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What real poetry differs from beautiful, stamped words. Poetry. Distinctive features of the poetic work

Although there are currently poetry in decline, but it is impossible to live completely without it. It reflects the spiritual side of our lives and be sure to revive in new currents, with new names. But if you now ask an adult, not engaged in literature: "Name the distinctive signs of the poetic work," he is unlikely to answer. Although this is necessarily learn in schools.

Why did it all start?

A huge number of texts are written about images in the literature and semantics of the text. But the very first analyst of poetry, who tried to create the theory of the poetry was Aristotle. In that incomplete work that came to us under the name "poetics", he mentioned that poetry was one of the arts designed to deliver a person a pleasure.

The poetic work of Aristotle is: observance of meters, harmony, order and art of the word. Expressing modern tongue, Under the art of the word I had in mind the image of speech.

Without which there will be no poem? Distinctive features of the poetic work

So, what signs of the poetic work can be distinguished as absolute, without which the poem will be a faded parody?

  1. Form. Artistic literature is characterized by the image that is achieved. various comparisons and other fine-expressive means.
  2. Rhyme and rhythm. Poetry is based on the ability to alternate shock and unstressed syllables. From this depends a melodic pattern of verse. Rhyme is rich or poor, but it is a mandatory link. Of course, Verlibra are written without rhyme. But they prevail significant, expressive artistic imageswho hold the reader's attention.
  3. Emotionality. Work of fiction It is intended to influence the feelings of the reading, on the deep gusts of his soul.
  4. The syntactic integrity of the entire poem. In addition, the poem is a brief work, It is not written by sheets like a story. Therefore, all the ideas are desirable to state so that they are syntactically capacious.

Also for good poem The harmony is important. Overly emotional or saturated artwork will rather cause antipathy. Hence the conclusion that in the classical theory, the distinctive features of the poetic work - first of all, the feeling of harmony of images, sounds and emotions and observance of rhythm.

Modern views on poems

Poetry is also science. Yuri Lotman insisted on this - art historian and literary critic, who received the Nobel Prize. He was a teacher of the new era.

But in our time, all the great schools leave gradually. Symbolism, romanticism, modernism, even postmodernism in the literature already at sunset. But still many people write their poems, not trying to fit any school, and therefore poetry lives.

What are the distinctive signs of the poetic work? Now all the louder declares itself avant-garde. Focus on Muse, intuition. And the only feature becomes denial of dogma, freedom of expression.

"In my opinion, poetry is not divided into men's, female, nursery. She is either
Good or the rest. "

Andrei Mikhailovich olear

About that whether poetry is divided into men's and female there is a lot of disputes. Many argue that there is a male and female feed or letter type.
If on features female poetry They reasoned a lot and often, then it is customary to talk about male as poetry at all. Perhaps for the simple reason that women's poetic texts have not been established, male simply nothing to compare with.
Gender features in poetry do not depend on the gender affiliation of the poet
According to Julia Gugolev, there is no male and female poetry, but there is a male and female in verses - no matter who author. The fact is that it is really hard to talk about it. So far, no one was interested in the musculian side of the poems, even such a concept, as "male poetry," does not exist. The easiest example is the lyrical poetry of Pushkin. She is written on the face of a man, she addressed a woman, painted by all male psychophysiological paints, tones and halftons, which are characteristic of this floor. Yesenin is a very male poet, expressing the interests of their sex.
Asadov is an excellent example. Because it seemed to be frank, like a woman, emotally, as a woman, considers absolutely female plots, but it makes it very tight, very hard and very bold. And this is not-afraid of Dunnunkussia, he also has. The girl would be afraid of Dunovkussia. By courage, this is still male poems, on the courage of the use of theorest material, that is, urban ballads, folklore frankly, some thorough sources. Only a man could afford it to Soviet times, and then the man is a very definite warehouse. Blind, that is, a person who is obviously limited in rights, and he can afford more in his work than what is called normal, physically full-fledged person.
Closer to the female type of letters are men who somehow suffered. This refers to the disabled as an asads, just people who were injured were something very deeply, and gays. Homosexual poetry is not something close to feminine, but this is some kind of third language, when you cannot understand in fact, on behalf of the floor it is written this work. And this is a very instructive segment of Russian literature when we are talking about male or female poetry, from Kuzmin to Yevgeny Kharitonov, to our contemporaries. Now the people are no longer shy of their orientation, after they canceled criminal prosecution, and people openly write in verses about their experiences.

