Repairs Design Furniture

Warming of outer walls Sandwich panels. How to insulate the old apartment and find distressed places. Mineral wool insulation

Finally, in the hands of the keys from the new apartment! And you already calculate the cost of repairs, draw in the imagination of the interior design, present a noisy party about the housewarming, and the quiet family evenings in a cozy dwelling.

But before proceeding with internal repair work, check how well the facades of your home are insulated. For the most part, modern new buildings are erected with mandatory insulation of facades. But about the insulation of the apartment in old houses it is necessary to think independently.

For this, recently, a sandwich panels for insulation of walls come to replace the folk material (foam).

The facing sandwich panels are multi-layered elements, outside are lined with metal, and inside have a layer of insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam), which is covered with aluminum foil.

The panels are low, and this is a huge plus, since it is often the condition of the walls of the building and the foundation may not withstand the additional load. In addition, the surface of the sandwich panels is durable (does not lose qualities under the influence of ultravitet, low temperatures, not scary moisture). Additional costs for panel processing will not be required, as they are painted in different colors, the surface can be diverse by texture.

The thermal insulation can be both internal and external. The advantages of the latter are obvious:

The design, the facade of which is protected by the heat-insulating material, will last longer (the wall does not freeze, the effect of atmospheric phenomena is reduced), and also has a more aesthetic appearance;

The insulation of the walls of the sandwich panel improves sound insulation, and also creates a favorable temperature regime (the condensate does not form, mold and fungi will not be divorced);

Outdoor thermal insulation reduces heat loss, and as a result, the cost of paying utilities (with an individual heating system);

The outer insulation of the facades of the sandwich panels does not reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises (as in the case of internal heat insulation);

Outdoor insulation can be made after the overhaul of indoors is made;

Installation of a sandwich panel with a polyurethane insulation, as well, and any other better entrust professionals, because it is quite time-consuming, and if the apartment is higher than the second floor, also a dangerous process.

A qualified wizard will evaluate the condition of the wall, choose the appropriate material, remove the old finish and performs heat-insulating operation.

The panel sandwich is produced by manufacturers ready to use, so the finishing question in some cases does not occur at all. For example, during the construction of industrial premises. The product is a three-layer construction consisting of two sheets of galvanized steel and the heat insulating layer between them. Basalt cotton wool or foamed synthetic materials are used as insulation: polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and others.

Facial surfaces can be smooth or corrugated, coated with polymeric resins. Due to this, the plates are made in different colors, which allows you to create interesting geometric combinations outside the building. These quality also enjoy developers of industrial enterprises in order to additionally do not solve the question than to separate the panel sandwich. It is quite another thing when it comes to the construction of private houses. If you can still get along the appearance of the plates yourself, then their indoors should certainly close them.

Area of \u200b\u200buse

The sandwich panels are used in the construction of frame houses, as filling between the runoff and crossbar of the main frame. They are used for outer decoration as an independent design or as part of a hinged ventilated facade. This material simultaneously serves as insulation and facing. There are special three-layer roofing products. Both those and others are completed with all sorts of challenges and layouts so that when mounting it is possible to close joints and arrange the edges, angles, transitions. In addition, the products themselves are produced with chip-groove locks, so easy and tightly mounted. You can fix them to the crate, and to a flat surface, if it is smooth.

Recently, insulated stoves began to apply often for internal work. Of these, there are internal partitions, stationary and mobile, they warm the outer walls from the inside of the premises, as well as balconies and loggias. Especially popular began to use sandwich panels for finishing windows, more precisely - slopes. In this case, sandwiches are used with extreme layers not from metal, but from plastic and with a thinner layer of insulation.

Facing slopes

With the advent of plastic windows, the problem immediately arose, as and what the decoration of the slopes should be performed. I tried everything - both high-quality plaster, and plastic panels and many other options. But the best solution came with the advent of a three-layer material. The decoration of the "sandwich" panels of the window slopes simultaneously eliminates the "cold bridges" and gives the window to the obstacle. The work is simple and is quite accessible in order to make it with your own hands. Facing the window slopes should be performed before the start of the walls. These works are done in this order:

  • it is cleaned by all surfaces around the window frame from dust, dirt, fluctuations;
  • installed windowsill; Most often for this, a solution based on cement and lime is used; To avoid the deflection, the metallic strips are laid under the windowsill, and for insulation, the lower part and the sides are wrapped with felt; The insulation before use is impregnated with an antiseptic to prevent its rotting and the appearance of insects;
  • the embeltance of the voids and places of the window of the window and the windowsill to the monitoring foam is carried out; The frozen foam is cut with a painted knife flush with the main surfaces;
  • made by cutting panels on preliminary measurements of the upper part and side sides; The material is very well killed by a pubescoml or a pilot for metal;
  • work begins with the upper slope: the starting plastic profile is fixed to the frame, which insert the sandwiches of the desired size with a slight inclination; The inner gap is filled with mounting foam or liquid nails and pressed against the wall;
  • in a similar way, the side portion of the sloping finishes is carried out; It is necessary to ensure that the dusts are tightly sealed to the sidewalls of the opening, and the excess of adhesive compositions should be removed immediately and thoroughly;
  • finish the lining of the slopes of the sandwich panels by fixing the finishing framing in the form of corners to the liquid nails.

There are other ways to install window slopes using brackets, crates and other devices. But, these methods are more complex and time-consuming. Applied in special cases when it requires the design of the window opening or frame.

From the foregoing it is clear that make your own hands and installation work on the installation of the window sill, and the slopes on the windows, not such a terrible problem. Moreover, such a way to protect the window opening is successfully used not only for plastic frames, but also for wooden. This means that you can build a beautiful framing of the window block without changing the window itself. Moreover, the manufacturers have learned to execute the facial surfaces of the sandwiches in a variety of colors and shades, including "under the tree, marble, granite." Plastic is used glossy, semi-man, matte. Facing with sandstanding plates of window openings can be selected for the interior of any style.

