Repairs Design Furniture

Aluminum saucepan: calcination and cleaning. Prepare a cast-iron pan or cauldron before the first application: how to do it in the oven, on the burner and in the fire how to use the aluminum frying pan

In order for the kitchen utensils to serve for a long time, and cooking was not in harm to the body, it is necessary to use it carefully, to wash it right and try to acquire only high-quality dishes. Sometimes people apply the method of calcination before the first use of frying pan, and many not even have no idea how to cross aluminum frying pan.

How to pump an aluminum frying pan

A new frying pan must be washed and dry well. Then pour sunflower oil to it so that the bottom is completely covered, and add 1 tbsp. l. Salt. Next, put the frying pan on the stove and rolling to a specific smell of hot oil.

There is one more option, how to pump an aluminum frying pan. Pre-flushed and dried frying pan slightly grasp by vegetable refined oil from the inner and outdoor sides, turn the bottom up and place in the heated oven. After 60 minutes, the oven turn off, and the frying pan does not take out until it cools.

In the process of calcining on the surface of the dishes, a protective film is created, which should prevent the burning and formation of the Nagara. After these procedures, it is desirable for several days in a frying pan not to use to secure the result.

Also for calcining aluminum frying pan use salt. Pour a centimeter layer to the bottom, then leave on fire for about 15-20 minutes.

The calcination of the ceramic frying pan can also be carried out on fire with the addition of vegetable oil only. This will prolong her utilization and strengthen its non-stick properties.

Not only aluminum pans are very often used in the kitchen, but also a pan. Therefore, the hostesses are interested in creating aluminum pots. The answer is simple. All manipulations proposed by us, for cleansing pan, are suitable for aluminum pot.

Cook with pleasure and follow the purity of your dishes so that the dishes are delicious and helpful.

To extend the use of the dishes, it is useful to know about its properties, proper preparation for operation and care. Special relationship requires aluminum or duralumin frying pan. Let's get together how to properly prepare them to operate, care for they do not lose their qualities.

Features of aluminum and dural frying

Many modern frying pan are made of aluminum or dural. Dural - aluminum alloy with copper, magnesium, iron and silicon. After hardening in the water, it acquires hardness and becomes stronger than pure aluminum.

Frying pans are made in two ways: stamping and casting. Stamped products are made of metal sheets. The bottom of them is thin and during operation often deformed. The thinner the walls of the frying pan, the cheaper it is worth it, but also will last.

Pinnake stamped frying pan lighting, with thin walls

To make a littered frying pan, melted aluminum pour into a special form. It turns out dishes with a thick bottom and walls, which increases its strength. Such products are massive.

Thick bottom and walls add gravity by cast frying pan, but extend its service life

Aluminum and duralumin frying pan have indisputable advantages. They are light, do not rust, quickly heated. At the same time, care for this kitchen utensil requires knowledge of some rules.

About the dangers and benefits

Aluminum - metal soft, so it is reasonable to approach the selection of cleaning agents. Abrasive powders, metal sponges and brushes scratch the surface and this adversely affects the appearance and quality of the cooked dish (food sticks during cooking). In addition, the oxide film will be disturbed on the surface that serves an obstacle for corrosion. Hard brush and metal sponge damage the film. But it will easily restore if the dishes simply pour cold water and leave for 15 minutes.

The use of aluminum dishes does not harm health. Even if you have been prepared for many years only in aluminum dishes, enjoy aluminum devices and plates, the body will not be exposed to danger.

Aluminum has the ability to oxidize. In such a dish, it is not recommended to prepare acidic dishes. The cooked food is better to immediately shift into the glass or enameled container.

How to prepare a pan

Wash a new frying pan with a warm water with a shopping soap or a liquid dishwashing agent. This will remove the remnants of technical pollution and dust.

The frying pan without non-stick coating is prepared for operation using salt or vegetable oil. Methods are several.

Water method, without salt:

  1. Water boil in frying pan.
  2. Drain, give the dishes to dry.
  3. Wipe the product with vegetable oil and leave for 2-3 days.

Method with salt, without water:

  1. Pour salt to cover the bottom.
  2. Take 10 minutes on slow fire, let it cool.
  3. Pour salt, wipe with vegetable oil, leave for 2-3 days.


  1. Lubricate with vegetable oil from the outside and inside.
  2. Put in the oven heated to 120-150 0 s per hour.
  3. Turn off the oven, leaving a frying pan in it for another 2-3 hours.

Method with heating oil with salt.

  1. Pour vegetable oil to cover the bottom.
  2. Practice 1 teaspoon salt, stir.
  3. Gear on a small fire until the characteristic smell appears.
  4. Let cool.
  5. After processing the frying pan, rinse again with water without detergent.

The resulting thin oil film will serve as a non-stick coating.

Video: How to prepare for exploitation Aluminum frying pan

Methods and means of removal of nagar

When using frying pan, fat drops gradually settle on the walls and day. If it does not wash the frying pan in time, then the nagar layer will grow, worsening the appearance of the product and its quality properties.

How to Remove Fresh Pollution

Small Nagar can be softened with boiling, clean the soft abrasive powder, ammonia or peroxide.

