Repairs Design Furniture

How to make lysun that. How to make lysuine with the help of PVA glue. Lizun from toothpaste at home

Slime - the happiness of children of the 90s of the last century and the nightmare of their parents. The name "Lizun" got the toy after the release of the film "Hunters for Ghosts", where one of the characters wore this name. Little voracious casting joined everything that he met on his way, at speeds broke into a cake about all sorts of obstacles and adored towelingly to kiss. For similarity with this screen character toy and loved children. And now, many of them are purchased by lysuns in stores, and those who have anxious and inspector are made independently at home.

What is this strange toy

If you will see on sale a plastic jar or a container filled with a jelly-like substance with the inscription "Slum" or "Lizun" on the package, then it is she. Understand what it is, you can only take the slot in your hands. He is soft to the touch, things well and stretched, sticks to the walls, and then slides from them, often leaving fat stains.

Left alone, the slide spreads over the surface of the puddle, but it is easy to gather in a lump. It can stick to his hands, flow through your fingers, but becomes elastic when hitting the wall.

Initially, the slide was made from a guar gum - polysaccharide, and sodium tetrabrate, more known as a bora. As a result, a mucus similar to a mucus was obtained, but with the properties of the Nengeton fluid. It does not spread, it is easy to assemble, and when you hit it.

There are many types of lysunov, here are some of them:

Slime. The mass similar to Kisel is usually transparent. It will not stick to the hands, flows through the fingers with long threads, spreads along the solid surface in the pool.

Mucus is characterized by soft and drig

Antistress. This is a mucus placed in an elastic shell, covered with a cellular mesh. Under pressure forms bubbles.

Lizun "Antistussus" well relieves nervous tension

Gum for hands. More dense elastic mass. It is easy to mive and stretch.

Hand baby chewing is distinguished by greater density and elasticity.

Pumpman. The most dense lysun. It is less elastic, but elastic. Bounces on hard surfaces.

Elastic jumpschik bounces well from hard surfaces

Phlaffic slim. Fluffy and very pleasant to the touch. It is good, stretched.

Phlaffy Slym - the most magnificent and air lysun

Plasticine. Better maintains the form. Due to the plasticity, you can sculpt various figures from it.

Plasticine is better than others keeps the form

There are lysons that are well sticking to surfaces, matte, transparent, with foam balls, pearl, glowing, different colors.

Of course, such a toy can be bought in the store, but more interesting to make yourself from the remedies. Moreover, it is completely simple.

How to make different types of lysunov at home

From which the industry makes modern lysunov - is not known - it is unknown, but that when using sodium tetraborate with a home manufacturer, the substance is obtained very similar to the purchase toy - fact. From this recipe and start.

From the sodium tetrabrate and glue PVA

Prepare all ingredients:

Now it can be taken in the hands, pull, arid, throw and collect again - Lizun is ready.

Tip! Choosing the dye remember that some of them are packing hands.

With hair foam or shaving

The phlaffic slim is manufactured by the same recipe. To give lizenum of fluffiness, the hair foam or shaving is introduced into the composition.

  1. Pour glue into suitable dishes.
  2. Attach the foam to it. The amount depends on how empty the mass should turn out. Stir.
  3. Add dye, you can use aniline or any other. Stir again thoroughly.
  4. We gradually pour sodium tetrabott into the mixture, simultaneously stirring. As soon as the composition thickens and starts falling back from the walls of the dishes, you can take it in the hands and play.

The main condition for success in the manufacture of this species is good glue. If he does not thicken, all the works will go to the pump, nothing will work.

From the glue of PVA and soda

But not only a bora is used as a thickener. This feature perfectly performs food soda.

  1. Dissolve soda in a small amount of water.
  2. Glue pour into a bowl, add a dye and mix.
  3. We gradually add a soda solution, simultaneously stirring thoroughly. Wait for the mass thickens. It does not happen immediately, so do not rush to add a soda solution.
  4. Through the ready mass to frow in your hands. It will still be softer and tender than the previous one, it's good and stretches.

Lizun can be done flickering if you add glitter

From alcohol and silicate glue

Used for the manufacture of lysus and silicate glue. But the properties of the toy will be different.

