Repairs Design Furniture

The main causes of human lesion by electric shock. The main causes and conditions of electric shock causes the cause of electric shock

Characterization of human lesions with electric shock. Electrical resistance of the human body. 2.

The main causes of electric shock. 3.

Methods and means used. four

to protect against electric shock. four

when touched to metal inactive parts, 4

it turned out to be energized. four

Organizational activities ensuring the safety of work in electrical installations. four

Technical activities ensuring safe performance of work in current electrical installations. four

Characterization of human lesions with electric shock. Electrical resistance of the human body

Electric current, passing through the human body, has a biological, electrochemical, thermal and mechanical action.

The biological effect of the current is manifested in irritation and excitation of tissues and organs. As a result, skeletal muscle convulsions are observed, which can lead to a stopping of breathing, disruptive fractures and dislocation of the limbs, spasm of voice ligaments.

The electrolytic effect of the current is manifested in electrolysis (decomposition) of fluids, including blood, and also significantly changes the functional state of the cells.

The thermal effect of electric current leads to the burns of the skin, as well as the death of the fattened tissues, up to charred.

The mechanical effect of the current is manifested in the bundle of tissues and even the tears of body parts.

Electricalravum can be divided into local, common (electric shocks) and mixed (local electric shocks and electrical shocks at the same time). Local electricians make up 20% of the electric shocks taken into account, electrical shocks - 25% and mixed - 55%.

Local electricians - clearly pronounced local disorders of the body tissue, most often these are superficial damage, i.e., damage to the skin, sometimes soft tissues, as well as articular bags and bones. Local electricians are cured, and human performance is restored in whole or in part.

Characteristic types of local electricians - Electric burns, electrical signs, leather metallization, electrophthalmia and mechanical damage.

The most common electric shocks are electric burns. They make up 60 - 65%, and about 1/3 of them are accompanied by other electricians.

Distinguish burns: current (contact) and arc.

Contact electricity, i.e., tissue lesions in the entrance places, the exit and on the way of movement of electrotock arise as a result of the contact of a person with a current-carrying part. These burns occur during the operation of electrical installations of relatively small voltage (not higher than 1-2 kV), they are relatively lungs.

Arc burn due to the effect of an electric arc that creates a high temperature of the arc burn occurs when operating in electrical installations of different stresses, is often a consequence of random short circuits in the installations above 1000 V and up to 10 kV or erroneous personnel operations. The defeat arises from the flame of an electric arc or a clothes tavering from it.

Combined lesions (contact electrogy and thermal burns from the flame of an electric arc or tanned clothing, the electricity in combination with various mechanical damage, the electricity simultaneously with thermal burns and mechanical injury) is also.

In the depth of the defeat, all burns are divided into four degrees: the first is redness and swelling of the skin; Second - water bubbles; The third is a measuring of surface and deep layers of the skin; Fourth - charred skin, muscle defeat, tendons and bones.

Electrical signs They are clearly defined stains of gray or pale yellow on the surface of the skin of a person who has exploited the current. Signs have a round or oval shape with a deepening in the center. They are in the form of scratches, small wounds or bruises, warts, hemorrhages in the skin and corns. Sometimes their form corresponds to the shape of the current-supported part, to which the victim touched, and also resembles the lightning form. In most cases, electrical signs are painless and their treatment ends safely. Signs arise about 20% of current victims.

Metatallization of skin - penetration into its upper layers of metal particles that melted under the action of an electric arc. This is possible with short circuits, disconnects of disconnectors and switches under load, etc.

The affected area of \u200b\u200bleather has a rough surface, color
which is determined by the color of the compounds of the metal that has fallen into the skin:
green - when contact with copper, gray - with aluminum, blue

green - with brass, yellow-gray - with lead.

Skin metallization is observed about 10% of victims.

Ethekrophthalmia - Inflammation of the outer shells of the eyes as a result of the impact of a powerful stream of ultraviolet rays. Such irradiation is possible in the presence of an electrical arc (for example, with a short circuit), which is a source of intensive radiation of not only visible light, but also ultraviolet and infrared rays. Electrophthalmia arises relatively rarely (in 1-2% of victims), most often when conducting electric welding works.