Boiling against fresh nagar

Boiling against black spots

  1. Prepare the solution: in 1 glass of water pour 3-4 st. Spoons of vinegar.
  2. Boil the solution in a frying pan 10-15 minutes.
  3. Sponge pull the black spots, rinse the pan and wipe dry.

Soda and peroxide will help in the fight against Nagar

Small darkens remove with a rag moistened with ammonia alcohol. This will return the shine ink. To remove stains, the means for washing glass and porcelain will fit. As a soft abrasive, the chalk or a mixture of chalk with clay is used.

How to deal with the soased Nagar

If the frying pan used for many years without providing proper care, then the glowing nagar is repudent with more radical ways.

Lemon acid and vinegar remove Nagar

Shopping soap and glue remove the dirt

Burning the net on a thick frying pan with fire

  1. Put the frying pan on the middle fire, turn on the hood or ensure the air ventilation.
  2. Heat the dishes within 1-2 hours.
  3. Whores, the frying pan will smoke, turn around, then Nagar will turn into ashes and sometimes.
  4. Give the product to cool.
  5. Clean and wash the frying pan.

When firing, frying pan with a chopped salt in it is less distinguished, since the salt absorbs burning fat.

We consider Nagar Bulgark

Drill or Bulgarian with a nozzle in the form of a wire brush on metal will quickly return the beauty of a frying pan outside.

Mechanical method of cleansing frying pan fast and efficient

When cleaning the dishes from Nagara mechanically, observe the precautions: put on safety glasses, tight clothes, gloves, respirator.

Video: how to clean the aluminum dishes with a grinder

Chemicals against forged dirt

To remove fat and nagar, you can use bugs noise, AMWAY oven, pemolux gel, COMET gel, CIF cream and other means in the form of a cream or gel with an "anti-zhir" mark. They are suitable for almost all surfaces.

The gel of the noise will help to quickly remove the net, but it is impossible to use it for the inner surface of the frying pan

Use them only in gloves in a well-ventilated room. If the dishes have a non-stick coating, try the remedy on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe dishes: some covers can be spoiled. Means containing abrasive particles can not be used on aluminum dishes, non-stick coating or stainless steel. Use chemicals according to the instructions for cleaning the frying pan outside.

To restore the non-stick properties after cleaning the solar pollution, it is necessary to roll the pan and smear the vegetable oil.

The owners of aluminum and dural frying pan know that the metal brush will damage the oxide film, designed to protect the surface. To restore it, it is enough to pour into the water tank and leave for 10 minutes. Aluminum products are darker if it is used to use chemicals. Therefore, do not forget to learn a frying pan, periodically updating its natural antiprigar layer, as well as immediately soak and launder the burnt food to avoid tough cleaning or many hours of digestion.

Each hostess tries to simplify the cooking process using modern household appliances and high-quality dishes. Today there is a huge demand for cast iron pans, since this material has a lot of advantages. But after the purchase of a new frying pan, it is immediately taken for the preparation of dishes, since it is necessary to make some more simple actions that will extend the life of the dishes and prevent many problems in the future. In this article, we will look at what to do with the new frying pan tefal and how to achieve its antitriness.

Aluminum Skovoroda

How to prepare and how to treat the pan to use after purchase? The utensils made of aluminum or steel does not require complex manipulations after purchase:

  1. A new one, just wash the dishes, pour about half the liquid and add a piece of lemon.
  2. We carry out a boiling process of 20 minutes, in which hot steam will destroy all pathogens and harmful bacteria, and the presence of lemon will eliminate the unpleasant odors that are available when buying new dishes.

Method number 1.

The process of calcining a new aluminum frying pan elements of large salt is popular:

  1. A new aluminum skillet should be washed with a wash tool, wipe dry and put on the gas stove.
  2. The bottom of the aluminum frying pan fall a large salt.
  3. About 20 minutes you need to hold the frying pan on slow fire.

Important! Sometimes this process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor - for aluminum dishes, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

  1. After a period of time, turn off the plate and enable salt to cool.
  2. Throw salt, and the bottom of the aluminum frying pan wipe with a cloth, which is moistened in vegetable oil. For this purpose, the ideal option will be the use of refined oil.
  3. About 20 minutes you need to hold the frying pan on slow fire, then wash, but already without detergent.

Method No. 2.

The second method is practically similar to the first way, only in this case does not use the kitchen salt. The process of calcination is accompanied by oil only. It must be pouring more, and 40 minutes on slow fire to make a calcination procedure.

Method number 3.

What to do with a new frying pan, if very little time? In this case, the third method comes to the rescue. In this case, it is enough:

  1. Wash aluminum frying pan.
  2. Wash dry and wipe the cloth, which is moistened with vegetable oil.
  3. Then put the dishes in the oven the bottom of the bottom and turn on the temperature regime by 180 degrees. Aluminum dishes need to be left for a whole hour. After a period of time, turn off the oven and allow the frying pan to cool right there.

