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Business idea making metal sponge for dishes. The technology of producing sponges for washing dishes. Production technology and materials

production - Other

* Included in the price

** not included in value

I will sell technology for the production of sponges for washing dishes (with a cleaning layer).
Training to all intricacies on the existing production.
The main charm is that transporting sponges over long distances is small and you can take a niche of this product in your region.
The profitability of this production ranges from 60 to 300%.
Performance from 7000 pieces in shift.
The number of employees of 2 people (you can work and alone, but the performance decreases by 2 times)
The main problem is the foam-layer technology with a cleaning layer, without the use of expensive equipment. (The technology of very durable gluing is worked out, withstands boiling, in the process of using the sponge, the cleaning layer is completely engaged, but not dug). I will help with the permanent delivery of high quality glue. (I tried about 10. different adhesives, only this one comes.)
Attachment to equipment on initial stage will be a maximum of $ 2500. Equipment for 80% can be made.
Electricity consumption is minimal (with a permanent operation of 50-100 kW. Per month).
The cost of 5 piece packaging is about $ 0.075.
Requirements to production room:
1. Production area from 80 mq. (You can several rooms, one of which is allotted to separate the blending layer to the foam rubber).
2. The presence of power supply 220 V.
3. The presence of sewage is not necessary.
4. The height of the ceilings is standard.
5. Temperature mode: from +10 C. (Place for gluing).
If you are interested in this proposal, write by e-mail: [Email Protected]

ID S358675.

Information in this announcement was provided by the business owner or his representative. BusinesSesForsale does not receive commissions or other payments from the sale of this business, is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided and does not own any other information about the objects of sale. Please, before contact the seller, learn.

Modern manufacturers Do our best to facilitate the work of housewives and all whose work is related to the organization of cleaning and washing dishes. One of the best modern inventions by right steel metal washings. With this accessory, washing dishes, vegetables, almost any contaminated surfaces becomes ordinary affairnot requiring special efforts. In any house, metal sponges will find their use, remaining in the original form and the state of a long time.

Unlike products of past years, modern sponges for washing dishes are not able to injure the skin of the hands, rust or shout in shallow metal chips. Proper use Allows the hostess without changing the sponge for several months, if desired, processing it with any chemical means for the purpose of disinfection.

Functional purpose

With the help of a high-quality metal sponge, you can clean:

  • dishes - any intense pollution, including burnt foods from the walls of the pan and pans;
  • gas / electric stove - fat and old spots are easily removed;
  • grill grill, skewers, other attributes for frying products on open fire From Nagara and food residues.

Teflon and ceramic coatings can be rubbed only with moderate effort and only provided that the production of metal rods was conducted on modern equipment. In this case, there will be no scratches on their surface, which they decide to save on the purchase of brand products, replacing them with cheap fakes.

Another relevant use of metal sponges is cleaning vegetables and rootfloods from dirt and peel. So, young carrots and potatoes can be cleaned of the peel, and the nanile dirt will no longer hurt the hand and manicure of the hostess, occupied by cooking.

Sponges for washing dishes or metal sponge

metal washcloths manufacturing
Dishwashing sponges
Sponges for washing dishes production
Metal sponge
Metal washware washcloths
Metal sponge for washing dishes

Characteristics of our products

Metal urinary
Material: stainless steel.
Weight: From 12g to 70g at the request of the customer.
Packaging: Polypropylene package
By-in washclocks in the package:

Metal urinary spiral
Material: Stainless steel sample stainless steel.
Weight: From 15g to 60g at the request of the customer.
Packaging: Polypropylene package
By-in washclocks in the package: At the request of the customer from 1 to 10pcs.

Vendor code: M-06.
Number of pieces in the package: 5 pieces.
Product size: 90x60x28.
Number of transport packaging: 50 pC.

This product ( Sponge for dishes "Maxi" 5 pcs.) Sold wholesale from the producer.

Sponges for washing dishes are modern products from the foam rubber. Additionally, they are equipped with the abrasive layer on one side - to remove complex contaminants. The use of sponges allows economically to spend the detergent: the composition is delayed on the surface, absorbed and is better foaming.

