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The value of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication in the modern world

Russian language - the language of interethnic communication

Great value of the Russian language. It is explained by the fact that it acts in different conditions and as a native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of the Russian Federation, and as one of the world's communications languages \u200b\u200bin the near and far abroad.

"The world languages \u200b\u200bare called some of the most common languages \u200b\u200bused by representatives of different peoples outside the territories inhabited by people for whom they are originally relatives." ("Encyclopedic dictionary of a young philologist".) In determining the composition of world languages, the number of speakers on it in the country, where native speakers live, and beyond, authority, the role of the country of this language in history and modernity; formation of a national language with a long written tradition; Focused norms, well-studied and described in grammar, dictionaries, textbooks.

World languages \u200b\u200bcover international spheres - diplomacy, world trade, tourism. They communicate scientists from different countries, they are studied as "foreign languages" (that is, as a mandatory subject in universities and schools of most countries of the world). These languages \u200b\u200bare "working languages" of the United Nations (UN).

The official world languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations recognizes English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi. Any document in the UN applies to these languages.

Russian has become a generally accepted world language since the middle of the twentieth century. His world importance is due to the fact that this is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world, which creates the greatest fiction. Russian language is one of the Indo-European languages \u200b\u200brelated to many Slavic languages. Many words of Russian languages \u200b\u200bentered the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world without translation. These borrowings from the Russian language or were observed through it for a long time. Even in the XVI-XVII centuries, Europeans have learned through the Russian language as the Kremlin, King, Boyarin, Cossack, Caftan, Izba, Versta, Balalaika, Kopeik, Damn, Kvass, and others. Later in Europe, the words of the Decembrist, Samovar, Sarafan, Chastushka et al. As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world included words as restructuring, publicity, etc.

The richness of the Russian language and the literature created on it is of interest to this language around the world. It is studied not only students, schoolchildren, but also adults. In order to assist in teaching the Russian language outside our country, in 1967, the International Association of Russian Teachers and Literature (MAPR5IIL) was created in Paris. Mapryal publishes in our country for foreign teachers of the Russian language and literature magazines, methodological literature, conducts among schoolchildren from different countries International Olympiads in Russian.

Russian language-language of interethnic communication. Great value of the Russian language. It is explained by the fact that it acts in different conditions and as a native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of the Russian Federation, and as one of the world's communications languages \u200b\u200bin the near and far abroad.

"The world languages \u200b\u200bare called some of the most common languages \u200b\u200bused by representatives of different peoples outside the territories inhabited by people for whom they are originally relatives." In determining the composition of world languages, the number of speakers on it, both in the country where native speakers live, and abroad, authority, the role of the country of this language in history and modernity; formation of a national language with a long written tradition; Focused norms, well-studied and described in grammar, dictionaries, textbooks.

World languages \u200b\u200bcover international spheres - diplomacy, world trade, tourism. They communicate scientists from different countries, they are studied as "foreign languages" (that is, as a mandatory subject in universities and schools of most countries of the world). These languages \u200b\u200bare "working languages" of the United Nations (UN).

The official world languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations recognizes English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi. Any document in the UN applies to these languages.

Russian has become a generally accepted world language since the middle of the twentieth century. His world importance is due to the fact that this is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world, which creates the greatest fiction. Russian language is one of the Indo-European languages \u200b\u200brelated to many Slavic languages. Many words of Russian languages \u200b\u200bentered the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world without translation. These borrowings from the Russian language or were observed through it for a long time. Back in the XVI - XVII centuries, Europeans have learned through the Russian language as the Kremlin, the king, boyar, the Cossack, Kaftan, the hut, the vest, Balalaika, a penny, damn, kvass, etc. Later in Europe, the words of the Decembrist, Samovar, Sarafan spread , Chastushka, etc. As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world included words such as restructuring, publicity, etc.

The richness of the Russian language and the literature created on it is of interest to this language around the world. It is studied not only students, schoolchildren, but also adults. In order to assist in teaching the Russian language outside our country, in 1967, the International Association of Teachers of Russian and Literature was established in Paris. Mapryal publishes in our country for foreign teachers of the Russian language and literature magazines, methodological literature, conducts among schoolchildren from different countries International Olympiads in Russian.

The languages \u200b\u200bof interethnic communication include languages \u200b\u200bthat perform broader functions than national, and used in a multinational polyethnic state as a broker language. In this role, the language of the most numerous nation in this state or the language of the metropolis in the former colonial countries may be. Thus, in the Tsarist Russia and in the USSR, the language of interethnic communication was Russian (it significantly retains this function to this function throughout the CIS). In some cases, the language of interethnic communication coincides with the official language. So, in India, the official English language simultaneously performs the role of the language of interethnic communication. Portuguese in Angola has the status of the official and is simultaneously the language of interethnic communication.

