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Insult a man's example examples. Smart words and phrases without a mat to put in a person who insults

The problem of annoyed interlocutors is extremely common. This may be an annoying fan, just a familiar person, an unloved colleague or a "sworn" girlfriend. Many people are trying to join the verbal duel, answering unpleasant words of swearing or even a mat. Perhaps this is such a reaction and the instigator sought.

Much wiser and promising will stop picking words and try to get out the winner of a similar situation. How beautifully "send" a person, not using brands, "matery" designs? First of all, calm down and follow our recommendations.

Psychological science is skeptical about the desire of a person to rise due to insults of other people, even if they even annoy him. A self-sufficient person is extremely difficult to offend, offend or humiliate.

The situation is such that a wise person will not be offended by truthful words, and it simply will not pay attention to an explicit lie.

The word "send" is not waged in quotes, because no insults, and even more so three-story mat (even as an example) we will not be. The humiliation, resentment and anger - the wait of the failed person, in the emotional background of which negative feelings prevail, and disharmony reigns in the soul.

Our task is to respond culturally using psychological techniques.

We are confronted daily with dozens, and even hundreds of bright individualities, so conflict situations happen quite often. How politely and wisely "send" a person? Specialists offer to take advantage of psychological sambo - a kind of counterattack, which uses the force (mental energy) of the enemy.

And once again, no one person is able to offend, humiliate or insult the interlocutor if he applies to his due respect.

They are offended by the truth (or halfway), subconsciously trying on the unpleasant words or insults. That is, we ourselves detract from their own dignity, emotionally reacting to unpleasant words.

Sometimes, listening to an unpleasant or simply uninteresting speech located opposite the interlocutor, the only question that worries you - how to culturally "send" a person?

This not the most pleasant situation wants to resolve neatly, without humiliation, insults and mat. We offer some simple techniques.

  1. Try to change the unpleasant topic by setting the leading questions that relate to a completely different object or person. If the interlocutor is trying to return to the stated conversation theme, ask questions with a sharper tone. However, the aggression is better to refuse.
  2. Laughter is a stunning "weapon", which can reduce the situation in your favor. Use the entire spectrum of humor (sarcasm, piercing) to reduce an unpleasant topic to an ordinary joke. Similarly, you can end up the boring conversation and slip the interlocutor from the "favorite skate".
  3. Try to constantly issue the same non-modest reaction - "Yeah", "really", etc. You can just be silent. Without finding an interesting and grateful listener in your face, an annoying interlocutor with a lot of probability will go to look for a new "sacrifice".

In addition, before reflecting, how to send a boning person, it is necessary to understand that not all the aggressors should be reacting the same way. So, if the rudeness comes from the head or colleague for work, it is better not to provoke a conflict at all, but to try to stop it. Quarrel with the boss - not at all the best idea.

How beautiful to naughty? Psychological sambo technique

Yes, the best way to "send" a person is to ignore it. And what if an unpleasant interlocutor does not lag behind, but only unpacked? In this case, the so-called psychological self-defense will help, or sambo, which will not only protect a person from the consequences of an emotional attack (confusion, stunning, confusion), but also will allow you to nicely naughty (in our understanding - to confuse the offender).

If you do not know how to correctly send an unpleasant person without a mat, then the psychological counterattack will benefit the time to gain self-control, "restoration" of peeling and ability to stalk responses.

So, psychological self-defense requires:

  • applications of clear speech structures;
  • communication with the help of proper intonation - for example, you need to communicate calmly, even cold, thoughtfully or with a shade light of sadness;
  • the thoroughness in the conversation achieved at the expense:
    • keeping the pause before the response;
    • leisurely in responses;
    • the appeal is not to the offender, but in the other direction.

Reflecting on how politely to send a guy or just a familiar person, without applying insults, the mat is the easiest way to contact the psychological self-defense. Let's consider in more detail its most popular techniques.

Infinite refinement

The use of such equipment involves the formulation of the question - it means that the opponent will have to think, translate the emotional charge into rational, reasonable. In addition, you will win a little time that the interlocutor will spend on thinking of an answer.

- Is this dress at all?

- And what exactly do you dislike about this dress? What would you recommend?