Mechanical damage arise as a result of sharp, involuntary, convulsive cuts of muscles under the action of the current passing through the human body. At the same time, skin breaks, blood vessels and nervous tissue, as well as dislocations of the joints and bone fractures are possible. Mechanical damage - serious injuries; Treat them long. They occur relatively rarely.

Electric strike - This is the excitation of the body tissues passing through it by electric shock, accompanied by a reduction in muscles.

Distinguish four degrees of electric shock:

I - a convulsive cut of the muscles without losing consciousness;

II - a convulse reduction of muscles with a loss of consciousness, but with the preserved breath and heart work;

III - loss of consciousness and violation of cardiac activity or breathing
(either the other together)

IV - clinical death, i.e., the absence of breathing and blood circulation,
The danger of exposure to electric current on a person depends on

the resistance of the human body and the voltage attached to it, the strength of the current, the duration of its exposure, the path of passage, genus and frequency of the current, the individual properties of the victim and other factors.

The electrical conductivity of various tissues of the organism is not the same. The greatest electrical conductivity has a spinal fluid, blood serum and lymph, then one-piece blood and muscle tissue. Poorly conduct electric current internal organs having a dense protein base, brain substance and adipose tissue. Leather has the greatest resistance and, mainly its top layer (epidermis).

The electrical resistance of the human body with dry, clean and intact skin at a voltage of 15-20 V is ranging from 3,000 to 100,000 ohms, and sometimes more. When removing the top layer of skin, the resistance decreases to 500 to 700 ohms. With full removal of the skin, the resistance of the internal tissues of the body is only 300 - 500 ohms. The calculations are taken by the resistance of the human body equal to 1000 ohms.

The resistance of the human body depends on the floor and age of people: in women it resistance is less than that of men, children are less than in adults, young people are less, CHS in the elderly: this is explained by the thickness and degree of degradation of the top layer of the skin.

The electricity and frequency of it also affect electrical resistance. At frequencies of 10 - 20 kHz, the top layer of the skin almost loses its electrical strength resistance.

The main causes of electric shock

1. Random touch to the current-carrying parts under voltage as a result: erroneous actions during work;

faults of protective tools that the victims concerned the current parts and others.

2. The appearance of voltage on metal structural parts
Electrical equipment as a result:

damage to the insulation of the current parts; closure of the network phase to the Earth;

drops of wire under voltage, on the structural parts of electrical equipment, etc.

3. The appearance of the voltage on the disconnected current parts in re

erroneous turning on the disabled installation;

closures between disconnected and stressed currents;

discharge of lightning in electrical installation and others.

4. Appearance schedule voltageon the plot of land where is located
Man, as a result:

closure phase to the ground;

potential takeaway with a long conductive subject (pipeline, railway rails);

faults in the protective grounding device, etc.

Step voltage - the voltage between the two points of the circuit of the current, located one of the other at a distance of the step, on which the person is simultaneously.

The greatest value of the step voltage near the place of closure, and the smallest - at a distance of more than 20 m.

At a distance of 1 m from the earthinger, the step voltage drop is 68% of the total voltage, at a distance of 10 m - 92%, at a distance of 20 m - almost equal to zero.

The danger of the tension of the step increases, if the person who has exposed to its effect falls: the tension of the step increases, since the current passes no longer through the legs, but through the whole body of man.

Methods and means applied

to protect against electric shock

when touched to metal inadvertent parts,

it turned out under stress

To protect against electric shock when touched with metallic inadperture parts, the following methods and tools are used:

protective grounding, reinforcement, potential leveling, system of protective conductors, protective shutdown, insulation of inadvertent parts, Electrical separation of the network, small voltage, insulation control, compensation of ground closure currents, personal protective equipment.

Technical methods and means are used separately or in combination to ensure optimal protection.

Organizational activities that ensure the safety of work in electrical installations

Organizational activities that ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

registration of the work of the outfit and admission, the order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;


supervision during operation;

registration of a break in the work, translations to another workplace, the end of work.