Usually, the functions of the language of interethnic communication performs one of the national languages, and this role is formed historically, due to the objective properties of this language. In some countries, the actual role of the language of interethnic communication is enshrined legally. So, in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Russian language is legally recognized as the language of interethnic communication.

In the USSR, the Russian language has become a general language that performs the function of the language of interethnic communication throughout the country. This was the result of not any political or legal privileges of the Russian language, someone's sympathies for it or the use of compulsory measures, and the result of the objective position of things and the action of relevant factors. First of all, the role was played by what Russians in the Russian state and then in the USSR were represented more than half of the country's population.

The transformation of the Russian language into the language of interethnic communication is also due to the fact that it is very close in its grammar and vocabulary with the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, together with Russians more than three quarters of the USSR population. Naturally, the three Slavic people relatively can easily communicate among themselves in Russian.

In the transformation of the Russian language, other objective moments and factors played their role in the transformation of the Russian language: its generally accepted wealth and expressiveness, certain internal features of this language, associated, in particular, with its relatively high internal homogeneity, with the proximity of its people's conversational and literary - Present forms, with a big coincidence in it pronunciation of words and their writing, etc.

According to the population census, 1989, 86% of the population were fluent in the USSR.

In the Russian Federation, the Russian language is a state language, but at the same time it performs the functions of the language of interethnic communication.

According to the 1989 census, 16,406 thousand people from the non-Russian peoples stated that they are fluent in Russian as a second language, that is, the language of interethnic communication (in 1970 - 14, 191 thousand and in 1979 - 13 989 thousand). Thus, from among the non-Russian peoples of Russia, 88.0% know the Russian language well, including 27.6% consider it native and 60.4% are fluent in them. From large peoples (over 100 thousand people) more than 95% of their representatives know Russian well - Karelia, Jews, Belarusians, Koreans, Germans, Mordva, Ukrainians, more than 90% - Kalmyki, Moldovans, Georgians, Armenians, Komi, Udmurts, more 85% - Kazakhs, Gypsies, Ossetians, Chuvashi, Mari, Tatars, Bashkirs, Adygei, Uzbeks and on average, all nations of the North. The lowest indicators - in Tuvintsev (60.5%), Avar residents (65.9%), Darginians (69.5%), Yakuts (70.9%).

Thus, in Russia, in Russia, in 1989 by the Russian language, 143,712 thousand people, or 97.7% of the total population of the country. This means that in Russia Russian as a language of interethnic communication is quite large. However, the use of the Russian language by a man of non-Russian nationality in different areas of communication does not mean the refusal of its native language, on the contrary, it contributes to a deeper awareness of its characteristics. Knowledge of the Russian language, as studies show, does not lead to the oblivion of the native (national) language in non-Russian peoples and does not prevent his study and learning. All over the world there is a tendency to bilingualism, more and more people know two or morein. Therefore, absolutely groundless statements of those who believe that the assimilation of the Russian language can displace the National Language from communication.

The state of simultaneous ownership of two and more languages \u200b\u200bis called billingwisness, or polylingvism.. Bilingualism is a frequent phenomenon in multinational states, where national minorities, except the native, usually enjoy the language of the most numerous and dominant nation. Significant groups of the bilingual population are formed in young states of Asia and Africa, where, along with local languages, official state languages \u200b\u200bare increasingly distributed (in Indony - Hindi, in Pakistan - Urdu, in Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia, in the Philippines - Pilipino), and in some African countries are foreign English or French. Bilingvism is often common along ethnic borders. It is also characteristic of the countries of the mass subsidence of immigrants.

Recently, bilingualism is becoming increasingly developed, which urbanization, strengthening contacts of various groups of the population, the overall rise of educational and cultural levels have a significant impact. Under these conditions, some part of the people or even the whole people are constantly used in everyday life in two languages. So, almost completely bilingual (German and French) Alsassians. Bilingual or even three-lined significant part of the population of such multinational states as Belgium and Switzerland.

Check questions and tasks

1. Why is the language recognize as the main ethnicity and ethnic value?
2. Analyze the role of the language as a consolidating ethnic factor.
3. Expand the ethnosocial features of the language.
4. Track the relationship of the ethnic group and language.
5. What is considered native language and what is his role in life
6. What are the significance and functions of the national language in the formation and development of nations?
7. What are the legal status and function of the state language?
8. How are interstitial problems in multinational, polyethnic states solve?
9. What are the role and functions of the language of interethnic communication?
10. Analyze the relationship between the second-hand state language and state languages \u200b\u200bof the republics in the Russian Federation.
11. What is the ethno-language policy in the Russian Federation?
12. Based on the census data, analyze ethno-speaking processes in the Russian Federation.


