Prut or tube about fifteen centimeters long.
- Bolt, nut and small sizes.

After completing the configuration, proceed directly to the manufacture:
1) We carry out the fastening of the lighter.

Prepare a stand for a lighter. It is necessary to wrap a lighter with a fresh film in a minimum of two layers. After that, mix a little epoxy glue, pour it into the milk cap and place the lighter in the cover. After hardening the glue, you must remove the lighter and clean it from the film. Removable stand for lighter ready.

2) Installation of the engine and rod.

The engine is connected to the tin can a short twist or tube. At the ends of the rod need to drill one hole. One hole is designed to connect with the engine shaft, so the drill is selected appropriate. After drilling, insert the shaft into the hole and secure its drop superclone. To fix the shaft in the hole, you can use the locking screw, but it will require the drilling of another hole and cutting the thread, although it will provide the ability to remove the engine if necessary. Think for yourself what you like more.

After that, we drill the second hole for fastening the cans. The bank will be attached by a bolt, so the drill must correspond to its diameter.

Finally, secure the engine to the transverse bar. It is easy enough to carry out, drill two holes in the center of the plank and secure the engine with two screws.

3) Installation of banks.

The cans can be a container in which sugar will be melt. To do this, it is necessary to fall asleep sugar into it, hang it over the source of the fire and unwind it, while from the holes in her sides, the sugar threads will be departed.

You should start with cutting holes at the top edge of the can. With the help of a canned opener, completely remove the top cover of the jar and clean the edge with the file to remove all burrs. It will fight from the wound in the process of making sweet cotton wool.

After that, you need to drill a row of holes on the sides of the cans, at its lower edge. Holes should be as small as possible in diameter, even with holes, a diameter of one millimeter, some Sagarints pass through them not so much to melt. Therefore, use the drill of the smallest diameter you just find. Drilling holes produce on the height of about one centimeter from the lower seam of cans.

4) Mount Bank

Drill the hole in the jar for its mounting to the rod. Secure the jar with a bolt and nut. In principle, the bank can be simply soldered to a metal bar or nailing, if the plank is wooden. But the option of attaching a bolt with a nut is better, as it allows you to shoot, or replace the jar.

Pay special attention to what the bank enshrined on the rod is conveniently located above the source of fire inside the bucket or pan.

Cooking sweet wool at home

Installation is ready. We proceed to cooking sweet wool. Light a lighter, put a little sugar to the tin can and run the motor.
Install the lighter inside the pan. After sufficient heating, the sugar can start melting and fly through the holes on the sides of the jars in the form of sweet wool. After the formation of a certain amount of cotton, assemble it with a bamboo stick.

It is unlikely that there is a person who has not tried sweet wool. Now it is sold everywhere - in parks, at various mass events. It can be found even in stores. But the modern taste of this delicacy will not compare with what was before.

Many still can not understand the principle of cooking this delicacy. In fact, everything is quite simple. An excellent option, which will allow to pamper not only the children, but will help adults to remember the moments of childhood, the homemade sweet wool will become.

Make sugar wool at home is the easiest way to use the special apparatus. But you can do without it. But for this you have to make efforts and spend more time. Consider step by step with the photo instructions for cooking this wonderful all your favorite dessert.

Preparing sweet wool on special equipment

The easiest way to prepare sugar wool is the use of specially invented instrument. It can be ordered on the Internet or found in home appliance stores.

It produces a large amount of product in a short time, which is perfect for people who often receive guests, or for organizers of children's events or thematic parties.

The apparatus for sweet wool has a sufficiently simple design: on a stable basis there is a piece with a metal disk that heats up during operation.

The principle of operation of the unit is very simple, which makes it easy and quick to create a favorite sweet dish:

  1. New car gently rinse hot water, rinse with a cleaning agent, wipe dry and leave to finally dry;
  2. Connect the device to the network and let it work 5 minutes to warm up;
  3. Push up on a metal disk two big spoons of sugar. From heating, it will begin to melt and turn into a string;
  4. Immerse a wand in the bowl and collect ready-made threads on it. The mixture attached to the side walls, but do not throw away. Delicious lollipops may come of it. That's all. Our delicacy is ready.

The unit is very convenient, compact dimensions allow you to easily wash and store it. But everything has its own minuses. This device is no exception:

  • Permanent overheating. Because of this, you need to regularly turn off and cool the device;
  • You can blur the surrounding space when working;
  • A constant cleaning of the bowl and other parts is required, otherwise failure is possible.

