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The artistic style of speech features of his and signs. Examples of artistic style. Artistic text in detail

Art style It serves a special sphere of human activity - the scope of verbal and artistic creativity. Like the rest of the styles, artistic performs all the most important social functions of the language:

1) informative (reading artwork, we receive information about the world, about human society);

2) communicative (the writer communicates with the reader, having transferred him his idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality phenomena and counting on a response, and, unlike a publicist, addressed to the wide masses, the writer appeals to the addressee, which is able to understand it);

3) affecting (The writer seeks to call the reader an emotional response to his work).

But all these functions in the artistic style are subordinated to its main function -aesthetic which is that reality is recreated in literary and artwork through the image system (Characters, nature phenomena, settings, etc.). Each significant writer, poet, playwright - its own, original vision of the world, and for the reconstruction of the same phenomenon, various authors use different language funds, specially selected, rethought. V. V. Vinogradov: "... The concept of" style "in the application to the language of fiction is filled with other content than, for example, in relation to the styles of business or stationery and even styles of journalistic and scientific ... The language of fiction is not quite correlated with others. Styles, it uses them, includes them in itself, but in peculiar combinations and in the converted form ... "

Artistic literature, as well as other art types, is inherent in a specific-figurative representation of life in contrast, for example, from abstracted, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. For the artistic work, perception is characterized by feelings and reassemblance of reality. The author seeks to convey, above all, his personal experience, his understanding and understanding of one or another phenomenon. For the artistic style of speech typically, attention to the private and accidental, followed by typical and general. The world of fiction is "rendered" the world, the factory reality is to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means that a subjective moment plays the most important role in the artistic style of speech. All surrounding reality is represented through the vision of the author. But in the artistic text we see not only the world of the writer, but also a writer in this world: His preferences, condemnation, admiration, etc. With this, emotionality, expressiveness, metaphoricity, meaningfulness of artistic style are connected. As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms expressed by language and extralyinguistic means. Artistic speech Along with the uneximiced constitute two levels of the national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs nominative-visual function.

The lexical composition and functioning of speech-style words have their own characteristics. In the words that make up the basis and creating the formation of this style, first of all, includes figurative means of the literary language, as well as words that implement their value in context. These are the words of the wide sector of use. Luxury-specific words are used to a slight degree, only for creating artistic reliability in describing certain parties to life. For example, L. N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" in the description of the battle scenes used a special military vocabulary. We will find a significant number of words from the hunting lexicon in the "Notes of the Hunter" I. S. Turgenev, in the stories of M. M. Privina, V. A. Astafieva. In the "peak lady" by A. S. Pushkin a lot of words associated with a card game, etc.

The artistic style is very widely used by the meaningful of the word, which opens additional meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy in all language levels, due to which it appears to emphasize the subtlest shades of values. This is explained by the fact that the author seeks to use all the wealth of the language, to the creation of its unique language and style, to the bright, expressive, shaped text. The framework of the artistic text overlook the emotionality and expressiveness of the image. Many words that in scientific speech act as well-defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech act as specific sensual ideas. Thus, styles are functionally complemented by each other. For example, adjective "lead" In scientific speech, it realizes its direct value (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, phrases play an important role in the artistic speech, which create a certain figurative performance.

The syntactic system of artistic speech reflects the flow of shaped-emotional copyright impressions, so here you can meet all the variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates the language means to fulfilling its ideological and aesthetic tasks. In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms caused by artistic actualization are possible, that is, the author of some thought, ideas, features important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. Especially often this technique is used to create a comic effect or a bright, expressive artistic image.

According to the diversity, wealth and expressive capabilities of the language means, the artistic style is above the other styles, is the most complete expression of the literary language. A feature of the artistic style, its most important feature is a picture, metaphoricity, which is achieved by using a large number of stylistic figures and trails.

Trails - These are words and expressions used in a figurative value in order to strengthen the image patterns, artistic expressiveness of speech. The main types of trails are following

Metaphor - a trail, word or expression used in a figurative value, which is based on an unnamed comparison of the subject with any other on the basis of their general feature: And the darkness and cold of the soul is tired. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Metonymy - view of a trail, phrase, in which one word is replaced by another, denoting the subject (phenomenon), which is in one or another (spatial, temporary, etc.) of communication with the subject, which is indicated by a substituted word: The hiss of the foam glasses and the punch flame blue. (A. S. Pushkin).The replacement word is used in a figurative value. Metonimia should be distinguished from the metaphor with which it is often confused, while the metonymy is based on the replacement of the word "on adjacentness" (part instead of a whole or vice versa, a representative instead of class, etc.), the metaphor is based on the replacement "in similarity "

Synecdoche one of the types of metonymia, which represents the transfer of the value of one subject to another on the basis of a quantitative relation between them: And it was heard before dawn, as the Frenchman was shown. (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Epithet - A word or a whole expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic shade, helps the word (expression) to gain colorfulness, saturation. Epithetically expressed mainly by the adjective name, but also adver (Love hot), name of the noun (fun noise)numeral (second Life).

