Repairs Design Furniture

How to Clean Utamar from the old Nagar. How to clean the Teflon frying pan from Nagara inside and outside? How to extort an aluminum frying pan

Each hostess knows that the kitchen should have perfect cleanliness, and the dishes in which food is preparing is washed and cleaned from Nagara and Scoot.

Cleaning kitchen accessories is not as complex and time-consuming, if you perform it regularly and know how to clean the pan or frying pan and what means to use to remove fat.

Today in stores you will find many chemical compositions that will help to cope with the problem. But you can achieve perfect purity Dishes with the help of simple and cheap tools that are in every home.

How to wash the saucepan from Nagara at home

Before moving to methods for cleaning tanks for cooking from Nagara, it is necessary to figure it out what it is.

In the process of cooking, it is difficult to avoid splashing fat, which falls on the dishes and under the influence of the temperature is "welded" to the walls of the saucepan. This flare is called Nagar.

How to clean the pan with the help of effective tools that will not harm health and safe to cover the dishes? Consider several ways.

Salt and Food Soda

Salt and soda are the best helpers with strong pollution.

If the inner surfaces of the dishes are covered with a dense layer of car, it is possible to cope with the problem:

  • Combine the same amount of salt and soda.
  • Covered the resulting powder the bottom of the pan so that there are no "lumen".
  • Add a small amount of water to obtain a pasty mixture.
  • Close the dishes with a lid and leave for a day.
  • After 24 hours it is necessary to remove the old mixture and prepare a new one.
  • Then pour water into dishes and boil the cleaning liquid of 25-30 minutes.
  • When the surface cools, wash it with liquid soap or gel for dishes.

Salt and soda will help remove even a strong Nagar and cope with the fat stains of fat and soot.


How to clean the pan in this way? Mustly moisten the dishes in cold waterAnd then thoroughly soda the contaminated surface of the cook salt (it is better to use fine).

Leave the container to "fold" for 2-3 hours, and then you need to remove the nap and the cooler with the rigid face of the kitcheny sponge.

Activated carbon

Powder from 5-6 Activated Coal Tablets will help get rid of Gary.

This means is indispensable with strong burning of food or milk. How to remove stains and clean the saucepan from Gary with this means? Prepare a powder of 5-6 tablets and scatter evenly for the bottom of the tank.

After 30-40 minutes, pour warm water into the dishes and leave for an hour. After the Nagar and the flax stains you can wash with the help of a foam sponge.

Soap solution

This method of cleaning is suitable for aluminum and enameled dishes, as well as a saucepan of stainless steel.

Fill the container with water, pour a small amount of soap or gel for washing dishes and boil 20-25 minutes. As a result, the fat will dissolve, and you will only need to wash the dishes of the foam sponge to remove the remains of Nagar and Sopot.

This method will be effective for small pollution. If the saucepan is covered with residues of fat for most of the surface, it is better to use other means.

Milk serum

How to wash saucepans from fat outside

If the outer surface of the dishes is covered with a fatty rode, the use of shopping agents is allowed. In supermarkets you will find a wide range of chemicals that easily cope with burnt fat and soak.

When working with aggressive substances, you need to follow the applied instructions, as well as use gloves and a medical mask.

How to clean the saucepan from nagar outside

White perfectly cleans the outside of the dishes.

Special "cleaners" are not always available at a price, and if you do not want to spend money on this acquisition, we will put the outer surface of the dishes in order to help "whiteness". You need to do the following:

  • Dilute chemical in high water tanks.
  • Place inside dirty dishes And leave for 24 hours.
  • Remove the surface with a rigid sponge face.
  • Rinse a pan B. large quantities Flowing water.
  • If necessary, repeat the process of "soaking".

If the kitchen affiliation is abundantly contaminated, it is possible to boil it in a large capacity of 40-45 minutes by adding "whiteness" into the water.

How to reveal the saucepans at home

You can digest potatoes not only with "whiteness", there are less aggressive compositions. If the usual cleaning did not bring the desired results, use one of the reduced boiling methods.


For the manufacture of a solution in a large container, 1 pack of salt will be needed. In the resulting agent, place dirty dishes and boil 1.5-2 hours.

In the process of boiling, follow the water level. The dishes should be fully covered with a solution, and you will have to periodically add liquid. When the solution cools, remove the pan from the container and clean it in the usual way.

Baking soda

A similar method can be cleaned with fatty spots and soot with a pan, applying food soda.

For the manufacture of the means use 1/2 packaging of soda on 5 liters of water and boiled spoiled dishes as well as with a salt salt.

Alkaline soap and glue PVA

This method is safe for all types of saucepan, from which material they have been made. With the help of soap and glue, you can extort even the strongest pollution on the dishes.

Prepare the solution (1/2 bar of the household soap, crushed on the grater, 2 tablespoons of PVA glue per 5 liters of water) and boil in the resulting table of dishes 40-50 minutes.

When the solution cools, you can easily consider the nagar from the surface with a conventional foam sponge.

Food soda with silicate glue

These funds will help to return to the pots of decent appearance both outside and from the inside. Cleaning is carried out in this way:

  • Large container is filled with water.
  • Add 1/2 packaging of food soda and a whole tube of silicate glue.
  • The solution is adjusted to a boil and put in it the evapoiced saucepan.