Remember that before the response, it is necessary to withstand the pause and speak calmly, even slightly removed. It is likely that you will not even have to be cheat.

External consent

This method of psychological counterattack involves consent with the statement of opponent. You show that they drew attention to his words, agreed with criticism, but in fact just disarmed the interlocutor. After all, he hoped that you start saddle or flare.


- You look awful in these pants!

- Most likely, you are absolutely right.

- You're too self-confident!

- Yes, you're right, I am self-confident.

- You could not be late!

- Yes, I will work on it.

External consent does not suggest that you have changed your own position. However, after such a "conceduction", the aggressor usually retreats and even changes the attitude towards you. And you no longer need to invent, how to send an unpleasant person without Mata and Rugan.

Spoiled plate

The basis of this technique is the curious reception - you repeat the same verbal design in response to rudeness or just an annoying request. It is extremely important to correctly come up with a phrase so that it can be repeated once at once, without violating the course of the conversation.

- Only you are able to help me execute this report!

- But no one wants to help me!

"Sorry, I'm extremely busy today."

- And what should I do now? After all, I hoped on you!

"Sorry, I'm extremely busy today."

When using this technique, psychological sambo should not be distracted by other topics. In addition, you need to communicate with a person with the same calm, sad tone. Irritably or sarcasm is not acceptable.

English Professor

This technique is based on your unwitting things to act or actions that require a manipulator, because it contradicts (supposedly) your beliefs.

Thus, you knock out the soil from under the legs of the offender, because they react completely differently as he expected from you.

"Why do you walk in black clothes all the time?"

- You see, it is my feature, a highlight.

- You're so strange ...

- I just humiliated with my oddities, besides, they allow me to allocate from the crowd.

Always remember that rudeness and insults are almost inevitable. Familiar or even other people's people often prefer to spit out their negative on others, so you should be ready for any development of events.

Do not forget that you can get out of every unpleasant situation with a highly raised head, and the aggressor can be resumed by humor, calm or psychological self-defense.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

This article contains expressions, quotes and phrases for an answer to insults, without mat, funny and in rhyme !!! The above quotes will answer the question - how to humiliate a person without a mat, smart words and at the same time make it beautiful. Terms of application: These phrases are used only for self-defense purposes! : \u003d) Not for humiliation, so to speak - culturally and politely send a person ... So the first in the list of phrase: I do not scare you, I'm not a mirror. (Briefly and clear), So, will continue ...