Production technology and materials

The production of sponges for washing dishes is a complex of complex measures using special equipment. Quality finished product Depends on the production technology, as well as from the materials involved. The sponge is constantly operated in aggressive conditions - temperature differences, mechanical damage, the effects of chemical stations. From how the product is opposed to external influences, ease of use and durability depends.

High-quality products resistant tolerate the above operating conditions. Modern production, as well as materials from the best world manufacturers, provide a product of exceptional strength and high-quality characteristics:
· One-sided abrasive surface. High-quality fine-grained material that is glued to the basis of moisture-resistant composition. Abrasive is durable and not exposed to erasure.
· Harmless foam. Under the influence of chemistry or temperature, the foam base does not secrete harmful substances and remains unchanged.
· Facility for fingers. Some models are equipped with grooves on the sides. This allows you to reduce the hit. chemical agent And dirt on your fingers, and women - protect your nails from damage.
· Variety of decoration. Sponges are supplied in different colors.

Some products are additionally equipped with antimicrobial protection. It is known that the kitchen sponges are going most of the malicious microorganisms - approximately four million microbes per square centimeter.

Selection of high-quality manufacturer

Before you buy sponges for washing dishes in bulk, you must make sure that the manufacturer offers a really high-quality product. In this case, it is worth navigating the well-known trademarks. It will be worthwhile to arrange an examination to make sure that the stated characteristics are truthful. An important selection criterion is the presence of an extended product range and an organized delivery service.

Our company specializes in the production of dishes washing sponges. Technologists carefully monitor the production process and select the most qualitative materials. Development Department designs new models, expanding an existing range. Delivery to all regions of Russia is established. We offer to buy sponges for washing dishes Wholesale at the best prices!

Reading time: 2 minutes

Washing dishes Sponge - the manufacture and purpose of this household tool is so diverse that you can get confused in everything abundance. It is familiar to see a foam model that constantly saves pollution on the dishes. Still in the reserve there are plastic and metallic, when remnants of food are very difficult. But at the same time there was a wide variety, brands, firms of manufacturers, appointments, and someone knows that a modern sponge is a "technological waste" of a rag? Let's consider in more detail in the video

and the article, from which they do, and what manufacturers are silent.

It would be interesting to know why a simple sponge is not deformed, easily absorbs and gives moisture, cleans the surface well, and the price is relatively low? The whole thing in the technique of production and materials used. From here, the cost, quality and life of the product are formed.


Since the types of sponges are too much, we highlight a few common of them to consider them in detail for production, quality and advantages.

Views pros Minuses

A foam sponge for washing dishes is perfectly foaming and misses detergents Through fine holes. Short life.

Abrasive sponges for washing dishes due to the tough structure are suitable for cleaning pan, Casans and cast-iron dishes. When use for cleaning kitchen Plate and baths, can slightly damage the coating of technology.

The sponge metal for washing the dishes is great for cleaning pans after frying, durable. It is impossible to use for enamel and ceramic coatings.

They have antibacterial properties, well eliminate pollution with bath and plumbing. May cause allergies.

Plastic sponges for washing dishes are suitable for washing old disheswithout destroying the coating as metal. It is impossible to apply detergent due to the structure.

Specially designed for allergies - does not require abundant use of detergents. Absorbs dirt and fat, from which is short-lived.

Silicone sponge for washing dishes perfectly removes fresh fat even with the opposite. Cannot take the dried residues from the surface.

Bamboo sponges for washing the dishes easily removes the mesmer pollution, without causing irritation and scratches on the skin of the hands. Quickly wear, absorb fat and naars.

There are still sponges with handles that allow allergies to eliminate touchs from items. Well wash deep dishes, high tanks. Require a constant change of the foam layer, and otherwise they are indispensable. In addition, manufacturers have already managed to diversify the usual products:

Melamine brushes with holders
For children for glasses
Teflon Stands for Fanoorone

As it is known, even the section of the foam sponges has over 600 subspecies of the material, which refers to the type of soft non-forming substances. At the same time, the same properties, purpose and use are preserved. Stands and holders, built-in dispensers and everything that can increase the cost is created, but not to improve product quality.