1. Harutyunyan Yu.V., Drobizheva L.M., Sousokolov A.A. Ethnosociology. - M., 1999.
2. Bromley Yu., Podolov R. Humanity is nations. - M., 1990.
3. State Service of the Russian Federation and interethnic relations. - M., 1995.
4. Grupplo M.N. Modern ethno-speaking processes in the USSR. - M.,
5. Peoples of the world. Historical and ethnographic reference book. - M., 1988.
6. Peoples of Russia. Encyclopedia. - M., 1994.
7. Tavadov G.T. Ethnology. Dictionary-directory. - M., 1998.
8. What you need to know about the peoples of Russia. - M., 1999.
9. Yuriev S.S. Legal status of national minorities. - M., 2000.

Traditionally, the language of interethnic communication is called the language through which the linguistic barrier is overcome between representatives of different ethnic groups within one multinational state. The yield of any language beyond its ethnos and the acquisition of the status of interethnic - the process is complex and multi-faceted, which includes the interaction of a whole complex of linguistic and social factors. When considering the process of becoming a language of interethnic communication, priority is usually given to social factors, since the function of the language depend on the specifics of the development of society. However, only social factors, no matter how favorable, they are not able to put forward a language as an interethnic, if there are no necessary language funds in it. Rus. The language belonging to the number of widespread languages \u200b\u200bof the world (see Russian language in international communication), satisfies the language needs of not only Russians, but also people of other ethnicity living both in Russia and abroad. This is one of the most developed world languages. It has a rich vocabulary and terminology in all sectors of science and technology, expressive brevity and clarity of lexical and grammatical agents, developed system of functional styles, the ability to reflect all the variety of the surrounding world. Rus. The language can be used in all spheres of public life, through the second language, the most diverse information is transmitted, the finest shades of thought are expressed; to rus. The language was created by the world recognition of artistic, scientific and technical literature.

Maximum fullness of social functions, relative monolithium Rus. Language (obligation of compliance with the norms of lit. language for all its carriers), writing containing both original works and translations of all valuable, which is created by world culture and science (in the 80s.20 century. on Russian. Language was issued about a third Artistic and scientific and technical whether therapy from the total number of printed products in the world) - all this provided a high degree of communicative and information value Rus. Language. His role in turning Rus. Language in the means of interethnic communication has also played ethno-speaking factors. Since the beginning of the formation of grew. The Russian stateships were the most numerous nation, the language of K-Roy was distributed to one degree or another in the territory of the whole state. According to the 1st Issue. Population census 1897, out of 128.9 million inhabitants of grew. Empire to rus. Two thirds spoke the language, or OK. 86 million people According to the All-Union Census 1989, in the USSR from 285.7 million. man ok. 145 million - Russian, Rus. Language owned 232.4 million people. Linguistic, ethno-speaking and social factors, taken separately, are not sufficient to nominate one or another language as a means of interethnic communication. They testify only about the readiness and ability of the language to perform this function, as well as the presence of favorable conditions for the dissemination of the language throughout the state. Only the totality of all factors - linguistic, linguistic and social - leads to the formation of the language of interethnic communication.

In any multinational state, there is an objective need to choose one of the most developed and common languages \u200b\u200bto overcome the language barrier between citizens, to maintain the normal functioning of the state and all its institutions, to create favorable conditions for the joint activities of representatives of all nations and nationalities, for the development of the economy, culture, Science and art. The general language of interethnic communication provides every citizen of the country, regardless of nationality, the possibility of permanent and diverse connotation with representatives of other ethnic groups. Extension, formation and functioning Rus. Language as the means of interethnic communication took place in different historical conditions and at various stages of the development of society. Eating rus. Language as NOTOD to overcome the language barrier between representatives of different Sthocod, there are not one century, therefore, in the history of Rus. Language As means of interethnic communication can be conditionally distinguished by three periods, each of which is characterized by its specific features: the first period - to the beginning. 20 V. In Russia and Ros. Empire; The second period is to con. 80s. in USSR; The third period - with NCH. 90s. In the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. 11Allo distribution rus. Language among representatives of other ethnic groups coincides, judging by the data of comparative historical linguistics and chronicle information, with the development of the ancestors of Russian new territories; More intensively this process developed in 16-19 centuries. During the period of becoming and expanding Ros. States where Russians entered a variety of economic, cultural political contacts with the local population of other ethnicity. In Ros. Empire Rus. The language was state. tongue.