Steel frying pan

To prevent burning, you can use these recommendations:

  • You can use hot frying pan and cold oil. The best method of preventing food burning is a way of heating steel frying pan. Heat the dishes on the slow heat, pour vegetable or butter into it directly before possible preparation.
  • It is necessary to adjust the cooking temperature. The use of too high temperature mode is guaranteed will lead to the burning of food. Strong fire mode on the kitchen cooker is used only when water boiling and deep roasting process. In order to avoid the proof and burning procedure used products, it is necessary to reduce the cooking temperature.
  • Preheat dishes are necessary before cooking. The use of cold food on a hot frying pan will lead to adhesion. In order not to have this problem, you need to eat from the refrigerator, allow you to take room temperature, but you do not need to leave it for a long time.
  • When cooking can not be overwritten to the pan. If you put too much food, then a mess occurs in the temperature mode of the steel frying pan, which contributes to the burning and sticking. Food is in this case unevenly prepared.
  • It is impossible to use non-stick and culinary sprays. The use of such funds creates more problems with adhesion and does not contribute to their solution. Especially suffer from the regions of the pan, where the spray is not burning apart.

Important! If the purchased frying pan has a non-stick coating, then it is necessary to maintain it in proper condition. It is impossible to use metal devices for cleaning the surface of the frying pan, it is unacceptable to wash the dishes with abrasive materials, such as a rigid metal sponge and cannot be prepared on very strong heat.

To extend the operation of the steel frying pan, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • Some potent detergents are capable of damage to pans. This is especially true of those detergents that are used for dishwashers, as they wash all the oil and dried it.
  • The calcination process is used in the metal property. They are filled with polymerized oils and fats, which create a non-stick coating. Stainless steel is practically devoid of pores, so it is so well preserved after a long period of time.

Cast iron frying pan - advantages and preparation features

The cast iron is considered the best material for the manufacture of kitchenware, because it is environmentally friendly, durable, reliable and able to serve a very long period of time.

Cast iron pans have a number of advantages, compared with super-modern non-stick products:

  • Cast iron is an ancient alloy that is used for the manufacture of kitchen utensils. This material does not contain unnecessary chemical impurities, as well as absolutely not toxic in the heating process.
  • It does not work well, but it retains it perfectly, so before use such a piece is needed to rolling well.
  • A cast iron frying pan evenly gives heat products, so they do not burn, they do not lose juices and acquire a unique taste.
  • These products are perfectly coping with a long-term voltage.
  • The cast-iron surface is absolutely neutral to food acid products.
  • Suitable for all types of plates and ovens.
  • Cast iron is very durable and defamates deformation, so such a kitchenware serves for a very long time.
  • Easily restore the original appearance, as well as non-stick properties.
  • The surface is not amenable to mechanical damage, so you can use any fixtures in the process of stirring the dishes.
  • The cast-iron frying pan grill with embossed bottom makes it possible to prepare a dish with almost no fat.

All these advantages can be assessed, if you know what to do with the new cast iron frying pan?

Important! Also in this type of kitchen utensils there are a number of shortcomings:

  • huge weight;
  • ability to rust, so it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive procedures;
  • it can not store products;
  • necessary special, but uncomplicated care;
  • when falling can split.

Rules for the care and operation of pig-iron frying pan with non-stick coating

How to make a cast-iron frying pan non-stick and save these properties? For cast-iron frying pan, the rules of care and operation are not such strict as in Teflon or ceramic models, but still, there are certain tips:

  • You need to buy kitchen dishes only high-quality and known manufacturers, since this is directly dependent on the operational period of the product.

Important! The absence of the surface of the surface and uneven heating of the frying pan indicates the popularity of the model.

  • In the cooking process, use wooden blades, because it will help keep the smoothness of the surface.
  • Do not leave the cast-iron frying pan on fire without water or products, as it hurts a non-stick coating and reduce the life of the product.
  • It is waiting for the cooling of the frying pan, and not cool it under the jet of cold water. That is why the cast iron product is necessary only after it completely cools.
  • Kitchen utensils need to be washed after each use. After the cooking process in the pan remains the tag and burnt oil, which damage the surface. If you do not wash the product, then in such places the food will burn that it will cause certain difficulties during the washing of dishes.
  • The process of washing is necessary to carry out hot water, more hot water contributes to a better and efficient removal of excess fat.
  • If the usual sponge for washing dishes does not manage to get rid of pollution, you can use scrapers and metal brushes, only you need to be very neat and not damage the surface of the pan.
  • It is undesirable to use chemical fat solvents because they destroy the created anti-rig. That is why after applying the fat-rooting agents, it may be necessary to repeat the cast iron frying pan.
  • The washed product must be completely dry, and then lubricate a piece of margarine or a sala in the inner surface.

Important! This procedure is mandatory, since the fatty film prevents surface oxidation and helps to preserve the non-stick properties of the frying pan.

  • Store clean kitchen utensils are best in the oven, because there is the smallest level of humidity.

More advice on the right use of dishes from this material you will find in our separate review "".

Renewal of non-stick properties

If the cast iron frying pan was covered with a layer of nagar, lost non-stick properties and the food began to adhere, then it is necessary to restore the original condition of the kitchenware. How to make a cast-iron frying a non-stick again? This procedure differs from the preparation of a new frying pan with long calcination.