  • To shock me greatly, you will certainly have to say something very smart.
  • Do you know that people can be very offended by the words? Well, and I can and affairs ...
  • I would hurt you very much ... But Nature has already done everything for me for a long time !!!
  • Tell me please ... Do you really think that rights in this situation?
  • Are you in VK (VKontakte)? Not! In mzh.
  • Hear dude! Brightness gave!
  • Oh, and who are you? And I know - you nobody !!!
  • I explained to you correctly that I don't intend to have things with you!
  • Looking at you I begin to understand that nothing human God is alien.
  • You are simple as an angle of the house ...
  • Your stubborn mock poses question our further communication ...
  • Do you know how to affect a friend? Especially if he is the best your friend here: Start your conversation from words - here I recently came to me ...
  • This insult will be the last in your life ...
  • Just do not remove headphones from the ears. God forbid the brain from the inside.
  • Do not try to hurt me verbally - I am above your insults!
  • Did you decide to settle me? And preserved before that did not forget?
  • Why don't you do the salvation of nature? I have a familiar surgeon he can sterilize you.
  • Pity degrades man, because I will not regret you, well, you understood)))
  • Very smart do not insult - they act ...
  • You, like meme - from the beginning cool, and then be silent ...
  • For guys insult without a mat, it's like an insult, so try better, I'll wait!
  • Before the tears, it's a shame, but you are not the person with whom I will communicate!
  • I can shut up a person without insulting - culturally, just without noticing his hitting and forgetting about his existence!
  • If you do this again, then this time you remember for a long time ...
  • Yes, what are you like this (such) not smart (smart) ...
  • The mind is like a seashell, memory like goldfish.
  • Slophni, and then looked ...
  • To satellite a guy, I force him to jealous ... But the way you are not ...
  • With you, every time in an embrace with the toilet ...
  • You zin \u200b\u200bon rudeness rushing!)))
  • I bet, you conceived a dispute! (With humor!)
  • You remind me of the ocean ... I'm also sick of you.
  • You're like a suitcase without a handle ...
  • Yes, who marries her! Suicide is not in fashion.
  • You are coming meyk-up a la valuyev ...
  • I do not need smart words to humiliate, I'm above this, I remember this time and always!
  • What words are you trying to talk to me? Where did you take them? On the garbage?
  • The only thing about what you can have enough mind is to make ashes from the cigarette.
  • You can in the kunstkamera and in life!
  • If idiots were able to fly, then your whole family would have to live on the airfield.
  • So did you play Shrek in the movie?
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not karkay!
  • Apparently ... you dropped, stork on the road ... then you can add - and more than once, and not two!
  • I know how to answer rudeness worthily and beautiful, you need to say - "Sorry, I'm allergic to your nonsense," and then add "so ... and what did you stop?"
  • One more humpback word and you will move all our lives to jerk.
  • Correctly do what they giggle, do not laugh with your teeth!
  • That's where to take? You, as with another planet, where the main slogan is stupidity and still stupidity !!!
  • How funny ... ha ha, you are a real troll ... well done! And by the way, but you look like him)))
  • You can continue to talk to me offensive words, but know I love you anyway!
  • Do you think that if you say smart phrases with me, then you get smarter from this?
  • To humiliate a person morally, words - easy, but I am above it!
  • Teeth are not hair, fly out - you can't catch.
  • Here is a ham! Where are you bred?!
  • Do not know how to send a man beautifully? The answer is simple - suggest him to head the column of people who go together together ...
  • So I took and wanted to spoil my day? You can't get it !!!
  • A beautiful answer to the question - how to answer an insult - beautiful, phrases: on whose lips is crying stapler.
  • You have rudeness in the language and head, and where they were brought up?
  • Know that hidden ridicule is the top of cynicism ...
  • Apparently the presence of the brain is not an indicator of the problem ...
  • What do you think? And however ... think it is not about you ...
  • Well, did you hide the ax of your stupidity?
  • No manicure, nor conscience!
  • I do not like khamov, why do I need competitors?
  • Why do you need to swear with me, because it's bad sign!
  • How to send you? Intelligent or honest?
  • No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not hear everyone.
  • Do not be afraid, I will not beat you. Nowadays, the time for the rough handling of animals can be obtained.
  • Do you know how dangerous man is dangerous? Not? I'll show you now!
  • How beautiful and easily was on the street until you appear)
  • Oh, what is it? Is it a joke? Clear, keep ...
  • Go Hedgehogs Pasi, Peacock Local.
  • Let's get under the hot hand - fly under the hot leg
  • You do not know - how to call a person to shut up? Now get - dried and turn herbarium! CHUROUND ONLY ONLY, AND NOT otherwise - respect each other, do not lose face!
  • Zaznaism does not elevate a person, but humiliates him in the eyes of others ...
  • Do you know how to pray for a person with the words? Just tell him the truth!
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not karkay!
  • You just think very bad about people if you think they are equal to you.
  • How can you cat, raised and hide ...
  • Cool you so mouth open))) aaaa, that's what you say so!))))
  • Yes ... Sarcasm is not about you ...

Sometimes there are situations in life when it's so I want to call someone and send to a well-known address. But it is not always possible! There is a question of how to offend a person without Mata. This is quite real!

How to offend a man without a mat: walk on flaws in appearance

Each person has drawbacks.

The main thing is to navigate and understand why you can "catch up." The easiest option is the appearance.

You can ask for a nice to ask the opponent with the address of the hairdresser, which he visits. And immediately clarify what you are doing this, taking care of your appearance and appearance of your friends. Why do you look so lousy? In the same way, you can talk about the shades of paint for hair, facial tones, clothing stores. A wonderful version of the mockery "compliment": "Oh, probably, now on the sale market, you are today fifteenth, whom I see in such a suit. Eh, can people save on clothes! "

You can still screw something like: "I hope your state of health is not as sad as the appearance?" Variation to the same insult: "Something you look not particularly fresh today? Probably moved yesterday? " Or so: "I would ask you to turn away or cover your face. I know if I don't want to curl lunch in the stomach. "

Pretty offensive statement: "What a pity that we met with in the darkness you probably, which is more prettier!"