Technical measures ensuring safe performance of work in current electrical installations

In accordance with the requirements of safety regulations during the operation of electrical installations of consumers, the following technical measures should be made in the specified procedure for the operation with the removal of voltage;

the necessary shutdowns are made and measures are taken that prevent voltage supply to work due to the erroneous or spontaneous switching on switching equipment;

on the drives of manual and on the remote control keys, prohibitive posters are suspended;

checked the absence of voltage on the current-carrying parts, on which grounding should be imposed to protect people from electric shock;

there is grounded (ground knives are included, and where they are missing, portable groundings are installed);

1. Random touch to current-carrying parts under voltage (touching unbalanced uninsulated current-carrying parts, erroneous actions, loss of orientation of victims).

The touch voltage is the difference of potentials of two points of the electrical circuit, which simultaneously concerns a person.

If a person touches the hand of one phase, then the touch will be the difference between the potentials between hand and foot.

2. The appearance of voltage on the metal inactive parts of the installation due to damage to the electrical insulation of the current parts (damage to the insulation, the drop of the wire).

3. The appearance of the voltage on the disconnected current parts on which work is performed as a result of the erroneous switching on the disconnected installation, the discharge of the zipper.

4. The emergence of the tension of the step on the land plot, where there is a man as a result of the closure of the phase wire of the network to the ground.

Step-by-step voltage - the voltage between the two points of the earth's surface in the zone of the phase closure to the ground, separated from each other at a distance of one step 0.8m.

The highest amount of step tension has close to the location of the closure. At a distance of 8 m outdoors, 4 m indoors and more from the location of it is practically no danger

Terms of lesion in step voltage. With a step voltage of 100-150 in intensive cramps may occur. This is the reason for the fall of a person to the ground, as a result of which the distance between the points of the Earth is increasing, which he can touch with his hands and legs, therefore the current will flow along a more dangerous path (hand-leg). The power of these factors can lead to a person's damage to electric current. If the step voltage is more than 250V, a person can lose consciousness and even a respiratory paralysis can occur.

5. Random occurrence of an electric arc in the human work area.

Electric shock conditions

1. A person concerning the faulty phase, when one of the phases is closed to the ground, it turns out to be linear voltage.

The closure of one phase on the ground can remain unnoticed for a long time.

The closure of one of the phases to the ground is equivalent to a short circuit with such a current value, which is not sufficient to disable the fuse or trigger the disconnecting devices.

2. Personal inclusion schemes in the electrical network:

Two-phase inclusion - between the two phases;

Single-phase inclusion - between phase and land.

Single-phase inclusion is observed more often:

but. work under voltage in the absence of protective agents;

b. when using devices with poor insulation of current-handing parts;

in. When the voltage is transition to metal parts of equipment devoid of proper protection.

3. The environment creates the conditions for electric shock (dampness, the presence in the air of conductive dust, caustic vapors and gases), acts destroyingly to isolation and reduces its resistance.

What is the overall characteristic of the distribution of electricians on railway transport?

On railways, more than 70% of electrical excavation cases are accounted for at the farms of power supply and locomotive. The prevention of electrical excamation Here it is necessary to pay maximum attention, since electrical installations and power lines are the main object of service and the subject of labor.

More than 8% of electrical exchanging cases fall on places with increased danger and especially dangerous (contact network, power lines, etc.).

Analysis of the distribution of electricians depending on the month, day of the week, the decade and the time of the incident displays the following trend during the day. The main proportion of electric crash is from June to September, when the largest work is planned for all MPS farms. On the days of the week, the electrician is distributed almost evenly, the exception is Saturday and Sunday, when the scope of work is significantly reduced and mainly determined troubleshooting in emergency cases. The most unfavorable is the second decade. It accounts for from 44 to 52% of all cases of injuries. By the time of work from their beginning, the largest number of cases occur in the moments of the approach of the lunch break (after 3-4 hours from the start). A large percentage of electricians occurs at the end of the working day due to fatigue, as well as hurry at the end of work.

The greatest number of accidents occurs when the repair work is carried out - about 50%. Increases the number of accidents in carrying out installation work, this indicates the insufficient use of existing protective equipment by repair personnel.

What are the reasons for electric shock?

