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The summary of the work of the definite chapter. A.N. Ostrovsky "Nurendannica": description, heroes, analysis of work

Pieces "Dustpannica" Summary will be useful to those readers who want to surrinate the work. This article can find the main retelling of events in all four actions. The material will help to draw up a general impression from the work of the author Nikolai Ostrovsky and understand the main idea.

Start of narration

The summary of the "Nonmennica" begins with the fact that the Volga Town called Bryakhimov is shown. A coffee shop is located on a higher shore, where Gaburlo with a servant is trying to prepare an institution. Two merchants named Money Knurov and Vasily Pezhevatov every day walk in this area and love to go on a glass of champagne. They call it their special tea, and Gaburlo must pour it from special dishes. So they hide their habit from people. Soon they come and begin to discuss all the news. Vasily reports the purchase of a steamer "Swallow" from Sergey Pararty. The next theme was the marriage of the third daughter of the widow Harita Ogudallova named Larisa. The merchants believe that she will comprehend the same bad fate.

Misfortune sisters

The summary of the "Nurennitsa" in the first action continues with the fact that the daughters of the widow Harita Ogudallova pursue misfortunes in marriage. The older girl married the Caucasian Prince is a very jealous man. For this reason, he stabbed it even before they reached the future place of residence. The middle sister was fascinated by a foreigner, who was hidden by Schuler. Only Larisa Dmitrievna remained in the family, but she does not want to take young men due to the lack of dowry. The heroine sings perfectly, plays the guitar and this attracts attention. Harita widow herself is good and wants to arrange his personal life again. Only, first of all, you need to arrange a daughter, and the option with Sergey Paratov failed. A rich shipowner managed to fall in love with Larisa, but he did not reach the wedding. He said that he did not see the benefits in such a marriage. The girl suffered because of unrequited love, even later there were other applicants. The mother told her word, and his daughter married the first one who called. So a man was Julius Karandyshev.

Conversation in the coffee shop

The summary of the "Didncharge" at the end of the first action returns the reader to the coffee shop where the Ogudovy and Julius Karandyshev come. All those present the poor official invites you to lunch in honor of the future wife. The merchants decided not to agree, but Harita's mother explained that it was only in honor of the birthday of Larisa. The conversation begins between the newlyweds, in which Julius reproaches the girl in her way of life. The reel served the familiar handling of the merchant Vasily Loezhevatov. At that moment, guns are sounded on the pier, and Larisa remembers the shipowner of the paratov, which is taken to meet such a signal. She understands that he loves him even now. It turns out that the shots sounded precisely in honor of this rich man. Later, Sergey enters the coffee shop and introduces everyone with a new friend Arkady lucky. He was picked up on the deserted island, where the guy landed the captain of the ship because of drunkenness. The parata also notifies everyone that he marries a rich girl, and gold supports depart in the dowry. For this reason, he sold his best steamer "Swallow" and other vessels.

Home celebration

In the summary of the "idleness" of Ostrovsky in the second action of the event begins with the birth of Larisa. History gives an expensive brooch, and the mother immediately sells it for seven hundred rubles. Knurov begins a conversation with Harita that the wedding of the youngest daughter is wrong. She should not marry a poor official, because its appearance and talents should be assessed much higher. The merchant claims that Larisa will run away in any case, and a powerful friend is useful for establishing the situation, Harita. As such Knurov offers himself. Because of his interest, a married hero offers to pay all the necessary objects for wedding. Soon, Larisa itself appears with a guitar, sings the romance and shares dreams of life in the village with his mother. The widow of Ogudalova immediately disrupts the daughter of the fact that Zabolota is not the best place and there she may not like. Larisa from the window calls Comrade Ilya, who sets up the guitar at the request of the heroine. He reports that an important man came to them.


In the summary of the "wildlife" on the actions, history continues on the birthday of Larisa. Her bride appears, and she asks him to leave more in the village. He refuses to hold a wedding at home. It will not allow to spread rumors that Julius Karandyshev for her is not a couple. This lunch is the first step towards the wedding, and he announces a toast for Larisa. At the same time, the man mentions that the girl treated him extremely responsible, unlike other people. Soon there appears the parats itself, which promised to call for Harita Ogudallova. He call her "aunty," tells about a successful engagement and reproaches Larisa due to the fact that he so quickly forgot about him. Former shipowner in a conversation with the main heroine learns that she still has feelings for him. After that, a man specially quarrels with Paradeshev and promises to punish a poor official for audacity. Other guests come, and Julius under pressure invites Pararty. Barin agrees, but only because of the opportunity to take revenge on the groom Larisa.