Since the table shows the benefits of manufacturers, we decided to find out what experts know about the dirty secrets of all sponges. Some of them, the most antibacterial and economical, checked at a phostera to identify the degree of pollution of the dishes and the sponges themselves.

Japanese microfiber dishwashing sponges are declared as the best antibacterial agent with a rigid protective layer. In practice, it turned out that from the name - some promises. The sponge consists of a conventional foam rubber and abrasive coating. Cleans so that there are 7 units of contamination.

This is a foam sponge or a bamboo thread napkin, covered with a bamboo cloth. Saves the tool, but in the sink showed itself disgusting - 40 units of dirt on plates at the maximum allowable 30.

Manufacturers say it saves a tool, and cleanses the plates perfectly. In fact, indeed, compared to other sponges, the means went 3 times less. The cellulose luminometer scale has achieved purification to 3 units.

Not so long ago there were special sponges that do not scratch the surface. In practice, they did not wash off the dirt, nap and dry meals, and the surface did not spare.

The same melamine, but with the addition of polyester. Not suitable for sparing surfaces. The sponge for washing Teflon dishes should have only special coatingOtherwise, the dishes and kitchen utensils can be thrown away.

By the way, the rigid side of a simple sponge does not remove the dirt. Such "pure composition of abrasives" contains 40% of microbes after washing dishes. A week later, an intestinal wand will "live" on 8 out of 10 sponges. The foam rubber is glued in order to interrupt the tool, and the abrasive part rubs the residues of food. It cannot absorb the tool, therefore it is invented to create a double foundation where each one performs its role.


The most difficult point in the manufacture of sponges is the attachment of one layer to another. Now new processing methods have appeared, but without a special car make it very difficult - many, creating your way, try to patent the idea that does not require the purchase of machines and expensive materials. But unfortunately, best equipment The production of sponges for washing dishes can supply from 7,000 units of products per hour. It requires less costs Electricity, time compared to other machines that are able to make an order of magnitude less.

So, from which sponges are made for washing dishes, and how is the process itself? In detail this process, consider below in the table with the photo description.

An previously harvested fiber is installed on a special machine, which is cleaning all parts. It does not matter whether a sponge is created for dishes, cars, windows, technicians, tiles, wooden floors, everything starts with preparatory material. Fiber is inserted into the erosers that stretch the canvas for better clutch with another layer.

The machine is regulated to properly stretch the sheet, adjust the braking function of the tension of the threads and fibers.

The fiber surface is applied to the glue melt, which is absorbed into the pores between parallel fibers. Polyurethane single-component alloy can be supplemented with a two-component solution, if it is assumed that the sponge will have three layers and more.

Next, the sheet rolled through the zone where hot glue is supplied, mixed with plastic polyurethane foam.

The roller press compresses all layers, after which the height and width of the plate equals the side of the fiber sheet.

After rolled, the conveyor operator cuts off part of the fiber, where there is a junction of the foam rubber and the other layer.

The roll press is compressed by all layers, after which the operator pulls the tight canvas. The pneumatic press removes all the remnants, as a result, it turns out a stack of colored cloths.

The glue polymerization occurs at the end when the seams need to be pulled. This process takes 24 hours on average.

Only adhesive joints of the seams are tested only, the durability of the sponge depends on them. Although many foam products are disposable.

Tip: If you do not know what to replace the sponges for washing dishes, pay attention to the washing rags. They are prepared from one layer, durable material without adding glue. Maximum time operation is 10-12 miles, approximately 1 week.

The composition of the sponge for washing dishes is similar to the components of the napkins, so they can also be replaced with product data. A wide range of professional sponges is much more expensive, but many hostesses prefer to use only branded goods.


The most classic and common products are sponges that are produced by well-known brands of manufacturers. Popularity received domestic and imported goods.