There is another way how to make sweet cotton:

  • It is necessary to prepare a sugar-based syrup in advance, then pour it on top to the disk;
  • From the rotation of the heated disk, the syrupchik turns into a thread, which are distributed through the walls of the bowl;
  • The finished product is assembled and screwed on the sticks.

The device allows experiments with additives and syrup, which will make your wool original and bright. Orekhovo-caramel, mint-lemon, strawberry-vanilla is just a small part of new syropters, which can be included in the dish.

Apparatus for sugar wool do it yourself

It happens that there are no funds for the purchase of new technology. Do not despair. The machine for the preparation of beloved delicacy can be designed independently. This will be especially easy to give people who have at least small skills in electrical engineering. The assembly scheme is as follows:

  1. Prepare two tin lids (you can use from baby food in jars);
  2. Wash them thoroughly, then remove the entire paint with an outflow or file. To this, it is necessary to take very carefully to eliminate the ingress of paint residues into finished products;
  3. Create a lot of loose holes in the first cap. Of these, the resulting strings will be out. The second lid supply one large hole in the center. Sukharok will be fused here;
  4. Combine the covers in such a way that the cavity remains between them. Strengthen the design of the wire;
  5. Motor from any shallow household appliances (for example, a hair dryer or mixer) Connect to the wrenches covers;
  6. Now it is necessary to create a solid base for fastening the obtained mechanism. To do this, you can apply a piece of plywood;
  7. Align the Motor with the Krone type battery or battery terminals, be sure to observe the polarity. On the one hand, put a semiconducting partition made from a cardboard sheet folded twice;
  8. Pour 40 g of sugar into the hole, warm the rotating cover using matches or lighter;
  9. When melting, the threads will begin to appear and settle on the partition;
  10. The finished product is needed to wind on the wand.

You will succeed in not very air sugar wool, but a little dense. So that it is more like the purchase, sugar must be replaced with anomalous - powder analogue of sugar sand.

Cooking sweet cotton without device

Cooking sweet wool can be carried out without apparatus. The process will be a bit more complicated and longer, but the sweetness will turn out to be delicious and air. First you need to prepare:

  • Whore;
  • A saucepan or a frying ground with a thick bottom;
  • Ceramic bowl;
  • Frames for winding finished products. You can use cocktail tubes, Chinese sticks. Cutlery are also suitable.

The ingredients are needed as follows:

  • Sugar (white or cane) - 2-5 large spoons. Calculate the size of the portion;
  • Water - in the proportion of 1: 3 to the sugar. For example, 150 g of sugar accounts for 50 ml of water;
  • A solution of vinegar (no more than 6%) is 5-7 ml. Prepare it in advance.

Now consider the recipe itself, which is preparing a sweet wool at home:

  1. We mix together sugar and water, then rub the composition for a fork;
  2. Pour vinegar, thoroughly stirred and carry a mixture into the selected container (saucepan or pan) for heating on a small flame;
  3. We warm the composition and stir regularly. Collect the remains from the walls, excluding the burning;
  4. When the mixture consistency becomes homogeneous, turn off the flame, cool the product to 30-35 degrees, constantly stirring, so as not to sleep. Our syrup is ready;
  5. After cooling, we set the container on the slow flame again, boil the contents, then turn off the fire again and cool;
  6. We repeat the process about five times while the syrup will not reach and does not acquire a golden shade;
  7. In the finished product, lower the edge of the spoon, then raise up. The mixture should be for the same and not rush;
  8. Create a peculiar frame of sticks, putting them in a vertical position and carefully consolidated;
  9. Immerse in the syrup of the whisk, then we will supply it around the frame;
  10. We repeat the manipulations until we watched the required number of threads. They must be thin, so do not capture too much syrup.

To give a new color and taste, you can add food dyes that are sold everywhere. But it is unsafe for children. Therefore, natural ingredients can be used, such as raspberry juice, lemon or beets. Get bright fruit wool. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, as it will fill with juice.

The consistency of the product allows you to create different crafts from it. Children will like it.

Finally, a few more tips that will help simplify the cooking process;

  • It is necessary to apply exclusively dry milk sugar. Rafine or wet product are categorically not suitable;
  • Before cooking, it is better to protect the table and other nearby parts of the room with a cellophane film, because dried sirop drops are very difficult to remove from surfaces;
  • Be careful when working with a hot syground. Better to take children from the kitchen so that they do not bother;
  • The finished product is better to use immediately. After some time, the delicacy becomes dense and not so tasty.