Lunch from the groom

A summary of the "Dosperinnica" play in the third action begins with insulting guests. At dinner, cheap wine was delivered in expensive bottles, cigarettes with lower tobacco varieties and a minimum of food. High-ranking merchants did not like the fact that Karandeyshev has already managed to get drunk. The parata is comforted by such an circumstance, and therefore it says that Arkady sent his friend to the groom Larisa. It is because of this that he is in such a state. After that, all guests and Gypsies decide that they should go for a walk along the Volga. The brains cleared and promised to pay for rowers. He selected Arkady about the future on the passage of Paris and the need for rest before difficult. All people who arrived for lunch, including the Parats, agree that you need to take Larisa with yourself for full fun. It remains only to persuade the girl and finally drink Karandyshev. This idea was successfully implemented.

Continuation of the story

In the summary of the "idleness" of Ostrovsky in actions, the story continues from lunch in the house of Karandyshev. Harita Ogudalova begins a quarrel with him because of his condition. A poor official is parried that in his house there can be any way. After that, the widow comes to the parato so that he does not continue to mock the future fiance of Larisa. Sergey agrees to drink with him for reconciliation, but only brandy. Quarandyshev is finally drunk, and the former shipowner goes to Larisa Dmitrievna. He asks to sing something, but the girl is too depressed by the behavior of Julia. Intervenes the groom in a drunk with a ban on singing for the future wife. It hurts Larisa, which immediately begins to perform a romance. Roma Ilya on joy picks up the song and the second voice complements the view. When the heroine finishes singing, all guests praise her talent. After that, they leave, and Larisa stays with Sergey Paratov alone.

Conversation of people in love

If you start reading the summary of the "idleness" of Ostrovsky, then in the third action you can learn about the recognition of Sergey Pararty Larisa. He says that the singing of the girl made him regret the refusal once from the wedding. Barin mentioned that I barely managed to restrain, so as not to quit its contractual marriage and return to this beauty. A man calls the heroine with other guests for a walk along the Volga. Larisa could not decide for a long time, and then he remembered the avenge toast of Karandyshev. She was able to drop doubts and agree. Guests return, and the Parata speaks the toast for the groom Julia, who was so lucky with the bride. All guests impair the moment when the groom went beyond the bottle of wine, and run away through the rear gate. Larisa said Mother Harite that she should either rejoice, or look for a girl after that day in the Volga. Karandyshev is returning and understands the actions of the guests. A man is not going to forgive this huge insult, and therefore takes a gun and comes out of the house.

Start of fourth action

In the summary of the "Nurendannist" on the heads of Julius Karandyshev in the last action goes to the coffee shop. Assistant Ivan sees a gun from him. In the meantime, the future groom asks for a friend of Arkady's pararates about where guests were missing. He is offended because of the behavior of Welsh and tells about their walk along the Volga. Gypsies are soon returned to the coffee shop, and with them merchants of the leaders and curb. On the way, the rich men say that Larisa Dmitrievna again believed his cunning parato. This barin will never exchange his rich bride on it. They talk about the thrown of Julia and about who will take the girl on the maintenance of them two. The merchants want to go with an excellent lady to the exhibition in Paris.

Ending a work

The summary of the plays of the Ostrovsky "Nurendannica" at the end of the work will tell about the situation between Larisa and Paratov. Sergey tells her to go home, and she demands a response about who is for him. Barin squints the heroine by what is already engaged with another girl. He blames in the whole minute passion that made him distract. Larisa drives him, and herself wishes to end the life of suicide, although it cannot be solved. Knurov appears and invites it to be the content of this married merchant. He played in the "Orlyan" with the Lake Her and won. Quarandyshev returns and begins to return to him, because he will be able to forgive everything. The girl answers that he feels like a simple thing. She calls Knurova, but Julius shoots her. Death The main heroine perceives as salvation. Gypsies begin to hum. Multiple melodies, who came-down Larisa, says that he shot themselves.

The action takes place in a large puffy city on the Volga - Bryakhi Move. Outdoor platform near the coffee shop on the Bul-Vare enjoying. Knurov ("From the major Deltsov, the elderly man with a huge state", as it is stated about him in the remark) and the Woven ("a very young man, one of the pre-sta-vi-people of rich trading Firms, Euro-Pez Suite), ordering champagne in a tea device, start-shaping discharge news: famous in the general of Krasa-Vita Danz-Dan-Nitsa Larisa Oguda-Lov marries the poor Nick Karan - Sheva. Woven's Woven is explained by a modest marriage by Larisa, re-lived in the hobby "brilliant Barin" a para-touch, who spoke her head, beat off all the grooms and suddenly left. After Skan-gave, when the next groom for the waste was arrested right in the house of Ogud, Larisa, Larisa and announced that he would marry for the first one who would watch, and Karan-Dyshev - a long-time and failure-liverse - "and right here". Woven's beds will know that there is a steam-product that sold him his steamer "Swallow" than the wave of the joyful revival of the owner of the coffee shop. To the pier stage-fell the best in the city of the city with the owner in the goats and the Tsyga, we have in parade clothes.