In the community "Prose of Poetry" an article about the Brodsky author of Antipova appeared.
My answer to the article:

"Any respectful poet experienced unconditional influence (impact, a vivid impression of) Poetry Brodsky." (from)

These "historical" enthusiastic lines, written not in the era of "hard, disgusting" socialism, when, indeed, you can respect yourself for reprinting Brodsky "one finger so as not to leave superfluous prints", when it seems to be complete freedom Opinions and complete freedom of creativity and the choice of ideals of new poetry, ideals that dictate a new, rapidly globalized and technicized society.
This is when, according to the philosopher Grigory Pomerance, a subglobal society occurs and develops, where "a single space of information persistent and without an empire."

In the time of Brodsky, there was no such possibility of living in the era and layer.
Of course, it is necessary to pay tribute to Brodsky, whose creativity is the perfect cast of his time and its era, the epoch of socialism with a hard dictator of ideological, poster installations of the Communist Party, where every member of society felt like a small screw in a large car of socialism.

Similar critics of our time, which seem to be confused by the advance of the new time and era and cowardly heels back, in the past of social realism, where you can plunge and get drowned in the past sharp, cute heart experience, where "you could get a bullet in the head and even without Correspondence rights ", to put it mildly, - I have surprise.
Associations are arising with the image of the enchanted rabbit before the removal of the past time.

What to say about the poem of the young poet that the author of the critical article brought for a sample of "brodffin"?
Well, stick out of the verse of "Brodsky's ears". So what?
The poem is stamped with stamps and settings of the past time:

"For some reason, here we shed so much blood ..."; "for some reason, they beat off the Swedes, did not give Lives .."; "We are hardly the power of the fleet by the wind .."; "I know that we, as before , invincible, .. "; "But they do not break us, and not bend where they ...", etc.

It is not enough that the verse is imitative, but this is a panoramic style of socialism, which, slowly, but leaves the historical arena of poetry in the archives of history.

Can such poetry and principles of past social realism satisfy the aesthetic tastes of modern readers?

Of course, who cannot and does not want to dig a firmly and tightly with the zombied consciousness of the ideals of socialism, the Broadskovshchych will be Mila in the coffin of life, and, in the coffin of life, a person will be like in a dream, not paying attention to the realities of life, sorting out arsenals " artistic means Every major master "from the past era.
How many can already be?
It is written and written about the Brodsky as many tons of waste paper that no critical conveyor descendants will extend to the top, on the mountain.

"The author is delayed with a cigarette and, squinting, exhales a long horizontal smoke. Then looks at the cigarette and, slowly, says: the wind will still come in reverse side, but the clouds will never take the old form, never "(c)

Indeed, the basic concept of socialism is the artistic truthfulness of the work.
For example, the ADEPT of social activist criticism, Yuri Bondarev writes about the truth category:

"Category of Truth is not a naturalistic reception, not a photograph of the truth, but the essence of Soviet literature, socialist realism, which is inherent in the merger of history, reality and imagination. This" Triad "creates that artistic truth that can compete with the truth life, expressing the moral essence time. "

I note on myself that this socially owned "Triada", as in the procrusteo bed, a Russian poetry in poverty thoughts and the Spirit robbed a reader's perception, on long years Freezing it at the level of the declamatism and the edification, which the ideologists of socialism were very loved immediately to turn into a poster with a pointing finger.
at the same time, a narrow loophole was left for poetry only to objective truthful descriptions and tears, fake sensitivity, which in some poets, sometimes broke out to truthful sensual heights.