Interior wall decoration from sandwich

Rooms of frame houses, the outer walls of which are made of "sandwiches" plates, are undoubtedly subject to interior decoration. Since the indoor panel itself will look too dull and treason. At the same time, methods and materials can be absolutely any. Only for finishing needed preliminary preparation. Suppose it is impossible to stick onto sandwiches. Therefore, before you have to graze the walls with plasterboard. Perhaps it will be necessary to take additional measures for better insulation of the walls. For this purpose, a layer of insulation is labeled between the frame profiles, and then sew it with sheets of drywall. This is followed by a standard procedure: sealing the joints with putty with the reinforcing ribbon, grouting the hats of the screws and pasting with wallpaper, facing with tiles, textured plaster, painting on finishing putty.

Some interiors styles require the presence of a large amount of wood. In this case, his talent can apply the owner of the house and stripped the walls with beautiful lining, imitation of a bar, wooden wallpaper. To do this, it is necessary on the surfaces of the walls to equip the frame from the bars, placing them in such a way that the cladding lay down as conceived - in a vertical or horizontal position. If the building is built in a framework version and does not require additional insulation, it is not necessary to organize the crate, and the wooden cladding can be mounted on the frame racks. All work can be made with your own hands, manifesting the maximum of fantasy. The main thing is to choose with taste and mounted them in all the rules of finishing art.

If, with the onset of cold weather, the temperature in your apartment is striving for zero, then you have a choice - to force all rooms with heaters and wrap in plaid or overhaurately warm their living space. In order, consider the list of possible problems of heat loss in the apartment.

Common causes of cold appearance in the apartment

High-altitude work

1. The first and most common cause - gaps in the window frames. If you do not have the opportunity to put sealed glazing, then close the slots between the frames yourself. To do this, you can use foam rubber, paper or fabric pieces. Take one of the listed materials, tightly roll up and place it in the slot between the frame and the window opening. Top creek the slit durable building tape. This will significantly reduce the influx of cold air into the apartment, but will not provide complete thermal insulation.

2. If you live in a panel house, then the second common cause of cold in the apartment can be poor-quality seams between the plates. Your management company is obliged to seal outdoor seams. But, as a rule, the procedure for designing and signing an application for such work can last for a very long time.

3. If you want to solve this problem promptly, you can contact a construction company engaged in sealing seams between the panels by industrial mountaineering.

4. However, even all the above measures may not be enough to insulate the angular apartment for the 7-14 floor. The gusts of the wind at this height are much more intense, and the water in the heating system, rising from the first floor, has time to cool down pretty. Therefore, you need to thoroughly insulate not only windows and interpanel seams, but also the walls themselves. Sandwich panels can be used for wall insulation.

5. You can fix the sandwich panel on the cold walls inside the apartment. This is a relatively new, but simple for processing building raw materials. In addition, this is the most economical option, because You yourself make all the construction work and pay only for the material. But the thickness of the sandwich panel can reach 25 cm. And therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room along the entire length of the wall will decrease.

6. If you are not ready to part with a part of the useful area of \u200b\u200byour apartment, you can contact the construction company, and the sandwich panels will be secured from the outside. This is an expensive procedure, but at the same time is the only effective method that allows you to insulate the old apartment on the top floor.

With more complex incomprehensible causes it is possible to detect cold places in the apartment using a thermal imager that will easily determine the sections of heat loss. The only negative thing is that this device is worthy of decent money, but you can call the service that will give an exhaustive answer of cold zones in the apartment and about heat loss.

Of course, the main component of the panel sandwich is its insulation. It is he who determines how comfortable will winter in the dwelling. The insulation must comply with the following requirements:

  • Possess very significant thermal insulation indicators;
  • If possible, have a minimum weight;
  • Have a high strength indicator;
  • Be able to maintain their characteristics even at an elevated level of humidity;
  • To transfer low and high temperatures without problems;
  • Be completely safe for a person, that is, do not contain harmful substances and do not burn;
  • Be durable, that is, not delayed with the time of our own properties;
  • Have a low cost.

The modern market offers to insulate the sandwich panels that have mineral wool, foam or polyurethane foam. The panel with one or another insulation has both disadvantages and advantages. Panels with polyurethane foam are characterized by the ideal properties of thermal insulation, but it is quite expensive, and therefore are used only in specialized rooms and freezers. Private construction is mainly carried out using mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

The main advantage of mineral wool is to resilience to fire. The foam differs in a wider list of advantages: environmental cleanliness (by 98 percent it consists of air), reduced thermal conductivity, a small mass, the highest operational indicators, unpretentiousness, durability and minimum production period.

The disadvantages of the mineral wool quite a lot. It absorbs the excess moisture, which leads to a sediment, disruption of the integrity of the design and freezing. Mounting mineral wool lead is sufficiently difficult, and a large mass leads to an increased load on the foundation. The lack of foam is in its low degree of fire resistance.

The use of sandwich panels with mineral wool is relevant, first of all, in the structures that need maximum protection from an open flame. This category includes the bulk of quick-scale buildings. Use panels with mineral wool in car washes, refrigeration chambers, food shops are not completely appropriate. Fontoam panels are perfectly suitable for the reconstruction and construction of buildings, regardless of their destination. Mainly, this group consists of buildings that require perfect resistance to moisture, hygienicness, practicality and minimum cost. If we talk about the ratio of quality and price, then the panel based on foam can be called the most reasonable option. It is possible to use them without fearlessly in all buildings, roofing and walls of which include the second and more fire resistance categories.