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Features of cast-iron dishes. Features of the choice and rules for the care of dishes from the cast iron. What is the dishes from the cast iron

Cast iron tableware for home

Cast-iron dishes in the kitchens of our moms and grandmothers, we remember since childhood: heavy, black pans and masters were unchanged satellites of the cooking of the last century.
Often they can be caught in their hands and modern owners. What so they loved these pretty bulky products?

The fact is that cast iron has a number of features that make dishes from it are indispensable for cooking.Your saucepan (frying pan) will only win from the point of view of utility and beauty if you pay attention to several simple rules known for many years.

The dishes are made of natural cast iron and can be both "black" and covered with enamel.

Cast iron dishes without coating

Unaled dishes has its own characteristics.
The first is such cast-iron dishes when you buy it in the store, covered with technical oil, which protects the metal from rust. This oil must be removed.

The second - on the surface of the metal it is necessary to create a kind of non-stick coating from polymerized under the action of high temperature of vegetable oil. Preparation can be made on the stove or in the oven. How to do it, see below

When using fat or vegetable oil, the dishes automatically acquire a smooth, "ready for fry", the surface. The fact is that, the more often this dishes are used, the better the best non-stick quality takes its surface. The porous structure of the cast iron allows fat when cooking to score pores, thereby forming a thin film on the walls and day of the dishes, not allowing to burn products.

Cartoon dishes

Cast iron utensils have a slightly rough surface, in this regard, it requires the most careful care. Cast iron dishes can not be wet and store cooked food in it - cast iron rust. The presence of corrosion on the walls of the pan or frying pan will not harm the body, but pretty spoil the taste of the cooked disadvantage. And besides, iron salts quickly destroy vitamins.

The glass email coating is extremely high-quality, high-strength and hygienic finishing coating, because it does not interact with the products and does not release any substances when heated.

The dishes made in this way retains the natural non-stick properties of the cast iron, no temperature drops and mechanical damage are not afraid and serves an unlimited time. Enamel does not absorb smells, will not allow the cast iron to rust.

Enameled cast iron dishes do not require special training before use. Before the first use, a product, wash with warm water with a liquid detergent. Then heated to 100 s and lubricate the inner surface with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Care of enameled cast iron dishes is to use non-abrasive detergents that can damage the surface, and without aggressive compounds. Washing enameled dishes occurs easily with liquid means.

If the usual cast iron dishes rust, the enamel covered does not have this shortage, which is very pleased. Wash enameled cast iron dishes are recommended after some time after cooking so that the temperature difference does not break the coating.
The enamel surface of pig-iron dishes can be broken if it is overlayed the product without water or products. If this happened, it is impossible to cool the product under cold water. You need to give it to cool. It is not recommended to use metal kitchen tools when cooking, not to damage the enamel.

Enameled cast iron dishes, in which the inner surface is covered with matte anti-stick enamel, it has the advantage that in it you can store cooked food And others requiring long-term storage products.

But there are some drawbacks. The low quality enamel (most sold inexpensive utensils) is spawn pretty quickly, and even high-quality enamel is subject to chips. It is recommended to stop the use of dishes with a slot enamel, t k at this point the dishes will begin to rust, and enamel is able to fall from the place of the chip and then to be in food. Also enamel does not like rapid heating and cooling.

Teflon coating also protects the cast iron from rust and increases its non-stick properties in many times. But such a coating is short-lived - 2-3 years.

It is necessary to ensure that the plate diameter of the plate was less than the diameter of the bottom of the cast-iron enamelled product or even equal to it. Flame languages \u200b\u200bIdeally, only the bottom of the dishes should touch in order to avoid burning, and excessive pollution outside.

So, we summarize ...

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron dishes


Due to the low thermal conductivity, pig-iron dishes relatively slowly heats up and saves heat for a long time (good for long-term cooking)
- the service life of pig-iron dishes is practically not limited
- in cast-iron frying frying food practically does not burn
- cast iron does not suffer overheating
- cast iron dishes heated much stronger aluminum, which is necessary for frying and especially for cooking grilled dishes
- You can use any accessories, including metal


Rusty, if you put in a raw place. As a rule, it is impossible to wash in the dishwasher
- cast iron Very heavy metal (specific density of 7.7 g / cc.), Respectively, the dishes are hard to raise over the stove
- When dropping, cast iron dishes can split
- may not differ in special grace and beauty, though, this is, of course, the case of taste
- In uncovered cast-iron dishes, it is impossible to leave food, it will black from cast iron, and the dishes can be rolled (some manufacturers and in the covered are also not recommended)

How to choose pig-iron dishes

Choosing the dishes notice that the walls are 5-6 mm thick. This is the optimal thickness.