How to offend a person without mat: object of ridicule - mental abilities

This is perhaps the most common insult option. So, you can mention that you have not met such witty people for a long time. The last time you saw those who are as ridiculously joking in a nursery group that drools drool together and rejoiced by this fact.

You can also use a phrase of this plan: "You, please tell on. 40 minutes ago she was looking, in an hour, something intellectual will bring something intellectual! "

Another good way to insult without a mat: "You know, everyone says to me that I love fools. But I especially like you! "

It is quite possible to insult a person, commenting on how he does one or another work. For example, so: "Yes, do not worry, we have a lot of media who would have done this report as well!" You can somewhat modify the phrase: "Why are you trying to pretend what you think about how to solve the problem? We know perfectly well that nothing distantly resembles the brain, under your hairstyle. "

There will be an unpleasant criticism of the manners to say: "And your lexica and the manner of talking immediately remind me that the elimination of illiteracy has not been brought to the end!"

How to insult a person without a mat if he offended you first?

There are no cases when the offender has to be answered. And it is better to do it elegant and stylish! For example, if someone criticizes your manner to dance, you can report that you didn't even think still to dance, but just try to protect your feet from trample on them.

It can be said so: "While you did not open your mouth, I feared that I could seem stupid. Now I am not worth it to be afraid - on your background it is impossible! " Or so: "Why do you think I want to make an idiot out of you? It is no need. Is everything ready!"

Now you know how to insult a person with smart words and without one in life it is accurately useful!

Each person has to deal with unfair accusations and insults to its address.

Many people do not want to go beyond the fractions, responding to rudeness. Do not save the resentment, protect your honor and dignity. Read how morally humiliate a person with words.

How moral to humiliate a person with the words?

Situations when you have to stand up for yourself may be different. More often conflicts occur in a pair. The purpose of a woman or a man is to touch the feelings of the opponent. In a quarrel, it is important to press on the pain.

Pick words based on man's explicit weaknesses:

  1. Man It is afraid that it will be equal with a woman, and girls are strained when they hint at her husband.
  2. Tell me That the partner does not satisfy in bed. Anyone, guy or a girl, will not like it.
  3. Criticize appearance. Hint a man on the exhausted muscles and hanging the belly. A woman can be hurt, discussing any part of the body.
  4. Name A man with a mediocre, not able to realize his ambitions.
  5. Show, What a man on a slamming of a woman or vice versa. Remember about failures, inability to become independent.

Important! To hurt a person, it is enough to press on one painful point.

Rigidly replied, find the words for each list of list. In such a situation, the conflict will turn into an acute stage.

Copy the facts so that you can always insert your word. If you are subsequently planning to interact and put up with a person, pick up the soft forms of insults.

How to intelligently insult a person without a mat, smart words?

During the discussion that moved to elevated tones, it is impossible to be silent. In order not to hear aggressive instructions to your address, find what to answer anger. The main thing is to attack the weak point of the interlocutor.

Check out the table to find a stroke word:

Search group Description Example
Exposing Open publicly a secret of a person. So you will show the dark side of a man or a woman, make him silent Did you come by 9.00 yesterday? Strange, I saw you yesterday in the lobby only at 10 o'clock
Intelligence Make sure the approval of the enemy, hint that he is empty in his head Do not worry, you are not one such, many people stupid
Incompetence Positively ask the opponent the question in which he must understand. This method is relevant to use at work. Africa is near America? So that's why there are so many African American in the USA
Appearance Find a prominent disadvantage, hinted that the hairdresser is very close. Offer a person to spend the nearest salon. Take a closer, saying that not every wizard will be able to "this" Is it a suit of your grandmother?
Sexual domination Any replica, said to the former lover about intimate life, will hurt in the heart. Especially sharply react to sexual insults to your address As usual, 2 minutes passed, and you already finished?
truth The most cruel way when the insulting presses on the obvious point, on which no one bother to pay attention Maybe there is enough donuts? You already turn into 100% fat

Important! Digid a person ironically, without increasing the voice and without using obscene vocabulary. Hiding your excitement, humiliation affect the opponent as much as possible.