After 15-20 minutes, the dishes are extracted from the solution and wash in warm water using the economic soap or gel.

How to clean the saucepan from scale at home

When boiling water on the walls of the dishes appears white-yellowwhich is not easy to remove without special means. These formations are called scale or lime raidAnd to combat the problem, acid-containing compositions are necessary.

How to remove scale quickly so as not to clean the pan to exhaust? In addition to shopping facilities, you can use the following cleaning methods.

Sour apples or rhubarb

Natural tool to combat scale - apples and rhubarb.

Many hostesses are used in the following way: sour apples or rhubarb during half an hour are boiled in contaminated capacitance.

Under the influence of acid and high temperatures, the scale dissolves, and after boiling it remains only to wash the tank under running water and remove the residues of the contamination with a sponge.

Table vinegar

Plots covered with scattering, dust with vinegar and leave a capacity for 2 hours. After flushing the collapse under the jet of running water using a dishwashing detergent.

It is possible to replace vinegar to citric acid, falling asleep pollution, or graze problem places Solo lemon.

In the fight against scale on the inner surfaces of the dishes should not be used by aggressive chemicals - this can lead to strong poisoning.

How to Glitter Pans

To return the dishes of the brilliance, you can grasp it with a cut of a young potato.

So that the pans are glittered and not covered with stains from drying moisture, they need to wipe them dry after each wash.

In addition, you can graze the surface of the crunch of raw potatoes or soak in a weak acetic solution for 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to carefully rinse the dishes after such treatment and remove the residues of moisture with a towel.

Cookware from cast iron is capable of serving the hostess for many years. Unfortunately, during its use on the coverage of the frying pan, a thick layer of the burnt plaque appears, the cleansing of which is a very laborious process. Many in this case prefer to throw out kitchen utensils. Do not hurry to get rid of the old shill, because today the owners are available numerous tools for cleaning metal dishes. You can cope even with strong contaminated pollution, and the frying device will be useful yet long years. Let's figure out how to clean the cast-iron frying pan from the persistent multi-year car, using breeds and household chemicals.

7 methods for cleaning frying pan from Nagar by prudent means

Cast-iron adaptations were made by century. Now you can find excellent cooking devices from high quality material. Only you have to give a considerable cash for them. Therefore, if old sudine fell in your house, bring it in order. She can become an indispensable assistant In the preparation of delicious dishes.

Especially there is no need to escape to the economic store for an expensive means, as you can get rid of Nagara at home. List of most effective methods:

  1. Coal activated, crushed into powder with a mortar. This method will help wash the frying pan, both outside and inside. Sprinkle coal utensils, sort it up well throughout the polluted surface, then rinse the dishes. At the end, wash it with the usual household fluid.
  2. Sand. Take ordinary sand, sprinkle with them the inner surface of the shill, which put on the stove. Turn on the minimum fire and only after 2 hours, finish the procedure. Get rid of sand and slip dishes. Thus, you remove the thick layer of Gary without additional events. It should be known that the burning sand has nasty smell, so do everything with open windows either on the street. Another minus of this method is that it will be difficult to clean the cast-iron surface outside.
  3. Lemon acid. Crystalline, dissolving in water, form artificial lemon juice, which under the influence of high temperature perfectly cleans the contaminated surface at home. It will cope with the purification of the old cast-iron frying pan. To do this, pour into the water container and pour citric acid. The ratio of water and powder: 1 liter on 1 tablespoon. Put a saucepan on the stove, turning on the middle fire. Boil the solution for 15 minutes. Nagar will go away. At the same time there may be remnants that can easily be removed by the usual sponge.
  4. Blowtorch. Such a procedure should be carried out on the street for security. Turn on the lamp and direct its flame on places with a strong nagar. Under the influence of fire, the dirt will begin to fall off herself.
  5. Vinegar. Dissolve vinegar in water at the rate of: 1 part of the essence on 3 parts of the liquid. Pour the remedy into the contaminated container and boil it for 3 hours. During this time, many harmful vapors will evaporate, so the premises of the room in which the procedure is performed. Let such a method be long, but will help to clean the cast-iron frying pan from a strong Nagar.
  6. Soda and salt. Pour the bottom of the dishes soda and salt. Take the eye, it will take about one handstone and the other fluent product. Then pour everything with water so that it covers the soda salt mixture. We put the frying pan on strong fire and boil its contents of no more than half an hour. Further, well rinse the saucery with running water.
  7. Laundry soap. Take the most common piece of 72% and squeeze it on a large grater. We throw off the soap chips on the bottom of the utensils, fill with water and cook a mixture of 30 minutes. At the end, rinse the dishes with cold water.

The main advantages of folk methods in everyday life:

  • Saving funds
  • Lack of chemicals
  • Useful use of home objects.