  1. Pour glue into a bowl and give the color to any dye.
  2. Stirring the circular movements, add a little alcohol. You will see how the mass is thick, forming tight lumps.
  3. Leave the substance for 20 minutes to relax.
  4. Collect in a lump and frolick well. Such a lysun will not stretch and stick, the consistency is rather dense. But from it will be a great jump.
  5. Skate the ground into the ball and try to hit them about the floor. Elastic ball goes well from hard surfaces.

From starch and hydrogen peroxide

A solid ballproof is simply made using ordinary starch. To do this, you will not need a lot of costs, the toy will cost a penny.

  1. 100 g of starch mix with 200 ml of hot water to obtaining a jelly-shaped mass.
  2. Let it be cooled and connect with 100 ml of PVA glue.
  3. Add a suitable dye and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything well. Hydrogen peroxide will give toy ease and airiness.
  4. Scatter the resulting mass into the ball. Pumpman ready.

Video Type for the manufacture of lizunov from glue

From the glue "Titan" and shampoo

A simple way to manufacture lysuine - with titanium glue. This glue is not toxic, and after drying it does not lose elasticity.

  1. Mix glue with shampoo in a 3: 2 ratio. The color and transparency of the toy will depend on the shampoo. For greater color intensity, add a dye.
  2. Leave the mixture for a while for thickening, usually takes 5 minutes.
  3. Lisun ready. Just and quickly.

According to this recipe, it is not always possible to get the desired result, different shampoos behave differently. But trying to try, because you do not lose anything.

Tip! Stir the mass until it falls back from the walls of the dishes and will not stop sticking towards the hands. These are signs of readiness toys.

From glue pencil

Another type of glue is a pencil, too, quite apply for this purpose. Here we will again need sodium tetraborate.

  1. To do this, you will need 4 pieces of glue pencil. Remove the rods and fold into refractory dishes.
  2. With the help of the microwave or oven, melts the rods to form a viscous mass.
  3. Add a dye to adhesive mass, mix.
  4. In a separate dish, dissolve the boor in a small amount of water.
  5. Little to add a solution into glue with constant stirring, until the required consistency is obtained.

Two video sections of cooking lysuine

From plasticine

Lizuuna can be made not only of glue. A good and durable toy is made of plasticine.

You will need:

  • plasticine - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 250 ml.
  1. Soak gelatin in 200 ml of cold water using refractory dishes.
  2. When gelatin will swell, bring it to a boil with slow heat and immediately remove from the fire. Give a little cool.
  3. Front plasticine so that it becomes soft. Mix with the remaining water.
  4. Connect the warm gelatin with plasticine, mix well before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

You can give such a toy without fears to give children, because there are no harmful substances in its composition. There is a small problem: this species leaves fat stains on the wallpaper. Watch that the children do not throw it into the walls.

From toothpaste and liquid soap

It is a safe option - lysun from toothpaste. You can use the usual and gel paste.

  1. Mix 20 ml of toothpaste and liquid soap with 5th teaspoons of flour.
  2. Stir so that there is no lumps first with a spoon, and then with your hands. So that the mass does not stick to the hands, moisten them with water and disarm well again.

From soap and shampoo

For the next species, you will need only two ingredients that will be found in any house. This is a liquid soap and hair shampoo.

  1. Mix the liquid soap and shampoo in the same proportions to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Place the refrigerator for a day.
  3. Remove and have fun.

Since this lysun consists of substances soluble in water, protect it from moisture. From heat hand toy quickly softens, it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator. And do not allow contact with dust and mud, laundering the lysun will not succeed. With careful terms, such a toy will serve about a month.

From cream for hands and spirits

Make lizena can be made even from hand cream. No guarantee that the toy succeeds, but it's worth trying.

  1. Squeeze the cream into a bowl.
  2. Add paint and mix.
  3. Little by adding perfume, mix everything thoroughly. The mixture will begin to thicken.
  4. Having achieved the desired consistency, break the toy with your hands.

From flour

Often parents fear to give the slide to small children from the fear that they pull him in her mouth. For such a case, you can make a completely safe, edible lysuine without chemistry.

To do this, you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • cold water - 50 ml;
  • water hot - 50 ml;
  • food coloring.
  1. Squake flour into a bowl, mix with a dry dye.
  2. Add Cold Water, mix again.
  3. Pour hot water, perfectly squeeze the resulting dough. It should be smooth and without lumps.
  4. Remove the dough for several hours in the refrigerator.
  5. Once again, fright well.