The appearance of the ogud-fish with Karan-dy-Shevy. The ogud-fish treats tea, Caran-Dyshev is important and, as equal, I understand the curricum with invitation for lunch. Oguda-fishing belt is that dinner in honor of Larisa, and it is poisoned-one-nya to invision. Karan-Dyshev Vomego-Va-Romets Larisa for Famy Liard with WHAT-VA-Tov, several times condemnantly mentioned the house of Ogud-catching, which offends Larisa. The conversation comes on Para-Tow, to which Karan-Dyshev is relatives with the envy-liv-Liv-Rho-La Tel-owner, and Larisa - with delight. She commemorates the tricks of the bridegroom, to the thread of himself with a para-team, claims: "Sergey Sergeich is a man's ideal." During a swallow-thief distributed shots, Larisa frightens, but Karan-Dyshev explains: "Some merchant commemorate gets off from his barge," meanwhile, from a swarrow, Va-Va and Knurova It is known that Pillan - in honor of the arrival of a para-goods. Larisa with a fiance go.

The appearance of the PARATS in the approach of the Provin-Qi-alto actor Arcadia is happy Liv-Tsva, which is calling Robin Zone, because he took him from the Neobi-Ta-Every Island, where Robin Zone Vya-Dili for Debuck. On the question of Knurova, whether he is not sorry to sell "swallow", the parats of answering the chains: "What is" sorry ", I do not know.<...> I will find the benefit, so everything will sell anything, "and after this says, it comes to the bride with the aspirations, I came to say goodbye to Holo-Tsytskaya Will. The parata invisites the male picnic for the Volga, makes a rich order and calls a rich order and calling to himself. Knurov and Woven's Woven with a soda-les are refused, reporting that they dine from the groom Larisa.

The second action takes place in the house of Ogud-catch, the main sign of the living room is a piano with a guitar on it. I arrive on the curls and the religion of the Oguda-Lov, which she gives Larisa for the poor man-century, the pre-dyat that Larisa will not fall miserable to the semi-Shan-Shan Life and, farewell, will return to the mother . Then they are a consumers-a solid and rich "friend" and the pre-la-la-man of themselves in such "friends." After that, he asks Oguda-fish, not bothering, Zaka-Larisa dowry and a hanging toilet, and the bills send him. And goes away. The appearance of Larisa, says Mother that wants to go to the village as soon as possible. Oguda-fishing draws a tree-vest life in gloomy paints. Larisa Nag-Ries on the guitar and vents a romance "Do not tempt me without need," but the guitar is upset. Seeing the town of Zygan Ilya's contained in the window, she calls him to na-diet guitar. Ilya is narrowing, that Barin arrives, what "have been waiting for" all year, "and runs away for the call of other Gypsies, who have been talking about the arrival of a long-waiting client. Oguda-fishing is clearly co-going: Does not be able to eat with a wedding and didn't you miss a more profitable party? The appearance of Caran-Dyshev, which Larisa asks how to get to the village as soon as possible. But he does not want to hurry to "be leaving" (expressing the zhuad-lovaya) Larisa, satisfied with his self-love, which is so long as far from Praese-Breshiya them, Karan Double Shevy. Larisa stops him for it, at all without hiding that he does not love him, but only I hope the field-beat. Karan-Dyshev scolds the city for attention to debauchery-noma, promo-tav-hu-musya Kutil, the arrival of which everyone briefed everything is crazy: restau-boots and sex, wrapper, Gypsy and citizens in general, and to the question Who is this, annoyedly throws: "Your Sergey Sergeyich Parats" and, looking out the window, says he came to the Ogud-catch. Eutless Larisa, along with the bride, goes to other chambers.

Oguda-Lova Laskovo and Famy-Larno Refrigerates Para-Good, Spra-Shi-Watts, why he suddenly disappeared from the city, finds out that he traveled to save the remnants of the left, and now forced to marry the bride with the semi-mil Onan dowry. Oguda-fish is called Larisa, between it and the vapor-Tov is an explanation of alone. Parats stop-idle Larisa, that she soon forgot him, Larisa is acknowledged, which will continue to love him and get married to get rid of humiliation from humiliation before the "non-magic-hami." Self-love para-goods satisy is yours. Oguda-Lov introduces him with Karan-dyeshe, there is a quarrel between them, since the parats straightened to hurt and humiliate Larisa's groom. Oguda-fishing costs the scandal and makes it feels Caran-dy-Sheva invalion for lunch and steam-goods. It occurs - woven in the approach of the Robin zone, Issue-Va-Eva for Angley-Cha Nina, and introduces it to the presence of the Usen, including -This, who himself recently gave him a robin zone. Woven and Woven and Paratov SGOV-Ri-Roma-SE-Fly at the dinner at Karan-Di-Sheva.

