Repair Design Furniture

How and how to clean the pan from carbon deposits are really effective cleaning methods. How to clean a frying pan from soot and fat at home: a review of store and folk remedies for different materials and coatings of safe home remedies for cleaning a frying pan

The cast iron skillet is durable. It is important to properly care for the thing and remove carbon deposits from it in time, not to allow it to become rusty and mold. Carbon deposits can be easily removed with a knife if the pan is heated.

A good recipe from the times of the USSR: soda + 72% soap + silicate glue.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean the cast iron. And soot, rust can spoil it. Using our tips, you can remove them.

Some people think they need a cast iron skillet every time.

This is not entirely true, but it is better to clean it immediately after contamination. Carbon deposits are a layer of oil and fat, and it is already non-stick. On this surface, it is great to fry steak, fries and whatever you want.

After use, it is best to use another cast iron cookware under the running hot water... You can use a sponge or rag, but no cleaning products are needed. The thing must be dried immediately.

If there are any solid food residues in the pan, you can get rid of them. in one of several ways.

  1. Take a sponge or nylon bristle brush. Pour hot water or Coca-Cola into a skillet.
  2. If you want to quickly remove solid food from the bottom or sides of the pan, you need to remove the dishes from the hot water, add kosher salt and rub using paper napkins. Rubbing movements should be circular. The iron is also cleaned with the help of salt. Believe it or not, coca will similarly remove food debris.

If you know from experience that it is difficult to remove the stain using the above methods, pour water into a cauldron or other dish, boil it, and the carbon deposits will lag behind. After washing, you can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the pan.

How to remove rust?

Rust appears on the surface of the frying pan if the dishes are not dried in time or if they are placed in a place that is too damp for storage.

Walk on dry coarse clothing sandpaper... Polish the dishes gently with fine-grained sandpaper. This will remove rust from the cast iron.

We cleanse Coca-Cola

Not everyone believes, but coca will really remove carbon deposits from the pan. The liquid dissolves old fat.

Submerge the container in the drink, or pour it into the kitchen utensils and soon the soda will eat away the fat. Cleansing with Coca-Cola is an easy procedure.

Cast Iron Pan Firing Methods

Carbon deposits in the frying pan appear due to the fact that fat and food residues have burnt. Over the years, if the kitchen utensils are not cleaned, a decent layer can build up.

It is removed by burning. Some of these methods can be implemented at home, while others are too dangerous because they threaten with fire.

Method number 1

Choose the hotplate with the highest heat. Turn it on on full power and heat one side of the pan.

So you can also clean the cauldron. After 2-3 minutes, you need to remove the dishes from the heat and try to remove the layers of carbon deposits with a strong knife.

Does not work? Continue heating the same side for 2-3 minutes. Removed from this edge? Do the same with the other parties.

Rinse the pan with a soapy sponge under warm running water. Pat dry with disposable paper towels.

Method number 2

Here, a blowtorch is used to remove carbon deposits. The fat that makes up the carbon is burned and turns into soot.

It can be easily removed. This is how men clean the cauldron, removing carbon deposits. They wear fire retardant mittens for protection like welders and do it in garages.

Rust is cleaned with sandpaper.

In a house or apartment, refrain from such experiments. A fire may occur.

Method number 3

Are you going to renew the cauldron, remove carbon deposits from your favorite frying pan? Do it right at the stake.

For example, this procedure can be performed outdoors, if you kindle a fire, throw a cauldron or frying pan there. If it has a cast-iron handle, then the container is placed in the fire as a whole.

If the handle is wooden, plastic, remove it and only then can you leave the pan in the fire for 15 minutes.

Then take it out with a stick and remove the carbon with a knife.

If the procedure does not bring the desired result, put it back into the fire and reheat it. Work your knife hard, taking off old carbon deposits.

There are other ways to clean cast iron. For instance, chemical means... Let's consider them.

Effective chemicals

Let's figure out how you can remove carbon deposits from household chemicals. Use such funds.

  1. If the layer of fat in the frying pan is small and you bought it not so long ago, then wash it with a washcloth with a detergent for washing kitchen utensils, for example, "Fairy" or another similar high-quality detergent.
  2. Have you been using a cauldron or frying pan for years? In the evening, rinse the container with the grease remover, and then apply the detergent used to clean the oven. Wrap the greased skillet tightly in the bag. Let it lie down until morning. All spots will disappear in half a day. If it remains somewhere, rub it lightly with a metal washcloth (it also removes rust).

When you handle the pan with strong chemicals, do it with rubber gloves.

If scratches remain on the skillet after using the metal scraper, you can remove them using fine-grain sandpaper. It is also convenient to clean the iron with it.

Universal solution since the times of the USSR

In times Soviet Union hostesses passed on to each other a recipe like this:

  • 0.5 kg of soda;
  • bar of 72% soap;
  • silicate glue - 2 pcs.

To boil a frying pan, you will need a boil or other capacious container.

The handle made of wood or other material must be removed. But the iron should be wiped with a sponge soaked in solution. The rust will be removed with sandpaper. For kitchen utensils, adhere to the following instructions.

  1. Fill a container with water and put it on the stove to heat up.
  2. Grate the soap on a coarse grater and add it to the water. Now add baking soda and silicate glue.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and immerse the pan in water.
  4. Put a frying pan in boiling water for 15 minutes. Now turn off the water, and close the container with a lid. By the way, coca can be used instead of water.
  5. Let the pan sit there for 2 to 3 hours. Then you need to take a sponge and wash off the tan with it. In difficult places, use a metal scraper.

The smell with this method will not be the most unpleasant. It is best to carry out this procedure outdoors, if this is not possible, open a window wide open or turn on the hood.

When you're done stewing or frying, immediately rinse and dry the pan. If you do not dry your kitchen utensils before storing, mold may develop on them.