The bottom is obliged to be even, for tight fit to the moster.

Pens choose comfortable, do not choose short. If the pan is with a removable handle you can use it in the oven. Check the quality of the handle mount, it must be reliable.

The most versatile frying pan is a frying pan with a solid handle, five-cm highlights, a diameter of 24 cm. It is suitable for steaks and scrambled eggs, and for the pancakes, Goulasha and Beefstogan. For frying on the stove and bringing to readiness in the oven, as well as the baking of round yeast pies.

Cast iron dishes are an indispensable capacity for cooking dishes that require long-term uniform and gentle fry, extinguishing, fat. The most delicious porridge, meat and vegetable stew, pilaf, sothe, cheese fondue, fish and mushroom dishes, various soups and soups are obtained in the dish from the cast iron. And the real thick sauce requires thermal processing, can be prepared only in a cast-iron pan or a sauinee!
This is due to the unique property of the material from which such dishes are manufactured. Cast iron is an alloy of iron, carbon, silicon and phosphorus, which has a very low thermal conductivity. It is due to the low thermal conductivity that the cast iron dishes are heated evenly - to the same degree of bottom, walls, and even the lid, which distinguishes cast iron frying pan and pan from steel, aluminum and glass fellows. Again, thanks to the physical properties of this material, cast-iron tableware cools very slowly, which makes it possible to break the dish, that is, reaching the condition even without heating (professionals and skilled housewives know that preparing under the lid dishes in cast-iron masters, cast-iron frying fishes for fish, cast-iron Kokels need to be removed from the fire even at the stage of semi-prepared).
So that food is burned to the surface of the cast iron, you need to try well. Such dishes are not deformed, will not fad, it is not afraid of scratches, it serves for a long time.
The dishes are harmless, hygienic and resistant to the action of food acids (vinegar), alkalis and salts.

Enamelly cast-iron dishes and cast-iron dishes without coating can be used on any heat sources: on gas, electrical, ceramic, halogen, induction and other plates, up to the traditional "Russian oven".

All this makes the cast-iron dishes are quite multifunctional and allows it to use both for extinguishing and warming up food and for cooking first courses, as well as cooking products free, grill, and steak.

Choose cast-iron dishes on your taste, take care of her and it will serve you for a long time faith and true!
Based on the materials of,,

Cast iron dishes for many centuries do not lose popularity. It is not surprising, because the cast iron has many advantages, but there are almost no flaws.

Cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon, phosphorus and silicon. Melted at a temperature of 1400 degrees metal is poured into the forms, which, after cooling, the cast iron is splitted. The products are then cleaned from small defects and weld additional parts, for example, handles.

Today the range of cast iron dishes is quite wide. In addition to the usual butchers and pans, you can find pots, and pots, and caulders, and goosets with crawls, and Koxnitsy.

Cast iron dishes can be usual or enamelled. And the other have advantages and disadvantages. If you leave the usual wet dishes, it rushes. But she has a natural anti-peer, which over the years it becomes only better. In the cast iron, the porous structure and in the process of cooking in the pores penetrates oil. It forms a thin film on the walls, which does not give food to burn.

Enameled cast iron dishes will not cover rust if it is wet. However, her enamel can get off, and it can happen from cheap and with an expensive pan. Cooking food in dishes with a slot enamel is extremely undesirable, it is harmful to health. The coating enamel does not allow the cast iron to form a natural anti-rigorine layer, so food can be burned.

Cast iron is a bad heat conductor. It heats up for a long time and also retains heat for a long time. It is very good for dishes requiring long cooking. The food can be prepared on a very small fire, because the cast iron has a good heat capacity. Food is like languishing in a saucepan, which allows vitamins to persist. Not terrible cast iron and overheating, even useful.

Another dignity of cast iron is its durability. He can serve dozens of years. Some have frying pan that have come from the great-grandmother. The most durable dishes with cast handles, because there it can not fall off.