For the resumption of the non-stick properties of the cast-iron frying pan, it is necessary:

  1. Preheat oven to the maximum possible temperature.
  2. Place the old frying pan in it.
  3. Wait a few hours until the whole husk starts to disappear from the frying pan.
  4. Capture dishes and wait for a complete cooling.
  5. Production procedure for the calcination of cast-iron frying pan to purchase non-stick properties.

If the frying pan is burning

Food, which stuck, you need to try to tweak with water, and then remove with a sponge. In especially difficult cases, it is possible to use a solution of economic soap. When using a strong dishwashing or metal scraper, it is necessary to apply the anti-stick layer again.

Important! From frequent use of cast-iron pans, the quality of cooking is increased. They are not burning, and the crust is becoming more crispy.

What if the cast iron frying pan began to rust?

When traces of corrosion appear on the surface of the cast-iron frying pan, it is necessary to think about updating the non-stick layer:

  1. First you need to remove rusty sponge areas. You can also use sandpaper, if the use of ordinary kitchen sponge does not bring the desired result.
  2. After that, rolling the cast-iron frying pan, as before the first use, soak it with fat.

Important! In order not to wash off the non-stick coating as often, it is very convenient to have several pans, where you can prepare pancakes separately, fry fish and meat, stew vegetables, prepare fried eggs or omelet.

How to clean the cast-iron pan from many years of Nagar?

Many families transmit kitchen utensils by inheritance. Such a dishes that have enjoyed several generations, keeps expensive memories of ancestors, family traditions and holidays, about tastes of favorite dishes. Such kitchen utensils requires a new life.

And there are cases when the grill is not exactly old, but simply is often used and there is no time to wash it. Conduct the procedure for cleaning cast iron dishes is quite simple.

Many years of chopping dishes can be removed in several ways:

  1. The cast iron skillet may be subject to the calcination procedure in the oven or you can use the gas burner. After five to six hours, the Nagar is easily falling off from the touch of an acute subject.
  2. It is possible to apply a mechanical effect on the nagging layer of the cast-iron pylon. Metal brush, grinding machine or drill with a nozzle made of metal can solve this problem.
  3. For cast iron dishes, you can also apply chemical solutions that are able to soften the solidified fat layer.

Important! It is best to carry out these procedures not in the closed room of the apartment, but in an open territory, since all methods are accompanied by certain difficulties:

  • The first method is characterized by continuous separation of caustic, harmful smoke.
  • The second method is accompanied by uncontrolled splashing pieces of Nagar, which fly into all the cracks, so you need to protect your eyes and nose.
  • The third method is characterized by the boiling process of chemical solutions, which are accompanied by excretion of harmful evaporation. Even working outdoors, do not neglect the means of individual protection, such as glasses, gloves and respirator.

Chemical solution to remove nagar

Consider the chemical composition of the solution that is able to soften the Nagar. For its preparation, you will need an ordinary line of economic soap, 200 ml of silicate glue and 500 g of food soda. How to act:

  1. The grated piece of the household soap is added to a water bucket, in which a cast iron frying pan will be soaked, and mix with the stationery glue and food soda.

Important! This composition of the substance can also be used to clean the delicate dishes. Cups, plates, spoons, forks, knives, pots are perfectly exposed to the procedure for cleaning by this composition. However, there are limitations for dishes with teflon coating.

  1. We produce heating a chemical solution.
  2. I stir up to the complete dissolution of the household soap, and then they lower the cast iron dishes into the solution.
  3. The further process is heating to a boil, after which we reflect the fire and on a slow heat for 3-4 hours "Cook" the cast-iron dishes, not forgetting the water constantly.

Important! If such procedures are performed in the kitchen room of the apartment, then it is necessary to turn on the exhaust and take care that all windows in the apartment are open.

  1. Four hours later, it is necessary to check the condition of the nagging layer of the pan - it should be very soft, and now it can be very easy to scrape with a sharp knife or scraper. If the nagar layer is not soft enough, then you need to increase the time of "cooking" of cast-iron dishes.
  2. When there was a complete softening of Nagara, it is necessary to scrape it with cast-iron frying pan and rinse good dishes.

Important! After that, you need to additionally boil the kitchen dishes about 30 minutes in clean water until the soap solution is completely disappeared and to complete the cleaning process and lubricate with fat like when exploiting. Now you can again use the cast-iron frying pan.

Equipment of a new frying pan

All cast iron products at manufacturing enterprises are processed by sealant, since such a procedure helps to avoid the formation of unpleasant rust on the surface of the kitchen utensils. That is why after purchasing such dishes, it is not necessary to immediately use it for cooking.

So what to do with a new frying pan?

The cast-iron frying pan needs to rinse with the usual detergent in warm water, and then put it in the oven to dry, and the temperature should not exceed 200 degrees.

Important! Since the surface of the cast iron has a porous structure, the holes must be filled with fat. After that, it will become smooth and smooth, like teflon or ceramics, respectively - will receive a non-stick coating. For this there are several ways.

Sunflower oil

The most common is the method using sunflower oil.