Store your inventory in a cool and dry place. The iron will not deteriorate in any humidity.

If you live in an area where high humidity When putting an item for storage, do not cover it with a lid. Otherwise, it may rust and need to be cleaned.

Now you know how to properly care for a cast iron frying pan at home. Rust can be removed with sandpaper, carbon can be removed with Coca-Cola. Take care of it carefully, and your dishes will serve you faithfully for many years.

Any housewife has come across situations when dishes, pots or pans are soiled that it is very difficult to deal with. The most problematic in this case is carbon deposits, which arises from constant contact with fire and forms a very thick layer on the surface of the pan, which is worth a lot of work to remove, especially if you do not know exactly how to do it.

For different types pans have their own methods that can effectively deal with the problem.

Reasons for the appearance

In a frying pan, food is cooked using oil, which, when heated, has an extremely liquid consistency, and when it cools, it partially or completely solidifies. When this process occurs, the oil particles not only bind to each other, but also capture the burnt metal, which is not large quantities formed after every cooking. If you wash the pan after each cooking and keep it absolutely clean, then there will be no problems with carbon deposits, but if this is not done, then plaque will begin to form on the pan, which will grow with each cooking.

The carbon deposit itself is ugly in appearance, because it looks like dirty dishes on which black dirt has adhered, but besides the aesthetic negative effect, there is a much more serious one. In the burnt substances on the surface of the pan, harmful substances are formed that negatively affect human health - these are benzopyrene and peroxide. These carcinogens are very dangerous in large quantities. There are very few of them in soot, but even such an amount from constant intake into the body will cause certain harm to health.

In order to clean the pan, it is important first of all to know what material it is made of; this particular nuance will play the most important role in the selection of means and methods for cleaning the surface of the dishes.

Modern pans can be made from:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • teflon;
  • ceramics.

Starting from the type of pan, you can start fighting carbon deposits in the safest but most effective ways.

Each coating has its own care

With the advent of a large number of material options for pans, it is important to be able to properly care for them so that there are no problems with cooking. Teflon dishes are considered to be the most convenient to care for, which is protected from the appearance of carbon deposits on both sides, although sometimes it can form on them in small quantities. In this case, it is important to know how to wash the surface without violating its integrity.

  • Teflon pans very thin and delicate dusting, therefore it cannot be cleaned with aggressive agents and a hard washcloth. For cleaning, you can use plain water by boiling it in a frying pan, and you can also add a detergent to it, which will help to more easily clean the surface from traces of carbon deposits.
  • If Teflon is the most convenient material in care, the most problematic will be pans made of steel. Food very often adheres to this material, and carbon deposits quickly adhere to the walls, rubbing off with abrasive materials, you can notice traces of work on the surface itself. After several such cleanings, the pan will be unpleasant to use, because it appearance will resemble old dishes.
  • Another option for the material from which pans are made is cast iron. Such dishes will serve for a very long time, they are unpretentious in care, absolutely safe for food and humans, and therefore, having the opportunity to choose, it is better to give preference to the old, but proven option. All care for such products consists in removing carbon deposits from the surface from time to time. There are several ways for an efficient process, the first of which is the use of products designed for steel pans.

Soda, salt, vinegar and lemon acid help to cope with carbon deposits and wipe it off much faster. Hallmark This type of coating is resistant to metal and abrasive elements, therefore they can be cleaned by any means, while the integrity of the coating will be stable.

When using salt, slightly change the way you clean the surface with it. It must be poured onto the bottom of the dishes and poured with vinegar, leaving such contents for fifteen minutes. When the time is up, the pan is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which another glass of soda is poured in. All ingredients should boil for seven minutes, after which you can remove the pan from the stove and scrub it under cold water.

If it was possible to completely wash the coating from soot and fat that was on the surface for cooking, then before preparing food, it is important to thoroughly warm the product so that the food does not burn.

When washing such pans, it is better not to wipe off a small layer of fat, because exactly how it provides optimal conditions for cooking and prevents food from burning. The very process of caring for the product consists only in periodic cleaning of carbon deposits from the surface.

For ceramic coatings foreseen special means for cleaning carbon deposits, because this material is very whimsical and it is very simple to violate its integrity, and the consequence of this will be the burning of all the food that is cooked in the pan. Despite the popularity of such products, they are extremely inconvenient to use, and care is meticulous work that is unjustified.

Thus, when choosing a frying pan for yourself, you need to pay attention not to its external characteristics, but to the ease of use and ease of caring for it.


Having an aluminum frying pan at your disposal, you need to know exactly how to care for it and remove carbon deposits. It is important to mention that the coating of the product belongs to quite demanding materials, therefore you need to know exactly what can be used and what not. Alkaline and acidic products are definitely contraindicated for such coatings, because they cause significant damage.

It is possible to wash the pan at home using water and a couple of tablespoons of citric acid. Such contents must be boiled and allowed to cool, after which small deposits can be easily removed without the use of force or aggressive detergents.

Another way involves using ammonia and borax, which are added to the water. You will need very little alcohol, and borax will need 10 grams. With this solution, you need to wipe the pan well. When the plaque is gone, it is important to rinse the dishes well so that nothing gets into the food.

If such a frying pan burns, then cleaning it is quite problematic, but possible. To do this, you need tooth powder, which is poured onto the burnt bottom and left there for up to half a day. When the time is up, just clean the surface with a rag and rinse the pan well. If there are uncleaned places, then the same process is repeated a second time.

A more difficult option, but proven by generations, is the use of water, silicate glue and soda ash. The procedure will require 10 liters of water, 80 grams of glue and 100 grams of soda. A frying pan is placed in the finished solution and brought to a boil. Leave it on fire for about fifteen minutes, then wash it very well with laundry soap.

The use of chemicals for aluminum coatings is prohibited., because they very aggressively affect this surface and violate its integrity, and their vapors can lead to poisoning.