If I'm going to leave for a long time in cast-iron dishes, it will darken. It is not scary, even useful. The iron from which the cast iron is made is easily absorbed by the body. And iron turns into food when cooking.

The lack of cast iron is his weight. Even the pancake frying pan is pretty heavy. But this can serve as a small sports load. You need to be careful, do not drop dishes on the floor. The cast iron is fragile, when dropping it can split. Here, in fact, all its shortcomings.

The thickness of the walls of cast-iron dishes can be from five to six centimeters. Pans are often sold without covers, so it is desirable to choose standard sizes so that then you can pick up. The bottom of the dishes should be smooth, the inner surface without blooms, burrs, irregularities. Pen frying pan let it be a little longer, it is more convenient than short.

According to Russian standards, non-emalized cast iron dishes should be covered with protective oil. This is done so that it does not rust even before entering the counter. Therefore, the dishes must be prepared for operation. The dishes brought from the store should be washed in warm water using detergents. After that, it needs to wipe well and lubricate with vegetable oil. Then the dishes to send to the oven and rolling it about an hour and a half. After this cast iron is ready to use.

It should be remembered that after applying the dishes need to be washed, wipe dry and lubricate with butter.

Many cast iron scares their weight and whims, there are already quite a few myths, which do not always correspond to reality.

1. The best cast iron frying pan that remained from the grandmother. Now they do not do such.

It is not true. The modern cast iron reputation was somewhat spoiled by manufacturers who are addicted to high non-stick coating technologies, which in the case of cast iron is simply excessive. But those producers who make the cast-iron utensils "in the old manner" - without enamel and other excesses remain.

2. Cast iron dishes require preparation for operation.

This is true. First, before using the dishes, it is necessary to thoroughly flush, heat on the stove to a temperature above 100 ° C and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil. This contributes to a faster increase in the thickness of the required oil film on the surface of the cast iron, which is therefore the "natural anti-stick coating".

3. Casting dishes can be washed with any detergent.

Not true. It is not necessary to use modern soaps, which just destroy the necessary oil film. It is better to use abrasives, cast iron - the material is porous, minor scratches (even if they arise) will cause him a little damage than caustic alkali, once killing all fat and living. For the same reason, it is not necessary to wash the cast iron in dishwashers.

4. Cast iron - eternal material, it will not spoil it.

Looks like the truth. Indeed, cast iron dishes have no storage period, and the more often you exploit it, the better it serves you. Nevertheless, it is possible to "kill" and cast iron. If you keep food in it, or for a long time soaked before washing, or do not wipe dry, the cast iron may not just rust (which is not a disadvantage and easily eliminated), but can pick up any fungus. The cast iron does not like moisture. He loves heat.

5. Enamel cast iron is more convenient in circulation.

Probably, there is still something in it. In any case, the enamel coating is exactly there are three indisputable advantages:

- It does not pick up odors,
- allows you to save food without prejudice to it,
- Does not require preliminary preparation for operation.

6. Cast iron is suitable only for slow fat.

It is completely untrue. Cast iron - home record holder "Fastfud". Yes, it is heated for a long time, but withstands very high temperatures and it is better to hold warmth any other dishes. There is no other such material that would be ideally suited for a minute roasting steaks when the flame walks in a frying pan. It is just necessary to wait a bit until this frying pan is warm, and then begin to proceed. In a large cast iron cauldron, ordinary potatoes roasted in a couple of minutes, even if it is not cut with small straw, but laying up with halves.

Castle - it is a pot from a fairy tale who prepares himself, as if by magic. It requires minimal care, but it saves your time and strength in the process of cooking. Cast iron is used for frying, baking, fat, for cooking for a couple and for a deep fryer.

Today in any specialized store you can buy various non-stick, aluminum and enameled pan, kettles and skillers. However, despite such a variety, many hostesses still enjoy cast-iron dishes. This durable, but heavy utensils are still recently considered a remnant of the Soviet era, but today she has gained his own popularity. After reading this article, you will learn what care requires dishes from cast iron and how to choose such products.

The advantages of this material

Products from this sweaty metal are characterized by increased heat resistance. They are able to withstand high temperatures and retain heat for a long time. Kitchenware made of cast iron perfect for baking meat. It can be completely safe to put in a preheated oven, without worrying that it will burst.

This material is chemically inert. It is resistant to the effects of aggressive acid and alkaline medium. Consequently, he will not be reacted with food cooked in cast-iron dishes.