Hyperbola - a trope based on a clear and intentional exaggeration, in order to strengthen expressiveness and emphasizing the thoughts said: In Ivan Nikiforovich, opposite the balls in such wide folds, which if you feel them, then you could put the entire courtyard with barns and the structure (N. V. Gogol).

Litotes - a figurative expression, inexpensive dimensions, strength, the value of the described: Your spitz, adorable spitz, no more thimble ... (A. S. Griboedov).Litness is also called reverse hyperbole.

Comparison - a trail in which the likelihood of one object or phenomenon is like to someone for any common feature for them. The goal of comparison is to identify in the object of comparison new, important for the subject of utterance Properties: Anchar, as a formidable watch, is worth one in the entire universe (A. S. Pushkin).

Elimination the trail, which is based on the transfer of the properties of animated objects into inanimate:Silent sadness comforts, and the joy (A. S. Pushkin) comes up.

Perifraz the trail in which the direct name of the subject, a person, the phenomena is replaced by the descriptive circulation, where the signs of the not called direct object, face, phenomena are indicated: king of Beasts (Lion), people in white coats (doctors), etc.

Allegory (allegory) - Conditional image of abstract ideas (concepts) by means of a specific artistic image or dialogue.

Irony - a trail in which true meaning is hidden or contradictory (opposed) meaning explicit: Where can I, fools, drink tea. The irony creates the feeling that the subject of the discussion is not as it seems.

Sarcasm - One of the types of satirical isobulation, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the enhanced contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the intentional exposure implied: Endless only the universe and the stupidity of human. Although I have the first to have doubts (A. Einstein). If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless (F. G. Ranevskaya).

Stylistic figures these are special stylistic turns that go beyond the necessary norms for creating artistic expressiveness. It is necessary to emphasize that the stylistic figures are discrepanied by information redundant, but this redundancy is needed for expressiveness of speech, and therefore for a stronger impact on the addressee.Stylistic figures include:

Rhetorical appeal giving the author's intonation of solemnity, irony, etc..: And you, arrogant descendants ... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

A rhetorical question - This is special construction of speech, in which the statement is expressed in the form of a question. The rhetorical question does not require a response, but only strengthens the emotionality of the statement:And over the fatherland of liberty enlightened, is finally welcome? (A. S. Pushkin).

Anaphora - a stylistic figure, consisting in repetition of sprinkled sounds, words or groups of words at the beginning of each parallel row, that is, in the repetition of the initial parts of two or more relative to independent speech segments (semi-edible, poems, stanza or prosaic passages):

There are no winds in vain,
The thunderstorm was not in vain (S. A. Yesenin).

Epiphora - Stylistic figure, consisting in repetition of the same words at the end of adjacent speech segments. Often, the epiphara is used in poetic speech in the form of the same or similar endings of the structure:

Dear friend and in this quiet house
Fever beats me
Do not find me a place in a quiet house
Near the peaceful fire (A. A. Blok).

Antithesis - rhetorical opposition, the stylistic figure of contrast in the artistic or oratory speech, which consists in a sharp opposition of concepts, provisions, images, states related to the overall design or inner meaning: Who was none, he will become everyone!

Oxymoron - Stylistic figure or stylistic error, which is a combination of words with the opposite value (that is, the combination of incompatible). For Oxymoron, it is characterized by intentional use of contradiction to create a stylistic effect:

Gradation grouping of homogeneous members of the sentence in a certain order: on the principle of increasing or weakening emotionally meaningful significance: I do not regret, I do not cry ... (S. A. Yesenin)

Default the intentional interruption of speech in the calculation of the reader's guess, which should mentally complement the phrase:But listen: If I have to you ... I own a dagger, I was born near the Caucasus ... (A. S. Pushkin).

Multi-allu (polysindone) - a stylistic figure, consisting in intentional increase in the number of unions in a sentence, usually for the relationship of homogeneous members. Slowing the speech by pauses, multi-eyed emphasizes the role of each word, creating the unity of transfer and strengthening the expressiveness of speech: And for him resurrected again: and deity, inspiration, and life, and tears, and love (A. S. Pushkin).

Asyndeton (asyndeton) - Stylistic figure: Construction of speech, in which unions connecting words are omitted. Asindandon gives the utterance, dynamism, helps convey to a quick change of paintings, impressions, actions: Swede, Russian, rubit, rolling, cuts, fight drum, click, grinding ... (A. S. Pushkin).

Parallelism - a stylistic figure, which is the location of identical or similar in the grammatical and semantic structure of speech elements in the adjacent parts of the text. Parallel elements may be sentences, their parts, phrases, words:

In the blue sky, the stars shine,
In the blue sea, the waves are harvested;
Cloud goes around the sky
Barrel on the sea floats (A. S. Pushkin).

Hiam - Stylistic figure, consisting in a cruciform change in the sequence of elements in two parallel rows of words: Head to love art in yourself, and not in art (K. S. Stanislavsky).

Inversion - Stylistic figure consisting in violation of the usual (direct) order of words: Yes, we were very friendly (L. N. Tolstoy).