Not all products and substances are suitable for the manufacture of slide. Not everything that seems like lysuine has the necessary properties. In order not to make mistakes, look at the video.

Video experiments on the preparation of lysunov from different ingredients

How to give lysuin the desired properties

Even if the slider turned out to be not as much as I wanted to fix it.

  1. Vinegar will make a toy more elastic. Pour a few drops and lysun will be better reaching.
  2. By adding hydrogen peroxide, you will get a magnificent mass, the phlaffic slim is manufactured so.
  3. Making a toy slippery a few drops of glycerin will help.
  4. Luminous lysun can be obtained using fluorescent paint.
  5. If the lysun is too soft, put it in a jar, put several salt crystals there, close the lid tightly and leave overnight. Salt will pull out excess water and will return toy elasticity.
  6. Too hard lysun will be softer, if you put it on the night in the container and pour a few drops of water.
  7. To the toy nice smelled, flavor it with essential oil, food flavoring or vanilla.
  8. Magnetic lysun can be done by adding small metal sawdust or iron oxide to it. Made a good toy so that the supplement is evenly distributed. And then your lysun, like alive, will reach for any magnet.
  9. The toy "Antistress" will work out if you put the mucus in the balloon. You can do this with a large syringe without a needle.
  10. To increase lysuine, place it for 3 hours in water tank. Do not be afraid if it decreases into parts, it should be. Add a little salt and cream to hand. Stir. The slider will not only restore elasticity, but will become more.

Tip! Add multicolored foam balls to soft lysun. It will make it colorful and increase in volume.

Storage and Care Rules

Lizun - a toy capricious and life lifetime. To extend it, you need to know how to store and care for the slide.

  1. Lisun is stored in a plastic container with a tightly closed lid.
  2. So that the slide is not drying, keep it away from heat sources, do not leave in the sun.
  3. Furious lysun can be revived by water droplet, splashing - salt.
  4. With lysun you need to play. Long storage can lead to the appearance of mold. Such a toy will have to throw out.
  5. Frequent use will result in rapid pollution of toys and loss of properties.
  6. Avoid contact with darous surfaces, Lizun will collect the hairs and come into disrepair.

Lysuna is not just a children's toy, some species have practical use. For example, they can be cleaned with a computer keyboard or clothing from the nagwed Sora. Elastic develop fine motility, increase the strength of the fingers. And just soothe, remove stress and give a good mood. Make lysunov and play, because it's so exciting!

Greetings to you, my dear! Today we will learn to make a wonderful anti-stress toy at home, or, as it is also called, slim. It should be noted that it is good for both children and adults. To be honest, I don't even know who this toy will like more.

While she prepared this article for you, I realized that he was fascinated by sliming - a very exciting occupation. But the most important thing is that your kids will certainly like this type of creativity, however, as its result. For example, my daughter with delight accepted the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the houses of Lizun.

We tried from different ingredients, but it was best to get edible, glass and magnetic slimmes. Below you will find the most diverse recipes of lysunov at home. However, the real slims are difficult to imagine without glue, sodium tetraborate (borants) and soda. So experiment, try and create!

How to make lysuuna in 5 minutes without glue PVA and sodium - recipe for children (+ video)

This slider is prepared very easily and quickly from one ingredient, so even a child can cope with it. It is safe in preparation and does not require big skill.

Pour a thick gel gel into the bowl.

We evaporate it within two minutes. We wait for the cooling of the mass and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Lisun for children ready!

Tip: In order for the finished slim not a lip to hand, you can lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil!

Mastery Lizuun at home from glue, water and paints

Slime of three ingredients is preparing as quickly and easily as the first. Only it is based on the stationery glue, paints and water. By the way, if you like transparent lysons, then the paints in this recipe are not at all optional.


  • Clay stationery
  • Paints (optional)

Method of cooking in stages:

Transparent glue squeeze into the container.

Add water.

Mix so that the glue curls and not lip to the hands.

Tip: If you wish, you can add flavoring (artificial or essential oil) and gouache or acrylic (any color) if you wish. Just do it you need to mix with water!

How to make home slot from soda, glue and water?