Teflon pans are very popular with housewives due to their non-stick coating, ease and convenience in use. However, over time, traces of carbon deposits begin to appear on such products, which is not easy to cope with, because Teflon is a rather delicate material, and it is not recommended to work on it with metal scrapers or aggressive chemicals.

In order to clean the inner surface, you can use ordinary laundry soap. It needs to be grated and poured into the water that has already been poured into the pan. The entire contents are heated, but not brought to a boil, after which, with the help of a sponge, all contaminants are easily and simply removed from the inner surface.

If you need to clean the bottom teflon pan, then soda will cope well with this task. Five tablespoons of salt are added to a liter of water and poured into a bowl. Being on fire, the components are actively involved in cleaning the walls and day of the product. It is advisable to keep the solution on fire for twenty minutes, and then let it cool.

This method is well suited for cleaning the surface from strong grease.

A popular option is using toothpaste, which is suitable for cleaning the bottom of the pan. You just need to apply it to the surface and rinse off after a short period of time. From old limescale or plaque the best option cleaning will be Coca-Cola, which must be poured into a frying pan and boiled.

You can use citric acid to clean the outside of the Teflon skillet. To do this, you need to boil three liters of water and pour a spoonful of acid into them, the resulting solution is poured into a large bowl where you can easily place a frying pan. After a couple of hours, it can be removed from the solution and rinsed with plain water.

For cleaning from burns on outside you can use many more options:

  • Sprays, which are sold in stores. The spray must be sprayed onto the desired area with outside and wait a certain time, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Gels and creams characterized by high concentration. The contaminated surface is treated with a cream or gel and left for half an hour, after which it is well washed off with water.
  • Foam is one of the fastest-acting substances that eliminate contamination in no more than 15 minutes.

When working with Teflon surfaces, it is important to remember that the use of household chemicals is permissible only for external use; sparing, harmless compounds are used inside. After any cleaning, the dishes must be thoroughly washed.


The use of ceramic pans is not an easy task, because caring for them is very laborious. If you wash them thoroughly with gentle means after each preparation, then there may not be big difficulties, but otherwise you will have to resort to the help of additional cleaning agents.

To remove minor contamination from the surface, you can use vodka or ethyl alcohol to scrub the problem area. You need to work with a rag, soft washcloth or sponge. If the material becomes dirty, replace it and continue cleaning. When everything is cleaned up, the pan should be well washed with dish cleaner and wiped dry.

Another option is to use enameled casserole large enough to fit a frying pan. Having filled in more than half of water, you need to put the pan on the stove until it boils. In the process, it is necessary to grate the laundry soap and add to the water, and then one hundred grams of baking soda. When the solution acquires a homogeneous mass, you need to lower the frying pan into it and put on low heat. In this mode, the product is kept for an hour and a half, after which it is simply rinsed with water.

When cleaning the pan inside, you must use vinegar diluted with water in a 1: 1.5 ratio. The solution is poured into a bowl and boiled for two hours. After the water has cooled down with a washcloth and liquid soap you can clean the surface from carbon deposits.

If you need to get rid of a thick layer of carbon, then you need activated carbon. It must be crushed, and the pan moistened with water and applied to the walls with dishwashing detergent, on which to pour coal. After an hour, the contaminated areas are wiped off with a washcloth.


For a frying pan with non-stick coating there are a number of their own methods for dealing with pollution of varying degrees of complexity. The simplest, but no less effective, is the use of laundry soap, which is rubbed and added to the water. By boiling such a solution and leaving it for several hours, you can clean the burnt pan quickly and without hassle.

You can use baking soda to clean the bottom of a non-stick product. It is added in the amount of five tablespoons to a liter of water and put on fire for 20 minutes. When the contents have cooled, the frying pan is washed with a washcloth until it is completely free of dirt.

From the outside, the pan can be cleaned with household chemicals, which are applied only to the outer walls, without contacting the inner surface. After application, the product should be on the surface for no more than fifteen minutes, after which it is easily washed off with a washcloth.

If there is a need to thoroughly clean the entire frying pan, then you can take old cauldrons, pick up the best option to fit the pan. Five liters of water are poured into the cauldron, two pieces of soap are rubbed (it is better if it is household soap) and two packs of baking soda are added. A frying pan is placed in the prepared solution and boiled over the fire for two hours. After the procedure, we wash it with liquid soap or dish detergent.

Cast iron

With a cast iron skillet, you can clean it with a wide variety of options, so oil, dirt or scrambled eggs won't be a problem. The most quick option will use a nylon-surfaced brush and Coca-Cola diluted with hot water. For effective cleaning of food debris, you need to wash the pan with hot water and add kosher salt to it. With the help of napkins, it is rubbed into the walls and bottom, removing all food debris.

For this coating, options are also suitable using soda, salt and vinegar, activated carbon, ammonia and borax, vinegar and dishwashing detergent, soap with soda and glue. You can use fire to remove scale and any dirt, it is especially good to use this method in an open space, making a fire and placing a frying pan in it for a while. After the product is completely hot, any dirt can be easily removed with a knife.

If household chemicals are used to clean the inner surface, then it is best to place a lid on the pan to minimize the amount of harmful fumes that will appear.

Folk remedies

It is convenient, quick and inexpensive to use folk remedies for cleaning pans, therefore they do not lose their relevance. So, cast iron pans are cleaned with vinegar by pouring it into a pan with water and heating over a fire. After this treatment, it is better to boil the pan so that there is no vinegar smell.

As for the laundry soap, it is suitable for all types of products, easily and delicately removing dirt from the surface. It is best to clean cast iron pans with citric acid. In a liter of water, you need to dilute a teaspoon of acid and soak the product in the solution. Well removes dirt and hydrogen peroxide, which must be applied to a rag and wipe the pan.