The third action - in the Kaborna Karan-dy-Sheva, cleaned poor and tasteless, but with the pain of her bias. On the stage, the aunt Karan-dy-Sheva, funnyly changing, Yuch, losses from lunch. Larisa appears with her mother. They discharge-give a terrible dinner, the unice-tanned Nepon-Non-Non-Naiana of Karan-Del-Shev's polo. Oguda-Lov says that guests are deliberately subparases a quaran-dye-sheva and laugh at him. After the departure of women, there are curls, paratas and women, complaining of a trashy lunch and terrible wines and rejoicing that Robinzon, able to drink anything, helped to subside Karan-dyheva. The appearance of Caran-Dyshev, who is important or boasts, without noticing that they laugh above him. His gaze-nailed for cognac. At this time, Tsygan Ilya reports that everything is ready for a trip for the Volga. Men talk among themselves, which would be good to take Larisa, the parats are taken by her deigned. It appears, Larisa is asked to sing, but Caran-Dyshev is trying to be forgotten, then Larisa sings "not tempt." Guests are delighted, Caran-Dyshev, Sobi-Inure to say a long-standing toast, goes for champagne-skim, the rest leave a para-goods alone with Larisa. He spins her head, saying that some more such instantages, and he will quit everything to become her slave. Larisa will agree to go to the picnic in the hope of returning a para-goods. Appearing, Caran-Dyshev appears, is a toast for Larisa, in which he is more expensive than the fact that she "knows how to break people" and therefore chose him. Caran-dy-neck Zapora-bark is still wine. Returning-shine, he learns about the departure of Larisa to a picnic, pony, finally, that the daiming of him, and threatens to take revenge. Grabbing a gun, he runs away.

The fourth action is back in the coffee shop. Robinzon, not taken to a picnic, from a conversation with a servant he learns that they saw Karan-Double Sheva with Pisto-summer. He appears and scratch-shi-robin zone, where his richness. Robinzon Fade-Lia is from him, explaining that these were random acquaintances. Caran-Dyshev leaves. The appearance of the brows and WATH-WATS picnic appeared from the picnic, Paul-Gray, that "drama is started." Both pony makes that Parata gave Larisa, serious promises that do not intend to perform, and therefore it is a pro-meth-Ti-Ro-Van and the polo life-running. Now it can be accustomed to their dream to go with Larisa to Paris to the exhibition. In order not to interfere with each other, they decide to throw a coin. The lot of extinguishes - gives a brow, and the Woven gives the word to dispatch.

The larva appears with a para-top. Parati benefit-gives Larisa for the pleasure, but she wants to go to Schit, which now became his wife. The parats will answer, which cannot be broken with a rich neve-rest because of the passionland, the Larisa, and the Robin zone takes it to take her home. Larisa Cancer-WA. The appearance of wovets and curls, Larisa is thrown to the WHAT-VA-TOVU asking for compass and the council, but he decided to decline, leaving it with a cross, which is pre-la -Get Larisa a joint trip to Paris and the content for life. Larisa is silent, and Knurov leaves, asking her to be a mother. In Department, Larisa approaches the cliff, dreaming to die, but it is not decided to take-off with him and cheeky-Tsanet: "No matter how anyone killed me now ..." Caran-Dyshev, Larisa Touching him, speaks of his contempt. He is upsetting it, I'll tell you, saying that Knurov and WATT-WATS WATD-RY-WALLS Her in Orlyan, as a thing. Larisa was stuck and, picking up his words, says: "Well, if there is a thing, so expensive, very expensive." She asks to send Knurov to her. Caran-Dyshev is trying to attest her, shouting, shouting goodbye to her and takes away from the city, but Larisa smoothes this pre-loying and wants to leave. His words about love for her she does not believe. Baby and humiliated Karan-Dyshev Stere is in it. Umury-tuning Larisa with the benefit-gift-no-Stew, taking this shot, puts the revolver near himself and says escaped, shy on the shot that no one is to blame: "This is myself." Over the scene, gypsy singing is heard. Parats shouts: "Meld to zavol-think!", But Larisa does not want it and dies under the loud Gypsy Choir with the words: "... you are all good people ... I love you all ... I love everyone."