In the creation of artistic images in the literary work, not only fine-expressive means, but also any units of language, selected and organized so that they acquire the ability to activate the reader imagination, cause certain associations. Due to the special use of language tools, the described phenomenon, the indicated phenomenon loses the features of the total, specified, turns into a single, particular one, the only idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is imprinted in the consciousness of the writer and is reconstructed in the artistic text.Compare two texts:

Oak, the genus of the trees family of beech. About 450 species. It grows in moderate and tropical belts of the Northern Hemisphere and South America. Wood durable and durable, with a beautiful pattern on the cut. Forest-forming breed. The oak is stiff (height up to 50 meters, lives from 500 to 1000 years) forms forests in Europe; Oak rocky - in the foothills of the Caucasus and Crimea; Oak Mongolian grows in the Far East. Oak cork is cultivated in subtropics. The bark oak is crucified is used for therapeutic purposes (contains binding substances). Many species are decorative (encyclopedic dictionary).

On the edge of the road stood oak. Probably ten times older birches, which make up the forest, he was ten times thicker and twicear above each birch. It was a huge, in two coverage of oak, with broken a long time, visible, bitches and with broken crust, overgrown with old sores. With his huge clumsily, asymmetrically estimated hands and fingers, he was old, angry and suspicious freak standing between smiling birchings. Only he didn't want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see neither spring, nor the Sun (L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace").

And in that, and in another text, an oak is described, but if the first we are talking about the whole class of homogeneous objects (trees, general, the essential signs of which are presented in the scientific description), then the second says in a single tree. When reading the text, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe oak arises, personifies the immersed old age, opposed by the "smiling" spring and the sun birch. Concretioning phenomena, the writer resorts to the admission of personification: ooo huge hands and fingers, he looks old, angry, contemptuous freak. In the first text, as it is characteristic of scientific style, the word Oak expresses the general concept, in the second transmits the submission of a particular person (author) about a particular tree (the word becomes a way).

From the point of view of the speech organization of texts, artistic style is opposed to all other functional styles, since the fulfillment of aesthetic function, the tasks of creating an artistic image allow the writer to use funds not only the literary language, but also of nationwide (dialectisms, jargonisms, closeness). It should be emphasized that the use of extractive elements of the language in artworks should meet the requirements of expediency, moderation, aesthetic value.Free appeal of writers to language means of various stylistic color and different functional-style correlation can create an impression of "distinction" of artistic speech. However, this impression is superficial becauseattracting stylistic painted means, as well as elements of other styles subordinate to the artistic speech to perform aesthetic function : They are used to create artistic images, the realization of the ideological and artistic design of the writer.Thus, the artistic style, as well as everyone else, is formed on the basis of the interaction of extralyinguistic and linguistic factors. Extliningvistic factors include: the sphere of verbal creativity, the peculiarities of the Writer's worldview, its communicative installation; To linguistic: the possibility of using a variety of units of the language, which in the artistic speech undergo various transformation and become a means of creating an artistic image, the incarnation of the author's plan.

Topic 10. Language features of artistic style

Topic 10.Language features of artistic style

Beautiful thought loses its price,

if it is badly expressed.


Plan lesson:

Theoretical block

    Trails. Types of trails.

    Stylistic figures. Types of stylistic figures.

    Functional characteristics of linguistic means of artistic style expressiveness.

Practical block

    Allocation in the texts of the artistic style of fine-expressive agents and their analysis

    Functional characteristics of trails and figures

    Drawing up texts using reference expressions

Tasks for SRO


1. Gup I.B.. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1997. - 448 p.

2. Skein BUT.N.., Krylova. ABOUT.BUT., Odintsov IN.IN. Functional types of Russian speech. - M.: Higher School, 1982. - 392 p.

3. Lapteva, M. A. Russian language and culture of speech. - Krasnoyarsk: CPI KGTU, 2006. - 216 p.

4. Rosenthal D.E. Directory in Russian. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 2001. - 381 p.

5. Khamidova L.V.., Shakhov L..BUT. Practical stylistics and speech culture. - Tambov: ed. - in TSTU, 2001. - 34 p.

Theoretical block

Language features of artistic style


    Wide use of words in a figurative value;

    Intentional clash of distinct vocabulary;

    Use of vocabulary with a biblanchi stylistic color;

    The presence of emotional-painted words;

    Greater prefiliency of using specific vocabulary;

    Wide consumption of populatory words.

Word formative

    The use of diverse tools and word formation models;


    Using the word forms in which the specificity category is manifested;

    Frequency of verbs;

    Passivity of uncertain-personal forms of verbs, forms of the 3rd person;

    Minor use of medium-sized noun compared to noun male and female;

    The shape of the plural number of disturbed and real nouns;

    Wide use of adjectives and inferior.


    The use of the entire arsenal in the language of syntaxes;

    Widespread use of stylistic figures;

    Wide dialogue, proposals with direct speech, improper and direct and indirect;

    Active use of parcel;

    The inadmissibility of the syntactically monotonous speech;

    Use of poetic syntax.

The artistic style of speech is characterized by painting, expressiveness, wide use of finely expressive means of language. The means of artistic expressiveness give speech brightness, strengthen its emotional impact, attract the attention of the reader and listener to the statement.