The main causes of accidents in the economy of electrification and power supply are the non-electrical installation of electrical installations, non-separation of portable grounds and protective casses, disruption by working dimensions of zones, dangerous in relation to the approximation to current or grounded parts when working with a stress-out or stress, lack of supervision Perform operations in places of increased danger. Because of gross violations of safety regulations, when the work is carried out without removing the voltage on the current-carrying parts and close to them, more than 88% of all accidents occur.

The cause of electricians is often the inconsistency of the work of the task, specialty and qualifying group of the employee. Their share is more than 9%. The number of cases of electric crash due to voltage supply to the working station without warning ranges from 22 to 32%. The electricians occur and when they savage or very close-bound wires - up to 10-15% of cases, which indicates the poor-quality maintenance of this line.

Accidents mainly occur along the external circuit of the current along the path "Phase - Earth", so it is necessary to apply protective grounding of electrical installation cases, perform the requirements of the intention of power supply devices on electrified railways.

The most frequent cases of current flow through the human body along the way "Hand - Hand" and "Hand - Longs". To prevent this, it is necessary to use work special shoes.

What organizational measures are required to prevent electrical exchanging?

To prevent electric evils, it is necessary:

  • improve the system of learning safe techniques;
  • improve the quality of the briefing before starting work;
  • improve legal education system;
  • improve personnel qualifications in order to master safe work techniques;
  • strengthen control over the implementation of fundamental standards;
  • systematically hold certification and certification of jobs.

The training system should be improved by using a variety of visual aids and technical equipment in the educational process: photo filins, existing layouts, training machines. Cinema, video recorders. The acquisition of safe work skills contribute to the creation and use of training and training grounds equipped with existing models of structures that imitate electrical equipment.

To increase the responsibility of personnel in terms of unconditional implementation of safety regulations in accordance with the instructions carried out it is advisable to issue warning tickets. If the safety regulations are violated, the coupons are needed and assigned to violators to re-excmunication on safety.

The improvement of legal education contributes to the quarterly schedule of labor law, when advice on labor law issues are given.

Improving the quality of vocational training, reduce the number of errors in the design of outfits, reduce the time of their design also contributes to the widespread introduction of technological maps to maintain and repair the power supply devices and the introduction of card learning and testing cards.

What technical means increase the security of the maintenance of power supply devices?

To prevent cases of injuries when working in CSR-type chambers, a blocking lock is installed on drives of grounding knives, as a result of which access to the chamber with disconnected grounding knives is impossible.

To control the isolation and state of operational circuits of the AC and DC, without disconnecting the source of their power, a special device has been created.

A device for monitoring the service of 110 kV inputs is developed and operated, intended for detecting partial breakdowns, moisturizes and complete overlaps in the main insulation of power transformers.

The signaling device of the hazard voltage of the POPU-1 allows you to remotely monitor the presence of voltage (working or induced) in the electrical installations of the AC and the contact network

direct current.

A device for signaling about the danger of approximation to high-voltage installations has been developed and applied.

These and some other funds are designed by scientists and specialists of the electrotechnical laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers.

The Department "Energy Saving Electrical Railways" of the Rostov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in the Commonwealth with specialists of the North Caucasian Specialist Laboratory is developed and implemented in the trial operation of the BIN-BU (universal) voltage indicator. It is designed to remotely determine the presence of voltage on the current-generating parts of the electrical installations of the AC and DC voltage from 3.3 to 110 kV. Indication objects may be a contact network, traction substations, and power lines.

When preparing a workplace with the removal of voltage from the contact network, there are cases when it remains under voltage due to the rotation of the shaft of the mast disconnector, the shunting of the air intervention and the false television signal. The Zlatouustian distance of the power supply to the South Ural road has created a RCN voltage control relay, which is installed on the substation or on the distance at the parallel connection items with the contact of the PCN contacts on the Tu-TC stand for television signaling an energy proper on the presence or absence of voltage in the contact network.