/ "Dustpannica"

Chapter 1.
The storyline unfolds on the shore of the Great Volga River, in the small town of Bryakhimov. Coffee shops overlooking the river there is a gazebo, in which two young people are peacefully talking. One of them is already at the age of Knurov, which is considered a very wealthy person, and the other - the young man and the name of the leadership, which has its own trading company. Between these two men, there is a conversation about an attractive girl who has no dodged.

The girl is called Larisa, and just the other day, she gave consent to marry a poor karadyshev official. Further, the sovereigns report that the girl in the past had a lot of workers, but she was not lucky to fall in love with one dishonest man on nicknamed the parata, which was beautifully cared for Larisa and without making sentences, silently left in an unknown direction. After her so ruthlessly thrown, who did not believe in Larisa, she decided to marry the one who first would ask her arms and hearts. This lucky girl turned out to be an insolvent public servant who had long spinning around Larisa.

After some time, Ogudalova Larisa approached talking men, her mother Harita and the newly made groom Larisa, Karandyshev. The groom behaves with others very important and all those present calls for lunch. Mrs. Ogudalova clarifies that the dinner dinner is dedicated to Larisa.

The conversation passes to pararatov, a young Barin, 30 years old, the host of shipbuilding. Judging by the content of the conversation, it can be understood that Karandyshev is disliked to the paradist, but Larisa, on the contrary, responds benevolently. Karandyshev begins to remember the last love story of Larisa and Paratov with jealousy. What Larisa responds hard that Sergey Sergeevich is the best thing in her life. Suddenly, during this lively conversation, guns are heard, it is shooting in honor of the return of Sergey Sergeevich Pararty. At that very moment, Larisa with the fiance leaves the coffee shop.

Some weather, in the gazebo, the same paraty appears, with an actor on nicknamed Robinson. Robinson his paratas called not by chance, but because he helped get to him on a remote island from an unpleasant story. Having learned from friends about the wedding of Larisa, Sergey Sergeevich first sealed, but after a while, the fun who chewed himself and the Belovish, that he himself soon marries a rich girl who has a rich dowry. At the end of the chapter, on the occasion of its marriage, the Parata calls everyone to the picnic, ordering the best food from the restaurant. But Knurov and the sovers were forced to refuse, because they agreed to come to the banquet to Larisa and Karandyshev.

Chapter 2.
Events unfold in the estate of the Family Family. In the center of the living room immediately striking the most valuable thing family, piano. The room has a lively dialogue between Knurov and Harita. Knurov Corid Ogudallov in the fact that the mother with her daughter hurried with this wedding that the bride would not be happy in marriage with a poor official and will return home in the near future. Everything else, he insists on his patronage and financial assistance, on paying a wedding dress and dowry. During the conversation, Larisa enters the room and announces his decision, after the wedding to go to the province. Mother is trying to dissuade her in every way from such a rapid act. Karandyshev declares that it does not plan to move to the village yet. Larisa is angry with him for such a decision. According to her attitude, it is clear that the bride does not like an official at all and does not even try to show him, at least a little tenderness and love.

Unexpectedly to the house of Ogudallov, after a long absence, it approaches Parats, Larisa, having learned about his arrival, frightened, runs away to his room. Harita invites guests to the living room and is interested in why he threw her daughter and left silently. The paratas told his story that he had to leave, defending his honor, and now he plans to connect with a marriage with a rich girl, because his inheritance is inevitable.

Then Harita calls Larisa to communicate with Barine. The girl came out to the parato and during their conversation, the young man began to blame the girl for the fact that she forgot him in a very short time. Larisa admitted that he still loves him, and marriage is only needed to avoid unnecessary conversations among citizens. Such an answer, Sergey Sergeevich was satisfied and decided to get acquainted with Karandyshev. However, during their acquaintance, there was a swing between the opponents. It was noticeable that the parats behaved with Kararandyshev, arrogantly and without proper respect, constantly shutting down on him. Quarandyshev, on the contrary, Sergei Sergeevich was clearly afraid. However, attendant Larisa, reluctantly invites him to the banquet. Updated in the living room, the parats agrees with the owned opportunity about the wonderful opportunity to challenge over the bridegroom, having previously visited him. For this, Parats specifically invited the actor of Robinson, believing that only he will professionally cope with this task.

Chapter 3.
This chapter meets readers in the Karandyshev Working Room, the office looks poor and toporing. The Ogudallov family gathered to discuss dinner with Karandyshev and his stupid aunt. The native aunt reproaches it because of the abundance of chic sores, and Harita is opposed to the fact that lunch is unusually zuda. As it turned out, Karandyshev does not have experience in holding techniques, so he does not know what to be served to the table. Also Ogudalova declares that guests are embarrassed over Karandyshev, swelling it and laugh at cheap drinks filed on the tables.