How to make a non-stick frying pan:

  1. Heat a little dishes.
  2. Thin layer of sunflower oil lubricate a frying pan on both sides.

Important! In the future, it will not be necessary to lubricate the outer part of the frying pan, as this is done only before first use to ensure a non-stick coating.

  1. Place the product in the oven upside down and wait until smoke disappears.

Important! If the frying pan is made of plastic, then it is strictly forbidden to put such a product in the oven, since the plastic is very easily melted.

  1. Get the frying pan.
  2. Remove with sunflower oil and wait for a complete cooling.

After these procedures, the new frying pan acquires a brilliant look, heats up evenly, it is easy to clean.

Important! To create a smoother and dense antitrigar surface, it is recommended to use solid animals fats, lubricants. After such treatment, the dishes need to be washed in hot water only manually, and try to avoid aggressive detergents.


To calcinate a new frying pan, you can also use salt. This method has appeared a long time ago, but still enjoys great popularity and is characterized by high reliability.

In order to make the surface of the non-stick, it is necessary:

  1. Heat the frying pan.
  2. Pour salt on the surface.
  3. Fur in the pan for 20 minutes, constantly stirring the salt.
  4. Pour salt from dishes.
  5. Rinse the pan under warm water and dry.

Proper use of different types of frying

All sorts of tips are used for the cooking process of various dishes. The use of the correct type of frying pan helps to carry out the procedure for maintaining dishes in excellent condition, so it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of frying pan is for what:

  • Stainless steel frying pan is ideal for cooking sauces, gravy and other liquid dishes. They can also be used for cooking acidic products. But the dishes with a non-stick coating will begin to react with elements of acidic substances, and the result is damage to the surface.
  • Frying pans with non-stick coating need to be used for the process of frying eggs and other products that can burn.
  • Copper skils withstand high temperatures and are best suited for products that are very sensitive to heat.
  • Cast iron models are an excellent option for frying and taking any products, but not for storage.

Stock foot

In this article, we told you in detail what to do with a new frying pan - how to wash it, rolling, and what to do with dishes during use if you need to remove the Nagar. We hope, from now on you will need a new dishes less often, because when complying with all the recommendations, the one that is available now will serve for a very long time, perfectly coping with any cooking processes.

The frying pan is a popular object of kitchen utensils. Do not count the diversity of dishes that are prepared with its help. To serve the pan for a long time, you need to properly care for it since the purchase and throughout the time of use. Let us consider in more detail the question of how to effectively calculate and extort from Nagar aluminum pans with various types of coating.

Pans from different materials: pros and cons

Clean in different ways

As in any important matter, you need to start with the match, that is, with the clarification of the material from which the cleaning object is made.

Options are not so much: cast iron, steel, aluminum and duralumin. We will talk about the cast iron and began to talk another time, and now I would like to deal with aluminum and duralumin products.

If you do not feel lucky for which the chemistry was one of the most beloved and understandable items in school, you will be interested to know that the difference between aluminum and duralumin is as follows: the second is an aluminum and magnesium, copper and manganese alloy in various combinations and proportions.

Aluminum - light, persistent (not amenable to corrosion and other attacks from outside), easily deformed, including under the action of high temperatures and continuing. It is clear that in the context of a frying pan, lightness and durability are positive qualities, and the exposure of deformation and low strength is negative.

Duralumin - light, durable is also inclined to deformation at high temperatures and plus to everything, corrosion. For aviation and other industry, this material is obviously preferred, due to its strength, and for the dishtream, this quality is not the most important thing, because it is unlikely that someone will transmit a frying pan inheritance. But the exposure of corrosion is bad for everyone. The output was simple - applied to the surface of the duralumin product (in our case, a frying pan) thin layer of aluminum, enamel, varnish, and from the inside coated with antitrigar coatings (Teflon, ceramics).

In the Soviet government, the pan made mainly of pure aluminum, today the alloy is mainly used.

Choosing a frying pan, look at the price, you won't lose.

If the price is low, it means that you are a subtle stamped product, the validity period of which is limited at best by three years. Such frying pan can not be placed on an electric burner, as they are instantly deformed.

A higher price suggests that you have a cast product, with a fairly thick walls, and most importantly, the bottom. In our case, than the bottom thicker, the better (from 6 mm). The bottom of the pancakes for pancakes may be thinner, from 2 mm. This thing you can safely put on both gas and electric stove, nothing will happen to her. The life of cast frying pan is higher - from 5 years.

How to roll: we prepare an aluminum frying pan

Rules for cleaning

For convenience, we will be called "aluminum" both products made of pure aluminum, and from alloy of duralumin, in the end, the base metal is up to 95% there.

Before you begin cooking on a new aluminum skillet, you need to prepare it for successful work. And here the character of its coverage appears to the fore.


There are several ways to prepare a new frying pan with aluminum coating to work.

    Wash with dishwashing tools, then wipe dry with a towel, put on fire. The usual salt fall asleep in the pan so that the bottom of it is covered completely. Fix 20 minutes. After a specified time, remove from the fire and wait for cooling. Remove salt. Imprease the flaps of the fabric with vegetable oil and wipe the bottom. After that, put the frying pan again, pour oil to the bottom and hold for another 20 minutes. Fly oil, rinse in water without adding detergents.