In the contact network devices, polymer insulating elements are widely used on air lines and other electrical installations. The service life and reliability of their work depend on the influence of ultraviolet rays, dust, snow, ambient temperature, relative humidity, contact with water and mechanical loads. By analogy with porcelain insulators, their overlapping is possible in cases of contamination, and during the depressurization of the protective cover (coatings) and the moisture insertion on the carrier fiberglass, the currents of small values \u200b\u200bmay occur. This can lead to a deterioration in the electrical insulation properties and a decrease in mechanical strength. To control Tikov according to an insulating element, especially on sectional and mortise insulators (without disassembly), a device for monitoring the insulating properties of polymer insulating elements (UKIP) has been developed.

To ground the wires of both the contact network and the air lines (with a cross section of 6 to 18 mm2), a clamp of rationalizers of the Petropavlovsk region of power supply was developed. The clamp allows you to hook a grounding barbell also on a bandwicker. The principle of fastening the clamping rod on the wires - self-drawing. Removing the clamp from the wire is made by a sharp movement of the rod up. The clamp design is easy to operate and provides reliable contact with the wire.

A device for maintenance of electrical safety when conducting way work in the process of overhauling one of the paths of a multiple section of a shameless path electrified by the AC system. When trains continue on the existing paths, it allows to ensure the safety of workers engaged in the repair of the path.

In brackets, after the question, the numbers of the regulatory work on labor protection used in the formation of a response -

Helpful information:

The main causes of accidents from the effect of electric current are the following.

1. Random touch or approximation on a dangerous distance to the current-carrying parts under voltage.

2. The appearance of voltage at the metal structural parts of electrical equipment - housings, casing, etc. - as a result of damage to isolation and other reasons.

3. The appearance of voltage on the disconnected current parts on which people operate, due to the erroneous installation of the installation.

4. The occurrence of step tension on the surface of the Earth as a result of the closure of the wire to the ground.

The main measures of protection against lesion are: ensuring the inaccessibility of the current-carrying parts under voltage, for random touch; protective network separation; elimination of the danger of damage when the tension appears on the housings, casing and other parts of the electrical equipment, which is achieved by the use of low stresses, using double insulation, equalizing the potential, protective grounding, reducing, protective disconnection, etc.; the use of special protective equipment - portable devices and devices; Organization of safe operation of electrical installations.

Classification of premises for the danger of damage to the current. The environment and the surrounding environment enhance or weaken the danger of damage to the current. Taking into account this "rules of electrical installations", all rooms are divided by the degree of danger of lesion of people with electric shock to three classes: 1 - without increased danger; 2 - with increased danger and 3 - especially dangerous.

Premises without increased danger are dry, damage with normal air temperature and with insulating (for example, wooden) floors, i.e., in which there are no conditions for the premises with increased danger and especially dangerous.

An example of premises without increased danger can be the usual office premises, instrumental, laboratories, as well as some industrial premises, including the sets of instrument plants, placed in dry, damages with insulating floors and normal temperature.

Premises with increased hazard are characterized by the presence of one of the following five conditions that create increased danger:

damp, when the relative humidity of the air is longer than 75%; Such rooms are called raw;

high temperatures when the temperature of the air is long exceeded + 30 ° C; Such rooms are called hot;

conductive dust, when conductive technological dust (for example, coal, metallic, etc.) is released under the conditions of production in the premises, in such a quantity that it settles on the wires, penetrates the inside of machines, devices, etc.; Such rooms are called dust with conductive dust;

conductive floors - metal, earth, reinforced concrete, brick, etc.;

the possibilities of simultaneously touching a person to having a connection with the ground metal structures of buildings, technological apparatus, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and to the metal housings of electrical equipment - on the other.

An example of room with increased danger can serve as stairwells of various buildings with conductive floors, warehouse unheated rooms (even if they are placed in buildings with insulating floors and wooden racks), etc.

The premises are particularly dangerous are characterized by the presence of one of the following three conditions that create a special danger:

special damp, when the relative air humidity is close to 100% (walls, gender and objects located in the room are covered with moisture); Such rooms are called especially raw;

chemically active medium, i.e., premises in which, under the terms of production, there are pairs or deposits that are destroying for insulation and current parts of electrical equipment are formed; Such rooms are called premises with a chemically active medium:

the simultaneous presence of two or more conditions inherent in premises with increased danger.

