Repairs Design Furniture

How to make floral compositions from artificial colors. Artificial flowers for home interior: Beauty for many years (bouquets, compositions, ekibans). Artificial Color Composition

They were associated exclusively with ritual services and were not used to decorate the interior. Later they found less sad use and began to use on the marchs of November and demonstrations. These were homemade paper and fabrics, which have fun or angry on rallies and parades. Mostly roses and carnations were manufactured, later handicrafts changed more aesthetic factory analogues. Today, the technologies have stepped forward that modern artificial flowers are unlikely to be able to distinguish from living. Expanded and assortment - boring roses And the cloves were changed and even field cornflowers, in a word, for every taste there will be their "color".

Pros and cons

Perhaps someone snocks and will argue that there is nothing better than living plants. Perhaps, the creations of nature are short-lived, and there are many allergens. In this regard, artificial compositions have a number of indisputable advantages.


  • The most important plus - do not cause allergic reactions, which allows people with this disease to admire flowers without risk.
  • Do not need transplant, care, fertilizer.
  • You do not have to ask for neighbors to water your "arboretum" if you decide a month or another to relax in hot countries.
  • No evil.
  • They will not eat a small child or a cat.
  • If you accidentally knock on such potNo need to clean the wet ground.
  • You can put in any, even the darkest room.
  • The ability to be a decorator and independently choose the combination of shades and materials.

There are few minuses, and they are difficult to call them minuses, rather, these are some taste nuances.


  • There is no natural natural aroma.
  • The need to wipe from dust.
  • Gradual burnout from sunlight.

As you can see, pluses outweigh the controversial nuances several times, which means that the project "Artificial compositions" has the full right to life.

What about what? .. ..

Modern compositions use plants made of better quality materials.

Most popular materials

Plastic.Today it is not rude or cloves for mourning wreaths, but graceful small creations. High-quality polyester does not have a caustic smell and easily clean, but its main thing is the lowest price among all other species.

The cloth. The source of such plants is China. A long-standing Asian craftsmen created man-made masterpieces from the highest quality silks, their price was high, but they were worth it. Nowadays fabric flowers can be made from satin, tightness, batted or synthetic analogs, which makes prices for them available.

Silicone - Father of all masterpieces. The material sculpturally transmits any subtleties of each flower and sheet up to the finest streaks and the smallest embossed features. It gives the widest assortment. The pleasure is not cheap, but there is also more expensive.

Latex. Flowers made of natural rubber are the most expensive, but also the most natural. Such a material simulates not only external forms, but also confuses to the touch. Not every connoisseur can distinguish a latex flower from the present. If the natural rubber of roads, there is a synthetic latex, and such plants will cost cheaper, and in quality they do not particularly differ.

Views of popular options

Artificial compositions are used not only in celebration of holidays. They help to successfully disguise the flaws of life -, pipes, etc. For different purposes, various types of layout are applied.

Cute heart classic

What and where:

  • Living room . The best goal is, if it is not, then a great option is artificial outdoor jungle or stylish outdoor vases near the sofa. A table and shelves can be made a basket with decorative fruits and low vases. Several small glass containers filled with the same colors and displayed in one line are beautifully watching.

Compositions from pre-prepared artificial colors for home interior are gradually replaced by living plants. And if a recently similar decor looked in most cases Toporn and tasteless, today he is able to compete with natural works of art - live roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficus.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with their own hands

There is no need to prove that the compositions of artificial flowers in the cemetery are in something superior to their natural fellow. There are always supporters and opponents of such an unusual artificial decoration of the interior of the room. We simply give a list of positive and negative moments of artificial flora indoors, and you independently draw conclusions.

To the positive moments to decorate the interior include the following:

  • artificial plants in the houses for home interior do not require the use of fertilizers, transplanting, watering;
  • no need to ask for relatives or your neighbors to go home to you and water green seedlings when you depart;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by evil pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for fellands suffering from allergies to floral pollen;
  • if homemade pets or small bastards randomly a tank tank with a composition, you will not have to remove the scattered chernozem or wipe the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a wonderful opportunity for lovers of needlework to show their talents, because if you find out how to make artificial flowers and slightly practicing, you can decorate with your hands the interior with a stylish decor in the style of hand maid;
  • unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to habitat. You can position them in the bathroom, corridor, dressing room and even on the loggia, without worrying that plants will be hard to be in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants make it possible to independently select the color shade of the bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the entire interior is decorated in restrained colors and a classic key, and you do not want the composition on the wall to be out of the overall style of the room, there is a way out. You just need to toned the petals of sunflowers in a suitable shade.