    You can hire a flushed and dried frying pan only with oil. Pour almost to the top and keep on fire for 30 minutes. However, it is clear that this way is more expensive than the first.


Non-stick frying pan

A new Teflon Skin must be washed in warm water with a tool for washing the dishes, wipe dry, put on the middle fire for 30 seconds, then lubricate with vegetable oil. In further use, a frying pan with such a coating cannot be heated by more than 200%. Since we cannot determine the temperature to the eye, the manufacturers are placed at the bottom of the Teflon Skin, a special thermocouple, which blues at a temperature of 180%. This serves as a signal to what you can float the products and start cooking.


Food is not burning

Ceramic coating requires the most trembling attitude towards himself.

Wash the new frying pan with a ceramic coating in hot water with a dishwashing agent, then wipe dry, lubricate with vegetable oil. If you plan to cook immediately - prepare if you hang on the wall, wash the oil under hot water with a soft sponge, wipe dry and add as you like more.

With further use, adhere to several gold rules of ceramics, without complying with which your wonder-frying is cracked and turns into a conventional iron for frying the kitlet.

  1. Do not expose ceramic coating temperature drop. Do not put a hot frying pan under the cold water stream, do not put on the heated surface of the product from the refrigerator, etc. Even the cold ketchup, added to the preparing roaster, can provoke the occurrence of microcracks that have a property to grow into normal cracks that destroy the antiprigar effect.
  2. Do not touch the ceramics with nothing sharp and hard: knives, forks, metal blades, even metal spoons should be prohibited. Silicone or wooden blades are the choice of the owners of a frying pan with a ceramic coating.
  3. Do not clean the inner part of the pylon abrasive (scratching) substances. Forget about soda, cleaning powders and metal urbers. Soft sponge, a foaming agent for washing dishes, quiet music, and your skillet will be happy and happy, and will serve you faithfully for several years. And nothing will burn on it, and the oil can not be added.

Cleaning the aluminum frying pan after long use.

During a close study of the topic through digging on the Internet, 2 openings were made by the author. The first - there are many ways to clean the frying pan, brought to almost any condition. And the second is most of the video on this topic recorded by men!

Here are exclusively recipes confirmed by video clips, that is, proven in practice.

Cleaning using soda and hydrogen peroxide + video example

A paste is prepared from soda and hydrogen peroxide. The amount of substances in the composition depends on the area of \u200b\u200bpollution. The paste is evenly applied to the contaminated surface and left for some time, depending on the severity of the case. From 15 minutes to several hours.

After time, with the help of soft metal rods, we start rubbing into contaminated places, then wash the water. The surface should be cleaned.

Nagar cleaning mustard

This method is suitable for cleaning a frying pan coated with a non-stick coating (Teflon or ceramics). His feature is that the main work for you will make a cleaning solution based on mustard, and you need to be patient and wait for it to cope with the main problems. The process is long, but not labor.

  1. Dirty after cooking frying pan wipe the napkin to remove the main fat.
  2. A tablespoon of mustard powder (when there is a lot of nagar, if there is little - you can take ½ st. L.) We are divorced in boiling water or very hot water.
  3. Fill into a frying pan, we leave for 30 minutes. If there is really a lot of nagar, you can leave for a longer period, up to 8-10 hours (for night, for example).
  4. We drain the water with mustard and rinse the skillet with a soft sponge with warm water.

To clean the external nagar, you can use more complex in the composition:

  1. ¼ Sliced \u200b\u200bof soap to pour ½ tbsp. Hot water and melt to the state of the gel on the water bath or in the microwave. (In the video, the economic soap is proposed to replace with liquid soap and then the tool remains liquid). At the end add more ½ cup of water.
  2. The resulting brew a little cool, add one and a half tablespoons of soda and mustard.
  3. Stir and add 2 tbsp. l. Summer alcohol (he is a solution of ammonia).
  4. Beat the mixer, delete foam, pour the resulting gel on capacles with a wide throat, wait until you cool and thickens.
  5. If the tool remains in liquid form, it is necessary to shabby before use.
  6. We apply a mustard cleaning agent to the outer walls of the pan, cover with wet rags and leave for some time (from 15 to 30 minutes approximately, depending on the degree of contamination).
  7. We remove the rag, the rigid side of the sponge "We pass" along the walls of the pan, after which we wash the water.

If the above-described means has not coped with the bottom, you need to sip it first.

  1. In the pan pour a solution of 1 liters. Water and 2-3 tbsp. l. Soda, boil, leave on the plate on the included.
  2. We put a frying pan from above. The dishes need to be selected so that the diameter of the frying pan coincides with the diameter of the top of the pan.
  3. We leave the frying pan over the boiling soda solution. Time is determined by the eye, depending on the incidence of the case.
  4. We remove the frying pan from the water bath, the part is covering with a damp cloth, so as not to swept, and begin to drag the second part with a metal washcloth. If Nagar moves badly, we return the pan on the water bath and repeat the procedure.