Means of expressiveness in artistic style are diverse and numerous. Usually researchers allocate two groups of fine-expressive means: trails and stylistic figures.

The most common types of trails




Two pensive Night transparent dusk.

(BUT. Pushkin)


Roschi dissuaded Golden Birch cheerful tongue. (FROM. Yesenin)


Metaphor's type,

transfer of signs of a living being on the phenomena of nature, objects and concepts.

Slept Green alley

(TO. Balmont.)


Well, you are me still platel, my dear

(AND.BUT. Wings)


The type of metonymy, the transfer of the name of the whole part of this whole or the name of the part to all

Friends, Romans, compatriots, lend me to me ears. (Yu. Caesar)


The moon is glowing, as Huge cold ball.

Starfall futy foliage . (D.. FROM amumylov)


The turnover, consisting in replacing the name of the subject or a phenomenon with a description of their essential characteristics or an indication of their

specific traits

King beasts (lion),

snow beauty (winter),

black Gold (Oil)


IN one hundred thousands of Suns. Sunset gruel ( IN.IN. Mayakovsky)


Peasant with marigolds

(N..BUT. Nekrasov)


In Basnya I. Krylova: donkey - Stupidity, a fox - trick, wolf - greed

Stylistic figures




Repetition of individual words or revolutions at the beginning of passages, of which the statement is

The winds did not blow in vain, the thunderstorm was not in vain. ...

(FROM. Yesenin)


Repetition of words or expressions at the end of adjacent passages, lines, phrases

Guests came ashore, Tsar Saltan calls them to visit ( BUT. Pushkin)


This is a turnover, in which the opposite concepts are opposed to strengthening the expressiveness of speech.

I am stupid, and you are a smart

Alive, and I am dumbfounded ...

(M.. Tsvetaeva)


Intentional passing of connecting unions between members of the offer or between proposals

(AND. Reznik)


Intentional use of repetitive unions for logical and intonation effectation of suggestions connected by unions

And flowers and bumblebees, and grass, and ears,

And azure, and a meal heat ...

(AND. Bunin)


Such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent contains amplifying value

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry ( FROM. Yesenin)


Violation of the usual word order in the sentence,

reverse order of words

Dazzling and bright broke out of the furnace flame

(N.. Gladkov)


Same syntax building adjacent proposals or speech segments

What is looking for in the country far? What threw him in the edge of his native?

(M.. Lermontov)

A rhetorical question

Question that does not require an answer

Who lives well in Russia? ( N..BUT. Nekrasov)

Rhetorical exclamation

Expression of approval in an exclamation form.

What magic, kindness, light in the word teacher! And how great his role in the life of each of us! ( IN. Sukhomlinsky)


Design with specially missed, but impaired by any member of the sentence (more often - a sure)

I am for a candle, a candle - to the stove! I am for the book, the one - run and scrapping under the bed! (TO. Chukovsky)


The connection of words contrary to each other, logically excluding each other

Dead souls, live corpse, hot snow

Practical block

Questions for discussion and consolidation :

    What are the main signs of the artistic style of speech?

    What sphere serves artistic style speech?

    What are the means of artistic expressiveness you know?

    What groups are the graphic language of the language divide?

    What are called trails? Describe them.

    What function is performed in the text path?

    What stylistic figures do you know?

    What is the purpose of stylistic figures in the text?

    Describe the varieties of stylistic figures.

The task 1 . Set compliance: Find the concepts shown below - the trails (left column) corresponding definitions (right column)




Artistic, figurative definition


Turnover, consisting in replacing the name of the subject or phenomenon with a description of their essential characteristics or an indication of their characteristic features


Eating words or expressions in a figurative value based on similarity, comparison, analogies


Expression containing exorbitant shortness of any phenomenon


Using the name of one subject instead of the name of another on the basis of an external or internal connection between them, adjacent


Allegorical image of an abstract concept with a specific life image

Transfer values \u200b\u200bfrom one phenomenon to another on the basis of a quantitative relationship between them


Mapping two phenomena to explain one of them with the help of another

Attributing inanimate objects of signs and properties of living beings


Figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration

The task 2 . Find epithets in offers. Determine the form of their expression. What role do they perform in the text? Make up your sentences using epithets.

1. On the heavenly blue dish of yellow clouds honey smoke .... (s. E.). 2. In the north, the wilder is lonely ... (Lerm); 3. Around the whitewater ponds bushes in fluffy servers ... (march.). 4. B. olna rushing, rod and sparkling.

The task 3 .

1. Slept Earth in Siayani Blue ... (Lerm.). 2. I remained early, still a dormant morning and deafnight. (Green). 3. In the distance appeared head of Train. 4. Wing of a building clearly needed repair. 4. Ship flying By the will of stormy water ... (Lerm.). five. Liquid, early breeze already went to wander and flap Over the earth ... (TURG.) 6. Silver Smoke raised to a clean and precious sky ... (paust.)

The task 4 . Find examples of metonimia in offers. What is the basis of the metonymic transfer of names? Make up your sentences using metonimia.