As you can see, sweet wool at home is preparing enough. You only need to stockday and patience. Then you can please close one stunning delicacy.

Video: Cooking sweet cotton cotton houses with a special apparatus

What about the article?

Where did she come from?

It is believed that sweet wool appeared in the 15th century. Ancient Romans existed specially trained people who prepared this delicacy for various holidays. But in this case, this technology refers to one of the lost, since new references on sugar wool belongs only to the 18th century. In Europe, there were mechanical machines that prepared a delicacy similar to modern sweet cotton wool. But the cooking process was very time consuming.

Sweet cotton is a treat, which is prepared from thin sugar fibers or sugar syrup, wound on a thin base. Therefore, sugar wool is such an air and volumetric. The technological process will be discussed below.

Composition and production process

In order to prepare sugar wool, the following raw materials are necessary:

  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Dyes

The production process begins with the melting of sugar in a special car. Then water is served with a very small vinegar concentration. Thus, sugar syrup is prepared. Optionally, dyes and preservatives add to it.

Prepared raw materials are served on a centrifuge, which spins syrup and through the smallest holes gives its drop under pressure. Running, drops begin to cool and stick. At this point, they are screwed to the base in the form of a fine stick, which allows for the formation of long and thin fibers from a frozen syrup. Fibers are wound up to each other to the desired product volume and the process ends. Then the product is packaged in a special machine.

Devices and their cost

It is believed that the first apparatus for making sugar wool was invented in 1987 William Morrison and John Worton. They submitted to the public the apparatus who prepared a new treat in automatic mode. This device consisted of:

  • Gas burner that melted sugar
  • Centrifuges with a mesh for feeding syrup
  • Air compressor, which distributed fibers to the base and formed a sweet cotton wool

The device considered above was mechanical, but the progress did not stand in place. Already in 1903, an electric car was invented for the production of sugar wool, and the industry gained a large impetus in development.

The range of modern devices for sweet wool is very wide. Consider the most popular of them.

Its height is 40 centimeters, and diameter - 65. It has a little weight - only seventeen kilograms, which makes it excellent for beginners. On the consumption of electricity, it is comparable to the kettle and eats from the usual network of 220 volts.
In the hour of work, you can turn around two hundred portions of 15 grams, and these are the balls of medium size.
35-39 thousand rubles.
Gold Medal - Tornado
The second apparatus is called Tornado, and also produced by Gold Medal. It is much more productive and more of the first model. Its 85 by 60 centimeters, and the height is sixty-five centimeters. Weight is 35 kg. Performance keeps at 600 portions of medium size (15 grams) per hour. The cost in the Russian market is about 60 thousand rubles.60 thousand rubles.

For street trading there is also a huge number of domestic devices. They differ in a small productivity of 60-80 servings per hour. You can buy them in the area of \u200b\u200b10 thousand rubles.

Sugar wool do it yourself

At home, you can cook sweet cotton wool both on the machine and without it. You can buy a special typewriter for sugar wool, which will cost about 1,500 rubles or make it yourself.

Homemade machine manufacturing algorithm for sugar wool:

  1. Prepare metal covers from baby food or make the size of the workpiece.
  2. Remove the protective coating and paint with a filetter or sandpaper. They should not get into the wool when used.
  3. In one of the caps, make a large hole for sugar falling asleep, and in another many small to feed the finished syrup.
  4. Connect the covers with each other with a wire or in another way that space in 5 centimeters remains between them.
  5. Attach the Motor from the mixer or hair dryer to a rigid basis, and then to the lid with small holes. Connect the Crohn battery.
  6. Close space around cardboard covers.
  7. The device is ready! Now you can fall asleep sugar and collect molten syrup from the walls.

There is no desire to do selfiem, but to cook sugar cotton houses there is a desire. You can try to make it without machine:

  1. Mix sugar and water in proportion 3 to 1.
  2. Add 3 drops of 6% vinegar (it may be necessary to 7 drops if the wool does not fail)
  3. Cook on the plate sugar syrup. Make sure that it does not burn.
  4. Then you need to cool the syrup to 35 degrees. Watch it not to frozen.
  5. Heat and cool the syrup is needed approximately 6-7 times until it becomes homogeneous and drum.
  6. After the syrup is ready, you need to create a thread out of it. To do this, take a lot of thin sticks and wind the syrup between them in different directions until you get the right amount.