The shortcomings of artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not please you with their flower aroma;
  • artificial plants made of cheap and low-quality materials can cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals can over time to lose color saturation and burn out under the action of sunlight;
  • artificial plants still require care: it will be necessary to wipe or wash them from time to time or wash them with water and soap so as not to give to accumulate dust.

We told you about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial compositions. Now you can consider and decide how much such elements are acceptable to you in the decoration of your room.

Your interior, of course, will decorate the compositions of artificial colors, made with your own hands with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to design the interior of the room that you cook for reception. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if you will celebrate them for a holiday not just a bunch of flowers, but a beautifully decorated composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower compositions can be arranged with their own hands in a wicker basket, because the water is absolutely not required to them, they will delight you for a long time, but they will not fill your home with their unique floral aroma.
You can make an extraordinary autumn composition in the wicker basket, where the autumn yellowed leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also, compositions from artificial materials can be arranged in a tea cup or a brew, and if you want to use them to decorate a household plot, you can take the old iron kettle.

Selection of thematic video to the article

We offer after reading our article to see the selection of thematic video. This will allow the most deeply examine this issue. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of the production of compositions. Happy viewing!

Artificial flowers are suitable for decorating any room. They will make it brighter and cozy, help not worry about constant care.

Everyone wants to make a variety of daily life, but how best to do it? You can make an atmosphere of any room brighter and more comfortable with the help of statuettes, crafts, souvenirs and other trinkets. However, the easiest way to decorate the house or workstation with flowers. They will easily fit into any interior style, make a room more alive and fill it with paints.

How do you feel about using artificial colors? We are confident that wary and even with the fraction of skepticism. In vain! We assure you that exactly they provide much more opportunities to carry out the original decor.

In addition, modern artificial analogues are not inferior in the appearance of living plants, they are unpretentious in care and will delight the owners for a long time. Artificial plants serve as the basis for many creative original compositions - bouquets, panels, ekiban, collages and garlands. The popularity of such a decor came to us from Europe and grows from every year.

Advantages and disadvantages of using artificial colors

Aesthetic advantages for internal use of colors and plants are obvious. They improve the interior design and bring pleasure. But too often, psychological advantages are ignored or just forgotten.

There are many studies that document that the presence of colors and plants in the office environment reduces stress, improves job satisfaction and improves the moral spirit of employees, and creative potential and performance. The use of artificial analogues has a number of advantages and minuses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.


  • they do not need to replant, water, feed the soil;
  • they do not require natural lighting, that is, they can be placed in the hallway, bathroom and other dark corners;
  • no land - the main source of dirt; Children or pet do not have the ability to overturn pot, pour content on the carpet;
  • the plant does not ill, does not dry, there are no fallen dry leaves around it;
  • a child or beloved pet does not risen to poison or proclaim the plant like;
  • people with allergies on flower pollen can enjoy a beautiful analogue;
  • you will not worry about who will water the flowers during your departure;
  • artificial plants are an excellent opportunity for creative personalities. You can manifest yourself and decorate the house with beautiful floral compositions;
  • if you need to move from one place to another, you will not have problems.


  • even artificial plants require regular care - the leaves and buds will have to be cleaned of dust, wash;
  • about fine floral aroma, varying around the house, you can forget;
  • if they stand on the windowsill or balcony, then soon risk burning and lose aesthetic species;
  • cheap analogs can radiate an unpleasant smell, sometimes even cause allergies.


To the artificial bouquet give a gentle fragrance, there is a simple way out. You can resort to essential oils. Several drops on the cloth flowers - and pleasant incense will float the room.

Artificial plants in the interior of various rooms

Compositions made of artificial colors can be placed in any room, however it is important to understand the most harmonious combinations and correctly define a place for them. When decorated, consider the overall style of the room. For example, the baroque style is suitable gladioluses or roses, and olive style - bright sunflowers.


The hallway is often the most dark place in the house where natural light does not fall, and the electric turns on extremely rarely. Living flora posted in the hallway, quickly buys and dying . Therefore, this room is considered ideal for decorating plants from fabric, plastic, polymer clay.

The hallway is that first of all see your guests, therefore, pay no less attention than the living room. She deserves a little effort from our side and creative ideas. As a rule, this room is quite close, therefore it will advantageously emphasize Liana, which will be gently hanging from the side wall of the cabinet with the upper clothes. If there is more places in your hallway, it will be appropriate to accommodate a high floor vase with herbs.