1. Preparing for the exam, Murat reread Tolstoy. 2. Class I enjoyed visited the exhibition of the porcelain. 3. The whole city went out to meet astronaut. 4. On the street was quiet, the house was sleeping. 5. The audience listened to the speaker carefully. 6. Athletes brought gold and silver with competitions.

The task 5 . Determine the value of the selected words. What kind of path of them can be attributed? Make up your suggestions using the same type of trail.

1. Sarafan for Kaftan Do not run. (Ambassador). 2. All flags The guests will be to us (P.). 3. Blue berets Hassed landed ashore. 4. Best beardcountries gathered on the performance. (I. Ilf). 5. In front of me stood a woman in a hat. Hat indignant. 6. After a short meditation, we decided to catch motor.

The task 6. Find the comparison offers. Determine the form of their expression. Suggest your suggestions using comparisons of different forms of expression.

1. Major dew drops are in everywhere with radiant diamonds. (Turg.) 2. The dress on it was the color of greenery. 3. Dawn laid fire .... (Turg.). 4. The light fell out of the hood with a wide cone ... (bits). 5. Words like hawks of night, break off from hot lips. (B. OK.). 6. The day of the newspaper outside the door to the lurch, who was late for a student running. (Slutsk.). 7. Loda, like melting sugar, lies on the frozen river.

The task 7 . Read offers. Spike them. Specify examples of personification

(1 option); hyperboles ( Option 2); c) Litters ( 3 option). Argument your answer.

    Silent sadness comfort comfort, and joy will think ... ( P.).

    Sharovari width with the Black Sea ... ( Gogol.).

    Oven the autumn night with ice tears ... ( Fet.).

    And we have not seen, probably a hundred years ... Ruby).

    The horse leads a peasant in large boots, in a sheepskin coat, in large mittens ... and himself with marigolds! (Necr.).

    Some houses to the stars, others - the length of the moon; Before Heaven Baobaba

( Lighthouse.).

    Your Spitz - Adorable Spitz, no more thimble! ( Griboedov).

The task 8. Read the text.

There was a wonderful July day, one of those days that happen only when the weather was established for a long time. From the very early morning, the sky is clear; Morning dawn does not burn fire: it is broken by a meek blush. The sun is not a fire, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull-bugs, as before the storm, but the bright and painted bearer - peacefully floats under narrow and long mood, freshly dries asone and plunge into the lilac fog. The top, thin edge of the stretched cloud flashes snakes; The glitter is similar to the brilliance of wrought silver ...

But again, playing rays were glad, - and fun and greatestly, as if taking off, raising the mighty luminaries. At about noon, many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges appear.

Like the islands scattered on an infinitely flooded river that flows around their deeply transparent sleeves of smooth blue, they almost do not touch off; Next, to the sky, they shift, crowded, the blueness between them can no longer see; But they themselves are also azure, like the sky: they are all pierced by light and warmth. The color of the skysclene, light, pale-lilac, does not change all day and circle the same; Nowhere does not darken, the thunderstorm does not stick; Does it stretches from top to bottom down the bluish stripes: then it sows barely noticeable rain. In the evening, these clouds disappear; The last of them, blacknasted and uncertain, as smoke, lie down with pink clubs opposite the setting sun; On the spot where it rolled up as calmly, as calmly rushed to the sky, the scarlet shying is worth a short time over the darkened earth, and, quietly blinking, how carefully carrying a candle, he will heal the evening star. On such days, paints are all softened; light, but not bright; On everything there is a seal of some touching meekness. On such days, heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even "paraitic" on the fields of fields; But the wind accelerates, spreads the accumulated heat, and whirlwinds - a certain sign of constant weather - the high white pillars are walking along the roads through arable land. In a dry and clean air smells a hollow, compressed rye, buckwheat; Even an hour before the night you do not feel damp. Similar weather wishes a farmer for harvesting ... (I. Turgenev. Bezhin meadow.)

    Ensure unfamiliar words from the text, determine their value.

    Determine the style and type of text.

    Divide the text into semantic parts. Word the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, its topic. Casting text.

    What words are the special semantic load in the text?

    Specify the words of one thematic group.

    Find the definition text. Are they all the epithets?

    What means of artistic expressiveness used the author in the text?

    Write out of the text examples of the paths: epithets ( 1 option); comparisons ( Option 2); Metaphors. ( 3 option). Argument your choice.

The task 9. Read the texts about the winter.

1. Zima - the coldest season. ( FROM. Ozhegov).

2. Winter on the coast is not so evil, as in the depths of the peninsula, and below the forty-two mercury in the thermometer does not go down, and than from the ocean, the stronger the frost - so old-timers believe that forty-two under zero is something like september frosts on the grass. But near the water, the weather is changeable: then the blizzard will turn his eyes, the wall against the wind people walk, then the frost will grab the living and, as a leprosy, will choose, then it is necessary to rub to the blood to the blood, because they say: "Three to the nose, everything will pass." ( B.. Kryachko)

    Hello, in white sundress

From silver brocade!

Diamonds are burning on you, as if bright rays.