After discussing the table, the owners returned to the guests. Men are asked to sing Laris her favorite romance, already anxicious fiancé against, but the bride still agrees to sing. Guests enthusiastically be singing. While Karandeyshev overturns another wineglass, the paratas comes to Laris and gently confesses to her love, asks for forgiveness for his escape and invites you to go to a picnic with him. From this proposal, Larisa comes to confusion, because in front of the wedding itself, a serious decision to run away from the groom. Ultimately, she agrees, hoping that he will finally make her an offer.

All guests, along with Larisa, leave for a picnic to the Pathratov and do not even warn the pencils about it. Having woke up in an empty living room and learning that Larisa left with Paratov, Karandyshev got angry, grabbed the revolver and quickly ran out of the house.

Chapter 4.
The plot returns the reader again to the gazebo on the river bank. Offended Robinson guessed that he deceived him and did not take him on a picnic. At this very moment, he meets an embittered pencils. Undoubtedly, the jealous groom began to recognize, in which direction they headed the parats with guests. Robinson replied that he exactly does not know where everyone was shaved, but hinted that it was possible to continue to have fun for the Volga. After these words, the offender runs away to the pier.

At the same time, curls and sovers enter the coffee shop. In his conversation, they argue about the fate of Larisa. History believes that after meeting with Paratov, Ogudalova Larisa will still marry Karandyshev, but Knurov does not agree with him, in the depths of the soul hoping that she will change his mind to try this wedding. He wants to take a girl in Paris, sincerely believing that he had a happy case. It was explained by the fact that the Parats could not marry Larisa, because promised another girl. Knurov and the sovers decide to play, who will still get this beautiful girl.

In this game wins curvs.

Next, the events unfold on a picnic. During a long conversation between lovers, Larisa will find out from Sergey Sergeevich that he is connected by fate with another girl, much richer her. In the depths of the soul, Larisa still hopes that the parats take up and make an offer to her. But Barin inexorably and invites the girl to recover home, she does not agree, deciding to stay until the end of the holiday. The girl is suitable for curricens and pebels. Larisa is trying to find sympathy from the property, but he is cold to the girl and departs from her. Along with it, only the curls remain. He taking this opportunity suggests Larisa to distract from recent events, going with him to Paris. With the answer, he does not hurry to Larisa and asks it a pretty thing to think about everything. However, Larisa immediately refuses him and offended by such a decision of the girl, Knurov leaves. In the thoughts, the girl accepted the thoughts about suicide, she even runs up to the cliff, but then it is aware that herself will not be able to kill himself.

Suddenly, Kararandyshev suits Laris and says that he found the stage, where men argued on her and threw the lot for whom it would come. After these words, the girl was completely drooped, but Karandyshev said arrogantly that if it was believed to be a thing, then for him she would be too expensive. Karandyshev came to rage from these words and shot a poor girl, and she gladly accepted a bullet. Everyone gathered beside it, and in the last sipping girl said that no one was to blame for her death, she loves everyone and forgives.

Larisa dies under the Gypsy singing, heard somewhere in the distance.

"Nonmennica", action 1 - summary

In the coffee shop of one of the Volga cities, local rich Deltsi is talking - elderly curls and young sovereigns. They discuss loud news: the well-known young beauty Larisa Ogudalova marries an insignificant character and Poor official of Karandyshev.

Didnote. Film-performance on the eponymous play A.N.ostrovsky (1974)

Larisa - noble, but without funds, dustpannica. Her mother, Harita Ignatievna, trying to find the daughters of a rich bridegroom, arranged at home in the evening, inviting wealthy people to them. But of them to Larisa, nobody launched. The whole city remembers the history of last year's hobby of his beautiful and bold shipowner Sergey Paratov. He gained in the house of Ogudallov, beat off from there with other grooms, but finally left, without making sentences. Passionately loved Larisa rushed after him, but the mother has matured her from the way.

The sovereigns tell Knurov: today the paratas must come to the city again to sell one of their steamer.

The coffee shop includes Larisa and Mother and Karandyshev. After the consent of Larisa, Karandyshev's nose will go out for him, but it only causes ridicule and mockery. Now, in a coffee shop, Karandyshev begins to find fault in Larisa with jealous petty. He recalls her story with Paratov. Larisa in the hearts tells the bridegroom that he does not withstand any comparison with the brave and proud paratov.

Ogudovy and Karandyshev leaving. A paraty appears in the coffee shop, which has just sailing on its own steamer. The news about marriage Larisa at first makes him excite and think about it. But he quickly takes himself in his hands and tells Knurov with the leaders, which he himself decided to marry - on a rich girl. In the dowry, gold supports give it, and his own monetary state is very upset.