Reliable data on knowledge Rus. Language nonsense. The population of the country as a whole and breadth of use in interethnic communication in Russia con. 19 - Nach. 20 BB is not. However, the ratio of the volume of the functional load Rus. Language as state. language and other national languages \u200b\u200bin various fields, data on the study of Rus. language in the Russian-native (according to the terminology of the terminology) of schools and other educational institutions in individual regions of the state, written evidence of contemporaries and some other materials confirm the use of Rus. Language as means of interethnic communication, although the level of ownership of them in most cases was low. The second period is characterized by the peculiarities, which are due to the change in the national language policy in the USSR at different stages of its existence. After 1917, the obligatory state was canceled in the country. language. In 1919, the decree of SNK RSFSR "On the liquidation of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR" was adopted, in accordance with the to-ryy "the entire population ... aged 8 to 50 years, not able to read and write, is obliged to learn a diploma in his native or Russian as desired." .

Originally rus. The language was not a mandatory subject in schools with the national language of learning: its dissemination as a language of interethnic communication, cultural and educational, economic and social and political transformations in the country are objectively promoted. However, those existed in the 20-30s. The pace of distribution rus. Language among the middle of Rus. The country's population has not satisfied the needs of a centralized state in general for all citizens the language of interethnic communication. In 1938, the decision of the USSR SCC and the Central Committee of the CSP (b) "on the obligatory study of the Russian language in schools of national republics and regions was adopted. There are no direct guidelines for the privileged position of Rus. Language, the nose of his practical implementation in the regions gradually began to limit the spheres of the functioning of some native languages \u200b\u200bof the USSR citizens. Since 1970, the materials of all-union censuses of the population contain data on the number of persons. nationality, freely owned by Rus. Language as the second (nonsense) language. In the period from 1970 P1989, this quantity increased from 41.9 to 68.8 million people; In 1989, in the USSR as a whole, the number of persons are non-resident. nationality, freely owned by Rus. Language, amounted to 87.5 million people.

With gray 80-hgg., When rus The language continued to perform the function of the language of interethnic communication, attitude to Rus. The language in this quality began to change, which was the logical result of the costs of national language policies conducted in the USSR with con. 30-KGG., As well as a consequence of some socio-political processes in the country. Russian language individual politicians became called "imperial language", "tongue of totalitarianism", "language of the occupants"; In resolutions of certain conferences on national language issues (eg, in Ukraine, 1989) National-Rus. Bilingualism was characterized as "politically popular" and "scientifically insolvent." During this period, the officially prescribed narrowing of the fields of functioning Rus began in the former allied and autonomous republics. Language as means of interethnic communication, a significant reduction in the number of hours drawn to the study of Rus. Language in national schools, and even the elimination of the subject "Rus. Language »From school and university programs. However, conducted in the NAK.90s. Sociolinguistic studies in Ros. The republics and a number of CIS countries indicate recognition of the most part of the Society of the fact that the Sovr. The stage solve the problem of interethnic communication without rus. Language is difficult.

A feature of the third period is the functioning of Rus. Language as means of interethnic communication not only in the Russian Federation. But also in the group of sovereign states. In the Russian Federation, according to the 1989 census, out of 147 million people. 120 million people Russian, more than 50% of the nonsense. The country's population is fluent in Russian. Language as the second. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) | and the "law on the languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the RSFSR" (1991)] Rus. Language is state. The language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. The constitution provides that the functioning of Rus. Language as state and interethnic should not prevent the development of other languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia. Scope of rus. Language as state-owned interethnic one is subject to legal settlement; It does not establish legal norms of the use of Rus. Language in interpersonal unofficial relationships, as well as in the activities of public and religious associations and organizations. Rus. Language as state. The language of the Russian Federation performs numerous diverse functions in society, which determines the social necessity of studying it to the entire population of Russia. All R. 90-hgg. 20 V. Rus. The language retains the positions of the language of interethnic communication in the CNCV countries of a number of objective circumstances, as well as in view of the historically established traditions of its consumption by the population of these countries. The census materials 1989 indicate that 63.8 million people are non-resident. The population of the former Allied Republics of the USSR (except RSFSR) is owned by Rus. Language as native or as a second language. Linguistic aspects of studying Rus. Language as means of interethnic communication is characterized by a certain specificity. Expansion of the ethnic base of users Rus. Language as nonsense, the functioning of Rus. Language under the conditions of a foreign language environment leads to the emergence of phonetic, grammatical, lexical and semantic features. According to some scientists (N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrov), a combination of such features, unequal in different regions of the existence of Rus. Language as means of interethnic communication contributes to the formation of national (in other terminology - regional) options Rus. Language.