Thus, you received a list of available, simple, and most importantly effective ways. At the same time there are some more more labor-intensive methods:

  1. Bonfire. If you live in your home or love to get out of nature, then this way does not take you trouble. Divide the bonfire and warm up a frying pan carefully. Nagar will start flying away, and the remnants of pollution will easily be removed using the emery.
  2. Digestion. To clean the pan, take a large container where cast iron utensils fit. Prepare the mixture and bring it to a boil. Then plunge the dishes and negotiate it at least 30 minutes.
    Fluid composition:
  • Silicate glue - 1 bottle;
  • Economic soap (brown) - 1 piece;
  • Soda calcined - 1 cup.

Soap rubs on a large grater and dissolves in hot water, The rest of the ingredients are added. This method allows you to clean the pan from Nagara outside. It is still possible to boil in coca-cola, citric acid and vinegar.

Drill plus metal brush. Clean the Nagar mechanically better in non-residential room. The tool scrapes a contaminated layer. At the end, the surface is maintained with a sponge.

How to clean the frying pan from the burnt fat immediately after cooking? The following methods are best fit:

  1. Sodo-salt mix. Put the bottom of soda and salt in small quantities, then take the half of the lemon and wipe the surface. After wash the dishes as usual.
  2. Detergent. Pour the bottom with water, drop there somewhat droplets for washing the dishes and boil the composition of 10 minutes. After that, let the frying pan cool and alter it with running water.
    You can resort to the standard option. Namely, pour in the pan with water, pour a little washing gel and leave it for a few hours.\u003dpdfacndi_se Video CAN't Be Loaded: How to Clean the pan, burners, pan and other dishes from many years of Nagar and old fat? (\u003dpdfacndi_se)

Best household chemicals to combat Nagar

If you do not perceive the methods of combating pollution with the help of healthy tools or you have little time, then use special cleaning agents from Nagara. They will help you clean the pan quickly and without too much effort.

Selection best tools:

  • Shumanitis. The expensive drug, which contains an acid solution. Easily destroys fat, naigra and perennial pollution.
  • Frosch. Effective tool With a comfortable sprayer. The composition includes natural ingredients.
  • Amway. It is more expensive than shumanit. But it is capable of removing the tart from the surface of the frying pan without a caustic smell.
  • Peumolux. Correct with pollution of weak or moderate.
  • Mr. Chister. Means similar to Pemioluk.

The advantages of using household chemicals are understandable: speed and simplicity. However, this method has disadvantages:

  • Content in drugs of hazardous acid and other chemicals, which requires precautions (gloves, ventilation, etc.);
  • The waste of financial resources will be required.

Resort to chemistry or not, solve each independently. It all depends on employment, budget and preferences.

Preventive actions

After you have achieved purity and brilliance with your old cast-iron frying pan, you will certainly have a desire to keep the result as long as possible. To do this, it is desirable to observe the following measures:

  • Do not abuse dishwasher. Such products are better to wash manually. First, so you can always detect the newly formed Gar, with which the automatic washing will not cope.
  • Emphasize the cast-iron frying pan from fresh prigar is much easier. Secondly, prevent rust formation.
  • Minimize abrasive cleaning agents. Use them only in case of dirt.
  • An updated surface should be carefully.
  • Wash each time a frying pan is not only inside, but also outside.
  • Do not leave the dishes for later. Clean fat and fresh Nagar immediately after it cools.
  • Hot, just with the plane cast iron utensils should not be exposed to water, the coolest. It can deform it.
  • Do not eat from frying pan, use wood and plastic appliances to work with it. All this will protect the surface.
  • After each wash, you can wipe the inner surface of the casserole with a soft cloth moistened in vegetable oil. Such treatment is necessary for the formation of a protective non-stick layer.

Regular care for the dishes will prevent the adoption of measures for cleaning the thick layer of fat, nagar and other pollution.

In the cast-iron frying pan, juicy dishes are obtained, the taste of which will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, if you possess such a shill, take care of it. Do not throw away, even if it is old, because, as already knows, any long-term dirt will leave. There are quite a lot of ways. It remains to choose the right, to find the time and updated pure frying pan will delight you for a long time.

Sometimes the dishes loses the beauty and shine as a result of long-term operation, and sometimes it happens that cleaning is needed because of our inattention - when the saucepan is burned, and the bottom is covered with harw, which is impossible to launder with an ordinary way.

  • As a rule, before cleaning the burnt, old or simply a very dirty pan, we soak it in a soap solution, and then we try to wash with brushes and hard sponges. Often this procedure solves the problem. But what to do in particular complex casesWhen soaking does not help or when just want to deal with the routine as quickly as possible? From this article you will learn 8 tricks, how to clean the pots as quickly as possible and with minimal efforts by prudent and special means.

Before working for work, try to understand what material your saucepan is made from what material. After all, the metals react differently to cleaning products. So, salt is harmful to stainless steel - for enamel, soda - for aluminum, for all types of non-stick coatings, any abrasives are harmful. Read more about the rules of care for the pots depending on the type of material, read at the end of the article.

Method 1. First aid for dirty / burnt saucepan - boiling with soap solution

To remove most of the contaminants of weak and moderately, it is often sufficiently simple, but an effective way.

  1. Fill the saucepan hot water And add a few drops of dishwashes into it. Then put utensils on the stove and bring the solution to a boil.
  1. Aware of the soap solution on a small fire for another 15 minutes or more (depending on the number of Nagara).
  2. The spatula is scraped with the saucepan remaining Nagar. And what remains on the walls and the bottom, wipe the rigid face of the sponge.