What is the difference between the Poetry of Brodsky and the creativity of Brodsky caused the persecution and complaints of the ideological opponents of socialism, so it is in my opinion that Brodsky's Socialist Principles added "Horizontal Smoke" anything does nothing that braking the car, a small screw, reflecting about that "the wind will still come in the opposite direction, but the clouds will never take the same form, never" (c)
Hence the delight and worship of many and many "cogs" of a huge country, drunk and closed from around the world "Iron Curtain".
Therefore, you can agree with the author of the article that

"Brodsky's poetry phenomenon is that Brodsky does not pronounce anything radical (nothing radical in shape and nothing radical in meaning), with which it would be possible to disagree."

Further, it is curious to consider the methods and principles of Poetics of Brodsky, who, the author of the article sees in "Generation smart phrases"And introvertability of the description of" small details of a domestic nature in a state of intellectual exaltation. "

Is it good or bad for modern poetry?

In the poem of Brodsky for 1971 (the midst of stagnation of social identity) dedicated to Lifshitsa, the author of the article sees only the "unexpected start", "Mutual argument in favor of Gothic" "courage", "Bruk", "geopolitical forecasts", "highly polemic thesis", Paphos , infantality etc.

But, having denoted in the article "The principles of horizontal smoke", the author of the article in the emphasis does not want the same principles to see, in my opinion, in the poem of Brodsky.
The poet's gaze horizontally slides through the objects around him and lists everything that his look stones, while moving with successful rhymes and thoughts out loud that they came to mind, applying an ancient reception of Asian akna "Camel see - Camel I sing", - window , aspen, forest, knee, dust, dishes, light bulb, floor, and again look into the window on the forest, on a leaf, on the kidney, meadow with a meadow, on the soil, on their knees, etc.
thus, the poet obtains the lateral volume of reality in which he lives in this minute.
Of course, we can agree or disagree, as the author of the article in his marks with the impressions of the poet about the need of fish and caviar, or, with the imposed opinion of the poet about the Gothic style, or with the example of "Harobluddy", but the essence of Brodsky poetics does not change , namely, the essence of the principles of the true laterality of socialism, but without showing and placardness.
The poetics of a small screw of a large machine of socialism, and, as Brodsky himself "proudly" identified his style of goods of the "second grade" of a "second-rate era."

"A citizen of a grand era, proudly
i recognize the second grade product ... "

Joseph Brodsky
L.V. Lifshitsu

I always told that fate is a game.
What do we need fish, once there is caviar.
what gothic style Wins as a school
as the ability to strike, avoiding the injection.
I'm sitting by the window. Outside the Ospen window.
I loved a little. However - strongly.

I believed that the forest was only part of the part.
What why all the Virgo, if there is a knee.
That, tired of the dust raised century,
the Russian eye will rest on Estonian spire.
I'm sitting by the window. I washed the dishes.
I was happy here, and I will not.

I wrote that in the light bulb is the horror of the floor.
What love, like an act, Lishinc Glabol.
That did not know Euclide, which is coming to the cone,
the thing takes place not zero, but the chronos.
I'm sitting by the window. I remember youth.
I'm smiling sometimes, sometimes I will feel off.

I said that the sheet destroys the kidney.
And that seed, falling into bad ground,
does not give escape; that meadow with the meadow
there is an example of a manoblude, in nature, this.
I'm sitting by the window, clasping my knees,
In the society of its own car shadow.

My song was Leszych Motiva,
but but her choir do not sing. Not evidence
what's award to me for such speeches
nobody puts his feet on the shoulders.
I sit in the dark; like fast
Sea rattle behind a wavy curtain.

Citizen of a second-rate era, proudly
i recognize the second grade
your best thoughts and days coming
i give them, as the experience of fighting chopping.
I'm sitting in the dark. And she is not worse
In the room, than darkness outside.

The same lateral principles of socialism can be seen in the poems of Brodsky "to uranium" that the author of the article leads as an example for the wisdom of its designation of the poetics of Brodsky "Suprematism in half with astrophysics."

The poem begins with the mind of the thoughts about the sorrows formula "only there is a limit; including sadness ...".
The view of the poet again slips horizontally from the subjects that it is surrounded next to the window: a sheet, water, (it is necessary to think of a decanter), keys, porter, globe, headings, look to "those forests" with blueberries, even further, " The south, ", city, mountains - linakes, space, and returns back to mind from the window on" Lingerie with Laces ".