If in your hallway old renovation, mess and it just has a neglected look, do not place flowers there. This will emphasize her no well-groomed and worsen the impression. It is better to quickly be accepted for repairs and guidance!

Decorative elements should emphasize the atmosphere of comfort and correspond to the total area. Kitchen shelves recommend you to decorate with small vases and baskets that perfectly complement jars with croups and spices. An interesting option is Kashpo.

The dining table will look good if next to the fruit dish you will put the vase. To make the kitchen interior more original, replace standard caspets with old kettle, glasses or fancy shape salad bowls. It is in this room that will be the most appropriate compositions of dried colors, herbs and even twigs with dried berries or fruits.


Put on the windowsill imitation of violets, the top tier of cabinets or shelves decorate the authentic clay pots with field flower. On the dining table, place a jug with motley plants.

Living room



In the bathroom, due to the big humidity, it makes no sense to keep natural bouquets, while the products made of polymer clay or plastic will not be spoiled and will add comfort. Take into account the overall design of the bathroom and decorate according to it. You can put a large glass vase next to a locker with cosmetics or decorate the mirror.


Use the floral decor not only for constant decoration of your home. Pick the compositions to certain holidays or the time of the year. For example, on the eve of Christmas, you can decorate the entrance door with a wreath with my mistletoe, and Easter will prepare a composition of the buttercup.

Floral compositions: varieties

Flower arrangements are ideal for room decor. They are unpretentious and easy to care. Carefully thought out artificial decor will last for many years. He will revitalize the living room, will help create a positive attitude. What types of compositions exist?

Flowers in pots

Exact copies of real plants are very popular in decorating houses, offices, beauty salons and restaurants. They look good and successfully mask the seizures of the room. This applies to the development of communications or non-rigid pipes. Curly plants, or rather imitation, well distract attention from pipes.

Large vases with unprofitable palm trees or ficuses also cope with the task of hiding the shortcomings of the planning. Basically, artificial plants in pots make green with an unusual form of leaves, only occasionally use blooming species.


You can enhance the effect of naturalness with green twigs, they will not differ from the present. As the basis, you can use a floristic sponge or foam.

Flowers in glass vases

Surely you have a pair of troika unoccupied glass VAZ, which you received as a gift for one of the holidays. There is nothing to stand without a business, use them for original compositions and decorate your home. Create a beautiful intricate bouquet will not work, the main thing takes into account the size and shape of your vase.

The high and narrow option is well suitable for artificial roses or tulips, while in a small wide vase boldly placing a neat bunch with cropped stems.


Add similarly with alive plants and pour in a water vase for naturalness. Small flowers in a glass or glass will look harmoniously in the kitchen, and the high glass vase will decorate the dining table.


The German art style in the design of bouquets is suitable for both artificial and real colors. Large floral heads on short stalks are going to a round bouquet. The same elements (plants, decor) have circumference.


Make a bouquet of both different plants and from the same colors of different shades (for example, white and purple roses). Each decorative element is very tight, please add spikes or beads.

In the composition of the style, the bidermeyer should not be seen or stems themselves, only the buds and inflorescences themselves. Such a luxury will fit perfectly in Intenière living room and bedrooms. However, you need to pay attention to the color. For the second option, choose products of delicate and pastel tones.

Spend a thorough preparation, pre-acquire the materials of the desired colors and other decorative elements. It is important to make at least four circles, because there will be a lot of artificial buds.


Artificial floral compositions are often decorated in panels. Massive elements have long been done with a wire panel at the base, as well as moss. Later with the development of the industry, they were replaced by special sponges that are sold in floristry stores.

The composition in the visible artificial colors, greenery and fruit is tightly located on this sponge so that there is no free space at all. They are of different sizes.

Sung basket

Decoration with flowers, which is easy to hang on the wall, can serve as a lamp. We advise you to use baskets only in spacious premises. In small narrow rooms, they will not look profitable and steal space.


In the basket, place both a classic luxury bouquet and a wound plant. Ivy will help to hide the removal of repair, suitable for various wall finishing options.

Basic materials and care

Amazing floral products that do not require frequent care are manufactured from various materials.

The most popular are:

To create the composition you will need:

  • polymer clay;
  • wire;
  • scissors (preferably find a model with curved ends);
  • glue;
  • mold;
  • stack;
  • tape.


To recreate natural flower bodies, use Mold. Unfortunately, finding a mold that imitating the ranunculus will be difficult. Therefore, boldly acquire the option with the streaks of roses.