Perhaps everyone likes. However, to acquire the apparatus for its manufacture solely for home purposes is impractical. After all, the installation costs a lot of money. However, you can make the apparatus for sweet wool with your own hands.

Is it possible to do yourself

Create a device for the manufacture of sweet wool with your own hands in almost everyone. This requires some materials and tools. A large saucepan will be required, as well as some components that will be in the storage room from any. Applying a little effort, you can create a device without spending a penny. With the help of a self-made device, you can make any number of delicacy at any time.

Required details and tools

So, as already mentioned, a large saucepan will be required for the manufacture of the device. But that's not all. Also need a special container where sugar will fall down. The container must be made of fire resistant material. After all, sugar will heat up and melt in it. In this case, the container should rotate and throw away thin wool threads. Of course, this is not all. So, to create a device for cooking sweet wool with your own hands, you will need from the tools:

  1. Several drills, it is desirable to have a very thin - no more than one millimeter in diameter, and a drill.
  2. or scissors for metal.
  3. Set of files.
  4. Soldering iron.


Sweet without apparatus made, it is unlikely to succeed in such an air and easy. And to create the device, the following components will be required:

  1. Jet lighter. A similar device is characterized by a blue flame. The lighter of this type produces heating, the temperature of which significantly exceeds the temperature of the heating of ordinary lighters. When burning, the device does not highlight soot. It should be borne in mind that the lighter should be installed so that she can burn independently. It will be much more convenient.
  2. Power supply for the electric motor. It can be a regular battery.
  3. DC electric motor. The device must be powered by low voltage.
  4. Canning bank, for example, from under vegetables.
  5. Lid small sizes for lighter.
  6. A bucket or a big saucepan.
  7. Washer, bolt, nut.
  8. Prut, greater than the length of the pan from metal or wood.
  9. Tube, 15 centimeters long.

Fastening lighters

Consider how to create a device for sweet wool with your own hands. To begin with, create a stand for a lighter. For this, the device must be wrapped with a food film in two layers. To secure a lighter, it is worth a small amount of epoxy glue, apply it to a dairy cover and glue a lighter. When everything freezes, you need to take the device and remove the film from it. That's all, the stand for a lighter is ready. At any moment it can be removed.

Installation of a rod and engine

To the finished apparatus for sweet wool, the created, work, work, you need a motor. It can be connected using a short tube or a metal rod with a canning can. It is much more convenient. At the ends of the tube or rod, it is worth making one hole. Each of them has its own purpose. One will serve to connect with the engine shaft. You can consolidate it with a superclone. You can also use a locking screw. In this case, another hole will be required. However, this method allows you to remove the engine if necessary.

The second hole is necessary for fastening the cans. Fix capacity is best bolt. After that, the engine must be fixed on the transverse bar. It is done very simple. It is enough to drill two holes in the center of the plank. Secure the engine is better than two screws.

Preparation of tin cana

So, the device for sweet wool is practically made with their own hands. The cans can serve exactly the container within which the sugar melters will occur. To do this, it is necessary to fall asleep the product and promotion. At the top edge of the can a hole should be done. The top cover must be completely removed. The edge is better to clean the file.

On the sides of the cans, you need to do a lot of holes, preferably at the bottom edge. To do this, use drills with a very small diameter, which only exists. From the bottom seam, it is better to retreat one centimeter, and only then you can make holes.

Install the container

In a tin can, it is worth making a hole and for fastening directly to the rod. Capacity will be fixed with nut and bolt. If you wish, the jar can be simply soldered to a metal bar or nail to a wooden bar. However, the mounting bolt is the best option, as it allows to replace the container.

The bank should be located above the source of fire inside the pan or bucket.

How to cook wat

That's all. The apparatus for sweet wool with their own hands is fully prepared for operation. It's easy enough to use it. It is enough to light a lighter, pour a little sugar into a tin can and launch the motor. The lighter should be installed inside the pan or the same bucket.

When the bank is warm up, sugar will begin to melt and fly through the holes in it, forming the fiber of sweet wool. After the manufacture of the desired number of delicacy will remain collect all on the bamboo chapter. As you can see, everything is simple.