Particularly dangerous premises are most of the industrial premises, including all the sets of engineering plants, test stations, electroplating shops, workshops, etc. To the same premises include sections of work on the Earth under the open sky or under a canopy.

The inaccessibility of the current-carrying parts of electrical installations for random touch can be provided by a number of ways: insulation of current-carrying parts, placement of them in an inaccessible height, fencing, etc.

Protective network separation. In an extensive electrical network, i.e. with a large length, quite a good insulation may have a small resistance, and the wire capacity relative to the Earth is a greater value. These circumstances are extremely undesirable under security conditions, since in such networks voltage up to 1000 V with an isolated neutral, the protective role of the insulation of the wires is lost and the threat of human lesion is increasing in case of contact with the network (or to any object that produced it under phase voltage).

This significant drawback can be eliminated by the so-called protective separation of the network, i.e., the separation of an extensive (extended) network into separate small lengths and electrically unnecessary sites.

The separation is carried out with the help of special separation transformers. Insulated areas of the network have a large insulation resistance and low wire capacity relative to the Earth, thereby significantly improving security conditions.

Apply reduced voltage. When working with portable manual power tools - a drill, a wrench, an electric chub, etc., and also a manual portable lamp man has a long contact with the enclosures of this equipment. As a result, it dramatically increases the danger of damage to the current in case of damage to the isolation and the appearance of voltage on the case, especially if the work is carried out in a room with increased danger, especially dangerous or outdoors.

To eliminate this danger, it is necessary to feed the hand tool and portable lamps with a reduced voltage not higher than 36 V.

In addition, in particularly dangerous premises under particularly unfavorable conditions (for example, work in a metal tank, work sitting or lying on a conductive floor, etc.) To power the hand portable lamps, even lower voltage is required - 12 V.

Since 1879, the safety of people working with electricity is a topical theme. It is then that the first case of the death of a person from exposure to electric current is registered.

Since then, the number of victims is increasing all the time. Based on sad statistics, security rules have been created, each item in which is based on someone's tragedy.

Electricians of various professions are preparing for several years of school, technical schools, institutes and specialized courses. After that, graduates of institutions are internships at the enterprises of energy, surrender numerous exams and tests. Only after that they are allowed to independently work.

However, even who worked many years of electricians from the highest fifth Safety Group Due to errors and inattention, sometimes they receive serious electricians.

Unfortunately, a simple person has no such theoretical training and practice of working with electricity. Yes, and he does not need to know all the subtleties of our profession. But, to comply with the elementary rules, which, by the way, everyone is told with a school bench and kindergarten, just necessary.

I want readers of articles of this site to become active preachers of safe handling electrical installations not only in production, but also in everyday life, among their loved ones. The word specialist supported by the life facts is always well imprinted in memory and is perceived with great confidence than ordinary text. It can never be "superfluous."

Human psychology quickly adapts to all families: electricity surrounds us everywhere, alleviating life, and malfunctions are rare in it, and they usually cause little harm. But, to a certain pore ...

Therefore, tell your surrounding again the main reasons for the defeat of people with electric shock in everyday life. Be sure: your words will be removed close to the accident.

What is forbidden to do with electrical appliances in everyday life

Damaged devices

Any electr receiver has a layer of isolation. It covers the most responsible wires of the wire even several layers in order to eliminate the contact of human skin with the power supply potential. But, a careless handling of electrical wiring, mechanical effect on it, overheating from incorrect loads or weakened contacts violate its dielectric properties.

It is impossible to touch the wire metal of the wire that is under voltage or use switches, sockets and forks with broken housings. This is a straight premise for the manufacture of electricians.

To eliminate such cases, spend periodic inspections of the state of all devices and wiring. And it is better to check the condition of its insulation by measurements. But this is a rather dangerous event and you can only entrust it to experts.

Repair work

All faulty electrical equipment should be output from work to eliminate breakage. And only a prepared person can do it. Otherwise, the consequences of unqualified fixing can be unpredictable.

Equipment handling

It is impossible to disassemble the electrical appliances connected to the network. Especially gently should be handled with the power cord. It is unacceptable to pull for it in order to move the electric stove, iron or pull the plug from the outlet.