This lysun is prepared very easily, but longer in time than the two previous ones. His main dignity - it turns out, both in the store, and will not stick to his hands.

So, prepare:

  • PVA glue
  • Gouache
  • Wooden stick

Method of cooking in stages:

PVA glue squeeze in a bowl.

With the help of a wooden stick, add the paint of your favorite color and mix it thoroughly.

In a glass with water, suck a couple of soda pinch.

A teaspoon of dissolved soda gradually pour into the glue, continuing to stir. A couple of minutes thoroughly mix and get cool slim!

Cooking lysuun at home from PVA and Sodium Tetraborate

Sodium tetrabrate is a popular and cheap thickener used for the manufacture of slides. His only minus is the smell of glue. Therefore, I do not recommend young kids to cook such a lysun.


  • PVA glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Disposable cup
  • Gouache any color
  • Wooden wand or pencil for mixing

Method of cooking in stages:

In a disposable cup pour glue PVA.

Add a couple of gouache drops and mix with glue.

We gradually (literally a couple of drops!) We add sodium tetraborate. We mix and add a boor again until the slide thickens. Lisun ready!

How to make a slide of glue and toothpaste?

Lizun, prepared on this recipe, is far from all. Since the thickener is not used here. But for the sake of the experiment you can try, the more it is very simple and inexpensive!

Ingredients (take an eye!):

  • Toothpaste
  • Wand or spoon for mixing

Method of cooking in stages:

Let's squeeze to the bowl of toothpaste.

Add glue.

Those well mix and leave to stack for two days.

How to make lizuun at home from foam for shaving and salts?

This recipe is suitable for advanced slides, which with their own hands made no one dozen lysunov. The ingredients are available, but the cooking technology is quite complicated. Yes, and a good result is not guaranteed.

We will need:

  • Shaving foam
  • Thick shampoo
  • Paint (acrylic or food)

Method of cooking in stages:

Pour a thick shampoo in a bowl.

Add shaving foam.

Add paint and mix everything thoroughly.

We add salt, mix and sprinkle our mixture. We place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Video with the manufacture of slide without glue, starch and sodium tetraborate (unsuccessful recipes)

If you are craving for experiments, and you do not feel sorry for products, you can try to cook leases by recipes from the following video. True, judging by the plot, the author did not succeed with these slots. Since sodium without glue and tetraborate this is theoretically unrealistic.

We make lysuuna from water without a drill (sodium tetraborate)

The slide of water and silicate adhesive is very plastic and transparent. However, for beginners, the technology of its manufacture will be quite complicated. Therefore, stocking with the necessary materials, patience and forward to new creative feats!


  • Slices of ice
  • Silicate glue
  • Sequins (if desired)
  • Wooden stick

Method of cooking in stages:

In the container with cold water we put ice.

Add soda.

We mix everything with a wooden stick until the ice is melting.

Silicate glue pour into the water.

I collect lysun from the walls of the bowl.

Add sparkles.

Recipe for cooking slide at home from the shaving foam and soda

It is very simple and quickly, you can make high-quality "fluffy" lysun if using shaving foam and soda. It turns out an excellent result!


  • Stationery glue
  • Food coloring
  • Shaving foam
  • Solution for contact lenses
  • Boric acid
  • Liquid soap

Method of cooking in stages:

In the container, pour the stationery glue.

Add dye and mix ingredients.

We take the shaving foam and add to the bowl. Stir everything again.

Take some soda and hollow it with liquid for contact lenses. We pour into the container and mix.

Add some more fluid for lenses and stir.

In a glass with 50 ml of water, we pour 30 drops of boric acid and a little liquid soap. Ingredients are mixed and add to the bulk. Once again, everything is pretty stirred and get great lysun.

Video on how to make slides from shampoo and water without glue PVA

Lizun without glue - a very dubious undefer. However, the recipes for its manufacturer exists a lot, including this one. Therefore, you can try to make the slot from the water and shampoo, as in this video.

How to cook edible lysun at home?

This is the most delicious slider that I have experienced. And it is preparing only from the two ingredients - Marshmello and chocolate paste "Nutola". Try to make such a treat for kids older than three years. Bon Appetit!

Method of cooking in stages:

Marshmello calm on the water bath or in the microwave.

We get such a mass.

Add chocolate paste "Nutolar" to it.