"Winning", action 2 - summary

Quarandyshev is going after the wedding to go to the deaf county, where it is easier to make a cheerful career. Larisa does not scare even a dull life in the wilderness among forests. She wants to quickly leave the city with a serious memories for her.

But to the house where she lives with her mother suddenly drives up on the fries after the one-year lack of parats. In a conversation with Larisa, alone, it is unfairly reproaches her for the fact that she "forgot him too fast" and arrogantly mocking his eyes in Larisa over Karandyshev. Larisa in response recognized that he loves Parathov so far ..

Included pencilshev. Parats talk with him, even shutting on it. Quarandyshev is clearly a coward, demoling insults and at the insistence of Larisa and her mother invites pararatov to today's pre-wedding dinner.

The parata decides to pull out there over the pencils with the help of a sown ever drunk joker - the actor Robinson. Parats, curls and sovers are going to the same evening, after lunch, go to the walk for the Volga and hire a boat for this and Gypsy choir.

"Nonmennica", action 3 - summary

Inviting urban rich for lunch, Karandesyshev treats them with shameful poverty. His stingy aunt for the festive table purchased the cheapest products. Guests with a mockery discuss it in their circle. Paratov-durable Robinson is trying to drink quarandyshev at dinner.

After lunch, the guests are asked Larisa to perform a romance. She takes the guitar with sadness and, looking at Paratov, sings: "Do not tempt me without the need for my delicacy." Parats listens in great excitement.

The conversation of Pararty and Larisa alone. "Why I ran from you! - he exclaims. - Why did you lose such a treasure! With his singing, you woke up the noble feelings that did not fade in my soul yet. " Parats invites Larisa to go with him on a walk for the Volga: "Now or never."

Larisa fluctuates. Open the day before the wedding from the groom with other people's men - the step is not fine. But the paraty stacked with such a passion that she is decided to put on the conquest. Larisa hopes: on the picnic, the paraty will make her an offer. "Or you rejoice at your mom, or look for me in the Volga!" - she says an agitated mother.

Rich guests are leaving, without even warning the pennye pencil. Having learned about it, he almost cries from the resentment. "I will take revenge!" - Screams Karandyshev, grabs a pistol hanging on the wall and runs away.

"Nonmennica", action 4 - summary

In the evening, the participants of the female return due to the Volga. Knurov and pebels are included in the coffee shop on the shore. Neither one nor another believes that the Parats marry Larisa, and now it may have to break with the insulted pencils. Knurov and pebels and themselves are not indifferent to Larisa. Knurov in order to avoid rivalry suggests to throw a coin: whom the luck will fall, he will "take care of Laris in the future, and then let him refuse complaints about it. Throw - and happiness drops to Knurov.

Larisa goes far away with Paratov. "You didn't say that my wife is now yours or not?" - She's hotly prett. Parats first evade the answer, and then says that Larisa's passionate words in front of a picnic he pronounced in a mumbling passion. The parata offers her now to return to Karandyshev. "I can only hang or bother!" - Ahaet Larisa. Paraty tells that it is already engaged, shows the ring. Larisa in shock falls on the chair.

The old curb is suitable and offers Larisa all his state if she agrees to become his mistress. He can't marry him, because it already has a spouse. Larisa in tears negatively shakes his head. Knurov leaves. Larisa runs up to the steep Volga cliff, but at the sight of the height in horror stepping. "I can't kill myself myself! If anyone else killed me! "

To the coffee shop, which she is sitting, runs up Karandyshev. It is attacked by Larisa with reproaches and tells the recognized from Robinson: the curls and the sovers walked her coin. Larisa stunned: "So I'm just thing for men!"

Quarandyshev calls her shameless, but promises to forgive if she returns to him. "Go away! - He drives him Larisa. - For you, I am too expensive thing! ". "So you don't get anyone!" "Screams Karandyshev, takes out a gun and shoots it."

Larisa grabs his chest: "Ah! What blessing you did for me! " "No one is to blame," she convinces Pararty, Knurova and Welcome from the coffee shop. - This is me myself. Live, live everything! You need to live, and I need ... die ... I'm not offended at anyone ... you are all good people ... I love you all ... I love everyone. "

Larisa dies under the sound of the song Roma.

See more in a separate article

1 action

All events occur in a small non-existent town of Bryakhimov. Open gazebo near the coffee shop on the boulevard, is near the river. One of the heroes of the works of Knurov, a very old man having a great condition. Another character on the name of the leaders, young young man, is representatives of a rich class, which has a trading company in its own property. Two of these merchants are sitting in a gazebo and, asking for a champagne to the table, and certainly submitted in a tea service, discuss the news, which describes a certain beautiful girl who does not have any bold.