Method 2. How to clean the saucepan of soda and vinegar

This simple, but the working method is suitable for cleaning all types of saucepan (enamel, cast-iron, teflon and steel), but not suitable for washing aluminum dishes without non-stick coating or enamel.


  1. Water and 9% vinegar in the dirty pan and 9% vinegar in proportion 1: 1 so that the solution covered the contamination, then bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the boiled mortar from the fire (!) And add 2-3 spoons of soda to it - the mixture should be foaming and hurt! Let her stand for another 10-20 minutes (you can put on a weak fire again). As the prigar softens, scrape it with a spatula.

  1. Wash and rinse the saucepan in the usual way.
  • It is important to remove the saucepan from the fire as soon as the acetic solution will jump and only add soda. If this is not done, together with the kitchenware you will have to wash and the stove. At the same time, you should not hide with the addition of soda.
  • Soda and vinegar will perfectly work and individually.
  • You can enhance the soda-acetic solution by adding a third of the car of the economic soap (72%).
  • Local pollution can be lost with a rigid sponge with soda paste (soda + water in proportion 1: 1).
  • Sustained nap and fat outside and inside can be removed, boil the pan for 30-120 minutes in a large container.

Method 3. How to clean the burnt or very old pans

This Soviet trick with economic soap and silicate glue Suitable for the most launched cases when the saucepan was covered with a multi-layer black nagar and a fat outside and inside.

You will need: On 4 liters of water will need a house. Soap 72% (1/3 or ½ bar), 1 cup of silicate glue. Also prepare the middle grater and a large saucepan or metal bucket (for example, 10 liter).


  1. Immerse the dirty pan in the larger bucket / pan, fill it with / it with water and bring to a boil.
  2. While water is heated, soda on medium grater laundry soap.
  3. In the boiling water, add a soap chips, silicate glue, as well as soda (optional).

  1. The resulting mixture will boil 30 minutes or more depending on the degree of contamination, then wash the dishes as usual. A black turghar and a fatty mold will easily go away.

Tip: To enhance the effect into the solution, you can add a food or calcined soda from the calculation of 1/3 packaging on 4 liters of water (except for aluminum saucepan without coating).

Method 4. How to clean the saucepan from fat and nagar with salt

The best way to clean the cast-iron pan or cauldron, as well as enameled utensils - with salt. She perfectly absorbs fat. In addition, being a soft abrasive, it also works well.

  1. Pulling up several salt grips on the bottom (the more fat, the more salt you need to use) and sweeten with a paper towel with the addition of a pair of liquid droplets for washing dishes.
  2. Just rinse the saucepan under water (the dishwashing liquid can not be used).

  • The burnt cast-iron pan is better to clean with a large coarse salt.
  • Any saucepan, except steel, can be easily cleansed from scale and nagar, cooking in it a steep salt solution (on 1 liter of water 5-6 tablespoons of salt) 30-40 minutes on weak fire.

Method 5. How to Clean the burnt pan with vinegar

Vinegar is a powerful tool against the prigar and a lime-plane. However, it is undesirable to use to clean the enameled pan.


  1. Fill the bottom pan with vinegar (9%) and pass 1-3 hours. As the prigar is softened carefully scrape it with a spatula. Reduce the smell of vinegar can be packed in a package in a package or wrapped into the food film. And, of course, do not forget to open the window!
  2. Wash the dishes in the usual way.

Method 6. Cleaning citric acid

If the house vinegar did not turn out, clean the burnt saucepan or dishes with a limescale citric acid. Like vinegar citric acid is contraindicated for enamelled dishes.


  1. To clean the saucepan, boil the water in it (it is not necessary much, the main thing is that the water closes the Gar), add 2 tbsp. Spoons of citric acid and boil the resulting solution for another 15 minutes.
  2. As the prigar softens, scrape it with a spatula. Finally, wash the burnt bottom in the usual way.

Method 7. How to clean the pan from Nagar and Fat with the help of greasedels

Special means for removing fat are cut down in the most hopeless cases when it is necessary to wash very old and burnt saucepans with minimal efforts. It is important to clean up the rubber gloves and with open windows, and after - thoroughly flush the remnants of the means. Keep in mind that most gouroidors are contraindicated for washing aluminum and teflon pot.

  • Here are some super-effective means: noise (bugs), Oven Cleaner (AMWEA), chister, sparkling cauldron, Giant (bugs).

General Instruction:

  1. Proceed problem areas with a pan or outside.
  2. Pack the pan into the package or wrap in the food film (!) - This trick will reduce the spread of caustic odor around the apartment. Give the tool to work 10-40 minutes.
  3. Wash the dishes as usual, then thoroughly rinse it several times.
  • To be reinforced, the remains of the chemical inside the pan can be removed by table vinegar (9%).
  • If you have children or pets, it is better to use the tool from AMVEY "Oven Cleaner" (Cleaner for Ovents). It is sold only through the company's online store and dealers, it costs quite expensive, but it acts more efficiently and faster than its analogues, economically spent, and most importantly - almost does not smell.