With baking soda, salt and office glue, old dirt is cleaned, which is difficult to remove by other methods without damaging the surface. Each of these methods has proven its effectiveness, the main thing is to use them correctly, and then the result will delight any housewife.

If there is no desire to fight the contamination of the pans, then after each cooking, it should be washed well. At the first sign of carbon deposits, you can lower the pan in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then remove the dirt. Do not clean products metal sponges and abrasives, because they leave a lot of scratches that cause food to stick. Before using a cast iron pan, you need to heat it well, and then cook it.

When working with aluminum pans, do not use abrasive cleaning agents, they will ruin the surface. It is best to use laundry soap for cleaning any pans, and not household chemicals, even the strongest. After washing such dishes, it is necessary to wipe them well. If Teflon products are used, then they need to be updated every six months.

It's nice to start cooking and open Kitchen Cabinet, get out of its bowels clean, shiny dishes. But achieving such a result is not so easy. A "mix" of fat and soot forms an extremely corrosive brown carbon deposit, which not only spoils the appearance of pans, but is also dangerous for humans.

Are there any ways to deal with this nuisance? How to get rid of a thick layer of burning in the pan? What folk remedies and household chemicals can be used? Answers in the article.

How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits: general rules

Both purchased cleaning products, the range of which on store shelves are expanding from year to year, and tricks passed down from mothers and grandmothers will help to cope with carbon deposits.

However, before you roll up your sleeves and begin to peel off the pan with the first powder or gel that comes along, you should determine what material it is made of. There is no one universal remedy, and picking up the wrong composition, the vessel can be easily ruined.

On a note:

  • Cast iron products, heavy and bulky, have not yet lost their popularity. This dish, inherited from a mother or grandmother, is still very much loved for the special taste that she gives to cooked dishes. but long years use and improper care transform the once neat skillet into something so thick, soot, grease and grime that not every popular product will do it right the first time.
  • Teflon pans with non-stick coating are non-stick and easy to clean. However, there is no guarantee that the remains of burnt plaque will not remain outside.
  • Ceramic pans and pans made of of stainless steel require special handling and careful selection of household chemicals.
  • Titanium is the most durable. They are not afraid of temperature extremes, falls from heights and detergents of any degree of aggressiveness.

It is necessary to wash the dishes immediately after cooking, and not to postpone the matter for "later". "Then" it will be much more difficult to do.

Folk remedies

The older generation willingly passes on their experience in managing household... There are dozens of ways to give pans a pleasant appearance.

Proven recipes:

  • the first recipe is suitable for a frying pan made of any material. It contains 72% laundry soap (1 bar), baking soda (500 grams) and silicate glue (or liquid glass - 2 packs). The soap is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with glue and soda, and added to a bucket of water over the fire. The water should be well warmed up by this time. Mix everything thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, put a frying pan in a bucket and bring the liquid to a boil. It is enough for the dishes to "boil" for 15-20 minutes, then the fire can be extinguished, and the bucket can be tightly covered with a lid. Carbon deposits will easily go away after 2-3 hours.
  • pour water into a suitable container, bring it to a boil and add half a glass table vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid. Then the fire can be extinguished and the soiled dish can be placed in the water. In an hour, a mixture of acid and vinegar will eat away the oldest carbon deposits.
  • you need to pour 9-10 liters of water into a saucepan, put a frying pan, add 150 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 100-120 grams of silicate glue there. Boil for 20-30 minutes, remove carbon deposits after cooling completely with a metal washcloth.

In order not to inhale the specific smell of soap, you should take care of airing the kitchen in advance.

Household chemicals

The most popular products for cleaning pans are:

  • "Himitek Wonder-Antinagar". Concentrated alkaline base liquid degreaser specially formulated to remove carbon deposits. Affordable (from 216 rubles) and effective.
  • "Domestos"- a universal detergent that is diluted in water and is inexpensive - 170 rubles per bottle.
  • Grease remover Unicum Gold. 500 ml of the product costs about 240 rubles. Grabs him for a long time. Active nanoparticles in the composition quickly remove even old carbon deposits, but they are not suitable for aluminum cookware or with a clear defect in the Teflon coating. It is highly toxic and has a pungent, unpleasant odor.
  • Means "Mister Muscle" has long established itself as a quality and affordable product. Suitable for all pans.
  • Cillit bang It has huge number positive feedback... It contains anionic surfactants and linalool (abrasives are absent), which are suitable for both pans and shower cabins, window sills. The bottle is equipped with a convenient spray, but the agent must not be inhaled, as well as contact with the skin.
  • Spray "Shumanit" based on alkali removes carbon deposits almost instantly and without leaving a trace. Not suitable for Teflon and aluminum cookware. The most expensive remedy from the list - 450 rubles for 750 ml, but the contents are enough for for a long time... Since the composition contains special alkaline substances, special precautions are needed: protect the eyes and mouth areas, remove food products away and thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the product with cold water (not hot or warm).

When using cleaning products, you must not forget about safety rules. Move small children and animals away, and have tight clothing, a respirator mask for breathing protection, and special goggles for the eyes.

Important! After using both household and folk recipes, the pan must be rinsed under running water, or even better, boil it for half an hour.

How can you clean cast iron pans

The most popular cleaning products include the following methods.

The heating

A dense layer of fat and carbon deposits melt well when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, the pan can be burned from all sides over an open burner (after filling the container with sand or salt). After that, the frying pan must be gently tapped so that the carbon deposits fall off, and remove its remnants with a stiff dish brush.

A bonfire is also suitable for these purposes. The third option is blowtorch, but at home it is better not to practice.

Another nuance: if the frying pan has a wooden or plastic handle, you need to be as careful as possible during the process. Or take it off for a while.

You should be prepared for the fact that when heated, very bad smell... Therefore, it is worthwhile to open the windows in advance or arrange a draft.

Drill with metal attachment

This is best done outside the home, otherwise carbon flakes will scatter throughout the apartment.