Such utensil is considered universal. It is used with the same success both on open fire and in the oven. The dishes prepared in it are characterized by special taste. Durable and durable cast iron utensils can be transmitted from generation to generation.

Does he have drawbacks?

As with any other material, the cast iron has several minuses. The most essential of them is considered a relatively large weight of products. In addition, the dishes made from it are subject to corrosion. Therefore, it requires special care. Due to the wrong operation on the surface of the saucepan and frying pan, rust may appear. In addition, even the best cast iron dishes can absorb certain food flavors and transmit them to other products preparing in it.

What to pay attention to when buying?

On the shelves of modern shops, a huge range of saucepan and pans is presented. To choose truly high-quality products among the entire presented diversity, you need to pay attention to several of the most important criteria. First of all, it is necessary to check how heavy the dishes of the cast iron have liked. Manufacturers have begun to produce lightweight versions of such products, but it is still desirable to give preference to passioned ingots. What they are massive, the longer they will serve.

It is also necessary to take into account the goals for which the product is purchased. So, for the preparation of pancakes, a small frying pan with low sides is perfect. If you plan to prepare food in it for a large family, then it is better to stop the choice with high sides.

It is desirable that the dishes from the cast iron be equipped with a lid, which is convenient to prepare all sorts of dishes. Otherwise, bold juice will be sprayed throughout the kitchen, and you will often wash off the plate. No less attention is required by the handle of the product. Well, if it is removable. But even better to acquire dishes with handles-ears, not deforming under the influence of high temperatures.

How to prepare a product for exploitation?

Before the first use of the dishes from the cast iron should be subjected to pre-processing. It is necessary to clean it from traces of machine oil. First of all, it should be washed in hot water using detergent. After that, it is necessary to pour out the usual salt and rolling it for 40-60 minutes. You can do it on both the stove and in the oven, heated to 175-200 degrees. These simple manipulations will allow to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Then the surface of the frying pan should be lubricated with vegetable oil and replaced again, this time for half an hour. As a result of this simple action, a peculiar protective layer is formed, having a minor non-stick effect and preventing corrosion.

How to care for cast iron dishes?

Kitchen utensils made from this material are subject to corrosion. To extend its life, you must follow a few simple rules. We must not forget that such dishes are not suitable for long-term storage of food. The dishes prepared in it should be shifted into other containers or containers.

It is forbidden to wash the cast-iron dishes using abrasive tools that destroy the formative cannot be kept wet frying. After each wash, they need to dry carefully. To do this, it is recommended to put the dishes on fire until the moisture is completely evaporated.

Store cast-iron Kazans and pans preferably in a dry well ventilated place. If, due to some reasons, the dishes began to rust, it can be restored. This is a pretty simple procedure that does not require special skills and means. You can use abrasive to remove the resulting rust. In simple cases, for the restoration of the cast iron, a simple sponge designed for washing dishes is suitable in more complex situations. After that, the product needs to be thoroughly washed under the jet of hot water and roll for half an hour.

Cast iron dishes: reviews

The hostesses using such products noted that food prepared in them acquires special taste. In addition, the Cossacks are distinguished by high strength and can serve not one dozen years. In some families, they are transmitted from grandmothers to granddaughs.

Cast iron tableware is popular at all times. There was a certain period in the history of the kitchen economy, when the frying pan walked into the background of the non-stick coverage, but it's hard not to appreciate the quality of cast-iron dishes, because it is checked by many decades. Today we will tell you what cast-iron cookware is better.

Features of pig-iron dishes

There are many opinions about pig-iron dishes, but they all reduce the fact that it is one of the best for cooking delicious and healthy food.

Cookware from the cast iron corresponds to almost all the requests of the owners. It has a long service life, unpretentious in use, does not burn food to it.

An important fact is that products cooked in such a dishes have a good taste and can be kept for a long time in the refrigerator if there is an internal enamel coating. It is not recommended to leave ready-made food in pig-iron dishes without any factory protective layer, food can cause corrosion on the surface of the dishes.

What is the cookware from the cast iron?

Cast iron dishes use good demand in the kitchen utensil market, because it has established itself as a durable and comfortable. The range of such dishes is expanding, many varieties appear, adding additional properties. We will analyze what it happens and what kind of cast iron dishes are better.