Method 8. How to Clean the Pan "White" or other chlorine bleach

Excellent cleans the pan and the usual "whiteness" or any other analogue.


  1. Fill with a saucepan with water and add white to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon / 3 l of water (approximately).
  2. The resulting solution is brought to a boil and sake for another 15-30 minutes.
  3. After boiling, we wash the pan in the usual way, and then again boil the dishes with clean waterTo completely remove the remnants of the chlorks.
  4. For loyalty, you can wipe the pan inside with acetic solution.

If you look at the table on the smartphone, turn it into a horizontal position - so the entire table will enter the screen.

Stainless steel pot Enameled utensils Cast iron pan / Kazan Aluminum dishes without non-stick coating Teflon pan (dishes with any non-stick coating)
Contraindications Does not tolerate the use of salt (a saucepan can darken and lose shine) Contraindicated acids and rigid abrasives You can not soak for a long time, otherwise the dishes can be covered with rust. For the same reason cast iron Kazan and pots can not be washed in a dishwasher You can not use for cleaning aluminum dishes soda, apply alkali-based products - this can be harmful both for utensils and for humans. It is undesirable to wash the aluminum saucepan in the dishwasher. Abrasive means (including soda), tough brushes and sponges and so more scrapers are unacceptable
Recommendations Return glitter with stainless steel saucepan can be special cleaners for stainless steel utensils Good use vinegar or salt - they can remove a dark flight or a rush inside the dishes Nagar, fat and rust with cast-iron pan easily removes salt Good use tools based on ammonic alcohol, special tools for cleaning porcelain or glassware Press with non-stick coating Manufacturers recommend brushing from the prigar by boiling soap mortar for 20 minutes

From Teflon has a number of advantages about which it is worth mentioning. First of all, it is convenient to prepare any food on it, which practically does not stick to the surface of the product. Using the frying pan, you can significantly save on the vegetable (or butter) oil, which is so necessary when burning something. It is easy to operate, as it has a slight weight.

But, like any kitchen utensils, teflon frying pan have a tendency to form a car on both the inside and outside. This trouble occurs in the event that it is systematically not to wash the dishes immediately after cooking. But if it has already happened, let's figure it out how to clean teflon frying pan From Nagara at home.

Cleaning stores

Before useing folk remediesWith which you can bring your favorite to the proper sparkling look, try to do this with the help of ready-made compositions purchased in the shopping network. Here is a small list of preparations of preparations:

  • very active tool - Unicum Bami Gold Series (Do not apply for cleaning aluminum surfaces);
  • quite effective, but for some reason rarely used - "Aromika Anti Bank";
  • the drug that works is gently but surely, as it removes the most solar pollution - Magic Power;
  • but the chemical compositions (sprays) of household appointment is a completely different level, cleaning absolutely any surfaces: Fairy Power, Kiilto, "Mr. Muskul";
  • it turns out to be gels and creams, too, on the shoulder such work (it is enough to lubricate the surface with a thin layer and wash off after half an hour) - "Sanita", "Anti-Bank", "Domasestos";
  • although she and foam, but can also remove all unnecessary - Amway Dish.

What you need to remember when working with similar means:

  • We work only in rubber gloves.

  • Before working carefully examine kitchen utensils. Just make sure that there are no scratches or other damage, proceed to cleaning. The fact is that any microcrack is dangerous for your health (through it the chemical composition penetrates the inside of the product).
  • Refusing the use of hard sponges, metal grids.

Important!Despite the fact that the shopping formulations are very effective, coped with the tasks set pretty quickly, and you spend not much time on the whole process, they have one huge minus, with which you can not be considered. All utensils, studied with chemicals, unsafe for future use. Remember this.

How to Clean Teflon Frying Spring from Nagara inside

Teflon is very "gentle" material, and it cannot be cleaned, applying mechanical methods. Therefore, it is necessary to categorically abandon all kinds of metal brushes, sponges that have a rigid surface and a variety of abrasive cleaning preparations. Tell about gentle, effective and, most importantly, safe methods.

Powder is a mustard powder

How to cleanse teflon frying pan from Nagara? Easy and safe. Wanting to remove fat and a very small layer of Gary, we embarrass the usual mustard powder (well, the one that grandmothers pour into woolen socks, eliminating you from colds) to a wet porous, soft sponge. And begin to carefully and methodically rub polluted frying pan. Then my, using baby soap and warm water. Wipe dry.

Why not use the household soap

Economical soap - well, where without him. We put on the inner surface of the frying pan grate at the grater of the economic soap (¼ piece), we pour water from above in such a way that the liquid is covered with all burnt plots. We put the frying pan on fire, bring to a boil and turn off the stove. After the soapy solution is cooled, drain it and my kitchen utensils in the usual way. Nothing difficult.

Soda is also useful for these purposes.

How to cleanse the Teflon pan from Nagara using such an inexpensive and effective means like soda? Sodium bicarbonate is highly coping with various prigiirs and other pollution. We prepare the solution: in 1 liter of water, we stir 5-6 tablespoons of food soda. We pour the mixture into the pan, bring to a boil, we reduce the fire, continuing to boil within 20-25 minutes. After cooling, soda solution merge and my teflon product in warm water with a neutral detergent (best with baby soap). Voila: pure frying pan.