Vibrating, eccentric, or tape will do. The requirements for equipment remain, as when using a drill, but at home this is absolutely impossible to do - small particles will certainly scatter throughout the room.

A mixture of borax and ammonia

Soot corrodes well, but it is important to observe the proportions: dissolve 10 grams of borax in a glass warm water, add 2-3 drops of ammonia there, mix and apply to contaminated places. Then pack the pan in a plastic bag, close it and leave in a warm place overnight.

Aluminum utensils

When washing pans made of aluminum, do not use products with abrasive particles in the composition and metal brushes. Oxidation of aluminum after such harsh cleaning is fraught with health problems in the future. Chalk and chalk-containing substances are also not suitable.

It is imperative to cool the vessel, otherwise it will deform when it hits cold water on the walls.

The best options are baking soda and a soft cloth. A small carbon deposit can be removed by first soaking the pan in a soap solution (half a bar of laundry soap for 3-4 liters of warm water) for 30-40 minutes. Another recipe: boil a frying pan for 10-15 minutes in a solution of vinegar, lemon juice and water (2 tablespoons per 3-4 liters)

Teflon coated cookware

Teflon is easy to spoil with powdered products that contain abrasive particles. Therefore, you can buy a mild remedy in the store:

  • "Aromika antinagar",
  • Magic Powe,
  • foam "Amway Dish".

On the page you can find out where spiders come from in an apartment and how to get rid of arthropods.

More readily available ingredients can be used. Several variants:

  • Mustard. It is poured onto a sponge and methodically rubbed into the dirty areas. Copes well with a small layer of carbon deposits. Ordinary toothpaste has the same effect.
  • Coca Cola. Pour into a frying pan and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  • Gruel of hydrogen peroxide (5 tablespoons) and soda (3 tablespoons) is abundantly applied to contaminated areas for half an hour.
  • Pour 7-8 liters of water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, add 2 packs of baking soda and 2 bars of laundry soap, and immerse the pan. Boil for at least an hour.
  • In a frying pan set on fire, you can add a couple of glasses of water and a tablespoon of soda ash or rock salt, and boil for 20-30 minutes.


  • To save quality characteristics dishes, you need to take care of it regularly. Use regular laundry soap to wash, and tough waffle towels to dry.
  • Tools with an abrasive, like metal sponges, are best used as a last resort - after all, the more scratches remain on the surface, the more and faster carbon deposits will form, and the more dangerous it is to cook in such a pan.
  • It is forbidden to wash aluminum pans in, and pour cold water into ceramic pans immediately after cooking and put food from the refrigerator into it if it is hot.
  • You can't leave food and water in them for a long time, as some do. The metal oxidizes quickly.

Burn is very dangerous for the human body: high temperature provokes the formation of carcinogens, which, in turn, serve as a "springboard" to the development of pathologies gastrointestinal tract and oncological diseases.

Observing a number of rules for caring for kitchen utensils, the hostess will not have to spend money on buying a new one for a long time. Porcelain, glass, stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron - there are so many dishes on the kitchen shelves, and different materials imply their own special care. However, if you make it a habit to regularly clean up the shelves, the kitchen and its components will delight the eye for a long time with a minimum of effort.

How to clean a frying pan, saucepan and any other utensils from a thick layer of carbon and grease? Make it possible the most different ways... One of them is described in the next video.

Carbon deposits in a frying pan or saucepan not only spoil the appearance of the dishes, but can also affect taste qualities prepared dishes. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out the correct cleaning of such difficult dirt, based on the type of kitchen utensil.

Cleaning a cast iron pan

There is different options cleaning, which can be found below.

# 1: Sand

This method has been used since ancient times:
  • Fill the cast-iron pan with sand.
  • We calcine it thoroughly until the outdated contamination begins to "peel off".
  • We arm ourselves with a sponge with stiff bristles and thoroughly clean all dirt.

The glowing procedure itself can be performed not only directly on the stove, but also in the oven.

By a similar method, carbon deposits can be cleaned with a blowtorch, but this activity is not pleasant in terms of its "aroma", so it is advisable to do this in an open space or in a well-ventilated area.

# 2: Soap + soda

The next method:
  • Boil water so that it covers most of the cast iron skillet.
  • Add half a glass of grated laundry soap (or washing powder) to the water, the same part of soda with calcium and one tube of office glue.
  • Boil the mixture for at least two hours (if the dirt is thick and outdated).
  • Clean the dirt with an iron brush, and then be sure to rinse detergent.

Perform this cleaning in a ventilated area, as there will be an unpleasant odor while cooking the cleaning solution.

# 3: Vinegar

A cast iron pan with old dirt can be cleaned with the most “gentle” cleaning method:
  • Pour a generous amount of vinegar into a bowl that will fit your pan.
  • Forget about her for a few days.
  • Rinse the dishes and use a stiff or iron mesh to remove any remaining dirt.

# 4: Salt + soda + vinegar

You can "build" the following solution useful for dealing with soot, grease and soot: 5 liters of water will require 300 g of table salt, 250 g of soda and 500 ml of vinegar. This mass must be boiled and your cast iron product for at least an hour.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the result, but after such cleaning, be sure to rinse the pan with detergent several times after.

No. 5: Citric acid

It is an assistant in cleaning the grease deposits inside the cast iron pan and can be used in one of two ways:
  • For 2 liters, you will need to use 4 teaspoons of citric acid, boil the mixture right in the container for about half an hour and cool in it. Then wash off all grease and deposits with dish soap or a strong solution of laundry soap.
  • For 2 liters of water, 150 g of lemons and 200 ml of vinegar of any percentage are required. With such a solution, you can also clean the entire dishes by dipping the pan into the solution and boiling for half an hour. Then cool in the same liquid and rinse in the usual way under running water.

The second cleaning method is used if plaque has become destructive inside the cast iron pan.