Offensive phrases by correspondence on the Internet

On the Internet there is even a special group of trolls, the purpose of which will provoke participants in the forum or group to conflict. To humiliate a person with smart words and can be plugged with just one phrase.

Read the best examples of derogatory options:

  • Are you still here? And my mother also did not bring milk?
  • You are not God's creation, but God's creature.
  • I will not even be offended, the mentally retarded does not behave.
  • I did not know that the plants can think.
  • Do not open my mouth, I am not a dentist.
  • Not withered, your stupidity rolls.
  • Came, I saw and did not get up.
  • When are your brains come back from vacation?
  • Do not look at me, suddenly it is contagious.
  • I do not speak stupid language, I do not know how to explain to you.

At the right moment, the desired phrase is forgotten and does not come to the rescue. Remember several key proposals to respond with pride in the critical situation.

Spicy emotions, do not show the internal experiences. The calmer and even more, there will be a tone of the voice, the more you will have a voyage of the interlocutor.

Tip! In the personal correspondence in the VC, do not join a person in a polemical dialogue. Ignore messages or add the user to the blacklist.

Avoid Mata, it gives real emotions and experiences. In any situation, stay an intelligent person who does not lose self-control.

Send a person in an interesting place - a simple and rude way. Show yourself above the usual working class.

How correctly answer in curses?

In response, obscene cries, be prepared for psychological excerpt. The arrogant view offends the interlocutor not less than the ring of the phrase.

Choose replicas based on the current situation:

  1. Control your feelings. Do not give out the facial expression and even the voice of the voice of the voice. Do not go to the hysterium level.
  2. Be polite. Show yourself above the interlocutor. Pupil abstinence wounds more pain than screams and swearing.
  3. Show Mental superiority. You can hint on the lack of education in humans, brains.
  4. Ignoring. The main goal of the interlocutor is to bring you. Make a depressed look, ignore what has been said.

    To create the most effect, roll your eyes, turn and leave the room.

Do not be Conflict instigator, deal with the dispute without offensive phrases if possible. Word is not sparrow.

After the struggled opinions expressed, it is hard to establish relationships with quarreling people. Try to solve the problems peaceful way.

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Of course, every person came across everyday life with rudeness, hearing in his address the sword words and Rugan. Even if you happen to someone on foot in trolleybus, you may insult you. Agree, it's very disappointing when, because of the trifling, Grubian calls you indecent words. It would seem necessary to answer him in the same form. However, do not rush. An abnormative vocabulary in this situation is a bad assistant.

Do not respond to rudeness

Try to put a "peace-loving" person in the person, without humiliating it.

Do not know how to insult a person without a mat? Then this article is designed specifically for you.

Often the situation when after the words "you are the last cattle!" Or "Ah, you bastard!" A man is attacked on an offender with fists. He comes so because it simply does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow to behave in such a situation.

Remember that the manifestation of aggression leads only to nervous depressions, deterioration of health, and sometimes to the thoughts of suicide. It is for this reason that everyone should own information on how to insult a person without a mat.

Know that the arrogance and income must be answered beautiful, worthy, and most importantly, wise phrases.

What is insulting

Before continuing the consideration of the question of how to offend a person without a mat, let's decide with the notion of insult. What it is? And this is nothing more than intentional resentment, as a result of which the honor and dignity of the citizen is humiliated, and it is often done in a cynical form. Even actions having a negative color, for example, a slap, spit, push can be regarded as an insult in certain situations.

Currently, a huge number of psychological techniques are known, through which the problem of how to insult a person without Mata.

Your task is to find out why your offender fell on you with a swearing, and, of course, you have to be prepared in advance for grave words a worthy answer.

How to react to an insult

How to intelligible to insult a person if you are accidental or deliberately wrapped?

First of all, it is not necessary to interpret the swearing literally and take the words close to heart. It is possible that your opponent is just a bad mood, and you fell to him "under the hot hand." Perhaps he is badly brought up, but in this omission there is no guilt.

Remember that people with a scandalous and scandalous character often cannot cope with them suddenly engaged with negative emotions, so they "break off" on others. Perhaps they are also offended by someone. And is it worth angry at such? In addition to pity, the booms do not cause anything.