Others, no less effective ways

And why not try something else, the original original:

  • We clean using such a popular drink like Coca-Cola. Pour it in the pan and boil 10-15 minutes. How it works? Just all the same soda, which is part of the drink, and produces cleaning.
  • Apply toothpaste. Why not? After all, she is always at hand. We distribute the paste with a smooth layer on a contaminated surface, after half an hour we wash everything.

  • Ethyl alcohol will also suit, as he will only need a few minutes to cope with such a nuisance like Nagar.

How to Clean Teflon Shot from Nagar Outside

In addition to the fact that the Teflon frying pan burns inside and the case is not the best way. Moreover, all this from the walls and the bottom outside the kitchen utensil leads not only to a significant reduction in thermal conductivity, but also to the fact that you just disgust her in hand. And this is not necessary for you: so let's fight pollution together. ABOUT chemical preparations We talked above. Despite the fact that it is less dangerous to use them outside (than inside), we recommend not paying attention to the folk methods.

Let's use hydrogen peroxide in combination with soda

How to cleanse teflon frying pan from Nagara? And let's try to use the cashis from sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide. I prepare a mixture for cleaning: mix 4-5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 3-3.5 spoons of soda. We appline it abundantly, do not spare, on the surface, and, using not a very soft sponge, we begin to rub the burnt plots.

Economic Soap and Soda

How to cleanse the Teflon frying pan from Nagara using a mixture consisting of components such as a household soap and soda (a completely good combination). To clean it will take either a large pan or bucket. We pour 7-8 liters of water into the container, add two pieces of economic soap (grated), plus 2-2.5 packs of food soda. Immerse in this mixture to the pan so that it is fully covered with liquid, and put on fire. Boiling about 1 hour, then pull out and mine.

Now you know how to clear the Teflon frying pan from Nagara with outsideAnd this trouble is not at all frightened.

Useful information does not prevent anyone:

  • The coating of such a material as Teflon is very negative about the sharp change of temperature: it is not worth cooling the product, lowering it into cold water.
  • In order for the Teflon frying pan to have a long service life, we recommend using wooden or in extreme cases silicone blades and spoons as kitchen devices.

  • If the inner surface of the kitchen utensils has become unusable, then it is not necessary to continue to operate further, since it will not lead to anything good. Food will burn all the time. In addition to the body, particles of Teflon can enter the body. And this is a completely different story.
  • The temperature of 250 degrees and above is "murderous" for Teflon frying pan: under its influence it is deformed and comes in complete disrepair.


Now you are armed with all necessary knowledgeHow to cleanse the Teflon frying pan from Nagara outside and inside. Get boldly to the store, buy this popular kitchen utensils and enjoy.

Cast iron frying pan - assistant, tested! She rightfully occupies an important place in the kitchen. In order for this useful thing I served you for many years, you need to care for her. Often, the hostess get kitchen utensils in the form of a dowry from mom or grandmother, and with it and a thick layer of gary, nagar or fat. Over time, clean the frying pan is becoming harder. Nevertheless, there are ways to help return to her the primordial appearance.

Types of contamination and tools from their deliverance

Today, despite the variety of antitrigar coating products, cast-iron frying pans are still very popular. They are characterized by high strength and ability to maintain heat. The Nagar naturally obtained acts as a non-stick layer and protects the product from corrosion. Nevertheless, sooner or later, the moment occurs when there is a need to clean the frying pan.

The method of cleaning dishes from cast iron depends on the type and complexity of pollution. These include:

  • excess Layer of Nagar;
  • rust formation;
  • accumulation of gary;
  • the adhesive residues of food.

Wash old frying pan At home, it is possible with the help of abrasive detergents, household chemicals and rubber gloves. In stores are presented a large assortment Pretty reagents, but not each of them manage to cope with serious types of pollution.

It is worth noting that it is much more complicated to get rid of the solar pollution than fresh spots.

Time-tested Babushkina Methods of cleaning dishes are no less effective compared to modern powders, gels and sprays. Moreover, they are safe for health and are able to save your family budget due to their low cost. Sandpaper, sea or food salt, sand, acetic acid and silicate glue will help you to give a cast-iron frying attractive look.

Wrongs for cleaning cast iron frying pan

Before cleaning the frying pan from cast iron, determine what type it applies. The dishes can be coated or without it. To date, there are the following types of this kitchen utensils.

  1. Classic. They do not differ in beauty and grace, but safe for human health is reliable and practical. Suitable for all types of plates, as well as for cooking in the oven. Do not be afraid of abrasive detergents in the form of a metal sponge.
  2. Enameled. There are white or creamy color. To prevent the appearance of rust enamel coating Apply in several layers. Such cast iron dishes do not need to be prepared before use, it is just necessary to wash in warm water. For proper care She will serve for a long time. Since enamel is a fragile material, temperature differences and metal blades can lead to its destruction. In this regard, do not put the pan on the grilled slab, when cooking, use a wooden or plastic blade, and when cleaning, do not use powders and sponges made of fine steel wire.
  3. Non-stick. Since cast iron from damp rust, items are covered with a non-stick layer, allowing to save dishes from moisture exposure. Such frying pan possess the same advantages as classical, but they are much more expensive. In order to avoid damage to the coating when cooking, it is necessary to use the instruments of wood or silicone.