Cast iron dishes for induction slabs

Many possessors of induction slabs can worry the question, whether cast iron is suitable for use on such plates.

The peculiarity of the dishes should be that it is susceptible to magnetic attraction. This is the main indicator. The cast iron alloy has the property of attracting magnets, so it is great for induction plates.

Another criterion is the evenness of the bottom, but with this, as a rule, it does not happen in iron dishes.

Enameled cast iron dishes are also suitable for use on an induction plate, since the enamel layer is not so thick to block the properties of magnetization.

Enameled cast iron dishes

Enameled cast iron dishes have a number of undisputed advantages over dishes without coating.

Let's start with the fact that enamel the dishes both inside and outside. On the outside, enamel gives the cast-iron dishes a beautiful, aesthetic appearance, it can be chosen in style for the kitchen interior.

Inside the cast iron utensils can be covered with glass emolls. This substance admitted to use in the kitchen utensils, since it is inert: does not affect the products with which it comes into contact, and food cooked in enameled dishes does not interact with the protective layer of enamel.

Products in such a dishes are not spoiled for a long time, and it is not necessary to prepare for a long time to use, it is enough to calculate and cool in natural conditions, lubricating oil.

Emale coating serves a long time, but not forever. To save it as long as possible, do not cool the dishes under cold water, let it cool naturally.

It is also possible with dishes from the refrigerator: you should not warm up food immediately, or shift to another dishes and warm up in it, or leave for some time at room temperature to prevent damage to the enamel due to a strong temperature difference.

Abrasive products, rigid sponges, metal blades, spoons and other devices that are harmful to enamel, it is better to postpone away, if you do not want good cast iron dishes to be unusable. After all, chips and scratches on enamel lead to the development of rust in the place of damage. In this case, it is best to stop using this dish for cooking and storing food.

Cast iron dishes with teflon coating

Teflon coating is a cheaper and less durable enamel analog.

First, it is applied only from the inside, and outside you have both a black homogeneous surface and remained.

Secondly, after the expiration of the service life, as a rule, no more than 3-4 years of active use, or even less, the Teflon coating begins to move away from the walls of the cast iron, and not only, dishes, which makes it impossible to use it for cooking.

Also, this protective layer is quite easy to damage, so it is necessary to care for cast iron dishes with teflon coating with a special care.

However, the Teflon coating has 100% non-stick properties, so you can not be afraid of the quality of cooking your culinary dishes.

cast iron dishes happens to enamel and teflon coating

Cartoon dishes

If the cast iron tableware you purchased does not have any coverage, then before it is first used, it is necessary to take a number of measures so that it serves for a long time, and the food in it did not burn and had a shame.

Do not treat the preparation of dishes to use as a routine. This is more likely a ritual from which your cook creativity begins together with acquired kitchen utensils.

After you thoroughly wash your new cast-iron dishes with a detergent, it needs to be done several times on fire. The first time is just to hide and cool. Then replacing again, pouring salt into it. Salts will need a lot, about a kilogram or a little less depending on the type of container. Cool again. The last time it is necessary to draw an empty container, and immediately after that it is abundantly lubricated with oil and leave. And it should be left in a preheated oven for several hours. And only after that the new dishes are ready to work.

So the dishes from the cast iron will acquire anti-stick qualities you need, will be less prone to oxidation and serve you for many years. And you can rightly call it your own, because you have contributed to the creation, invested work, strength and soul.

Subsequently, after each use of cast iron dishes, it is necessary to comply with certain simple rules of care. After washing with a detergent, hide the dishes with hot boiling water and smear the oil. Wash oil is not needed, it creates a protective barrier against corrosion.


The harm of cast-iron dishes is currently not proven and not seen.

The only thing that can cause fear from the buyer is the oil coating from the factory, which before first use is necessary to delete, as described above.

Also, cast iron dishes with enameled coating can also be harmful if chips appeared there and the rusting process began.

With normal operation, cast-iron dishes are environmentally friendly, and even its long-term use does not represent health hazards.

What to cook in cast iron dishes?

Cast iron dishes possesses such a wonderful property as thick walls and a relatively low thermal conductivity. Due to this, the dishes are heated evenly and acts on the products laid in it in the process of preparation, from all sides.

This feature in the coupe with the non-stick properties of cast-iron dishes makes it possible for long-term tomorrow and quenching without prejudice to taste and without fear of burning dishes.