# 6: Hydrogen peroxide

The tool is in no way inferior to soda and vinegar in cleaning procedures:
  • Mix baking soda and peroxide in such proportion to make a paste.
  • Apply to the inside of the pan.
  • Let's heat the dishes and leave the mass to “work” for literally 15 minutes.
After that, it remains with the help of a brush and improvised detergents to wash the pan from carbon deposits.

No. 7: Washing powder + vegetable oil

If the carbon deposit has not yet reached its climax, then you can use a combination of washing powder and vegetable oil to clean the pan:
  • Pour enough liquid into a wide dish so that the pan can be completely immersed in it.
  • Add here (in a proportion of 2 liters) a handful of detergent (preferably for hand washing or containing laundry soap) and 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer for at least half an hour.
Then you can use an iron brush and completely clean the pan of carbon residues.

# 8: Shumanit

This is an old proven "drug" for fighting old grease and grime. When working with it, it is better to use a mask and thick gloves, because its main cleansing property is acid. Shumanite should be sprayed, left for 30 minutes and the dirt should be cleaned with a metal brush.

How exactly this tool is used is demonstrated in the following video:

No. 9: Ammonium alcohol

This is a chemical "hard" method of exposure:
  • Mix ammonia (literally three drops) and 10 grams of borax with a glass of water.
  • Pour this mass onto the bottom of the pan and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off with water and rinse with standard dishwashing detergents.

How to clean an aluminum pan

If aluminum frying pan lost my presentable view, you can clean it from carbon deposits by the following means.

No. 1: Ammonia + soap

If the carbon deposit has not yet reached the maximum, then you can try gentle methods of dealing with pollution:
  • Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a strong soapy solution (the solution must be "prepared" from natural laundry soap).
  • Use this solution to thoroughly wipe an aluminum pan or even "soak" it in it for half an hour.
This will help the "young" soot get out of the pan before your eyes.

No. 2: Sorrel broth

With a gentle fight against dirt, a strong oxalic broth will help, which can also be used to wipe the pan. If this procedure did not help much, then boil and then soak, you can even overnight. See a brilliant result in the morning.

No. 3: Soap + vinegar

Make a solution of laundry soap, grated into flakes, and 6% vinegar in a volume of 100 ml or the juice of half a lemon. This mass must be boiled together with a frying pan for at least half an hour, and then washed with standard detergents.

# 4: Activated carbon

Fights fat well:
  • Crumble 10 charcoal tablets and add a little water to prepare the gruel.
  • Apply the gruel to the surface of the pan and leave overnight.
  • Rinse the dishes in the usual way.

# 5: Salt

One of two methods can be applied:
  • Dissolve 270 grams of salt into 9 liters of water, dip an aluminum pan into the solution. Boil it for at least a couple of hours, and then rinse it under running water in the usual way.
  • Cover an aluminum pan with 1 cm thick salt and heat, then rinse with dishwashing detergent. The result will not be long in coming.

No. 6: Soapy solution with soda and glue

We mix silicate glue and soda in equal proportions (about half a glass of both for 10 liters of liquid), plus a bar of 72% grated laundry soap. Bring the mass to a boil, immerse a frying pan in it and cook until the dirt is completely detached (about two hours). Then rinse with detergent and enjoy cooking in clean dishes.

# 7: Tooth powder

The carbon deposits inside the aluminum frying pan can be removed as follows:
  • Turn tooth powder into a paste.
  • Apply it evenly to a hot frying pan.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, wash off the paste and admire the glossy shine.

# 8: Bow

Onions can also cope with small deposits:
  • Cut 6-7 onions in half and cook for 2 hours.
  • Then steam a frying pan with baking soda for half an hour.
  • Rinse in the usual way under running water.

# 9: Mustard

You can apply the tool in the following ways:
  • Make a mustard paste by mixing mustard powder with a little water and a soft brush. Rub the mixture onto an aluminum surface. If the carbon deposits are not old, this method is effective.
  • Make a paste with equal proportions of baking soda, mustard powder, and vinegar. Put on gloves and rub this sauce over an aluminum pan. You can leave it overnight, and in the morning, wipe off the exfoliated grease and soot with a soft sponge. If the deposit is old, this method is optimal.

# 10: Intense

You can clean up the small carbon deposits outside the pan by trying the following temperature drop method:
  • Have a bowl of cold water to the brim so that your pan can fit comfortably in it. This can be done in the sink, but then the sink will have to be removed from the carbon deposits.
  • Heat the frying pan very well, and when you already understand that the "heat" has reached its climax, quickly transfer it to a prepared basin with cold water.

    It is necessary to heat in a well-ventilated area and be careful, because the fire from carbon deposits can spread to the sides of the dishes.

  • When the aluminum frying pan has cooled down a bit, you can already take a brush and clean off the resulting detachment.

We clean a frying pan with a delicate coating (ceramic or Teflon)