Important: An enamel coating from ceramics should be distinguished! Enamel is a heat-resistant paint. Ceramic coating consists of silicone and carbon components, it is considered more environmentally friendly.

Types of cast iron pans - gallery

"Babushkina" a frying pan will serve not one decade Enamel coating gives the cast iron more attractive Non-stick coating retains the product from the impact of moisture and the appearance of rust

Wash or clean

There is an opinion that cast iron products You can not wash using modern detergents. It is based on the fact that there is a thin layer of fat on the surface of the frying pan. Since household chemicals removes all kinds of contamination, the cast-iron frying pan is destroyed. However, at the time of its incandescence of oil heating, a new substance is created - a steady polymer that penetrates into upper layer Metal. It is due to this that the cast-iron frying pan does not have coatings appear non-stick properties.

As for cleaning, the use of a rigid brush is an indisputable plus of this kitchen utensils! You can safely apply any means without fearing to damage the surface. As already noted, modern cast iron frying pans may have various coatings. Each of them needs their own approach when cleaning.

What means you can clean the cast iron pussy - table

Type of cast iron frying pan Than to cleancan Than to cleanit is impossible
Teflon Plant FryingSoda, a tool for washing dishes.
They can be used together, for example, in the form of a solution.
Abrasive means
with caution acetic acid
Ceramic frying panSuitable cleaners are suitable: a household soap, soda using a soft cloth or sponge.Abrasive means
forbidden by the firing open fire, with caution to use acetic acid
Emale coated frying panEconomic soap, liquid means for washing dishes, soda, solution with the addition of silicate adhesive.It is prohibited by firing on open fire, with caution to use acetic acid
Frying pan without coatingYou can clean with the use of dishwashing tools, alkaline drugs, abrasives. After cleaning, the restoration of natural non-stick properties is recommended with the help of vegetable oil.

How to get rid of rust and perennial nagar

Rust and Nagar are the most common contamination of the dishes from the cast iron, especially after its long-term use. But even the most solar corrosion and multilayer black can be removed at home with simple means.

There are several tools for cleaning frying pan from Nagara:

  • silicate glue;
  • washing powder;
  • acetic acid;
  • metal brush;
  • firing on open fire.

To remove rust, you can use:

Preparation of cool solutions

Silicate glue is part of a homemade hardware for washing chip-iron frying pan. To prepare this detergent solution, take:

  • pack of food soda weighing 500 g (you can use the calcined soda);
  • 1 line of household soap 72%;
  • 2 packs of silicate glue.
  1. Put the bucket with water. You can use another container, the main thing is that the frying pan placed in it.
  2. Lower a large piece of household soap into the bucket.
  3. Add soda and glue to the soap solution. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Lower in a bucket with a solution of the pan.
  5. Bring to a boil and "boil" the frying pan of the quarter of an hour.
  6. Disconnect the fire and cover the bucket with the lid. Let the frying pan stand in the cooled solution another hour or two.

Purification of the frying pan using PVA and soap glue - the method is effective, but labor-intensive. After applying it, wash the frying pan under running water using the dishwasher detergent.

Instead of silicate glue, you can successfully apply PVA glue. Of course, these are two different types glue. First of all they differ chemical composition. Silicate glue is a water-alkaline solution of lithium silicates, sodium, potassium. PVA is a polyvinyl acetate with water.

Good grandmother's way cleaning frying pan with soap - video

How to Clean the dishes with a washing powder, vinegar and soda

The washing powder, acetic acid and soda is in every home, so these tools are most affordable.

For the first way:

  • pour a slight powder into the pan;
  • fill with hot water and leave half an hour;
  • clean the brushing or sponge soften fat.

For the second way:

  • pour the pcs with acetic acid;
  • leave for several days in an inaccessible place for children;
  • under running water using detergent and a rigid brush, remove the Nagar.

By the cons of this method include the presence of unpleasant odor vinegar and ineffectiveness, completely get rid of fat is unlikely to succeed.

For the third way:

  • pour soda in the pan and fill with hot water;
  • boil for 20 minutes. This will help soften dried and burnt fat;
  • after cooling, wrapping the contaminated surface of the brush.

How to remove the solar fat with a metal brush

To clean the frying pan can attract a beloved man! To do this, he needs to use grinding machine Either a drill with a scum-brush. It is not necessary to apply such a way in the apartment, since small particles of the Nagar will scatter everywhere and you will find them for a long time in the most unexpected places. It is better to do it on the street or on the balcony. You should also protect yourself: put on the respirator and glasses so as not to damage the face and eyes.

To purify the frying pan in this way:

  • prepare equipment: drill, special scaffolding, grinding machine;
  • wear protection (glasses, respirator);
  • fix the pan (for example, coming onto it by foot);
  • turn on the equipment and remove the naiga;
  • wash the dishes under running water and dry.