Hello, Russian fashion,


Snow-white winch,

Hello, winter winter! ( P. Vyazemsky)

4. Beautiful, wonderful Russian forest in winter. Deep, clean lying under the trees of drifts. Over forest paths lace white arches bent under the weight of the fucking trunks of young birch. Heavy white snow caps are covered with dark green branches of high and small fir trees. You stand and admire their vertices, unisaled with lilac cones. With delight you look like, having fun, flying away from ate on a spruce, swing on the bumps of the stinks of Krasnogruda Kleztov. ( I. Sokolov - Mikitov)

    Determine the style, genre and destination of each text.

    Specify the main style features of each text.

    What language tools are used in the texts about winter?

The task 10. Create your arbitrary winter landscape sketch using at least 10 (ten) definitions selected from the words presented below. What function do they perform in the text? Whose text is most successful and why?

White, first, fresh, coughing, cool, frosty, nonlaskaya, snow-white, angry, stern, bright, chilly, wonderful, clear, invigorating, spiny, hot, angry, creaky, crisp, blue, silver, pensive, silent, gloomy, Gloomy, huge, huge, predatory, hungry, fast, floating, frozen, warm, sparkling, clean.

The task 11. Make a syncewing to the microthem "Trails as fine-expressive funds of the Russian language":

1 option- Keyword "personification";

Option 2- the keyword "hyperbole";

3 option- keyword "littoma";

4 option- Keyword "Allegory".

The task 12. Read the text. Divide the text into semantic parts. Cover it.

The steppe focused on the moonlight was waiting for morning. That predestinous silence, which is not called. And only very sensitive, accustomed to this silence of the ear would hear a continuous rustle, all night came from the steppe. Once something zink ...

The first whitish ray ray broke out due to a distant cloud, the moon flew immediately, and the earth darkened. And then the caravan suddenly appeared. The chest in a juicy meadow, mixed with young reed grass one after another went camels. On the left and left of the hard, adjacent meadow weighed the herds of horses, dived into the grass and the riders were again shown again. From time to time, the camel chain was interrupted, and, connected with each other long woolen rope, rolled in the grass. High two-wheeled carts. Then camels went again ...

The distant cloud melted, and the sun suddenly everyone immediately looked into the steppe. As if by the axes of precious stones, she spilled in all directions to the horizon himself. There was a second half of the summer, and the time had passed when the steppe looks like a bride in the wedding dress. Only the emerald greens of reeds remained, the yellow-red islands of overripe prickly colors remained, and there were burns of chubby sorrels among the frozen sorrels. Steep sides of the filmed horses left the steppe left for the summer.

And as soon as the sun flared out, the deaf and powerful hopot, snoring, rye, dusty verb, squeak, high wooden wheels, human voices began to be unmarried immediately. The noise was possed from under the bushes of quail and blind owls caught by the surveillance avalanche. Exactly the light instantly dissolved silence and caused it all to life ...

At first glance, it was clear that it was not just a seasonal convergence of one of the countless Aules scattered in the endless of the Kazakh steppe. Not worn, as usual, young jigs on both sides of the caravan, were not squeezed with girls. Silently rushed, holding closer to camels. And women on camels, closed in white scarves - Kimheki, were also silent. Even small children did not cry and only burned round black eyes from the passage sum - korzhunov on both sides of camel humps.

(I. Esenberlin. Nomads.)

    Ensure unfamiliar words from the text, define their meaning according to the dictionary.

    What kind of artistic style layer is the text? Argument your answer.

    Determine the type of speech. Argument your answer.

    What time of year is presented in the text?

    Select keywords and phrases in the text necessary for the transfer of basic content.

    Write out trails from the text, determine their appearance. What is the purpose of the author uses these fine-expressive in the text?

    Play text in your own words. Determine your text style. Is the functional-style text preserved?

Literary and artistic style - The functional style of speech, which is used in the artistic literature. This style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, transfers the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by the image, emotionality of speech.

In the artwork, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves for aesthetic impact on the reader using artistic images. The brighter and the truthful image, the stronger it affects the reader.

In their works, writers use when it is necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also obsolete dialect and spaticrous words.

The emotionality of artistic style is significantly different from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. It performs aesthetic function. Art style involves a preliminary selection of language funds; All language facilities are used to create images. A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech can be called the use of special speech figures that give narration colorfulness, strength of reality.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Video Tutorial in the Russian language "Speech Styles"

    How to develop your own literary style. Mini lecture Elvira Barakina

    Style problems


Expressive-visual language

The means of artistic expressiveness are diverse and numerous. It:

  1. Trails (comparisons, personification, allegory, metaphor, metonymium, synengo, etc.)
  2. Stylistic figures (epithet, hyperbole, litt, anaphora, epiphara, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, default, etc.)

Trope (from Dr. Greek. τρόπος - turnover) - In the artistic product of the word and expressions used in a figurative value in order to strengthen the image formation, the artistic expressiveness of speech.