Thoroughly mix all and get edible lysun.

Making glass slot do it yourself

This lease causes delight with its amazing transparency. True, it will take a lot of strength and at least two days. But the result is justified.

So, take:

  • Transparent glue
  • Thickener (sodium structures or tetraborate)
  • Wooden stick

Method of cooking in stages:

Pour 50 ml of transparent glue into the container.

Add 50 ml of water and stir well.

We add a thickener of the Borex or sodium tetraborate in such a quantity so that your lysun becomes drumming. Pretty I quit.

We leave for 2 days so that all bubbles come out of it, and it has become transparent.

How to make home magnetic lysun?

I liked this slider most. He knows how to not only absorb and push the magnet, but also to move with him. Very cool, so I recommend to try!


  • Thicketer Baresk.
  • Hot water
  • Shaving foam
  • Paint
  • Sequins
  • Magnetic crumb
  • Big Magnet

Method of cooking in stages:

In the container, we fall asleep half a teaspoon (without a roller) of the borec and add 250 ml of hot water. We stir and leave to cool.

Pour 100 ml of glue.

Add some shaving foam and mix up to a homogeneous mass. We pour a few drops of food dye or acrylic paints. Stir again.

Add sparkles.

I smell a magnetic chips.

We add thickener and form lysun.

Well, here and approached the end our funny master class on creating lysunov at home. And which one liked most of them. Maybe there are your sleeves recipes? If so, I will be doubly grateful for the comments left under the articles. To new blog meetings!

Lizun is one of the favorite children's toys. According to the consistency, it resembles a soft chewing, but does not stick to his hands.

Due to the fact that the composition of such a mixture may include a variety of ingredients, you will spend just a few minutes to "grow" lysuine at home yourself. It is done very simply, and even the children themselves are happy to take part in the work.

Let's learn some of the easiest ways and Lafhakov, how to make lysun at home.

Glue-based Lysun Recipes

The most common option is the use of glue. Thanks to this component, the lysun does not break and retains the form. What glue can be made lying?
Here are the three most popular options:

  • you can see how to make lysuer from transparent glue of PVA or white glue;
  • in the work you can use adhesive pencil;
  • super-fast glue moment will also fit, but it should be very careful with it.

The first is a simple way, we will tell about-lizen from the sodium tetraborate, PVA and water glue.

You will need a hundred gram of fresh glue, sodium solution of 4%, as well as the coloring ingredient like gouache or green.

In a special bowl for cooking, pour a glass of ordinary water. Previously, it is better to hold it in room conditions to get warm temperatures.

Next, pour glue to the formation of thick consistency. After glue, a tetraborate is added (all bubble) and coloring component. All that remains after adding the ingredients is to complete the mixture in Celofan and stop. Lisun ready!

Now find out how to make velcro from the stationery and silicate glue. This method is not as popular, but allows you to receive an equally high-quality toy.

In addition to glue, use alcohol and coloring ingredient.

Mix in equal parts of alcohol and glue (you can take vodka, but then it should be one and a half times more).

Color the mixture into the desired color, stir, get out of the container - and wash under cold water. After solidifying Lizun you can play.

Do you know how to make a lizunchik from glue and shampoo? If you decide to use this recipe - select Titan glue, as it will allow Lizuun to save its strength for a long time.

Add shampoo to the package - and immediately fill it with glue (it should be one and a half times more). Tie a bag - and shake. So you will get a uniform mixture that thickens in just a few minutes.

Detailed video on how to make lizun from glue titanium:

Many are interested in how to make transparent lysuine without sodium tetraborate. This component at home can be replaced by soda. And if you add dyes, our lysun will be color.

What we need: half a cup of soda, hundred ml of glue, two times less water, coloring agents, a pair of tanks and a wand from a tree to knead.

Let's make it from PVA and Soda adhesive:

  • make glue more liquid with water (for example, mixing 100 and 15 ml);
  • paint the mixture (food dye will not paint hands);
  • stir your workpiece until the paint is dissolved;
  • separately mix the water and soda. Ready porridge pour to the rest of the ingredients;
  • mix the mass thoroughly, wrap in a film or cellophan - and shake;
  • if it is necessary for Lizun thickening more - continue to shake or interfere. You can try add more soda and glue.