In this way, you can easily arrange a short circuit. Power cords are often subjected to twisting, flexible, tension. Heating. Inside them can be festers and cliffs. They are capable of breaking good contact, cause sparking, leading to ignition.

It is necessary to carefully exploit its electrical appliances.

Replacing the light bulbs in the lamps

Each adult, not to mention the children, should know what to repair the electric equipment that is under voltage is prohibited. Any action with electrical receivers must be performed when power off.

Often people get injuries when they screw / turn ordinary incandescent bulbs. The light switch should always be disconnected.

The metal carving of the base can be swam in the cartridge, and the fastening of it with the flask loosen. As a result, the glass part will be checked, the internal threads of the voltage supply, made of open metal, come into contact with each other by creating a short circuit.

Contact with the instrument housing connected to voltage

In a two-wire network (phase, zero), operated, with a breakdown of insulation on the housing, life-threatening potential appears. If a person with one part of the body applies to such a device (the dishwasher is shown in the figure), and the other elements of the structure of the building connected to the ground (in the picture - pipeline), then through its body there will be a current on this path.

To prevent these injuries to prevent such injuries, the protection responding to the appearance of leakage currents. In such a wiring, it will reduce the striking effect of the current, and in a diagram equipped with a protective re-conductor on TN-S systems or TN-C-S will prevent an accident.

Proper connection to the contour of the grounding of all household appliances, the use of the potential equalization system is the key to prevent the damage to the tenacles.

Long work of electrical appliances

Modern refrigerators, freezers and some household appliances are designed to perform a continuous technological cycle. They are equipped with automatic control systems.

Even such devices can break and need periodic control from the owner. Burned electric motors, filled with water floors or cases of flooding neighbors from below - bright confirmation of this.

For working equipment and electrical equipment, you still need to look from a person.


We love to make something with your own hands. Now it is very easy to find many tips on how to make a homemade machine, heating, welding ... But whether we have enough qualifications to perform all this not only working, but also safe for operation? Surely not always.

The designs of many homemade heaters are not only firewood, but are able to create an electrical injury.

In any case, before entering homemade electrical appliances, it is important not only to measure the resistance of electrical insulation, but also to test it. This is done by specialized electrical laboratories.

Maintaining in good condition Wiring Protection

In all residential premises, introductory shields are installed in the operation of the electrical circuit. In them, as a rule, the electric meter and protective machines or fuses are mounted.

They must be maintained in a working condition. Especially important is this requirement for old houses in rural areas, where you can still meet working, but morally obsolete electrical folders with an induction meter and two cork fuses. In them, the hosts instead of industrial smelting inserts establish homemade "bugs" - segments of randomly selected wires.

Often their nominal nominations are overestimated: to once again not change when burn out. It is for this reason that they do not always quickly turn off the short circuit that has arisen, and in some cases they do not work at all.

The same requirement refers to the settings of circuit breakers. Their selection, configuration and testing of performance - an important element of electrical safety.


They are always inquisitive, movable, actively climb into all accessible and even forbidden places. In this way, they know the world around us, master it. But is it always an adult man can keep track of the behavior of the baby, protect him from entering the current? How to avoid accidents?

Parents need to take into account the age of the child and its development. Children under three years need to exclude access to electrical appliances elements of furniture, partitions, fences. Be sure to specify the forbidden zones and inspire that they should not enter there.

All contacts of the electrical sockets must be closed by dielectric plugs. After all, kids can turn there nail, pin or another piece of metal.

Children of all ages need to persistently explain the rules for the safe handling of electricity in everyday life and on the street. For this purpose, a lot of books are written for them and many learning cartoons are shot. For example, "Tips of Aunt Owls."

Such video tutorials are created by specialists, taking into account the specifics of children's psychology. They are informative, well remembered. Especially when parents give a passing explanation, and after the joint viewing are divided by comments, ask leading questions.

In the conclusion of the article, I would like to refer to the electricians again: you certainly, on the basis of your own experience, know another causes of electric shock in everyday life. Share them with your loved ones! Your advice will always be perceived. They will help protect a person from receiving electricians.