Getting to work:

  • Familiarize yourself with the instructions specified on the polymer clay packaging. Some manufacturers recommend leave it for a while before modeling, so that it ride. With the clay of other suppliers you can immediately start work.
  • Let's start with the manufacture of a yellow shade wound. Prepare three species clay - yellow, green, unpainted. The first will need for most of the petals, the second for the middle.
  • Skate two colored balls. In one green and one yellow, add a little bit of angry material to make them somewhat paler.
  • Jump a small piece of green color, roll it out with his hands into the ball. Prepare a piece of wiring and pre-maintain its upper part to get a loop. Loose it into the glue and grind a small ball.
  • To get the center of the flower, use scissors. Make a few cuts, moving from the top to the center. The bottom should remain intact.
  • Now proceed to the manufacture of petal. Separate another piece from green clay. Roll it, giving the form oval. Use the stack and make a flat piece of clay curved on the sides. Thus, make four more petals.
  • Use glue and attach them to the base of the flower. Each petal should slightly find each other.
  • Now use clay light green color. Make petals in the same way and glue them to the bud in a circle. You need to recreate several rows.
  • From the light yellow clay we glue two more row of gentle petals.
  • The last rows of bright yellow color must be made no smooth, but with characteristic accommodations. For this you will need Mold.
  • Get off five pieces of bright green clay and roll a cup for a flower. Stick it to the base.
  • Expand red napkins and place them one on another.
  • Cut the edges of a white napkin and put it on top.
  • Gently fold the layers into the harmonica, tie up exactly in the middle of the thread.
  • Round the edges and smoothly straighten the bud.
  • In its base, insert the toothpick and stick it with scotch.
  • To hide adhesion, use the tape.

Such artificial products will be reminded in the form of real carnations!

Compositions from pre-prepared artificial colors for home interior are gradually replaced by living plants. And if a recently similar decor looked in most cases Toporn and tasteless, today he is able to compete with natural works of art - live roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficus.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with their own hands

There is no need to prove that the compositions of artificial flowers in the cemetery are in something superior to their natural fellow. There are always supporters and opponents of such an unusual artificial decoration of the interior of the room. We simply give a list of positive and negative moments of artificial flora indoors, and you independently draw conclusions.

To the positive moments to decorate the interior include the following:

  • artificial plants in the houses for home interior do not require the use of fertilizers, transplanting, watering;
  • no need to ask for relatives or your neighbors to go home to you and water green seedlings when you depart;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by evil pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for fellands suffering from allergies to floral pollen;
  • if homemade pets or small bastards randomly a tank tank with a composition, you will not have to remove the scattered chernozem or wipe the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a wonderful opportunity for lovers of needlework to show their talents, because if you find out how to make artificial flowers and slightly practicing, you can decorate with your hands the interior with a stylish decor in the style of hand maid;
  • unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to habitat. You can position them in the bathroom, corridor, dressing room and even on the loggia, without worrying that plants will be hard to be in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants make it possible to independently select the color shade of the bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the entire interior is decorated in restrained colors and a classic key, and you do not want the composition on the wall to be out of the overall style of the room, there is a way out. You just need to toned the petals of sunflowers in a suitable shade.

The shortcomings of artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not please you with their flower aroma;
  • artificial plants made of cheap and low-quality materials can cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals can over time to lose color saturation and burn out under the action of sunlight;
  • artificial plants still require care: it will be necessary to wipe or wash them from time to time or wash them with water and soap so as not to give to accumulate dust.

We told you about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial compositions. Now you can consider and decide how much such elements are acceptable to you in the decoration of your room.

Your interior, of course, will decorate the compositions of artificial colors, made with your own hands with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to design the interior of the room that you cook for reception. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if you will celebrate them for a holiday not just a bunch of flowers, but a beautifully decorated composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower compositions can be arranged with their own hands in a wicker basket, because the water is absolutely not required to them, they will delight you for a long time, but they will not fill your home with their unique floral aroma.
You can make an extraordinary autumn composition in the wicker basket, where the autumn yellowed leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also, compositions from artificial materials can be arranged in a tea cup or a brew, and if you want to use them to decorate a household plot, you can take the old iron kettle.

Selection of thematic video to the article

We offer after reading our article to see the selection of thematic video. This will allow the most deeply examine this issue. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of the production of compositions. Happy viewing!