Sweet (or sugar) wool is cool, but quite expensive thing. And quite madness looks like a purchase machine for sugar wool, to only sometimes indulge yourself with this delicacy. This project is collected with their own hands very quickly from the intact pan and what perhaps it is lying on you in the covers without a case.

The main part of the apparatus for the preparation of sugar wool is a container with sugar and holes, which will heat up and rotate, and the threads of the worst sugar will fly out into these holes. This container will be inside the pan so that sugar threads do not scatter around the kitchen.

Step 1: Required materials

To make the device for making sugar wool at home you will need:

  • The turbo beam - such lighters are burning in a blue flame, the temperature of their fire is much higher than that of ordinary gas lighters, and there is no soot from them. You need such a lighter with a fixed switch.
  • Little electric motor (you can 8 V).
  • Election Element for the engine (I used the PP3 - Krono size battery).
  • Battery connector.
  • Canning bank - I used the bean jar. Of course, the cans from canned fish would suit better, but also sugar wool then turned out to be a fish smell.
  • To install the engine in a mini apparatus for sugar wool - covers from a bottle of milk.
  • A deep saucepan or a clean bucket is the pan, which is depicted in the first photo, was not large enough, and I eventually replaced it to another, larger.
  • Long stick, longer than the width of the pan. I used the guide from the old dishwasher.
  • Threaded rod (approximately 15 cm. I used the stud 10 cm, it should be longer than the height of the canning can.
  • Little nut, bolt and washer. I took a steel bolt, it perfectly screwed into a soft brass tube.


  • Sugar
  • Bamboo spanks
  • High-speed epoxy
  • Food film


  • Drill with drill set (including 1 mm and less)
  • Soldering Station
  • Nadfili
  • Shears on tin or opener for cans

Step 2: We stabilize a lighter

The lighter, which I used in the typewriter stood very unstable. And due to the fact that it was filled from below, I could not simply put it on the epoxy.

In order to make a stand for a lighter, it needs to be wrapped in a couple of the layers of the food film. Then impose a high-speed epoxy, and fill it with a bottle cover, insert a lighter into the epoxy. After a few minutes, get a lighter and remove the food film from it. You got a removable base for lighter.

Step 3: Install the engine on the guide

The engine is connected to the pan using a threaded stud, for this on one side of the heel drilled a hole for the engine shaft. Such a hole is very convenient to drill a desktop drilling machine, but I managed manually. Check if the drilled hole is suitable for the motor shaft.

On the other hand, the hairpins drill the hole, slightly less than the diameter of the bolt prepared by you. Lock the motor shaft in the superclaim hole.

Now you need to attach the engine to the rake. In my guide from the dishwasher was a hole, which only remained slightly expanded the appropriate. Over the sides, drill two holes for engine mounting screws.

Step 4: Prepare a cans

This jar will heat up and melt sugar, it means that it should be filled with sugar, fastened over the flame and quickly rotate around its own axis, so that the melting sugar is flew around the bank.

First do cut the hole in the lid. I used the scissors on the tin and the feet. In order for sugar to do not fall out through the edge, I left a small edge. Practice has shown that it does not need it, which means the cover can be completely cut off.

In any case, the edge of the cut must be treated with a supfyl, so as not to cut down. Then you need to drill holes in the wall of the cans on the bottom. I used 1 mm drill for this, and the crystals of sugar flies into the holes. Therefore, it is desirable to use the drill even less. I drilled holes at a distance of approximately 1 cm from each other.

Step 5: Install the Bank

Now screw the fastening screw in the drilled hole in the end of the threaded stud. If you have a taper to cut the inner thread of a suitable size, it is simply wonderful, but if not, then nothing terrible is a brass soft metal, you can simply screw the screw into the hole.

Drill a hole in the bottom of the bank and insert the stilet with the engine into this hole. Screw the nut to secure the jar on the hairpin, so it will spin along with the stilette-shaft of the engine.

The bank, fixed on the shaft, should be located at a sufficient distance over the flame of the lighter, when installing on a saucepan.

Step 6: Make Sweet Wat

The device for the production of sweet wool is ready, now turn on the lighter, pour a couple of sugar spoons into the jar and turn on the electric motor. Lighter positioned under the edge of the canning can. As the banks are heated, sugar will begin to melt and fly through the holes in the pan in a saucepan. As soon as some sugar threads accumulate, collect them on a bamboo skewer.