The delicate, non-stick coating is both ceramic and Teflon. Such a frying pan is beautiful, but requires gentle maintenance. So, you will have to abandon the iron brush, as it will damage the dishes. When cleaning, you can use the following methods:
  • Mustard powder... Pour, depending on the density of the soot, from 2 tablespoons to 100 grams of mustard powder, fill it with boiling water and leave the pan from half an hour to 12 hours, depending on the contamination. This will easily remove old grease from the inside of the Teflon pan.
  • Steam bath... For the bottom of a non-stick frying pan, you can make a steam bath: in an old saucepan, on which you can put your pan on top, we make a solution - add 4 tablespoons of soda and a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. Next, we put a frying pan on top, and this whole structure is put on fire. We boil as much as it takes to remove all the fat (from 30 minutes to 2 hours) and clean off all excess with a soft sponge.
  • Baking powder... If there is little carbon deposits, you can clean the "inside" of the pan with a baking powder: pour 30 grams of baking powder, add water to the top of the non-stick pan and let it boil. Once the dishes have cooled down a little, you can remove all dirt with a soft sponge.
  • Soda ash... It is used in the same way as baking powder. If you add unflavored planed laundry soap to the mixture, the procedure will be even more effective.
  • Coca Cola... Pour Coca-Cola into a frying pan and let it simmer for half an hour. Then turn it off, wash off the remaining fat and soot with a special rag.
  • Soap solution with glue and soda... If the dirt is old, it is better to "soak" it in the following mixture: add 180 ml of soap solution from laundry soap, 60 ml of silicate glue and 250 g of soda ash to 3.5 liters of water. Bring the mass to a boil and leave the pan in it for 24 hours, as long as possible for complete cleansing. Then rinse thoroughly under a tap with soapy water and operate at your own pleasure.
  • Liquid glass with soda... The following procedure will help against heavy greasy dirt on dishes with such a delicate coating: a couple of tubes are needed for 3.5 liters of water liquid glass and 250 grams of soda. Heat this mass and lower the frying pan there. Boil over low heat for 60-80 minutes to achieve maximum results, and then clean it in the usual way or with a solution of laundry soap.
You can learn about the secrets of cleaning a non-stick frying pan from grease and soot without chemical "aggressors" in the following video:

After considering so many methods of cleaning, each of you will be able to find your own method and use it always. It is best to use a paste of baking soda or mustard powder mixed with a flake of laundry soap. These products will work with any coating and will help prevent heavy soiling.

Hello my friends and blog readers! Any housewife who respects herself and her loved ones must know how to clean the soot from the pan. It spoils the aesthetics and appearance of your favorite frying pan, and is very harmful to your health.

We all love to eat deliciously - this is an indisputable truth. The same is true, and our dislike to wash dishes after a meal. Especially outside. As a result, we live according to the principle “eat the fish and don’t wash the pan” 🙂 But carbon deposits can be the main reason the development of stomach cancer. Due to the high content of benzspirens (carcinogens that cause cancer), adhered fumes are quite dangerous. Let's take a closer look at what carbon deposits are all about.

Burnt fat plus metal scales look like a black sponge under a microscope. Such a "sponge" is a wonderful home for various bacteria and their metabolic products.

This "living dirt" is always present in unclean pans between cooking. Carcinogens, bacteria, scale and oxides different metals Is a great cocktail for slowly destroying our health.

Ways to effectively deal with carbon deposits

Cleaning methods differ depending on the metal of the pan and the degree of its neglect. The main ways are:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • chemical.

Mechanical cleaning methods

The oldest of the existing and without chemistry. In ancient times, metal dishes were cleaned with sand and water. Today it can be easily replaced sandblasting.

A frying pan with even the most terrible long-term carbon deposits can be easily cleaned in this way. If you do not know what it is, then any auto mechanic will be happy to explain. This installation using sand and compressed air cleans any layer of rust or paint in minutes. In almost any tire changer, for an inexpensive, cast-iron frying pan will be quickly cleaned for you.

But this method has a significant disadvantage. Yes, you can clean everything with sandblasting. Only in this way will the original surface of the cast iron be disturbed.

The burn is also easily cleaned with grinders... In this case, ask your husband for help 🙂 Tell only him that the tool needs a lobe butt circle. In this way, a large skillet with a thick layer of carbon will be cleaned in 5 minutes. And the husband will be shocked that you know such instrumental terms 😀

Cleaning with metal brushes on a rubber base. You can find this kind of brush in the hypermarket, hardware store, and building materials... But this is a more laborious procedure.

Thermal method

Also very effective and without chemicals, but not always available and not suitable for cast iron pans... For this cleaning method, you will need a gas torch or blowtorch. Also required:

  • well ventilated area;
  • wire scrubber;
  • brick;
  • a basin of cold water.

It is also better to entrust this procedure to your husband and carry out it on the street. It is necessary to put the brick on a small edge (vertically) and put the pan on it, bottom up. Burn the bottom with a burner until it smokes. Here's an example of this method in the video:

This usually takes 15-20 minutes. Once the smoke stops, put the pan in a bowl of cold water. Steam should go. Due to the temperature difference, any fumes will move away from the surface and be completely cleaned with a metal washcloth.

Remember that this cleaning method is not suitable for cast iron pans. There is a great risk that the cast iron will burst due to temperature differences

Chemical methods

The most common option. Plus, chemistry is easier to use at home.

How to clean the pan from carbon deposits and what kind of chemistry to use depends on the level of contamination of the dishes. Always use rubber gloves, learn the method of application and precautions.

Oven cleaners

Old pans: best cleaned with Shumanit. The product is quite poisonous, so gloves are required. Even the strongest carbon deposits will succumb to "Shumanite" if the time of its use is extended to 1-2 hours. It is possible to carry out several cleaning procedures in a row if the burning layer is really thick. As practice has shown, "Shumanit" copes with any degree of pollution.

Means for removing fat Bagi "Shumanit", 750 ml

480 RUB

To the store

To the store

To the store

The relatively new and not very dirty pans are cleaned with Pemolux and Mister Chister. Is there some more good remedy for ovens from Amway. My mother-in-law uses it. It is not almost worse than Shumanite and smells less, but it will be more expensive.

Also in hardware stores you can find an even stronger remedy based on of hydrochloric acid... This tool is used to clean metal surfaces from rust. Do not use it on a cast iron skillet, as the acid will "eat" the cast iron.

Lye for cleaning sewer pipes

Another option is to clean with a non-kitchen cleaner 🙂 In this case, it is better to use a cleaner sewer pipes- alkali (he, sodium hydroxide).

Fill a large plastic bucket with the solution (as directed in the instructions for the product) and dip the pan into it. Just make sure that the product you are buying is pure lye. Enough 500 g of alkali for 5 liters of water.