It turns out that the dishes from the cast iron is ideal for people who adhere to healthy diet by virtue of any reasons. If you have a desire to lose weight - cast iron dishes to help you. It will provide you with a healthy food based on vegetables without an oil droplet.

If you are forced to observe a special meal of food due to health, then stewed food is that the doctor prescribed.

From the foregoing it follows that all sorts of stew stewed vegetables with meat, fish with a throy garnish, julienne, pilaf and other dishes are perfectly obtained in the cast iron dishes.

In cast iron frying pan, you can cook a pie or other baking, which is done in the oven, because many models have cast handles suitable for the oven.

Pinkers on the cast-iron pan are obtained particularly thin and "lace", but at will it possible to make thick pancakes with the very success, they also recall evenly and will have a ruddy, appetizing appetizer.

cast iron dishes and durable

The best manufacturers of cast iron dishes

When choosing pig-iron dishes, the manufacturer plays an important role. What is his reputation, production and supply conditions, an assortment series, a focus on what market - all these and many other questions need to be lit for themselves.

We will introduce you a brief description of the best manufacturers of cast-iron dishes both in Russia and abroad.


Ukrainian firm Siton has a wide range of cast iron dishes and occupies a steady position in the market.

In the range of Siton's range, there is both dishes without coating and enameled. Please note that the enameled coating of cast-iron tableware Siton has several color, which is a fairly interesting style solution and diversifies a market proposal.


Another Ukrainian firm for the manufacture of cast iron dishes - biol. Here is made by casting dishes, the so-called "workhorse", which will serve you faithfully and the truth for many years.

At the factory, each unit of production is processed by oil, which prevents corrosion and has a non-stick action.


Lodge from America has been more than 100 years. Here they produce cast-iron dishes without a special coating.

When choosing the dishes of this brand, you can rely on their many years of experience and the desire to comply with modern realities. Lodge is constantly upgrading its production by adjusting it to a modern wave.

The main goat on the market is committed to tradition.

Kamskaya utensils

A few years ago, the company "Kamskaya Table" was published on the Russian market. This firm can be said, is only on the verge of development and is focused on the Russian consumer.

Here produced products from cast iron without coating, the range is fully consistent with customer requests.

LLC "Kamskaya Table" follows the principle that demand gives rise to an offer and does not retreat from him, especially since at an affordable price we get quite good quality.

Le Creuset.

If you are looking for something stylish and functional for your kitchen, stop your choice on the cast iron dishes Le Creuset.

This company has its own major production in France and makes the main focus on the design and focus of enamel.

Le Creuset juggles all sorts of coloring and extinguishing products, so that for each kitchen there will be a stylish solution.

The inner glass emal does not create restrictions in the use of abrasive surfaces and detergents, it is running to temperature drops and to wear.


A completely young company ecolt has Ukrainian roots and entered the market only in 2016.

Despite such young production, the extractor already has an impressive range. According to their assurances, all products undergo mandatory quality control and meets all standards adopted for cast-iron dishes.


The French manufacturer of cast iron dishes Staub is known for the whole world with its excellent quality and wide range. Staub's cast-iron tableware is trained at the factory, so it does not need special rituals that need to be done before starting on it.

Resistant enamel coating is also resistant to chips - it is also one of the "pros", for which Staub is so appreciated and ordinary consumers, and owners of expensive restaurants.

Staub has a major production base, hard quality control, as well as a development center that has consistently develops various innovations for cast-iron dishes.

Where to buy cast iron dishes?

In hypermarkets you will find it difficult to find cast-iron dishes. If you suddenly come across it, carefully examine the manufacturer and reviews, since not all products from the Massmarket series can be trusted. You should not take dishes from the cast iron in hypermarkets of the cast iron under your own brand of this hypermarket, it is better to spend money and purchase a quality product with a good reputation.

Good cast iron dishes can be bought in specialized stages of dishes, where major brands are presented, and the sales assistant will help you with a choice if you find it difficult to decide.

Also one of the options to have a high-quality cast-iron dishes in my kitchen - to order directly from the manufacturer. Now in the era of the Internet, almost every production company-oriented company has its own online store, where you can buy branded products when quality assurance.

In the case of delivering you a defective party, for example, with chips, you can exchange it, sent back, because each manufacturer takes care of its image. Although it will not be superfluous to clarify the terms of refund and delivery.