This beautiful young person name is Larisa. She is going to marry a poor penraishev. Mr. Vezhevatov tells the story that Recently, Larisa had a lot of fans, but she had fallen in love with paratov, which, sowing the head of the lady, went to the unknown direction.

Larisa decided to marry the first oncoming, and this meeting was a poor official who had long spinning near the girl. The soverees say that he just waiting for a negligible escaped groom, as they agreed to sell a steamer called "Swallow". This news will raise the mood of the host.

Coffee shops are suitable Ogudov and Karandelushev. Mrs. Ogudallova is offered to drink tea. Karandyshev shows their importance and invites Knurov for lunch. Ogudalova reports that this dinner will be negotiated in honor of Larisa. Karandyshev says that Larisa is slightly familiar with respect to the Believer.

The conversation switches to Piratova, whom Karandeshev, let's say, slightly dislikes, and Ogudalova Larisa refers to it very friendly. The bride is slightly outraged by the fact that the groom compares himself with pirates. She says Sergey Sergeyvich considers the most beautiful man she met in his life.

There are shots from guns. Ogudalova is very frightened, and Karandeyshev informs her that this is most likely, some kind of narcissary merchant moored to the pier. Larisa and her groom leave a coffee shop.

On the threshold, there is a paraty with arkady lucky, which is an actor from the province. Pirates jokingly calls Arkady Robinzon, as he took him from the island, which he hit the debaches on a steamer. Knurov asks a question of Paratov, it says that Knurov would be a pity to sell a favorite steamer.

But the Parata reports that he can sell anything, if only there was a benefit from it, and after that he said that the main reason for his arrival is farewell to free bachelor's life, and invites everyone men at the table to go to nature. He calls for a waiter, makes a very big order and invites everyone to her lunch.

Knurov with the leadership has to abandon this invitation, as they have already promised to come for lunch to the bride and cephalova.

2 action

House of Ogudallov - the most important advantage in which the piano standing in the middle of the room. Knurov reports Ogudallova that it is very displeased by the fact that Larisa is married to the beggar. After such a message, he proposes to pay for the dodged and wedding dress. Larisa announces what wishes to go to the village. Karandyshev in the village leave not intend to leave. Larisa behaves very waywardly, not even trying to pretend that even though he loves him, and grows him for this decision.

Karandyshev is very displeased that the whole city is frightened from the chain due to the arrival of the barin. He asks the first oncoming question, who is this Barin, to which he is responsible for, which is Parats. Larisa is frightened and leaves.

Mrs. Ogudalova asks Pararty, for what reason he left her daughter, and he reports that he had to sell all his estate, and now he will have to marry a woman with a major condition. Larisa and Parats meet, he reproaches her for the fact that she quickly forgot him, but Larisa explains him that she loves, and marry it only to be delighted with humiliation. Fallen groom satisfied.

Parats get acquainted with Karandyshev, and they immediately swear, because the parats are trying to constantly hurt the groom. Enters leaders with its escort. Parats with counselors agree to reject at lunch at the groom.

3 Action

The beginning of the third action takes place in the cabin at Karandyshev. Cabinet is furnished very poorly. Pass Larisa and her mother. They talk about dinner. Ogudalova reports that guests specifically attacked the owner and laughed at his position. Women leave.

Cnurov appear with paratov and the property, they are outraged by dinner, but they are glad that they managed to drink Karandyshev. Included the groom, and it makes it very important, without noticing the fact that it is ridicule. Quarandyshev is sent for drinking, and they themselves argue that it would be nice to take with them to rest Larisa.

Larisa persuade to sing a song, the bridegroom prohibits, after that the bride sings anyway. Karandyshev is leaving for champagne. Paraty remains one on one with Larisa. She agrees to go with him, hoping to return the pararticle. Quarandyshev returns and pronounces toast. He is again sent for drinking.

Returning, he learns that Larisa is leaving. He understands that everyone laughs over him, and leaves, grabbing a gun.

4 action.

Coffee house. Robinson recognizes that the groom Darisi was seen with a gun. Karandyshev finds Robinson and asks where his friends, what he answers that he is barely familiar with them. Groom leaves.

Everyone is returned from the picnic, on which the Parats promised Laris, and he is not going to do this at all. Larisa wishes to hear that he will be his wife Pirates, but he says he will not give up a rich bride.

Larisa wants to die, but not solved. She meets the groom, he promises to forgive her, but she is decided to go to Knurov, for which Karandyshev shoots her. Larisa dies under the Gypsy choir. Before his death, she says that no one is guilty in her death, and she still loves everyone.

A brief retelling "Nimnica" in the reduction prepared Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.