Master Class: Flower Arrangement "Flight Flight"

Belasova Tatyana Anatolyevna Educator of the first youngest group
Municipal Preschool Autonomous Educational Institution Children's Garden of Outlooking Type No. 111 MO Korenovsky District

Work description:

The master class is designed for parents and teachers, all creative people. I bring to your attention the five songs at once, I called the master class "Flight of Fantasy", every flower tree is your fantasy and symbolize such a tree, too, in different ways, when you make such an original gift, definitely invest "High Soul" And then the result will succeed at 100%.
Not much of the story, we all know that the art of Topiaria has a centuries-old history. Original small trees, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial materials are used, your fantasy and every tree will be originally in its own way, it is very nice to get a similar craft as a gift and decorate your home.


The flower tree is intended for a gift to friends, acquaintances, as well as to decorate the interior. Looking for a floral tree from a girlish material of artificial colors, ribbons, beads.

develop a creative imagination, a small motility of hands, an eye and of course patience.
Develop accuracy, bring up the preferabity when creating a flower tree. In this master class, I will show you how to make five floral trees from artificial flowers at once.
Here is such a beauty we will create:

To create our Topiairi, we will need:


1. Flower pots
2. Artificial colors heads
3. Gypsum, water
4. Artificial grass (lawn)
5. Adhesive Pistol
6. Different decor (ladybugs, butterflies, grapes)
7. Spaws
8. Plastic ball
9. Ball
10. Polyneshane
11. Tape Renta
12. Toothpicks
13. Coffee Sea

Step-by-step stage of work:

Each master in the manufacture of Topiary uses the basis for its discretion and for money. I tried a lot of ways how to make the founding of the tree, the cheapest is to change the newspaper and wrap the food film to give the shape of the ball, plane paper or fabric flowers, foam balls or children's balls use that flowers or fruits with toothpicks to insert Straight to the ball, with the help of an adhesive gun, if you can use a heartbill (sold in any construction store). What would start making a tree that the pot will be filled with plaster and of course managed to dry
And so we begin with the preparation of the fill of gypsum into the pot, we will plant the gypsum with water, install the "trunk" in this case, I used spatsted 6-7 pieces

Pre-wrapped tape ribbon,

You can add small north to the pot for strength, pour a solution into a pot, insert the trunk and give the opportunity to dry well, usually enough one day

Immediately insert the trunk is not necessary, after 10 minutes, when the gypsum turns into a thick "porridge" you can insert "trunks"

In my master class, I used coffee, poured on a more wet gypsum, when the plaster dries, the coffee grain will also hold firmly

Now our pots aside and begin the preparation of the upper base, on the first example, I will show this basis here, I got to my eyes here such an unusual billet with spikes in the form of a bowl on which you can wear in this case artificial grass

And we begin to drive step by step around the circle

It turns out such a basis

I decided to do for my trees only such green and fluffy

As soon as the plaster thoroughly frozen, with the help of a glue gun, we glue our fluffy green ball and begin to create

1. The first village "Our Kuban Sunny"

For this tree, I used sunflower heads, grain coffee

To begin with, we enliven our sunflower, the middle of the coffee grains with the help of plow glue

Smear the middle of the glue and glue the grains

And so all the flowers should work out like this

We begin to draw up the bottom until our flowers dry, here is your fantasy, I used lawn artificial grass and ladybugs

The flowers of the sunflower glued to hot glue, the bottom of the trunk took the trunk with a teype of the tape three leafle, and at the top as the decoration of a butterfly and I got the first tree "Our Kuban Sunshine"

Look at different angles

2. Second Trops "Passion"

In this tree, I designed the bottom when the plaster had not yet frozen with the help of canapes and herbs, inserted into soft plaster

Added colors of red and decorative decoration and I got like this

Now Crohn, I used the red flowers of beads and greens, placed and stuck with a glue gun at the top and bottom

Designed with red beads

It turned out such a passion tree

3. Third Tree "Tenderness"

For this tree, I used very gentle colors flowers, similar to jasmine flowers. I made a bottom with the help of colors, butterflies glued with hot glue

Now the top of the crown, I glued flowers in a chaotic order, on the right for a shade of a gentle twig with white flower

It turned out a very tender tree

4. Fourth Trops "Vine"

In the manufacture of this village I used artificial grapes, grape artificial leaves, purple flowers, and various decor.

Bottom of my Treet I designed artificial colors and leaves

Top, your flight fantasies, be sure to bunch of grapes, everything glued on the thermo glue, keeps very well

And now the tree in all its glory

5. Fifth Summer Breath

This village consists of a different set of wildflowers and you can have it at your discretion, the bottom can be issued like this

The top will be so cheerful

Ultimately our tree will be this