Please note: you must add lye to water, not pour water over lye. Otherwise, it can cause a violent chemical reaction.

To work with such a product, you need durable rubber gloves. Not our kitchens. Take a regular sponge and start washing the pan after it gets soaked in this solution.

A bucket of this solution is dangerous. Keep children and animals away. And put a lid on the bucket.

This way it is good to clean from burning, but rust may remain.

Acetic Rust Removal

After you have removed all the old carbon deposits, the next step is to remove the rust. This is necessary if your frying pan is very old. In addition to table acetic acid, nothing is required here.

Of course, it's best to soak the entire skillet in vinegar for a few hours. But if there is any microdamage, it is better to limit yourself to a simple wiping. Take a sponge, dip it in vinegar and wipe the pan with it. Work with gloves, take care of your hands.

Safe chemistry

There is also an absolutely harmless way to clean the frying pan from burning. It is suitable for any type of cookware, especially for cast iron.

Take hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, mix them so that you get a gruel consistency. Spread the mixture evenly over a preheated pan. Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes. After that, you can safely start cleaning with a coarse sponge or brush. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

The cheapest chemistry

Soda, vinegar, table salt and citric acid are the main fighters against fumes at home. All of the cleaning methods described below are great for cast iron pans. A steel bowl will help us get rid of carbon deposits from the outside. It should be suitable diameter to make the pan fit.

Place the pan and water in a bowl so that it hides the entire pan. Add a glass of acetic acid and half a glass of citric acid to 2 liters of water. When the liquid boils, put on low heat. After 15 minutes, the hateful plaque will begin to succumb. Take out the pan and clean the carbon as much as you can. Our task at this stage is only to break the integrity of the carbon deposit so that the vinegar penetrates deeper. Put the pan back. You can add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda to the solution. Leave to boil for another 15-20 minutes. Rinse everything off with hot water and use a steel sponge to scrape off the softened layer. This remedy is strong enough and can be repeated if necessary. Work carefully and with gloves.

If the metal dishes are not yet very "overgrown" with a burnt layer, salt and soda will help us. Heat the frying pan not too much, slightly moisten the surface with water. Sprinkle the area to be cleaned evenly with table salt or baking soda. Leave for an hour over a cooling hotplate.

If you are removing carbon deposits from the outside, cover the hotplate with an inverted pan. The fumes will soften and can be cleaned. This method does not have to tolerate the smell of vinegar.

Only for strong men - clean the pan using electrolysis!

For those who want to simultaneously get rid of carbon deposits and rust at the same time, an electrolysis unit can be used. It is unlikely that you have such a device at home 😉 But motorists always have a charger at hand. Therefore, this method is more suitable for men and fans of experiments.

Dip the pan into Plastic container filled with 4.5 liters of water with 1 tbsp. soda. There is also a steel baking sheet or a suitable plate.

Attach the red clip to the steel baking sheet and the negative black clip to the pan. Turn on 10 amps. In the photo, only part of the pan is submerged in water. It is this part that faces the steel plate that will be cleaned. Therefore, turn the soiled surface of the pan towards it. The closer the pan is to the steel plate, the better the reaction will be. But you cannot touch these surfaces, otherwise it will not work.

You will learn that the process started when cloudy bubbles appeared between the steel plate and the cast iron.

Once the job is done, scrape off any carbon deposits and rust. Everything is ready!

  1. A new pan is always easier to clean than an old one. Do not leave dirty dishes for tomorrow. It will take much longer to wipe it off.
  2. Use laundry soap - it removes grease very well.
  3. After washing, get in the habit of wiping the dishes with a waffle towel, thereby removing the remaining grease.
  4. Cast iron pans stay cleaner longer if they are well calcined before each cooking. So, cooking food burns less, and dishes are easier to clean.
  5. Experts from restaurant cleaning companies strongly advise against cleaning cast-iron dishes in dishwashers.
  6. Teflon pans are afraid of abrasive cleaning agents. Wash them with laundry soap and use wooden spatulas in frying and braising.
  7. Try to change your Teflon coated pans every six months. The thin Teflon layer is a good marketing ploy as it deteriorates quickly. It is recommended to use only plastic or wooden spatulas in such a frying pan.
  8. Aluminum utensils that have been cleaned with sandpaper or steel wool are hazardous to health. The aluminum surface is highly oxidized after such cleaning. This oxide, getting into our body with food, accumulates in the bones. It replaces calcium, making bones fragile.
  9. After abrasive cleaning, liberally lubricate aluminum cookware with soapy water and leave overnight. By morning, a useful film of aluminum dioxide forms on the surface. It perfectly protects the dishes from the formation of harmful substances. Complete the procedure by washing in hot water and wiping dry with a towel.
  10. If you are a neat housewife, then get yourself ceramic dishes. It is the easiest to launder. But it is the easiest to damage it.

What pans do you prefer to use for your favorite dishes? What metal do you think the cookware is best from? Any restaurant chef will tell you what it is Cast-iron pan with a thick bottom. Such dishes are recognized as professional all over the world. It combines a number of remarkable properties:

  • does not emit substances harmful to health in food;
  • with proper care, it does not lose its original appearance for many years;
  • keeps the heat for a long time (especially appreciated by professional chefs).

So, if you inherited a good cast-iron nurse from your grandmother, take care of her. It is very good that such dishes were produced in abundance in the former Soviet Union.

In fact, cast iron has 2 big disadvantages:

  • heavy weight - such a frying pan is inconvenient to carry around the kitchen and wash;
  • very demanding in care, which is inconvenient in our fast time.

Therefore, I believe that let the same professionals work with them. And for practical housewives, there are good pans made of aluminum with a reinforced thick bottom and a good non-stick coating. This is easier and easy to wash and I often fry even without oil!

Hope you enjoyed this information and wasted your time. Do not forget and recommend to your friends in social. networks. Be healthy!