How to remove Nagar by firing

Cast iron dishes can be burned on the usual fire. Going to the tour, grab the pan with me. If the product has a knob not from cast iron, remove it. Place the frying pan in the fire for 15 minutes, get out of the flame with a stick or another suitable for this device. Give the dishes to cool and remove the Nagar with a knife.

This method can be attributed to highly efficient, however, it has cons:

  • suitable only for pans with a removable or cast-iron handle;
  • you can not apply a coated frying pan.

When firing piggy frying pans at home, use the oven. Put the kitchenware in the oven, set the temperature at 200 ° C and do not forget to turn on the exhaust

Please note that the use of such methods as a mechanical cleaning of a brush, firing on fire, cleaning soda, vinegar and glue solution - the most safe for your health, since they contain an insignificant amount of chemicals or do not contain them at all. And, on the contrary, cleaning with the use of rust converter, the means for wind cabinets and even a washing powder will leave their "tracks". Be sure to wash the frying pan after cleaning under the jet of water! This will help get rid of the remains of household chemicals.

How to remove fat outside

For cleaning, the frying pan can use a soda solution or washing powder. Pour the remedy into a large container, pour boiling water, immerse the pan. Leave for 1-2 hours depending on the degree of pollution. In hot water, the naggorn fat softening and it will be easy to remove the rigid brush. In some cases, you can use the knife and cut the tag about the same way as you brush potatoes. The effectiveness of this method is controversial. It is possible that the procedure will have to repeat or apply additional measures to complete fat removal.

Cleaning with new means of household chemicals

Cast iron is valuable with its environmental friendliness, it is characteristic of the use of "grandmother" methods. However, we live in the 21st century and avoid discussion of this method incorrectly. With the removal of Nagar, almost all detergents with the mark "Anti-Russian" will rather easily cope. Nevertheless, the means for washing dishes have low efficiency. It is better to use the tools for cleaning ovens, for example "Shumanit":

  • apply a remedy for the pan according to the instructions on the package;
  • leave it for 1-2 hours;
  • remove the softened Nagar;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Sandpaper and modern means against rusty spots

To get rid of stains rust impact them mechanically:

  • take sandpaper of various grainability;
  • first, use the larger - do it hurt the frying grounds;
  • gradually go to the smallest sandpaper, handle the stain rust before it disappears;
  • wash out the pan with the usual means for you, dry it well.

Remember that this method does not suit the coated frying pan.

Methods for cleaning frying pan from Nagar can be effective when removing rust. For example, cleaning frying pan soda. If you add to soda, the economic soap dissolved in water, immerse the frying pan in the boiling solution - it will eliminate dishes from rusty spots.

Also to remove corrosion stains try to take advantage special tool - Rust transducer:

  • apply liquid on dishes for several minutes;
  • it will be removed by rust with ordinary water after exposure to the means.

The efficiency of the method directly depends on the quality of the means. It is not excluded that it will be necessary to try not one. If rust stains are large, it is recommended to combine 2 methods: first handle the rust sandpaper, then use the converter.

We remove rust in 5 minutes - video

How to properly care for the cast-iron frying pan at home

Compliance with uncomplicated care rules will avoid strong pollution of the dishes from the cast iron and will relieve you from spending time on its cleaning. Prior to use, cast-iron utensils should be pretty rolled. Heat the frying pan on the stove, then pour a large table salt into it (the layer thickness of at least 1 cm) and leave on fire, stirring the salt, about 15-20 minutes.

When the salt color is changed to the brownish, turn off the fire. Clean frying pan with vegetable oil. In principle, this will be sufficient, but for a better result, you can put the product in the oven and heat out again at a temperature of 180 0 -230 0 for 20-30 minutes. Please note that only a cast-iron frying pan should be placed in the oven.

Wash the cast-iron frying pan only your hands. As a result of use dishwasher A rust appears on the product, wash off a layer with an "non-stick" coating.

IMPORTANT: The listed rules apply to completely cast-iron frying pan!

If your frying pan has a coating, then you should take care of it, given its features.

For example, the enamel coating is afraid of high temperatures, which means that your frying pan should not overheat. And if you owner cast-iron dishes With teflon coating, do not use abrasive tools. Such a pan does not need to be lubricated with oil, just how to dry out.

It is necessary to care for the cast iron frying pan the grill just like the usual kitchen utensils from cast iron. The only note is: pay more attention to drying zones around the grooves, since the uneven surface can delay the water. Lubricate these sections more thoroughly, otherwise corrosive stains may form on them.

How to restore non-stick properties after machining

With mechanical exposure, there is a possibility that the frying pan will lose its non-stick properties. Nevertheless, they are just enough to restore:

  • take the frying pan peeled from Nagara and Rust;
  • carefully soda it with vegetable oil from all sides: and inside and outside;
  • send a frying pan to the oven to the top tier upside down;
  • pay it for an hour at a temperature of 180 0 C.

When the pores are heated, the cast iron is expanding, which allows the metal to absorb the oil, which is stored inside as cool. Thereby restore non-stick properties.

Creating a non-stick coating on a cast-iron frying pan - video

Of course, you know how to clean your favorite dishes - it's good. Nevertheless, prevention is better than treatment! Care for your dish from the cast iron correctly and then she will serve you forever!