Remember! It is better to store such a lysome in a closed capacity, as it has a short service life, and without proper conditions will deteriorate even faster.

No plow glue at hand? Not scary! There is another very simple way to make a lease from glue pencil. Watch the video recipe - we will bypass without glue of PVA:

Of course, the glue is far from the only component that allows you to get the necessary consistency for toys-lysun. Below you will find many more interesting ways and video, how to make lysuine without sodium tetraborate and pva glue with your own hands.

On shampoo and gel

Let's talk about several popular ideas how you can make a lysuchik from shampoo at home.

The first method - the recipe consists of shampoo, water and soda. Mix the components in equal proportions, add paint or green, traditionally wrap this mixture - and post in cellophane.

After that, it will be possible to try lysuine on quality.

A similar way implies the use of non-soda, but salts. Watch the video, how to make a toy from shampoo, water and salt:

As you understood, in such recipes, a component plays an important role that allows the shampoo a little thickening.

What to use for such an effect depends only on your imagination. For example, it is easy to guess that you can mix the shampoo with flour.

What is needed for such a toy: fifteen c. Shampoo, hundred c. Flour of any variety, as well as hundred gr. slightly heated water. We begin with kneading stuffing in the warm liquid and shampoo.

Later, add sifted flour - and kneading the tough mass. The desired consistency will be quick enough.

Attention! The lysun from the shampoo and flour is obtained fat and can leave labor-made traces on light materials.

Instead of flour, you can use starch. How to make lysuan from starch and shampoo - see next video:

Since the shampoo and other domestic care products have a similar consistency, you can easily replace it with something else or even mix several different drugs at once.

Here is one of the ways how to make a real lizen from the shower gel and shampoo: these ingredients will be remembered in equal proportions.

Tip: You should not use gel with small grainy particles with a scrub effect.

Mix the future anti-stress toy from these funds and put on the cold for about an hour. After that, you can use a mass for the purpose. But keep in mind that with increasing temperature, its viscosity will decrease.

After the game, Lizun should be sent to the refrigerator.

And how to make lysun from gel for washing? So that he served longer, use glue. Mix these components, color the mass, if you need and mix thoroughly. That's all.

It remains only to hold it a little in the refrigerator.

By the way, it is easy to make with your own hands and lysun from a foam or gel for shaving. Here is one of these ways:

Method of cooking from toothpaste

One of the easiest ways involves the use of toothpaste.

Take not much liquid paste (it's better not to take white) and pour into the container. Add glue in the same amount. Mix this mass by adding glue if necessary.

Break as long as possible: it will affect density and viscosity. After kneading, the lysun will be ready.

Below you can watch a video recipe, how to make lysuan from toothpaste with your own hands:

Recipes with soap and detergent

Let's start with the description of the anti-food toy from the detergent and soda. Most often it takes soda for him, as well as water and Fairy. To get the desired color, use the gouache.

In a pre-prepared capacity, add a dishwashing agent - and begin to give it a delicate, gradually adding soda.

If you find that Lizun is excessively dense - drop water to obtain the opposite effect. When adding ingredients, do not stop stirring the mass.

The lizunchik will be ready even at room temperature, it is not necessary to send it to the cold.

But how to make it from liquid soap and salt:

For even more thick consistency, a toothpaste can also be used as the main ingredient. See for yourself how to make a cool leaser from soap, paste and water:

On washing powder

Powder - the ingredient, which is found in each apartment. The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is not suitable for any kind of powder.

It is better to use liquid tools: dry powder will have to pre-knead with water until the desired consistency is obtained.

It is easy to figure out how to make a lysuncher from powder for washing Persil, Thade and any other: Additionally, we will use glue and coloring agent.

Remember! This procedure must be carried out in gloves so that the powder does not damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Where to begin? Choose dishes to knead and add a quarter cup of glue there. Immediately drop a bit of staining ingredient and mix it with PVA.

After that, add two large spoons of the liquid powder and start kneading the means to sticky and thickened state. To slightly remove the thickness, add more powder.

Now in gloves, begin to knead the finished mass as the dough. Remove the resulting liquid. You will get a lease resembling rubber. It is necessary to store it in a closed container in the cold.

Method with the addition of flour

When we make a toy at home, along with kids, it is very important to think about security. A simple and safe option is a recipe with flour.