How to extort the dirt by a soldering lamp and a grinder

The next two ways are purely male and they are suitable for terribly wiggly and blurred by burnt oil outside aluminum kitchen utensils.

  1. The dirty frying pan is heated using a soldering lamp. If it is very black - do it for a long time, while the black plates of the Nagar will not start fall off. In this joyful moment, the lamp is set aside and begin to depart the dirt using a metal washlook.
  2. Nagar on aluminum dishes are removed using a grinder with a special nozzle or grinding machine. The technique is the same as when grinding. After such a brutal method of cleaning, scratches may remain. They need to smooth out the shallow emery paper.

Boil in a solution based on silicate glue (liquid glass)

Effective method tested by the harsh Soviet weekdays. It helps even in, it would seem hopeless cases.

  1. Large saucepan or enameled bucket with water to put on fire
  2. In grate a standard piece of gray household soap, pour out into the water.
  3. There are 2 packs of silicate glue (gram 500) and 500 soda.
  4. Mix everything, make sure that the components dissolved, immerse in the solution with a frying pan with nagar.
  5. Bring to a boil and continue to boil for some time. If the contamination is not too strong, it will be enough 15 minutes. If under Naigar, the pan is not visible, continue boiling for several hours.
  6. It turns off the fire, leave the cleaning dishes in the solution, close the lid, leave for 2-3 hours.
  7. Rinse with water with a sponge or metal washcloth.

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So why are we going back to old good cast iron? Because such delicious potatoes, the kitlet and "grandmother's" pancakes in another dishes are not achieved. Yes, modern frying panns are lightweight, comfortable, do not require preliminary preparation before use, but the taste and use of food are more important.

Cast iron is an aloy of iron with carbon, plus a small number of additional "additives". It does not release toxic substances, such as the same Teflon, and with proper use practically "eternal". Food made of cast-iron dishes is especially tasty - this is a merit with a relatively low thermal conductivity of the metal. The cast iron is long and evenly heats up and also gives heat for a long time, not "burns" food. And why burn the frying pan from the cast iron, maybe it is not worth "bother"?

Why the procedure is necessary

In the production of cast iron dishes, the shapes are lubricated with a special makeup so that the finished products are easily removed. And after, before selling, an anti-corrosion coating is caused so that the frying pan suggests that is not damaged by rust. And all these lubricants need to be removed, otherwise we will eat them in the literal sense. How it can affect our health - a big question. Moreover, the cast iron is a porous alloy and simple washing from Fairi not enough, because the lubricant particles will remain in the pores and when heated will go into our food.

In addition, the calcination will be a kind of voluntary verification of the frying pan. If there are cracks or deformed areas on it - your low-quality utensils, and maybe it is not cast iron at all. In such cases, we boldly return the goods.

Removal of factory lubricant

Before starting to hide, you need to properly prepare a cast-iron grill frying pan: before first use it is necessary to completely remove the factory coating first, and then create a new one so that the food does not burn.

Clear frying pan from lubrication will help the usual salt. If there are traces of rust on the dishes - just erase them with a metal grater and then act according to the instructions. And it consists of nine simple steps.


  1. Wash dishes with any detergent "to a screen". That is, a bold film should not be on the surface.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. Put the frying pan on fire so that the remaining moisture is completely evaporated.
  4. Put salt in such a quantity so that the layer is not thinner than the centimeter.
  5. Heat the salt, periodically stirring until the color change and it will not start "shoot".
  6. Salt throw out.
  7. Wash the frying pan without soap, just under the jet of water.
  8. Wipe dry.
  9. Dry to the end on fire.

How much time to learn a cast-iron pan with salt is impossible to say for sure. It all depends on the size of the dishes and the composition, which it is covered. Pay attention to the color of the pan: as soon as it became gray from black and stopped smoking - the goal is achieved. And the salt "pulls out" from the rest of the lubricant and will change the color: from light yellow or grayish to almost black.

The lid, if it is, my with soap and "cover" the fire. We are waiting for progrit oil and color will become gray. I cool under the jet of water and we void salt from all sides. Then it is enough just to rinse and dry.

3 ways how to make a cast iron frying pan in modern kitchen

In old days, the castle was calcined on an open fire or in the stoves. If you do not have the opportunity to harden on the street, then here are three proven ways, how to prepare a cast-iron pan or cauldron to first use in the city's urban apartment.

Please note: All methods described below include pre-calcining utensils with salt.

Option number 1.

Features. This is a fairly simple and fastest way to create a new anti-fry layer in a frying pan. The oil is better to use refined, so there will be less smoke and gary. You can lubricate and lard, our grandmothers did just that.

Technique implementation

  1. Lubricate the frying pan with fat. It is important to wipe the surplus so that there are no outers.
  2. Put on a small fire.
  3. Cheat about half an hour.
  4. Immediately substitute the frying pan under the water stream. Caution: Water will boil and shoot. In order not to get burns, put on the mitching makeup.
  5. Repeat the procedure at least three times.

After the final poultry of the frying pan remains fat, but you do not need to wash it with Fairi - you can see a diligently created anti-player layer and have to do everything again. Just wipe the frying pan and dry on fire.