Is there any idea or thought in poem?
In addition to the horizontal contemplation of emptiness and space, I see nothing.

I would even say more. I would say that the principles of contemplation laid down in the Broadsky poetic, at the moment for modern poetry of the beginning of the 21st century - are important.

so the modern philosopher, who is 90 years old Grigory Pomeranz says that in the modern era of the rapid technocratization and subglobalization of society, when as a result of the "skew" the arrogance of a young "practice that owns several counting machines and is being convinced that he has no need to read" War and Peace ", Comic is enough - and so everything is clear. As a result of such a challenge, technically armed and spiritually well-minded, barbaric population."
Grigory Pomeranz marked the importance of learning to contemplation, because "Contemplation is a constant roll call of the kingdom within us and the kingdoms out. As the prince of Myshkin said: Is it possible to see a tree and not be happy."

I will still say that it is the Poetics of Brodsky who, in the era of social realism, for the first time in Russian poetry, began to follow the principles of contemplation, can serve as the predecessor of the new poetry of the 21st century, non-consuming poetry, which absorbs best experience The predecessor and finds the application of new methods and techniques of psychedelic and transgression.
Contemplation is one of the methods of transgression, as well as incomplete transgression, - transfixes.

In my opinion, further copyright reflections on the "" Lyricity coefficient "of each given poem of Brodsky do not cost further consideration.
Unless pay attention that the author does not want to be an experimental "Pavlov dog" and wants to say his "FI!"

"Yet it becomes a shame that he holds me for the dog Pavlova, and instead of admiration I answer skepticism"

What is the distinguished by verse from poem?

The content of the article:
-What is the verse and poem
-Secondition of verse and poem
-Tellity of verse from poem
Poetry is a special world in which even a quiet word sounds with such a force that the depths of the human soul can be stolen, shake, make an empathy to the lyrical hero. The poet is the Creator in the highest sense of the word, and poems that are born thanks to his talent, the top of the skill, equal to the Divine Benefit. The poem is not just rhymed lines, but the process of creating the harmony of sound, poetic image and mental vibrations.
But in philology, the attitude to the poetic word is devoid of emotional color. The session is a section of literary studies studying the theory of verse and genre features of poetic texts. In this plan, the verse and poem - the concepts of different, although having a common linguistic nature.
Verse in the terminological meaning - rhythmically ordered fragment poetic speechwhich constitutes one line of poetic text with regularly alternating shock and unstressed syllables, on the number of whose poetic size depends.
The poem is a small poetic product written by verses, structurally combining rhythmically organized stains with fixed stress on certain syllables.
What is the difference between verse and poem?

In strict scientific identification of these concepts there is no poetic multidimensionality and ambiguity. Verse, from the point of view of literary criticism, is a string of poetic text, organized by a specific rhythmic pattern. The alternation of shock and unstressed syllables causes the membership of the poetic string to the foot. The number of syllables in the foot and fixation of the accent on one of them determine the size of the verse. For example, the jamps include choreans and yams, to three-sided - dactyl, amphibrachius and anapest.
The poem consists of a stanza, each of which may include from two to fourteen rows, or poems. In some cases, fission divisions may not be.
The poem is called any lyrical work Small poetic genres: Elegy, Sonnet, Kanzona, Hokka.
However, in the common speech, differences in the values \u200b\u200bof the verse and poem are practically absent. These words are used as close synonyms that have no pronounced semantic and stylistic restrictions in speech use. The wording is considered equal to: a collection of poems and a collection of poems; Poems Mandelstam and the poem of Mandelstam; Learn verse and learn poem. Of course, in such embodiments, the value of the word verse as a poetic string is supplanted by a poetic product value.
In a narrower meaning, it is customary to use the word verse to designate the method of renovation: white verse, antique verse, Pushkin verse.
Verse as literary term Indicates a poetic string with an ordered division on the foot and a fixed stress in each foot. The poem is considered a small, most often a lyrical work written by verses.
Verse, unlike poem, may designate a method of renovation: white verse, accent verse.
In the common value of verse and poem are synonymous words.

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