Attention! Only high-quality natural ingredients should be chosen for staining such lysuine.

Before making a craft from flour and water, prepare everything you need: about 0.4 kg of flour, as well as separately cold and warm water. I smell the flour into the container, after seeing. We add to it 0.25 glasses of low temperature water.

Immediately pour as much warm liquid. We start kneading.

Dye add a bit: the pair of droplets is enough.

Our lysun will be sticky, so in front of the game, put it on the cold for four hours. After that, the mass will be a tight, sufficiently dense and pleasant to the touch.

Plasticine lysun

Pretty simple instruction, how to make lysuer himself from plasticine, gelatin and water, helps you quickly cook a new interesting toy for your child.

Take about one hundred and twenty gram plasticine, one small packaging gelatin and half a cup of water. First prepare from the gelatin jelly on the instructions on the package. When the jelly still does not freeze, recover the hot liquid into another container.

At the same time boil the water, reduce gas - and start dipping there crushed plasticine. In the process, interfere with water.

After the plasticine fragments are melted, add gelatin. Mix the finished anti-stress again. After the pair of three days you can play with it.

Attention! Plasticine lysun paints hands, so be careful.

If you wish, at the stage of kneading, you can add the paint of a fluorescent type to the mixture. Then lysun and in the dark will be bright.

Another way - on the video: from it you will learn how to make lysun from plasticine:

Other recipes

There are still many ways to create such bright toys: you can learn how to make liquid lysun from water and paint, cream for hands, eye drops, glycerin, dough, lipstick.

From some ingredients, you can get edible lysunov edible: for example, from watermelons, novella, Mashmello, chewing. And here are some more ideas, how to make lysunov at home.

Video on how to make edible lysun at home:

How to make a lacquer from nail polish: Fresh glue Mix with a few drops of varnish. After stirring, add a bit of a droplet of the tetraborate from the pipette.

Re-stir. After the mixture begins to acquire a thick consistency, lay it out of the container on polyethylene. Wrap and start kneading from side to hand.

In the future, with a loss of form, you can leave lysus in the refrigerator.

But how easy it is to make lizun from boric acid:

There is a way that is easy and simply can make a glass lizen yourself without color. It will turn out of a hundred grams of polyvinyl alcohol and twenty-five grams of 4% of the tetraborate.

Add a boor to alcohol and start quickly mixing until the mass thickening. Adding additional ingredients do not have to: a transparent toy will be ready.

By the way, the lysun prepared on this recipe is not toxic and comes up with children much more than similar purchased toys of incomprehensible composition.

How to care

How to care for lysun at home so that it is preserved for a long time? Periodically you can wipe them with alcohol. Do not dip in the water or wash under the crane.

To maintain the desired consistency, you can add an alcohol, water and other components using a syringe with a syringe.

Such a toy really likes the children, and there is nothing surprising: pleasant to the touch, bright lysuns are cool on the wall, divided and collected.

Such a toy not only charges positive, but also develops dexterity, motorcy and other skills. And even removes the nervous tension, so you can join the kids and play together!

Watch the video on how to make a lysun-anti-stress on their own - three more ways:

Lizun, or "smart plasticine", or handgam - multi-colored semi-liquid mass, which quickly changes its shape from touching, twisting or movement. For the first time, such a toy for hands was created in 1976 in the United States, and was specially popular in 1984, after going to the screen of the film "Ghost Hunters", where the main character was ghost named Lizun. "Smart Plaindle" due to its unusual structure very attracts the attention of children to create unusual fantasy compositions, and can also be used as a hand massager and is useful for the development of small baby motor. On the store shelves, you can find a large number of lysunov from various firms, but it is much more interesting to independently create this unusual liquid mucus.

How to make lysuana at home

From English Handgam - ("Hand" - hand, "Gam" - Zhvumka) - Hand gum. Before you begin to create this unusual toys, you need to understand how about the structure should turn out. So, the lysun should be semi-winged, fluid, but perfectly hold the form with all sorts of movements. You can compare it with a polyethylene package, which filled the water and closed tightly. Lisun is liquid, but perfectly performs all your instructions. Do not believe? Check out!