Main types of trails:

  • Metaphor (from Dr.-Greek. μεταφορά - "Transfer", "Mutable meaning") - a trail, a word or expression used in a figurative value, which is based on an unnamed comparison of the subject with any other on the basis of their overall feature. ("Nature here is destined to cut the window to Europe"). Any part of speech in a figurative value.
  • Metonymy (Dr. Greek. μετονυμία - "renaming", from μετά - "over" and ὄνομα / ὄνυμα - "name") - view of a trail, phrase, in which one word is replaced by another, denoting subject (phenomenon) in one or other (spatial, temporary and so on) links with the subject, which is denoted by the substituted word. The replacement word is used in a figurative value. Metonimia should be distinguished from the metaphor with which it is often confused, meanwhile, as the metonymy is based on the replacement of the word "on adjacentness" (part instead of a whole or vice versa, a representative instead of a class or vice versa, containing instead of content or vice versa, and the like), and the metaphor - "in similarity." A special occasion of metonimia is synecko. ("All flags to visit us will be to us, where the flags are replaced by the country.)
  • Epithet (from Dr.-Greek. ἐπίθετον - "applied") - definition with a word that affects its expressiveness. It is mostly expressed in the name of the adjective, but also impurge ("hotly love"), named nouns ("fun noise"), numerical ("second life").

Epitheet is a word or an integer expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic shade, helps the word (expression) to gain colorfulness, saturation. It is used both in poetry (more often) and in prose ("timid breathing"; "lush sign").

  • Synecdoche (Dr. Greek. Συνεκδοχή) is a trail, a variety of metonimia based on the transfer of the value from one phenomenon to another on the basis of a quantitative relationship between them. ("Everything is sleeping - both the man, the beast, and the bird"; "We are all looking at Napoleons"; "In the roof for my family"; "Well, sit down, luminous"; "Most of the whole penny".)
  • Hyperbola (from Dr.-Greek. ὑπερβολή "Transition; excessiveness, excess; exaggeration") - a stylistic figure of an explicit and intentional exaggeration, in order to increase expressiveness and emphasizing said thoughts. ("I told it a thousand times"; "We have enough food for half a year.")
  • Lit.t. - a figurative expression, inexpensive dimensions, strength, the value of the described. Litness is called reverse hyperbole. ("Your spitz, adorable spitz, no more froster").
  • Comparison - a trail in which the likelihood of one object or phenomenon is like to someone for any common feature for them. The goal of comparison is to identify new, important properties for the subject in comparison. ("The man is stupid, like a pig, and a heter, like a damn"; "My house is my fortress"; "He walks Gogol"; "Attempt is not torture.")
  • In stylistics and poetics perifraz (pereppraz, periprase; from Dr. Greek. περίφρασις - "Descriptive expression", "allegory": περί - "around", "about" and φράσις - "statement") is a trail, descriptively expressing one concept with a few.

Perifrase - indirect mention of the object by not the name, but descriptions. ("Night shine" \u003d "Moon"; "I love you, Peter creation!" \u003d "I love you, St. Petersburg!").

  • Allegory (allegory) - Conditional image of abstract ideas (concepts) by means of a specific artistic image or dialogue.

For example:

The nightingale is sad at the defeated rose, it sings above the flower.

But the garden scarecrow is pouring,

favoring Rose Thai.

  • Elimination (Personification, Exopheet) - a trail, assigning the properties of animated objects in an inanimate. Very often, the personification is used in the image of nature, which is endowed with those or other human features.

For example:

And Mountain, Mountain, Gorelyania! And and Lyk Mount was preoccupied,

My legs areoputan.

folk song

The state as if by step off the evil, from whom, alas, not to run away, for it is impossible to take with you

Motherland is a suffering mother.

Aydin Hanmagomedov, answer to a visa

  • Irony (from Dr.-Greek. εἰρωνεία - "pretense") - a trail in which true meaning is hidden or contradictory (opposed) meaning is clear. The irony creates the feeling that the subject of the discussion is not as it seems. ("Where are we, fools, drink tea".)
  • Sarcasm (Greek. σαρκασμός, from σαρκάάω, literally "tearing [meat]") - one of the types of satirical insumption, stinging mockery, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the enhanced contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the immediate intentional expression implied.

Sarcasm is a mockery that can be opened with positive judgment, but in general always contains a negative color and indicates a lack of a person, subject or phenomenon, that is, in relation to what happens. Examples.

Style of fiction

Art style - The functional style of speech, which is used in the artistic literature. In this style, it affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by the image, emotionality of speech.

In the artwork, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves for the aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and the truthful image, the stronger it affects the reader.

In their works, writers use when it is necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also obsolete dialect and spaticrous words.

The means of artistic expressiveness are diverse and numerous. These are trails: comparisons, personification, allegory, metaphor, metonimia, synengo, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litt, anaphora, epiphara, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, default, etc.

The artistic literature is inherent in a specific-figurative representation of life, in contrast to the abstrapy, objective, logical and conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech. For artistic work, perception is characterized by feelings and rewarding reality, the author seeks to transfer his personal experience primarily, his understanding or understanding of one or another phenomenon. But in the artistic text we see not only the world of the writer, but also a writer in this world: His preferences, condemnation, admiration, rejection, and the like. Emotionality and expressiveness are connected with this, metaphoricity, meaningful multi-artistic speech style.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs nominative-visual poundation. In the number of words that make up the basis of this style, first of all include figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that implement their importance in context. These are the words of the wide sector of use. Luxury-specific words are used to a small extent, only for creating a fracture in describing certain parties to life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech is widely used by speech multivalization of the word, which opens additional meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy in all language levels, which appears the ability to emphasize the finest shades of values. This is explained by the fact that the author seeks to use all the wealth of the language, to the creation of its unique language and style, to the bright, expressive, shaped text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of visual means from colloquial speech and spacious.