Option 2.

Features. This method will allow you to properly burn caulders at home. After all, on the fire of the burner, it is difficult to achieve a uniform warming up of high walls and would have to put the cauldown to the side and shaking parts, turning it from time to time.

Technique implementation

  1. Place the temperature in the oven by about 180-200.
  2. A prepared pan or cauldron slightly smeared with oil.
  3. Do not forget to wipe the surplus, the fat must not drain along the walls and drip.
  4. Just do it with the lids.
  5. Place on the grille or bastard upside down.
  6. If the knob is removable - leave it outside.
  7. Leave the dishes with the covers in the oven at least an hour.
  8. Turn off the fire and give utensils to cool yourself yourself.
  9. Repeat the procedure even two times. So the anti-gun layer will be more stable.

According to reviews, there will be a lot of smoke. Open the window and, if there is, turn on the hood. That is why in winter it is better to roast the firing, because you will not be able to keep the windows with a lap for a few hours.

Option 3.

Features. And you can do and without watch calcins in the oven. But there will be a lot of vegetable oil. It should be sunflower and refined, otherwise it will be strongly planted. Olive is better not to use.

Technique implementation

  1. In a pre-prepared frying pan, pour oil. So much so that the layer is at least half the height of the walls. And better - almost to the edges.
  2. Figure on medium-weak fire is at least half an hour.
  3. Give a frying pan to cool.
  4. Oil pour.
  5. Sudine wipe dry.

From a strong fire, the oil can flare up. Better, if the fire is weak, but lean longer. And try not to depart from the stove - you can not leave the process without control.

Firing on open fire

And how to roll the cast-iron cauldron before first use, if you bought utensils in winter or are in the country where there is no possibility to burn it on the stove? Or if you do not have a gas, and the electric stove? After all, the classic cauldron has no flat bottom and install it exactly on the electronic plate - it is impossible. Here will help the experience of our grandmothers who burned new cast iron caught on the fire, like potatoes.

So you can roll not only a new cauldron, but also another dishes from cast iron, any shape and size. You can simply dissolve the bonfire, and you can use a wood-burning furnace type "bourgear", then you just need to open the top cover and insert the dishes into the hole.


  1. Spot firewood.
  2. If this is a bonfire - just put the soulful to the center of the fire. If this stove is placing utensils on an open opening from above.
  3. Wait for the color from black to change the gray and lubrication will stop smoking.
  4. Remove the vessel from the fire and take water. In winter, you can throw directly into a snowdrift and clean the snow.
  5. Wipe dry.
  6. Pour the oil onto the bottom and smear it along the walls to the edges.
  7. Put on the fire again.
  8. After half an hour, again rinse the dishes.
  9. Repeat actions two or three times.

Be extremely popular: cast iron will be very hot, you can get serious burns. Without thick gloves, tapes or folded in a few times the fabric can not do.

If utensil is not new

And if you "by inheritance" got old cast-iron dishes with a thick layer of Nagara - do not hurry to throw it out, with the right approach, it will serve you for ten more years. According to the reviews "to reanimate", the old proven method with the shop soap and PVA glue will help.


  1. Type water into a declined saucepan or bucket, heat.
  2. Stodit the regiment comes and pour one bottle of stationery glue.
  3. Stir to dissolve soap.
  4. Place in the container of cast-iron utensils.
  5. "Cook" on strong fire for two hours. Let's gradually add water, because it will replicate.
  6. Drain the soap solution.
  7. Dishes cool under the stream of cool water.
  8. Tack the nagar with a metal brush.

Cartoon Care Rules

Cast iron utensils almost eternal. And if it is correct to care for her, then you will enjoy the useful dishes "like from the furnace", and not to complain others that the bottom "sticks everything." Meanwhile, the rules of operation are completely simple.

  • Do not wash with soap. Otherwise, destroy the oil layer. After cooking, it is enough to wash the frying pan with simple water and wipe dry. Do not forget to finally dry it on fire.
  • Do not leave food in the dishes. After cooking, the dish needs to be shifted into another dishes. Acids from food easily destroy the oil layer and cast iron will have to be calcined again. In addition, there is a risk that the metal is delayed.
  • Do not use metal blades. Better if it is wooden or silicone items. Otherwise, you damage the oil layer and it will have to restore it.
  • Do not wash the dishes while she is hot. Let it cool, otherwise the pores will not have time to close and part of the non-stick coating will simply wash.
  • Do not soak. The dishes will rust. If food is attached to the bottom, just add the water and add. After that, the remains of food will easily wash themselves with water.
  • Do not wash in the dishwasher. Long-term contact with water and detergent will cause corrosion.

If I had to wash the frying pan with Fairi, dry it on fire and lubricate another hot thin layer. Wipe out surplus and rent half an hour on fire. And it is better to do this procedure and simply for prevention after each wash.

Folk ways, how to treat a cast-iron frying pan before first use, tested by time and always "triggered", if you do everything correctly. And the moment - high-quality cast iron can not cost cheaply. If you are trying to sell a "excellent frying pan" at a poker price - do not attempt illusions, this is a fake that even multiple calcination will save.