In order to create lysun at home, you will need:

  • PVA glue (white color)
  • Bura (sodium tetrabrate) or Borax powder
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic or Glass Capacity
  • Wand for mixing
Let's start with the ingredients. Glue - the main component of Lizun, so much will depend on its quality. Before buying glue, carefully consider the expiration date - the earlier the release date, the better your lysun will be. Bura or Borax can be purchased at the pharmacy, and no need for no recipes, and they are worth only within 10-30 rubles. You definitely have enough money from your own piggy bank! You can use not only food paint as a dye, and the gouache, green, carrot juice is suitable - everything that gives paint and saves for some time. Ware for cooking will suit any, since nothing is dangerous and toxic you will not prepare. And finally, a wand for stirring. You can take a stick from a popsicle, an ordinary pencil is not important. The main thing is your effort and desire to build and create! If all the ingredients are prepared, proceed to the point!

Before starting to mix the components, it will be useful to know the ratio of the boos and glue in advance so that it is not to suffer and not add a different amount. Per 100 grams of glue requires 1 jar of borants. Remember it. Accordingly, if you want to make lysun big, then you will need not only more glue, but also more sodium tetraborate.

  1. In the dishes, pour the required amount of glue. Add a few drops of greenfoot or food dye there (on your choice), you can even connect both. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise not only lysun will be color, but also your hands while playing with him.
  2. Mix thoroughly. Next, add to the Buru solution. Do not think that the whole bottle of 100 grams of glue will be unreasonably much. If this ingredient is not enough, the lysun will adhere to any surface, leaving unpleasant traces.
  3. Mix very well again. As a result, a jelly-like mass should be turned out.
  4. In order to remove all the water from the Handgam surface, you must put it on paper (clean) and ride it for some time.
  5. Almost finished mass in the plastic bag and once again, frolite well. The longer, the better, but the approximate time is 5 minutes.

Such an unusual lease will be interesting not only because of its structure, but also due to the fact that the structure at first glance is attracted by a magnet. To create magnetic handgam, it will be required, in addition to the ingredients already listed (PVA, booster, dye glue, and iron oxide. But if you want a toy and shone in the dark, buy phosphoric paint.

  1. In one container, mix the glass of water and a 0.5 teaspoon of bours. All the mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that the powder is completely dissolved in water. These are secondary ingredients that will be needed to activate the main composition.
  2. In the second dish, mix one glass of water and 30 grams of glue. It is worth noting that a special dimensional spoon will also be required in this recipe, it is better not to work on the eye, otherwise the result may not justify your expectations. If the whole solution mixed well, add the phosphoric paint and another dye there (you can also use the other, naturally in moderate quantities).
  3. The first prepared solution is gently pouring into the second, while stirring the second composition. Immediately after notice that the lysun becomes thick and acquires the desired consistency, stop pouring the first solution and mix it all thoroughly. If the dilute water drill remains, it can be calmly pouring into a sink or trash can.
  4. I will distribute the ready-made mass on the table and right in the middle, pour the chipping of iron oxide. Pretty mix the composition until it acquires a homogeneous color. If everything happens, play health! When making a magnet to Handgam, it stretches to him, as a real ghost from the film "Ghost Hunters"! An unreal spectacle that pleasantly surprise and young children, and even adults!

Useful tips that will be useful when creating Hendgam

If you are going to create a useful and interesting toy for yourself, you may need advice that will guide you on the right path. So:

What if the lysun turned out too watery and spreads his hand?
If you notice this, then you drove water or added little bora. Do not worry, re-read the first way and re-on.

When stretching, lysun is divided into threads and does not succumb
So you added a large number of borants. Dilute the solution with glue or very slightly water.

Handgam hardened. What to do?
This question is one of the most popular, since many do not comply with the rules for storing the toy, on the joy that they have such an interesting and unusual composition. Once again, it is worth noting: Store Lizun is necessary in a tightly closing jar or polyethylene package. If you notice that Lizun began to harden, just put it on the night in a jar with a few drops of water, in the morning he will be like a new one!

Unlike shopping hendgam, the independently cooked toy contains the most minimal amount of harmful substances. For example, there is no silica, titanium dioxide and many more chemical incomprehensible words. Such a lysun is not poisons and is not toxic, and the result exceeds even the store analogue! Play Health, Experiment and create your Handgams!

Video: how to make lysun do it yourself