The universal behavior here is not to pay attention to the offensive words and the knob of the opponent. Imagine that they are not addressed to you.

If your head or employee of the firm, in which you work, are better not to provoke the development of a conflict situation, but try to smooth it out. Well, and quarrels with the boss at all does not make sense.

How to respond to the offender depending on the type of criticism

Before parrying the phrases of the offender, we need to mentally analyze them and if they have "rational grain", then there is no need to challenge this fact. Better to say: "Yes, you are absolutely right!" If, after insults, you have the impression that you are negotiated, while you absolutely directly imagine how you can insult a person with words, but in a civilized form, then ask him a clarifying question.

In particular, if we are talking about any flaws and mistakes in which you are accused of, while you know that you are not involved in committing, but they still try to investigate, then it is better to ask the following: "You have a specific proposal in solving this problem? " Believe me, this question often puts people into a stupor.

If the constructive criticism is valid, but only partly, then, naturally, it should not be completely recognized. For example, if you were told in a rough form: "You always don't come to work on time!" But at the same time you know that this is not the case, then you can answer: "Yes, today I was late."

There is a large question of how to offend a person with words, but delicately if his criticism is absolutely unjust. In this case, it is recommended to ask a response regarding directly the specifics of rudeness. They can be different. Consider them in more detail.


You can answer the attacks and knuckles: "Why is it interested in you?" Which subtext is hiding behind your words? Why do you think so? "

These questions may simply be discouraged, but it does not always happen, and sometimes the interlocutors begin to give them deployed answers.


Such questions provoke the offender to speak concrete facts and give examples. These, in particular, include: "Give an example" or "name a specific fact." If the offender responds as follows: "They can be given a huge number ...", then you should not continue further dialogue - do a protracted pause.


Such questions are intended to help the opponent express their true causes of discontent. For example, you can ask him: "My non-layerness is irritated to you, in what clothes do I come to work?" And believe me, the answer in most cases will be "sincere".


These issues are asked for the offender to express all its claims and continued you in the future.

These include, in particular, this: "You are dissatisfied with how I talk to customers, as I dress, as I make reports. What else do I do wrong? "

Of course, each person begins to torment the question, how much insulting a person after wrapped him, and even in obscene form. However, once again we emphasize that it is not a way out of the situation. Believe that your offender is waiting to sweat your nerves and disrupt your mental balance. So do not give him such pleasure.

As a rule, in such situations should be the maximum of peace and coolness, and not to think about how to offend a person to tears.

Often, hearing in his address critique comments, a person begins to look for an excuse: "No, I'm not like that. It's not about me. You are unrestructed to me "and so on. Of course, such a model of behavior is erroneous. Studying, you also disgrace yourself and put a position to the guilty. In addition, your excuses in most cases are not interesting to anyone. Especially stupidly "whiten" his honor in front of a person, for whom someone humiliate or insult is, it's like you to drink a cup of coffee in the early morning.

As already emphasized above, you must understand the true motives of the behavior of the offender and determine why it scolds you.

How else to answer insult in intelligent form

As a rule, in order to upset a person "Word", people use standard templates. If you do not want you to see you in a similar way, you must have an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bhow to offend a person in smart. At your leisure, take a sheet of paper and pencil, after which make an exemplary list of these expressions. You will only just think about "worthy and polite" answers to them.

For example, if Grubian declares that after a cheerful pirush, you're uncomplicatedly look, you can offer an option to solve the issue of how to offend a person in smart, namely: "Surprisingly, you didn't go to any party yesterday, but you still look like" Not like a cucumber ", for some reason. Look, what are your bruises under the eyes. "

It can be poured for offensive words through the transfer of negative qualities in dignity. Suppose you hear: "You, as always, do not shut down, taural, like forty." In response, you can say: "I just am a sociable person, unlike some." Agree, a good example demonstrating how to insult a person in smart.

To hurt the offender, you can remind him of the well-known expressions of the type "do not judge" or "We are what we think about." Even if a person does not understand the meaning of the transaction data, you must express him that, trying to defile your personality, in fact it fouls into my address.

In any case, to reach with dignity of scrupulous situations, there is no need to tear.