The first plan in the artistic text comes out emotionality and expressiveness of the image. Many words that in scientific speech act as well-defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and publicistic speech - as socio-generalized concepts, in artistic speech are concrete-sensual ideas. Thus, styles are functionally complemented by each other. For example, the adjective lead in scientific speech implements its direct value (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic - forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead snobs, lead waves). Therefore, phrases play an important role in the artistic speech, which create a certain figurative performance.

For artistic speech, especially poetic, inversion is characterized, i.e. Changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to strengthen the semantic significance of any word, or to give the entire phrase a special stylistic color. An example of inversion can serve as a well-known line from poem A.Akhmatova "Everything seems to me Pavlovsk hilly ..." Copyright options - diverse, subordinate to the overall plan. But all these deviations in the text serve as a law of artistic need.

6. Aristotle about six qualities of "good speech"

The term "rhetoric" (Greek. Retorike), "Oratory" (Lat.orator, ORARE - Say) "Vityth" (outdated, Staroslavyanskoye), "eloquence" (Russian) -sinonimicious.

Rhetoric -special science on the laws of "invention, location and expressions of thoughts in speech". Its modern interpretation is the theory of convincing communication. "

Aristotle defined the rhetoric as the ability to find possible beliefs regarding each of this subject, as the art of belief that uses the possible and probable in cases where real accuracy is insufficient. The case of rhetoric does not convince, but in each given case, find ways to convince.

Spear art is understood as a high degree of mastery of public speech, a qualitative characteristic of speech speech, skillful ownership of the word.

Eloquence in the dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.Dalya is defined as a sophistication, science and ability to speak and write red, convincingly and exciting.

Corax, which in the fifth century D.N.E. Opened in the sirocuses of the school of eloquence and wrote the first textbook of the rhetoric, so defined eloquence: eloquence is the servant of belief. Copying the above-mentioned concepts "rhetoric", "oratory art", "eloquence", we find that they are united by the idea of \u200b\u200bbelief.

Aesthetics and self-expression of the speaker in oratory art, the ability and ability to fascinately speak inherent in eloquence, as well as scientific laws of rhetoric, they all serve as one goal - to convince. And these three concepts of "rhetoric", "oratorical art" and "eloquence" of different accents, which emphasize their content are distinguished.

In the oratoritarian art, aesthetics are emphasized, the authoration of the author, in eloquence - the ability and ability to fascinately speak, and in rhetoric - the scientific principles and laws.

Rhetoric as science and academic discipline exist thousands of years. At different times, various content was invested in it. It was considered as a special genre of literature, and as the skill of any type of speech (oral and written), and as the science and art of oral speech.

Rhetoric as art needed to speak well in the aesthetic development of the world, in the presentation of the elegant and clumsy, beautiful and ugly, beautiful and ugly. At the origins of rhetoric stood an actor, dancer, singer, admiring and convincing people with their art.

At the same time, the rhetoric was based on rational knowledge, as opposed to real from unreal, valid from imaginary, true from false. In the creation of rhetoric, logics, philosopher, scientist participated. In the very formation of rhetoric, it was the third beginning. It united both types of knowledge: aesthetic and scientific. So there was ethics.

So, the rhetoric was trio. She was to convince art with the help of a word, to convince art science with the help of the word and the process of conviction based on moral principles.

Even in the antiquity in the rhetoric there were two main directions. The first coming from Aristotle associated rhetoric with logic and offered to consider a good speech convincing, effective speech. At the same time, efficiency also boiled down to convincing the ability of speech to conquer recognition (consent, sympathy, sympathy) of students, to force them to act in a certain way. Aristotle determined the rhetoric as "the ability to find possible ways of conviction regarding each present subject."

The second direction also originated in other. Its founders include m Socrates and other risers. His representatives were inclined to consider a good richly decorated, lush speech, built on the aesthetic canons. Perforcement continued to be important, but was not the only and not the main criterion for assessing speech. Therefore, the direction in rhetoric, originating from Aristotle, can be called "logical", and from Socrates - literary.

The doctrine of speech culture originated in ancient Greece as part of rhetoric as a doctrine of the advantages and disadvantages of speech. In rhetorical treatises, prescriptions were given, what should it be and what you need to avoid. These works contained recommendations for compliance correctness, purity, clarity, accuracy, logicness and expressiveness of speech, As well as tips on how to achieve this. In addition, another Aristotle called not to forget about the address of speech: "The speech consists of three elements: the speaking of the speaking, the subject that he speaks, and the persons to which he draws and which is, actually, the ultimate goal of everything. Thus, Aristotle and other risers paid attention to readers to the fact that rhetorical heights, the art of speech can be achieved only on the basis of possession of the foundations of speech skills.