Sponges for washing dishes of purely are produced in two versions - large and small. Universal - that is, they can be cleaned any surface, but in fact it is not quite so. The brand also produces napkins, sponges for Teflon utensils, "biscuits" in the form of cellulosic materials and not only. The cost of a set of average, high purchasing power. Most often are indispensable in those cases when needed to wash the dishes with old spots. Buyers noted that the service life is too small - up to 2 weeks.

Sponges for washing dishes Mermaid are in great demand due to a wide abrasive part. Lower life is larger, although the size has standard. At the same time, the foam rubber is deformed more complicated even with long finding in water.

Sponges for washing dishes Cinderella sale of 5 pieces, 2 and 3. " Trio"And" Duet»Packaging have flights, comfortable to hold the goods during cleaning. Such types of sponges are convenient because they have a height, which means that more means are able to absorb. The service life is also higher, however, buyers noted that color types are faster thanks to ordinary yellow tools.

As you know, Amway is a marketing company engaged in selling goods only by catalogs. In addition, which stores resell products at higher prices. It is worth noting that Amway dishes washing sponges are very popular, like other goods. The company manufacturer deals with the supply of products for washing and washing, so the main activity is directed only to this specialization. The range is rich in goods for cleaning teflon, ceramics, enamel, glasses, deep dishes, etc. In this case, a lot of diversity for each position. The service life of one sponge is 2 months.

York dishwashing sponges are distinguished by their quality - exterior signs Same as other firms. But it was this brand that has established itself as the most reliable and long in the process of washing. The hostess also note that the dishes are easier to wash, the foam is not dirty, does not dug. One pleasure, not torture. Bursts in some packages are very comfortable; There are options for buying 5 pieces included. There is a variety of colors and sizes.

Sponge for washing dishes Scotch Braith is interesting to what can wash the dishes without the use of the detergent, although it does not differ from other analogs from other products. The fact is that there is a soap composition in a soft basis, which enhances the effect of deformation even in the absence of water, which leads to neutralization of strong contaminants. But it will still have to wash off the remnants, so wet it more often.

Also, many simple sponges can have abrasive micro-facets capable of scratching glass and enamel. Read the composition before use in advance, the instructions for use may also differ. It is best to use liquid detergents that smooth fibers and small particles on the surface of the sponges. So you can avoid damage to dishes and coatings.


How often to change the sponge for washing dishes, if none approaches you in the farm as universal? Do not spish to throw out new products, it is enough to purchase several species of even one company to use them to your destination. Maybe you will be surprised, but the same composition of sponges, featuring the only additional component, can immediately change the purpose of the product.

In 80% of cases, they contain only two layers - abrasive and foam rubber. They can be cleaned almost everything that requires washing. They are universal.

If in technical information It is said that the third layer in the sponge is added, most likely, this is a soft layer. It consists of a shallow fiber that allows you to concentrate all the microbes in yourself, to hold the remains of deposits. Triple layered products are designed for washing solid and glass surfaces. Often there are equipped with an embedded dispenser of the detergent component.

Sponges consisting of one or more hard layers have an additional soft abrasive. This type of product is suitable for purification of cast-iron dishes, kitchen utensils and ceramics and glossy coating.

The basis for such a name will serve a solid carbohydrate, cellulose. After adding synthetic fibers to the alloy, a rubber natural basis for cleaning solid residues of food, tiles, ceramics and seams between tiles are obtained. It is necessary to store it only on a dry surface, so you will need a stand for a sponge of dishes.

If you are still guess what a sponge wash the dishes, rely on the manufacturer. Remember that the average porolon sponge contains additional components. If it is tight to the touch, it quickly returns to its original position, its service life is longer. Do not forget about pro special means And the tools - they are created for special dishes, which is mentioned on the label.

The convenience of sponges is that they delay moisture and consume less means. But is it worth turning this washing into dangerous consequences and expose the health of close infections and diseases? More often change the sponges, no matter how good they are, no matter how nor the shape kept and did not consider dirt. This will not play a fatal role in your pocket, but will provide adults and children reliability clean and order at home. The dangers of some products can be found from the video in this article.