Other scientists (V. V. Ivanov, N. G. Mikhailovskaya) believe that the satisfaction of the needs of interethnic communication is one of the functions of Rus. Lit. Language, a violation of the norms of which by foreign-speaking users is due to interference (see). There is also a point of view (T. Yu. Poznyakova), according to which the language of interethnic communication is a functional variety of Rus. language, a distinctive feature of which is adapted to the conditions of interethnic communication specialization of grammatical and lexical funds Rus. Lit. Language: Increase the number of analytical structures for expressing grammatical values, frequency and stability of the use of syntactic models of category of category of category, etc. In the language of interethnic communication, there are from- 449 BB and the fixing of morphological forms and syntactic structures, lexical units, assessed primarily as communicatively significant and sufficient. Study Rus. Language under various types of national-rz. Bilinguality confirms the presence of a number of general specific features in the language of interethnic communication, regardless of the region of its existence. However, in Rus. The language of non-Russian linguists is also marked by such features that are characterized as purely regional, not presented in other foreign language regions. On this basis, it is concluded about the regional varying of non-original Russian. Speech (not original Russian. Speech is a set of texts, both written and oral, produced by people for whom Rus. Language is not native). However, there are unknown maximum permissible qualitative and quantitative levels of regional variation, allowing to qualify the language of interethnic communication as rus. Language, not a certain pigeon-mixed language arising from the interaction of languages \u200b\u200b(in the pidgin, the grammar of one language is often represented, and the vocabulary is different). Detection of essential linguistic characteristics Rus. Language as interethnic communication means is related to the study of different levels, studying the results and forms of intersective contacts, the consideration of the interaction of the language of interethnic communication and national languages \u200b\u200bin the context of specific type and multilingualism, the aureal characteristic of Rus. Speech of non-Russian but the relationship Cruz. Lit. Language. The results of such studies are important for practical actions to optimize the learning process Rus. Language as non-commercial in the volume providing communicative competence of users.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kokinsk major secondary school"

The value of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication in the modern world

Prepared: Igoshin Anna Viktorovna,

primary school teacher

April 2014

The significance of the Russian language for peace and international communication.

"…I want to believe,

that such a great language

dan a great people ... "


The role of the Russian language in the modern world is determined as follows: this is the national language of the Great Russian people, which includes all the variety of lexical and grammatical means. This is one of the most developed and rich languages \u200b\u200bof the world, having a huge lexicon. The Russian language is heterogeneous in composition: includes literary language, dialects, spaciousness and jargon. Currently, it is spoken by 230 million people, along with English and Chinese is a world language. Russian language is used by the peoples of the Russian Federation as the language of national communication. Knowledge of the Russian language facilitates communication of people of various nationalities inhabiting our country. In Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, the Russian language is the second state language. But also in those countries where the Russian language is not recognized as state, he still remains the main means of communication for many people.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian is a state language throughout its territory. The Russian language is among world languages, it is becoming increasingly international importance, it is studied by many people in different countries of the world, and it is a mandatory language for studying as a foreign language in many schools.

Among the five thousand languages \u200b\u200bexisting today in the world, the Russian language is a prominent place in its meaning and functions that it performs. After all, he is one of the official and working languages \u200b\u200bof the UN, UNESCO and other organizations. It is used in various fields of international communication, in various scientific forums, conferences, the symposia is used by Russian. Our language acts as the "Language of Science" - the means of communicating scientists from different countries, is the necessary accessory to world communications systems (radio and telecasts, space communications, etc.).

The highest form of Russian language is a literary language. This is the language of school, business documents, fiction, language of everyday communication of cultural people. The literary language is characterized by a system of norms, in the creation of which scientists, publicists, public figures like A.S. played an outstanding role. Pushkin. Power and richness of the Russian language celebrated many writers: Gogol N.V., Dostoevsky F.M., Tolstoy L.N., Bunin I.A.

The richness of the Russian language, his huge role in the life of our country and the world obliges us to seriously and carefully study it, constantly improve their knowledge, skills and skills in this area. Thus, the enormous role of the Russian language in the modern world is determined by its cultural value, the power and greatness, the great value that the Russian people had and has in the history of mankind - the Creator and the carrier of this language. I think we should not forget the appeal I.S. Turgenev on careful attitude towards the Russian language. After all, the future of our tongue is our future.